#invader zim x y/n
pshenyasstuff · 3 months
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This picture but zim and y/n :3
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I tried my best. I think this pic suits them very well <3
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Fema's masterlist
Lego monkie kid:
Sun Wukong:
Spider Queen:
(I may make exceptions depending on the day, but For the most part the guys are all I'll write for at the moment.)
Casey Jr:
Big mama:
(Again, all I got at the moment. I put Casey cause he needs more fics on him.)
Invader Zim:
Prof. Membrane:
(All I got For now, maybe if I forgot a character just let me know.)
Epithet Erased:
Cookie Run Kingdom:
There too many characters to list, i'll do most so Just request it and i'll get to it when I can.
What I will do:
smut ( i'm not fully confortable with it but i'll try ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌)
others (I have no idea what else lol)
What I won't do:
age gaps (like kids and adult, thats just gross.)
Angst (My weak heart cant even consider sad stuff.)
Others (again no idea, illl know if I see it tho)
My mainly active times are from 8:30am to 8:00pm from monday to friday, I don't go on during the weekend since thats my time off of everything. Please don't spam the ask box, that'll stress anyone out. Have fun and don't be scared to request something I don't judge. 😘✌️
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yanderepalace · 3 months
Yandere!Invader Zim general headcanons
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a/n: no one asked for this but here it is! :-)
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Zim had always scoffed at the very idea of love, a foolish human weakness unworthy of his superior Irken intellect, never even considering himself to susceptible to such frivolous distractions.
To him, emotions were nothing but a weakness, a vulnerability for him to exploit for the greater good of the Irken invasion.
Your arrival stirred a dangerous storm within Zim, he masked his discomfort as distain and hatred, attempting to suppress that gnawing feeling in his stomach whenever you were around. A craving to dominate and control surged within him, a dark need he refused to acknowledge.
Zim found himself fixating on every detail of your life, justifying his intrusive surveillance as necessary intel for the invasion. He would follow you home, study your habits, and infiltrate your privacy at every turn. There was something about you, something so intoxicating, that he couldn’t pinpoint but knew he had to possess.
He believed the most effective approach was to engineer a closer connection with you.
Ever since he first landed on Earth, Zim operated in the shadows, people always dismissed his schemes and missions as something rational, feeding his narcissism in isolation. Something he never thought about twice until he saw you do it, shrugging off his achievements as if they were nothing, it seemed you were completely oblivious. Igniting a burning, consuming rage in Zim.
Zim desperately craved your adoration, and the fact that you didn’t seem interested in him irked him. He wanted your recognition, he needed it. It infuriated him that someone like you didn’t submit to his authority and bow down to his undeniable greatness.
Zim’s frustration boiled over one day when he noticed you talking and laughing with a group of classmates, completely oblivious to the elaborate gadget he’d created to capture your attention.
He had spent hours designing a device that emitted a mesmerizing light, convinced no human could ignore it. But there you were, barely even glancing in his direction.
“How dare they ignore the brilliance of ZIM!” he muttered, clenching his fists.
Overtime his attempts became more extravagant, trying to get your attention and recognition. He couldn’t stand the idea of you paying more attention to those horrible stink creatures more than him.
He misinterpreted the smallest gestures as to a sign of your respect and appreciation, all you might do is thank him for helping with the project and he responds with, “See! Even you recognize the greatness of ZIM! Soon, the entire Earth shall follow your example!” He then tries to downplay his excitement, nervously adding, “I mean, it was no big deal...”
Then he decided the best way to understand you better was through close surveillance, observing your daily life, perhaps even employing microscopic cameras to monitor your every move. “Yes, yes, must keep track of the human… for strategic purposes, of course.” he muttered obviously while glued to his monitor.
As another desperate attempt, his gifts became increasingly bizarre and threatening, such as a sharp, glowing crystal that hummed faintly. “Human crystals for… decoration! Humans love shiny objects, right?” he asked anxiously awaiting your approval. However, rejection sent him into unpredictable fits of rage. “Why didn’t you appreciate my gift?!” he yelled, then softened, “I… I only wanted to make you happy, my precious human pet. Don’t you see?” His eyes gleamed with a sinister light, his tone both menacing and pleading.
Despite Zim’s manipulative antics, there were times he couldn’t quite hide his true feelings. Whenever you were around, he struggled to maintain his composure, his eyes darting nervously as he analyzed your every reaction.
Deep down, beneath his evil invader exterior, he wrestled with the unfamiliar feeling you unleashed inside him. The scary tightness in his chest whenever he watched you without your knowledge, the empty pit in his stomach when you paid attention to someone else. It was a battle between his need for absolute control and his growing infatuation with you. His mind became a prison, each thought of you a chain binding him tighter to his desires.
As Zim’s obsession with you consumed him, he found himself dwelling on thoughts of you at odd hours. Every interaction, every fleeting glance exchanged, became subject to his obsessive analysis. His focus on the invasion began to waver as thoughts of you occupied more and more of his mind. He couldn’t shake the feeling that understanding you held the key to something greater than conquest, something he couldn’t quite define but felt compelled to pursue relentlessly.
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Wally from Welcome Home or Zim from Invader Zim (your choice) with an s/o who seems to always have a headache no matter what, and it's rare they don't.
(this happens to me irl and I probably should get it checked out-)
Why not both? There's room for two!
(Yea that sounds like something you should see a medical professional about)
Wally and Zim x Reader who usually has a headache
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Wally Darling
★ Having no prior knowledge on what headaches feel, or what they even are, you need to explain the consent to him. It's not easy explaining the throbbing, constant, sharp or dull pain in your head to a puppet with no organs.
★ Once you get the concept across he's immediately worried. Oh you poor thing, do you need anything? Water?? bandaids?? A nap??? Wally is so in tune with you that when you feel bad he feels bad.
★ The fact that this happens regularly feels wrong to him. Pain isn't something a person should be familiar with, in his opinion. He feels bad about not being able to stop the pain :(
★ He visits frank for advice on how to help you with headaches. Most of the advice is decent, considering it's coming from someone with no organs and limited knowledge on humans.
★ Home is well aware of what to do when you get a particularly bad migraine. Close the blinds, try not to make any loud noises, don't let anyone inside and let wally take care of the rest.
★ Annoyed at you for constantly having a headache. If you don't feel good then why don't you just stop?? Bare with him, he doesn't know.
★ He doesn't understand that constantly having a headache isn't normal. So he just assumes that there's nothing wrong with you and this just happens to everyone.
★ If you tell him that it might be a medical issue you already know he's going to try and "fix" it. For your own safety don't let him. Even if he's 99.9% sure you won't die. Just no.
★ School and life in general always feels worse with a headache. Sometimes popping a Tylenol just doesn't help and you just feel like a wet roll of paper towels.
★ Depending on how long you've been with him one of two things could happen when you feel like this:
A. He lets you lay on his couch whilst skipping whatever school/work/social obligations you have. He brings you a bottle of water, then leaves. (Don't forget to call out if you're supposed to be at work)
B. He pulls a pair of fuzzy earmuffs from his pak and does all of the above, with the addition of staying and letting you lay your head in his lap.
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silkythewriter · 11 months
(Request rules)
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Hello to old followers and new ones who just stumbled upon my account!. I haven’t been active much recently if I’m being honest with you, but I think you can all tell if you check when I last posted! (╥﹏╥). I haven’t written in a while.. to say the least.. but I’d really like to give it another go!, my writings really rusty but I’m sure with time I’ll get the swing of it again!.
So this will be my new pin post, my introduction as well as stating all the new fandoms I’m in aswell ones I left! So updated rules basically!.
Let’s try this one last time shall we?
Hi! My names silky, or silkythewriter as my username states!.I just right for fun, mostly just silly head-canons or scenarios!.
Reminder to always request in my inbox! <3
Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, and scenarios!, please be sure to specify which you want in your request!.
Any romantic Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
Any platonic Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
Any angst Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
I do all genders and pronouns!, but mostly stick to gender neutral so everyone feel included.
I do allow extra details such as x chubby reader, x male reader, x female reader, and stuff like that!.
I do yandere’s!
(Parent figure) character! x (child) reader (PLATONICALLY ONLY.)
I do Poly relationships! Any amount at least if it doesn’t succeed the character limit!
Any heavy topics such as RA,SA,suicide,self harm, Ect.
Weird fetishes
Any uncomfortable topics and anything in the field of touchy subjects.
Match ups.
LMK = Lego monkie kid
Helluva boss
Hazbin hotel
Invader Zim
HXH = Hunter x Hunter
TMNT ( Rotmnt, and 2012!)
Gravity falls
Bojack horse man
Popee the Performer
Dc and marvel( maybe depending on the character because I don't watch their movies much)
Undertale ( any game or AU)
Super jail
Sally face
Metal family
Black butler
Death note!
My character limit is 4-5
I do all genders she/her.he/him,they/them,he/ they/she, etc!
I will do the same prompt with different characters!
You can mix characters from different fandoms in the same request like example: alastor, sally face,and etc ( separately) juts keep in mind the character limit!
I do headcanons and scenarios + oneshots!
Please be specific if you want a headcanon, oneshot, scenario,
Some fandom characters maybe out of character so please keep that in mind! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Cant wait to see what fun request I get! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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r0tt3n-corpse · 6 months
Another writing I did awhile back, not sure I really like this one but it’s fine 👍
Fandom: Invader Zim
(Invader Zim isn’t the only thing I write about I promise 💀)
Warnings: None!
Gender neutral human reader x Zim
You shifted in place and knocked on the door of the tall green-ish house, Zim's house. You've known Zim since school started, but only recently became what you'd call friends. Zim seemed to disagree with that statement, only using you to seem human and look over his plans since you were what he declared not so humbly, "smart, for a human." You were about to knock again when the door opened, Zim's parents opening the door. Gir, Zim's “dog”, waved to you from the couch, watching some show about monkeys.
          "Heyy, stranger!!" Gir says happily as you step past the robots, closing the door behind you. "Hello, Gir." You say plainly as you step away from them and into the empty kitchen. Looking around, the ceiling was full of wires and the kitchen was weirdly decorated. You pull out your phone, the text Zim send you a while ago telling, or more like ordering you, to come over still on it's screen. You still didn't know why he needed you, but you definitely had a hunch. You put it away and looked around again. Still no Zim.
           Or, you swore you didn't see him. A tap on your arm said otherwise about his whereabouts. Spinning on your heels, you're met with the harsh stare of the short alien as you look down. "Took you long enough!" Zim shouted at you, his gloved hands on his hips. His black wig was ruffled, he clearly had rushed to put his disguise on. You opened your mouth to respond sarcastically but Zim's sudden harsh grip on your wrist shut you up. "Ugh, never mind! Come on, I need you to look something over."
        The alien turned and attempted to pull you into his lab, but your height difference didn't help much. You kinda just stood there calmly for a moment, looking down at the Irken trying, and failing, to lead you by the hand. Calmly, you slipped your hand out of his grasp and just walked into the elevator that led to his lab with him, but not before he glanced distastefully at you from the corner of his vision, embarrassed. He seem a lot more nervous than usual, but then again he was always kind of awkward, especially when trying to act human.
     "So... what did you need?" You asked, looking around the lab when you got there. To be honest, you were surprised he even took you down here. Or you would've been if this was the first time. It was very much not. After Zim found out you were top of the class at Skool, and also the tallest kid there, he had for some reason developed some sort of respect for you. Either that, or he just used your knowledge to build his plans. It was... probably that one.
        Walking over to what seemed to be a table with some sort of poorly drawn Earth with an alien ship blowing it up, Zim pointed at the picture as if it was the most interesting thing ever. You rolled your eyes but walked over. "Human, er... y/n, you know of Earth's defenses, right? What are they??" He took a step back and looked around as if trying to figure something out. "It's for.. uh, a science project! Yes, a science project." Zim said confidently, stepping back over to the picture. You looked down at Zim's picture and with a shrug. You didn't know of "Earth's defenses", and you weren't sure why he thought you did. But you were bored, and if he was willing to believe whatever you said, you thought no harm would be caused if you just made something up. "Yeah, totally. I know of Earth's defenses, or... lack of them." You said with as dramatically as you could without bursting out in laughter.
          Zim gasped loudly, believing you. "Earth has no defenses?? No plan? How..." For a moment, Zim seemed excited and looked as if he was about to said "great" or something. But he quickly straightened himself up to regain his "human" look. "That is, erm, terrible. Just terrible." Zim said before turning and pushing you towards the elevator, only being able to move you because you were caught off guard. "Well, y/n, Zim is so terribly busy. I must work on studying more of Earth lack of protection, and, er, how to fix it!" Zim said as he managed to shove you into the elevator and wave you off, looking excited at the, false, discovery.
You finally burst out laughing as you once again walked pasted Gir and exited Zim's house, walking home. This would surely be exciting.
(After reading it back and fixing some things, I don’t think it’s that bad, just kinda hard for me to write in character sometimes)
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jupitermarz01 · 2 years
Y/n and dib talking..
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Y/n is inspired by Glitchy119 y/n in Wattpad
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marwolaeth-76 · 10 months
♡ Welcome to my blog ♡
!!Requests are open!!
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To make a request, please read at least a few of these rules: Query Sheet: -The request itself(more details) -writing format(history; hdecanon) -Gender (female/male/ indeterminate) -Fandom (if the character is not from the listed fandoms)
!!please write your queries without slangs and abbreviations, I am not a native English speaker and sometimes I don’t understand what you mean!!
❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ What I will and will not write! -Pedo -Incest ✿══════════♡══════════✿ What I will write! -Fluffs and soft requests -NSFW -Everything you want🩷
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-Attack on Titan♡
-Welcome to the Wayne♡
-Brawl Stars❀
-Cookie run♡
-Adventure Time♡
-Star vs the forces of evil❀
-Wander Over Yonder❀
-Invader zim❀
-Gravity Falls♡
^^You can make requests about other fandoms, I haven’t added all of them that I’m writing for^^
You can write your wishes now!!
Comments either in "ask me"
I have the right to refuse your request, I don’t explain the reason.
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amooo1023 · 2 years
He's talking about destroying earth to you!!<33
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Different types of pictures below.
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I had way too many ideas on the tints and the blush that i had too many pictures after. ALSO I KNOW I WILL DO MY REQUESTS JUST PLEASE INDULGE MY SHIT
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Luca (movie):
Smut: 🔞
angst: 💧
Spicy: 💦
Fluff: 💞
Death: 💀
Fem reader: ♀️
Male reader: ♂️
Gender neutral:🫂
Alberto having a tiny s/o 💞♀️
Forgotten Fish. {Alberto x reader} [Summary: Alberto gets so caught up with Luca he forgets about something more. So reader greaves about it alone.] 💧♀️
Alberto reacting to his s/o sitting in his lap resting her head on his chest. 💞♀️
Luca having a tiny s/o 💞♀️
Luca having his s/o sitting in his lap and her head resting on his chest. 💞♀️
Randy Cunningham:
Randy Cunningham dating his s/o {Headcannons} 💞 ♀️
Randy cunningham with a bully as a girlfriend. ♀️
Standing in the rain with you. 🖤 (Randy Cunningham x fem, sister of Howard! Reader) [Summary: Reader has a horrible day and Randy comes to the rescue.] 💧♀️
Invader zim:
VIRGIN! professor membrane x reader.🔞💦♀️
Different dimension lovers. [ Dib membrane x fem reader] {Summary: Reader crashes in the backyard of her previous boyfriend. But she in the wrong Dimension.} ♀️
Period cramps. [Dib x reader] {Summary: reader has period cramps and Dib's confused.} 💞♀️
Concept! Dib membrane x reader. ♀️
WEIRD! Dib membrane x Popular female! Reader♀️💦
Period cramps. {Summary: Readers having cramps and she needs cuddles.}
How the turtles sleep with their S/o. 💞 ♀️
Mating season. [ Summary: Leo is in mating season and he can't help but think about you and come over to your place for a "chat".}🔞💧💦🔪♀️
Mating season. (Summary: 2018! Leo is in mating season and reader helps, Sub!Leo) 🔞💧💦♀️
Love potion. ( Summary: Donnie is making a laughing potion to use on shredder henchman but something went wrong, but you aren't complaining.) 💞 🔞💦♀️
First time. (Summary: Donnie is masterbating in his room and you caught him.) 🔞💦💞♀️
Hyper: (Summary: Mikey needs to burn off energy so reader helps him.)
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pshenyasstuff · 5 months
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sivilvendetta · 4 months
This time, its a screechy space man lmfao
This was a commission I altered so more readers could relate, please enjoy! Zim X Female Reader
College AU!
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nexiscool · 3 months
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Wooooooooooo i doodled @pshenyasstuff 's human y/n annnnd Zim
Ive also experimented a little with colors on this one
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Nostalgia: do you really remember it that way? (Yandere Mini Event)
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We all remember series from yesteryear back when we were younger that have since faded from our memories…. or so we thought but they refuse to be completely forgotten.
Day 1:
Wander Over Yonder: Wander
6Teen: Wyatt Williams
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Wilt
Day 2:
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: Eris
Invader Zim: Zim, Dib
Osmosis Jones: Osmosis Jones, Thrax 
Day 3:
Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Milo James Thatch
Wizards of Waverly Place: Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo
Ever After High: Apple White, Raven Queen 
Day 4:
Firebreather: Duncan Rosenblatt
Free!: Nagisa Hazuki
Kim Possible: Kim Possible
Day 5:
YuYu Hakusho: Kazuma Kuwabara
Kim Possible: Shego
Day 6:
Fruits Basket: Kyo Sohma 
Total Drama: Duncan
Day 7:
Danny Phantom: Danny Fenton
Mad Father: Aya Drevis
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Invader Zim with an S/o that has a true crime addiction and can easily solve the cases halfway through before it's even near finished? (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Haha, I don't relate to this at all. Definitely haven't stayed up till sunrise watching interrogation videos on YouTube. Nope, couldn't be me.
Zim x Reader who likes true crime
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★ First things first, Gir cannot be in the same room as you when you listen to crime podcasts, documentaries and interrogation videos. You wouldn't want him to see all that violent stuff.
★ Zim doesn't pay a cent for the cable and streaming services he has. Don't ask him how he did it because it's probably illegal. Either way you now have access to many more documentaries and you don't have to go on shady website anymore.
★ When you first started solving the case before the show was over he was sure that you had seen it before. But no, you where just good at solving murders. He's a little impressed.
★ The two of you take turns picking what to watch when it's movie night. He likes to watch you solve whatever crime took place. He still gets a little creeped out when you point out what they should have done before they got caught.
★ " See that? He left a partial fingerprint on the glass, now they can compare it to prints in a database." This statement prompted him to collect samples of your fingerprints. For science!
★ Zims Computer has been used to look up, and has thus seen, so many atopsy and crime scene photos that it definitely desensitized by it now. You read through so many death certificates that you can understand doctors handwriting.
★ At first it would ask if you really wanted to see what you where looking up but now to just pulls up the photos without hesitation. Even photos you can't find on the sketchiest of websites are found.
★ Over time Zim might pick up the habit of listening to murder podcasts while working on something. Having a voice to listen to while he does some tedious tasks is nice, keeps him from getting bored. Plus the podcasts remind him of you.
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
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RC9GN x Reader
Part 1, Part 2
“Hey, (Y/n),” Bucky spoke, spooking said girl out of her stupor as the two walked to school.
"Huh?" (Y/n) question.
"How come you only ever talk to me? I'm sure other students would love to hear your ideas." Bucky said optimistically.
"You really think so?" (Y/n) asked, eyes shining.
"Maybe not, all of them-"
(Y/n) deflated, causing Bucky to wave his hands frantically.
"But that's because they're not for high schoolers! I mean the home alarm, your staff, those goggles on your head—"
"Hey, these goggles help me log important information and — okay, I see your point." (Y/n) deflated again.
"What if you made something to impress them?" Bucky asked with a snap of his fingers.
"Something to impress them..." (Y/n) thought out loud. "Oh! What about my mechanical spider limbs?" With that, eight mechanical limbs popped out of (Y/n)'s hoodie, lifting her off the ground and flipping her upside down.
"You look like Invader Zim," Bucky chuckled, walking past the, once again, deflated girl. The arms retracted suddenly. With quick thinking, (Y/n) flipped and landed on her feet, surprising Bucky. "Do you know any more cool moves like that?" He asked.
"I prefer to show off my intelligence rather than physical prowess. Sure it's nice to have the ability, but my superpower relies solely on my brain!" (Y/n) said as she pushed open the doors to the school.
"Then you should put that brain to good use," Bucky held out his hand for a fist bump.
(Y/n) reciprocated the fist bump and the two parted ways. (Y/n) walked to her science class, which she always had for 1st period on Mondays. Mrs. Driscoll greeted her with a grin.
"(Y/n)! Any new inventions?" Mrs. Driscoll asked with stars in her eyes. She puppeteered her late husband's skeleton to 'talk', "Your inventions are positively humorous!" Mrs. Driscoll laughed and smacked Jerry's chest.
(Y/n) smiled and placed her satchel on Mrs. Driscoll's desk. As she did so, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman happened to walk in. "Mrs. Driscoll, I present to you," (Y/n) held up a small box with a crescent-moon-shaped attachment, "the, still in Beta, the C.R.A.V.E.S, a system that, when placed against the user's teeth," (Y/n) put the device against Jerry's teeth. The machine beeped, "it tells you exactly what they were craving! For example, your husband was craving...scallops?" (Y/n) looked at the device in question.
Mrs. Driscoll sighed lovingly, "That was my Jerry."
(Y/n) shivered, she tucked her device away and walked to her seat at the back of the room.
"Who's that shoob?" Howard whispered to Randy.
More students began trickling in when Randy leaned close to Howard, "I have no idea, but she's pretty smart."
"A smart shoob is still a shoob," Howard said, pointing his pencil at Randy. Inside Randy's bag, the Nomicon quietly blinked red from behind its Math book cover, facing the direction of (Y/n).
As the final student, Bash (fashionably late as always), trickled in, Mrs. Driscoll began writing in the blackboard. "Welcome back, students!” She puppeteers her husband once more, “I hope your Spring Break was a bone-afide success!”
“Ha! Word play.” (Y/n) chuckled to herself. She sat at the back of the class, the two seats next to her empty while all the other seats were taken.
“And as a Welcome Back, I’m assigning your first projects of the next semester!” Mrs. Driscoll announced.
The students all groaned with the exception of (Y/n), “Oh, goody!”
“And since the school board has cut funding for the science department…again…this time you’ll be working in groups of three.” The words seemed to echo around the room. None of the students (with one exception) listened to the rest, as they were too busy deciding who to add to their group. Friends will be split, enemies made, alliances formed in blood… “You can now find your partners-“ with that, hell broke loose. Kids jumping over tables, holding back their friends to prevent a steal, throwing dangerous objects. It got to a point that Mrs. Driscoll hid herself and her husband under the desk.
“Cunningham! Save me!” Howard screamed as he was pulled into the wave of students.
“Hold oh, Big H!” Randy, without hesitation, jumped into the sea. His leg caught the strap of his backpack as he jumped, forcing the contents to be spilled all over the floor. The Nomicon hummed and blinked as students stepped and kicked it to the back of the room, the mask caught in its pages. With all of the abuse, the cover even came off, revealing its true cover to the world.
With a metallic THUD, the Nomicon hit the metal cabinet next to (Y/n). The girl let out a noise of surprise and looked up from her notebook. The Nomicon blinked softly as (Y/n) picked it up. Her hands traced the delicate patterns on the hard leather book, the feeling not uncomfortable to her hands like she imagined it would be. With a bit of remorse (Y/n) held the book away from her, “Oh, exotic book, what secrets you must hide—but alas! It is my code of honor to not open a book that does not belong to me…unless of course bought or received from a trusted source.”
The Nomicon flashed red, humming loudly.
(Y/n)’s eyes shone, “Maybe there’s an exception for glowing mystic books,” (Y/n) ran her fingers over the pages that begged to be opened. The Nomicon’s flashes got faster and louder, its pages flittering as they waited to be opened.
“Has everyone found their partners?” Mrs. Driscoll asked.
(Y/n)’s head shot up and with a sigh, she tucked the Nomicon into her satchel, the flap open to make for an easier grab. “Soon, my precious.”
In the middle of the room, Randy and Howard sat, rubbing their heads in pain. “Oh, good. Randy and Howard, you’ll be joining (Y/n).” Mrs. Driscoll announced once she saw they the three were, in fact, without partners. “(Y/n) has the highest grade in the class, so even you two should get a decent grade.” She chuckled.
“What?! But she’s a shoob!” Howard moaned.
“A shoob with the highest grade in the class! Howard, we can use this!” Randy whispered, excitedly. Both of the friends grabbed their bags and walked to (Y/n) at the back of the class.
“I don’t follow.” Howard whispered.
“We’ll act like total shoob’s, say we don’t know how to do the project, she’ll get annoyed with us, do the project and — BOOM, automatic A.” Randy smirked. The two sat down and a sudden flash of red distracted Randy. He looked down, spotting his Nomicon in (Y/n)’s bag. He nervously chuckled, “I-is, is that my book?” Randy asked, pointing at (Y/n)’s satchel.
“Huh?” (Y/n) looked down, at her bag. “Oh, it flew to the back, I didn’t know who it belonged to.” (Y/n) gently took the book out and traced the cover again. Shaking her head, she handed it back to Randy, “Where did you get it? I’d love to read it sometime, I’ve never seen anything like it.” (Y/n) spoke quickly, enamored by the book.
“Oh, it’s nothing just a little family history book. Old baby pictures, family trees—Really boring stuff, I’ll just take it off your hands.” Randy hurriedly took the book back, and shoved it in his own satchel. The Nomicon flashed brightly and loudly, angry at the turn of events.
“You bring family history books to school?” (Y/n) asked flatly.
“I-it’s for our History class! Some extra credit thing that you definitely don’t need!” Howard back his friend up, grinning awkwardly.
(Y/n) looked between the two skeptically, “Right…” with a quick hand, she opened her notebook to a fresh page and began writing, “So, ideas for our project?”
“Yes! Our project!” Randy grinned, winking at Howard.
“Totally love that project! I can’t wait to…do our project!” Howard added in a fake excited voice.
(Y/n) sighed out of annoyance, “You don’t know what the project is, do you?”
“Not. A. Clue.”
(Y/n) gripped the bridge of her nose, “Super,” she gritted out through clenched teeth. “Cool, cool, cool. Cool, cool, cool.” She angrily closed the notebook and stood. “Why don’t I work on the project and you two do the report? All you have to do is write what the robot does AFTER I give it to you.” (Y/n) commanded as she pointed to Randy and Howard.
“But what do we—“
“You write down what it does!” (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I will give you a list of what it does. All you have to do is write a well written report.” (Y/n) began walking out of the room, “Even though my robot will be A plus guaranteed,” she whispered cockily.
“Those who are building, go to Mr. Smith’s metal shop for your basic design! Everyone’s who’s writing a report please go to the library!” Mrs. Driscoll announced after seeing (Y/n) leave.
“Automatic A—“ Howard started, raising his hand.
“Here. We. Come!” Randy punctuated each word with the next step in their secret handshake. They ended with their signature turn and pose.
The Nomicon angrily blinked, catching Randy’s attention. Picking up his bag, Randy held up a finger to Howard, “Give me just one second,” he whispered. He ran out of the room and into a Janitor’s closet. “Alright, Nomicon, I only got a few minutes before Driscoll realizes I’m not in the library, so be quick about it—“ the Nomicon flew open suddenly, causing Randy to lose consciousness and ‘Vloomp’ into the Nomicon.
Randy screamed as he fell through the artistic clouds and through the painted leaves on the two dimensional tress. With a couple of bounces, Randy finally landed against a tree trunk. “What the juice, Nomicon?!”
A painted scholar walked through the trees, smiling at Randy. Or at least, to the person behind him.
A painted ninja stepped through the trees behind Randy and walked up to the scholar. The ninja gave the scholar a piece of paper, and folded his arms. The scholar read the paper and nodded at the ninja. The trees fell backwards, blending into the floor as more of scene became exposed. The scholar walked to his small house. The sun rose and fell in flashes, showing how long the scholar was in his house. The sun rose once more, staying in the air as the scholar left the house, this time with a small box. He presented it to the ninja and began talking. No words or letters left his mouth, the only thing Randy could hear was soft flutes as the scholar spoke.
The ninja waved his hand and took the box, smokebombing away. The trees on the other side of Randy fell, blending into the floor, further increasing the scene. There was a small town with a large flying serpent terrorizing the village. With a puff of smoke, the ninja stood in front of the serpent. He opened the box and pulled out a smaller box with a button. The ninja looked at the box in question then pressed the button…nothing happened. He pressed it again and again…still nothing. The serpent AND the townsfolk all laughed at the ninja as he sulked. Colorful words flew out of the box and presented themselves over the ninja’s head.
“Neglect the brain and the heart becomes vulnerable.” Randy read aloud. “Uh, that scholar clearly sabotaged the ninja! I mean, who gives someone a box that doesn’t do anything?” Randy asked.
The ninja and scholar looked at each other unimpressed. The ninja pulled out his sword and the scholar…why is he holding a Bō staff? The two quickly ran to Randy and simultaneously attacked him.
With a gasp and a bump to the head, Randy left the Nomicon. He rubbed his head and looked behind him to see the shelf he bumped his head on.
Randy peeked his head out of the Janitors closet and rushed out before anyone could see him, bag in hand.
“Someone get the Ninja!”
Randy gasped at the sudden cries for help. With no one in the hall, this was the perfect time to put his Ninja suit on.
“Looks like it’s Ninja o’clock!” Randy reached into his bag…except…
Randy’s heart fell into his stomach as his hand missed the soft fabric of the mask. He glared down at the bag, and upon not seeing the mask immediately, Randy overturned his bag and emptied the contents. The only object that was matching to the mask in color was the Nomicon.
“Sweet cheese, I lost the Ninja mask!”
I swear I can hear the music starting and cutting out at the end. Also if you saw the lesson in the first chapter before I edited it, no you didn’t.
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