#instagram money making
panstag · 1 year
How to Make Money on Instagram
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Instagram is a popular social media platform with over 1 billion active users. It can be a great way to connect with friends and family, share photos and videos, and grow your personal brand. But did you know that you can also make money on Instagram without selling anything? Read Full Blog
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mumbo-jumbo-facts · 4 months
Mumbo Jumbo is a sex machine
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meruz · 1 year
my once in a blue moon process video i actually like (for this). also a steps breakdown so i can try to mitigate the death of actual useful information that i think the short form video format has been ushering in
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plushypluto · 6 months
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Started as a sketch on Instagram and then I turned it into a full thing. I need to replay undertale
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gayofthefae · 2 months
Just remembered all the money The Duffers threw away for 5 years on marketing Byler knowing damn well hardly anybody cared and not paying a cent for Milkvan content, merch, photoshoots, anything.
How could it be queerbaiting? They didn't even have to advertise them pre-season 4 but they said "no, we're gonna move money from our budget towards a 2017 photoshoot and AWAY from other important things on our budgeting list. Noah, tweet that they definitely aren't gay."
Like really just maximized story telling. We don't want you to know until we want you know but we're gonna subliminally open your mind to it. And somebody saw "they def aren't gay" and went "hm I'd never thought of them as gay before...honestly kinda good idea ngl".
For the Duffers to not make Byler happen would be inherently and exclusively malicious, a malice intended from the beginning. There weren't even enough people in 2017 to actually queerbait. Because there weren't enough to make money off of. The marketing tells us it was planned from long before people were on board. So either they planned to tell Mike and Will's love story or they planned to snub queer viewers for the sake of it, willing to make financial sacrifice to do so, both by investing in something people weren't buying and NOT INVESTING in something people WANTED TO BUY (milkvan content and merch) in order to convert people away from Milkvan and to Byler to also maximize the damage they were spending their money to create.
Lord have mercy if it's the second one because Jesus Fucking Christ usually showrunners hurt gay people to gain money, they don't usually PAY to hurt gay people because they just wanted to that bad.
Example of their weird anti-money marketing decisions
Other examples
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straightasaaro · 2 months
nothing was more disappointing then looking at the cruel prince tik tok and seeing the top video be ai generated images “illustrating” scenes of the book. I’m going to fucking kill someone.
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owlrageousjones · 3 months
Is Blanche Devereaux a Landlord?
Random thought of the day: Is Blanche Devereaux of the Golden Girls a Landlord? And if she is, does she deserve the guillotine?
Obviously, in the strictest sense, she is a landlord. She owns accomodation, and she derives income from renting that accomodation out. That's a landlord.
But in saying that, Blanche lives in that same house - she rents it out to the other women because she has space and she's a widow with no dependents anymore. She had a large house to raise children and live with her husband, but her children have moved out and her husband's moved on (to the afterlife).
The absolutely moral thing to do would be to either let her roommates stay with her for free (because housing is a human right) OR to downsize.
And it's easy to say that's what she should do, but the absolutely moral thing for most of us to do is to sell most of our belongings and give the proceeds to charity but that's the kind of behaviour you'd expect from a saint, not some random person. I think we generally agree that there's a gradient between the extreme ends here.
And although it's kind of a meme, landlords do provide a service - as someone who has owned their own home with a mortgage, owning a home can be annoying and stressful. Owning your own home makes you feel like you put down an anchor, and when you want to move, you end up asking yourself if it's worth raising that anchor. For some people, it's better to have the freedom and flexibility that renting can provide.
(Also technically you don't have the stress of wondering how you're going to pay for repairs because that's the landlord's responsibility, but you know, that also puts you at the mercy of the landlord.)
In some ways, I think there wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with having landlords if those landlords weren't private investors whose desire is profit - if the government owned my house, and I just 'rented' it from them by paying taxes, and then I would be able to move at some point if I chose, that'd be a neat solution.
(But then it also raises all sorts of questions such as: should I, a single bachelor with no dependents, be allowed to have a house with more than one bedroom? Under the capitalist system, I could have as big a house as my pockets could afford, even if that is a terrible allocation of space and housing.)
Looping back to Blanche, neither Rose nor Dorothy seem like they might've been in a position to buy a house - Rose sold her previous home, so maybe she would have the funds, but she was also moving from a small town to Miami, so the houses would probably cost a lot more (but she could probably afford a condo or small apartment). There's also the fact that living in a shared accomodation with each other was almost definitely good for them, socially wise.
I know living on my own was kind of sad in some ways, even if it did mean I didn't have to wear clothes in the summer.
So is Blanche bourgeouise? I mean... probably, but if the Revolution came, would she be up against the wall?
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gaminegay · 6 months
"here's ad tools for your ads you don't do, no you can't get rid of it, here's a business tab for brands and partnerships no you CAN'T get rid of it, this comment is getting attention so you should feature it in your story and your story should be a reel and everything should be boosted to reach more accounts so you can use brand deals and ads you don't want"
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I am. Going to block every single mother fucker that puts a blazed post on my dash I swear to god
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okiidokii · 2 months
The thing that's pissing me off about the dolls is the monster high g1 dickriders smoking the largest pack of cope by saying "but it's giving g1!!!c, and like, yeah! As in its giving LATE G1/ g1.5, or g1 on a budget.
Like I feel this fandom forgets how good some the g1 dolls were
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Hell g1 (and even g2!) Had much better designed but cheap-material dolls
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oh so he is insane…. I need to watch this movie N O W
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whetstonefires · 1 year
What is the author's perspective on the most challenging parts of writing a story, and what advice do they offer to writers struggling with different phases of storytelling?
Okay I'm going to be real with you, the syntax of this ask was weird enough I went to your blog to try to see what your deal is and whether you're a chatbot.
Your blog turned out to be about two weeks old and consist largely of reblogs from one person. (@cy-cyborg and sideblogs thereof.) Your blog header and all your (few but voluminous) original posts read like they were composed by a chatbot trying to somehow sell the concept of reading?? books????? Cozy book times??? The experience of following your blog as an extension of the pleasure of reading books?? The literary aesthetic?
But while you have the chirpy redundant sentence structure of a machine learning algorithm and a habit of falling into the customer-service-plural-first, you don't actually descend into nonsense at any point I noticed, rendering those posts ambiguously human in the same way as the average recipe blog. Also you commit flagrant instagram-style tag spam.
I'd have blocked and ignored and possibly reported you as a spambot, except on some of your reblogs-with-commentary you turn into a normal human person who lives in Australia, so I kinda threw up my hands. Maybe you have blood idk.
I have no idea what the point and/or goal of your blog is. Altogether baffling.
Anyway I definitely don't speak for some collective hivemind of authors and this question is way too vague for me to do much with. If I didn't suspect it of coming from a robot I'd have put in some effort to engage meaningfully, but trying to figure out what manner of entity was farming me for content used up all the spoons I had available.
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ducktollers · 7 months
i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU
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out-of-her-miind · 3 months
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Incoming Money Blessing💰💸✨
No coincidences. If you’re seeing this then you’re on the frequency of wealth 🤑
(The frequency where money resides)
Expect a financial blessing to materialize soon 💸✨
Affirming: I am a vortex of wealth 🧚🏾💗✨
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flythesail · 1 month
I wonder if Amandla and Manny got the news before or with everyone else
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aengelren · 4 months
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life after seeing people start waking up and stop idolizing elitism and celebrity culture, feeding their pockets while the working class and third world countries suffer..is the human revolution near?
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