#investigation team im gonna get you all out of there ok
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deviationperspective · 2 years ago
You know what still thinking about this fuck this game 😭 read more cause I'm gonna be really annoying about this sorry
1. I have to say this first because it's been bothering me so bad since I first saw them the timeskip designs are all some weird degree of unpleasant to look at (except for Teddie who is the exact same as before) because who the fuck are half the people in this image
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2. Ok actual thoughts on the ending/whole game. Golden end TO ME is wayy too happy of a way to end a game like this it feels almost unnatural. I feel crazy too since it seems like the general consensus for p4 is that it's the 'happiest' game in the series but honestly I don't agree but also like. Aesthetically speaking I guess I get why it's seen like that... The intro is colorful and cheery (*golden's not vanilla. I love the golden intro but I kinda prefer vanilla's) lots of the music is upbeat etc but I never really felt like the atmosphere in game was very happy, even with all the silly funny and actual happy moments it didn't give me the impression that P4 is a 'happy' game and with the whole plot being centered around murders and kidnappings it definitely doesn't help lighten my perception of it LOL
The Izanami stuff was insane I really didn't think about the handshake at the beginning of the game at all so looking back and knowing that the gas station attendant dude who appeared a total of one single time throughout the whole game up until now is a god who was orchestrating literally everything this whole time is hilarious and the fight with her and finally awakening izanagi-no-okami and myriad truths was really something else even though the genesis isn't nearly as good as the almighty was but whatever. I also didn't mind Marie's addition at all either because apparently people don't like her? But I do and I thought her social link was pretty nice + one random positive thing because I do still love P4 while at the same time hating it Inaba reminds me of the place I grew up even though it wasn't really rural there was just nothing at all to do there besides going to chain stores (like Junes) and I love it it feels really familiar and it's the perfect setting. I <3 small shitty dull town
Back to being a hater apart from golden end blowing another thing that's gnawing at me is that this game handles its own themes so poorly it's kind of insane. Besides the murder plot pushing everything along, the whole premise is facing/finding yourself and having the strength to accept your shadow which is like a manifestation of those repressed negative and highly emotional and bad parts we all have as another facet that make you yourself (the whole "I am you and you are me" thing everyone has to do) which sounds like a cool concept and I love it honestly except for some fucking reason pretty much the whole IT have bizarre reverse character development ESPECIALLY IN GOLDEN END where they neatly sort themselves right back into the status quo that they started out not fitting into and just drop the aspects that made them actual interesting characters to me. I could really go on and on about the IT social links, mostly Yosuke Yukiko Naoto and Kanji (unsure of Rise I never actually finished hers SORRY), and I probably will but for now I'll say that most importantly the shit they did to Naoto was genuinely evil if you have a functioning brain and can think about the implications of what happened in his dungeon for more than 5 seconds unlike a grand majority of persona fans
All this on top the fucking unreal amounts of bigoted and perverted shit the devs included, like the creepy "fan service" of teenage girls and the fatphobia/everything that just makes fun of hanako and the transmisogynist "joke" segment and the transphobic nightmare surrounding naoto's whole character arc and the homophobia and though not actually an-in game thing people are NOT fucking normal about adachi like I do find him interesting as a character and for most of the game I liked him (BEFORE finding out about all the crazy shit) and I don't find it wrong to like make fun of him or draw him or whatever but he is a seriously fucked up person who abuses his power as a police detective and does horrible things purely for his own amusement including attempting to sexually assault both the women he killed, one of them being a high school girl, but he's like...baby girlified online a lot and it really weirds me out
Honestly there's probably more stuff I could complain about but that's just off the top of my head. I don't care that this game is from 2008 this shit is gross and I barely ever see anyone acknowledge half of this honestly also tumblr crashed while I was typing this shit so I need pack it up 😭
TLDR I hate persona do not play persona
P4 golden ending genuinely kinda sucks which makes sense since just like with everything else about this game it is completely and totally dedicated to ending on the most lame note possible
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spencereidlovesshoes · 7 months ago
hiya i really love your posts, maybe because you haven’t written anything yet. it is my honor to be your first request.
i’m begging you for a spencerreid x pilot!fem!bimbo!plussize!colorblind!vampire!reader
please do it quickly i will be dying soon i’m 84!!!!!!
OMG I love that!! this idea lives rent free in my mind now thank you you old bitch.
15,6 words.
A/N: im a nice person.
"Wheels up in 5!" says Agent Hotchner, but you don’t hear it because you’re on the toilet. Thousands of alerts bombed Y/N’s phone. Penelope was sending her them. She always hated her.
It seems they are going to Thit Island to investigate a murder of a dog. Y/N was really stressed out, because of the team’s behaviour. They are known for their shitty behaviour on board. They commonly unbuckle their seatbelts, walk around the plane, cuddle together and worst of all, they tend to come to Y/N’s cabin and cover her eyes. They think they are funny but there is a high possibility that the plane might crash because of that.
Y/N really despises the members of the team. Especially JJ. Her long blond hair got caught in the engine once and she had to pull her out whilst still piloting the plane. Don’t ask her how she did that.
The only one she didn’t hate was Spencer. His hair could get caught anywhere and she would gladly save him. She watched him through the security cameras when she didn’t feel like paying attention to the road. She especially liked watching him sleep. He was so cute and he didn’t even know about her. Why would he be with someone as a stupid as this pilot!fem!bimbo!plussize!colorblind!vampire!reader?
The team was lined up next to the plane and Y/N was installing the stairs to the plane. No one helped her. In that moment JJ said: "What is she doing here? Who is she? Where am I? Who am I?"
The team seemed to ignore all of her questions. "She is our pilot, don’t you recognise her?" Spencer said. He was the only one who was not a complete asshole to Y/N. "Ok, just do not get close to Spencer," said JJ looking directly into Y/N’s eyes. "JJ, she saved your life last time, don’t you remember?" "I could have done it myself," said JJ and stormed to sit on the plane.
Everything went well and until Morgan sneaked into her cabin and covered her eyes. Y/N yelped and tried to get his hands off of her. He held her head so tightly she started to feel dizzy. Morgan laughed and said "relax babygirl, I just need you to turn the plane around, we found out that Thit Island is on the other side of the globe."
WTF? Y/N thought. I do everything for this team and especially for Spencer. I pay for the gas and they just tell me that we have been going in the wrong direction? I’m not gonna be able to pay the bill this month, I don’t even have a job! I just snuck to the toilet every time and tie up the real pilot. And that is the problem. I don’t know how to turn the plane around. I always just fly in some direction and hope for the best.
"Hello? You seem lost in your thoughts," Morgan said. "OK, just buckle up and hold tight," Y/N said with determination in her eyes. She didn’t even wait for Morgan to sit down and buckle his seatbelt, she just turned the plane upside down.
"I didn’t mean it literally!" Morgan screamed as he hit his head on the ceiling of the plane. Y/N heard mortified screams of the rest of the team. It was like music to her ears. Yes! Spencer thought. She finally stood up to her bullies. He might have broken a leg or two and had a concussion because he was sitting in JJs lap.
They flew their whole flight upside down and Y/N found some random island in Europe to land on. Everyone got out of the plane, excited to see some dead bodies and investigate mysteries, except Spencer, he went to check on Y/N.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright?" Y/N seemed devastated, she was tired from all the blood flowing to her head. "I’m OK, I just have a long night waiting for me. I have to get comfy on this plane." "What do you mean?" Spencer said and a worry wrinkle appeared on his forehead.
"I didn’t pay for any hotel. I don’t have any money left, I spent everything on gas for this trip that took way longer than I anticipated. We are lucky that we survived! We don’t have much gas left. Can you steal some if you see some cars on your way out?"
Spencer looked at her in disbelief. This poor thing was poor. "OK Y/N, let me sing you a lullaby to help you sleep." Y/N was thrilled. She was sure she would not be able to fall asleep next to singing Spencer. She loved him too much for that.
"URURURURURURURURURURURUR" Spencer sang in his soft voice while Y/N slowly fell to the dreamland...
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watsername · 1 year ago
ok lets get into the creator league stuff (local essay andy is back)
I mean first and foremost what Is the creator league
its an esports tournament ran by eFuse and presented by Mr Beast. its designed as this kind of interactive league allowing fans to play with and for their favourite creators. their trailers on instagram claim that theres gonna be a full years worth of content, however Mr Beasts recent video claims the event will happen across a 10 month time frame.
so the ting that makes this event 'special' is that the creators are not listed as players in the event but as 'team managers'- which is where the creator pass comes in. Each creator has a 'pass' that allows you as a fan and viewer to join their team and participate in the league events. Each pass costs around $20 and from what ive read I believe you can only sign up to participate on behalf of one player.
obviously for reasons of fairness, not everyone who buys a pass will be able to officially compete- there is a limited number of spaces on each team and the places are won via an open qualifier Fortnite tournament where they will also be competing for a $50 k prize- although im yet to find any comment from creator league or any articles on how this money is split. But don't worry even if you don't qualify youre still entitled to a free box of mr beasts chocolate should you buy a pass before September 9th. yey.
so what's the problem with this.
I mean first of all. creators arent even required to play. they can fully just let their team do all the work in every event which might work for people like Vinnie Hacker I guess. This might be a way to try and 'even the playing field' by not giving creators with gaming backgrounds any advantage, however it makes the marketing of 'playing with your favourite creator' a little meh. also as a viewer, id be more interested in watching an event that my creator was an active participant in than just watching my streamer watch other people play on their behalf.
the other huge thing that everyone is really waiting to hear about in this post is the nft situation. so recently the narrator of the creator league announcement video, brycent, conformed that the passes are nfts to be minted on the blockchain operating system Near Protocol. so obviously people are extremely concerned about this discovered involvement in NFTs and crypto currency.
so I went to investigate the website to see what its looks like when you purchase a creator pass and unsurprisingly there is no mention on nfts anywhere. The passes are sold on mynt.gg , which according to their faqs is a 'first of its kind marketplace looking to evaluate esports through community' just have a look actually
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so no mention of the passes actually being nft purchase here's . if we go to the check out as well this is what we see for the descriptors
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so . people who are purchasing this have no way of actually knowing they are purchasing an nft. you also need an account to add a pass to your basket and im not willing to make an account so im unaware if at any time during the payment process people are made aware of what they are purchasing. its listed and discussed more like a membership than anything, and in a way it is there are benefits to it, however with no information as to what people are actually buying its extremely sketchy and a literally misleading purchase perhaps a scam even . since the fact that they've just purchased an not isn't listed anywhere on mynt.gg prior to purchase. and after going through a few more articles .
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so theyre definitely trying to hide it from you. as mentioned you need an account to purchase anything. and you only get to know what youre purchasing if you go through the TOC, which most people don't read lets be real.
it's worth noting as well creator league is the only collection available on mynt.gg at the minute, it seems like this entire business was started FOR creator league.
after reading through the faqs again I want to correct myself and say that yes you can buy more than one pass, but only for one creator. so this seems to me like a pay to win scheme.
im not going to go super in depth into this bit bc its a topic that has already been discussed in detail but obviously a lot of people are not happy with the inclusion of nfts because of their environmental impact, the secrecy and dedication to hiding this fact that the company is involving crypto in the event itself is a little weird if u ask me. oh yeah theres been reports on twitter too that they have been blocking and deleting replies to their posts that accuse them on using crypto.
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so theyre lying to you as the viewer about what they are and what youre purchasing. but it seems like theyre lying to the creators too.
again. crypto and nfts is not mentioned anywhere at all. not in the trailer, not on the website not in any announcements . only discovered when people were paying for passes bc they wanted to support their fave creators.
recently one of the listed creators Connor CDawgVA released a twitter statement conforming that he was completely blindsided by the fact that there was cryptocurrency involved in the event- if u haven't seen his tweet here
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so this raises the question were creators told about their involvement with Near, or was it written using jargon that people unfamiliar with crypto would not pick up on.
CEO of TAMU Esports Dylan Liu also weighed in on the creator league misleading their creators as well here's his statements too
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this isn't everything Dylan has had to say hes done a lot of discussions with people on blockchains and of the event itself as someone who has known about the event for a while, id recommend checking out his twitter if you have time he goes into depth about how much funding theyre getting from near and way more issues with creator league than I have time to explore rn .
but it really does seem that the Creator League and eFuse have gone out of their way to try and hide the fact that they are using cryptocurrency from everyone possible. This is a marketing scheme to try and trick people into buying into their market- and if you google Near Protocol right now you see that they are declining so they actively need more people to buy into their schemes.
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investors are leaving Near right now. Theyre tricking people into buying into their organisation. At least thats my understanding of it im not hugely knowledgeable about crypto.
I have a headache lets just wrap this up
this is super sketchy . as of right now CDawgVA is the only creator to have withdrawn from the event, but I hope a lot of creators follow suit. its unknown to us the details of their contracts but from what we know of the event they have done everything to hide the genuine content of creator pass purchases from the viewers- making a lot of people rightfully angry that the event is trying to pull the wool over fans eyes. hiding tweets and refusing to acknowledge their involvement in crypto programmes to the point where its unclear if people like Mr Beast and any of the participating creators are aware of it is super suspicious activity. Especially with how vague their promotions have been on the event, very little information has been available on their instagram and I think it was yesterday that we actually got some kind of timeline of the event. its supposed to start like next week and so many people are still so unsure of what is actually happening in the event or what prizes theyre actually getting if they participate. there has been no redeeming quality in the way that this event has been conceived and executed and I really do hope to see that the event is cancelled or that creators start to speak out against the way that the event is being run and support the fans who feel cheated and blindsided by the organisers . I will say I do not believe any of the creators willingly involved themselves in a cryptocurrency scheme, it's all just too sketchy . and no I did not proofread this nor can I be bothered to .
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richardsphere · 1 year ago
Leverage Log: The Girls Night Out Job
Ok, i get we're trying to seperate the boys from the girls so we can have 2 gender-locked episodes... But dont tell me that "have you ever seen a robot bleed out" would not get Parker hyped. She's verry much into violence and weirdness.
Assuming that this is a "both episodes happen on the same night", then Nate's comment about Bonanno showing up for their cardgame could be interesting. (I'd like the cast to actually interact with their designated Jim Gordon-type)
Parker still doesnt understand properly that "she's Alice", "we've been doing brunch" "and we're proud of you" "its not hard, there are forks" 10/10, no notes.
"you know that thing where you fix me?" Wow Parker, thats... bad, like self-image wise. You are not broken.
Peggy is catering a party at the venezealan consulate... God dammit, her date is a thief/conartist/other criminal isnt he. He's gonna either steal something or assasinate a politician. im sorry Peggy.
Hardison does a face-ID. Good news is simple: He's a burglar not a murderer! OMG Parkers cat-wants-to-hear-my-voice lie was fantastic. She's gotten so good at Grifting. (Sophie should be proud)
Sophie and Tara's debate around the right method of investigating a hotelroom is interupted by 2 goons, who imediatly have a disagreement on the right way to investigate a hotelroom.
And Peggy thinks Alice stole her date. (in her defence, she kind of did.)
I definitly think he instantly realised something was wrong when the door he knew was locked just "fell" open.
Lovely little moment as she goes back to meet with Peggy, when the thief reminds us that Parker is a person who, even back in Episode 1 of Season 1, was deserving of a "The" in front of the name.
OMG Mattingly is a suave-ass slipster. I was about to complain "why wouldnt you just make a copy of the data and sell it twice" but turns out he DID!
I like Himbo Arsene Lupin, he's nice.
Peggy with the frying pan. Imagine being an assassin hired by a government to bomb an entire gala full of various dignitaries, and somehow losing, not to Parker and Sophie, but to Parker's normal friend.
Hardison getting extremely frustrated at all the pictures of Parker's handsome date he's sent. only to be realise "oh thats a bomb". The simple solution: Dont be there when it goes off.
I like the idea that Himbothief is gonna take a page out of Team Leverage's book in the future. The idea that Team Leverage's influence is spreading through others is nice.
Sophie's horror at having been given an alias as boring and mundane as a "Marge".
Good episode. Now lets watch the other side of the story.
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thewanderingmask · 2 years ago
oh hey is it time to go watch old media until the writer's strike is over
welp here's my list, i highly recommend adding onto it or making your own
Better Off Ted (office comedy about a pretty decent guy who manages the R&D department of your standard big capitalist (evil) company. absurd, sincere, and blessedly not nihilistic.)
Golden Girls (four older women living together. openly touched upon topics like gay people are human beings actually and so are people without houses. and this was in the 80s.)
Murphy Brown (Reporter/news presenter workplace comedy. i like eldin)
WKRP (set in a radio station, this one is a pain to find unedited anywhere because of music licensing nonsense)
Designing Women (i haven't actually watched much of this yet but i heard it's pretty good so i'm listing it here in hopes i'll remember to check it out)
british panel / comedy shows (ok so they're like game shows, except the prizes range from useless to nonexistent, all the contestants are comedians, and nobody really cares that much who wins. ,fair warning though, these are british. so you're just gonna get a certain amount of jokes that are like "yup an old cishet white dude sure did write that")
Would I Lie to You (contestants make ridiculous claims and the opposing team has to guess if it's real or not)
8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown (not "8 out of 10 Cats". not "Countdown". specifically "8 out of 10 cats does countdown". yes this is important)
Taskmaster (five contestants perform a series of increasingly silly tasks to try to score points)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year / Decade (a series of long quiz specials where comedians often fail, intentionally or otherwise, to answer questions)
crime/detective/spy shows (cw copaganda. bc that's the entire genre)
Columbo (did you know it's ALL on the internet archive? for FREE?)
Simon and Simon (private investigators who are also brothers, a bit more on the fun side. pretty good for the 80s, but be warned you're still gonna get some dopey tropes like ableism in certain episodes.)
Rockford Files (ex-convict PI. doesn't like guns, friends with his dad. cynical but can't help helping people most of the time. we love to see it. like the two above, it's older but it holds up)
Brooklyn 99 (much like columbo, everybody already knows this one)
Burn Notice (recent ex-spy stuck in miami tries to get his job back. an unfortunate amount of ogle-y filler shots. I liked the first 4 seasons and low key recommend stopping after it, but everybody's mileage varies.)
and finally, because i know who i a:
Motorcity (what if the only answer to an oppressive conformist society was UNDERGROUND TEENS WITH CARS and it looked AMAZING and it was KILLED AFTER 20 EPISODES BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD)
Storm Hawks (what if the only answer to a returning evil empire was SKY TEENS WITH AIRPLANE MOTORCYCLES, side note this is like the only time i've ever seen stylized 3D animation in a way that just looks? good?? i would love to see more stuff try this kind of direction instead of aiming for anime or realism)
Generator Rex (a teen with TRANSFORMING MUTANT MACHINE POWERS fights alongside a kinda sus organization to try to save others who have transformed into dangerous mutants. i haven't finished this one and im not a fan of the monkey character but dam this show kinda slaps)
Teen Titans (TEEN SUPERHEROES. i have a soft spot for this show. it was my first superhero show as a kid and still mostly holds up as good fun)
Spectacular Spider-Man (spider-man has a lotta cartoons by now but this is up there near the top i feel)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (it's PRETTY it's CUTE it's FUNNY and only has a few episodes i would outright skip. i stopped enjoying it by the last couple seasons but i still think it's worth a watch if you haven't yet)
and Bluey. watch Bluey.
AIGHT THAT'S IT FOR NOW honestly i could add more to this but my memory ain't that good
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aspiringtrashpanda · 2 years ago
(CONTINUED maybe we're back on track if I didn't mess up my text splitting pls don't eat a part tumblr, I THINK there's 5 if I counted right??? im so sorry OP you're an angel for putting up with me and I'm starting to think I didn't give you an adequate enough heads-up) This fic is my baby, it has grown up with me, I’m literally sending Leaf to College at one point to project that life on 🤣 hey Blue Oak did it, so can she. (but Highschool first, can’t convince me anyone with the education of a 4th grader (or 8th grader tech, Ash is 10, she's 14 Let's Go-style where he was born during "protagonist years") will be allowed to be a Champ who wants in on how to run a region and detective work) schooling is a bit different in Pokeverse, you take Uni classes for fun, don’t need two years of an AA or AS Degree. Pokémon Toxicology, BioDiversity and Medicine re: using their natural abilities VS Organic Chemistry ANY DAY + Law Student-like internships at the League to learn Champ duties + fun bonus of Lance doing extra and involving his League with the Interpol.) "Where do you think you're going?" "Out." "Without doing the paperwork?" "You can give it to the intern!" "You are the intern." “I cannot believe this betrayal. This slight against me will not be forgotten.” “You mean just like how you didn’t forget the League duties you insisted on being allowed to do?” eyebrow raise ���…well.” Lance is not exempt from bullying.
"You're the one wearing a bib!" "A what?! It's a cape!" "And it's on the wrong side!" "It's a cape! And it's elegant!" "It's tacky is what it is!" You're likely to find her complimenting Leon's cape just because of how offended Lance gets. Choosing a cape is a science. But nobody wants to hear a one-hour monologue on Cape Studies. Payback uwu. He's actually the reason she ends up having to finish Highschool. He's not giving an obviously emotionally tired 14 y/o Boring Adult Work even if she's eager to do it because SOMEONE needs to fix the atrocious state of the Kanto Region. (Lance was overworked, he's trying, but Indigo Season...what is wrong with all these citizens. It's ok, once she's ready they can split uuuh, the work between Kanto, Johto, The Orange Islands, and the Sevii Islands + G-Men Investigations so Lance doesn't have a heart-attack at his desk. But seriously, who gave him this much work anyways??? Not to mention running the League, the Gym Budgets, restocking Badges, employee paychecks, monitoring trainers during League Season, and the influx of tourists and establishing Pokemon Contests in KanJoh, etc.) So it's off to learn The Magic of Friendship with Ash and friends and falling victim to their puppy-dog eyes. (Occasional meet-ups during Kanto turn into full Joh-Hoenn adventures, and Sinnoh encounter when investigating with Looker about Team Galactic as Lance I presume is off training in Galar, he needs a break too.) So for Johto (*insert horrified look at the GS Ball because that's what you use to capture Celebi, she would know~ "well heck, guess I have to steal that when no one's looking.") And everyone going, "You know Leaf, I was a bit worried when we heard about The Incident but you're still you :)" Cue Leaf "oh...*laughs nervously.*" (That moment when you disappear off the face of the earth after The Incident, and re-appear to win the Indigo League and Clean House and don't know how to tell people you kind of regained memories of your past life and had an existential crisis. They're a bit come and go/the ones getting triggered upon meeting Steven in the Granite Cave episode was fun lol (not) *Gets to Ecruteak, sees Morty, books it the other way because she remembers his warnings to not chase after Celebi from The Other Timeline/Gameverse and does not need him seeing the many ghosts of her dead Pokemon clinging to her if they are.*
BLUE OAK DID IT, SO CAN SHE! This is gonna be my new motto for everything, whether it's relevant or not lmao. These Lance interactions are everything to me. I LOVE found family League shenanigans. So precious I want to cry. Okay I want to read this fic so badly. It sounds so heartwrenching and fascinating and I can tell you've put SO MUCH thought into it. Gimme. *Grabby hands motion* (actually though, i am happy to beta read if you ever consider posting!)
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scorpiolight-madd · 2 years ago
Ok cuz i got two people saying that i should im gonna talk about my ideas a bit
SO it’s based on the sonic texture pack and one of my current saves that I just started (im starting in creative so I can set up the lore before going back in survival to fully immerse myself in the rp LMAO) where, below the village I spawned into, there’s a stronghold directly below, with the stairway being right in the village center, AND it’s being taken over by the Deep Dark! Like, you can find sculk IN THE STRONGHOLD. I did not do this myself in creative I can give y’all the seed and you can see for yourself
So my idea currently is that Team Dark get told by G.U.N. to travel up to the taiga village to investigate (when in reality they want the Warden, bc in the Sonic texture pack the Warden is an Artificial Chaos with mechanical parts, which have the G.U.N. logo meaning they likely made it)
I haven’t decided how or why yet but a handful of the other main cast find out and decide to come with
Also if I decide to write this it would be told in a various set of journals and data entries (kinda like dracula) all pieced together to tell one story. Bc that’s how im documenting what happens in game. I have a book and quill reserved for each major character in the story
augh…. I wanna write a sonic / minecraft crossover… cringe
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itsdappleagain · 2 years ago
WOOHOO! Let's kick off #csweekly!
I think I'll dump all of my thoughts onto one post as we go along...and I have a lot of thoughts so sorry this is gonna be LONG
Firstly, before I start the episode, AAA I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! I haven't actually truly rewatched CS in sooo long
Okay, let's go. Why don't we ever talk about the intros? Like the grabbing of the hat and then later that as part of the black and white/red intro sequence? MWAH.
Chase's headlights illuminate spots on the screen when they turn towards the "camera!"
I love this introduction to the entire show. It really makes us feel like we're part of this mystery, investigating this thief with Chase and Julia (until...well...everything gets directly told to us via flashbacks 8 minutes in..). It tells us everything we basically need to know about how Carmen operates in like 30 seconds.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the art style of this show....oh my gosh. The lighting the texturing the lineless agh its so good
I guess I haven't thought about it for a little while, but I guess Chase slamming on the breaks is supposed to fake us out thinking that he has seen Carmen's shadow. It sets up how idiotic of a detective he is, while Julia is observant and actually makes connections. I really like this early (VERY early) setup to how their relationship is going to work. However, at the same time, the show is really gunning for us to root for Julia when she starts infodumping. Chase is clearly the asshole. I can't help but wondering, though, if the show undercuts the importance of Julia's research by IMMEDIATELY cutting away to something "more interesting" (Carmen) as soon as she starts talking. What do you think?
I like how Carmen just shoots out of the alleyway and looks at them for a solid minute. She's just like 👁️👁️ i mean we KNOW it doesn't take her that long to use her grappling hook. She was just watching them
Chase's damage of cars starts at not even 2 minutes into the entire show <3
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when you think about it does player's character intro ever seem a little clumsy to you? ooh yeah its player glad to hear he's on board girl you've known him for years girl. girl. he's always on board.
i love player's robots and machines everywhere <3
she's so unnecessary <3 you did not have to swing that grappling hook around like a whip but im so glad you did girlie
i adore how her usb is disguised like a lipstick as if subtlety was ever her thing ever. like when on earth would someone catch her in the full red coat and fedora and then be like "oh ok well there's nothing suspicious here other than the grappling hook, hang glider, and taser so I'll let you go ok
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just. just move. you could have just moved out of the way
her hat bending upwards when she's listening against the fake atrium <3
i love carmen's jokes about player being a little internet cave troll do we ever get more of those?? i feel like we don't and I wish we did. their dynamic is so fun when its just the two of them, which is like. never again
sorry. gina's vocal fry when she says "job." that is all
the elevator gag is actually so funny
imagine not taking the stairs 5-9 at a time. chase doesn't skip leg day smh
i love the feeling of suspense this safe cracking gives us paired with chase running up to arrest her. its fun because she gets to show off and have a lot of fun with him. but at the same time, we rarely get this feeling of suspense again when it comes to confrontations- only big boss battles like Coach Brunt, Shadow-san, and cold weather
chase used his whole entire face to ram through that door
the bag tightening is so iconic i can only be grateful that she does it again later on in the show
chase: ive never had one run AT me before
does anyone ever hear the sound that chase's hair makes when it gets slicked back? because it is a SQUISH. his hair is. so saturated with gel that his hair SQUISHES
i like how it takes chase a sec when she's reading his name from the badge I like to think he thinks he's just THAT well known of an agent that she knows him
i also like that he just stands there for a sec after she grapples through the ceiling like shit now what
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free him
carmen is funny i will give her that. she can also FLY apparently because she' jumping like 25 feet no problem
the grabbing of her hat as she jumps off backwards and the backwards smirk and the oh my god im so gay ok
also julia. and the horror on chase's face dhfas
dark carmen let carmen be mean, hot, and speak other languages more and that is why i want her to come back please
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chase what in the goddamn fuck
ever think about how chase landing on this car right now eventually led to julia joining acme because i do
see chase can be smart but like that one tumblr post he can be blindingly intelligent for a minute a day and he does not get to choose when that is
chase continuing to ruin the car as he drives along and keeps failing is the funniest fucking thing. the comedic timing of the airbag.
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driving aggressively, of course
chase is responsible for 85% of carmen's stupid nicknames on the wiki and i love him for that
i think its half funny and half sad that carmen doesn't do anything to defend herself when gray aims the crackle rod at her. its a trend with people she thinks she can trust: she still sees him as her brother, not someone who would kill her, stun her, etc.
i love the dramatic dropping of the bag just because gray esentially gave her the equivalent electric shock of rubbing a balloon against your hair
something i dislike about carmen's character is that whenever it matters carmen is ALWAYS one step ahead of whoever doing whatever. they couldn't have had us start off by seeing her as flawed but competent, cocky but still human by having gray track her here. it would have immediately set VILE up as a real threat. but instead its just the girlboss badass gray is an idiot moment. idk
i like how they had to do the match cut but they also had to make black sheep excited so they just had blacksheep go >:) and then as soon as coach brunt used her vocal cords she went :D !!!!
why is the program only one year is my question
where does coach get all of the phones to dramatically smash
black sheep, at this time knowing full ass well that she has a contraband phone when brunt smashes one: U👄U
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she said SNATCH
gray laughs with all of his teeth out
they gave black sheep insecurities about her past with gray solely so they could show us black sheep having those insecurities about her past with gray to gray by black sheep
google says it takes roughly two hours to go from poitiers to paris by train. just a fun fact
hang on why was carmen going to paris by train? they didn't even have indonesia scheduled until she got there. why didn't she take zack and ivy to poitiers?? why was their rendezvous two hours away?? why didn't ivy have ANY TIME AT ALL TO GET ZACK A SNACK?? WHY DIDN'T ZACK HAVE TIME TO GET A SNACK
the biggest nesting doll has some weird inconsistency with the burn design- sometimes its there, sometimes it isn't. i wonder why carmen never ever brings it up though?
little black sheep is so cute
actually though these are some of my least favorite parts- the big long flashbacks. in my opinion, it would have been interesting to find out about carmen's past as we went along...maybe through ivy or something, or just little tidbits. like we'd get some basic information- that she used to be with VILE- but we would uncover the details with the detectives and her team. idk. little me when i first watched this show was SO confused by the flashbacks but then again my comprehension for shit is SO BAD. i literally had no clue what was going on
that nanny just standing by as carmen smears an entire tube of lipstick on the walls
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its very interesting how they wash out black sheep's hair when she's in VILE spaces to fit with the color schemes that are such a prominent part of this show.
little carmen was also an asshole wheeze
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THEY ARE D I V I N G OUT OF THE WAY guess they learned from notyourpants guy
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girl i dont think your legs are supposed to do that
why is the captain just putting claws up like what were you going to do maul her
the poor captain got the short end of the stick every single time
carmen stole someone's wedding ring so true
the crop top with the overalls is my FAVORITE outfit of black sheep's omg
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carmen, like every single other teenager, drew giant eyeballs on her papers
absolutely incredible that carmen who has at this point pressed a few buttons on a phone once knows how to text and call no problem
player, calling random places: what is your full name and address please. well i know your address but what is your full name
ALSO player's room accumulating all that stuff in the years that go by is so cute
can you imagine. player just usually gives out his real name and the only reason he didn't this time was because carmen had a weird ass name
also how does she know what right and wrong is
lets imagine for a second player called some faculty phone line or something and professor maelstrom got this ten year old asking to aid the biggest crime network in the world just because he could and also knew nothing at all
kinda cool that they put in the weird...sewer grate or whatever that carmen later escapes out of in the shot where she's on the beach
maelstrom changes hand positions from when he asks black sheep why she requested an audience (hands clasped with thumbs up and touching) to when he says to enroll (villain steepled fingers) and then he goes back to the first on the wide shot
i admire how organically they introduce the names of all the faculty in this scene
appreciation for "the gurl is fehhahhral"
i enjoy how harsh the lighting is in the faculty room. its just white on the characters
i LOVE rewatching these episodes with the lens of shadowsan's REAL motivations mmmm
i also like how black sheep really thinks about shadowsan's words
why don't the music notes line up with the faculty raising their hands after two or three sob
where does shadowsan even walk off to. is there a door over there or does he just awkwardly scoot off and through the big doors
what the hell are even in front of black sheep's dorms a tennis court??
also i thought those dorms were where her room was where is she moving from
she tied her whole globe up with rope to walk 100 feet
mime bomb being in the background for all of this <3
i like all of the VILE Class's introductions. EL Topo is kind, Le Chevre is a bit dismissive but courteous, and Tigress is...well she's happy until she says her name and then she's a bitch about everything forever and ever
"but were you seeing things from my point of view" actually what other perspective are you giving him here
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get rekt aussie boy
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so upset they changed this design. the eyeliner, the fluffy hair, the red hair clip. they're so good. she's so cute. all of the young designs are cute actually
they didn't have to animate sheena's ass swaying like that
he's from australia??? really????
i like how gray was just working the soundboards one day and his pay was so bad that he was like "fuck. yeah man I'm breaking every single law. ever."
where the hell did the black on that sheep origami come from. the paper was white on both sides??
shadowsan has the best damn view on the island look at that
cleo's dress. cleo's voice. cleo's
why do they market as an import/export company if they immediately begin training as thieves. why does "villains international league of evil" matter at all
shadowsan has the only class that uses other students. the rest of the classes are main character only. so sad
my favorite part of carmen sandiego is the way they one moment don't allow the characters to say the word kill but in maelstrom's classroom he has human bones and a whole ass brain on display and then they shoot a man dead
no idea how maelstrom dropped his briefcase so that it landed on the other side of tigress's
also i love how they set up some of the two most used concepts in the entire show here: bait and switch and always protect the face
gray is blind we love him for that. she is holding a phone and gas earbuds in.
where did she get earbuds from
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point and laugh
so true of le chevre to kick off the stilts the show should have let him win that one, not bs
the poor captain has gone entirely white-haired from this yearly encounter with a child
rita moreno bee cosplay
el topo's laugh is so genuine <3
what was their detention anyway? sit and talk? come up with codenames? seems more like a reward to me
imagine if gray named himself power failure and everyone called him failure
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gray is a giraffe
i love the dig at old witwics with the puns for names jkdsghdsa
le chevre is very comfortable on that pole
mime bomb. that is all
class of vile, after a year of sharing a dorm with mime bomb: who the fuck are you
he's iconic
all of the different teacher rooms are sooo cool i love their designs. and once agains color theory coming through with shadowsan's red room!!!
i also like that students get to take exams with their operative gear, as it plays into how effective they will be in the field. however, what happens if someone doesn't graduate?? what happens to all their specialized gear??
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she sacrificed a leg for ass. sad :(
i like how tigress acts like a cat
that scrap of fabric flew SO FAR
that little wink tigress does <3
i like how shadowsan has another coat ready and waiting. who's hurt him in the past. he learned
black sheep no don't walk into the camera wait blacwfhghgfh
gray after black sheep failed so hard that she blew the entire year's worth of schooling: damn girl you're so good. best ever actually
i like how they all have to trace their names over to see if they passed like what are you getting lost on the way also getting these grades is exactly like seeing who got cast for the school musical
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rip to the random background ops who failed
gray's face is actually just D:
the dutch angle dolly zoom is SOOO GOOD
tigress is still a high school mean girl. elementary school, even. the big kid's table. no children allowed
"looks like someone needs to turn in their stealth suit" black sheep she/they confirmed and sheena respects pronouns
"COME ON LET'S GO PLOT A CAPER" that is so funny to me because vile operatives as we see later NEVER, EVER PLOT THEIR OWN CAPERS
why is carmen's nose so tiny
seeing black sheep look so short next to shadowsan is so sweet considering she's almost as tall as him later <3
"are you accusing a criminal, thievery, and breaking the law teacher of cheating"
mime bomb for goodness sake. i love the animation of his face emerging from the shadows though
does anyone know whether CS uses 3d elements for some of their bigger objects like cars, helicopters, the vault door etc.
i like how vile school is completely entirely out in the open not disguised at all
gray: bye bye black sheep black sheep, from the shadows: HAVE YOU ANY WOOL
OKAY so that was my post on the first episode. will they all be this long? who knows. probably. maybe. i'm so excited for this
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actualbird · 3 years ago
Omg I just started playing tears of themesis and its a lot of fun! I like that you actually have to find the clues, and actually solve the crime I think that's interesting. Any tips for a newbie lol
I'm so excited especially for the fact that I'm going to understand all the Luke posts on my dash because I love him already XD
wAAHH, hello and welcome to tot!! i hope you have a fun time playing :D (and yes, ur taste is Exquisite, luke is SO GOOD,,,I LOVE HIM SM,,,,,)
and i guess off the top of my head, i do have some tips!! feel free to take whichever u need and discard the ones that dont spark joy!
gameplay tips
do the daily and weekly tasks!: these give rewards each day/week that will help you in card leveling, overall player leveling, and collecting s-chips. sometimes events happen which add new tasks to do for certain rewards so like, basically whenever you see an Exclamation Point Icon anywhere, check it out! theres gonna be stuff to do and rewards to get from it
level up your cards!: if im remembering my own experience starting out, i recall that the debate power increase through the main story was a little bit steep in the beginning jHVKSJHDF. i used to get on by just fine with the EXP from debates itself leveling cards, but that quickly didnt give my deck enough juice. level em up with oracles so u can smoothly go thru the main story :D
take ur time exploring not just the story but also just the sheer amount of other stuff going on in the game: i was overwhelmed when i started, and i started on this game's Release. there was Less Stuff. idk how it must be for ppl coming in now, when theres More Stuff omg. but it's chill, take ur time, theres a bunch of neat stuff to discover
story tips
(idk how intuitive/already obvious these might already be, but when i started out i had no idea how these types of games worked so it took me a while to realize there were MORE STORIES JHSDJFH so i'll mention these tips too, aka tips i wish i knew in august of 2021, HAHA)
read card stories/content: every card you have that is not an R card (so the SSR, SR, and MR), has either a 6 part story in them to read or 2 audio messages for you to listen to and they are Wonderful. dont sweat it tho if u dont have a card and u wanna know its content, by this point, nearly everything is recorded on youtube so u can easily watch what u dont have!
play the boys' personal stories!: aside from the main story (which are the cases and investigations) each nxx boy has personal stories u can find by going to Ur Phone In The Game -> Click On Guy Of Choice -> Lower Right Corner.
if ur interested in nxx team plots outside of the main story, check out past events and their plots on yt!: the event plots are a Treasure Trove of interesting case stories And full ensemble cast interactions. i love this game the best tbh when i see the whole team interacting with each other, so i adore event plots. sadly, nearly all of the events that are done cannot be accessed anymore to newcomers in the game itself, but they can still be watched on yt. buuut thats just nearly all of the events which leads me to my next tip that rlly isnt a tip but simply just my personal recommendation as an intense enjoyer of this game---
download and play through the Mysteries of the Lost Gold event: the Lost Gold event originally ran through september of 2021, but it's been made available permanently as downloadable content in the game no matter when you start playing!! i highly recommend this event. it's by far still my favorite event in this whole game (everything from interesting plot/case to fun gameplay to delicious characterization, I REALLY LOVE LOST GOLD OK!! THIS IS A LOST GOLD STAN ZONE!!)
anyhoo, this event can be accessed by going to X-NOTE Story -> lower and rightmost button Event -> upper and rightmost button Past -> download Mysteries of the Lost Gold
really, i cannot recommend lost gold enough ajhfvjkahfa this is the One Thing i hope all players can experience it's just...I REALLY ADORE IT OKAY!!!
i hope some of these tips can help!! and i hope you enjoy playing this game :D
if ever uve got more questions, pls dont hesitate to shoot another ask hehe. it takes me a while to respond sometimes but i am Always down to be a tot-enabler thru sharing any info i can OwO
(also: jahsvfkjHVKJH SCREAM, have u been enduring my kilometric length luke posts prior to this with no context?? IM SO SORRY AJHVFKJAHSFASF HES JUST....I LOVE THAT GUY...)
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years ago
Ok so if he has not unfollowed his castmates and they still follow him and so do the netflix accounts I guess its ok to say he’s not gonna get fired?
but still my curiosity in this industry is peaking. So PR anons if you are still lurking around, @heyharoldsboo im curious to know about the PR timeline of all this. What did netflix do the moment this broke out and they found out about it? Dod they talk to him, did they investigate, did they have their own PR and lawyers contact him and look into all of this and investigate on their own? How did they get to the decision to keep him around? Did they call the producers to get their opinion, meaning Gough&Millar and Tim Burton? Did they contact the cast no not say a thing? How did they get to the decision to have him stay quiet when there are things he coupd defend himself from. Like the racial slur for example considering it was an audition. Why not have someone leak the audition or the movie role online to stop the narrative. Just wondering how netflix wouod operate when something like this happens. I understand this might be a loaded question, but im honestly curious about company strategies. Many thanks PR people!
Hey anon! Sorry it took me so long to answer you. Things have been a little bit chaos for me in real life.
So, first of all - the decision to "keep him around": he has a contract with Netflix for Wednesday. Unless he broke something on this contract, Netflix can't just easily break this contract.
And they'd talk to his team. Maybe talk to him if he was okay enough for it, but definetely talk to his team. This isn't a cancel mob like the internet. This is their employee, and someone they know and that might bring them a good deal of money if he keeps acting well the way he has. So they give him the benefit of the doubt. Even if no one has released a statement, I'm sure his team questioned him about everything he was accused of. So they can stablish their own timeline, and prove he wasn't where people were claiming he was. Get airline tickets, schedules, everything. Just because there hasn't been a public defence of him, it doesn't mean that his team didn't work on it and send it to Netflix and other brands he has projects with.
About staying quiet and leaking - it's easier than you think to get caught leaking stuff. I wouldn't risk it. Staying quiet is his best defence because the girls kept talking. If they had said their piece and gone quiet, this might have happened differently. But they didn't, and the story fell appart without his team needing to publicly do anything.
I'm not saying that this is how Netflix does it or should do it, just a general comment on my experience in dealing with this in companies.
Hope I helped!
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m0e-ru · 2 years ago
HI dumb silly liveblog im putting into tumblr post format from a year ago. P4GA vol 4 drama cd "Boo ~ I bear a grudge on you ~" featuring !!! the investigation team +marie horror summer school trip adventures. dojima and adachi at the pub. naoto getting scared to death again.
i am not fluent in JP and i just did this for fun the best i can i hope you can comprehend it at least. here's where i listened to it !!! please listen to it it has all the audio cues and context and it's part of the experience !! it's really fun
September 27, 2021
10:17 PM
synopsis: the IT is trying out summer activities with marie :)
the track: /kids screaming yelling/ /adachi at the pub/ /kids screaming and yelling/
10:18 PM
i mean it also did say 'a test of courage' so i get why'd they be scaring each other but why does golden always love to pick on naoto
10:21 PM
narukami going 'yosuke....goochab (good job)' was cute actually
10:30 PM
from what i can comprehend so far, the IT's on summer break and want more stuff to do and decide to have this 'test of courage' by hanging around yasogami in the middle of the night with marie
they all pull straws and walk around in pairs depending who they pull and theyre narukami and marie, yosuke and rise, kanji and yukiko, then teddie and chie
10:30 PM
i dont wanna rewind rn but yosukes like 'haha im with risette im gonna scare her in revenge (of something, i couldnt catch it)' but shes being a girlboss and sharing her own horror story of something that happened in a film set and yosuke's like '(we are walking in the dark hallways of this school) ths is fine im a brave boy totally haha'
10:32 PM
their segment ended off with 'aww senpai but it's toootally real !!' and wind wooshing and thumping noises scare yosuke and rise's just 'oh thats just the windows. haha hanamura-senpai's a scaredy cat' and all he could do was laugh nervously
10:32 PM
oh tebbi footsteps
10:34 PM
oh he uses watashi?my little mascot bear i never noticed from all the third person or this is a golden thing
10:36 PM
i... couldnt understand what happened. teddie's paired with chie but he was busy scaring each other like 'wh...what if this happens' and chie's like 'omgg!!!stop!!!!' then something scared the two but all i could understand were zipper sounds and punching
10:53 PM
okok so it's dojima and adachi at the pub with dojima already a bit woozy and adachi sober for the sake of keeping his boss in check and we get some mamasan interaction!! (mama-san is what you call the lady bartender at the pub)
anywho, dojima's complaining about naoto being 'prodigy detective' and 'the kubo kid' and almost smacking the soul out of adachi's body while adachi responds like a good subordinate listening to his boss' drunken complaining
it's concerning to know that he made his own cup (mug?) overflow with adachi's concerning 'dojimasan--stop, stop!' and even reminding him about...nanako
keeping him together with the thought of his daughter and hes like 'nanako....' while adachi gets a call about how dojima's doing and while acting in disbelief that his boss going off again when accused and he gets hung up on and he just finds dojima asleep and. yeah.
look, i also forget adachi and dojima's dynamic whether adachi's genuine or not, dojima is right to be grateful for his company woww a pair of besties if i see one
10:54 PM
im only halfway through this disc and i havent even heard marie for the second time but i know she screams
10:55 PM
omg it's kanji and yukiko ohhh she sounds so excited like 'ohh creepy dark hallways this is so fun dont u think so my dear kouhai'
10:55 PM
'whether it'd be a monster or a Shadow i'll fight it' hi kanji
11:00 PM
ohh my vocab is failing me but some lovey dovey dialogue is going down and kanji's misunderstanding it but yukiko's like 'i love.,.,.,.,scary things (I THINK)'
they enter a room and yukiko's like 🗿 and kanji's like 'senpai¿?' and yukiko's like 'ok yeah whatever——OH PIANO' and she plays a few keys sounding creepy something something midnight something something
kanji keeps talking and yukiko just slams on the piano and goes 'kanji.....kanji....!' and she laughs over some pun i couldnt understand
11:04 PM
ok yukiko keeps laughing over the piano and banging on the keys and kanji's 'what if satonaka senpai and the others hear this' and yukiko goes all monotone again like 'you hear that' it;s footsteps
and she slides open the door and kanji's like 'wtf amagi senpai' and she sprints out and he chases after her 'SENPAI????'
11:06 PM
omg,.,.., mari,.,...,.,.,.,narukami asks 'are you scared?' and she's like 'whats a scared?' like her usual genuine unknowingness
11:09 PM
ohh thats so cute narukami's like 'watch this' and in yosuke and rise pov does yosuke get a call from him and rise's like 'yusenpai???!!!' as usual but all he does is breathe into the phone all creepily and while theyre distracted marie sneaks up on them and goes 'boo' and the two lose their minds screaming jskdfasfgwyefgasf
11:10 PM
narukami: so how was it, marie?
marie: it was...fun
narukami: right?
11:11 PM
11:16 PM
from what i can understand it's like chie hid into teddie's costume along with him and hes just having a hard time moving around. hes the only one who can see though and these two are a bunch of scaredy cats (bears) where teddie's like 'theres a-a-a g-g-g-guy'
11:19 PM
before marie finishes her creepy chant, chie loses it and starts kicking and punching inside the costume screaming, but once she unzips it shes like 'YOU GUYS?????'
then narukami's like 'do you hear the other disembodied voice next to you' and teddie's just Dead and while chie's apologizing hes like 'ahh..sharing chie-chan's warmth was such an experience.,.,. i thought i could see the light (from almost dying??????)'
11:22 PM
it's kanji trying to look for yukiko like 'amagi senpaaaaai where are youuuuuu' and marie tries to scare him and he's like 'oaugh. u n senpai tryin to scare me?' and marie's like 'aw geez, old timer' 'im NOT old'
11:22 PM
seven more minutes to this
11:28 PM
kanji goes 'so have you seen amagi senpai?' and narukami immediately tells everyone else 'new goal (idk what the initial one was) let's look for amagi' and oHHHH marie
shes running with the IT and shes like 'im making a memory...my heart feels....' AND THE V ROOM MUSIC BOX STARTS PLAYING AND SHE STARTS MAKING A POEM ON THE SPOT OHHH,.,.,I LOVE HERSO MUCHH
something something kami, shinigami, any god out there, heart something something "forever dreamer" AAAUAUGHGHGHGHG....
and narukami's talking about yukiko totally unrelated to marie, to which she snaps back into reality tsundere screaming 'NOOO NAAHH I WASNT WRITING ANYTHING NOO STUPIDIDIOTIHATEYOU'
11:32 PM
ohh wait they split up lmao so marie's alone and she just heard narukami in her head. anyway theres no one around and she heard something and shes like 'ANYONE?? DOES ANYONE HEAR ME??' and it cuts to narukami, who kanji followed, finding yukiko and hearing marie yelling
theres a weak exhale, as if the person's dead, and kanji's like 'naoto¿??'
11:35 PM
back to adachi in the pub getting a call about naoto and hes like 'yeah yeah yup yup i got it' ending the call he does his usual 'everything's such a pain' then dojima's heard snoring. adachi asks for beer and ponzu and mamasan talks up and goes 'oh it's all a pain, you say. but it's not like you hate it all either, do you?' FUCK OFF
11:38 PM
golden loves bullying naoto huh like the golden anime christmas special wasnt enough
11:43 PM
anyway, new scene where the IT apologize to naoto and they go on a fit with stuff like 'why are you here??? you couldve damaged schoool property????youre all idiots!!!' and something about being at yasogami because of uhh,., adachi?
WAIT SO 'shin-chan' FROM THE FIRST CALL WAS REAL??? SHIROGANEKUN.,.,.,,.,.,.brb strangling adachi for a bit
then a loony cartoon sfx and we're into naoto's pov flashback where they kept running into the IT and accidentally scaring each other starting from yukiko banging on the piano and laughing, being the first one to scare chie and teddie,
and ultimately running away to be where marie is after they split up to find yukiko. from how naoto perceived it, she recites her poem rather,.,.,.,ghoulishly and finally they drop dead on the spot, which was the thump marie heard
11:46 PM
loony cartoon sfx plays again and the flashback is over and rise's like 'aww but all that matters is that youre fine!' and naoto's still in a daze back to yelling 'NO, SCHOOL IS A PLACE TO STUDY AND YOURE ALL MORONS' and the fun time montage plays and fin
11:51 PM
ok thats it for my sucky tl liveblog oh wait heres the thing https://youtu.be/PasKTZtKx
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fappellmoan · 3 years ago
so like. i'm super curious. how do YOU think the friendship between robin and nancy is gonna start in s4?
ahaha hey i appreciate you wanting my thoughts on this. so keep in mind i really haven't explored the st4 story/theories beyond watching the trailers like once and sorta skimming thru what people say on here. so there's quite a bit of context i could be missing.
very short answer in case you dont actually want my whole rambly thought process about their characters and whatnot (sorry idk how this happened.) i generally agree with the fandom's understanding of them being somewhat bitchy/standoffish at first, but i do think some ppl take it to... an absurd extent... like it comes across like 'women can't interact without fighting/having a rivalry!’ like. they’ve now been described as a ‘dream team,’ there have been enough little moments (mostly from robin) that planted the seeds for them to interact later on, as well as their mutual friendship with barb. so like, this idea that they’re gonna entirely fail to mesh doesn’t work for me lol.
ok i realized i didnt fully answer your actual question till later in this rant so tldr: i think theres a good chance nancy realizes she doesn’t have anyone her age in hawkins that really gets her/what she’s been through once jonathan leaves and kinda awkwardly reaches out to steve and robin in some way. or, she gets pulled into the investigation of the creel house/asylum and she and robin just kinda. pair up. whether by choice or not, really idk which to expect.
generally what i gather from them is they're both leaders. they're very intelligent. we've seen how bright and clever robin is, and nancy is dedicated and similarly smart. a lot of people think they might butt heads, and i think that's possible, but i think it could absolutely be in a way that motivates each other? like i think they could challenge each other’s thoughts and push each other. which would be really advantageous in investigations and whatnot.
i mean, something people overlook in considering them is how theyre...... i don't want to say foils, but like right we have these lines of robin assuming nancy's a priss. she's not like your other friends, and not like nancy wheeler. i think there's a more vulnerable side to robin that we see in that coming out scene, and she might feel insecure in how she relates to other girls/her peers in general? particularly in the 80s. and especially seeing nancy as this pinnacle of a high school cliche, i could see it being a point of discomfort.
meanwhile nancy. well, nancy kinda wants to reject traditional suburban ideals and all, while still absolutely living in the comfort of it (hence the whole jancy fight in s3). i think she needs someone that challenges her and makes her sort of uncomfortable in this. LIKE. im not explaining this well. i don't think robin's throwaway 'priss' line is totally accurate and it'll be really interesting to see that explored outside of the mall battle; at the same time, i think if robin brings that witty/sarcastic humor she had at the beginning with steve to the table, even a little bit, nancy would be thrown off by someone not immediately agreeing and going along with her plans/thoughts.
and that's a good thing imo! for the type of person she is, it obviously is good to have someone willing to collaborate and listen, since she cares so much about what she's doing and does the work to deserve to be heard. but i think a lot of growth could come from her being challenged by robin not always bending to her will. and i also think, given the time to collaborate, they’d both learn to appreciate and respect the others’ intelligence and perspective. that’s just my take.
so. the vibe i have in mind ignoring the plot for a sec. like. i think it'll be very awkward at first. what's interesting is they have a lot of assumptions about each other to break down. like, robin went from the whole priss line to witnessing nancy in the mall fight in one night. and while we don't have a huge indication of where robin is on nancy's radar, im willing to go with the popular fandom belief that she'd be a little confused about her relationship with steve at first. but wouldn't want to ask right away. or maybe she would. idk. point being, she's probably at least sort of on her mind. particularly with jonathan leaving. she seemed to only really be close to barb, and then steve (tho she had some walls up). she hung around tommy h and carol, and ig there's a throwaway line abt a girl named ally, but she doesn't really seem to have a lot of close friends. so like. it could be that she approaches robin at school, or even at her and steve at family video, bc she doesn't really have anyone else in hawkins that gets what she's been through. if not that, and she just floats along with acquaintances, then whenever they're introduced i think it'll be like something ive already mentioned.
rq im gonna dig into something i think a lot of ppl overlook which is what we got from rebel robin. i think she's supposed to be like 15 in it, so obviously she's matured a bit in current canon, but she's this very inquisitive and excitable and passionate kid. she seems to want a lot of answers that she can't always get. naturally likes a challenge. we know who else is like this. ANYWAY nancy also pops up in rebel robin! it sorta throws a wrench in the 'who are you?' line, bc as far as i remember, they acknowledge each other.
and a big one. barb was robin's best friend up until like 6th grade!!!!!!! robin absolutely remembers the girl who replaced her as a best friend (maybe that’s where some of the resentment lies? though it was a long time ago), and nancy was likely aware of robin as well, as unless they had some big falling out, im sure barb and robin were still friendly. there's a good chance they played together as young kids - it's a small town. anyway, they’re connected through barb. in theory at least, it’ll probably be nice for both of them to have someone who understands the grief of losing her.
um another thing about barb. im pretty sure she was gay. right. first of all, queer kids flock together somehow far before that realization, and like, the sulking after the fight with nancy? the fashion? idk. anyway, i really don't think nancy would've been totally thrown by barb if she ever had the chance to come out. it might've been something she had to learn about and sit with, but i personally think ultimately it would've been fine. i know some people even ship them or at least suspect a one-sided crush. so, this idea that she'd be a total dick to robin abt it just doesn't line up with me. also, like, if it's a popular fandom belief that mike is bi/gay, and it's essentially canon that will is, we've seen how much she loves them! im not saying a equals b, im just saying dont rush to say she couldn't ever get it. but also i think some of the thoughts of her being very clumsily supportive/taking time to get used to gay people could be very accurate lol. part of my reading of her does come from noticing some repression, as is natural with the wheelers in general.
we know one way or another they wind up exploring the asylum together. idk if this comes before or after the group goes to the creel house, but. at some point they must either realize they both have the same questions and team up, or are forced together after the group starts investigating. i think this will follow some sort of flow of what ive said before.
this is my understanding of the show and characters and dynamics and all, obviously some people read the characters in very different ways. im just doing my best with my perspective. can’t wait to see how right or wrong i am lol <3 thanks for asking if u read this far
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halcyon-writings · 4 years ago
i checked this list and it said persona so im hoping this is still ok. Date night with the protagonists? (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and thank you >///
ー『anonymous: Can i get dating headcanons for the persona protags (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and super thank yous. I love these boys so much. ;A;』
note(s): I am going to combine these requests as they are similar enough I hope that is alright! no real warnings for this one either, I just think these dudes are neat. Also I know they all have like 5 different names, so I just went with the ones I am more familiar with. Maybe(????) spoilers for 3, 4, and 5, so if you haven’t finished or played them, be warned (although, idk if anyone would read it if they haven’t played the respective game but idk warning for spoilers just in case) also idk how i feel about these hcs rn, but i did my best dhdjdj
all my other links can be found in my navigation post!! If you like my writing and you’d like to support me, my tip jar is also linked there!
hcs under the cut so i’m not clogging anyone’s dash (originally these were gonna be a short set of hcs but i guess not dbdndn)
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What our dear protagonist lacks in overall extrovertedness, he makes up for in action. Surprise surprise, dates can either range from hanging out in the dorms and cooking a nice meal together. Or maybe going to the mall and heading to the arcade. Or basically wandering around until your legs hurt and your purchases range from new outfits to weird antiques from the antique shop.
However he really does treasure these little trinkets, because the memory of your laughter when you were given a certain item will forever be ingrained in his mind. It’s a comfort in the end too.
Date nights are focused on you and you only. He definitely sets a date where he knows you both are free so that there’s less likely of a chance for being interrupted. He definitely wouldn’t want his time with you to be wasted. Although seeing his small pout when it does happen is very cute.
You also gotta be keen on if he sees something he likes and wants. While Minato won’t exactly say it, his gaze lingers a bit longer than usual. But he ultimately won’t get it, because he wants to focus on you and also save up for when the group goes to Tartarus. So if you surprise him with whatever he had wanted, he’s so happy.
While he is slightly more reserved in comparison to Yu and Akira, Minato speaks through action. Whenever you two are walking together, he always has your hand in his, or keeping close by in some way. He likes to cling to you when it’s just you two, his head buried in the crook of your neck as you two nap tother, legs tangled up together. Or the small jokes he says loud enough for only you to hear, but they’re still so funny. Sometimes you’re asked if he’s really a good boyfriend, and you have to laugh off the doubt, because they don’t see the sides of him that you do.
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My god. Yu would absolutely be the best at arranging dates and hangouts. I take no criticism. Like you guys could literally just be walking all around Inaba, or just sitting by the river bed and it could be one of the greatest times you’ve both had together. A romantic at heart, Yu would also be a bit cheesy in arranging dates.
He shows affection through communcating it. Whether it’s a new outfit or something, he’ll say that you look incredible or if you’ve studied for a hard exam, he’ll make sure you know how amazing you are for passing. Idk just anything that has you smiling from sweet compliments and other words of affirmation. A big sap, honestly you try and joke about it but he just earnestly says “Who wouldn’t be for you?” And you have to sit down and hide your face in your hands for a solid 5 minutes.
You also gotta be cool with Nanako. But then again she’s a cute kid and a sweetheart so idk why you wouldn’t be. Although he does get a little flustered if it’s you two watching her while Dojima-san is working late at the station and the old ladies coo over how you three look like a mini family yourselves. Which is kind of a common occurrence. And I feel like Yu would know pretty well if he sees a future with someone he’s with, and with you he does shhh
Date nights in Inaba are really fun and a good way to wind down, sometimes it’s wandering Junes and finding whatever the newly advertised, as seen on tv appliance is. Or other parts of the shopping district, where he can really let go and just have fun for himself. When not worrying about school work or the cases the Investigation Team is working on.
some spoilers here; but after Izanami is defeated and the year ends. When Yu has to leave Inaba it doesn’t mean that he won’t put his best efforts to keep up the relationship. If possible, video calls or just the occasional text too. And when he visits, while he does miss his friends, he’s especially antsy to see you too. And when you’re both together again, he refuses to leave your side.
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Now, Akira can be described as this suave, casanova type character. But he’s also a giant dork and you know it, he knows it, the Phantom Thieves all know it, hell even Sojiro knows it. It doesn’t mean his attempts at flirting doesn’t get you blushing. And when he sees the flustered expression, it only motivates him to keep going. But turn the tables on him, and he’s putty in your hands. (And he looks very cute).
Because of the way you met, aka, at Shujin, where his reputation was basically over and done with before it even began, he has a lot of doubt and trust issues, what if someone dared you to speak to the “criminal” or something? While he won’t show these doubts out loud to his friends, it’s still something he thinks back on a lot. But when you defend him vehemently one day, he knows he was right to trust you.
A part of dating Akira, is eventually finding out who he is. Maybe trips to Mementos cause him to be late to dates or not even show up at all. You end up stood up more often then not once things begin to get really serious. From small time school teachers to the literal Yakuza (and eventually a candidate for Prime Minister, and a god), you don’t know where he is. And that becomes really stressful because then the doubt™️ sets in.
To make this less angsty and more funny, imagine you know from figuring it out. He’s suspiciously watching the news on the PT, and no offense to Ryuji, he’s not the most quiet. So he’s so nervous trying to tell you when you’re just “yeah I know, sorry for not telling you, I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to know.” and he’s just the surprised pikachu face.
As for date nights, the city is your oyster. I’d say the world but mans still currently has a criminal record so probably not yet. But he’s gonna take you wherever you want. Whether it’s a themed cafe, or just the streets of Shinjuku, as you take in all the sights from the bright places, he’s willing to do whatever for you. That includes facing off kids at the arcade for a stuffed plush you saw and admitted it was cute. He is a man on a mission. And you cannot stop him. So you both end up back at Leblanc at the end of the night carrying your plushies and eating some curry that Sojiro left warming for you. That even includes the Big Bang Burger challenge he will do it for you , even though you probably do laugh at his pain after but you still coo and praise his efforts.
After he goes back home, record clean and world hopefully peaceful. Virtual dates become a thing, either just sitting and talking while having dinner or something is nice. He still loves to say those cheesy pickup lines that had you hiding your flustered expression as you walked through the streets of Shibuya on call. You only hung up on him once but he quickly called back and was very pouty about it. You were forgiven though with the promise of giving many kisses when he visits.
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im-basically-logan · 3 years ago
roleslaying with roman live thoughts under the cut
ok to be completely honest im typing this at the 20 minute mark and its 2 am
anyway i like dnd so im v interested in how this is gonna transpire with apparently 2 dms and only 2 players
homebrewed tho owo
waiting for the custom stuff to show up
OH lyra being like “understand this roman is different from the sander sides one please and thank you” lmaoooo
im wondering if this is all improv also like did the team minus thomas and terrance make a whole story for this and they dont know?
also the dialogue is pretty clean despite some goofs when the two main characters first met
probably thanks to there only being 2 people but like. idk! good for them :)
also im surprised roman has a 16/17 on dex idk why 
why is he investigating the thefts when he hasnt even told youngblood about them lmfao
oh i forgot to mention but there are ANIMATICS and ACTED PARTS??? thats so fuckin cool
the somewhat clumsy improv dialogue is just. SO DND
“s-so. what’s your name ? !” yup. should’ve been like the 3rd thing you said but Big Mood
roman not knowing what singing is is insane
i thought he was gonna be a bard fighter or smth but again this is homebrew
god i wanna know the lore of this world already. how are different races treated? how different is this world from classic 5e since its homebrew
like personally i play in a traditional 5e world way way less often. there is a lot of homebrew :]
not to say that sticking to the traditional dnd world is bad, its a very very nice foundation for new players/dms but branching out creatively is also nice
bread,,, i want bread
goat power lmao
oh i thought youngblood would’ve had a way higher intelligence stat. its just 12/13 huh
“That’s a business partner”
the editing and little animations and sound design is so good btw 
where did they film these shots they’re so nice
oh inspiration mechanics a bit different oooo
ok but how did he get inspo from remembering dorian’s name bruhhh lmao
dorian is one of the designs of all time the constellations in his eyes are so cool aaaaaaaaaa
is he a tiefling? i do remember this is a homebrew campaign btw but i am still curious
frog sus
roman rlly showing off than 8/9 intelligence lmao
fast timmy so cool
3 ft tall? damn short lol
is he fucking blue because of sonic
“if we dont find anything on the southern edge of town, you will really get to know me” holy shit youngblood lmao
what the FUCK is happening here why does this child have these connections
uncensored word ass, insane. truly.
anyway this was fun
i wonder how indepth its gonna get. world lore? angst? death saves?? MORE GOATS?
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g00mbers · 3 years ago
Hello, may I request a Belle x reader?
Belle x Reader
Quick resume , Colt invites you to the sheriff team and try to capture belle but you end up flirting with her
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It was an particular calm day on the wild west , maybe too calm to be true ,just sitting around on barley's bar as always , as soon as you finished that thought a loud thud came from the entrance as everybody on the bar turned to look into that direction , it was 3 persons , you couldnt see clearly from the dust that came in but they surely had weapons , you stared in terror as the intruders and what appeared to be the leader , started taking all the money from the cash register as you could only stare in awe , the white haired leader turned into your direction and caught her giving you a quick glance , as she ran away , you could see Colt trying to run after her but the other accomplices stopped him and hopped into a carriage and ran away , it all happened too quickly
You finally snapped out of your thoughts and saw Colt coming back with a dissapointed look on his face , you finally went up to him , + "Who were they?"
Colt quickly glanced up and fixed his posture: "Its just the Goldarm band! The most dangerous criminals around these areas" .. "buuut we havent managed to caught them, Yet." , you frowned a bit
+"So you're just gonna let them get away?"
Colt quickly took offence
"Its not my fault ok! It just happens too quickly" , "i wish i had more people on our side , i cant be the only sheriff.."
+ "What about Ruff?" As you looked to the side where Ruff was asleep + "... ok maybe its not the best choice but is there something we can do? Poor barley looks like he's gonna have an heart attack and he doesnt even have a heart"
Colt started slowly walking around as he suddenly looked like he had an idea
"Wait! Y/n ,since you are so interested , why dont you help me chase down those criminals?"
+ "Wait WHAT- me? Well i dont know Colt.. I dont think im in form to like- brawl and fight like you do!"
"But you dont necesarely need to fight! The sheriff station has always needed an investigator yknow?" He chirped happily trying to convince you while you looked nervously +"I dont even have a degree for that!" , "Pleaaasee Y/N! can teach you everything i know! , Plus you only have to ask people and write stuff , its easy peasy" he said on that annoying smooth tone , you looked midly annoyed but finally sighned "Ughhh Fine.. i'll do it , where do i start?"
"I've heard theres this one tavern where people said they have seen a person similar to the goldarm leader , but its just rumours" he said enthusiastic while you spoke thoughfully +"and why dont you go there yourself?"  "Well im.. 1 person and they're three , i'll be easily outnumbered"
+ "you have a point"
.. "alright! I'll go there and teach those criminals a lesson" you said now trying to be courageous
"Wow wow hey there! Try not to blow your cover ok? Just gather enough info and we'll track them down!" While he put a hand on your shoulder on a supportive way "You need your team on your side" you felt strangely comforted. "Buuut you will have to go alone! Bye y/n!" As he finger gunned you and leaved , you only stared and thought smiling to yourself , +"what an idiot"
As you payed the carriage that left you in front of said tavern you prepared yourself in case you encountered said criminals and smoothed your hair with your hands , as soon as you pushed throught that door
You continued walking trying not to look suspicious and decided to order a drink just to brush off some time , you heard a voice coming right next to your seat , "Not the usual customer here uh?" , you saw the same white haired woman before and tried to stay calm + "Oh, yeah- just getting out of my comfort zone" while trying to lean in the counter to seem more relaxed
"I dont think you're around these zones , say what's your name again?" , +"Eh well i havent really presented myself i'm ...Y/n?" The woman stared with a serious tone on her face "Y/N? Uh? Hm...nope havent heard that before" as she turned around her seat to face the bartender
+"Wait you havent even said who you are -" she eye-sided "Now why so curious about who i am?" You smiled nervously +"Well i mean- if you know my name why shouldnt i know yours?" The lady only smiled "I suppose you're right" "the name's Belle" she spoke while winking into your direction as you lowered your face trying to hide the blush from the surprise
"Now that we know each other why dont we spend the night? My treat , Bartender!"
(Oh my god , was she spending the money she stole earlier?)
"+ Oh no no- i dont plan to stay for too long" im just here for one drink and thats all"
"Come on y/n , you deserve it just as much as i do" as she rised her cup and toasted with yours , you relaxed a bit and decided to spend some time with Belle , which surprisingly she was super fun to talk to
Maybe she wasnt so bad after all.
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akihiko-sanada · 4 years ago
Ok first of all, bro,,, B R O, bro ilysm being able to infodump like this means so much to me for real. And second of all, this is gonna be very bullet point-e since I can't string a coherent sentence together to save my life. LET'S BEGIN:
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Tropes and dichotomies
Yukichie has a bunch of romantic tropes, including but not limited to:
-Beautiful and popular genius falls for airhead jock outcast.
-Childhood best friends to lovers.
-Two girls fall in love but one girl's close minded parents (yukikos) disapprove and kick her out so she suddenly moves in with chie (this definitely happened i'm sure of it).
Now the dichotomies:
Fire and ice: I feel like I don't even have to explain why this is romantic so I'm just gonna jump straight into the evidence: Yukiko is the teammate with Agi and Chie is the one with Bufu, one of Yukiko’s themes is called “Snowflakes” and there's also the twin dragons special move.
Sun and moon: Might be a stretch but I really do think that Yukiko is the moon, silent, beautiful and graceful while Chie is the sun, energetic, bright and hot to the touch.
Shadow Chie reveals that Chie developed an inferiority complex from constantly comparing herself to Yukiko (not surprising but aw :(), and part of this is her not feeling worthy of Yukiko and her company, bUT MEANWHILE YUKIKO HAS THE OPPOSITE PROBLEM WHERE SHE RELIES TOO MUCH ON CHIE,,, like shadow Yukiko literally says says to Chie “Chies my prince, she's a strong prince, or at least she was”, she hoped and relied on Chie to save her from having to take over the inn and having to stay in Inaba,,,,. ALSO WHEN SHADOW YUKIKO'S HEALTH IS LOW SHE SUMMONS A PRINCE SHADOW WTF, WTF WTF WTF, SHE STRAIGHT UP SUMMONS HER PRINCE, CHIE, WHEN SHE’S MOST VULNERABLE????? HELP???
And speaking of shadows, Chie is pretty calm when it comes to rescuing people from the TV world except for Yukiko, she goes absolutely APESHIT, says "You don't know SHIT about how I feel! Yukiko might DIE from this, for crying out loud! I'm going, and that's that!" before running HEADFIRST INTO A MONSTER INFESTED PALACE WITHOUT A PERSONA OF HER OWN,, TRUE LOVE RIGHT THERE BABY. She also almost single handedly beats up a whole ass police station for even suggesting that Yukiko was involved in the murders.
Color theory
I'm a huge rwby fan so colors is definitely gonna have its own section IFSFNS. Anyways, in color theory, colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are considered complementary colors, and guess what the most used example for this? Green and red! Green and red always pop out when they're next to each other, and color is very important in p4 (for various reasons but a big example is how all the students at school wear dull colors except for the investigation team, they're just full on power rangers), so id like to think that making Yukiko’s and Chie’s colors the prime example of complementary colors was something intentional made to remind you of how well they work together.
Also: Chie “wow yukiko red looks really good on you” yukiko, twirling her hair “haha thanks do you mind if i wear it for the rest of my life-”. Also side note I’m 100% sure that Rio’s favourite color is red because it reminds her of Hamuko <3.
Comphet and obliviousness
It's very obvious that like, everyone’s in the investigation team suffers from comphet, especially considering their reaction to Kanji coming out (which is, something), but I'm only gonna talk about yukichies; first of all this whole scene screams of comphet, no one just gushes about their friend THAT much:
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Also, Chie disapproves of all of Yukiko's suitors cause she's subconsciously jealous, Chie is 100% a baby lesbian cause shes literally like: “haha im not a lesbian, I just cut my hair short and mostly hang out with guys because then I’ll be more masculine and men like girls so-aw shit”.
Also, Inaba is a breeding ground for comphet because it's a rural town in the middle of nowhere in a town where most of the popuñation is old so,,,yeah,,,.Yukiko feels like her only option in life is to take over the Amagi inn and follow in her family's footsteps, which would in turn be like rotting away in Inaba, so I like to think that the Amagi inn is some sort of metaphor for how being yourself is key even though it can disappoint your parents by making you stray from the path they paved for you, but that’s still an important step to take to become a better person and being true to yourself. Now that isn't very different from coming out now is it?
Official art and others
-Yukiko’s and Chie’s designs inspired Tomoe Tachibana and Maria Torres from Trauma Team and they’re hella gay
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-Yukiko and Chie are next to each other or side eyeing each other when the other isn't looking in 99% of the official art they're in, I wonder why that is-. Also if  you look through Chie’s gallery 90% of her photos include Yukiko and vice versa.
-Everyone in Inaba knows that Chie and Yukiko are practically dating cause some bullies literally threaten Chie with hurting Yukiko saying stuff like “that precious Yukiko-san of yours” and “So don't you care about what happens to your loved ones” LIKE HELLO???
-Chies social link? oh you mean the yukichie social link right? No but seriously like Chies social link revolves around Yukiko NANFFGGW
-Yukiko’s theme in p4u is “princess Amagi” and shadow Yukiko calls Chie her prince, coincidence? ABSOLUTELY NOT. 
Fun headcanons and random stuff
-Chie definitely short circuited for a full ten seconds when she saw Yukiko in a yukata for the first time
-I'm sure that when the investigation team meets up like 20 years after p4 they'll be like “wait Yukiko you've been living with Chie for years?? did you get married?” Yukiko and Chie who haven't even started dating officially “no?? what are you talking about- WAIT.”
-Yukiko and Chie: *adopt three cats and a dog and call them their children*, also yukichie “we’re just really good friends :)))”
-Yukiko and Chie definitely made out with each other a couple of times using the excuse of “were practising for when we have boyfriends”
In conclusion, yukiko and chie have the type of love where they've known each other for so long and care for each other so deeply and passionately that they don't need to search for a significant other because deep down they've always known they were each others. They've always pictured the other in their life from beginning to end but have yet to put together that they want to be in each others life romantically because of comphet and just, never really seeing each other as an option because they've just always been friends, nothing more nothing less. Thank you for coming to my ted talk I hope I gave you yukichie brainrot <3
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