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gongyussy · 2 years ago
silly sport full of silly people
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gideonisms · 4 months ago
You can make more sword butches but none of them is gideon nav. They could never be her!! and it's because she has a switch in her brain that forces her to say the craziest sentences every day regardless of the circumstance
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soupmanspeaks · 7 months ago
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Gay AND European? Pick a struggle
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radioroxx · 8 months ago
Art requests? i GOTCHU.
SIFF WITH THE FISH HEAD. DELICIOUS DELICACY. (Please do not give Siff an actual fish for a head i will block you 15 times... /j)
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what do you call a fish with only one eye? well. well i guess its still just fish isnt it. ah. hm. mm.
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mitochondria-larson · 1 month ago
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Zuko doodle from my school agenda just because
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rockspider556 · 15 days ago
half the symbrock fandom: Venom is just a big gooey puppy and Eddie is his tired single dad who lets him get away with everything. He’s constantly wrapped around Eddie like a clingy octopus and makes happy little purring noises when Eddie lets him nibble on his fingers.
the other half: these two are engaging in the most unhinged, reality-bending, alien-goo-enhanced depravity imaginable. Eddie hasn’t had a normal bodily function since Venom moved in. They have broken multiple beds. There are tendrils involved in ways I cannot legally describe
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front-facing-pokemon · 8 months ago
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habibisagi · 8 days ago
really into the idea of a reader with a degradation kink x character who REFUSES to indulge them in it and degrade them no matter how much reader begs or explains why they'd like it lol. where character genuinely cannot understand the kink no matter what and all they wanna do is give reader love and praise because they deserve nothing less! why give anything less, especially in bed? so crazy to them.
character who is (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) giving reader nothing but love and pampering 24/7 x reader who is (¬_¬) about it because they want character to get a little rough and mean with them, which is never happening <3
(bonus if they are this degrading mean version to anyone else)
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ditheringkestrel · 2 years ago
roy and jamie are soooooo silly literally spending two years developing a deep intimate relationship where they tell each other their darkest secrets and meet each other’s family and are more vulnerable with each other than anyone else. and then they go on one little date and immediately get in a fistfight over their mutual ex. like boys I don’t think you’re upset about what you think you’re upset about.
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aspenous · 8 months ago
Physically unable to draw have some scrapped Yukimiya doodles yahoo
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wardinespurrit · 10 months ago
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little wardin e spurrit doodle for perplexplore. yay
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radioactive-cloud · 1 year ago
my last three braincells
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from the stream!
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livetogether--diealone · 2 years ago
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something something dancing on the podium
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months ago
I just think, the idea that Disha is lying about Kyoshi's honor and stuff to put some kind of wedge between Roku and Kyoshi would be really cool and spy-y and would fit really well with the weird Cold War-eque/espionage that Roku's era seems to want to emulate. It'd be a cool way of making him doubt himself without realizing he's doubting himself.
And it'd also force a parallel between Roku/Kyoshi and Kyoshi/Kuruk. How, while Kuruk appeared in RoK and Kyoshi didn't have the best opinion of him, really ramped up in her sequel novel to the point she wanted to fucking brawl him. The way it's set up now, Roku's timidness and confusion with Kyoshi could easily fester into the same hatred and want to confront her in Roku's sequel novel too.
And I'm also just grasping at straws but I just really fucking hate how RR is trying to drag Kyoshi through the gd mud. And like it just doesn't work with the knowledge we already know about her and he could've done something (anything really, he didn't utilize her at all) else with her character in Rokus era that would've better explored... and I'm also a bit of a bitter bitch about it. tbh
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For a writing prompt/idea: Maybe Stan and Ford trading silly jokes on the Stan O War (I’ve always loved the headcanon that Ford finds the cringey dumb uncle jokes Stan tells to be absolutely hilarious, to the point of wheeze-laughing)
Dumb Grunkle Jokes
CW: Uncle jokes
Thank you for the prompt! I really enjoyed this and trying to find/make up jokes for this LOL! I love the idea that while Stan is recovering his memories, his uncle jokes persevered and came back even stronger.
Hope you enjoy!
Ford resisted at first. He drew the line at giving Stanley the pleasure of knowing his dumb jokes actually drew out even as much as a smirk from him.
After a massive squid attack; "looks like someone was short a few tickles,"
Cue the confused look from Ford; "What?"
"To make an octopus laugh," Stan explained, "it takes ten-tickles (tentacles),"
"That was a giant squid, Stanley, not an octopus,"
Though, Ford would have to admit, it took him a few minutes too long to actually understand the joke. This was but a taste of Stan's joke artillery and Ford would get plenty of practice processing jokes.
"I still can't believe Shermie had kids-- no less grandkids!" Ford laughed, rocking in his seat next to Stan. "Dipper and Mabel-- glad they didn't keep the whole, "matching twin names," for them,"
Stan chuckled. "Actually, they did keep that trend going," he corrected. "Dipper's just a nickname-- they're Mason and Mabel Pines,"
Ford gawked at Stan. "Really?" He hummed, astonished. "Shame,"
"Yeah, to be honest, I wish they'd come to me to name them," Stan began, almost hesitant. "Mabel would be 'Denise',"
Stan paused, causing his twin to peer at him curiously. "And Dipper?" Ford dared ask.
He watched with horror as a massive grin spread across Stan's face. "Denephew,"
And yet, Ford himself couldn't resist the even wider smile and the hearty laugh from escaping. "Denephew!" He chortled.
Stan stared off into the ocean, soaking in the laughter he converted to pride.
Stan figured out that the element of surpise played a major role in the effectiveness of his jokes. Ford would expect jokes in repetition-- so Stan waited until he knew Ford forgot about his antics.
"Lunch time and no one told me?" Stan entered the small captain's cabin.
Ford was sitting at an even smaller table inside, sandwich in hand. He looked up at Stan and squinted. "I told you I was making food,"
"Don't remember that," Stan said quickly and dismissively. "What kind'a sandwich you got there?"
"Ham and turkey? You know we only have ham and turkey," Ford began to suspect something was brewing.
"I'd be careful, Ford," Stan began, "I had a prison-mate who got addicted to deli-meats,"
Ford groaned-- yet his smile betrayed his noised expression. "He had to go cold turkey!" Stan burst out laughing-- causing Ford to allow his own levee's to break. The older men hollered and snickered together-- Stan smacking Ford's back and Ford pushing Stan away.
"H-Hey, you know--," Stan stammered through his laughter. "--The Yeast you could do is-- is offer me one, too!"
Ford's laughter ceased and was replaced by a long breath released in a whistle. His wheeze was proceeded by laughter again. He pounded his fist on the table and wiped away the tears pricking his eyes.
"No more!" Ford cried humorously. "I yield!"
Stan was shaking-- his hand on Ford, which, in turn, shook Ford as well. The guffaws continued for longer than Ford would ever want to admit.
The twins sat quietly, close the rails of their boat. Both held a rod, occasionally bobbing it and reeling it in ever so slightly. Sometimes, one of them would reel back in and re-cast the line in hopes of hitting a more popular spot.
"Say, Stanley," Ford hummed. "I have to know-- where do you get all your jokes from?"
Stan chuckled and pointed to his head. "All up here," he responded. "You got number smarts-- I got joke smarts,"
"Hehe," Ford noised. "Impressive, honestly-- like a mountain,"
Stan looked at Ford out of the corner of his eye. A confused look on his face. "What'd'ya mean?"
Ford smiled widely and stared at Stan knowingly. "You're Hill-arious!"
Safe to say, there were no fish-- and wouldn't be any-- within a three-mile radius of The Stan O' War II.
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mangomaking · 5 months ago
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Inktober day 4: Exotic 🦜🦜🦜
and day 5: Binoculars 🐟🔭
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