#inspired by pearl jam's release
kbrick · 11 months
Draco had called it The Pilgrimage. He was irreverent, even when talking about Harry’s annual Halloween trip to visit his parents' gravestones. Draco always made Harry feel more human, somehow, like he wasn’t a myth, like he was just a man, his life just a life, his tragedies his own, yes, but otherwise the same as everyone else’s.
Since he’d turned twenty-two, Harry’s visits to Godric's Hollow made him feel like a pioneer, of sorts. He was charting waters his father had never touched. His father had died at twenty-one. Harry had seen decades more than that. He continued to surge ahead with every sunrise, further and further from the man in the photographs that Sirius had left behind.
Harry had a smattering of white whiskers in his beard. He thought about that often, how his father would never have white in his beard, his hair.
When he was a boy, his father seemed like a grownup. Now that Harry was grown, his father seemed little more than a boy. He was frozen in time, encased in wavy glass, the outline of him well known to Harry, the details forever unclear.
The graveyard was the same as ever, silent and cold at this time of year. Harry’s coat was full of warming charms, his hands stuffed into thick mittens that Luna had knitted for him. One of them had an extra thumb. Draco used to shove his hand in the mitten with Harry’s, claiming Luna had made the extra thumb for him, so he could share.
Harry had lived long enough to have a multitude of regrets. Draco was the one that stung the most.
He wondered what his father had regretted, or whether it had all been taken away too soon, before his decisions could be weighed and judged.
He wondered, as ever (for so long now that it felt like a cliché), what his father would think of him, of the man standing here with a salt-and-pepper beard, thick mittens, and scars. He was forever worried about the opinions of the dead; it was a strange way to live.
He knelt in front of the stone. “I still don’t know what I’m doing,” he said quietly, his mitten tracing the J, the A. He laughed at himself. “Did you? Maybe you were better at this than I am. You got mum to marry you, after all. That was smart.” He sighed, lingering on the P. “It’s ridiculous that I still come to you for advice. You probably knew less about life than I do.”
He sat back on the frigid ground, listening to the wind rustling through the sunset-colored leaves that clung stubbornly to their branches. He missed Draco terribly. It had been six months, and the missing wasn’t getting any easier. Surely, it would. It had to.
“It’ll get easier, won’t it?” he asked his father. And then he realized it might not. Losing his parents never had, not really. Maybe it would always feel like this when he thought of Draco.
He shut his eyes and wondered why he couldn’t let go of anything. He couldn’t even let go of a thing he’d never had. He couldn’t stop his heart from clinging jealously to the legacy of a man he couldn’t even remember. Harry could call up images of his father easily, but they were all from photographs. It wasn’t really him. It was a mirage, a dream of a man who had once lived.
Harry was the spitting image of his father, or at least he had been twenty years ago. He was a father’s son who was old enough now to be his father’s father. He came here, year after year, to talk to the wind.
Nothing ever talked back.
“Tell me what to do,” he murmured. “Please.” He shut his eyes tighter, pleading with his father, with god, with whatever might be listening.
“He’d want you to be happy.”
Harry’s eyes flew open at the sound of Draco’s voice, and somehow, there he was, crouching nearby, his nose pink from the cold.
“What?” he managed.
“Your father. He wouldn’t care if you messed up sometimes, or whether you were exactly the sort of man he was. And he wouldn’t want you to wonder what he’d say every time you did anything. He’d just want you to be happy, Harry.”
Harry swallowed thickly. “Why are you here?”
“Because I knew you would be here. Now, come on, let’s get you somewhere warm. It’s freezing outside.”
Harry let Draco pull him to his feet, let him lead the way between stone markers and obelisks. And as he walked through the gates of the cemetery, he had the most profound sense of moving on, moving forward, of steering into uncharted waters.
His father was gone and had been for a long time. But Harry was still here, and he had a lot of life left to live.
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
so, first, accountability statement: I plan on trying to finish the “zedaph steals a baby” fic by the end of the month and god is that one-line summary no longer accurate but we’re sticking to it, said here publicly so now I have to do it. obviously I also have recursive exchange and the writing I have for hotguy comics zine, but I am not SUPER worried about either of those time/inspiration-wise at the moment and also for Reasons I know it won’t be long until I have more free writing time after that, SO.
various items that are on my potential writing docket, I am curious which of these appeal most:
I dust off the supervillain support group au. two ways this could go: I chip away at the second arc of my original outline and acknowledge this will be like a 300k fic I’m not ready to feel “done” with or “ready to post” with for ages, or I re-work it into something a little more doable and less ambitious keeping the same premise (ren runs a support group for supervillains, doc pov as he starts to heal and redeem himself). this MAY honestly be a target for “if I don’t hate the first 50k on re-reading it and I can actually make my brain write the second arc, do a slower release schedule and then start releasing chapters before I’m done writing”? but this ALSO runs the risk of “I stopped writing it, which is often a sign I was having trouble writing it”.
pearl monster au, which has been cooking in my head for a long while. the basic premise is “one day, pearl, with no memory of how or why this happened, wakes up in a facility as a monster and must try to figure out how she got there, escape, and find her way home, even knowing she may be irrevocably changed”. now with bonus season 10 fish flavor to add to this creature design I’ve been iterating on in my head for forever! this one is ALSO an experiment for me in “can I write a fic where I can’t write dialogue for basically the entire first act”, which would be interesting to see from me, you know?
the related “bigb folklore au”, where after secret life bigb is woken up by Cat and Dog by the tracks of the King Snake, which bigb can recognize as the railroad track, and decides to journey down the railroad to see if he can figure out what the fuck is going on. I need to do video review of life series bigb for this one. this is my excuse to get Weird and Metaphorical and also assign everyone to various animals for no reason, along with using some very specific aesthetic I have wanted to use for some worldbuilding but hadn’t gotten around to yet in any of my stuff. man walks through the desert with animal, confronts train that might be the watchers, might be death, and might just be a train. also, realizes that “confront” is the operative word there and has to deal with that. you know how it is.
““office au””, in air quotes because it’s not REALLY what anyone going to an office au is looking for so much as an excuse to write weird horror. iskall, normal-ish software developer man in a boring office job who does game jams in his free time, goes to work one day to work in his boring downtown office on a payment system for a client. and then things, uh, Take A Turn. this would be a LITTLE me going “what if I wrote an au with a guy who works in tech but like, the boring side of tech I’m in. like, banks and consulting and manufacturing and shit. where you sit in meetings all day and tweak java 8 code even though that language is ten years out of date. but THEN. something exciting happens in the worst way possible.” I’m doing to iskall what I did to mumbo stuffed bird is what I’m saying. it’d be fun.
DO ANY OF THESE PARTICULARLY INTEREST ANYONE. your input will be valued. like 50% chance i get hit with a strong bolt of inspiration then IGNORE that input but it’ll be valued all the same,
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robsheridan · 1 month
Electric waves crafted with light for Pearl Jam's “Got to Give” stage visuals on their current Dark Matter world tour. Light refracted off of Mylar sheets onto a projection screen, which we filmed at 1000fps while I crinkled and shook the Mylar in various ways. In ultra slow motion, the resulting textures move in a uniquely alien way, filled with rapidly twitching and shifting details that feel like something between liquid and electricity. By finding a good rhythm of shaking the Mylar with the light hitting at just the right angle, I was able to capture iridescent waves that moved slowly and elegantly while also crackling with small frenetic movements. Those two layers of motion were something I was always looking for in our experiments as I sought to create slow, gradually-evolving long-form visuals that also carried in them a palpable energy to match the intensity of Pearl Jam’s live performance.
The warm glow of the electric waves came from our unique light source: incandescent light bent through the lens of a vintage overhead projector. The projector was a great find by producer Stephanie Sheridan at Tinkertopia here in Tacoma, and we used it for quite a few other visuals in the show, inspired by the Joshua Light Show & other pioneering analog psychedelic visuals of the 1960s/70s.
For the song’s climax, multiple layers of the electric waves overlap, filling the stage’s projection screen with a rainbow of psychedelic light, and lighting director Kille Knobel adds another layer of real refraction patterns using three physical mirror balls that rotate at the base of the screen. The mirror ball light spills out across the entire arena, as if the light has been released from the screen, uniting the band and audience for a celebratory conclusion.
I’ll be back out on the Dark Matter tour in a couple weeks as it continues in the US! Come check it out if you can find tix!
“Got to Give” / Electric Waves: Director: Rob Sheridan Producer: @stephanie_sheridan_ Editor/Post: Rob Sheridan Camera Operator: @donovonmedia Production Assistant: @ilanarahaman Camera: Freefly Ember by @freeflysystems
Filmed at Rob Sheridan Productions, Tacoma, WA.
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imsparky2002 · 2 months
We All Dye - A Teen Titans (Girls) AU
Band: We All Dye
Founded: October 30, 1999
Location: Jump City, California
Fun Facts
The band is called We All Dye because at the time, everyone had dyed hair.
While they officially formed the band in 1999, they had been practicing together for about a year before the official founding. Their first concert was on Halloween.
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Born: May 1, 1986
Favorite Acts: The Cure, Korn, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Radiohead, Joy Division
Instruments: Lead Vocals
About: On stage, Rachel Roth is a gothic force of nature. She loses herself in the music, putting all her emotions on display and excelling in flair and passion. When she's offstage, Roth is the complete opposite. In real life, she's a reserved and mild-mannered kid who uses sarcasm and bluntness on a regular basis. Rachel's look on life had been jaded even before her mother's death from cancer, an which caused her to create the band as a way of finally releasing her emotions and hurt in a creative manner. She found that in making the band, she had found lifelong friends who would be there for her every step of the way. She tries her best to do the same for them.
Kori Anderson (Starfire)
Born: May 21, 1986
Favorite Acts: Bjork, Britney Spears, The Beach Boys, David Bowie, Rush, Sum 41
Instruments: Lead Guitar
About: An immigrant from Canada, Kori is without a doubt one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Though she's unapolagetically peppy, she's got a love for rock. She is trusting to a fault, which her older sister Kristen (Blackfire) would take advantage of. It was only after her bandmates showed Kori that she was being mistreated, did she finally begin to stand up for herself. Now she feels that she's finally gained true sisters.
Karen Beecher (Bumblebee)
Born: March 19, 1986
Favorite Acts: Jamiroquai, Green Day, Gloria Gaynor, Prince, Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill
Instruments: Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals
About: The mom of the group, Karen works alongside Kori to be the peacekeeper. She makes sure everybody's packed and ready to go for concerts. Karen's certainly busy as a bee, which just so happens to be her favorite animal. She's also a proud nerd, hoping to work in tech if the band somehow fails to work out.
Tara Markov (Terra)
Born: February 21, 1986
Favorite Acts: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Joan Jett, Soundgarden, Fiona Apple
Instruments: Bass
About: Tara is a girl who is not afraid to get her hands dirty or speak her mind. This came from being bullied in childhood as a poverty-ridden kid needing to fight for everything she had. She chose to play bass as she felt it fit her "no-theatrics" attitude. Tara also is the most likely to argue either for herself or for other members of the band if she feels anyone is being disrespected.
Alina Hao (Jinx)
Born: August 8, 1986
Favorite Acts: Hex Girls (She won't apologize), Queen, Shonen Knife, Misfits, Stevie Nicks
Instruments: Keyboards, Backing Vocals
About: Alina is as wry, passionate and mischievous as they come. When Rachel was creating her on-stage persona, she mostly drew inspiration from Alina's theatricality. Funnily enough, Alina and Rachel had been rivals in elementary school, due to frequent bouts for spots in school plays. It was only after puberty and tragedy in Rachel's life did the two realize how silly their rivalry truly was, and Alina was invited into the friend group. Now she feels it's her job to back up her friends, and occasionally drive them nuts with pranks.
Rose Wilson (Ravager)
Born: February 21, 1986
Favorite Acts: Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, Alanis Morissette, Guns 'n Roses, Rage Against the Machine, Le Tigre
Instruments: Drums
About: If you want to keep Rose happy, don't tell her what to do without a good reason. She has problems with authority due to issues with her parents and being seen as a disappointment by most of her teachers. Having two younger brothers (with an older brother, Grant, who's serving in the Army) to protect from their mom and dad means she looks out for other kids going through a hard time. It's also caused her to become jaded, using snarkiness as a way to cope with the feelings of hurt and anger that have built up inside her. While she sees all her bandmates as sisters, she particularly bonds with Tara as a fellow victim of parental abuse, even if they bicker a lot.
So that's the band so far. Credit to Artzy for the name choice! Lemme know headcanons, and thoughts in the replies and reblogs. @artzychic27 @nerd-chocolate @msweebyness
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sardonic-the-writer · 5 months
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↳ notes: middle art by @no-interest-rightnow. warnings for topics relating to drug abuse
↳ playlist: puck/gorillaz playlist
basic info/pre-gorillaz.
• nicknamed puck. real name is unknown
• always seen wearing sunglasses of different sorts. doesn't matter what kind, just as long as their eyes are covered. no one's ever seen them
• no specifically stated gender, but it's implied that they are trans masculine. only ever referred to with gender nonspecific terms
• clothing style consists of a cross between layered t-shirts with ironic sayings on them (ex: world greatest grandparent) or baggy clothing with bright patterns. most are ratty & full of holes, but they never change their style
• not much is known about their background. a few documents accessible to the public lets you know puck was born in america before moving to the u.k when eighteen
• met 2D, then known as stuart pot, there through a job at uncle norman's organ emporium and a shared love of art. became good friends. didn't really care for paula cracker at the time, but mostly kept to themself anyways
• came to know murdoc almost a year later after the first infamous car incident. they didn't like him at first, in fact, they hated him, and only stuck around him to make sure he took proper care of 2D. actually broke the bassist's nose in a fight after he flung their friend out of a car, successfully blackening his second eye
• only reason they ever got roped into the gorillaz shtick was thanks to 2D, who refused to be a singer for murdoc unless puck was brought along. they couldn't sing, nor play any instruments, but they could write. and had a keen ear for music
• met russel and noodle through the band not long after, becoming much better mates with them than murdoc almost immediately
• has a drug problem. it's especially bad in their earlier years. dabbles in hardcore drugs & smokes way too much weed. they only ever try to hold out if noodle is around, attempting to be a semi-good role model for the kid. even get's on to 2D for being high when he's supposed to watch her
phase one — 'gorillaz' 24 years old, 2001
• not an official band member for the gorillaz. they don't play on tracks or anything. sort of just hangs around & gets their hands on lyrics or beats. no stage presence
• had their own space before the band. but after the debut album kicked off, they barely bothered to visit it. basically just lives wherever the band does at this point
• travels with them pretty much everywhere too. especially after the release of 'gorilla'. technically on payroll as a writer and as a roadie, but still sleeps in the same living space as the band. 2D has a little trouble getting shut eye in those first few months otherwise
• on the first album, puck is credited with writing lyrics for quite a few songs, but most noticeably 19-2000, clint eastwood, 5/4, as well as directing most of the music videos (skipped out on rock the house after hearing murdoc would be wearing a thong)
• fights with said bass player quite a lot during this time. normally over small things, but it's only ever amplified by him being drunk and puck high. russel usually steps in to physically separate the two in time
• puck doesn't care much for paparazzi. (that's an understatement. once they'd thrown a brick at a reporters camera to get them to back off), but they do participate in a few magazine/radio interviews as long as they've been planned ahead of time. because of this, puck's gone on public record stating their music inspiration comes mainly from the cure, pearl jam, de la soul, and other bands
• appears in a few self dubbed 'gorillaz-bitez' at the time; most noticeably 'game of death' in which they are seen happily betting against murdoc and winning
• not counting the few pictures still around and/or taken pre-gorillaz, this is when puck appears the most feminine or least masculine. as time progresses, subtle changes are added
phase two — 'demon days' 28 years old, 2005
• in between phase one and two after the band took a break, puck floats around the world doing odd jobs and buying way too many drugs (a downer when it comes to their addiction. doesn't care for stuff that's all high energy. prefers the mellow feeling weed & stuff like shrooms or xanax will bring)
• comes back to the band for a second album, but only after noodle reached out from an abandoned kong studios with the building blocks for a new album. puck automatically accepts her offer, and helps her refine some of the demon days songs before contacting anyone else
• most noticeably dedicates a lot of their time into el manana, o green world, white light, every planet we reach is dead, and dirty harry
• almost got fired by kong studios at one point for showing up to an anti-war protest where the public could see, but the entire band went to bat for them and ended up supporting the motivation behind dirty harry as a result
• this phase is when they form even closer with a young noodle. even manages to build an okay relationship with murdoc through demon days, to the point where puck wouldn't mind one bit if he needed to ask a favor of them—a huge step forward
• puck also got absolutely pumped when de la soul agreed to fly out and record their parts for feel good inc. just knew that noodles melody and their lyrics would make for an unforgettable song, and they were more than right
• is actually in the feel good inc. music video as an extra/cameo instead of just directing it, marking their first official onscreen debut as an unofficial member of gorillaz, even if they aren't in the band
• canonically slept with murdoc around phase two. neither of them were sober when it happened, and puck swears it was only to shut murdoc up. but everyone noticed the change in mood for the two of them the following weeks
• it does happen again, and this time the both of them are sober. puck will kill anyone if they ever attempt to bring that up
• during the mtv cribs episode done on gorillaz that murdoc helps the channel produce, puck can be seen passed out and drooling in a bedroom that clearly doesn't belong to any other band members, more or less confirming that they live full time with the band now
• their info card on screen reads, "nickname: puck. occupation: writer, director, friend of 2D's. fun fact: used to have a speech impediment," (which is how they got the name puck since fuck used to be their favorite word.) only wakes up to chase everyone out after murdoc leans to whisper something in their ear
• wasn't actually present during jimmy manson's audition and subsequential humiliation, so manson didn't really care about killing them as much in comparison to the rest of the band. however, right before the filming of the el manana music video, coincidentally right about the time manson works his way up in the music industry ranks, puck and him got into a huge fight over pulling/not pulling certain songs. they won in the end, and it angered him so much that he ended up plotting to kill them along with everyone else. but they're on the bottom of his list overall
• after el manana, puck copies the rest of the band and essentially drops off the face of the earth. with noodle presumed dead, it marks the beginning of a very dark time in their life
phase three — 'plastic beach' 33 years old, 2010
• puck draws in on themself a lot in the years between demon days and plastic beach. they end up going back to their hometown in america to lie low for a while, but it only launches them into the beginning of a long mental episode
• only makes one call during those long months in america, and it's just to let 2D know they went back to america in case he came looking for them. they hoped he wouldn't, and he didn't
• eventually the boogeyman finds and kidnapps them around the same time as 2D; both instances under murdoc's orders. the likes of which puck hadn't seem much less talked to since the bands last el manana recording
• he claims that he needs the both of them in order to make a new album
• plastic beach becomes puck's mental prison. unlike 2D, who is kept prisoner by a fear of both whales and now murdoc, they end up developing a crippling mentality that confines them only to the recording studio and their room
• puck's sunglasses reflect how they change as a person through each of the phases, and it really shows here. on the debut album, they had a simple knockoff pair. on demon days they were wore star shaped ones, but on plastic beach they have a singular pair held together with tape; the roughest they ever get. in later phases the quality of their sunglasses slowly become better until eventually puck's wearing a pair of shiny purple shades in song machine, signifying their official point of recovery
• they hate cyborg noodle. phase three will always be a little blurry to them, thanks to drugs & trauma responses, but they distinctly remember hating cyborg noodle and murdoc for creating her. it reminded puck too much of the real noodle; who at the time they assumed to be dead
• the climax of everything horrible happens two days before the anniversary of noodles 'death'. puck nearly died from an overdose. it was the lowest point in their life, and the only time 2D ever saw murdoc worried for someone other than himself during that phase
• they had really gotten into r.e.m then—so much so, that that's what was playing as they choked on their own vomit in a drug induced sleep—murdoc attempting to kick the door to their room down in the background as it happens
• gets all their drugs through snoop dog when he visits the island to record his bits for videos & songs. murdoc and cyborg noodle won't let them leave, so it's not like they can get their fix any other way
• actually wrote melancholy hill all by themself (with some post-editing from, 2D) during plastic beach. it's supposed to represent how alone they felt and how horrible their drug problems got on the island. it was the first song they ever wrote completely about themself or their experiences to get released under a lable
• also had a hand in stylo, empire ants, and super fast jellyfish, but between spending months curled up in their room pushing their body to the limit with drugs & trying to keep 2D from making the same mistakes, melancholy hill took up most of puck's time
• relies heavily on music and nothing else during this time; not even 2D, who they still feel bad about basically mentally abandoning during plastic beach
• the events of rhinestone eyes is a giant cacophony of mixed feelings for puck. seeing russel again and noodle alive while avoiding helicopters that are trying to kill them can really confused a mentally fucked guy. because that's what they were at that point. mentally fucked
• puck lost a lot during plastic beach. it will take them a long long time to ever forgive murdoc for this years spent at the pink island (specifically eight years later at the end of phase five when he finally gets out of jail), but they never forget
phase four — 'humanz' 40 years old, 2017
• this is officially the period in time where they finally attempt to get clean
• their drug habit was on and off during the seven year break in between plastic beach and humanz, but it was clear to anyone that knew them that they were trying their best to quit
• the long break between albums was the only reason puck came back for humanz. it gave them time to heal and pull themself out of the state they had been in. if they hadn't had that opportunity, puck isn't sure they would have returned to gorillaz at all
• they actually grow a little scruff around this phase as spotted by the tabloids, causing the public to start speculating about their gender again (something they've always had to deal with and hated)
• works on songs like busted and blue during this time. that actually was a scrapped song puck started on plastic beach, and only decided to bring it back and finish it for humanz. noodle helped them to refine it
• despite writing busted and blue, puck put the least amount of work and effort on the humanz album than any other. mostly because they were trying to get sober. still makes a guest appearance in the saturnz barz music video & collaborates with popcaan on his part of the song some
• starts going to rehab regularly! 2D even starts going with them in phase four as a show of support which really helps puck to pull through. 2D himself is still on painkillers, but noticeably less so than before
• the press and public attention makes recovery hard, but they manage to finally pull through by the end of humanz (sober six years as of 2024!)
• they do have an altercation with an obsessive old dealer of theirs once they get off drugs. the dealer liked being able to boast that she sold drugs to famous people, most of the time overcharging puck because she knew they could afford it, so she got really aggressive when her main means of funding dried up—to the point where she managed to track puck down and get ugly. if murdoc hadn't been there to help scare the ex-dealer off, puck was unsure what would have happened
• this was the beginning of the uptick in their relationship
phase five — 'the now now' 41 years old, 2018
• phase five is a huge change in pucks life for the better. it's the beginning of their happier years
• thinks it's because murdoc got sent to jail at first. but as time goes on and the pit in their chest continues to ache, they realize that's not it
• really puck's just happy because nothing fucking insane is going on with the band for once. no more missing eyes (than usual), no zombies or ghosts, and definitely no trash islands painted pink, stuff still gets strange of course, i.e a missing bassist and meetings with jack black and his saxophone, but that stuff is more to their liking
• has time to actually pick up old & new hobbies other than music and song writing. particularly gets really into reading and film analasis
• around this time is when the subject of murdoc becomes tricks for them, but for a different reason than usual
• puck thinks the '#freemurdoc' movement is pretty silly. doesn't really want him to stay there, but puck knows murdoc has been to jail enough to watch out for himself well enough
• none of that stops them from visiting the bass player in jail though. they find themself doing it once or twice instead of just calling, which was more than any of the other band members could say
• a long few years ago, puck used to (and sometimes still does) watch the powerpuff girls with noodle when she was younger, so the both of them were understandably psyched when ace accepted the offer to take murdoc's place in the next album. noodles a bit more excited, though, seeing as puck is still trying to come to terms with the fact that they liked and missed murdoc, so they were preoccupied by that
• ace makes a comment a few months in that he just naturally assumed that puck & his buddy were together, which naturally makes their face light up a bright red. gets to avoid eye contact thanks to their sunglasses
• that may have influenced how they wrote song lyrics with the now now; just like with 2D
• by the end of the now now, puck has gone from being behind the writing of a few background songs & main hits on albums to nearly every single song. they, along with some contributions and suggestions from the rest of the band, are the main reason lyrics are even added to the melodies at this point
• wrote tranz, which is their way of not-so-subtly writing about how it feels to be them in a bodily sense, which underlying tones of the rest of the bands influence on them as a person throughout the years
• can be seen stumbling around in the humility music video while attempting to roller skate with 2D, who had been attempting to teach them how to do so properly all week. eventually it just shows them giving up and laying down in the grass to watch the clouds go by
• after the album is released to the public, puck appears at their second ever award show, since all the way back in demon days in fact, when the album gets nominated for a category or two. even dresses up. at least by their definition, wearing a tie haphazardly over their normal clothes. it isn't even tied right—something russel laughs at
• that means they are there when the band is announced to have won the award. is very awkward on stage as noodle accepts the award, but thinks that murdoc's pre-recorded thank you message that is shown is really funny. fun fact, that exact moment at the award show where murdoc showed up on screen was when puck realized that they really did miss and like him—romantically
• even after he finally gets out of jail for real, puck spends the next five years refusing to let murdoc know about their feelings. much to everyone else's chagrin
phase six — 'song machine' 43 years old, 2020
• phase six was probably the first time in decades that puck ever truly felt happy
• working on the song machine was a way for them to finally leave plastic beach and all the memories associated with it behind. the lost chord was their was of saying good-bye, and 2D's way of finally forgiving murdoc for the same reasons
• song machine really was just puck having fun and not worrying about anything for the first time in a while. they're sober, have a good (bordering on romantic) relationship with murdoc, and are even making more public appearances with the band for the first time in a while. still hates the paparazzi, though they do apologize for the brick incident on record around this time
• is actually able to stop using nicotine gum & patches to curb their need for cigarettes here. (they quit smoking cigs along with everything else when they got clean in humanz. complete cold turkey)
• still keeps in contact with ace at this point even though he's gone and murdoc is back in the band
• is absolutely just chilling the entire time. is in all the music videos shown having the time of their life after his most recent years, only really stepping out of their little bubble of happiness to help with some minor incidents (the pink ghost dilemma, sinkhole problems, etc.)
• probably helps murdoc build his little anti-negative energy hide out, and definitely feels a little bad about leaving the man behind during the desole music video
• when they go into space with everyone else in the winnebago, their spacesuit is purple and has crude graffiti like drawings all over it—curtesy of the whole band
• not a lot happens lore wise to puck during this phase, and that's perfectly all right with them. they're finally completely sober and getting to hang out with the people they care about the most. what else could they want?
phase seven — 'cracker island' 46 years old, 2023
• isn't sure how to feel about packing up and moving to l.a with the band at first since a lot of people from their clouded past are more likely to pop up in america, but they do anyway
• phase seven marks the beginning of murdoc and puck's actual relationship. it took puck a long time to come around to the fact that they actually liked him, flaws and all, but they had begun to realize that they aren't as young as they used to be, and that it's better to be truthful to their feelings and themself instead of hiding away. they already made that mistake once
• the media really starts to become a part of their life more than ever here. it has to do with speculation about murdoc and puck dating sure, but also with the introduction of moonflower and her cult. (puck finds her quite charming and enchanting, which makes murdoc incredibly grumpy. they change their tune about her once 2D is brainwashed, though)
• credited with writing new gold, oil, tarantula, baby queen, and pretty much every other song there is on the album. helps 2D with cracker island some too, but that was mainly him
• baby queen is actually a little about watching noodle grow up into who she is today. puck's always had a good bond with noodle ever since demon days, so baby queen is a very emotional song to them
• thinks the whole thing about 'murdoc's essence' is absolutely hilarious. it gives them a good laugh anytime they think about it. also, they won't admit it, but they find murdoc a little attractive in his cult robes
• gets really pissed when they finally figure out what's been going on with moonflower's cult and 2D. that's puck's best friend and literally the only person that's stuck with them through everything, so they are gonna fight to get him back. even if it's against an immortal cult
• in the silent running music video, which including cracker island is less of a music video and more of a retelling of that night, puck's sunglasses come off for the first time. ever.
• only murdoc sees it as he happens to be standing right across from them when it happens. the sight of it nearly breaks his concentration, and puck doesn't even realize they've fallen off until 2D is back to safety. they were that upset
• it's a big deal to murdoc about the glasses considering that puck has never let anyone see his eyes uncovered. not 2D, not noodle, not russel, and not even him during literal sex. they always kept their shades on or their eyes closed
• puck gets arrested with everyone, but murdoc of course, and ends up in the cracker island music video trying to start a fight with the police while noodle attempts to de-escalate the situation and calm them down
• when murdoc finally shows up at the hospital, he shares a soft kiss with a relieved puck off screen, publicly announcing their relationship and grabbing everyone's attention momentarily. the kiss calms puck down and marks the end of another era, leaving the band to go back to the l.a house and finally bring 2D with them once again
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cru5h-cascades · 1 year
Side Order Theory #8: "We Go Way Back" (dedf1sh + Marina Theory)
"As for Marina and me, we go way back". This quote from our favorite octarian DJ dedf1sh has caused a bunch of theories online. Since we don't have much to go off of when it comes to dedf1sh and Marina's relationship (as a matter of fact we have NOTHING to go off of 'cause we're only finding out about this relationship now), I kinda want to share a theory I've had in mind.
Now, I might be drawing some inspiration from Stup Jam's animation Takostubo Heartbeat, but I have a feeling that dedf1sh and Marina might've actually been a duo before Marina went to the surface, either that or dedf1sh & Marina were really good friends (I'm going with the musician route, personally). This is really the only way I can see this dedf1sh + Marina storyline going. Some might say that the two could potentially be siblings but I doubt it but hey I'd be fine with it being revealed in Side Order.
So, as far as we know people Marina used to know, including Agent 8, Pearl (to some extent; we're not sure if Pearl herself's in this version of Inkopolis Square we just know a drone that looks like her is there), and dedf1sh got trapped in the alternate reality Side Order takes place in. Pearl most likely got captured because I mean she's Marina's bandmate and Agent 8 got captured because they kept in touch with OtH after the events of Octo Expansion. As for dedf1sh we still don't know why they're here to begin with. But I have a feeling that the Splatune 3 interview with Marie, Big Man & Marina might help figure this all out. In the interview, Marina says that her and Pearl had a "musical clash" before the formation of Damp Socks & Pearl basically ghosted Marina for a while. Considering how much Marina cares about Pearl, you'd think she'd feel absolutely horrible during that period of time. Now how does this connect to dedf1sh? Well, what if this thing about Marina feeling the worst while Pearl was ghosting her is true. There'd have to be a reason why she'd feel like this. This is where my theory comes into play.
What I think is that Marina and dedf1sh originally were a duo before the events of Splatoon 2. The two would probably do electronic music specifically. Since we know that dedf1sh also experimented with all different sorts of genres of music, dedf1sh (pre-sanitization) might've wanted to branch out to other genres of music but probably didn't want to dissapoint Marina or something like that so she kept making electronic music with Marina until eventually dedf1sh's doubts got the best of her and dedf1sh turned to sanitization. Perhaps dedf1sh left Marina without warning and caused Marina to get some trust issues, which ultimately leads to Marina getting super close to Pearl because she doesn't want to lose another friend.
But hey, that's just me thinking out loud. I might tweak this theory if we get any more info on dedf1sh's relationship with Marina before Side Order releases (might call the follow up to this theory Side Order Theory #8.5). Anyways, what do y'all think Marina & dedf1sh's relationship is supposed to be? Tell me in da reblogs/comments!
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josiebelladonna · 26 days
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
been a long time since I’ve actually read any fanfic, and it’s usually from other fandoms, too. music rpf is just… it’s painful to even look at anymore. between the awful grammar, the synopses that turn me right the fuck off, and the dark specter of a fact that i don’t know if the author is going to be a backstabbing jerk to me either on here or on ao3.
2. What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
anything from any of testament’s videos. gifs of these men are like canteens in a desert.
3. What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
there’s a few:
alex’s gray streak is synonymous with lightning and if he loses it, he loses his ability to play guitar as incredible as he does.
alex has crooked teeth to conceal his fangs.
alex really does shoot a little pre-cum whenever someone calls him alejandro. …take all the time you need.
the whole “milk and cookies” thing from fever (long story short: sam liked to treat alex to ginger snaps and he would let his gaze fall onto her chest. it’s a parody of the male gaze, a middle finger to misandry and the belief that men shouldn’t express their sexuality, and a subtle clue that alex has always loved her and been attracted to her).
eric is geddy lee’s evil twin (listen to dragonlord and you’ll see what i’m talking about)
from a few kinktober one shots: eric actually is a dragon. the thing that coaxes him out is angry eroticism.
eric often fantasizes about tying up alex and hand-feeding him things like cannoli and donuts.
eric has a food kink and a bdsm streak. chuck has a water kink + a textile kink. alex is the kinkiest of them all (a guy that straitlaced is hiding some things FACT).
chuck’s cancer left scar tissue on his heart and lungs. eric has scar tissue on his legs from when he fell down the stairs. alex’s gray streak is a scar from when he smacked his head on a thousand-foot Mesa of stone shaped like a castle. any questions?
another one: the whole thing with poison plants. my guess is it’s a hangover from writing anthrax fanfic, given joey’s last name (and it helps that he has a song called “deadly nightshade”), but i really don’t know where it came from.
another one: the connection between alex and snakes. one of those things that needs to be written out into a full-fledged essay.
4. What’s a fanart you love looking at?
uuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh, i don’t know.
5. What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
i’ve had an idea for a fic called “weekend at billy’s” (parody of weekend at bernie’s) for a long time now. i’ve also had an idea for a second sequel to seasons grey since beginning dark roots of earth, and an idea for a testament/powerwolf fic for @teababe27
i officially do not have the motivation to do any of them because i am genuinely hated. fandom is sick of seeing me. in fact, i’m surprised i even have the motivation to do anything that has to do with writing people hate me so much 🫤😢
6. What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of them? Something else?
i’ve discovered a few things, actually. i like class. i’m sensual. i’m kinky, perhaps too much so. these five men have helped me uncover my true self. they are painfully untapped. dark fantasy and gothic lit tropes fit them like a glove, like they’re a step over a band like type o negative in terms of darkness: must be all the black they wear. testament fans (for the most part, anyway) apparently have me on some kind of shitlist—you know, i just think back to last year, when their social accounts started sharing more of my drawings, the amount of comments that downright bashed me, like i thought soundgarden, pearl jam, and metallica fans were fucking rude.
7. What’s your favourite era? And has this changed after multiple relistens?
practice what you preach era. forever the “stud” era.
and something about bands having album covers that are mostly black released around the time of albums with covers that are yellow, like it’s a sign that things are about to get kinky around here. they have practice what you preach —> souls of black —> the ritual —> low; anthrax had state of euphoria —> persistence of time; soundgarden had superunknown —> down on the upside; alex himself has a variant of this with veritas —> conundrum (see?).
8. What do you expect going into your kinktober event?
nothing, and i really mean that, too. i didn’t say “fuck it all and no regrets” yesterday for no reason. they’re not a popular fandom to begin with and i’m the most reviled fanwriter right now: i made them radioactive. in fact, i’m surprised more metalheads don’t want to tear me a new one, both with them and anthrax and metallica. i’m an alt rock kid who wandered off because the alt rock fandom wants nothing to do with me, either. what’s worse is when i’m out of here, i know some other writer is going to come along with something in their arsenal and people will just eat that shit up and bury me, forgetting i was ever here in the process. 5 and a half years and nearly 5 million words total on ao3, and it’s all going to be buried six feet under by some obnoxious 19-year-old bitch who writes for her “readers” not because she has a very real crush on alex and had a feeling that the feelings are mutual and wanted to explore it.
9. What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes them?
“you’re my vitamins.” -nirvana, “drain you” (one of their best songs, no less)
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madame-fear · 2 years
Last Kiss | Gotham!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hello guys! so I know this is something I don't usually do (and won't really be doing this often), but I'm having a kinda sad day and I wanted to release my feelings somehow – so this immediatly came to my mind. Hope you all enjoy it anyways! Also: The title was inspired by the Pearl Jam song, "Last Kiss". And not proofread as always.
Summary: After insisting Jonathan on going with him and the J Squad to help them out with their criminal activities, you face the consequences of your own actions in middle of the villain battlefield.
Genre: Angst.
Warning/TW?: Mentions of murder, blood, criminal activies, cursing, and death.
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The sudden sound of the harsh bullet coming out of the gun caused all the arguing and shouting between you and one of the policemen to harshly stop, being immediatly followed by morbid silence.
Your eyes widened in surprise – and lowered your head to look – at the burning feeling on your stomach, as well at the sensation of your blood dripping from the open wound as they cowardly escaped from the scene, realising what they had just done. You lifted your sight to look at them nervously running away, only to soon disappear in middle of the dark mist. You weakly fell to your knees, and your entire body soon dropped to the cold, harsh ground as you groaned in pain.
Your vision was blurry and it felt as if everything around you dizzily moved. The only thing you could see, was the dark sky, and the flickering street light that barely lit up your pained face. Your eyelids began feeling heavy, as you felt how your own dripping blood stained your whole back, and quickly, your whole body. Your breathing was harsh, and some weak tears escaped from your eyes.
“I don't need you to constantly protect me from everything, Jonathan, I'm not a baby. I promise, I'll be good.”
The last words you said to him before you left your shared home only to accompany him on his villain duties echoed on your head like a melody that got stuck in your brain, making you release a weak, and quiet scoff in disbelief at yourself. There was a disturbing quietness, until, you felt your name being called one, two...and then, three times – you recognised the familiar voice: it was Jonathan's, your boyfriend. Jonathan seemed to not be able to find your dying body, but, you knew he did when the way he screamed your name was absolutely horrible, and terrifying.
“Y/N!” Jonathan shouted, ironically, in horror as he quickened his pace to get to your laying body.
Taking of his Scarecrow mask, he crouched to reach to your level, and he then got on his knees. “I told you not to come with us, because it's dangerous!” His voice was terribly filled with desperation and terror at the sight of the bloody scene. Jonathan carefully got a hold of your body, and softly placed you on his lap, slightly holding you with his arms. His face flinched a bit when he heard you groan with pain. From the wound, blood continously escaped your body, staining not only you and the ground, but as well, as his Scarecrow clothing. Jonathan didn't care if he got stained with blood, the only thing that mattered to him at the moment, was your own well being. “It's my fault, I'm sorry...” Your voice was weak, and quiet – nearly impossible to hear. Knowing him a bit too well, at the sight of violently harsh tears coming out from his eyes, you knew he was so badly trying to hold them, but it was just too much for him to handle.
“No no, it's not your fault. It's my fault! My fault for letting you come–” Jonathan was only left with harsh sobbing as you interrupted him by strong and tight, yet weak gripping of his costume. “You know why it's my fault, baby? Because I didn't listen to you when you told me not to come.” Some of his tears dripped on your face, and every second you spoke, you felt your essence and your soul slowly leaving your body. Jonathan, seeing how slowly the weaker you became, placed his forehead against your as he wiped a bit more. You placed your hand carelessly on his cheek, wiping away the tears that ran through his beautifully harmonic face, and you failed to caress his hair, leaving it messier than it already was. He suddenly stopped pressing his forehead against yours, as he spoke, “Wait! I should get Mr Tetch and Mr Valeska, maybe they'll help me carry you–” He was once again interrupted by your violent head shaking in disagreement to him.
“No, don't. Please...stay with me, I know I won't arrive home tonight–” You suddenly coughed some blood, staining your bodies even worse. As much as you hated putting that way plus the coughing, seeing how it made him cry even worse, you preferred to have him by your side. “If they come to us, good – but if they don't, reach them later. I'm too scared of what's in the other side, my beloved Scarecrow, please stay by my side these last moments I have on Earth.” Jonathan cried even worse at your comments, but he knew you were right. “Please...make me feel better, and give me one last kiss.” Blood started suddenly dripping out of your mouth, your vision was blurried to the point were you could barely distinguish his precious face. Jonathan nodded, and gripped your body tighter. Slowly, he leaned his body near you to the point where your lips were inches away, and he desperately pressed his lips against yours. You moved in sync with his as much as you could, savouring the moment, knowing you wouldn't last much longer. The kiss felt eternal, and was tremendously bittersweet, as he could feel the taste of both your own blood, and his tears.
Jonathan, at one moment, knew you were gone. Your lips stopped moving in sync with his, your body became lighter, he couldn't feel your breathing anymore, and you weren't moving at all. His lips were still strongly pressed against yours for a few moments after that, not wanting to let go of you, even if it was already too late. The flickering street lights, and the casual sound of vandalism in the streets of Gotham made the moment even more sadder, somehow. Weakly, he started letting go of your lips, as he started admiring your now place as snow face. You looked so peaceful, and yet so pretty, that it was so bizarre. He wiped a few more minutes, as he held your cold body, blood-stained body. Knowing how your own blood was stained on his costume, made him feel numb. The blood that came out of your precious lips had also stained his own face. He didn't have his parents with him anymore, and now, he didn't have you as well. A deep, void of sadness filled his mind, and heart.
Jonathan wiped away some strands of hair covering your face. As much as he felt sad to your passing, rage against your murderers began brewing inside of him. He grabbed your entire body, and stood up – planning on leaving your body somewhere better, and quietter, where your soul could pass more peacefully. He knew, you'd probably want him to get over you and find someone that could take over your place, and love him as much as you did, but that wasn't going to happen. For him, nobody could replace you. No matter how much love they show to him, he was always going to be forever yours.
Some tears and sobbings still came out of him as he walked towards a graveyard; he could still feel the taste of your last kiss on his lips – and he knew, the taste would last forever.
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deputy-buck · 6 months
Intro & Masterlist
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Buck, M, 21, gay-aro, he/him. Anons are always on, requests always open
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Fellow Travelers
UFC (FreeStream link)
Generation Kill
The Pacific
Band of Brothers
Various Discovery Channel shows: Gold Ruch, Parker's Trail, Street Outlaws, No Prep Kings
Frequently Used Tags:
Buck Builds (Full-Assed Creations)
Buck Brawls (Half-Assed Creations + Rambling)
Buck Backtalks (Answering Asks)
Personal (For... Personal things?)
i don't know who's more stupid‚ queue or the hick (Queue Tag)
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Ao3: Deputy_Buck
Fetch (Hawk/Tim, Fellow Travelers)
Sold For Temporary Use (Brad/Ray, Gen Kill)
Gracious (Christeson/Stafford, Gen Kill)
Marines on Watch (Christeson/Trombley, Gen Kill)
Sunshine (Pappy/Walt, Gen Kill)
Release Goddamnit (Gabe/Walt, Gen Kill)
Unconventional Methods of Recovery (Brad/Ray, Gen Kill)
Docile Alpha (Roe/Speirs, BoB)
Silver Wrapped (Boyd/Raylan, Justified)
MOLLE Pouch of Memories (Boyd/Raylan/Tim, Justified)
Good Coffee and Good Mornings (Tim&Cade OC, Justified)
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Buck Builds: Fellow Travelers
Pup!Skip Headcanons
Pup!Skip Moodboard
Pup!Skip/Handler!Hawk SFW Fic
Catholic School Teacher/Student 1948 HawkTim FIc Idea
"You know I can't" Webweave HawkTim
"At last, he's asleep" Webweave HawkTim
Van Gogh Webweave HawkTim
Dreams/Sleep Webweave HawkTim
"You're bulletproof" Edit HawkTim
"Childhood" Webweave Hawk&Lenny
"I will keep it safe" Webweave HawkTim
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam Webweave HawkTim
"His Love, like a brand, is burned into my being" Edit HawkTim
"Treat him like a God and he’ll blind you like religion" Webweave HawkTim
"Drag Queens can read." Screencaps FrankieMarcus
Frankie 1x02 Screencaps + Stormi!
"Give him a mask..." Oscar Wilde Webweave HawkTim
Cannibalism Motif Webweave HawkTim
Devotion Edit HawkTim
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Buck Builds: Gen Kill
Pup!Romeo General Overview (Ray Person PuppyPlay)
Sad Brad/Ray HC
Trombley's Authority Kink
Brad/Ray PDA
NSFW "Sunshine" Pappy/Walt Drabble
Various RarePair Snippets/HeadCanons
Gunny Wynn Headcanons
BradTrombley Headcanons/Snippets
BradPoke & PappyRudy First Impressions
Brad & Gunny Headcanon
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Buck Builds: BoB
A/B/O Pain!Play BullMartin MoodBoard + Drabble
Shifty/Skinny Hunting Each Other Motif MoodBoard
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Buck Builds: The Pacific
Oral Fixation Kink Bill/Jay MoodBoard + Drabble
Pup!Sugar/Handler!Sidney MoodBoard
SId Ships & some Headcanons
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Buck Builds: Justified
Tim Gutterson Moodboard, Pup Tango
Boyd Crowder Moodboard, Pup Bravo
Rachel Brooks Moodboard
Raylan Givens Moodboard, two, Pup Romeo
Boyd/Raylan/Tim Playlist (Spotify)
Tim Gutterson Headcanons (sfw), Multilingual Tim Headcanon
Justified Pups headcanon semi-outline
Tim Gutterson x Wrestling-BJJ-Kickboxing-Grappling-UFC Headcanon
“Their Graves” Poem inspired by Tim Gutterson
OTP Ask Game: Boyd/Raylan 1, Boyd/Raylan 2, Boyd/Raylan 3, Raylan/Tim 1, Boyd/Tim 1, Boyd/Raylan/Tim 1
Childhood Ask Game: Tim 1, Tim 2, Cade (oc) 1
Requestable Drabbles: “The Monster Under The Bed” (Boyd /Raylan/Tim)
Cade Gutterson Moodboard
Good Coffee and Good Mornings original post
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Buck Brawls: Fellow Travelers
Hawk's Apartment Floorplan
Tim in lingerie
SubbyTim Yelling
“He was buried wearing your cufflinks.” FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
Tim stammers the “H” in “Hawk” when he comes.
Plant!Dad Tim
Car Sex Dialogue Sample HawkTim
HawkTim Ash Wednesday
Robbed of AgeGap Kink... sad
FT x Brokeback Mountian Bottom!Anger Parallel
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Buck Brawls: Gen Kill
Match Maker Ask Game: Five Pairs GK+BoB
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Buck Brawls: BoB
Match Maker Ask Game: Five Pairs GK+BoB
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jzontheazarian · 1 year
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Jai’Len Josey Brings Good Vibes for Good Friday with ‘Good Soup’
In between performances as Pearl in the Broadway production of “The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage!” Jai’Len Josey recorded over 200 songs, one being her recent release, ‘Good Soup.’ Starting the beginning stages of her 2020 project “Illustrations,” Josey would go on to land a deal with Hillman Grad Records and Def Jam due to its content and nature. The project showcased her knack for fusing nostalgic doo-wop melodies with self-affirming odes to Black womanhood. “I feel like I’m singing to girls who look like me,” she says. 
To reach those women, Jai’Len looks to channel the spirits of the artists who came before her. “Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone inspired me to leave music behind that people want to grow with,” she shares. “I feel like I’m supposed to be doing this right now,” she adds. “I feel like the seeds that I’m planting right now are destined to grow.”
On the title track, Jai’Len coasts over lush strings for a playful lover’s sales pitch, combining flashes of regional hospitality with a voice that’s as sweet as it is seductive: “All you needed was the sugar, honey, ice tea / Me, I’m a Southern type of delicacy.” The treats don’t stop there. For “Good Soup,” she unspools a deft metaphor for the type of nourishment that can only come from the heart. On “Pay for My Drink,” she glides over dreamy keys and a dazed electric guitar line, turning a simple request into a charming prelude to passion. Earnest and unfailingly tender, it’s the type of love song that can only come from raw feeling. It’s also a reminder of purpose. 
Watch ‘Good Soup’ currently streaming.
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aestheticvoyage2024 · 1 month
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Day 226: Tuesday August 13, 2024 - "First Day of school 2024"
Song: Pearl Jam - Release
Quote: "Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working." ~Pablo Picasso
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maximuswolf · 3 months
Pearl Tears
Pearl Tears Pearl Jam has been the soundtrack to my life for as long as I can remember. From the first time I heard Eddie Vedder’s unmistakable voice on “Ten,” I was hooked. There was something raw and visceral about their music that spoke to me in a way nothing else ever had. Every album they’ve released since then has been a journey, a story, a piece of my own life captured in their lyrics and melodies.Their songs have been with me through the highs and lows, the triumphs and the heartbreaks. “Alive” gave me strength when I felt like I couldn’t go on. “Black” comforted me in moments of profound loss. “Given to Fly” inspired me to chase my dreams no matter the obstacles. Each song is a chapter of my life, intertwined with memories that are as vivid now as they were when they first happened.More than just the music, it was Pearl Jam’s ethos that resonated with me. They were more than a band; they were a symbol of authenticity and integrity. They stood up against corporate greed, challenged the status quo, and always seemed to have their fans’ best interests at heart. Their battle with Ticketmaster in the 90s was a testament to their commitment to fairness and accessibility, and it made me proud to be a fan.There was a time a few years back when I was going through the darkest period of my life. My father had passed away unexpectedly, and I felt like my entire world was crumbling. I was consumed by grief and felt utterly lost. During that time, it was Pearl Jam’s music that kept me going. I remember lying on the floor, feeling the weight of my sorrow, and listening to “Release” on repeat. Eddie’s voice seemed to reach into my soul, offering a glimmer of hope and a sense of understanding that I couldn’t find anywhere else. Their music was my lifeline, pulling me back from the edge when I felt like I had nothing left to hold on to.But something has changed with their latest tour. The ticket prices are astronomical, and for the first time, it feels like the band I’ve idolized all my life is slipping away. Seeing the prices made my heart sink. The sense of betrayal is palpable. It’s not just about the money; it’s about what those high prices represent. They create an exclusivity that Pearl Jam always fought against, a barrier that keeps loyal fans like myself from experiencing the magic of their live performances.It’s heartbreaking. This isn’t just about missing out on a concert. It’s about feeling disconnected from a band that has been a constant companion for so many years. The concerts have always been a place where fans could come together, a community bound by a shared love for the music and the message. Now, it feels like that community is being divided by something as trivial as money.I’ve always admired Pearl Jam for their authenticity, their willingness to stand up for what’s right, and their connection with the fans. But this recent shift is a stark contrast to the values they’ve upheld for so long. It’s a painful realization that the band I’ve looked up to all these years might be losing sight of what made them so special in the first place.I hope that this is just a temporary misstep and that Pearl Jam will remember the fans who have supported them through thick and thin. We are the ones who have bought every album, memorized every lyric, and stood by them through every controversy and challenge. We are the ones who have made Pearl Jam what they are today.It’s my sincere hope that they will find a way to realign with their roots, to remember the passion and loyalty of their fan base, and to make their concerts accessible once again. Because in the end, it’s not just about the music. It’s about the connection, the community, and the shared experience of being part of something bigger than ourselves. Pearl Jam has always been about inclusion and unity, and I believe they can find their way back to that place. Submitted June 15, 2024 at 06:58PM by SnooBeans974 https://ift.tt/bqVnjGN via /r/Music
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epicpu24 · 3 months
Understanding the Types of Fashion | Trends and Styles
Fashion is an ever-evolving domain that reflects cultural, social, and historical contexts. It encapsulates a broad spectrum of styles and trends that vary across regions and eras. From haute couture to streetwear, the diversity in fashion styles showcases creativity, individuality, and the human penchant for self-expression. In this blog, we will delve into various types of fashion, exploring their origins, characteristics, and influences.
Haute Couture
Haute couture, translating to "high sewing" or "high dressmaking," is the epitome of luxury fashion. Originating from Paris, it refers to the creation of exclusive, custom-fitted clothing made from the finest materials and with meticulous attention to detail. Designers like Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Jean-Paul Gaultier have set the standards for haute couture. Each piece is a work of art, often requiring hundreds of hours of labor. Haute couture is not just about the garment but also about the craftsmanship and the heritage of the fashion house.
Ready-to-Wear (Prêt-à-Porter)
Ready-to-wear fashion bridges the gap between haute couture and mass production. Unlike haute couture, which is made for individual clients, ready-to-wear clothing is produced in standard sizes and available in retail outlets. These collections are often showcased during fashion weeks in major cities like New York, Paris, Milan, and London. Designers like Yves Saint Laurent popularized this type of fashion, making high-quality, stylish clothes accessible to a broader audience.
Streetwear emerged from the urban youth culture of the 1980s and 1990s, heavily influenced by skateboarding, hip-hop, and punk. Characterized by casual, comfortable pieces such as hoodies, sneakers, and graphic T-shirts, streetwear blurs the lines between fashion and everyday wear. Brands like Supreme, Off-White, and A Bathing Ape (BAPE) are iconic in this genre. Streetwear often involves limited edition releases and collaborations with artists and other brands, creating a sense of exclusivity and community.
Vintage and Retro
Vintage fashion refers to clothing and accessories from previous decades, often considered timeless and of high quality. Retro fashion, on the other hand, involves contemporary clothing designed to mimic the style of a previous era. Both styles celebrate nostalgia and the cyclical nature of fashion trends. Vintage shops and thrift stores are treasure troves for unique pieces that tell a story. Designers like Vivienne Westwood have incorporated vintage elements into their collections, blending old and new.
Bohemian (Boho) Fashion
Bohemian fashion, often shortened to "boho," draws inspiration from the free-spirited lifestyle of the 1960s and 1970s hippie movement. Characterized by flowing fabrics, earthy tones, and eclectic patterns, boho fashion exudes a relaxed, unconventional vibe. Key elements include maxi dresses, fringe, embroidery, and ethnic prints. Brands like Free People and Anthropologie have popularized this style, making it a staple for music festivals and casual wear.
Preppy fashion is inspired by the traditional clothing styles of American prep schools and Ivy League universities. It is characterized by clean, classic, and polished looks. Key pieces include polo shirts, khaki pants, blazers, and loafers. The style emphasizes quality and timelessness, with brands like Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Lacoste being quintessential preppy labels. Preppy fashion embodies an understated elegance and a sense of tradition.
Grunge fashion originated in the early 1990s, inspired by the Seattle music scene and bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam. It is characterized by an unkempt, "thrown-together" look, often featuring flannel shirts, ripped jeans, combat boots, and oversized sweaters. The grunge aesthetic is anti-establishment and rejects the polished, mainstream fashion norms. Designers like Marc Jacobs have brought grunge elements to high fashion, blending rebellion with style.
Minimalist fashion focuses on simplicity, clean lines, and a limited color palette. It emphasizes quality over quantity, with a preference for timeless, versatile pieces. Key elements include monochrome outfits, tailored cuts, and understated accessories. Brands like COS, The Row, and Jil Sander exemplify minimalist fashion. The minimalist approach advocates for a more sustainable wardrobe, encouraging thoughtful consumption and investment in enduring pieces.
Avant-garde fashion pushes the boundaries of conventional design, embracing innovation, experimentation, and artistic expression. It often features unconventional materials, asymmetrical cuts, and dramatic silhouettes. Avant-garde designers like Alexander McQueen, Rei Kawakubo (of Comme des Garçons), and Issey Miyake create pieces that challenge the norms and provoke thought. This type of fashion is not always about wearability but rather about making a statement and exploring new frontiers.
Athleisure combines athletic and leisurewear, creating a style that is both comfortable and fashionable. It includes items like yoga pants, leggings, sports bras, and sneakers that can be worn for both exercise and everyday activities. This trend reflects the growing emphasis on health, wellness, and the casualization of dress codes. Brands like Lululemon, Nike, and Athleta are pioneers in athleisure, offering functional yet stylish options for the modern, active lifestyle.
Gothic fashion draws inspiration from the dark, mysterious aesthetics of gothic literature, architecture, and music. It often features black clothing, lace, velvet, corsets, and Victorian-inspired accessories. The style can range from romantic and elaborate to punk-influenced and industrial. Designers like Alexander McQueen and Rick Owens have incorporated gothic elements into their collections, blending darkness with high fashion.
Punk fashion emerged in the 1970s as a rebellious statement against the mainstream. It is characterized by DIY elements, distressed fabrics, safety pins, leather jackets, and bold hairstyles like mohawks. Punk fashion is inherently anti-establishment and often incorporates political messages. Designers like Vivienne Westwood played a crucial role in bringing punk aesthetics to the fashion world, merging subculture with haute couture.
Ethnic and Traditional
Ethnic and traditional fashion celebrates cultural heritage and craftsmanship from around the world. It includes clothing and accessories that are specific to a culture or region, such as Indian saris, Japanese kimonos, African Ankara prints, and Native American beadwork. This type of fashion preserves and honors cultural identity while often inspiring contemporary designers to incorporate traditional elements into modern designs.
Business and Formal
Business and formal fashion revolves around professional and sophisticated attire suitable for work environments and formal occasions. Key pieces include tailored suits, blazers, dress shirts, pencil skirts, and formal dresses. Brands like Hugo Boss, Armani, and Brooks Brothers are renowned for their business attire. This type of fashion emphasizes professionalism, confidence, and elegance.
Casual and Everyday
Casual fashion encompasses comfortable and practical clothing for everyday wear. It includes items like jeans, T-shirts, sneakers, and casual dresses. This style prioritizes comfort and ease, making it versatile for various activities. Brands like Levi's, Gap, and Uniqlo are staples in casual fashion, offering timeless pieces that can be dressed up or down.
Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable fashion focuses on environmental and ethical responsibility. It involves using eco-friendly materials, fair trade practices, and promoting slow fashion over fast fashion. Sustainable fashion aims to reduce the negative impact on the planet and improve working conditions in the fashion industry. Brands like Patagonia, Stella McCartney, and Eileen Fisher are leaders in this movement, advocating for a more mindful approach to fashion consumption.
The world of fashion is vast and varied, encompassing a multitude of styles that cater to different tastes, cultures, and occasions. From the opulence of haute couture to the practicality of casual wear, each type of fashion tells a unique story and serves a distinct purpose. Understanding the diversity in fashion not only broadens our sartorial horizons but also deepens our appreciation for the creativity and craftsmanship that define this ever-evolving industry. Whether you gravitate towards the timeless elegance of preppy fashion or the bold statements of avant-garde, there is a style for everyone in the tapestry of fashion.
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popmusicu · 4 months
Sorry estoy en mi Darkera
Joaquín Palacios, who is better known in the urban environment as Easykid, is a Chilean artist who has emerged very strongly lately in the Chilean urban music scene. Born in Antofagasta, he started making rap music, which in his words “was the most popular thing in Chilean urban culture” until he joined the KSWAD collective where they taught him trap and from then on he experimented in various musical genres where the most successful was melodic reggaeton as can be seen in their EP “Visionary”.  Although it is not closed to new genres as can be seen in the album that will be discussed below.
“Sorry, estoy en mi Darkera” released on July 27, 2023, it is an album of just under half an hour with a total of 10 songs, the main aesthetic of the album is a dark stage in which one is healing to be able to leave and return to give it all.  Their inspirations for what this album was range from Slipknot, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, as well as fashion designers (Kanye West could be taken as a double inspiration due to his creativity) and even the movie “Batman” starring Robert Pattison.
This project, mostly produced by Dysbit, is reggaeton with the essence of the 2000s combined with more modern influences such as US rap, the house genre in “Baby TK”, the R&B interlude “El culto siempre gana”, which makes this experimental album, with an ease of connecting with its target audience with songs like “Tanjiro” and leaving an incredible experience when listening to it. My favorite song on the album is “Siempre pienso en ti” because despite its melancholic lyrics, it is very catchy and identifiable in moments where one still remembers an old love. Finally, if you like urban music, I recommend listening to the entire album since it is conceptual along with the other EP “Días antes de la Darkera”.
Juan José Calaf 2
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musicarenagh · 4 months
Exploring the Heart of Pine: A Conversation with Steven Bagwell Greetings, friends! Did you get a chance to listen to the newest release from Athens, Georgia's, Heart of Pine? This is a jam for sure, a raw blues-rock sound blended with the funkiest voice and soul producing a vibe that just grabs you and pulls you in. Music wise, "Phetamine & Pearls" from the heart outflows the exceptional abilities from the secret magic of the clavinet up to the amazing horn section. It's great that they all have their own special sound to give it that fresh feel while the timelessness that brings you back comes through well. More than that, the band takes inspiration from great bands from the 1960s and 1970s, such as The Allman Brothers Band and The Grateful Dead, putting their unique southern rock-meets-psychedelia crossover into it. It hits you deeply, that rootsy performance, but a completely fresh sound. As part of the entirety of the interview, I also had the opportunity to indulge in an exhilarating conversation with Steven Bagwell, the band’s gifted vocalist and guitarist. Steven had me covered on everything - from their come-up in the Athens music scene to the chances of a next album as soon as possible. He wasn't stingy on his side either. Steven left no stone unturned - he talked about the sources of inspiration, the creative process, the catch-22s of playing and how he envisioned the future. His genuineness and his genuine strong love for the music is something you just feel with every instrument. Observe the next, which will be a venture into the heart and soul of Heart of Pine. These guys have such a soulful, expressive sound and are expressing their love and passion for their art through every song with such intensity that it leaves the listener speechless. The music is like the lively and exciting landscapes in Ga which birthed it. Don't sleep on them! Listen to Heart of Pine below https://open.spotify.com/track/0lNPC5R772UbRDT2OxIZqs https://open.spotify.com/track/0lNPC5R772UbRDT2OxIZqs Follow Phetamine & Pearls Facebook Spotify Bandcamp Youtube Instagram Songkick Tiktok What is your stage name? Heart of Pine my name is Steven Bagwell Is there a story behind your stage name? Our name came from a song we wrote off our first album, called Old Soul. The song is about life from the perspective of a bar top made out of pine. Where do you find inspiration? Everywhere. From everything. Personal experiences or stories we've heard or even items we've found in our travels. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Music has always been a focus in my life. It was only recently that I found out some people don't even care what they're listening to. That was a strange concept to grasp for me and still is. Ever since I was a little kid, maybe 4 or 5, I knew I wanted to be a singer when I grew up. I used to sing along to Michael Jackson or the Beach Boys in my living room a lot at that age. Are you from a musical or artistic family? No. No one in my family plays or sings or does any type of art. I didn't get to fulfill my desire to learn an instrument until the age of 19, when I bought my first guitar. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Without a doubt, Jimmy Page is the reason I began to play guitar. I would watch The Song Remains the Same on repeat and would just be mesmerized by the control he had over the guitar and it looked like fun. [caption id="attachment_55374" align="alignnone" width="960"] Without a doubt, Jimmy Page is the reason I began to play guitar.[/caption] How did you learn to sing/write/to play? 100% self taught up to now. I've only begun to take guitar lessons within the last month. I do regret not taking lessons at an earlier age but I also feel that I developed an interesting style of my own by doing so. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? The first concert I ever went to, I was 12, and it was Hard Rock Fest 99 at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
It was a pretty big one day festival with Silverchair, Offspring, Buckcherry, Live, and a ton of others. I was hooked on rock n roll concerts after that. How could you describe your music? I always struggle with describing our music, but I usually settle with "Southedelic." It's kind of like a new form of southern rock in my opinion. I always love to hear how others describe it though and the descriptions vary widely. Describe your creative process. Travis Richardson (acoustic guitar) and I write most of the music lyrics together. Our sessions usually start off with a few shots of bourbon, some improvisation jamming and then we dive into a topic. We try to keep our thoughts obscure for the most part. It's nice to leave a little mystery in your work. It gives it character. What is your main inspiration? Life What musician do you admire most and why? I don’t have one musician I admire most, but there are several bands that I admire for a number of reasons. The Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers Band, Little Feat, The Band, and a lot of bluegrass bands currently. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes! Majorly. If you listen to our first album and then some of our newer stuff it is undeniable. Who do you see as your main competitor? Nashville's pockets What are your interests outside of music? I'm a traveler. I love meeting new people and understanding where they come from and why they are who they are. Its exciting to learn to understand the differences between people by learning their culture of where they were raised. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I currently have a job that keeps me afloat, which is running a roofing company. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Money. The music industry, like all others, is ran by people with money. It's rare that a musician makes something out of themselves without a lot of it behind them. It's wild really but it goes back to what I was saying earlier about people not even caring what they listen to. I'll digress for the moment. Haha If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? Festivals should have a few headliners and then do their research for talented local bands. https://open.spotify.com/track/0lNPC5R772UbRDT2OxIZqs Why did you choose this as the title of this project? Phetamine & Pearls is a Bob Dylan reference and it's the opening line of the tune. What are your plans for the coming months? We are playing shows all over Georgia this summer and are getting ready to release our full length album this July. It will feature 9 songs. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? No What message would you like to give to your fans? We fuckin love y'all!
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radioeuroextasis · 7 months
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Los Angeles-based Sons of Silver plans to release a taste of what’s to come from their upcoming new album Runaway Emotions slated for release in the spring. “Tell Me This” to be released on February 2. “Tell Me This” opens with a winding Johnny Thunders-esque guitar solo, a Stones-like fury, and a lyrical nod to the Smiths. Vocalist and guitarist Peter Argyropoulos shares, “Tell Me This” was inspired by the intro guitar riff. It was a practice riff; something I came up with while doing guitar exercises. I fleshed it out with the chorus and brought it to the band. But it felt a little plain and we shelved it. Fast forward a few months. Marc Slutsky had joined the band and brought with him a wonderful energy, not to mention a thumping backbeat. I thought his playing could be a good match for Tell Me This. So, I brought it back to the band during our last rehearsal or two before recording the album. Marc dug in and did exactly as I has hoped, his spirit and chill intensity immediately lifted the song over the top. After reviewing rehearsal recordings that night, he called me and said he thought the song could be a single. Turns out he was right! First one from the album”. In addition to Argyropoulos the rest of the band’s line-up includes keyboardist Brina Kabler, guitarist Kevin Haaland (Skillet,) bassist Adam Kury (Candlebox,) and drummer Marc Slutsky who has toured and/or recorded with Third Eye Blind, Goo Goo Dolls, Peter Murphy, and Todd Rundgren. Runaway Emotions is Sons of Silver’s first full-length following a pair of EPs in 2020’s Doomsday Noises(which sported three spots on the Billboard Active Rock chart) and 2022’s Ordinary Sex Appeal, to be released through their own 4L Entertainment and distributed by Universal Music’s Group’s Bungalow label. In all, the band’s songs have collectively accumulated more than nine million views and streams. Self-produced by the group, the record was mixed by renowned producer/engineer Tim Palmer, whose credits include Robert Plant, David Bowie, and U2 to name a few. “These guys epitomize the essence of classic alternative rock,” says Palmer about working with the band. “Their music is fueled with both power and raw emotion, with genuinely profound lyrics. Their album is a treasure trove of well-crafted, memorable songs and I really enjoyed collaborating with them.” “For me, music is about capturing a spirit, an energy, a feeling,” says bassist Adam Kury. “The record is a warning, if we continue down this path, we’re doomed,” adds Argyropoulos. “But if you look at it from a different angle, we share more than we realize, even if we tend to focus on what separates us. At its best, rock ‘n’ roll brings us together, and celebrates what we have in common”. “Tell Me This” Song Description Tell Me This is an out-of-breath rock 'n' roll rollercoaster thrill. It opens with a winding Johnny Thunders-esque guitar solo, a Stones-like fury and a lyrical nod to the Smiths. With an urgent seduction, the lead vocal rips through an unforgiving story of scorned love and chance meeting. The choruses rise with a glittering background vocal and shake with a lead vocal that nearly unravels. Mixed by Tim Palmer (Bowie, U2, Pearl Jam), the sound is eerily reminiscent and refreshingly new. “Tell Me This” Song Inspiration Quote Tell Me This is an out-of-breath rock 'n' roll rollercoaster thrill. It opens with a winding Johnny Thunders-esque guitar solo, a Stones-like fury and a lyrical nod to the Smiths. With an urgent seduction, the lead vocal rips through an unforgiving story of scorned love and chance meeting. The choruses rise with a glittering background vocal and shake with a lead vocal that nearly unravels. Watch "Tell Me This" Video here https://vimeo.com/902161586/b4244a2555?share=copy Read the full article
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