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just an average gal learning to draw. also i reblog 10 mil posts.
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piibble · 10 days ago
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piibble · 11 days ago
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Lmfao 😭 anw im collecting national exam results tmr wish me luck 🤞
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piibble · 16 days ago
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piibble · 1 month ago
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The gasp i gasped seeing jackie in yj trailer s3.
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piibble · 2 months ago
bro called me out in 3 fandoms 😭 (heathers, mean girls, yj)
Sapphic ship where the blonde girl dies after a fight with the girl she likes..
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piibble · 2 months ago
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what if in the movie and musical, heather Chandler is veronica's romantic interest instead of JD? (delulu moment)
just wanted to add a small chansaw-ish fanart to the hopefully growing collection <3 (I need more chansaw content, be it ao3 or fanart ToT)
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piibble · 2 months ago
martha dunnstock's fate in heathers the musical
this might be kind of dark but after Big Fun, Veronica tosses the "Martha pinata" into the swimming pool and is it foreshadowing the events that happened after Kindergarten Boyfriend...
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piibble · 2 months ago
"You owe me.."
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It was cold, dark, and lonely. Veronica knew she had to get help but she really didn't want to admit that. She goes to call Betty Finn but to no avail. Great. Now what?
Her only other option? Everyone else is definitely asleep, right? Heather Chandler. Shit. That's the only option isn't it?
She punches the number in several different times, deleting it and redialing, she's stalling. This is when she realizes that she knows Heather's number by heart. How pathetic. 
In a moment's slip-up, instead of pressing the delete button, she has pressed the green call button. I am an idiot. She thinks to herself. She holds the phone up to her face.
She feels as if she's been waiting for ages when a voice speaks just as the last ring has started blaring into her ear.
“What is it now, Sawyer?” The voice says annoyed through the phone. Probably because of how late it is.
“Er- sorry.. Heather.. My parents kinda.. Well we got in a fight and-” Veronica embarrassingly stutters before being cut off.
“You really want me to pick you up right now?” Chandler's voice speaks loudly into Veronica's ear. Veronica doesn't respond, because that's exactly what she wants.
“God.. fine. But you owe me, ok?” She grumbles
Veronica is relieved “ Thank you Heather, you're a lifesaver… I- uh.. I’m near the school next to that streetlight..”
Heather hangs up immediately. Everyone finds it quite obvious that she has a soft spot for Veronica, but if you said that to her,  well that wouldn't end well. 
Heather gets to Veronica's location in the matter of just a couple of minutes, immediately met with the sight of Veronica next to the light pole. 
Something about it.. She just looks so.. Small and dejected. Like a kicked puppy. Heather sighs and pulls over. God, what has this girl done to her?
“Get in before you freeze to death.” She says in the most neutral tone she can.
“Look I'm so sorry Heather, I really-” Veronica starts while getting in the car quickly.
Heather presses her index finger to the girl's lips, instantly shutting her up. Veronica's face flushes slightly which certainly doesn't go unnoticed by Heather.
“SHH. You talk too much. Don't say sorry, just buckle your seatbelt, we’re going to my place.” She says semi-harshly even though the words are sort of sweet, for her. Her blonde locks of hair perfectly framing around her shoulders and framing her face, part of it pulled up with her red scrunchie. 
Veronica slowly backs away from her finger and puts her seatbelt on, eager to be in the warmth of Heather's house. Though, she feels as if the heat from her cheeks could be enough to warm them both. She looks to Heather, who starts driving immediately.
Heather isn't comfortable with how soft she is around Veronica but she just can't help it, and it pisses her off. The drive is silent but it's mostly comfortable silence, Veronica staring at Heather driving and Heather pretending she doesn't notice.
When they get to Heather's house they quietly go up to Heather's room but not before Heather's harsh reminder that Veronica has to take her shoes off first, which makes Veronica scramble to take her shoes off and place them neatly by the door.
Once they got in her room, something about the atmosphere shifted but neither of them knew quite what it was. Heather throws some of her clothes at Veronica.
“Change, you're soaked.” She says demandingly. 
Veronica fails to catch the clothes and scrambles to pick them up.
“Can you uh.. Turn around while I change..?” She asks timidly, since she's scared of her possible growing feelings for Heather, she definitely doesn't want to have to change in front of her.
Heather groans and turns around, facing outside the window. She stares out the window as she hears the noises of Veronica changing into her clothes, impatiently waiting, until Veronica tells her she can now turn around. When she finally gets to turn around, something in her stomach changes, seeing Veronica in her red pajamas. She's already so soft for her and now this? For fucks sake..
“You- you look-  I mean-..” She shutters. Stutters? Heather Chandler is.. Stuttering?
“Uh.. thanks..” Veronica says, her face just as red as the pajamas at this point. “Should we uh.. I dunno.. Watch a movie..? Maybe? I mean we don't have to-”
Heather closes her eyes and shakes her head, trying to shake the thoughts away from her. “No, yeah, totally let's watch a movie.”
After they get in bed together and turn on a movie on Heather's laptop, they're both wildly blushing so much it's almost pathetic. Veronica, out of nowhere, turns to Heather suddenly. 
“Have you ever liked a girl? Not that- not that i have.. Just.. curious.” She says, her words rushed and fast.
Heather freezes, what kind of question is that? Especially when you're all huddled up under the covers with someone like this?  Should she lie or confess? For some reason.. She trusts Veronica.. why??
“I mean.. Yeah I think..” She sort of embarrassedly croaks out.
Veronica feels like she might have a heart attack then and there. She shifts closer to Heather.
“Would you ever.. Kiss a girl..?” She says in a smallish voice. Praying to whatever gods there is that the answer is yes.
Heather freezes for a moment, her eyes flicker to Veronica's lips and suddenly the movie on her laptop is completely ignored. 
“Maybe..” She says, her voice even smaller. She also shifts closer to Veronica.
“... Would you.. Kiss me..?” Veronica asks, her eyes also flickering down to Heather's lips and her heart is practically beating out of her chest. She cannot believe what she's saying.
Heathers breathing hitches for a moment. Of course the answer is yes, that is pretty much all she wants right now. She can't stand to just sit and stare at Veronica any longer. She looks back up at her eyes.
“Yes..” She's basically paralyzed at the moment. 
Veronica takes a moment. This is really happening. She leans in slightly, her hand slowly makes its way to Heather's jawline, holding her face and her chin up. Her eyes flicker from Heather’s own eyes down to her lips, then back up to her eyes, before slowly closing them and leaning in. 
Heather's wide eyes lock with Veronicas before she follows cue and leans in as well, closing her own eyes while she tilts her head slightly. Before she knew it, her lips had locked with Veronicas, it just felt so.. right. Unlike all of the boys she had kissed, Veronica’s lips felt like they were supposed to be kissing hers. 
All Veronica can think about is the way Heather's lips feel on her own, slowly moving against hers. The kiss is gentle and genuine. It lasts for just a couple minutes before Veronica pulls back, catching her breath. 
“Heather, you.. That was..” Her mind is so foggy she cant seem to form a proper sentence.
“Oh, shut up.” Heather says before grabbing her face again and kissing her again. Veronica's eyes widen in surprise but she certainly isn't complaining and she kisses her back. 
Neither of the girls had experienced a true kiss that was really full of love before tonight, and it was so incredibly perfect.
This was the best night of their lives.
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piibble · 3 months ago
I'm showing up to the party 7 years late bringing fanfic.
A simple misunderstanding at a party leads to fake dating shenanigans for Heather and Veronica
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piibble · 3 months ago
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freewheeling, secret, ass-kicking… nun.
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piibble · 3 months ago
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goofy heather Chandler. I got inspired by Pinterest ToT
alt version below + the template:
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piibble · 3 months ago
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So if I were to take away from this moment something deeper than “man Sevika's a freak”, I'd point out that we've seen the same tactic not long before.
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What does this say about Caitlyn? She's fighting dirty. She's fighting like a cornered rat. She's fighting like a Zaunite.
And first of all there's hypocrisy. Caitlyn's been calling these people animals and monsters and whatnot but when placed in an identical situation she responds identically. Case in point: getting so mad at Jinx for terrorizing people out of grief that she goes ahead and starts to terrorize people out of grief. Sevika's expression afterwards is mostly “joke's on you I'm into that” but there's some surprise there too — you wouldn't expect that move from a Piltie.
Then there's desperation. Because she needs revenge; she needs it or she'll never ever forgive herself for what happened. So she'll throw away her morals and her dignity and just do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, whether it means chomping on someone like a feral raccoon or becoming a military dictator… which puts her in the same mindset as Zaunites, all of whom are desperate to survive and a lot of whom could never afford morals and dignity in the first place.
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piibble · 4 months ago
When are Heather chandler and Veronica gonna get together
Great question! Never!
That’s right, Anon. I’ve actually tricked you, the readers, and myself into believing Riptide is a ChanSaw fanfic. See, the twist is that it’s actually all just a setup for my Love Island season 3 self-insert fanfic starring Mike Thalassitis (dumped day 17 and re-dumped day 44). 
The other twist is that I’m totally just pulling your leg. ;) Check out this post, this one over here, and my FAQ page here where I’ve answered this before (I know the “about” link doesn’t work on mobile, and I do intend to fix that, my apologies there). There’s also this post here that talks about the expected length of Riptide. 
In the interim, I’d recommend you check out some other excellent works in the ChanSaw tag written by far less obnoxiously cheeky authors, such as:
Dead Girl Walking and the Demon Queen
Crushes, Regrets and a whole load of Time Travel
my heart on your sleeve
“They’re all girlfriends” AU
Basically all of Shalebridge_Cradle’s stuff
thewishingdragon’s also awesome stuff
all of which, as the kids say, slaps. ;) Thanks for the ask, though! I think this one I’ll be the last I take of its kind, as they’re getting a bit repetitive. Hmm… I probably ought to revise my tags and make sure everything is easy enough to read and find. 
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piibble · 4 months ago
dash is dead im teleporting to the past
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piibble · 4 months ago
omg i’ve just come across your heather chandler writings !! LOVE LOVE LOVE
if you can’t tell, i am more or less devoted to chandler and would love it if you could write some more for her :)
no worries if you can’t, i just wanted to let you know you’ve fed me my hc content for a week and im really thankful <3
|| Heather Chandler x fem!reader
|| Warnings; short drabble, drunk characters sober reader, Heather Chandler soft for reader, little dialogue
|| Summary; after a party, reader gets everyone home and enjoys some cuddles with Heather Chandler.
Requests closed!
Started; November 13th
Finished; November 13th
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The Heathers decided to leave the party a little earlier, taking you along with them. You were Heather Chandler's girlfriend and had been for a while now. You weren't overly close to the other Heathers or Veronica, but you hanged out with them. Getting along for the most part. Heather D was a different story. She didn't like you, but then again Heather didn't like anybody. In fact you weren't sure there was a single person she did genuinely like. So you never took it to heart. Knowing that that was just the way she was. Besides, Heather Chandler liked you. That's all that really mattered anyway, isn't it? As long as you're on the Demon Queen of Highschool's good side.
Heather usually didn't hold your hand or do much with you in public, unless she was drunk, but you didn't mind that. You kept close, walking with her and the others to her car. You were the most sober, barely having had anything. Which meant you were the driver. Plus, you were the only other one Heather trusted to drive her car. Privileges, right?
You got everyone home. Taking Heather Chandler last. You got her inside, then undressed and showered. Helping her sober up a bit. Heather let you take care of her, very little complaints about it leaving her. Soon enough you had her in her silk robe, laying in bed and looking at you fondly. Heather crooked a finger, beckoning you closer.
"C'mere.." Heather muttered, you got on the bed and curled up with her. Head rested on Heather's chest. She stroked your hair. She was softer with you behind closed doors. Because she did genuinely love you, as much as Heather tried to hide it from everyone. Including herself.
You snuggled right up to her; feeling the privilege of being so close to Heather Chandler. It was nice. Just what you needed after a rowdy party. You were sure she would try to flirt with you. Something, anything especially in her state. But to your surprise, you heard soft snoring. Looking up to see her eyes closed, hand stilled on your head. Looking the most at peace you'd ever seen her. You smiled and gently kissed her cheek, letting your lips linger. Letting her get her rest, knowing full well she won't be happy with her hangover tomorrow.
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piibble · 4 months ago
Yo, what are your favourite Chansaw fics? I need some recommendations
OKAY i love so many fics these aren't all of them but these are all fantastic
The entire TAG au: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1053590?hide_banner=true
Bording Area Chance Encounter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21668815
ABCs and 123s: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22310017/chapters/53288050
Dead Girl Walking and the Demon Queen: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10722663/chapters/23758896%20
Seven Minutes in Heaven: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24702733
We'll Rule the Ocean: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10837188/chapters/24055203
Scissors (I have to tell you this i REALLY recommend this one - i've read it like four times): https://archiveofourown.org/works/15778938/chapters/36710445
Don't Leave Me (My Love): https://archiveofourown.org/works/11842512
Thinking Things Through: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24316165/chapters/58621372
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piibble · 4 months ago
queer coded women/heathers
ever since watching heathers (1988) and heathers the musical, i’ve been wildly interested in the queer coding of female characters. and surprisingly there’s little to no work i can find discussing female characters and villains as ambiguously lgbt (though a large amount on the queer baiting associated with female characters).
heather chandler (particularly in the film) is, in my opinion, queer coded to the tee. she has a particular interest and affinity for veronica. whether she takes veronica to do the lunchtime poll, acquiesces to veronica’s wish to talk to the rest of the classmates rather than just “the popular” kids, taking only veronica to the remington party (though that could just be seen as she mentions, “veronica’s trial run”), or her distaste/jealousy for veronica’s interactions with JD (“i thought you were done with high school boys [veronica]”), heather’s actions are subtly queer. though all of those things could be given other plausible meanings and feelings, it’s hard for someone who’s queer to not see heathers actions as such.
the cherry on the top for me was heather’s strict aversion to having sex with the college boy at the remington party. though not wanting to make something which could just be an example of any female character being coerced into unwanted sexual activity, into how i wish to interpret it, it surely feels and plays out as a powerful closeted women being forced by societal norms to fit in. a lot can also be said about sexual repression within queer women being associated with hyper sexuality/sex aversion, but that’s for another conversation.
my draw to heather certainly was because there was something recognizable in her, and maybe that’s my own form of stereotyping lesbian archetypes. but at the end of the day i can’t help but feel like, “yeah, that makes sense.”
there’s a lot of other films i’ve watched in my life where i was attached to a certain female character within the given film, and later realized it was because of a subtle queer coding connected to them.
and maybe now i’m just babbling but, i find the lack of attention surrounding queer coded female characters bothersome, especially when i know a lot of LGBT+ women have found queer coded characters in their lives that have helped them accept and learn about themselves.
if there’s any feelings anyone would like to share or discuss regarding what i have to say, female queer coding and heather chandler in particular, i’d love to hear it. my inbox is wide open.
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