#internalized acephobia
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ace-culture-is ¡ 1 month ago
Ace culture is seeing (former) online queer friends talking about aces as if they are just "spicy straight" who should stop complaining. Even worse for demi people. "Congratulations, you're just normal." Ugh, get fucked so hard.
The irony is that I have always had difficult considering myself queer to any degree, like it didn't feel like a word that applied to somebody who had such few consequences from their sexuality. And most of the bigotry against me has been other gatekeeping queer people. Fuckin' amazing.
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suzukiblu ¡ 6 months ago
Thank-you sentences for a dragon melon; "it's not fine anymore". (( chrono || non-chrono )) tw: internalized acephobia.
Kon ignores his phone all week, and definitely ignores the group chat. It’s not–it’s– 
He should just leave it, probably. Cassie and Tim and Bart are gonna want a just-them chat to, like, talk and plan dates and be cute and flirty and fucking sext in, probably, and–and he might as well just . . . just leave, and let them have that. 
Though they probably already made one anyway, given Tim’s whole general, like . . . Tim-ness, so really, it’s just that he doesn’t wanna . . . that he doesn’t know how to . . . 
He has to lie to them every time he sees them now. And there was–there was already stuff he wasn’t telling them, because like, fucking obviously there was or he never would’ve been included in Cassie and Tim’s dumb little adorable presentation thing, they would’ve just–just borrowed Bart for it and told him they’d talk to him later, or . . . or something like that. If they’d known, they wouldn’t–they wouldn’t have–
They wouldn’t have asked him for it, if they’d known. 
They wouldn’t have thought they wanted him, if they’d known.
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beesinspades ¡ 2 years ago
something something ace people often being told they're not human for not experiencing sexual attraction and/or not wanting sex, something something vash seeing his sex-averse asexuality as yet another thing that makes him even more different from humans than he already is because of it
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aroaceconfessions ¡ 2 years ago
i used to be so proud of my aroaceness, and i was so confident in it, but intrusive thoughts made me doubt myself and i tried getting in a relationship. it didnt end well. its almost a year later and he's still not over it and i feel horrible. i feel like i've regressed in my self acceptance. i wish i wasnt aroace. it would be so much easier.
Submitted July 10, 2023
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otoshigo ¡ 1 month ago
Summary: Trying to thwart the political machinations of the upper echelons of Hell, Lucifer and Alastor enter into a mutual partnership. The boundaries get blurred over the course of a year as they continually have to work on 'making it work'. Nobody ever said that fake relationships would be easy.
A/N: I really enjoyed playing with the time jumps with this one. Kind of using en media res in order to reveal things slowly. Kind of like a mystery book. I also really enjoy examining relationships that may have more conflict but be more honest, and how that can actually be a good thing. ...In this case, way more conflict with these two.
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dorklyelectric ¡ 1 year ago
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Asexuality is a funny thing trying to cope exist with
Sliding through the pipeline of turmoil like an ice rink baby
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lavender-lilly ¡ 2 years ago
sometimes I feel like I have internalized arophobia and acephobia (less so than arophobia). like I know I'm aroace, but sometimes I feel like it's fake even when I know it's not. I feel like it's because society tries to push romance and sex and it makes you think you're not normal when you don't experience that.
it's weird for me since I still experience aesthetic attraction and platonic attraction so I get confused. I don't experience the romantic attraction, but I get confused with platonic attraction sometimes and it makes me think I'm not aro even though I know I am and then I try to justify myself. I also feel bad because I try to almost force myself into thinking I like someone when the thought of a romantic relationship kind of makes me uncomfortable.
don't get me wrong, I do love being aroace, I just sometimes struggle with it :/
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newwwwusername ¡ 2 years ago
Heartbreak High (Netflix Reboot) - Darren/Ca$h - Pride Month Prompt 18 : Internalized Acephobia
Prompt : In which either an asexual character struggles with internalized acephobia and either their partner or a friend helps them
Everything seemed fine.
Darren and Ca$h were just cuddling in bed. Darren wasn't making any moves to advance things anymore because the pair had worked past that.
Darren liked Ca$h for his personality. Sure, his looks helped, but if the boy didn't want to have sex, they weren't gonna force it, especially now knowing there was a word for what Ca$h was.
But the stillness made Ca$h want to cry.
"What's wrong?" Darren asked. They could tell something was off.
"I'm sorry I'm broken" he said and that's when the dam broke and suddenly Darren had a sobbing drug dealer in their arms.
"Hey, hey, hey" they tried to soothe, rubbing his back. "What's this about?"
"I'm sorry I can't give you what you want" he sobbed. "I know what you want and I don't- I don't know what's wrong with me"
"There's nothing wrong with you" Darren told him earnestly. Ca$h went still.
"That's not what you said before" he muttered and Darren winced.
"And I was wrong for that" Darren told him immediately. "And I'm sorry I said that. It was horrible and... Completely out of line, okay?" they asked, getting a weak nod in response. "You're not broken and there's nothing wrong with you. And I'm happy that I'm with you"
"Even though we don't have sex?"
"Even though we don't have sex" Darren nodded. Ca$h took a second and wiped away his tears.
"Sorry" he said, feeling a bit embarrassed for breaking down randomly like that. Darren smiled.
"Don't even start"
"I love you"
"I love you too, idiot"
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 30 LGBT-centered prompts that you can find here
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shoe109 ¡ 1 year ago
Gamers I really hate being asexual. Like I get it’s internalized acephobia and I’ll have to work on it but this shit is not fun at all.
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bat-the-misfit ¡ 2 years ago
ok some rant under the cut and me being acephobic to myself
it's funny how usually when people find out they're not straight they get in denial and pretend they're straight and some time later they accept and love who they are
it's being the opposite with me lol when i found out i was asexual in 2017, i was so happy and proud and i would think about being asexual 24/7 and be so happy bc of it
but these past two months i started hating being ace. i hate being ace so much. i hate that i'm not allosexual like most people. all my romance problems would be solved if i was allosexual bc society ties romance with sex even if both are two different things.
idk i just can't help but feel envy. it's so easy for them to date. i never dated anyone bc all those dudes were all allosexual and i wouldn't force myself to have sex with them just to make them happy. that would kill MY happiness.
i fucking hate being asexual so muuuuuch and idk how to get back to the "i love being ace" state again 😭
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ace-culture-is ¡ 26 days ago
Acespec culture is constantly questioning whether you are "ace enough" and being afraid that you're just faking your whole experience then having a random conversation with allos that ends with them talking about their sex life and realising you don't feel the urge they seem to have to do the do or being weirded out by how normalised it is to talk about sexual experiences without the sex thing being a joke, thus realising the trueness of your aceness.
(This is not against sex favourable or positive aces, all aces are valid, I'm just explaining my experience to know if someone else has ever felt the same)
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prince-liest ¡ 1 month ago
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It Begins (TM)
(Probably will edit and post intro chapter later tonight, then chapter two of two yet to be written but fairly outlined at some point in the future +^+ I've been wanting to write this one for a while.)
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howlsofbloodhounds ¡ 6 months ago
Psst. Hi
Opinions on homophobic Dreamtale? The concept of dream and nm growing up in a gendered, homophobic society. Dream gets internalised homophobia and Nightmare has little opinion about it bc he's already as disgraced as a gay person would be.. the icing on top is Dream being gay, just for the discovery trips sake
That could be interesting if it’s written or done well, given how dream was more “involved” and welcomed into the village (being used and manipulated of course.)
Dream could’ve adopted the villagers beliefs to avoid being rejected or abandoned, especially if any of the villagers showed disdain or disapproval whenever Dream did or said anything “wrong” or “bad”—and approval if he did or said anything the villagers agreed with.
he could very well go on a journey of self discovery and unpacking that internalized homophobia as he grows—when he eventually ventures out into the rest of the Multiverse.
Especially since I’ve heard around that it’s a common view that one of the first people Dream meets is ink, aroace he/they ink lmao. which would definitely help dream, considering dream is canonically demiromantic asexual himself and unless it was changed somewhere, it makes me sad how that is ignored by the fandom.
Dream could go through a journey of unpacking internalized ace and arophobia too.
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aroaceconfessions ¡ 2 years ago
Aspec people are normal.
That's it. Done. There, I said it.
I won't tell you to "stop wishing that you could just be normal" or whatever. It doesn't affect me, and it's none of my business why you think that. Even though I disagree with you.
But — as far as I'm concerned — aspec people are normal if "normal" isn't just defined as a meaningless statistic, and we should all just collectively stop fucking pretending that it isn't.
It's normal as in perfectly healthy. It's normal as in not unnatural at all. It's normal as in "it's derogatory to call things abnormal for whatever reason so we aren't gonna do that".
And even if it weren't I would tell you that actually I don't want to be normal. I wouldn't want to be normal even if you fucking paid me. Go ahead, feel free to try.
Look. If you're aspec, and that's something about yourself that's actively causing you distress, then I'd advise you to maybe look into why that is. But don't pretend the rest of us are broken because of it. If you maintain that you are, you're saying so are we.
Take the time to reflect on exactly what you're saying about yourself, especially when it'd be applied to other people. If you wouldn't say it to another person sharing the same trait, then that means the negative thing doesn't apply to you either.
I hope putting it into perspective helped.
(Please stop, I promise you're okay.)
Submitted April 29, 2023
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starry-teacup ¡ 10 months ago
so Johnny has canonically committed every crime known to man except for the sexual ones, right? And I know that he always assumed it was just a thing carmilla had built into him. but I like to imagine that he's sex-repulsed ace. this fact has never crossed his mind ever
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aspechc ¡ 1 month ago
Katniss always felt at least a little aroace. My headcanon is that she's arospec ace, but she doesn't have the luxury to think enough about it to figure that out or exactly what type of arospec. She thinks she romantically loves Peeta by the end? Maybe? But maybe she's just reflecting his emotions back to him. She does love him in some fashion, isn't that enough? Not for the capitol. She didn't know how to make herself love him in the right way, couldn't even fake it correctly. Peeta seems happy with whatever she's giving him now, even if she's not so sure about it. Maybe if she just tries a bit harder it will eventually click. It never does, though. Just one more thing she'll never understand about herself, that this society has taken from her.
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