#inspired by a tumblr post but no link because I cannot find it!
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Someone asked for a post with some of my personal writing tips, so uh here I go I guess!
When I'm writing, I tend to follow 5 points. And they're actually really simple!!
Ask Questions
Do Your Research
"How Does It Move The Plot Forward?"
Consistency = Plausibility
Take Notes!!!
Lemme break it down:
1) Ask Questions
And I mean a LOT of questions. Have a little nagging annoying guy in your brain who is always asking you "why?" because 9 times out of 10, trying to answer those questions is going to help a lot in the long run. And occasionally it'll help you circle back to previous answers!
Here's an example that I vaguely recall from another post here on tumblr (alas i don't remember the username and i cannot find it, but if someone finds it please link it in replies!;;) :
"These Vampires have a problem where they can't be out in the day, but they want to stay within this city." "Well, why don't they just live in the sewers?" "They can't live in the sewers because there's vampire eating alligators down there." "Why are there alligators in the sewers?" "A vampire hunting organization trained them and put them down there." "Why did they put alligators in the sewers?" "To keep vampires out."
Boom, simple. Sometimes you only have to go a few layers deep, so don't worry about making complex systems or ten billion years worth of fictional history (unless you really REALLY want to for some reason).
But yeah, ask questions. Annoy yourself with them. It helps develop a lot, not just for story but also for characters! Entire stories can be created by asking yourself a single "What if" question.
What if food started raining from the sky?
What if we lived in a world where people were capable of controlling the elements?
What if a ghost started haunting a school to search for their killer?
Ask questions!!!
2) Do Your Research
I know, I know, "studying??? EW!!" But trust me this is also important. Study the genre(s) you want your story to be. Look at the things you enjoy, things you find interesting. Are you a history geek? Look at historical stories and pull inspiration from that. Do you like sea creatures? Then pop open the dozens of available resources and fun fact websites. Research your genre's common tropes and pitfalls. Look at what you really like about that genre and build off of that. Pull from anywhere and everywhere, even your own personal life/experience! EVERYTHING can be used to fuel the creative fire!
3) "How Does It Move the Story Forward?"
THIS is a VITAL question that you should ALWAYS ask yourself which is why it has its own little category. If you have a scene you feel is stagnant, or slow, or its just not coming to you, then it's probably because the story isn't moving forward. Go back, read it over, and ask yourself "is this moving the plot? is this progressing a character's arc? is this progressing the villain's plan? What is the audience supposed to take away from this? What is the point I am trying to make with this scene?"
Even when it seems like something isn't happening, a story is ALWAYS in motion. Keep that in mind!
4) Consistency = Plausibility
This is mostly for fantasy/sci-fi stories. Anything that has a magical or highly technological system. If Big Billy Jones can pick up a car and throw it at a group of thugs in chapter 3 of your story, then he sure as hell can do that in chapter 24 when he's facing off with Ghuthu'lock the Abyssal Horror. But if you dont WANT Ghuthu'lock going down to a mere mortal vehicular machine, then give him some power or ability that lets him totally negate Big Billy Jones' car flail attack. Don't just make Billy decide to NOT throw the car, when in any other situation he WOULD throw it.
In the funny words of Schaffrillas: "SHOOT THEM WITH THE DEHYDRATION GUN"
5) Take Notes!!!
This one helps a LOT. This will make your life so much easier, especially if you are dealing with a multi-chapter monster of a story. Taking notes will help you keep consistency, will keep your research in line, will help you visualize your thought process, AND with all those thoughts and plot points written down and out of your head, that will give your brain more space for NEW ideas. WRITE. DOWN. EVERYTHING. Even if it's 2AM and you're tired as fuck. If you get an idea, and you're like "Oh that's pretty good" WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. Because you are GOING to forget, and/or the idea will NOT be the same the next time you remember it. Even if they're messy, you can organize them later!! Write it all down! Even if its just bullet points! They don't need to be fancy, they just need to get the point across and help you jog your memory!
Take notes!!!
Lastly, Be Willing to Change.
While writing any script, novel, whatever, you will find yourself bouncing around between phases like character creation, world building, plot writing, back to character creation, etc.
You'll be 7 chapters in and realize "i need a new character here" or "i don't like this aspect of the setting and its dragging everything else down..." Hell, an entire story's genre can wind up being changed if you feel the characters would be a better fit for a comedy instead of a drama (or vice versa!)
Don't be afraid to go back and fix it! Nothing is really "locked in" while you're writing! Creating ANYTHING is not a linear process, so be ready and willing to switch gears when you feel like you need to add/take away. Jump around, get messy with it, and most importantly, have FUN!!!
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trick-or-treat! *spooky metal wobble*
“God take this off” Chay pants, pawing at Kim’s jacket until it slides over the other man’s shoulders and drops to the floor with a heavy thud. Kim groans into Chay’s mouth as he kisses him hungrily.
They’ve just come back from a date and it’s their first time doing anything like this. They’ve been trying to take things slowly - get to know each other properly and take their time with their relationship now that they’re trying again. Except Chay just cannot wait anymore - not when Kim shows up to their date looking like that.
He groans, mouthing at Kim’s neck and finding his pulse point, sucking lightly. Kim gasps and it’s the most delicious sound Chay has ever heard. He grips at Kim’s belt with his fingers, trailing his other hand lower.
He feels something hard under his hand and he leans back to smirk at Kim “Is that a gun in your pocket? Or are you just happy to see me?” Kim pauses.
Fuck. What a stupid line. What was he thinking? Chay spends a moment to worry that he’s killed the mood before chancing a look up at Kim’s face… only to pause at the guilty expression his boyfriend is wearing.
Kim sighs, and then pulls a handgun out from his pants. Chay hadn’t even known he was carrying one, though he supposes he shouldn’t be surprised.
It’s actually kind of hot.
God, Chay a year ago never would have guessed that he would find someone carrying a gun with him on their romantic date to be attractive. The mafia really has changed him.
It doesn’t matter, he decides. What matters the most here is how gorgeous Kim looks in the low light of his bedroom, lips kiss swollen and bruises forming on his collarbone.
Chay smiles at Kim and goes to kiss the look off his face, moving his hands across Kim’s belt to his buckle. Kim’s hands fist in his hair as Chay’s kisses turn hungry again.
He’s nipping at Kim’s bottom lip and sliding Kim’s belt out when he feels something sharp against his finger. He pauses for a moment, then looks down and pulls out… a knife?
“P’Kim… why do you have a knife hidden away in your belt?” he asks. That’s two weapons Kim was carrying on their date.
“I always have a knife hidden on me, just in case.” Kim explains, looking guilty again, but nonetheless like he’s preparing to defend himself if Chay questions him further. Chay supposes it makes sense, though. Kim does like knives, and he likes to be prepared for trouble even more.
Chay shrugs and smiles at him fondly. Okay. He already knew Kim was like this. It doesn’t matter. He tells Kim as much and moves his hands back to his waist.
Kim’s gaze turns dark as he looks towards Chay’s lips, and then they’re kissing again, hot and heavy. Chay backs Kim up towards the bed, pulling his shirt out from his jeans as they go.
Kim’s hands are hot where they grip Chay’s waist, and firm when they turn him around roughly so that it’s Chay who is being pushed down onto the bed.
Kim moves to take his shirt off, only to reveal… another knife?
“P’Kim, do you seriously have a knife strapped to your chest?” Chay asks incredulously. “How didn’t I notice that earlier when we hugged?”
Kim looks guilty again as he explains “I purposefully angled myself so you wouldn’t feel it…” Chay can’t believe that his boyfriend is carrying three weapons. Are there only three? Are there more?
He won’t lie, it’s sort of ruining the mood a little.
“P’Kim how many more weapons do you have on you right now?” Kim’s guilty look increases as he pulls out another knife from the back of his jeans, and then a tiny gun from a holster strapped to his ankle.
Kim moves to take off his jeans, revealing a thigh holster with three more knives and something else Chay doesn’t recognise.
“What is that one?” Chay asks, pointing.
Kim holds the tools up so that Chay can see them properly. “Lock picking tools.” He puts them on the bedside table with the rest of his small arsenal.
Okay then.
Chay takes a moment to reevaluate the ridiculous man he’s chosen to spend his life with, takes a moment to be frightened that Kim feels the need to carry these things on him in the first place, then chooses not to care anymore beyond that. Not right now anyway, because Kim is standing in front of him in only his underwear and the cutest, sheepish, expression on his face and Chay is willing to look past this hiccup so he can get Kim into bed as fast as possible.
“Come here” he holds a hand out for Kim to take.
Kim moves to lie down, slotting himself between Chay’s thighs and running his hand down Chay’s side as they kiss deeply and desperately, Chay clutching at Kim’s shoulders.
He tenses for a moment when Kim’s hand catches on something by his thigh. Fuck, he completely forgot…
“... Chay? Why are you carrying a gun?”
#myfics#trick or treat shou style#kimchay#crack#inspired by a tumblr post but no link because I cannot find it!#I thought I saved it ahhh#if you know the one then a link would be appreciated so I can add it to this#also this is it for tonight I gotta go to bed#BUT since I'm like a full day ahead and it will therefore still be halloween elsewhere - I will do some more tomorrow!
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💙 for supercorp , pretty please!
oh brilliant! yes of course!! i was hoping for this one so i'd finally be motivated to write the scene that was inspired by this post. i have literally had it saved in my tumblr drafts since february. and yes i just scrolled through half of my 784 drafts to find it.
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“Actually no, we're not ‘dating’. We're bound together for infinity. Like the stars. So, fuck you, actually-”
Alex clicked the remote, freezing the screen to perfectly capture a very outspoken, very drunk Lena Luthor doing an uncanny impression of Taylor Armstrong in front of a throng of paparazzi.
“Can we watch it again?”
“No,” Alex answered tersely, setting the remote next to three overflowing folders, a coffee mug that needed to be filled with something a little stronger, and a cellphone she had to silence after the hundredth social media notification sent it rattling off the table.
Nia slouched in her chair with a ‘hmph’ and muttered something that sounded like garbled nothing to normal ears but very much like ‘never any fun,’ to Kryptonian ears.
“Right,” Alex continued, her attention directed across the table. She’d spent the majority of the recording with her face downturn and fingers pinching the bridge of her nose in what could only be described as ‘resignation’ mixed with the ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ strategy she had been trying with Esme.. “Care to explain what compelled you to proclaim you... infinite, cosmic link with Supergirl?”
“Not really, no,” a much more subdued, much less drunk Lena answered.
“Seems pretty self-explanatory,” Nia chimed in, spinning in the chair next to Alex. “Luthor can’t hold her liquor.” She bounced a clicky pen on the table-surface to accentuate the point. Alex gritted her teeth.
“I most certainly can-”
“Channel 7 says otherwise,” Nia grinned. The clicky pen was pointed accusingly.
“That,” J’onn began, and then pen clicked in offense, “is the least of our concerns-”
“Exactly,” Alex interrupted while blindly swiping the pen from Nia's hand and slamming it onto the table. “Do you have any idea how many conspiracy theories have started because of this? This has gone national-”
“International, actually,” Brainy added. “Canada and Australia have both picked it up.”
“Which means it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world is needling around about- about…” Alex’s face plunged closer to a shade of raspberry.
“About what, Alex?” Lena asked. She leaned forward, arms crossed with her super sexy calm, cool, and ceo-collected face. It was almost working too, except for the mischievous glint and flicker of her eyebrow that revealed she was not taking this remotely serious enough for the eldest Danvers sister. “About my throuple with Kara Danvers and Supergirl?”
Alex’s face found her hands. Nia sputtered laughter from behind her own. J’onn stared longingly toward the closed door. Brainy scowled in confusion.
“It cannot be a throuple if two members are the same person,” Brainy said, glancing quickly toward Nia who nodded in confirmation.
“CNN doesn't know that. But fine, call it infidelity, stepping out on-” Lena offered lazily.
“Still not the point. You’ve jeopardized Kara’s secret identity,” Alex interrupted crossly. “And now you've put her in danger of-”
“I thought it was sort of sweet.”
Five pairs of eyes turned toward Kara who, until now, had remained silently observed. She sat at the head of the table wearing her suit and a recent bout of puppy love. Two pairs of eyes were gobsmacked, the third was failing to hide the glee over the entire exchange, and the fourth included a quick wink that made Kara’s cheeks flush even redder and bat her figurative tail even harder.
“Sweet. Right, well,” Alex began again, “‘Sweet’ doesn’t exactly handle the problem, does it?”
“It’ll blow over; these things always do,” Lena added. “We can have Andrea run a boring fluff piece about my night on the town being a slew of misguided comments. Say I said the earth was flat and that I challenged the Second Law of Motion or something. Make it dry. Everyone will chalk it up to part of that.”
“And we can put this whole thing to-”
“Don't you dare-” Alex warned.
Alex sighed, J’onn climbed to his feet like a tired high school teacher, Nia bounced giddily in her chair, and Lena was already glancing over at Kara and giving her a look that suggested they were not going to make it through the day without a trip to the broom closet.
Kara's cheeks flushed even redder if that were remotely possible.
And so a fluff piece was written, the tabloids took a few lazy swipes at another Luthor edging toward instability, and then the story deflated entirely into obsolescence. The news cycle moved on, Alex's blood pressure returned to normal, and Kara was permanently living on cloud nine.
Everything was fine.
Everything was great.
Everything was going swimmingly.
Until the second video was discovered.
From the same night.
Nia brought popcorn. J’onn brought a heavy sigh. Alex brought a decade of instantaneous aging.
“Care to explain?” Nia asked with her best angry-Alex impression.
Meanwhile Alex was struggling to unclench her jaw.
“Deep fake?” Lena offered lamely.
“Deep fake,” Alex parroted. “You think someone somewhere invested the time to deep fake Lena Luthor and Supergirl making out? For what? Fun? Kicks? Laughs?”
“They already spend hours writing steamy fanfiction,” Lena shrugged.
“They what-?” Alex choked.
“Hot, steamy, inspired sex, really-”
“Kara, darling, do you remember the one with my desk and the full-length windows?”
Kara flushed but nodded. Nia squealed with delight. Alex had had it.
“Or the one where we lived in an alternate universe and you were a cowboy and was your-”
“Stop. Stop it.”
Lena leaned back into her chair, a smile of victory spreading across her face.
“I’m just saying, stands to reason someone might show us in the throws of deep, passionate-”
“I don't want to know. I don't. Want. To know,” Alex interrupted, hands cupped around her ears.
Again five pairs of eyes turned to Kara.
“Could've been cosplay.”
“I can't believe… J’onn can you… handle… this,” Alex waved between the two.
“Should we watch it again?” Nia suggested. “Just to check Kara's theory.”
And without preamble, she clicked play again. It was far fuzzier, far more amateur, and far less deniable than the first.
“Charlie, Charlie, baby look here,” the phone holder shouted over a group of laughing, tipsy NCU students. “Do the impression again, please? I want it for-”
“Yo, yo, check it out.”
“Is that-?”
The camera pivoted from the ginger-haired Charlie to a dark alley between
“Oh damn, is that Supergirl?”
“And… Lena Luthor?”
“I knew it. I told you!”
The stage whispers were doing far more for Alex’s discomfort than the shaky camera zooming 2x onto what was very clearly Supergirl pressing Lena Luthor into a wall and doing a very good job of ripping Lena’s $1,200 blouse open.
“Ooph, Mrs. Fischer is not going to be happy about that,” Nia commented.
A glitter of buttons bounced off the sidewalk, and Supergirl’s mouth was moving hungrily and decidedly across the exposed skin.
“We’ve seen enough,” Alex chimed in and reached, some might say ‘desperately’, for the remote in Nia’s hands. “Once already scarred me for life-”
“But we won’t know until we see drunk, cosplay-Lena’s face. It’s for science, Alex,” Nia answered, clutching the remote like the lifeline to a sinking ship and climbing onto and over the conference table just as ‘cosplay’-Lena pulled ‘cosplay’-Supergirl’s mouth back to her.
“Bullshit,” Alex hissed, making quick work of scattering across the same table.
Meanwhile ‘cosplay’-Supergirl’s hands were no longer visible and the gang of NCU students were actively chanting them on. “Nia Nal, if you do not turn that off right now-”
The chase continued under the table, over three chairs, and around a trash bin Nia knocked over in a valiant attempt to slow her assailant. And while Nia and Alex made a mess of the conference room, ‘cosplay’-Supergirl was making an absolute mess of ‘cosplay’-Lena’s bun-
“Never!” Nia huffed and side-spun before making a poor calculation and tripping over an empty chair. Alex saw her window and lunged, tackling Nia, gripping the remote free and slamming pause just as ‘cosplay’-Lena found the zipper to ‘cosplay’-Supergirl’s suit.
“Do you have any idea the-” Alex’s vitriol stopped in its tracks. Why? Because they were totally and completely alone. No Brainy or J’onn and worse, no Lena or Kara. “What… where’d they go?”
“Probably the broom closet,” Nia mused.
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ask game
#this ending could've definitely been polished#but the queue is stacking up!#i've definitely landed way more asks than i was expecting!!#exciting times though#thanks for the ask!#fabulousglitch#ask game#qs with quinn
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I made a Picrew~ I ill probably add more options over time but for now it has all the basic items I wanted from the base game, plus a few additional options~
If you want a pawpad colour separate from the paw lines, select the final paw lines option and head over to the body markings 2 section to select from a few different pad types.
Please note that because of Picrew's limitations, body/ear/hair markings have to be manually selected for the corresponding base choice you have made. If you find your markings are outside of the lines and didn't mean for this to happen, please double check the body base type (paws, mouse, or bunny)
The second set of face markings has the tears on an additional layer so they appear on top of the eyes.
For now, certain colours are linked to each other to simulate the game's limitations (while some options remain unlinked due to picrew limitations or otherwise). I might unlink them later~
Please feel free to inform me of any errors! And you're always free to submit your creations to this blog! I have added a Picrew tag (#picrew posts) to the submissions page for you to use (and for others to block~). I will always be happy to see them! You can submit or post to your blog and tag @tabe4 if you wish~
Terms of Use:
You can use the Picrew to make OCs for Tabe4 or in general
You cannot make monetary profit off of images made using the maker. This includes virtual currency that can be exchanged for money.
You can use the maker to inspire you for adopts, but DO NOT sell characters made with the maker without redesigning them in some way as others can easily recreate your character, even by accident.
You may edit, crop, or manipulate the images made with this maker for personal use, roleplay, or references, as long as you don't claim the art as your own, or "unknown"/"CTO"/etc.
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Leaving this blog.
With my mini-series finishing up soon, I've decided to leave this blog as well as my AO3 account once it’s finished. This is not a decision I've made lightly, but circumstances have left this a place where I no longer feel safe.
As of now, I won't be deactivating this blog and will be leaving my fics up for anyone who'd still like to read them. I can't say this decision won't change later, but right now I feel that I've put too much work into this blog to simple delete it.
Below the cut is an explanation of why I'm making this decision, and what has been happening on this blog since the end of last year. It's not required to read or anything to understand the gist of this post; it's simply for my own peace of mind knowing that I spoke up about it. There will be topics that are possibly triggering such as harassment, threats, and racism so please mind the warnings and tags.
The mini-series is queued to finish next week, but there will be no more fic polls or wip wednesdays. I'll still be on here to make sure the queue does its job, and maybe post some stuff from my old drafts as a last bit of fun.
I'll have dms tentatively open for the next two-ish weeks for those who'd like to follow my new account, however I will not be answering anything from empty blogs. After that, asks and dms will be turned off, and I won't be coming back to this blog very often, if at all.
I cannot say thank you enough to the wonderful readers I've had and the amazing people I've met. I don't think I would've ever continued writing without your support and friendship. There's nothing I can do to show my appreciation for all of you.
Maybe we'll see each other again. If not, I hope your inspiration is always flowing, and 2024 treats you kindly.
Mothie 💜
Again, TW: rape/death threats, violent racism, repeated harassment, and mental health.
Back in November, I started getting rude, mean-spirited anons. It wasn't anything I was too bothered with because it didn't happen often and, honestly, my inbox gets flooded for a week or so anytime I post about certain topics. I blocked, deleted, reported and moved on thinking whoever it was would get bored and leave.
However, what started as a few rude anons calling me a bitch or stupid turned into a lot of anons being vile and racist which only worsened over the next few months.
I spoke about it in this post (link) near the end of November. In that post, I mentioned that those were the nicer asks and that was not an exaggeration. I have gotten my fair share of shitty anons as seen here (link) when I had to take a break from my blog because of said anons, but I have never gotten the amount of vitriol that I saw in these asks.
When I turned anon off, I started getting even worse messages from empty blogs that would either be blocked or deactivate within a week. When I turned my askbox off, I started getting hateful DMs. When I turned DMs off, it jumped from Tumblr to my other social medias which I had to private, completely avoid, or outright delete.
I got messages attacking my writing, calling me slurs, threatening to find me and rape or kill me, sending me explicit porn and rape videos while insulting my sexuality, and going into gross detail about how much people I interacted with hated me or how I would never be as good as them. I tried to power through it, pretending everything was fine while I pulled away from this blog, from writing, from friends that I loved and talked to every day. Everything about this blog, the fandoms I enjoyed, the people I talked to, made me so anxious because of these constant messages.
I took several breaks while dealing with this in therapy, repeatedly trying to come back and get comfortable on this blog, but within a few days of coming back the messages would start up again, either here or on any of my social medias I tried to unprivate, and I couldn't deal with it.
Only in the last week or two has it started to slow down and stop on a few of my other socials, which is the only reason I even feel comfortable making this post. However, in regards to this blog and my feelings toward it, the damage is done.
I don't think I can ever truly convey how isolating this has been. So many of these messages were about how I've spoken about my struggles as a black woman in fandom, how much of a burden it puts on the people who interact with me, how inferior I am to them and that I am everything that's wrong with fandom.
I felt scared and anxious to talk to anyone about this, especially people mentioned in those messages, out of fear that this harassment would jump to them. There are friendships that I stepped away from that I will never get back because of that. There are friends that I've felt like I was betraying by never telling them about what was happening because I felt too ashamed about letting this get to me.
I constantly worried that making a post like this would feel like, "Oh, Mothie's whining and trauma-dumping into the void about fandom racism again", that those messages would be right and it would force people to feel like they had to support me. Or worse, that people would agree and it would only make things worse. I've wrestled with so much guilt trying to decide to make this post and figure out what to do to make me trust myself again.
Ultimately, I don't think I was wrong for talking about my issues in fandom, and I don't think anything I've said has warranted this kind of harassment. I don’t know the who’s or why’s behind of this, but I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never really know. Truthfully, I'm not sure it even matters at this point. In the end, I think moving on from this blog entirely would be the best thing for me right now.
But, man, does it fucking suck.
This was the blog where I felt comfortable enough to start writing again, to start posting my fics. It's the blog where I met so many friends, got the courage to join new communities, found new hobbies, new music, new things to enjoy in life. It feels silly to say about a blog, but this was a place where I felt like I was able to carve out a space for myself. I put so much work into making it my own, and now the only thing I feel about it is anxious.
Hate messages and threats and racism have always been a part of fandom, and the internet as a whole. I’ve known since I started participating in fandom spaces that it was going to and continue to happen. I've known that I had to have a tough skin, especially if I ever spoke up about problems I faced because no one was going to have my back if I didn't have my own. I thought I had learned how to deal with it, and how to make a safe space for myself. But this goes beyond that. I did not deserve this. No one deserves this.
In some ways, it feels like admitting defeat, like I'm weak or hypocritical for not being as strong as I pretended I was and leaving. In other ways, it feels freeing to start over, and I'm choosing to view look at this optimistically even if it bittersweet. I don't want to let this scare me away from writing or from speaking about things that are important to me. All I can do now is say I'm so incredibly sorry to those I've hurt by stepping away or keeping this secret, and make sure I'm able to at least leave this blog on as happy a note as I can have.
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creepypasta video game headcanons eyeless jack: horror games. his personal favourite would probably be scp: containment breach, although nowadays he just plays phasmophobia. he is very good at it. hoodie: animal crossing. yes, brian likes animal crossing. he likes decorating his pretty little island and has probably spent hundreds of hours on this game. masky: not the biggest fan of video games. (it’s because he’s bad at them and a really sore loser.) however, he will secretly indulge in world of warcraft. ticci toby: shooters. honestly, probably cs:go. he is not insane at the game but he is decent enough to enjoy it. he will happily hop on apex legends, overwatch, or valorant with his friends though. had a fortnite phase. yes, he knows the fortnite dances. yes, he terrorizes children that are in his lobby. jeff the killer: mortal kombat. he played it growing up, and is fairly skilled at it. he will play other fighting games like tekken or even smash bros, but he doesn’t like them nearly as much. partially because he just loves the mortal kombat designs, but also because he doesn’t like not being as good at the other games. will tryhard on smash bros at parties/group hangouts though. ben drowned: plays all games and is very good at most if not all of them. his favourite zelda game is probably breath of the wild. while ocarina of time and majora's mask are more nostalgic for him, he cares too much about having nice graphics. besides that, he probably plays league of legends. he is on the lower end of challenger. slenderman: does not like video games. he prefers traditional board games. video games are too flashy and... new for him. he might play chess on the airplane screen though if he has nothing else to do.
author’s note: i was inspired by this one post on tumblr that i saw today about creepypastas and games but i cannot for the life of me find it :( if someone links it i will tag the author.
#creepypasta#creepypasta x reader#yandere creepypasta#hoodie x reader#marble hornets#creepypasta x you#hoodie x you#creepypasta smut#creepypasta nsft#yandere marble hornets#masky x you#masky x reader#creepypasta reader insert#jeffery woods#jeff the killer#jeff the killer x reader#jeff the killer x you#ticci toby#ticci toby x reader#ticci toby x you#eyeless jack#eyeless jack x reader#eyeless jack x you#slenderman#slenderman x reader#slenderman x you#ben drowned#ben drowned x reader#ben drowned x you#creepypasta headcanons
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Eliksni Conlang FAQ and Ask Guide
This post is part of my ongoing project to create a language for the Eliksni! For more information check out my masterpost linked here.
In an effort to get ahead of questions I tend to get frequently/have already answered, here's a little handy guide I made for y'all to use before you send in an ask.
Can I use the conlang in fic, art, TTRPG campaigns, etc.?
Yes, on two conditions:
Credit me!!! link back to my tumblr if you can, or at least mention my username. DO NOT, I repeat, PLEASE DO NOT take credit for my hard work as your own. I have devoted a lot of time, effort, and love to this project and would like that to be respected.
Understand that this is an ongoing project, and as I learn more abt linguistics and conlanging (I am still very much a beginner!), it can and will change. Work you include my conlang in may later become outdated as the project develops. Also understand that my work is not canonical and will not always (or even often) match up with canon material.
Why does the conlang sometimes have different words/grammar rules/pronounciations/spellings/whatever from canon?
In an effort to hold onto my remaning sanity (and because I want to have fun), I accepted early on that my work would not comply with canon as closely as possible. I take plenty of cues from canon and try to incorporate material that I can, but I also go off the rails quite frequently. I would call my conlang more canon inspired than canon compliant.
Where can I find the material for the conlang?
The masterpost pinned on my blog has links to tons of my conlang posts as well as a link to the lexicon spreadsheet. You can also search my conlang tag, (#indee's eliksni conlang adventure) on my blog to see all posts.
What can I send in an ask about?
Pretty much anything conlang-related you like! Requests for new words, help with translations, name ideas, general questions.
When can I send in an ask?
I pretty much never close my inbox, so you're welcome to send it whenever you like. However, I normally only go through my inbox and answer conlang-related asks one week out of each month, usually the first or second week. I always announce when Conlang Question Weeks, as I call them, are happening, so keep an eye out for that to know when you can expect an answer!
If you have a question that is more time-sensitive and you feel you cannot wait until the next question week, you are welcome to message me through tumblr instead. I will answer as quickly as my schedule allows.
What should I do BEFORE I send in an ask?
Read the FAQ. Since you've gotten to this point, I assume you've done that, which I appreciate!
Browse the masterpost and see if your question has already been answered or there is already a post on the topic.
Search the dictionary if you're looking for particular words. Make sure to check for synonyms or words you could use to substitute for your target word! I'm happy to make new words if you need them, of course, but in my opinion half the joy of translation is getting creative with what you have and playing around with meanings.
If you've done all those things and you still don't have the answer or words you need, then please feel free to send me an ask or DM! I love helping people with my conlang and am always down to talk shop.
Thanks for reading!
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welcome to the clue hunt!
how does this thing work?
to join the search for the 39 clues you will need to concoct a serum that will make you(r branch) all-powerful and set for world domination. follow this blog and/or like this post to register:)
this is an online clue hunt based on tumblr inspired by the 39 clues series. you do not have to have read the series to participate, although it might be more fun if you have!
a list of 39 elements, each with an associated number to account for its quantity in the final serum, has been determined and will soon be circulated across the threads of the interwebs. the goal of this clue hunt will be to collect all of these clues for your branch!
there will be four branches the participants will be loosely divided into based on their interests (will elaborate on this in a bit). the lucians (red, the cunning branch, think codes and logic and conniving), the ekaterinas (yellow, the stem branch), the tomas (blue, the athletic branch, which in the context of this clue hunt translates to gamers/shit that requires good motor skills) and the janus (green, the artistic branch)
each participant will be given a few clues at the start of the game. you will randomly be alloted into branches UNLESS you send an ask to this blog with a preferred branch. to make sure each branch has more or less equal numbers, asking for a specific branch will mean you will be given less clues than other participants at the start of the game (i.e. there is an advantage to random branch assignment).
you will be told your final branch privately and will not be revealed the branches of any other participants.
you will be required to hide the few clues given to you across the interwebs (there won't be many clues don't worry) in internet trails, using codes, links, metaphors, required tasks you need to complete to attain the clue, etc etc. this will largely be up to you and you will be allowed to use your creative license - but you will have to send your trail to this blog to make sure it is workable and not too vague lol. i will edit/fine tune everything and if you can't think of anything i will make a trail for you
if you pick your own branch, you will be required to incorporate the core values of your branch into your trails. so for the janus this means hiding clues in art, for lucians this means codes and cryptography related things maybe, etc etc.
write your tumblr url somewhere near where you leave the clue so people know you left it there!
a map will be provided with the location of each clue around the world, colour coded. so for example, myrrh, a clue from the original series, is an ekaterina clue native to north africa. so, a yellow dot representing myrrh will be marked in this region. this can be used to find out what branches other members are in. for example, if you find out a fellow participant hid the clue myrrh, you can deduce they are from the ekaterina branch because there is a yellow dot in the region it's from. if you are also an ekat, this means you can trust them with your clues because you're on the same team:)
a certain number of clues will not be given to any participants and will be withheld as madrigal clues. these will be hidden by me:)
you can recruit members who haven't registered to help you with your hunt well into the game! however, you need to have registered at the beginning (i.e. be following this blog and like this post) to receive your own clues
any/all forms of cheating and backstabbing will be allowed (for everyone except me/the madrigals that is):D
to help with organizing if you don't want to participate, you can join the madrigals! we are a neutral team who cannot by definition win and are just having fun organizing all this lol
more details including duration, prizes, etc will be shared/updated later!
happy hunting!
tagging people who interacted with my post about this: @the39cluesian @iankabra @yakalll @angelkat-x @icamebackfromnarnia @39addict101 @manicpixiess @bilhert @mediodedios @toiletpotato @39starrygurl @gaslighting69 @nimonaaaa @dinatela @amianislovely @fandom-oracle @sarasanddollar @carpe-astrae @ghost-in-a-cup @cosmo-babe @kadalakari
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I don’t really have words for how I’m feeling right now. I keep cycling between, “Okay, I know how I need to proceed” and “OMGF, how could this happen???!!!” There is the logical truth, and then there is the emotional/moral truth, and I am struggling.
Logically, I know the rational steps are (1) to find something good I can do for the world (or at least a few of the people in it), to fight the good fight, etc. and (2) to make sure I retain a place for my own happiness and joy.
Obviously it’s hard to do the latter right now, when really I just want to walk into the sea (but not actually). So I keep cycling through these two modes every five minutes or so, and I thought it might be helpful to put these thoughts in writing.
I’ve never really been the grassroots/community organizer type. I’ve always been interested in politics at the top levels. But I think right now trying to get involved in something at a community level is the only thing that makes sense, both in terms of what I can do and in terms of giving myself an increased sense of community and solidarity.
I know I need to find joy in the things that bring me joy, even if it’s hard, partly because to let them strip us of joy is to lay down in defeat and partly just because the human body and mind cannot tolerate constant misery (says the girl on a multi-year mental health break caused by ADHD burnout and anxiety).
(On the night of the election I started reading Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny, which I have owned for ages but—like many of the excessive number of books in my possession—never read, and its first lesson is “Do not obey in advance.” I should probably finish reading it.)
Over the preceding few years, The Characters (TM) and Tumblr and fanfic and GIF-making have been my escape from my own personal anxieties, and one of the things with which I was struggling yesterday (though obviously not the most significant overall) was how to reconcile the thing that brings me joy with the horrors that surround me. Sometimes I fear that when I am at peak anxiety the horrors will overrun the joy and ruin my happy place for me. The joy of finally (re)marrying off The Characters (TM), for example, seems incongruous with the horrors all around us.
But, I remind myself, people have always needed art, and people have always needed writing, and people have always needed escape, and people have always needed joy.
So I guess what I’m saying is that I will continue to use this as one of my escapes and one of my sources of joy—and to hope that maybe what I share can also provide a bit of that for someone else—but also to be mindful of the fact that I need to think about what I can be doing at this stage to create change in the real world.
I spoke with my therapist the day before the election (realizing that actually I might need her more the day after), and she told me about C-I-A, which means thinking about what we can actually control, influence, and affect. As someone who tends to start feeling responsible for large-scale events I couldn’t possibly control, this was a helpful framing for me! So I am going to do some more thinking on what I can actually control (my own actions, etc.) as well as what I can be doing to affect consequences or to exert influence (however small!) outside myself.
Under the cut I’m putting links to some other posts/sentiments I’ve found helpful, but first I’ll mention two more things:
1. Ballot curing is still taking place! This could affect control of the House! You can volunteer to help with ballot curing, and I have compiled some links here.
2. A favourite MLK Jr. quotation: “Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” So keep fighting the good fight, wherever you are.
Sending hugs to all who need them. 💙
Some advice and inspiration:
The quotations engraved at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, for anyone who needs some inspiration while contemplating what they can do to make sure the moral arc of the universe bends back towards justice.
This post from @vegawriters on getting involved and coalition-building.
This article on what to do next, which I have still only skimmed, but the opening is wise:
The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion, and disorientation.
This Bluesky post on not giving up on your creative projects, no matter how “silly” they may seem right now. They bring you joy. They may bring someone else joy, too; they may remind someone else they aren’t alone. But, regardless, if they help you survive another day, they have value.
This Bluesky post on doing the small things that can make a difference.
This statement by AOC: “One day at a time. One choice at a time. Regimes and autocracies are taken down by billions of drops of small actions that would otherwise be invisible.”
This line from Jonathan Larson: “The opposite of war isn’t peace. It’s creation.”
I would love to know what is keeping everyone else going right now!
#us election#us election 2024#us elections#us politics#because hope#on tyranny#fight the good fight#make good trouble#retain joy
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How I write metas? A meta about metas

If this deconstruction post is going to be useful for any aspiring meta writer on this OPM fandom that I currently follow, then be my guest. :D
Warning: Semi-long post.
Step 1: Inspiration
Nope, really can't get into my head all the time to write stuff as much as I would love to but when I do, it's because I get a good inspiration from something. It does not really matter at this point if it's short or long, just the subject matters. Then if I get inspired, I will usually stew on that idea for a while and think about the points in the manga that fit.
Unfortunately inspiration does not strike all the time so there's always that. I'm going with the route that "you can't force inspiration to come to you, you want the inspiration to become you" or something like that. Take that with grain of salt, I just made it up on the spot.

Step 2: Practice
I've personally been writing fanfics since I was...a teen I believe and meta is just a subsection of writing school essays, except it's actually fun. So writing something has been quite a lot of work put behind it, but nobody says one cannot start from scratch today and the meta doesn't need to be immediately impressive, we're just writing it for fun yanno? For other fandom peeps who maybe wanna hear our thoughts. Just gotta start from somewhere yanno? My earlier metas are prolly a fair bit different than my current metas.
Like they say, practice makes perfect.
Step 3: The creative process
Ok so to the nitty gritty of the meta making... PLOT NO JUTSU!
I oftentimes either discuss the meta on discord channels with likeminded peeps and then start gathering some images from the manga to use as my images to enhance my point and make my texts also visually interesting to look at and make some clarifying points. I tend to find some good relative image to use as my first image because it'll show up in archive search like so:

It'll be easier to search for my metas even without searching for my tags from my archives if they look similar.
Next, I keep a folder for all my meta images in a neat pile and I use paint ms to cut me nice images to post into my meta and I also have cubari , the one site which hosts all the chapters so far, open where I can just grab images whenever. Basically any kind of image tool you got from paint to gimp to photoshop can help you crop images you want to use if you want to use images in your meta.
My brain can sometimes be pretty hard to follow apparently, so I do try to parse a lot when I write my texts and keep it somewhat coherent. Parsing information via the canon timeline can help form a coherent timeline to follow in a meta.
In general, you want your writing progress to be seamless and disturbance free creative process, not unlike drawing. Sometimes ambient music on the background can help focus on the actual meta writing process (currently listening to Ardenweald from WoW), which can take me from 1 hour to all the way to 5 hours in a single sitting, which is quite long but remember, tumblr drafts saves your progress even if you save it nowhere else and it's entirely possible to finish the thinking process another day when you have more time.
Sometimes I include links to either my own metas or some outside source, which I then briefly quote on my text, like in the Saitama mental health meta where I citate depression effects on memory recollection. The quote sources can also be stated at the very end like in a real essay, but to me personally I'm fine without the citations at the end, long as I state my sources and then put quotes into indented text.

Step 4: The writing itself
Paraphrasing helps make your text look coherent and easier to read to just about anybody, so avoid pure walls of texts. I usually write longer texts, but that is up to the writer to decide how short, long or how abridged they can/wanna make their work, which frankly is not one of my best skillsets lmao. Just gotta make sure to put that warning in the front if it's long post.
Nowdays, I also include chapter names and numbers about the relevant information I'm writing meta about in between () marks and itallics to further separate it from plain text, which might be helpful to people if they search for that specific plot point from the manga itself. Then if it's a particularly long meta, a tl;dr at the bottom if I can form a proper tldr.
Sometimes I also get struck by random thought and I just have to write it out haha. Sometimes I ask for aid and opinions on discord channels.
Any long metas should definitely have that "readmore" cutoff in the beginning, else entirety of tumblr or wherever you'll post the meta will hate you.
Step 5: Revision & Tagging
You can hold on from posting the meta the very same day and just keep it revised for a bit longer if you want to correct spelling mistakes or if you think you can maybe adds some more to it. Revision is just as important in writing meta as in writing something like fanfiction and I personally do a fair bit of both.
When tagging, I just use "opm meta" for all my opm related metas and then tag in fandom and characters that apply to the current meta and then some other related subjects like "mental health, character study" etc. I prolly haven't tagged my earlier metas that properly but eh... if you write on another platform and then copypaste it to tumblr, make sure that the plain text shows properly and doesn't create any weirdness.
Closing thoughts...that's about it folks, that's how I write meta and how I wrote this piece as well. Which took me roughtly 1hr 45mins to write down at my current writing speed but I've been thinking about this since yesterday haha.

Tl;dr: Inspiration, practice, creative process by saving images and thoughts as they go, writing and paraphrasing, revision and tagging properly.
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you have reached year 3
lissie: greetings! this is your flight director speaking~ welcome to the third anniversary of this blog. with so many changes in the trends of fics posted here and such, i'm surprised how this blog perseveres through it. first, thank you so much for reading, indulging, and/or interacting with this blog, me, or my works. the sentence before cannot describe the gratitude i'm expressing towards all of you.
second, i know updates are slow right now. much of what i promised from the previous november 15th didn't happen, especially terra incognita. many experiences have happened to me such as moving to a new country even for a short stay and my dwindling interest in the kpop fandom space in general with how i focused more on my other hobbies such as discovering new mediums. i would like to say that even with the minimal works posted here, i'm still gonna be here and write stories i'm proud of that you will be ready to read. i won't be quitting until i don't know what to write for these groups anymore. but, with art, it takes time to create something that i can be truly satisfied with, especially because i write novel-length works with intricate worldbuilding and narrative.
that being said, even if i'm not proud because i didn't meet the target that i wanted to meet, things still happened to this blog that i do believe has been the most growth i've seen now. and this is a yearly recap that allows me and you all to see the progress of this blog!
all research done (read: works written and released)
subterranean homesick alien | txt's soobin (52.7k [novel])
laurel hell | enhypen's heeseung (2 parts; 60.5k [novel])
besok mungkin kita sampai | enhypen's niki (13k [novelette])
total: 3 works (1 two-shots, 2 oneshots) and 126.2k words written
all the navigators connected (read: mutuals i got within the year. check last year's recap if you didn't find yourself!)
@galaxystardragoness (via @umbralhelwolf)
hello haru! i don't think we have interacted much other than things related to cult of dionysus network. i do have rb a few of your posts on my other blogs (fandom and random) so i'm very glad to see your posts on my timeline! cheers~
rae! genuinely, your tags make me remember that people do care about me outside of my writings. you've been a gateway to the other sides of enhypen fandom that i'm not in so looking into your blog helps me keep up with enhypen~ thank you for that!
hi coco! i don't know if you're still lurking here, but hope you have a great time offline!
hey mako! you're the one who introduced me to a wider kpop oc community here on tumblr, alongside sof! it's been a long time since i've been thinking about street spirit, but i do have some ambitious plans about them as the street spirit project can be a gateway to improve my art portfolio. so glad to see you on my timeline when you update your ocs!
@bandzboy (via @pionas)
tris! the advocate and voice you are!! gosh i'm so glad i linked up with you because, honestly, you are one of the voices of reason for me to think about kpop critically, especially in the social and political side of the industry. so proud of you for being the voice of the kpop boycott for gaza that i'm still following today. all the best for you~
@thelargefrye (via @smallfrye)
smalls! gosh how are you? i love how you refer to yourself as the yoko taro of atinyblr 'cause i can definitely see that (as a self-proclaimed annapurna interactive of my side of the kpop ficblr). your stories are so creative and out of the box that i am very much inspired to make more fantasy fics instead of grounded fics because of them. i hope you are doing well right now!
hello sam! glad to be able to link up with you and thanks for joining my collab~ hope we can talk or discuss more cause i am planning to be more active here, especially nearing the end of the year...
subi! so glad to see you here especially since we've talked before on the txt fic hub discord server. so glad to know that you're getting in the groove for writing. i am interested in your kai fics, so i'm might reblog something about it in the future. p.s. will be answering your rb after this
director's journal entries (read: all the rants i have thought out the past year. some are genuine, some are sarcastic):
finally i can post a continuation of time wave ahh
why am i making such a romcom fic so melancholic(?)
oh shoot
where did yall come from??? *panic*
i hate myself for not being able to finish another fic
pls let me finish a fic :[[[
i'm so sorry. but ever since laurel hell, why is there an abundance of enha parent au on the tags?
freaky ahh...
in the clerb, we all fam... ig
i have so many ideas. thank you other mediums!
spoiler: i went a place where my future fic will be set in ohoho
i literally just hear someone copulating a floor above me when i wanna write smut. bro if it can reach me, i’m horrified for their next-door neighbours
re: above: that's my ace side showing up ^^
it's been year huh and how did i still am able write more than 100k words
notable moments from the past year
the first time a fic has reached 1000 notes!
reaching 300, 400, and 500!
what’s next?
lissie: i mostly plan on focusing on the fics that i am working for currently (i only said, terra incognita act 1, loomer) that will posted this year and other things such as the 400 milestone collab!
i *might* make a poll about fics from my wip page that you are interested in reading the most but like it's still hard 'cause i have to be in a certain mindset to write. i will try to be active here more, especially with mutuals and in regards to @a-dream-bookmark. i will be a bit more low-key because i believe in a more thorough process that is quality over quantity. so, i hope you can be patient with that...
lissie: with all of that said, i thank all of you once again for another year of support. cheers!
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(this is a rework of my original pinned post)
Hello Tumblr, my name is ather and after having come to this app since I’ve kind of always wanted to come here, always hated Twitter, and I was on this app via the website before I made a Twitter account so at the time I made this account I had a vague understanding of Tumblr culture via my brief experiences as a young teenager and OzMedia.
This post will 100% be updated at a later point in time because right now I cannot list all the fandoms I’m in but I will list a few
Fnaf (the first one I joined)
Undertale (& the AUs)
Baldis basics
Glitter force/precure
The DCA fandom
Gacha life (debating on whether I should leave)
Smiling critters
Cult of the lamb
Garten of banban
Sanders sides
Island of the slaughtered
Dandy’s world
As of making this post, I am 19 years old, & I’m an Agender biromantic asexual. I have autism and ADHD.
I like drawing and coming up with alternate universes, so just a heads up there
AUs I have created so far (this will be edited as time goes on to include older ones and new ones when I come up with them):
*if there isn’t any color, you can’t really find them on Tumblr yet
** I should clarify that some of my sun and moon show AU were submitted anonymously to dca prompts.. these were created before I joined the fandom.
Important. Please read!
#Bloodless passion au
#Swap shuffle au
#Dad eclipse au
#actor au (name pending)
#mer reincarnation (mermay au)
#bloodlets au (inspired by potatotato-26’s droplets AU)
#the clipse brothers au
#editor l & e au
#eclipse mystery dungeon au
#Magical boy blood moon
#papa sun & kid bloodmoon au (name pending)
#Aquarium au
#harpy au
#siren sun human moon au
#scarlet scales au (Mermay au)
#into the dream plex
#This one doesn’t have a name yet.
Unnamed au
Sanders sides
#dragon witch's daycare
If any of you want, here’s a link to my old pinned post (practically the first one I made)
I also have an AO3 tumblr account that was made in may.
One of my side, blogs, specifically for sending my mutuals cat pictures
My first ask blog.
#ather talks#pinned post#master post#fandom#tags tba#fnaf#undertale#undertale au#precure#dca fandom#gacha life#smiling critters#minecraft#baldis basics#cult of the lamb#garten of banban#island of the slaughtered#sanders sides
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I cannot give anything to Palestine. Not only am I a child who has no money I am also a child who does not have control over their bank account. Stop harassing me. And yes I say harassing because sending a ton of messages to someone who has told you they cannot help is harassment amd I will block you. This is the reason I turned off asks btw. I wish you the best and I hope you get out of this horrible situation, but I cannot help, don't waste your time on me
Hi!! You can call me Supernatural, I'm aroace and agender(please use she/they), feel free to send in any asks/questions(please I beg you-), about my au, me, my opinions, etc, and here is my Ao3 and wattpad!
This is an au/fanfic master post thingy, hope I did it right lol
Before that though, the link to the previous pinned post because I don't want to forget it....Rocky
Now!! Onto the aus!! Oldest to newest if course
Mama witch au: An au where Shelby empires smp s2, adopts child Oli, False, and Tortoise. Along the way, she meets Katherine, which opens her life to act more drama to say the least
Og post and fanfic
Brothers and sisters alike: Mystreet au where Ein and Aphmau are raised together! Plus I fix some things and add ships that are non-canon or were supposed to be canon
Og post
Hazbins Fallen au: A hazbin hotel au where Emily follows the exorcists through a portal one year, she sees the carnage and what happens to vaggie and she runs, getting stranded in hell...going back to the ally way she finds Charlie and Vaggie....things go from there
Og post (fanfic to be added)
Hawk Feather Exorcists au: An au inspired by a dove emily post I made a while back, where Adam and Lillith were made from dirt and Eve from Adam's ribs, the Exorcists are made form Hawk feathers! Giving them more bird traits and well, things spiral like there
Dove Emily post, our convo, Sunsets og post, lore summary by me
Accidental overlord vaggie au: Vaggie rescues a sinner who accuses her of rescuing them for their souls. She offers to teach them self defense so this doesn't happen again. This keeps happening, most demons saying they owe her a favor, giving her their souls until the favor is asked upon. She is unaware of all of this...until Alastor drags her ass to the meeting in ep3
Og post and snippets: 1, 2, to be added
Other random aus: serith au, the polycule vision do you see it??
More aus to come!! Lemme know if I missed any! I'm not sure if I did this right tbh, cause I've seen au posts having every single post linked and stuff, but I figured it's be fine if I just linked the og post and fanfic if there is any
Also, aside note, feel free to use any of my ideas and stuff, just idk. Give me a heads uo and send me the link when you're done so I can read it! Oh, an ofc mention my tumblr XD
#empires smp s2#esmp2#nature wives#mama witch au#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel au#hawk feather exorcists au#chaggie#accidental overlord vaggie au#hazbins fallen au#chaggily#chaggiem#mystreet rewrite#aphmau mystreet#brothers and sisters alike#(side note tried a fic for that and uh...yeah no- to- to many episodes)#any other future aus#lemme know if i missed any#roleplay#asks#info about me#kinda#au masterpost#figured it was time ti make smth like this#plus pin something less....depressing on my tumblr#thiugh as you can tell i linked the originsl pinned post cause its still very important to me#wasnt sure when to post it. but i made an edit and accidentlly posted it or smth? so uh. better by accident then never lol#rocky#lil pup
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A Hundred Some New ATOM Kaiju Pt. 1
So, for about five years or so now I've had, oh, a hundred or so ATOM kaiju sketches that have just been sitting waiting for me to ink and color them. But I've come to accept that I just cannot produce art as quickly as I did in my twenties, and the prospect of me actually finding time/energy/a lack of throbbing pain in my hands to do so is, uh... slim. And I think that's kind of sad, because these guys deserve to have some time to shine.
So, over the next couple days (because I'm pretty sure Tumblr's image posting limit won't let me do it all at once) I'm going to share them with you, for my own enjoyment. And we'll start, as is proper, with some retrosaurs.
First, some from the tiny tyrant clade. We've got a Jurassic Park dilophosaur homage and one inspired by Saltopusuchus (my dad's favorite dinosaur from his childhood dinosaur book, purely because he pronounced its name "SaltopoSUCKus" - unfortunately for my dad, saltoposuchus is actually a crocodylomorph, though there is a dinosaur named Saltopus. Maybe his childhood book was confused?). There's a trio of ceolophysis-inspired ones who I envisioned as a sort of kaiju Team Rocket - they're got arm membranes to show that they're sort of a missing link between Tiny Tyrants and Flying Tyrants, and because it makes them look like they've got little dramatic villain capes. And a more 80's style dromaeosaur-inspired retrosaur than Colossaraptor, who obviously takes more from 90's retrosaur dromaeosaurs/JP raptors.
Next, a pair of Flying Tyrants. The first was a result of me looking at a Quetzalcoatlus skeleton and thinking just how fucking weird their proportions were, and the later is inspired by rhamphorhynchus, perhaps one of the most fucked up little guys in the fossil record.
The final four of this section: a primitive carnivorous retrosaur inspired by the Crystal Palace Megalosaurus statue, a Bronton-sized True Tyrant inspired by the exaggerated depictions of Giganotosaurus in pop culture, a shark-like true tyrant inspired by Carcharadontosaurus, and finally... Tirontus. Tirontus is specifically inspired by the the 1960 film adaptation of The Lost World:
Which uses perhaps the most reprehensible of all atom age special effects, slurpasaurs. And I feel like even in its time no one bought this shit - any child would take the scene where Claude Rains says, "Look, a tyrannosaurus rex!" at what is clearly an iguana with rubber horns glued to its head and say, "That's not at all what a T.rex looks like. I've read books, dude." It's ridiculous.
And wouldn't it be funny if there was an ATOM story where some scientist finds a retrosaur kaiju that looks like, well, just a big lizard, and tries to pass it off as another Tyrantis? "No, no, this isn't just a big iguana, it's a tyrannosaurus rex!" So that's Tirontus, the false Tyrantis.
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Heya! Sorry for the random message but I was looking through the bunad tags on tumblr and saw your post on fantastistakk? (I hope I’m spelling that right!!) i was wondering if you had any good resources on learning more about them or could share any more information on them! I’ve always loved norwegian bunads and I’d like to depict them + reference them more in art/writing but with further fantasy themes (hence the even greater fascination with fantastistakk) and have worried about coming across as ignorant when the last thing I want to do is do these wonderful dresses and their history a disservice! (I additionally ask just because when I look up fantastistakk specifically I get a lot of results in norwegian which is fine I just don’t want to end up with inaccurate info putting it through a rough translator online so i thought I’d ask!)
Thank you so much!
Hi and thanks for the ask! Please don't apologize I love talking bunad and fantasistakk :D
I really wish I could paste in a link to the Definitive Guide to Fantasistakk (English Edition), but unfortunately no such thing exists.
Mainly because this is what I would call a Folk Fashion Movement, in the sense that there is no big fashion house or designer* behind it, it consists of regular people digging up their mothers' sewing machines and having fun with learning traditional techniques in a new way. The closest thing you can get to valuable literary resources would be people's personal blog posts and the occasional news article, but they're all written in Norwegian, like you discovered. And while I get that machine translation can be awful, it wouldn't be the end of the world if you used it to research this topic, since most of the time the explaination of a fantasistakk essentially boils down to "I made it like this because I think it looks cool". (*there are a couple of notable fashion houses that do fantasi-stakk, like Eva Lie and Embla Bunader, and while they contribute to the trend, they don't control or own the movement.)
There are several ideals tied to the fantasi-stakk trend, so the reason someone might choose a fantasistakk instead of a bunad can vary. Some people make theirs from thrifted curtains because they're saving up for a "proper" bunad later, while others commision a carefully researched and deeply personal subversive tailor made piece of art based on their local dress tradition. In any case, the fantasistakk wouldn't exist without the traditional bunads, so you might want to look into those as well.
Luckily, you can find a lot of international resources on the traditional bunads, because they've been around for longer and one of the core ideas behind the bunad-movement was to document local dress traditions to prevent them from fading into obscurity. If you want to learn about the history of bunads I highly recommend this video by Kristine Vike, that takes a critical look at the idea of the Bunad. It really digs into the historical and political context that the bunad has and the history of how it evolved into what we know it as today.
I cannot overstate how well researched this video is, and also if you want to learn more about Norwegian dress history and textile arts in general, go check out her channel, it's a real gold mine.
But if you want resources for art inspiration, I'd encourage you to look up specific bunads to base your fantasistakk on. Each bunad has its roots in a geographical area and is made with the traditional techniques unique to that place. Some areas have more variety than others, but there's enough to write several books on each and every bunad.
Here's a handy list of pretty much every bunad (with a few Sami gakti as well), sorted by province:
Very few of the costumes in this list have English wikipedia articles attatched, but some of them have Norwegian articles, and I'm sure every single one of them has plenty of pictures to use for reference (pro tip: instagram hashtags. people love to tag their bunad pics with the name of their dress). And if you find one you're interested in, but you can't find any accessible information, I'd be happy to help you learn more about it :D
when it comes to being respectful and coming up with fantasistakk-designs, I'd say try not to worry too much about it, and just have fun! some people get mad when they see a teenager using a "non-traditional" shirt with their family heirloom vest, while others applaud them for showing both their heritage and their individuality. Doing your research is important if you want to depict historical dresses (and to give you more ideas of what a bunad can look like), but in contemporary norwegian culture a lot of us are mixing it up with modern garments and borrowing from other cultures and just making clothes we want to wear (just like our ancestors used to do before the standardized national costumes got popularized)
And on that note, I'll wrap this up with the banner picture from Embla Bunader's home page for inspiration:

(btw I'm officially rescinding the statement I made in the fantasistakk post, that Embla is "less extravagant", cause this past year they've Really been Cooking)
I wasn't really sure where to even begin answering this ask, since it's such a massive topic, but I hope I at least some of this information is useful :P
#vitpost#bunad#fantasistakk#Maybe later I'll do a breakdown of popular fantasistakk silhouettes and what regional tradition they're inspired by?
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hello! i love your works so much everything you write is perfect! i stopped writing more than a year ago but reading your works inspired me to write again 😊 it’s crazy how we are the same age but our level of writing is completely different, yours blew my mind 🤯🤯🤯 (in a good way!!!!!) i was wondering if you could give me some tips to improve my writing as i feel like i’m lacking in many departments (if you’re comfortable in doing so, ofc!) thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
this ask was send march 5th, and i'm happy to report that four months later, for the first time in a while, i think i'm finally at a point in my writing where i'm confident giving out tips that are not generic and stock standard. i do not know if anon is going to ever see this, but i hope you do, and i hope that you're still as inspired to write as you were when you sent this :) a lot can happen in four months!!
i'm just going to get straight into it. you'll find that the further you go, the more... catered the advice might be to you (it's long, and maybe a bit rambly, but i hope it’s useful in some sort of way 🥲)
the most DEVASTATING thing you can do for your writing is not have a purpose for each scene or snippet you write. give your scenes a point, don't let them be just images that you sit on the document to take up space! are you trying to prove that character x oc's relationship is growing? are you trying to show that it's breaking apart? are you trying to set up the character as someone who's beginning to fall in love and hates it? give everything a purpose. every word must be linked to your intention.
you know what they say about chekhov's gun, if you are going to mention some little thing, give it a purpose later! you mention reader likes sweaters? let character give them a sweater! this works in many-a-ways.
this all comes down to the planning, which i would give tips on, but i'm writing this part too late. i'm also trying to keep this first part brief because this is a very long post.
for english speakers, the second most devastating thing is to not know your grammar LOL (i cannot criticise those who speak another language as their first! kudos to you, keep doing what you're doing.)
# TWO - FIND YOUR STYLE: easier said than done, but it's an essential part of any art. writing takes time, and only time will evolve your skill and therefore, your style. if you do not like what you write off the bat and believe you are 'lacking' in some departments (no such thing, there is room to improve instead of being 'incapable' of doing something), then i always turn to some of my favourite authors, whether they are published or another fanfiction writer, turn to them and study them. DO NOT PLAGIARISE, just try and emulate what you see from their works and put them into your works, with your own sense of individual style.
i have my list of esteemed tumblr writings that i look up to, as well as writers that i adore. ocean vuong will always be one of my favourite writers, i listen to him frequently when i am stumped by my own writibg. he has this sort of creative aura that drips of his own idiosyncrasy that inspires me every time i try to listen to him, him just speaking calms and invigorates me so much.
so yeah, find your writer, and learn from them :)
# THREE - THE 'DEPARTMENTS': the departments that i have included are:
description and artistic expression (this one is long, bear with me.)
like i said earlier, there are indeed departments are writing that we all have room to improve in. i will talk about the few that i might find specific to fanfic writing because i am nothing like an actual author :,)
characterisation: a fickle little thing T^T the worst thing ever. to characterise properly means you know the character like it's your own, but in fanfiction that's just truly not possible :,) so i can try and give you my own tips on how i deal with characterisation.
listen to the english dub (or your first language) - DON'T CRUCIFY ME. PLEASE. BUT LET ME SPEAK. for my fellow fluent english speakers, listening to a dub in a language we do not understand can only go so far in the way we understand a character. when listening to english, we hear the intricate ways of their tone and personalities work, and what kind of dialogue best flows with them (toji fushiguro is excluded from this. never listen to that man's english dub.). when i was writing for bakugou- he's not the hardest character to understand, but with the help of the english dub, the dialogue that i wrote for him flowed a lot easier than if i had just tried to internalise his jp dub. he's gruff, and rude, and cocky, and his english va captures that in quite an adorable way! ofc you can never just ignore the original, the original is there to provide you the blueprint, but sometimes a little help explaining the blueprint goes a long way !!
characterisation can also be perfected through the subtle changes in dialogue that you see. a big part of character is how they talk, and even just the subtlest of changes can go far. let me start with the example "this is a really bad idea." if i were writing itoshi rin, then i would change the sentence fit to his speech and embody how he'd actually react to a 'bad idea'. he's curt, doesn't say more than necessary, and unashamed to be cold so he'd probably just say "this is stupid." before walking away LMAOO if i were writing someone like gojo, then the sentence also changes too. he doesn't mind talking and adding more to his point, so i would write something like: "you sure? this doesn't seem like the brightest idea." and if i'm really trying to sell a romantic relationship, i'd add a 'sweetheart' there or something.
dialogue: this is a personalised experience, so as is everything in writing. i have been complimented on my flow and dialogue a lot of the time but in truth, i am merely having a conversation with myself in my head. i try to become the character i am writing about and then i just chat with myself :3 it can be that simple. dialogue does not need to be something you over-complicate, i am my own, ethical character.ai.
description and artistic expression: look, i can't say much on this one except that you're all on your own. i am still trying to perfect my own skills in this department because this is perhaps one of my most vexing parts of writing. i truly am just not... as poetic and imaginative as i want my words to be, but i am trying and i am improving.
my biggest tip regarding description and artistry is: if the reader can imagine it, you don't need to write it. you don't need to fill in the gaps with actual scenes, if your characters are walking through the park as a filler for getting from destination A to B, then that park scene does not need to be as descriptive as A or B. a mere 'you took a shortcut through the park' will suffice. or even better, just go straight from A to B.
say my 'A' scene is starting at a cafe, and my 'B' scene is going to the mall, you could just go 'calling for the waitress to get the bill, you then find yourself in the mall within 15 minutes'. spend time on the gaps that require a bridge to cross, not the gaps that you can merely step over.
these kind of things appear in your planning and admittedly, i don't even plan ROFLLL but i have primary scenes that i have sketched out which i sometimes add to. like spider webs, when going from one thread to another, sometimes the journey is not all that important if it does nothing for your plot.
again, i find inspiration in a lot of the writers i look up to. a recurring motif is something i love adding, whether that be dialogue or a recurring item that symbolises something (like the hairband in between love and lies - a nagi fic). techniques like motifs or an extended metaphor add a lot of depth in your writing that you can't find otherwise. you can also omit going too over the board with reader's emotions too, or just the character's. if it's obvious that they are angry, sad, happy, you don't need to go too far in detail about said emotions.
another so crucial thing is to take note of the things you see in real life and apply it in fiction. the most mundane of things you are doing can have beauty in words.
are you at the beach? why don't you take a look around. tell me about the people that sit on towels, minding their own business. tell me about the way the sun sits high in the sky, unforgiving and burning before going into the main plot.
are you sitting on a bench, killing time? tell me about the breeze you feel, or perhaps the heat that overwhelms you. tell me about what you hear- bikes, children laughing, whilst you're waiting for your date to show up- all of these minute things, so long as you don't go overboard, will matter a lot to the imagination of the reader!
# FOUR: TAKE CARE OF AND LOVE WHAT YOU WRITE writing will always be hard :,) not a single draft goes by where i do not find inconsistencies and flaws, but i love them all the same. i love the drafts that i read over once and posted and i also love the drafts that i poured blood, sweat, and tears into. neither of them are more special to me because they were all born from a simple idea.
to look back on what you wrote and going 'i can do this better now' is beautiful, no? i love the end product for what i learnt on the way.
i know me giving this advice is kinda hypocritical because you'll find me going 'i hate this' in the tags, and you can choose to believe me or not, but i adore all of my stories the same. some of them i just hate that i couldn't give them the attention and love that they deserved, which shows through in the end quality. not that you guys seem to care, it's all in my head sometimes lMFAO.
# FIVE - KEEP THE POV CONSISTENT: now we are getting to the tips that i've been learning myself recently. how funny is it that i learnt this whilst reading from a writer that i so admire?
whilst reading a long fic, i noticed that the flow is satisfying because there was no swap of perspectives. the character was in the focus the whole time and the reader was the reactor, the catalyst being the character's actions and internal dialogue. on the other hand, the reader's thoughts and feelings being in the spotlight can also be significant.
i had always known that keeping the pov consistent would influence your writing, but i never knew how much.
which pov you might want to choose is all intuitive. writing is intuitive- every other tip that i have revealed is all intuitive and i'll cover more of this later. more importantly right now, which perspective you want to execute is all on you, and no one else. if you know your character, your storyline, and your skills, you will simply know how the story shall go. it is just as powerful to write it from reader's pov as it is the character's because it comes from your knowledge and authority as the writer!
# SIX - LEAVE THE COMFORT ZONE: this kind of returns to tip four. sometimes the only way to evolve is to do something we are bad at and that advice applies to writing too. writing is a path set by previous writers but it is not one that we have to follow all the time, why take a shortcut when the long way is prettier, and more rewarding? your journey of improvement is dependent on what you realise and give yourself opportunities to improve in.
for example, recently i have been trying to improve the depth of my descriptions and- don't laugh, but the way i've been doing so is as followed:
i input myself into the scenario, i empathise with the characters within the scene and i describe it. maybe it's emotional and the character can't look you in the eye because they don't have the heart to, not when their chest is filled with a smoke that is so unbearable that all they can focus on is not turning to ashes. maybe it's a happy scene and all you can look at is the character. maybe it's confronting, and the only thing you can think about is defending yourself against their clenched fists that will never actually hurt you, but you know damn well can break your walls in one swing. leave the comfort zone, write new au's and new dialogue pieces, write new metaphors and similes and use rhyme, listing, repetition- just try something new every time and let it be meaningful to the story.
# SEVEN - GIVE YOURSELF TIME. like the growth of your muscles or the mobility of your limbs, or the way your hands flow along the canvas or keyboard, writing is a skill that can only be improved with time. fanfic writing is intuitive and completely reliant on your own tastes.
i can sit here, speak for ages about writing, but the only way you can learn is to do. i have people who see what i do and praise me for being one of their favourite writers, and as honoured as i am every time, i am merely born from the six years i have put into this craft, as well as the hours i put into writing and planning what they see. if you could see the behind the scenes, you would go 'what the fuck am i looking at' LMFAOO.
when i write and then i reread and i know what it is missing, but i cannot speak about this like it is easy, like i have not spent the past few years of my life consistently writing for various characters and growing along the way. to be fair, you don't need to take six years to get good at writing, it can be a very smooth process! i don't think i was the brightest cookie at 12 ngl but i took my characters and rewrote them into different scenarios and here i am today, at 18 and (marginally) better.
as long as the urge is there, worship it, take the step and write. then post, if that is a step you want to partake in. simple as that :)
that's all for now! sorry this is so long, now that you've reached the end, i just wanted to say that i have no authority over what you produce and how you do it. these are simply just things i've learned along the way and i hope they can provide you some sort of revelation.
#please read the last sentence too beyond NO.7 :<#reinforcing that i am not some writing mastermind so please take all of my advice with a grain of salt!#earf's inbox hours ✌️
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