#instead of burning out on the grind and just coming back for story stuff
friendlifyre · 10 months
sometimes i accidentally rb something to my main and i always feel bad for the few followers on there who will inevitably get a 'nb-diluc is posting again !!!1!!! check it out !!!!' notif from tumblr mobile only for me to have immediately deleted the post like sorry, it was an accident !! false alarm
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thefirstknife · 7 months
I'm actually really glad TFS got delayed for entirely selfish reasons--I like to take my time and enjoy the game so that usually means I'm still doing some wrap-up on gathering gear, crafting, or powering up stuff until late in the season. But this time around I wouldn't have been able to do that because I had gender affirming surgery scheduled for the tail end of the season, and if there's been any complications or it was a rough recovery I'd have risked missing out on any finale stuff. The delay meant I could take my usual sweet time, enjoy everything at a relaxed pace, and not risk missing out on anything that'd be removed at the drop of the new expansion
Honestly same! Long seasons have been a fave of mine since Arrivals. It just gives you so much extra time to take things at your own pace and make sure you're not stressing out about finishing everything. Most people don't play this game as a job! People have other things to do and they don't want to clock in at the Destiny factory to play 24/7 so they don't miss something. I play a lot, and yet there's still a lot of stuff I haven't done! I still haven't finished my GMs this season because everyone has been busy; if not for the delay, we would've had to cram everything and risk getting annoyed or burned out before the final expansion.
I really really hope that with Episodes they do something about this urgency to finish things in a specific time slot or else... My greatest wish for Episodes is that they will be the type of content that can stay in the game indefinitely instead of being removed after a year. This is a super complex topic btw (the whole thing with seasons leaving, as well as vaulting) that I think a lot of people tend to oversimplify because it's easier to just say we don't like it and assume malice. I might make a post about it and my thoughts on it because damn, I really don't like story elements being removed, but also there's so many interlocked issues with the type of game this is and how it works that it's a huge undertaking to talk about it in a responsible and neutral way, instead of just farming easy upvotes by saying "vaulting bad" (and for the record, yeah, it is bad, especially for the story).
But yeah, the thing I want the most out of Episodes is that something about the content cycle is fixed and that we get to keep them so we can continue playing at our own pace instead of feeling forced to grind when we might not be into it or we don't have time. Keeping things for a year is better than before, but I would really like if this content is something that we can play (and replay!) for as long as the game is alive.
So yep, totally agree. Love the extended seasons and the amount of time it gives players to breathe and not stress out. It makes the game more enjoyable since you can take a break and come back and feel refreshed about playing again.
And congrats on your surgery! I hope the recovery is going well for you and that you're happy with it! :D
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atsadi-shenanigans · 9 months
Feeding Alligators 17 - Panties!
You and Gale chat about linguistics. Astarion has elf ears and thus, elf hearing. Ruh-roh.
Rated M for language and violence. Still not for smut, because when I said this was a slow burn, I meant it and also Eleanor is demisexual, so does not compute for her (yet).
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On AO3.
You don’t make it much further before calling quits. Between your horror vomiting, Lae’zel’s brush with acid, and the rest of the party being generally wrung out from killing a wholeass owlbear, y’all are beat.
Camp is in a pretty, little clearing just off the trail. The grass is soft—and joyously free of ticks—with patches of pretty, yellow flowers. It’s a clear night; the moon is a great, big silver plate, and the spray of unfamiliar stars overhead shine bright and crystalline.
While Lae’zel scrapes the brains out of the skull of the owlbear, the others hunker down for a good and proper soup. It’s mostly vegetables, with sliced sausages, and you’re so, so fucking thankful Gale kept spices in his magical go bag. More than salt and pepper, too. You’re picking up traces of chili powder, paprika, and even a taste of cumin, you think. Not bad at all.
After your meal, y’all sit around for a bit. Astarion returns from scouting and takes his bowl back to his tent. Mr. Fancypants doesn’t like eating with commoners. It’s the first night everyone’s free, not working on spells or meditating or sulking alone. But the mood is still heavy and subdued.
Fucking cults will do that.
You wonder if your group’d listen to White people ghost stories—the Cherokee ones you do not tell at night out in the open.
You kick back and stare at the red line dancing around the edges of the embers.
Your stomach is still sore; throat still scratchy. And your headache is a constant grind. Must be the brainworm chewing on your gray-meats. The others hide their own discomfort pretty good—though that might just be the whole “not human” thing. Except Gale is human. Does he have wizard ibuprofen?
You stare into the fire some more and resist the urge to palm your right eye and press until you see sparkles.
The next thing you know, everyone has moved around the fire.
You sit up. Look around. Shadowheart and Lae’zel are arguing over the importance of keeping trophies (which Shadowheart dismisses as barbaric nonsense). Astarion is now standing outside his tent with a book propped open on one arm. You literally blinked and they all moved. What the fu—
“Are you alright?” Gale says. He was opposite you on the whole other side of the fire. Now he leans on the same fallen log you rest against with his own book sitting in his lap.
“I,” you say. You lost time. You completely lost, at minimum, several minutes. You try to breathe normal, instead of panting like a sick dog. “Yeah. I just…zoned out pretty good right there.”
Gale frowns. “’Zone?’ How would you use area as a verb?”
God, your head hurts.
You flap a hand. “Means I wasn’t paying attention, is all. D’you, you got anything for a headache? The stress has got my neck wound so tight it could crack a walnut.”
“Mmm, I don’t think so. Shadowheart may have an easier time of it. Are you…?”
He pauses. There’s more than confusion etched into his brow. It looks suspiciously like concern.
“Are you having any other symptoms?” he says in a low voice.
You look at him until it clicks. The whole face melting thing. All the stuff he’s described.
“No, no,” you say. “I don’t think it’s any of that. I woke up with this back on the butthole—I mean, the nautiloid.”
But his eyebrows have already shot up to his hairline. “The what? I’m not sure that translated accurately.”
Oh shit.
You groan. “No, it probably did. It’s what I been calling the nautiloid, before I learned its name. The doors on there looked like, well, buttholes. So I just went with it.”
His mouth opens. No words come out. You’ve shocked Mr. Verbose into silence. You almost give yourself a high five.
“I named all you’uns,” you continue, a bit more of Uncle Randy’s vernacular slipping in. It feels nice, letting your tongue slide back into that cadence. Feels like relaxing. Once you’d moved away, you tried to soften your country accent, fold it up into neat, shortened northern.
“I can only hope it was more sophisticated than your naming convention for the ship,” Gale says.
“You were mumu.” You wait. His expression doesn’t change, so the dirt potion must not’ve had a decent replacement for that. So you explain it, and by the end, he’s got a wry sort of smile.
“I can state with full confidence I’ve been called much worse,” Gale says. “Though it is a slight blow to my ego that I couldn’t impress any of my more noteworthy traits over my wardrobe.”
“It was either that or mullet.”
Having explained that, he proceeds to quiz you on the others, stumbling only over “goth.” But educated on that, he agrees with you on all counts.
“We’d been calling you Tav,” he says. At your blank face, “It’s a name used for orphans or someone whose name isn’t known, usually due to illness or injury. Quite common.”
Tav. It’s…their version of Jane Doe?
Then Gale’s face twists up. You can’t tell if it’s some flavor of perplexed, or if there’s a hint of amusement around his eyes. “Though I am curious how you’d gotten a glimpse at Astarion’s pants?”
You stare. Twist to find Astarion lounging on a nest of pillows he’s somehow managed to collect—he stole them from the tieflings, didn’t he.
“He’s wearing them?” you say and gesture with your thumb.
Gale’s whole face opens in surprise (relief?). “Ah! Another translation quirk. We call the outer garments trousers. The inner clothing is called pants, or smallclothes.”
You sit there. He’s definitely amused, now. Because you’ve been calling Astarion ‘Fancy Underwear.’ Good god. You’re so glad you figured that one out with Gale.
“Right,” you say. Your face definitely doesn’t feel warm. Not at all.
“Apologies for the distraction, and back to your headache. So you have no other symptoms.”
“I mean.” You gesture to your face, which as far as you can tell by touch is still your face. Goddamn, you haven’t had a proper bath in days. At least y’all are camped next to a stream; you can keep on dunking yourself as best you can. Still, no moisturizer or shampoo. Your elbows are getting rough.
“It’s all rather odd,” Gale says. “We should be halfway through the gestational process, yet none of us—aside from possibly you—have shown any sign of it. Either your being from a different plane has made you more susceptible, or our own physiology has shielded the rest of us. But Lae’zel isn’t a local, either, and even you aren’t following the standard process, as I understand it.”
He studies you a long moment. His lips press thin. But then he sighs and shakes his head.
“No, I don’t think you alone are going through the melt-change-condition.” You catch the vague shape of the actual word he uses behind the magical translation, but can’t suss it out. “I think it safe to assume this is merely the stress from all of this. I would suggest you find a way to relax, but, well.”
Lae’zel has finished both her scraping and her argument. She settles down next to a big, stone wheel that starts to spin as her foot taps a pedal. You watch, curiously, until she lifts her brains-scraping knife and you realize that sumbitch is a fucking grinder.
The noise shoots right through your eyeball to lodge deep in your aching brain.
“Nice talk, Gale, I’m getting out of here,” you say.
He winces next to you. Nods. “I’ll retire to my tent and see if I can’t come up with something in my stores to help with that ache of yours. In your head. That you mentioned.”
He rolls to his feet super spry for someone with gray streaks in his hair. He gives a little bow with his head, which you return with a nod as you make your way to the opposite side of the camp from Lae’zel.
Which happens to be where Astarion has set himself up for the night. Almost like he didn’t want to be around someone scooping out a dead owlbear head.
He glances up as you near. Watches you sink down into the grass nearby. You pause for a moment, considering, and flop onto your back in a full sprawl beneath the stars.
You don’t say anything. Neither does he, for a long moment. He flips a page. The pounding in your brain begins to unclench. Turns another page.
“So,” he says in a fucking tone.
“Oh god,” you say preemptively.
“You think my pants are fancy?”
Fucking elf ears. Of course he fucking heard you. Of fucking course.
You cover your face with one arm. “Would you stop if I said it was a mistranslation and I meant your trousers?”
“Whyever would I do that?”
Whyever would he. The man is a fucking menace.
Thing is, you’ve been so polite and quiet this whole time (until today, really). But Mother and the other leadership saw something in you, even as a child. And they weren’t exactly wrong about it (just the part where it was bad bad sinful bad the devil shame shame bad).
You turn to squint at him through the throbbing in your skull. “Are they?”
“Are what, dear?”
“Your underwear. Are they fancy?”
Bitch doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. He wants to give some, he better be able to take some.
You almost miss his hesitation, it’s so fast. Then his malicious smirk is back on and he snaps his book shut. Spins to face you. “They are, actually. I would ask the same of you, but I’m rather sure you’re not wearing any.”
“Nope,” you say, popping the “p” and waggling your legs back and forth in the grass. Outbrazen that, chucklefuck.
His mask doesn’t even crack. Not a flinch, not a micro expression; the man is stone cold fucking with you. “Are those not a norm in your realm, either?”
“Oh, they are, I just didn’t have them on me when I got grabbed.” Let him wonder about that. Dare him to fucking ask. The reason is you were asleep, but he doesn’t know that. “Unless we find some kinda clothing store soon, I think I’m gonna have to make some myself.”
He leans forward to rest an elbow on his bent knee. “I could help you with that, you know.”
You…can’t tell if he’s being serious.
“I ain’t wearing your drawers, fancy man. You only got the one pair anyway, unless you’re walk around with spares in your pockets.”
To this, he grimaces. “I didn’t need the reminder. All the material we’ve come across has been roughspun, mildewed, or both. Not a scrap of silk to be seen anywhere.”
You turn your head to frown at him for a long moment. Because yeah, that tracks. Of course this floof-haired, ridiculous city man wears silk drawers. You should not be so surprised at this. But also…
“You expecting to find you some silk out here in the boonies?” you say.
Now it’s his turn to frown. You watch his lips form the word “boonies.”
“Outside the city,” you say. “Back woods, back water, the sticks, wilderness, middle of fucking nowhere.”
“Hmm. No, I suppose I didn’t. People travel through here, but not the sort to own any apparel worth salvaging, would they? No, you’re correct.”
You say nothing to that. Content to lie beneath the moon and let the conversation about y’all’s panties die a quiet, natural death.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch his head tilt. He’s watching you.
“That was a clever little plan, back there,” he says after a moment. “I dare say, you thought further ahead than any of the others regarding those cultists. And regarding how to deal with them. It was very clean—efficient, even if their deaths were very much not. It’s a shame you had to leave us so quickly back in that den.”
To vomit.
You’re not gonna out-edgey the edgelord here. Simpler to go for the boring answers. “Ain’t used to seeing something like that. Horror is a normal response to people getting torn up back where I come from.”
“Mmm. Sounds terribly dull. And yet, for someone so inexperienced,” he makes some gesture that either their version of air quotes or him just being a theater kid, “you came to that conclusion quickly and you saw it through. Against some objections, even.”
Objections from half of them. Or only Gale, really, as the only part Lae’zel hadn’t liked was the sneak factor. She seemed pleased as punch when then owlbear turned on y’all and she got to hack it to pieces.
And Gale got over it all well enough to come hang out with you at camp.
These fucking people.
And goddamnit, you’re fitting in.
You find him with his chin propped up, his gaze fixed on you.
“I have never, in my life, had to deal with this kinda shit before,” you say. “I’m just…getting ideas as we go along and trying not to die.”
“Quite vicious ideas.”
Your neck is hot. You turn away, point your face at the sky as if the cold starlight will chill the head building over your cheeks.
He’s not wrong. You have a ruthless streak, you know. Part of your whole healing process was recognizing and accepting that part of yourself. And you had. And now, you wonder if that is part of the problem. If you hadn’t just gone down into your mental basement to feed the monsters there, but you’d pulled up that cellar door and leapt in yourself.
You feel guilt, for sure. But you already know you’d do it again. You’d put up that ruthless streak in a shoebox and set it up on a tall shelf in a back closet in your brain. But now you went and you opened that up, and it’s working for you. It’s a tool and a weapon, and it might be your best shot at surviving all this.
“Your ideas got you out of that crash,” Astarion says. “They kept you with all of us, saved you from that bandit, and effectively took control of our little band of miscreants.”
“What? I’m not—”
You didn’t take control. Did you? They went along with one horrible idea. Or two, actually, with Kahga. Except there were several ideas involved in that—
You’re not the leader.
You’re not.
“And even now, that mind of yours is plotting out our continued survival, isn’t it?” he says. “You might be a useful person to know.”
“Well thank you, darlin,’” you drawl.
He makes a sound that forces your attention back to him. You catch his eyebrows raised, eyes round. The laugh is more of a snort, and he seems as surprised at it as he does at…whatever caused it.
Oh fuck.
“That’s just a saying,” you start.
But he’s already waving it off. “Not to worry. I believe I’ll leave you to your little respite away from that cacophony. Take a walk and get some air, myself.”
Oh shit, you weirded him out. It’s just a phrase. Old, southern ladies you’ve never met call you “sugar” and “honey” all the time.
He stands. Sweeps the wrinkles out of his clothes—mostly his silly, frilly shirt. Then he gives you some ridiculous, over-the-top, one-arm-in-the-air courtly bow. “Do sleep tight, darling.”
He wanders off. The wind hisses in the trees. Lae’zel’s grinder screeches like a thousand souls of the damned, and your brain worm nibbles contentedly at a piece of your pre-frontal cortex.
“Jesus christ,” you say and roll over to lie face down in the grass.
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dogtoling · 2 years
(1/2) i remember reading your thoughts post on RotM and how you also didn't like OE's plot a while back, and they were what got me wanting to send that ask! i usually have trouble imagining the splatoon world beyond what we're shown, so i was super interested to see if you had any examples in mind of what a campaign that digs into the worldbuilding might look like. i would now also absolutely kill for something set in a city, things like bounce pads and grind rails immediately come to mind as fitting much better in recreational urban environments and i would give so much to see in-depth explorations of places like hagglefish and makomart and wahoo world (imagine the hub potential,,,)
as for RotM i agree that it's so painful in its missed potential, it feels like it's trying to surpass the impact of OE and in doing so completely faceplants into anime stakes escalation. I don't understand why they even needed to go into literal space, when the space exploration tech everywhere in alterna along with some sky plates: starry darkness edition could perfectly well create the aesthetic of it for a final boss showdown (grizz's will to bring back the past world being so strong that the plates start displaying constellations that no longer exist in the current era !!) without having to break immersion by actually leaving the planet. i think inkling grizz, guide octavio and the final conflict instead involving the dome itself going to shit would be my ideal combination of plot elements that aren't so silly and outlandish that they steamroll over the fact it takes place in the final resting place of the human species.
and man, octo expansion. it's still my favourite and in my mind it all works so well but there are so many holes seeing the actual canon laid out and not just half-memories from the one playthrough i did when i was 13. i had thought it was that marina and pearl frequently hacked their way into shady goings-on in their free time and that's how they came across the player's situation in the deep sea metro, and that marina being an octoling played a pretty big fucking part in her motivations to help the protag and in her arc as the only octoling escapee we know of in the Turning Point For Octolings story. i had also kind of got the idea in my head that they do stuff like this on the regular behind the scenes similar to the squid sisters for their involvement in an action plot to make more sense, but no they're literally just some guys who showed up. why did my inaccurate memories work harder to try and make them fit in the story than the actual published product. walkie talkie on a mountain 😭
thanks for your patience if i went too long into any tangents there but overall yessss to your alternative story ideas and thanks for inspiring me to always be thinking about the possibilities of the splatoon world :) if theres other stuff i forgor to talk about ill send another but this ask has already gotten huge :0
thanks for the response essay (literally don't worry i enjoy reading response essays). "walkie talkie on a mountain" with the crying emoji is making me laugh rn THATS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENED SDHFKJSDBF
I didn't even really consider RotM potentially having an ending where instead of space, Alterna just gets wrecked for real. man, that would've been a WAY cooler conclusion not to mention it would've been completely realistic AND impactful after everything you learn about it. One of the things that has always annoyed me about RotM is that Alterna's walls collapsed and humanity perished because a rocket TEST launch, not even a proper launch, overloaded the crystals and caused everything to cave in. In spite of this, it's not really caved in during RotM and they literally launch ANOTHER ROCKET AND NOTHING HAPPENS. Not even a test, a straight up LAUNCH. How come nothing happened this time!?!?! I know the reasoning is probably something like golden eggs as fuel don't burn as hot or something and that's why it's safe to launch a rocket this time, but come on now, it would've been way cooler and more impactful if Grizz repeated humanity's mistake and caused Alterna to be destroyed out of his hubris and wish to go back to how things used to be. It would've also been such a cool setup for a desperate final battle.
Anyway those thoughts aside, always happy to inspire people to think deeper into the Splatoon world. Honestly I don't even think THAT deep into the Splatoon world and i want to work on that and try to learn to get more out of it, especially when making OCs. But every time my ramblings inspire people that's a win in my books!
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ncitygirls · 3 years
dance - jeno x f reader
fluff, smut, 2.1k
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jeno knows it’s bad, but he can’t help but reminisce on how this all began. he likes to torture himself by reliving the first night over and over. it always starts with the drunken taunts from his teammates, sullied further by his dismissal. ‘no way,’ he’d said. ‘i can’t go there.’ he remembers seeing your roommates hyping you up, followed closely by your misguided steps. even after his earlier reluctance, he still regrets not beating you to the jump, his friends’ clearing their throats, trying to act natural as you approached their booth.
he hated the setting: a grotty sports bar a town over from his college campus. it sold stale, cheap beer, triple vodka sours and served well past three am. this may not sound like the typical start to a love story, but it was a start all the same.
‘do you wanna dance?’ you asked in a painfully small voice, your emboldened strut paling in complete contrast to your timid yet gleaming gaze. jeno still can’t say where he found the courage to agree, but agree he did, nodding behind his beer before following you up to the sticky floor. somewhere along the way you had taken his hand in yours, in fear of losing him in the sea of sweaty bodies. in the musty wave of noughties hits with tacky modern spins, jeno managed to lose himself anyway. he hadn’t a clue where to put his hands, his eyes searching yours as you giggled up at him, cooing at his bewilderment.
so you led. placing his hand on your exposed waist, your top riding up as it hugged the skin beneath your rib. he felt you shiver under his touch, his fingers clenching minutely at the feeling. ‘is this okay?’ he’d yelled, though it came through as more of a whisper under the music. you didn’t respond, instead reaching for his other hand, squeezing it over the denim on your hip. jeno was spinning. not from dancing, and not from the amount he’d drank. he knew it wasn’t down to that, nor the dizzying motion of the lights, the thickness of the air or the pounding of the music. jeno knew it was you. your chest pressed flush to his, your eyes boring into his. he didn’t know when you’d started swaying, his body leaning, moving in time with the music and the others on the floor. he could hear the songs changing, feel the bass beneath his feet. there wasn’t much he could do but enjoy it.
much like he still does. as he drags you close to him, the rosie organza pleated around your chest pressed right up to his satin lapel. his confidence then pales in comparison to now. it only took a few months to see the change, one you nurtured in all the ways a man like jeno needed. in soft assurances and gentle praise. in delicate touches and the softest embraces. in ardent exchanges and steamy quickies.
but the trouble began this past winter. well, technically well before. as a child, jeno had spent his summers visiting his cousin jaemin in his hometown from before he could remember. there the two had fortified a friendship, a real brotherhood that jeno never would have gotten to experience without being cast away to the country every solstice. it was there he met his cousin’s neighbour, mark lee. mark lee, a kind kid with wide eyes and a wider smile, was the kind of kid everyone looked up to. he embodied what jeno typically thought to be an older brother. and he was. to his step sister and cousins, to kids in his neighbourhood, to jeno’s cousin jaemin and eventually to jeno. it’s why, this christmas just gone, when mark had approached jeno, with giddy eyes and a giddier smile, to ask him to be one of his groomsmen - not just due to the refusal of a painfully introverted jaemin - but because of a genuine brotherhood formed between the two, jeno’s big hearted self could not refuse.. bringing us back to where the trouble began.
‘so, are you bringing her to the wedding?’ mark questioned suddenly, his arm pushing through the sleeve of his tux. ‘you definitely shou- it’s a bit tight at the elbow, can you see?’
jeno still curses jaemin for opting out of being a groomsman, leaving jeno to deal with the trivialities of wedding prep. not that he has a real problem with it all. it’s just a fitting, he thought as he walked in, his eyes landing on the black silk hanging off the changing room door. it wasn’t until he realised it was just he and mark - the rest of the groomsmen opting to come on a later date - that he was regretting the decision. because even though no one would admit it to his face, mark was a bit of a groomzilla. less for the usual reasons. he wasn’t rude, short or angered by little inconveniences. he was just a man of superstition, faith, and insurmountable dubiety. he wanted everything to be perfect. he wanted to do as much of his part as he could for his wedding day. jeno thinks his fiancée had been right to leave him the task of the guest list. mark easily knew more people, so was naturally inundated with acquaintances. it was a great idea, jeno thought.. until mark kept- on- pushing- ‘i’ll even relieve you of your duties early, let you go off with her-’
‘thanks man,’ the younger tried, watching the tailor pinch the jacket at his waist. ‘but really, i don’t think i will. i’ll just bring my mom or something.’
‘your mom’s already invited man, you know that.’ jeno huffed at that. of course she is. mark did take his duties seriously after all. ‘couldn’t have her going off on me like jaemin did-’
‘are you comparing my mom to jaemin?’
‘i’m just saying-’ mark paused to thank the attendant, slipping back out of his jacket as he walked up to jeno, squeezing his shoulder. ‘you’ve got nothing to be nervous about, jen. you’re like a brother to me. you should bring her, i’d love to meet her.’
jeno flinches just thinking about it, his spine straightening as mark turned to him fully. jeno manages a shrug, turning back to the mirror just for a second before deciding that, no. no, it wouldn’t be a good idea to introduce his girl to his best friend on his wedding day.
because the issue wasn’t that he wouldn’t invite you.
‘you met her at college, right?’
the issue was that he couldn’t.
‘maybe y/n knows her?’
the issue is that you’re already going.
‘you know what my sister’s like, she gets on with everyone.’
“jen?” you pant, his name falling off your tongue as he bounces you quickly in his lap. “come back to me.” he smiles at your sweet call, your teeth catching his lip between them before slipping your tongue into his mouth.
the ceremony starts in ten minutes, though guests are still pouring into the church. it’s what actually convinced him. that and you, your manicured hand stuffing your damp panties into the pocket of his fitted tux. it had been his undoing, your sweeping frame gliding into a small side door a few feet from the altar.
the clock is ticking but you pay it no mind, your hips halting their rise and fall as you dig your heels into the masoned floor, grinding your hips back and forth as you ride him. you feel his nails dig painfully into your skin, his tongue wrapping around yours, swallowing your gasps as his other hand gathers your dress, the layers of delicate organza billowing over his knee. when your nails find his nape, careful not to mess up his perfectly styled do, you suck on his ear lobe, forcing him to thrust up into you.
“shh!” you hiss, rushing to stuff the same panties you gifted him in his mouth. you hear his muffled groans, his cheeks hollowing as he sucks the essence of you onto his waiting tongue. he feels you clench harder around him, his eyes smiling in place of his occupied lips. he lifts a brow when your rocking falters, your eyes darting around his perfect face, incapable of taking in anything but him and how he makes you feel. there’s a question in his gaze, forcing your head to bob. “yeah- i’m close-”
he abandons your dress then, letting the material pool around you two as he presses his palm to your neck, bringing your mouth to his. it’s a quick and steep descent to your release, your thighs burning as he slams you up and down on his cock, your skin clapping against his as he abandons all reason. he’s kept it quiet for so long, at times he thinks it might consume him from the inside out, all this love he has for you. all jeno really wants is to scream it out from the highest mountain top, tattoo it to his forehead, paint it on the fucking moon. hell, he would pay anyone to listen. he didn’t care who. he’d tell anyone who’d listen that he, lee jeno, was in love with y/n y/l/n.
“i love you too,” you almost cry, jaw unhinged as you feel the effects of his thrusts and affection rip through you. it spreads through you like wildfire, setting every nerve in you alight before it finally consumes him. your heat pumps and pushes him past his release, his heavy load pouring out into you. you milk him through it, your temple pressed to the crown of his head.
it’s the church bells that rip you apart, your whole body cringing as realisation hits. you cringe further as his flushed face fills your vision, his hands gathering your dress again before further staining your panties as he wipes between your legs. “don’t look at me like that.”
“like what?”
“like it’s worse for you than it is for me.” you’re about to ask how when he moves away from you, closing his eyes as he wraps it up before shoving it back in his pocket. “i said don’t.”
“fine, i won’t-” your surrender is cut short when knuckles strike the door three times, jaemin’s sign to wrap it up. “shit, let’s go-” you try to leave but can’t. because suddenly he’s stopping you, his warm hand loosely wrapped around your wrist.
“let’s tell him.”
“tell who what-”
“mark.” jeno used to hate acknowledging the striking similarities between you and your step brother. much like the unwon battle of the chicken and the egg: which came first? which of you taught the other that when your eyes enlarge, rounding into porcelain saucers, two full moons nearly eclipsing him, that he’d give you anything?
“today?” when he nods, you want to laugh. but he looks so confident. so sure. “jen, are you sure?”
“i am,” his affirmation makes your heart swell, even before he continues. “i’m sure about you.”
he knows where your uncertainties lie. but you affirm it too. “i’m sure about you too.” you both seem to forget the wedding in that moment, both neglecting the importance of your bridal party roles in favour of basking in one another for even a second longer. “only if you save me a dance?”
“always.” so much so, you don’t register the sound of the confessional door swinging open when jeno leans in to kiss to your forehead, his bitten lips pressing to the skin as his eyes land on a pair not too dissimilar to the ones he’d just poured his heart out to.
mark seems to short circuit for a second that seems to last hours. “mom’s looking for you,” he announces, spluttering around the words as you immediately grab jeno by the hand and drag him out the confessional. you both duck your heads as you shuffle past jaemin, who looks beyond pissed you didn’t heed his earlier warning.
when you both disappear, your brother turns on jaemin, eyes wide as full moons. “you knew!” it only angers him more when jaemin nods, unflinching when mark starts slapping his arm. “he told you and you didn’t tell me?”
“nuh-uh,” the younger defends, straightening out the groom’s lapel as he reverently shuts the confessional door. “i figured it out.” mark looks bewildered at the notion it had been so obvious. jaemin has to remind himself it’s mark’s day and not to be too harsh. “come on, hyung. he wouldn’t tell us her name, wouldn’t let us meet her.” mark still looks stunned. “don’t get me started on how many times they pulled this shit last christmas-”
and to think. it all started with a dance.
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
i agree with how wilbur and tommy are currently the deciding factors in the smp! i do believe there's a very high chance for a wilbur lore boom during the summer as album stuff gets smoothed out (writing and recording a bunch an album will take way more time then processing and mastering it, for example) and i can also imagine a dip in content around july that swings back august-september, like what happened before the elections. i do feel like wilbur and tommy do really enjoy the smp story so far and will put in effort for it, and tommy could very easily bring back the daily semi-lore type content in the future months, once the initial vlogging hype dies down. i also think tubbo and ranboo have very good potential to rope people into semi-lore. there's some people i cannot imagine getting as involved with the lore anymore, and some who really depend (like if the syndicate manages to drag itself back, i can see niki rejoining the lore). and yeah technoblade is really a "if he wants to do this," since we don't really have a solid idea, but if a semi-lore wave comes back it opens a big spot for him and how he prefers to do light-hearted stuff. i feel like quackity is really going to be the lore "meat" for a bit, having a bunch of the heavier stuff. i feel like what's really dragging down the smp now is how spaced out everything is and where the semi-lore return would really benefit the server. i also agree with you that quackity very likely might burn himself out on content soon. i think he could really benefit from showing up on others streams to further lore (like on fundys) instead of shoving a bunch of things into a highly-produced stream, similar to other "villains" like schlatt and wilbur. i appreciate what quackity's doing rn a lot, but i think there needs to be another "threat for threats sake," like schlatt and the eggpire. a villain that's more traditionally lighthearted, with quackity being the darker side of "villainous" lore (see: schlatt and wilbur, to a degree, dream and the eggpire, etc) to balance things out. also, tommy was right with what he did with church prime! being afraid to change anything will get you nowhere! sapnap, start another pet war! i also think more smpearth fellas should be added to the dream smp who've shown interest, like wisp and sophietexas. spice things up!
just a solid agree on pretty much everything here.
in particular with your point about how the server is being dragged down by lore that's too spaced out, 100%. the server has had a problem since the end of s1 with oscillating between full throttle lore and... near radio silence (genuinely the l'manburg/ pogtopia arc was so perfectly paced imo ah but that's another topic). the issue with quackity's lore is that his tendency towards cliff hangers means that it 'freezes' certain characters, and they can't really have an impact when they're not in quackity's semi-movies. there's been a similar issue like that with the syndicate.
basically, the server went from feeling like an actual world we got daily peeks into, with a constantly moving timeline, very much an actual server that featured non-lore, shenanigans, chilling after tournaments or among us games, stage productions of macbeth, people just casually playing on it for fun, semi-lore, and lore, to just lore, with occasional streamers. you see- niki actually stocked her bakery for people to take from quite frequently, people would come on and grind to get stuff back after a battle, wilbur would mine in pogtopia, etc etc.
it was a living, breathing thing that I feel bad that some people didn't get to see live because it's hard to describe. people kept up the casual rivalry between the smp and l'manburg, wear their uniforms to tournaments: and that was what made it so unique. schlatt was a very real threat that could just pop into your vc at any moment, he felt like a proper villain in that sense. in the same stream that wilbur and tommy would be in pogtopia mourning the fact that they had no allies while two hours later we would see fundy writing in his spy diary and niki casually resisting. quackity's lore doesn't really allow for that, and it's good lore, but it's missing what makes live action rp so captivating.
how would I fix it?
1. don't end things on cliff hangers, for gods sake. let a plot resolve in your stream so that way people can react to an build off of it in between lore streams. quackity shot himself in the foot for any casual lore by leaving it on the fence whether people would join and not establishing any clear rules, meaning that all the streams we could be getting rn are blocked by that.
2. save high production value streams for big events, or flashbacks, or just anything that can't be done completely live or improv. that way, you can decrease the time in between any lore at all, take some pressure off quackity, and get back some of the organic, homespun charm. I was watching quackity's stream and thinking 'this is nice, but he could have done five short streams over the course of a week or two that accomplished the same goal but without so much energy and rushing. then, he could cut the footage together into a video if he wanted it condensed for viewing pleasure.' it would build hype and set some sort of much needed pacing
3. if it's not already being done, make the plan public so people can jump in if they want, leave open space for improv, at least a bit. if quackity let himself lean on other streamers half as much as wilbur did for both his arcs as c!wilbur and ghostbur, things could move at a more decent pace and feel like an actual server again. just- hop into foolish's streams my dude
I could elaborate more, but tldr: quackity's lore is good, but it severely lacks pacing, stifles organic chemistry between characters, and could very well burn him out. he should mix in casual lore and used formal lore as a supplement, not a base
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Lose You To Love Me |Tom Holland x Reader
Paring: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Losing someone hurts, but knowing that things get better, feels fine. You were dating Tom but feels as if you guys were slowly drifting away
Song: Lose You To Love Me
This is my first Tom Holland works, it's a little rusty since I haven't written something that isn't anime for a while.
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You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours
Having an on-and-off relationship was difficult. Especially when the relationship was a secret. You wanted to come out and be public but Tom didn't. The excuses were 'They will attack you' or 'I'm just not ready' but to see him posing for pictures with other models and celebrities made you feel as if you were a secret as if he was a shame.
Moving from the kitchen to sit in the living room couches, you played with his hair, feeling his soft curls between your fingers.
"Tom do you think we could go to that new cafe that opens up down the straight? I hear that they sell amazing cupca-" Without looking up from his phone, he replies with "I would love to but I don't want anyone spotting us" "Well that's fine if they do, don't you think it's time that they know?" "I just want us to keep some stuff to ourselves, ya know?" Letting out a sigh, you leaned your body off of his, grabbed the remote to turn on the tv.
I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah
"Who the fuck is her huh?! Is that why you can't hang out? Or why you're always so late? You never have time to spend with me, heck you don't even say sorry for missing out on our planned dates!" "For fucking sake Y/N! Not everything is about you! I told you I was running late because I was at a party for work! You of all people are supposed to know that!" "I wouldn't be feeling this way if people weren't taking pictures of you and that model! Friends don't act that way! You don't see me acting that way with Harrison!"
"I swear it's like you're my fucking mother. I'm a grown-ass man, I can do whatever the hell I want! Stop bitching every fucking time!"
You looked at him in shock, still trying to register the words he used on you. Some fans have been speculating that you and Tom were dating but that was quickly debunked when a few pictures of Tom and another model were 'rumored' to be dating.
At first the rumors didn't bother you. It was for an upcoming movie, but after a while of countless photos of them together, it started to make you feel a type of way, jealously, insecure.
You didn't exactly notice that your relationship was falling apart, only feeling the distance. You nodded your head at him, "Alright"
He watched you, anger from the fight filling up his veins. He was tired of having the same fight with you every time a picture of him and a girl gets posted.
He walked over to you and grabbed your hands, holding them tightly, "Look, I'm not cheating okay? You know how the paps get when they see something like a good story. I love you, and only you okay? You just have to trust me"
You leaned into his touch, hugging him back. Still not feeling secure but decides to ignore it.
He never did say sorry to those planned dates.
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
After the incident that happens two weeks ago, nothing was the same. The relationship started getting more toxic, one of you would be yelling at the other or mentally abusing eachotherTom started coming home late and was spending more time outside than with you. He wasn't even home for your anniversary, instead, he chose to go to a pub. You tried to get Harrison to speak to him, but he would always come back at you, yelling at you for dragging his friend into his.
So you decided to go to the pub he was in.
You called up your best friend and got yourself ready. You didn't expect the pub to be so filled, but then again clubbing was never really your thing. Music blazing, the smell of alcohol in the air. bodies rolling on each other. Your friend asks you if you were fine then heads straight to the dance floor.
You head to the bar and asked the bartender for a drink. After receiving your drink you sat on one of the stools and drink it, looking around to see if your boyfriend was around.
Finishing the drink and not seeing him, you were starting to feel bad for doubting him, getting ready to leave, you got up but when you do, you saw someone who looks like Tom grinding into a blonde girl.Confusion written on your face. You walk up closer to get a good look, surprised, shock, and anger running through your veins.
You watched as he grinds his hips into her, feeling her up with his hands. It made you sick. Disgusted. What made you feel even sicker was when he turned her around and held a full make-out session with her. Feeling the tears flow from your eyes, you left and tried to find your friend.
You explained to her what happen and even in her drunken state, she tried to comfort you, you both left and head home.
So much for being the only one.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
For days you felt like shit, for days you ignored his calls, for days you hated him.
You couldn't stand seeing his face, seeing how he was trying to pretend as if ntohing ever happened. It hurt you to know that he was playing his pretend role as if he was acting about how he feels about you. He tried calling but his calls were always ignored.
Tom felt as if you were slowly slipping away from him. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He thought everything was going well. He tried calling one more time, then gave up, deciding to give you your space.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me
Saying hello was always easy but saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do.Trying to shove all your clothes into the suitcase, shoving his hands off so your shoulder. You watch him, feeling no emotions, just blank. Empty. Nothing.
"I never thought, you of all people would cheat on me." "What do you mean? I never-" "Oh don't lie Thomas, I saw you, a few weeks ago when you were at the club. , If our relationship wasn't good why couldn't you have said anything? I spent days, weeks trying to get you to talk to me but no. I'm not even surprised, I mean they say actors lie about their true feelings, I guess I missed the warnings huh?"
Tom watched you in shock, not expecting you to call him out on that. He didn't plan for this to happen, it was supposed to be a one-time thing but the thrill and excitement he got made him feel something. He didn't mean to hurt you, but he did. And that was something that he could never take back.
"I'm sorry.." You let out a laugh, this whole situation was funny, "Now you're sorry, for what? For missing out on dates? Coming home late? Ignoring me? Oh wait is it because you got caught cheating on me with some bimbo right?"
"Don't call her that!"
"Ha, you even protect her... I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong"
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah
Months passed, four to be exact and you have been doing better after moving out of Tom's you were able to afford an apartment for yourself which you then rented out half to your friend. You got promoted from your job and now you're working for more money.
Standing in line, to order your favorite cup of drink, someone bounced into you, knocking their drink on you.
"Watch it you asshole!" "Y/N?"
You look up and notice Tom standing in front of you, holding two cups of coffee.
"Hey, how have you been?" "I've been good, have a few acting roles coming up for a new movie. How about you? I remember you were working for a fashion store"
"I became manager, the pay is nice. If I keep it up they might move me to another firm that pays higher"
He nodded his head at you, feeling a bit proud of you," Well I'm in town for a bit, I won't be leaving until next month"
"Nice" Que the awkwardness
"Hey look, I'm sorry for how things turned out, I didn't mean for it to happen. I was kind of hoping that we could probably talk like we used to, or go to dinner or-"
"Look, Tom, no hard feelings but I'm over that. I have a life now, you started this and you can't make me forget all the pain that you caused me. I'm over that, I'm done crying and you should too."
He nodded his head, trying to hide the disappointment he's feeling, he tried to put on a smile to play it off but you know better, "Well I hope to see you again"
Grabbing your cup of coffee from the cashier, you paid her and face time. You said something which made his smile dropped as he watched you walk out.
"And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us"
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Bad Decisions (Just You)
Seungcheol x Female Reader
Word Count: 5436
Contents: reader is a bratty sub but cheol is fucking whipped, oral (male receiving) while sleeping, manhandling, slight body praise, choking, pet name (babygirl), sir kink, dom svt, hair pulling, face fucking, drooling, fingering, marking, living room sex, wall, sex, bed sex (all unprotected), multiple creampies, very slight breeding kink 
Note: So as if this is some pop song I’ve given it two titles cuz I couldn’t decide. Anyways okay this is so late and I am so sorry for that but a very happy belated birthday to @bootyful-seventeen !!!! You are so much fun to talk to and I know I can go to you with that weird shit and you’ll roll with it. You write fun stuff and I really love that you don’t take it too seriously, the lighthearted stories are wonderful and your soft dad!svt stuff makes my heart melt. You are genuinely such enjoyable company and I hope you know that I really love our friendship and I’m really happy to know you. 
Truly, the day had been a veritable orgy of dumb decisions.
You shouldn’t have gotten so worked up when you woke up, cuddling with your boyfriend and feeling something hard pressing into your lower stomach. You shouldn’t have looked at the clock to see that Seungcheol’s alarm would go off in approximately six minutes. You shouldn’t have shimmed below the covers and found a cozy spot between his legs.
You definitely shouldn’t have pulled down his sweats and started sucking him off to wake him up.
And yet you did, despite truly, honestly, definitely knowing better you couldn’t help yourself and you did it anyway because life really is too short to deny yourself the pleasure that is your boyfriend’s cock, even if you didn’t think through the timing at all.
And so you felt a hand in your hair as you moved your lips, taking his cock into your mouth. And you heard his low, gravely, early morning groans, the first sound out of his mouth that sent arousal careening through your body and had you pressing your thighs together. You sunk into the bliss, letting your hand slip between your legs to tease yourself, mind clouded with the enticing idea of morning sex, knowing it would set your day up just right.
Until Seungcheol’s alarm started blaring in your ears and he let out a much more annoyed groan. His hand pulled off the blankets easily and you gave him the sweetest look you could, still whining as he pulled you back off of his cock and rolled out of bed.
“Aw, come on we ca-”
“No,” he warned. “You know I don’t have time.” He eyed you, regarding you suspiciously as he pulled his sweats back up. “Now I have to shower and get ready and deal with this,” he motioned to the now very obvious boner in his sweats, “before I leave.”
“You had that before I started,” you whined. “And you know I could help y-” Your words fell off as he leaned closer to you suddenly, grabbing your jaw firmly with a slow burning intensity in his gaze.
“If I let you help me, I’ll be late. So now thanks to you, I won’t be able to get the thought of fucking your mouth out of my head. You’ve already managed to ruin me for the whole day.” You tried to bite back the grin tugging at your lips but you couldn’t and Seungcheol’s grip tightened. “Don’t get smug, babygirl.”
You didn’t wipe the look from your face, watching him as he let go of you and headed for the bathroom. “What are you gonna do about it?” You giggled. Seungcheol threw you a look over his shoulder as he left the room.
Unsurprisingly, the bad decisions did not end there.
You had things to do, it wasn’t like your day was empty but you did have some free time, and most of what you needed to do was from home today. And on any other day that wouldn’t mean much more than that you would start dinner since it was easier for you to get something ready.
Today, however, it meant you were going to tease him.
Once he was on his way you got yourself out of bed, taking you time washing up and picking pretty lingerie. You grabbed a pair of leggings and searched through his closet to find one of his shirts and felt only the slightest bit unhinged at how you couldn’t stop smiling and chuckling to yourself over your plan to mess with him all day.
And mess with him you did. The morning started off with innocent selfies when you had spare moments. The first few he reacted to sweetly but as you sent further back and then mirror selfies he got frustrated. It was far too easy to wind him up and so much fun teasing him about what was hidden under his big, comfy shirt.
The more frustrated his messages became the more it egged you on. The more it made you wanna act like a brat. In between his warnings not to distract him while he was working (and your instances that he didn’t have to open the pictures in the middle of his work day) you could sense his desperation. You knew that with every minute that passed he wanted you more and more and that feeling was just far too fun and far too powerful.
That’s what you told yourself as you had slipped your leggings off that afternoon and started teasing yourself over your panties, why you pulled your shirt up and caught it between your teeth, letting out muffled little moans and whines as your fingers worked and your hips rolled and bucked and followed the sensations.
As you started recording the video you were much more ready to say you were just messing with him further and not that all of your shenanigans had backfired only slightly and had you far too needy when he wouldn’t be home for another hour or so. You had to hope that when he got home he’d be too needy and wouldn’t try to punish you by taking away sex.
Then again, any time he’d tried that he gave in after a day or two. He really couldn’t resist you.
“When are you coming home?” you whined through the fabric between your teeth. “Please, I need you so badly.” Admittedly, you were hyping it up a little more for the camera just to get to him but the thought of how he would be when he got home was all the incentive you needed. 
“Please, please fuck-” You ended the video. You knew very well you were going to be in trouble for sending him a video and then not letting him see you cum, but today was a day for bad decisions and you were rolling with it now. A long moan left your lips and your back arched as you came, legs trembling and core squeezing around your measly fingers, reminding you of what you really wanted inside of you.
You felt a little dazed as you sent the video, though not nearly as fucked out as you wanted to feel. Either way you let yourself flop back on the bed, comfy and considering a nap while you waited for Seungcheol to come home. You could go start dinner though, not that you felt you would be eating when he walked in the door. Your sleepy mind thought about what you might make and if you needed to prepare anything ahead of time until your phone buzzed.
[You’re in so much trouble, babygirl]
You snickered as you read the message.
[Well you’re not here, looks like I can do what I want]
[Not for long]
[You’re such a little brat today, babygirl]
[Better hurry up and get home before I wear myself out] You couldn’t keep in your chuckles as you put down your phone, heading to the bathroom to freshen up just a bit. You could figure out food later but at the moment what you really wanted was to think about your boyfriend getting home. You took as much time as you could washing up, picking out his favourite perfume for you and fixing your lingerie and hair. You took the opportunity to turn on a sex playlist, hoping that you hadn’t added anything that would wreck the mood too much. You were preoccupied enough that you missed the soft click of the front door.
“You wanted to test me today.”
You spun around and gazed down the hall to where Seungcheol had just come through the door and was taking off his shoes. His gaze was dark and intense and it filled you with arousal as much as it did glee. As soon as they were off he was making his way towards you as you stepped out into the hallway. You bit down on your lip, trying not to smile too widely as he grabbed you by the waist and pushed you back until you hit the wall with a gasp that was quickly swallowed by his lips.
He kissed you with all the pent up passion and tension from a day of teasing, hand coming up to your throat as he pressed you into the wall with his body. You easily let his tongue past your lips, whining unabashedly against him as his free hand grabbed at your hip and he pressed one of his thighs between your legs.
Your hands couldn’t help themselves, pulling him closer by his hair at first, but it wasn’t long before they wandered. They seemed to have a mind of their own as they moved down his shoulders and you felt up his arms, feeling him smile into the messy kisses and urging your hips to move, grinding on his thigh subtly. Your hands moved further, slipping down his back before grabbing at his ass and drawing a light groan from him before he pulled away from the kiss, lips moving to your ear as the hand around your throat tightened.
“Do you know how much grief you caused me today?” He growled. “Do you know how much trouble you’re in babygirl?”
“Not enough,” you hummed, solely to get his hand just a little tighter and have him push you down on his thigh a little more roughly. He pressed his hips into you, rutting against you and you felt even more heat pooling between your legs, your mouth watering at the feeling of his hard length pressing into you from the movement.
“Do you feel that, babygirl?” His voice was rough and you could hear his own desperation just under the surface. “Do you feel what you do to me? Do you know how hard it was to get through the day with you acting up like that? Spending me pictures of your pretty body? Sending video?”
“H-H-” you tried to speak but the way he pressed his thigh up between your legs and rolled his hips against you drew a desperate moan from your lips instead, your hands grabbing at him and trying to pull him closer. Your legs trembled slightly as you ground your core down against his thigh, feeling the dull sparks igniting inside you and wanting more.
“You’re such a brat today,” he growled, easily adding to the arousal pooling between your legs and drawing a whimper from your lips. Your mind was quickly closing on in your goal, fueled by your need and wanting almost nothing more than for him to fuck, you brain searching for any words that would have that happening faster.
“Y-You-” You forced your words out despite your whines and hazy mind. “You sh-should punish me, sir.”
A gasp left your lungs as he pulled his thigh out from between your legs. His hand moved from your throat to your shoulder and he pushed you down roughly to your knees, his hand tangling into your hair easily. You gazed up at him with a pout and he smirked down at you as his other hand undid his belt.
“I know what you want, babygirl,” he murmured, unzipping his pants. “I know that you want me to fuck you against every piece of furniture in this apartment.”
“Please,” you whined, whimpering louder when he tugged roughly on your hair.
“You’ve been a brat. Getting off without me is one thing, but using it to taunt me while I can’t do anything? And now you think you deserve to get off again? To get just what you want?” He chuckled, shaking his head before giving you an intense gaze. “Open your mouth, babygirl.”
You kept your eyes on him, letting out a whine but doing as he said as he pushed his boxers down. You itched to look at his cock, hard in his hand as he pumped it slowly and groaned. You squirmed, letting your tongue hang out as you gave him a sweet look. Seungcheol brought his cock to your lips and you leaned forwards, earning another chuckle from his lips.
“Pretending to be eager now? Do you think that’s going to make it up to me, babygirl?”
“No, sir,” you mumbled as sweetly as you could. “I j-” you gasped again as he tugged at your hair roughly. Before any more words could make it out of your mouth he thrust his cock between your lips, letting out a groan.
“You’re too mouthy today, babygirl,” he groaned. “Let me use that pretty mouth for something more productive.”
Seungcheol held your head still as he started to fuck into your mouth. Groans fell off his lips as and his gaze grew darker and darker as his hips moved steadily into your mouth. Your hands dug into the skin of your thighs, breathing through your nose and trying not to touch yourself the way you desperately wanted to.
“God, your mouth feels so good,” he groaned. “Maybe I’ll just fuck your mouth all night, babygirl. You’ve been so bratty maybe I won’t even fuck you. I shouldn’t, you don’t deserve it.”
You let out a desperate moan around his cock. He was only saying that to get to you, he wanted it as badly as you did. But now, with his cock in your mouth and your thighs pressing together and getting no relief the only thought on your mind was to get more. You did your best to relax your throat, trying to lean forwards and take more of his cock.
Seungcheol cursed under his breath, his grip in your hair tightening as his cock breached your throat. You gagged around his length, drool dripping out from the covers of your mouth before he pulled his cock back to let you breathe.
“If you want me to fuck you properly,” his voice was growing rougher as his hips picked up their pace, fucking into your mouth faster. “Then you shouldn’t make your mouth any more enticing, babygirl.”
You moaned around him in response, keeping your gaze on him as best you could as his cock thrust into your throat again, a deeper growl leaving his lips at the feeling as you moaned around him and felt more drool coming from your mouth, getting more and more messy by the second as he started to chase his high.
“Fuck, you feel so good, babygirl,” he growled. “Your pretty mouth f-feels so good.” His hips started to snap into your mouth more quickly and you kept your jaw and throat as relaxed as you could, moaning around his cock and trying to grind or roll your hips on nothing, needing some relief desperately.
Seungcheol, let out a rough growl as he pushed into your throat and came, holding your head down on his cock as he released. His cum ran down your throat and pooled into your mouth. You gasped to catch your breath when he slowly pulled his cock away and tilted your head back, looking down at you hazily.
“God you look pretty like that, babygirl,” he groaned.
Your voice was breathy and had a desperation you could no longer hide. “I’d look better bent over the couch, right sir?”
He bit down on his lip to hold in the near growl that came from his chest but there was nothing hesitant about the way he pulled you to your feet roughly by your hair. Was your mind not already on the goal of being fucked you would be downright giddy at the way he handled you so roughly. His hands grabbed at you as you made it to your feet and he pushed you to the couch, bending you over it easily.
You bit down on your lip, gasping as he pulled at your panties, tearing them off and spreading your legs. One of his hands tangled into your now messy hair while the other dragged through your folds. You pressed your hips back into his hand and heard him chuckling, though his voice was much breathier.
“You’re just so enticing, babygirl,” he groaned, easily pushing two fingers into you as he leaned over you back. “God, even when I want to punish you I just can’t help myself. I shouldn’t be fucking you when you’ve been so bratty, but I really can’t resist your pretty pussy.” You let out small moans as you ground your hips back and he curled and thrust his fingers at a steady pace. “The way you get so desperate for me, the way you’re moaning for me,” he pressed his lips to your back, between your shoulder blades. “I know you know what you do to me.”
You lost yourself in the feeling, shamelessly rolling and grinding your hips back as much as he’d allow. His fingers moved more and more quickly, feverishly, into your cunt. His lips found the back of your neck and sucked marks into your skin, drawing shivers down your spine and moans from your lips at the feeling.
Your toes curled as he pressed a third finger inside easily. Your head fell forward as you pressed your hips back even more and moaned out for him, fingers grabbing at the fabric of the couch to steady yourself as the intense feeling in your core built stronger and stronger.
“God you’re so cute when you’re needy. You got yourself all worked today too, didn’t you babygirl?” You moaned, nodding your head and feeling your legs tremble as you clenched around his fingers at his words. Your hips kept moving, getting so close to your high as the coil in your core curled tightly.
Curses feel off your lips as Seungcheol nipped at your ear. “I really shouldn’t give you what you want,” his voice was rough as he pressed his hips against you, his hard cock pressing against your ass.
“Please,” you weren’t even sure what you were begging for as your mind spun. Did you want to cum right now or did you want his cock first? Both ideas sounded heavenly to your very clouded, very aroused, extremely needy brain. “Please, sir, please.”
You bit down on your lip to hold in your whine as he pulled his fingers from your core. A hand found your hair and you let out a gasp as he pulled you up roughly, bringing his wet fingers to your lips.
“Open up, babygirl.”
You let your lips fall open easily, eyes fluttering closed as you tasted yourself on his fingers, suck them clean messily. Your tongue ran over his digits as he let go of your hair, dropping his hand between your legs and nearly making your knees buckle as he suddenly started rubbing fast, rough circles into your clit.
You cursed around his fingers, legs shaking as you leaned your thighs against the back of the couch, trying to stay on your feet as the pleasure coursed through you. The coil in your core curled tighter and your moans climbed higher in your voice. Seungcheol’s lips sucked roughly at the side of your neck as he rutted against your ass and low growls rumbled from his chest.
He waited until you were right on your edge to pull his hand away. A whine welled up in your throat but it didn’t make it out as his hand found the middle of your back and pushed you forward, bending you over the couch again. He pulled your thighs a little wider and you felt your eyes roll back and flutter closed as you sunk his cock into your cunt.
“H-H-” No words made it off your lips as he grabbed your hips roughly and thrust into you. Moans fell off instead, one after another as every movement of his hips sent pleasure coursing through you, your legs trembling as you teetered on your edge. His thrusts were edging on rough and quick but deep enough that they made you dizzy, his low groans and growls only adding to the arousal curling tightly in your body.
“G-God you feel so f-fucking good, babygirl,” Seungcheol’s fingers dug even more deeply into your hips. The uneven roughness in his voice only serving to turn you on that much more. “God I r-really can’t resist you. Your pretty, tight pussy. F-Fuck the way you moan for me.”
Your voice was a mix of curses and moans and whines of “please, sir, don’t stop, sir.” Your hands scrambled for purchase in the fabric of the couch, on the edges of pillows as his cock sunk into your heat over and over and you started to clench around him. The sound of his hips hitting your ass mixed with the moans and groans falling from both of you as your toes tried to curl.
“Please, s-sir, I- fuck- I’m-” The words could barely make it off your tongue.
“Cum for me babygirl, cum on my cock.”
You cried out, body shaking as you came hard. Pleasure washed over your body in tidal waves, reaching to the tips of your fingers and toes as you moaned for him. What little strength your arms had gave out and you fully fell into the couch below. 
Seungcheol’s hips kept moving, fucking you through your orgasm and into sensitivity. Your legs didn’t stop trembling and your moans died to whimpers as his hips kept moving. Your face pressed into the cushion below and your arms were shaky as he let out breathy groans and growls and a few curses at the feeling. Pleasure started to build inside you again, much more easily but he didn’t bring you to your edge again, pulling out quickly.
His hand grabbed your hair and pulled you to your feet and he spun you to face him. His hands found your hips and you gazed up at him, desperate and nearly drooling as he smirked at you, sweat on his brow making his hair stick to his forehead as his chest heaved and he pulled you across the room.
You gasped as he pushed you into the wall, the hot skin of your back hitting the cool drywall as his lips found yours feverishly. The way he kissed you nearly made your legs give out all on it’s own and your hands scrambled to wrap around his neck until he tugged at his shirt, pulling it off of you and ridding you of your bra as well. He made quick work of his own shirt before grabbing both your wrists in one hand and pinning them to the wall above your head. Your legs trembled as he lifted one and wrapped it around his waist as he ground his cock through your folds.
“Are you too tired, babygirl?” he asked, a teasing edge to his voice.
“No, sir,” you whined breathlessly, giving him a sweet look and struggling to keep your eyes open as he pushed into you again, the new angle drawing a high pitched moan from your lips. He ground his hips into you, smirking as your head fell back to the wall and you tried to ground your hips down for more.
“Still needy?” He cooed.
“Please,” you let the words fall off your lips, any sense of shame long gone. “Please keep fucking me. Please I need your cock, I need your cum, I-” your words turned to moans as he thrust up into you roughly before settling on quick, shallow, movements making you tremble easily from the first thrust.
He moved his lips to your ear, voice rough and verging on a growl. “You need my cum, babygirl? Do you want me to cum deep inside you?”
“Please,” your voice was breathy and high as you curled your fingers in towards your palms and squeezed your leg around Seungcheol’s hip. You pulled weakly at his wrists but he easily held them still, hips snapping into you as low groans fell off his lips until his met yours in messy, desperate kisses.
Your legs trembled, the wall and Seungcheol’s body weight holding you up as a coil started to curl tightly in your sensitive core again. You could barely focus on the kisses, leaving messy moans against his lips as his thrusts grew a little rougher and uneven.
Seungcheol let out a moan against your lips as he released deep inside you. He ground his cock slowly into your cunt and you let out a broken whimper at the feeling of his cum filling you even more, flexing and curling your fingers out as your hips followed his movements greedily, still wanting more.
Seungcheol pulled you leg away from his hip and let go of your hands and you braced yourself against the wall. He let your leg down but was quick to push your thighs apart, dropping down and shooting you a warning look to keep your legs apart for him. You bit down on your lip as he drew his fingers up your inner thigh.
He let out a groan as you felt his cum starting to drip out of you. Your legs were shaky and weak but you did your best to hold yourself up as he brought his fingers to drag through your folds, gathering his cum before fucking it back into your sensitive core. Small whimpers slipped out and you struggled to stay on your feet as his fingers fucked you slowly, your core clenching around them, having a mind of its own.
Seungcheol chuckled as he pulled his hands away and stood in front of you. His clean hand came up around your neck, pressing down every slightly while he pressed his fingers to your lips and you took them into your mouth just the way he wanted. You gazed with heavily lidded eyes into his intense ones, subtly biting the inside of his lip as he watched you suck on his fingers.
“Do you need a little more, babygirl?” His voice was quieter but still had a roughness to it and made you needy cunt clench again as his cum dripped down your thighs. You nodded lazily, giving him a sweet expression and reaching for him to pull him closer to you.
He pulled his fingers from your mouth, pressing into your body with his and kissing you roughly, squeezing your throat just a little more. You kissed him greedily, his own kisses following suit. You grabbed at him weakly and moaned against his lips as he ground his cock against you. Even though your body was tired, your legs felt like they might give out if you stood on them for much longer, you couldn’t help yourself. You were all wrapped up in him and you wanted every little bit he could give you.
Seungcheol’s hands grabbed your waist and you gasped as he pulled you away from the wall and properly into the bedroom. His movements were even more forceful as he pushed you down onto the bed and you couldn't help the lazy smile that tugged at you lips as you gazed up at him, squealing as he pulled your hips roughly to the edge of the bed and lifted your legs, throwing them over his shoulders.
He leaned over you, grinding his cock through your folds and drawing a moan from your lips as his cock rubbed over your clit. “You can’t get enough of me, can you babygirl?” He teased.
“No sir,” your voice came out breathy as you gazed up at him, wanting nothing more than for him to sink his cock back into your core. “Please.”
His hand found your throat again, pressing down lightly. “I give into you too easily,” he said, gazing at you heatedly. “You’re lucky you’re so addicting babygirl. So lucky I’ll never get enough of you.” Both of you let out moans as he pushed into you, your legs trembling from the feeling alone.
“You’re so lucky I need you so badly,” he groaned as he pulled back and thrust into you roughly. “And that having you like this is one of my favourite things, o-otherwise you’d be in so much trouble for being such a needy brat all day.” His voice wavered just a bit as he gave you strong, deep thrusts between pulling out slowly, each one making you cry out in pleasure and struggle to keep looking at you.
“Fuck, watching your tits bounce every time,” his grip on your hips got tighter and his thrusts faster, picking up a steady pace even tough they stayed just as rough. “Feeling your legs shaking in my hands. The way you c-clench around me.” You took in his rough, low voice as he spoke, building back up to his next orgasm.
Your own release built too, the coil in your core curling tighter and tighter with every movement. Your fingers sunk into the soft sheets and gripped them as your head spun and moans poured off your lips. Your mind could barely find the words and make up sentences anymore, so wrapped up in the pleasure he was giving you as his hips snapped into you.
“C-Cu- F-F-F- C-” The words were so hard to get out of your foggy brain but you heard Seungcheol’s breathy chuckle.
“Are you going to cum again, babygirl?”
You let out a whine, trying to find the words in your muddy, hormone addled brain. “Y-Y- Yo- c-c-c-”
Seungcheol leaned over you, his hips driving into you much faster and only his hands on your hips keeping you from being pushed up the bed with the force of his thrusts. “Do you want more of my cum, babygirl?”
“P-Pl-” you managed to nod between moans and struggling with words.
“I’ll give you j-just that, babygirl.” he growled. “You t-take my cum so well how could I resist f-filling you until you can’t take anymore. I know how b-badly you want it. G-God I could fuck you senseless like this every day, f-fucking you full of my cum until you’re carrying my child. Is that what you want, babygirl?”
You cried out, back arching off the bed as you came hard. Your eyes squeezed shut and stars burst behind your eyelids as your body shook. Pleasure crashed over you in a tidal wave, reaching every bit of your body as Seungcheol’s cock kept pounding into you.
Curses fell off his lips as your body kept shaking and whimpers started to fall off your lips. Your whole body felt sensitive and your sounds were high in your voice as your mouth hung open, gaze hazy and eyes barely open and he chased his high, fucking you hard until his hips started to stutter.
He released deep inside you with a loud, low, rough groans. You tried to catch your breath as you felt his cum filling you more and more in thick ropes, his grip on your hips holding you in place as he ground slightly into your heat.
As he started to catch his breath he pulled out of your slowly, wrapping a hand around his cock and watching as his cum started to leak out of your cunt. You felt him bring his cock back to your core and let out a whine, squirming under him as he pushed his cock back in slowly with a breathy groan.
“Fuck you just feel so good,” he said. “I can’t help myself.” He pulled back and let more cum drip out before pushing it back in slowly again. You squeezed your eyes shut, whimpering and pressing the side of your face into the bed and he pulled out, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek before letting your legs down.
Despite how tired he’d gotten he went to get a washcloth. You listened to his footstep leave and come back moments later, whimpering as he brought the warm cloth between your legs. He hushed you gently, rubbing your hip soothingly as he cleaned you up, taking another cloth to wipe the sweat off your brow and you smiled slightly at how refreshed it made you feel.
As he climbed into bed with you you looked at him blearily and he gave you a soft smile. He helped you move up the bed and pulled you to lay on his chest, rubbing your back gently and pressing kisses to your forehead.
“Do you need anything to eat?” He hummed.
You shook your head, nuzzling into his chest. 
“Anything to drink? Or do you want a bath?”
“Nothing,” you mumbled. “Just you. I just want you.”
“Perfect,” he said softly. “Because I just want you, too.”
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
I got something for the sk8er boi, having sex while live filming for his Onlyfans cause the b-day was feeling possessive
He is our sケイト boi.
At first glance, it doesn’t seem like a good idea. Cater had always been one of the eccentric seniors in the academy, always getting himself into trouble for a quick selfie and people have to pull him out of it every time. You could scold him, sure, but in the end, a playful apology with some hugs and kisses are enough to make your heart soft. Repeat that cycle over and over again, you just eventually got used to his idiotic but lovable ass, he’s just that kind of person.
Or at least, that’s what you thought but...
“Come on, (Y/N)-chan~! It’ll be fun I promise!”
You knew he had an account like that and yeah, it’s weird to think about when you’re about to fall asleep sometimes but you supposed it was whatever. Cater could tell you that he’s accessing a black market to buy human organs but at this point, you might’ve done nothing but bat an eye at it and tell him to do whatever he wants. It’s not like your strong enough to even prevent him from doing stuff like this anyway. But it’s a different story when he asks you participate alongside with him.
“Please~” He begs and begs, and normally you really wouldn’t do it, you still can’t even believe that he would ask something like this in the first place! You, of all people!
“N-No, I don’t think this is appropriate...” You whispered, but your voice trails off as Cater leans in closer. This is bad, he had always been that one guy who mastered the ultimate puppy-eyes that could charm anyone to do whatever he wants! You were no exception to that charm, in fact, you’re very weak against it. However, to add more salt to your already damaged pride, it was this bitch’s birthday! What kind of person decides to ask for this as a birthday gift!?
But the fact that you’re actually in here, covering your eyes from the burning stare of the camera before you, it shows that you have caved in eventually.
Naked from head to toe, you sat on Cater’s lap with a flushed face with his hand roaming around you, groping any flesh that they could come in contact with. With what you assumed to be your face as red as a tomato, your hands carried the role of protecting your eyes and your lips quavered as you felt one of your breast getting fondled with your nipples rolling around his fingers. You gasped and moan but tries to keep it at a minimum, it proved to be a difficult task however, as Cater’s other hand were in between your legs. “Mm...Hey, (Y/N)-chan...You don’t have to be shy.” He whispered, but not before suckling on your neck to leave a bluish mark. He then grabbed your wrist, forcefully pulling them apart so you could see the shame in you. “If everyone can see you for what you are right now, then don’t you think you deserve to look at them too?”
Your eyes to twitched as Cater opened your legs to show your little dripping pussy to everyone. At the corner of your eyes, you can see the live comments from here scrolling up in an incredible pace and you dread to think that some of them may be someone you know. “See~? Everyone’s so excited!” Cater cheerfully said and you shivered as his hand moves to rub on your slit. “...And I don’t blame them. They’re not the only ones who’s excited about all of this after all.”
Looking down, you widened your eyes as you saw his dick just beneath you, excited and eager to enter your hole. “N-No way...” You said, glancing at Cater from behind in a nervous manner. “T-There’s no way...It can fit inside...”
Cater only gave you a close-eyed smile. “What are you talking about~? Of course, it will! We’ll make it work!” He said, which only made you gulp down. Holding you by both thighs, you squeaked as he began to position his cock right at your weeping entrance. You began to breathe heavily, feeling Cater leaning closer to you by the ear once again. He bit the shell of that same ear, making you shudder. “Just leave it all to Cay-kun~”
And with a hitched breath and a squeak from you, he lowered you down and you immediately felt his snake going up inside you. You yelped out, trying to get used to the overwhelming pressure on your stomach and covered your mouth with your eyes shut tight. It hurts, Cater was forcing his girth all inside, slowly but impatiently until a final moan from you sealed it all and finally sheathed himself inside. You feel light headed with how surreal it felt and just barely, you saw yourself in his computer monitor. Legs spread out with Cater’s cock in you, the comments were still as crazy as ever which just filled you with even more embarrassment.
“Ha...There you go, it’s not too bad, right?” Cater chuckled in your attempt to cover your heavy-breathing self. He gulped, nuzzling on the side of your neck. “It feels good, (Y/N)-chan. Just relax and I’ll do all the moving from here, okay?”
You didn’t respond, but anticipated the moment he moved instead. You squeaked as you felt your walls contract due to having a foreign object banging against it over and over again. As time went on however, the pain eases up little by little to the point that it doesn’t hurt as much as before anymore. It was uncomfortable, sure, but that was probably because you weren’t use to Cater’s movement yet. Which you don’t find possible actually, considering he’s been thrusting inside you faster and faster.
Soon, the feeling slowly transforms into that of a pleasing sensation, one that you fear may be the reason why people gets addicted to something. You can’t control your moans anymore, the cock banging on the entrance of your womb was just too stimulating that you can’t focus on anything else. “C-Cater...!” You moaned his name as you can feel a knot in your stomach. “E-Everyone...Everyone is...Watching...!”
“Mm, that’s right~! Everyone can see you right now!” Cater confirmed which didn’t help as you began to whimper, the embarrassment getting you close to tears. Cater laughed, easing your state as he gave you a hug, whilst continue on grinding his hips against you. “Aww, don’t worry, Baby~ They won’t judge you!”
“Come on, I’ll wipe those tears away for you. We can’t have your cute face all swollen now, right?” He said, grabbing your wrist and raising them up. “How about giving them a peace sign? You’re feeling good, aren’t you? You have to relay that to your audience!”
“That’s right...!” You yelped out, louder than usual as Cater pounded against you with an extra punch. You cried at the rough action, but it didn’t stop your senior from doing it again and not stopping. A few more times and it already got you rolling your eyes upward and your tongue out as he rearranges your gut. “Come on, do it! Everyone will love it, Darling!”
“Nngh...!” You whimpered, as you weakly pulled out both your fingers in a peace sign, just like he said. The comments boomed once again.
Cater laughed whole-heartedly, gripping your thighs tighter and spreading them for everyone to see how battered your pussy looks. Soon, you felt an intense orgasm bursting out of you, nearly soaking the camera but Cater continued on abusing your cunt. You moaned out loud, bouncing in a speed that reached beyond human comprehension. Widening your eyes, you felt as if Cater had finally reached his high and thrust so deep inside you that your breath knocks off. With that, you felt a huge flow inside you and realized that he had finally came into a release.
Exhausted, you practically collapsed limplessly into Cater’s arms, who holds you tightly with a cheerful smile on his face. “...W-Whew...” He said, panting and looked over at the monitor in which his audience were still actively watching. “That felt good, huh? I told you, it’s better to do it with everyone watching!”
You groaned, puffing your cheeks, you honestly couldn’t see his point at all. All you felt was shame. But then again, you really can’t imagine Cater of all people to have a speck of shame in him. He could only laugh as he continues to read the comments. “See? Everyone is saying how cute you are! That they’re jealous and wants to be with you too!” He said with a smile.
“T-That’s...” You paled, hoping that this senior of yours won’t actually think of selling you out.
“But too bad~!” However, Cater hugged you tight, with the same laid-back smile but somehow, this embrace felt a lot more possessive than usual. His eyes looked dead serious as well, and is practically glaring at the camera. “(Y/N)-chan is exclusive to only me. She’s already mine, so stay the hell away, Bastards.”
Widening your eyes at the scary show of affection you received, Cater went back to his happy-go-lucky attitude and waved at the camera. “Well then, thank you for watching!” He said, sticking out his tongue as if he was taunting his own audience.
At first glance, this doesn’t seem like a good idea at all, but now that you’ve actually tried it, you can finally conclude...That this still wasn’t a good idea after all.
Yeah...Yume has no idea how to run an OnlyFans account too.
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regali-s · 4 years
genre: soft smut, black! female reader
wc: 5.3k
warnings: just my self indulgence and uhh reader has a coochie
a/n: hi! so originally this was gonna be longer and i was gonna write about them actually doing stuff in miyakojima but, due to my last two braincell misfiring, it ended up as just one smut oneshot instead. therefore! i have several smaller stories with toshi’s and reader’s two children, their dates on miyakojima during valentine’s weekend, a small little scene of them being cute and wholesome after this sex scene, and one more smut scene that’s more hard sex with some dom toshi. really, it’s just an excuse to let me write about him some more, but we don’t talk about that 😝
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sunlight peers through the white windows of your bedroom, the sounds of waves crashing against the shoreline rousing you from your sleep. a gentle breeze filters through beige curtains and hits your naked figure, causing you to curl further into your husband’s warm body. you smile when you feel his arms wrapping around you, squeezing once as he encases you tighter, and when your eyes flutter open, they immediately search for his of olive, admiring the way that the golden flecks in them glisten under soft yellow lights.
serenity fills your morning together as you bask in the smell of the sea drifting across your bedroom. you feel relaxed in a way you hadn’t in a long time, thinking to yourself that it was a good idea for you and wakatoshi to take the weekend off to yourselves while your two children, hideyoshi and shiori, stayed with tendou who promised to look after them well.
your husband had planned a luxurious trip for the both of you to miyakojima, boarded your flight on friday afternoon and arrived at the villa by early evening. you had a gorgeous view of the coastline from your bedroom, and standing outside lets you see blue waters stretching across the horizon with the silver glow of the night sky. your suite came accompanied with a long outdoor pool and a hot tub where you could relax under millions of stars with a glass of wine, wrapped in your husband’s embrace and sharing slow kisses while you straddled his lap.
and that’s exactly how the both of you had spent your first evening. once the wine had fully settled into your bloodstream, you let yourself fall into a drunken haze as you sunk yourself down on wakatoshi’s cock, moaning into his neck and leaving trails of wet kisses that you know would make his head spin and for him to pull you flush against his hips, until his fingers bruised your sides and until you could feel his head hitting deep inside you while your walls massaged his shaft. that night, he’d been loud for you as you rode him, sweet moans that poured into your skin and set your body ablaze, praises of your name spilled out of his lips on breathy moans against your temple as he pumped you full of his cum.
“good morning, my love,” wakatoshi’s voice quietly rumbles inside his chest, sending vibrations throughout your body as he presses a lingering kiss to your forehead. you hum contentedly as you blissfully close your eyes, sighing as you bask in the feeling of his lips against your skin before seeking him out with your own.
“morning, toshi,” you murmur against him between your kisses, each one of them slow and passionate, thrumming beneath your skin and causing your heart to flutter inside your chest as you melt into him. it leaves you with a breathless giggle when your noses bump together, your smile hazy and dazed as you brush strands of brown hair from his forehead. beneath the sheets, he rubs soothing circles into your naked hips, pulls you closer to him until your legs are tangled together, your chest pressed up against his while his fingers dig comfortingly into your flesh. his touch is soothing as he caresses each curve of your body, over the stretch marks that web across your brown skin, brushing over your stomach and thighs until gradually they gently massage your ass. the tingling sensation left in the wake of his hands causes you to shiver against him, legs rubbing together when you feel his hardened member pressing up against your stomach. each twitch of him against you alerts you of his desires as does the heavy mist that masks his eyes. the weight and implications of the look he gives you paired with the way he begins to slowly rock his hips into you, grinding against your stomach all while he holds your gaze, it swirls between your legs and causes your lust to drip out of you in pools. there’s a question in his eyes, an invitation that blurs your surroundings until you can only focus on the warmth and heat of him against you.
“nngh— toshi...” you sigh when he hides his face in the crook of your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your skin and grazing you just barely with his teeth. a whimper escapes you when he finds the shell of your ear, biting gently before lapping over the area with his tongue as he continues to slowly rut against you. one of your hands rests against his stomach, fingers twitching with the urge to wrap themselves around him, to feel the weight and heat of his shaft in your palm as desire clouds your mind and urges you to pull him closer.
“w-wait... shouldn’t we check up on tendou?? see... ah!” he cuts off your words when his hands dip below your waist, fingers sliding between your slick folds to press against your clit. the moan that slips out of you is filthy, your hand leaves his hair to grasp his forearm; the firmness of his muscles serves to ground yourself against the desire clouding your mind, all while it pushes you further and further toward the brink of giving in entirely. “see how he’s doing with hide and shiori...”
this would be the first time that either you or wakatoshi would spend so much time away from your children, and, understandably, you were nervous to do so. it wasn’t that you don’t trust tendou — rather, you’d trust him with your life if it came down to it. he loved and cared for you and toshi’s children as if they were his own blood. but they’re your babies, so of course you’d worry. your four year old hide, especially tended to get anxious whenever he was away from either of you and—
“f-fuck— toshi...”
and just like that, your thoughts come to a complete standstill once you feel two of your husband’s finger sink into you, curling and caressing your slick walls.
“i’m sure they’ll be fine,” his whisper becomes the only thing you can hear, it ghosts along your skin as he curls his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion. you can’t help the way your hips buck into him, a drawn out whine of his name fluttering from your lips when he begins to slowly pump in and out of you, squelching noises drowning the sound of the waves outside. his familiar smell of brown sugar and vanilla washes away the salty ocean breeze, it overpowers your senses, forces you to focus on the way his voice hums approval against your skin and the way his fingers coaxingly massage your aching walls, his knuckles brushing against your pussy lips as he sinks them deeper. his fingers are tall enough that they reach inside you so much further than you could ever hope to with your hands alone, the thickness of them makes you feel a stretch that burns just slightly and leaves you feeling full.
and yet, it doesn’t satisfy you completely.
it doesn’t stop you from seeking out the sensation only he’s ever been able to provide you with; for the familiar tightening of your stomach that makes you grind against his hand as if you wanted more, needed something else that would stretch you almost impossibly wide and fill you to the brim. it isn’t hard for wakatoshi to make you need him, to make you the desperate little thing who’d turn so pliant and obedient for him, and he knows it — you know he does when you feel him smile into your neck, when a deep chuckle sends vibrations rippling down your spine, your arousal spilling out of you in pools, all over his palm and down your thighs.
“it’s just us right now. i want you to focus on me and forget everything else.”
there’s a shift in his tone that has your breath hitching inside your throat. you recognize the slow and silent authority that he always carries when he’s with you like this, the glint in golden eyes that has you immediately submitting to him, that causes your pulse to beat only on his will. the effect is immediate and has you nodding obediently, your eyes unable to leave his intense stare as if he’d managed to pin you in place. you watch his lips move, but the picture is blurry, as if you watched him through a thick fog, and it takes the absence of his fingers to return your focus to him. you nearly whine at the loss of them stuffing you full, and there’s a complain bubbling up on the back of your throat until he uses them, slick with your arousal and all, to grip your chin tightly, and the words immediately die down in favour of letting his voice wash over you like the tide.
“you hear me?”
you try and nod as best as you can within his firm grasp. wakatoshi studies your expression — takes in the way your mouth opens up under the prying of his thumb, how you obediently suck on it when he pushes it between your plush lips. a low groan of approval makes you grind against his cock, desperately rubbing your cunt along him in search for some form of stimulation while he runs his thumb along your tongue.
“mmph...” your eyes flutter closed, a pop noise sounds inside the room as he pulls his thumb from your lips and instead presses the two fingers he had previously stuffing your cunt to fill your mouth. the taste of your arousal instantly fills your senses while he slowly thrusts them against your tongue as he presses down, you making sure to clean yourself off of him and coating his fingers with your saliva. drool slips from the corners of your lips, and as your smaller fingers struggle to barely wrap around his wrist, you cough slightly when he pushes them a bit further to the back, causing your eyes to water when you look up at him.
“sorry,” his hand returns to your hip, comfortingly rubbing circles over it while you clear your throat. “did i go too far back?”
the concern he shows for something so minor makes your chest swell with affection as you shake your head, cupping his cheek with your hand. you mimic his actions of rubbing circles into his skin and press a kiss to his lips. “it’s alright,” you reassure him, smiling when he greedily chases after you before you can pull away, your lips molding together as he tastes the addicting, almost maddening  of your arousal on your tongue. wakatoshi’s always been one to worry about your comfort — it’s never once changed over the years you’ve spent together. each time he shows concern over you as he does now, fearing that he’d maybe scratched the back of your throat with his sudden movements, it kindles your love for him and turns the moments between you into something pure and intimate, filled with the love you two share for one another, and it makes you yearn all the more to feel his skin pressed up close to yours, until all your senses should be consumed by the thought and feel of him and the world around you fades away in the glory of hazel eyes.
you let your hands roam across his body, trailing your fingers along his jaw before they ghost along his neck, resulting in him firmly gripping on to your hip as a muffled grunt escapes him. the kiss you both share deepens as he presses closer to you, your tongue slipping past his lips to fully taste him against you, yourself on him. where your last kisses were tender and loving, this one is searing and causes your head to spin and steals your breath from you in small, subdued moans, each of which wakatoshi eagerly swallows up. tauntingly, well aware of how it only fuels your hunger for him, he pulls your lower lip between his teeth and gazes at you with half-lidded eyes, the intensity with which he pins you with never once allows you to look away as he pulls your leg over his hip, his other hand encasing your form from beneath you to wrap around your shoulders and pull your chest flushed against his.
the tip of his cock leaks against your lower lips, pushing against your clit before he slides himself between your wet folds and coats himself with your arousal. you whimper, longingly, trying to meet his movements by pressing yourself down on him, and wakatoshi watches with great fascination the way your face bends and contorts, mouth hanging open as you grip onto his shoulders. his hand leaves a trail of fire in its wake as his hand caresses your thigh, slowly climbing higher up until he cups your ass with his palm. the flesh of it spills between his fingers when he squeezes before his fingers sink inside your cunt once again, filling you up with their thickness as he begins pumping them quickly.
“nngh— haah!”
the suddenness of his pace has your hand flying up to his hair, pulling just barely on brown strands as your head flies back. you sigh when his lips latch on to your exposed neck, teeth sinking down into your skin and leaving pretty bruises to blossom all while he continues to drill you with his fingers. the room quickly fills up with the sounds of your slick, your hips buck to meet each thrust of wakatoshi’s fingers as he twists them inside of you, oh so desperate for the high of your orgasm that draws closer with each brush he makes against your gushing walls, against that spot deep inside you that has your vision flashing white.
“you gonna cum from just my fingers, sweetheart?” wakatoshi’s lips brush against your neck, the baritone of his voice rumbling against your skin as he presses deeper inside you, drawing a sharp cry of his name from your gaping lips. your head bobs in response to his question, a whiny “mhm,” is all that you’re able to give him as you press your palm flat against his chest, the feeling of his skin against yours just barely keeps you tethered to reality, all while it fuels your desire to feel his skin. your other hand finds itself cupping the back of his head, where the short hairs of his undercut tickle your skin as you pull him closer to you, the leg that’s wrapped around his back hugging tighter.
“fuck, toshi... i’m so close, please.”
your lover pulls away from your neck to look at your face, takes in the lewdness of your parted lips and furrowed brows, your eyes that beg him to ruin you with the way you look at him so desperately. olive hues glint with hunger as his fingers hit that spot inside of you, causing you to release a loud cry as your body trembles. your cunt squeezes around him as the chord in your gut pulls tight, and wakatoshi marvels at the way you grip down on him so greedily, making it hard to move inside of you. his cock twitches against your thigh with a burning need to bury himself inside of you, to feel your walls hugging him just as you do his fingers. the thought urges him to finish you off faster. he wants to see you fall apart, he wants to erase the sky and the sea and replace it all with this moment, with himself, till your voice is all he can think of as he finger fucks you through your pleasure.
“that’s it, darling,” he praises, coaxes a chorus of breathless cries from you while your hips buck into his palm, the heel of it pressed against your sensitive clit. your nails dig into his shoulder, sinking into the skin while your orgasm rushes over you. your cum spills out into wakatoshi’s hands, leaves them drenched as he continues to work your pulsing walls as he watches you come undone, the squelching sounds increasing as your juices squirt out of you in little drops. he’s entirely rapped up in the way you tremble against him, in the way your eyes never once look away from him as your pussy suckles on his fingers, tears lining your lashes and your eyes dazed on pleasure. his fingers gradually slow down, not yet pulling out when you pull him into a deep kiss that fills his mouth with your love and desire, your leg wrapping around his back and locking him into you. without pulling back, your hand travels south, draws faint lines across his chest, down his abs until it wraps around his hardened cock.
precum oozes from his tip, slicks between your fingers as you gently massage his tip, and wakatoshi rewards you with a slow, deep groan that pours out into your mouth and fills you with the sound of it. you want to pleasure him just as he’d done for you, and so you pull away from him, wanting to let your spit dribble over his pretty pink tip, all glazed and slick with precum as it twitches against your lips before taking him into your mouth, but — as if he can read minds — your husband pulls away and grips your thigh before you can move.
“not now,” he shakes his head, the words whispered against your lips and in between the fleeting kisses that litter around your mouth, against the corners and on your jaw before he finally kisses your lips fully. his hand leaves your thigh to cover yours wrapped around his throbbing length, squeezing your fingers around it, and as he guides the head to just barely press past the opening of your cunt, grazing your clit with little brushes that has your hips chasing more, he makes sure that your eyes are focused on him . “i need you, (y/n). as much as i want your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, i need to be inside of you”
his words spikes your own craving for him, teaches you an impatience that hadn’t taken to your slow fucking the night before as you sigh longingly. and yet, despite that yearning between you two, you still manage to pull away from him and give a cheeky smile. “you sure you don’t want to see me wearing your cum like my favourite lip gloss?”
your husband chuckles at your words, his head dips against your shoulder where his baritone voice ripples across your skin and draws from you a laugh of your own. “darling, you already know how much i love seeing your mouth filled with my cum... but—”
a sharp, startled gasp rips out from your lips, it trails off into a dirty cry of “toshiii...!!” when he pushes himself inside your tight little cunt, not without resistance but almost seamlessly due to the remnants of your first orgasm. he groans as he feels you immediately clamp down on him while your vision blurs with stars at the addictive sensation of your husband’s cock filling you up with every single inch that sinks between your folds. he captures your moan with a passionate kiss when he buries himself to the hilt, basking in the way your walls flutter around him and suck him in, embracing these few moments of stillness while you’re whimpering into his mouth. no matter how many times he’d fucked you, you still feel every bit as amazing, just as divine as if heaven had granted to him an angel of his own. he groans as he presses his hips into yours, seeking out your body with the hand that grips your back.
“i’d prefer to fill this pretty pussy of yours up instead. wouldn’t you want that, my love?”
his words register inside your mind and wash over your skin like a searing flame, yet all that you can focus on is the stretch that his cock provides you with. wakatoshi’s much bigger than average — almost impossibly so. no matter how much prep the both of you do beforehand, there would always be some mild discomfort whenever he slides into you for the first time. you’d never be able to get enough of the way he stuffed your pussy full of his cock, filling you up in a way you’d never felt prior to meeting him. it’s like a drug, really, the way you crave for it whenever his fingers skim tantalizingly over your curves, or when his eyes pin you down with all the power and lust that only you would ever witness. that desire and yearning from him is because of you, belongs to you and you alone, and the thought of it fills you up with pride as you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
your hips rock into him without your conscious decision, silently urging for your husband to move. it’s his cue to start with slow, deep thrusts that drag against your squelching walls, each time he pulls out he’s met with a resistance that fights to keep him inside of you as your hands dance along his muscles, as if you sought to paint him with your touch and leave your marks to shine on his skin like golden paint.
there’s no rush in the way he fucks you. there’s no harsh pounding or slurred words that burn into your skin. instead, wakatoshi fucks you slowly, making sure that you feel each and every drag of his cock inside of you while he basks in your warmth, in the way that you pant against him and the way your hands can’t seem to keep themselves off his body. every drag of your palm against his skin sends shivers down his spine as he bites your shoulder, and he returns your affection in kind by running his finger down your spine, drawing circles into your lower back that pull little whimpers from you.
wakatoshi knows your body like he knows himself, remembers every one of your sensitive places just as you do his. he could trace a map of your skin with his eyes closed, and yet he’d never once get tired of exploring you and everything you have to offer to him.
he finds your sweet spot easily, thrusting against it with every snap of his hips against you. “haah— haaah, fuck, toshiiii!” you keen. your body jolts in reaction to his actions and your hands immediately wrap around his back, locking him into a vice grip while you press your forehead into his shoulder. “right there, ohh fuck— please, don’t stop, nngh! don’t stop, it feels so fucking good...!!”
“yeah? right here feel good, hm? fuck, darling—!” the curse rumbles deep inside his throat, groaning as his lips dance along your temple; he basks in your aroma of sweet apples and mandarins, sighing against your skin as one hand comes up to cup your tits, the soft flesh spilling between his fingers as he massages it gently. your chest wasn’t the most sensitive part of your body and he knows, but he enjoys the way the pliant flesh dances between his fingers, loves when he has his mouth full with it as he sucks on your nipples while his fingers spread you apart. “you feel so good around me — shit, you’re squeezing me so tight... want me to pump you full with my cum? hm? that what my sweet little baby wants?”
“yes—!” you gasp, “fuck, yes, toshi, i want all of your cum, pleasepleaseplease...!!”
a groan escapes him at your words that reverberates across your skin like. “fuck, (y/n)...” his strokes hit you deep each time he pushes into you, till his body nearly comes to fully cage you against the mattress while his hands grip your hip in place for him to fuck into you. “‘m gonna fill you up so well, you hear me? nngh— gimme another baby, hm? do that for me, will you? shit—” his lips leave your temple to bite your ear, hands squeezing your hips hard enough to bruise as his body weight presses against you. you lay beneath him on your back, both your legs hugging his waist as he pistons in and out of you, your chests and stomachs pressed so closely together that you can’t think about where he ends and where you begin. you’re entirely lost in wakatoshi and everything that he is, in the way his arms wrap around your smaller frame, in the way he pins you down beneath his weight, in his lips that scatter fleeting kisses at the corner of your eye, the praises that he showers you with while he drills his cock inside of you, and—
“fuck, toshi— toshiiii, ah! toshi ‘m gonna cum— fuuuck i wanna cum, please!”
your thighs squeeze around his frame as you push your hips up to meet each thrust, grinding against him sensually as he bites his lip. one of his large hands cup the side of your face as he groans in your ear, letting every harsh breath travel straight through your body and down to your gushing pussy, setting every part of you on fire as the coil in your gut tightens once more.
“go ahead, darling,” he moans, pressing open mouthed kisses against your jaw. your eyes flutter open to the ceiling above you, where you could clearly see the image of your bodies tangled together in the overhead mirror. every ripple of his back muscles, the sight of his eyes closed while he kisses the side of your face; your arms and legs caging in his body as your palms dance along his back, your mouth hanging open on cries of his name and the feeling of ecstasy that erases the world around you until there’s left nothing but the two of you. every smack of your hips together is given a visual as wakatoshi’s grunts fill your ear, everything turns just a bit more intimate, becomes the picture of the passionate, love-making sex that you two have in this moment, and the very notion of it sends your heart leaping inside your chest and your cunt squeezing on to your husband even more.
and then his eyes are meeting yours in the mirror with a fire that burns your skin and sets the world ablaze beneath deep ocean waters. his gaze locks with yours as he utters the single command against your ear, just as you both watch and feel his muscles dancing beneath your hands as he slowly — almost torturously so — slides himself back into you, hits that spongy spot inside your walls with an accuracy that only he could have. you can’t help the tears that brim in your eyes as a curse of “fuck!” escapes you, quivering and oh so melodious like the chiming of bells. had you ever needed to say it out loud, you’d confess that you never wanted this moment between you two to end. that you’d never want to be apart from him lest you allow space between your bodies... you only want to remain close to him, for his skin to warm yours, for his cock to stay buried inside of you, and—
“cum for me.”
your cunt immediately gushes around his cock, your juices pouring out of you and soaking your thighs and his stomach, hot and slick against your skin and sloshing obscenely with every stroke your husband makes. he moans loudly at the feeling of your walls squeezing him, breath trembling against your skin at the feeling of your heartbeat pulsating around his shaft as he continues to fuck you slowly.
“that’s it, baby” he sighs, “thaaaaat’s it, fuck. so fucking good for me.”
“toshii...” you whimper. overstimulation numbs your mind and washes away everything around you that isn’t him, till it feels like the world spins and holds you upside down and your breath stutters on the clouds; it brings your tears pouring over your lashes, and yet your hips still rut up against his, seeking out that addictive feeling of him filling you up, urging him to finish so that he’d pour out into you too. you bring your hand up to cup his jaw, thumbs brushing his cheek as you seek his lips against yours. “fuck— nngh, toshi kiss me, pleasepleaseplease kiss me...”
you didn’t need to ask him twice; his lips were on yours before the words are fully out of your mouth, locked together as you cried into him. his own hands slide up your sides, lingering to squeeze where he knows you’re sensitive, and you reward him by squealing against his lips as your pussy clamps down on him. with his head now hovering over yours, he pulls away to look you in your eyes, takes in the beauty of how fucked out you look panting beneath his body and coming undone by his hands, from his dick pumping into you. swollen lips that pour out your sweet, pretty little moans and glossy eyes, your round tits that bounce with every move he makes, dark bruises forming on your skin from where he marked you, and your pussy, god, your pussy pulling him in like you were so fucking desperate to be filled to the brim with his cum—
“fuck, toshi please, i’m begging you...” you moan, breathless; needy. “i need your cum, baby, please... cum inside me, hm?”
the pure yearning in your voice as your eyes lock with his sends him over the edge, a long moan of your name shakes you to your core as his cock twitches inside of you, spurting loads of cum inside your greedy cunt and painting your insides white. the feeling of his cum spreading around inside of you, mixing with your moisture and gushing against your walls nearly blinds him with the feeling, and yet he focuses on how good he feels inside of you, how fucking gorgeous you look beneath him while the sun hits your brown skin, how you glisten like diamonds in his arms and, really, you’re the most beautiful person wakatoshi’s ever laid his eyes on.
the warm sensation of him filling you up causes you to smile as you mutter little praises for him, “that’s it, give me everything... feels good?” to which he nods into your hands, ever seeking of your skin against his face as he tilts further into your hold. the both of you are breathless as your highs fade out, and wakatoshi’s forehead presses against yours, his body collapses lightly against you as he tries to regain his breath.
you both stay this way, basking in the afterglow of sex that slowly fades out, eyes locked with each other and chests heaving with your laboured breaths until wakatoshi leans down and plants a full, sweet kiss against your lips. you hum against him as your arms come to wrap around his shoulders and your fingers tangle into his hair, pulling him to lay entirely on top of you while his hands wrap around your waist.
“i love you,” you murmur between your kisses, chuckling when he greedily chases you for more, the taste of your lips addicting and so, so fulfilling to him. he loves them, loves the way your body feels so warm against him, loves the way your fingers card through his hair, loves the way your locks splay beneath your body, loves the way the waves crash against the shore on gentle symphonies like a soundtrack, the way the sun shines its light down on you; he smiles and presses a whisper against your lips that sings like a declaration of his affections.
“i love you, (y/n).”
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angelanimedesaray · 4 years
A Demon’s Promise Part 4:  Quick Hits  (NSFW)
AN:  Iiiiiiiii might have been kinda sorta dared to use the gif in this last smut chapter...plus I couldn’t resist XD XD XD it was too good/perfect/amusing to me lol
Oh, yeah, this is the last smut chapter guys, strap in for the plot...and angst.  Looooots of angst...
Characters:  Incubus!Levi, Reader, Various BG Characters
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language.  The consent is starting to get a little dubious, if you ask me.  Also I think some stuff in here could be considered as gaslighting.  SMUT (which means time for the kink list):  Bathtub Sex, double penetration, praise kink, breeding kink, oral, Public Sex, Fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, degradation, Tail Play, no protection, wall sex, a dash of aftercare.
Word Count:  7074
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*Reader’s POV*
After the night that you treated Levi, things were...different, when he came to you in your dreams.  And not necessarily in a good way.  It wasn’t anything bad, per say, but if there had ever been a hint of intimacy, it wasn’t there, now.  The entire exchange was now strictly sex.  There was a distance to him now that hadn’t been there before, like he was holding you at arm’s length emotionally, trying to avoid something like that happening again, like you’d spooked him or something.  Any attempt you made to focus on him once again like you had before was immediately shut down.  You’d eventually learned to stop trying.
Of course, he didn’t disappear entirely.  If anything, you saw him more now.  He was still coming to you in your dreams while you were in bed, and he still made you feel...divine, each time.  The difference was that he came to you now whenever you fell asleep, even if it was a quick nap, or an accidental doze--and you were strangely starting to doze off far more often than you used to.
Were you developing narcolepsy as well, now?  What was going on in your brain?  Did medicine even have an answer for what was happening to you?  You’d seen two or three doctors already, and you still weren’t any closer to finding an answer.
And yet the dreams persisted, intensified, and came far more frequently...
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(Two weeks ago)
Your heels ached, shoulders bunched up and tense, making you roll them instinctively and roll your head side to side to try and loosen up the tension as you trudged through your home, leaving a slight trail of clothes as you gathered your me time supplies on your way to the bathroom.  A small pint of your favorite ice cream, a bottle of your favorite drink, wireless earbuds to play music in, and aches and pains bath salts poured into the steaming hot running water.  Your supplies were gathered on a little table you pulled next to the bathtub before climbing inside, sinking into the hot and now scented water with a low moan, sinking into the dangerously full bathtub all the way up to your earlobes, stretching your legs out in front of you and letting the water splash across the afflicted areas.
It had been a rough day at work, and you were taking the time to treat yourself and unwind a bit, especially since you had another shift in about 18 hours.
After taking a few moments to simply enjoy the feeling of the tension leaving your tired muscles, you sat up properly in the tub, leaning back and grabbing your snacks to indulge in your treat to yourself.  Your music was turned down low in your ears, loud enough you could hear it comfortably, but not excessively loud like you sometimes did when you were dancing around or getting in the zone while you did housework.  The ice cream disappeared in what felt like seconds, and you got halfway through your drink before it started to sit forgotten on the nightstand in favor of soaking in the heat of the water again, aware that you were starting to sweat, steam covering up the mirrors, the only sound in the room the occasional ripple of water, which you couldn’t quite hear over the music in your ears.
You leaned your head back to rest on the rim of the tub behind your head, closed your eyes, took a deep breath, sank as far as you could into the water without submerging your headphones…
The water suddenly sloshed in disturbance, splashing over the edge as another leg appeared in the water beside you, your eyes shooting open to see Levi climbing into the tub with you like it was the most normal thing, eyes rising from where he was carefully and strategically climbing into the tub with you, up to your wide-eyed gaze.
His hand reached out to gently remove the earbud before you could, already reaching over for the other one as he started to speak.
“Don’t worry--I’ll make sure you don’t drown falling asleep in the tub,” he said with the slightest twitch upwards in his lips towards a smirk at his dark humor joke, taking the other earbud out of your ear and setting both on the nightstand as he settled closer to you, chest pressing up against yours, waist settling between your legs even though it took some maneuvering, your right leg now dangling out of the tub to spread you wide enough he could settle between your legs in the tight space.  One of his hands reached just behind your head to grip the rim of the bathtub and hold him up, bringing him close enough to your face that he could plant a steamy kiss on your lips, his other hand slipping between the two of you to start rubbing and swirling around your clit and folds in the hot water, the relaxed state you had been in now proving advantageous not only for your unwind time after work, but for Levi’s attempt to loosen your body up for him.
Had you really fallen asleep in the bathtub?  That was a new one for you, especially considering all the horror stories built up in your mind from that one story you heard as a child about a woman drowning in the bathtub after falling asleep.
Levi’s fingers slipped inside of you, stretching you out and making you moan lowly into his lips, water sloshing out of the tub as you both rocked into each other, and you felt his tail slipping around your back to help support you and hold you close to him, the tip curling back around to your front near your chest, floating lazily in the water and occasionally tickling your skin.
“There won’t be much time before you wake up...you don’t mind if I speed things up, do you?” he asked against your lips.  His fingers were working you rather quickly, the speed he was trying to get you loose and ready for him causing a pleasant burn inside you.
“If it’s gonna be quick, at least leave me satisfied,” you murmured in response.  The last thing you wanted was to wake up sexually frustrated having to do it yourself.
His fingers curled tighter around the edge of the bathtub, the hand stretching you open for him in the water disappearing long enough to guide himself to you.  It was harder to do while you were submerged, considering the water would wash away that natural lubricant that made sliding inside you much easier.  It was part of the reason why for once he had to guide himself in, why his hand shifted to your waist for added stability and leverage.  He had to grind and thrust a little harder and more than normal to gradually bury himself inside you, swallowing your gasps and moans with his mouth as he pushed deeper inside you.
It also helped keep you from swallowing any of the water as it splashed out of the tub in torrents with every thrust, soaking most of your hair, splashing across your faces but not interrupting the kiss as he kept firmly locked with your lips.  One of your hands gripped at his thigh to keep him pulled close to you, occasionally sliding a little higher to grip at his ass, while your other hand ran up his neck and twined into his slightly damp hair thanks to the steam and the splashing water, nails scratching lightly against the close shave of his undercut.
Once he was buried deep inside you, he didn’t dare pull out and go through the difficult entry again in the water.  Instead, he ground his hips into yours, rocking his hips in more than a basic up and down motion to let his cock explore your insides, rubbing against your walls and stretching them out, rubbing against the sensitive spots he could reach as his kiss deepened.
The water was noticeably lessened by now with all your movements, and a few times he had to grab at the bathtub rim again as his grip slipped, your back pressed against the side of the tub as his chest pressed harder against yours.
It was a little uncomfortable, given the tight space, the way your leg had to dangle out of the tub, the hard surface of the tub in general, and the way he couldn’t pull out without risking some dry friction, but something about...his taste, or maybe the smell in the air between his natural scent and the relaxing scents of the salts you’d put in the water, or perhaps the way he made his cock hit the same sweet spots over and over once he realized where they were...something about it kept you excited, made the water suddenly feel cool against your flushed skin as he rocked you both towards a climax.
When your climax did hit, it was almost a relief, causing your body to loosen further and relaxation to seep through you from the orgasm flushing through your body.  Levi kept himself buried deep inside you as your climaxes ran their course, his kiss heady and deep, making you feel drowsy, eyelids fluttering…
You accidentally snorted some of the water in the tub as your nose slipped below the water line, and you woke with a start, sputtering and trying to snort the water back out as it burned and made your eyes water, looking around in confusion at your silent bathroom once more.  Your first concern, after realizing Levi was nowhere to be seen, was your headphones, which would have been submerged if you had slipped low enough to inhale water through your nose.
There were no headphones in your ear.  They were resting unharmed and perfectly dry on the little table next to the bathtub, and the water level around you was much lower than it had been when you’d nodded off a few...however long ago.
Still coughing and sputtering, you pulled the plug and climbed out of the water that now felt lukewarm and unpleasant against your skin after that steamy dream.  You wanted nothing more than to find some soft warm clothes and relax.  Well, the relaxing part your time was up for--it was housework and dinner for you now, before you went to bed.
Climbing out of the tub, you almost slipped, discovering water splashed recklessly all over the floor, like half the tub had been emptied onto the floor while you’d fallen asleep.
Still shaky and in a rush to warm up, you didn’t pay it much mind at the time, thinking it was just a mess from your startled awake movements and your hasty exit out of the tub, not realizing it was too much water to have been displaced by those two simple movements.
You were too concerned grumbling under your breath because you had to stop and mop up the water with towels while you were starting to freeze before you could dash off to your bedroom to get fresh pajamas to wander the house in.
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You had a thirty minute lunch break.
After finding it difficult to sleep the night before, and feeling groggy and unrested when you did wake up, you were looking forward to a quick nap in your car instead of using it to actually eat.  You were still fairly full after your breakfast this morning, so you were sure you could probably last until dinner if you skipped lunch.  You needed sleep more than food right now, anyway.
Alarm set for twenty minutes, seat leaned back as far as it would go and doors locked, your coat draped over you like a poor excuse for a blanket, you closed your eyes with a weary sigh, feeling slightly giddy at the thought of a few moment’s rest.
You’d just started to feel the falling sensation of nodding off despite the unorthodox bed you’d made yourself when you began to feel it between your legs.  The familiar sensation of fingers prodding, stroking, rubbing.
You should have known--falling asleep these days meant Levi would be there, even if it was for a few moments between shifts at work.
“Levi…” you grumbled, feeling those fingers already working your pants and panties off at the same time, or at least low enough to give him access.  Your eyes were still closed, as if keeping them closed gave you a better chance at slipping into the dreamless sleep that had alluded you since this started.
“I’ll keep it quick,” he promised, his lips and teeth grazing along your thighs and pelvis, making you shudder and moan softly, especially when you felt his breath puffing softly against the entrance of your pussy.  “Is that all right?” he murmured, already starting to part your folds to give his lips and tongue access.
Of course he was going to eat you out, the one sinful act that turned you to putty, that made your insides ache just at the thought.  You’d kill for the sight of him between your legs, and if you just turned your head a little and opened your eyes.
His tongue dipped inside you, and your body trembled, breath catching as you opened your tired eyes to look down at him, the world around you hazy as soon as he locked eyes with you.  You knew he was kneeling down between your legs, mouth locking around your labia as his tongue pushed deeper, making you squirm and moan slightly, hips rocking into his face.  His eyes never left yours, though.  The steel blue and grey burning intensely into you, watching your every move as if making sure you were responding the way he wanted to as the sound of him licking and sucking on his meal reached your ears, making you feel that lighthearted sense of quick arousal.  He released your labia to suddenly wrap his lips around your clit, tongue flicking mercilessly against it the same time he sucked gently on it.  Your breathing grew shallow as he alternated between your clit and your entrance, using his mouth alone to pleasure you, driving you quickly to an edge in what you thought might be record time.
It was like he was on a time limit.  Like he was trying to see how hard and fast he could make you cum.
When you whimpered, your body giving a warning tense and shudder, Levi suddenly pulled away, causing you to groan in disappointment.  You’d thought he’d been going for a quick orgasm, not--
He was crawling over you, hands placed carefully along your seat to avoid pressing down on you as he lined himself up, his hard cock pressing against your entrance and already leaking pre-cum.  Had he been keeping his hands free to get himself ready at the same time?
You didn’t get long to dwell on his methods before he was pushing inside you, your wound up body accepting him gratefully while you moaned, feeling his loosened, unbuttoned jeans rubbing against your thighs with every thrust.  One of his hands lifted your shirt so he could lower his head to your breast, doing something he hadn’t done in a while and letting his lips and hands play with your breasts and nipples while his cock thrusted into you, quickly filling you and causing the wet slap of skin on skin to fill the enclosed space of your car.
His grunts against the skin of your chest were quiet but still there, your body feeling unnaturally hot wherever he touched you, as if stirring you to further sensitivity that made you cum before you could even realize what was happening.
Were you really that easy to please when it came to him?  It was like you were cumming on command at this point, like it was a trained response to his advances.  It was a bit unfair.
Though, it helped that he tended to follow close after, like he was in a similar position.
Levi grunted far more audibly, muffling a low moan by wrapping his lips around one of your nipples while he rode out his own orgasm, hips bucking up deep into you a few times before he slowly pulled out, quietly cleaning himself up and making you both decent once again before you felt yourself slip into sleep for what felt like a few seconds.
You were woken up by your phone alarm going off, informing you that your time was up and you needed to get back to work.
At least he wasn’t ever ambitious in these daydream visits, keeping it to one and done so that you didn’t miss too much of what was happening in reality while you took these small day pleasure trips.
His timing could be a bit better, though.  This was starting to tax your sleep and general feeling of being rested.  If you couldn’t even close your eyes for a few moments without him showing up in an almost lucid dream to fuck you, your energy was about to evaporate.
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(One Week Ago)
You just wanted to shut your brain off for a while.  You were a couple doctor visits into trying to figure out what was happening to you, and work was killing you lately.  You had more aches and pains than normal, Levi’s frequent visits were leaving you feeling filled and stretched all the time, as well as tired, even if it was in your dreams--like it was somehow disrupting your rest.  It had been a rough day at work as well, and after all the rushing and trying to keep up with the awful pace of the day, you just wanted to be mindless for a while.
Maybe you should try to take some of your saved up vacation days to try and bounce back.  You were slipping into a state of constant exhaustion, and people were noticing.  Right now you could still function and manage despite it, but before long, you were certain you were going to crash and burn.  Hopefully it would be on a day off, and not on a day you were supposed to work.  You needed those paychecks.
Besides, you had more doctor’s visits coming up--more follow ups, more tests…
You sighed heavily, burying your face in the couch pillow as the sound of the TV turned into white noise.  You weren’t supposed to be thinking right now, just watching mindless television in a semi-fetal position on the couch.  You weren’t even interested in the show, honestly, it was just there, making it hard to focus and starting to build a restless feeling inside you.
As if you’d summoned him, you felt a weight behind you, an arm draping over your middle and slowly moving up the center of your chest in a light rub, legs molding into a half-bent position along yours, pelvis pressed up against your ass, his breath tickling your neck.
Right now, though, you didn’t much mind.  This was more ideal than recently.  Hell, you were the one bored out of your mind and not wanting to think right now.  But there was still that twinge of discomfort at the reminder of just how often he’d been coming to you recently.  You were starting to burn out.
Not yet, but you were getting there
“Do you mind?” he asked in a murmur along the top curve of your ear, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up.
“No,” you mumbled into the pillow, feeling his hand slowly start to slide under your clothes and undress you at the admission.  “But this is starting to get a bit excessive, you know.”
He paused for a moment, your jeans unbuttoned and unzipped, shirt pulled up partially, his hand slipped between your skin and the fabric of your jeans and panties, paused just short of pushing them downwards.
“But right now?” he asked hesitantly, needing a bit of clarification after your comment.
“Go ahead.  I don’t want to think right now.  Could you just...make me forget some things?” you answered, your voice still muffled by the pillow, yet he seemed to understand every word you said.
“I can do that,” he answered in a surprisingly reassuring purr, pushing your pants and panties down to your knees and leaving it up to you to push them further down--which you did, kicking them to the edge of the couch.  Once your legs were free, he grasped one of them and hooked it back behind his leg, spreading your legs open enough for him to have easy access.  His hand slipped back under your shirt after that, fingers stretching wide to stroke across your chest--and not just against your breasts.  His lips lazily trailed along your throat and neck, and his hips rocked against you from behind, causing his cock to rub against your ass and slide slightly between your cheeks, coming closer to your pussy inch by inch.  Unexpectedly, you felt his tail drape over the exposed thigh of the leg he’d draped behind his, coming up to your exposed pussy and starting to rub against your folds with the thicker, more muscly part of his tail while the tip tickled your abdomen and thighs as it flicked between the two.
You moaned quietly, leaning your head back and towards him, inadvertently giving him more access to more of your throat, which he promptly took advantage of, lips and teeth grazing against your skin.  “Just like that…”
His hand slid further up, appearing from beneath your collar and gripping lightly at your throat.  "Are you still mine?" He whispered in your ear, his voice causing you to shudder, and you felt his cock start to rub against your pussy as well, his other hand holding your leg firmly in place hooked around his and out of the way.
"Yes…" you sighed, his thumb stroking along your pulse point in your throat.
"Can I still breed you?"
His cock was perfectly positioned to thrust up into you, and you whimpered at the feel and his words, knowing well what came next.
"Yes, please," you whispered, moaning rather loudly when his tail shifted out of the way and his cock trusted up inside you in one sharp thrust. Not all the way, though.  You were tighter than usually, especially considering the bit of prep he'd given you and how willing you were right now.
Levi grunted, thrusting a little harder to push further in, his other hand pulling your leg further back to open you wide.
"Someone needs a good stretching if they're going to be bred like my good little cockslut," he whispered in your ear.  You hadn't realized how much you were missing the dirty talk until his words went right to your core and poured more heat in your belly.
As soon as he said it, you felt his tail start to slide in beside his cock.  The resulting stretch from the double penetration as more and more of him pushed inside your pussy made you whimper and cry out, even as his tail opened you up and made it easier for his cock to slide in.
While his cock trusted in and out of you in an effortless pace thanks to how wide and wet you were quickly becoming, his tail pushed a little further into the places his cock couldn't reach, coiling inside you and rubbing against your sweet spots.  You were a moaning mess, Levi's hand crawling a little higher to stick his fingers in your mouth, which you obediently began to suck, your pleased sounds now muffled by your efforts.
"You wanted to forget?  I'll make you forget.  You'll be my personal cum factory right now and tonight, and you can feed my hungry cock every sweet drop your pussy has to give.  Deal?" You nodded, moaning against his fingers, which he pulled out with a growled, "I can't hear you!"
"Yes!" You gasped, breath catching as you felt him coax an orgasm from your body seconds after he put his fingers back in your mouth.
He didn't stop thrusting after you came--he continued his merciless pace with the double penetration until he came.  At that point, he flipped you over so you were lying on your stomach, repositioning your legs so he could continue taking you, cumming what should have been impossibly two more times inside you from that position as your body started to struggle to prove him the orgasms from you that he thought.
You certainly forgot, though.  You forgot everything in those moments, except when he turned you over a third time  to take you again, lips locking with yours in that kiss that seemed to pull at your soul, lighting a fire inside your body that seemed to accelerate your recovery and squeeze out a few last orgasms from your drained body, his eyes locked with yours the whole time your body felt aflame, flickering between the steel blue and the black and gold.
With the last orgasm, your mind went white, memory of the whole thing going hazy, and you barely managed to stagger off the couch and to bed before slipping into a deep sleep, where he was waiting for you amid the black silks to continue like he'd promised, where there were no limitations to stop the two of you from going literally all night.
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The exhaustion was officially impacting your daily life.  Your friends were the first to notice that you were acting completely drained all the time, asking if you were getting enough sleep.  You’d simply snorted and gave the wry reply of too much sleep and tried to brush it off.
But then your coworkers started noticing.  You were slowing down, you ached and hurt more often and much easier, you made more mistakes.  Then your boss noticed, when it had gotten so bad that they pulled you aside for a discussion about your performance and to ask what was going on.
At that point, you had to come clean that you had some medical issues going on, and that you were seeing some doctors trying to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it.
That was how you ended up with a medical leave while your doctor’s visits continued--though it would only last so long before they would have to let you go.
On one of the nights that you didn’t have a doctor’s appointment, however, some of your friends had scheduled a night off so that all of you could go out.  It was a sweet gesture, an attempt to get your mind off of whatever was happening with you and the doctor’s visits, plus now the threat of possibly losing your job if you couldn’t figure out what was wrong with you and do something to help you work like you used to again.  There were a lot of stressors right now, and the night out was meant to help get your mind off them.  Dinner, a movie, some clubbing if you felt up to it by the end of the night.  Which you did.  Dinner had been great, the movie was good--it wasn’t one that was going to end up on your list of favorites, but it was still good--and you weren’t feeling particularly exhausted at the moment.  You felt rather at ease, and were still up to some fun.
So, you’d all gone to a local nightclub based on majority vote, all of you sticking close together and keeping an eye on one another for safety, moving in pairs, but for the majority, enjoying your night with loud music and each other’s company.
At one point, you decided to duck away to go to the bathroom.  You paired up with one of your friends to go for safety, but upon arriving, it was a single bathroom, so she waited outside while you went about your business inside.
The music was more muted in here, oddly enough, and it was a little more peaceful.  You hummed the lyrics of the song playing in the nightclub to yourself as you washed your hands, keeping your eyes down on the bubbles that lathered across your skin before watching them disappear down the drain, looking up to grab one of the paper towels from the dispenser next to you.
In the mirror, you saw someone standing behind you--no, not just someone, Levi.
Whether he was familiar to you or not, it was still extremely unexpected, considering you were alone in a locked room, and you whipped around with a startled scream that was quickly cut off by his hand over your mouth before it could reach a volume that could be heard outside by your friend.
Deep inside you, there was a twinge of fear as your mind started to race with questions at seeing him tangibly in front of you.  Had you fallen asleep?  No, you couldn't have, there was no moment for you to doze off, this had to be real.  If it was real, how the hell had he gotten inside?  The door was locked, your friend was outside the door, how else--?
What did he intend to do now that he was here?
The terrifying questions swirled up inside you as Levi pushed you back against the wall--firmly, but still gently, with his hand still over your mouth to keep you from crying out.
"Calm down, it's just me," he said soothingly, holding your wide eyed gaze.  "It's okay…"
You felt your body start to relax at his words, the fear suddenly lying draining away as you leaned in towards him, his hand pulling away from your mouth once it was clear you weren't going to scream again.
Of course it was okay.  He'd been  visiting you for how long now? Almost two months? And his visits always consisted of one thing, and it was never intentionally harmful considering the deal between you two had been for him to pleasure you.
Levi picked you up, setting you down on the sink counter with his hands on either side of your waist, watching you and your reactions intently.  You were looking around at the small one person bathroom with a slight frown before turning your attention back to his hypnotic gaze.
"I have to be dreaming, if I'm seeing you...Did I really fall asleep here?" You asked, feeling Levi's fingers grip your chin lightly, thumb brushing against your lips as he held your gaze, appearing to debate his answer.
"Yes," he eventually said.  His other hand removed itself from your side as he pressed closer, standing between your legs and undoing the button and zipper on his pants.  "May I?" He asked in a low murmur, pausing just short of pulling himself out.
You nodded hesitantly, even as a thrill went through you.  You'd always wanted to be daring enough to try public sex at least once.  Though, if you were asleep, did this really count?  You probably should have said no, with the way these escapades were affecting your daily life, but whenever he was standing in front of, his eyes locked with yours, making your body feel hot and needy and pulling you in with just his eyes, turning you to putty in his hands…
You couldn't say no.  Not that you'd tried to.
Besides, this approach was...different.  He seemed a little softer than he had been recently.  Recently it had been fuck after fuck, just pounding and pouring into you, filling you with his seed, draining you of your already low reserves of energy in the process.  Rough sex, quick sex, quick hits in the day to unleash his cock inside you at least once, and rough long nights where he experimented more and tried things out with you to keep things interesting, but the sex went on much, much longer, with more loads dumped in your pussy than you'd thought possible, physically.  But of course, they were dreams.  Levi could cum inside you as much as he wanted in dreams, there were no physical limits.
Now he seemed to be taking his time, his advances careful and thought out, patient and well placed.  He wasn't trying to stimulate you first for once--he'd pulled his cock out of his pants and was now rubbing himself to get himself worked up, gaze roaming over your body as he reached back to pull a small bottle of travel sized like out of his back pocket and add it onto his dick, making his cock glisten and a wet sound start to fill the bathroom.
Wait...had you ever seen him use lube before in your dreams?
You reached out towards his cock, replacing his hand with your own and starting to work him beneath your fingers, Levi moaning softly against your touch and thrusting slowly into your hand as he reached behind you to turn on the water and wash his hand of the lube as best as he could.
It didn't take too much to get him hard and ready to enter you, going from giving him a quick hand job to get him hard to teasing and playing with his cock while you waited for him, watching the precum leaking from his cock wet your fingers as you teased his tip.  Levi was undoing your pants and panties, getting them to shimmy down against the hard sink surface and fall into a bunch at your ankles, considering your shoes were still on.  Once the clothes weren't a problem anymore, he came closer, your hand removed from his cock as it started to press against your entrance experimentally.  You were a little wet, but this was going to burn some if he was going to just press inside you now like this.
As if to assume your concerns, one of his hands dipped between your legs, playing idly with your clit and folds between the rubbing along your entrance that his cock was doing.  At the same time, he leaned it--you thought to kiss you like he sometimes did, but his head angled at the last moment, and he started kissing and nibbling along your neck and jaw.
"I've been rough with you recently, haven't I?" He asked in a low murmur, lips moving against your ear.  "I'll be more gentle tonight, so you can rest," he promised, and with that, he finally pushed inside you, little at a time.  It was still a burning stretch, though the lube made it easier, Levi grunting slightly and letting out lewd little exhales against your skin as he pushed deeper and deeper.  And, once he managed to bury himself all the way inside you, he started his thrusting in and out.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, the sensation somehow feeling new and delicious despite the simplicity of what the two of you were doing.  Levi continued to lather your throat with attention, though you noticed he wasn't marking you this time, maybe as part of his promise to be gentler with you tonight.  Levi continued his thrusts inside you, and you arched against him, head thrown back, ass sliding closer to the edge of the counter and him, pushing him deeper inside you as you let out a deep moan.
Why did this feel so good?
"That's a good girl...that's it...cum for me, next. Just one small orgasm.  Come on...we're almost there.  Climax with me," Levi encouraged you, switching to praise for once instead of pure dirty talk and some degradation.  It worked, though, shudders and tingles going through your whole body as you felt yourself pulled to an orgasm, cumming not long before Levi and feeling a bit of a leak along your inner thighs.
Levi started to pull out and away, but you stopped him, gripping to his shirt sleeve before he could pull all the way out.  'Wait, wait--again.  Please."
"I'm trying to be gentle with you," Levi said cautiously after a moment's pause.
"I know, but it...it feels so good...and so different...just one more--I have one more in me," you pleaded, pulling him closer again by the sleeve and feeling his cock slipping back inside you from the proximity.  Levi glanced at the door, then back at your needy expression.
"All right, one more," he relented, wrapping his arms under your ass to pick you up, causing you to slide further onto his cock in the process before he had you squeeze his waist with your knees and thighs--you couldn't wrap your legs around him considering your shoes kept your panties and pants from sliding entirely off.  He pressed your back up against the wall to help support you, sliding you down enough that you were more accessible but you weren't going to slide free and fall to the floor in the middle of sex.
Once he had you in place, chest pressed against yours for some added stability, he started to thrust up into you, your body still sensitive from the last orgasm.  Which meant it wouldn't take long, but it was still going to feel amazing.
Between his grunts and your moans, it was easy to tune out the sound of the club outside the bathroom, your fingers digging into his back as your body shuddered where it was trapped between him and the wall.
"Y/N?  Are you okay in there?  It's been a while…"
Your friend's voice was unexpected, and almost pulled you out of the moment entirely, except for the fact that Levi gave a sharp thrust that made you whimper and any attempt at a reply cut off.
"What's some public sex without a little risk?" He murmured against your ear, and you felt his words go straight to your core, warmth pooling and threatening to spill over with how close you already were.
You'd lost your voice for a moment, and your friend knocked on the door.  Levi kept thrusting though, unbothered, like discovery wasn't going to stop him.
"Are you going to answer her? Before she gets security to unlock the door and catch us?" Levi asked in a challenge, even as he picked up the pace and made it harder for you to answer.
But you had to before she could interrupt further, like he said.
"I'm okay!" You called back quickly as Levi was pulling out, biting down on your moan as he thrust back inside, his teeth nibbling at your collar.  "Just give me...a few minutes," you hurried to say, mouth falling open in a soundless gasp as you leaned your head back, so close to the edge.
"Minutes?  Are you planning on asking for more?" Levi asked.  He had a point, you were seconds away from falling apart under him.
"Keep going," you gasped in response, not about to be left hanging right here.  He chuckled slightly at your curt response, but obeyed, continuing to thrust up into you.  You knew his pace could be much more punishing, which just further confirmed that he was being careful with you.  Though this definitely provided more of a build up with a delicious pay off.
With a few more thrusts, Levi pulled another orgasm from you, a small whimper escaping your lips as you went limp around him and he had to hold you up, your breathing shallow.
"That's enough for now--you still have your evening to enjoy," Levi said before you could ask for one more, carrying you over to the sink and using the water and paper towels to clean you and himself up while you were catching your breath.  Once you were fully clothed again and he'd tucked himself away, he threaded his fingers through your hair on either side, holding your gaze intently.  "Besides...I'll be back tonight," he said in a low voice.
The next thing you knew you were sitting on your knees on the floor with a nasty head rush, vision coming slowly back from a full back, your hand leaning back to catch yourself on the cold floor.  Disorientation and confusion seeped through your whole body, a hand on your head to try and stop the room from spinning, even as you realized that familiar after-sex feeling you had from your dreams felt far more real and tangible than ever before.
What the hell just happened?
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Yet another doctor’s appointment.
You had more symptoms to give them this time, though you were pretty sure it wasn’t from whatever was afflicting you.  If anything, it was a result of the exhaustion you were dealing with.  Your physical health had started to plummet as well, and you were getting sick more often.  Nothing serious that required hospital stays, but you were waking up with aches and pains beyond what was caused from the sex in your dreams.  You also had headaches, lethargy and no energy, and you were even starting to get nauseous, throwing up and having problems stomaching some food…
Most of it was in the mornings, but it didn’t get much better the further into the day it got.
Not only was your physical health being affected, but at this point, the uncertainty of what was happening was starting to scare you as well as the apparent increase in these sexual dreams, despite Levi’s occasional reassurances.  Obviously it hadn’t scared you right away, especially since it seemed as soon as you started to actually become fearful, the dreams would mellow.  Some of that distance between yourself and Levi would melt away in favor of reassurance, luring you back into a false sense of security before you were back in the hospital, back to discussing what was wrong with you, reminded of the series of visits trying to diagnose your strange condition with no luck.
Until, today, it reached an abrupt and impossible revelation with something they hadn’t even been testing for, to your knowledge.
Everything you thought you’d known, upended.  All the dreams, both night and day, Levi’s visits, your struggle with how real it always seemed despite the fact they were almost always clearly dreams, everything simply...stopped, with two simple words from your most recent doctor.
“You’re pregnant.”
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Next Part---->
Levi Tags:   @humanitys-hottestsoldier @clary-quinn​ @sunny-flo​ @whalerus​  @thirstyforsometea​ @peaches-and-clouds
A Demon’s Promise Tags:  @wo-ming-bai @rindulacre @seeeyounara @myherotrashbin​ @roseestuosity​
124 notes · View notes
americxn · 3 years
Run (part 4)
wordcount: 2.8k
a/n: alright, so this was meant to be smut but I didn’t want to ruin the pacing by moving on too quickly so think of this as a little filler to the story. part 5 will be out sometime tomorrow, and it’ll be a spicy one.
Kai allowed you to distance yourself from him and the rest of the cult in the week following Liam’s death. You knew that he felt absolutely terrible for what he had forced you to endure and although he hadn’t verbalised it in the time since you had been unleashed upon Liam, the little glances and tentative smiles he passed you whenever you returned to the house were all the confirmation you needed. Kai had been quiet, thoughtful almost. And you had let him, resorting to keeping yourself busy and out of the house during the day, sometimes even spending the night elsewhere, minimising the time that you usually spent with Kai. To be honest, your own feelings were all over the place and you often found yourself gnawing on your lip, deep in thought about Kai and what he had accidentally confessed to you: “Why the fuck would I kill someone I love?”  Maybe it would have been possible at one point, for you to love him. But you were angry, a sickening feeling of betrayal unfurling deep in your gut whenever you thought about him, about how he had chosen to believe a seventeen-year-old boy that he had know for two weeks, over you. Though, it was undeniable even to you that, throughout this inner conflict with yourself, Kai’s face spent far too much time occupying the front of your mind, each time you saw him, your brain emptying completely, Kai’s name being the only thought resonating throughout you.
Kai had let you take the week off attending cult meetings, and you knew that with each additional meeting you missed, his patience wore thinner and thinner, his guilt dissipating and giving way to irritation. And if there was one thing that you had learnt from this whole ordeal, it was that Kai abandoned any sense of morals and restraint that he may have when pissed off. And so here you were, stood at the top of Kai’s stairs that would lead you to the basement. His deep voice was already echoing through the closed door to meet you. You sighed; you were late. Taking the stairs down to the door, your hand paused on the handle. The last time you had gone down these stairs was to take someone’s life.  You hastily pushed the thought aside, suppressing a shiver before pushing the door open and stepping into the room. Kai stood just before the little beige couch he usually took his spot of leader at, another cult member who you weren’t too familiar with sat to the side of him. Your spot at the other end of the couch was empty.  Kai paused as you entered, trying in vain to ignore the entirety of the cult sat on the floor before Kai, stretching the entire length of the room. He looked at you, his mouth still open in paused speech, his hands frozen in gesture in the air. You stared at him, willing your shoulders to remain pushed back ever so slightly, the gazes of everyone else in the room burning into you. “What?” You snapped, turning your head to address the other members who stared at you wide eyed. “You want me to bow or something?” You demanded in irritation. From across the room, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed was Beverly, sporting a small smile at your unchanged attitude. A sea of heads turning hastily back to Kai was your only response, causing you to grind your teeth as you lowered yourself to the floor, crossing your legs under you. “No.” Kai said quietly. Your eyes flicked to his, watching as he extended a pointed finger to your old spot on the couch. “You sit here.” He demanded coolly, leaving no time for you to respond before he continued on with his speech, his gaze leaving yours. Several lips curled at this as Kai’s command crushed any hope that he would re-elect another member to take your place as his favoured follower. You stared with cold eyes out at the group upon reclaiming your rightful place beside Kai, a sense of cruel satisfaction filling you at the way a majority of the crowd cowered from your gaze, trying their best not to make eye-contact with you. The rest of the meeting passed slowly, dragging along until you had gone from perching on the couch straight-backed, to lounging against the soft surface, your head rested in your hand. You weren’t even listening to Kai’s dismissal, jolting in alert as everyone rose to leave. You moved to do the same, praying that Kai wouldn’t say anything to you and you would just be able to blend into the group filing out of the room. But of course, that was a fool’s hope. “Wait.” Kai said, looking to you as soon as you made a step to leave. “I want to talk.” You exhaled deeply, not feeling ready to talk to him yet. You swallowed your hesitation, forcing yourself to respond. “Yeah, sure.” The wariness filling your tone was obvious as you fell back down onto the couch, Kai waiting until everyone had left the room, the basement door slamming shut, before joining you. “How have you been?” He asked coolly, angling himself on the couch so that he faced you, his knees brushing yours. You hated the way the accidental touch momentarily emptied your mind, every nerve of your being surrendering to his close proximity. You swallowed.  “Yeah, I’ve been fine. I spent a few nights with friends and stuff... that’s why I haven’t really been here.” You shrugged, your words trailing off awkwardly. “You don’t need to explain yourself.” He interjected, causing your gaze to drop to your clasped hands on your lap. His own eyes followed yours, landing on your hands. He stared at them for a moment whilst his jaw worked, causing your skin to prickle beneath his scrutiny.  “Here.” He said, holding his pinky finger out to you. You cringed away, shaking your head. “Kai, I don’t -” “Well I do, take it.” You groaned quietly but lifted your arm to begrudgingly loop your pinky with his. “You know how this works so I won’t explain it again. I want to know what you’re feeling right now.” You sighed, glancing at him as his finger tightened around yours. His eyes searched yours with unflinching intensity, trying to sort through every glint of emotion that shone there. “I don’t really know how to feel.” You answered simply, shrugging. Kai shook his head. “No. It’s more than that. Tell me.” He said flatly. You tipped your head back at his unyielding tone, knowing full well that you weren’t leaving this room until Kai knew exactly where he stood with you. “I was angry. Obviously,” you began, breaking Kai’s scrutinising gaze to instead stare at your pinky entwined with his as you continued: “But now, I kinda just want it all to go back to normal. I killed someone Kai, the others aren’t going to forget that.” “Yes, but a sick part of you enjoys the power that gives you.” You cut him a silencing glare at his interjection, his words illuminating a truth that you had already come to know but tried to ignore. “I don’t know. I feel like I’ve thought about it so much that it doesn’t really seem to matter anymore. But that’s not true; you hurt me Kai, you almost killed me.” Pain flashed across his face. Pain and understanding. But he stayed quiet, letting you verbalise your thoughts and organise them into some sort of coherence.  “For a while I thought I wanted to leave. I even thought you might let me.” You huffed a laugh at your own stupidity. “But then I realised that I wouldn’t want to leave even if I could. And it’s fucking sick of me, but I’m... for some reason, I wouldn’t want to distance myself from you anymore than I already have.” Kai’s frame went completely still beside you. You plowed on. “It’s like the moral... I don’t know, human, part of me is terrified of you, but some weird, primal part of me just wants to give myself over to you entirely.” At their verbalisation, your words seemed to come to grow into their full meaning, striking you with how starkly honest they were; your eyes prickled, a slight ache radiating from the back of your throat. “Like, I don’t know.” You mumbled, your chin beginning to wobble. You were aching to pull your pinky from his and cover your face with your hands but you refrained, not wanting to upset him. “Can you... can you say something?” You asked him in a quiet plead, your other hand rising to swipe at your eyes before any tears had the chance to fall. “I want you to keep talking.” His voice was so low it sounded like a growl. “I want you to keep talking about what you think of me.” You raised your chin to look at him, but his gaze was so strong that you couldn’t keep eye contact with him. “I feel like the longer I’ve known you, the more I’ve wanted to know you. Fuck Kai, there’s just something about you and I don’t know why it’s so scary but I ache to give myself wholly to you.” Kai’s eyes darkened beside you. “And then when you said that shit in the car, that you loved me,” you finally gathered enough courage to look at him, needing to scrutinise his face in order to determine the truth of his answer to the question you were about to ask him. Your eyes were red and teary, but you indulged in it, laying yourself out before Kai, willing him to pick your words and emotions apart to truly understand the depth of your stark honesty. “Did you mean that? Did you mean you love me in the way that you love everyone else in this cult? Or, did you mean it in a way that just applies to me?” “You’re a clever girl, y/n.” He said simply. “How do you think I meant it?” You huffed a sigh of irritation at his cryptic responses, but delved into his question. “I think -” you took a shuddering breath, struggling to put your response into a coherent answer. “I think that if you had meant it in the way that it means for everyone else here, then I would’ve been dead the second you slammed me to the concrete of that road.” He nodded slowly. “And why do you think that?” You sucked in a breath, knowing that he was goading you into dangerous territory. “Because...because you killed Winter.” You finished slowly. Kai sat back, seemingly pleased by your answer. “Exactly. See? You’re a clever girl.”  “Okay,” you sat back, disconnecting your pinky from Kai’s. His hand dropped onto his lap as you wiped at your eyes. “And what exactly does that mean for me?” He studied you unblinkingly. “It means that you can take this in any direction you want. If you decide you hate me for what I did to you, then fine. Tell me to fuck off and I promise I’ll oblige you.” You processed his words, sucking on your teeth in thought. “Or, you can decide to give me a chance to make it up to you. I meant what I said, y/n. I’ve felt that way for a long time, and I will do anything for you to reciprocate that feeling.” He stood, sparing you once last glance before striding for the basement door. Pausing before the door, he threw his parting words over his shoulder: “Just whatever you decide, please stay in the house. The guest room is still set up for you. I hate not knowing who you’re with.” 
You couldn’t sleep that night, mulling the conversation over and over in your head until Kai’s voice was the only thing occupying your brain. You tossed onto your side for the twentieth time, your eyes staring at the small line of light shining in through the crack under the door of the guest room. It was unsettlingly familiar, taking you back to the confined darkness of the closet Kai had thrown you in.  You flipped onto your back once more with a huff, throwing the covers back so that the upper part of your body was exposed to the cool air. Kai’s room was just down the hall. Your stomach fluttered in forbidden possibility.  Would he be asleep? If you went to him, would he kick you out? You turned your head to the little digital alarm clock on the bedside table. The red numbers flashed, notifying you that it was 2.30 am.  Your hands fell onto your face.  Stop fucking thinking about him, you urged yourself for the hundredth time, sleep evading you a little bit more with each time that your mind circled back to your earlier conversation. You bit your lower lip harshly in irritation, your arms flopping onto the pillow above your head. A flurry of butterflies swirled about in your stomach. Just go to him; he wants it more than you do. But it shouldn’t be so easy to forgive the man that almost killed me? Almost. And he would’ve if he didn’t want to keep you around. Yes, how flattering. He’s Kai Anderson, killing is like second nature to him. “Fuck.” You whispered into the dark room, interrupting your conversation with yourself. “Talking to myself? I’m going insane.”  You didn’t give yourself a chance to reconsider, flinging the covers all the way back and lowering your feet to the cold wooden floor. Padding with bare feet to the door, you paused, looking down at yourself.  Are tiny pajama shorts and t-shirt too much? You shook your head, forcing your inner voice to shut up. He’s probably asleep it won’t even matter, you reasoned with yourself, quietly pulling open the door and looking out into the dark hallway. Kai’s door was right across the hall and you crossed the space quickly, the intensity of your butterflies momentarily causing your nerve slip. You reminded yourself once more that it was just Kai and that, even if he wasn’t interested in you, he probably wouldn’t give a shit if you decided that you wanted to spend the night in his bed.  You pushed open the door, not daring to breathe as you stepped into the darkness of the room beyond. The dim light flooding into the room fell over Kai’s large bed, his form a lump huddled under the covers on far side of the bed. You looked at him for a moment, at how small he looked huddled at the very edge of the otherwise empty bed. His breaths were deep and even as you eased the door closed beside you, skirting carefully around the bed to the other side and slipping onto the mattress beside him, turning so that you were back-to-back.  His breaths faltered slightly at the movement beside him and you froze, slowly lowering your head to the pillow. “Y/n?” He mumbled, the words accompanied by a shuffling sound that notified you that he had turned over to look at you.  You craned your own neck to look at his darkened face, swallowing.  “Sorry,” you breathed, “I couldn’t sleep.” “That���s fine.” He reassured you quietly, his voice softened by sleep. “Here, get under the covers, you’ll get cold.” Your heart ached at his gentle command and he watched you carefully as you maneuvered your way under his covers, sighing at the immediate warm the thick duvet provided as it settled over your bare legs. “Goodnight, y/n.” Kai muttered as soon as he was sure you had settled, turning back around to snuggle deeper into the covers. “Goodnight, Kai.” You replied quietly, his pillow significantly softer than the one in the guest room beneath your cheek. Your eyes drifted closed, a sense of stillness and peace finally settling over your mind in the warmth of Kai’s bed. “Y’know,” Kai began, his voice muffled by his pillow, “I just can’t stop thinking about you.”  A grin spread over your face at his words and you pushed yourself backwards slightly, sighing when your back came into contact with Kai’s. “That’s the reason I came in here.” You admitted to Kai, who merely grunted in acknowledgement, your words lost on his sleep-addled mind. You were asleep within minutes, Kai’s warmth leeching into you, the sound of his soft breaths lulling you into a satisfying sleep. taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove  (if you wanna be added or removed to let me know)
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rolandtowen · 3 years
three times Zuko comes into the Jasmine Dragon coffee shop, and one time Sokka leaves with him. Set in the Neurodiverse Zukka AU, but can read as a standalone.
*banging pots and pans together* "Come over here and get yall Neurodiverse Zukka!"
Read it on Ao3 or under the cut!
TW: discussions of skin picking and implied child abuse
When Sokka pulls into the parking lot of the Jasmine Dragon, he is unsurprisingly the first car there. Being a freshman in town means getting the worst pick of shifts at local businesses. Sokka was hired on to work the opening shift, which means he wakes up at the ungodly hour of 5am to open the shop before the first round of sleep-deprived college students comes in. The pay isn't bad, Mr. Iroh is an incredibly fair man,
The bell on the door jingles on his way in, and he flips several light switches on, watching as the coffee shop slowly comes to life. He busies himself with getting the beans for the day grinding, pulling his first shot and dialing in the expresso. When he takes a sip, the espresso is spot on for the day, which is a relief. Having to make adjustments as customers start filing in is a nightmare.
Today's brew is floral and citrusy, so he decides to make himself and iced lavender latte - with oat milk, of course, because he's gotta do it for the gays - and he spends the next 20 minutes setting out pastries and fiddling with the display cases, making everything look perfect.
At 6am sharp, Sokka unlocks the front door and flips their sign to open, before retreating behind the bar to nurse his latte. Not even five minutes later, the door bell jingles, and Sokka sees a flash of dark hair, face obscured by a pile of textbooks and binders. The figure runs into one table, and then another, and Sokka is rushing out from behind the counter. He gets there just before textbooks go toppling everywhere, his hands taking a firm hold of the top bundle. As he pulls the books into his arms, he sees the face behind them.
Breathtaking golden eyes.
And.. a massive burn scar.
"Hi!" Sokka says, "I'm the barista on shift today - my name's Sokka." He would reach his hand for the other man to shake, but for the stack of textbooks in them.
Golden Eyes smiles.
"I'm Zuko, Zuko Sozin," he says, setting his remaining textbooks on the table by his side. Sokka follows suit.
"Hey, I think I've seen you before - are you taking Piandao's Intro to Biology class?"
"Uh, yeah - yeah! You sit a few rows in front of me." Zuko laughs. "Your doodles are uh, something alright."
Sokka knocks him good-naturedly on the shoulder. "I gotta keep my hands busy for my brain to focus." He looks down at the stack of books on the table. "What on earth are you studying, to have that many books?"
"Uh, Biology and Chemistry double-major, Pre-Med track." Sokka's eyes widen. "It's really not that much! I got a bunch of stuff out of the way with AP credits."
Sokka raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, it is a lot - but I'm really passionate about it. I want to be a doctor."
"Well, Dr. Sozin, what can I get started for you today?"
"Can I get a iced matcha, with a lot of honey?"
Sokka raises his other eyebrow. "A doctor with a sweet tooth?"
"Kind of?"
"Don't worry, I won't rat you out to your dentist. An iced matcha with extra honey?" Zuko nods and Sokka smiles. "You got it, doc."
Sokka falls into a routine at the Jasmine Dragon. He opens the shop every morning, and every morning of the fall semester so far, Zuko Sozin comes in at precisely 6:05am. Zuko will order an iced matcha with honey, and sits at a table by the window with his laptop and at least two textbooks open at all times. Then, at 11:50am - Sokka guess he has a class that starts at noon - Zuko leaves the shop, always making sure to throw his spare change into Sokka's tip jar.
He's so beautiful.
On a slow day, Sokka comes out from behind the safety of the counter and works up the courage to ask Zuko if he can study with him. Zuko looks shocked at first, but his lips quirk up in a smile as he gestures for Sokka to sit in the chair across from him, moving his textbooks to make room for Sokka's one book and laptop.
"What are you studying, Sokka?" Zuko appears to be genuinely interested.
"Oh, uh, social work, with a concentration in mental health." Sokka waits for Zuko to laugh at him. It never comes. He looks up at him over their laptops.
"That's really cool."
"You think so?"
"Yeah! I mean, some pre-med majors can be really pretentious, really dismissive of mental illness, but um - not me. I don't really have that luxury." Zuko laughs, as though at a joke with himself. "What's the Intro to Biology for, then?"
"Not all of us got our common core out of the way with AP credits, like some nerd I know." Zuko smiles at that, and looks back down at his laptop screen.
Sokka pulls his keys from his pocket and starts fidgeting with the stim toy he keeps on his keychain as he reads through his latest assignment for his Mental Illness and Society class. He bought it on Etsy, relieved to find a neurodivergent-owned shop after scrolling through a lot of stores that just seemed to be hopping on the 'trend' of selling fidget toys. He flips to the next page in his textbook, popping the buttons back and forth in a steady rhythm. He remembers Zuko's sitting across from him and stops abruptly.
"Is this annoying? Do you want me to stop?"
Zuko just cocks his head. "Why would I get a say in what you do? It's kind of your shop, right?"
"Um, to be polite?" Sokka laughs. "And you would be surprised how many customers I get who think they get to tell me what to do." His eyes settle on the half drunk latte in front of him. "It's not really my shop either, I just work the early morning shifts so Mr. Iroh can sleep in. If you ever get to stay past noon sometime, you'll see him come in. You can't miss him, short guy, talks in riddles. He's older, a war vet I think - I just get that impression from some of the stories he tells me. But anyway, did you want me to stop fidgeting?" Sokka looks back up to meet those golden eyes.
Zuko glitches for a second. "Oh! No, no, go for it - if it helps you to study, I'm all for it."
Sokka smiles, and looking at the way Zuko keeps picking at his cuticles gives him an idea. He digs into his backpack and pulls out another stim toy, an acupressure ring. ""Do you want to try this instead of maiming your hands?"
Zuko hesitantly holds out a hand and Sokka drops it into his palm. "You don't have to."
Sokka scoffs. "I know I don't have to - I want to. Come on, I wear it on my thumb sometimes -" and suddenly he's taking Zuko's hands into his and getting very close to Zuko's face. Zuko can smell espresso on his clothes and Sokka's hands are so warm against his. Calloused, sure, but warm. He holds Zuko's right hand gently, pressing the spiky ring onto his thumb. "And you can rub it back and forth with your pointer finger and it gives you that kind of prickly sensation that you get from skin picking, just without the skin picking." Sokka pulls his hands away and Zuko immediately misses them. "Give it a shot, tell me what you think."
Zuko tentatively rolls the ring over his thumb. Huh. The cute barista's right, the acupressure gives him that same prickly, scratchy feeling that picking at his nails and cuticles does. "Wow," he says, "I think you've converted me."
"Then keep it, I've got a thousand more where that came from, ADHD perks."
Zuko instinctively opens his mouth to protest but the words die in his throat.
"You, you have ADHD?" He stops rolling the ring across his thumb.
"Yup." Sokka's lips popped on the 'p', and he turned to the next page in his textbook. "And I'm pretty sure you've got some spicy stuff happening your brain, too. But you don't have to tell me."
"How are you so open about it?"
Sokka's hand stills around the fidget. "My parents never treated me like I was deficient in any way - my brain just works differently, which means I have trouble with some 'normal' stuff. But I also strengths in areas that others don't have naturally. Accommodations aren't anything to be ashamed of."
"Sounds nice." All of the levity drops out of Zuko's voice.
Sokka levels a look at Zuko. He lets his eyes flit to the right side of Zuko's face and the scar there. He's seen it so many times, and the burns look so concentrated, almost... intentional. His stomach churns at the thought. The scar's old... and Zuko's at college now, he has to be safe - he has to be.
"Like I said, you don't have to tell me." Sokka's hand starts to fidget with the buttons again. "But I have it on good authority that I am a good listener."
"I'll... I'll keep that in mind." Zuko looks down at his hands, fingers rolling the ring back and forth against his thumb. "Thank you."
"Anytime, doc."
Somehow, fumbling through their collective social awkwardness, they manage to swap numbers.
At the end of the fall semester, Sokka texts Zuko for the first time.
S: hey, im gonna be a few minutes later. don't worry, im still coming.
Z: okay. thank you.
When Sokka finally pulls into the parking lot fifteen minutes late, he sees Zuko waiting outside the door, sitting on a bench, head buried in one of his chemistry textbooks.
"Hey," he puts his keys in the door. "You can just come in while I open, it won't take too long."
Zuko follows him inside, and he closes the door against the chill.
"You didn't have to text me," Zuko says, like it's a question.
"I wanted to," Sokka starts flipping on light switches. "I know you've got your routine, and I didn't want to stress you out when it got messed up."
"Why would that matter to you?"
"Um, I don't want you to be stressed? I kind of care about you."
"You... you care about me?" Zuko stands in the middle of the coffee shop, unmoving.
Sokka smiles. "Yeah, I think I do."
"I think we could be friends?"
"Oh." Zuko's face falls for a second - what Sokka has come to understand is his 'processing' face - and he looks back up a second later. "I think we could be friends too."
"Friendship with a barista has great perks, you know." Sokka laughs as he starts up the grinder. "Although the perks of a social worker friend aren't too bad either."
"How's that going? With your first semester ending?" Zuko sits on a stool at the bar and watches Sokka putter around behind it.
"Well, I'm going to pass Intro to Biology, not for lack of trying on Piandao's part - I swear he's trying to weed out all the humanities kids. It isn't even a weed out course!" He polishes an espresso glass furiously. "How are you doing?"
Zuko chokes. "Oh, I'm - I'm fine, you know it's a hard class and all -"
"You're getting an A, aren't you?" Sokka squints at him from behind a bag of coffee beans. "Curve breaker," he scoffs.
"Hey, it's not my fault that I'm, what did you call it? A 'burnt-out gifted kid with people pleasing tendencies'." Zuko crosses his arms and huffs at the memory of that conversation. Sokka had read him like a picture book. And it was not fair for one person to be that good at emotions.
"You are correct, I did indeed call you that." Sokka pulls the first shot of the morning. "And it looks like I was right."
"You know what you said the other week, about being a good listener?"
"Sure do," Sokka takes a sip of the espresso, swishing it around in his mouth before spitting it out. "What's on your mind?"
"Well, if we're going to be... friends, I just think you'd want to know that - I'm autistic." Zuko stares at Sokka searching his face for any cues about what the next words out of his mouth will be, waiting for the facade of friendship to drop. He furiously rolls the acupressure ring up and down his thumb.
"Okay, that's great!"
Zuko's hands freeze and he squeezes the ring against his skin, feeling the pressure increase.
"That's great, I'm glad you felt safe enough to tell me that. I kind of guessed your parents weren't as accommodating as mine?"
Zuko laughs something sour. "No, no they were not." He looks up in surprise as Sokka puts an iced matcha, extra honey, in front of him. "You're right though, I do feel safe here. I feel safe with you." Zuko looks down at the acupressure ring on his thumb, softening his grip. "You could have totally ignored me, but you didn't. Or you could've been mean about my quirks - but you weren't. Why?"
"Well, for starters, you tip well." Sokka smiles and leans across the counter, bracketing Zuko's elbows in with his own. "But you're also a really great guy - you're passionate, you want to make people's lives better, and you're also like, really beautiful."
Zuko feels his cheeks flush. "You really think that?" His fingers still against the fidget again, but he doesn't feel the need to press it into his skin. He's captivated by Sokka's words. Surely, Sokka couldn't actually mean -
"Oh, yeah. Every bit." Sokka brushes his hand against one of Zuko's, the one with the fidget ring. "Can I hold your hand?"
"Yes, please, yes." After weeks, Sokka's hand is back in his, and Zuko thinks he's going to implode. "Can, can you hold both of my hands? With both of your hands?"
"Of course," Sokka's positively beaming, grabbing Zuko's hands and running his thumbs across his knuckles. "Now you're absolutely allowed to say no to my next question, and there are no hard feelings."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Fuck yes."
The iced matcha is forgotten.
+ i
Sokka's feet hurt like hell. Mr. Iroh had called in him to work a double on Friday, and since he doesn't have any classes on Fridays, he foolishly agreed.
It won't seem so foolish once you see the paycheck, he reminds himself. He and Zuko have a deal. Zuko pays for his medical school with his job shelving books at the University library, and Sokka pays for their tiny apartment by caffeinating all of the other broke college kids in town. By some miracle, they seem to be able to make it work. Zuko graduated into the medical college a year early, which helps with tuition costs, and of course his brilliant boyfriend got all kinds of scholarships.
Sokka is indescribably proud of him.
The door bell jangles just as Sokka is wiping the crumbs off the last cafe table. "Hey, we're starting to close up for the night, so it'd better be a to-go order," he calls over his shoulder.
"Even for me?"
"Zuko!" Sokka drops his cloth immediately and spins around, pulling Zuko into a hug. Zuko taps the small of his back when he's ready to let go, and Sokka lets him go, beaming. "You came to visit me at work?"
"More like I picked up your favorite soup dumplings from Haru's across the street and thought we could walk home together?" Zuko shrugs, gesturing to the brown paper bag in his arms. "How's that sound to you?"
"Baby, that's just what I needed today." Sokka picks up his cleaning supplies. "Okay, I just need to put all of this away and then we can lock up and go home, how's that?"
"Great," Zuko smiles at him. "I may have also picked up some more Doctor Who DVDs from the library," he smirks.
"Oh, you trickster!" Sokka yells from the kitchen, before appearing again. "You used my one weakness, pork soup dumplings, against me in order to get your nerdy way."
"Oh, big talk coming from the guy who watches astronomy documentaries for fun," Zuko laughs as Sokka leads him out of the shop, switching off the lights and locking the door behind him. "If it were up to you, we'd be watching Cosmos all weekend, and I can only take so much of Neil deGrasse Tyson explaining the peculiarities of the moon."
"Hey, the moon is cool!"
"You are correct, the moon is very cool. It's freezing, because it's a rock. In space. With no atmosphere. Or life." Zuko deadpans, earning a light punch on the shoulder from Sokka.
"Fine, you get Doctor Who tonight, but Saturday is going to be all PBS Nova, baby. Brace yourself." Sokka takes Zuko's free hand into his as they start the walk home.
"Well, as long as you're there, I'm happy."
fidgets in this work were inspired by those from shop StimBox
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yukidragon · 3 years
Our Life Snippit - Charity Begins at Home
It is time for another Our Life: Beginnings & Always novelization snippet. This time it’s Step 3, so spoiler warning for anyone who hasn’t gotten that far in the game yet, but why haven’t you? The game is great, free, and if you’re looking for fandom content, why not finish the official stuff first before reading my first draft? Oh well, I won’t tell you how to live your life.
Anyway, enjoy this little slice of sweet and spicy vanilla make outs between Cove and Jamie in Charity. Be aware, this particular scene can get pretty steamy in the game, and I took great pleasure in cranking up the heat. Don’t worry though, I cut it off before parts that skirt dangerously close to NSFW. (Those will have to wait for the actual chapter when I eventually start posting this story on AO3.)
Thanks, as always, for @gb-patch for the inspiration and the treasure that is this game and Cove Holden.
Cove tenderly stroked Jamie’s cheeks, which grew warmer under his caress. Her skin was so soft, tempting him to touch her more. The smile on her face invited him to continue, to let the heat between them grow with desire. He couldn’t help but shyly clear his throat, unable to bring himself to outright state how much he wanted to touch her.
Jamie leaned into Cove’s hands as he delicately traced her face. The feeling was deliciously warm. When his thumb brushed across her lips, a thrill ran through her, and she made sure to place a kiss on him there. He sucked in a breath at the action, and her smile grew. She took his hand in both of hers so that she could trace his thumb with her lips, marking a trail of kisses to his palm before paying attention to each of his fingers in turn in the same way.
Cove watched Jamie in adoration. Each kiss she gave him sent little shivers all the way down his arm. Such loving attention made him feel truly cherished.
“Cove…,” Jamie whispered against his skin. She looked up into his widening eyes and spoke a little louder, her voice still hushed but intentionally laced with her longing and desire. “Cove.” She drew closer to whisper directly into his ear, her lips barely brushing against him there as she spoke. “Cove.”
A delicious shiver ran through Cove, making him weak in the knees. He had to readjust his hold to Jamie’s shoulders to get a more solid grip and remain upright. He kneaded her shoulders a little in encouragement and gasped when she placed a proper kiss on his ear.
Jamie leaned back a bit as she threaded her fingers through his hair, reveling in the feel of those soft seafoam green strands. His hair felt even softer than usual, and she smiled at the reminder of how much extra care Cove took to look nice for this special night. She was limited only by the ponytail holding up a good portion of his hair as she alternated between savoring the softness of his hair and gently massaging his scalp.
Cove leaned into her touch, tilting his head closer to hers. Their lips met, the touch feather light and too brief to be a true kiss, but enough to send sparks flying between them. The reason for its brevity was because he was mumbling something, too soft for Jamie to hear, but she supposed he wasn’t sure what he was saying right now either. He was lost in the moment, reveling in her touch, and she was only too happy to continue making him feel so good for a while longer.
Another almost kiss followed, then a third, and by the fourth Jamie couldn’t hold herself back any longer. She let her hand rest at the back of his head and guided him to her to kiss him properly. Cove welcomed the kiss eagerly, his hands coming to rest at the back of her head again to cradle her gently.
The kiss started off soft, but quickly grew hot and wet. It was delicious, full of sweetness that they offered freely only to each other. It was all too easy for the two of them to lose themselves as they drank deeply of that sweetness, never quite getting enough of it. They only separated when the desire for that sweetness lost out to the need for air.
Jamie panted hotly, gulping down oxygen as she looked at Cove through heavy lidded eyes. The kiss left her dazed in the best of ways, and she grinned at her boyfriend once she recovered her senses a bit.
Once Cove caught his breath, he beamed at Jamie and kissed her again in a brief but solid stamp of his affection.
The almost childish giddiness on Cove’s face made Jamie giggle softly. Playfully, she returned the gesture, giving his lips a quick kiss. Before it could lead to another or grow into something deeper, she moved on to kiss each of his flushed cheeks. A giggle escaped him as well when she moved on to plant a kiss on the tip of his nose.
As Jamie brushed back his bangs with one hand to give her room to draw a line of kisses across his forehead, she felt Cove slide his arms around her lower back, pressing their bodies closer. The small pleased noises he made with each kiss she peppered all over his face were so precious and encouraged her to kiss him even more. Next, she moved on to take advantage of his closed eyelids and brushed her lips across them delicately. After another pass over his cheeks, she finished off her exploration by kissing each corner of his mouth before properly pressing their lips together once more.
Cove was only too eager to show Jamie his appreciation for the tender attention she lavished upon him by deepening the kiss. She made a small moan into his mouth in appreciation and eagerly responded in kind.
When Jamie felt his fingers trace along her spine, she arched up into Cove instinctively and let out a gasp that abruptly ended the kiss. For a moment she had to catch her breath as she focused on how close they were now, keenly aware of how hot and firm his body was through the thin material of her pajamas and the way his hands blazed a trail of fire along her skin.
More. She wanted more.
Jamie placed her hands against her boyfriend’s shoulders, gripping him solidly there as she gently pushed him back. Cove barely had a moment to wonder if it was a signal they were stopping already when he realized she was advancing on him with purpose while simultaneously urging him backwards. His eyes widened as he saw the way her dark blue eyes gazed deeply into him, shining with such desire that he couldn’t help but feel it deep in his core. It left him helpless to do anything but follow her lead.
When Cove felt his back make contact with the wall, a squeak escaped him as he realized exactly what Jamie had in mind.
For a moment the pair stood there, staring into each other’s eyes. Jamie kept her attention focused up on his flushed face as she waited for the shock to melt away. As badly as she wanted Cove, she refused to let that make her careless with him and his limits. Her grip on him was deliberately light, easy enough for him to push her back if he wanted to.
He didn’t.
Although his body was tense in this position, it was far from a bad sort of tension, and Cove had no intention of discouraging Jamie from continuing whatever she had planned next. Instead, he took advantage of the new position, bracing himself against the wall so that he could lift one of his legs. Slowly, he rubbed his knee against the inside of her leg as he tried to offer his girlfriend an encouraging smile, though his mouth wobbled a little from bashfulness that he couldn’t quite shake despite his bold action.
It was an unexpected move, one that left Jamie shivering deliciously as she took a moment just to focus on the feeling of his knee caressing her inner thigh. Cove skirted so close to where she burned hottest, so much closer than he had ever dared before. It sent a thrill through her to her core and left her aching for more.
Jamie leaned in closer to Cove, nuzzling into his neck. She smiled against his skin as she heard his breathing quicken. She kissed him there, eliciting a quick gasp from her boyfriend that turned into a long sigh. The sounds enticed her into placing more kisses all along his throat, lingering longer on the spots that made his breathing hitch and turn a little ragged.
The attention was wonderful, but not so distracting that Cove was content to remain idle. His hands wandered lower, skirting close to dangerous territory. He couldn’t bring himself to trace his girlfriend’s spine to the end, but he could shift the path his hands took to more familiar territory. Jamie made a pleased noise against his skin that turned into a moan when he began to stroke her thighs slowly.
Jamie brought her legs together on instinct, wrapping them around her boyfriend’s thigh. His leg was still moving despite the confinement, and so were his hands. It felt good, so good, but also maddeningly enticing. Cove was stoking the fire in her until she feared like she might melt from the heat, yet she ached for more.
Jamie barely resisted the urge to grind against Cove directly as he skirted so daringly close to where she ached for his touch most, arching into him. However, she couldn’t fight the lusty moan that escaped her, shaped around his name. “Cove…”
Oh. Oh. That sound was new.
Cove loved to hear Jamie say his name, but the way she did that time was different. It left his knees weak, and he was grateful for the wall’s support to brace him, as he wasn’t sure he could remain standing without it. It also made his already too confining dress pants feel almost unbearably tight.
Cove very much wanted to hear Jamie moan his name like that again.
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Won’t Say I’m In Love
A commission for Anonymous with a trans dude and Loba!
Summary: In which reader is Loba's sugar baby/friend with benefit who she loves to shower gifts upon. When reader starts expressing interest and complimenting her, realizing she gets flustered when the attention is turned to her, it makes courting her and making it. Obvious they'd like more a little more difficult. Nothing that can't be solved with a little bump n grind, right?...Right?
Reblogs > Likes. It costs zero dollars to reblog :D
Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Loba Andrade/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Loba is a trans woman and her bits are referred to as cock/dick, Reader is a trans man with top surgery and no bottom surgery and parts are referred to as cock/dick/hole, reader is penetrated, sugar mommy relationship BUT WITHOUT THE MOMMY INVOLVED, FWB to romance, talk of transitioning and the stuff that comes with it, Loba nuts in ya, aaaand fluff!
Words: 5.1k
Loba, to you, was everything.
Perhaps that’s a bit of a stretch. But in times like this, you can’t imagine her out of your life. Not when her smile is etched into your memory, dimples on her cheeks and pearly whites reminding you of a wolf’s. Or how her eyes narrow dangerously when you tease her, a smile playing on her lips as she coos to you to hand over the last treat in the kitchen before you run squealing after you shove it in your mouth. Loba, hot on your heels.
Life with her came natural after being in each other’s good graces for so long.
If you called ‘fuck buddies where she buys you things all the time’ good graces. A certified sugar mama.
~Rest under the cut~
Your meeting had been a business strict one at first. She was the girl people went to when things were stolen from them or they had specific desires. In your case, a precious family heirloom had been stolen from you by Hammond. That family member that had been working on cracking a code to work into their system had mysteriously disappeared, leaving you with a precious family ring that you cherished. Yet, somehow, it had gone missing, the only lead being of a ripped jacket by the window with an H symbol on it.
Loba was a person you’d heard of who could get anything from anyone, and when you’d found her, given her all the details and your own sob story. She’d hummed, drawing her manicured fingers across your cheeks and cooed about how pretty a gem you were yourself. When your cheeks had flared red, she’d smirked, patted your cheek and told you that it would be done within the week. Since she was going that way anyway.
When you’d received an anonymous text fit with a wolf emoji, you’d hurried quickly over to the underground area where she’d resided. The neon red lights had looked beautiful on her, made her look dangerous in the alleyway where she’d sat upon a box as if it were a throne. You thanked her a million times over, offering money, even some other jewelry that you’d been given that you had no need for. Yet you knew it was expensive.  
Loba had refused, and instead had risen from her spot where she’d been sitting. Circling you like you were prey and making a mention about how she knew you were struggling to keep your apartment going, how it would be dangerous for you to go back. Not knowing how or why she brought it up, at first you bristled, holding the ring close to your chest in fear she would take it.
But, instead, she offers you her gloved hand, a smile on her face and a tilt to her head. “As I told you when you had arrived, you are a beautiful gem yourself. I could take care of you. Would you like to be the new addition to my collection?”
At first, you’d been flustered, a little shocked, and suspicious. But now? Now it all made sense.
Loba loved to shower you in gifts and compliments. She’d always called you the prized jewel of her collection. A collection that you’d seen and wandered through numerous times by now. Of golds, silvers, diamonds, arts, priceless artifacts, all the riches in the world for the woman who had everything. And she had almost everything. Including a found family.
With Loba, you, and Jaime? You were your own family. The trio out in the world with a home base and all the riches you could have ever wanted- thanks to Loba, that is. Not that it was hard for her, one of the best thieves in the world. Her jump bracelet made that much so easy. And she always loved to gift you things from her finding that she thought you would look pretty in.
Whatever you wanted.
The first time she’d offered you something, a beautiful pearl choker, you’d kind of laughed with a flushed face. No one had ever gifted you jewelry before, let alone been delighted TO give you it. But when you reached for it, she teased you, holding it just out of reach and said she’d like to put it on you. Resulting with her manicured fingers lightly brushing your skin as she stood in front of you, hitching it behind your neck with ease and gently curling a finger underneath the front.
She’d tugged you closer that day as your face burned, head tipped up to look at her. Loba had already been tall, but when she wore heels it was even worse with you. Yet, she’d grinned, tilted her head, eyes flickering down to your lips and murmured, “Do I get a little gift in return?” With such softness, eyes twinkling with mischief.
It wasn’t as if you two hadn’t been playing essentially gay chicken this entire time. You were obviously sexually into her, as she was to you. So, with your lips quivering, you’d nodded, murmuring back, “Anything you want.”
“That’s what I like to hear, sweetheart.” She’d cooed before pressing the softest kiss upon your lips and leaving you wanting more as she pulled back and gently patted your cheek.
And you were left to watch her saunter off, eyes falling to her ass without thinking about it and your fingers touching your lips where you felt the slickness of her gloss lingering.
From there, the teasing escalated. Until your relationship developed more into a ‘friends with benefits’ situation or even a ‘sugar mommy’ situation. Sans the calling her mommy part, wasn’t really your thing. She gave you gifts, showered you in them really, and in return you two had some killer sex. You figured it was a win all around for you.
When you got pretty things to adorn your body with, and you got to hold onto a headboard with your head thrown back as her mouth made quick work of you. Where was the loss in that scenario? Well, maybe the lipstick stains on your inner thighs or...or...
Or maybe you knew exactly what it was. Because after time went on, your sexual feelings finally revealed themselves to actually be disguised romantic feelings. Cracking open like pouring light whenever she walked into the room and you had to push them down and swallow your pride.
That’s where your loss was.
It had started pretty small a few months ago. You just started to notice different ways Loba dressed, or how she had her hair some days. Some days her makeup would change and you would compliment it genuinely, only to have her black lipstick covered lips playfully smirk your way and offer for you to try it out personally.
Hey, you weren’t complaining about walking around with a kiss print on your neck or cheek.
But you were mentally complaining about how fast your heart had beat at such a simple action. How you’d touched your cheek when she wasn’t looking and smiled to yourself like you were some sort of schoolboy incapable of reeling in your crush.
You mentally groaned to yourself. You were NOT about to ruin anything for her.
Loba, you thought, deserved love and happiness. You contemplated that maybe...just maybe you could be the one to give that to her. But, you knew her, you knew her very well for that matter. If affection was genuine, she’d become flustered and nervous and try to find a way to turn it sexual or into a flirt. She could flirt her way through anything, but if you so much as tucked her hair behind her ear and told her she looked pretty that day, she’d almost choke and try to turn the situation back.
You tried to give back what she gave you, trying to adore her, only to have her try and hide her flustered appearance by trying to flirt you up. Or slamming you against a wall and cooing about how you were pushing her buttons.
She was good at hiding her emotions in a way you wouldn’t expect her to. Instead of shying off or shutting down, Loba had learned to laugh her way out of situations and compliment you. Pinching your cheek and calling you sweet. The love- the romance she’d been deprived of didn’t go unknown to you. She didn’t trust easily, and she was happy with you and Jaime being her family.
At least, that’s as far as you knew.
What you didn’t know is that her feelings matched your own. That every extra glance you stole her way, she noticed and tried not to think anything of. But sometimes, sometimes when she was fucking you, she imagined you holding on tight to her and murmuring sweet nothings. Or instead of coming to her room for a ‘nightly visit’, that you’d spend the night and let her hold you quietly in her arms and wake up to see you just the same.
Mutual feelings that neither of you knew the other had.
Eventually you figured you needed to own up to it. And that’s what you were trying to plan right now. It’s with a breath that you come to the decision that maybe you could...show her instead.
Yeah, yeah that sounded better.
So, when Loba comes home tonight, smiling brightly as she swings a beautiful diamond necklace around a finger and announcing to you and Jaime, “Mama’s home, boys! Did you miss me?” With fondness in her voice and her eyes flicking over you to hint that she had a gift for you- that is when you decide now is a good time to strike.
After dinner is had and Loba has put her necklace in a beautiful glass case to admire it, you come towards her little den area. It was a big, rounded room, wall to wall full of her jewels and findings. Ranging from pearl necklaces to priceless artifacts. Beautiful art pieces were hung on the walls all around it with lights to ensure that the jewels down below would glitter and gleam in any lighting. You rest yourself on the doorway as you watch her, admiring her from afar as she looks to the sparkling necklace with glee in her eyes.
“Ah, so beautiful. Don’t you think?” Loba sighs at her necklace, before her eyes flick up to you in the doorway. Her eyes sparkle with that same look from earlier, mischief dancing in them as she saunters up to you slowly. As if a predator with its prey. You’d lie if you said your heart didn’t skip three beats.
“Yeah, I think you are, actually.” You coyly respond, going so far as to flutter your lashes as she rests an arm beside your head. Her grin is amused, rolling her eyes and using her free hand to gently grab your chin, tilting your head this way and that. Always inspecting you.
Her prized possession.
“Ha-ha, very cute. How many times have you tried that one, love?” She teases, tapping her manicured nail on your cheek twice. You smile fondly at the nickname, pretending it didn’t make you near about squirm out of your spot. But your heart lurches in your chest when she speaks much softer, tracing along your jawline with her fingertips. “I have a gift for you.”
“I was going to tell you the same thing.”
That piques Loba’s interest, her mischievous look pausing for surprise to overtake her features. Her glossy lips part in surprise, her eyes moving from the stare on your lips to flick up to your eyes as her brows furrow briefly.
She looked adorable.  
“A gift? For me? Isn’t that my job?” Loba laughs a bit, taking a step back and cocking her head, her long braids following. She looked just like a puppy. You swallow down your racing heartbeat as you try to figure out how to bring it up.
“Later- in the bedroom.” You promise. A familiar phrase that makes her pupils widen, a smirk falling to her face instead, a bit more confidence to her purr as she affectionately pinches your cheek.
“I eagerly await your acquaintance tonight, then. But, for now, let me show you the ring I found you, darling!”
You’re going to die.
The ring she’d found you had been gorgeous- she'd yet to gift you a ring yet. Loba once had said that seemed a little too intimate of a gift. You never asked why, but now that you’ve been gifted one, looking at the gold band with a beautiful simple style with three gems in each twirl of its vine-like look.
Well, you can’t help but think either she’s gotten used to you or maybe...maybe it had a purpose.  
Either way, it helps you feel more confident about what you’re going to try tonight. Walking with a bit more confidence as you head to her bedroom. You hardly have the time to knock before she’s opening the door, yanking you inside, and pushing you against the door to kiss you.
Loba is stripped down for the night. Her twin braids traded to let her curly hair down, the ombre look towards the tips of her bright red hair reaching about mid-back and splaying around her beautifully. Her outfit has been swapped to something a bit more practical of a black lacy bralette and stretchy short shorts, revealing her long legs and the beautiful vine-like tattoos with flowers curling on her outer thighs, edging up her hips to her waist.
Your hands come up, but are immediately caught by her. Her fingers lace in yours, pulling your hands to rest beside your head against the door as you moan into her mouth. Your reward is a soft laugh, her teeth nipping your bottom lip before trailing her glossy, full lips over your chin, down your jawline to your neck.
“Wait, wait-” You manage to breathe out when her lips press to the length of your neck. Immediately Loba pauses, releasing your hands and backing up. Concern and confusion in her eyes, but you quickly let out a laugh, “No, no, I mean- I want to try something different tonight...if that’s okay?”
“What like- bondage?”  
You about choke, head thunking back against the door as feeling your cheeks warm as you try to think of how to word it. It’s kinda of hard when she’s now idly kissing at your neck, lips parting to suckle on a sensitive spot of yours that makes your hips jerk. But you manage to breathe it out, “I want to take care of you tonight.”
Then it’s Loba’s turn to choke. Pulling back away from her spot to give you a curious look, if flustered. Her own face is red, looking apprehensive about the idea, but you quickly add in. “If you don’t like it, truly don’t like it, we’ll stop immediately, okay? I promise.”
And then you have her. Just with that extra security.
“You better make it worth my while.” She huffs almost in an embarrassed tone. But her voice is playful, despite the way you notice how she swallows and her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes. And you know it isn’t the fact she doesn’t want it, it’s because she’s used to being in control. And not that you don’t like her taking control of you but...
Sometimes you just wanted to treat her right. Show her how much she meant to you.
You suppose sex was better than trying to sit her down for a conversation and talk about your feelings with eye contact involved and your running mouth.
You start gentle with her, leading her to the bed and guiding her to lie down. You start with something simple as a makeout session. Straddling her hips so she can feel the heat of your body through your sweatpants and t-shirt. You lean into her, cupping her cheek and pushing her hair from her face as you kiss her so gently, stroking your thumb over her cheekbone. You make sure not to let her guide the kiss, but let her grab your hips, feeling her fingers slide under the waistband to touch your skin.
When you lick into Loba’s mouth, her breath hitches, her hips coming up to press against you and you follow the motion by pressing down to give her some pressure. Your own breath is shaky when her hands slide down to your ass under your pants, tugging you gently to get you to grind.
Control- normally you’d follow like the good boy she’d claimed you to be but...
You immediately part from the kiss, delighting quietly in how she whines. However, delighting even more when her eyes shoot open and she whines louder when you take her hands and pull them above her head. You interlock your fingers, hovering your lips just out of reach when she tries to lean up and get at you again, but realizing quickly that she can’t. Loba groans.
It’s quiet submission when her head rests back on the pillow, a shaky breath leaving her lips as her eyes fall to your mouth. She pouts her prettiest when you give her a look, huffing under you and rolling her eyes. “What? Do you want me to say ‘please’?”
“It’s a start to getting what you want, Ms. Andrade, don’t you think?” You tease in a mocking tone, causing her eyes to narrow up at you. There’s another huff from her, her fingers flexing in a nervous way in your grip. You wait patiently above her, eyes sparkling with mischief.  
“Pl-...” Loba pauses, swallowing before shakily exhaling through her nose. Her eyes flicker to the side as if flustered, rolling upwards as if trying to will herself to speak. You try to ignore the way you feel her cock jerk under your ass, but you can’t ignore the pride you feel knowing she liked this.
“Please, please do something more. Please don’t tease me? Aren’t I good to you, baby?” She begs her prettiest, ending it with a shaky noise, her cheeks flushed red and her lips pulling into a pretty pout that you can’t help but kiss to soothe away her embarrassment.
You murmur sweet nothings against her mouth that you hope she doesn’t catch as you kiss your way down her neck. You only need to scoot down her body a little, moving to fit between her legs rather than straddle her.
You let her hands go, watching with delight as they stay right where you put them as your own pull up her bralette to reveal her chest. She’s got nice breasts, rounded and about a C cup. You know from her talking about it that she’d gotten them filled in the past, all decorated with pretty silver barbells through each nipple and her underbreast tattoo curling between her chest.
You press your mouth at the freckles dotting the upper edges of her breasts, nosing your way down the path of her flesh until you can gingerly cup her breast. You relish the way her breath hitches in anticipation when you mouth at her nipple, pressing soft, fluttering, wet kisses until she whines softly under her breath.  
She really can’t blame you for drawing it out, right? For adoring every inch of her? You’d never been able to seen her like this before, how she squirms, trying to be good underneath you and not take over. It’s the best you could have asked of her. To try.
You smile against her skin before you take her nipple into your mouth and begin suckling. Letting your tongue flick back and forth over it to feel the shape of her barbell idly. Loba’s sounds are soft, gentle little sighs as her hips gently press up against you to get some pressure. You hum against her in reply when her hand rests in your hair, gently stroking and pressing to encourage you to touch her more.
A moan escapes her lips when you let your teeth gingerly scrape across the sensitive flesh, coming off of her with a wet pop. You nuzzle between her chest with a soft sigh of, “You’re so beautiful.” Your tone dripping with honesty as you kiss down her ribcage, towards her abdomen.
Normally she’s talkative during sessions like this, liking to pull your hair and show you who’s in charge. But now when you look up, all you can see is her head turned to the side, her cheeks red and her lips parted to shallowly breathe. You’ve never felt prouder of yourself.
When you reach the waistband of her short, you peer up at her under your lashes, gently tugging at the band. “Can I take these off?”
“Please.” She replies, completely unprompted with a shaky breath following and her eyes peering open to look down at you. Her gaze makes you feel hot, your chest bursting with adoration that you can only hope your eyes mimic.
You gently pull them off and toss them to the side. You move to sit up on your knees, gently rubbing at her thighs as your eyes flicker to her cock. She was about six inches long and uncut with foreskin only reaching just under the head. She’d shared with you that she was thankful that the future medical technology allowed her to decide the option on being able to get hard and remain fertile. Just as you’d shared you were thankful that getting top surgery had become less dangerous over so many years in the making.
Small things to share with her in those quiet moments you two could relate to each other.
Now, you run a hand along her inner thigh, sliding over her shaved mound as you quietly ask, “What are your feelings on penetrating me today?” To let her know in turn you wanted that. Of course, if she didn’t, you’d happily find your favorite cock and strap it in.
“Please,” She says again, practically music to your ears by now. “I want to be inside you- let me touch you, little pup, please? I’ll be on my best behavior.” Loba’s voice is near desperate as she looks down at you. Sitting up on her elbows to see you better. Your face flushes at the nickname, almost tempted to scold her for it, but the way she looks at you...
Her eyes are full of something you’ve seen before. Never taking the time to see. Adoration. Her pupils are blown wide, her lips parted and her eyes roaming across your frame before coming back to your eyes. Her brows furrow briefly, this desperate look crossing her face as she tries again, “Let me see your cock, baby, let me taste you?”  
It’s filth. Yet she sounds so fucking soft when she says it that you can’t help but swallow down a whine.
In a matter of moments, you’re stripping from your clothing. Your sweatpants get tossed with your shirt, but before you can get to your underwear Loba is already helping you out of it. Her fingers eagerly grab your hips, but she learns quickly because she doesn’t pull you. Letting you move your own body until your thighs can frame her face.
You reach down to pull on your mound, exposing your cock to her. You’re hard already, your hole drooling with slick from the excitement from seeing her so open earlier. Loba knows how you like it, hooking her arms around your thighs to hold you as her eyes go half lidded to watch your face. You swallow thickly, biting your bottom lip as her tongue runs from your hole, up to the underside of your dick in a fluid swipe.
Kitten licks like that repeat a few times, being mindful of how sensitive your engorged cock could be right off the bat. You shakily exhale through your nose when her lips part, letting the piercing on her tongue rest on the underside of your clit and her breath fanning across you hotly.
When she finally takes you into her mouth, you let out a moan and use your free hand to rest in her hair. The smile you feel against your wet flesh should make you flustered, but not as much as when she looks up at you under her lashes with such adoration. She lets you take the reins, gently humping against her mouth and taking things at your pace. It’s the most control you’ve had in a while, but your mouth starts working before you can even think, “Fuck- you’re so beautiful, babe.”
The blush that reddens her cheeks fuels both her own motions and your mouth as you moan low in your throat just to hear her moan low back at you in turn as she licks up your cock. “Good- good that feels s...so good-” You don’t expect her to react so well to your voice, let alone praise. But you feel her nails dig into your thighs, able to see the way she parts her lips, glossy now from your slick and seeing it stick to her tongue-
It’s too much.
There’s almost a rush as you squirm out of her grasp to move down to her lap to straddle her again. You’d tell her to finger you, but one look at her nails proves why that’s a hassle. Thankfully when you sink your own fingers into yourself, you find your walls are wet and pliant. But for good measure you still ask her for the lube to prep her own cock. Stroking her cock whilst you rest on her thighs, able to watch her eyes flutter and how her fingers twist into the pillow she’s got her head on.  
“Ready?” You ask, pulling yourself closer so you can slide your cock against hers, sandwiching it between your sex to grind back and forth against her. Loba quickly nods, her hands moving to grab your hips and squeezing eagerly, but you hum again. “I asked you a question.”
“Yes! Yes, yes, baby- yes, I want it, I want you, please!” Loba all but whines, her look frantic again as she gently pulls you. You follow the motion, lining her up before sliding down onto her with a gasp.
Loba’s reaction is immediate, always so sensitive when you envelop her. She’s got her nails pressing into your hips, her face contorted and her head tossed to the side with pure pleasure written across her features. It makes you feel proud that you could just do that with your body, that you’re the one making her look like that.
Your emotions are swelling up in your chest.
You push them down for the sake of resting your hands on top of hers on your body. Squeezing them and feeling your heart race when she maneuvers so her fingers can intertwine with yours. Your breath hitches, but that can easily be passed off for your hips grinding on their own, grinding your fat cock against her mound and feeling the way she shifts in you.
Her soft moan and the way her fingers squeeze yours make you dizzy.
Don’t think about it, you remind yourself.
Your breath quickens as you lean forward and begin riding her. Only pulling yourself up an inch or two and sliding yourself back down onto her cock. Your toes curl, squeezing her hands a bit tighter and about whining when she starts to pull her hands back. But you figure out why when she holds them up at about her waist level, lacing your fingers with hers to give you more leverage to fuck yourself onto her.
Don’t think about it, you again think to yourself, your brain clouded with lust and adoration.
“You’re so handsome,” Loba mumbles out, and when you finally urge yourself to flutter open your eyes, she’s looking at you. She’s panting softly, brows furrowed in a look of pleasure. You swallow the whimper in your throat so you can instead move yourself to almost lie on top of her. Letting her hands go to rest your arms on either side of her head and bringing her into a kiss.
Her hands slide over your body then, sliding down your sides to your hips, to your ass to graciously grab as you fuck yourself onto her. You moan into her mouth, feeling her follow the motion with her own soft noise in her throat.
Don’t think about it, you try so desperately to tell yourself as the knot forms in your stomach.
You have to break the kiss, tucking yourself into her neck. Loba is holding onto you now, her hands resting flat on your back and dragging her nails down your skin. You whine into her ear as your inner walls clench, your cock humping against her shaved mound and keeping your body extremely interested. It comes tumbling out before you can think of it, “Fuck- fuck, fuck, shit- Loba, Loba-”
Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it-
“I love you-” Loba whines in your ear, causing your heart to near about beat out of your chest thinking you’d imagined it. But you feel her lips move against your neck next time, “I love you. Let me- ah- let me cum inside you, baby, please, please, please-”
It’s all a blur. The way your chest pounds and how hard you cum. You can hear her cumming not soon after you, her nails sinking into your back and her teeth sinking into your shoulder to quiet down her beautiful moans. You think you’re dehydrated, your brain must have lost oxygen at some point- but you felt it. You heard it.
As you two are coming down, you urge yourself to sit up in her lap. Watching as her hand slides through her hair to push the strands from her face, how her chest rises and falls with her breaths, trying to make it out in your head as you open and close your mouth like a fish.
“What?” She laughs, reaching up to gently cup your cheek. “You weren’t going to say it, I figured--”  
“You knew?!” You cry out, flustered and feeling your own face heat up in embarrassment- yet relief floods your chest.
“I had a feeling.”
“A feeling?!” You cry out again, this time more distraught. But it quickly dies down when her thumb brushes along your cheek bone, urging you to lean into her touch and settle down. Though you see the look in her eyes of almost uncertainty- worry perhaps.  
With a shaky breath, you turn and kiss her palm. “I...I love you as well, ya know?”
“I know, baby.”
“Don’t be so smug about it!”
Her melodic laugh is quickly smothered by the pillow you throw in her face, only for you to nearly get knocked off her lap when she takes it and throws it right back at you with a victorious cry.
Fuck you love her.
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Vaunna my beloved ❤
After your amazing Wels and Hels armorstand scene on my server could I get Wels and Hels story? Please? 👉👈
Oca my beloved ❤️
This is genuinely one of my favourite oneshots I’ve written. I just love the Wels/Hels dynamic so much. 
Also this is technically a sequel to the last one I wrote so go read it here if you like! This one does make sense without it tho
  It’s been a few weeks since the server has seen an evil hermit incident, and even though most of the hermits have let down their guard, Welsknight hasn’t. He hasn’t stopped being vigilant since his last encounter with Helsknight. He knows that his evil counterpart is out there somewhere, waiting for another chance to kill him. 
  Wels knows he can’t give him that chance. 
  One morning, while out in the desert, grinding for sand, Wels keeps spotting movement out the corner of his eye but every time he looks, he sees nothing. At first, he thinks it’s just the desert playing tricks on his mind. But his knight training tells him not to be so quick to jump to conclusions. 
  Eventually, he decides to put most of his stuff in a chest and go have a look, just in case. He leaves his valuables in the chest and explores the immediate area, looking carefully for any threats.
  He hears the sound behind him and twists to the side, a split second before a figure appears out of nowhere and attempts to shove him to the ground. 
  Wels jumps back a few steps and raises his diamond pickaxe, realising too late he accidentally brought it instead of his sword. “Helsknight.”
  His evil counterpart grins. “Hey, Welsy. Your face is looking great.”
  Wels’s hand automatically rises to his cheek, where the burn scar from their last encounter still sits. “Thanks. What are you doing here?”
  “I’m here for you, of course. It’s time we have another little battle, don’t you think?”
  Normally, Wels wouldn’t hesitate to stay and fight. But he doesn’t have a real weapon and his inventory is practically empty. 
  So he bolts back towards his chest, intending to grab his sword for a proper battle. But then he realises he may be running directly into a trap, so he changes direction.
  However, at that moment, the ground under his feet gives way, sending him tumbling down into the hole below.
  His fall seems to last only a few seconds but it must be far; when he hits the ground, pain explodes through his whole body. He’s fallen very far. 
  A second after he lands, he hears a splash from nearby and glances up. With the sunlight streaming through the hole, he can see a figure emerging from a single source block of water to his left. His heart skips a beat. 
  “You idiot!” Hels snaps, tossing the bucket at the wall. “You triggered the trap too soon! I wasn’t out of the way yet!”
  “Oh, I’m sorry!” Wels’s voice is strained from pain but his anger is unmistakable. “You’re right; I should have been able to avoid the secret trap you set up for me. Dang it. But hey, at least I’m not now stuck in a hole in terrible pain with next to no resources! That sure wouldn’t be ideal!”
  Hels glares at him. “Quit it with the sarcasm. This is all your fault.”
  Wels feels indignance boil inside him but he forces himself not to rise to the bait. His rational mind knows there’s no point arguing with Hels. “Whatever. I’m gonna see if my friends will come save me.”
  He taps out a message to the server asking for help, and within a minute, he gets replies from both Etho and Joe.
  “They’re on their way,” he says. “You may as well relax, cuz we’re not going anywhere ‘til then.”
  Hels huffs and sits down a few blocks away from Wels, crossing his arms irritably. 
  They sit in silence for a long time. The sun crosses the sky above them, marking the end of the morning and the start of the afternoon. 
  After a while, Wels decides to try and be practical. He checks his inventory; all he has on him is his diamond pickaxe, sixteen obsidian, a flint and steel, a single piece of bread, and some seeds. Nothing particularly useful. There aren’t enough blocks to pillar out, and Wels can hardly move while sitting, let alone standing, anyway. He could make a nether portal, but what would be the point? There’s no way he can survive better in the nether than in this pit right now. 
  He glances up. “Hels, do you have-.”
  “I don’t have anything on me, useful or otherwise,” says Hels immediately.
  Wels knows this means he doesn’t have food on him either. He can tell from the pouty expression on Hels’s face that his counterpart is hungry. Even though Wels’s hunger was reduced somewhat by the fall, he decides to be the bigger person. 
 He breaks his loaf of bread in half and offers the bigger part to Hels, who eyes him suspiciously. “What are you doing?”
  Frowning confusedly, Wels replies, “Giving you some bread.”
  “...because we both need food?”
  “Yeah, so why don’t you just eat it all? You’ll be fuller.”
  “But you won’t have any.” Wels shakes his hand. “Just take it.” 
  Hels continues to scowl at him. “Is it poisoned?”
  Sighing and rolling his eyes, Wels flicks the piece of bread into Hels’s lap and starts slowly eating his own. Out the corner of his eye, he watches Hels carefully inspect the bread before taking a hesitant bite. Finally satisfied that he isn’t being tricked, Hels starts to gobble the bread.
  Wels watches him curiously. “Why would I try to poison you, Hels?”
  Hels shrugs. “We’re enemies, isn’t that what we do? Try to kill each other?”
  “No,” Wels says. “That’s the way YOU see our relationship. I never wanted to be enemies with you, you know.”
  “Really? Wasn’t it you who started all this?”
  “No, you literally turned up out of the blue and dropped me in a hole one day. Then I destroyed you in a rap battle. Remember that?”
  “I remember the hole,” says Hels. “Don’t remember losing any rap battle.”
  “Uh huh.”
  The two fall into silence as they eat. Wels continues to watch Hels, who has already finished his half of the bread. 
  “Can I make an observation?” he asks after a few minutes.
  Hels huffs. “No but you’re gonna do it anyway.”
  “You’re not used to the concept of sharing, are you?”
  “Sharing?” Hels sits up straighter, a possessive look appearing in his eyes. “I don’t share anything! Nothing!”
  “That’s not what I meant,” says Wels. “I meant the concept of people voluntarily sharing things with you.” 
  Hels glares at him for a moment longer, before relaxing visibly. “No. Back in my dimension, it’s every person for themselves. You protect what you’ve got cuz if you don’t, you’re gonna lose it forever, so people hoard their stuff like it’s made of gold. I never got attached to anything cuz I knew it’d probably get snatched away from me sooner or later. I-.” He breaks off as he registers Wels’s expression. “Oh, don’t you dare pity me,” he growls. 
  “I’m not.”
  “Yes you are, you’re looking at me like I’m an abandoned baby dog or something.”
  Wels raises an eyebrow. “Baby dog? You mean a puppy?”
  “Shut up!” Hels growls again and huffily turns away from his counterpart. “I’m not a stupid puppy for you to adopt and train! If I get the opportunity, I WILL kill you. I would gladly leave you here to rot if it meant I could get outta this stupid hole. In fact, the only reason I’m not beating you to death right now is because you’re my best chance of getting out of here alive.”
  A pause follows his words. 
  Eventually, Wels sighs. “Sometimes, it’s so easy to see that you’re all the worst parts of me combined.”
  To his surprise, Hels doesn’t respond. His arms are folded but Wels can’t see his expression, can’t see that his counterpart’s eyes are misted over. 
  Hels is frustrated with himself; Wels has insulted him many times since their first meeting so why did that one little remark hurt him so much? Why has it brought him to tears like this? 
  Maybe it’s because Wels’s remark forced him to remember that he’s not his own person. He wasn’t born organically; he was brought into existence by a combination of Wels and a weird cloning machine. The nature of his “birth” means he isn’t a real person. He’s just a copy of Wels, made up of all the parts of himself that he hates.  
  Maybe that’s all he’ll ever be.
  A soft groan brings Hels out of his thoughts. He glances to the right and sees that Wels’s condition has deteriorated; his skin has rapidly paled and he’s clearly struggling to breathe. 
  As Hels watches, Wels reaches a shaking hand into his inventory and weakly throws an item to Hels, who catches it and turns it over. It’s a flint and steel. 
  Hels glances up in time to see Wels drop some obsidian down beside him as well. “Go, Hels,” he rasps. “Make a portal and go back to the nether.”
  Hels blinks, his mind racing as he tries to figure out the catch. “What are you doing? Why did you give me this?”
  “So you can escape. My friends are coming for me but I’ll probably die before they get here. If you’re still here when they arrive, there’s no telling what they’ll do to you. Just go while you still can.”
  After a moment, Hels narrows his eyes. “Are you tricking me? What’s the catch?”
  “Nothing,” Wels insists weakly. “Just please, go, quickly.”
  “No, seriously. Why are you so insistent I leave?”
  “B-Because…” Wels hesitates, taking in a shaky breath. “Because it’s getting dark and the mobs will be coming soon and I don’t want you to die. If I die, I respawn. You don’t.”
  Hels stares at his counterpart in confusion. “You… don’t want me to die?”
  “Of course not. How many times do we have to-.”
  He breaks off as he tries to stifle a pained cry. The fall damage he took is starting to catch up with him now. 
  The groan of a zombie sounds from nearby. Hels’s eyes widen with fear.
  “Go, Hels!” Wels’s voice cracks. “Please!” 
  Looking deep into his counterpart’s eyes and finding nothing but fear and desperation in them, Hels turns and creates a portal on the very edge of the pit, lighting it up with the flint and steel. 
  He glances back at Wels one final time, before disappearing through the portal.
  Wels closes his eyes, breathing a shallow sigh. His counterpart should be safe; if he’s anything like Wels himself, he knows how to survive on his own. 
  As the mob sounds start to surround him, he feels a calm sense of relief. He knows he’ll respawn back in his bed, and at this moment, he doesn’t care that he’ll lose the items he has on him right now. He just wants the pain to end. 
  Hidden safely in the nether, Hels clutches the flint and steel his counterpart gave him. He can’t stop staring at it; it represents the sacrifice Wels made for him. The first time anyone has been willing to lay down their own life for him. He can hardly believe it even happened at all; the concept of loving someone enough to want to protect them even at the cost of their own life is completely foreign. 
  As he’s puzzling this out, a message appears on the communicator he stole from Wels during their last confrontation. A message he knew deep down was coming, but one that still catches him off guard. 
Welsknight was slain by zombie
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