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bookzdj · 2 years ago
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my track 'Submarines' is out today on FULLVISION tapes 001 compilation big shouts to @greazy_fullvision & @dj_ajdee for putting this together and all the producers involved 👊🏾🙏🏾 big shouts to @dj_slimzee for supporting this tune from day ❤️👊🏾 you can head over to the FULLVISION bandcamp to check out the release #FreeDL https://fullvision.bandcamp.com/album/the-fullvision-tapes-001 #GrimeMusic #140bpm #murkybeats #140hybrid #instagrime #internationalgrime #americangrime #grimeworldwide #bandcamp 🌍🌏🌎 #spreadlove (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5jBApAvsF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikl-ooc · 7 months ago
oh yeah i made an objection.lol of that one coralcolonial ace attorney post a while back btw. not in the server i made it 4 anymore so i guess i should probly just put it here so it isnt lost 2 time or whadever.
cw for flashing u know how it is with ace attorney
[now in mp4 form]
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offcampusstillnerdy · 1 year ago
I think it was Rob Bell who said that if you're spending more than 10 per cent of your time doing things around the thing you do, instead of doing the thing that you do, then that's worth a long hard moment of reflection. Because most of your time should be spent actually *doing the thing* .
Do you have any tips/advice for new indie writers?
Don't fall into the trap of being a social author.
Do you want to be a social media star or do you want to write books? Because every hour you spend making reels and tiktok videos? Should probably be spent writing.
"But I have to promote myself!" you say. "Social media is a free tool, why shouldn't I use it?!"
You absolutely should! But consider: Is your end goal likes on a post and follows on your TT account? Or conversion to book sales and longevity as an author? Because when you make yourself the product, the goal posts have a funny way of moving. External validation is like a drug, and when you've made yourself the star, getting that next hit of validation is going to supersede working on your craft and developing an authorial voice.
Honestly, it's not much different than being a writer in a fandom space, or posting content on a site like this.
Likes are great, reblogs are for discovery. If you are a consumer of Creator content, reblog and share the things you love.
But if you are the creator? Get your validation from somewhere else. Because the second you need it from strangers, you've already given up the game.
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fish-champ16 · 3 months ago
mh headcanons: couples pt3
pt. 1 /// pt. 2
this is all pda based- no plot headcanons lol
• deuce and cleo
- not a lot of physical stuff in public tbh
- they stick to hand holding or cleo is holding on deuce’s arm mostly but they both definitely have those “sleepy eyes” so sometimes when they look at eachother ppl feel some INSANE chemistry when in reality cleo is just tryna figure out if her man is seeing the same tea she is (the answer: yes)
- they DO however like to cuddle and have repeatedly been found snuggling underneath a heated blanket
- cleo plays with deuces snakes sometimes. they adore her
- deuce has done big showy gestures every now and then for cleo and she eats it up everytime
- flowers and chocolates in her locker, instagrim stories dedicated to her, probably a highlight or two, y’all already know
• draculaura and clawd
- always touching. hand holding, linked pinkies, drac is holding clawd’s arm in the halls, or clawd has his arm around drac. any and all physical contact with these two
- in canon drac writes a lot of poetry so sometimes she leaves it in clawd’s locker as a surprise and when he sees drac after reading it he just holds her really tight
- they also snuggle a lot bc draculaura is ALWAYSS cold and clawd is like her personal cuddly radiator so if theyre ever together, 9/10 they’re napping
• spectra and porter
- YES A LOT but not in like a weird way
- porter is always on spectra, flopped over her shoulder or head while she’s sitting, head on her lap or side. if he’s not vandalizing, he’s all up in spectra’s space
- spectra has asked him about it before bc she knows it’s not her body temperature (ghosts don’t get cold/warm) and porter’s just like “babe i just wanna be in ur skin ya know?”
*bewildered spectra* “no i don’t?? the fuck??”
- it’s her perfume. that’s literally it. he’s obsessed w it
- spectra doesn’t mind tho. she’s usually playing with his hair while his head is on her lap
- if they’re in a quiet corner to themselves sometimes spectra will lay her legs in his lap and he’ll draw on her knees while she’s writing
• abbey and heath
- heath has tried big romantic gestures and they always somehow went wrong but abbey appreciated them since she knew he tried hard
- however abbey did ask him to stop since she is a shy ghoul and doesn’t like to be put in the spotlight like that (especially since one of them was heath attempting to sing a love ballad to her)
- based on a fic i read, they’ve both become careful with how much physical contact they have with eachother since heath can’t regulate his body temp as well as abbey can
- kisses. all. the. time
- nothing crazy tho. usually just a quick kiss on the cheek or forehead (lol height difference couple) or sometimes heath kisses abbey’s hand bc he knows abbey is lowkey an old fashioned ghoul and it makes her feel special <3
- they don’t normally cuddle but they both LOVE to dance so whenever they’re fanging out they put on music to jam out
• lagoona and gil
- not a lot in the beginning bc of the risk of gil’s parents finding out
- even now it’s not a ton but it’s usually gil’s hand on lagoona’s back, gently guiding her through whatever crowd they’re going through
- hand holding is kinda uncomfortable for water monsters since their fingers are webbed and even the clasp type hand holding doesn’t bode well
- sometimes they hold each others fingers while they talk. lagoona will just take gil’s hand and examine it while he talks or vice versa
- if they’re sitting next to eachother they’re always leaning on one another
- gil really likes to surprise lagoona with shiny trinkets he finds while swimming. he’ll even put it in a little jewelry box for her to open
- lagoona has made jewelry out of some of the shells gil finds for her
- she wears it a lot
• holt/jackson and frankie
- depends on who’s fronting tbh
- holt is very physically affectionate. arm around frankie, holding her hand, kisses, hugs from behind…you name it he’s probably done it
- he just likes to show off his ghoul
- frankie doesn’t mind until people are staring
- frankie herself likes to hold Holt’s hand or arm (he buff) or cuddle with him since he’s cute when he sleeps
- Holt will take Frankie to his gigs and dedicates a few songs to her
- they both love to dance, especially during Holt’s gigs and he has her with him behind the booth (bc he’s overprotective asf)
- jackson sticks with hand holding in public but has tweaked a few experiments to show off frankie during Mad Science Class
- when they study together frankie will run her fingers through his hair and he gets so relaxed it’s unbelievable
- when they’re chilling by themselves tho jackson will lay on frankie’s lap or legs while he’s reading
- frankie will shower jackson with kisses all over his face and he goes so red she laughs everytime
• invisi billy and scarah
- always holding hands!!
- since billy can control whether he wants to be seen or not, sometimes he’ll (try) sneak up on scarah and plant a few kisses
- billy got hounded on by the mansters when he once pulled up to casketball practice, visible, with messy hair and very specific blue lipstick marks on his face and neck
- him and scarah still haven’t lived it down
feel free to add your own or recommend me some couples!
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fallowfield · 2 years ago
the monster high social media list: instagrim, tomblr, spellbook, twitter,
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femgirlfriend · 28 days ago
i scrolled like 3 posts on instagrime and i already want to kill myself I'll never be anyone
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correcting-with-typos · 6 days ago
*avsolutely emable wthith gthjus viseoe mt fried pot ot gher instagrim stroy
absolutely enamored with this video my friend put on her instagram story
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gl1tzh · 2 years ago
not instagrime deleting my nimona post bc i posted this meme
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that place is literally filled with pedos, racists and more of that shitty stuff and they delete my post bc of this meme wth
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offcampusstillnerdy · 2 years ago
Instagrim is beyond shit and I'm not in there, but it's the only place I could find this clip of the extraordinary Tammy Reynolds, one of the performers in Travis Albanza's recent play, Sound of the Underground. Which I keep promising to review. And I will. Maybe even this weekend.
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offcampusstillnerdy · 2 years ago
Rock stacks are a thing? Fucking Instagrim culture
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I’ve seen a few ~aesthetic~ photos of rock stacks in rivers recently and this is just a reminder that you are destroying habitat when you move rocks around in rivers and streams.
In addition to dragonfly nymphs, rocky river beds are home to lots of other larval invertebrates like damselflies, mayflies, water beetles, caddisflies, stoneflies, and a bunch of dipterans. Not to mention lots of fish and amphibians!
Plus large scale rock stacking can change the flow of a stream and lead to increased erosion.
Anyway dragonfly for admiration:
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Calico pennant by nbdragonflyguy
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twelvegrimmyplace · 3 years ago
Nick looking through old photos and mementos for his memoir (via story 14Jul2022)
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gabygirl1243 · 3 years ago
Sobre Instagrim y la Black Web
Hace poco, Charly le respondió a un usuario que le habló sobre el Instagrim.
El sujeto le contó sobre Sunblast y su relación con Penumbra, mencionando el Instagrim de la villana.
Como era de esperarse, Charly no pudo encontrar el Instagrim de Penumbra, es más, no cree en la posibilidad de un villano teniendo redes sociales.
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Sabemos perfectamente que los villanos sí tienen redes sociales. Lo que ocurre aquí es bastante obvio.
Como nosotros ya suponíamos, las personas normales, por lo general, no pueden acceder al Instagrim porque el Instagrim está dentro de la Black Web.
Lo que nosotros sabemos de la Black Web proviene de la Bitácora escrita por la agente Magician en Podemos Bailar en el 2019:
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La Black Web es “una red oculta para villanos, caza recompensas y otros seres desagradables”. 
Nuestro primer vistazo a la Black Web fue, claro, en el piloto de la serie por medio de Instagrim. Ahí logramos notar a usuarios que conocemos como Lady Naga, Mawrasite, Aldo Maldonado y Dark Phantom. Y Miss Heed también está por ahí, ya saben, ella solía estudiar en la Academia Black Hat, así que seguro conservó la clave para entrar a la Black Web.
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Instagrim es una red para villanos, ocultistas y fanáticos de Black Hat. Así que el hecho de que Charly no pueda encontrarlo es porque ella no forma parte del mundo de la villanía.
Sin embargo no significa que ella, o cualquier persona normal que se lo propusiese, no pudiera encontrarlo. Es sólo que Charly no supo dónde buscar el Instagrim, ella no buscó en la Black Web. Pero Charly ha entrado a la Black Web antes, como vemos en su publicación acerca de la Caja Misteriosa:
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Por supuesto que de manera ordinaria a nadie se le ocurrir��a buscar en la Black Web, porque como Charly menciona, es difícil de encontrar y es peligroso. Básicamente es la Deep Web en el universo de Villainous. Instagrim se encuentra oculta en esta red, o al menos las redes sociales de los villanos y sectarios lo están.
Entonces, a menos de que Charly sepa dónde buscar (la Black Web), jamás encontrará el Instagrim de Penumbra.
Este caso nos confirma algo que era muy evidente:
La razón por la que, a pesar de que Penumbra se la pasaba publicando fotos, ningún héroe y ninguna persona común en Atreno sabía que Sunblast estaba vivo es porque el Instagrim de Penumbra no es público para personas normales.
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misdigest · 5 years ago
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✏@capo_lee 💥@pjam100 🛫@dj_jetsss 🚨@jososick 🌌@blacklike_tintz 📍@razzmatazzclubs 🗓 16.11.19 This event has been 3 years in the making, so we are extremely proud to announce our first date at the one and only Razzmatazz ! We will coming through with a serious line up to match... Plus @dnsbeats & @misbahfrombcn on resident duties.. Set your alarms , this one is gonna be a ZOO from start to finish.. #misdigest #guestlist #radionline #music #web #streaming #live #studio #podcast #dubstep #instagrime #globalgrime #grime #stream #ukg #ukgarage #Barcelona #BCN #instagramersbcn #igersbarcelona #igbarcelona #igersBCN #ig_barcelona #barcelonagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B3jWUUgAK2m/?igshid=11ke3jsgthbwv
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lisa-the-lighthearted · 3 years ago
Squillion Dollar Idea:
Tumblr, but for bees. Bumblr. 💻🐝
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femgirlfriend · 2 months ago
should i ever post tvc books fanart on my instagrime where irl ppl follow me or is it icky cringe and gay? or am i overthinking it? or should i kms? vote below
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fence-macabre · 5 years ago
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“I went to the @succulent-tart booth for the twerk off and I gone done twerk’t my ass clean off!! This is after I just learnt twerkin’ ain’t got nothin’ to do with fixin’ pipes! Dicenne invited me to come back and try again but I don’t think Miss Loira’s gonna wanna fix me up again...”
(( @worlds-faire-carnival​, @ms-winford​, @rimeshard​ ))
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Join the Event Discord for more info!
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