#inspired by other ppl on here making posts like this haha
rascheln · 7 months
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Small things.
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ohmygs-blog · 3 months
hi my loves <3 warning for u as this will be a bit of a long post bahaha but hopefully it will help explain to u guys :) i haven’t been very active on this account, or my second account as a lot of u guys have noticed. i appreciate all of the different dms and inboxes checking in on me and i’ve missed u all !!! and i promise i’m okay !!!
ive been doing a lot of thinking in the past couples weeks and i 100% do not plan on leaving this account or my writing anytime soon.
honestly i don’t have the words to explain what i mean or have been feeling but ig the best way would be; i’ve been losing the excitement that comes with posting and writing on tumblr.
im not sure what changed and that's what majority of where the frustration i have is coming from. i don’t want to say ive outgrown this because i don’t think i have, its just the struggle of thinking of ideas and messages that match with the little personas ive created.
i’ve talked abt it before and taking inspo from the dreamies irl personalities i’ve tried to create my own personas of them and it’s important to me idk hahaha. what i’m getting at is ive become a bit of a perfectionist and if i don’t think an idea of mine matches w their character its discouraging if that makes sense idk???
instead of the excitement, ive honestly just been stressing myself out and finding anything i can to pick at and tear down. which leads towards more stress because i honestly love writing and seeing all of ur comments & messages and interacting with u guys and when i feel like i have nothing to offer i feel bad ahahah.
ANYWAY all this to say, that im not closing my account or leaving u lovely ppl behind. i have a couple drafts written and saved in my drafts so ill be posting them and working on requests when inspiration strikes !!!!
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in the meantime if ur missing my writing (pls miss me bc ill miss u dearly), here's some of my other socials that i will be active on !!!!
pinterest !!! see what goes on in my brain, fic inspo boards, nct dream bf inspo & other boards :D
twitter !! @/ohmyyygodddd (idk what i’m going to do on my twitter lol but i’ve been waiting to make a 2nd account and i just made it today lol)
wattpad !!! fics below !! pls check them out i’m begging haha i’ve worked so hard on them and i’d love to share them w you guys :D
the alliance: wherein a group of friends can't get enough of their random internet feuds or taking down their enemies !
love department: wherein dani's friends are embarrassed over the lack of love (and boys) in her life and decide they need to help out.
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
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i drew this for fun actually and someone in a server was like "i'd draw that as a dtiys" and i was like "hmmm but what if i actually did make it a dtiys?"
sooooo here it is!!!! gonna put some like. small rules real quick
no deadline, no prizes, just for fun!!!
just dont trace other ppl's stuff and just be respectful
you can tag me in ur post and use #henrys100 (or not, it's your choice!!!)
and have fun!
i rly hope you guys do have fun though!!!! enjoy!!!
(btw if you couldn't tell, this was inspired by the "creation of adam" painting bc haha funny)
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 4 months
Club Hell 666 Advertisement
(With my Hazbin OC, Jasper, More versions & timelapse under the cut!)
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Maybe I'll make one of Angel to go with it? Lmk if you guys would like to see that! I might do it anyways, but I'd be a lot more motivated if I knew that ppl wanted that haha.
So, yeah! My Hazbin OC used to be a dancer at Val's club back in the day, and even danced alongside Angel when things were 'Still Good' between Val and Angel (pre-contract Angel, peak of Val's manipulation, you get it)
I was obvi heavily inspired by the posters we see of Val in 1x02, and thought it would be fun to make one of Jazz.
I'm also still trying to finish up the drawing from my birthday, it turned into a Whole Thing ™, but have a sneaky peak! (My drawing tablet is kind of dying rn and it's making cleaner work very frustrating. I think I'll have to replace it soon)
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I really love how it's coming out, but it's a lot more structured, and I'm usually a LOT fussier with my 'cleaner' work, but it's really coming along! :D
Now here's the other versions of this poster:
(No effects & one that's a little less eye-straining than the main pic above the cut XD)
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I'm really loving developing Jazz's story. I think it's a fun one >:3 especially because they end up working at the Hazbin Hotel as the art therapy instructor post-s1 in my AU!
Still trying to experiment a lot and figure out how I like to do things. So far it seems like the only consistent process for me with stuff like this is "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" XD
I feel like my anatomy and perspective skills are getting a lot better though! So that's really dope!!!
Anywho, here's the timelapse!
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shoezuki · 1 year
Shoe im too sleep deprived to go zooming on all those screenshots and redownloadong the bird app, may i ask what is happening w the dream drama u posted? I love ur summaries, they make me laugh about things i am gratefully unaware of
My beloved anon im sorry it took me this long. But i am lazy. No other reason really. So i am now chronicling this dhit on my phone. And oh fuck dude is it a trip
SO. this fuckery began with quackity announcing the QSMP. He did so on the 17th of march and whatever the fuck. He mentioned it earlier than this (edit: just checked but the First announcements was the 10th)
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And this is all great. New server that fucks. But what truly started all this. Was dream's tweet on his private twitter.
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Im gonna try to be kinda impartial qnd jus. Explain it all as is but first i gotta say who says this shit lmao. So quackity announces his new project and is very passionate about it, he tweets more on his alt(?) About how much it means to him to bring his two languages spanish and english together. And dream on private is like 'wow cool! Guys dont get mad at me when i announce the same thing later tho haha' its just so weird.
But anyways. The usmp wasnt even A Thing. Only written instance of dream makin a multilingual server was in a tweet defending himself from copying quackity. (Altho he allegedly mentions in streams or whatever wanting yo do things w other ppl from other languages? But that shit dont count n im not diggin audio n videos out fuck that).
The actual, official announcement of dream makin a usmp was april 2nd (idk why this says the 3rd but whatever) wherein he announces the 'first multilingual smp' with a list of languages that will be on it such as portugese, spanish, english, russian, etc. And that it has live translation.
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The same day, quackity releases a tweet labelling the qsmp as the 'first multilingual smp' and that he is introducing a live translation system to it. Mr beast connects that the usmp and qsmp are similar to which dream responds. Quackity doesnt respond, nor does he acknowledge the usmp at all.
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Dream's response is essentially theyre different in that qsmp is spanish and english, he announced his live translator first, they had 'similar good ideas'.
So. This sparked a lot of drama and discussion. Because of the 'first multilingual' bit in that people began discrediting qsmp as it was 'only' english and spanish, and therefore was bilingual and not multilingual. Altho others countered thid by saying quackity himself called it a multilingual server in his streams. Not to mention the idea that the translator was copied but regardless both those things are kinda stupid arguments and just drama inspired by the comparisons.
More notably is that dream team were making fun of the 'first multilingual server' bit after this. Dream was liking some jokes at it as well
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Dream also liked some. Vaguely sexual/romantic 'they should just kiss already' art of him and quackity?
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Also after this dream started somewhat addressing/replying to quackity more. Quackity didnt respond to any of it.
Dream also tweeted this on his private the day after
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Most narrowed in on the 'this wouldnt have happened without quackity' and was often interpretted as dream saying quackity HELPED him w it in some way or that there was more collab behind the scenes but we will find that to be false. Because. On april 27th. Dream dropped his magnum opus. Which i will include in one screenshot.
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Anyways i seriously encourage reading the full thing here because its. Something. Theres so much. It is literally 1.7k words. A lot of it is repetitive but i will. Try. To summarize it.
Essentially dream is writing that he has been trying to contact quackity for some time now with no response. He has been messaging him about how theyve ended up with similar servers (therefore noting that neither one know of the other). This gets nothing. Dream tries contacting quackity more publically with jokes. Nothing. He starts going through secondary sources by talkin to ppl to message quackity for him (i think some people who dream knows that are on the qsmp. Unsure who) but quackity doesnt say shit. Dream is being absolutely ghosted.
Im also noting this last paragraph in his first tweet where he describes being 'taken back' when quackity announces the qsmp live translator after his usmp announcement, because he 'knew it would cause more drama'.
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He says he messages quackity so they can plan how to deal with the 'vitriol' between the teo 'communities' and that the drama can be solved with 'communication'. He is ghosted. He also mentions that he puts the usmp 'on hold' in the 2nd tweet so it all can be dealt with and he can 'extend love and support to quackity'. Most notably he says that its alluded that quackity wouldnt let ppl who were on the usmp couldnt be on the qsmp which dream tries to say makes sense for quackity to do.
Theres apparently a fucking image limit on the tumblr app which ive hit so i am now not using images and speedrunning this shit. But im quoting this one thing exactly as its most important:
"That being said, I’ve seen the communities split against each other and have tons of hate build around this and around the speculations of peoples motives and friendships and so on, and it’s really really harmful to the community as a whole. I have seen more threats, doxing, fights, slander, and hate between a bunch of fan bases that I’ve seen in a very long time. I personally have experienced an elevated level of in real life threats & stalkers & even had the police involved in somebody showing up at my house, & even putting trackers on my family vehicles, surrounding this drama, for the first time since pre-face reveal. That’s really why I feel like I have to say something about it despite me wanting to avoid any kind of serious talk about all of this, especially even talking about communication publicly feels wrong but necessary in this instance. I never like to air out anything that feels or is private, but I feel like in this case it’s really important for my fan base to be aware of my intentions, motives, thought process, and how we got to where we are. I’ve always been a creator that’s very open with my fan base about everything going on in my life and this is a massive thing right now for my friends & me"
His last tweet begins with him saying he 'doesnt want anymore drama' and ends eith him saying he loves quackity and believes this is all just a miscommunication.
Now, obviously, shit blew up. Hes been ratiod a few times by people meming it. Ive seen many people on quackity's 'side' saying that the usmp doesnt even exist yet, dream is the one causing drama, etc. And people on dream's 'side' saying quackity is being horrible and needs address this because its caused dream to be in danger. Most importantly. Quackity didnt address it at all.
But then quackity announced he was going live in an hour. And a lot assumed hed say something. But he didnt. His stream was roughly 15 minutes long and it was entirely quackity announcing that he was introducing brazilian/portugese speaking streamers onto the qsmp.
Anyways. Theres a lot of details but my hand hurts now. A big thing is whether qsmp or usmp was 'first'. Imo theres a lot more pointing towards quackity having had this is store for a longass time, as he had been hinting and a project of his for months and more notably the qsmp is so organized and put together i doubt he couldve had it finished up 'after' dream as dream's nonexistent server was an idea he got after that squidcraft thing in early March i think?
More recently (i think today) i saw that quackity apparently took two emojis off his twitch that were dream roblox characters and i saw people freaking out in r/dwt2 about how quackity could be so petty? But ya. My condolences if youve read all this.
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disturbedreams · 2 years
How do you write horror?
I actually had like a conversation with my friends abt this a little bit ago so I'll talk about it here- this is a very broad question so I am going to answer it to the best of my abilities (like, how do I write vs. how do I write horror), so,,, pls be patient with me haha.
So, to kind of lay the groundwork I've kinda come to the conclusion that there are maybe 3 types of horror writers/ways to come at horror?? Or at least, that's how it gets categorized better in my head! Inspired by a post where someone described Jacob Geller as an architect's mindset, I think the 3 main ways to come at writing horror are as follows;
- The Language
- The Philosophy
- The Architecture
Keep in mind that this is all like ENTIRELY my own opinion and just how I come at writing my favorite genre, & I was/am an on and off fic writer and that's where most of my style was able to be developed!
Understandably these categories do seem a bit random but I think the example I can use best to explain it is gore, probably?
So with gore & body horror as an example, I'll go in the order of Philosophy > Language > Architecture for it to kind of make most sense.
Philosophy - Gore is many things. A lot of times the human mind meets it with, "that's wrong- that's wrong, wrong, wrong!"- and it gets worse with body horror, which seems to almost make an art form out of it. It is grotesque and obscene, and it forces you to be vulnerable- all things the mind hates. Organs that were never supposed to see the light of day are now being exposed to air they were never supposed to touch- and it's incredibly disturbing and upsetting because this isn't supposed to happen.... and worse, the longer you sit in it all, and you let it fester, it starts to become a "What really makes us human?" kind of thing. Everyone's reaction to the initial reaction to horrifying vulnerability of viscera is different.  Some curiously engage with it, some will become obsessed with how intimate it is, some will still desperately want to get away from it. It's always a fun little "how will I write these gore scenes this time" & understanding how I want ppl to react, which brings me to the next bit- language
(P.S. no body horror in it, but if you do want a good horror book that delves into like the "What Makes Us Human?" bit of things, I rec Obscura by Joe Hart!! like it literally becomes an overarching theme in the book! A+)
Language - I spend a lot of time trying to put human experiences down on paper, and it just... doesn't work because language as a whole is not enough of a vehicle to get across all of my thoughts and my feelings on this one subject- this one subject that is, undeniably intricate (no matter what subject it is, at any point in time). With body horror or just generally terrifying scenes where I really need to get across what exactly is happening and why it's so terrifying and you should be scared too- it helps to find words that are as specific as possible to the moment, especially with gore, because it forces the character(s) and the reader to be vulnerable. I focus a lot on character's reaction to things as well, as a way to convey like 'holy shit this is NOT OK!!! I am not cool with this!!', and really- it wouldn't be a good story if I didn't intrigue myself a bit imo- whether I terrify, or I scare, or I just get myself obsessed... understanding the concept of what I want to get across as much as I can, so I can then spend as long as I want trying to get it across as accurately as possible in a way that will have others sharing my fear/intrigue/obsession... that is my personal goal!
Architecture - Your terror needs legs to stand on. Your dread needs legs to stand on. Fear/scares can be induced from a simple movie's jumpscare, or a couple of terrifying lines that build a scene quickly and get the ball rolling- but for good 'ol gothic terror it's a bit of a consistent slow burn that slowly grows over the course of the story. It's usually why the gore happens towards the end of a story if it's the climax of the story, or, in other cases, gore tends to be used as a way to break a character. It's not only about the structure of the story, it's about the structure of the character. When you develop a character it's like you've carefully constructed a small building- and in this case, the gore scenes are direct attacks on where this character's support beams would be. A building within a building.... within a building...? If you will.
Kathe Koja's short story The Neglected Garden (Extremities) is actually a perfect example of this, as it starts off with the gore straight off the bat- and from there it's a slow decline (in this story specifically, it's akin to watching a team of workers construct a house incredibly quickly, then being like "it doesn't seem that sturdy-" right when a storm comes by and the house itself sinks and gets *really* fucked up... and then from there starts to slowly deteriorate and crumble.)
I think this applies to writers as well lol- like, I'm definitely more of a language oriented horror writer because of how much I focus on my vocabulary, my sentences, my prose, etc- and not even in a way where grammar is my strong suit. In fact, I am like, incredibly bad with grammar and this post is probably a prime example of it! but I really try hard to get across a concept/idea with the tools available to me and I try to expand those tools when I can, because it frustrates me when there aren't enough words in the dictionary for "he screamed".
Outside of gore and body horror, I usually have a concept, and then I write the scenes were I'm very into the concept of it and what I want to be portrayed... and then I start expanding from there and building plot, etc, until I eventually sit down and write it in it's entirety- so my personal order tends to be; Philosophy, Architecture, then Language.
(And yes, these are all just fancy words for plotting and drafting but they help me think about it easier so pls be nice to me LMFAO)
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shigerussato · 2 years
hi everyone ! we’re legitimately a month away from palletshipping week my goodness does time fly haha. 
here’s some info you may know, as well as additional information i’ve added since i’ve gotten dm’s and inbox questions for my event so just so it answers questions that ppl may share. i’m highly encouraging you all read if you’re entering i added a certain aspect that i think is most important for this event. thank you so much for the ones who will be celebrating this pair with me and can’t wait to read all your pieces ! 🤍 
Palletshipping Start Date : March 29th 
Palletshipping Week End Date : April 4th (Palletshipping Day) 
you can start posting your first writing piece whenever it is March 29th for your timezone. that writing piece must be for Day One of palletshipping week. so please post these as the chronological order i have organized them. 
tbh i’ve seen ppl entering my event saying stuff like “ugh it’s too much to handle” “oh i hope i finish all seven on time” “ugh i have up to three days only” and in the most sincerities way, it hurts me that ppl are pushing themselves and making a literal chore to finish all seven days. 
this is for you to have fun writing, and to share your passion for shigesato, not homework. and maybe i should’ve done a better job as the organizer and mentioned it from the start that you’re not at all in your obligation to do all seven days. 
so please only write what you can and topics you are more comfortable and find more inspiration to write for. 
if you write for certain days just post your fic for that certain day and it’s appropriate date for posting on that topic on. thank you. 
(that also goes for the potential artists that will be entering as well) 
When posting your pieces PLEASE try to specify that it’s for palletshipping week ! weather mentioning it on a note or tag under “Palletshipping Week” 
When posting your writing pieces you have two options : 
You may make this as a chapter book, example “Day One - Chapter 1 etc etc.” 
Second Option you may make it as a ‘Series’ Ao3 users you may be familiar with associating a fic to another as a part of a series so that’s a second option! 
as i mentioned other platforms are welcome, but since i only use Ao3 i don’t have familiarity with how others work so as you’d like to organize on other platforms is up to your preferences and knowledge. 
Also when posting your pieces please specify “Day One - Childhood Memories/Rivalry/Bickering/Teasing” you may just title it with the topic you chose to do with the piece. 
NOTE : your fics do not have to be named after the specific day topic you may make your own title but just specify (as mentioned) that it’s an entry for palletshipping week and the day the fic is associated for. 
to promote your fics on here or other social media platforms you may use the tag “palletshipping week” to do so. 
these topics aren’t only potential for fics but art as well ! so feel free to post and tag under “palletshipping week” and specify the days the art is for. 🤍 
i will be reblogging and sharing fics, art, edits that are made for palletshipping week so if you’d like to get it shared just tag it under “palletshipping week” as i specified !
everyone and anyone who loves palletshipping is allowed to participate. you don’t need to be following me, be moots with me or any way associated with me. you’re allowed to have fun and do this if you’d like, me being the organizer has nothing to do with you not being able to do so. 
again, feel free to ask questions under this post, inbox or dm’s ! thank you and have fun with this, i’m very excited !! 🤍🤍
Topics Listed Below : 
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nonranghaes · 5 months
your sweet svt drabbles are such an inspiration to me. I've been getting into writing fics slowly by writing just short ones off a single scenario, and i have too many prompts and ideas coming from my head (which is great !) that i already had laid out but i just couldn't find thee tempo to start. Soo I'm trying to get more inspo by reading around tumblr and to my luck i landed here! i found your writing style an exemplar to how i wanted to write (bonus if you'd like to give some writing tips? 🥹). Your drabbles looked effortlessly written, they're simple yet so expressive and visually evocative. Reading them makes me feel like it's easy to just get the idea off my head and picture it in words OK I'LL STOP HASJB it's literally midnight o clock (when the strong urge to give one of my prompts a shot kicks in)
honestly i dont rly know if i have any solid writing tips haha i like reading a lot since it can teach me a lot abt what i like in writing and what i dislike!! + reading helps u pick up on how other ppl describe things and how their writing flow. idk if that makes sense though. like... book i just finished (a death in tokyo) is very to the point and practical with its writing. it was written in a way that i could clearly envision a lot of things and my mind would fill in the holes since its set in a real world setting. other stuff i read might take care in describing things in more detail, but reading higashino's work kinda made me understand further how just plainly stating things can have its own power and paint a picture just as well--just depends on what you're writing and what kind of vibe it should have, yknow?
like. i wouldn't expect a thriller to have the same writing flow as a romance novel, but the gritty details can still have importance depending on what the topic is. little things like that. genuinely, imo, the best writers are those who read a lot and my advice is rly just to kinda read everything u feel safe w reading!!!
also i think ive said this a lot on wooahaes but ive also been writing since i was like. 11. if not younger lol so ive had a looooootta time to practice and refine and get to where i am now and i'll still be improving into the future hopefully!!!
other than that... hmm...
i'll admit this one isn't something everyone can do (and obvs no shame to ppl who can't!) but i always try to envision the space i'm writing and the people within it.
i think for me personally, i care a lot about the physicality of whoever i'm writing? if they're nervous, are they acting shifty? are they wringing their hands? is this a situation they want to get out of, or are they nervous because they're kinda excited for what's to come? how are they vocally, too? are they the kind of person who rambles when they're nervous, or do they get really quiet? is it obvious, or will it seem normal if they're quiet/chatty?
like... with the mark lee drabble where he's nervously dragging out the question of "what if we kissed?" it was kinda important to me to just kinda have him dragging it out because once he says it, there's no way to take it back, and once he says it, the nerves take over in a "and now i must ramble, lets talk about anything but what i just said, so the aquarium-" where even though we don't SEE mark, we still can tell he's a nervous wreck over it all. its little things like that that just kinda stick out to me?
mmm but for my drabbles specifically... i think i kinda function off the fact that i'm not writing an actual fic here? if i wanted to write something longer, i'd put it on wooahaes (and sometimes i do! i've had a couple fics now i was gonna just post as a drabble but then they kinda ran away from me). i've deleted parts of drabbles before because i felt like they were getting too irrelevant. the point of a drabble, to me personally, is to just kinda give somewhat a quick snapshot of a moment. i think my stuff usually takes place in a single place as far i can remember, because changing scenes makes it feel like a bigger thing (barring stuff where there was a short flashback).
i think it can help to have an idea of what you want to capture if you're writing a short drabble. reader/seungkwan caring for one another, minho teasing reader over the cats, reader trying to get one over on joshua (ft seungkwan). occasionally the more fantasy-ish stuff is like "merfolk reader in love w jisung" and "merfolk reader saving minho" or "android!shua being saved from the facility by reader" comes to me, too. i just kinda write purely by vibes and what i wanna write. idk if this helps but i usually do try to have some idea of what exactly i wanna do!! the times i have opened a post and closed it again bc i had nothing..................................... yeah
(obvs no shame in those moments ksdhfds i just always end up sitting there like. what was i doing again.)
ummm idk what else to say!! i can always try to give advice on other stuff if u ever have specific questions but this is all ive got rn <3 good luck!!!!! i believe in u!!!!!!!!
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fayes-fics · 7 months
Dearest Faye,
Just two days ago as I was on the train to London, I listened to your voice recording in which you responded to my comment on Benedict’s POV. I meant to leave a comment there but I couldn’t find the post, so I decided to send you a message here.
First of all, hope you’re feeling better! I honestly didn’t expect Chapter 7 to come out this fast but THANK YOU for giving your insatiable audience such a sweet treat before Valentine’s Day 💕
Secondly, I’m guessing you are from or live in the UK? I thought it when I was reading It Had to Be You and the scenes brought me back to so many familiar neighbourhoods and streets. London now feels much more romantic because of your story ♥️
Thirdly, Edith Piaf songs as chapter titles… you certainly know how to seize this romantic’s heart. My favourite Piaf song is La Foule. It’s probably won’t be featured in this story, but perhaps it can be of inspiration to something else?
Furthermore, I understand your response to my Benedict POV comment. I’ve never done creative writing so I don’t often notice writing techniques like narratives. Your explanation makes perfect sense to me. The focus is on the emotional struggle of the female reader and how she eventually falls into the inevitable. Benedict, on the other hand, doesn’t need to wrestle with his conscience to accept this fate.
Lastly, you’re truly a talented writer with amazing imagination! The first fic I read was Sonnet 29 and I still revisit it sometimes. Thank you for creating a world in which I can feel fierce passion and undying love — the kind lacking in the real life.
From Alexandra with Love 🧡
Hi Alexandra! 🫶
What a lovely message. 🥹🫶 Thank you for taking the time to write to me.
I’m so glad you enjoyed my audio post about the narrative POV in When The World Is Free. I occasionally record them when I’m too lazy to type and have a lot to ramble on about haha. 😂 I’m always surprised when ppl listen to them tbh lol. But yes, I’m glad you followed my logic and reasoning for the choice. But don’t worry, reader won’t be wrestling with the decision for too much longer 😉
Im feeling under the weather, but not too bad tbh. Still working (from home) and exercising etc. I thought it would impact my writing more than it has, so actually I’m doing okay in that regard. Thank you for asking. 🫶
Yes indeed, I am British, but I no longer live in the UK. I went to uni in and lived in London for all of my 20s. I’m humbled to think I’ve made London more romantic for you 🥹🫶
Thank you for sharing your favourite Piaf song. 🧡That’s a great one! But yes, it probably won’t feature in this fic. I tried to match to ones that fitted the theme of the chapter as much as possible.
Lastly thank you for your kind words. Truly it means the world. I know many writers write for themselves, but I guess I’m maybe in the minority who don’t, I write what I’m asked to by others, for others. So feedback is very motivating for me 🫶 Anyway, so happy you love Sonnet 29, that was my first ever fanfic!
I’m so happy my writing makes you feel things, and I’m sure passion and love are in your future 🫶🫶
Thank you again for your message 😁🧡🧡
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irithnova · 1 year
Helloo ~ I sended you a message but you didn't answer so I'm talking over here ♡ You are one of the few people in this fandom who makes me want to be on tumblr. I saw many ppl who fought racism, xenophobia, p*do or r*pe tropes in hetalia to get so exausted they just deactivated... so please take care of yourself, I think (maybe) there's more of us now so you are supported, and please remember your content is relevant and inspiring ♡
I've always liked personfications of countries/regions and while I see some things from Hetalia, countryballs and Satw I have my own stories, which has American (as in "american continent"), Asian and African characters. Your ocs give me hope to keep creating and I love your posts ♡
Hey, thank you so much for your ask and I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ignore your message, it got buried😭 don't worry about me haha I'm fine, I have other things to busy myself with🐱
I'm really glad you like my content!!:D I'm sure your stories are interesting :3
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
About This Blog
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Hey, this is the little gremlin again, and since most tumblr users have some sort of 'about' page, I decided to create one. And also because why not?
Note: This is my main blog. Likes, follows, asks and replies are from here. It is also my writing blog, where I post my own writing and sometimes reblog other writers' works.
My Masterlist
Natalia's Masterlist
Not interested in all the semantics and just looking for the writing? You can find all my writing in the link above, as well as my master tag list All the other info, like rules, squicks, my special tags and some background info can be found under the cut.
About the person behind this
You can call me Natalia.
My pronouns are she/her
I'm straight
I'm 17
I'm a college second year majoring in computer engineering
I'm not sarcastic at all, no no no. And my non-existent sarcasm doesn't catch people off-guard at all, no sir. Totally serious 100% of the time. Even my url says it.
I write stuff here, and the details r in the next heading
I'm a minor, so please dni if you're going to discuss inappropriate content
Wanna spam my notifications? Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I actually encourage it, lol.
I like fandoms, caffeine, chemistry, math, reading and writing (*le gasp), and a whole lot of other stuff!
I'm not mean, I promise. Just a little, snarky teen haha.
I look nothing like my pfp.
I'm a villanous assassin!
I have undiagnosed high-functioning anxiety, may have ADHD and I experience obsessive thoughts. So please, no hate on ND ppl here.
I'm fine w/dms! (as long as they're not creepy)
My fanfiction sideblog is @so-hot-i-make-hell-jealous
My silly, non-writing sideblog is @yoursssstruly
My Writing Rules
I may be an anarchist, but I need some rules here.
Stuff I do write: hero x villain (supervillains, sidekicks and whatnot too), hurt/comfort, and I might post snippets of a story I'm working on and whump, fluff, maybe some crack, and romance!
Stuff I DON'T write: NSFW content of any kind, smut excessively dark whump (I get anxious with things that take it too far), incest, pedophilia, rape, emetophilia, and while I do write romance, suggestiveness is toned down and I don't write nsfw romance.
Do not ask me to write anything I said I don't write. It's pointless because I won't force myself to write it.
I don't write make-outs and kisses on the lips
You can totally use my writing for inspiration, as long as it's tagged as a prompt, you can use some lines, but just not the whole thing word for word, provided that it's tagged as a prompt. You can continue it, even if I've done a continuation.
If you use any of my prompts, please give credit and tag me! I'd loveee to see what you come up with!
Anything tagged as NOT A PROMPT is not for use.
I DON'T appreciate reposts, but I do love reblogs. Don't hesitate to use super long tags, analyse it or give lengthy commentary, I'm actually down for that stuff.
I don't mind my stuff being reposted on other social media as long as you give me credit. NO reposts on Tumblr, please.
Pairings are usually gn/gn. The other alternative is f/m
I typically write hero x villain, but I have other non-hero x villain stuff out there! Like fantasy, sci-fi and certain fragments of my wip (some of em are actually h x v!)
I don't really do xreader fics.
Ask Box
Don't be afraid to send me an ask!
Please don't ask for any of the stuff I told you I don't write
I may take some time to respond because I have a crap schedule
I might not answer asks if I don't feel very comfortable writing them. No hate, I just got on this app for my own fun, so I don't want to force myself to do smth I don't like, and it'll probably come out as a crappy piece of writing anyway
You can ask me about non-writing stuff too! I don't mind talking! Just please don't make the questions too. . .creepy.
Don't use the ask box to harass me. You'll probably regret getting on my nerves
Favourite Tropes
Where do I even start? I'm very indecisive.
Enemies to lovers
Alliance of convenience
Fake dating (turned not-so-fake)
Two whumpees caring for each other
Scary, unhinged hero x terrified villain (who's probably secretly in love w/them)
Flirty x flustered
Whumpee gets revenge on their og whumper, preferably through violent murder
Morally grey characters
Found family
Heavy angst w/a fluffy ending
Psychological manipulation
Cocky hero x flustered villain
Because some of my content may be triggering to some people. I typically include trigger warnings above my posts in red, and I recently started putting them in the tags, too. Please note I don't condone any of the harmful stuff here IRL. I write FICTION, not meant to be used to judge me morally. ✨️Lmk if there's anything you want me to add here!
Implied torture or past torture
Mental health issues
Abusive relationships
Yandere whump
Bone Fractures
Failed escape
Miserable (I write sad stuff sometimes)
Description of torture aftermath
Occasionally, torture
Usage and mentions of weapons (guns, knives, etc)
References to a difficult past
Obsessive thoughts
Fear of heartbreak
Criminal activity
Somewhat graphic descriptions (they aren't too horrible, but they may make some people uncomfortable
Non-con touch (not sexual)
Hostage situation
Stress positions
War/war aftermath
Very flirty (Listen, I generally write pretty light stuff, but they can be seen as juuuust a little bit spicy, and different people interpret things differently, and I won't judge people for seeing things a certain way, but in case it makes you uncomfortable. . .)
Adding on to the last point, this kind of fic will contain touching (not sexual), kisses (not on the lips), and pretty flirty remarks (nothing sexual)
Alcohol/use of alcohol
I write violence n all, but I have limits. I will NOT write anything mentioned here and will refuse any requests with these.
Eye, mouth and ear whump
Extreme gore
Amputation (unless it's a fantasy monster that has to die OR it's environmental whump. Someone doing it however, nope)
Muzzles (I'm fine with gags, though)
Sadomasochism (some of my characters are sadistic, but non-sexually. Also, no masochistic characters)
NSFWhump in general, (whether extreme gore, sexual assault or sadomasochism)
Animal abuse
Anything I don't write in the Rules above
My Tags
Aside from the usual tags on writing, I like to add my touch to a few of them. You may see:
#nat writes
#a little gremlin's writing
#natalia's writing
And for asks
#the little gremlin answers
When it isn't about writing
#not writing and/or #natalia.txt
When I like it, but it isn't mine
#not my writing
When you can read, but you shouldn't USE
Timezones n next days (yes, they're self-reblogs)
#timezone reblog
#next day reblog
To clarify
#hero x villain -> just means it has a hero and a villain. can be platonic, familial, just enemies or romantic (this applies to any A x B)
While. . .
#hero/villain -> means the pairing is romantic. (applies to anything with a slash)
I know other ppl use them differently, but that's how I do it. I typically tag with genre to help, like #romance or #friendship
And the most important rule of all
The villainous assassin
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moonspirit · 1 year
Embarrassing TFLM Brainrot here
So this is a brainrot post meant mainly for myself - I spent too much time on this story and I want to get my thoughts on it out of my system so I can move on to other ideas. Also so I can come back to this post later. Contains stuff that inspired certain moments/scenes and intentions behind other details.
Story is here btw.
Mentions and links here are because your post/fanfic/artwork inspired some scene or dialogue etc xD You absolutely don't have to read this, it's VERY long and messy lmao.
1 - Rope Pulling
This scene served three purposes:
to drive home the point that there is no longer any room for racial bias and hate, which is especially problematic given that even though all six Alliance members (except Mikasa, since she's no longer there) stopped the Rumbling together, only three (Armin, Jean & Connie) are from Paradis and therefore, face more prejudice on Fort Salta than the Warriors - both from the Marleyan inhabitants and also the Eldian refugees of Liberio.
to show that the others will have Armin's back when he makes decisions and hesitates to put forth his ideas because of his low self-esteem. Imo Armin's decision to stay on ground with the people is very much in consonance with his style of leadership, which is more gentle and less commandeering. It is implied that Muller's charged speech is written by Armin (boy is eloquent af, okay, and manipulative, hence using the children to spark motivation) but the reason he gets Muller to deliver it is not only because he lacks Erwin's charisma, but also, had he himself delivered it, the ppl on Fort Salta would be like "Oh, so now a devil from Paradis commands us? heck no". They would've listened to him ofc, but he wouldn't have achieved what he wanted to achieve with standing along with everyone else. It's a plea for "See us as humans too. Just like yourselves."
A plot point to get a celebratory mood going on the Fort.
2 - Breakfast
Really nothing much to say here except to lay down the foundation for the setting of the fictional country of Kald. Felipe (OC) was just an accessory to explain this. I'll flesh it out in the sequels, but my intention to feature Kald as an extremely friendly and accepting country, along with the bountiful nature it possesses is a symbolism I've always wanted to write about - that after decades of hate and bloodshed, here is a country that simply wants to celebrate the miracle of life, the miracle of living. Kald is also a projection of everything Armin has dreamed of. It's also an excuse to get our six tortured characters to finally live normal lives, doing ordinary, mundane things haha xD Also I suck at politics, so giving them a peaceful country to go to is convenient for me lmao.
Also since Muller dissolved the Marleyan military, there is no longer any authority (with the exception of Armin who still carries a title) and so the young boys finding the crates of rum was to show that there is unrestricted and free access to basically everywhere and everything. Just a silly lil detail lol.
3 - Children
This scene was just designed for plain humour - another opportunity to get Armin teased and flustered - but it became more than that. The children are a symbolism of their own childhoods which they were very quickly robbed of. Hence, the kids don't have names (it was annoying to write 'boy' so many times but welp) and the blond kid is basically Armin as a child himself. Armin lost his parents to curiosity, his grandfather to the titans and was bullied severely. He was shielded over and over again by his fiercely loyal friends (EM) - and so when the kids refuse to leave the injured blond boy alone, that too is a parallel (tho this is very obvious in the writing itself).
@ master-of-insects made a post here where they pointed out how manga Armin has brown/hazel eyes and so I thought - amazing! Let's give the blond kid brown eyes, so then he's different, but also very much a young Armin.
The children are way too innocent, have not yet realized they are now orphans and so that one line where one of them says "like my mother gives my father a big kiss" is funny, but also really sad.
It also allowed for these children to be treated exactly like children and with plenty of kindness (Armin offering to race them down is an extension of the kindness he has always shown everyone) so that despite having lost their parents, they are still going to have some good memories in a free-er world outside Liberio, teaching them that everybody in the world is equal and worthy of love.
Acts as a plot point to be invited to the dance later.
This scene was also meant to let our four big boys do silly things like race each other down a hill and bet on potatoes - something they probably would have done as kids, but never could.
Gave me an excuse to make Armin a dad for a brief period of time lmao.
The Annie references here were to show that Annie's always thinking of him and her quiet displays of tenderness to even children, by way of tending to one when he's hurt - and Armin finding out indirectly and accidentally that she sees him as more than anything she actually says in words, making him fall in love with her even more. He already knows that she's kind and caring and so pushes the blond kid to thank her later, knowing it'll give her great relief.
4 - Sunset
Ahhhhhh now this scene. JeanConArmin has a very special place in my heart. With Mikasa gone, they are the only ones left from Paradis - and they cannot go back to Paradis for now. These three share so much right from their (non-existent) childhood - the same country, the same culture, the same people, the same folklore(?), the same kid's games(?) etc. Throughout the manga there have been so many instances where the three of them have interacted and relied on each other beautifully so I wanted to expand on them post-rumbling. In 139, when they go back to Paradis, it really is only the three of them who are truly "going home".
The equipment cleaning idea came from Season 1, when Armin recalls repairing/fixing gears together with Marco. I've always thought it was something they probably did very often - performing maintenance and so it seemed fitting that they would perform their very last maintenance after the Rumbling. After all, the 3DMG, the blades, the wires, the thunder spears were all designed to combat titans, which no longer exist. It is the end of an era.
The little moment where Armin remembers Hange while looking at the clouds was inspired by this fanart by @ annawayne It was a last minute addition really, but I had to get Hange in somehow and in this artwork, Hange is looking empathetically at Armin, which gave me the inspiration for that whole moment.
JeanKasa comes to an end so that I can neatly add references to JeanPiku in future sequels (tho I prolly won't ever write proper JeanPiku cuz Pieck is too smart for me and I will suck at it.)
The whole Fondue thing is homage to Sasha. I've never eaten Fondue myself so I'm now kinda scared cuz I'm prolly going to butcher this whole plot point when I get around to it in sequels.
5 - Bonfire
oh welp, okay, so after a LONG time we get to Annie here and we see what she's struggling with. A whole avalanche of messy emotions and thoughts, garnished with a generous sprinkle of inner-conflict and extreme guilt. I wondered often while writing if this made Annie very OOC but then thought, oh why not, it's realistic because all she ever wanted to do was go back to her dad before she died from Ymir's curse. Death was always a certainty and now it's not and she's reeling from the possibilities that gives her and refuses to believe she's worthy of any of it. Annie's always been kind, she just never got to live a life where she could afford to show much kindness. She's also severely touch-starved and dying for more physical contact but Armin's too busy. I mean, if I were Annie, I would've like, exploded in anger on the spot lmao.
For Annie, Armin has become so important that even the smallest of disappointments sets her off - like not knowing about the time he got drunk, or his dismay at being left out of the festivities. Also, she's been pessimistic for as long as she's lived, so when the four kids (because they were shown some love and played with, they now return the kindness (good karma!) by getting the dancers to invite our characters to the celebrations) come to call them, it's a shock - she never that was ever a possibility. So a new door has opened for her in this instance and she sees how Armin's got what he wanted, exactly how he wanted. This is the point where she begins to understand how Armin works, what drives him to be how he's always been and the rewards of his humane/gentle approach.
6 - Dancing
We see this also from Annie's POV because she's new to all this, and it also has to feel new to all of us. Someone like Annie who was always driven to finish what she had to do, as fast as possible, so that she could return home and die - cannot comprehend the celebrations. It feels alien to her. So everything that happens in this scene is messy, frightening, and confusing. And yet she is GOOD at it lmao, ofc Annie's good at dancing, she's a graceful fighter, why wouldn't she be good at it? Very slowly she begins to let her guard down and enjoy it but enjoyment doesn't come easily when you're also feeling extremely guilty of enjoying it (a vicious cycle). So the blond kid dances with her, tells her a thank you, and effectively, puts a small band-aid on her aching heart. She then dances with Armin and it is at this moment that the dance, which was confusing, scary and messy until now, becomes magical, beautiful, a lovely thing to behold.
the whole lanterns thing was inspired by this YouTube comment I took screenshot of in a separate post here
So I really really agree with what this person says, Armin's always seen the beauty in things. Freedom to Armin is being able to see beauty, being able to enjoy the simple moments of life, so when for him, embers look like floating lanterns, Annie is SHOOK lmao. And so she begins to wonder if someday she too can see the world like him. It serves to open another door for her - where living, with Armin, could be a beautiful experience, not something to fear. Which is why, when she in turn tells Pieck that they are not embers, but lanterns, it is her willingness to accept the wondrous prospects of a long, long life.
many of the lines Pieck says during this dancing scene, eg, "that's all I am now" referring to being human, and "soak in the bliss, there's nothing quite like it" referring to being loved by someone else, and "we are alive, might as well enjoy living" are realizations Annie makes throughout this scene, just that we need Pieck to be the one to say it out loud. Also, Pieck smart okay. Best girl.
7 - The Kiss
inspired by this fanart by @NaityNain on twitter.
everyone is always consoling Armin but now it's his turn to give someone solid courage and that someone happens to be our ice-cold kitten Annie. I don't really have many thoughts about this scene tbh.
ah but yes, Idk man, it was supposed to be sweet but became too heated with tongue and all and welp.
I think most AruAni shippers agree that Annie isn't very vocal with words of affection and love, at least, at the beginning, so it just made sense that Armin would be able to see the emotions swimming in her eyes. And he remembers how he wasn't able to get a single answer from her for four years (S4) when inside the crystal and now she's right there, eyes open, and he just has all the answers he needs. So she doesn't really need to say it out loud, he gets it, but he tells it in proper words back to her because she needs to hear it, and also Armin won't ever hesitate to tell her what he feels.
8 - Conversations, etc
building hope in this scene. The Neptune thing is a reference to the prequel in this series and also, a symbolism for hope. It gives Annie a new dream to hold onto, and Armin a new book to look forward to reading since he no longer has his old book with him.
Annie also finds out things like his birthday because she wants to know everything there is to know about Armin and her heart is starting to open up to the wonders of living and loving.
also building sexual tension hahaha
yeah sorry for the really bad jokes here, couldn't help it lmao
when that whole drinking fiasco takes place with Annie, well ofc the reason it happens in the first place is bec she's mortified that everyone knows the stuff she told that blond boi - dumb of him to babble huh? But I didn't want her to resort to violence like kicking Reiner or punching Jean because ever since that dance with Armin where she "playfully" kicked him and then felt guilty about it, imo she's thinking - "violence has been always a means to an end, but these five people are my close friends now, and they do not deserve to be treated with violence anymore." And so she does something silly and stupid instead and stalks off. Armin figures out why she did it and here we see his low self-esteem again, this is a problem that will take a very long time to get over and when drunk Annie reveals her feelings and boosts his self confidence, he's beyond touched.
gave me a chance to write more tooth-rot and contract diabetes.
9 - Mr.Leonhardt
honestly Mr.Leonhardt wasn't going to play any part in this story. My entire portrayal of Mr.Leonhardt in this fic is heavily inspired by @ distortedclouds 's excellent takes over here on Annie's relationship with her father and vice versa, and her character analysis of Mr.Leonhardt here is just fantastic. I agree with all of this. However, because Mr.Leonhardt isn't going to really feature in the story anymore, this scene was really just to contrast the two men in Annie's life - one who treated her with cruelty since day1 and one who treats her with nothing but love.
also a chance to show how much Armin thinks of her and everything he wants to show her and do with her (i.e that embarrassing ice cream part haha xD)
also enables Armin to come back to his tent and go through several memories in his head, of the current day's events and of things from his past, finally ending with thoughts and memories of Annie. That's why we have that little portion that goes "... Green eyes. Annie's eyes." Because thinking of Eren gives him pain, thinking of Annie gives him happiness.
10 - Morning
I really, really enjoyed writing that portion where Annie wakes up to a sweet and affectionate Armin, it gave me all the butterflies myself lmao. Why doesn't Armin exist irl ffs.
the scene that was especially cinematic in my head was the one where the six of them are the last to board the train. With the bundles of gear swinging over their shoulders, and with Armin being the only one wearing the cape with the Wings of Freedom - and Annie watching his back - was inspired by a fanart (for which I can't find an artist, so I can't link it).
A small significance of that moment where Armin's blades reflect the morning light and throw an iridescent halo (let's just fuck the physics here ok?) over the train and speckle some children's faces with shards of rainbow light - this had an intention behind it. Armin never used his swords much to kill. He never took (m)any lives with it, Titan or human. So when his blades instead reflect rainbow light, coating some young children's faces with several beautiful colours - that was to show that Armin's blades were never meant for death, they were meant for something beautiful, meant for life.
11 - Final Scene
okay so Pieck and Annie, I really think there's so much potential here because Pieck is the perfect balance of easy-going to Annie's tightly controlled emotions. There are things Annie can talk with Armin about, but not everything perhaps (or atleast, not at once) and with the whole muddle of how to get by with these feelings of love, Pieck is sort of like her sister figure. Especially since Hitch isn't there atm. For Pieck too, Annie can be someone she can talk to about her relationship with Porco. Now, honestly I ship PokkoPiku because they seemed to have a great vibe going on, ofc before Porco, well, died like that, and because Pieck has this carefree personality on the outside that could result in her being very quiet and guarded inside about deeply held emotions - Annie can be her pillar of support to grieve and move on from that. Or so I hope to write such a thing.
that letter, yeahhh…. Isn't Armin so good with words? T_T Anyway, some little details I managed to put in here is that throughout the story, Armin hasn't once (directly) mentioned Eren's name until in the letter. Also during that portion where he honours all the people - it goes in order of dead to alive with Annie being the last, because she's an integral part of his entire future, of his life, of him. The letter is also basically Armin making a promise to himself, giving Annie something to look forward to and also, by asking her to keep the letter for him, showing her she's that precious to him.
Last few words at the ending "By the light of a new Sun" were taken directly from the ending of Interstellar hahahhahaa xD (I love that movie)
This is a MESS, but now I'm done. Boi, I feel free.
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thequimmqueen · 11 months
hi Fran, totally get your frustration over Quimm—I think the people who want them together (or to stay together, or get back together, etc) are a bit out-numbered xP … it can be disheartening!! So I totally get you, and sorry to hear it’s making you feel bad )):
But remember, the ship means a lot to a lot of people, and I’d even say it’s one of the backbones of fanon in this fandom—so I don’t think Quimm is going anywhere, at least!! I respect whatever people wanna ship or interpret them as, but I agree it would be nice if more ppl were loud about them as we are 🙈
Hi- I'm really, really sorry that it took ages for me to answer your asks -again- but I felt like I needed the right mindset to answer this one properly, otherwise, I would have behaved very negatively.
(Which I did in the first poll's results... I'm also very sorry about that. You guys really don't need me being passive-aggressive over stuff like this.)
But, Yes, it IS disheartening. It is disheartening to see so few people genuinely like them as a pairing and it kills me that I get so sad about it because I don't have the right to worry so much over what others like- I should KNOW AT THIS POINT- BUT-
It's so.. painful, still. Especially when you're me and you have a history of getting harassed or arguing with people over opinions on this ship & the other one I hate so much. People I thought I got along with, no less.
But, I cannot deny, that's true. Quimm, for better or for worse, has been popular for being one of the few character duos that are directly connected through flipdecks, and seem to have unfinished business going on. (that's not something Timm and Cecilia have haha) There are also many who favored it before I even set foot in this community, and deep down I still hope they like it because a lot of what I've written and drawn is also inspired by them, the people who were obsessed with it before I took the torch myself.
And well, even if I have posted less and less with them, that doesn't mean that I have stopped thinking of them, or Flipline in general. There are days when I can go for hours talking and discussing headcanons, Quimm ideas, and other stuff without a care in the world. But I just, don't feel confident enough to share it here, but instead to friends only.
I would love to find a new place to do that in, to share my art, and headcanons, and place all the cheesy, dorky, made-with-love art and content for these two that I can make.
Because, haha, they still have my heart and they aren't giving it back anytime soon.
And yes, I also want there to be more people that like the ship... which is actually funny because just when I was having this crisis I met a new person who has also recently asked me my opinion on their own ideas for them two. It's funny how the universe works sometimes.
Maybe there aren't many people right now, and maybe it'll be long until we can settle a stable little group (though I know there's still a few people who like it) But I do know I want to share the art and stuff that I make of them, at least to those who care.
and I know that there are indeed, people who care. I'm so sorry I didn't remember before.
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goldenhypen · 1 year
hii!! do u have any tips on starting a blog? i've recently discovered that i like writing but i'm not sure how to set up a blog or anything like that.. like for example, making banners, putting links and just anything like that 😭
ahhh anonnie i’m honoured you came here for advice 🥹 i’m happy to help the most i can <33
ahh there’s so many things i can say so if you want to come back for more tips anytime, just hmu but hmmm to start,, i’d say making a navigation post is rlly helpful to just store all your important content you want ppl to easily find such as an about me or carrd, a masterlist, rules, etc. and then also making all those posts as well so you can include them as links in your navigation. you can always look at my navi (my pinned post) or other blogs that you like for inspiration <3 mine is pretty basic and not v special tho, i suggest going to others for inspo T-T hahhahsj
in terms of banners, you can use any photo editing app to make them if you want to add text and stuff to your banner. i tend to just stay simple cuz i’m lazy skdjdj and go for the classic three picture moodboard type thing haha ,,,, oooh and then you can have your header picture, and stuff in your bio as well. again, i’d suggest looking around at different blogs to find inspiration and gather things you like about each to come up w ideas for yours and come up w your own aesthetic :>
this might already be a lot, so you don’t have to bother with this one if you don’t want to, but i made a survey (a little over a year ago now apparently?? a little outdated now then ig T-T sjsjsj) for our fellow engene readers to give input to writers on things they like. if you want to take a look at those results, it might help in the,, success?? of your blog? idk if i wanna call it that, but yk what i mean 😭
most importantly tho, at the end of the day, your blog belongs to you and so you can do whatever you want with it. just have fun, experiment, and you learn what works for you along the way :>
lmk if this helps and if you ever need more advice on anything or if you have any specific questions! i’m always happy to help :>
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broodygaming · 1 year
I've been working on a little two player game for the past month and it's almost done and im GIDDY!! Sure wish I could show it to my friends to playtest haha, thing is im MAKING it FOR said friends. So I guess I just hope that it friggin works.
The trick is, a lot of it is logic based. And there's just 0 way to know if other ppl will think the way you want them to think. I think it makes sense, but that means fuck all if no one else does. I'm gonna try and post it on like, reddit or something and see if I can get ppl to play it and I'm thinking about emailing my fav low end streamers and see if they'll play it, not like to promote it cuz it's not for sale, just to see if it makes sense to ppl
Obligatory, if anyone here wants to play it and has a buddy to play with (all it requires is you both have a copy of the game and can hear each other, but not see each others screen, playing it remotely on discord is perfect and exactly what it's set up for. It's kinda inspired by the game The Past Within, not in theme or mood or even puzzles, but I played it last year with my friend and was so tickled by the logic aspect of creating a game that has two sides but ISNT connected to the internet that I couldn't let the idea go) - PLEASE just message me and I'll link you to the dropbox file!
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phil-lesterfan · 8 months
4, 22, and 61 for the ask game
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
“a pleasure to have in class.” also creative :) i was quiet and bookish and usually writing stories or making comics when we had free time. i used to make my own books and my teachers would read them and put them in our class library ^_^ (copy+pasted from prev ask sorry haha)
22. role model?
amazingphil / phil lester !! i’ve looked up to him ever since i was a kid, like <10 years old. i just think he’s so cool and creative. back when youtube was at its peak, i feel like he and jenna marbles were kind of the brains behind all the “challenges” and “tags” that existed. i also like how he keeps to himself and values his privacy — i have a bad habit of oversharing, but i hold that same value. especially bc in the past i have had a very strong online presence, so it’s good to know what to keep personal and to yourself and what you just… put out there.
and then there’s the fact that he’s driven and gets what he wants; dan jokingly calls him a “sell out”, but it’s like to me if phil wants to do something, it will get done one way or another. and how he went to got his masters for video editing, and also when you can tell he enjoys things. plus, he sticks strongly to his, like… image, which can seem shallow, i know, but when he wanted to keep things more pg, he was so careful about it, and he’s so considerate of his viewers (i’ve made a post abt this in the past, how he reassured the audience he and dan are friends, when i know, if i were a creator, i wouldn’t have even thought abt that fear ppl have).
i know i’m getting parasocial, and phil could be an absolute menace off camera (i’m choosing to ignore what others have said abt him — that he’s really just a decent person 😭), but what he does choose to show, i really respect and admire. also, him coming out and having pride just really makes me happy, especially as a lesbian who has struggled with her sexuality. he makes me feel like things can get better, and seeing gay people older than me be happy and successful is really fulfilling.
61. favourite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
GOD. asking this of a past english and creative writing student is just. cruel.
“dogfish” by mary oliver has inspired my own poetry.
“I wanted / the past to go away, I wanted / to leave it, like another country; […] You don’t want to hear the story / of my life, and anyway / I don’t want to tell it, I want to listen / to the enormous waterfalls of the sun.”
and a certain scene in rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead helped me work through shit about 5 years ago
“… [T]hat isn’t what makes it death. It’s just a man failing to reappear, that’s all — now you see him, now you don’t, that’s the only thing that’s real: here one minute and gone the next and never coming back….”
lastly, and i’m really limiting myself here as i could go on about quotes all day, a quote from the best manga of all time, the cat proposed (化け猫かたって候) by hayane dento
“… Someone, somewhere in this city, is getting ready to take a plunge. Somewhere, a child is crying. Someone has come to a stop, so weighed down that they can’t go any further. I’m holding Kihachi’s hand. He is telling stories again today, stories that may or may not save someone else. And I … am thinking about writing my own story. I’ll start by writing the first letter / of the first word.”
i did not mean for these answers to get so long but one question let me talk about phil (favourite person) while the other let me talk about quotes (i’m in love with writing and language). like. oops but also not really. AUGH. thank u for the ask ^_^ <3
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