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ga1n3s · 5 years ago
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Measuring stick #love #lovevslike #anger #arguments #unconditionallove #choices #struggle #hardtimes #strength #commitment #feeling #getoutyourfeelings https://www.instagram.com/p/B-43gu3p_jF/?igshid=1nr7p0pedenwj
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selflovesavy-blog · 6 years ago
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Stay out your feelings. 👣#getoutyourfeelings #happy #happiness #mentalhealthawareness #loveyourself#explore #explorepage #life #strengthquotes #strength #friends #likeforlikes #likes #like4likes #like4like #positivevibes #positiveaffirmations #positivequotes #poems #poemofinstagram #poemporn#followtrain#likes#l4like https://www.instagram.com/p/Bueq6xxHMZU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hyuoe6r9z9l8
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kiyary · 3 years ago
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Honoring #WorldMentalHealthDay I will be re-sharing the #editorialillustrations I made for different articles along the day. Read bellow ⇩ 👁👁 Clinical depression is a very serious medical condition that affects nearly 20 million teenagers and adults in the United States. It is one of the most common mental disorders. Everyone can have a bad day, or two, now and again, but when you are depressed, those feelings of sadness never seem to end. Depression makes everyday tasks feel overwhelming and the motivation to do anything at all, very challenging. Depressed people often isolate themselves socially. There are many effective treatments for depression so recognizing the symptoms and seeking help is important. There’s a way to get out, and you are not alone. #depressionawareness #depressionsupport #depressionhelp #digitalillustration #procreateillustration #clinicaldepression #depressionawareness #mentalhealthawareness #worldmentalhealth2021 #theresalight #getoutyourfeelings (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU2OQ1TKf6X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bluspoon · 4 years ago
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Wake up everyday with a purpose to get at least one thing done! Keeping busy helps your creative side whether you are doing creative things or not. Getting your brain cranking is the start of everything! 💟 BE PRIDEFUL, DEVOTED AND FEEL THE POWER💜 NOBODY CANT STOP YOU BUT YOU! . . . . . . . . . . #purpleaesthetic #positivebrands #colourfulcrochetvibez #comfortzone #getoutyourfeelings #getoutyourcomfortzone #thereisnoprogresswithoutstruggle #liveitsayitdoit #sayitliveit #colourfulbrands #colourmehappy #colourmebeautiful #colourfullife (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7usaxrLji/?igshid=189ncztvfdhpb
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bldupree · 4 years ago
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Big Facts! 😂😂 #GetOutYourFeelings #mortgage #homesforsale #homeownership #realestatemarket #mortgages #creditandlending #homesforsale #realestate #housingmarket #equity #yourfavoriterealtor #vlogger #IndianapolRealEstate #IndianapolisRealtor #Zionsville #Brownsburg #Plainfield #Avon #Greenwood #MarionCounty #milliondollarlisting #Carmel #Geist #Fishers #Indianapolis #LawrenceTownship #highgardenrealestate #Realtor https://www.instagram.com/p/CI873IAgT-3/?igshid=ijdhcdr2b34j
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djfreddyb · 4 years ago
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#GetOutYourFeelings & #BelieveYourself. And don’t listen to others because others are fake, #therealdjfreddyb https://www.instagram.com/p/CHt0PRcnpin/?igshid=1azyr23lw31b4
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thatgirldolce · 4 years ago
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😤Lame Mfs can’t keep it real if you paid them!! 😳 lol #keepingitreal #keepit100 #lame #lameassniggas #niggasaintshit #youplayedyourself #cantstopwontstop #getghost #fucklove #fuckdrama #fuckdistractions #getoutyourfeelings #tightenup #explorer #explorerpage #explorers https://www.instagram.com/p/CGkp5onHC4F/?igshid=tyr5evvi1dlc
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holisticspiritualguide · 5 years ago
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THIS 👉🏽 #thatpart #getoutyourfeelings #dontmissyourblessing #holisticspiritualguide @kgwash_ (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B__RJT-JKxd/?igshid=1aeykmkcytvx6
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haveuevr · 5 years ago
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#detailsmakethedifference #enjoythedifference #learnthedifference #thereisadifference #youropinion #opinionsplease #thoughtsinwords #thoughtsforlife #thoughtstoponder #thoughtsarethings #thoughtscreatereality #powerfulthoughts #innerthoughts #thoughtstoliveby #thoughtsonlife #innerfeelings #yourfeelings #feelyourfeelings #factsdontcareaboutyourfeelings #getoutyourfeelings #inyourfeelings #beliefsystem #mybelief #raisethevibetribe #universalguidance #divinelyguided #soulwisdom #universallaws #fifthdimension #haveyouever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_c3xCuHXJR/?igshid=1veykyknctnf
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gilandrenee · 5 years ago
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It's Manifestation Monday! Every couple has a gift they offer to the body of Christ. Join our friends Paul & Michele Hoskins as we learn how they work together in love and in business. Paul & Michele are proof "True Love Works." Join Gil&Renée for season 2 of the Rich Relationship podcast. Each Monday night at 7PM CST on your favorite podcasting platform and Alexa. Gil&Renée's mission is to empower individuals to build, repair,and restore, healthy rich relationships. Join us each week as we gain the tools and community necessary to experience a life with regrets. Remember we are stronger together let's grow! #marriagisforever #Iamprayingforyou #paul&Michele #RICHRELATIONSHIPS #GETOUTYOURFEELINGS #HABITSTHATHEAL #LESSREGRET #RENEEMBEAVERS #GIL&RENÉE https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7balRpw99/?igshid=om2t7v8p1vom
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sluttygoddesspodcast · 5 years ago
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Tomorrow’s not promised to any of us no matter our age or tax bracket 💔 .——————————————————. #sayiloveyou #sayimsorry #sorry #livelifenow #liveyourdream #startnow #livenow #livingforme #getoutyourfeelings #forgiveandforget #liveyourbestlifenow #tomorrowisnotpromised #sayyes #justdoyou #sandeeismyname #selfreflectionchallenge (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zoq8ipN2V/?igshid=1hc8tfj4dctjq
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penmaster-inc-blog · 5 years ago
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To Much Personalizing. #kaptainko #getout #checkyourself #easy #getoutyourfeelings #comeon #tooldforthisshit #youcantbeserious #aintnomoneyinthat # (at Fort Greene, Brooklyn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5S2GiyAHYs/?igshid=1ovalgb216b93
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samversusworldvlog · 6 years ago
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The wonderfully colourful Neals Yard in Covent Garden. Really vibrant and free area with everyone coming together from all backgrounds and nationalities, i will say this though you walk about here in tracky and trainers like so many places in London that cost £25 for a pizza they may not seem that you fit in, to those people I say roll up your hoods , say your please and thank you’s and change peoples perceptions and if they don’t well that’s there problem. You are anywhere you are because you are there 🙏💯❤️☝️🌏🌟💫 #nealsyard #coventgarden #colourful #perception #beyourself #hoodie #hoodsup #bethere #travelguide #bebetter #getoutyourfeelings #remedies #mymicrogap #visitlondon #centrallondon #visiteverycountry #visiteverywhere #belondon #londontravel #londontravels #surreyboys #offthestreets #travelmindset #samversusworld #travelsoothesmysoul #seetheworld #photosofengland #travellife #lovelondon (at Neal's Yard, Covent Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0GgB4gKVE/?igshid=1fv47j4f3po8f
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thatgirldolce · 5 years ago
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Change is necessary! Get out that old comfort zone and do something you’ve never did before. Life’s about progression not standing still! That part. 🙌🏾 #thatgirldolce #changeisneccessary #getoutyourfeelings #getoutthere #changeshitup #changeyourlife #wontgoddoit #liveyourbestlife #bossup #youcantwinifyoudonttry #bosschick #levelup #tryandtryagain #getfocused #stayfocused #youcantremainthesame #youcantremainthesameyourwholelife #lifeischange #inspire #empoweringwomen #explorepage #explore #getoutyourcomfortzone https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OVP0SH4SY/?igshid=q363s7wsj9y1
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miraclejones9515 · 7 years ago
Stolen from @triata.esman.duh cause i love this damn video 😂💯 #getoutyourfeelings #feelings #bruh #hug #haha #lol #comedy #vines #aye #lit (at Long Beach, California)
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culturefashionmagazine · 6 years ago
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Good Morning Everyone. There’s Going To Come A Time In Your Life When The Game Is Going To Test You . follow me at @face2faceboutiquerunway @culturefashionmagazin @face2faceboutiqueonlinestore ❤️ #wealthymindset #morningcoffee #entrepreneurship #business #womenwithpurpose #prayer #newhappiness #newhaircut #accountability #freshideas #inspiration #inspiration #motivation #newperson #newblessings #newopportunities #newday #newmindset #success #rich #getoutyourfeelings #beautifulfuture #prayingmom #prayingwomen #intercessoryprayer #prayerwarrior #womenempowerment #vlogger #newgoals #keepyourheadup #dontlookdown SHOP MY ONLINE STORES www.AnitaEvansCollection.com N www.ShopFace2Face.com (at Fulton County, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/anita.evans.official/p/BvybSqUFEUZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vf4zxqr4hjz1
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