How the fuck does anyone get addicted to adrenaline? I feel like I'm dying every single fucking time
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nuumbie · 4 months
Prompt: You witness a memory bubble at Sir Edward’s. A product of a dream belonging to the trailblaze. Unlike the last Dream Bubble isn’t very much fun at all.
Author’s Notes: Less of Akivili!Reader x Aha. More like Reader reads a self-insert of Ahavili Fanfiction. Romantic-Undertones. A character study based on my perception of both characters based on what little crumbs Star Rail has given us. Hope you enjoy.
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You had gotten a text from Sir Edward… apparently you are moving up in the ranks! You are a prized enough customer to get told when they’re having a sale on memories… obviously to maximize your achievements and to fully grasp all of the expierence! This was a must to go and see.
It’s a little exciting to witness the dreams of a long dead Aeon in order to understand them your fingers grasp the bubble. It’s warm as you hold it delicately within your fingertips. A precious memory that belongs to the Astral Express. It’s a little giddying of a thought to understand the crew better. To know of the paths your predecessors had laid out for you… and to understand the Aeon Akivili a little better considering how much of your life revolves in their footsteps…
You note in the back of your mind to tell Himeko… maybe Danheng and March? Perhaps, even Mr Yang would be curious! You can’t help but to imagine their reactions. Pompom’s especially! They seemed a little curious with the last memory bubble you bought… perhaps these souvenirs could serve as precious to the conductor? Such thoughts motivate you forward to press on! “So this is it…”
“You’re excited aren’t you?” Edward’s pupils widen at you. “This was recommended by a certain party. I’m not sure how they got their hands on the memory. I haven’t looked at it myself. You’ll have to tell me how much fun you’re having.”
You pause catching his words. “Eh… you didn’t check? Isn’t that apart of your job?”
“That it is, that it is… this isn’t mine to look at however. The person who left it with me said it was a gift for you and said ‘not to ruin the surprise no matter what’. It’s your choice whether you look at it in the end.”
Oh, that makes you less-wanting to open it up to peek inside. What if they downloaded something scary on it? What if it isn’t a memory of the Astral Express at all but a bunch of jumpscares or even worse… a Rickroll? The memory that once pleasantly reminded you of jelly now hangs like slime between your fingers… “Was… it a girl with pigtails? And a fox-mask…? Kind of short?” You even your hand around where she usually stands when compared to you regardless of your own height.
“Ah, how elaborate of a description!” Edward cheers. “No, it was this blue-haired man—“
You immediately feel all joy you felt suck out of you in instants. A world record pace.
Technically, it still could be Sparkle. That doesn’t narrow it down at all now that you really think about it. You suddenly don’t really want to do this. Because it’s either Sparkle or him… a gift from any of those two hasn’t really ended well for you in the past the more you think about it. Actually, all it’s gotten you is bucket loads of trauma and pains in the butt. But…
“Will I get stellar jades if I do this?”
Edward blinks a couple of times in confusion. “Ah, they did leave some around here somewhere in there now that you mention it… you’d have to stick your hand inside to get it.”
You immediately stick your hand within the dream bubble and grab hold of it and you don’t look back. Such is the will of the trailblaze.
Akivilli’s form is unknown to you yet you can feel the wet grass on your tush as the memories rush into your brain and take hold of your consciousness.
Things you know about Akivilli, perhaps bipedal? Ah, with how things are. They could possibly be a walking trash can on legs and you wouldn’t even know the difference. You try to focus through the haze of the memories.
The words are not your own. But the voice that leaves your throat is yours without any doubt in your head. A shame that you couldn’t choose for another to read it to you again… or at least have the option of it.
You find yourself laughing. Your voice calling back at you despite not knowing the words until you hear them. It’s a bit unnerving, but you soon sit back, relax, and then the dream plays out as your vision returns.
It’s a starry night sky. A view you’ve grown accustomed to. It hasn’t lost its luster yet and you fear the day that the sight of the stars no longer excites you. You reach your hand out towards the stars, tracing the constellations. Although, you can’t see your hands. You can somehow feel its warmth. It goes from your hand to your chest, leaving you warm and fuzzy inside like you drank a bunch of hot cocoa. You can’t stifle the giggle that escapes your throat. It’s you but it isn’t. It’s a strange, disembodying feeling. You should be used to it by now, but you can’t say you are any closer to coping with it than you were before.
“I think I’m really happy.” An emotion that’s not yours, a feeling that doesn’t belong to you, the bubbly, overwhelming feeling of happiness. One that you don’t understand overwhelms you. “Right now. I wonder. Is this what humans call peace? I wish this feeling could last forever.”
But it can’t. It’s a sad and happy thought. The fact you’ll go to experience many more joys and sorrows. That you’ve yet to feel even more highs and lows. For the reason for living is to go through the good and the bad.
“Ah, Akivili, Akivili—“ perhaps, you should have expected it. considering who gave you the dream bubble, but you’re still surprised. a shapeless miasma, surrounded by masks, your sight is blurry when you gaze directly at the figure. without a head THEIR arms wiggling as they hold a multitude of faces, masks, they circle between them on a dime. the mask that looks back at you in THEIR iconic smile. THEY laugh. “The real star is right here. Before your eyes. A touch away! Yet, you yearn for something so far away? How silly, how cruel, to call the night sky beautiful when I’m right here!”
A resounding sound of a million hands snapping. Louder than a gunshot.
“Pay attention to me instead.”
THEY snap their fingers.
The star you were tracing bursts into bright, colorful confetti.
A deep sadness consumes you. The constellation has lost a piece of itself. Millions of years into nothing but scraps of paper floating through outer space. “Agh— AHA.” what a hard name to yell. you weep for the fallen star with your whole chest so it knows it was loved “… you guys never change. I liked that star too.”
“Oh, but we do.” THEY tilt the mask, facing upside down. The smile is curved into a frown. “Nothing lasts forever, Akivili, my Akivili. I’m sure at the end of the universe that IX will swallow all of us down and eat us up. We will change inevitably. Ena turned into Xipe’s late night snack. This moment will go away. That is why I wish for you to admire Aha’s radiance instead! You can disappear. I would spend my eternity thinking about the time you preferred a star over me.”
You feel a deep sadness that isn’t yours. You crush it in your palms and hold it in your hands.
“Don’t get jealous. I do prefer you.” THEY giggle. you don’t turn to face THEM despite that. Glancing out towards the night sky. Bright stars hang across the planet. a planet so small and insignifant in the face of such a big universe. but that’s why it’s so important. your fingers line the stars in the sky into a million different shapes, you can taste the thrill of adventure, the loving unknown. the future and the heat of it on your tongue. a million light years away. “I like that you’re here next to me. I like that you’re with me. This sight is only so enjoyable because I have someone to love it so throughly with.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t though.” you grab where your heart would be. but as an aeon, do you even have one of those? nobody’s ever dissected an aeon before. perhaps they’re made out of rock candy, gears, oils, and a dash of love. because you don’t know. it’s as possible as any other possibility. “Can’t you at least try to hold a little empathy? That star had a long time left. And even if it didn’t— stars usually last a long time after they die. But now it’s just gone. The sky is missing a piece of itself. What will people look at when they place their eyes on that particular patch of sky?”
“Ewww!” THEIR voice transforms. the sound of a child, a mimicked sound and replica of a hundred crying children. THEIR face morphs into disgust. the haughty laugh is accompanied by a loud boo you’d hear from a game show. you have to stifle a laugh as they whine. “You’re killing me, killing me. Ah, dearest, loveliest, Akivili— are you trying to shackle me?”
“My detested, beloathed Aha.” you laugh loudly and try to match THEIR joy. though, a part of you lingers on the fallen star, the fallen aeon, and you resolve to live and hold onto this feeling even tighter until it sears a hole in you that’ll last forever even when you’re gone. “If only I could.”
You don’t know what love is. But you capture it in bits and pieces. You feel it ringing in every piece of you and it calls out to you when you look out at the express crew, whenever you glance up at the night sky you promised to explore, whenever the astral express warp-jumps and even you feel a little dizzy with the sensation of truly being alive.
And you feel it, too. Even for things you shouldn’t. To the things that feel like sand that flows through your fingers. To the things that will move on without you. Because worlds spin, the galaxy changes, every time you close your eyes for as much as you gain there is always something to lose.
Aha doesn’t have a face. THEIR fingertip press against your face, however, pressing your lips into a smile, you think despite being the embodiment of joy they can not smile without a head. “Ahaha.”
“Didn’t you say you could die without regret?” THEY reach out for your hand with their other arms. they move your body, while you stand there uselessly, positioning you like they were inviting you to dance. but they don’t move. neither do you. “You’ve got plenty of regrets itching at your lips, Akivili. So many words left unsaid. You should say them. You have so much power, you have the ability to reach the heavens, to reach for the stars you like so very much. But you always refuse to take.”
“It was a metaphor.” you mutter back. though, it sounds more sad than you intend. Aha notices. they ruffle your hair giggling at your sorry attempts. You don’t resist as much as you should.
“A trailblazer isn’t meant to stay in one place, Akivili. Isn’t that your path? You should tread it properly.” THEY make a buzzer-sound effect. “You’re doing it wrong.”
“You’re so strange.” THEY laugh harder and harder. their hands reach for their stomach to hold it. like THEY would fall over if they hadn’t. “Except, not strange at all! You’re strange because you’re an Aeon— but you’re so lamefully, painfully, mundane from your pinky finger to your toes. You’re a walking, talking, contradiction. To be honest, it’s lame, so dreadfully, drearily, lame.”
“Akivili, Akivili.” THEY smile and they sing a song, out of tune, manical. “I love that part of you, though, you who’s is one-and-only across all the world trees…”
You don’t understand THEM at all. But they just insulted you. You stare at THEM dumbfounded, with crossed arms, but the mask smiles back will a look filled with endearment.
“You know.” You pout as your fingers— does Akivili even have hands? But, you can feel something reaching, weakly lifting, trying to cling to them and hold onto something that touches back. “I want you to stay. The Astral Express. You could join me. We accept everyone. You could be a nameless, too. On the express, everyone is the same.”
“Everyone’s accepted me.” Your heart sings at the thought. “They’d accept you, too. That’s what I want.”
“I know.” Aha‘s smile is strange. “I wanted to hear you say it anyway! Akivili wants me. Akivili wants me. They really said it! I should sing it to so everyone in the galaxy can hear. I wonder if they’d create a holiday over it? So everyone can memorize the date you poured yourself out to me!”
“Don’t.” You pout knowing where this is going. It’d only serve as a reminder. “You’re too cruel, sometimes.”
“I’m the nicest to you.” AHA smiles. “Isn’t that so funny? I care about you. I’d miss you. That’s such a funny thought to me! I can’t help but to laugh.”
You flashback to a time where they wondered out-loud how you’d react if THEY blew up the express. You remember silence before THEY laughed it off and said it was something for the back-burner.
Nice is subjective.
“Would you join me, though? Would you leave your express for me?” Aha giggles. “Would you watch the stars burn with me. All the way from the theater seat? Would you come with me, instead? We could do other things. Everything. I could show you things you’d never get to see on your train if you’d let me.”
“I wouldn’t.” you repeat before you can even think about the words leaving your mouth. “You know I wouldn’t.”
“I know, too. See? You can live up to your namesake.” THEY tap your nose. “It’s written in you. It’s interwoven in you. You shouldn’t forget your beginnings despite all the time that goes by.”
“It’s your meaning.” THEY cackle. “No matter how hard you try, so better to embrace the upcoming tragedy.”
“I know.” Aha hugs you, deeply. “It’s okay. Akivili, my Akivili. Don’t cry! I’ll always take time out of my day to see you! You’re the most exciting show which always gets me to smile the most! I’ll always be watching over you. Maybe, one day. If you miss Aha so much. THEY would like to see you personally from first-ticket seats every now and again on your little missions, too.”
“We could never give each other our forever.” THEY squeeze hard enough for it to hurt, hands wrapping around you, possessively. but, you know better than that. you know they’ll let you go. maybe, you wish they would try a little harder to stay. “My Akivili. I’ll give you all of my now. Because I really do enjoy this! And maybe I’ll give you my later, and even more of a latter after that, and even more. Even if that seems sad. It’s not. We can’t give ourselves everything to each other.”
“But I’ll give more to you than I’ve ever given anyone else.”
“After all, I’m one of the few things that won’t go away, won’t I?” a deep sadness spills in your gut threatening to pour out. “You’re the same. Some things get boring with time. But you grow more wonderful with time. I fall a little deeper in love with you each time I see you!” ❤️
“I love you, Akivili, my Akivili.”
You ignore the burning sensation in your stomach. This grief is another feeling to cherish. A grief for something that hasn’t happened yet. Aha calls you THEIRS. But, you know deep down—
THEY would never be YOURS.
“I think I love you, too.”
Your hold is so tight it burns. You hold onto this. Knowing the moment you open your eyes it will all disappear. But that’s okay. You repeat to yourself. Because this moment is so good. And it’ll happen again. Even if it won’t last.
It’s so good because it won’t last, that means you have to make it. You try to tell yourself that. Repeating the words like a prayer. It really is funny. You’re an Aeon who begs.
“You sweet-talker!!!” THEY laugh. “You should tell me more of this Express! Aha is curious, Aha is curious! Ahaahaa… maybe I’ll take some time out of my schedule and go and visit! Would that make you happy?”
“Don’t play with my feelings like that after so throughly rejecting me.” You deadpan back, but you can’t help but to stifle the sound of your own laughter, however sad. “The express really does welcome everyone. Even if it’s only for awhile.”
And you’re right.
Like everything.
This fades away, too.
You wake up standing up. The dream bubble in your hand oozes through your fingers. Leaking onto the floor. Edward’s voice brings you from your stupor.
“Oh, it’s not meant to do that. Forgive me. I don’t think you’ll be able to view this memory for a second time. I wonder if I could recover it…”
So you won’t be able to bring it to the express. You wonder if you would’ve. Knowing what you saw.
It felt more personal— too personal to share. Can you bring yourself to say anything to Edward? Not really. You just shake your head. It’s okay. It’s really better this way.
Looking into your hands now sticky with the hopes and dreams of a long-dead Aeon, you find a measly 75 jades. It’s coated in the sliminess of the dream bubble.
It’s barely enough for half a pull.
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grogusmum · 1 year
Ok ok ok.
Grogu is testing you. He's abt to let himself fall into a crocodile-ish mouth while you have to help Din laying under his spaceship that he tries to fix alone because NO DROIDS. And ofc is urgent because night falls and Monsters will hunt to eat.
What's you do? 😈
Grogu IS testing me, isn't he, because with his force jumping, he can get out of danger on his own, but maternal instinct is strong.
I think I go with:
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Junzhe Apartment
This isn't the fig maker's actual name of the fig set - I think it's something like Foot Basin, but I'm taking the name from the backdrop that the fig maker sold as an optional add-on. I personally call this set "Junzhe's Cozy Night In" but that's just me.
The inspiration for this fig set is very similar to the other foot bath set that I posted about here. Junjun is wearing the very same black silk French Bulldog pajama set from his endorsement for BEAST (as seen on the Go Fighting Episode 2 (season 7):
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And he's got his oak footbath for soaking from his Weibo post here:
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The inspiration for Zhehan is (I think) just Zhehan being adorable and showing off his fine figure. Can't argue with that, he's very inspirational that way!
I really love this set (as I say about every set I post about) because it has so much going on, and the quality / details on the figs are outstanding. There's a few things that don't quite work, but we'll get into it.
First, you know how I love my dioramas, so the second I saw there was an optional add-on for this standee set AND an option for the sofa, it was an instant heart-and-cart.
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I mean, come on. I never had a chance! So adorable. Here's some close ups of the super cute details:
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Hehe, a blushing Luffy!
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Here's the whole thing assembled. The little Samoyed puppy (what a chonker!) and the kitten with the orange did not actually come from this set, or this seller. It came as an add-on to a different fig set. Thematically it doesn't go with the one it was sold with (a Lingyue pair set in a hospital setting, wait for that one!), but in my professional figthusiast opinion it really goes with a cozy apartment, so here they are. I mean look at the Samoyed rug! It's perfect.
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These figs are resin, so they arrived in a plain white box with polystyrene cutouts for protection (no artwork on a box around it, more's the pity, I love my fig artwork!). Here's also the box with the couch.
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Luckily, these beautiful figs arrived totally intact. The quality on these is just amazing - some beautiful crisp fine detail on them.
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Junjun's little feet fit perfectly in the little imprints in the foot bath. You will notice he even has some leg hair!
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Another angle here. You can see how thin Junjun's neck is, which is another reason I breathed a sign of relief to see him undamaged upon arrival.
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Junjun's pajama print even wraps around the bottom a little bit. You can see the detail with his fingers curling around in his pointing hand.
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A few more shots of our sleeping beauty...
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He is literally perfect (as he is).
The problem we run into with this set is that the couch doesn't actually work. It's a bit too high and too deep, so Junjun's tush is barely hanging on to the couch, even with the foot bath pressed right up against the couch (and puttied down for stability), with the couch pushed right up against the backdrop to keep his weight from toppling back or off.
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In reality this is much more precarious than it looks here.
Since he's resin, and actually quite heavy, I'm worried he'll slide off and break. His fingers are of course long and delicate (as they are!) so I'm most worried about them, as well as his long delicate neck.
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Here's another angle so you can see what I mean. Too worrisome!
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He actually fits more securely on a bench (I borrowed the Your Name bench from this post here), but then Zhehan is napping on the floor (or rug I guess), which I don't like. Also, this bench isn't quite high enough to fit the foot bath underneath his feet (plus, the Your Name figs want to be on their bench!), so I'm going to have to figure out a solution. A long thin couch that's a bit less overstuffed will work.
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These little guys, on the other hand, love hanging out on the couch!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 136
Diorama Count: 8
Snowglobe Count: 1
Apartment Coziness Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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shirtsbargain · 1 month
Fabrics That'll Save Your Fall Fashion Game
Hello fashion squad! 🍂👚
Let's discuss in real about dressing for autumn, because let's agree on it - nobody wants to freeze their butt off while trying to look cute for the pics.
Fall Weather: The Moodie Bestie
Okay, so fall weather is similar to a friend who cannot decide what mood they are in. One second you are sweating, in the next, you are shivering. That's how it works. That's why picking the right fabrics is important if you want to avoid ending up looking like a hot mess (actually).
Fall Fabrics
1. Wool
Wool's like that reliable friend who is always with you. It keeps you warm AF but won't make you feel like you are wearing a sauna. Merino wool? That's the fancy cousin who's soft and bougie. Slap on a cool wool blank sweater and boom - instant fall vibes.
2. Flannel
Flannel is known as “socially acceptable pajamas”. It shouts "I might go apple picking, or I might just Netflix and chill." Either way, you look comfy and cute. Win-win.
3. Corduroy
Corduroy's making a grand comeback, and honestly? I am here for it. It's like wearing a sweet hug, but make it extra fashionable. Plus, that swish-swish sound when you walk? Extremely satisfying.
4. Fleece
If clouds were wearable, they'd be fleeced. It's stupid soft and made for those "I can't even" days. Throw on a fleece blank jacket and suddenly you are outdoor-ready (even if you are just heading to a nearby Starbucks).
5. Denim
Jeans are the actual MVPs of fall. They go with everything and hide the fact that you have been inhaling pumpkin pie like it's your dream job. A denim jacket? That's just *chef's kiss*.
6. Leather (or Faux Leather)
Wanna feel like a badass while grabbing your PSL? Leather jacket. Boom. Done. And if real leather's not your favorite, faux options are the best even your wallet won't know the difference.
7. Tweed
Tweed is for when you want to look fancy but also kinda feel cozy. It's like the fabric equivalent of drinking wine out of a mug - classy, but comfy.
The Bottom Line
Fall fashion is all about not freezing your tush off while still looking like you could be in a cozy autumn commercial. Mix these fabrics, layer like you're playing fabric Tetris, and remember - if you're comfy and feel like hot apple cider personified, you are doing it right.
Go outside and enjoy fall to the fullest! Whether you are jumping into a pile of leaves or just trying not to spill your latte on your new outfit, you have got this. And if anyone judges your third pumpkin spice anything of the day, just tell 'em it's for the aesthetic. 😉🎃☕
Embrace the fall vibes and reign like the fall kings you are!👑🍁
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svgoceandesigns1 · 9 months
Philly Eagles Tush Push All Stars SVG - Philadelphia Eagles Football SVG PNG, Cricut File
Philly Eagles Tush Push All Stars SVG, Philadelphia Eagles Football SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machine and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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deadxlv · 11 months
Far Away Soul, White Cold Star 💫
Chapter: 3 “I-I can finally see..the sunlight..”
The glow of sunlight would creep its way through the cracked wave walls.. seeping it's way to pass its warmth onto the faces of the resting two. The sounds of slow passing wind echoed outside with the carpets of the cavern blowing softly- the sunlight rested against the Boys face yet its touch did not wake him. The light flowed into Kÿr who was now feet in the air tail swaying left to right slowly until it reached his face, no facial expression changes before he randomly sprung up and flipping onto his stubbed legs. With a wide extension of his arms he stretched in all directions going in random poses until he yawned falling onto his tush, Kÿr slightly chuckled to himself scratching his head turning to the Boy
  The boy had his head low sniffling and breathing heavy as if hyperventilating- he was snuggled up to the pillar shaking in his boots. Kÿr smiled as he approached- hopping over some small pebbles he broke the night prior, coming over to the boy he held his hand out to touch until something caught his eye. He looked down and quickly noticed a gold glow in the Boys satchel and in a swift snatch he grabbed a piece of folded paper only to stare in confusion, "Wh..is this him when he was younger..? And who's this weird animal guy behind him..?", in an instant the Boy would grab Kÿr by the collar of his white T-shirt lifting him up a bit and Kÿr yelled out spooked.
Boy growling as his blood shot tired eyes glared at Kÿr for doing such a thing to him and trying to take the photo from his bag. Kÿr freaking out would fold the photo back up and hold it out yelling, "Ay! Ay! Ay! Watch it Watch Ittt!! I-I wasn't stealing I Swear!! I- I uH I was making sure everything! Was uHhh.. I was making sure everything was where it was... a-And uh.. the photo fell out! Yeah it Fell Out!-". Kÿr gave a awkward scared smile to the Boy who was very frustrated that his so called new friend would try to do such a thing..but after some understanding the boy dropped Kÿr on the ground.
He hit the ground and tumbled a bit feeling his neck a bit spooked from such a instant grab- he was on edge but this was scary weird.. how is he that fast?! Only to look back and see the Boys blind eye and focusing on it he saw a strange black string pass over the blind eye then disappear behind the eye. He shivered under his skin standing back up walking a bit away saying to himself "D..damnn.. something's a bit off about him but.. I dunno probably he's shaken up after being in the desert alone for so long- yeah! He's.. he's just scared is all..-". Shaking off some dust and sliding his jacket back on..
Grabbing the folded photo from the ground the Boy would stare at it for a moment reminiscing at the contents before shoving it back into his satchel close by to his side and fitted his shirt back on properly glancing over at Kÿr who had his back turned to him the whole time. 'Maybe he was a bit too harsh with him.. but he stole from us- Hmnn..Father wouldn't be so proud we did this..' the boy thought to himself finally wrapping the scarf around his neck and face. Slowly sliding his scimitars back into their sleeves he would approach Kÿr wanting to apologize for his actions, he got on one knee and would tap his shoulder. Kÿr turning around with a more stern but bothered look on his face said, "Yes..?", getting slightly awkward the Boy would try to speak to Kÿr using his unique sign language. He finished looking at the feline-like creature attempting to apologize signing (sign language will be italicized) "I can't fluently say what I feel but I am sorry for hurting you that way..is there a way I can make it up to you?", he finished by bowing his head a bit and holding his hand out with a small look of shame on his face.
Kÿr would watch him sign and would be taken back by how confusing it was to even understand- his eyes scanning every movement and he just couldn't bring himself to understand until he saw the Boy hold his hand out to him. He looked at the bowed child and smiled going over and ruffling the boys brown hair and clasping the others hand before softly tapping his fist against it. The Boy looked a bit off put to the gesture, but Kÿr gave a thumbs up and said, "I call it a Bro-Fist, that's our sign of understanding! We do that and we'll be able to get what we mean and all!" He said putting his two fists together setting an example of the motion, the boy attempting the same but doing it a bit harder. Kÿr jolted and pulled the Boys hands to do it softly, "Woah Woah Woah..Eheh..Not tryna kill each other.. please- do it gently."The Boy stood up properly and made a fist- Kÿr did as well, the two tapped fists and would nod at each other the two sharing a smile.
Hours Later..
    The two would be outside in a never ending sandstorm, which blanketing the desert in its white pearly sands. The Boy was fixing his busted up armor with some black leather-like straps while he gazed out into the abyss of white. Kÿr having his face covered by a hood and bandana would turn in all directions trying to see if anyone or anything was in their proximity only to no avail, saying as he turned to the other, "Were out of luck this time..this sandstorm is screwing up with my senses and I can't pinpoint anything, B-but all I have is this jerky and we might have to move someplace else or deal with- I.. I just don't know.." Kÿr yelled out to the Boy as the storm raged on and loud winds roared in their ears, soon turning out to face the blanketing sandstorm.
Looking around almost aimlessly, The Boy would reach by his side, attached to a strap on his waist he pulled out a brand new makeshift board. It was a long piece of strange wood, secured with dark metal-like rivets, and long enough to fit his needs. Turning around as sand blew all over him he would pick up Kÿr by his tail and sling him onto his shoulder, Kÿr of course yelling out as he didn't see it coming from all the sand, "AY! F- oh.. this view isn't as bad as I'd imagine.. but wh-", is what he said before the Boy jolted forward and began to plow down the dune using the new sandboard. The blazed down the massive sand dune incredible fast causing a sand uplift in their wake, "Oooooh Yeah Baby! Whoooooooooooo!! Get us faster boy faster!! AHAHAA!!", Kÿr said holding on for dear life, yelling out in excitement as his hair blew in all directions wildly and sand screaming out with the wind in their ears.
  Skidding on the side over some rocks the Boy did a flip mid-air grabbing the front of the board and spinning around quickly, Kÿr mumbling in discomfort as he grew dizzy from the spinning until he slammed down on the Boys back harshly after they landed, the Boy glancing back at the feline-like creature with a hearty smile knowing his stunt messed with them. Swaying left to right on the board they would descend one final steep sand dune, the world around them shined from the reflective pearly white sand as they descended into the sandstorm again. Barreling down at high speeds burning the bottom of the board with the sand the Boy exclaimed out in excitement as they went down, Kÿr screaming out in fear that they will splat on the ground. A pause as they slid all the way down and as soon as they made it to the bottom they glided off another dune and whizzed through the air for a while, the two yelling out in glee from this whole experience. The Boy finally having someone to show someone his boarding skills to, and finally not being alone after so long with Kÿr made it so much more worthwhile. After some time they would get into a more rugged section of the desert filled with many cracked rock faces and high rise hills, steep cliffs hanging off each hill that extended above the sandstorms cloud.
It was growing closer and closer to the evening as the two stars in the sky began to set on the horizon, stomachs rumbling the two would stop on their journey after traveling hundreds of miles on now just a burnt out piece of wood. The Boy seeing his unusable board and getting slightly upset from the end result, but to make do he would snap it to bite sized pieces so he can use them for fire wood. Seeing there being no way they can make that journey back with what they have in store the two decided to set up camp on a cliff face uncovered by the blowing winds of the sandstorm. Now with some space and breathable air the two relax, The Boy sat back on a boulder, his legs cramped from doing all the work. Kÿr noticing this gave him his flask to drink some remaining water from saying, "Ppshh- still got some sand in my mouth.. eughh.. but, regardless are you okay? We're gonna need to find food at some point it feels like this place is getting emptier each day..-.", Kÿr said looking all around as the new fire they set burned ferociously. The Boy took it and began to drink a hearty amount being absolutely exhausted and without his board they're stuck here. He would nod back as a response fixing his posture, wincing at his legs posture making the recent cramp hurt a bit more.
The two would relax at their new spot as unlike the rest of the terrain this seemingly off set mountain stuck out like a sore thumb against the raging sandstorm, the boys would tell one another small stories amongst themselves. Stories of where they have been and what they have seen- although Kÿr was the one to speak about mostly everything and the boy listened, they were still able to have a long witted conversation about life. The Boy leaned toward stretching his back only to hear a pop, he rubbed his back and had a slight face of discomfort. Kÿr watched and shrugged saying "Felt that man.. if only we'd be in a different world we would be better off, but sadly all we had are these dried meat jerkies I had left over." Tossing one over the Boy sniffed the air for a second only to gaze at the dried meat and take it gobbling it up like a wild animal 'poor guy.. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day- especially to find something to eat and drink, maybe to lift our spirits I can tell him about the tale of when I blew up some flying metal thing in the sky.. he'd probably like it?' Kÿr thought to himself as he finished up his own slice of jerky. Sitting up and getting the Boys attention Kÿr would say aloud over exaggerating his story, the tale of his strange air thing misdemeanor..exalted in confidence in this instance as if no one else was around..
Although a long awaited journey from the small campsite the strange creature lived at, in a attempt to find a better place to live they would find companionship amongst one another. Stars twinkling like diamonds in the sky, the quantity of streaks of light passing on by would only make you watch on in sheer awe of its beauty. Far from Home and separated from all ties it was only them against the world, a strange union and even a stranger bond- even with somber wet footsteps of death sneaking through the fold..you can relax in this moment as the storm begins to die down..
Forgone..like He always used to say..
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sendmyresignation · 4 years
hey sophia!! 4, 12, and 21 for the music asks ⚡️⚡️⚡️
hi meg!! thank you for the asks <33
4. what are your favorite subgenres of music? 
oh man... i really do listen to almost anything but my favorites are different kinds of metal. doom/sludge/stoner metal is probably the most consistently enjoyable for me. also blues rock, i grew up on it so it’s really comforting. also i’ve been getting really into shoegaze lately and i haven’t had a bad experience yet
12. what was the first artist you remember being pretentious about?
toss up between led zeppelin and slayer because i had t shirts of those bands in early middle school and teachers/adults would compliment me for them and knowing and liking the “lesser known” songs. even though they’re both incredibly popular.... gave me a baby superiority complex for a brief minute lol
21. “no one should be judged for their taste in music” do you agree with this statement? 
i mean, yes. music is a wonderful thing and im glad people find joy in whatever they can, even if i don’t like it. but also that doesn’t mean i don’t do this.... listen. my roommate freshman year of college only listened to post malone on repeat for days. there was a girl in my hall who would only shower to the new justin beiber record. the uncharted depths of bad taste exist all around us and i am going to judge if you play it loud enough other people can hear it.
anyway, thank you again meg ❤️
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milfygerard · 4 years
49, 69 (nice), and 99 for the spotify asks!
haha nice
49. Give em hell kid by MCR
69. Its not a fashion statement, its a fucking deathwish by MCR
99. Lights out by MSI
send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist!
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smileandasong · 4 years
66 and 75! <3
66. error operator by taking back sunday 75. bloody nose by the used send me a number for my 2020 spotify top 100 and make fun of me <3
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raytorosaurus · 4 years
hiiiii nic! 75, 84, aaaaand 100 <3
hewwo meg <333
75: the bureau / gerard way
84: one day robots will cry / cobra starship
100: waylon jennings live! / the mountain goats
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bringmoreknives · 4 years
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@instant-tush i totally agree with everything you said here. like okay it was a ~different time but did they REALLY have to make that music video even if it was a single? like bro that video is so weird and ugly. this isn’t a diss on paramore but honestly it feels way more like it belongs to brand new eyes than the black parade — which is like. problematic considering how unique and recognizable the black parade was supposed to be as both a concept and an aesthetic
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svgbamboo · 3 months
If She Don't Hawk Tush I Wont Tawk Tuah SVG, Hawk Tush 2024 SVG PNG
If She Don’t Hawk Tush I Wont Tawk Tuah SVG, Hawk Tush 2024 SVG PNG ♥ This is a DIGITAL item for INSTANT DOWNLOAD. ♥ NO PHYSICAL ITEM whill be mailed YOU RECEIVE: SVG file (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine) Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. PNG – PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background –…
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itallbecomesclear · 8 years
Astrology Ask: leo, sagittarius, 2nd house! 💕
leo: name something you love about yourselfmy unfailing optimism
sagittarius: if you could travel to any place in the world, what would it be I really want to see Italy and Greece
2nd house: if you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you chooseI guess my phone? just for social utility and also safety
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baeklination · 2 years
Free Spirit: Massage
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Date: 220902
Warnings: SMUT 🔞, fingering, eating out, fucking, gen.expl.lang.
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
NOTE: This are not the same characters as in FS:Yoga.
WC: 1,9k
You didn’t know if it was luck or added stress; finding the gift certificate in one of your drawers at work and realising it would only be valid for three more days - two of which you’d be out of town. You’d thought about letting it go, but seeing as how it was a gift, the rudeness of doing so chipped away at you until you decided to try for a drop-in at the end of the day, since there wasn’t any telling when the end would be.
So here you are.
“Pure Bliss Bath and Spa…”, you read aloud, once again cringing at the name.
Through the window the place doesn’t seem to be overflowing with customers so you feel hopeful when you push the door open, hearing a clear tinkling from a bell overhead. A woman pops up from behind the counter and smiles brightly.
“Hello, welcome to Pure Bliss..!”
“Hello, hi…Saskia”, you reply, reading her name on the tag attached to her taupe tunic. “I’ve got this gift card, eh…here it is. And I was wondering if you have anything available today?”
By the quick knit of her brows you know the answer before she gives it:
“Oh, I’m sorry, we’re all booked for today…”
“Really? Agh, I kind of expected it, coming this late.”
“We still have a few openings for tomorrow or Sunday if you’d like to book beforehand..?”
“I can’t. Going out of town first thing. Typical, isn’t it? I was saving it, then completely forgot I had it in the first place”, you sigh. “Anyhow, thanks fo-”
“If you wait just one moment”, she says and hustles down the corridor. 
She’s not away for very long, but the wait gives you time to take in the ambience of the place. Not surprisingly there’s soft music, something you’d expect to hear in a yoga setting or the like, and a pleasant but not intrusive scent (pear, forest?). Other than the pale green, white and walnut colours of the furniture there’s not much else in the small lobby. When she comes back it’s with another bright smile. 
“You’re in luck. I managed to nip him just before he left. Oh, don’t worry, he feels sympathetic towards your conundrum.”
“Oh! Thank you.”
“So just down the corridor to the left, the door that says Baekhyun, and he’ll be with you in five. There’s a towel in there to put over your tush once you’ve undressed.” 
“Well, it is a full massage”, she smiles.
After checking and triple checking the towel covers what should be covered, you lay your head down on the small, plush pillow and decide bent arms are more comfortable than aligning them with your body. The music is different here, as is the colour scheme consisting of deeper tones, and the scent is full. The desktop fountain is bordering on tacky but nonetheless creates such a soothing sound you’re at risk of falling asleep - until there’s a knock on the door.
“Are you ready?”, the voice of a man asks from the other side.
“Yes. I’m ready.”
When he opens the door you flinch. He does too, stopping in the doorway for a millisecond before smiling.
“I know you…”
“Crystal Baron.”
Crystal Baron, the name of the pub you saw him in a few weeks back. Shit. It was one of those - he was one of those - instant pheromone match where it only takes one look and you’re done for. But also one of those where your friends decide it’s suddenly time to head out without you getting as much as a second look. In lieu of the blue silken shirt he’s wearing white chinos and a polo shirt, making him look less hunter and more prince on the Riviera, but there is no mistaking his demeanor.
“You ran away while I was visiting the gentlemans’...”
“I was dragged...”
“No worries. Looks like I’m getting my hands on you anyway. Or…would you like to change?”
“Would you?”
He looks your body up and down, his smirk saying it all.
“Don’t be silly…” Sweeping his hand over a neat row of bottles containing oil he goes on. “Do you have any preference in scent?”
From the first touch on your foot it has only been playing at massage. He knows what he’s doing, no doubt, but he’s doing something entirely different too, making you feel anything but relaxed as he makes his way up your leg.
“You’re quite stiff here”, he notes, kneading the back of your thigh. “Let me guess…you sit down a lot in your work?”
“Mm, I see it a lot. This and neck, shoulders.”
“I always say I’m gonna start stretching, but I just end up watching a movie once I get home.”
“Well, now you’re making me feel guilty. I was gonna do that tonight”, he says. “...Destiny of Adoration…Do you know it..?”
Of course you do, everyone does: riveting story, spectacular scenery - and a lot of heated, explicit passion.
“M-hm. But I haven’t seen it.”
“Not your kind of movie?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
He chuckles and lets out a hum as he moves his hand inward:
“The gift card was for a full body massage..?”
Your heart pounds against the cushioned table underneath, you open your mouth to answer but can’t seem to form the words so you instead close your eyes and nod, managing to get a sound of confirmation out.
The tip of his oily finger is so delicate on your clit it’s barely there. He slowly circles while you tighten your fist then slides upwards to your entrance where he dips. Finding you more than responsive he adds another finger, letting them both glide in and out at tantalizingly slow speed. 
There’s only the tiniest hint of arousal in his voice that gives away that what he’s doing is something else than the standard:
“How’s the pressure?”
“Um”, you manage to press out.
“You sound a bit tense, let me…”, he says and pumps faster. “...untie those knots.”
Is this really happening? Laid out on this table, being fingered by this unknown man, holding your breath in fear of what awkward sounds might otherwise come out, arching to make your standing perfectly clear.
In return for the opened up space he slides his fingers on either side of your clit, then places them on it, rubbing back-and-forth in the wetness. Your hips start moving involuntarily, half bucking, half tensing as he brings you closer to an orgasm.
“Oh, shh, shh”, he tuts as he slows down, caressing your folds. “It’s a fifty minute rub-down…”
You can tell he’s undressing and when you sense him coming up on the side you open your eyes to see him naked - right in front of where your head is, his length stands tall and hard, asking if you’d like a taste. You open your lips, feeling even more empty between your legs when you feel him in your mouth.
“Ohh…”, he moans, gently putting his hand on the back of your head while slowly pushing his cock in and out. “...you had a little something for me too… ah…”
How turned on must he be to be this hard, to be airily moaning like this? When you suck harder he moves a bit faster, but focuses on the top half, especially enjoying the sensation of your lips going over the ridge, but paces himself like he did you. Gripping himself by the shaft he breathes out and pulls the towel from your body. Putting a finger on his lips like “shh” he then sticks his hand under your hip bone for you to raise it. As you do, coming up to lean on your forearms, he gets on the table behind you and you’re more than eager to feel him pressing in - but he covers you with his mouth. 
You close your hands and feel your stomach contracting. In his caution to not alert his colleagues about his special attention to you, it’s barely that you hear a sound from him over the pan flutes and singing bowls emanating from the speaker as he slowly, breathlessly kisses and licks on your clit as far as he can reach. It’s hard not to press yourself against him when he starts flicking his tongue, spreading your folds with his thumbs to put his pointed tongue everywhere, again making you climb. Closing your hands tighter, arching even more, your thighs tighten while his wet tongue brings you closer…
spilling over in a muffled yelp, huffs and trembles as you come in his mouth.
Humming with satisfaction he strokes your backside and places a juice kiss right above your hole before getting up. In the middle of your exhale you feel the extraordinary sensory pleasure of his cock slowly but easily pressing past your entrance and continuing to the shaft.
“I like what you did just now”, he whispers and puts his hand between your legs from above.
You twitch when his oily fingers find your clit again, so he places his other hand on your waist. Not moving more than an inch he softly bucks in and out, creating electric whirls starting from your beating entrance and going deep while he lets his fingers brush over you, getting you ready for a second orgasm.
It’s slow and steady - somewhat overwhelming which makes you jerk - but little by little you go beyond that, revelling in the delicate chase and surge and push back to meet his gentle claps. Breathing with your mouth open, you close your eyes and completely indulge in the glide and stretch of his cock coupled with the increased pressure of his fingers slipping across your thirsty clit. He hushes your moans when you start shaking but keeps bringing them out, thrusting deeper, rubbing harder until he releases your orgasm again, this time on his length.
His groan is quivery when he grabs your waist with his other hand as well. 
With the energetic thrusts the squeaking gets too loud to ignore so he pulls out with a grunt and nods towards the small sofa:
“Let’s not break the table…”
Before following you he opens one of the cabinet doors and reaches inside - the volume goes up - then lifts his eyebrows with a smile. 
“Let me stand up”, he whispers.
Moving one of your feet to the floor, he puts his right behind it and lets the other rest on the sofa cushion like yours then smoothly presses his cock in again.
His thrusts are firm but not rough; he enjoys getting all of himself inside, enjoys the way your pussy strokes him tightly all the way down to the root and how your ass squeezes against his hips.
“Ah, sh…”, he moans, pressing his thumbs deeper into the small of your back. “Ah.”
No one would probably suspect a thing from the outside but to you the sound of wet friction pierces past the music and the same goes for his heavy breathing.
A faint “fu-” leaves his lips then he thrust quicker, holding on despite the oil, quicker - then chokes and in a series of hard smacks, lodging his cock deep each time, massages his cum out into you.
He slumps down right behind, pulls you onto his lap with a great sigh and amorously covers your mouth with his, caressing your neck.
“What’s your name anyway?”
Only then do you realise you haven’t given it so you bend forward and laugh into his shoulder. His chest still rises high from labour while he runs his fingers along your back.
“Well, Y/N… How about you come back to my place? I’ll drive you home in time for breakfast.” Nudging his head against yours he implores. “Hm, what do you say?”
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svgoceandesigns1 · 10 months
Tush Push Mastered 2023 SVG - Brotherly Shove SVG - Philadelphia Eagles Football SVG PNG, Cricut File
Tush Push Mastered 2023 SVG, Brotherly Shove SVG, Philadelphia Eagles Football SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machine and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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