#interesting that they didn't take the Soul Reapers with them
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troius · 1 year ago
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itsquakey · 2 months ago
NextGen Q&A! (Again)
Here we go, some more asks with an illustration this time like it used to be! I'm excited to do this one as I'm now able to post actual new art.
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Yes, Metadede is canon. It's just incredibly vague and secretive in how it's written in this AU. I believe the earliest hint at Metadede being a thing is in the introduction to Pike Knight comic, where it is pointed out Dedede took Meta's sacrifice the worst out of them all (well..maybe not as bad as Pike but). Because I'm currently metadede brained there will be more open references to them.
Also fun fact: The reason Dedede has a feather-beard in Nextgen is because Meta isn't around anymore. Dedede could've grown it at any point but Meta hated it so much Dedede could shave it for him.
vvv More asks below! vvv
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Pike Knight took over (or attempted to moreso) because he believed Kirby wasn't ruling over Dreamland as its new king good enough, and believed he could not only do a better job but bring back Meta Knight himself. Something that the others didn't seem interested in which frustrated her to such levels that she did what she did. But tdlr Pike did it out of grief.
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Chuchu in Nextgen is a canon lesbo, so they were never really together. They were and are just friends.
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Just want to put this here no real need to answer anything
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So to explain this- normal souls in the afterlife have to stay in the afterlife. They are unable to go to the real world or interact with the real world without breaking the rules made up by Necrodeus to prevent chaos from happening in the living realm. The only way a soul is allowed to enter the living realm is if a reaper accompanies them, and that usually isn't all that common. There's a limited amount of reapers in comparison to souls in the afterlife. That being said Morpho brings Meta to the living world often and when they do they take the form of bugs. Morpho and Papi are both reapers and can changes forms as they please and talk in the living world. Meta however cannot. He's stuck as a beetle and couldn't talk to anyone even if he tries (that is until he himself trains to and successfully becomes a reaper as well but that's another time). Kirby knows early on thanks to his communication with Morpho but doesn't want to say anything because he's worried about what could happen if they spilled the beans about it. The aforementioned "Necrodeus incident™" helps reveal to everyone that Meta knight was this strange beetle the whole time. After this happens Metabeetle and the others can communicate normally after he is granted reaper status.
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The staff King Kirby carries contains the crystal from Kirby 64! I was gifted to him by Ribbon during his coronation. It's one of his main weapons, though he usually just uses it like a normal staff. It does a hell of a good job keeping malicious dark matter away though.
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Meta Knight would probably feel guilty about it all, thinking he was responsible for what went down when he really wasn't.
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(Referring to a really old early image of Marx and Castella)
I like to imagine Castella can/could wield Galaxia just for a joke. I'm sure Meta Knight and Kirby are not the only ones worthy enough to use the sword.
That's all for now! Would you like your baby waddle dee loaf bagged or would you prefer to carry it?
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karasukarei · 4 months ago
Wind Breaker Special Stage Event - Tonpuu-machi Halloween Matsuri Afternoon Show Special Reading Drama (part 1)
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I originally didn't plan to translate this event because it's not exactly publicly available, but some of the stuff in the drama is just COMEDY GOLD and it seems that there are people who are interested in seeing the script, so here it is! Do note that for some of Nirei's lines when he's describing the outfits, I didn't really manage to translate the full thing because my 日本語 is not 上手 enough to keep up with him ;-;
You can check out the rest of my translations here!
*PA announcement starting tune*
💙Umemiya💙(over the PA system): Ah ah, A I U E O, I U E O, A U E O A I! (t/n: This is just him testing the mic) To everyone in Tonpu-machi Shopping Street, this is Fuurin High School’s 3rd year Umemiya! Thanks for taking part in Tonpu-machi Shopping Street’s Halloween celebrations today! This year, us Boufuurin will be here to hype things up, so make sure you have lots of fun! Alright everyone, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Yosh, alright Hiiragi, time for us to get changed too~
Hiiragi: You idiot, it’s still on!
💙Umemiya💙: (very apologetically but not really) oops my bad ^^;
*PA announcement ending tune*
*The sound of wind chimes ringing*
Suo: As usual, Umemiya-san is so full of energy today!
Sakura: That guy is as noisy as ever.
Nirei: Let’s try our best today too, and have fun at the party! (t/n: Just a note that Chiba Shoya was the MC for the whole event, and he STILL had so much energy doing this segment ;-; what a ray of sunshine)
Suo: Nirei-kun, you look like you’re having lots of fun!
Nirei: Yes! I love Halloween! It’s just so fun!
Sakura: Speaking of, what are we doing today?
Nirei: What we’re doing? “The shopping street’s Halloween Party is being hosted by Boufuurin this year, so you guys should help out too,” that’s what Umemiya-san told us!
Sakura: Halloween, huh?
Suo: Sakura-kun, you do know what Halloween is, right?
Sakura: *splutters and blushes* Don’t take me for an idiot! It’s the day you eat pumpkins right?!
Suo: That’s the winter solstice! (t/n: Winter solstice = 冬至 = “toji”)
Sakura: T,To-Toji, who’s that?! (t/n: if you watch JJK, you will understand why this joke goes so hard on so many levels 😩)
Nirei: No, that’s not a person’s name…
Sakura: Huh?!
Nirei: Halloween is a fun event where you eat candy and dress up!
Suo: Its original meaning is as a harvest festival, or the western equivalent of Obon (t/n: Obon is the period of time in August when people visit their ancestors’ graves to pay respects to them), it had several different meanings!
Sakura: Hmmm…
Nirei: Oh, Sakura-san, do you know what is “trick or treat”?
Sakura: Trick or… treat? What’s that?
Nirei: It’s a phrase that’s associated with Halloween!
Suo: If you don’t give me candy… I’m gonna prank you.
Sakura: Eeek! D, d, d, don’t whisper into my ear!!!
Nirei: *laughs at Sakura* Anyway, when someone tells you “trick or treat”, you give candy to them so that you won’t get pranked.
Sakura: *Gasp* Extortion??
Nirei: Why are you going down such a violent route…!
Hiiragi: Oi, Sakura, Nirei, Suo.
Suo: Hiiragi-san, thank you for the hard work.
Nirei: Wowowowowwhawahaahahwhawha!!!
Sakura: You, what’s up with your outfit?!
Hiiragi: What do you mean “what’s up”? This is my halloween costume.
Suo: That’s… the grim reaper, right?
Hiiragi: Yup. You know it well, huh?
Nirei: C-
Sakura: Huh?
Nirei: COOOOOOOL!!! 
Sakura: *sounds of shock and surprise*
Nirei: A coordinated outfit all in black, it’s perfect for the calm and collected Hiiragi-san! With the hood (???? I couldn’t catch everything cos he was speaking so fast x_x), he looks all ready to start reaping souls! It’s a sure kill!!!! (t/n: sorry about this part I am not good with compound sentences ;-;)
Hiiragi: Nirei? What’s up?
Hiiragi: (very hesitantly) Y, yes, t-thanks a lot. Thanks to you the mood is a bit lighter now.
Suo: Your face seems rather gloomy, did something happen?
Hiiragi: *sigh* Just now, I wanted to give out some candy to a kid, and when they saw me they started crying. (sounds of gastric ulcers forming) That’s all…
💙Umemiya💙: Oi Hiiragi, don’t look so down!
Sakura: Umemiya and… Sugishita…
Sugishita: That’s Umemiya-SAN, HUUUH?
💙Umemiya💙: Now now, don’t fight ^_^
Suo: Umemiya-san is a pirate right?
💙Umemiya💙: Yup! How is it? Does it fit me?
Nirei: It doesn’t just more than fit you! That hat is proof that you’re the captain, no, admiral! (he mentions something about Boufuurin as a pirate party???) It’s the most fitting costume for the head of Boufuurin! THERE’S NOTHING ELSE THAT’S MORE FITTING FOR UMEMIYA-SAN!!! (t/n: Nirei please slow down and use simpler sentences 僕の日本語は上手じゃない;-;)
💙Umemiya💙: Hehehe, if you praise me like that I’m gonna get embarrassed!
Sugishita: Oi!
Nirei: Eeek! I’m sorry I got carried away…
Nirei: Eh?
Hiiragi: Ohh, Sugishita praised Nirei.
Suo: That’s great, Nirei-kun!
Nirei: A ha ha ha ha ha… (very robotically)
Sakura: Speaking of, is what you’re wearing your costume?
Sugishita: Huuuuuuh?
Suo: Sugishita-kun is… a ghost?
💙Umemiya💙: Oh! You’ve got it right, Suo! Sugishita is wearing the sheet ghost that I produced! (t/n: please go back to gardening Umemiya this is not your forte)
Sakura: Sheet ghost… Isn’t that just a piece of cloth? *snickering very loudly*
Sugishita: Huh?!
💙Umemiya💙: Eh? Look carefully! It has a face!
Nirei: Yes, you can definitely see something that looks like eyes there!
Sugishita: What’s strange?!
Nirei: Eek!! Nothing is strange at all! The costume created by Umemiya-san is amazing I’m sorryyyyyyy.
💙Umemiya💙: Come on Sugishita! Play nice! (t/n: he’s whispering this part like he’s speaking to his pet dog www) Oh, for the rest of you guys, we’ve prepared costumes too, so don’t worry!
Sakura: Huh?!
Nirei: Is it ok if we dress up too?
💙Umemiya💙: Of course! There’s costumes and sweets and delicious food, that’s what Halloween is about!
Hiiragi: The last one isn’t part of it though. (t/n: this might be a mistranslation, do feel free to let me know if this is wrong)
Sakura: Why do I need to dress up too?! I’m not doing it!! (t/n: you are so going to do it)
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vesperaink · 7 months ago
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Friends, my necromancer!Tango/grimreaper!Jimmy, Team Rancher modern with magic apocalypse AU, Graveyard Shift, for @mcytblraufest's Reverse Big Bang is here!
But wait there's more--go read chasing crimson written by @aliferous-ly, beta'd by @dibs2win, my fantastic team for aufest. If you love enemies to lovers, unlikely partnerships, and the power of soul-bound magic weapon contracts, this hilarious + dramatic 22.9k fic kicks off from this comic!
chasing crimson
Jimmy Solidarity works for the esteemed god of Death, reaping lost souls and taking care of unsavory characters. He's recently finished his training, and is determined to do well on his first solo mission. Perhaps this "Tango" would be a good start. Only, the god of Death disappeared years ago, and Necromancer Tango Tek's long since discovered a way around dying. He can't say he enjoys Jimmy swinging through and killing him where he stands, though.
Thank you to my team for being as feral about this AU as I am, and kicking everything about it up to 110. I had so much developing this world with them!
Thanks to @onawhimsicot for helping me with the comic's dialogue, fixing my composition woes with "just add more smoke," and encouraging me to complete it in full color! Check out Cadence's aufest fic, I take it back (ill follow till I fly or till im dead), a Cult of the Lamb AU about follower!Tango and Lamb!Zedaph, the meaning of devotion, silly experiments, eldritch transformations, and...the most platonic slowburn ever?
Lastly, thank you to the aufest team for another wonderful event! I had a blast again, and was giggling kicking my feet at everyone's reactions during claims, I loved every single one of them. Graveyard Shift is definitely an AU I'm coming back to. As always, my askbox is open if you'd like to chat, and I'd love to be tagged if anyone makes anything <3
Timelapse / AU art chatter under the cut!
While Graveyard Shift is the amalgamation of many of my interests, the main premise for this AU is loosely inspired by the webcomic, I'm the Grim Reaper, in both its apocalypse themes and its aesthetics! Not a required read, but highly recommend if you enjoy this au, as well as the anime and manga, Soul Eater!
I came up with a lot of AUs for this event but necromancer!Tango and reaper!Jimmy have been rattling around in my brain in separate AUs since before I started brainstorming for aufest. So I smashed them together, naturally.
(Unfortunately I didn't record all of my process, but most of it is here! CW for flashing; song is Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier)
I could go on forever about concept art and character design if anyone's curious but here's some fun bonus details about this comic:
Originally, Tango's outfit was going to be more like his Dungeon Master outfit but I wanted the setting to be more modern and Jimmy stole the fantasy cloak vibe from him already lol
Jimmy's entrance of lightning is my nod to the Life Series final death sound
The scarf Jimmy's wearing is designed to be a boneyard shawl
The panel of strange text reads "Protection Three" in Galactic :)
+ The name "Graveyard Shift" was thrown at me by Cadence in like 3 seconds flat after i spent 2 days agonizing over a name for this au LOL
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pentrologram · 2 months ago
advent calendar - day twenty-one
Your soulmate loves you.
a/n; i adore this man. part one here!!
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You're damp soil and cool rain to him.
He adores you. He's loved you since you brought colour into his dull world since you've come along. He doesn't know how much time has passed, but he does know that having you as a companion in his previously bleak existence has to be the best thing to ever happen during the time of mortals.
While you don't accompany him when he works, he has built a modest little home for the both of you. It's someplace where he can sit down and calm his racing mind, someplace for him to curl his weary bones around you whenever he felt exhausted or figured you could use some company.
As for the souls he guides, he had built them a cabin for them to wait in while he was attending to you. He had finally found something more important than work and finally had the opportunity to realign his work/life balance after a millennia of having no priorities at all.
All of that to say you're a breath of fresh air; damp soil and cool rain. He adores you and he'd do anything for you and he thinks you would, too.
He watches from the doorway, silently, as you sit quietly and read. He hadn't known what books were before he met you, but you'd brought up all kinds of entertainment you had in the living world.
Books had been easy to find. Just by stepping out of the veil, onto Earth, he'd come across a vendor that sold him books of all kinds. The shopkeep had taken one look at his face and shook in fear, so he dropped two golden coins onto the counter before leaving.
When he had given you the books- cheap, dime-a-dozen erotica books- you had giggled.
"Where did you get these, Si? A gas station?" He merely blinked at you in response.
"Are they not good?"
"Well. I'll still read them. It'd be nice if you could find Barnes and Noble next time, or something."
(When you're asleep later that day he sneaks back out past the veil to find the Barnes and the Nobles that you told him about. He leaves with an armful of books with pretty covers and a specific title that interests him- Little Women. You have a range of titles, since he's not sure what you liked.)
Now, you look up, since you had been nose-deep in one of the books he brought to you.
"Oh, Si. Hi." Your arms open for a hug and he willingly steps into them.
"Hello. Is the book good?"
"Yes, thank you. I was only joking, you know. You didn't have to." Your voice is soft with affection and it makes him want to kiss you.
"Of course I have to. Surely limbo isn't where you thought you'd be spending the rest of your time. I want to make it worthwhile.
"Si, anywhere with you would be worthwhile."
"You shouldn't say things like that. I could take you to the ends of the universe," he deadpans, making you laugh and then sigh, threading your fingers through his hair, a shockingly blonde colour you can't imagine getting bored of.
"Mhm. Love you."
"I love you, too."
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starsofang · 10 months ago
soul collector ghost x reader
tw: implied death
thinking about ghost as a reaper whose entire purpose is to come and collect souls when they're ready to cross the bridge of life and death.
being a reaper for centuries has made him used to the way humans react when they first see him. the way they panic, babbling on about how they're not supposed to be dead, there must be some mistake, please take me back, so on and so forth. it's nothing he's never heard before, and at this point, it's more an inconvenience and annoyance for him than something pitiful.
so when he came to collect your soul that had been lost out of pure misfortune, a car accident, he's unsure of why you're not fighting it and why you only smile at him and accept your fate for how it is.
you didn't fight, you didn't argue, hell, you didn't even look upset at him for what he had to do. you took one look at your body that lay dead in the seat of your car, then turned to him to ask, "can I at least bring my cat with me?"
you were dead, and the only thing you were worried about was your cat.
"she has nobody but me. if I don't come home, she might think I abandoned her, or she'll starve."
ghost could only stare at you with feigned disinterest as he mulled over the choice of approving your request, or giving you a hard no. it wasn't part of his job or interest to dote on new souls and their wishes, but something about you stuck a chord in him.
"you may bring your cat," he sniffed with a sharp nod, and when he saw the way your smile lit up on your face, he had to force himself to turn away from you so he could shove away the twinge of fondness that came over him in the back of his mind.
ghost didn't feel fond over souls he had to collect. he felt nothing for them, and was only there to serve his purpose of taking them to what lay beyond death.
but as he watched you pluck up your cat from where the two of you stood in your dingy apartment with a loving smile and soft hands that cradled the cat to your chest, that foreign feeling in ghost returned. he knew if he didn't take you (and your lovely cat) to the place your soul was meant to reside in for the rest of eternity, he'd be tempted to keep you for himself.
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nonamenonamenon · 1 year ago
It's a rainy day in the human world when Solomon attends your funeral. You're surrounded by the brothers, the angels, and the friends you made during your time in the Devildom.
It's a bit cliché, he thinks. How time seems to stop. How the skies seem to weep at your death, too. It feels as though all three realms mourn at the loss of such a special lifeー your life.
Though, who wouldn't?
You're surrounded by people you've saved. The people you cherish, and those that cherish you back. Those who've come to experience the kindness you lent to demons, angels, humans, reapers, and other creatures alike. The amount of people saddened, and standing at your casket right now is only proof of that fact.
Solomon can't bring himself to cry.
It's something that he should be used to by now. It's something that he's a little too used to, given his long life.
It's not as if he expected himself to wail and sob at your death. He loved you. He loved you so much. He'd be willing to risk everything for you. Willing to sacrifice it all for you.
It's why the lack of any real feeling at learning of your death hurts him so much.
When you had died, his first thought was to tell his dearest apprentice the news. The realization sets in, and he laughs, thinking about how idiotic he is. Oh, Solomon. You've lost the only person you were ever truly comfortable with.
He doesn't feel... sad. Or angry. Or anything, really. He feels empty. Like a part of his soul had been taken from him, and crushed beneath someone's heel.
The sorcerer merely accepts it. It's not as if he can bring you back to life now, can he? Even Thirteen couldn't do anything.
He feels powerless. He laughs a little to himself. The strongest sorcerer in all three realms, and he's utterly powerless to stop you from leaving him again.
He's got so many regrets. He didn't think he spent enough time with you. Didn't think he told you he loved you enough. He didn't cherish the times he had with you enough.
Still, he doesn't feel anything well up in his eyes. He doesn't feel the lump in his throat when he speaks. He's composed, cordial with the other guests at your funeral, even daring to greet them with a smile. The others, who didn't know him so well, sent him dirty, disgusted looks.
He ignores, and ignores, until the funeral comes to an end, and time continues to move again. Everyone will soon move on with their life, forgetting about you. And it breaks him to think about how he'll have to keep moving forward, regardless, too.
Solomon doesn't use teleportation when he walks home. He thinks he'll take his time today. He... wants to take things a little slow, today.
Walking home, he remembers your little lectures on human superstitions. Both of you had taken an interest in them back then, so it naturally came up in a conversation while walking home.
He remembers you mentioning one in particular. It was something related to stopping somewhere after a funeral, to 'shake off' any spirits that may have followed.
He can't remember. It felt like he was just walking home, conversing with you, but how come he's unable to remember?
Anyway, you told him, jokingly, that if you'd ever died, to go somewhere else before stopping home, or else you'd haunt him for life.
He thinks it wouldn't be such a bad idea. His pace speeds up a bit. Solomon wanted to take it slow, but... he wants to rest at home for a bit.
His brisk walking pace evolves into somewhat of a light jog. He remembers he left some important papers at home that he needed to review for a new spell.
His light jog turns into a full blown sprint home. What was he hoping for, exactly? That you'd appear there as an apparition, welcoming him back home, like normal?
What a joke.
It's just some dumb superstition. It's not real. You won't be back.
He arrives at the door of your shared home. He's scared. Scared to open the door and have it fully set in that you're gone. Scared, that your lack of presence there will turn your shared home into just a mere house.
He fiddles with the key in his hand, and inserts it into the doorknob. He twists, and he hears a click.
He opens the door. The lights are shut. The movies you were supposed to watch and games you were supposed to play together are still stacked messily on the table. Your dirty clothes are still strewn about the apartment.
He doesn't... know how to feel. He enters, closing the door behind him, and sits on the couch in your living room.
If he waits any longer, will the lights start blinking?
Will the tap suddenly start running?
Will the room get colder, as he feels chills run down his spine?
Will something break, so suddenly, that it frightens him a little?
He wishes for something, anything, to happen. Just so he can feel your presence in your home again. Just so it doesn't feel like you're truly gone.
But nothing ever arrives.
The floorboards don't creak. The lights don't start flickering. The door doesn't move, suddenly. Nothing. Nothing happens.
After an hour of waiting, Solomon... breaks.
He breaks.
Tears well up in his eyes, and he feels that unfamiliar lump in his throat. It's as if a dam had fractured, and had been continuously breaking throughout the day.
And everything had started spilling out.
He cries. Solomon cries. He feels his tears drip down his face, drop after drop. It's not something he's used to. He's not used to feeling so strongly about a death like yours.
You passed of natural causes. Just like everybody else. Just like his family. Just like most of his friends.
How come... how come he's crying so hard at your death, then?
It's something he should be used to by now. It's something that he's used to.
However, when he feels the lack of warmth, the lack of life, the lack of you in your shared home...
Solomon realizes that he'll never get used to not having you with him.
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yan-lorkai · 1 year ago
Dunno if you know or watched about hazbin hotel but can I ask a Alastor!reader with whoever you want to write?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I already binge watched hazbin twice lol, so yeah I know Alastor my beloved little guy. I'm writing this for my beautiful ladies and Undertaker btw!
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Always smiling, dressed in red and carrying a microphone. You are a peculiar figure in the eyes of many. Wherever you go you leave people with mixed feelings, some afraid, others fascinated, but everyone knows that you are someone not to be messed with. Or else there will be consequences. Your smile may be sweet at first sight but hide a part of sharp teeths.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Integra thinks she should be used to death and blood but she has quite a soft spot hidden deep within her. If you are killing vampires and ghouls she doesn't mind much but killing humans, or worse, Hellsing agents, makes her sad. So very sad. Her humans dying because they didn't know any better and had provoked your ire, do please spare them. Or she'll have to send Alucard to teach you a lesson and even she don't know who could win between you two.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Seras kind of match your energy. She was a police officer once, arresting and even killing when necessary. Even if she had seen her fair share of bodies, of guts spilled from inside out, of blood, she isn't disgusted by it anymore. She is more concerned that you cannibalize your victims sometimes. She knows some serial killers like to claim trophies but you just eat them. She can't really say anything because she drinks blood to live and many would find it just as disgusting.
That said, she loves your gentle persona. When you two are out and about, people seem like to admire you two. At the surface level you're both gentle and calm, and it's cute how you interact.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Thirteen find you so funny. She likes teasing you till your breaking point, where your voice is all distorted and your form begins to waver. She can't help, she like this side of you. And she loves even more to watch you kill, as a reaper is her job collecting souls so she isn't bothered by the blood or the smell of flesh that you eat. Kill for your heart's content, she's just going to stay here to show her support for you. And later she can take you to eat jambalaya.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Undertaker is another one that find you and your mannerisms funny. He was always round you when you were alive and killing people, watching you, wanting to see what you were going to do next. You were funny as hell too. And when you were killed he was the one who collected your soul, in his eyes your soul was so interesting, so precious, but was time to go.
When word got around about a demon killing other demons then he wanted to meet the infamous Radio demon and he is delighted to know you still up to cause chaos around. This time he is going to stay around and watch you closely, you make him laugh very much, after all. And likes you too. You want power, you trap people into deals, you scheme and it's so entertaining watching everything happening, Undertaker even likes to share his thoughts on your plan just to add a little more perspective.
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brucewaynehater101 · 9 months ago
Hello again I have an idea that might–i guess– interest you so here we go :))
I have this idea where Tim has a scythe in his Bō staff and everyone is just confused and concerned because he is starting to look like a grim reaper. Also the weapon + his fighting style is like a character named Arlecchino from genshin impact (if you play it), so he can do some cool poses and when he fights everyone sees that his fighting style look dangerous but elegant as he dances with his scythe while humming a tune which makes any rouges or enemies off guard by his calm demeanor (but they won't lie that Tim looks absolutely stunning with his staff/scythe that has some sort of black magic in it, idk).
Anyway— getting sidetracked, when Tim got asked by the Bats how he got it and he just said "I make this weapon all by myself without anyone helping me, so if you wanted this baby? Make it by yourself" he huffs while turning away with a proud look.
Also I think the JL will have these shocked faces as they look towards batman to gain some answers of how RR has a scythe and he just said "he was bored so he makes it by himself." And just like that every JL member started calling Tim "Reaper", which for Tim is weird and too dark.
But anywaysss, the YJ also have the same exact expression as the JL but they quickly brush it off and let Tim do his "Grim reaper" things. And they also would sometimes brag about their friend, Tim, that they have a cool leader who is graceful, amazing, sometimes annoying, smart— and yadda yadda, bcs who wouldn't want to brag that they have a fuckin Reaper as a Leader.
Idk if Tim actually has powers that actually take people's souls but the imagination is there :33
Ooh!!!! A retractable scythe in his Bō staff?
Okay! I treasure when the Bats have cryptic/eldritch rumors about them that they purposefully feed into.
Tim would make his humming into a warning when he's not actively fighting. For the situations that require it, he would throw his voice around the room as his hum rang out. Some goons, upon hearing the noise and knowing the rumors about the "reaper," would lay down their weapons, put their hands up, and slowly walk away. Whatever they are getting paid is not worth the chance of him taking their soul.
I'm not sure what ideas you had for the timeline of when he added the scythe. One route is that, after he trained with Shiva, Tim quickly stumbles upon this option (particularly if it's an added lesson from Shiva).
Here's what I'm thinking instead:
Red Robin was surrounded by assassins all alone until he befriended three of them. He already was breaking a ton of rules and crossing lines for his cause. Yet, he refrained from any that Bruce wouldn't forgive. There's always another option. Tim can figure out how to save the day without resorting to violence.
Under a blanket of stars as the sand shifted beneath his knees, Tim couldn't help but desire a blade. His staff, while it could be deadly, proved ineffective in his weakened state. There wasn't a way he could defeat his opponent. Tim was doomed to die and drag Pru down with him.
He was lucky to regain consciousness long enough to drag them to help, but Tim didn't like resorting to luck. He utilized plans and contingencies, not the whims of the universe. Life is unpredictable, but Tim could at least pretend he was prepared.
So, with LoA knowledge at his disposal, the teen learned how to sharpen his weapon. Tim crafted a tool that could easily kill. Upon its completion, he felt a small sense of that safety he had lacked since he was fourteen.
As fitting to a person so surrounded by death (his mom, dad, Darla, Bart, Kon, Z, Owens, Bruce), Tim fastened a scythe blade to his Bō staff.
When he returned, Gotham, the JL, and YJ learned of the "reaper." Tim is glad his friends accepted him readily.
Later, when Tim has settled into his new forms and fighting styles, he'll sneak on over to Drake Manor. In a basement filed with tomes, research papers, artifacts, and notes, the teen with etch symbols and words into the metal. It's another tool and hail mary he hopes to never use.
He's learned his lessons about instilling limits for the sake of others.
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science-lings · 6 months ago
Being annoying about each option under the cut
1- Ryunosuke has no other pictures of his bestie's face except for the one of his 'corpse' and that is Fucked Up, which is why I love it. this hc is based on the fact that during my playthrough I looked at the picture so many times bc I missed him immediately. Anyway 1-2 was the worst day of his life and the moment where he was given the photo for the first time really stuck with me.
2- They get to switch off being each other's judicial assistants and they both get to be different flavors of transmasc, I think it would be fun for them. Would they have to attend classes at Yumei to even be considered lawyers? who knows the point is they do it together and are like those cats that bond together and get sad when they get separated.
3- If they are in the same room together that sword is being switched back and forth several times, 'I think it matches your outfit today' or 'I'm on my period I shouldn't be in possession of a deadly weapon' or 'you said in the custody agreement that I get it on weekends' etc etc etc... Though it tends to go with Ryunosuke when they are separated for long periods of time. That sword is symbolic of so much gay shit in these games what's a little more.
4- my guy talks about 'the look' in Ryunosukes eyes so much during the last case, what are you looking into his eyes for? Heterosexual reasons? sure... (also 'fancy meeting you here' that is a pick-up line, you're in a prison, not a bar) Anyway his feelings towards Ryunosuke are complicated and he's so mad that at least one of the feelings in the emotional cocktail is something like attraction)
5- There's that disaster lesbian thing going on but also the situation was pretty stressful but one day she will wake up and it will hit her that her friend was still very interested in her even after she knew it was her in the disguise.
6- Sholmes keeps trying to refer to himself as 'the root of all evil' and how he's 'drawn to the darkness', he's trying so hard to be edgy but he's a six-foot-tall lanky blond man who is dramatic in the silly way and drapes himself over Ryunosuke at every opportunity. Either he's trying to build some kind of reputation or he wants to appeal to the local goth milf populace (Sithe and Tusspells) or even the reaper himself (there's some messy ex energy going on over there...)
7- I need Phoenix to inherit Karuma, he knows a bit about it but he doesn't make a big deal about it. He does have a few prosecutor friends who know the blade and are so annoyed that he's not super proud to own it. Also it's funny to me if the only family that Phoenix knows are a couple of victorian lawyers that haunt him. I think they should watch over him and be a little horrified. Ryunosuke was excited when he was intending to be a performing arts student as a fellow drama kid but it doesn't surprise him that he chose to become a lawyer. It's in his blood.
8- You cannot tell me Ryunosuke didn't want to fling himself off of that boat every night he was stuck in the room he thought Kazuma was killed in. He just didn't want to ruin Susatos trip to England by leaving her alone and he goes into a depression when she leaves for Japan, going so far as to avoid looking at the photo the 221b fam took before she left because it made him sad, which gets put up every time by Sholmes who Gets It. Meaning that he went up to the Naruhodo consulting agency regularly to check up on him. I like to think Sholmes was genuinely worried during the months he spent banned from the courtroom and without his weirdgirl who he bonded with through his best friends 'death'.
9- Wagahai is a good kitty, she can tell who the most depressed person in the building is and follows them around, sometimes Ryunosuke has a nightmare and wakes up with a cat right up by his face.
10- Ryunosuke starts the Naruhodo family tradition of not talking about their personal lives to people they care about and making their own little patchwork family for themselves. Practically all we know about his past is that he's afraid of doctors and studied English from a young age. And then like three months after going to a new country and meeting new people he's just like 'neat this is my family now :)' there is something going on there I swear. I have many conflicting ideas about what it could be specifically though.
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deltajellybean793 · 10 months ago
Kenpachi Zaraki: Fluff Headcanons
CW: None, GN Reader-Insert
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
If you're a member of his squad, he would admire your strength with how you can keep up with everyone else, as well as the few times he sparred with you. Mainly, your Bankai would probably intrigue him the most so he can fight against one.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
He doesn't really have a favorite part, but if he absolutely had to pick, it'd probably just be your hair. Since he towers over everyone, he likes to run his hand through your hair a lot.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
When he's in the mood, he really likes to hold you close against his open chest, claiming it's only so you can stay warm. Yachiru is quick to make fun of him for it, though.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Kenpachi isn't really a "romantic" guy, so just spending time with him equates to a date in his eye(s). When he's alone with you without Yachiru or anyone else, he just kinda spars with you, and then after takes you out to eat.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Kenpachi is a physical guy, and that goes for affection as well. Head pats, side hugs, holding you close, and kisses when no one is looking.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
If you're close enough to the point Yachiru likes you, he would already see you three as a sort of family, being perfectly content with how things are.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Kenpachi isn't especially enthusiastic about receiving or giving gifts, since he isn't really perceptive to others interests or has a need for anything specific. He'll usually be satisfied with good food or a fight, and he'll usually try to give you a decent day with him.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Kenpachi isn't very into holding hands, but he'll usually only do it when you're scared and he wants to comfort you.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He'd be acting like he doesn't care, but he'd carry you so you don't hurt yourself more, be by your bedside if it's that serious, or just straight up try to cheer you up. He'd fail, but you appreciate him for trying.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He isn't a big fan of jokes or pranks (mainly cuz he can't make them easily), but if you tell a joke, he'd burst out laughing so you wouldn't be disappointed. As for him, he'd threaten to kill you if you took his last snack, but you wouldn't get the joke most times.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Kenpachi is very forward. When he wants to kiss you, he'll grab the back of your head and give you the most gentle kiss ever. Since he's never done it before, he'll do his best not to be rough and try not to make it long.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Kenpachi has an odd way of showing love. At first, it'd be simple touches with the occasional kiss. After the Quincy attack, he'll be more outward to show his affection, at least five kisses a day, head pats constantly, and making sure you're okay.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Probably the first time you sparred. You didn't waver, even after he slashed you across your shoulder. While you weren't the strongest Soul Reaper, you definitely piqued his interest.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Kenpachi didn't really have any nightmares concerning you, probably only the fact you wouldn't be able to keep up with him. After the Quincy War, however, the following year was him waking up in cold sweats and making sure you're still around.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Kenpachi has the strangest habit of slashing at bells. You really don't understand why, especially since he wore them at one point.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Kenpachi isn't really big on pet names or stuff like that. He'll really only call you by your name, and it's only after long periods of time he'll think of a shorter version of it. Even if you have a short name, he'll find a way.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Kenpachi really just likes to relax in his free time with you. He'll try to squeeze in at least one or two fights, but if you can't go on, he'll settle with small cuddles and eating together.
R = Random (a random thing only you would know about them)
Kenpachi (within the first year or two after the Quincy War) accidentally called you "Yachiru" from time to time, mainly cuz you're shorter than him and the light of his life after her disappearance.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Kenpachi doesn't really have secrets with you, because even the "darkest" secrets are things you could have guessed or not that bad, like him killing a few people here and there.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It takes AWHILE, mainly because Kenpachi has to take in the idea of "romantic love", as well as viewing you in that way. From your first meeting to your first official "date", it will probably take two years of knowing each other. Another two before you make it official.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
If someone or something has you upset, he'll try his best to comfort you through the sadness, before going out to "talk" to the person or vent his anger by taking it out on a squad member.
If he's made you upset, he'll keep his distance, mainly because he'd be confused on what he did, but eventually he'll realize it and make it up to you by taking you out to a quiet place together or try to cook for you. He fails, but it's the attempt that counts.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Kenpachi really only shows off his own strength, so unless you give him the challenge of a lifetime, he probably wouldn't bring up the fact you're an item.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Kenpachi would absolutely love to see you fight, especially against him. Since you're one of the only people that can get him to take off the patch, he'll be ecstatic, even though you go down quickly after.
Your Bankai is what really gets him, since he's really interested in the idea and power behind it. The only time he'll fight FOR you is when someone upsets you to the point of tears, or when you're down after a major battle.
AFTER The Quincy War, you're staying home and where he can see you for the next year, he does not want to lose you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Kenpachi, surprisingly, is very good at reading your composure most days. It usually only takes a glance to understand your feelings, and maybe because of his many years of battlefield analysis or just something to do with you.
Due to this incredible sense, he'll usually match your energy most days or try and get you to perk up when you're with him.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
During the timeskip between the Arrancar and Fullbring Arcs, Yachiru would jokingly say "If you love 'em so much, why don't you marry 'em?"
Kenpachi thinks about it for about a week, before eventually popping the question in the most casual way, not even kneeling or bothering with a ring.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
He'll never admit to his other squad members, but touching his abs or hair relaxes him immediately. It makes him feel proud of his strength in protecting you, but the gentle touch of his hair makes him think you like it long and down.
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missingmayuri · 7 months ago
An Out Of Body Experience
Mayuri X Reader
Warning: Mentions of blood
The entire division was in shambles, a special order from the Head Captain having arrived not along ago.
"Prepare to dispatch to Huaco Mundo to assist the substitute soul reaper"
While you knew it was only the Captain leaving and you would be perfectly safe you still felt your very core being shaken. You had trust in him but you feared even Captain Kurotsuchi could be out of his depth, having watched from the eyes of the quincy boy the foe the Captain wanted to take on.
Someone who could effect your entire body, your bones, muscles and very nervous system was a terrifying thought but still Captain Kurotsuchi chuckled and smiled as he always did.
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You never had a doubt your Captain was prepared for all possibilities but you found yourself wondering what twisted ideas ran through his head as you carried what looked like an entire box of synthetic organs to his private lab.
These had never been touched in the entire time you had been in this squad. In the whole thirty years not once had these fake organs ever graced your sight. They looked surprisingly crudely made for something Captain Kurotsuchi was interested in, noting how they looked as simple as something a child would make. Perhaps akin to a school project of sorts.
Upon entering the room you weren't prepared for the sight you were faced with. It was both glorious and somewhat terrifying. Your Captain whom you respected so dear stood before you disrobed without his uniform top or headpiece, scars scattered all over his body like some kind of morbid mosaic and his short hair atop his head sightly messy. You swallow hard, placing the box down and doing your best to avoid eye contact with his golden eyes, seemingly looking directly at you.
"Ah there you are with my replicas! Hurry up and bring the box closer to me!"
You finally look up in shock, picking up the cargo once more and trying to hand it off to your Captain without once again making eye contact. You hear a huff of disapproval above you, causing you to look up finally at the white painted chest laid bare before you.
Adorned with the most beautiful scars you had to resist the urge to reach out and touch them, lest you fear the loss of a hand.
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You hear the box being placed down, standing quickly to bow before leaving. Whatever was going on you didn't want to be around when it began.Before you could even step away you felt a bony hand grab your arm and your plans to leave became quickly thwarted.
"Oh come now. Why are you vacating so quickly? I need assistance"
You nod, body shaking. Nemu was with him so what assistance could the Captain want? Nemu was the most capable of them all, able to simultaneously complete various tasks. What could a simple lab tech do instead of her?
"Nemu.. Fetch my scalpel"
At those words you felt your blood run cold, both in anticipation and fear. The fear you felt was not for your life but for what the Captain would do to himself. The fact he was shirtless told you enough that this was perhaps an experiment on one's self, perhaps a counter measure to whom he wished to face. Whatever it was you knew deep down the sight would be an unpleasant one.
Mayuri pushes you down onto one of the two chairs behind him, gripping your hand in an iron grasp. You could see focus and fear mixed in those golden pools and perhaps a touch of worry. Something seemed amiss as you watched his eyes follow Nemu like a hawk as the cold metal instrument approached closer each passing second. You finally look into his eyes, noticing him looking straight back as with his free hand made motions on his chest to the lieutenant.
"Cut here, here, across here and down here. Make sure the painkiller is enough and don't waste any time"
It suddenly hit you, like the hefty swing from a Hollow.
You were the moral support.
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He tenses a little as Nemu makes sure her Captain, her father was safe to proceed and unable to be driven mad by pain. You had heard from those who visited his surgery clinic that Captain Kurotsuchi had the best painkillers on the market, made of his own special formula so you had no doubt he was safe in that regard but the slight worry in those eyes had your heart strings knotting up, causing you to grip his hand even tighter then he was gripping you.
Why did he choose you?
Was it because you were here already or perhaps it was he valued you over others?
You couldn't tell as he himself asked you to deliver the fake organs to him specifically. He was at his most vulnerable so maybe it was trust he felt for you.
Regardless of the reason, you were forever grateful.
"Keep looking at me.. Don't take your eyes off me or I will-"
He hisses a moment.
"-end you"
You can hear dripping through the silence of the room, small glimpses of red below you and a waft of iron passing you by. It was obvious that while the painkiller was effective not all the pain was gone. Despite this your Captain seemed mostly unphased after the initial shock, quickly adjusting and taking to staring intently while all you could do in return was stare back and try not divert your gaze to either his messy hair or the scars that were so close to you.
At that very moment the world seemed slower, like you were disjointed from it. Everything faded until it was just you and him, even the once horrid smell that filled the room was now gone, the squelching noises now no more then a mere buzz in your ears. It was like the world was set into slow motion and only you and Captain Kurotsuchi existed.
Despite the situation your heart skipped and for a moment, just a second, you thought you saw true appreciation on the face of Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the man known for being heartless and cruel. Maybe, just maybe you had him down all wrong. Perhaps he was just eccentric and a showoff with strange tastes, much like a peacock.
Perhaps there was something more and your heart screamed for you to find out and after today that could be a possibility.
Well, you hoped so.
It seemed to go on forever, even though it lasted but a few moments in reality. Nemu was a blur in your vision and she clearly took her leader saying to not waste time seriously, zipping around like she had downed a few cups of morning coffee. You suddenly felt like time had caught up to you and once again your senses returned to normal.
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You felt the grip subside as the Captain stood, a new scar on his abdomen. It was fresh with a few blood smears still strewn about yet the stitches were pristine, leaving you to wonder if the Captain had taught Nemu how to do such a thing herself for purposes such as these. He also seemed a little larger but you chalked this up to a trick of the dim lab lights.
Coming down from some unknown high you didn't notice the Captain take your arm once more to usher you out, realising the box was completely empty as you passed.
"I need to prepare. Thank you for your help but DO NOT say what transpired here or I will burn you alive!"
Before you could register what was happening a door closed in your face, leaving you stunned.
He thanked you. He had never thanked anyone before. Not that you knew anyway. You smiled, truly feeling special as you wander with a spring in your step down the corridor to watch the Captain who just thanked you fight. If anyone asked about the blood on your shoes you would just say it was a Hollow experiment.
Today was a good day.
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darkdemeter · 4 months ago
Dem!!!demy!!! My bestie
This idea has been going around the ol' nogging for a little. But part 2 of A Warriors Armor (punk!human) where the human has been making the horsemen their own punk vests as a way to Keep themself sane. (I imagine this especially applies to death's human after he yeets himself to the well of souls).
I Also imagine that their human takes their measurements with like...a maker measuring tape/hj(everything's easier when you use the maker measurement system,aka: everything is "fuck you" big)
And the horsemen's reactions are priceless. Their little human adopted them into their punk pack??(and maybe its about time they confess)
As always take ur time,Im sure you have a lot on your hands!!
(Pd: looking forward to dark feathers SO MUCH. but take as long as you need!!!/gen)
⚤ Death/Strife/Fury/War x GN Punk!Reader just fluffy content with some angst ✎ 2.6k
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✎ a note from the author, Death: throws himself in the well of souls Me, remembering your fic: T R I G G E R E D hahahahha! yes I still get all emotional and upset when I even think about that fic! I gotta read it again.... 😂 here you go, Jer, part 2 for your punk request!
↳ MASTERLIST | ↳ TAGLISTS ────────────────────────
For your dearest Horseman, you'd do all you humanely could to achieve what they asked of you. You'd brave the depths of hell, you'd face off the vanguards of the White City in protest of their declared 'holiness'.
But you never expected this.
Having finally taken his measurements, it's all about fitting it to him nicely. precisely... no nasty points--
"Human," Death snarls after you jab him with the needle for the fourth time in a span of 30 seconds. It's not your fault that every time your fingers linger so close it's like his presence possesses them to tremble with violent impulse. And every time you do accidently poke him, you wince and apologise, but at this point, you may as well just stab him with the damn thing if he's going to keep carrying on like a ragged animal being prodded at intentionally.
"Then stay still," you breath back easily and roll your eyes. The insufferable nature of this reaper sometimes. Alright, you may have had to convince him a little but overall, this was his idea - his request. You're just being a good companion.
Placing the needle between your lips, you say, "I'm almost done. Back a little straighter." Your words are muffled but he overhears the tone of it and its enough for him to suffer through the remainder of his fitting in relative, blessed silence; just the way you both like it. Your eyes occasionally lift up to try and capture his expression, no matter how pointless it is with that mask, you can read the eyes at least. His gaze is elsewhere and you decide not to intrude on his thoughts.
You work better when he's not watching you with the eyes of a looming hawk anyway. You weave the last thread through the tiny hole and begin to stitch the final adjustments of his vest, but that's putting a fashion term nicely and you humour him just this once. He didn't exactly want a tradition vest like you due to the nature of his skill set and you obliged in his request, but you still kept some semblance of a vest-like quality to your craftmanship. The design ended up being a sort of an additional shawl that draped over his shoulder, but with a little artistic flare, you made the shoulder portion imitate torn sleeves.
"Are you almost finished?" he asks, almost causing you to flinch and lose control of the needle's point again. With a sigh, you nod. "Almost. Just a little stitch here... and a bit there-- and done!"
You step down off the stool because yes, he refused to crouch down to your level. Stubborn old bastard but you care about him nevertheless. You balance on the heel of your foot, nervousness flickering through the fluster of your beating lashes and the way you awkwardly angle your head down.
"What'cha think?" You suddenly take an interest in the very long, sturdy leather strip you used as a measuring tape. Alya's measuring tape.
"Hmm... I like it."
His confession could have come in an assortment of ways, and you're kind of confused by it still, but his embrace was comforting. "And I like you too."
You've never forgotten that compliment or that confession. The way it brightened your mood and turned your lips into a large smile. You'll always remember the way his eyes smiled down at you, applauding your work in the new addition of his attire.
That's what you think about as you stitch up the patches and sew new relics and decorations into the black fabric. Tears in your eyes, you find it hard to not jab your own fingers, wincing every few seconds when the sharp sting of your needle bites venomously. Now you know just how poor Death felt being pricked by you. Fond memories that now turn dark in this hour.
He's gone now. Sacrificed his very being to revive your species and to spare War a punishment to a crime he did not commit. He gave it back to you before his encounter with the avatar of corruption - his once brother, Absalom. By the time you managed to pry open the doors of the chamber, all that remained on the ground was the placid face of bone, sockets void of that vibrant amber you adored with secret fondness.
You're not sure if he will ever come back or the fate of War for that matter. The tears blanket your vision with a thickness that hinders your work, forcing you to stop. At this point, you're needlessly sewing and threat into it, reminiscing in every little detail and every tiny sensation that travels through your fingers. You begin to wonder as you lower the garb into your lap, haunted by a loud, audible sniffle, if Death knew what his fate was and that's why he finally indulged in your little scattered hints.
You'll wait for him. You'll keep adding these stitches and touch ups until the reaper returns. However long he may find rest in the well, you will wait for him.
The gunslinging Horsemen truly was a marvel at times. Not only did it take him exactly 48 hours to ask you if you would perhaps consider making him a punk vest. Suffice to say, your affirmative answer earned you a bone-crushing hug and a plethora of 'thank you's thereafter. Strife was excited right from the get go and eager to help you find the perfect material that was both strong and big enough to make a vest made for his size. Now to get a form of measurement...
"Alright, arms out, chest out and shoulders back."
He does exactly as you say and maybe a little too well. You take a rough estimate of his limbs and body proportions and when you ask, "Do you want me to make any alterations so it's more... suited for... y'know, your work?"
He shakes his head and his golden eyes flare with a giddiness. "Nope. Just like your one."
Eyes blinking rapidly, you take a short moment to compose your surprise. "Right. Okay then, let's see what we can do about that."
It takes a considerable amount of days but you finally get your hands on the perfect fabric and thankfully, you find some other suitable patterns and clothing to add to it and give it that punk flare. Strife particularly adores this one stripe of pattern that decorates the hem of your vest and so you do your best to replicate it, even going the extra mile in finding a similar pattern to it.
During your small sessions of camp and in your adventurous search for a measuring tape suited for his size, he watches you with that same excitement, almost fawning over your work right there and then, eyes blending to the fire's glow.
"Uh, hello? Earth to Strife." The Nephilim with spiked hair finally awakens from his dreaming stupor and addresses you. You can sense the sheepish smirk behind his mask. "Sorry, where you saying something?"
Your lips fold back into a slight grin as you shake your head. "Nah. Nothing important."
He's in awe of the delicate handle you have with the needle but fucking hell, does he whine when you so much as graze him with the needle point.
"Quit your whining, I barely pricked you."
"Still... that hurt," he grumbles and you snort a little at that. His visor set aside, you're given full view of his expression which is both a good and bad thing. For one thing you can admire his handsome features, but the other means you can tell exactly what he's thinking. From the slack and slight of his brows and to the bevel between, all the way down to the small dimples that form in his cheeks with a deepened smirk.
"It's good you found a measuring tape for me," you say behind a chuckle, actually taking in just how long it was... "Where did you say you got it from?"
"I, er... found it." His reasoning doesn't add up and his eyes avoid yours.
"Yeah, that's a way to not sound suspicious, Strife." You continue to press the needlework into the craft, adding unique little strips of stitches and filling in any alterations and requests on the way. When you want him to be still, he's like a statue. Which is every tailor's dream client. You remember the countless times your mother complained about her clients being unable to stop fidgeting. Of course, Strife has his moments where he can't help it, but with a warning glare and threatening poise of the needle, he's on his best behaviour until you're done.
Indeed a very traditional vest and to say he wears it well is an understatement. It's like he was meant to be a punk. All he was missing was the vest. With a grin, you take a step back and allow him his space to take in the garment, waiting with batted breath.
"So?" you finally press to ask. He twirls around before stopping hot on his heels with a loud skrrt, flashing you with his signature finger guns and winks.
"It rocks! By the way, you know we're a couple now, right?"
Your jaw goes slack and your eyes increase tenfold in their blatant stare up at him, your face becoming flushed with a certain heat. "W-what?!"
"You know, you'd probably make a really kickass punk queen - if that was in our culture."
Could you have flattered her more? Here you go again, yapping on about how well her hair suits the culture and how she should think on it at least. It does get a bit boring sometimes when you're the only punk left in the world. After a few nights of noticing your considerable moping, she bit the bullet and upon preparing to leave the next morning, she caves in.
"Would you... like to make me a punk vest?"
With a gasp, you turn towards her in a way that causes her to flinch out of instinct when something moves that fast. "Yes!"
The task now at hand of making Fury's vest is a memorable one. Whilst she slays the hordes of hell, the seven deadly sins and gains mutual alliances, there you are in the background of it all; collecting whatever cool scraps you can fashion together. It's not like she held the jaws of gluttony apart for you just so that you could get that piece of textured fabric. It's a very beautiful piece of studded leather.
Back in the safety of Haven, Ulthan happily allows you to use the maker's measuring tape to your heart's content. Not that he really uses it much, rather knowing his know-how off the tip of his experience but to the younger maker, it could be more useful.
"Ugh, this is taking too long," Fury sighs.
With a raise of your brow, you huff in reply, "It's only been twenty minutes."
Fury only rolls her eyes but she lets you continue. You do well not to get her with the needle, only having done it once and she threatened that it'd be the last if you did it again. And so you go about her vest with the utmost care, cautious about how far your depth goes and where your needle point is aimed at all times.
"Look at you!" Jones taunts from the other side of Haven with a wicked waggle of his fingers, mimicking a playful, mischievous wave. In return, you do the same such to Fury's dismay. It says as much by the slow turn of her head in your direction, the milky whites of her glowing, Nephilim eyes glaring down on you.
Your lips pull into a thinned line and you continue your work in silence, carried on only by the sternness of her gaze that occasionally swept over you. When you finally finish her vest off, you feel a sense of relief that it's finished. Sighing, you gesture for her to have a move about in her new vest, to take it in.
"Ey? Ey?" you hum. It's not your fault that with each passing second you become more consumed by the thought of seeking her approval. Not very punk of you but for the longest time now -- and maybe because of your crush on the female Horseman -- but you have become obsessed with her opinion and moreso, her approval of the punk culture.
"Humans and their pathetic utility to craft such--" she pauses, and then slowly turns. She's observing the vest, now she's look at it closer... and she smiles!
"This is actually... rather well made," she says, voice soothing and laced with an impressed purr. Then her eyes meet yours and you feel your heart melt, your chest swelling as the heat in your face surfaces. "I love what you did. I think you were right, I would make an excellent punk."
To make a vest for War would be putting an extreme limit on his capabilities. Besides, you'd be stitching that thing together for the remainder of your days with the way he throws himself into harm's way and dashes right towards it like a beast on the loose.
So you have to improvise. You decide to pin it here, cinch it there and around the shoulder to connect to the pauldrons and there you have it: a shawl that he can add over the top of his red one. It took many days and many sleepless nights by the fire's light to see what you were doing and your fingers are covered in tiny dots and a few makeshift bandages. But to you, it was worth it. It kept your spirits up and it made dealing with the whole end of the world thing easier to cope with when you have a personal project to work on. And War would watch you, observant but distant.
And finally, time for the final adjustments. When you first measured War, you'll admit - it was a very big undertaking to make him a punk vest. But the way his eyes looked at you like a shy puppy as he softly asked, almost mumbling his words as if unsure of how to present such a question.
You couldn't say no! So you pushed that overwhelming sense of dread when you realised just how big of a canvas you were working with. You would do this for him, to let him have his own piece of the culture and allow him to be a part of it.
By no means did he become impatient. Or at least he didn't show that side of him, but every now and then he'd check in and finally when it came time for his final fitting, you caught the slight blush on his cheeks as he stood still for you.
For the few times you accidently poked him with the needle, apologies poured out of your mouth as if you injured the most precious thing in the world, only for him to brush aside your doting concern. You'd shake and tremble a little out of worry that you'd hurt him.
"There! all done," you announce and brush a hand over your brow as you take a step back to analyse your work. "You look amazing, War!"
"You truly think so?" he asks, his voice unsure. He looks at himself however much he's able to. It's not until you direct him over to an old store window, allowing him to gauge his reflection in the splintered window.
"Your craftsmanship is one of a kind."
You stumble over a sentence of half stringed words. Even to you they were unintelligible and so you sweep some hair that fell over your eyes away with a sheepish smile. "Thank you. Do you like it? I know it's not a traditional vest like mine, but I tried my best to keep in theme. I didn't wanna comp---"
His lips caress the delicate space between your hairline and your words immediately cease.
"I adore it. Thank you."
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derangedanomaly · 10 months ago
Hi, I have returned. Can I ask for reaper sans?
In this, Reaper sans meets reader, you is a goddess who can feel people's saddest feeling or their worst fears and tries everything in her power to make them no more. (Kinda like a more powerful dream sans).
Reader will meet reaper sans when reaper talks to them. (Since he is always happy to meet new gods) She would instantly feel something is wrong and asked. Reaper will warn about his ability and how he is cursed. Que, reader saying all cheerfully, "Oh, I can fix that!" And snaps their fingers.
Boom, reaper sans can not kill anything they touch, but anytbing that touches their scythe will die.
How would reaper act and how does reaper react to reader that cured him of his nightmare?
Thank you for reading this!!!!!
Helloo! This is pretty interesting request. I'll see what I can cook up! Also, I had no idea what to call the reader in this, so I came up with "healing goddess", but it's kinda dumb ngl. 💀
He stared at his boney hands, pondering about the situation. You're telling him that he's cured? Just like that? With a flick of your fingers? He cannot believe this. No way...no one can just- do this?! He felt something cold travelling down his cheek... Oh.. a tear? He couldn't even blink, before one tear became a series of more... "Oh dear..." You spoke worriedly. "H-huh?" You smiled gently at him, and held his cheeks. "...no need for tears hun.. you're cured." Reaper couldn't do anything, but just process this new information. He's...saved? He blinked a couple of times, and caressed your hand, resting on his cheek.
He can touch you....you can touch him. He slowly starts to calm down, as this realization settles in. His face now developing a happy smile, as he starts touching your face. Which got you in turn slightly flushed.. "Reap?" He didn't respond to you, as he kept touching your cheeks, arms, hands... He cannot believe this... "I...am healed..." He muttered, caressing your cheeks. "You're healed.." you repeated, smiling warmly at him.
Reaper will be so happy! This means he can freely touch people! Whether it be to give them a fist-bumb, or a handshake!
He truly is glad that he met a goddess like you.
Reaper will probably be really touchy, but also still kinda careful? He's not used to being able to freely touch people, and even though he knows the curse is gone- the lingering fear is still there.
If you two get together, there'll be a lot of kisses!
He's also probably gonna prank THE HECK out of everyone.
Reaper will become pretty overprotective towards you, he just CAN'T let you get hurt! (That would break him-)
It's gonna take awhile for him to get used to his scythe, being the one that's able to reap souls.
But he's a fast learner, it's gonna take no time!
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aitheria · 9 days ago
Valentine's Viper (GinxReader Fic)
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Summary: It's Valentines Day in the Soul Society and Gin looks for no one else but you of course! (aka Gin deserves a little happiness fic)
Pairing: Gin Ichimaru x f!reader
Contains:MDNI, fluff, minor sexually suggestive content, bully! Gin, mean! Gin, chubby! reader, reader is a bit of a mess tbh in an endearing way... one minor mention of blood
Word Count: 1.5k
NOTES: This has been sitting in my head and its still February. I miss Gin...please enjoy!
The sun was high, the birds were chirping for Spring, and Gin's characteristic smile was taunt.
The captain’s meeting had just been adjourned and everyone filed out, right into the embarrassing scene before them.
There stood Hinamori Momo, face red with a cute little bag of chocolates. Gin’s gaze slid from her to his lieutenant, Izuru Kira. Who looked like he was silently cheering for her.
"Captain, please accept these!" Hinamori stood holding chocolates out for the ever so wonderful Aizen Sosuke of the 5th Division. Of course, being the great man Aizen portrayed himself as he took the small package thanking his lieutenant. She was over the moon when he gave her a smile and pat on the head in return.
Gin tried not to roll his eyes.
It was Valentines Day. Which was a new concept to the Seretei, coming from the human world. He looked around him and noticed most of the men had received chocolates. Gin wasn't one for sweets anyways, but it didn't go unnoticed with the bits of chocolate stuck on the corner of Captain Hitsugaya's lips.
Gin’s smile didn’t falter but he inwardly cringed. He hated it here.
“C’mon we’re leavin, Izuru” Gin held his head high. Izuru looked back at Hinamori once more before running after him to the 3rd Division.
Maybe his ego was a tad bruised. He wasn’t expecting anything, he knew most of his own squad thought of him as carefree and overly friendly, but they kept their distance. He was barely around anyways. Always trotting around with Aizen so he didn’t care much.
Well except for you.
It was when you had been recruited to the 3rd Division you had looked at him and stated how much you liked his smile. You went into a story of how it reminded you of the garden snake you rescued as a child and afterwards you proudly showed off the snakeskin shed you carried around in a small satchel. Gin just grinned at you.
 "Gross" was his only response back then.
But that awkward straightforwardness of yours is what piqued his interest in you. He’d laugh at how awful you were at everything that had to do with being a Soul Reaper. You were awful at Kido, you once lit Kira's shihakusho on fire. You were awful with your zanpakuto and hit your head with your scabbard once. You were even awful at walking, so lost in thought you’d trip over your own feet in the corridors when he’d be watching.
He found joy in taking you on missions, he'd make sure to send you on the most dangerous ones with him. He found glee while watching the tears in your eyes glisten and fall in fear of Hollows.
You’d yell “Captain Ichimaru please help me!”
He took care of it of course but it was still fun watching you run around the battlefield in a panic. Plus, you were nothing special in the grand scheme of anything to do with Aizen so Gin could play with you all he wanted.
He had learned to respect your tender nature as well. How you’d cluck like a mother hen to the other squad members when they misbehaved, or how you’d take care of the sick. Your only talent was probably for the garden. Even Captain Ukitake had complemented your care of the persimmon tree and flowers in the courtyard.
But what he loved most was teasing you in close quarters. Stealing papers from your hands and holding them above his head so your breasts would jiggle when you'd jump. The sway of your ass when he had you on a “top secret mission” on hands and knees in the garden looking for something he “lost”. He noticed how your body reciprocated, how you’d flush and get agitated when he'd blow in your ear or how you’d rub your thighs together when he’d make you sit a tad too close to him while filing.
Yes, Gin had a taste and at the end of the day he was just a hungry snake.
But today you were nowhere to be found.
Gin had wandered up and down the corridors, been through every bush in the courtyard and even crawled up to the roof but still no sign of you. He huffed; he was bored now. His stomach grumbled from the effort of his search. Hungry too.
A short while later Gin slid the door open to the kitchens, each division had large kitchens which usually had a few stragglers by the end of the afternoon but today was different there was just you.
He grinned, feeling pleased with himself. Slithering up on you like a snake to a field mouse. Your back was turned to him, you were busy with something in your arms. Your sole focus was on whatever was in your arms.
He didn't like that.
"Whatcha got there?" Gin whispered in your ear. You jumped at his voice, face flushed.
"C-captain Ichimaru!" You yelled, turning to him and hiding whatever you had been holding behind your back. Gin’s head tilted slightly in confusion noticing the guilty look on your face.
Oh, this'll be fun Gin thought
"I was askin’ yah a question" Gin's smile didn't falter as he pressed closer. You'd step back and he'd step forward till you were cornered against the back wall.
"You’re... too close Captain" you mumbled. Gin's face was inches from yours, his smile widened.
"Is that a problem~?" He was teasing you again. Watching how your lashes fluttered, and the heat crept up your neck.
"No it’s just..." You fidgeted. The breath in your ear tickled, you rubbed your thighs together.
"Hmm~~?" He pressed on, your eyes scanned around looking for escape. He put a hand above your head pining you in.
You looked up at him then, your tongue darted out to wet your lips and it didn't go unnoticed. The swell of your breasts rising and falling with each nervous breath didn't either.
"All yah have t' do is answer the question. Or is that too hard for yah?" His fingers were lifting your chin up when you tried to look back down. His lips were practically against your ear when he whispered-
"Show me whatcha got there (y/n)"
You gasped then, squirming at his taunting. He watched you steel your nerves after a moment. He liked that earnest part of you.
"I-I MADE THESE FOR YOU, CAPTAIN ICHIMARU! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!" you yelled. He flinched; your voice hurt his ears. But he got what he wanted when he felt a bag in his outstretched hand.
Gin’s smile fell from his face, Valentines? For him? His stomach did a little flip as he glimpsed the bag with heart designs. Tied with a ribbon the same color as his eyes, it had some wrinkles from the number of times you had re-tied it, trying to make it perfect.
Cute he thought at first glance.
He held the bag gingerly in his hand, untying the little bow and pulling out a cookie. There was no chocolate, they were quite lumpy as well. He sniffed it once, twice, there was a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg. The smell was for baked goods out of season but not one to complain he bit into one.
How delicious he thought, savoring the flavor.
"W-w-when we went scouting last time, I picked up a cookbook with persimmon recipes! I know it's n-not chocolate it’s probably awful! Please don't eat them if they're awful Captain Ichimaru! I'm sorry Captain Ichi!-" He shoved a cookie in your mouth, then another till you shut up your whining to chew and swallow them before you'd choke. Tears prickled in the corners of your eyes, your embarrassment filled him with some sick pleasure.
He felt a tad giddy. Gifts weren’t something he regularly received; affections weren’t something in his vocabulary.  There was thoughtfulness here, something that touched his wickedness.
"Yer a naughty lil’ girl aren’tcha?" Gin’s smile came back, this time genuine.
"Captain...?" you we’re staring at him, the blush staining your cheeks, crumbs on your lips. He liked this little look of yours. He leaned forward, tilting your chin up once more. He licked your lips with the last of the crumbs, chuckling at your lust lidded eyes once he pulled away.
"Jus’ call me Gin, ‘kay?" he kissed your cheek quickly before turning to leave, holding the little bag close. You slid to the floor, stunned, running a finger over your wet lips.
Maybe Gin was just a snake who enjoyed playing with his food.
Gin hummed a tune kicking his feet from the ledge he sat at in the dark, his cheek itched where the blood hadn’t yet died. He reached into his clothing and pulled out a small bag from which he took out a cookie.
“Gin, this is no time for snacks” Aizen glanced over his shoulder, giving Gin a disapproving stare while wiping his own blade.
“Yer such a kill joy Captain, it’s Valentines Day!” Gin smiled taking another bite.
It was Aizen’s turn to roll his eyes at that.
Gin couldn't wait till whatever this "White Day" was at that moment. He really wanted to eat you up.
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libby-for-life · 11 months ago
I wanna see more greek mythology au 🥺 also i wonder what happens if like at some point Charlie and the crew or like Sera and such meets him again😙
Read the other Greek Mythology au first.
Previously: The entirety of Hell shakes and splits open as twelve-foot-tall people radiating power and light storm in, all wielding weapons that, despite not being angelic weapons, are powerful enough to kill sinners.
They will find Persephone.
Meanwhile, Lucifer soon catches wind of these godly beings and goes to confront them. He sees Adam for the first time since the dawn of Eden and nearly has a heart attack. Adam. The First Man. He was back.
And he was PISSED
Adam spots the one he feels is in charge, pointing his scythe at him. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!"
Lucifer too stunned to speak for a moment just stares at Adam. Then he reels back.
"Oh dear gods, this place is a mess." A man with what looks like a war helmet says.
"I love war as much as the next person, but this seems...excessive..."
A man in black with a gold circlet looks disgusted. "Is THIS what they think my domain is?!" (Hades has always been salty about the miscommunication of the Underworld)
"I have much more class then this!"
"Please, focus you two." A woman with long blonde hair says. She carried a spear and looked wise beyond her years.
Adam just stalks up to Lucifer, radiating the feeling of a famine, a sweltering summer, wildfires started from his angry breath
He giveth mankind his bounty, he taketh is away just as fast
"WAIT! I don't know who this person is, but I can help you find her! Did her soul pass through here?"
This only made Adam angry. "A goddess doesn't die." His fury is controlled but Lucifer could tell that this...glowing new Adam wanted to pummel him.
"Yes. Besides, Earth needs her. Without her, Spring can't come." A man wearing a tunic said and...was he carrying a...lightning bolt? Interesting weapon choice.
Lucifer heard rumors of the Earth taking on sentient life of its own, but he didn't believe it. These were Primordials! They held just as much power as the Elders so long as they were on Earthly domain. They were literally gods.
And...Adam was one of them?
"Are you this realm's leader?" The female said, shifting the weight of her spear. "If what you say is true about you helping us, then you WILL provide."
Hades steps up. This may not be his realm, but he is STILL Lord of the Dead. "Speak, or I will have every soul here tear and burn this place to the ground before turning them up on you."
Lucifer shivered. He could tell that he wasn't lying. "Yes. I am their King. If Persephone is here and not a lost soul, I will help you find her and bring out of Hell."
Adam looked at the man. He seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He supposed it didn't matter. If he didn't get Persephone back, then he was going to flood this place and then burn it into the ground. They didn't call him The Reaper for nothing.
"How about, while we search, I can offer you a place to stay? My daughter runs a hotel."
Charlie did not expect Dad to show up with the fucking Primordials
Hades is beyond offended at the lack of structure in the afterlife. "Why the fuck isn't this place more organized?! So much chaos! Why aren't they on the reincarnation route?"
"Hu? Reincarnation?" Charlie asked confused.
"YES! If you're not an absolute beast of a human being, you reincarnate! Attain a good life three times and you get Eternal Paradise!"
Athena just shakes her head and gathers her brothers towards some open seats. A snap of her fingers makes them fit better so they can all sit down. They needed to know the layout of Hell. She knew strategies like the back of her hand.
"Now. You're the Princess of Hell?" Athena asked Charlie before a small one-eyed woman pointed a spear at her.
Athena tilted her head. "You will do well to lower your weapon child. Before I show you the power of a Goddess."
Ares laughs. "This one! I like her!" Taps Vaggie's spear, turning it gold and giving it a more wicked design. "This will draw more blood from your foes!"
Vaggie stumbles back and looks at her spear. Athena looked at her in the eyes and suddenly she saw her literal life flash before her eyes. This Goddess meant business....she shouldn't threaten someone this powerful. "You always did like the brave." Hades said.
"Brave or foolish?" Athena said with one more glance before turning to Charlie. "Well, are you the Princess or not?"
"I...I am. Uh, how can I help you?"
"My daughter, Persephone has gone missing. She was kidnapped and taken here." Adam said. "I can sense her here but I don't know where exactly....too many layers here."
Charlie's eyes widened. "Persephone... I've heard that name before."
"You should," Zeus said. "She's the Goddess of Spring. She's what brings that Earth beauty."
Some silence.
"....I thought Demeter was a woman."
Adam turned to what looked at what seemed to be a spider demon. "I've been depicted as such. I prefer the male form better." His form flickered and he turned into...well....a she. A well-endowed woman who looked regal and beautiful as she was angry. The form flickered and Adam was male again. "Demeter is one name I go by. Only my family calls me Adam."
Angel blinked. "So you're male leaning gender fluid. Cool."
Adam tilted his head. "If that helps you comprehend it better."
"No, that's Zeus, the God of Whores"
Zeus gasped at Ares.
"No, you're thinking of Apollo."
"What do you know of the layers here?" Adam asks.
Ares turns to Lucifer. "Anyway, shortsack, we didn't catch your name."
Adam glared at the interruption but looked to the King who was been...quite for some time.
Adam blinked. Something was digging at his memory. Something he wanted to forget...."The layers, Princess. What do you know of them?"
It's better to not dwell on the past.
Only, his family exchanged glances behind his back before they turned unreadable looks to the King of Hell. Adam might not remember chose not to but they remembered when Adam was young and innocent. Back when he would cry about how his two friends left him. Lucifer and Lilith. Two uncommon names that humans don't typically call their children.
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