#interaction / daisy jones.
girlfromthecrypt · 2 months
Note: This is merely a pitch introduction post. My main project remains Such Happy Campers. I have no title in mind for this IF (suggestions are welcome), although I am very passionate about the idea and will work on it on the side while I write SHC.
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You are... or were one of the most famous yet mysterious characters in the 21st century pop-rock scene. 
It all started when you discovered your love for singing during an extended stay at a psychiatric hospital as a teen. Music became your motivator, and from then on, you knew the stage was where you belonged. Your friends agreed… and that is how your band came to be. After years of practice in your friend’s mother’s garage and cheap gigs at dingy bars, your journey to the top begins abruptly when you team up with a skilled manager.
It's a meteoric rise— until it isn’t. 
And now, a decade after your band has withdrawn from the public eye, you’ve accepted an interview by the acclaimed Groove Magazine. You and your former band members have agreed to give them the truth, the whole truth; as ugly as that might be. 
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Follow the story of your band’s rise to fame (and eventual fall from grace)
Play as a pop-rock vocalist
Name your band and customize your music, lyrics and image
Handle the media, interactions with pushy fans and your own repressed thoughts and fears 
Romance your coolgirl-bassist, the childhood friend you cut out of your life, your absolutely insane guitarist, or your biggest fan/stalker
Give one hell of an interview
Inspiration: Daisy Jones and The Six, Fleetwood Mac
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TW: themes of mental illness, substance abuse, death, mentions of suicide, suicidal ideation and self-harm, unhealthy relationship dynamics
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Stevie McLaughlin, bassist (f) — “I suppose I was the sanest one in that bunch.”
She’s one of your oldest friends, and if you follow the clanking chain of cause and effect all the way back to the beginning, it is her you have to thank for your entire career. The band was her idea, after all. She’s level-headed, composed, and always there to talk you down when you need her. Sometimes, she acts more as your retainer than anything else…
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Paul/Paulette Zima, lead singer & saxophonist (f/m selectable, trans) — “Trying to figure out where you know me from?”
Your band’s brand-new, second lead singer. Your manager says they’re going to give your music the kick it needs, that they’re the one missing ingredient to your success. You’re not entirely sure if you agree. Worse yet, you happen to know this person, and your time together didn’t end on a favorable note. They’re part of a past you would much rather forget. 
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Angel Monsanto, guitarist (m) — “I was always going to make it big, with or without those guys. Only, I… I really wanted it to be with them.”
Your crazy but good-hearted guitarist. His passion for music borders on obsession, and he will stop at nothing to make a name for your band. Sadly, he’s very much of the conviction that all publicity is good publicity, which has encouraged him to pull some very questionable stunts in the past. 
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Lincoln Saunders, groupie?? (f/m selectable) — “What can I say, I loved them. When they first walked out onto that stage, it felt like my heart was going to explode.”
Calling Lincoln a fan would be an understatement. Fanatic is more like it. You remember seeing them at your very first show, and you’ve continued to spot them at every venue you’ve played at since. You don’t know anything about them, and perhaps changing that would be a very bad idea. But maybe you still want to.
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Fatima Shah (f), drummer — “I’m pretty sure they tried to make me disappear with their fog machine.”
After things didn’t work out with your original drummer, Fatima saved the day. She’s a sweetheart to you, but from what you’ve heard, she can be kind of a terrible person. Maybe it’s best to stay a little wary of her.
Kalena Graham (f), manager — “The first time I saw them… well, they kind of sucked. But I knew, I just knew, that they had what it takes to suck on an international level.”
Your band’s manager. You can’t believe how lucky you were to have caught her attention. She’s experienced, driven, well-regarded in the industry and… kind of mean.
Simon Young (m), reporter — “Start at the beginning. And then, don’t stop.”
The guy conducting the interview for Groove Magazine. He’s nice enough, if a little starstruck. It seems he has been waiting a long time for this.
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[dividers by @thecutestgrotto]
Please consider reblogging if you like my work!
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pressplay-if · 5 days
I'm excited to play the new chapter!! Do you have any song recs that you recommend listening to whilst playing ch2?
I love when ppl ask me this. Here's some stuff that might set the mood:
Get It On by T. Rex
Free by Florence + The Machine
Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine
What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine (ultimate Zima x MC song)
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Hey, Little Girl by ICEHOUSE
Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears (this is what Lincoln and Stevie hear in their head whenever the MC enters a room)
The River by Daisy Jones and The Six ("I'm an echo... in your shadow..." = Zima and MC)
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wulfhalls · 2 years
I know you’re mainly invested in daisybilly but eddiecamila are kinda everything… unexpectedly.
girl I've been down bad from the moment he was like. we used to walk to school together or some such thing. I've got screenshots and everything! cheater arc let's go!!!
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 years
I think it’s so funny that djats is a world in which the women are all friends and like each other a lot and the men never want to interact unless it’s to talk about music or a girl and frequently straight up hate each other
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endangeredsceneries · 2 years
Billy had to have spent half the day staring down at that invitation. rereading its contents, familiarizing himself with its material. The Wildflower Initiative... cordially invites... Julia Martinez-Dunne... to... signed, Daisy Jones, slid across the kitchen counter, before the coffee she’d put on, had even a chance to brew.  his eldest was just as pushy as her mother had been, maybe even more so. “look, Dad... I’m not saying that you should go,” she’d said, in her place, with an inclination that she’d meant the exact opposite, “all I’m saying is... who knows? you could wind up glad that ya’ did.” as if were that simple. though it’d been nearly a year since its release, the public’s attention had yet to stray from the words she’d put to paper. some of which, he never could’ve imagined he’d say aloud, let alone, have publicized, for the whole world to see, for her to see. he’d often wondered if she’d read it, Daisy, or if she, too, had only dared to skim. it’d kept him up at night, the wondering. that was the thing about fire. once mixed with gasoline, it took a whole lot more than water to extinguish. 
still, he’d yet to work up the nerve to call, to actually use her number, that Camila had set aside. what would he even say? it was this same question, that’d kept him glued to his seat, invitation is hand, as day turned to night. until it was nearly too late. 
he’d not a clue what had changed his mind, nor when he’d changed his mind, only that as he’d slipped into the shadows of the event venue, just as Daisy had appeared on stage, to thank everyone for coming, he felt that his heart might just burst through the stuffy, suit jacket, he’d thought to throw on, as he was half-way out the door, and that, later, as he’d approached bright, red curls, from behind, he’d paid no mind to the stragglers who’d watched, as he did. “you never did have much trouble drawing a crowd,” had shattered the last twenty years of silence, his lips, nearly, resembling a smile. 
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neverafters · 2 years
                      ☾   —   ⭐ daisy + bowie at the diner
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there was a song playing on the jukebox , daisy knew there was. there was always a song playing on the jukebox , but daisy couldn't hear it. she couldn't focus on her customers either , dancing from one end of the bar to the other until she landed at one of the booths. she picked the silverware up from @slashaer 's napkin and started tapping out a beat on the table. she was no good at percussion , that was warren's specialty , but she could hear the beat playing in her head so clearly that it didn't matter. it took her way too long to remember that there was a customer there. ❝ shit , sorry. i can't get this song out of my head , ❞ she apologized , but didn't stop tapping out a beat. ❝ go ahead and order whenever you're ready. ❞
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wildangel · 2 years
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the words strained , wanting to remain buried deep. they say ignorance is bliss - the sun shines , and her eyes are hidden behind large sunglasses that hide half her face.
' you okay ? ' when said he realizes how badly he needed to say the words , boots taken off a he sits next to her and rolls up bellbottom jeans. TOES dunking into pool. ' we want you here , i know things have been tough . . . ' the last of words thick with all the things he'll never say to daisy. LOYALTY , he wears it well ; even if it does pick apart at the relationship with his brother . sometimes the people with the most talent had the deepest pain. he chews on lower lip , wondering just how his words will be met.
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graham offering a white flag that his brother never would.
/ @enfate for daisy
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htsdfferent · 1 year
Daisy — The band should have left you behind
@odmgeared sent this horrible thing.
the sentence catches her off guard. she can feel her heart shatter as she realizes : they might be right. she takes a deep breath. “you’re probably right [ . . . ] i did cause more trouble than i was worth back then. i can admit that now, and i know they would have been just as big without me. but i’m so glad they took a chance on me -- that they accepted me exactly how i came, even when i was reckless. even when i hurt them. i will always be grateful for my experience with the six. i wouldn't change those memories for the world.”
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nightskied · 2 years
@l1teraes ! daisy jones & camila dunne .
" if there were scarlet flags they washed out in the mind of me . "
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corestars · 7 months
HEY! ༘ ˚ ⋆ ౨ৎ 。⋆ 𖦹 . ✧ ˚
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nova | 21 | she / her prns | bi | virgo
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occasional writer ; insanely delusional goober
i hyperfixate so much that if it was an olympic sport, i could most likely go pro. i’m also mentally married to about a billion fictional characters and celebrities.
i’m really just here to have fun, shitpost, talk / reblog things about my interests, and possibly post some works of my own.
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FANDOMS: challengers, 5sos, the bear, attack on titan, gravity falls, the 80s, st, IT, tua, twd, djats, jatp, sdv, fnaf, shameless, gorillaz, mcr, twilight, classic rock, disney (mostly descendants and zombies), etc.
LIKES: music, art, writing, tv, film, playing (some) video / computer games, taking walks, unproblematic people, the colors purple and green, yapping about my interests, trying new things (except food usually because i’m so picky), consuming too many tiktoks, musician biopics, books about music / acting, anime (give me recs), a variety of different aesthetics (y2k, whimsigoth, coquette, and others).
DISLIKES: hateful / problematic individuals (racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, zionist — just if you’re a shitty person at all, dni), bugs, way too many foods, some heights, mcyt stans (quackity is safe).
BYF: i am nearly twenty-one, so i ask that no minors engage with my content or follow my blog. some things i post may be triggering / nsfw — i will have warnings in each post if that’s the case.
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if you read all of this, thank you and let’s be mutuals! 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
also, feel free to use my ask box whenever, whether it’s for my opinions on things, asking if we can be mutuals, asking if i’d be up for writing a fic, or whatever else you desire! :)
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fearlessmuses · 9 months
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🎤 ───── he gave a sigh as he began to shift and his head was shaking as he reached a hand up and rubbed at the edge of his jaw carefully. he finally arched his brows and his head fell towards the side allowing his gaze to fall upon daisy as he attempted to keep himself .... what? distanced? collected. controlled. not making choices he felt were ... mistakes. "we need to write a song, that is.... what we're here to talk about, do. so let's just do that, shall we?"
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from billy dunne for daisy jones
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exilae-moved · 1 year
* , STARTER CALL ... featuring @dj6nes as daisy jones .
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" a number one single, and you're still humble? " it implies that you wouldn't be, a statement you know to be all too true. if you were her, you'd be nothing short of overjoyed, laughing in the faces of those back in new york with your names hanging on their tongue. maybe she's better than you, or maybe she's just better at hiding it. " was it fun? c'mon be honest you can tell me... " elbows lean against the countertop, cupping your own chin in your hands. " you're living my dream daisy, at least paint a picture for me. "
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pressplay-if · 2 months
Why did MC even agree to second lead singer? 😑
I don't want them in the team. MC #1 the best.
Oh hi there Billy Dunne
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disturbedbeautywrites · 2 months
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Photos from Facebook from a guy who teaches a storm class here in Oklahoma.
Wrapping up Twisters opening weekend with one more behind the scenes memory.
In April, 2023, we were approached by the Twisters production office about doing a storm spotter class for the cast and crew. As we talked about the class, I asked them if they wanted 1) a storm spotter class; 2) a weather class with info to help actors with their roles in the movie; or 3) a tornado safety class to help everyone new to Oklahoma in springtime. The answer was yes - we want all three.
On May 3rd, 2023, we hosted nine of the cast and nine crew members for the training. It didn't really have a name, but I've heard someone refer to it as Tornado Bootcamp or Tornadoes 101. We started around 8am and it lasted two hours.
I covered Oklahoma tornado culture to illustrate how big of a deal tornadoes are to the people who live here, covering everything from Saturday siren tests to IPAs named after weather terms to TV meteorologist drinking games and bingo cards to storm anxiety and PTSD. I talked about the Twister effect, which saw meteorology school enrollments double or triple in some cases after Twister came out. I did some basic storm spotter training and a little severe weather meteorology, and wrapped up with tornado safety (including a slide illustrating how it was not safe to shelter under a wooden bridge or by strapping yourself to a pipe using screen grabs from Twister.)
The class was very interactive. Daisy Edgar Jones and Glen Powell sat front row center and Daisy had her notebook and took notes the entire time. I got really good questions from the class and I could tell they were genuinely interested.
We followed up the class with an extended tour/visit to SPC and the WFO, with a lot more great questions and discussion. We ended the visit talking vehicles and technology with Sean Waugh. I think some of them would have stayed all day if they had been able to.
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ellabsweet · 1 year
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synopsis: in which The Deadbeats band is a success, ellie as lead singer and guitarist, abby as a bassist, jesse on the drums and dina on the keyboard, despite their chaotic nature and eventual love affair with a certain groupie
pairing: rockstar!ellie x reader x rockstar!abby
warning: mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, very lightly based on the dynamics of daisy jones and the six, eventual nsfw content so minors and men do not interact, multiple part series
authors note: so im starting this little thing with a groupie!reader and very chaotic dynamic band au with rockstars!abby and ellie fighting for her affection, if you want to be tagged just let me know and i will add you to a taglist! enjoy babies
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“Dina Woodward had a saying of her own lightly adapted from some childhood friend’s hip grandmother that went along the lines of: You either fuck it, or hop off the top. That was the mindset that led a group of young adults from a small town in Wyoming to ultimate stardom in rock circles all across the globe-” Ellie made sure to interrupt Jesse’s reading, clutching the newspaper off his hands and forcing it apart in even shreds.
“They made us sound like a fucking inspirational movie”
“I told you that’s what happens when you accept to be interviewed by these mainstream fascists Abby’s daddy can buy out”
“Well, Ellie, here’s a little tip then how about you stop snorting up all our gig cash and actually write some new fucking songs so we don’t have to depend on these interviews that are buying the fucking powder you can’t keep from shoving up your nose” Abby was angry as per usual, landing a soft blow over the table Ellie leaned over, scattering sprinkles of the white drug across the floor. Jesse prepared himself to get between them quickly, his own set of muscles basically newly acquired for these situations, a fiery Ellie and overtly stronger Abby was entertaining the first couple of times when bruised eyes could be hot accessories, but it’s frequency died down the style quickly.
“Fuck you and your moral superiority you only joined the band because you wanted to piss off your fancy rich parents and we only let you because we needed the investment”
“Els, shut the fuck up you know that she’s a good bassist” Dina sighed, looking around for the vacuum cleaner to avoid questions from her tennants later.
“And a better singer too” Abby smirked, her laugh echoing across the room as Ellie leaned in to punch her and was stopped by Jesse’s grip that she remained fighting incessantly.
She thought of Joel, her step father, wondered for a split second what he’d think of her in this situation and quickly shook the thought of her mind. It was irrelevant what Joel would’ve thought, because he was dead alongside anyone else she ever loved, like a plague. Cursed was the title track of their album and it explored the feeling of grief and anger better than anyone could’ve forced out of her in conversation. The other members went as far as thinking perhaps it meant something different, a change within. It never came. Ellie remained the same hot headed impulsive lyrical genius whose talent was wasted on her for always being too overly wasted herself.
“Can we please just get back to practice?” Jesse pleaded, his surprising patience wearing thin.
It didn’t matter, in the end. They were Ellie’s band. Abby was a bass goddess. Music saved Jesse’s life. Dina secretly thought it all to be amusing. They were incredible together, despite the drugs and screams and punches, breathtaking. The band would live on and so would the chaos. You either fuck it, or hop off the top.
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taglist: @abbysvictim @lottiematthewsceo @sadeyedsugar @digit4lslut @r0ckgoblin comment to be added!
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neverafters · 2 years
        ☾   —   we  were  something,  don’t  you  think  so  ?
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she could feel the heartstrings tugging in her chest — always pulling toward him like gravity. like her body wanted to be close to @l1teraes even when she didn't want to be. she never wanted to be. ( she always wanted to be. ) they couldn't deny the chemistry between them , it was palpable. everyone could see it when they were on stage , but daisy could feel it buzzing in the air all around them , even when they were alone in a room writing. even when they were fighting. especially when they were fighting she could feel it now , vibrating just under her skin. or maybe that was the dope. ❝ we were nothing, ❞ she corrected , but even she didn't believe the words falling from her lips. ❝ the songs we wrote though? those were magic. ❞ she wouldn't pretend like they weren't. the music they made was something. it was everything.
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