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ingridhodel · 4 years ago
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oooooh the BIRTHDAY DRESS is back YALL ⁣⁣
I was probably one of the last people to celebrate a non-pandemic birthday last year. DAMN how things can change in the blink of an eye! ⁣
Here’s to another year of growth, learning and strength. & doing whatever the hell we can to make the best of things 💕🎈⁣
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getfitgoodvibes · 5 years ago
Battle Rope Workout 1 Minute Exercise 30 rest. Try doing this video or these types of exercises on a regular basis and maintain yourself a good diet, so you can tone up the areas stated below. While also burning fat from the whole body. Workout structure: Interval training: 1 Min / 30 sec rest time. YouTube Full Session. #fitspirationworkout #workoutindoorsandout #bodyweightfit #personaltraineruk #homefitnessvideos #brightonandhove #worthing #sussexcounty #southcoastfit #strongfitness #intervalworkout #instafitmom #instagramfitfam #battleropeworkouts #ukfitnessfam #exerciseroutines #homeworkouts_foryou #homefitnessdigital #getfitgoodvibes #getfit #goodvibes (at Brighton and Hove) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DJ-ymjjqF/?igshid=19b1dzlb5fdpl
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fitadventure · 8 years ago
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Take one step today, start your journey! 🍀☘️ #move #NoExcuses #bestrong #noexcuses #inspiringfitness #instagramfitness #instafit #move #fitfamily #instafitfam #Fitgoals #instahealth #KeepMoving #MoveIt #justmove #fitmom #fitmommy #runner #instamove #motherrunner #instarun #instarunners #igfitness #igfit #instagramfitfam #movemorefitness #mmfitfam
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angielkay · 8 years ago
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@movemorefitness ・・・ Monday reminder to get out there and work hard! The rewards will come!! #goaldigger #mondaymotivation #move #NoExcuses #bestrong #noexcuses . . . . #inspiringfitness #instagramfitness #instafit #move #fitfamily #instafitfam #Fitgoals #instahealth #KeepMoving #MoveIt #justmove #fitmom #fitmommy #runner #instamove #motherrunner #instarun #instarunners #igfitness #igfit #instagramfitfam #movemorefitness
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techvangelist · 8 years ago
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#Repost @movemorefitness with @repostapp ・・・ Words to live by! Stay humble! #mondaymotivation #move #NoExcuses #bestrong #noexcuses . . . . #inspiringfitness #instagramfitness #instafit #move #fitfamily #instafitfam #Fitgoals #instahealth #KeepMoving #MoveIt #justmove #fitmom #fitmommy #runner #instamove #motherrunner #instarun #instarunners #igfitness #igfit #instagramfitfam #movemorefitness #mmfitfam http://ift.tt/2k8V2QC
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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Quick Tuesday Tip! What do these annoying cravings mean??⁣
Our bodies are pretty dang smart and are always trying to tell us what’s going on! We just need to get better at knowing the signs and what they mean! So before you do like I do and hunt down the chocolate or peanut butter jar… check this out:⁣
Are you a salt craver? You might have low levels of electrolytes, be dehydrated, or stressed! Try to get more Vitamin B foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruit, and veggies. 🌰🍉🥕⁣
Is sugar the kryptonite? That’s a tough one… your body could be asking for quick energy, or be stuck in a bad habit loop! Experts say we might crave sugar when we’re dehydrated… so chug some water, and try combining fruit with protein to fill you up! Like berries and honey in unsweetened yogurt! 🍓🍇⁣
Chocolate? You might be low in magnesium, chromium or Vitamin B!🍫✌️⁣
And finally- starches and carbs calling your name? 🥐 You might be low on energy! Fill up on fibery foods like apples and bananas, root veggies, or cruciferous vegges! (Like cauliflower or broccoli!)⁣
Watcha think? Was this helpful? Anything ring true? 🙋🙋🙋⁣
(sidenote: sometimes you just need to eat the damn cookie. 🍪 So do it!! Everything is going to be ok, sweetie. Balance is SO IMPORTANT and perfection is really boring 🤪)⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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Still looking for “low-fat” labels??⁣
Welp, it’s probably sabotaging your health goals… 😬⁣⁣
❗️Low-fat diets might work temporarily, but did you know that most of the vitamins we need are fat-soluble?⁣
(**This means if we don’t have enough healthy fats in our diets, our bodies can’t store enough vitamins! Intestines need dietary fat to absorb them from our food!)⁣
If you’re like “well what the heckin heck, woman?!?!” don’t worry- here’s a quick list of super good-for-your-brain sources of fat!⁣⁣
🐟Fish… Flaxseeds… Walnuts… Extra Virgin Olive Oil… Avocados… Coconut oil… ⁣⁣
(I’ve LOVED having a nutrition guide done FOR me with my fitness programs! Having that DIALED IN was the secret sauce to success!!!) 🔥🔥🔥⁣⁣
So go ahead. Eat the guac. 🥑 It’s only right. 😉⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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After going through the VIP test group for this program, I GOTTA share this amazing journey with all of y’all!! We will be doing this program TOGETHER 💪🏼💕👟 I’m accepting awesome positive people who want to commit to the following to feel even more AMAZING in their skin:⁣
💕 Only need 20-30 minutes a day - no all day gym sessions!⁣
💕 Can be a complete beginner or an expert in fitness, and I PROMISE you can still do these workouts and be challenged⁣
💕 Workouts can be done ANYWHERE with minimal equipment⁣
💕 Includes a flexible meal plan that you can customize to any dietary needs, that also throw in a few treats 🍾🍭⁣
💕 Will have FULL SUPPORT and accountability from me both 1 on 1 and in my fitness group⁣
These programs have changed my relationship with food, my body, my health, and my mindset. I can look in the mirror and love the skin I am in, and be proud of all that I have accomplished. And I want everyone to know this feeling! I cannot WAIT to conquer our health goals TOGETHER!⁣
VIP access opens tonight!! If you want to see massive results with a realistic + maintainable fitness and nutrition routine (or even just have some fun workouts at home with an awesome community) drop an emoji below and I’ll personally send you the info.👇🏼 No harm in learning a little about something that could potentially change YOUR fitness game forever — am I right?? 😉⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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🎶“I get byyy with a little help from my friends…” 🎶⁣
The Beatles knew it… we know it… and science agrees!! When it comes to health and fitness, social support is HUGE. And not just in the most obvious ways we might think of- like accountability, motivation, fun (making the time fly faster), challenge, etc… but think OUTSIDE the fitness circle… our social circle is who comes to our rescue when we need help.🙌⁣
I tried flying solo in my health and fitness journey for yeeaaars. I was successful, but not consistently! I only found consistency and true freedom after biting the bullet and stretching myself beyond my comfort zone. 🙏⁣
Some smarty pants over at the National Federation of Professional Trainers wrote some interesting stuff on social circles and fitness! Drop me your favorite emoji and the link will arrive right to your inbox. 😘⁣
PS- want more where this came from? My private fitness group gets my BEST advice and tips every day! Message me for more info!⁣
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ingridhodel · 4 years ago
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another workout program DONE and in the books!! 🙌💪🙌💪⁣
6 weeks of hard work, pushing myself, getting stronger, and feeling amazing. Even with a pandemic, long/hard days at work, and smokey toxic air, these workout programs are absolutely EXCUSE PROOF. ⁣
& when you can guarantee you can get something done… it’s a hell of a lot easier to do it 🤪⁣
Every time I go to my tv, and press play on my workout, I feel so grateful that I have found a solution that works for me, fits my lifestyle, and makes me so damn happy. ⁣
Sound like your cup of Monday Tea? ☕️ Message me or drop some emojis down below to learn more!! 💕❤️🥰⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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One of the BIGGEST things I’ve learned on my fitness journey is to accept PROGRESS instead of perfection. ⁣
The thought of starting something new (or starting OVER) used to scare the heck out of me!! I was WAY too scared of looking indecisive or incapable. ⁣
But ya know what?? ⁣
I’ve finally realized that starting over is just a chance to build something better this time. We will never feel like we’ve “arrived” at perfection anyway, so we can’t let fear-based mindsets keep us from moving FORWARD!!⁣
We can choose to focus on the pandemic happening outside our homes, or we can focus on how to better ourselves today (while still social distancing PLEASE.)⁣
What are you going to choose?? Thoughts??👇⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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When I first started this MOVE YA DANG BODY journey on July 29th of last year, I didn’t know how long I would be able to keep it up. I doubted myself. I was afraid of being embarrassed by my physical limitations, I was afraid of FAILING.⁣
Little did I know that moving my body every day would become my new way of life. Before y'all freak out: I sprinkle in active recovery workouts every week so I’m not overworking my muscles! (Trust me, they let me know when they have had enough 😅) It is so much easier to commit to a habit when you do not give yourself the option of having days off! Even if it is just 10 minutes of yoga or stretching, I know I will move my body just like I know I will brush my teeth every morning. It’s DONE, no discussion. It doesn’t matter where I am or what’s going on… I have continued this journey on 3 vacations, 3 separate house sitting visits, and all through the tricky holiday season.⁣
& Let’s make another thing VERY clear: I NEVER WORK OUT BECAUSE I HATE MY BODY. Oh hell no. I have my insecure moments like everyone else, but that’s when I grab my personal development books, not the dumbbells. I WORK OUT BECAUSE I LOVE MY BODY. Exercise is my REWARD for keeping myself healthy and happy. I workout because there are so many people that can’t and I need to appreciate my body and its capabilities every single day. Use it or lose it y'all… and never stop showing gratitude for all the gifts you have in life.⁣
Thank you to every person who watches my stories and has been a part of my journey so far. Every message that says I inspire or motivated you to workout that day… I hope we all continue to strive for bigger and better things! THREE HUNDRED, I’m COMING FOR YA!!⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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DOUBT used to say:⁣
💔You don’t look like the pro-trainers in magazines⁣
💔You don’t have anything new to say⁣
💔Working out online wouldn’t work ⁣
One of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made was to ignore those. ⁣
((I just wish I hadn’t waited so long!!! 😆))⁣
My tribe had been waiting for me to show up for myself and for them!!! 🙌⁣
If you’re wanting to see for yourself what this online thing is all about, I’m GIVING AWAY FREE WORKOUTS you can do right from home!!!⁣
(you’ve gotta tell me how sore you are afterward, though!! 😉)⁣
The first 10 people to comment below or message me will get to try my favorite workouts that have CHANGED my life!!⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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What would change if we stopped trying to take HUGE strides and just focused on small moves in the right direction each day??⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ “That’s what it takes to get what you want. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Not big scary leaps once a year. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ It takes small, but irritating moves every single day.”⁣⁣ - Mel Robbins, personal development QUEEN 👑⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ How different would your life look?? ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 👇👇⁣
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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Whenever I saw someone who looked fit, I wondered how many hours they spent lifting in a gym. I definitely didn’t have the luxury of hanging out at the gym for hours every single day!⁣ Speaking of luxuries, I KNEW I couldn’t afford their personal trainer, either 💸💸⁣⁣ It was all very intimidating because I’d never really “worked out” before so I had no idea where to even start. (confession: I was afraid of ending up in one of those #GymFail compilation videos!)⁣ Well, GIRRRLLLL am I ever glad I pushed past all that and found the grass really IS greener on the other side of those questions!!!⁣ 🤚 It does NOT take hours in the gym. In fact, it doesn’t require a gym at all!⁣ 🤚 It’s FAR more affordable than a personal trainer - but I STILL get the benefits of a coach leading every workout!! (and I love them 😍)⁣ 🤚 It’s FUN. (Who doesn’t want more fun in their life, let’s be real.)⁣ Sound like it’s calling your name?! ⁣ Drop a 🍻 to cheers to making fitness FUN, amiright?!?! 🏋️‍♀️🔥
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ingridhodel · 5 years ago
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🌸Aspiring Fitness Influencers WANTED!🌸⁣
Message me here or email me at [email protected] & say “I AM READY TO DREAM BIGGER!” In the comments below so I know to look for your email/application!⁣
When I found coaching, I knew I was meant for more and have always been a hard-worker & self-starter. I was READY for a LIFE MAKEOVER and to DREAM BIGGER.⁣
I instantly fell in love with feeling healthy and happy… but what has kept me going is the community. I have never met a more inspiring, hard working, compassionate group of people than the other coaches that I work with. They truly lift me up to be the best version of myself each and every day, and I will never be able to thank this community enough. This gift has given me the freedom and confidence to live my best life on my own terms (and also travel to some awesome places! #WorkPerks 🌴)⁣
I will be accepting up to 10 people that want to get paid to live healthy & fit lives while sharing their journey on social media to inspire others 📲📲 This is NOT a get rich quick scheme, you gotta love the hustle! Coaches do NOT need to be a pro, have a 6 pack, or have a gazillion followers! Full training, including social media training, is included 😉 I want Bosses with a Never Give Up attitude to be a part of an amazing family of like minded people to support each other and grow 🌸⁣
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