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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#SoulfulSunday #SuccessQuotes #QuotesToLiveBy #AlbertSchweitzer #Success = #Happiness. #Contentment #Gratitude #Appreciation #GoodThingsComeToThoseWhoWait #GoodThingsComeToThoseWorkHARD #LoveWhatYouDo & #DoWhatYouLove #KeyToLife #MajorKey #Generosity #GiftofGiving #KeyToSuccess #KeyToHappiness #Lifecoach #Mystic #Excon #Twisted #MotivationBlogger #INSPIREPRENEUR
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eventapaaja-blog · 8 years ago
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Hima D3 Manajemen Pemasaran Proudly Present Hadirnya banyak pengusaha akan membuat perekonomian Indonesia semakin maju. Untuk itu Indonesia perlu menciptakan pengusaha-pengusaha baru yang berkualitas, kreatif, dan terdidik. Ilmu dan kunci-kunci berwirausaha harus dikuasai agar tidak mengantarkan pada kegagalan. Didalam Seminar & Talkshow Nasional Kewirausahaan yang bertajuk “Let’s Start a Business” Open your mind, be an entrepreneur! Akan menghadirkan para pelaku bisnis yang sudah berpengalaman, bertahan diantara persaingan dalam dunia kewirausahaan, dan akan membagikan ilmu berwirausaha kepada masyarakat luas, khususnya kalangan generasi muda agar kedepannya bisa lebih baik di masa depan. 📆Minggu, 17 September 2017 📍Aula K.R.T Fadjar Notonegoro, FEB, Kampus B, Universitas Airlangga 🕣08.00 - selesai Harga tiket: 💰45K (presale 1) 💰50K (presale 2) 💰55K (presale 3) Pembicara: 1. Muhammad Sadad (CEO ERIGO APPAREL) 2. Tyas Nastiti (CEO KLASTIK FOOTWEAR) 3. Arif Afandi (GM KOBER MIE SETAN) Moderator : - Wahyudi Tjahyo K. (Way) FOUNDER LADANGBENIH.COM Fasilitas - Seminar kit - Snack - Sertifikat (ber-skp) - Door prize menarik Pendaftaran silahkan menghubungi Contact Person untuk konfirmasi ketersediaan tempat 📱Anrilia Artamevia (082230604098/Line: anriliartaamevia) 📱Rizal Fauzi (085732427264 /Line: rizalfauzi03) Follow instagram @mpunair @aimmexofficial and add official line account: @xnr6219q Segera daftarkan diri anda, kuota terbatas! Dipublikasikan oleh Event Apa Aja #aimmex2017 #aimmex #inspirepreneur #unair #universitasairlangga #ua #mp #eventsurabaya #seminarsurabaya #seminarnasional #marketingmanagementunair #manajemenpemasaran #acarasurabaya #talkshowsurabaya #eventapaaja
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#TeachingTuesday #TodayisFullofPossibilities #AnythingsPossible #Choices are the #Hinges of #Destiny. #ChooseWisely #SavourTheMoment #Now #BrightFutureAhead #DarkPast #BehindMe. #LoveLiveLaugh #SmileBitch #KillThemWithaSmile... #Literally 😅 #Hematolagnia #LetsStayPositive, #ShallWe? #Lifecoach #RelationshipAdvice #Counselor #Motivator #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 6 years ago
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#MotivationMonday #Motivator #inspirer + #Entrepreneur = #inspirepreneur #ClosertoMyDreams #TheCloseriGettoYou #FightForYourDreams #because #THISCANTBELIFE ‼️ 💔😅 #Deadinside #EmotionallyCrippled #Handicapped... Yet #Still #HeretoHelp 🙏🏾 #MayhemMorearty #FormerMayor of #Toronto #GOLEAFSGO 💙💙💙💙💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqY8wfRF-CM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kbxmho0mmw4b
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#ThoughtfulThursday #ChristmasMiracle #Grateful #Gratitude #Thankful #Content #AtPeace #Abundance #Goodness #GoodVibes #Oneness #Iam #IamGrateful #GratefulRegardless #GoodBadandUgly #StruggleBuildsCharacter #ScarredbutStillStanding #MentalHealthAwareness #HeadinjuryAwareness #Lifecoach #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#WisdomWednesday #GreatRising #Grammie's #MorningMotivation #EachOneTeachOne. . . #WoundedHealer #GreaterPurpose ÷ #SpiritualAwakening #DeepAsTheAbyss #Abyss #Blackness. Yet #STILLHELPING... #GoodHearted #BadTempered #Desparado Life... #Cheers #Lifecoach #Poet #Seer #RelationshipAdvisor #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#ThoughtfulThursday #MorningMotivation #Morninginspiration. #YouGottaBelieve... #Aye! #ThugMotivation #entrepreneur #INSPIREPRENEUR! #slowprogressisbetterthannoprogress #GoodGame #LifeHacks #LifeCheats #ism #DietTips #BARZ! #poetryofinstagram #horrorfansofinstagram 😱 #truecrime 😰 #quotestoliveby #goodadvice #relationshipquotes #brandinfluencer #alilsomethingforeveryone ✌🏾️💯
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#FinesseFriday #Finesse #Potential #SelfEsteem #Confidence... #KeytoLife #WhatsDestinedCantBeDenied #IndianSummer#NightDreams #LordHaveMercy #DoWhatYouLove & #LoveWhatYouDo. #LoveYourself #Unappologetically. #Lifrcoach #RelationshipAdvice #MotivationBlog #Seer #Poet #INSPIREPRENEUR #ProfessionalintelligentMotivatedPerson = #Pimp, #WhenLifesaBitchLearnToPimpit
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#SoulfulSunday #WhatsGoingOn? #Television = #TellingLiestoYourVision. #ChessMoves #Plots #Subliminal #BehindTheScenes #HiddenHand #Mystique #AllsWellThatEndsWell #PopulationControl #NewWorldOrder #ChildrenofTheSun #Beware #EconomicSlavery #STAYWOKE! ✨👁✨ #Lifecoach #Weirdo #Poet #MotivationBlogger #RelationshipAdvisor #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#WisdomWednesday #Behold #Brightideas #PearlsofWisdom, #Only #Thee #Enlighted can #Relate: #Thinker, #mysticsofinstagram #Witchesofinstagram #Time. #ManMade #TimeDoesntExist #PerceptionISREALITY #TheFirstShallBeLast #Oh #WhataTimeToBeALIVE #TheVeilisTHIN #AsEVER! #NextStage of #Evolution! #Lifecoach #Poet #Seer #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#TeachingTuesday #Dream the #impossible, #Seek the #Unknown, #Acheive#Greatness. #Inspiration #Motivation #DayDreamer #DreamChaser #DreamsRealerthanReality #DreamsMoneyCanBUY #GotThatBag #WraithTalk #SafeTalk #KeysOpenDoors 🔑😉 #Spanish#Guyana #Pluggedin #MoneyComesEasilyandEffortlessly #Finesse #Hustle #MakeSomethingOutofNothing #Heka #Magick #Melanin#Magic #Lifecoach #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#TeachingTuesday #Facts #FactsofLife #Pragmatic #GameTheory #Profit & #Loss. #Actuality #Reality is very #Problematic 4 a #DayDreamer. #GetOutYourFeelings-#GOYF & #GoGetTheMoney-#GGTM. #YouGottaGetUpGetOutandGetSomething #SuchisLife #DontFold #KeepPlaying #WinSomeLoseSome. After a #HugeLoss, theres always a #BigWin. #Lifecoach #MotivationBlogger #songwritersofinstagram #Poetryofinstagram #RelationshipAdvisor #INSPIREPRENEUR
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#TeachingTuesday #Everyone's there 4da #Celebration, but #YourOnYourOwn during yr #Tribulation. #Analogy: ppl see the #NewbornBaby, but most dont see the #LabourPains. #Real #Reality #WhatsReallyReal? #Realism #RockBottomBuiltMe #FakeFriends #AbandonedMe but its #GodsPlanNotMine. #Destiny #AhSuhitGuh #Kismet #SuchisLife #Soitis #RollWithThePunches or #StayDown. #ColdGame #ISuggest U #PutYourFeelingsinYourPocket. #Lifecoach #MotivationBlog #Inspirepreneur #RelationshipAdvisor
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#FinesseFriday #PayDay #SlowandSteadyWinstheRace #idleHandsAretheDevilsPlayground #Guidance#Attention#Motivation#Education #GameTheory #ColdGame #TechnicalFoul #FlagonthePlay #PenaltyBox #StayFocused #EyesonthePrize #WordsfromtheWise #Lifecoach #RelationshipAdvisor #inspirepreneur #ProfessionalintelligentMotivatedPerson
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koven333 · 7 years ago
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#MotivationMonday #LoveYourself your #significantother should be a #Reflection of you. That my friend is #Unity, #Harmony, #Balance, #Equilibrium. #SelfLoveisTheBestLove #AllYouGotisYou. . . #OnedayYoullSee #LoveAdvice #RelationshipAdvice #RelationshipAdvisor #Mack #ProfessionalintelligentMotivatedPerson #Lifecoach #inspirepreneur #Seer
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