#interactions: billy dunne.
fearlessmuses · 9 months
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🎤 ───── he was close to his band, they were family. they had each others back and hell they'd probably covered for him more than he should have let them. more than he was proud of. he owed them everything, even if he could be rather difficult about it all. he turned towards karen and raised his brow some as he approached her slowly, "is there something going on with .... something i should know here? you --- you good?"
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from billy dunne for karen sirko
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endangeredsceneries · 2 years
Billy had to have spent half the day staring down at that invitation. rereading its contents, familiarizing himself with its material. The Wildflower Initiative... cordially invites... Julia Martinez-Dunne... to... signed, Daisy Jones, slid across the kitchen counter, before the coffee she’d put on, had even a chance to brew.  his eldest was just as pushy as her mother had been, maybe even more so. “look, Dad... I’m not saying that you should go,” she’d said, in her place, with an inclination that she’d meant the exact opposite, “all I’m saying is... who knows? you could wind up glad that ya’ did.” as if were that simple. though it’d been nearly a year since its release, the public’s attention had yet to stray from the words she’d put to paper. some of which, he never could’ve imagined he’d say aloud, let alone, have publicized, for the whole world to see, for her to see. he’d often wondered if she’d read it, Daisy, or if she, too, had only dared to skim. it’d kept him up at night, the wondering. that was the thing about fire. once mixed with gasoline, it took a whole lot more than water to extinguish. 
still, he’d yet to work up the nerve to call, to actually use her number, that Camila had set aside. what would he even say? it was this same question, that’d kept him glued to his seat, invitation is hand, as day turned to night. until it was nearly too late. 
he’d not a clue what had changed his mind, nor when he’d changed his mind, only that as he’d slipped into the shadows of the event venue, just as Daisy had appeared on stage, to thank everyone for coming, he felt that his heart might just burst through the stuffy, suit jacket, he’d thought to throw on, as he was half-way out the door, and that, later, as he’d approached bright, red curls, from behind, he’d paid no mind to the stragglers who’d watched, as he did. “you never did have much trouble drawing a crowd,” had shattered the last twenty years of silence, his lips, nearly, resembling a smile. 
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wildangel · 2 years
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the words strained , wanting to remain buried deep. they say ignorance is bliss - the sun shines , and her eyes are hidden behind large sunglasses that hide half her face.
' you okay ? ' when said he realizes how badly he needed to say the words , boots taken off a he sits next to her and rolls up bellbottom jeans. TOES dunking into pool. ' we want you here , i know things have been tough . . . ' the last of words thick with all the things he'll never say to daisy. LOYALTY , he wears it well ; even if it does pick apart at the relationship with his brother . sometimes the people with the most talent had the deepest pain. he chews on lower lip , wondering just how his words will be met.
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graham offering a white flag that his brother never would.
/ @enfate for daisy
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withthebcnd · 2 years
❛  is there something you forgot to tell me?  ❜ ( billy )
Camila figured she should just come out and say it. It couldn't be any worse than catching your spouse in the act, which was an image she'd never be able to get out of her head. She just wanted a secret of her own, but a part of her also did it to hurt him. The way she'd seen her husband fighting with Daisy had hit a nerve and she just wanted to feel something again. She didn't regret it, but the secret was eating at her.
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"I slept with someone," the brunette said before clearing her throat. She locked eyes with Billy for a moment, gauging his reaction. The entire thing made Camila realize how much she still loved her husband…. How she wanted to fight to keep what they had. She didn't want to go back to what they once had, she wanted to push forward. She hoped to God he did as well.
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thesomebcdy · 2 years
❛  i'm worried about you.  ❜ ( billy )
Daisy threw her head back as she laughed. "I'm fine," she slurred loudly over the music as she zeroed in on Billy and her smile faded. Daisy started to stumble away holding onto the wall at an attempt to steady herself. Was this guy for real? She was perfectly in control, having fun, and here he was trying to ruin it. That's all he ever did. Sure, the room was spinning but she would die before she accepted help from Billy fucking Dunne. The things he had called her repeated in her head.
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All of a sudden Daisy realized she had more she wanted to say, so she took a sip from the bottle she was holding and turned around. "Why don't you go worry about your perfect fuckin' family that you write all those songs about, huh?" She poked his chest. That was a low blow, but if this guy thought he was going to act like he cared about her after all the shit he'd done, he was more out of his mind than she was. "It's not your job to worry about me."
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marchellas · 2 years
❛ i found this cool rock that made me think of you. ❜ from warren rojas.
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❝   reminded   you   of   me   ??   ❞   honestly   ;   there   were   much   ,   much   𝚆𝙾𝚁𝚂𝙴   𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂   that   could've   brought   the   normie   to   mind   of   her—   𝒶𝓁𝓁   𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈   𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒹   .   so   ,   no   matter   how   𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊   it   might   have   been   ,   it   was   still   sweet   &   slightly   relieving   to   see   it   was   only   a   rock   that   had   brought   her   to   his   mind   .   ❝   that's   …   odd   ;   but   also   ,   really   cute   .   ❞   there's   a   small   smile   that   sneaks   onto   the   tiny   brunette's   lips   as   she   takes   the   gift   ;   turning   it   over   in   her   hands   gently   whilst   she   inspects   it   .   
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❝   can   i   ask   …   what   about it   exactly   made   you   think   of   me   ??   ❞      march   looks   up   at   billy   with   an   eyebrow   arched   upward   in   ᶜᵘʳᶤᵒᵘˢᶤᵗʸ   ,   smile   remains   etched   onto   pink   lips   as   she   giggles   softly   ;   tucking   the   rock   away   into   her   pocket   .   
    …   𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖈   𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊   𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘   (      accepting      )
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neverafters · 2 years
        ☾   —   we  were  something,  don’t  you  think  so  ?
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she could feel the heartstrings tugging in her chest — always pulling toward him like gravity. like her body wanted to be close to @l1teraes even when she didn't want to be. she never wanted to be. ( she always wanted to be. ) they couldn't deny the chemistry between them , it was palpable. everyone could see it when they were on stage , but daisy could feel it buzzing in the air all around them , even when they were alone in a room writing. even when they were fighting. especially when they were fighting she could feel it now , vibrating just under her skin. or maybe that was the dope. ❝ we were nothing, ❞ she corrected , but even she didn't believe the words falling from her lips. ❝ the songs we wrote though? those were magic. ❞ she wouldn't pretend like they weren't. the music they made was something. it was everything.
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || NINE
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut (if you are under 18 please do not interact)
Word Count: 3k
Part Summary: Billy and Y/N argue about his song and Eddie and Y/N break the rules they set for themselves.
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Y/N L/N: I never could have imagined how annoyed Billy would be that Daisy changed the lyrics and I couldn’t have imagined the argument he had with me about it.
GRAHAM DUNNE: Billy blew up at Y/N because she knew about the lyric change before he did and didn’t say anything, everything in that house was tense for a while.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N?” Billy exclaimed, barging into the living room. 
“What?” Y/N questioned, looking up from her notebook. 
“The song, you knew about the changed lyrics.” Billy said.
Y/N placed her notebook down in front of her, “Yes I did.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me about it?” Billy said, “How long have you known about it?”
“I’ve known about it for two weeks,” Y/N says, “I was at Teddy’s house discussing a few things about my songs and Daisy came in with the changed lyrics.”
“And you thought you’d just what? Let her change my song.” Billy shrugged.
“They were better lyrics Billy,” Y/N says, keeping her voice calm, “She asked my opinion on them.”
“Your opinion,” Billy says, “Y/N, you’re not a songwriter.”
“Not a songwriter?” Y/N says, suddenly feeling angry, “Not a songwriter. Okay Billy, who is the one with a song on the radio which people love, because last time I checked it definitely wasn’t you.”
Y/N stood up from the couch, stepping closer to Billy, “Daisy took your simple and good song and made it complex and frankly, fucking amazing.”
“But it was my song Y/N, she had no right to change it and you had no right to feed into that.” Billy says.
“I didn’t feed into anything, Billy,” Y/N says getting frustrated, “She changed the lyrics, asked me if they’re good, I said yes, that was it. I don’t know why you’re getting angry at me for simply giving Daisy my opinion.”
“Because you can’t write a song, Y/N!” Billy exclaimed, “Your lyrics are always so two dimensional and are always about the same thing. They’re always about wanting to achieve something and being unable to get it.”
“You can’t say anything about my songs, Billy,” Y/N says, “Have you ever even heard your lyrics? ‘I put the grease on the wheel’ What the fuck does that even mean? You call my lyrics two dimensional, at least I’m saying something in mine, not giving a step by step guide.”
Y/N stepped closer to Billy, leaning up to whisper in his ear, her voice low, “ And next time you say something to me about my ability to write a song, just remember that you will never get on the radio without Daisy.”
“What’s going on in here?” Graham questioned, stepping into the room.
“Nothing,” Y/N says, “Absolutely nothing.” Picking up her notebook, Y/N left the room angrily. 
Entering her room, Y/N picked up the bottle of wine next to her bed and took a long sip. Sighing she slumped down on her bed. 
Y/N L/N: I think that was the point where I was fully convinced that I hated Billy Dunne. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I never knew what Billy said to her, none of us did, but after that argument they had, she disliked Billy more than me. I tried to talk to her about it but every time she would change the subject. I stopped after a while.
Y/N L/N: Of course I was proud of everyone when they were on the radio, I remember I tried to contact Daisy but I didn’t exactly know where she was and I didn’t have any of her contact information. Nothing could have prepared me for that smug look on Billy’s face when he heard himself on the radio. There was this small unspoken argument between us. Their song knocked me to number two on the charts [laughs] Warren never let me live that down.
BILLY DUNNE: I wrote a song about hope, survival, the perseverance of love. And she turned it into this celebration of doubt, uncertainty. I mean I fucking hated that song, but apparently I was the only one.
Y/N strode into the kitchen with Eddie following closely behind her. She picked up a piece of bacon from the plate and began to eat it. 
“When’s the last time anyone went through the mail?” Karen questioned aloud. 
“I thought that was your job.” Warren commented, sitting on the countertop.
“My job?” Karen exclaimed.
“Also, that pile of stuff in the sink is getting pretty big.” 
As Y/N picked up another piece of bacon and put it on her plate, Eddie immediately took it off and began to eat it himself. 
“Hey, just because you stole the number one record from me doesn’t mean you can steal my food too.” Y/N says, swatting him lightly on the shoulder. 
“For the record,” Eddie says, leaning down so his mouth was next to her ear, “I prefer your song.”
Y/N looked up at him and gave him a small smile, unsure of what to say. 
“Uh, guys.” Karen says, causing Y/N’s attention to divert to her. 
“What?” Graham questioned.
“Does anyone know what these are?” Karen smiled, holding up five envelopes.
Everyone suddenly scrambled to get their envelope and opened it with haste. 
“I’m rich!” Warren yelled in excitement, “I’m rich!”
WARREN ROJAS: $600 went a real long way in those days.
BILLY DUNNE: Even though I wrote most of the songs, we split the publishing evenly. I thought, ‘Why not?’ You know? I mean…we were family.
GRAHAM DUNNE: First thing I bought? A surfboard.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Couple of amps. Fuzz pedal.
KAREN SIRKO: Stock market, obviously.
WARREN ROJAS: Oh, there was this beautiful fur vest in a shop down in Venice.
Y/N L/N: Except for Karen and Billy, I had never seen people buy such stupid things just for the sake of it. [laughs] I was proud of them though.
“How soon does it kick in?” Warren questions.
“Depends on the person.” Karen answers.
Warren suddenly stands to his feet and sways a little, “Now, I feel like, on a molecular level, you know, the me and the canyon, we are…” Warren suddenly claps, “We’re ha! No, we’re the same, man.”
Y/N began to laugh and she couldn’t stop, she leaned slightly closer to Eddie, unable to control her body perfectly.
“Warren and Y/N are feeling it.” Karen comments. 
GRAHAM DUNNE: How should I put this? With Billy and Camila out of the house, I think we all just felt a little bit, uh, freer.
“Oh shit,” Graham says, “I can’t feel my heart.”
Karen places her hand on Graham’s chest, “It’s beating.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure.”
“Don’t move your hand.” Graham says. 
WARREN ROJAS: [laughs] I really miss drugs.
The only two left out on the balcony were Y/N and Eddie. Y/N was staring up at the night sky while Eddie was staring directly at Y/N. Eddie had a dopey smile on his face as his eyes continuously scanned over Y/N. 
“What are you thinking about?” Y/N questioned. 
“What?” Eddie says slowly, not processing the question. 
Y/N turned her head to face Eddie, “What are you thinking about?”
“You.” Eddie answers.
“Me?” Y/N questions, “Well I am pretty amazing.”
“You are,” Eddie says, “You are amazing.”
“You’re amazing as well.” Y/N says, shivering from the cold. 
Eddie reached out and placed his hand on Y/N’s arm, “You’re cold.”
“I’m not, I’m hot.” Y/N says, laughing. 
“You are, but you’re also cold.” Eddie says as he stands to his feet. 
Y/N gripped onto his hand pulling him down next to her on the wider chair, “Sit with me and warm me up then.”
Y/N shuffled around on the chair getting comfortable by placing her legs over Eddie’s lap and cuddling up to his side. Wrapping his arm around her with one arm, Eddie caressed her bare thigh with the other. 
“You’re pretty.” Y/N mumbled, her hand held his jaw gently tilting his face towards hers.
“Look who’s talking.” Eddie says with a smile. 
“Y’know,” Y/N says, “I’ve always loved your smile. It’s-it’s just nice.”
Eddie’s eyes darted from Y/N’s eyes to her lips and back again, he inched closer and his breath fanned her face. 
“I know we agreed that it would only be a one time thing, but I want to kiss you.” Eddie mumbled. 
“Please…” Y/N muttered.
Wasting no more time, Eddie pressed his lips to Y/N’s. The kiss wasn’t gentle by any means, it was sloppy and rushed. Y/N gripped onto Eddie’s shirt pulling him impossibly closer to her. The kiss was hungry and desperate, their teeth clashed and there was nothing romantic about it, other than the dimly lit setting under the stars. Y/N moved to straddle Eddie’s lap.
“This feels familiar.” Eddie mumbled against Y/N’s lips.
Y/N gripped his hair, “Shut up.” 
She pressed her lips against his once again. Eddie’s hands moved to Y/N’s thighs, pushing her skirt higher and higher. Y/N pulled on Eddie’s hair and pulled his head back.
“Let’s go inside.” Y/N breathed out. 
Eddie simply placed his hands on the underside of Y/N’s thighs and rose to his feet, his lips never detaching from hers as he walked through the house. He sat her on top of the kitchen table as he began to kiss down her neck. Y/N was pushed back a little by Eddie so she was laying flat on the table. 
“Eddie…” Y/N moaned out.
Like last time, her skin was on fire. Eddie’s touch set her skin alight. Y/N didn’t understand it, no one had ever made her feel this way before. 
Eddie continued to kiss down her neck and began to unbutton her blouse. He began to kiss further, in the valley of her breasts and further south. As Eddie pulled her skirt down, Y/N raised her hips to allow him to take it off fully. As Eddie found himself in between Y/N’s legs she let out a loud gasp. The pleasure coursing through her veins was unimaginable. 
Y/N was breathless as she lay there on the kitchen table. Eddie gripped her thighs tight, keeping them apart, bruises would be left there in the morning. Y/N’s hands tangled in Eddie’s hair, pulling on the ends, making him moan against her. 
“Eddie, don’t stop…” Y/N moaned out while her head fell back.
Y/N wasn’t very comfortable on the table but she didn’t care, her back arched as she came, a loud moan escaping her lips. Breathing heavily Y/N took a moment to process before she sat up on the table. Gripping the front of Eddie’s shirt, she pulled him up to her connecting their lips, she could taste herself on him. 
Y/N’s hands roamed until they found his belt, she tried her best to undo it but in her haste, she simply failed. Eddie pulled away, chuckling deeply which sent a jolt through Y/N’s body. Eddie undid his belt as Y/N pulled him closer, wrapping her legs around his waist, she could feel him. 
Picking her up swiftly, Eddie carried her to his room, laying her down on the bed. Eddie shrugged off his jeans and pulled his shirt over his head, the necklace Y/N had bought him on full display. 
Eddie crawled over Y/N and connected their lips, bodies pressed together. As Eddie pushed into her, Y/N gasped. Eddie let out a loud moan as he began to move, the pleasure building quickly. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Eddie says, quickening his pace. 
Y/N's legs wrapped around Eddie as she scratched down his back. Everything between them was rough and desperate, Eddie’s pace never faltered not even for a second. Y/N bit down on Eddie’s shoulder trying to keep quiet but it was proving difficult with the combination of the pleasure she was feeling, the sound of Eddie breathless in her ear and the necklace swinging between them.
“Eddie, harder, please…” Y/N breathed out. 
Eddie kissed along her jaw before he kissed her lips once again. Y/N felt like she was walking on air, she had never experienced pleasure like it. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was high but she knew that this was a feeling she hadn’t had before. 
Eddie’s thrusts became sloppy as his hand came between their bodies, pushing Y/N closer to the edge. The sound of Y/N’s moans were something that would be ingrained in his memory forever. 
Continuing his thrusts as he reached his high pushed Y/N over the edge. Calling out his name loudly Y/N arched her back, pressing her completely against Eddie. As Eddie pulled out and laid down next to her, Y/N’s body twitched a little. The two breathed heavily, coming down from their high. 
Eddie cupped Y/N’s cheek turning her face towards him and kissed her. This kiss was a lot more gentle than the two had experienced. It made Y/N let out a sigh. Pulling away, Eddie’s hand lingered on her cheek, brushing her hair away. 
Y/N rolled closer to Eddie, resting her head on his chest. Eddie’s arm wrapped around her, getting comfortable. Once Y/N’s eyes were shut she was passed out, leaving Eddie staring at the ceiling, unsure of what to think. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: It was a confusing time in my life. 
When Y/N awoke the next morning, she was confused until she looked over and saw Eddie, whose arm was draped lazily over her waist. Sighing, Y/N slid out from under his arm and stood to her feet, a dull ache in between her thighs from the night’s activities. 
Grabbing her shirt from the floor, Y/N buttoned it up before slipping out of Eddie’s room. She could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. As Y/N stepped into her room she quickly grabbed some clothes and got changed. When she looked in the mirror, her hair was a complete mess causing Y/N to sigh. 
Attempting to make it look presentable, Y/N tried everything before giving up altogether, opting to just take a shower later in the day. Heading out of her room and to the kitchen, she found Eddie now awake, sitting at the table with the others. 
Y/N couldn’t help but feel awkward, despite their agreement, the two had slept together again. She didn’t know how to feel, one one hand she regrets it, knowing that no matter what the two say, it would impact their friendship but on the other hand she was glad it happened but she couldn’t explain why. 
Sitting down at the kitchen table Y/N offered everyone a smile but as she looked in Eddie’s direction, her smile faltered as he wasn’t looking at her. Feeling an ache in her chest, Y/N simply grabbed a slice of toast Graham offered to her and ate it in silence. 
Y/N L/N: I didn’t know what to think. 
BILLY DUNNE: I wanted to get back into the studio right away. Cut a new album. Turn the page. You know? But that song wouldn’t quit.
GRAHAM DUNNE: We got asked to join the bill at the Diamond Head Festival in Hawaii. It was our first show, since, um…well…
Y/N L/N: I wasn’t originally going to go to the festival but Teddy told me last minute that they wanted me as well, so I agreed. I mean who wouldn’t want to perform in fucking Hawaii. I got to perform my song and a few songs that people hadn’t heard before, I was reaching a new audience. It was what I’ve always wanted, to be seen.
“Hey, Steve Miller Band. The Dead? Shit, these guys are all here?” Warren says.
“Where are we?” Graham asks. 
“Right there, brother.” Warren says, pointing to the bottom of the list.
“I’m still above you.” Y/N teased, pointing out her name just above the band’s. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: We were on at one in the afternoon. But, hey, at least we were invited.
Y/N stood around with the band just before she was about to go on stage. She was nervous, normally Y/N performed in front of thirty people tops but there was a crowd of at least one-hundred. Gripping onto the bottle of wine, Y/N brought it up to her lips, taking a long drink. 
“Hey,” Karen says, “You’re gonna do great.”
“I know,” Y/N says, “Just pre-show nerves kicking in.”
Y/N took one final swig of the wine before placing it down, “I’m gonna be fucking fantastic.”
Just before Y/N walked onto the stage, she caught Eddie’s eye. The two hadn’t really spoken since the night they spent together. It was strange not talking to him as the two were constantly drawn to one another, she did miss him but she knew that spending some time apart for a while was probably best. 
Sending a quick wink in Eddie’s direction before walking on stage caused Eddie to smile. The crowd cheered as Y/N appeared on stage. Confidently striding to the microphone, Y/N adjusted it to her height and someone handed her a guitar. 
“I’m Y/N L/N and this is my song In the Morning.” Y/N introduced and the crowd cheered. 
Y/N began to play.
From the side of the stage, the band watched, proud of their friend all with smiles on their faces. However Eddie had an unreadable expression on his face. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: That was the moment I knew I was falling in love with Y/N L/N.
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@itsthegamemaster @pinkdaiisies @atrimmunson @siredstiless @jihyoforlife @accidrainonme
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auspicious-manner · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could write about Billy dunne, there isn't a lot about him. Him and the reader have known each other since they were kids but dont really interact much and Billy is so crazy about her but the reader hasn't ever considered romantic feelings for Billy. He wants to impress her and win her over bad. Basically follows what happens in canon except there is no cheating drama, its just drama between Billy and reader. I don't know how clear this is but thanks i appreciate it!
what's with my djats stories being so long?
sorry this took so long to get out, i started to lose motivation for it after i realized the idea in my head would make this WAY longer than it needed to be. sorry if the end is a little rushed 😭
female reader x billy dunne
warnings: drug use
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It Was Always You
pittsburgh didn’t have much to offer anyone looking to explore the music scene. there were no big opportunities, and limited ways to get noticed. the six, formerly known as the dunne brothers, needed to move out of pittsburgh to somewhere they could make it. somewhere like california.
and you were the reason they got there.
you lived in the same neighborhood as billy and graham and went to school together, and you were the same age as graham. you and graham were friends, not great ones, but friends nonetheless. despite you being a friend of his brother, billy couldn’t help but keep a watchful eye over you.
even since you were in middle school, billy had some kind of adoration and fascination with you, and you barely knew of his existence. if you were taking a walk through the neighborhood, billy was at his window watching. you always knew it wasn’t in a creepy way, it felt different than that. you couldn’t tell what it was that made him watch you, but you felt flattered more than anything.
when you caught word of graham wanting to start a band with eddie, warren, chuck, and billy, you knew you wanted in. even though music was not your specialty, you could do other things.
during one of the band’s first rehearsals in billy and graham’s garage, you walked over to scope out the band. billy noticed you first, and his eyes widened a bit. graham noticed you shortly after.
“oh, hey Y/N.” graham started.
you smiled and waved. “hey graham,” you said, looking around at the rest of the boys. “and warren, eddie, chuck, and…” you said while giggling, trailing off when you got to billy. he looked at you like he was waiting for something important. “billy, right?”
you thought you saw him sigh of relief, but he covered it well. he smiled at you and reached out his hand. you took it, and noticed he held on for a few extra moments. “yeah, i’m billy dunne, graham’s brother. it’s good to meet you, Y/N.” after he released your hand, you noticed he never broke eye contact.
“what brings you here?” warren asked, taking a sip from his water.
“i actually had a question for you guys,” you said, suddenly getting nervous.
“let’s hear it,” billy told you.
you took a small breath. “i was, uh-i was wondering if you would consider letting me be apart of the band. i’m not musical in any way, so i don’t expect to be in the band, but i’d love to be apart of it some other way.”
the band stared at you, not in a threatening way, but like they were considering it. they couldn’t decide what to make of you.
“what, you want to be our groupie or roadie or somethin’?” eddie asked.
“actually, i was thinking manager.”
the group made surprised expressions. billy stepped forward to you. “why should we let you be our manager?”
“well, for one, i’m very organized. i can keep everything on track and on schedule with the band. i’m also very persuasive, and i could get you guys a lot of gigs for good money. and although i can’t play music, i know a lot about it. i’m also good at photography, and can get some good shots of you guys.”
the band once again considered you. you felt small under their glares, but the harshness was broken by billy’s smile. “you got the time for us?”
you smirked. “always.”
billy bit his lip. “welcome aboard.”
you smiled wide. you couldn’t believe they actually took a blind chance on you. you half expected them to turn you down.
“wait, aren’t we going to talk about this?” eddie asked.
billy annoyedly turned to eddie. “you guys put me in charge, so i call the shots, and i say she’s in." he paused, turning to warren. "warren, count us in,” billy said as warren began counting. billy sent you a wink as they played, and you noticed eddie rolling his eyes.
you grew closer with everyone in the band. graham quickly became your go to guy, and you became best friends. warren was like your annoying brother that you constantly got fed up with but loved regardless. eddie acted like he didn’t like you as the band’s manager, but you were always the first one to call if he needed help with anything. you never really grew close with chuck, but you tolerated him and he tolerated you. your relationship with chuck didn’t matter much, since he left the band early.
billy, however, felt different. you could tell something was off about him. you rarely talked, but it always seemed like billy had something to say to you that he never let out. it always felt like he was hesitating around you, and he wanted to make sure you were watching him during your performances. it was clear to everyone in the band that you had some sort of hold on him.
over the next few years in pittsburgh, you lined up gigs at proms, weddings, and graduation parties for the band. you adored what you did. you got the thrill of watching your friends perform and the crowd cheering without the stress of playing. also, you felt like you were good at what you did. you always knew how to be timely, organized, and respectful, all qualities which made you fit to be their manager. you also used your photography skills to take up close photos and videos of the band performing and practicing, which you would later use to advertise for the band.
after chuck broke the news to the band that he would be leaving, he went back into his house, leaving your disheveled band down a member.
you could tell billy was thinking hard. with his brown furrowed, eyes pointed to the ground, the rest of the band waited for his direction. then, out of nowhere, he grabbed your wrist and took you out of earshot from the boys.
“billy, what’s this about?” you said, keeping your voice low. you knew there was a reason billy pulled you and no one else aside.
“i need your help. i don’t know what to do,” he said, avoiding eye contact.
“why’d you need my help? i mean, you have graham, you own brother. i’m sure he’d know-”
billy looked up into your eyes sharply, and you immediately stopped talking. “i trust your opinion more than anyone else’s, Y/N.”
you nodded. you glanced at the band, who was clearly trying not to watch the sight unfolding in front of them. when you looked at them, they turned away quickly.
“eddie’s gonna hate us, but i think he should switch to bass,” you suggested.
billy slightly smiled. “you think?”
you nodded. “yeah, you just need to stay focused on being a great leader for this band. i wouldn’t want you straining trying to figure out bass while also trying to be a kick ass front man.”
billy blushed and bit his lip to suppress a smile, then patted your shoulder. “you’re too nice to me.”
you both walked back to the band, who was anxiously awaiting the solution to their problem. when billy broke the news, eddie scoffed, bluntly saying, “no, absolutely not."
“which one of you came up with that idea?” eddie continued. it seemed like one wrong move could completely set him off.
billy stepped up. “it was me. i-”
the band was only beginning. you couldn’t let their relationships already fall apart before the band even gets big. you knew billy was trying to take the blame for you, but it wasn’t necessary.
“it was me.”
his eyes softened at you. he seemed almost offended that you gave up his role as rhythm guitarist, but since it was you, he knew he couldn’t blow up at you. you were too beloved by the band.
eddie rolled his eyes. “for how long?”
you and billy looked at each other smiling. “we owe you one, eddie.”
not long after eddie switched to bass, you were opening for the winters. as you watched the winters perform on stage, you noticed graham eyeing the blonde keyboardist singing harmonies.
you nudged his side. “make a move.”
graham looked down at you before looking back at her. “i-what do i say?”
you shrugged. “i don’t know, compliment her music or something,” you paused. “make small talk. she’s cute, graham, you can do this.”
you smiled at him before walking away to talk to eddie. however, you felt a pair of eyes burning into your side, and without looking, you could tell billy was the culprit.
after the winters’ set, you caught the keyboardist shortly after she got off stage. you introduced yourself as the manager of the dunne brothers.
karen smiled at you, introducing herself before walking away. before she could, you decided to help graham out a bit.
“graham dunne, the guitarist of our band, really liked your sound.”
she turned around to look at you. “yeah, we’re good at what we do.”
you amusedly grinned. “he didn’t just like the band’s sound, he liked yours. you should go talk to him,” you said before winking and walking away.
not long later, as you were helping the band set up, graham came up behind you. “Y/N, we talked.”
you looked over your shoulder and saw him grinning from ear to ear. you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, and you turned around. “earlier, i may have… told karen that you liked what she did on stage. i don’t want to take all the credit for your interaction with her, but,” you said, pausing slightly. “i definitely contributed.”
graham’s jaw fell slightly, and he began laughing. before you knew it, he picked you up in his arms and gave you a big hug. you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck as graham thanked you, and your eyes drifted outwards where you saw billy’s eyes staying locked on your hug with his brother.
after their set, you billy caught up to you backstage. “hey, Y/N,” he started. you could tell he sounded a bit nervous.
you turned around to meet him. “billy, what’s up?”
he looked around to make sure the rest of the band wasn’t near. “so, you and graham?” billy asked. he sounded apprehensive, and almost stern. he looked everywhere but at you.
you squinted. “what do you mean?”
billy shook his head. “i saw that hug earlier. and not just that, y-you’ve been with him a lot. which, i don’t really mind, i just want to know. i don’t want the band to be ruined by this.”
you stared back at him, and all you could do was start laughing. he looked at you, a bit dumbfounded. “what’s so funny?”
“you, billy. you’re funny,” you said, walking closer to him. you watched as his cheeks grew red. “there’s nothing going on between graham and i, seriously. he’s like a brother to me, i wouldn’t dream of looking at him romantically. besides, he has another lady in mind.”
billy looked down at you, wanting to believe you. “okay, i get it,” he said with a slight smile.
you lightly placed a hand on his chest. “i wouldn’t dream of ruining this band,” you said before walking away. you couldn’t see the giddy smile creep onto billy’s face.
from that point on, billy’s mood around you seemed to lighten. he always had a way of making you notice him. you began to get the vibe that this was all on purpose, that he wanted you to compliment him or give him attention. you wondered if he ever looked at you romantically. sometimes, billy’s odd behavior around you could only be excused if he was interested in you. you couldn’t decide if you were interested in him, but you didn’t want to be involved with a member of the band. things could get too messy.
after meeting rod after the night opening for the winters, the band made the decision to move out to california.
you loved the band, and would do anything for them. but, moving out to los angeles on a whim was risky. you knew they could go the distance, but you were being expected to leave your entire life behind to start a new one. besides, with the new move, they needed you to be an even more present manager than you already were. sure, you could handle managing an up and coming band from pittsburgh. but you felt less than qualified for the job of a big time manager of a growing rock and roll band on the infamous los angeles music scene. someone else could do better and take them farther, and they deserved it.
one day, shortly before they left, you expressed your thoughts to the band. you sat on the floor in billy and graham’s garage as the band stood by their instruments.
“guys, i don’t know if i’m coming with you to california just yet,” you said quietly, looking down at your hands. you could feel the glares of the boys burning into your body.
“what?” graham asked.
you stayed quiet, and heard shuffling footsteps come closer to you. a tear fell from your eye, and you tried your best to hide it. “i-i have to leave my life, my family. which, i can do it, but what’s the point?” you looked up to find the band hovering over you, concerned. “i don’t know the ins and outs of music there like i do here. i’m afraid i won’t be able to take you guys all the way.”
billy stepped closed, and bent down to meet you gaze. you noticed that he still seemed to tower over you, despite him meeting you on the ground.
“Y/N, don’t think for one second that we don’t need you,” billy said. “you’re the only one we can see doing this for us.”
graham bent down next to billy. “you’re like our sister, and you’ve done so much to help us grow. you can keep doing this. we all know you can.”
staying standing, warren nodded at you. “we can’t do this without you. don’t quit on us now.”
even eddie agreed. “you make us better, Y/N.”
billy took your hand in his as another tear escaped your eye. “what do you say?”
you couldn’t leave these guys. even if you were the reason they failed in the future, at least you failed with them. they were your family.
you smiled to yourself. “okay, you’ve convinced me.”
billy smiled, and with the hand that still held onto your fingers, he pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in a hug. you were taken aback by this change of character, as he very rarely showed affection like this to anyone. you hugged back, leaning your head on his shoulder.
before you knew it, warren wrapped his arms around the side of you, then graham joined the party. finally, eddie did too. for a few moments, you all stayed in that position, with you in the middle of the group hug. that was when you knew this was where you were meant to be.
a few days later, your belongings were packed and loaded as you climbed into the back of the warm, cozy van while the rain poured outside.
“look who it is!” warren exclaimed as you sat down. eddie stood outside packing the luggage onto the top of the van.
billy smiled widely at you. “i’m glad you’re coming.”
you blushed at his sincerity against your will. “me too.”
the road to california was long, but the building excitement in that van was infectious. everyone knew something big was coming.
upon arriving in los angeles, the band contacted rod reyes and built their first connection in the music world. with rod’s help, he gave you the number to contact filthy mcnasty’s on the strip and gave you another piece of information; karen’s phone number.
“graham, i have a surprise for you,” you said excitedly, dragging out the “you”.
“what?” he asked, confused.
you smiled. “i got karen’s number.”
not long later, you moved into a shabby house with the band in laurel canyon, and recruited karen sirko to be the new keyboardist for the dunne brothers. along with the new edition came a new venue to play in on the strip.
there, you saw billy really begin to fall in love with his music and performing. the way he interacted with the audience, and with you, was electrifying. you found yourself getting flustered if he sang to you while onstage, and you questioned why you felt so strongly. you didn’t have feelings for him, at least you thought. the butterflies in your stomach as he looked at you while singing on stage were trying to tell you something different.
one day, after billy came home with the legendary teddy price’s business card, you had sealed a deal to play for him, and the energy was beyond exciting. they played for him as you watched, and you kept getting those butterflies in your stomach as billy performed. they were getting harder and harder to ignore.
after teddy named the audition a success, the pure joy in the van afterwards was infectious. as the band drove away, you and the band were giddily laughing and hugging like children. billy was the first one you hugged.
you wrapped your arms around his neck first, and you could feel him get caught off guard for a moment, but he soon reciprocated. your heart felt like it was going to pop out of your chest.
“i’m so proud of you!” you said to billy as he squeezed you tighter. you pulled away from each other, faces red and smiling. your arms lingered on each other, not fully pulling away.
“we couldn’t have done it without you, Y/N,” billy said over the commotion.
one night, after a gig at filthy’s months later, the band finished playing and walked out onto the strip. you saw billy and teddy talking, and when you walked over to them, you heard the words you’ve been waiting to hear forever.
“if the label agrees, we’ll get you in the recording studio.”
billy stepped back, shocked. he looked at you, then back at teddy. “shut up.”
teddy shrugged. “it wasn’t all me. Y/N has been on my case about this deal for a while now. if it weren’t for her, this might not be happening.” that was true, the past few months was a pain trying to get teddy to budge on a deal.
billy looked at you. he had the widest smile you had ever seen, and in that moment, you thought you’d never seen anyone more handsome. he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up from the ground and spinning you as you giggled. you didn’t even care that he was drenched in sweat.
he put you down and tried to go hug teddy. he turned to the band, who was confused at the commotion. “guys, we’ve got an album!”
the boys jumped up, running to you and teddy, enveloping you both in a sea of hugs. teddy wasn’t as fond of hugs as you were, but you welcomed them sweat and all with open arms.
billy had always considered you vital in the band, but during the first album sessions, you were involved more than ever before in creative decisions. billy was running the show, but he trusted your opinion just as much, if not more, than teddy’s. given that billy wanted you involved in the music just as anyone else, it made your interactions much more intimate. you found yourself spending a lot of alone time with billy.
one night at the house after a long day in the studio, you and billy sat outside and drank some beers. your chairs were facing in, and it took some effort to not longingly stare at him.
“how do you like it so far? i mean, the album?” billy asked you nervously, looking down.
you smiled to yourself and bit your lip. “you’ve been wanting my approval more and more recently. what’s that about?” you asked, leaning back in your chair. “you’ve always been looking for my validation, but i never thought much about it until now.”
billy took a deep breath in. he looked like he was contemplating something, and he took a sip of his beer before looking at you again. “do i really have to say it?”
you furrowed your eyebrows slightly. prompting billy to start, he closed his eyes before talking again. “Y/N, i think i may be in love with you.”
your heart seemed to fall into your chest. you’ve had suspicions for a long time now, but you had always assumed you were looking too far into it. you thought that was just his personality. until recently, you had never even considered him romantically. it wasn’t until he really starting honing in on his craft that you saw a side of him that you could potentially like.
“billy dunne in love with me?” you asked playfully. you couldn’t believe it.
“i know you don’t feel the same, and i’ve accepted that. maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but i’ve been pining over you for as long as i can remember. i value your opinion because your ideas and thoughts are the only ones that truly matter to me.”
the heart beat in your chest sped up. you felt your face grow red and you hoped billy couldn’t see how absolutely flustered you were. you took a sip of your beer.
billy then waved his hand like he was brushing his thoughts away. “forget it, this was all stupid. i shouldn’t have said that, i’m sorry.”
your eyes softened as billy looked away, embarrassed. you scooted forward, gently placing a hand on his knee. “billy,” you started. he reluctantly turned to face you. “i want to explore where this could go.”
he smiled at you, a wide and endearing smile that made you immediately grin back. “i’ve waited a long time to hear that.”
after that night, it didn’t take long for you and billy to become inseparable. the band eventually caught on to what was going on, no one had to explain your feelings to anyone; everyone seemed to know. the often caught you making out in secret in random places in the studio.
after recording the album, it was time to go on tour. you and billy started dating after the first show on tour, and you were truly happy for the time being.
however, a lot of that initial glee faded as the tour continued, as the band was heavily using drugs and alcohol to escape the pressures of the tour. billy seemed to take it especially hard. most nights, he would do a line of coke right on stage and finish the show by washing everything down with alcohol.
“billy, don’t you think you should… slow down a little?” you asked gently once you were back in your hotel room. billy was opening another bag of coke.
he looked at you. “this is rock and roll, Y/N.”
you sighed. you were worried for him, everyone was. “you’re not yourself, billy. this isn’t the billy that i know,” you said, your tone getting harsher. when he looked away back to his bag of coke, you walked over to him.
“look at me,” you said, standing in front of him between him and the coke. he obliged, and blankly stared back at you.
it hurt you to see him like this. he was falling apart at the seams. “don’t fucking blame this on rock and roll. you’re addicted, billy. you have a problem. you better clean up your goddamn act soon or i-” you stopped, your voice cracking. tears were forming in your eyes. “or i can’t be with you any longer.”
billy blinked, almost unfazed. after a few moments, he nodded.
you looked up at him and shook your head. “clean yourself up.”
after that night, billy tried to cut back, but he always found his way back to the drugs and the alcohol. for a while, it was okay. he only did a line before a show and kept his alcohol for after the show. you still didn’t like his heavy consumption, but at least he was making an effort for you and your relationship.
then, just as it was getting better, it got worse again. he was fully addicted now, and was stumbling all over the stage. he couldn’t hold notes in the songs, and the band looked between themselves, confused.
“Y/N, what are we going to do with him? karen asked after a show, leaning into your ear as you watched billy open a bottle of vodka. you stared as tears fell down your face.
“there’s only one thing to do.”
you forced billy into your car, giving the band members hugs before you drove off.
“w-where are we going?” billy asked, dazed.
a tear drop fell on your leg as you drove, and billy’s eyebrows furrowed.
“you know where,” you whispered.
“Y/N, i’m sorry.”
“i know you are," you replied numbly.
you heard billy sniffle, like he was also crying. you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. “i can’t live without you. you’re all i ever wanted, and now i’ve thrown it all away.”
you bit your lip as you suppressed your tears. “i know.”
you pulled up to the rehabilitation center, and got out of the car with billy. you stood in front of him, close to him. he looked down at you with melancholy, and you looked up at him.
“take care of yourself, okay?”
he nodded. “i-i’m sorry, Y/N.”
you nodded as the tears fell harder. you were leaving behind one of the greatest things that has ever happened to you.
you turned away before you could hesitate and headed back to your car as you watched billy enter the front doors of the center. when he was out of sight, you broke down, releasing the sobs that were hiding in your body.
the rest of the tour was cancelled, and back at laurel canyon, the band wasn’t sure where their future stood. not having billy around had left a hole in the group, and you fell into a pit of depression not having him around. the band tried their best to cheer you up. whether it be graham offering to play games with you, or warren buying you useless knickknacks, or even just crying on karen’s shoulder, you appreciated their efforts but you couldn’t seem to get billy off your mind.
when you got the call two months later that billy was coming home, you felt excited and scared all at the same time. you were looking forward to having him back, you needed him. but confronting everything that had happened seemed too overwhelming.
graham brought him back to the house, and he got out of the car to greet the band. warren showed him his mustache he had been growing, and eddie showed billy his bass he had built. karen squeezed your hand before going up to billy and hugging him.
you stood behind the rest of them, afraid to make an appearance. billy was trying to look for you, and when warren noticed, he stepped away so you were visible to billy.
you could tell billy was feeling the same as you were. you watched as guilt flashed across his face, then nervousness, then eventually, relief.
you stepped forward at the same time, and he wrapped you in an endearing hug. it felt nice to be in his arms again.
“i’m never letting you go again,” billy said into your hair. “i’m staying clean for you.”
you pulled away so you could look at him, your arms still loosely around each other. “you get one more chance, dunne. one more slip up and whatever this is is over.”
after settling into normalcy again, you felt like you were getting to know billy all over again. you were rediscovering why you began to like him in the first place. you missed him.
not long later, you watched as graham angrily stormed out of the room with billy in it. you frowned and peered into the doorframe, finding billy with his head down.
“what’s wrong?” you asked, sitting down next to him. you placed a hand on his thigh, and he stared at it.
“i’m quitting the band, Y/N,” he said quietly.
your jaw fell slightly. “what?”
billy scooted away from you. you could tell he was emotional right now, and was pushing you away not because he didn’t want you there, but because he didn’t know what else to do.
“i love music, but i can’t keep doing this. there’s too much temptation, and i can’t go through that again. i can’t lose you again.”
you softened. billy was willing to do anything for you, but this was one act of selflessness that you couldn’t let him get away with.
“billy,” you started. “you’re the strongest person i know. i trust you. i’m not going to let you quit on this band because of me, you’re just getting started. please, at least think about staying. i won’t be able to do this without you.”
he continued looking down. he paused, and you could tell his hard exterior was crumbling around you. “i’ll think about it.”
and he did. only a few days later, he came to the band with a new song in a new direction that he was ready to get recorded. it was a beautiful song that he called honeycomb, and when he first played it for you, you had some thoughts.
“it’s good,” you said, nodding your head as you sat down on the couch next to billy.
“but…” billy asked, sensing your hesitation.
“it’s missing something.”
billy squinted, a devious smirk forming on his face. “like what exactly?”
“i don’t know, it just sounds too… hopeful, maybe?” you said.
billy looked at you with genuine confusion. “what’s wrong with having hope?”
“nothing, nothing at all, it’s just-” you paused. “no one wants to hear a song about hope. people like to hear things that are messy, and dark, and imperfect.”
billy rolled his eyes and kissed your cheek. “Y/N, you know i love your opinions, but i think you’re wrong about that one.”
you giggled. “i can guarantee teddy will tell you the same thing when you get it recorded.”
“is that a bet?”
you smiled. “hell yes it is.”
then you shook on it, and as it was, you ended up being right. in the studio, teddy told billy it was a good song, not a great one, and you and teddy had a new artist come in to sing vocals on the track named daisy jones.
billy was less than welcoming at daisy’s arrival, and they clashed over everything. billy wasn’t informed that daisy had changed his lyrics, and he stormed out of the studio, taking you with him by the wrist.
“billy, what the hell?” you said as you stumbled behind him, finally coming to a stop when you were outside.
“i can’t fucking believe this, Y/N, you and teddy are ruining my song by adding daisy. it’s not supposed to be a duet, and it’s suppose to be about hope,” billy said harshly.
“daisy adds more layers to that song whether you like it or not. she makes it better, and it gives the song a story.”
“no, she’s not. i wrote a beautiful song, and it’s being taken over.”
billy was frowning, and you stepped forward so you were right under him. at this point, you were frustrated too.
“stop being so fucking stubborn, billy. your ego is getting in the way for the success of this song. we’ll record it daisy’s way, and then we’ll record it your way, okay? we can decide which one sounds better later.”
billy paused, and looked down at you. you could see his harsh eyes soften a bit, and then he nodded his head.
you never did record it his way.
with look at us now came a rush in popularity and invitations to perform at festivals. at the diamond head festival, you saw for yourself the magic on stage that was billy and daisy together. daisy wasn’t a want, she was a need. that is, until billy made a particularly snide remark about daisy to the news following their performance.
“billy, are you crazy?” you asked when you had a private moment after the interview.
billy seemed confused. “what are you talking about?”
“billy!” you exclaimed. “you could have been a little nicer to daisy in that interview.”
billy looked at you, shocked. “i was! i couldn’t have been nicer! seriously Y/N, what’s the big-”
“the big deal is that daisy makes you better. she makes all of you better. you didn’t even give her any credit for the song.”
billy stepped closer to you. “it was my song.”
“daisy wrote the part that everyone remembers.”
billy paused. “she will ruin us.”
you shrugged. “you’ll never know until you try.”
for a while after that festival, things went back to normal, but you knew your work with daisy wasn’t done. you and billy were throwing a house party, and you invited daisy to try and work out the bad blood between the two. getting them to work together was not an easy task, but by the end of the night, they found common ground. it didn’t take long for daisy to be formally invited into the band.
you noticed daisy and billy continued to be unwilling to work together, despite all your efforts. finally, teddy sent billy and daisy away to write material together, and the pair didn't come back until the night time.
as the band recorded let me down easy, you could tell something special was building. as billy sang into the microphone, you hoped he would catch your eye so you could give him a proud smile, but his eyes stayed locked on daisy. you didn't think much of it at this point.
billy and daisy found their groove, and the two would walk into the studio after a day of writing laughing and giggling like children. you remembered when billy would do that with you. now, it seemed like a distant memory.
"karen, can i ask you something?" you asked karen once when you were the only two in the lobby of the studio.
"anything," she replied, putting out her cigarette.
"do you think something is off will billy? like, with me?" you asked sheepishly.
karen frowned. "what do you mean?"
you looked down. "he hasn't been the same since daisy has been in the picture. i rarely see him anymore, and when i do, he's not all there," you said. "and i felt so involved in the last album. i was involved in all of billy's decisions, and now it's daisy. should i be worried about..." you trailed off. "you know?"
karen looked at you, her eyes softening at your worried expression. "i know what you mean. billy's a great guy, Y/N, and i think you can trust him. if you're worried, i would talk to him sooner rather than later."
you nodded. "i'll see if it gets any worse, and if it does, i'll talk to him."
you hated that things were getting worse between the two of them. you could tell he was hiding something, and a part of you always knew that those two had some type of connection. they had to, for the sake of the music.
you tried to trust them and let him run off with daisy, knowing that they made each other better. but you knew he wasn't telling you something.
you didn't realize how far along their connection was until daisy and billy stormed out of the studio while recording more fun to miss.
you followed them out, a few paces behind them, to make sure everything was okay. as soon as you stepped out onto the pavement, you watched as daisy yelled something at billy, close to his face. then, you watched as billy pulled daisy closer, leaving a kiss on her lips.
you gasped, and the two immediately broke and turned to look at you. billy went as pale as a ghost, and you stood horrified.
"Y/N, this isn't-" billy started, walking closer to you.
you put up a hand, stopping him in his tracks. "don't."
billy paused. "daisy, can we get some privacy?" he asked sternly before daisy hurriedly made her way inside.
"can i explain?" billy asked quietly.
a tear ran down your face. "what is there to explain? i know what i just saw."
billy nodded understandingly. "i know, i know what this looks like, and i'm sorry. but truthfully, there's absolutely nothing going on between us."
you laughed. "you call that nothing?" you asked, raising your voice. "you kissed her, billy! and god knows what else you've been doing behind my back all this time. there's a reason you came out here to do this, so i wouldn't find out."
billy put his hands on your shoulders. "there's nothing of substance between us. this is all an act, we're building our connection so fans can see it and believe it onstage. that's what the fans want. please believe me, there's nothing between us. there never was, and there never will be."
you shook your head, tears streaming down your face harder. "and you expect me to believe that?" you asked quietly, walking away into the studio.
you had locked yourself in a storage closet for some privacy, and you could tell the band, minus billy and daisy, was looking for you around the studio. you sat on the floor crying, thinking about all the times billy left you to be with her.
you felt so stupid for letting this happen. you should have known something was off. you couldn't believe what billy did, but you couldn't believe that you fell for him the way you did. this should have been expected.
suddenly, you heard a faint voice from outside the door, down the hallway. "daisy, we need to talk."
footsteps. "don't tell me what i think you're going to tell me," she replied.
"we were a mistake. we never had anything, and we never will."
a pause. "you're a big fucking liar, you know that?" daisy asked him.
"Y/N is the one i love. she's the one i will choose every time."
"so that kiss just now meant nothing?" daisy asked, getting angrier. "you did that just so i'd sing like that on the album?"
"i did what i had to do," billy said, matching her tone. "this is all an act, for the music. we had to build chemistry so the fans will believe it. none of this is real." there was a pause before billy spoke again. "i refuse to lose Y/N. not again."
there was another long pause, before a loud "fuck you" and the sound of daisy's heels walking out of the studio doors.
your heart was beating fast after hearing that exchange. you wanted to trust the man that you had grown to love again.
you quietly unlocked the door, stepping out and finding billy down the hall. he looked at you and his harsh features softened when he saw your tear stained face. "hey, i've been looking all over for you," he said sweetly.
you stood in front of him, and he put his hands on the sides of your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"i'm so sorry, Y/N. for all of this. temptation got the best of me, and i lost sight of what i wanted and needed. you're it for me, and you always have been. even before you knew i existed, i knew i wanted you and no one else."
you rested your forehead on his, briefly staying quiet. "never do anything like this ever again, okay asshole?"
billy smiled. "you have my word."
you kissed him, and it made you forget everything that had just happened. you could tell that he truly meant what he said to you through a single, meaningful kiss.
he made all of your worries dissipate in an instant.
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cwritesforfun · 4 months
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader: Introverts & Parties Don't Mix Well
You're in the band and while you are close to all of them, you and Eddie tend to gravitate to each other.
Y/N = Your First Name & L/N = Your Last Name
Narrator = Julia Dunne (but Narrator for sake of the story)
** I do not own the DJATS characters or plot ** **** The timeline is going to seem weird lol but I'm just writing what I want to write lol ****
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Narrator: This is just going to be your introduction. So could you tell us who you are and how you got into Daisy Jones & The Six? Y/N: Hi everyone I am Y/N L/N! I have always loved listening to music and creating music. When I was younger, I started with piano and guitar. Then in middle school, I learned flute and piccolo because I wanted to be in a concert band. I joined a band with friends outside of school in early high school and we played some small gigs in town. After high school, I moved to Los Angeles and met Karen within my first week. Her band needed an extra musician and I filled the spot. I followed Karen wherever she went, and she did the same with me. If one of us left a band then so did the other. We only joined a band if we both could. I learned sound engineering and technology to do anything a band could need. Karen took up something else. I'm feeling really tired at the moment, so I honestly can't remember. You’ll have to ask her. The Dunne Brothers played after us at this bar. We met the boys there. I wasn’t interested in being social and I left, but they liked Karen. So, we changed bands. Narrator: Were you angry that you had to leave? Y/N: No. The band we were with never liked our ideas or respected us anyway. They also wanted Karen & I to dress a certain way that we didn't want to. Karen: I just wanted to make music and I wanted to do it with Y/N. She is and was my best friend. Narrator: Did either of you ever think about splitting ways? Karen: Never. Y/N: Never. Narrator: Wow, and would you say you're both still best friends? Karen: Yes. Y/N: Yes. Narrator: We already talked about Karen joining. What about Y/N? How did you feel about her joining? Billy: We needed a keyboard player, which was Karen. Her only condition on which she would accept our offer to join the band was to let Y/N join as well. The rest of the band liked Karen and thought that it was worth it to bring in Y/N too. I'm glad we did. Y/N is and was such a kind soul. She was also very kind to Camila and you growing up, so yeah I was a fan. Warren: Y/N, yeah I found her hot. We saw her play and she rocked hardcore. She also had a cool voice, so I was on board. As soon as I saw how Eddie looked at her, I knew he was a goner. That man was lost in the world of Y/N even before we met her. Daisy: I liked her a lot. Her vocal range was amazing and I could listen to her for hours. Y/N was always kind to me. I consider her to this day one of my close friends. Graham: Y/N was cool. To be honest, I was more focused on Karen at the time, so I was all for letting Y/N join. We don't keep in touch as much as I would have liked because of well Karen. Eddie: She could sing, she knew how to work any sound technology, she could play so many instruments, and she was single. Yeah, I was interested in her as soon as we were told she could join.
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Narrator: How were the early days for you? The boys talked a lot about the parties. Did you like the groupies and parties? Y/N: God, I hated the parties at first. Introverts and Parties, they don't mix well. I realized that part of being in a band is doing things they like and interacting with them in social spaces. Even if I preferred being alone in my room, I wanted to be close to the band. And, if I hadn’t been pulled out of my comfort zone at those parties, I never would’ve fallen for Eddie. Narrator: Were you always closest with Eddie? Other than Karen, that is. Y/N: Yes, I was. Graham mainly hung out with Karen and he only talked to me if it would make him look good for Karen. Obviously, I was still close to Karen. Daisy was not always in the right headspace, which made me too worried to hang out with her because I wanted her to be safe. Billy was too serious at work but he was cool at parties. Camila was kind and I would talk to her at a lot of parties. Warren was so outgoing that I was anxious being around him at parties because he would try to get me to take more shots or take drugs. He was cool during recording sessions and for work though. And as for Eddie, I knew he was talented and Billy didn’t see his full potential. I also knew that some of Eddie’s ideas were good ones if we just went through with them. He was also a really inspiring songwriter and had a sweet voice. He'd probably hate that I called it sweet, but it always felt like home to me. Eddie: Y/N was always supportive of me and my ideas. She would listen to demos of songs that I’d written and we’d write together. She was a great lyricist on top of everything else she was amazing at. She was perfect to me. Y/N: Before we started dating, Eddie and I would spend a lot of time together. Warren always joked that Eddie and I should just cut the sexual tension by having sex. He also kept telling us that we should date because we clearly both liked each other. We were both coming to terms with seriously liking each other, so we would then just make fun of Warren for getting drunk and we wouldn’t talk about it. We just agreed to move on. Well not until this one party…
Skip to the party ~
You hang with Billy, Camila, and Daisy drinking before you decide to head outside to see if it’s quieter and calmer. Billy and Daisy are tolerating each other, so you feel good leaving them with Camila.
You notice no one sitting at the table by the fire pit so you grab a new drink and sit down. A guy you’ve seen at parties before starts talking to you and sits in the chair next to you. You decide to be polite so you keep talking to him.
You feel arms wrap around your neck and can tell it’s Eddie. You know his cologne and you know his hugs. He leans down, kisses your cheek, and exclaims, “I was wondering where you were, babe. Who’s your new friend?” The guy looks between you two, gets up, and runs away. It makes you and Eddie laugh. Eddie takes the guy’s seat and says, “I saw you out here and you looked bored. I wanted to save you from that guy.” You reply, “He was being polite and he never even talked about sex. It was nice actually. But, I just wanted to be alone to drink by the fire. It was getting way too much inside the house with all those people.” Eddie replies, “Yeah, tonight's energy is not the best. And, I did get myself into a bit of a sticky situation. I need your help.” You ask, “Sure, what’s up?” He answers, “I need you to go inside with me and pretend to be my girlfriend. Some of the groupies and Warren are annoying me. I want them to leave me alone and I'll even sneak somewhere quiet with you after.” You ask, “Why me?” He answers, “Everyone thinks we’re already dating. I thought it would be the easiest option... and well they asked if you were the girlfriend and I said yes.” You nod. So it’s just out of convenience and he agreed to a lie that you wish was true. You say, “Sure boyfriend. What do I need to know before we go in?” He tells you the plan as you walk in. You know Eddie and he loves physical touch. So you give him permission to be touchy as if you were actually dating and he gets a little flustered at the idea.
Eddie’s hand finds yours as you walk. He twirls you around and you dance together. Your hands go around his neck and his go on your waist. You ask, "Ready?" He looks confused and asks, "For what?" You answer, "A kiss, babe." You then pull him closer and you kiss. You wish you could say it was a horrible kiss, but the truth is, it was the best kiss you had up to that point in your life. You felt the fireworks everyone talked about. Eddie pulls away, puts his forehead to yours, and says, "Holy wow that was a kiss... I think I need something cold." You laugh and pull him toward the fridge. You hand him a cold beer that you open by kicking it with your foot. Eddie's jaw drops and he says, "Wtf, I didn't know you could do that." You press a kiss to his lips and say, "That's good, babe. It keeps the relationship more interesting." Eddie replies, "It really does."
You hear, "Well well well... if it isn't traitors." You see Warren with hands on his hips and girls hanging all over him. You ask, "Why are we traitors?" Warren answers, "You two have been fu**ing and dating without telling me. I've wanted you two to date since you two met. I thought you two would tell me first. Eddie was in love from the first time he saw you, Y/N." Great news great news... ok self act like this is old news... You wrap an arm around Eddie and say, "I know. It's so cute how he fell for me on day one. And Warren, we've been keeping it a secret. We didn't anyone to know just yet." Eddie's arm finds your waist and he adds, "We were waiting for the right time. We didn't want to steal anyone's thunder." One of the girls asks, "You two are hot. Are you looking for a third?" You smirk and answer, "We don't like sharing." Warren lets out a laugh and says, "Staking your claim on your man, wow. Eddie, do you feel the same? You've done an orgy or two." Eddie smirks and replies, "Hearing the woman you love moan your name during an orgasm is more satisfying than being with multiple people." You feel your cheeks blush and you move a little because it is feeling a little hot in here. Warren says, "I'll leave you two to it then." He walks away with the girls.
(( PLAY THIS NOW for the full experience ))
Before you and Eddie can talk, the power goes out. You all start passing out candles and flashlights. Karen finds you, pulls you into a hug, and leads you to the piano. She starts playing and you start singing. Daisy joins you and you both twirl each other around. Eddie starts playing and his eyes meet yours. They never leave you as you sing. Daisy starts singing with Billy and you join Karen on the piano bench. Karen lets you play with her. Everyone is singing and it's magical. It feels so nice being here with friends doing what you love.
People start leaving after that and you go to your bedroom to wait for everyone to clear out. You also are trying to avoid Eddie because tonight did crazy things for your heart. You knew how much you cared about Eddie, but tonight made you fall deeper for him. It's going to be hard to keep going with hiding your feelings. Maybe you should tell him? If he says he sees you as a friend, then well... you could just quit the band. Karen should stay though. She fits in well.
You leave your room and Eddie is standing there staring at you. He exclaims, "Hey uh I need to talk to you." You reply, "Funny, I need to talk to you too." He replies, "Oh good... Can I come in?" You nod and he walks in. You ask, "So, what do you need to talk about? Does it uh... does it have to do with our little act tonight?" He answers, "Yeah it does... great job by the way. I think it really worked. You're a great actress." Actress... yeah you were acting. Your shoulders deflate and you sigh. So he must not feel the same. He asks, "What's wrong? You seem upset." You answer, "Because Eddie Roundtree, I like you. And tonight's little act wasn't acting for me! I like you a lot and I want to date you if you would like to go on a date with me." His jaw drops and he exclaims, "I really like you too. Ever since I saw you sing for the first time, I knew you were it for me." You ask, "So then kiss me like you mean it?" He smirks, pushes you onto the bed, and kisses you deeply.
Your door creaks open and Eddie stays on top of you. Warren jumps and says, "Oh sh**! I thought you two were kidding when you said you were dating. I'm backing out of this room slowly or I could stay and watch. This is kind of hot." On sync, Eddie and I scream, "LEAVE!" Warren backs out of the room and Eddie collapses next to you with laughter. He says, "You smell really good. Can I stay in your bed tonight? I want to smell like you." You answer, "You can stay here, but won't you be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans?" He smirks, "Babe if you wanted to see me naked, you could just say it." You cover your face with your hands as you blush while saying, "I just want you to be comfy. I'm going to put on different clothes. I'm not sleeping in this dress." He replies, "Well babe, you looked really hot tonight. I don't know if this dress was to get my attention, but it worked. I want you to wear this on our first date." You smile and say, "I can't wait for our first date. And, I did wear this dress for you." He smiles and you kiss again.
You change into your pajamas and Eddie asks, "Is it okay to sleep in my boxers?" You answer, "Sure." He lays down in my bed and replies, "Your room is quieter than my room. Wtf! Is this how you sleep every night? I laugh and say, "Yeah. It's because I'm next door to Karen who we all know is too down bad over Graham to properly hook up with someone so it's quiet. I also don't share a wall with Warren or Billy who are little sex demons." He laughs and replies, "You're so lucky. Don't be surprised if I start sleeping in here." You laugh and reply, "I don't mind. You can take your afternoon naps here if you want as well. I usually am on my runs or reading outside at those times." He replies, "You're making me feel so spoiled." You laugh and ask, "But you have to do one thing for me, do you promise?" He asks, "What? I'd do anything for you." You answer, "I kind of wrote this song about you and I want you to listen to it. You're always really good at helping me improve my lyrics and you give me such helpful critiques. I want to eventually release this song even if not with the band. I just really like it." He smiles and replies, "A song about me? And why would you release without the band? Oh wait Billy would probably not want it because he's not the star. True." You reply, "I don't think any one of us is the star of the band. We all have star potential and star qualities. Billy is talented, but he needs to learn to compromise. The song about you is about my crush on you."
Narrator: How was the song? Eddie: It was so cute. Y/N is an amazing singer and her lyrics had me blushing so much. Her little smile as she stared at me while singing was melting my heart. I told her to change one line because I think another word fits instead of what she wrote, but it was perfect. Teddy actually helped Y/N produce and release it, which we all supported. Y/N was staying in the band, so no one minded. Y/N: Eddie was so cute when I played it. Teddy also really liked it and said it would be a summer hit. Sure enough, it was. Narrator: How was the rest of the tour? Y/N: Insane wow! I opened our summer shows to play my single with Eddie as my lead guitarist, which was fun. We'd then run off and run back on with the rest of the band. Everyone loved my song including the rest of the band. Eddie and I had fun at every show. We spent some nights drinking out with the rest of the band. Some days I wanted to have a chill night and Eddie wanted to be wherever I was, so we would spend some time with Billy in his bus. Billy and Eddie would act civil in front of me. It was nice. We had fun... until it wasn't fun anymore. The tour ended. The band broke up. Most people wouldn't talk to each other. Narrator: What about you and Eddie? Y/N: I got my stuff from Karen's place and moved in with Eddie. We shared rent, and cooking responsibilities, and just enjoyed being together. He became a music producer and helped me produce music. I've played some small venues and started creating a fan base. It's really cool to do what you love with someone you love. Eddie: Don't tell Y/N, but I'm proposing tomorrow night.
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fearlessmuses · 9 months
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🎤 ───── there was a grin on his face as he looked towards camila, "i wasn't expecting you." not that it was bad, he just was trying his best to keep his marriage together and he knew he was .... messing it up more than he was doing right by it. not exactly the best hello now was it. damn it. he shook his head as he stepped towards her still smiling because he really was glad to see her. "hey... i'm glad you're here." he fixed his statement quickly as he moved towards her and touched her arm gently before his fingers trailed down towards her hand as he exhaled. "i've missed you."
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from billy dunne for camila dunne
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
You Intrigue Me
Billy Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* part two — is there something lost in the sky?
✧.* requested by anon — Hi! If you're still taking requests can you do one for Billy dunne? The reader is a pretty popular well liked girl in the same way Billy was and she's basically the one for Billy but they never really cross paths so she doesn't know he likes her like that, they just stay friends. She's not in the band so she doesn't see them often but when she visits during the tour daisy realises she's who Billy's crazy about. Thanks in advance!
✧.* summary — He made you curious in so many ways and you wanted to know why, it was like looking at yourself in a mirror. It was curious how you mirrored each other and at the same time showed each other a new world.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 4.6k
✧.* 🎤 — Billy Dunne's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I didn't put Camila in this story because I didn't want her to be cheated on or have her heart broken, so we're left without her in this universe :)
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There were layers in you that weren't easy to access, not even for you, moments and experiences that shaped your being that were so complex to disentangle that just guide you along the way to where you are. Every passion, frustration and new encounter arising in your being during your life was demonstrated by you to others in only one way: music.
You've always shown everything you felt in music and you knew that's what you wanted to do in life from the beginning, and you followed that path with perseverance until you conquered where you are now.
Every chorus the audience screamed at the top of their lungs reverberated through your body and made your bones tremble, while your band played the songs you knew by heart since you were fourteen when you started creating them in your room, you danced around the stage, interacted with the audience and gave your all for each of those individuals who made you so proud of your work.
They jumped up and down as if it was the last night of their lives, the signs with funny phrases, praise for you, and of course several lyrics of your songs, some looked at you with tears in their eyes others with so much emotion that you couldn't help thinking that some drug was involved, but who were you to judge if the one you had this morning was still on your system?
Those were usually the best nights of your life, you loved the shows, the energy of the audience vibrating so intensely full of energy feeling every lyric just like you felt living what you write and sing on each album. It was her way of connecting with the world, of feeling seen by someone, of being heard. And it seemed to work when you looked at those faces.
The spotlights focus on you for a few seconds while you sing the last notes to finish, you close your eyes feeling that adrenaline through your veins once more, it was good to be sober to witness the ecstasy of it, the wonder it was to hear the applause and achieve what you'd always wanted.
You walk backstage with a washcloth slung over your shoulder, panting from everything you've just experienced. Someone from the staff you don't recognize because of the dark offers you a bottle of water and you gladly accept it, taking quick sips eager to quench the thirst that has grown in you since the fourth song. Your back was leaning against some speakers while you caught your breath, from time to time wiping the beads of sweat that descended from your forehead, you heard a few steps behind you and opened your eyes in curiosity.
"You were rocking up there." A man with curly hair and a waistcoat says with a broad smile, Warren Rojas, you'll soon recognize it.
"Thank you Rojas." You say while nodding your head, soon the other band members join you.
You knew very little about The Six, they were new to your label and they were buzzing around, you were happy for their success, after all it wasn't easy to get off the ground that way in the first place. But no one in their right mind could deny that 'Look Me in The Eye' was sensational, they were very good and deserved the recognition they gradually gained. They were on their first tour and Teddy Price had asked you for a favor to open their first show, you were a little reluctant to accept because you didn't know if your songs fit theirs, but something inside you told him to accept the invitation.
It was their first night and you could see the nervousness mixed with the longing to meet their audience, little by little they headed to the stage and again the crowd was agitated amid screams and applause. You tried to ignore the heavy presence of Billy Dunne a little far from you, he looked thoughtful, as if thousands of things danced in his mind driving him crazy with their jumps and twirls. You think about approaching him but are reluctant... There is something so intimate in his figure, almost similar to a mirror.
You had never talked much, and you weren't sure if you wanted this closeness with him, something in you said that getting closer to him meant getting in touch with those layers in you that were so unreachable. You blatantly stare at him, and when he looks back at you it's like a vulnerability attacks your body, you straighten your posture.
"They're waiting for you." You say nodding towards the stage exit, The older Dunne looks straight into your eyes and sighs. "Look, I know it sounds scary, but when you get there, the music takes you with it. At least that's how it is with me."
He listens to you, which surprises you, on the outside he doesn't seem like a good listener at all. Something inside you gives a twinge, you recognize yourself in his eyes in a way.
"They are here for you, take your moment and feel that energy in your bones. I assure you there is nothing like it." You say lighting a cigarette and bringing it to your lips, your words emboldened the word him and you could see it by the way he took a deep breath.
He walks up the stairs listening to the crowd cheer as Warren begins the countdown to the entrance of the song noticing the figure of Billy at the foot of the stage, he looks at you before putting the guitar around your neck.
"Thank you." He murmurs, you just smile.
The show had been spectacular, it had been a while since you had witnessed such energy as an audience and you had to admit that you had been ignorant to think that your music styles didn't match theirs. From the balcony of your hotel room you could hear the city quieting down, there is something curious about the early mornings that make your thoughts wake up, it was always difficult to fall asleep during these days on the road, it was like a constant reminder that moving through various cities was more belonging than what you called home.
When the energy of the shows wore off and you found yourself alone in that hotel room at your own mercy, it was almost bizarre how you managed to entertain thousands of people but never yourself. The early morning breeze hit your skin like a call to the earth, bringing you back to the scene in front of you as you felt your hair stand on end in the frigid air. Your gaze goes to the clock, three in the morning.
You sigh, engaging your body in a hobby, deciding to go for a walk when you notice that you wouldn't quiet your thoughts so easily. Yellow lights illuminated the hotel lobby, you can see the surprise of the two employees who were behind the counter when they saw you exiting the elevator, you offer them a small smile and head for the exit.
It wasn't much different from the balcony in your room, maybe just a little cooler. Maybe now it was more vivid to be able to notice the details of what you admired from afar with a better perspective. At the same time that environment is so distant and apathetic towards you, it brings you a strange comfort.
There is something admirable about silence, about questions that cannot be answered, about the curiosity that surrounds each individual. Being there in the insignificance of your being through the greatness of it all, was a call to question yourself every time you caught yourself admiring the sky too much. Was there any purpose in this relentless pursuit?
"Is there something lost in the sky?" A low voice brings you back to reality once more, you bring your attention to the man with long hair who slowly approaches you.
"Not that I know of." You shrug, opening a small smile. "But there probably is, if I'm lost here, imagine whoever is up there."
You didn't understand why you were being so honest with him, it was the second time you interacted with him but it felt natural, and necessary. Billy looks at you in curiosity, understanding you, you notice.
"Do you think there's someone up there?" He asks, the question makes you think, you shrug deciding not to answer. He looks at you arching his eyebrows. "You intrigue me Y/N."
You light a cigarette, offering him another, he accepts. "And why's that?"
He takes a long drag, you watch the way his lips wrap around the object and that for some reason captures your attention. "There's a fine line between identifying with someone and wanting to be like them." He blows the smoke to the other side, "I don't know how I feel about you"
His answer makes your legs weak, you swallow hard trying to understand if the intensity of your day confused the discernment you were having of this moment, or if it was those eyes that simply made it impossible for you to respond.
"I just think you're an interesting person." He adds, you can't help noticing that now he was looking at the sky like you. "You know, I would love to write a song about you."
This captures your attention more, you turn your body fully towards him now, turning your face in curiosity. "Look, it usually works, I've been doing it for a few years."
Your comment makes him laugh, you notice that such a sound warms your stomach, it was good. "But I doubt you can do a better job than me." You shrug, he smirks at you with a curious look in his eyes.
"It's a challenge?" You can see that he was shivering a little, probably regretting his choice of outfit as he left his room.
You cross your arms with a bigger smile on your lips, the cigarette was already ending at this point. "Let's do it like this, I write about you and you about me. And we will see which album does better."
His eyes gleamed with the idea, it wasn't a fight between you, but a competition surrounded by curiosity and eagerness to see where it would all go. You were full of talent, reigns of genius in every line and musical note, from there wonderful things would come out for the music industry for sure.
"It's a deal!" He extends his hand towards you, you notice his calloused fingers probably because of the guitar, you shake his hand.
"See you around Billy Dunne." You throw your cigarette butt in the trash can next to you, entering the hotel once again.
The "See you around Billy Dunne" was in fact a prediction of what would happen in the coming months, you didn't have much time together even more with the continuation of the 'SevenEighNine' tour and later your own. You exchanged glances and several conversations during some early mornings from time to time, as time went by the line that connected you two was gradually pulled closer and you strangely loved it.
When you returned to the day of the record company, you saw each other in some meetings and among the halls of the place, the tension grew with each look, with each simple touch between you, with each non-verbal conversation. It was like a growing need that yearned to be satisfied, and how to satisfy that? You two had an escape from such needs, a way to demonstrate what words themselves could not do, it was the melodies that you showed all of that.
Each new song was a new hook to create more, a quest to light and increase that flame, it was addictive and you loved it.
You hummed softly as you strummed the guitar in the empty sound room, from time to time removing the pencil that is resting behind your ear to write in the notebook in front of you, days like that were good... Being inspired and proud of what you created was sensational.
A sound makes you come out of the trance, your eyes go to the big door that is opened by the figure of Billy Dunne, surprised you raise your eyebrow without saying anything. He tosses a notebook above yours, sitting by your side, you remain silent he then runs his hands through his hair.
"I wanted you to see this one." He says with a sigh, you open a small smile taking the object in your hands.
His handwriting was complicated, but you decide not to comment on it, making an effort to understand his notes. You feel his gaze on you, you know exactly what that feeling of vulnerability was, having your writing in someone's hands at the mercy of their judgment is as vulnerable as sex. He was nervous to know your opinion, his eyes analyzed every corner of your face in search of something that showed what you had found, you made sure not to let it show.
The lyrics were like the mold of his core, it was deep, delicate, at the same time harsh and brazen, it screamed at you while holding you in its comfort, it made you think and question and be sure about the little you already know. It was like delving into his soul, it was intimate and vulnerable, the feeling that you know so much about someone while not having exchanged a word with him in your life was peculiar. With each verse you delve deeper and deeper into the knowledge and meaning it brings to a new vision, and you understand that the magnitude of such sets was not just for being a demonstration of his vulnerability but also because it made you question and go in search of your own vulnerability. The peculiar thing was that, you felt like you knew about him when in fact the music was leading you to yourself from the beginning.
You only notice that you are crying when your tear hits the page, you are quick to suck your cheeks trying to recover from the wave of emotions that invaded you after the bridge of the song, how he did it you had no idea but he was able to access the layers you never got in yourself. You bring your gaze to him, a small smile on his face shows he is proud of his work.
"You intrigue me Billy Dunne." You quote him, then applauding what he had read. "Do you already have an idea for a melody?"
"Daisy is helping me with this, I mean, we fight more than we help each other but..." He says through a weak laugh. "I'm sure it will come out eventually."
"I want to be the first to hear it when it's ready." The smile on your face was inevitable, as was the need to be closer to him. For an instant you swear you can swim in the depths of his blue eyes.
His sapphire eyes wander in looking at yours and your lips, he slowly approaches you, another silent need hovering between you, but it was no secret to either of you that there was little left for that line to be crossed, his hands gradually approached your thigh and you allow him to touch you, feeling the great wave of electricity through you.
You take one of your hands to his cheeks, and kiss him unprecedentedly. As your lips meet, the atmosphere around you crackles with an electric charge. The kiss is a fusion of urgency and tenderness, a long-awaited culmination of desire. Your hands find their way to each other, intertwining and exploring with a delicate, passionate touch.
The kiss is a revelation, a meeting of souls that transcends words. It is an exploration of unspoken desires and hidden depths, an intimate connection that takes both of you by surprise. Time seems to stand still as your lips dance in perfect harmony, each movement deepening the connection between you.
The taste of the kiss is intoxicating, a blend of sweetness and longing that leaves you craving more. It is a sensory experience, heightened by the touch of your hands on each other's bodies, creating a symphony of sensations that sends shivers down your spine.
In that moment, the world outside fades away, and it's just the two of you, lost in the intensity of the kiss. It is a meeting of minds, a collision of emotions, where every touch and every breath speaks volumes. The chemistry between you is undeniable, and the passion that courses through your veins is palpable.
As the kiss reaches its peak, a mixture of desire, vulnerability, and connection fills the air. It is a moment of surrender, where inhibitions melt away and the depth of your connection becomes undeniable.
As the kiss slowly comes to an end, you find yourselves breathless, your lips tingling with the remnants of the shared passion. The silence remains, almost as present between you as the other feelings, he licks his lips and soon smiles, picking up his notebook.
"I'll call you when it's ready." He speaks in a hoarse voice, you open a big smile watching him leave through the same door he entered.
For Daisy Jones, Billy's creativity operated in a very complex and different way from her own, after all, she rarely did this sober. For her it was like seeing a rare phenomenon happen before her eyes, and besides, it was very curious to know what was the basis for such inspiration in the songs that were entrusted to him. He was a quiet person, he didn't even open up to his brother who had been there forever, so Jones's biggest hobby together with Warren was to go in search of who was the inspiring muse of the older Dunne.
They had become addicted to it, searching for little clues and hints Billy left in the lyrics, or analyzing every change in attitude, every longer exchange of glances, but they had nothing but big guesses. Warren swore it was one of the helpers Teddy had hired over the past month, but Daisy maintained that the songs were too deep to be about someone the Dunne knew for such little time.
But the redhead didn't know you, she couldn't take her guesses to you because she had no idea of your existence until that day. Eddie played around doing some riffs, catching Graham's attention, who wrote it down in a notebook nearby—noticing only later that it wasn't his, but Warren's. Karen hunched over the keyboard sleepily waiting for Billy to show up, Warren had gathered several cans and was drumming on them as he talked to Daisy, both of them smoking cigarettes.
When opening the studio doors it was like shouting at a room that had just entered, because everyone immediately turned their eyes to you, you smile small as a way to avoid more extensive hellos, Billy doesn't take long to come after you with a huge smile on his face, which does not go unnoticed by Daisy.
She looks at Warren with wide eyes, as if begging him to understand what she was trying to say, Rojas doesn't even notice. She rolls her eyes and walks over to her microphone putting her headphones, the musical aura has always been a home for you so it's not uncomfortable being there with these people at any time.
You really wanted to hear how they had shaped those lyrics as a team, creating and bringing music to life was always and will be the best art form for you, and to see that magic happen before your eyes was always spectacular. The song didn't disappoint you in any way, you were too proud of what they had done there, you wanted to cry again but maybe it was too intimate for you to let that happen there.
You close your eyes letting the melody invade your eardrums, your hair shivers, the butterflies in your stomach grow again and you feel like you belong. When the melody drops and you notice the song gradually fading away, you applaud them with a gigantic, proud smile. Interestingly, Teddy does the same on the other side of the glass.
Daisy comes to her senses then, she notices the look in the older Dunne's eyes, the way he seems light in her presence, the way he seems to involuntarily reach out to you. She asks Teddy and Tobias if they had finished recording and they release her, she doesn't take long to grab Rojas by the hands and pull him out of the room.
"What happened?" Warren was high, she could tell because she was coming off her own.
"It's her!” Jones exclaims, pointing to the room that had the doors closed beside them. The drummer frowns, she sighs. "Billy's inspirational muse is that girl inside."
"Y/N?" He questions as if trying to connect the dots, he moves his fingers as if he's doing the math. "You think?"
"I'm sure!" The redhead exclaims excitedly, it was as if looking at you she could read Billy's lyrics. "I've never seen him smile like that."
"It must be because he hates you." Warren shrugs, smoothing his mustache. She frowns. "Are you sure it's not Gabriela?"
"He never exchanged a word with her Warren!" Daisy looked irritated, the drummer thought it was funny.
"You never saw the two of them talking either." He snaps his fingers pointing to the door like he's made the best argument in the world.
"Looking at her is like I'm looking at songs from this album, Warren!" She says hitting the key of her argument, Rojas is thoughtful. "I mean, apart from my songs."
"I still don't think we can rule out the idea that Gabi..." He starts to speak but is interrupted by the door being opened.
You walk out the door with Billy Dunne at your side, you guys laugh at something he had commented about Graham inside, it was curious how good and comfortable you felt next to him. Daisy looks at Warren with emphasizing what she had already said with just a fixed look, Warren closes his eyes still uncertain.
"Teddy gave us a few minutes to spare before the next round." Billy clarifies, running his hands through his hair. "We're going to the diner nearby, do you guys want something?"
"No no, enjoy." Daisy smiles small, almost like a smirk on her lips.
"I want a natural sandwich, an orange juice and if you can, bring me a granola bar too." Rojas says adjusting his vest, getting a chuckle from you, an annoyed look from Billy and an incredulous one from Daisy.
The background music was yours, you smile small with pride in your chest but try not to show it. You decide to sit at a table farther apart, avoiding prying eyes, you both knew you weren't very talkative people at times like these. Billy asks what he wanted to eat, you do the same and remind him to order for Warren too.
"And? What do you think of the result? "He questions drinking some of her juice. Looking deeply into your eyes.
"It was perfect, I had no doubt it was going to be so fucking good." You say, biting the sandwich that rested in front of you.
"To hear that from you means a lot." He sounded sincere, you decide to believe him. "Don't ask me why, it's complex."
You raise your hands in surrender, causing him to chuckle. You then open your bag and take out your notebook, he watches your every move with curiosity.
"My turn to surprise you." You hand it to him gently, you felt very vulnerable now, he accessed his layers slowly and it was scary, but it was good when it was done with him.
As Billy receives the notebook from you, his eyes flicker with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. He holds the notebook gently, his fingertips tracing the worn cover before opening it, revealing the pages that hold your musical creation.
As he starts to read the lyrics and notes, a range of emotions flicker across his face. His brows furrow slightly, indicating deep concentration as he absorbs the words and melodies you've crafted. The lines etched on his forehead soften, transitioning into a subtle smile that tugs at the corners of his lips.
You notice a glimmer in his eyes, a spark of recognition and appreciation. It's as if your song has struck a chord within him, resonating with his own emotions and experiences. The way he leans into the notebook, immersing himself in your creation, speaks volumes about his genuine interest and investment in your art.
He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, his gaze shifting between the notebook and your expectant face. When he finally speaks, his voice carries a mix of awe and reverence.
"This is incredible," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "Fuck Y/N… This is indeed a masterpiece."
A smile spreads across your face, mirroring the warmth and pride that swells within your chest. His genuine admiration and appreciation for your work validate the vulnerability you felt in sharing it with him.
"I still have things to polish on it." You make it clear, taking another bite of your sandwich. "But I think something really good is going to come out of it."
"You think? I'm sure." He looked proud of you, it was a good feeling.
Billy looks up at you, his eyes shining with admiration and gratitude. He reaches out to place a hand gently on yours, a silent gesture of connection and understanding. The unspoken bond between you deepens in that moment, as your artistic expressions have transcended words and touched something profound within him.
His reaction is a testament to the power of your song, and you feel a surge of confidence and joy. This exchange of creativity and vulnerability strengthens your connection, reminding you both of the unique bond you share as artists and individuals.
"When is the album ready?" He asks, the french fries in front of him didn't look very good but he kept eating them every now and then. "I don't want to rush you or anything, I just want to hear you sing again."
"You don't need any excuse to hear me sing Billy Dunne." You smile small, admiring his beautiful eyes.
He doesn't know much what to say, so he watches you intrigued, trying to decipher where you're going with this.
"Meet me tonight at the studio, I'll sing for you." You offer by opening your purse and leaving money on the table for your order.
"Are you asking me on a date?" He asks without taking his eyes off yours, you feel your legs go weak.
"Come and find out." You wink at him leaving the room.
Daisy pushes Warren a little to the side, he complains about the slight pain he feels in his arm but continues with his role of observing the table of the two from afar.
"You see? They're clearly having something!" She says proudly at having figured out her big mystery.
"I never would have guessed, really." He shrugs, playing with one of his curls.
"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Billy asks when he notices familiar voices when he goes to pay the bill.
"Eating dinner?" Warren tries to coax him with a wide smile. Billy rolls his eyes, leaving the place. "Hey wait, did you buy my granola bar?"
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
Romanticing an abusive relationship with billy Dunne... great.
so welcome to fiction, where people can write about whatever they want in a safe, contained way. it's my blog, I'll write what I want and also one of my most popular fics on this blog is literally about stu macher from scream so, let's be so fr rn. additionally I got on tumblr as an author of dark fics, something I've veered away from a lot, but I still explore toxic dynamics in my writing. even finnick and his sweet girl with the codependency. I'm an author, I'm not saying it's okay, I'm exploring complicated characters in the things I write. if it makes you uncomfortable, don't interact, you have the ability to scroll. and people love dark fics and those types of dynamics totally independent of whatever I write, they're fantasy and a healthy way to tap into those desires and all the things they may represent.
there's so much more I could say about this but I just don't have the time, I'm sure you have much bigger fish to fry then a random tumblr blog who writes fanfiction about billy dunne, a fictional fucking rockstar, and a toxic relationship. no one is forcing you to be here ❤️
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gamesofmuggles · 2 years
warren and june.
a little image.
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summary : june, billy's and graham's little sister is a part of the band in her own way. she told us in exclusivity how she found the inspiration for all the most successful songs!
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Billy's little sister, Graham's little sister, The Dunne Sister. In the background, discreet, calm, sweet as honey. The secret ingredient that not many people know of regarding Daisy Jones and the Six.
Interviewer : You’ve been secretly writing most of the band songs over time without people knowing about it. Why?
June : (chuckles) well not everybody wants the spotlight.
Interviewer : The most beautiful lyrics, the more remembered, the critics' favorites are songs with a common factor: love. Where does everything start for you?
I agreed to come to the house in LA, of course. Graham was so pushy about it, I think he was afraid that I would get bored without them and that ill wouldn’t write for them anymore. Billy, oh Billy was just happy to be my big brother and protect me. I was the first fan you know, and I will be the last. I remember there wasn’t enough room in the house, but Graham and Camila urge me to accept the nicest room. « To keep her mind fresh,» said Graham before dropping my suitcase on the bed. « I’m coquette too you know » I heard Warren say to Graham after he closed the door.
Warren: I slept in the bathtub for a while.
June: Karen arrived a few days after, finding Graham, Warren, and Eddie fighting in the living room. I was on the couch supervising the points, it was my first encounter with her. She asked « is it always like this » with a raised eyebrow. « Most of the time » I answered. Then I show her her room.
Warren: I wore her hoops back then, I looked fabulous in them.
June: I said to Warren I needed the hoop back. But he did look fabulous in it. To return to the question, my inspiration, well all the nights at the Filthy Mc Nasty, in the back writing while smoking and listening to the band play, alone except for the barman sometimes with more crowd. All the hangover brunch near the beach. The movie nights on a dusty screen. The fighting was because nobody -especially not women- wanted to clean those boys' mess. The adventurous meal cooked with cheap cans. Yeah, that was the inspiration. « June, how is your mind so powerful? » Graham asked me one day reading some of my last work. « can’t recall some of the highest heights / but I’ve memorized you, yeah we need to use this in the future» he added. Lyrics that were used for Midnight, I’m very proud of this song. I remembered I tried to hide blushing, cause every writing was always easy when I was thinking of Warren.
I had found the perfect spot in the Filthy McNasty so I could have an eye on him behind all those men on stage. I knew how he liked his eggs and his beer. His taste in movies. The curve on every one of his hair. I watched him a lot, a writer needed a muse you know? But also what a muse if he didn’t know he was one. Cause I never wanted to meddle with the band whatsoever and wished to keep my feelings very private, except when I wrote the songs of course. Every flirting interaction Warren may had have with me was pure imagination, it must be. Also, Warren was always a flirty guy.
Warren: It was no imagination. We were all clueless, awkward, and well, a little bit high back then. Every time I thought about it, I had to go out and smoke some. The small idea that everything could go to shit because of a tiny crush was frightening. But how could something could go wrong with June, sweet June who makes my eggs, perfect eggs every morning she can. Who went to search for the best curls cream for my hair. Imagine how someone could be this important that no matter the numbers of tits fans show you, you only want one?
June: He said that? How romantic. Where was I?
I remembered one night. We were on the beach, Graham and Billy playing guitars. Eddie Karen, Warren, and I are in the waves. Eddie wanted to fight, he’s such a fighter sometimes. He picked up Karen on his shoulder, Warren did the same with me. I was on top of his shoulder alarmed to move after the sudden physical touch. I was no prude and it was the 70s there was no secret but yeah. Karen took my hesitation for a win and pushed the both of us in the waves, Warren's hands still holding onto me. He asked if I was alright. Yeah. He had brushed my hair away from my face, a big smile on his. I remembered, ok. I need to have this smile in my life forever.
Billy: Are you asking me If I knew my little sister had a crush on Warren? Well, Ringo Starr was always her favorite so take a guess. Graham: I knew of course. Karen: Graham is gonna say he knew but he was clueless. They were pretty damn secret at first. But Warren was taking too many drugs to keep his mouth shut you know? Daisy: June still sends me Christmas cards. She was what glued this band I can tell you that. Eddie: I still can’t believe Warren scored this well.
June: I was scared of Billy’s reaction. Nothing happened at this point but I kept thinking about it. We were at a diner, the band suffered from the lack of notoriety while working their ass off. I wanted to comfort him. At least the band had a shiny new name.
Eddie: About damn time!
Warren: That night, I was ready to join that couch as always. Breaking my back. When June ask me to meet her in her room after everybody was asleep. So I did. At 2 am, I knocked and enter. She was wearing Billy’s old Black Sabbath tee shirt, writing on her stomach. Man oh, man.
June: I was very nervous, but It was time I also lived a little bit. Also whatever occurred it would have been good materials for the band you know (chuckles). He entered and he was wearing his flannel pant. I nearly jumped out of bed and I ran to his side, practically smashing him against the door and I kissed him. I (blushing) I never was nearly as adventurous as Karen, or Camila. It was a bold move for me you have to know that.
Karen: I heard a bang, yeah. Thought it was the ghost of my room. Or a bird.
Warren: Man oh man, I can’t tell you more about that night.
June: You have your answer, but you knew about it don't you?
Warren: You just wanted the sweet story to cover the bad ones don't you?
Interview : (smiles) sunshine after the rain, and by the way congrats on your 10th anniversary.
June: thank you.
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ssweeterthanfiction · 6 months
Wait for your love.
Content Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and drugs, billy dunne being toxic
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↳ currently playing ;
Groupie Love - 1976
0:56 ——•———————— 3:24
↺       <<          ll          >>     ⋮≡
Y/N: “My first thoughts of the band? Well Warren I had known since I was like two, I thought Graham was cool, Eddie was such a sweetheart, Karen was that girl and just like my big sister, same with Daisy…but she was more of the “bad influence friend” your parents say to stay away from.”
“And Billy…well he just…he has this electrical aura around him. Like everytime you get close to him or even touch him, he has this electric touch.”
“But if I’m going to be completely honest, it was ridiculously difficult to work with Billy at first. We both had different ideas for the song I was going to be featured on.”
Billy: “She wanted it to be a love song. I wanted it to be something more deeper... more angsty. Y’know, more rock and roll.”
Y/N: “More deeper? More angsty? Yea right. Billy’s definition of a “deep” song is a song about doing girls. And that’s literally what half the songs on the album were about.”
“But that’s really what Billy was about.”
“I had been spending some time with the band, y’know going to some of their gigs and then hanging out backstage with them. Like I said, Billy has something about him that just…pulls people towards him. I would watch how he would be with a different girl every single night.”
“Like clockwork it would go; wake up, eat, get on stage, perform, find a girl while performing, invite that girl backstage, hang out for a while, take her to a dressing room, bathroom, closet, hotel room, do what he needed to do, call the girl a cab, rinse and then repeat. It was a constant cycle, and every night, I would see these girls come back, front row, and they were just desperate to be back with Billy.”
“I didn’t understand it at the time. At least not yet.”
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
It was like any other night, but hearing the band play was always electrifying. You had been hanging out with the band for a few weeks. Already you had grown pretty close to them.
Currently you were at Whisky a Go Go, a place that the band played at often, it was practically their second home. Normally whenever they played, the place would be pretty filled. But tonight it was packed. Girls with short skirts, tight tops and short dresses and guys with leather jackets, denim jackets, and ripped jeans. You were wearing a short black slip dress that had roses embroidered on the bust, an oversized red leather jacket and black go-go boots.
You watched as the band performed, they were amazing, as per usual. Your gaze went to Billy, who was looking out into the crowd, as if he had been looking for something. But you knew that look, after going to a few shows you picked up on what he was looking for.
A girl to bring backstage.
After you had picked up on that, you had gotten into a small disagreement with Billy.
“I just don’t think you should be hopping from girl to girl every single night! It’s not right to be playing with their feelings like that, I see the way they look at you” you said to him as he shook his head and laughed.
“Honey, you’re too sweet for rock ‘n roll. I’m not doing anything wrong, they’re groupies, they ain’t looking for anything serious, just a good time.” he chuckles.
“But what about the ones that come back every night? The ones that literally scream their heads off once you come on stage and then try to follow you backstage?”
He scoffs and snickers. “What about them?”
Ever since that night, you told yourself to not interfere with any of Billy’s interactions with girls at the concerts. Tonight was no different. After the show was over, Billy had wasted no time plucking a girl from the crowd and bringing her backstage.
Backstage was always chaos too. Booze and pills were passed around. You were huddled in a corner drinking a coke. Warren and Graham were chugging down bottles of beer, Karen stood next to them laughing, Eddie was staring at you but you brushed it off, god knows where Daisy was, and Billy was doing lines off the girl’s tits.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of it. You knew that after tonight that girl would never hear from Billy again. But she would be at every single fucking show. Front row. Screaming her head off. Hoping that he would bring her backstage again. Hoping that he would “love” her.
“More like groupie love…” you mumbled under your breath as you took a sip of your coke.
Then it hit you like a bus. You and Billy were both struggling on what to write for the feature. Putting your glass down, you looked around for something to write with. Grabbing a napkin and a lip liner you found in your purse, you began to write.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Y/N: “I wrote ‘Groupie Love’ in one night. It was perfect, it combined what I wanted and what Billy wanted. A subtle love song about a girl being treated like she was a groupie and the guy getting what he wanted from her. Best of both worlds right?”
“And you would think that because it had what me and Billy wanted, recording would be easy, right?”
“Well let me tell you something. Nothing with Billy Dunne is fucking easy.”
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
“Why can’t you just listen to me and sing it the way I’m telling you to?” Billy groans.
“Because I wrote it to be sung a different way?” you snap back.
This had been going on for hours. A back and forth of how certain lyrics should be sung. How certain beats should sound. Everyone was getting tired of it.
“Well the way you wrote it sounds fucking stupid.” Billy says as he lights a cigarette.
“No it’s not, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
He laughs, “Babydoll, I don’t know what kind of rock and roll you’ve been listening too, but you need to listen to some real fucking rock and roll, because this isn’t it.”
“I think it sounds good” Eddie chimes in.
“No one asked for your opinion Roundtree.” Billy says harshly to Eddie.
“You don’t have to be such an asshole about it Billy.” you say coldly to him.
After a few minutes of arguing, you both continue to record the rest of the song. Once all the vocals were recorded, you and Billy both stepped outside of the studio.
Lighting a cigarette and taking a puff, Billy looks over at you. “You know…you wrote a pretty decent song.”
“Thanks, I think.” you say as you look off into the sunset.
“I mean it, it’s a good song. I’m sure Teddy will love it too.” he says as he exhales smoke.
“I hope he does, and that everyone else does too. This feature could open so many doors for me.”
“I wouldn’t doubt that he wouldn’t, you’re a talented young girl and pretty. People are for sure going to go crazy for you. But the question is, are you ready for it?” he says as he takes the cigarette and puts it out.
“I know I am. I was made for this.”
You only hear a small chuckle come from Billy. You look at him, he has a smirk on his face.
“Course you are…after all, that’s what everyone says.”
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Billy: “Groupie Love debuted at number 2 on the charts. It was a hit. Everyone was going crazy over Y/N’s vocals.”
Y/N: “It was bigger than I thought it would be. I was getting calls from different agencies that were offering me record deals. But I ended up signing with Teddy, he was someone I knew that could take me to fame.”
“And what’s funny is that he asked me the same question that Billy asked me, if I was ready for what was coming.”
“Of course I said yes.”
“But nothing would prepare me for what was to come.”
(oh my god yay! second chapter out after a million years 😭 lmk what u guys think of it so far :) billy and readers relationship is definitely gonna go fast cause he’s a little insane like that so yea stay tuned for chapter 3!)
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randy-jade-4ever · 1 year
Dialtown Party Game Concept
Hello friends. you might know me as the randy jade ask blog but I had something cooking in my brain for a bit and it was for a hypothetical Dialtown party game spinoff called Dialtown Party! Do note I don't really have any drawings but I might add some later if I feel like it so here we go!
The plot: It's Callum Crown's 100th birthday and Mingus is still trying to reform after the incident last February so in order to celebrate the big 100 for his peepaw, Mingus holds a festival in his name to get hip with the town. Everyone in Dialtown is welcome to participiate including someone who just moved in... you!
Basic Premise: In Mysims Party you would go through sets of minigames called Festivals with a certain number of characters per player in order to progress the "story" so I would think that the same can apply here. Example being something called an opening festival which has 3 minigames and then you unlock a festival after that which has 6 minigames. etc. etc. After every minigame you get points based on how well you perform in the minigame. In Mysims Party each festival was held by a different character, but in Dialtown Party Mingus hosts every festival, but she will say different things each festival to keep it fresh. I would think between these festivals you experience various conversations with the whole Dialtown cast and their thoughts on the festival and shenanigans ensue! This would also be a great chance to show interactions not in the original game like say... Abel and Bunny.
Every major and minor Dialtown Character is playable!: From Phonegingi and Oliver to cameo characters like Harry and Peter, everyone you know and love from Dialtown is now playable and has their own minigame to call their own! There's even some secret characters too! Later in this doc I'll explain every minigame and what you do to win in each of them. Mid-Festival Events!: Sometimes between minigames in a festival Madame Mediocre will appear and initiate a surprise event! Every player will pick a card from 15 or so cards and various things will happen. Here's the list of effects:
-An Enc0unter protection card. Nullifies negative effects from Enc0unter one time. (See the next section.) - A players party will recieve an item that temporarily increases a stat to the max for one minigame. (You can hold up to 3 of these items per player) - One character in players party has their lost stats restored - Every character in players party has their lost stats restored - The character used in the last minigame will have all their stats lowered by 1 - The character used in the last minigame will have all their stats boosted by 1 - A character in someone's party will be unavailable for 3 minigames - Nothing
Mid-Festival Events!(2): Sometimes between minigames... Enc0unter will appear! This mysterious figure could do all sorts of things. Change everyone's stats, add an unexpected minigame, lower everyone's stats to one, or max out everyone's stats.
Playable roster in no particular order: Phonegingi, Typegingi, Randy Jade, Oliver Swift, Karen Dunn, Bigfoot, Sgt. Norm Allen, Mayor Mingus, Jerry Gould, Abel Brannigan, Bunny, Nathan Hanover, Peter Kennedy, Roger Jones, Harry Fitzgerald, Hobo, Little Billy, Pierre, Curie, Zimothy Bunsen, Craig, Lorraine Deere, Terrence "Tango", Theoroar Rustlebelt, Stabby, Shooty, Gabby, Narrator, Frank, Ebenezer Dickens.
Secret Characters (No minigame attached besides some): Callum Crown, Marla Crown, Milton R. Wallace, Jack Kennedy, Steven Stevenson, Lola, Phonald Ringin, Frongles The Clown, Civilian
How to unlock characters: You play their minigame once. That's it. Mysims party character unlocking sucked i am NOT making other people go through that. You have the dateables and Gingi by default.
More about characters: Every character has 4 stats. Power, Running, Stamina, and Luck. Every minigame has preferred stats. For my sanity I won't be giving the stat numbers for every character so you'll just have to use your imagination for now. During festivals and after playing a minigame the preferred stats from the minigame played will have a point reduced on the characters stat. (Example: if a minigame had a preferred stat of running and power. Randy's power stat of 2 and running stat of 4 would be reduced to 1 and 3 respectively. A stat can go no lower than one.)
Minigame Structure: Every minigame will have 4 players and each player is represented by a Dialtown character or a custom dialtowner made in the player character's house. Each minigame will have a task and whoever can complete the task the best wins!
Special gimmick: In Mysims Party if you were to play as a character and then play as that character in their minigame the host for the minigame would be wearing a different costume. I would like to bring that to dialtown party. An example is that if you play as randy and then play the Randy minigame randy will be throwing swans at a randy wearing red clothes.
This section will list every characters minigame. This will be a LONG section.
Randy Jade's minigame: Ready, Set, Swan! Description: Randy now on a better course of his life is trying to overcome his fear of swans and needs your help! Grab swans around the enclosed area in the Dialtown park and throw them at Randy who is running around said area. A successful hit with a swan is one point. If you hit Randy with a special gold swan that's 3 points! Player with the most point wins.
Oliver Swift's minigame: The Wrath of Oliver Swift. Description: Oliver invites you to his horror house for a real scare of a time. Though looks like you're the one getting scared! It's up to you to avoid getting scared by Oliver. There are various hazards around the arena that might stun so watch out! Once you get scared once you get eliminated. Last player standing wins.
Karen Dunn's minigame: Painting Paint. Description: Karen needs help for her next piece! Each player gets their own canvas and must draw as many paintings as possible in order to win. each new painting requires a specific sequence of inputs. Most paintings by the end of the time limit is the winner! Bigfoot's minigame: Bananasssssssssssssssssssss Description: Bigfoot is craving some bananas and is asking for your help! Collect the bananas around the woods and give them to Bigfoot in the middle for him to eat. There's 1 banana, 3 banana, and 5 banana chunks around the area. Watch out though, every player can steal your bananas with a simple kick that can knock your chunk out of your hands. Player that gave the most bananas wins! (Idea suggested by:@fishy-sandwich)
Sgt. Norm Allen's minigame: Norm Allen's Shooting Range. Description: Norm is rootin' tootin' cowboy so it's time to see who can shoot the most targets scattered around the area. This is a first person shooter minigame where targets will appear at random. Bad guy targets are worth 1 point and super bad guy targets are worth three. Norm's wife targets are a -3 points so be careful before shooting. Player with the most points wins!
Mayor Mingus's minigame: Rugnapping. Description: Mingus is taking a cat nap, but her rug is so comfy and nice... it's up to you to take it out of her office! Slowly make your way through her office but be sure to play dead when she suddenly wakes up or otherwise you'll be stunned even when holding the rug. Once you have the rug you need to leave the room with it but watch out players can punch it off. Whoever leaves with the rug wins! If no one can get the rug out of her office by the time limit whoever held the rug the most will win.
Jerry Gould's minigame: Sheep Jeep. Description: Jerry needs to wrangle some sheep into their pens and needs your help. Direct the sheep into your team color's pen to gain points. Whichever player has the most sheep at the end of the time limit or when all the sheep are wrangled win!
Abel Brannigan's minigame: Funfair Agony. Description: Abel's self loathing is at a breaking point and you need to run the funfair while he's yelling at Randy. Direct funfair guests to the ride they want to. The ride a guest wants to go will be indicated by the icon above their head. Be careful of the other players and guests. Every guest taken to the correct attraction is one point. Every guest taken to the wrong attraction is -1 point. Whoever has the most points when the time limit ends wins!
Bunny's minigame: Bunny Stacking. Description: Bunny think he's the best but somehow needs help making burgers. Use a cursor to pick various toppings like lettuce, tomato, and onions and patties and buns to make the burger that Bunny wants at the moment. Everytime a player gives the right burger that player gets a point and Bunny will now ask for a new burger with different fixings. Player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins. Nathan Hanover's minigame: British People... Description: Nathan wants to talk to you, but unfortunately no one can understand what he says... Nathan will say something and you need to pick the correct translation of 4 options. If you get it right you get a point. If you get it wrong you get stunned. The player to get 5 correct translations first wins!
Peter Kennedy and Roger Jones' minigame: Factory Maintenance. (2v2) Description: Peter and Roger need help with their factory work! Each team will be given a set of items to collect. One team will have have to go to Peter and one team will have to go to Roger. The team that collects all of the items first wins! Harry Fitzgerald (And Jack Kennedy's) minigame: Bear. Description: Harry's boss is quite demanding so he enlists your help in getting orders for his job at a pizza joint. Each player will have their own line and must grab items in the kitchen like pepperoni pizza, breadsticks, and wings, and then put the items on the player assigned customers colored tray. If you did the order right you get three points and if you get it wrong you get nothing. Player with the most points after the time limit wins! Hobo's Minigame: Omelette for God. Description: The Local Hobo craves an omelette. Button mash in order to put as much food into your omelette as possible. Whoever button mashed the hardest in the time limit wins!
Little Billy's Minigame: Harassing the Swift. Description: Little Billy feels like annoying Oliver today so it's up to you to help distract Oliver while Little Billy sneaks up on him. Whenever Oliver feels like turning around click the right button above Oliver in order to get his attention again. If you fail to click the right button or don't click the button at all Oliver will notice Little Billy and yeet him and you immediately lose. With enough successful button presses, Little Billy gets to Oliver and scare Oliver and you win! Multiple people can win this minigame! Pierre's minigame: I Don't Think This is Therapy... (1v3) Description: The single player will be serving drinks (non alcoholic) to the other three players. The single player must serve the drinks via a long button combination while the other three will be talking about their woes via short button combinations. Whoever finishes the button combinations first gets a point. Whichever team gets the most point by the end wins! Curie's minigame: Drink Roulette. Description: Curie has put something in one of four drinks that is not very nice. Each player will pick a drink and one person will drink the bad drink and be eliminated. The three leftover players will then pick 1 of 3 drinks with one of them also being tainted and then the person drinking the next bad drink will be eliminated leaving 2 left. There will then be 2 drinks and one is also tainted. Whoever drinks the good drink here wins! Zimothy Bunsen's minigame: Bunsen BURNS. Description: Zimothy's comically large amount of bunsen burners are all going haywire. Traverse his lab in order to turn off the bunsen burners when they turn on. A bunsen burner turned off is one point. If you find the prototype for Zimothy's virus on a table that's five points. Most points by the end of the limit wins! Craig's minigame: Emergency Contact. Description: Craig is in a situation where he might need an emergency contact. Wait for when Craig has a button above his head and whoever presses the button first wins! Lorraine Deere's minigame: Conspiracy Conspirator. Description: Lorraine loves her conspiracies. Lorraine will say a conspiracy and it's up to you whether or not it's true. It's all about remembering what you got right before and what you got wrong before. Getting a question right gives one point while getting it wrong gets nothing. Player to get 5 correct answers right wins! Terrence "Tango"'s minigame: It's Tango Time! Description: Tango wants help in giving Mayor Mingus a gift. Tango will ask for something around the main hall and the first person to grab it and give it to Tango will get 1 point and then Tango will ask for another item. Whoever got the most points by the end of the limit or all things have been given in the main hall wins!
Theoroar Rustlebelt's minigame: Battle of the Rustlebelt. (1v3) Description: Theoroar places his faith in the single player and puts the other three players in a cage. the first player can send various animals onto the three players with certain button prompts and if the three players make contact with an animal they get eliminated. If the three players are all eliminated by the end of the time limit, the single player wins and if not the three players win.
Stabby and Shooty's minigame: Battle of Knives and Guns. (2v2) Description: One player on each team gets a knife while the other gets a knife. Each player will have 5 health points and the players can use the weapons to reduce the health of the enemy. The knife is close range while the gun is long range. Whoever has both teammates health deplete first loses while the other team wins. Gabby's minigame: Gabby Gabs. Description: Gabby needs your help working the counter at her shop. Each player will be assigned a spot and a customer will walk up to the players. The customer will put down a cash amount and then show what they want. There's a board on the screen showing how much everything is. You need to see what they want and then see if they can afford it. If they can afford it you press the yes button and you get a point. If they can't afford it you press the no button and you get a point. If you incorrectly guess whether the customer can afford the items you get no points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the time limit wins! Narrator's minigame: Gingi is Insane Actually (Cooperative) Description: Gingi has gone feral and Narrator needs everyone's help to guide them along the roads of dialtown. Everyone must work together in order to win. Gingi moves via the directional input each players give which is up, down, left, or right via a roulette. Each player rolls a direction then gingi moves in order of player 1 to player 4. If Gingi makes it to the end of the track within the time limit everyone wins! Frank's minigame: Bank Problems Description: Frank the Dialtown Bank Bodyguard is in need of help. Observe the bank visitors and when one has an exclamation mark above their head it means they're about to do a heinous act and you must run up to them and press a button in order to call Frank and throw them to the curve. Each time you successfully throw a person out you get one point. If you throw out Hobo doing a heinous act it's 3 points. Player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins! Ebenezer Dickens' Minigame: What The Dickens? Description: Mr. Dickens needs your help running the Scare Shack! All the faulty wiring and other faulty technology need fixing. When something breaks, mad dash to there and mash the button that's above the broken tech in order to fix it. Fixing it nets you one point. As time progresses more things will break at a time. Player with most points at the end of the time limit wins! Phonegingi/Typegingi's Minigame: Gingi Trash Exploring Description: Gingi wants to go dumpster diving. Use a button to clean through the trash and collect any collectables you might find. Each collectable has it's own point value. Whoever has the most points by the time limit or when all collectables are found, wins!
After completing all the festivals there will be a cutscene with Mingus visiting his grandfather at the nursing home. Mingus will tell his peepaw that the festival was a huge success and that Mingus is more liked by the community something that she thought would never happen after what she's done. Callum isn't responding that much, but soon enough Mingus pulls out the postcard that Mingus used to be so focused on and gives it to Callum. "I don't need this anymore," She says and bids his peepaw farewell. The despondent Callum Crown finally shows some movement and picks up the postcard that was on his lap. Callum stares at the postcard for a long while before putting it aside. Callum closed his hypothetical eye and sleeps. CALLUM CROWN'S MINIGAME: ??????????? Description: This is more of a cutscene than anything. The minigame introduction is in an indecipherable text and when you go to the character select screen the only option is... Callum Crown. The minigame shows the usually start graphic but there's no timer. It's a flashback to the time when Callum took the photo for that postcard. You talk to the townsfolk slowly gathering everyone up to make that fabled photo. Everyone is in place and Callum says "Say Dialtown everyone!" Right as this happens it cuts to current day where a similar photo is being taken except it's everyone in Dialtown that you just did all the minigames with. and then the credits roll.
--CONCLUSION-- Secret Character Unlocks: After you beat the game you unlock Callum Crown, Milton R. Wallace, and Marla Crown. No one acknowledges how they're alive or how Callum remembers anything as their appearances are non canon in an already hypothetical non-canon game! You unlock Jack and Steven via scoring well in Harry and Jack's minigame. You unlock Lola by doing well in Randy's minigame. You unlock Phonald Ringin, Frongles The Clown, and Civilian with cheat codes.
In conclusion: I hope you had a fun time reading this hypothetical. Feel free to take this post and do whatever you want with it like draw fanart of the minigame concepts or whatever. Overall though I just hope you enjoyed a Dialtown superfan's rambles!!!
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