#inu protects
deilantha · 4 months
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parakavka · 2 months
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(1) NAHOKO on X: "新しいレインコート着たらこんな顔になりました。 #柴犬 #保護犬 https://t.co/1KJPolNy1s" / X
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marsmulti · 7 months
Inuyasha's life before canon is exceptionally tragic to me.
He was born into grief. His father gave his life for him to be born, and his mother too, though her's was a lengthier death. She gave up her status and any acceptance she might have found, in favor of raising him. After she died, Inuyasha had NO ONE. He was a child, and he was all alone, knowing firsthand that there was absolutely no one in the world who wanted him. In fact, every human and demon he's ever encountered has made it clear they wish he would die, or that he'd never been born.
He has to live with this, knowing that the entire world is factually against his existence.
So he learns to be tough. He grows spines to protect himself and he lashes out first. It's too painful to hope, but he still does. It's too painful to try and connect, but he still does...
In spite of all the anguish and cruelty he has suffered, his heart remains kind. He can't bring himself to hate, the way that they hate him. He was born of love and it lives inside him, protecting him so that he can still be vulnerable, so that he can still find love, in spite of it all.
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creative-hanyou-girl · 4 months
You guys know on how InuYasha, the few times he talks about it, badmouths his father and says he doesn't care to avenge his death when he battles Ryukoltsei?
I wonder if InuYasha starts to regret his mindset towards his father once he himself becomes a father. Or at the very least, he starts to understand his father better. Especially if you want to go by the Movie 2 canon where part of Toga's death was from protecting InuYasha and his mom.
Just makes me wonder if InuYasha looks at Moroha or any of his other children and has the thought that it'd break his heart if any of his kids felt resentment towards him like he felt for his own father, especially when everything he ever does is to protect them. And I wonder if it makes InuYasha start to look at his father's memory differently, now that he's a parent himself and would do anything and everything to protect his kids, even if it meant dying and leaving them without a father.
Not that he'd go and try to get himself killed, as he wants to actually be alive so they don't have to grow up like he did, but you know he'd sacrifice himself if it meant his children could live, just like his father did for him (according to movie 2).
I don't know, I just wonder if InuYasha starts to ever regret the way he looked at his father's memory back when he was a teen once he becomes a father to Moroha and starts to understand his father's actions as a parent now that he himself is a parent. Ya know what I mean?
#not that Inuyasha will ever have to worry about missing his daughter's life because nothing bad ever happens to break any of them apart#and the same for any other potential children he and Kagome has#its just a hypothetical#Yashahime? i don't know her#all I know is Teenage InuYasha vs. Papayasha#and how differently the 2 must have thought on the same topics#like their father. and how InuYasha felt so bitter or angry at his dad for leaving him in the name of protecting him#while simultaneously secretly yearning and missing the opportunity to know him#versus Papayasha who looks at Moroha & any other potential kids with the overwhelming understanding that they are his whole world#and he'd do anything to protect them. including laying down his life if it came down to it#& how he realizes that his father felt the same way for him & in that way Inu starts to understand his father in ways he didn't before#but he also understands how hard it is to survive without a parent esp. as a hanyou & refuses to let himself get killed battle-#-leaving Moroha and his other kids at the mercy of struggling in the world without his protection#so he resolves himself that. while he is willing to die for his kids. he must work even harder to STAY ALIVE for them above all else#so that they never have to grow up without him and wonder if he even cared or why he wasn't with them#the way he did with his own father#inuyasha#inukag#moroha#moroha higurashi#inukag child#inukag baby#inukag family#inu no taisho#inuyasha family#inuyasha movie 2#inuyasha headcanons#inuyasha theory#post canon
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kinglyisms-archived · 9 months
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I still need to write up a profile on Abarith's Forest, but for anyone who is curious, the Forest is where you can find the Wolf Pack and the Dragon siblings.
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wonustars · 2 months
𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖶𝖺𝗒 𝗈𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖧𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝖧𝗎𝗌𝖻𝖺𝗇𝖽 (Teaser)
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𖥔 pairing: kim mingyu x reader 𖥔 wordcount: ~15k+ (this teaser: 599) 𖥔 genre: fake marriage au!, fluff, angst, smut (18+ mdni)
𖥔 reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated ♡! tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, and they help writers like me to get better reach. thank you!
𖥔 summary: you and mingyu (a former mafia member and also your ex-fiancè's former best friend) are forced into witness protection. All you’ve been told is that you’re meant to act like a happily married couple. Pushed into a cookie cutter house, and a suburban neighbourhood far from the city, where people bring you baked goods on your first day and partake in small talk, it’s all foreign and new. There’s so many things you don’t know about him, but for a man who’s only known violence and all things illegal, he’s somehow the perfect house husband.
𖥔 tags: fake relationship/marriage!au, non-idol!au, mafia!au, afab!reader, norbert is readers cat (more tags when the fic is posted) 𖥔 release date: may 14 or 15, 2024 𖥔 author's note: if i end up posting after the predicted dates plz do not crucify me 🙏 ik a lot of people have been waiting for this one so i'd thought i post a teaser since i have 2-3 chapters left till its finally finished. thank you to all of those who sent in their ideas and to those who've shown so much interest in this story :") i really hope it lives up to your expectations!! see u soonest - anna ♡ !!!!
𖥔 keep reading
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The first few days at the new house were uneventful and awkward to say the least.
Mingyu spent the majority of his time doing random housework, he thought that if he had to live here for a year, then he should at least try and make it as “homely" as possible. 
Many of the women in the neighbourhood had deemed Mingyu as their new eye-candy. Despite the fact that he wore his pink shibu inu apron while tending to the garden at the front of the house. They would especially make sure to take multiple laps around the block during their group walks, drooling over his toned muscles as he began to plant an array of flowers on the lawn. 
Mingyu isn’t very observant when it comes to people finding him attractive, believe it or not. He automatically assumes that the wives of Bridgewater just wanted to get to know the new couple that just moved in. 
“What a beautiful garden you have!” one of the wives called out from the sidewalk, her eyes glinting with appeal. 
“Thank you, It’s not done just yet, but I think we’re finally getting somewhere,” Mingyu smiles bashfully. 
“Of course dear. You know if you’re ever free you should come and take a look at my garden,” another lady giggles, her innuendo flying right over Mingyu’s head.
The group of fourty plus year old women all giggle like school girls as they watch his face turn red with flattery. Mingyu scratches the back of his head awkwardly as they bid him good-bye, curious as to what they group of women thought was so funny about him taking a look at their gardens. It’s all just a bunch of flowers isn’t it? 
The sound of your car’s engine brings Mingyu out of his thoughts, his gardening tools forgotten by the piles of dirt he left. You lug Nortbert’s carrier as you walk into the house, acknowledging his presence with a small nod. His pink aprons raises a few questions in your head, but you decide not to comment on it. 
“Oh hey you’re back, is he ok?” Mingyu asks, motioning to the carrier you hold in your hand. 
Halting your steps, your eyes widen as you realize that he’s talking to you, there wasn’t much conversation between the two of you since you’ve moved in. so you found it a little surprising that he’s asking about Norbert, the cat who tends to show lots of aggression towards him. 
“Morning. He’s ok, I just took him for his check up at the vet,” you shrug before entering the house. 
You leave the conversation there. There wasn’t much else to say anyways, and you had a lot of work to get to before the end of the day. If Mingyu feels a little bit ignored by your actions, he doesn’t make it noticeable, going back to working on his garden. 
From across the yard, neither you of Mingyu notice Seungkwan’s looming figure as he and Vernon enjoy the Friday morning sun. He watches the two of you from his porch with a quirked eyebrow. They’re awfully awkward for newly weds, he thinks to himself. 
“Nonie, don’t you think they’re a little weird?” Seungkwan nudges his boyfriend, who’s mumbling to himself while Vernon reads his book. 
Vernon quirks up, moving his headphones a little to hear what his boyfriend has to say, “huh? Sorry I was reading, what’d you say?” 
“Nothing, go back to your book love,” Seungkwan mumbles, his eyes still darting back and forth from your descending figure and Mingyu, his suspicions spiking once more.
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cheollipop · 1 year
chicken noodle soup
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navi | taglist | pt.2
pairing: choi san x gn!reader
w.c.: 2.0k
tags: sick fic, fluff, so much fluff, I warned you
After a whole day without a peep from your boyfriend – someone who couldn't go an hour without talking to you – you make your way to his apartment. Panicked, you walk in, only to find him battling with a cold, hair greasy and dishevelled. Tucking him into bed, you make him soup and nurse him back to health with as many kisses and cuddles needed to see those dimples breaching the soft skin of his cheeks.
A/N: when I finished writing this, I definitely did not scream into a pillow while kicking my feet. and I absolutely was NOT smiling and giggling the whole time I was proofreading it either.
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Your keys rattled and chimed in the empty hallway as you unlocked the door with the spare key your boyfriend had given you. You weren’t sure what to expect exactly – was he kidnapped, did someone break in and hurt him? He was a strong man, fully capable of protecting himself, but what if he had been ambushed? You battled these thoughts and begged them out of your mind as you stepped into your boyfriend’s apartment. No blood on the floor. You almost sigh in relief. But also no San in sight.
He often reminded you of a puppy on crack, unable to contain all the energy and excitement rushing through his system. He couldn’t go an hour without texting you – asking about what you were doing, sending you random selfies with his face smushed against the camera, spamming you with pictures of a cat he saw on the street, using anything and everything as an excuse to talk to you. So him going missing for a whole day? It’s definitely a reason to panic.
A door opened to your right – the bathroom. It’s too late to hide. The intruder will take you just like he took San.
A mop of greasy hair peeked out of the doorway; eyes wide as they took in your presence. You finally let out that sigh. San. You moved forward to wrap your arms around him, but he stepped back.
“I’d keep your distance babe, I’m pretty gross.” His voice was hoarse, eyebrows furrowing as he swallowed around his dry throat. You took in his appearance, hair sticking up, left, right, anywhere but down, his eyes bloodshot and teary, nose sniffling. You’d think he was crying if it weren’t for the painful bob of his adam’s apple as he tried to swallow around his inflamed throat.
“Are you sick? San, why didn’t you call me?” You covered his forehead with your palm, heat searing through your skin upon contact.
He sniffed. “It’s just a cold. I didn’t want you to worry.” You almost leaned in and kissed the pout off his lips, but you managed to stop yourself.
“Oh, Sannie.” You noticed the sway of his limbs as he used up the last of his energy to remain upright, taking one of his hands and moving towards his bedroom. “Let’s get you into bed.”
You moved the ladle around in the pot, watching the different veggies swim in the simmering broth, overlapping with the noodles and chicken. Your mind was elsewhere, stuck worrying about the man you tucked into bed two hours ago; still sleeping soundly, even with a stuffy nose. You felt silly fretting over a simple cold, but seeing San drained of all the energy he loved sharing with everyone around him was not something you were used to. You heard him cough a few times as you poured the soup into his favourite bowl – Shiba Inu’s decorating the glossy exterior. Placing it on a tray, you peeked your head through his bedroom door, checking on the slumbering man inside.
“Hello,” his gravelly voice greets you.
“Good morning, princess,” you smile, placing the tray on his nightstand, switching on the lamp. The light was bright enough for you not to trip over his mess and die, but dim enough not to hurt his sensitive eyes.
You helped him sit up against his headboard, his head tilted sideways to watch as you pull his gaming chair away from his desk, using it to sit by his bed.
“Have you always been this pretty, or is it the cold doing something to my vision?”
Your cheeks flushed, and your hands fumbled to grab the spoon set next to the bowl, the tray resting evenly over your thighs. The liquid rippled at your movement and San’s lips quirked upwards, dimples dipping into the skin of his cheeks. You scooped some soup into the spoon, blowing softly at the steaming liquid before bringing it to San’s mouth, hand cupped under his chin. He let out a prolonged moan as he swallowed, closing his eyes and shaking his head slowly in delight – an exaggeration. He stopped as his headache panged harder against his temple, pressing his fingers against it, eyes scrunched shut.
“Idiot,” you said. A cute idiot, your brain added.
His hand clutched his chest, eyes opening to peer at you. “Is this how you treat a sick man, (Y/n)? I’m hurt.”
“You have a cold. You’re not dying.” You poked his cheek, where his dimple would usually be.
You resisted the urge to kiss his pouty lips yet again, your fingers twitching around the spoon you were holding idly. This task was becoming more and more difficult by the second. You settled on pinching his cheek, fingers slipping to stroke against his jawline. You shared the comfortable silence, gazing into his droopy eyes, tracing lines down his jaw, and circles on the high of his cheek.
Then he sneezed. Everywhere. And again, the second one ripping through his chest in a way that must have hurt.
He babbled apologies as you grabbed the tissue box by his bedside. “Baby, blow your nose.” You stifled a laugh as you watch him do as you said, wiping your own hands with wet wipes you pulled out of his nightstand drawer. You pull another wipe out, reaching over to San’s sulky face, running it over his skin. The wrinkles between his eyebrows smoothed, savouring the cool touch of the wipe across his heated skin. You couldn’t help yourself, leaning in and planting a soft peck against his forehead, and his cheek, then his other one.
“Babe, stop,” he complained, half-heartedly trying to push you away, yet the smile splitting his face betrayed him.
“Stop what?” you pressed your lips to the corner of his, straying down to his chin, his jaw, then back up to his nose, eyelids. Then you started over, back at his forehead.
How could he pretend not to enjoy the softness of your lips against his skin? All he wanted was to pin you down and smother you with his love, and yet he couldn’t get you sick. Even though you got all whiny and needy, clinging onto him and nuzzling into his chest, claiming he was warmer than all your blankets combined. He did contemplate it, for a few seconds maybe, but ultimately decided against it. And yet, he would never deny the love you gave him.
“You know, I heard mouth-to-mouth helps get rid of colds reaaal quick.” The corners of his mouth tilted upwards, staring up at you through hooded eyes, drunk on kisses.
“Oh, really?” You couldn’t help but smile, endeared by this sudden change in attitude. He leaned closer to your face, lips puckering.
You shoved a spoonful of soup in his mouth, laughing as his eyes went wide, trying his best to swallow the liquid without choking.
“Ya! What was that for?”
“Keep your cold to yourself, Choi San,” you narrowed your eyes at him, eventually giving in and letting the smile you’d been hiding back stretch your mouth. You swear he will be the reason you’d get premature wrinkles in your smile line.
You fed him the rest of the warm liquid in silence. San’s head rested against the wooden headboard, eyes trained on you, not even looking at the spoon as you pushed it towards him. He trusted you wouldn’t let it spill on him. Besides, your face was too distracting – the way the tip of your tongue breached the corner of your lips in concentration, how your eyebrows furrowed and you’d mutter his name o’ so softly whenever San would get too absorbed in watching you to open his mouth, when your eyes lit up after he swallowed the last of the soup you had made for him. Everything about you was distracting, from the way your fingers softly worked to clean his mouth with a napkin, to the smile stretching your face, the corners of your eyes crinkling.
“You’re so beautiful,” he blurted out.
You were taken aback, eyebrows raising in surprise at the sudden statement. Blood rushed to your cheeks, and the butterflies battled within your stomach.
“Is this the cold speaking?”
“No. It’s me,” his face remained neutral, eyes focused on you. “You’re the most beautiful person I have ever had the honour of laying my eyes on, inside and out. You always will be; I don’t think a person more beautiful than you will ever exist.”
Your lips parted, then closed, then opened again. You didn’t know what to say. What could you say? That whenever you were with him, he flooded your senses with joy, happiness, comfort? That his face alone could light up your whole world, and you felt like you could weather any storm so long as he remained by your side? And when he spoke so softly to you, throwing the sweetest phrases at you like it were nothing, you felt like you were being ripped apart from the inside by the voilent fluttering of butterflies in your stomach?
Love is you, was all you could think in that moment.
Before you could think of a response, a shiver ran through his body, his limbs shaking with the force of it. You stood up, tray in your hands. “I’ll grab some more blankets for you.” He took a hold of your wrist before you could move to the door.
“Don’t go. I’m okay.”
You hesitate.
“Just cuddle with me.”
You finally realized the power Choi San held over you as you carded your fingers through his matted locks. His face nuzzled against your collarbone, arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Limbs tangled up under the thick comforter, you eased yourself down onto the pillow under your head, fingers scratching against San’s scalp. He hummed, soft puffs of air warming your skin. You felt him plant soft kisses along your neck, smiling against the column of your throat.
“Are you feeling better, Sannie?”
“Mm, my head still feels funny.”
You smiled, placing a kiss against the crown of his head, resting your lips there for a couple seconds before pulling back.
“Much better,” he purred, planting a peck of his own onto the nearest patch of skin to his lips.
You giggled, fingers continuing their ministrations against his scalp. The both of you laid there, bodies a tangled mess, breathing the same air, empty bowl of soup forgotten on the nightstand.
Soon, San’s grip around your waist would ease, his breathing growing even, body slumping against yours. You would lay there, marveling in the soft snores vibrating through the quiet room. He would deny this with his very being the next morning, but you’ll play along, keeping the voice notes you secretly recorded to yourself – perhaps sharing them with Wooyoung later on. Because just as adorable San was when he was sulky, you couldn’t help but try to keep him smiling. You would do anything to keep those dimples on show, every second of every day, for as long as he would allow you to remain by his side.
Soon, you’d sense your own drowsiness tugging at your eyelids until they fell shut. Your fingers would gradually cease their movements, stilling against his head, trapped between the soft strands. You’d nestle your face against San’s, unbothered by the germs that would soon sneak their way into your system. He’d take care of you if you ended up catching his cold, you were sure of it. Because just as much of an idiot San was, he never failed to make you feel safe, cared for, loved.
You surrendered yourself to the grip of sleep, San’s warm skin sending bolts of heat coursing through your body. Slipping into a comfortable slumber, your dreams – as usual – revolved around the man you were so helplessly infatuated with.
apply for my tag list here (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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monodreamin · 7 months
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Rated: M (18+)
Genre: smut, fluff, one shot
Synopsis: after a bad break up you meet a handsome man in a dog park.  
Warnings: one ass smack, protected sex, cute nicknames and penetrative sex. 
Words: 3,049
Author’s note: I wanted to write something more soft and with autumn vibes. I just haven’t written in so long and wanted to put this out before winter. I mean it hasn’t snowed for me yet so I don't count it as winter yet lmao.
It was a cold crisp early autumn morning and you were walking your dog Jax, a Shiba Inu breed. Your ex boyfriend got you while on a trip to Japan. Your ex boyfriend left you with the dog he was yours anyway. The break up was a nasty one with your ex boyfriend. Ever made time with you he was either busy with work or hanging out with his loser friends you disliked so much.
Things weren’t always like this you once both loved each other very much after dating for 2 years decided to love in and build a life together you always wanted a dog so on a business trip to Japan your boyfriend got you Jax for your birthday you cried holding the small puppy in your arms the best birthday gift ever. 
Let’s be real, you felt like shit your boyfriend came over last night to pick up his stuff. He was moving in with his best friend, the one you hated because he was so far up your boyfriend’s ass honestly he should have dated him instead. 
When you and your ex boyfriend would get into heated fights  and he was anywhere nearby he was always picking a side and it was always his best friends of course even when he couldn’t be anymore wrong that was the bro code shit these men spoke of because it just didn’t make any sense to you. 
You were holding Jax's red leash as you entered the dog park. You could hear the fall leaves underneath your shoes crunch as you walked on the leaves that have fallen from the trees. 
You had a hand holding a hot coffee while the other held your dog’s leash tightly when suddenly a small black dog a mini pinscher breed it  jumped on top of your dog and it scared you a bit not knowing if they were playing or not you were paying to much attention to the two dogs in front of you that your hot coffee spilled all over your jeans. 
“FUCK” you yelled out feeling the coffeee seep through your pants burning your thigh. “I’m so sorry, is everything ok?” You heard a deep Aussie accent and as you looked up you saw the most beautiful man you ever came across. 
“Let me help you, I'm so sorry about that.” He rushed over with a stack of napkins handing them to you. You pressed the napkins to your thigh on the wet spot but your eyes never left his. 
“Lori come here” he lifted the dog up in his arms. Something about a man with a dog since your ex boyfriend wasn’t a dog person he just got you the dog because he thought it would keep you company and leave him be with his friends. 
“It’s ok I just got burned a bit by the coffee but I’ll be ok.” He opened his mouth in a gasp. 
“That is not ok let me make it up to you  I’ll get you a coffee. I’ll also get Lori here a new leash here since hers snapped. 
You watched the man be all lovey woth hos dog and it warned your heart instantly. “I can come with you if you don’t mind Jax here needs a new bowl.”
“Really? Well then let’s head over there now if you don’t mind” 
“So I know your dog’s name Lori and you know my dog Jax bit that is your name? My name is YN by the way.”
“My name is Christian I usually don’t let my dog loose I’m a responsible pet owner I promise but her leash unexpectedly broke and well she’s a playful dog and so when she saw the only other dog at the dog park she got a bit excited.”
“I see that it’s ok really.” You self consciously put a strand of your hair over your ear. 
“Well I’m a bit glad things happened the way they did I mean minus the hot coffee spilling on you.”
“So to the pet store then to the cafe to get my coffee? You owe me.” You joked.
“I’m a man of my word YN.” The both of you walked out the dog park making your way to the pet store. 
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Christian looked through the dog leashes and decided on a black one you could see him testing out its strength. 
“I’m sure you’re good with that one.” You teased walking toward another aisle full of all types of pet bowls they had: stainless steel, ceramic, plastic, double bowls, elevated dog bowls the list went on and on.  
“Having a hard time picking one?” It was now Christian’s turn to tease you. 
“Well it’s much harder than picking from leashes I’ll tell you that.” 
“Ppft I digress.” Christian picked up a stainless steel double bowl and walked to the counter. 
You followed behind him “you needed a bowl too?”
“No, since I saw you having a difficult time I picked one.”
“That was nice of you thanks.” 
You both walk out and this time Lori is on her leash. Christian is still holding the brown paper bag with the bowl in it. 
“So the next stop is the cafe?” 
“Yes the cafe it is but let’s do outdoor seating since we have the dogs with us.”
“I mean that makes a lot of sense to me.” Christian smiles. 
The both of you walk two blocks down from the pet store and there is the cafe.
“Two… or should I say an outdoor table for four since we have our furry friends.” Christian says and we are seated by an older woman outside. 
“Are you ready to order?” The cute older lady says. 
“One iced americano and….” He looks at you for your order. 
“Hot coffee light and sweet three sugars please.” 
“Ok and I’ll bring some treats for the furry friends too.” The lady leaves. 
“She’s nice.” You say. 
“I feel like dog people are usually nice people.” Christian looks under the table at the two dogs who are lying peacefully on the ground. 
“I think we tired them out today.” Christians head pops back up from underneath the table. 
“I mean we walked everywhere maybe that’s why.”
“So tell me about yourself, where do you work? Do you have a boyfriend?” 
“ I work in marketing and no I don't. I had one but not anymore. You?” 
“ I work in the arts so painting and sculptures mostly. I don’t have a girlfriend I haven’t in a year.” 
“Oh that sounds so cool and why not? You’re very good looking and with that accent I’m sure you have no problems.” 
 Christian laughs when the older lady returns this time with a tray and two drinks she places the drinks on the table and gives the dogs treats. 
“Enjoy the drinks, anything else I can get you?” 
“No, we're done for now thank you so much .” You say. You both are sipping from your hot drinks. 
“When you truly love someone and have your heart broken it takes time to heal.” Christian continues the conversation. 
“I get it well I just got out of a serious relationship “
The both of you continue to talk about life and other things. You looked at your phone and you have been at the cafe for an hour now. 
“I should get going now, you know shower from the coffee that spilled on me earlier.”
“Let’s exchange phone numbers.” So the both of you did and you were on your way “I’ll walk you home if you don’t mind” Christian still held on to the paper bag he was such a gentleman. 
You and Christian walk along with your dogs. “Ok well this is me right here thank you for walking with me.” You say as you stand in front of your apartment building. 
“Let’s stay in touch.” He simply says and with that Lori  leads the way. You watch him for a bit then head upstairs to your apartment with Jax. 
When you reach your apartment you use the key to open your door to your surprise you see your ex boyfriend on the couch. 
“What are you doing here?” You were highly annoyed by his presence. 
“I got the last of my stuff and to return the key.” 
“Ok well thanks I won’t live here long anyway.” 
“Why not? And where were you?” Why did he care about you and what you were doing? He just needed to be on his way. 
Jax stood in front of you very protectively. 
“What does it matter to you? We aren’t even dating anymore.” 
“Are you seeing someone else?”
“You have no right to ask me that it’s none of your business.” You raised your voice and Jax started to bark at him. 
How dare this man be back at your apartment without a heads up and he had the nerve to be jealous when you broke up with him 2 weeks ago. 
“If you aren’t seeing someone it would be a simple question to answer but you can’t because you’re with someone else already I know it just tell me.” 
“You are sick and twisted, you know that? It is none of your concern what I do, who I say or who I don’t see now, get out of my apartment right now.” 
Jax barks got louder and your ex boyfriend got up from the couch throwing the key over your head. What a dick and he just reassured you that breaking up with him was the right thing to do. You wouldn’t ever go back to that. 
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A month has passed since your break with your ex boyfriend and you had been texting Christian daily. It was cute flirty texts and getting to know each other better. Mostly you haven’t seen each other since the cafe date your break up felt so fresh you couldn’t move on just yet. 
You have been looking for new apartments because you thought moving from this old space you shared with your ex boyfriend would help in the moving on process. You reached out to a few realtors on some properties and waited for them to contact you for a viewing. 
You were getting ready for bed when Christian texted you again. You smiled as you read his text. He couldn't wait to see you tomorrow you replied and put your phone on the nightstand smiling to yourself you couldn’t wait to spend time with him again soon. 
You went to sleep and were awakened in the morning by your alarm clock. You hit the stop button getting up from your bed and you start to get ready for work where you will be counting down the minutes for when you’ll see Christian again. The day hasn’t even begun and you knew you would be dreading it. 
You finished your work for the day but acted as if you were busy with someone before you were given an extra task you didn’t want not today you had plans and you were excited for those plans you kept looking at the time hoping it would pass faster. 
It was 5:30 PM and you were clocking out. You had to rush to the train to get home to shower and get dressed for your… well not date you didn’t know what it was you and Christian haven’t discussed that yet and you both were just enjoying each other's company. Sometimes you would make out but before it got too intense, always stop yourself. You weren’t fully healed from your breakup and it didn’t feel right to have sex with another man in the apartment you once shared. 
Lucky you the train pulled up on the platform as soon as you finished climbing the stairs. You got on the train and saw a seat so you sat down. Today was your lucky day. Indeed, you checked your phone to see Christian had sent you a photo of him at his art studio. The man was gorgeous. He was so focused on his sculpture donning black frames to get a better look of his work. 
You almost missed your stop because you were  too enthralled with the photo. You grabbed your purse and rushed out before the doors could close. You had 3 blocks to walk before you were home to get ready and you were speed walking. You had a lot to do and you didn’t want to keep him waiting. You reach your building and let out a sigh of relief time to get pretty, you thought to yourself. You laid your clothes on the bed and stepped in the shower. You knew exactly what makeup and hair style you wanted. You got out the shower in your towel and started to prepare for… whatever this is. 
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror making sure everything was looking right then headed quickly out the door. You met up with Christian at the bowling alley and then after had sushi for dinner. You weren’t talkative and Christian seem to pick up on it. 
“Is everything alright?” He asked, popping some sushi into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry I’m so quiet, I'm just in my mind too much.”
“We’ll talk to me, what's on your mind right now darling?” 
Your heart thumped harder at the nickname. 
“Well…” you blushed, picking at your California roll with the chopsticks.
“Are you not into the date?”
There it goes he said it a date this is a date all your worries and headache went away with one simple word date you smiled 
“No, I love it and thanks for the date.” You drank the rest of the sake and started to eat and become more engaged with Christian now that he put your worries at ease. 
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The date was done and you both had a great time and decided to head back to your place. Jax eagerly greeted Christian since they have become very much acquainted. 
“Hey Jax, did you miss Y/N? I’m sorry I kept her from you but she’s here now.” 
Jax jumped on your lap and you started to scratch his head. The both of you sat on the couch talking and taking turns petting Jax.  After a while Jax was asleep and you put him on the couch next to you. 
“I bet Lori misses you too.”
“My mom is taking care of her now.”
“Really why?”
“I’m leaving this weekend I have an art show. I was wondering if you would like to attend with me?”
“Of course I’m sure my mom won’t mind dog sitting for me.”
Christian leaned over kissing you unexpectedly but you reacted by kissing him back. The both of you were all each other on the sofa. 
“Let’s take this to my bedroom.” You said leading the way. The both of you went straight to the bed clothes were being removed and thrown on the floor. 
The both of you were naked and you laid in the middle of the bed Christian’s hands caressing your body. Something caught Christian’s eyes on your nightstand and you quickly knew what it was your vibrator that you had used earlier in the day you forgot to put it away. 
“Oh babe I see you were having fun without me.” He grabbed the vibrator turning it on. 
“I think I’ll have more fun with you now.”  You spread your legs giving him access to you. Christian smirked as he pressed the vibrator over your clit. 
“Is that ok?” He moved the vibrator in a circular motion. 
“Put it higher.” You bit your lip watching him work the vibrator on you. 
“I think you need more than a vibrator.” He said and you looked down at him and saw his erected cock. 
“You’re right about that I’m tired of my hands and vibrator.” 
“Well I can be of some assistance to you.” Christian got his pants from the floor and went in his pants pockets pulling out a condom. 
“I know you can.” You watched as he put the condom on then picked up the vibrator again placing it back on your clit this time with higher speed. 
You moaned at the high speed vibrating perfectly against your clit. Soon after Christian entered you slowly as he kept the vibrator pressed against you , the sensation of him in you stretching his walls and the vibrator would have you cumming in no time. 
“That feels so good Christian oh my God.” You threw your head back moaning louder. Christian picked up the pace, his hips slamming against yours as he put the vibrator on the highest speed. 
Your body felt like an explosion of sensation, a wave of relaxation and peace taking over your entire body shortly after. You couldn’t believe how quickly you orgasmed . I mean he was hot and extremely talented in bed. You have been deprived by a man for so long your body responded quickly to his. 
“Darling I know you didn’t cum that quick did you?” A very cocky grin played on his lips. 
“I’m I’m I’m so sorry I…. I…” you sounded like a broken toy repeated itself. 
“Oh no it’s ok I’m not done with you just yet babe. Now lay face down for me.” You did as you were told and he smacked your ass. Your legs were straight and hips slightly raised off the bed. Christian entered you from behind. He felt bigger than before in this position. 
Christian stroked deeper in you as he nibbled on your ear then softly bit your shoulder and proceeded to your neck. 
The passion filled through your veins as his pace quickened. Your pussy pulsating in his cock adding even more pleasure you both were close to reaching your high. 
“Fuck I need to get on the pill again so you can fuck me raw.” You looked back at him as you both reached your climax and he pulled the condom out tying it up and threw it in the trash can. 
“Well luckily you are my girlfriend now and  we have a lot more time to do more of that on our trip.”  He grabbed your face kissing your lips and you both cuddled on the bed. 
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seelie-buddy · 2 days
Hello, i hope you're having a good day...
Can i request genshin impact character (hybrid) like gorou, tighnari to do something like 'animal' instinctly.
If you add another character it's okay too...
Peculiar Traits
summary : some interesting characteristics of Tighnari, Gorou, and Ganyu that highlight their wondrous heritage
contains : just the characters using their unique traits to keep you away from harm's way ; fluff ; gn!reader, this drabble is written in second person
word count : 500
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It's etched into Gorou to protect those he cherishes, being the general of Watatsumi's army. So when matters relate to you, of course he's going all out to ensure your well-being! His gut feeling is almost always accurate, and he does everything in his power to keep you away from harm's way.
If you're going some place dangerous, he will see to it that someone escorts you, or would himself accompany you on your trip. If there's any trouble that plagues you, just say the word, and he'll be ready to help.
If you were hanging out with some person Gorou didn't have a good feeling about, turns out they did actually have foul motives. And when things go south during expeditions, you know that Gorou will be there to watch your back.
Things like these brings you to fully trust the general, and you've learned to always keep in mind his warnings.
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Tighnari is one to be cautious, and his sensitivity to sound and smell only helps him ensure your safety. He will be especially sure to keep an ear out for any potential threats everytime you accompany him on his patrols.
The forest may feel homey to those who have resided in the rainforest for a while, but it doesn't mean that it is without its dangers; the remnants of the withering, wildlife, and monsters need to be accounted for.
But with Tighnari by your side, you needn't worry! You can always put your utmost trust in him, and his understanding of the environment; the way he recognises danger from the sounds often unheard by others, and his knowledge regarding both the flora and fauna are unparalleled.
Any disturbances in an immediate proximity never goes unnoticed by him, and his reactions to said disturbances are swift; the lack of birds chirping has him alerted at the presence of a predator. Or when the polluted stench is in the air, he is quick to steer you away from the upcoming withering zone.
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Ganyu is half-qilin, half-human.
She's calm, and reserved by nature; that's what being half-qilin grants her. Her sereneness is just like the soft flurry of snow in winter, or like the cool breeze on a summer day. She's always willing to lend you a hand, assist you in all manners possible, and merely her presence is all you need to relax as a smile grows in your face.
She is half-qilin, and it reflects in her traits.
Ganyu is half human; it shows in those moments of impulsivity. If someone dare speak ill of those she respects and cherishes– especially you– and they may as well be prepared for her (albeit supple) wrath. She will see to it that they will apologise and refuse to spout such nonsense again. It is in moments like these that you see that she does, in fact, possess emotions and feelings beyond that of tranquillity.
Ganyu is half-human, and it reflects in her traits.
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a/n : I hope this was what you were looking for, anon!! No, seriously, I really hope I didn't misunderstand what you were asking for;;
p/s : A little ramble about my thoughts on this:
I didn't really come by the opportunity to write for Ganyu, and I believe she's underrated!
As for Gorou, he resembles the dog breed shiba inu, and apparently dogs (or just animals in general) have a very good sense of danger, whether it be people or things!
I've seen a lot of people relate Tighnari to fennec foxes (because of the ears) but his lore states him to be a descendant of Valuka Shuna (also called Tighnarians) so it's hard to place any specific traits on his species, given he's the only one we know of his kind
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yourfatherlucifer · 8 months
You Smell Divine (PSH/JWY)
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Fallen Angel!Seonghwa x Afab!Reader x Gumiho!Wooyoung
Warnings: "Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight, Hunt You Down, Eat You Alive, Just Like Animals."
Warnings: MDNI, cuckolding, voyeurism, biting, tail pulling, dom!wooyoung, superhuman stamina, , mischievous woo, superhuman speed, superhuman smell
AU: supernatural
Genre: Smut
WC: 1.4k
Rating: R
Taglist: @k-hotchoisan @wooyoungqueen @stardragongalaxy @min-inu @staytinyville
Nets: @cromernet @kflixnet @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @pirateeznet @wonderlandnet @monsterfvckersunited
Thanks @wooyoungqueen for the ideas! Hope you enjoy my first Wooyoung fic! <3
part one | part two
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"When's the last time you cleaned up this place, Seonghwa? It looks abandoned." You were standing in front of a very dirty looking cabin in the woods.
Seonghwa scoffed as if he was offended, "First of all, rude. The inside is very clean and maintained, this is where I resided before I met you and fell."
"Besides, you'll love it, Y/N." Seonghwa grabbed your hand and brought you inside, he wasn't wrong either. The inside was very well organized, not a spot of dirt on site.
You could smell some kind of cinnamon with vanilla, and several candles lined the living area. He had flowers on the floor, Seonghwa must have put in an effort to make it romantic for you. 
A smile plastered on your face, "What is all of this for?" 
"Its for you, to celebrate our love, because I am happy to meet you." He wrapped his hands around your waist, smiling with such loving eyes. 
"Oh, Seonghwa." You brought your lips to his.
Seonghwa brought you to the couch, but sitting down first so you could straddle his thighs. His hands wander up the inside of your shirt. You moaned when he cupped your breasts, then deepened the kiss. As you ground your hips into his lap, an animalistic growl could be heard outside the front door. Seonghwa's wings shot out of his back and wrapped around you, in a protective manner. 
"Stay here." he quickly released you, his demeanor quickly changed into something sinister as he stared at the door. The growling only increased as if mocking whoever was on the other side of it. As you hid behind the couch, Seonghwa yanked open the door. 
The growling ceased but then howling laughter replaced it, "Hi Seonghwa! It's been awhile since I last smelled you here. I also smell something delicious~" 
Wooyoung popped his head over his elder friend's shoulder, "Oh! What's this? You got a girlfriend? Since when!" his friend rambled on, excited. 
You stood up, now curious, "Seonghwa, who is this?" 
Seonghwa facepalmed before throwing his head back. After inviting his hyperactive friend in, "This is Wooyoung, he's a gumiho, in other words, he's a fox spirit, guardian, nine-tailed fox, whatever." 
"Wooyoung, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." 
Wooyoung smiled, "Ah! You must be the one that made his wings go black then."
"I guess." You stepped back as he tried to grab your hands in his own. 
You could see a fluffy large tail sway behind him, and ears pop out of his head. 
He took notice of your staring, "Did you wanna touch them." He smiled, revealing his canines. 
Seonghwa smacked his friend on the back of the head, "Leave her alone, Woo." 
"Fi-" Wooyoung began sniffing the air like crazy, smelling something so sweet, it was overwhelming, his dick hardened immediately, "Don't tell me, were you two about to get down and dirty?" He smirked. 
Your face had reddened as you hid behind Seonghwa, "What are you on about Woo?" He said.
"I can smell her arousal, Hwa."
"Too bad, she's mine you fox." 
"Keep the attitude, Seonghwa and I'll eat her liver."
"You will do no such thing!"
"Fine, I won't do anything, just as long as I get to have a piece of her, but you get to watch only." Wooyoung stepped up to his elder, eyeing him with a sharp grin. 
Seonghwa tipped his head to the side, "Hm, alright, deal." 
"Y/N, bedroom, now." Seonghwa demanded. 
Your feet quickly dragged you down a hall and into a room on the left, somehow finding the bedroom, which you didn't know the location previously. 
There was a neat queen sized bed in the middle with white sheets, and a matching white recliner in the corner across from it. Marching your way to the bed, quickly sliding off your shirt and bottoms. 
You could hear the footsteps of both men walking down the hallway so you threw yourself up onto the bed. 
Wooyoung slipped into the room, the grin still on his face, "Oh? She's all ready for me!" 
Wooyoung practically ran over to the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. 
Seonghwa sighed, "Be careful with her, Wooyoung, or you'll be done for." He sat himself on the recliner, getting ready to enjoy the show. 
Wooyoung hovered over you, pressing his covered and hardened cock into you, "You feel that? Yeah, you feel my hard dick on you? You feel how you're making me feel?" He leaned down and growled into your ear, "fuck, you smell so delicious, in my centuries of being alive, never have I smelled something so divine."
While he was distracted whispering filthy words into your ears, you took that as an opportunity to reach behind him and grab his tail. He yelped in surprise, a lengthy but whiny moan followed after.  His strong demeanor falters for a second before returning back to a hard stare. 
"Oh-ho-ho, you really messed up." He growled again. Wooyoung flipped you onto your stomach, pulling down your underwear and laying a few smacks onto your bare ass before squeezing each cheek in his palms. 
"Ah! Wooyoung!" you yelled out.
Seonghwa was in the corner, palming his bulge.
Wooyoung shoved down his pants in a quick manner. 
"Should I even prepare you? You were so bad, I should really just shove my dick inside of you." 
"Wooyoung." Seonghwa warned. 
"Yeah, yeah." He waved him off. 
Wooyoung ran his fingers up and down your wet hole before pushing them in, "I'm gonna have so much fun with you."
You whined as you gripped the bedsheets, anticipating for what was to come, you wanted to look at Seonghwa, but knew this is what he wanted, he liked seeing you stuffed full of other  mens cock, preferably non-human cock. He really did love seeing you come undone for the supernatural.
Wooyoung bared his canines as he watched himself pump his fingers in and out of your aching cunt. He leaned down to bite your shoulder, seeing yet another bite mark, “What’s this?”
He pulled his fingers out of you and glared at the mark, “Seonghwa, you don’t have fangs, what happened?”
Wooyoung sat on his knees and turned back to look at him. 
Seonghwa sighed, getting aggravated his show was interrupted, “Demon. Now continue. I need to see her come undone more. Corrupt her. Now.” His eyebrow twitched. 
Wooyoung cackled like a hyena, unlike his fox persona, “Ooo, so demanding, spooky.” He wiggled his fingers at him. He turned his attention back to you who had your face in the pillow. 
Wooyoung yanks down his boxers, his reddened cock springing free, ‘Now this is what I am talking about.” He pulled your hips to him.
Rubbing his cock on your clit, “Get ready.”
He shoved his cock into your hole, moaning at the sensation of you squeezing around him, 
“Fuck~” His moans reached in pitch, creating such a delicious sound from him. 
His hips falter for just a second before creating a rough pace, slamming your hips into his. His speed reached inhuman heights. Seonghwa pumped his own cock from across the room, watching your fucked out face. 
Wooyoung flipped you back over, not pulling his cock out even for a second. He reached down for your lips, before he heard Seonghwa growl himself, “Don’t even dare, fox. I will kill you if you kiss her.”
“How’d you know?” He grinned evilly. 
“How’d I know you want to steal her vital energy? Because I am not stupid. Now fuck her like your life depends on it!” 
“You got it~” Wooyoung placed both hands on the sides of your head. His hips created bruises on yours by how fast he was going. You couldn’t even breathe for a second, “Please!” You cried out.
At this point tears were pouring down your cheeks, you had already orgasmed multiple times, wondering just how this man hadn’t himself.
Your arms wrapped around his back, your nails scratching down his back. He was enjoying the pain. “Feels that good, huh? I bet he can’t fuck you like this, can he?” Wooyoung whispered in your ear. 
“Maybe you should be with me~ I could give you everlasting pleasure, just give me your life.” 
Seonghwa could hear everything, despite what Wooyoung thought. He was tempted to throw him into the wall and teach him a lesson but he was too busy chasing his own release. 
Wooyoung leaned down to your breasts, licking them all over before pulling a nipple into his mouth, “I am so close, human.” 
You were too far gone to even respond, but could feel his warm cum spill into your walls, “Oh, fuck!” His hips stilled into yours. 
Seonghwa stood up, now pulling his friend off of you, “That's enough, I didn’t say you could release in her.” 
Wooyoung grinned, “Oops~”
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sexymemecoin · 20 days
The Expansive World of Altcoins: Exploring the Diversity Beyond Bitcoin
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Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, has long dominated headlines and market discussions. However, the world of digital currencies is vast and diverse, with thousands of alternative coins, or altcoins, each offering unique features and value propositions. Altcoins encompass a broad range of projects, from utility tokens and stablecoins to meme coins and more. This article delves into the rich ecosystem of altcoins, highlighting their significance, various types, and the innovative projects that make up this vibrant space, including a mention of Sexy Meme Coin.
Understanding Altcoins
The term "altcoin" refers to any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin. These coins were developed to address various limitations of Bitcoin or to introduce new features and use cases. Altcoins have proliferated since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, each aiming to offer something different, whether it be improved transaction speeds, enhanced privacy features, or specific utility within certain ecosystems.
Categories of Altcoins
Utility Tokens: Utility tokens provide users with access to a specific product or service within a blockchain ecosystem. Examples include Ethereum's Ether (ETH), which is used to power applications on the Ethereum network, and Chainlink's LINK, which is used to pay for services on the Chainlink decentralized oracle network.
Stablecoins: Stablecoins are designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to a reserve of assets, such as fiat currency or commodities. Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) are popular stablecoins pegged to the US dollar, offering the benefits of cryptocurrency without the volatility.
Security Tokens: Security tokens represent ownership in a real-world asset, such as shares in a company or real estate. They are subject to regulatory oversight and are often seen as a bridge between traditional finance and the blockchain world.
Meme Coins: Meme coins are a playful and often humorous take on cryptocurrency, inspired by internet memes and cultural trends. While they may start as jokes, some have gained significant value and community support. Dogecoin is the most famous example, but many others, like Shiba Inu and Sexy Meme Coin, have also captured the public's imagination.
Privacy Coins: Privacy coins focus on providing enhanced privacy features for transactions. Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC) are notable examples, offering users the ability to transact anonymously and protect their financial privacy.
The Appeal of Altcoins
Altcoins offer several advantages over Bitcoin, including:
Innovation: Many altcoins introduce new technologies and features, driving innovation within the cryptocurrency space. For example, Ethereum introduced smart contracts, enabling decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.
Specialization: Altcoins often serve specific niches or industries, providing targeted solutions that Bitcoin cannot. For instance, Ripple (XRP) focuses on facilitating cross-border payments, while Filecoin (FIL) aims to create a decentralized storage network.
Investment Opportunities: The diverse range of altcoins presents numerous investment opportunities. Investors can diversify their portfolios by investing in projects with different use cases and growth potentials.
Notable Altcoins in the Market
Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization and has become the backbone of the DeFi and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) ecosystems. Its smart contract functionality allows developers to create decentralized applications, leading to a thriving ecosystem of financial services, games, and more.
Cardano (ADA): Cardano is a blockchain platform focused on sustainability, scalability, and transparency. It uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which is more energy-efficient than Bitcoin's proof-of-work. Cardano aims to provide a more secure and scalable infrastructure for the development of decentralized applications.
Polkadot (DOT): Polkadot is designed to enable different blockchains to interoperate and share information. Its unique architecture allows for the creation of "parachains," which can operate independently while still benefiting from the security and connectivity of the Polkadot network.
Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. This functionality is crucial for the operation of many DeFi applications, making Chainlink a vital component of the blockchain ecosystem.
Sexy Meme Coin: Among the meme coins, Sexy Meme Coin stands out for its combination of humor and innovative tokenomics. It offers a decentralized marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade memes as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), rewarding creators for their originality. Learn more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
The Future of Altcoins
The future of altcoins looks promising, with continuous innovation and increasing adoption across various industries. As blockchain technology evolves, we can expect altcoins to introduce new solutions and disrupt traditional systems. However, the market is also highly competitive, and not all projects will succeed. Investors should conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing in any altcoin.
Altcoins represent a dynamic and diverse segment of the cryptocurrency market. From utility tokens and stablecoins to meme coins and privacy coins, each category offers unique features and potential benefits. Projects like Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot, and Chainlink are leading the way in innovation, while niche coins like Sexy Meme Coin add a layer of cultural relevance and community engagement. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to grow, altcoins will play a crucial role in shaping the future of digital finance and blockchain technology.
For those interested in the playful and innovative side of the altcoin market, Sexy Meme Coin offers a unique and entertaining platform. Visit Sexy Meme Coin to explore this exciting project and join the community.
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yamayuandadu · 11 months
The real life inspirations behind new characters in Touhou 19 (Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost) While I haven’t been posting much about Touhou as of late, I felt obliged to put together the customary post about the inspirations behind the new characters. The new game genuinely renewed my interest. In contrast with similar write-ups pertaining to previous games the research is not entirely mine - some of the sections are a result of cooperation between me and @just9art. Without further ado, let’s delve into the secrets of the new cast. Find out if Biten is the first “Wukong impersonator” ever, when a tanuki is actually a badger, and why Hisami both is and isn’t an oni. Naturally, the post is full of spoilers. Also, fair warning, it's long.
1. Biten Son - sarugami + Sun Wukong
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Sarugami means “monkey kami”, the monkey in mention being the Japanese macaque.To my best knowledge, the term is actually not used commonly in English - the results on jstor and De Gruyter are in the low single digits, Brill outright has nothing to offer. Translations are much more common.
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Sarugami are particularly strongly associated with Mount Hiei. You might have heard of it because of its association with Matarajin, though in this case he’s not exactly relevant. Instead, it is believed the monkeys act as messengers of Sanno (the “mountain king”), Sekizan Myojin and Juzenji. Sanno himself could take the form of a monkey according to medieval texts, while Juzenji can be accompanied by a deity depicted as a man with a monkey’s head, Daigyoji, known from the Hie mandala. Sarutahiko is also associated with monkeys based on the similarity between his name and the word saru. Bernard Faure notes that despite the clearly positive portrayal of monkeys as semi-divine beings in service of these deities, their perception in folklore and mythology can nonetheless be considered ambivalent, because they could be viewed as aggressive. There are even examples of sarugami being portrayed as monstrous antagonists to be defeated by a hero. The best known tale of this variety is known simply as Sarugami taiji. It is preserved in the Konjaku monogatari. Here the sarugami is a fearsome monster who terrorizes a village and demands the offering of one young woman each year.
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In contrast with the sarugami, I do not think Sun Wukong, one of the protagonists of the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West, needs much of an introduction. We reached the point where even in the west he is recognizable enough to warrant toys based on him (there’s a Lego Wukong on my desk right now). Biten's design has many callbacks to traditional portrayals of Wukong, including the staff (which in the novel is a pillar stolen from the undersea palace of a dragon emperor) and a very distinctive diadem (in the novel making it possible to pressure the unruly Wukong into obeying the monk he is meant to protect). As a curiosity it’s worth noting that “fake Wukong” is not a brand new idea - in the novel itself, one of the enemies of the heroes, Six-Eared Macaque, actually impersonates him for a time. Wukong is effectively himself a “divine monkey”, seeing as despite his origin as a literary character he actually came to be worshiped as a deity in mainland China, Taiwan and various areas with a large Chinese diaspora. The topic of Wukong worship itself came to be an inspiration for literature, starting with the excellent The Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal by Pu Songling, a writer active during the reign of the Qing dynasty, in the early eighteenth century.
2. Enoko Mitsugashira - “immortal yamainu” + Cerberus
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Enoko gets the least coverage here, because there really isn’t much to say. Yamainu, “mountain dog”, isn’t really a supernatural creature, it’s an old term for either the extinct Japanese wolf, a type of feral dog, or a hybrid between these. It can also be used as a synonym of okuri-inu, a youkai wolf believed to accompany travelers at night.
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There’s actually a distinctly Journey to the West-esque component to Enoko’s backstory, but I have no clue if this is intentional. In the aforementioned novel, many of the antagonists, who are generally demonic animals, are motivated by the desire to devour the flesh of the protagonist, the Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang, because it is said to grant immortality. Granted, given the obscurity of the figure Zanmu is based on - more on that later - perhaps this is an allusion to something else we have yet to uncover. Cerberus, being probably one of the most famous mythical monsters in the world, does not really need to be discussed here. The illustration is included mostly because I like Edmund Dulac and any opportunity is suitable for sharing his illustrations. I do not think it needs to be pointed out that Enoko's bear trap weapons are meant to evoke Cerberus' extra heads.
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3. Chiyari Tenkajin - tenkaijin (+ mujina) + chupacabra
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While my favorite animal youkai not yet featured in Touhou is easily the kawauso (otter), I was very pleased to learn we sort of got a mujina since I wanted to cover this topic since forever, but never got much of a chance. Technically Chiyari is actually meant to be a tenkaijin, which is not a mujina but a slightly different youkai (a will-o-wisp or St. Elmo’s fire-like creature, specifically) who in the single tale dealing with it takes the form of a mujina after dying, but as there is not much to say about it beyond that you will get a crash course in mujina folklore instead.
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Today the word mujina is pretty firmly a synonym of anaguma - in other words, the Japanese badger. The animal does not substantially differ from other badgers, so I do not think much needs to be said about its ecology. However, historically the term could be used to refer to the tanuki regionally, or interchangeably to both animals, so in some cases if insufficient detail is provided it is hard to tell which one is meant. This ambiguity extends to the folklore surrounding them, and generally if you know what to expect from tanuki tales, which I’m sure most people reading this do, you will instantly recognize many of the plot elements typical for mujina ones. In other words, it is yet another yokai which typically takes the role of a shapeshifting trickster. Some supernatural phenomena could be basically interchangeably attributed to mujina, tanuki, kitsune or kawauso. Mujina are commonly described taking the form of Buddhist monks, which is one of the many similarities between them and tanuki.
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The most famous depiction of a shapeshifting mujina comes from Toriyama Sekien’s Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki (The Illustrated One Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past). The accompanying text compares the creature to the supernatural versions of kitsune and tanuki, and states that the artist relied on a tale according to which a mujina was able to successfully impersonate a Buddhist monk until accidentally revealing its tail. 
What makes the mujina special is that it is actually the oldest recorded example of a youkai of this sort. A mujina tale already appears in the early Japanese chronicle Nihon Shoki, dated to 627. It reports an incident of a mujina transforming into a human and singing somewhere in the Michinoku Province. I feel like this alone is a good example of why you should be wary of people who seek to present Nihon Shoki or Kojiki as historical truth. Western audiences as far as I know were first introduced to mujina by Lafcadio Hearn. To my best knowledge, the fabulous shapeshifting badgers however failed to gain the popcultural recognition enjoyed by tanuki and kitsune. They did appear in Shigeru Mizuki's stories every now and then, and I found a mascot character based on them, but overall there isn't all that much beyond that.
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Naturally, there isn't much mujina in Chiyari's design, and she instead most likely owes her distinctly spiky appearance to the other inspiration behind her character, the chupacabra. Mujina are not really portrayed as bloodthirsty, but the poorly documented tenkajin apparently is, which is presumably why ZUN decided to connect Chiyari with the chupacabra, the best known modern blood-drinking creature, who first appeared in tall tales from 1995 and subsequently took popculture by storm after spreading from Puerto Rico to mainland USA and Mexico. I am not a chupacabra aficionado so I have little to offer here, sadly.
4. Hisami Yomotsu - yomotsu-shikome
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Judging from what I’ve seen on social media and on pixiv, Hisami is shaping up to be one of the most popular new characters (she’s my fave too). In sharp contrast with that, her basis is pretty obscure. So obscure that there isn’t even any historical art to showcase, as far as I can tell (note that this blog claims night parade scrolls might have something to offer, though - I was unable to verify this claim for now, sadly). As we learn from her bio, she is supposed to be a yomotsu-shikome. They’re called the “hags of Yomi” of Yomi in Donald L. Philippi’s Kojiki translation. The term shikome can be literally translated as “ugly woman”. Nothing about them really implies femme fatale leanings we are evidently seeing in Touhou but I’m not going to complain about that. Yomotsu-shikome appear only in the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki, and in both of these early chronicles they are portrayed as servants of Izanami after she died and came to reside in Yomi, the land of the dead. Nihon Shoki states there are only eight of them. The distinct grape vine motif present on Hisami’s clothes seems like an obvious reference to Izanagi’s escape from Yomi following his meeting with Izanami, portrayed in the myth recorded in both of these sources. When the yomotsu-shikome started to pursue him, he threw a vine he used to hold his hair at them. The plant instantly bore fruit, which the entities started to eat. They later resumed the chase, but were once again held back, this time by a bamboo shot. According to the Nihon Shoki, they eventually give up after he creates a river from his piss (sic) to keep them away.
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Yomotsu-shikome are sometimes compared to oni by modern researchers. Noriko T. Reider in her monograph about oni argues that alongside hashihime and yamanba (pictured above) they can be effectively grouped with them. Another researcher, Michael D. Foster, is more cautious, and states that despite clear similarities it’s best to avoid conflating oni-like female demons with female oni proper, especially since the latter have a distinct iconography and a distinct set of traits. Norinaga Motoori, the founder of kokugaku or “national learning”, a nationalist intellectual movement in Edo and Meiji period Japan, claimed that oni were based on yomotsu-shikome, which is a pretty dubious claim. It is ultimately not certain when the term oni started to be used, but it is safe to say it has continental origin. And, of course, oni permeate Japanese culture in a way yomotsu-shikome do not.
5. Zanmu Nippaku - Zanmu
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This was the toughest mystery to solve, and I am fully indebted to 9 here, since they figured it out, I am merely depending on what they directed me to. Research is still ongoing, and it feels like we just started to untangle this mystery, so you can safely expect further updates. Zanmu appears to be based on the Buddhist monk… well, Zanmu. You can learn a bit about him here or on Japanese wikipedia; it seems there are quite literally 0 sources pertaining to him in English, and even in Japanese there is actually very little. Their names are not written the same, ZUN swapped the sign for “dream” from the original name for one which can be read as “nothingness”. If the unsourced quote on wikipedia is genuine, the reason might be tied to the personal views of the irl Zanmu. What little we’ve been able to gather about him is that he was active in the Sengoku period, and apparently was regarded as unorthodox and eccentric. This lines up with Zanmu’s omake bio pretty well. Seems the real Zanmu was also unusually long lived, and was able to recall events from distant past in great detail, though obviously the figure of 139 years attributed to him in a few places online has to be an exaggeration.
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Yet more puzzling is the reference to Zanmu’s familiarity with Ikkyo you might spot in the linked article. Whether the famous Ikkyo who you may know from the tale of Jigoku Dayu is meant is difficult to determine. The chronology does not really add up; on the other hand the logic behind associating one eccentric semi-legendary monk with another in later legends isn’t particularly convoluted. As 9 pointed out to me, if ZUN was aware of this link, and the same Ikkyo really was meant, it is not impossible the connection between Zanmu and Hisami is meant to in some way mirror that between Ikkyo and Jigoku Dayu. As you can easily notice, it’s pretty clear the historical Zanmu was male. It does not seem his Touhou counterpart is, obviously.  I would say we should wait for more info until declaring that we have a second Miko situation on our hands, with a male historical figure directly reimagined as a female character without any indication we are dealing with a relative rather than the real deal. There’s still relatively little info to go by so I would remain cautious (though naturally this is not meant to discourage you from having headcanons).
Neither me nor 9 were able to find any connection between the historical Zanmu and oni… so far, at least. Therefore, what motivated ZUN to make Zanmu an oni remains to be discovered. As a final curiosity, on a semi-related note it might be worth pointing out that while not as common as their male peers, female oni are not a modern invention, and already appear in setsuwa from the 13th century. A particularly common motif are tales describing a woman turning into oni due to jealousy or anger. Further reading:
Jason Colavito, The Secret Prehistory of El Chupacabra (2011)
Bernard Faure, Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 1-3 (2015-2022)
Michael Daniel Foster, The Book of Yokai. Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore (2015)
John Knight, Waiting for Wolves in Japan. An Anthropological Study of People-wildlife Relations (2003)
Noriko T. Reider, Japanese Demon Lore (2010)
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parakavka · 9 months
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机 on X: "やはりいぬ的食べ物カテゴリーに入ってないオクラ https://t.co/8GJvUpzm2x" / X
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twinknote · 10 months
death note characters as dog breeds
light: shiba inu (independent, vigilant, stubborn, cute and idealized but can actually be very bitchy and weird)
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misa: pomeranian (royal history in britain, giant personality in a little body, intelligent, very affectionate, often mischevious)
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L: briard (confident, intelligent, needs a job to do/mental stimulation, wary of strangers, protective, do i even need to mention the hair)
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mello: german shepherd (intimidating, courageous, intelligent, confident, vigilant, wary of strangers, can be kinda neurotic, esp if not given a task to focus on)
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near: australian shepherd (intelligent, loyal, extremely strong work drive, wary of strangers, stubborn, needs mental stimulation or they will destroy everything you love)
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matt: irish setter (affectionate, goofy, eager to please, intelligent, calm demeanor, needs mental stimulation or they will start bouncing off the walls)
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mikami: akita (built af, stubborn, courageous, intelligent, loyal, protective, tendency to be a little blockheaded sometimes)
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takada: afghan hound (dignified, intelligent, gorgeous, independent, hypoallergenic, loyal, can be a bit aloof with people/strangers)
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inukag-archive · 4 months
do you know any nsfw stories that are set immediately after kagome comes back after the 3 years? It can be a chaptered story or oneshot
Thank you!!!
superpyku asked:
Hello, I love a good post-canon fanfic where it describes what happened when Kagome came back from the well. Doesn't need to be a long fic about their life thereafter but one about what happened during and immediately after their reunion will be good. Would love to know your fav list of such. Thank you
We love a good reunion fic! The list below is full of stories that take place right as Kagome returns to the Feudal Era and immediately after, split into NSFW and SFW for whatever mood you're looking for. There are a lot of fics like this out there, but we capped ourselves at 20 to keep the list at a reasonable length. Feel free to add your favorites in the reblogs/replies!
If you're looking for more post-canon goodness, you can also check out our other post canon lists:
Post Canon
Post Canon NSFW
Post Canon / Canon Fluff
Happy reading!
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Dearest by @kitramune (M)
After Kagome returns to the Sengoku Era, Inuyasha and she explore how deep their devotion really goes.
Linked by Alyxandra (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome experience their first night together three years after the disappearance of Shikon no Tama.
When She Comes Back by Karaumea (M)
The story of his wait, her return, and their reunion. One-shot lemon that takes place during and after the last chapter of the manga.
Her Time by @keichanz (M)
All he wanted was some of her time, but as it turned out, so did everybody else. He'd have to make it clear that while they merely borrowed her precious time, he stole and hoarded it for himself, because in the end, she and everything about her belonged to him.
The Return by Sweet Inu Girl (M)
Kagome has returned to the feudal era after three years. Finally feelings are revealed and a new life begins for our favorite miko and hanyou.
Coming Home by @ruddcatha (E)
The day Kagome returned to the Feudal Era, Kagome and Inuyasha came out of their long nightmares. When they are finally alone, confessions are made, feelings are revealed, and a decision is made that impacts the rest of their lives.
After the End: New Beginnings by @splendentgoddess (X)
Welcome to my official post-manga universe! This introductory story takes us through Kagome's return to the past, and her developing relationship with Inuyasha. The first installment of what will be my "After The End" series!
To Fight For Tomorrow by @sarah-writes-stories (E)
The shard hunt...the battle with Naraku...it was only the beginning.
Their past held a terrible prophecy. Her future, the terrifying result. Kagome had finally been allowed to return through the well...but it wasn't luck that granted her wish.
The red threads of fate had always tied them all together, had always guided them towards each other. Now, as new powers are revealed and souls are healed, their destiny becomes clear.
Theirs is a quest that requires everything they have to give.
Theirs is a battle they cannot afford to lose.
Theirs is a fight to protect tomorrow.
Come Back To Me by jyvonne13 (M)
After defeating Naraku, Inuyasha and Kagome were separated for three long years after the well closed. What happens on that fateful day when Inuyasha catches her scent after so long? What do the two of them promise each other and how do their lives change from this point on?
With You by Animetey (E)
“Kagome, did you come back to see me... and to be a priestess? Cause I thought...or, I’d hoped... that you came back to be with me.”
Everyone has their own version of what happened the night Kagome returned, this is mine.
White Dogs on Blue Cotton by @artistefish (T)
Caught up in the rush following her unexpected return to the past and to the man she loves, Kagome realizes a little late that some of her wardrobe choices aren't quite as private as they used to be. Post-canon, InuKag reunion, super-duper fluffy.
Hearts Returned by @mrfeenysmustache (M)
A sweet moment alone after a long day of welcome backs.
Love Language by @shikonstar (T)
When Kagome returns to the past, a love-starved hanyou is hoping for some words of affirmation.
One Day With You by @hanmajoerin (G)
After spending three years in the world she grew up in, Kagome is able to return home.
A three years later reunion fic.
Inukag Fluff Week 2022 (Chapter 3: Hot Springs) by @inukagbot (T)
inuyasha is a thoughtful, soft little puppy who missed his girlfriend very much so he decides to do something nice for her like the Good Boyfriend he is. confessions ensue.
Clashing Emotions by PureKagome (K)
Kagome has finally returned after her three year absence. And what is the first thing Inuyasha does? Screw up.
Stay By My Side by PotatoButt (G)
Kagome finally gets to return to Inuyasha's time after three years.
A Not So Modern Convenience by doggieearlover (T)
Post Manga Canon. Kagome is worried about InuYasha's happiness while he has the same concerns about her and tries to do something about it.
Kagome's Got To Go by @ajoy3fanfics (NR)
The way Yuki and Suki saw it, this Kagome woman needed to go.
From the first day she came, they knew she was trouble. They had been playing a perfectly fun game of 'who can annoy uncle the most' (It was always Suki), when he suddenly stood up, passing them off to Shippo with a distant look in his eyes. Uncle was fast, there was no question about that, but unless there was a reason for him to be on high alert, he was downright lethargic. Still, Uncle Inuyasha needing space wasn't anything new, so it wasn't terribly worrisome that he took off at high speed; It did, however, raise a few red flags when Shippo shook them off and headed in the dog demons direction, screaming "it's her! She's back!"
Snapshots of Life After the End by ananova (T)
A collection of post-canon after the anime and manga end interconnected drabbles that show bits of Inuyasha and Kagome's life together. Not posted in any particular order.
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs! Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered.  After reviewing our submission guidelines, send us an ask (here).
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Parenting Headcanons - Sangonomiya Kokomi & Kuki Shinobu
A/N: That cat gif? It's very nice.
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When it comes to motherhood, Kokomi is patient. Having children is the crowning achievement of a relationship for her, so she will put the majority of her strength towards building a healthy environment for them to grow up in - that means ensuring your love is unbreakable, and that Watatsumi Island is peaceful and prosperous. 
For the priestess leader, marriage is good for her perception in the eyes of her subjects. Having children will no doubt further improve upon her image - Inazuma's society values family first and foremost, after all. An heir of her and your blood would surely make for a worthy successor of her title. 
All of it doesn't mean that Kokomi sees her little one as a political asset, however. Her desire to be a mother was there ever since she was just a child, and she sees motherhood as a natural final step, and a great honor. 
The means of conception aren't anything unusual - Kokomi will just ask you to stop using protection, as well as initiate sex more frequently. It might take some time, as there is no guarantee that the first attempt will be a success, but don't worry. Kokomi will support you all the way through. Patience is key. 
A boy or a girl? Kokomi considered this problem carefully, but in the end, she just shrugged. As long as they are healthy, she will be happy with either. 
The priestess won't publicly announce her pregnancy, as the news will spread the moment her stomach grows in size. As the leader, she has more than enough eyes on her at all times. When the people notice, Kokomi will be absolutely adored as an excellent leader and future mother, for sure! 
Without a doubt, the first to find out would be Gorou. His Inu senses will pick up the heartbeat of the baby once it is present. One day during a meeting, Kokomi will see Gorou freeze. She'll ask him if anything is wrong, but he won't reply, his ears and eyes focused on her belly. Once his brain connects the dots, his tail will wag aggressively and Gorou will certainly fail to contain his excitement. Even after the initial outburst of joy fades away, the general will smile and move the tail each time he sees Kokomi and hears her baby. Without a doubt, Gorou will act on his desire to protect those he holds in high regard and help her with whatever she might need. 
Kokomi will make use of his proposals and hand him the executive power on Watatsumi Island for a few years after her first trimester. He proved to be a capable manager during her leave for Sumeru. Kokomi will still participate in planning and decision making, but will avoid exerting herself. Stress is bad for your bundle of joy, after all. 
She will sleep and nap a lot. After such a long period of working herself down to the bone, that rest is more than deserved. Even if Kokomi won't insist or bother you about joining her, she will, shyly, make her desire known. Being held is fantastic on its own, but pregnancy sprinkles even more love on cuddles. 
Kokomi will use her time to prepare everything for the child (or children if the gods will bless her). The room, the crib, the toys, the clothes… she will make sure that everything is in its place. 
There will be many visitors, seeing as Kokomi has a great deal of connections. The most frequent ones will surely be The Crux. Beidou and Kazuha will bring you and Kokomi plenty of useful things as well as neat little baubles or trinkets for the kid to play with. Even if a little awkwardly, Sara will also meet with you as an act of political goodwill. As well as the Tengu General, Yae Miko will surely pay a visit to her Watatsumi counterpart. 
Since Kokomi has access to the absolute best healthcare, both she and her child will come out of labor unscathed. 
Her professional diligence will carry over to her motherly side. No matter how exhausting the situation becomes, no matter how much work you have to put in, Kokomi will always strive to do more for her child. Even despite the obvious option to leave a good part of the work to her maids, Kokomi will insist on taking care of her little ones herself - with your help, of course. Parenting is a joint effort, but also a bonding experience. 
As unpleasant as she finds that part, Kokomi will not hesitate to establish rules and teach them to behave. If she can't, she will ask you for help. Kokomi has a plan, as always. 
But even the strategist will get tired eventually. Although you can handle them with great success, some time away from your offspring is always welcome, and will usually be spent sleeping or relaxing in other ways. As you and Kokomi recover, Gorou will gladly step up to offer support. Physical exercise is the name of the game here - running, playing tag, archery, sparring (adjusted to their age and capability of course - sticks are good weapons too) or various ball games with the soldiers will keep the kid entertained. 
And, let's be honest here. What kid wouldn't like to play with a doggie general? 
Supported by you, her people and her adiutant, Kokomi will be a kind and caring mother. 10/10.
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Shinobu is renowned for being meticulous when it comes to her dreams. With parenthood being one of her long-time goals, it's obvious she approaches it with diligence and care. 
Her parents, especially her mother, weren't very supportive of her life choices. The desire to outdo one's parents is natural, and especially strong with her. No matter the cost, Shinobu wants to guarantee that her children will have freedom and every ounce of support she could muster. Whoever and however many they are. 
As soon as she knew that both of you were willing to go further with the relationship and have children, she started her preparations. 
First, Shinobu began researching everything about pregnancy - from the conception right to the moment of childbirth. Her first step was practicing her pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening them makes childbirth easier, reduces the many discomforts of pregnancy and has plenty of use in the bedroom. Those exercises aren't that demanding, and can be fun to do - especially when you're there to help out… 
Once the decision is made, Shinobu will start working hard on her health - and will encourage you to do so as well. 
Aside from the obvious healthy diet, lots of physical activity and the avoidance of alcohol and caffeine, Shinobu will track her cycles to pinpoint the best moments for trying for a child. She will start taking the appropriate vitamins to ensure the baby develops properly long before conception. Not only are those steps beneficial for her health, but they also allow the idea of being a mother to sink in and cement in her mind. Each day, she grows more excited at the thought. 
It's a joint effort, so she'll make sure you're in top condition too. You'll do many of the things she does, like stay away from drugs and keep active. On top of that, Shinobu will recommend many things that could improve your chances, like avoiding very hot baths, tight underwear and - most important of all - lots of sex. 
It's no surprise then that the conception will be a matter of one or two times. Even if, despite your best efforts, she won't get pregnant right away, she will be patient and supportive for as long as it takes. 
Itto won't get the message for as long as possible. Shinobu values her privacy, and she knows that if he heard, the matter would become public in no time. But when he does find out, he will be ecstatic. A little bro to help him in his antics and to take on adventures? Count him in! 
Shinobu will keep up her healthy lifestyle throughout the pregnancy, making sure to get lots of rest, drink water and do some light back exercises, as well as frequently visit the doctor's office. Even if it's in the far future, she will also research the local kindergartens and schools - what opinions they have, what programme, how far they are, how does the average day look like - everything there is to know. 
Enough said, the room for the child will be fashioned long before they arrive in the world, in great part by the One And Oni. He and the boys will make the crib, put up decorations and gather lots of toys they acquired through their antics. Even if it will be hard to part with them for the Numero Uno, he believes it's a noble cause. 
Her body will recover quite rapidly, thanks to her tip-top condition, with the baby being just as healthy as their mother. 
She is a freelancer, which grants her a lot of free time. It's free only by name, however - motherhood, life's final exam, takes much more effort than any test she was met with, and she wants to pass with flying colors. That said, it may be a good time to start looking for a more permanent job - your spendings will grow extensively very soon. With her skills and work ethic, most employers will fight over her. 
Itto will bungee at every opportunity to care for your child. No matter how troublesome it becomes, he will approach it with a very unusual dose of patience and maturity. His ideas will also get much less problematic, as getting in trouble with the law would be a bad example for the little guy (or gal). Seriously - it's as if he was the father… 
That said, Shinobu doesn't complain. Not at all. 
Diligent and meticulous as ever, Shinobu will shape up to be a shining example of a mother. 10/10.
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Thanks for reading!
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