#instagram shame
transsextual · 2 years
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feb 2, elle emerson (@transsextual)
text description under the cut!
[slashes indicate single line breaks. text description:
utah bans gender affirming care for people under 18. / south carolina is following suit and worse. / i'd cry but i can't anymore, not like i used to. / my girlfriend tells me they're so tired but she doesn't know why – / "i wasn't even doing anything today" / our anniversary is this month. / i feel like a puppy when i see her. / i get high and rearrange my friend's fridge magnets / queer sentences cover the freezer door. / "eat the skin and hearts of men it attracts dykes" / "i kiss fags" / "feel it up partner" / "you may do it but use condom" - / we laugh about that one. we watch star trek. / their roommate calls me cool; we grew up on the same books. / another friend of mine is taking a gap year to go to brazil, relearn portugese. / the boy i dated who is now my best friend is coming up with my family in a few weeks. / we're going thrifting together on the weekend, and i / am going to try to get an extension on my paper. / dance rehearsal on sundays. / my roommates want to go to ikea. /
my uber driver mentioned his husband when i asked about his day. / i thanked him for it at the end of the ride, and he laughed and pointed out the trans flag sticker on the dash. / on my way into the clinic i think i saw him crying. / i introduced myself to the lab tech and she asked me to say my real name. / she took six vials of my blood. /
so many of my friends are named after gods. / this has to be for something. 
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winterf4iryy · 1 year
fuck all of you who decide to stay neutral. fuck all of you who decide to stay silent. fuck all of you who are not educating yourself about what is happening right now. fuck every celebrity that posted a notes app screenshot of empty words. fuck bbc and nbc and joe biden and the u.s and britain and nearly every western country and media outlet. fuck israel and zionists and privileged white liberals turning a blind eye. fuck all of you. israel bombed a hospital and hundreds if not thousands are dead and a father had to carry the PIECES of his sons in plastic bags because they were blown to bits. a resting place for journalists has now turned into a morgue. every day people are being killed and it’s being DOCUMENTED and you still wanna be silent and neutral and say this doesn’t involve you. your lack of humanity is vile and horrid and i hope you never know one moment of happiness the rest of your life.
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annymaght · 5 months
Well I guess that artwork can be officially released now so here you go:
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 3 months
Marvel Erases a Jewish-Israeli Superhero
Shame on Marvel.
The Superhero in question is Sabra, an Israeli Jewish woman. As of now she is a Russian spy.
This superhero was created by Stan Lee himself, he would be rolling in his grave now.
The worst part about this is what's on the final image:
Marvel has responded to Anti-Black, Anti-Asian, Anti-Muslim, and almost every other form of hatred by making their own superhero. But Marvel's response to antisemitism is to ERASE OUR CHARACTER. It’s as if marvel can excuse antisemitism, but nothing else.
Shame on Marvel
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
You’re the only reason Bakugou gets Instagram, and it’s only so he can watch your stories.
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Godzilla, holding Mothra Astra (larva): This is my precious Princess Astra going for her first swim. Be careful Ast-
Mothra Astra (larva): *swims deeper into the sea*
Godzilla, traumatized: Astra? ASTRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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kakyogay · 1 year
a kakyogay first ever sloppy kiss redraw
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justfriendsbestthings · 3 months
Simon’s Month Day 17: Friendship
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One more image in this slide:
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the-vengeful-demon · 7 months
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elevenenthusiast · 1 month
I HATE how much people do to defend noah on here and on twitter like why are you all forgetting he’s a zionist?
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
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Via Allison Hagendorf on IG
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hi the arcana fandom i was wondering did we give up or did they manage to block us all?
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op81s · 4 months
pato confirmed to appear on love island.
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godmademewithoutarms · 5 months
I just now noticed the bondage bar in the catboy photos jesus fuck.
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the-healing-mindset · 5 months
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xanthlikesfallout · 8 months
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I like you a lot (adjusts your Ulysses)
(You should totally reblog this and give me other characters to try my hand at)
To be frank, every single fnv human sets in me a deep fear of the uncanny valley. Call it the Bethesda charm or anything of that matter, but it’s Something. In tandem with that, I think I speak for many people when I say that Ulysses in particular managed to get a generous amount of said uncanniness whilst being modeled and textured - a great injustice.
So. With that being said, why not redraw a portrait of his? Fun activity overall, allowed for some artistic freedom in the realm of headcanons and whatnot (thanking @roryrogue for those as well), and generally a decent skill-builder.
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