#inspector headcannons
Papers please characters morning and bedtime routines headcannons
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- Early to rise, between 4-5am. Doesn't linger in bed too much.
- Half of the time, kisses his wife on the head, before stepping out of bed.
- Spends little time to refresh himself in the bathroom. Running a comb through his hair and beard. Splashing some water on face. Brushing teeth.
- Makes himself and his wife a quick breakfast.
- Takes out lunch of the fridge, for work. His wife made it for him the day before.
- And he is off to work.
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- Early to bed too. He has a pretty strict routine due to his time in the army (however short it was). After 8pm, if he hits the pillow, he immediately falls asleep. 
- Rarely dreams.
- Before bed, he always showers. The nature of his jobs usually leaves him sweaty, so it's a must. Showers with cold water for the sake of his wife (and his kids, in the past). When his wife is out of the house though, he also enjoys some boiling level hot water.
- Overall both his routines come down to essentials, no fancy stuff. He'd rather spend that time on something more important.
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- Life as a soldier screwed up his internal clock badly.
- Wakes up at 5am sharp. Tries to linger in bed sometimes, to try to tell his brain that it's ok,  to sleep in longer now. Doesn't really work that well…
- Also basic essentials in the bathroom. Showers in the morning, as well as in the evening. Doesn't mind whether the water is warm or cold.
- He doesn't eat breakfast in the morning. Used to eating the first meal of the day, only around 10-11am, so he just packs himself some lunch to work.
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- Writes letters to Elisa, in the evenings. He isn't much of a romantic poet, but he tries his best to put down on paper, how much he loves and misses her. Also writes about his week and includes some cash to help her out a bit.
- Rarely, he will include a dry, compressed in a book flower, to the letter.
- Then he is off to have a quick meal, before bed.
- Shower, brushing teeth, nothing special.
- And he is off to bed. Hopefully to fall asleep quickly and not spend a few hours, laying in bed anxious, with a big hole in his chest, unable to sleep.
- His dreams are a mixed bag, usually filled with nightmares.
Sergiu and Elisa: 
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- Sergiu still wakes up early, but this time he has an excellent excuse to stay longer in bed. Cuddling with Elisa really helps his sleeping problems.
- Long showers together. Maybe a bit shorter in the morning, but in the evening… (..ofgjgj the water bill…)
- Sometimes Sergiu will brush Elisa's hair and vice versa.
- They make their breakfasts together. Lovey lovey, casually flirting while doing so. Sergiu slowly starts adjusting his eating times, so he can spend more time with her.
- Kiss goodbye before going to work. 
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- Making a quick meal before bed is just as fun for these two, as in the morning.
- Showering together part 2.
- Elisa likes reading books before bed, so she just lays in bed and uses Sergiu's chest as her pillow. He loves it, finally having filled the hole in chest. He just looks at her and combs her hair with his fingers, satisfied.
- Sometimes instead of reading, they will talk about anything and everything.
- And after that, it's just all cuddles and kisses. They end up falling asleep tangled together.
- They help each other ease their nightmares. Elisa's soft kisses taking away Sergiu's tears. Sergiu's tight hugs, and soft whispered reassurances, calming Elisa.
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- He wakes up pretty easily with the sun, but he needs his alarm clock to ring, to drag him out
-Alarm rings.
- Wakes up.
- Groggy.
- Kiss wife good morning.
- Cuddle wife, go back to sleep…
- 2nd alarm
- There is no arguing with that.
- Mostly also just essentials in the morning. Though he prefers to shower before the day starts. Also spends some time washing his beard, he hates when it's dirty or uncombed.
- When walking out, passes his wife, who already made breakfast.
- Kiss wife thanks.
- Eats breakfast with the rest of the family, grabs lunch for work and he is out.
- Sometimes when he has time, will walk his kids to school.
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- Before going to bed, hugs kids goodnight. Maybe read or make up some bedtime story for them, if not too tired.
- Bathroom routine shorter than in the morning. Brush teeth, splash water in face and that's all.
- Rarely, he will read one of his books before bed.
- Cuddle wife, cuddle wife, cuddle wife. Kiss her goodnight.
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another-mrfluffball · 2 years
~Pocky game with the gang~
Search up the ''Pocky game'' If you don't know what it is!!!
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He is the one to offer to do it!
This is game not only is a delicious snack, but you get to kiss your lover? What a steal!
He will have a very clear confident smile throughout the whole time
He eats the sweet pocky quite quickly and gives a little smooch
He loved the sweetness of that kiss hehe
After a few moments, he will pull out another pocky stick and very smugly says
So~ Would you like Round two?
Sure why not, if you are comfortable and cool with it he's down to do the silly little game
Is very chill on the outside, but on the inside, he is a little flustered
Will move his hand to your waist and pull you in a little for a more passionate kiss
He will have a slight smirk after the game, seeing your face go a bit flustered.
During the game, you might be a little squish from his hat
Extra headcanon
While eating the leftover pocky sticks, Jigen will try to make you giggle/smile by holding the pocky like a cigarette
There is nothing more sweet than seeing his lover smile/giggle :)
Much more sweet than the pocky sticks hehe
Will make sure you are comfortable with doing this game, and make sure you are not uncomfortable
Flustered as all heck during the game
He might actually faint
He will be a bit worried he did it wrong! So just remind him he did it perfectly :>
Please give him extra comfort!
After that day, whenever he sees pocky snacks, he can't help but feel flustered x<
She will be smirking so confidently when she hangs the pocky stick loosely in her mouth
Y/n~~~~ why so shy hmm~?
She is of course going to tease youuuuuuuu
After the little sweet kiss, she would brush her soft fingertip to brush off the little crust from the pocky sticks. And look deep into your eyes.
Oh y/n you are such a sweetie~~~
He is very super shy
While the game, he might accidentally break the stick :<
Oh no, y/n I am so sorry I ruined it- It's ok Zenigata it happens! It was not ruined at all! I'm sorry y/n... It's ok Zeni! *cups checks* *Kisses his lips again*
!!! *y/n head pats zenigata* Don't worry zenigata, we still got many!
*Zeni starts tearing up at how sweet you are* Y/n~~~~~!!!!! *Big bear hug* You ok Zeni? *Nods while snuggling in your neck*
So~ Ready for one more time? *Zeni shyly nods*
And wonderfully the second time was a success :D
Hope you enjoyed!
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alekthethirdish · 1 year
If you’re still taking requests The Gang + Zenigata HC’s for reader who’s very kind and patient around them despite readers insistence they (the reader) have a ‘mean streak’ and ‘bad temper’ snapping and showing off that bad temper on someone else?
I am indeed still taking requests! It just takes me a second to get them out due to my job and such. I hope you like it!
Lupin has always admired your patience, especially when it came to him and his jests
He’s grown use to your kindness towards strangers, whether it’s a server at a restaurant, or a kid who accidentally bumped into you
He has never once seen you angry, and has never heard you raise your voice in anger
Even during particularly tough jobs you always seemed to have a smile on your face
So when you kept on insisting that you weren’t always nice and actually had a bad temper, he didn’t believe you.
He was getting you a drink at the bar when he noticed another person flirting outrageously with you. When they got handsy, Lupin felt his own anger slipping, prepared to march over to your defence
Instead he watched in surprise as you grabbed the person’s ear and twisted them down, your voice raised in anger
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I said no. The next time you touch me or anyone else will be your last, I promise you that.”
You twisted their ear harder before letting go. You glared after them, hand resting warily on your weapon
Lupin appeared by your side again, setting down the drinks so he could check on you.
“Are you alright?”
You huffed, anger still shone in your eyes when you replied. “I hate people like that, no respect for anyone. I hope they choke on their spit and die.”
Lupin’s eyes widen in surprise at your harsh words
“Easy.” He advises you
He wasn’t expecting your glare to turn onto him
“Why should I? I’m not always kind, you know. I meant my words!”
He has a nervous smile on his face. “Mark me down as scared and horny.”
You scoff and roll your eyes, but can’t help the smile that appears on your face
Jigen has known you to be soft and loving
Anyone you meet you treat with kindness and respect
He admires how you deal with bystanders, especially those who don’t need to be caught up in any of your jobs
Your patience seems endless, as does your kindness
 “I’m not always this nice.” You insist
Jigen makes a non-committal noise, eyeing you from beneath his hat
“I’m not! I have a bad temper. You’ve just been lucky to have been spared from it.”
It’s clear that Jigen doesn’t exactly believe you, you had never proven to be anything but kind and patient
So it stops him dead in his tracks when you snap at the person the both of you are holding at gunpoint
“If you don’t shut your mouth, I’m going to make sure you wish you were never born.”
Your voice is cold and yet holds so much anger.
The hostage scoffs at you, you press your gun to their chin, glaring at them
“One more word and I’ll send this bullet through your brain, understand?”
Jigen gently pulls you back, reminding you that this person is a hostage and you can’t just throw that away.
Having seen this side of you Jigen understands just how dangerous you can be
When a kind and patient person snaps, it’s the end of the world
When you snap? There is no helping whoever has unleashed your fury.
Jigen often reminds you that you are not your anger
You and Goemon go together like two peas in a pod
The both of you are the most patient out of anyone in the group
While Goemon offers advice, you offer kindness
There has never been a time that Goemon has seen you be mean, or loose your temper
So he doesn’t exactly believe you when you claim to have a temper and to be unpleasant at times.
“Kindness is a virtue, there is no need to claim to be something you are not.”
“Kindness is exhausting, I wish I weren’t so kind.”
Goemon doesn’t know how to respond to such a comment.
It’s on a job were someone decides to take advantage of your kindness and your patience
Before Goemon has a chance to step in, you snap.
“Enough! You have done nothing but abuse the kindness I have offered you. If it wasn’t for this job I’d gladly leave you for dead.”
You don’t retract your words and the glare in your eyes make it obvious that you mean them
Goemon doesn’t say a word, but he will admit you anger did shock him
When you and Goemon are next alone you apologise for your anger.
“Do not apologise for your anger, you have every right to be angry with how you were taken advantage of.”
Goemon refuses to hear out any objections about your anger and how it makes you a bad person
“You are slow to anger, snapping once does not make you a bad person.”
“But the things I said-”
“Not all things said in anger hold meaning, and they do not reflect your character. Understand?”
Goemon is good with calming you down afterwards, he’s patient and understanding. He never holds your anger against you.
Fujiko sees you as a saint. Your kindness and patience is boundless.
It’s one of the things she loves and admires about you the most
It’s one of the things she worries she takes advantage of, especially if she manages to snatch a score out from under the rest of the gang
But your smile and reassurance is enough to calm her worries.
“Good one Fuj, Lupin’s face was priceless!”
Because of your kindness and patience, Fujiko notices how people take advantage of you so often. She usually steps in before it can get too far
So when some random person decides that your kindness is a go ahead for them to be a creep, she is ready to step in.
She stops dead in her tracks, eyes widening in surprise when she hears your voice raised in anger.
“I said no. Touch me again and I’ll break each of your fingers.”
A threat mixed with your anger sends a chill down her spine. She has no doubt you will make good on your threat.
She joins your side again and the person hurries away, both of your glares follow them around the corner.
She feels you practically collapse into her, she wraps her arm around your waist.
“Are you okay, lover?”
“Fine. Just…angry.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you angry, I suppose you weren’t lying when you said you could be.”
Her face is soft and understanding when you look at her.
She doesn’t see you any differently because of your anger and you’re thankful for it.
Zenigata appreciates you more than he could ever express.
He’s always running off to different parts of the world in pursuit of Lupin
And there you are, always by his side.
He’s grown used to your ever abundant patience with him and his shenanigans
Your kindness is a virtue, especially when it comes to comforting Zenigata after Lupin has gotten away again.
He doesn’t know what he would do without you, he’d probably lose his head.
Zenigata is fiercely protective of you as he knows how unforgiving the world is.
He doesn’t want to see you get hurt.
“I can take care of myself, Zeni, I’m not always this kind, I can be mean if I need to.”
“I know you can, I just worry.”
His worry comes to a head when he’s asking around about Lupin and sees a person harassing you.
He moves towards the both of you, assessing the situation.
“Thank you for the offer, but I assure you, I’m fine on my own. I don’t need your help.”
The person rudely ignored you, grabbing onto your arm roughly and repeated themselves.
Zenigata was about to move forward, not happy with how this person was man-handling you.
A loud sound broke the air and the person stumbled back, clutching their nose.
“I told you I was fine, you creep! You’re lucky I’m only leaving you with a broken nose.”
You turned to see Zenigata frozen in place, his mouth slightly agape in pure shock
He blinked, closed his mouth, swallowed, then stood up straight.
You met him halfway, he could still tell you were seething.
“Come on.” He gently grabs your hand.
You let Zenigata lead you away from the person, his hand rubbing your back gently.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just really angry at the audacity of some people.”
He brought you closer, protectively, and stayed with you until you calmed down.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that.” You apologise
Zenigata isn’t hearing any of it. “You acted as you should, now, where’s that lovely smile of yours?”
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kmcosplays · 9 months
How I think the members of Lupin's gang will live once they retire
Lupin and Fujiko:
they would live in a big city or near one in a nicer place
it would be where their kids grew up and they would visit their parents every so often
I feel like they would have a girl first then a boy
they wouldn't force the title of Lupin the 4th on their kid
they would want them to decide if they want to learn everything great grandpa taught their dad
I hc that lupin's first born child would transition and tell their dad he's trans by letting Lupin know he want's to become Arsene Lupin the 4th
Lupin cried he was beyond happy and Fujiko was so happy to have " two wonderful sons"
he started training both of his sons almost immediately after
Marries a lady who does like historical reconstruction stuff and tea ceremonies for tourist and stuff
they just get along though the want to see history survive and be told correctly and respected
they get married almost right away and have this cute traditional wedding and its beautiful
they have a few kids together and Goemon is completely IN LOVE with being a dad
his wife loves it too and is the cutest and most fun mom
they live kind of far out into the countryside but close enough to a few schools and a the store if they need to go
if Goemon had his way they would live in the middle of nowhere but his wife didn't want to be that far away from a city (she won but he says they compromised)
they live in a somewhat big home that is a tad modern with the rest being traditional
they both just like their quiet life (besides the kids being kids ) and maybe having a neighbor down a ways but that's it
his kids find a little wiener dog that looks like Josephine that his kids become attached to and he talks his wife into keeping it "for the kids" and 100% not for him (its the meme of the dad who doesn't want the dog but loves the dog the most )
he also has another bigger dog as a guard dog (Josephine 2 thinks she's the other guard dog as well )
he lives out in the actual middle of nowhere
like no neighbors tons of land on a farm ( someone gave me this hc)
he lives on a farm with things like his own gun range, wine cellar, bbq spot (tons of homes way out in the countryside in US are like this)
the house wouldn't be huge just big enough for a few rooms and a gust room or two incase anyone form the gang wants to stay over
he does invite over everyone every so often to just check in and see everyone
someone said animals but idk I think he'd rather have a gun range than "some friggin animals I has to clean up after" but at most I could see a dog or two as guard dogs and "totally only guard dogs" that he doesn't spoil
once Ami moves out he turns her room into a guest room
but it's mainly him having it ready if she needs a place to stay
he retires once Lupin sits him down to have a drink with him like he promised (this happens when Lupins kids are both toddlers and he finally admits he need to slow down (not stop just slow down)
he doesn't marry but he does date a women for a long time
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softelectriclight · 1 year
Book spoilers (the empty grave)
you know how in the books they go to barnes house i feel like after fittes that would be regular occurrence like a weekly dinner
(especially with show characters)
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leftoverspagehhti · 2 years
Weekly random headcannon of the week:
I feel like Javert would be the type of guy to have a boiling hot cup of coffee that would be so hot that you litteraly cannot touch the mug and he would actually just chug it like a glass of water, destroying all his taste buds and the roof of his mouth in the process. But he would think that's normal because he has no friends
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floofygeck · 2 years
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This giving off Inspector type vibes
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ghcstao3 · 8 months
Okay, I can't stop thinking about the Smart Soap headcannons post, especially the one where Soap knows a lot of architecture stuff.
I'm just imagining him also being worse than OSHA when it comes to staying at safe houses and other bases. Just him fully pointing out all the hazards and the 141 just exhausted with his shit.
That is until the common room at one of the bases had the ceiling collapse while Ghost was making tea at 2 in morning. Like yeah Ghost was no where near the collapsed part, but he was pretty shaken and told Price about it, who told Gaz about, and finally Soap who just had this "what did I tell you" kinda like on him.
Safe to say, they make Soap the safety inspector whenever they're at a sketchy location.
i like this!! soap wasn’t at all trying to be a smart-ass or know-it-all when pointing out the integrity of a building’s supports or any other hazards of a structure. it’s good to know not only for demolitions, but also just to be safe because it’s always helpful to have one less thing to worry about during missions
it’s unfortunate something has to happen for his knowledge to be appreciated, but hey—at least no one got hurt
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lqvenikki · 11 months
amanda young!college hcs
a/n : i might turn this into a actual series im kind of getting into it
college!amanda young x reader (romantic)
warnings : mentions of drugs and alcohol
type : headcannons
words : 201
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her blasting her music in your room all the time
finding joints and beer cans on the floor and stuffed in her drawers and under the floorboards
having to clean everything away before dorm inspectors come
her sleeping in your bed when your at your friends house because its more 'comfy'
its really cause it smells like you and the perfume you always spray
her wrapping her arms around your waist tightly and burying her head in your hair whilst your sitting at your desk
her being protective over you when you go to parties and you get hit on
having to calm her down after and you eventually go home
always having to get her out of fights
'mandy you can't go around hitting people!'
     'well he said something about you'
getting an apartment together after your first year
she woke up early once and tried to make pancakes for you and ended up setting the fire alarm off
you both ended up having leftover take out for breakfast instead
your giving your all to her and her giving her all to you
people may criticise you for going out with the loner stoner girl but you've never regretted it
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thegoodshiphuddy · 5 months
When Bridgette is struggling for money she sells handmade scrunchies on Etsy.
Brad buys them all and sells them for a 100% mark up to his mom's friends boutique in Palm Springs.
Everyone wins.
Nicole thinks this is super scuzzy of him...and then does the same thing.
Nico buys one to keep for emergencies when he needs to tie his hair up when the health inspector turns up.
Ruby buys one to be nice.
Amber buys and uses several because she loves them.
Aaron buys some as Hanukkah gifts for his sisters.
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greendalean · 7 months
My Community Headcannons (part 1)
- Professor Duncan pays for online courses (like Andrew Tate's Hustler's University)
- Troy definitely makes 69 jokes because it's the funny meme number (even though he doesn't know what it means)
- Britta owns a beach waver
- Abed has a wikipedia account where he edits the Inspector Space Time wiki to be accurate to the original series
- Pierce is schizophrenic
- Dean Pelton is a trans femme pansexual
- Annie loves DIY tiktok hacks like those peel and stick tiles
- Dean Pelton always swipes right on Jeffrey on Tinder
- Shirley is the kind of mom who bakes cupcakes for her sons to bring to school on their birthdays
- Jeff asks for face ratings on reddit
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Papers please characters love languages
Gift-Giving. No matter his financial situation, he can't help it. Loves the joy of others getting gifts from him, loves searching for a good present or the process of making it. Even after their wedding the Inspector still gives lil gifts to his wife, without an occasion. Also gives little gifts to his friends. He doesn't want to spare any expense, when it comes to birthday gifts.
Physical touch. Just really loves all kinds of touch - hugs, kisses, holding hands, cuddling, sitting close together... No matter if it's platonic or romantic. When he feels comfortable (and others do too), he likes to hug his friends. Loves big family hugs. Isn’t big on pda, but when home he just showers his wife in affection.
Words of affirmation. Loves to say sweet nothings to Elisa, to compliment her openly or quietly in bed when they are cuddled up together, always and whenever. If he didn't say “I love you” to Elisa at least 20 times a day, it's an impostor. Is also very open to compliment and praise his friends or kids.
Physical touch. If he didn't hug Elisa at least 20 times a day, it's an impostor. Hugs mean so much to this man, he will hold long and tight. And loves to leave lil kisses throughout the day on his lover. If Elisa puts her head on his lap, this man is melting. Sometimes he gives gentle massages to her, especially during her pregnancy.
Acts of service and Quality time. Will get out of his way to run errands and help around people he loves. Loves to just spend time with people, whether it's a walk in a park, a talk over coffee, a smoke break with a co-worker or helping with dinner. Sometimes people find it hard to notice his love, since it's not so obvious, like with physical touch or gift giving, but if you notice it, it's so special. If he spends time out of work with someone willingly, it's a big sign that he likes and values that person. He is just a simple man, showing affection in a simple way.
Quality time. Loves to spend time with people she loves. Likes to put her head on Sergiu's lap or cuddle up to him and listen to him, or talk herself. They can easily spend hours like that. Likes long walks and coffee/tea talks. (She befriended the Inspector, by long talks about life and books, over coffee and tea.)
Physical touch. Get this woman with Sergiu and they are glued to each other for the next few hours. Loves to take warm showers/baths with him. Likes when he fixes her hair in little ways. They both love to put their faces in their lover's hands and stay like that. Absolutely loves it when it's cold and Sergiu embraces her or lets her snuggle into his coat.
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another-mrfluffball · 2 years
lol homie it’s me ausie dyslexic anon (lol im cringe) anyway how do they react to an s/o who is swamped with work
(i have two things due tomorrow and a test then i’ve gotta do my english thing thats due on Monday so my plan is to eat junk food and make my english thing fan fiction)
Oh hello! I am literally so sorry for responding late!!!!! I was so busy with work and Halloween :(( I hope this writing cheers you up! Again, I'm sorry for responding late!!
This is kinda more of an how they support you when you are tired kinda writing! Hope that is okay!!
Y/n~~~~~~ How about we take a break?
He will try his best to cheer you up!!!
He will get you all of your fav snacks and treats to cheer you up!
If you wanna get snacks and treats but feel bad for him getting them, he will give a whole speech about how wonderful and hard-working you are, and say you deserve a reward/break snack :))
Y/n!!!! You absolutely and totally deserve a nice little snack! No need to feel bad, for me getting them!!! Lupin at your service :DD
He will have a cheerful smile after getting those snacks!
Y/n~~~~~!!!!! Lupin the delivery service is here :))
You giggle at this goofy cheerful man :)))
Thanks you so much Lupin :)
No problem y/n :D
Y/n is there anything I can help with?
He is very much supportive of you :)
He will try to help as much as he can. Of course, he will respect you boundaries and try to push himself to help to the point of disturbing you!
If you wanna go into focus mode, he will subtly and secretly protect you from any disturbance.
If anybody tries to disturb and annoy you, he will block and protect you from them >:)
If you fall asleep on your chair, he will pat your head and place a nice warm blanket for you :)
If you have any errands or mini-tasks for him, he is happy to help!
Whenever you are not in your room or sleeping, he will place a little flower next to you ♡
Is worried that you will push your limit!
Y/n please remember not to push yourself, it is important to take a rest from time to time
He will make warm tea for you!
If Lupin is being an ass to you prepare to run-
Likes to gift you, some Japanese snacks :)
If he sees you, getting tired to the point of becoming dizzy, he will pull you for a mini break!
Will give you one of the best breaks ever omg
Will check up on you from time to time!
He will give you comforting words when you take a break :)
Y/n you ok?
She is such a dramatic and over the top with the break holy shi-
From flower perfumes, and expensive and elegant snacks, to a comfortable cuddle :D
If you dare apologize, she will put a finger on your soft lips and go
No, no, no! Y/n you really need to take breaks from time to time honestly! Just relax ok :)
If somebody is being a little shit and giving you more work, she will personally go to their home and meet them and kick their ass :)
Honestly, they should understand how much pressure and ass they are to my dear lover ):<
Y/n I must order you to take a break!
Oh hi, zenigata...I'm okay I can finish I- *clumsily drops something* Oh no I- *Tired sigh*
Then out of your big surprise!
Wha- *bridal carrying style* Y/n do not worry! You will not need to move!
*y/n blushes instantly* !!!!
Zenigata carried you to the couch and plopped you there.
Don't move y/n! I will get some food!
He then ran to get some snacks for you!!!
For the next few minutes, you two took a delightful break :D Having nice and funny conversations, talking about how much a stress work has been, etc.
It was honestly nice just releasing all those stressful thoughts :)
When you both were cleaning up the snacks, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and gave a bright smile, softly said thank you, his face exploded and blushed madly.
It was nothing y-y/n Hope you do well on the rest of your work ///
Message for everybody! Hope this cheered you up!!! Good luck with your work!!!!! Lupin gang is very proud of you and is cheering you on \(*´▽`*)/
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Whispers of Tiny Footsteps
Pairing: Pippa Fitz Amobi x fem reader
Baby Fitz Amobi junior inspector Headcannons
Warning: Utter fluff. Pippa Fitz Amobi stealing my heart.
Did not expect this to be so long.
Your heart races as you hold the positive pregnancy test. You’re a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, fear, and sheer disbelief. “Pippa,” you stammer, “we’re going to be parents. Can you believe it?” Pippa laughs, pulling you into a tight hug, leaving kisses on your forehead, your jaw, anyplace she can reach . “I can’t believe it either, love. But I’m so ready for this adventure.”
Pippa can’t stop talking. She rambles about baby names, nursery colours, and parenting books. “What if I mess up?” she frets. “What if I accidentally teach our child Morse code instead of nursery rhymes?” You kiss her forehead, the apples of her cheeks. “Pip, you’ll be an amazing mum. And I promise, no secret codes until they’re at least five.”
Pippa transforms the spare room into a cozy nursery. She paints the walls a soft mint green and hangs fairy lights. “Look, love,” she says, pointing at the crib. “Our little one will sleep here.” Your heart swells. “It’s perfect, Pip” you can’t help but say, bring her close to you, kiss the top of her frigid nose, “you are Perfect. Our baby will just love you”.
Pippa insists on visiting Harrods for baby essentials. She buys the softest blankets, designer onesies, and a mobile that plays classical music. “Our baby deserves the best,” she declares. You chuckle. “Pip, they won’t even remember the mobile.” “But we will,” Pippa replies, her eyes shining.
Pippa becomes a sentinel. She hovers over you, making sure you eat well and rest enough. “No heavy lifting,” she scolds. “And don’t stress. Our baby can sense it.” You roll your eyes. “Pip, I’m not made of glass.” “You’re carrying our child,” Pippa retorts. “You are made of glass” she scolds, moving to cup your jaw, lithe fingers holding your jaw in a firm grip. Her blue eyes staring into yours, “I want our baby to be healthy. I want you to be healthy. So no heavy lifting. If I have to call Ravi to do some heavy lifting I will. I’ve been needing to build that cradle in our room”. You lean your forehead into her chest, trailing your finger down her jaw, down to her neck. “I don’t think Ravi should help build it. After all you know how much I love watching you work with your hands” you whisper suggestively. Pippa blushes, “why don’t I get started on that now.” You laugh as you watch pip fly to her feet, eyes already trailing your figure. Hunger evident in her eyes. It’s only later when your backed up against your bed, a hungry pip laying desperate kisses on your sensitive neck that pip speaks. Her voice muffled by your skin. “Pregnancy makes you so much sexier have I told you that?”. You only blush.
“What about Agatha?” she suggests. “Or Hercule?”You laugh. “Pip, we’re not naming our child after fictional detectives.” “Fine,” she pouts. “But I’m still pushing for Mycroft”. Pippa arranges the nursery bookshelf meticulously. Agatha Christie’s novels sit next to Dr. Seuss. “Our child needs a balanced literary diet,” she declares. “Murder mysteries and whimsical rhymes.”You add a copy of “Goodnight Moon.” Pippa raises an eyebrow. “Is there a hidden clue in there?”
Pippa’s eyes widen the first time she feels the baby kick. “Sweetheart did you feel that?” You nod, tears in your eyes. “Our little inspector is saying hello.”Pippa presses her ear to your belly. “Inspector Junior, reporting for duty.”
Pippa packs the hospital bag like she’s solving a cold case. Extra socks, snacks, and a magnifying glass (just in case). “What’s the magnifying glass for?” you ask. “To examine our baby’s tiny fingerprints,” she replies. “And also to read the fine print on hospital forms.” Oh how you love this woman.
Pippa holds your hand through contractions. “Breathe, love,” she whispers. “We’ve got this.” When the pain subsides, she kisses your forehead. “You’re incredible.” “So are you,” you reply. Pippa is attentive to you, constantly holding your hands, kissing your cheeks. Josh is constantly waiting at the door, victor close behind, anxious to meet his grandchild. Leanne is constantly fretting over you, fluffing your pillow and wiping the sweat of your brow. “Just hold on a tad longer my loves” she encourages. Cara and Naomi come by, they bring board games and laugh over how protective pip is. But you love it. As labor progresses you no longer can have small moments of peace, pain is all you feel. It’s a deep primal pain that fills your veins. You cry, feel tears down your cheeks.
Pip holds you, chases the tears. “I’ve got you my sweet. Deep breathes for me” she says, eyes on alert. You had a history of holding your breathe when the pain got to high. Leanne is close behind, monitoring your oxygen level.
The moment they heard their baby’s first cry, Pippa’s eyes filled with tears. She kissed your forehead and muttered, “You’re incredible, love.” And she meant it. She watched as the tiny, wrinkled baby was placed onto your chest. A mess of pink skin and strong lungs that shook the walls. Leanne had smiled, “just like Pippa when she was born. Lungs made of iron”. “She’s perfect,” Pippa murmured, her voice full of awe. She hovered over the baby, checking her fingers and toes, making sure everything was in place. When a nurse approached, Pippa narrowed her eyes. “Be gentle,” she warned, as if the nurse were handling precious evidence.
“What’s her name?” Leanne had asked.
“Grace Fitz Amobi” Pippa had answered.
Pippa insisted on skin-to-skin contact, her shirt unbuttoned as she cradled their daughter against her chest. Grace’s tiny head nestled into the curve of Pippa’s neck. You watched as Pippa kisses her tiny forehead. You’re going to be brilliant,” Pippa promised. “Just like your mum.”
Josh and Victor were allowed in a few minutes after. Josh with his almost teenage voice had begged to hold her. Pippa had smiled, handing the small bundle into her brothers arms, “hold her gently now Josh” she corrected him. Josh was a natural, hoisting the baby against his chest and smiling widely. “I think I might love grace more than you Pippo hippo” he commented.
The car ride home was nerve-wracking. Pippa drove cautiously, her eyes darting between the road and the rearview mirror, where their daughter slept in her car seat. “We’re responsible for a human life now,” Pippa said, her voice filled with wonder. You laced your fingers with hers. “I’m sure our parents felt the same” you reassure.
Pippa took the night shift, sitting in the dimly lit nursery with their daughter cradled in her arms. She’d read her research papers aloud, hoping Grace would absorb some knowledge. You would tiptoe in, watching Pippa’s face soften as she gazed at their daughter. “She’s got your eyes,” Pippa whispered. “And my curiosity.”
As days turned into weeks, Pippa marveled at their daughter’s development. She’d watch her kick her legs, fascinated by the tiny muscles in action. “Look at her,” Pippa would say, her voice hushed. “When she’s mobile it’s going to be a nightmare”.
Pippa, in her meticulous nature, once put the nappy on backwards. You had discovered it during a change and burst into laughter. “Well,” Pippa deadpanned her cheeks crimson , “I was just testing your observational skills.”
You had prepared mashed bananas for the Grace’s first taste of solid food. Pippa, ever the researcher, decided to taste it herself. Her expression? Utter disgust. “I can’t believe she eats that”.
Pippa introduced Grace to classic literature—board books with titles like “Sherlock Holmes and the Missing Rattle.” You had caught Pippa whispering, “Elementary, my dear Watson. The rattle thief strikes again.”
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dudududhd · 2 months
Shinkane headcannons (I’m so bored haha!!)
When walking down the street, Ko notices people staring at Akane, and though not everytime, but he MAKES sure the world knows Akane is his by holding her waist tightly and pulls her closer to his side. >///<
After a week of not seeing each other (due to their busy schedules) Ko looks at her eyes  ‘Akane’ Is all he manages to mutter before devouring her. 
Sometimes, in bed, Akane makes sure it’s known who wears the pants in the relationship. 
The couple sometimes fight/ psychical combat each other. Ko tries his best not to go easy on her but sometimes fails. Akane is strong though. But Ko pins her in the ground panting most of the times
It took Ko forever to figure out Akane is preggo until Shion finally calls out that Akane is having morning sickness not food poisoning. (She’s been absent for a week) 
Bonus: ‘Inspector, I’m applying for your permission to go out.’ Ko sometimes still uses that phrase to ask her out on a date when things have been kinda dry. 
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softelectriclight · 1 year
inspired by: @wellgoslowly
Imagine Barnes trying to teach l&co to drive. especially Lockwood, they would be so passive aggressive with each-other and barnes would over exaggerate by gripping onto the grab handle. That being said his fear would be justified cause i can imagine Lockwood being an absolutely awful driver.
Empty grave spoilers below !!
However another take is after Lockwood found out bout how his parents died I feel like that would be another take completely. But he would still be a little reckless (It’s in his blood)
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