#sunday: say on god
kakvsh · 2 months
Hi sir can you help me with investment i have very many money and no wife to spend my millions of money on
(awesome, sunday is not around to call me a scammer!)
*turns around in his comfy, cushy senior management chair with hands steepled together*
new here, aren't you? let me see...
*takes a look at the documents submitted, flipping through the pages like one would bank notes*
ah, i see. a man with many liquid assets but nowhere to spend. no worries, though! i know a place where a man of your status can easily catch the eye of the woman of your dreams.
*pulls out a medium rectangular device which seems to cost a fortune from the way it sits surely in his grip. he taps on the surface and it lights up. a few more taps later, it displays what seems to be a craft-your-sim page*
now, this is the investment for you... yes, you can customise your avatar—yes, your avatar—and then your wife's.
*watches as his potential customer taps on different facial features to recreate himself in digital form*
oh, you want that platinum blonde hair, huh? that's behind a paywall. but no worries, just click here and insert your card number here—oh, you don't have a card yet? we can get you one right here, right now.
*spins around in his fancy chair and finds a pamphlet from one of the drawers behind him*
i think a platinum card fits you perfectly. or do you prefer gold? it's up to you, of course! all you need to do is fill in this form and give us this amount of money as the application fee, and your card will be ready in—
*HUH? a card magically appears in a wave of hand*
—a blink! now go ahead, unlock the special features and get yourself a wife to spend on! oh, and that pad you're using? it's just 100,000 credits off your card. congratulations, you've made your first transaction! isn't this exciting?
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annqer · 3 months
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victorian maiden lookin ass
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eternity-death · 2 months
Someone on twt pointed out that Sunday’s wing might be clipped or he might be missing a wing entirely…
2nd post
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What if I die
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fire-lizard-ro · 6 months
Lil post about HSR men with religious themes for none have lead me into temptation I found the way myself-
This is for you @pix3lplays <333 (I was screaming at her about it, lol-)
I love???? Religious themed characters and the works that come out of that??? I have an Argenti smut fic in the works with heavy religious themes, but here's a mini ramble about Argenti, Sunday, and Luocha.
CW: blasphemy :))), religious themes, softcore gore almost but not really???, somewhat dark themes/dark romance
Yeah I grew up with church and stuff sorry if some of it does make sense to the general public lololol-
For Argenti (snippets from my fic I'm working on):
"He would sooner rend his mortal form to pieces than ever hurt you. Even a little. He would splay his torn shell across the canvas of stars that blanket the universe that was made for you for whatever other higher powers- whatever fate exists should there ever come a day in which his hands hurt rather than protect. So that they may judge what remains of his soul for his crime."
"At your behest he would present his heart, ripped from his chest, for you to take. You were his heart, anyways… Without you there was only a hollow cage within his chest where never again would the echo of a heartbeat reside. The fire nothing but ash where there was once a blaze of life and passion."
For Sunday:
It's either he makes you his church and his bride (talking about how the church is god's bride) or you make him your elohim your "I am". Perhaps both.
His penchant for control is perfect for this. He will be your only god for you are to have no false idols. Only he must remain in your heart for he is the owner of your soul, your life, your breath. He is the light and the truth. His word is law.
But of course, a god must tend to his flock. He will take good care of you for your devotion.
For Luocha:
The thorns. The almost rosary like item he carries, wrapped around his hand. The words he speaks. "Death is not the end. The dead will return."
Pix brought to my attention the idea that some have about Luocha carrying your body, devoid of breath and life, in his coffin.
And to that I respond:
"So devoted was he that not even the sacred soil of the earth would be allowed to have you. Even in death."
He would search until the ends of the universe to find a way to bring you back to him. Even though his god was made of flesh and blood as he, it mattered not. Only you could possibly be the divine for you were his cornerstone. Without you he would fall apart. God works in the waiting and surely this was his divine burden- His test from you to prove his devotion. He was sure he would one day complete this task for you and bring you back. You, the life beyond death. You the light in the midst of his darkness. His eloah, his elohim, his almighty.
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wayward-wren · 8 days
*deep breath*
Take your kids to church take your kids to church take your children to church take your kids to church raise your children with a view of the church as their family take your kids to church.
If you are a Christian and you don't take your kids to church you are not raising them as is your duty as a parent.
And I KNOW sometimes its hard to do and churches aren't perfect and it is better to wait and find a good church than to go to an abusive or non-biblical church. But OOOOOH MY GOSH if you are able to take your children to a suitable church and don't shame on you.
Your children are going to grow up with no priority to their faith. They are going to not care about God. They are going to drift further and further away from your faith. You are leading them to ruin.
Take your children to church and point them towards God every single day
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scottinaussie · 7 months
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Fr. Mike Schmitz Thanksgiving 2022
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billpottsismygf · 20 days
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Doctor Who: The Pyramids of Mars / The Devil's Chord
Bonus foreshadowing: The Pyramids of Mars / The Legend of Ruby Sunday
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danthropologie · 11 months
Christian Horner about Daniel Ricciardo's return to F1 | ESPN F1 Unlapped, August 3, 2023
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randomminty · 8 months
Of the three "big" designs for Lorelei: Anime, FRLG, and Let's Go!, which is your favorite?
POKESPE LORELEI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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paint1117iny · 1 month
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luckkythirt33n · 3 months
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Fan Expo Dallas going to be a whole lot of fun and a challenge. Already mentally preparing myself to meet DT and now I gotta tell Brian™ to shut it?! I'm actually going to die.
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the daily struggle is real.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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enough — batman secret files (2018) #1
(ID below cut!)
[ID: A short story titled Enough. It centers around Bruce Wayne being alone at a little cabin out in the middle of some woods on top of a snow-capped mountain. Bruce internally narrates throughout the entire story. The barren cabin is lonesome amongst the pristine, white snow as Bruce enters the cold, muted building. Inside there's several books, oil lamps, a stone fireplace, and candles on basic, open faced wooden furniture – indicating that the house has no electricity. The cabin is one story and has an open floorplan with a single upstairs bedroom, which has only a ladder leading up to the small loft. There's a chest underneath a window and Bruce sits on the old, yellow couch in front of the blazing fireplace.
He thinks to himself, ‘There're rumors that somewhere, in Gotham's most beautiful, snow-topped mountains, a monster is running around. I have a suspicion Man-Bat is behind the strange activity. Mountain climbers losing their camps, ski resorts with missing guests, a strange beast being seen in the dark... Something covered in hair, something remarkably large.’ He takes his parka off and sets down his large duffle bag to slowly unpack it — revealing a thermos and a bow with several large, pointed arrowheads. He pulls out his Batman gear — which includes an insulated suit that's lined with fur, his belt, and a protective face mask that reflects his eyes in the red-tinted visor. He forlornly admits, ‘I can handle large, but what I can't handle… Is how damn lonely it is up here. Alfred says I could use some alone time. Truth is, I'm not such a fan of myself.’
Outside in his costume and cape, Bruce is tracking through the icy woods and the thick, rising snow. He's armed with his bow and arrows as he narrates, ‘To avoid detection by what I assume is probably Man-Bat, I'll try to capture him using only my hunting skills. I admit I'm a little rusty. The arrows I've brought are lethal to some, but they're just enough to incapacitate a beast of his size. It should be enough.. I hope it's enough.’ But the snowstorm rages on, forcing Bruce back inside the cabin since he believes it's not worth the risk of freezing to death if he stays out. He now lays in the upstairs loft's bed. The oil lamps on the wooden bedstand is unlit, causing the bright snow through the window to be the only thing that casts any light in the dark room. It reveals a framed photo of a picturesque landscape hanging over Bruce's head on the wall. In it, there's a peaceful lake and tall, luxuriant green trees.
Bruce solemnly stares up at the ceiling and thinks, ‘I find myself focusing closely on all the sounds of the forest, trying to learn the rhythm.’ The snow whirls on… A branch cracks… The cabin itself creaks and groans — causing Bruce to sit upright with a jolt! He squints out the window in an futile attempt to actually see something out there. He cerebrates, ‘Three nights and only the sounds of falling snow and branches. I've tracked nothing larger than a doe, there's been no news of an attack or sighting, maybe he's left the mountains… or maybe he's just hiding.’ Bruce lays back down, this time with his back to the window. He keeps an eye open — waiting and nearly hoping for any sign of life other than his own in the desolate, icy land.
We're shown Bruce outside again as he fights against the harsh wind to get back inside the cabin after another unsuccessful search for Man-Bat. He rubs his face tiredly while hunched over a small oil lamp as the stovetop coffee brews. He reflects, ‘Six nights alone, darkness lasts longer than the day and again the storm pushes me back indoors. This is beginning to feel useless. I'm really quite over myself. Maybe I'll call Alfred and ask him to—’ But his self-deprecation is cut short by a sudden thump! Then another loud crack! Again and again, coming closer and closer to him!
Bruce sets down the coffee as his mind rapid fires the possibilities of the quickly approaching, potentially dangerous loud noises! ‘Is it the branches in the wind? Or is it something else? Am I paranoid? I can't visualize what I'm hearing. There's no time to think about the cold now, I'm all alone up here. That sounds remarkably large.’ Bruce arms himself with his bow and arrow and hesitates outside the door as his paranoia continues, ‘I hope this is enough. A hunter knows its prey, but I'm realizing I have no idea what's on the other side of this door. Does it understand I'm on the other side? I am alone out here. No time to think.’ He flings the door open!
Geared in only his suit with no gloves or headgear, Bruce aims his bow blindly as he stands outside in the merciless elements. He tensely waits in the dark, thinking to the unseen threat, ‘I don't see you, but can you see me?’ There's another loud thump and crack. With one last hope that it's enough to tranquilize the potential attacker, Bruce fires the weapon.
The sharp arrow proves itself to be lethal as it pierces his unfortunate target. The threat — merely a lonesome, defenseless deer — falls dead in front of the horrified man. Bruce rushes forth and remorsefully buries the animal with the snow. He walks back to the cabin with the repeated, dejected confession: ‘Truth is, I'm not such a fan of myself.’
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krakrac · 5 months
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something something sunday bloody sunday
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I met god in a cornfield.
You’re never supposed to go into a cornfield alone, ‘specially at night. You don’t know how easy it is to get lost. How easy it is to walk for miles before coming out on some empty road you’ve never seen before, unsure if you’re even in the same universe you were in when the evening started.
I’ve never been good at following the rules. Just ask my teachers at school, my hands end up taped to the desk at least once a week ‘cause I won’t stop tapping my fingers. Or I gotta stay late in detention for chewing gum. I’m bad at following rules, so when the sun went down, down to the fields I went. With nothing but the clothes on my back and my high tops with the worn-out laces.
I skipped off my porch, swatting away mosquitos as I did. The kids at school say boys don’t skip, but they weren’t around to tell me that. 
It’s too humid out. I’ve been out for a couple minutes, and my clothes were already sticking to me with sweat. It’s humid, but it’s not that hot. Was earlier, but July cools down quick around here. 
In the field, I walked forever. The sun went down, and the corn grew taller around me. I couldn’t see anything but corn, not even the stars above me. I just knew they were there.
The stalks were whispering about me. I heard them, though I don’t know what they said. They just stood there and watched me get lost. I think they get it. The need to get lost. They never can, always rooted to one spot.
But then they stopped talking. Got real quiet and real still, just like my teachers or my moms always want me to. I kept going, pushing through the tall plants that kept on smacking me in the face. Then I saw him. I saw god.
It’s funny. Whenever people draw god they cover his face in a big white light. They say nobody can look upon the face of god.
Well, let me tell you. I saw him lying there in the cornfields. He’d been there for a while, all lonely and forgotten. Rotting. Straw was spilling from the cuffs of his sleeves, and the buttons on his overalls were all rusted up. But his face—
The face of god is rough and weathered. The face of god has seen a lot, I could tell. But not anymore. All he sees nowadays is corn and stars. Maybe the moon.
He seemed sorta empty. Like the things that made him god weren’t really there anymore. I woulda thought he’d seem sadder.
I swung god over my shoulder and kept walking. We walked all night, me and god. 
God doesn’t talk much. I had to talk enough for both of us. I told him all about me. I talked about school and my dogs, fingers tapping on my leg as I spoke. God didn’t seem to mind. I talked about my brother and my moms; I told god everything I loved so much that I was trying to get lost from. He didn’t even nod his head, but I knew he was listening. At one point, god seemed a little cold, so I gave him my jacket. Well, really, it’s my brother’s, but he won’t mind. God should be warm, I think.
I walked with god for miles and miles. I wondered about him, why he’d been out here in the middle of nowhere for so long. I asked him, and he still said nothing. I asked the corn, but they still wouldn’t whisper, and I was outta things to talk about. I searched around in my pockets and found a stick of gum. I asked god if he minded, and he didn’t say he did.
When the sun finally started to come up, that’s when we found our way outta the fields. That’s when god saw the sun for the first time. I set him up where he was supposed to be. God shouldn’t be layin’ lost; he should be standing tall and proud over everything, right?
That was that. I started to set off, and god stopped me. God stopped me, said nothing, but knelt down and tied my shoes. My worn-out laces in perfect bows.
(Odysseus from Cottonwood Falls)
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shadyhouse · 2 months
it hasn't quite sunk in yet but. i had my last day at my shitty terrible no respect overworked underpaid job and i never have to set foot in there ever again
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mymarifae · 2 months
i finished the 2.2 update in one sitting and it was so much longer than i was expecting it to be and i had to go to bed to properly absorb the insanity of it all and here is a concrete summary of my thoughts:
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AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! AAA AAA A A A A A A A A A A A AA AAAA A AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A AA AA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !A AA
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