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justeveallover-blog · 6 years ago
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#DearLearning #DearJune Dear Learning. This has been a tough year of me learning to listen to my body and what it needs. In the past I would have ignored my symptoms and pushed myself hard until I ended up in hospital in a worse state than I needed to be. Learning to actually rest when I need it and to listen to my body has actually helped me so much this year, and kept me out of hospital. It hasn't been an easy year but theres light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm hoping to get back to some normality soon. 😊 #DearLearning #DearJune #InstagramProject #Project #HannahWitton #TheHormoneDiaries #Diary #June #Day14 #Lesrning #Listening #Health #IBD #Crohns #Warrior #CCUK #ItTakesGuts #IBD&Me #IBDandMe #MyLife #InstaCrohns https://www.instagram.com/p/Bys-RmIhpQ2/?igshid=u9x4gny4o20s
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roadiemerch · 4 years ago
Get my art printed on awesome products! Colors Galore, so you can pick your favorite colors!  Find my products at TeeSpring! Warrior Ware , Butterfly Yoga, Roadie’s Dog Friends, Roadie’s Cat Friends,  Roadie’s Christmas , Roadie’s Funny Bones, Plastic Pony, Roadie’s Halloween Resources, Roadie’s Resources !
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queenbeeofibd · 5 years ago
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Gym time!!! Let’s see.....matching Deadpool tank, phone case and a matching ostomy cover. Yup, IBDeadpool. How do like the play on that? 😉😁 Time to get my workout in! MAXIMUM EFFORT👊🏼💪🏼🏋🏻‍♂️ . Repost from @crohnspool . #IBDSuperHeroes #crohnsdisease #crohns #ileostomy #ostomy #ibd #stoma #invisibleillness #crohnswarrior #gym #ostomyawareness #ostomate #ulcerativecolitis #crohnslife #colostomy #fitness #instacrohns #breakingthestigma #chronicillness #nocolonstillrollin #sickbutinvisible #gymlife #colitis #spoonie #autoimmunedisease #exercise #gymtime #gymmotivation #crohnie #maximumeffort — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/e35a4e4d3fdcdf3af73bab6b6d1a52dc/5DA2EB10/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/65875157_2522372031140142_5439382091337105453_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com
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seriouscircus · 8 years ago
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#regram from @instacrohns. Shout out to all my fellow IBDers on #worldIBDday who suffer in silence (and of course those who aren't silent) every day and feel as if they're alone and no one understands. This disease takes a lot out of each and every one of us every single day and we deserve enough credit and recognition like all the other people suffering from other incurable chronic illnesses. We are all stronger than we think and feel. And if no one told you that they're proud of you for getting this far, then I'm telling you that I am. 💜💜💜 #ibd #crohns #crohnsdisease #colitis #ibs #health #chronicillness #purpleribbon #keepfighting #strong #fighting #fighters
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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This week marks my four month stomaversary, and I will finally have my review with my surgeon. Yay. • This is also my second week back at work, and I am loving being back. I am determined to try and get myself back on track swiftly, after phasing myself into my routine. • I have been a bit quiet on here. Everything is fine, I am just trying to get on with things and adapt to everything but it's sometimes easier said than done. I've lost alot of confidence, and I definitely need to work on that. • I will just take things one step at a time. 2020 is going to be a much better year. • #LetsTalkIBD #ItTakesGuts #IBDGirls #Crohns #Advocate #Awareness #PostOp #Surgery #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #FightLikeAWarrior #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #JustEve #MyLife #SickFightsBack #SickButInvisible #CrohnsandColitisNI https://www.instagram.com/p/B7RUnsKgiT3/?igshid=5734cj4vvnx
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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I just love the autumn colours. 🍁 This week so far has been so cold and miserable, so I haven't got out and about as much as I'dlike to. The grim weather has actually made me feel so tired and I've just hibernated and kept cosy in the house. Hopefully it will be a little drier tomorrow so I can take Milo out for a good walk. 🐾 #WinterIsComing #Autumn #Insta_NI #NIExplorer #Home #MyLife #JustEve #PostSurgery #Recovery #IBD #CrohnsDisease #Advocate #Awareness #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #SickButInvisibleCampaign (at Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4yMnkQgVan/?igshid=fbesp8gq8as
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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Today has been great. I managed to get out and walk the dog all by myself! It feels so good. 😊 I love autumn walks and this has made my day. 🍁🍂 I'm building myself up day by day and I'm starting to get my routine back. 💜 I also got lots of things sorted too. My flu jab is booked for next week, I've got an appointment with a dietician after halloween and my appointment with the surgeon is in November. Hopefully I'll get the all clear to arrange getting back to work. 🤞 #PostSurgery #Ostomate #BagLife #JustEve #MyLife #IBD #Crohns #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #IBDGirls #SickButInvisible #Insta_NI #NIExplorer #Antrim #NorthernIreland @crohnscolitisni (at Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B366chIDvSi/?igshid=1foxarycm5lru
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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Today is World Ostomy Day. 💜 This time three weeks ago I was too sick to live my life. I never let Crohns put me down like it did this year, something had to give. Surgery was not something I wanted, but it was the last option for me and at this point I would do anything to get my life back. Now, almost three weeks after surgery, the difference is unreal. I can actually watch a movie with Raymond without having to run and miss half of it. I can walk the dog (albeit short slow walks but I can do it). I'm not scanning for all the closest toilets when I'm out. I feel more freedom. This has been a huge change to my life, and will definitely take a bit of getting used to. But, so far, so good. 😊 #WorldOstomyDay #PostOp #Surgery #Ostomate #Ileostomy #Crohns #IBD #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #GirlsWithGuts #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #MyLife #SickButInvisible #CrohnsandColitisNI @crohnsandcolitisuk https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PWRS8gt8l/?igshid=brznx2p6h6gw
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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2 weeks post surgery... I feel like it's very easy to forget how easy I tire out. I've not been very good at resting, as I feel so well with my Crohns pain being nonexistent since I woke up. I managed to go and do a short walk with my Milo, which felt so good. I love the fresh air, and the happy skips of the furbaby make it so worth it. Getting back home I got my comfys on and ended up having a great nap. My wounds are all healing great, and I'm adjusting to my new life with a ileostomy. It's a tough journey, but I'm not going to look back when I know I'm getting my life back already. 💜 #PostOp #Surgery #Ileostomy #Ostomate #BagLife #BagLady #BagLadies #IBD #Advocate #GutlessandGlamorous #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #FightLikeAWarrior #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #MyLife #SickFightsBack #SickButInvisible #CrohnsandColitisNI @crohnsandcolitisuk (at Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AD18elOtd/?igshid=4ppfuf363zmn
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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I did a thing today. I know, I'm crazy but we needed some bits. I went to Tesco to get supplies and stock up. I was really worried as I knew I wouldnt be able to walk for long before hitting a wall. The girls at the customer service desk were so lovely and let me use a scooter they had charged up. They didn't make me feel silly or awkward about it and were so supportive. It was a little awkward to use at first but I got the hang of it and we got what we needed to get. I just had to point at stuff up high for Raymond to get for me. But it was alot easier than I thought it would be. I treated myself to a Five Nights at Freddys Foxy Bear and Raymond got me a Freddy Fasbear one too. I just love these. They're all scarred up and angry, like me. So its fitting. 😊 #PostOp #Surgery #Recovery #IBD #Crohns #Advocate #Ostomate #Ileostomy #Colectomy #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #FightLikeAWarrior #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #FNAF #SickButInvisible #MyLife #CrohnsandColitisNI (at Tesco Extra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rCJtVASEE/?igshid=14ek7up5cunos
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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#3things you might not know about me: 1. I was diagnosed with Crohns Colitis in 2002, at the age of 17. This is mainly in my large bowel and causes fistulas and alot of extra intestinal symptoms. 2. I have an irrational fear of Cows, I dont know why but I am petrified of them. They terrify me. 3. I am a huge daredevil. I love trying new things and am always first in line at theme parks and Fair grounds. I have even done a skydive for charity. #ItTakesGuts to talk about Crohns and Colitis. 💜 What are your three things? @CrohnsandColitisUK #IBD #Crohns #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #PreOp #Surgery #SickFightsBack #SickButInvisible #MyLife #CrohnsandColitisNI https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_3kO1gYRO/?igshid=11y4rl5miv5gp
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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I finally have my letter!! It's nice to have something official in my hands, proof this is really happening. I'll have my pre-admission appointment tomorrow, so I'll know more about what to expect. The countdown is really on now. #IBD #Crohns #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #Community #CrohnsDisease #IBDandMe #FightLikeAWarrior #GirlsWithGuts #IBDWarrior #IBDSuperheroes #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #MyLife #PreOp #Support #Surgery #Colectomy #MyIBDCare #IBDJourney #SickFightsBack #LetsTalkIBD #SickButInvisible #NHS #CrohnsandColitisNI (at Antrim, County Antrim) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00TOBcgmQj/?igshid=4zz055ussvw9
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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This is me. Eve. I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease in 2002. That's 17 years I've been living with IBD and I was never comfortable talking about it until this year. 💜 My friends and family knew, and I was happy to talk to other patients in my clinic. I loved that I could be supportive of somebody else in my position. But outside of that, I kept quiet. The embarrassment of people thinking this was just a 'pooping' illness was just too much for me, and so exhausting to explain over and over, as nobody knew what IBD was. Looking back, I wish I could tell myself to speak up, to not be afraid and that I was stronger than I knew. 💜 Awareness is so important in this day and age. The people on here raising awareness of IBD every day are amazing, and I hope to do the same, speak up and educate people. 💜 The more awareness out there, the more support we will all have. If anybody is struggling, or has any questions about IBD, do not hesitate to reach out to somebody and talk about it. 💜 It takes guts to live with IBD, but together we can break the stigma and make life easier. 💜 #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBD #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #MyLife #PreOp #Surgery #SickButInvisible #Support #CrohnsandColitisNI #Community @CrohnsandColitisUK https://www.instagram.com/p/B0tML7vASrt/?igshid=jttal5xsk69d
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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Flashback Friday. 📷 This photo was taken at my work Christmas Party in 2010. I was in a serious flare, and in serious denial. I left the party early due to feeling really weak. The next night, I was in a&e with extreme pain. I had surgery at 5.00 am to drain a perianal abscess. This was caused by a fistula, which is another delightful side effect of Crohns Disease. A week following this surgery, I ended up back in a&e with a serious infection. I had contracted c-diff. I was admitted and put in a room of my own. I was kept in hospital for over 5 weeks to recover. I honestly believe the wonderful nursing staff in Antrim Area Hospital saved my life back then, and I can't thank them enough. This was the worst flare up of my Crohns Disease I remember. People don't realise how much this illness can put your life at risk, and they think it's just a jippy tummy. It's so much more complicated than that. I wasn't beaten back then and I won't be beaten now. I may have Crohns Disease, but I doesn't have me. 💜 #IBD #CrohnsColitis #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #GirlsWithGuts #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #MyLife #SickButInvisible #Survivor #CrohnsandColitisNI #History #FlashbackFriday #Infection #CDiff @CrohnsandColitisUK https://www.instagram.com/p/B0qqIh1Aaev/?igshid=kwepkzf629mq
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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No filter needed!! 😍 I'm so bored sitting in the house, so I ventured out into the garden today to soak up some sun. There are hundreds of butterflies in our garden, I actually was a bit worried. Then I got my camera. 🦋 I finally got my date for surgery, so 16th August and I'll hopefully get my life back. Can't wait. I have a pre-admission appointment next week and then I'm on the home stretch. 💜 I've been really struggling this last week or so, and very nearly went to a&e but I don't want to be in any longer than I have to be, so I pulled my socks up and forced myself to drink more. I'm feeling a little bit brighter but I have to wise up and rest and keep taking more fluids. 🦋 So in 2 weeks my new life starts. Eek!! 💜 #Advocate #Awareness #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fighter #GirlsWithGuts #IBD #IBDandMe #IBDSuperheroes #IBDWarrior #InstaCrohns #ItTakesGuts #JustEve #IBDGirls #MyLife #Garden #PreOp #SickButInvisible #Butterflies #CrohnsandColitisNI @CrohnsandColitisUK (at Antrim, County Antrim) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0qgLUtgU6B/?igshid=1bmylkux2fss2
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justeveallover-blog · 5 years ago
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🐾 Milo finally got his way and got a nice walk today. To be honest it was really nice getting some fresh air, even if I do walk slower than normal. I feel like a little old lady. Lol. 🙈 #Milo #InstaDaily #Furbaby #LabsOfInstagram #Dog #DogsOfInstagram #LabCross #LabradorCross #DogWalks #Walkies #JustEve #MyLife #PreOp #IBDandMe #IBD #ItTakesGuts #InstaCrohns #Fighting #CrohnsDisease #CastleGrounds #Antrim #NorthernIreland (at Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0JU2WyAoS1/?igshid=83im8cxu3xgj
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