#I was reading some of the discourse and apparently Tom didn’t really defend Zendaya publicly either so idk I can’t remember
mod-doodles · 4 months
Makes me sick that rather than sympathize with Francesca. Those foolish and insecure black women really act like we should only uplift darkskin model types or eurocentric light skins/biracial looking black women. To them the only way for black woman to exist in media—because god forbid black women do anything as individuals, no it’s always up to us to represent the entire race—is if we’re extraordinary beauties without reproach. And it’s crazy making because these same people will advocate for the representation for dark skin unambiguous black women on screen and in media but then throw fits when she isn’t ryan destiny or some extraordinarily beautiful model. As if they themselves aren’t regular looking black women! like what happened to representation? Plus they act like being on their ‘best behaviour’ and shitting on themselves and the community is going to get them somewhere with these racists when the reality is that the racists have zero points and are demons from hell who hate everything to do with blackness and want us to feel shame and hatred for our very existence. Being a massive coon isn’t going to get them to like you because in the grand scheme of things they might kill you last but they’ll still kill you is the point. It’s so disgusting because seemingly socially aware black women are part of the ones cooning out and projecting their insecurities on a girl who looks like 90% of black women around the world. They’re pathetic and I can’t believe we went from that whole black girl magic era to this. Normal black girls being bullied worldwide for daring to exist. This whole thing and the fact that it’s gone on so long has really hurt me and I can’t even imagine what the actress is going through. Especially since a good chunk of the racists will never see the show but just want to comment on her looks. Kudos on her for not quitting (side eying her costar because it’s one thing not to say something but another to leave up thousands of racially motivated hate comments against ur costar on your account but it’s not like he defended his own mixed gf so he’s trash anyway) but it’s still so rough. Getting it from all sides especially the ones who look like you is so demoralizing and I know a lot of black women in the industry are standing up for her but still. I would be beside myself.
I believe this is a failing on the natural hair movement because featurism and texturism reigned supreme. Women are talking about natural hair makes you look childish- what!?!
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