#inspired by the little mermaid so
aspiringtrashpanda · 4 months
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This is the dumbest thing I've ever written. Please familiarize yourself with this scene from the Little Mermaid for best reader experience.
Characters: Leviathan x MC Stupid musical fluff, first kiss, kiss the fish baybeeee No warnings apply
“First, we’ve got to create the mood…”
A ripple surged through the aquarium, light undulating in soft waves, permeating the wall and reaching the furthest corners of the room. You traced the movements of the tiny goldfish, the pad of your index finger catching on the tacky glass just as the orange scales disappeared from view. 
You thought you could hear the thump of a bass guitar. Was it coming from Mammon’s room?
You almost brushed it off. Almost. 
However, when you thought you saw the water in the tank slosh in time to the steady beat, you asked, “Did you hear that?” 
“Hm?” Leviathan looked up from his computer monitor. One of his many displays. He had been at the start of a popular ARPG from the human world, last time you checked. Now, he had almost completed the tutorial. Turns out, it was as easy to speed through the introduction as it was to purchase a game from another realm through Akuzon. Jeremiah Bezoar, right?
Despite the reluctance to support such a megalomaniac, Levi found his thumbs smashing buttons. Why was there always so much exposition at the beginning of the quest? He frowned, “Hear what?”
“Percussion. Strings. Winds. Words…” 
You shuddered, a chill trickling down your spine. You were voicing your discomfort before you could even place the source. 
“Voices? But… They don’t sound familiar.” Though you were reluctant to tear your eyes away from the seascape stretched before you, you found yourself stepping backwards. One heel after the other, until you nudged against the back of Leviathan’s gaming chair. 
“Gah!” He startled, his headphones falling around his neck as wide, amber eyes turned to meet your gaze. The flex of his fingers seemed anxious, his knuckles popping in time with the rhythmic thud of the bass.  “Erm, you’re probably just hearing things…”
You were so close to believing him, to accepting his words as truth. Perhaps you would have, if it wasn’t for the smooth baritone that spilled into your ears.
“There, you see him. Sitting there across the way. He don’t got a lot to say. ‘Cause he’s playing Skyrim.”
The flit of your eyes confirmed the voice’s dulcet tones. Levi was, indeed, playing the classic fantasy game by Bethesda. There was no arguing the claim, not with the way the dragon attacked the site of his execution. 
Another glance at the aquarium revealed swaying kelp among the decorating stone structures within the tank. A flash of golden filaments forced the question from your mouth, “Can Henry speak?”
“Henry?” Levi paused the game, pulling up the main menu. He squished up his nose in amusement. “LOL. Not to you.”
Though, regardless of his claims, the melody bounced about the room.
“And the arrows fly, your knee’s been nullified. Go on and kiss the boy. ” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” And whether you were asking the fish - you noticed multiple fins fluttering from the hydra anemone to the sweeping greenery within the freshwater - or Levi, you weren’t entirely sure. Regardless, Leviathan spun in his chair, rocking back and forth on the creaking hinge of his high-tech seat. It was probably sponsored. He was a prominent gamer in the Devildom, after all. 
The pause between your question and his answer would have felt deafening if it wasn’t for the consistent thump of the bass, the jingle of mallets on a seashell marimba. Perhaps you appeared confused, though the uncertainty fell in syncopated beats, along with a tune you weren’t sure Levi could hear. 
“Well, you know, you normies have inferior hearing to us dem- HEY!” His squawk managed to overwhelm the crooning from the water fixture. The shellfish had joined in with some lovely harmonies, at this point. However, you found yourself happy to be distracted by Levi’s large, clammy hands as his long fingers pried yours away from a figure on his shelf.  “Don’t touch that!”
“Ah, sorry. I was just wondering…” You couldn’t stop the rush of blood to your face, the heat searing your cheeks a pretty pink. “Is that the Lord of Shadow’s crimson banquet outfit?”
Leviathan froze, his frame somewhere between sitting and standing. With his hands on his thighs, just above his knees, it looked as though he had been about to stand, about to rush to your side and physically remove your touch from the figure you had been admiring. 
“Yes, you want him. Look at him, you know you do. It’s possible he wants you too, and there’s one way to ask him.”
There was a flash of something in the indigo veins of his burning gaze. Did he hear it, too? Before you could ask, Levi narrowed his eyes, redirected your attention to his shelf of figurines. “Are you referring to the movies you marathoned with Mammon, or the books?”
You frowned, indignance igniting a roaring fire up your spine. With a sniff, you turned away from his incredulous glare. “I actually have started reading the books, you know. But… Well, I’m only on book two.”
The soothing accompaniment looped some sort of interlude. Minnows scurried from one rock to another. A toad lingering on a stone fixture breaching the surface croaked low and heavy, “It’s a list of words, by his fave character, go on and kiss the boy.”
And it was only then that you noticed the tension building in Levi’s blue seascape of a room. You felt the way his chapped lips parted, his tongue darting out to nervously wet the skin. He swallowed loudly, rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. His headphones rattled when he pushed them into the soft indigo strands brushing his nape, displaced and apparently forgotten. You smiled as a pretty pink flush spread across Levi’s cheeks, over the bridge of his nose. 
In an attempt to comfort him, you brought his attention back to the figure on his shelf. “Tell me about him, then.”
The prejudice dissolved from his gaze, replaced with a genuine excitement that nearly turned his orange eyes as bright as the sun that never touched the Devildom. He took a deep breath in, choosing his words carefully. “The… Um, the costume design department actually stuck really close to the canon source for the crimson banquet.”
A series of bubbles floated to the surface of the aquarium. As they burst, a note rang out through the room. There were so many instruments involved in the song now. How did a crayfish play a flute? It was past logic at this point. All you could do was pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary. You offered Levi a shy smile, “Is this a special edition?”
“It is!” You loved the beam that stretched across his face, all crooked teeth and enthusiasm. “Oh! You’ll get it, then! See, Mammon tried to steal him and sell him for only 15,000 Grimm! Can you believe it? I mean, not only would it be unthinkable to sell Crimson Banquet Lord of Shadow, but to sell it for such a small amount?! It’s like he didn’t even know that the designer had actually researched the small nordic community off of Greenland to accurately represent the sort of clothing that…”
The sound of his voice was a sweeter melody than any fish could sing. You thought you caught the shimmer of a red scale, a rainbow shark swimming low to the colorful pebbles hidden in the soft silt at the base of the aquarium. You caught its eye. It winked. 
You weren’t sure how you felt about that. 
“Er, you’re probably not interested in all that…” Levi was still rambling. At the sight of his nervous expression, the way he twiddled his thumbs and averted his eyes like he thought you weren’t interested, you kicked it into high gear.
“I am.” Your heart thudded against your ribs. Really, you were. You were interested in anything Levi wanted to tell you. You found his passions fascinating. 
The moment his sunrise gaze slammed into yours, a swelling chorus rose from the aquarium. You felt your pulse thrum in time with the beat. Their voices appealed to the endorphins rushing through your veins.
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la my, oh my! The human is too shy! Ain’t gonna kiss the boy.”
A pair of koi flicked their tails, arcing past the aquarium glass with a loud, “Whoa, whoa!”
It was cute, you thought. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t entered Levi’s room with that very intention. You liked him. You had liked him for a while. Yet, you weren’t sure if he was ever going to get the hint. Hell, if even his fish knew of your soft spot for Leviathan, what did you have to lose? He had to know too, right?
So, there you were, the choir of aquarium life pushing you forward. However, as you took two steps closer to the Avatar of Envy, Levi deflated in his chair, covering his face with his hands. You could just make out his lips moving, a soft repetition, over and over again. 
Shuffling over to him, to his desk and his gaming setup, felt like walking a tight rope. “Hey,” You whispered, “Are you okay?”
He scowled, huffing a soft, “No!” 
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la ain’t that sad? The poor otaku lad. You’re gonna miss the boy.” This time, Henry the goldfish fluttered through the water, suspended in the light of the room. 
You thought he looked smug.
“Levi.” Your fingers gently grazed his knees, the soft fabric of his sweatpants encouraging you to curl your palm around the bone, to squeeze ever so slightly. 
“Yeah?” It squeaked out between the gaps in his fingers, splayed across his face. 
“I think your aquarium is serenading us.”
As if to confirm your claim, Henry - flanked by the two koi - swam in a shape too close to a heart to be anything else. You could hear the th-th-thump of your pulse in your ears. 
“Yeah…” It was cute, the way Levi’s tongue darted out to wet his lips. A crease formed in his brow, his ears burning bright as he winced, “They’ve threatened that a few times, but I didn’t think they actually would!”
“It’s kind of charming.”
“Is it?!”
Where the toad managed to find a saxophone, you weren’t sure. Nevertheless, the breezy tune paved the way for the second verse. And for what? Well… Perhaps your eyes were deceiving you, but was Levi leaning closer? 
There you were, slowly absorbed into Leviathan’s personal space, your frame falling between his knees as they trembled, parting carefully. His hand brushed his mouth, his teeth knocking his knuckles as he protested, “Y-you can just ignore it, really!”
Henry had other plans.
“Now’s your moment. Your room looks like a blue lagoon. Toggle off display #2, and offer your sweater.”
And despite his own advice, concern flashed in Levi’s eyes. “Are you cold?”
You shivered. “A little, yeah.”
“He won’t say a word. He’s just an awkward nerd, go on and kiss the boy.”
Levi’s hands - slick with nervous, cold sweat, rested on your biceps. He took a deep, shuddering breath in, and then, he steeled his resolve. “Y-you… could come closer?”
You shuffled further into his space. How you ended up edging your body between his knees as he sat in his gaming chair, you couldn’t quite recall. You supposed he had covered his face, and then you had crouched down to make eye contact, and well… Now you were wedged awfully close to his heaving chest, his eyes screwed tightly shut. 
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la don’t be scared, you’ve got the facts prepared. Go on and kiss the boy (Whoa, whoa). Sha-la-la-la-la-la don’t stop now, you’ve leveled up and wow, you’re gonna kiss the boy.” 
“Levi,” You sang, soft and sweet, drawing his name out in the same key of the song. His right eye fluttered open, peering at you with cautious optimism. 
Noses nudged together, breath mingling as the song faded into the routine bubble of the aquarium. Levi’s thumbs rubbed circles into your arms, and you found yourself near hypnotized by the steady pattern paired with the blazing heat in his fiery eyes. 
A shaky breath. A soft, “You, er, don’t have to! I mean, I’m just a yucky otaku! You… Um, if this is just a joke, it’s fine, and -”
Your lips met his. 
It was a quick kiss. Chaste and gentle. Simply the press of two mouths, both unwilling to cross any invisible line drawn in the aquarium sand. 
There was pure silence as you pulled away. The music had disappeared completely. Even the tank’s filter and the hum of Levi’s computer tower fizzled out. 
A beat, where it was only you and Leviathan.
You and Levi in the watery haze of his bedroom, your lips so very close, and yet…
It was Levi who surged forward, slotting his lips between yours once more. This time, he kissed you like he meant it, as if you were a crimson banquet-themed delicacy that he had been saving for a very special dessert. His fingers curling into your sleeves, you found yourself melting into his embrace, your heart pitter-pattering in time with the rattle from his own chest. Cupping the nape of his neck, you reveled in the soft indigo strands that brushed your palm, in the breezy scent of the sea that followed him wherever he went. 
It was a strange sensation - to feel as though you were burning alive while cocooned in the blue haze of the ocean. And yet, you never wished to experience anything else. The taste of his lips, the twist of his needy hands on your body all you could register as you scrambled into his lap, his chair creaking under your combined weight.
A quiet huff spilled from his wet lips, his bangs butting against your forehead. His jaw tensed, and you knew he was about to say something when…
A voice sounded. A voice from outside the walls of the House of Lamentation. A voice so low, it shook the very foundation beneath you.
“Oh, you wanna kiss the boy!”
Levi grimaced. You blinked. 
“Was… Was that Lotan?” You weren’t sure your ears had registered the melody correctly. 
“Can we…” Levi nuzzled his face into your neck. You could feel the humiliation radiating off him in waves. “Can we go to your room?”
MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I've finished the first round, please give me more! This is a fun little writing exercise for me! Find out more HERE. i love you all so much, but shout out to @shootingstarrfish and @4laurus. Please check them out. 💕
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babyblueetbaemonster · 4 months
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blackreaderfics · 1 year
My Little Mermaid | Clark Kent x Black!Reader
↳ Pairing : MoS!Clark Kent x Black!AFAB!Reader
↳ Rating :  M (18+)
↳ Summary : a lone fisherman rescues a girl from the water
↳ W.C : ~1.6K
↳ Tags + Warnings: little mermaid motifs, comfortfic, reader is mute, slight dumbification, caretaker!clark, clark bathes her, slight implied age gap (reader is younger but over 18!!), size difference, non-sexual sexual touches, dubious consent, eye contact, ambiguous relationship, no smut
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Clark wiped the mist of ocean water from his face as he surveyed the horizon. The sky was dull and gray; the same as it had been for the past three days. He had already gotten his catch for the week; choppy waters before a storm always stirred the life below right into his net. He decided to turn in for the day after his last reel-in.
Boats above a certain size usually required a crew to operate efficiently, but Clark preferred to work by himself. If any of his previous crewmates could see him hefting burdens meant for ten men with ease, they’d probably be afraid of him. He'd never forget the look on his classmate’s face when he’d been seen using his powers. His bully, ironically enough, had been the only one to witness his pushing their sinking bus from out of the river. The mocking and derision he’d gotten so used to seeing was replaced with terror, and Clark realized he’d been the sole cause of that fear.
The incident brought unwanted attention to the Kents and reporters at their front door. Since then, his parents had quietly taken him out of school where he would earn his diploma from home. He was used to being alone now. 
Clark secured the net to the metal rig and lowered it into the water. Tiny droplets of rain dripped from his hood one by one until a steady drizzle began to fall. He tugged at his hood, though it didn't help him much now that he'd already been dampened from the humidity in the air and the sweat on his back. He circled back around the boat, checking for any stray buoys or untied ropes while he waited for the signal to bring his haul back up. 
A heavy clang at the side of the boat called his attention. He hadn’t brought the rig down very deep and he was far from the coast. Did he misalign something when he was setting up? He mentally went over his loading checklist from that morning, but couldn’t come up with anything out of the norm—Clark was a man of routine, and he rarely strayed from it. He frowned up at the clouds, now rolling in, and back down at the roiling waters. It was too early to bring the net back up but even he knew not to tempt fate. 
Clark went back to the helm of the boat and raised a lever to signal the rig’s movement upward. As the steel arm rose, however, it made a creaking noise he’d heard only once before back when he bought the old fisher boat. The guy who had sold it to him ensured he would take care of it, but maybe Clark had been naïve to trust his words.
He set the lever back to its place and stalked out of the cockpit. So much for not using any strength, he thought wryly. He wrapped the rope connected to a pulley once around his hand. A strong pull shot the net through the surface of the water; It hung a few feet above where he stood, filled with silvery bass and something else he couldn’t quite make out in the rain.
“What the—“ That something else looked very… human. Alarmed, he secured the rope he was holding onto the deck and manually worked on the metal arm that held the netted bundle. The faulty rig was already broken, and he had no problem bending the steel back to fold it closer to the main deck. The net ripped apart with a yank of his fingers and he swiftly pulled the human body from the catch.
It was…a girl. It was you. Alive, somehow, but completely bare. He shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it carefully around your body. Though your eyes were still closed, you had instinctively curled into his arms. He held you, carefully, as though you would break at any moment, and made his way to the shelter of the captain’s pit. The nearest hospital wasn’t too far from the shore. As long as you were still breathing, they’d be able to help you.
Clark laid you down on a cushioned ledge next to the control panels of the cockpit. He started the journey back to shore, but from the corner of his eye, he could see that you had awakened. When he turned to face you, however, your eyes had already squinted shut. 
“You’re awake.” He left the helm to come closer, kneeling by your side to take a closer look at you. He hadn’t taken a proper look at your face yet. He wasn’t a doctor but he knew a bit of first aid; he could check for any head injuries and vital signs that way. When he noticed your body tense up, he thought better of touching you and brought his hand back down. 
“Miss?” He tried again and you peeked out from underneath his jacket. Large doe-like brown eyes stared at him unblinkingly. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He promised, but Clark was beginning to wonder if you could even understand him at all. 
“I want to move your hair.” He spoke slowly, miming the actions with his hands at his own wetted curls. You looked at him as if understanding and slowly sat up. Clark froze as the jacket he’d draped over you shifted to reveal the brown peaks of your nipples. He quickly averted his eyes, only returning them back to yours when you moved suddenly in his periphery. 
You were.. touching him? Or more accurately, touching his hair, copying his movements from earlier. 
“N-no, not my hair.” Clark didn’t know why he was suddenly flustered but he moved now, with purpose, to cover you back up. You sat up, following his eyes as he brushed your long locs back and away from your face. You decided you liked his eyes very much.
Clark sat back on his heels and studied you. Your face looked unmarred, ethereal even, brown skin shimmering faintly as if you generated your own sunlight. You touched him again, this time at an area under his bearded jaw. When your fingers lightly grazed the knob at his neck, he swallowed involuntarily. 
At that moment he saw it. It was imperceptible at first; hard to catch if you weren’t looking hard enough. On the sides of your neck, three thin slashes pulsated like heartbeats, like…gills? He had to get you back into the water. 
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Clark sat on the closed lid of the toilet, deep in thought at the strange situation before him. He had pulled you out from the middle of the ocean and you were now sitting in his bathtub, resting your chin on the lip of the tub as he brooded. 
After seeing your gills (at least that was what they looked like) there was no way he could take you to the hospital. And throwing you back into the water just to get caught by another fisherman didn’t seem like the best idea either. 
Finally, as if making up his mind, he rolled up his sleeves and kneeled beside you with a washcloth. Pulling your arm gently towards him, he began to rub small circles of lather into your skin. 
He was always so serious when he looked at you but now he refused to meet your eyes, as if avoiding the glare of the sun. Had you done something wrong? He told you he wouldn’t hurt you. You didn’t understand the exact words, but you understood it from his eyes and you believed him. 
He took your other arm and your eyes followed his movements, but he hesitated for a moment at your chest. After a beat, Clark placed the washcloth in your hands and covered it with his own, guiding your clothed hand across your breasts.
You looked down in awe. His hands looked a lot different than yours; a lot bigger. And behind his hand, yours had completely disappeared. A soft nudge at your shoulder prompted you to turn around, breaking you out of your thoughts of the man in front of you.
Your back was to him now, and you could feel the warmth of his body heat, but you couldn’t see his eyes anymore. It made you uneasy when you couldn’t see them. You turned to face him again and he sat back, startled at your sudden movement. This time, Clark had given up on avoiding looking directly at you, searching your eyes for a hint of what you wanted. 
Before he could retract his hand from you, you clasped another hand over his willing it to stay. He obliged and continued, across your stomach, around your thighs, and down to your feet. After some time cleaning you, Clark wrung out the cloth and stood, pulling you to stand with him. You wondered why he seemed to ignore the area between your legs. You reached for the cloth but he took a step back. 
“N-no! That’s not—,” He looked away again, the tips of his ears tinged in pink. Clark looked around his bathroom for any kind of method of escape but found none. You weren't completely clean yet, but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere trying to explain to you why. He resigned himself to his fate and moved to find a basin.
You gazed up from under him. He was much bigger than you were. Just like with his hands, you noted his body could wholly cover yours; perhaps he could make you disappear under him just the same.
Not too long after, he presented you with a basin of fresh water and cupped his hand under yours. You let the water pool and leak through the gaps in your fingers. After a few tries you were able to hold a good amount of water in the crater of your palm. 
He demonstrated with you first, bringing your joined hands in between your thighs. Up from underneath your hand he helped you gently press apart your folds. He guided your fingers each time you’d collected your water, bringing it to your mound again and languidly rubbing until you felt his hand drift away. 
Clark watched you copy the movements he’d had taught you earlier. He could tell you were searching his eyes for confirmation, so he made sure to nod in assurance each time you looked at him.
When you stepped out of the bath he draped a warm towel around your shoulders, making sure to avoid the slits at your neck. He was staring intently at you now. The look in his eyes told you that he would keep you safe, and you believed him.
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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starzknight · 6 months
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Disney princess with a bit more accurate outfits...
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sanchoyoscribbles · 1 month
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Masayume was my most drawn oc for artfight, so obviously I had to draw something for my little artfight princess and incorporate the seafoam theme with a mermaid AU!! 👑
Thanks again to everyone who made my first artfight so much fun 🥹🧡
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halle bailey wearing nautical themed dresses to the little mermaid premieres brings me so much joy
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lavndvrr · 7 months
Ok for my The Little Mermaid au I don’t know whether I should go with nice piper and then Leo and her can be besties or if I should do dark! Piper for more angst and suffering, please give me your opinions
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missqueenpancake · 1 year
Being a lunami shipper AND watching the new little mermaid film like
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theterry · 29 days
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Our party's fits for the king's feast in Gauntlgrym. We managed to recruit all of the big factions in our battle effort against the demon lords incursion in the Underdark...
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...But more importantly, Laszlo and Dionaea whom Loaf has been shipping since day one had a lovely dance together. Will they won't they???
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
Um, Disney… this was literally already the plot of the movie. Her motivations are pretty clearly not just about Eric (and even if they were — so what?). She’d been collecting things in the grotto for ages and sang Part of Your World, the song where she goes very into detail about wanting to take part in the human world, BEFORE she ever laid eyes on Eric. Tell me you haven’t watched the movie in a while without telling me you haven’t watched the movie in a while.
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(Ariel in Ariel's Story Studio)
I've often mentioned Ariel, The Little Mermaid, and mermaids in general were my first special interest, but I wasn't introduced to her through the original movie!
It was actually through this adorable Living Books-styled educational game my dad brought home from a trip to the States, with a story book maker (you can collect more stickers for use in the picture book scenes from nearly every "page" of the game), characters in bubbles providing running commentary on the scenes (Ursula's comments are especially mean), an absolutely lovely aquarium-style minigame where you fill it up with cartoony fish (but when you use the camera, you get photographs of their real life inspiration along with facts about their species!)...
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I didn't talk very much as a kid (I certainly wasn't non-verbal, or at least... not entirely? Just a quiet observer mostly, but I was also quite spoiled ^^;;;), so looking at how quiet, curious, but undeniably clueless about the human world Ariel was (enthusiastic despite having no clue she's coming off strangely)... ah, no wonder I latched onto her immediately as an autistic kid. ^^;
A fish out of water is a very apt metaphor!
Thinking of Hans Christian Andersen and how he wept inconsolably face-down in the dirt at a bad review, how he overstayed his welcome at the Dickens' residence, failed to understand their hints, accidentally offended folks with with questionable or off-putting words, how he needed and expected help with grooming, and how his relationships fared... the possibility he was on-spectrum too (not that we could ever know for sure, given how long ago this was, but the way he missed social cues makes it likely)... it's just a lot that felt familiar.
It's interesting that this aspect of Ariel wasn't even in his original story!
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freddiefredfive · 2 years
I am currently writing a slow burn King Triton AU story with lots of OCs!
It’s called…
A Part Of Your World
@inspectorgamache (Maria) and I have been collaborating not only on the plot but illustrations too! I’m so excited to share this with you all soon! 💕
A lovely friend of mine on Twitter slapped us with genius one day when she suggested the idea of ALFRED MOLINA AS KING TRITON and it honestly couldn’t have been more perfect.
Maria and I imagined my Triton to look like a beautiful mix of two of Fred characters:
Jim Bussey (from “The Waterman”)
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and Aubrey Feilds (from “Frankenstein’s Monster’s Monster, Frankenstein)
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When I say @inspectorgamache has made Triton look SO AMAZING in the drawings she’s made so far, I TRULY MEAN IT!
Here’s a little synopsis of the plot:
Setting: Modern Day
A fair and compassionate, but mournful merman King Triton of Atlantis has shut out his kingdom to the rest of the world for the past 15 years. Since his wife’s death, he has been incredibly cautious about humans and their inability to stop destroying the world around them. However, Triton rediscovers humanly compassion and new-found love after encountering Cordelia Easton, a tough environmental activist fighting to stop a notorious waste disposal company from polluting the beaches of NYC. To get a better perspective of the human world and to pursue his new love, Triton becomes human! Through sorcery, adventure, romance, and even a little bit of music, Triton and Cordelia come to learn that real life can be just as magical as seen in fairytales!
Side note: My main OC, Cordelia, is plus size! I really wanted to see more inclusion in the fanfiction world. I mention it briefly in the book but I didn’t want to harp on it too much because a good plus size character’s plot does not need to revolve around them being plus size! Cordelia is pretty badass, in my opinion, so I hope you love her as much as I do! 🥺
So far, I’ve written the first two chapters and once I write more, I will start posting a chapter a week. I really hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I have writing it with @inspectorgamache’s help! 🥰
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Oh yeah, I forgot to post this last night
So yesterday I was doing more Story Mode on my phone account of Ovenbreak, and I came across a stage with these statues (it was somewhere in Chapter 4, but I don’t remember what stage exactly)
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Also sorry the statues are kind of obscured, I just had bad timing
Anyways, so as you can see, we have Sea Fairy statues, as well as statues of this mermaid with a harp. Considering they’re the only two statues and I know that’s not Carol in the statue, I’m taking this to mean that Sea Fairy was originally a mermaid, and perhaps played the harp (or I guess that’s a lyre)
So I decided to take that idea and make it into the drawing you see up top, which is supposed to be Sea Fairy pre-Legendary status
She probably has pearls and coral, I just forgot to draw it
Also I’ll admit, I didn’t really know what to do with the hair color, so I just picked something random. I’m not married to the color choice though, if something better makes itself known I’ll change it. But I wanted it to look different from Sea Fairy’s usual colors
I don’t know what her name is, usually for non Legendary Sea Fairy, I call her Coral Cookie, but she has no coral on her and her hair looks more like waves. Pink was another idea for her hair color but I thought it looked too different
Maybe her name could have Coral in it, but also something else? I suppose I could go with Sea Coral…
But yeah, it was just an idea I thought was neat
I might make an updated one with the coral, and probably a different hair color
Edit: so I did that, and gave her the pink hair. I’ll put the original below for people who still want to see it I guess
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userastarion · 1 year
why are studios remaking animated movies like the animated versions are somehow lesser
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trashasaurusrex · 2 years
animation practice w/lindsey (ref: little mermaid. duh)
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sysig · 2 years
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Read an interesting new fic, but really it was the spider that sold me (Patreon)
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