#internalized misogynoir
luvmesumus · 2 months
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
Going through the spock x uhura tag and seeing the anti-black hatred being spewed towards the beautiful actress portraying Uhura because she has darker skin, more "ethnic" features and short hair is so sickening to me. And it appears to be coming from women of color.
Wow. The colorism is hateful and nasty.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
One of the(many) things that bugs me about this fandom when it comes to Nettles is how even mentioning her relationship with Daemon is considered “reducing” her role to just being that of his "love interest.” This idea is ridiculous to me because it’s promoting the same thing that they accuse Nettles x Daemon shippers of(aka stripping down her characterization).
Yes, Nettles is her own independent character with her own story that ends and begins outside of Daemon, but he is a part of her story.
Her relationship with him is just as important as being an orphan bastard (non-Valyrian) girl from Driftmark, the only dragonrider of Sheepstealer(and probably the last dragonrider for 200 years), or a fire witch to the Burned Men. All those aspects make Nettles Nettles. She is more than one thing and romantic love doesn’t detract from it. It only adds another layer to her characterization.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
I felt this article in my soul. Essentially: featurism glorifies Eurocentric standards of beauty (that is, the obsession with light hair and light eyes and thin noses) and it's something we still need to work on.
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fluffypotatey · 13 days
Gwen is not only a woman, but a woman that is the obstacles of the main gay ship. No way they would ever treat her well
when will we ever learn 🫠
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slowtides · 2 years
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"We cannot live without our lives" || Combahee River Collective members march in a memorial to 11 women of color murdered in the Boston area (1979). Photograph by Tia Cross via Verso
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mod-doodles · 4 months
Makes me sick that rather than sympathize with Francesca. Those foolish and insecure black women really act like we should only uplift darkskin model types or eurocentric light skins/biracial looking black women. To them the only way for black woman to exist in media—because god forbid black women do anything as individuals, no it’s always up to us to represent the entire race—is if we’re extraordinary beauties without reproach. And it’s crazy making because these same people will advocate for the representation for dark skin unambiguous black women on screen and in media but then throw fits when she isn’t ryan destiny or some extraordinarily beautiful model. As if they themselves aren’t regular looking black women! like what happened to representation? Plus they act like being on their ‘best behaviour’ and shitting on themselves and the community is going to get them somewhere with these racists when the reality is that the racists have zero points and are demons from hell who hate everything to do with blackness and want us to feel shame and hatred for our very existence. Being a massive coon isn’t going to get them to like you because in the grand scheme of things they might kill you last but they’ll still kill you is the point. It’s so disgusting because seemingly socially aware black women are part of the ones cooning out and projecting their insecurities on a girl who looks like 90% of black women around the world. They’re pathetic and I can’t believe we went from that whole black girl magic era to this. Normal black girls being bullied worldwide for daring to exist. This whole thing and the fact that it’s gone on so long has really hurt me and I can’t even imagine what the actress is going through. Especially since a good chunk of the racists will never see the show but just want to comment on her looks. Kudos on her for not quitting (side eying her costar because it’s one thing not to say something but another to leave up thousands of racially motivated hate comments against ur costar on your account but it’s not like he defended his own mixed gf so he’s trash anyway) but it’s still so rough. Getting it from all sides especially the ones who look like you is so demoralizing and I know a lot of black women in the industry are standing up for her but still. I would be beside myself.
I believe this is a failing on the natural hair movement because featurism and texturism reigned supreme. Women are talking about natural hair makes you look childish- what!?!
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misespinas · 8 months
Recently I’ve begun reading Frantz Fanon and found his theory on gender related to race in Black Skin, White Masks (1952) to be disturbing.
He has two chapters in the book I will focus on, one titled “The Woman of Color and the White Man,” the second “The Man of Color and the White Woman.” It should be noted, he does almost exclusively focus on the relations between the black people of Martinique/Antilles and their French colonizers.
“The Woman of Color and the White Man” is extremely prescriptive and critical of black women for their apparent attraction to white men. His point of reference for this is Mayotte Capécia’s I Am a Martinican Woman (1948). Capécia’s work is rampant with colorism and has been widely criticized for its descriptions of internalized black inferiority.
Fanon would describe that “It is commonplace in Martinique to dream of whitening oneself magically as a way of salvation,” and claims that “a lot of girls from Martinique, students in France, [...] confess in lily-white innocence that they would never marry a black man.” Fanon speaks of black women as though they are children, writing in a patronizing tone, “[black Martinican women] too one day will realize that ‘white men don’t marry black women.’” He writes with a tone which conveys that black women are not capable of being attractive. On top of this, his belief seems to be that black women only have one real job, “to whiten the race.”
Fanon is insecure in his manhood and believes he cannot be a complete man as a white man is capable of.
In “The Man of Color and the White Woman,” the descriptions of the black men are far less judgemental. He writes, “between these white breasts that my wandering hands fondle, white civilization and worthiness become mine.” Even if we focused on less sexual descriptions (there are several within the chapter), Fanon wrote, “By loving me, [a white woman] proves to me that I am worthy of white love. I am loved like a white man.”
It is evident that Fanon views women as tools, but their worth differs depending on their race. He claims this is not unique, later in the chapter explaining that “with Antillean men we learned that their main preoccupation on setting foot in France was to sleep with a white woman. [...] this ritual of initiation into ‘authentic’ manhood.”
Black women have the purpose of procreation according to Fanon, while white women have the purpose of sexual pleasure. A black woman cannot be sexually enjoyed, and a white woman cannot mother his children.
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queerafricans · 1 year
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This Arab is Queer: My intersectionality was my biggest bully
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thecolorsfucked · 11 months
unironically now that i am into season 17 of greys anatomy like ppl are just haters like shonda is doing things
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mcondance · 11 months
would i be wrong to say i’m still upset abt yesterday
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andsheoverthinks · 2 years
‘female solidarity’
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why do this specific group of black-male-obsessed white women have an throbbing hate boner for black women existing? for reference, these are unprovoked comments on a hair video.
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you win, Jessica. congrats. white women are more desirable in America. do you want a gold sticker, too?
i just hope it’s worth it. leave black women out of your mess please, othello and desdemona.
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starlooove · 4 months
The reason y’all are so confused and baffled by fannita is that you still refuse to acknowledge how bad fatphobia is
#but to clarify#I don’t agree with her like she’s got a lot of internalized shit going on#but ppl saying they’re surprised she used to hold her tongue#or she didn’t realize she was also black or whatever#like no y’all treat fat people like shit and she clocked it#she wants to continue that cycle whilst also getting back at the ppl who benefited from it before her#the reason it seems so extreme and out there to you is bc u don’t understand how bad it was#like so many ppl saying ‘yes she was bullied but’#hold on right there#how much do you know about the bullying#bc the next words outta ur mouth are about to be some stupid common sense shit lmao#for example that person that was like nobody hated u bc u were fat it was the tarte tripe#fuck the tarte trip but also….can we be serious for 5 seconds?#don’t get me started on ppl using HER internalized racism to showcase their own to own her or some shit#like no I don’t think saying a darkskinned woman is on cocaine and would shoot up a school if she was white is correct to say actually#matter of fact that feels like some shit SHE would say#if that doesn’t explain it for you idk what will#like idk i feel like the reason there’s no productive convos on this is bc y’all still see her as a fat black Woman so y’all will still#treat her like shit and she KNOWS that - that’s what’s pissing her off sm#bc let’s be so so real rn#if some skinny lightskin was doing all this? cancelled for a week then it’s a ‘oh she was being real YALL cant expect’ yadda yadda#like ppl ignoring that there is colorism misogynoir and fatphobia factoring into how she’s treated bc it’s coming outta HER mouth is crazy#Like yes her problem is that she doesn’t get to be a shitty person bc of how she looks#and y’all are saying her looks have nothing to do with it she’s just a bad person#when we quite literally have decades hell entire lifespans of history proving that is not at all the cass#the way she looks didn’t change her public perception and y’all are tryna gaslight her and us by saying that perception never existed when#it’s that perception that made her want to change#and craziest part for her is that the audience she curates doesn’t tolerate that behavior bc due to that perception the ppl who feel safe#and accepted by her and her content are ppl like her- or at least like how she’s perceived#it’s like when ppl were surprised ppl didn’t fw Lizzo so quickly. like yeah the ppl she attracts don’t tolerate that behavior duh.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 7 months
Happy International Women’s Day. Reminder that this day emerged out of labour organising and it’s not about celebrating girlbosses or any whitewashed corporate feminism. It’s about equal pay for equal work, full bodily autonomy, the liberation of queer and trans women, sex work decrim, fairly shared domestic labour, global decolonisation, fighting misogynoir, an end to sexual harassment and rape culture, a society that actually supports those trying to raise children, fair representation of women across all sectors and positions in society, media and stories that don’t cast women as passive and useless. Reminder that patriarchy is inextricably linked with the forces currently wreaking such destruction on nature and the environment, that a green future is a feminist future and a feminist future is a green future. From Greta Thunberg to Leah Namugerwa to Christiana Figueres, Mikaela Loach, Xiye Bastida and Nemonte Nenquimo, women are powerful and important voices across our movement, leading the way and demanding the change we need because they understand that it’s all connected.
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murfpersonalblog · 1 month
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Gotta wake up to this anon in the tags, undoubtedly referencing/shading what I reblogged here:
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Nonny, at least say it to my face if you wanna call me an internalized misogynist, just cuz I don't cosign the predominately white court of popular opinion's dogma that ONLY sees Lestat as the female-coded victim of Louis' "abuse" of the crossdressing campy Queen Mother de Lioncourt; while you reject any acknowledgement let alone honest discussion of Lestat as the patriarchal Coven Master terrorizing his fledglings/children--even in effing 2022 when he's setting Rat Catcher ablaze with the Fire Gift in Louis' honor & kicking him out in to the hurricane--another round in the stormy romance of you two.
And plot twist: I (mostly) agree with nonny about Anne Rice, and how she engages with (trans)gender through Louis--and I agree with Nalyra that there's also complexity to how AR engages with Lestat LATER--10+ years AFTER IWTV & her daughter Michelle's death.
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It's not at all easy to pin down, especially when in these convos about Loustat & gender, the most integral part of their dynamic is ALWAYS EXCLUDED by Lestans: CLAUDIA. She's only babytrapped cuz, as I've said 1000 times, Lestat was hyperaware of LOUIS' emotional/behavioral resemblance TO LESTAT'S MOTHER, GABRIELLE; and Louis' "maternal instinct," that resembled ANNE'S own excitement to be a mom.
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Anne Rice is NOT saying Louis (or even Lestat!) represents her as a woman (in METAPHOR, not biology, DUH) cuz he crossdresses & gallivants around twirling his hair & flicking his limp wrists--I already discussed the effect of 18th century Franco-European dandyism on an 18th-century vampire stuck in the Rococo period (X X), where clothing is just ONE aspect of how masculinity & femininity are expressed--BY MEN.
Gender is MORE than Loustat crossdressing. Like I've said: it's misognyist to assume that everyone crossdressing is female-coded, while blatantly ignoring their BEHAVIOR--just like Nalyra said:
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I have screamed & hollered from the rooftops this whole time how the power dynamics between Loustat are being grossly misunderstood or outright overlooked, as everyone gets distracted by fun & c*nty Lestat. Somehow, ONLY Lestat gets to represent Mother, but LOUIS DOESN'T!? Sus! But I'M the misogynist homophobe for calling y'all RACISTS who can't acknowledge/accept a Black gay man in a suit (or cardigan) as a female-coded representation of motherhood, when the show's beat y'all over the head with it 1000 times? SUS!
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Esp. when I explicitly say Louis AS Woman, Louis AS Mother--nonny, grab a dictionary and realize that I didn't say Louis IS Mother, Louis IS Woman--it's SIMILE. It's METAPHOR. It's PARALLEL. It's CODING.
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It's highly problematic to reject AR's own words being "not solid" evidence (anon), or downplay it as outdated/irrelevant (Nalyra), just cuz it doesn't align with your own interpretations. That's not how proper analysis of primary sources works. It's CONTEXTUAL evidence about the processes of personal growth; just like it's contextual how AR couched her shift to Lestat in direct relation to her tryna move past her maternal depression/grief via Louis. You cannot discuss one without the other, but that's all I ever see far too many ppl do: downplaying the foundational conceptualization of these characters within the books, film, and show alike; and hiding behind accusations of homophobia & misogyny rather than honestly engaging with the characters and their behavior. You wanna talk about misogyny? How about MISOGYNOIR, and how y'all don't know EFF ALL about BLACK MOTHERHOOD, and the hypermasculinization of Black gay men, to even BEGIN to fathom everything Louis represents in contrast & relation to Massa Lestat.
Cuz there's CERTAINLY a marked lack of discussion or acknowledgement about how race factors into all of this. I see NO mention/discussion/analysis of Lestat by that anon rejecting the other side of the conversation I'm arguing against--esp. the white privilege Lestat enjoys that allows him to be far freer with explorations of gender & sexuality than black!Louis, and thus embraced by his predominately white cis female fans--who find it so effing impossible/offensive to see the ways that HIS BEHAVIOR directly contradicts the feminist ideals about agency & autonomy they allege to hold oh-so-sacred--"crushing what you cannot own."
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Which only further indicates that this particular propping up of Lestat in the fandom is being done at Louis'' expense in bad faith by bad actors running to everyone's accounts on anon and obfuscating the context they're even responding to.
Claudia never lied: "It's a STONING."
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Y'all want Aang to be a normie to justify hating him so bad.He's a 12 year old boy who's gendernonforming and probably trans and DEFINITELY undiagnosed audhd and the plot of the show is he's a buddhist tibetan genocide survivor based on the irl genocide on tibetans by China.The average Zutara shipper i.e white allistic cis girls has more privilege than guys like Aang by default and that includes thinking of him as white-adjacent as if his design isn't not only distinctively asian like his story and personality but also based on a blasian kid who's the son of an Atla crew member.We get it,it's been almost 20 years and you still don't have your Zuko because no moc without internalized racism would ever even look in your general direction so that leaves you Zukoless by default too but that ain't the cause of 'boys like Aang',y'all are just racist womenchildren who invest too much in orientalism and not enough in intersectionality and that's just sad because Zuko's redemption arc y'all sob over to justify shipping him with Katara for westernization was about him doing the reverse aka unlearning propaganda,breaking the cycle of abuse by pseudo-adopting Aang and taking direct action against the system
Katara's not a normie either,she's canonically punk-not a skater boi,a P U N K G I R L.She's not for you,she's not for Zuko and it's way better that way because we need representation more than y'all do.P.S:Since there's a canon black etchnic Fire Nation subgroup in the comics,Zuko should have a black girlfriend and wife so leave Kataang alone as the actual good poc4poc interracial rep and let Zuko love black women instead of misuing misogynoir to justify Zutara crybabying as if Katara isn't strictly brown native-coded.'Kataang is for boys,Zutara is for girls' is like the og Barbies and Legos take and when y'all realize girlhood is a mold you can make your own as KATARA was teaching us,that's when you'll shut the fuck up and stop thinking Atla being a radicalist children's cartoon instead of age innapropriate propaganda is problematic
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