#insomniac puppeteer
Barnaby: Truth or dare?
Howdy: Truth.
Barnaby: How many hours have you slept this week?
Howdy: ...
Barnaby: ...
Howdy: Dare.
Barnaby: Go to sleep.
Howdy: ...I don't like this game.
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pparkerized · 1 year
Just saying if Harry IS Venom's true host in SM2 then I really hope that they don't have Harry himself become a villain. Because from the little we've seen of him in the first game he seems to be a sweet guy who genuinely cares about the environment and wants to follow in his mom's footsteps. He's so vastly different to Norman with how much he actually cares about making a difference, it's what makes him stand out from most Harry's in Spider-Man adaptations to me.
Also not to mention, we've seen the “sick guy becomes desperate to live and becomes corrupted by whatever helps him and turns into a villain” plot before with Doc Ock so. Surely they can't repeat that, right?
Anyway yeah, if Harry is Venom, I just want him to still be Harry, not twisted and changed into a completely different character with such a big personality switch.
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themissbanshee · 1 year
I know most of you might follow me because of Welcome Home, which is completely fair, I adore Welcome Home with my entire heart.
I was just thinking that maybe I should help bring more light to an another horror series on the internet!
If you enjoy Welcome Home for its horror elements and its colorful characters, I highly recommend you check out the analog horror series Dreams Of An Insomniac! It's incredibly spooky and scary and I think it deserves way more attention than it is currently getting!
The series itself:
Please go check it out if you can!
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Dreams Of An Insomniac was of course created by @pastraspec and @lyrahorrorz !! Both incredibly talented individuals!! Please show them lots of support!!
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
Jealous + Leon
Also for @some-insomniac-writes because pouty, jealous Leon is always a yes
Leon sometimes worried he would drown in his own emotions. Allowed them to consume his very being and have them control his actions as if he were a puppet to his own brain.
Empathy was something Krauser used to tease him about. He'd poke Leon with that stick and told him he shouldn’t let himself feel what others were feeling unless he wanted to create a permanent blind spot others could easily see and utilize.
Now, watching you converse with the newest rookie in the department, watching them look at you with awe, eyes sparkling in a way that reminded him of his younger self, he wondered what his late commander would've spat at him if he saw this. Perhaps the man would roll his eyes and mutter, "Dumbass," when Leon couldn't hear him. (If he was honest, he hated how often he thought of Krauser after the events in Spain. Maybe this was a way for his mind to cope.)
Leon knew this feeling, but it was still so foreign. Jealousy was a human thing to feel, was normal, and expected even. Though, just because someone expected themselves to feel jealous about a future event didn't mean Leon did. It felt wrong. To be scared of this rookie flirting with you, to allow himself to doubt you and concern himself to the point he felt ill.
He must've been staring. Eventually, you had nudged the rookie in a different direction, eyes meeting his with a concerned look. He hated this more now. Could feel a burning sensation in his chest.
You approached him, and he forced himself to take a deep breath. You crossed your arms. "You alright? You look like you're about to be sick."
He wouldn't have been surprised if his skin was green.
"Yeah, must've been something I ate." The lie slipped through his teeth so fast he wondered if you caught it.
You raised an eyebrow, and suddenly, he felt more sick than earlier.
"You sure?"
"Positive. I'll be fine. I've dealt with worse, anyway." It was not entirely untrue, though this certainly took its own place on the pedestal.
You regarded him one more time, still holding a curious gaze. "Was it Peterson?"
Leon blinked. "Who?"
You let out a huff of laughter. "The new kid. Did you not listen to anything I said this morning?"
No, if he was being entirely honest. God, he was so worried, worried about his feelings, his jealousy, what he would do if he let it explode that he forgot the kid had a name.
He said it too fast.
Your brows furrowed. "Lee, you can be honest with me. He was flirting a bit, and honestly, too much for my own liking."
Leon huffed a little, partly out of relief. He placed one hand to his hip. "He was shuffling closer to you every chance he could."
"So you were getting jealous."
"I hate that word."
Your lip quirked, and suddenly, his heart melted into jelly. You gave his cheek a peck, and his mouth formed a pout. "Don't worry, he's not my type. Though it seems my type falls around awkward, protective blonds."
Leon's pout deepened. He truly was overthinking.
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mondaymelon · 2 years
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just this once. (scaramouche x gn!reader)
warnings/notes! sick insomniac reader, scara is a bit of a meanie in the beginning, fluff, implied suggestive content
(a/n) gift for kyoi!! ive been bribed to write this - also this is scaramouche, not wanderer! takes place before sumeru archon quest - requests are open at the time of writing this btw!!
epilogue in the tags!!
"What? I'm not the one who's sick right now. Only idiots catch colds." Scaramouche sneered at you, dark violet eyes gleaming cruelly.
"I've got a fucking weak immune system!!" Protesting, you crossed your arms and pouted from where you lay buried underneath the blankets on your bed.
"As a puppet, all I can say is that human bodies warrant more trouble than they're worth. As far as I'm concerned, you're the one who has the lacking side of the bargain here." Scaramouche rolled his eyes at your antics, only laughing quietly to himself when you abruptly sneezed.
Sniffling, you glared up at him. "Ugh, seriously? I'm sick right now, can we just..." You gestured your hands wildly, not exactly sure what point you were trying to prove. "...not?"
"As if."
"Be roommates with Scara, they said... it'll be fun, they said..." Cursing under your breath you sighed dramatically. "Who am I kidding right now??"
The Fatui Harbinger just stared at you, a smile playing at his lips. "Go on, it's fun seeing you so worked up over nothing. Ah~ truly. Why go circuses from Fontaine when you already have such a dramatic show in front of you?" Scaramouche let out a bout of laughter, only pausing when you sneezed yet again.
Groaning loudly, you flopped back onto your pillow with a soft thump. Scaramouche watched your movements as if he had nothing better to do.
"So... are you just... going to stand there? Ominously?" You sent a pointed look at the violet-haired man, arms crossed, eyes half-open and staring down at you.
"Maybe I will."
"Whatever then. Goodnight." You turned over, gripping your plush blankets with one hand with the other propped under your head while you tried not to think about Scara's burning gaze on you. And although you were tired, tired was an understatement, you couldn't find it in you to fall asleep. Either it was the Fatui Harbinger standing by your bedside and seemingly waiting for you to fall asleep, or maybe it was just your insomnia being a bitch. Your heart hammered in your ears. Why now, out of all times, had you had to get sick?
"Hey. You okay?"
What was that?
"Turn around for a second. I can't see your face." There was a note in the man's voice that you had somehow never heard before. The sneering tone was gone, for once and it had been replaced with someone a lot more mild.
"...Okay." Turning around, you felt your face flush at the sight. Some time had passed, and now the bright moonlight streamed into the room through the windows on the adjacent wall. Scaramouche stood there, chin slightly lifted, gaze unwavering, his hair ruffled lightly and an almost worried expression on his face.
Scaramouche leaned forward, brows furrowing at your red face. Gently cupping your cheek, easily taking you by surprise, he frowned slightly. "You're burning up."
"Stay here. Don't get up or even try to move or you will overexert yourself. I know your limits far more than you do." Scaramouche pressed a finger to your lips, effectively shushing you. However, his eyes were still uncharacteristically soft, expression weary, almost. He was acting so... soft. And it was almost scaring you. "I'm going to get you an ice pack and something to drink."
Not really sure how to respond, you just nodded.
Scaramouche smiled at your reply. And it was strange. Really, really strange. Bursts of something you couldn't exactly decipher spread throughout your body, lighting up something in your heart. It was hard to describe, as much as it was hard to feel it. As soon as you had broken out of your daze, the harbinger was already gone.
So, you sat there, and waited.
And before long, he was back. This time, carrying a little wooden tray with two cups on it. One for you, and on for him. You didn't even know Scaramouche was capable of acting like this. You gratefully accepted the cup, sipping the drink happily. It was on nights like these that you truly were able to appreciate how lucky you were.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Mhm. Thanks... for well, everything you've done for me tonight." You beamed at him. Your fever had gone down, and now the night air felt cold on your skin. You were in a Fatui encampment in Shneznaya, but the only thing it made you do was make you long for the warm afternoons of Liyue.
Scaramouche had pulled up a chair - when, you had no idea. He silently nodded before trailing his gaze back up to you.
"Still can't sleep?"
"Ah... well..." You let out a sheepish giggle, placing your now-empty cup on the nightstand beside your bed. "You know how it is. I have trouble falling asleep."
Scaramouche stayed silent at that, and didn't say anything. You had begun to think you had somehow offended him, and he was thinking up of ways to dispose of your body before he finally spoke again. "Are you cold?"'
You nodded truthfully before saying, "It's only to be expected, though. Even with the Fatui's high technology heating systems, Shneznaya's permanent winter just can't be beaten." Shivering, you huddled up the blankets on your bed tighter.
...Can I sleep with you? Just this once?"
Caught you off-guard was an understatement. A severe understatement. You stared at Scaramouche, who was busy examining the floor, face flushed. "...Can you repeat that?"
"Ugh- You-!" Scaramouche cut himself off, face red. "I'll sleep with you. Just for tonight."
...scara's blushing. "Why so flustered?" you jokingly retorted, somewhat enjoying the current situation.
"Is that a yes or a no?"
"Hmmm~ well, you'll have to give me some time to decid-"
Scaramouche didn't let you finish. He rushed forward, holding your shoulders in his tight grip as he fell onto you. Strands of hair framed his face in a picturesque manner as you stared up at him from where he had you pinned on the bed. Not even letting you stop to breathe, he pressed your wrists above your head and into the mattress, your eyes widening as you felt a warm pair of lips meet yours. He stole your breath away as he pulled back, glistening eyes dilated as he smirked down at you. His usual expression was beginning to dawn back on his face as he leaned into you and whispered into your ear:
"I don't think you'll ever have trouble sleeping again."
masterlist ✩
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hawkogurl · 5 months
Yeah, I basically had a similar reading on Insomniac!Harry as you did, I think - I do like him a lot, and I definitely see why he would the most popular version of him in the fandom right now, but he's a very smoothed over and simplified version who feels written to be as broadly loveable as possible, if that makes sense? I read a very thoughtful critique of the game recently that described Harry as being Peter's 'comically perfect' best friend, and I think that gets at the game's take on him and ties neatly into what you said about how the characters in Insomniac feel like they're written mostly to serve Peter's story and character, which is not necessarily a bad thing when he's the protagonist, but can flatten characters into narrative devices who don't necessarily feel like full characters; and any time Harry could be perceived as doing or saying something flawed, he's justified, or at least it's understandable, and it doesn't help that the last part of the game where he's Venom was rushed (not the fault of the devs for being pushed by corporate to meet a deadline they couldn't meet ofc) and it's not really clear how much is the symbiote amplifying his emotions, manipulating him, or outright controlling him like a puppet for its own agenda - but any way, it's very easy and probably correct to read him as not being truly at fault for anything.
Regarding Norman, my take is that I don't necessarily mind an interpretation of him that focuses on corporate greed and lack of ethics while exploring what if Norman was villainous, but genuinely loves and cares for his son in this universe, but MSM2 weirdly wanted both that and the usual drama from Harry being jealous of an abusive Norman choosing Peter over him, so we got that awkward scene where Norman is doing no such thing and still being a great father, but Harry mistakenly believes he's choosing Peter - so it's manufactured drama to follow the universes where Norman is abusive and Harry has issues from that, but here, everyone is still a good or at least neutral person at worst and it's all an honest mistake, which goes back to what you said about taking the edge out of the characters here - doesn't mean they're bad, like you also clarified, but definitely softer.
Can’t form intelligent thoughts because I need to go to sleep but I’m going to say I agree with all of the above. He’s very palatable in a way that just becomes boring for me. I’ll probably come back and contribute later when I’m not barely conscious.
For now, I agree especially because them wanting the Norman drama but also sort of pussying out of the Norman drama sort of like… feels like a good example of what I mentioned in that when you write an established character but change a major aspect of them, you need to compensate. They wanted the benefits of those arcs but weren’t willing to either include the original arcs or do the work to come up with something that can get to point b in a different way with what they’ve kept. It’s not the best writing decision in my opinion. And I agree with that articles assessment he feels like, comically perfect. Scrubbing away all his unsavory aspects lost him a lot of the ways he’s flawed and interesting because it often feels he exists solely to progress Peter’s arc rather than having the personal drama he often has.
I don’t personally like these softer versions. I’m not gonna say it’s bad or wrong to like those versions, but they definitely feel watered down when it’s not looked at in isolation or looked at more critically. It rapidly became boring for me.
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possessable · 9 months
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very Not Proofread possession au blurb written at 4 in the morning because tahts definitely the best time for writing
text under the cut
Miner has never fallen asleep standing. It’s not something he’s ever even thought about before.
Undeniably, though, he’s thinking about it now.
From a few glances out of the hospital’s windows (when he does end up near the windows), he’s seen that it’s night—around the time when his eyelids start feeling heavy. Of course, normally, when his eyelids start feeling heavy, he lays down and goes to bed.
He can’t exactly do that right now, though, despite his very-apparent tiredness.
Perhaps it’s exacerbated by the way he’s been running around swinging his pickaxe for the whole day—which, yes, he also does for a job, but this is different. His arms are very sore. Most of his body is, actually.
Currently, one of his hands is firmly kept on the handle of his pickaxe, holding it rested over his shoulder. He’s standing still.
This standing is taking him no conscious effort. In fact, he doesn’t think he could put conscious effort into it if he tried. His gaze darts to the purple strings looped around his limbs, particularly the ones around his wrists, and his eyes follow the strands all the way up.
They seem to trail off into the ceiling.
(How does that even work?)
With a sigh, he hangs his head (which is one of the few things he can still do) and shuts his eyes (because they’re dry and tired).
Then, his breathing gradually starts to calm.
Then, he’s dozing off.
Slowly, his awareness begins to dissipate, and all of his surroundings are away from the forefront of his mind—there’s just the feeling of his feet on the ground and the weight of the pickaxe still resting on his shoulder.
He drifts into that familiar, barely-awake state—the one where time feels like it moves differently, and the only thing he finds himself conscious of are his thoughts (even so, vaguely).
Then, something is shaking him.
Startled awake immediately, he turns his head to look, letting out a louder than intentional “Wha—!?” sound.
A hand has grabbed his shoulder to jostle him around. He does a double take.
The hand is clawed.
The hand is also purple.
“Oh,” Miner says, though not with any particular emotion, and glances up to be met with Insomniac’s face.
Silent, they both pause for a moment, and then Insomniac makes a sound halfway between a cough and clearing his throat.
“Don’t do that,” he says. His voice is low and barely audible, something like a croak. “Sleeping vessel is supposed to be my thing.”
“…Ah.” Miner awkwardly breaks eye contact (or whatever the equivalent of eye contact is for someone who is very clearly looking at you but is also very clearly asleep). “Vessels…Please don’t call us that.”
Miner frowns. “No, that’s worse.”
There’s another period of silence, this time long enough that Miner thinks the interaction is over. It is not, however.
In what is apparently a laugh, Insomniac exhales sharply with a semblance of a smile forced on his face. It’s something that feels terribly unnatural. Then, he pipes up again.
“More accurate for you, though.”
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yukii0nna · 3 months
Reil's Heart
This is something I wanted to explain for a while but I kinda forgot (Yeah, sorry guys). Reil's heart is important to her for multiple reasons. Not only is it the source of her powers, it is also the source of her weaknesses. If someone has enough magical talent or even technical talent, it's possible to control like a puppet. If there's a place of anti magic, there's a good chance she'll have a heart attack and go into a type of sleep mode.
Basically her soul is literally in her heart. This is a constant source of fear for her. There is also a fear of becoming literally soulless. See when she was first starting out, her heart kept missing beats. This freaked her out so she asked Cyborg to check if something was wrong. When he found out her heart was glitching, he tried to fix it only for her soul to literally LEAVE HER BODY. She is still a little scared when that happens even though she goes to take some comfort that someone she trusts is doing the repairs most of the time. Though she doesn't make it a habit to mess up her heart.
@lovelyllamasblog @zexal-club @gritsandbrits @moonage-gaydream @insomniac-jay @punkeropercyjackson @theautisticcentre @kousaka-ayumu
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cielettosa · 11 months
Levi's monologue when he was beating the shit out of eren
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I can't believe it. I mean, really, can you? It's like a twisted, messed-up joke that humanity's last hope is pinned on a group of bumbling, power-hungry, so-called leaders. These guys couldn't even lead a donkey to water without getting lost in the desert...
And don't get me started on the Yeager brat. Ugly as a Titan's backside, but they want to barbecue him like he's the main course at a Titan buffet. The poor brat is scared out of his mind, stuttering like a broken record, begging for his life every few seconds. Newsflash, brat: nobody understands you when you're gagged. It's like trying to have a deep philosophical debate with a brick wall.
Nile Dok, the shining beacon of all that is pig-headed and self-important. Head of the Military Police, they call him. But from where I'm standing, he's the grand poobah of all things nonsensical. And let's not forget Nick, the Minister Shitface, holding the prestigious title of vice-judge. It's like a match made in heaven – two peas in a pod of bureaucratic incompetence.
Erwin, on the other hand, well, he's got his own history with Dok. Something about stealing Erwin's girl, Marie, way back when. The details aren't clear, but you can bet your boots that it's a festering wound that still stings. You see, Eyebrows may look as calm as a tranquil lake, but beneath that serene exterior, there's a storm brewing.
Minister Nick and his never-ending religious sermons. He's all about that Walls mumbo-jumbo, but honestly, I've got more important things to do, like keeping your sorry butts alive in this Titan-infested world. If I did give a damn about religion, I'd want a better spokesperson than this guy. I mean, really, it's like having a dung beetle as your life coach. Nick's "inspirational" speeches would put even the most dedicated insomniac to sleep. But hey, maybe that's the secret to his survival – bore the Titans to tears. While he's preaching about the great beyond, I'm out here in the real world, making sure you have a future to even worry about.
If there's a heaven, hell, or purgatory, I hope they've got better entertainment than this holy bore. Dok's playing puppet master to Zackly, and it's a damn puppet show I'm not willing to watch any longer. The clock's ticking, and I can't let this charade continue. The jury needs a reality check before Dok's nonsense becomes law.
Erwin, my partner in crime, gives me that unspoken signal, and it's like we share the same damn brain. Twins, they call us, and they might be right. But let's get one thing straight – I got the looks, and I've got the, well, length, if you catch my drift.
It's time to step up, cut through the crap, and bring some order to this chaotic world. Because if there's one thing we don't need, it's more clowns in this circus of despair. It's time for the Survey Corps to do what we do best – kick some Titan ass and take names.
It's a damn shame that I have to resort to beating the living daylights out of Eren Yeager to make a point. But let me tell you, it's like a twisted kind of therapy for me. The kid's got a hair-trigger temper, and it doesn't take much to set him off. I mean, everything makes him lose his marbles.
You'd think we were living in a world where Titans are the least of our worries, with the way Eren goes ballistic over the smallest things. It's like he's got a personal grudge against serenity. But hey, if my fists can knock some sense into him, then I'll gladly be the bad guy. In this world, losing your cool can get you killed, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep this circus from turning into a bloody tragedy.
Mikasa, the black-haired girl, can't seem to stop gushing over "Ereh!" like she's some kind of Titan-slaying goddess. The way she clings to that Titan-spitface is almost comical. Kid's got herself a full-blown crush on Mr. Yeager.
And sure, I've heard it before, that Mikasa Ackerman looks a bit like me, despite us having zero ties. But let's get one thing straight – I'd rather be related to a sack of potatoes than be associated with a brat who's obsessed with Eren.
I'm not one to toot my own horn, but between her and me, I'm the hotter one in this messed-up circus. Beauty might not save the world, but it sure beats being infatuated with a Titan-transforming teenager.
It's not the stench of their porky existence that gets to me, although that's a close second. No, it's the fear that I feed on, thrive on, and let me tell you, it's a feast.
Dok and Minister Nick are probably soaking their pants, and also shitting right about now, knowing that in my mind's eye, I'm picturing them in Yeager's shoes. There's something satisfying about watching them squirm, knowing that their day of judgment might be just around the corner. It's like a sweet symphony, and I'm the conductor, orchestrating their fear, one crescendo at a time. This world is a savage playground, and I'm the merciless player.
Wait shit, was that a spit and blood covered tooth? Holy hell, it doesn't matter. I need to pull back. Just one more kick.
Okay, maybe one more for good measure. Can't leave things unfinished, right?
And one last one, just to make sure things are nice and tidy. It's not often I get to let loose like this, so might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Another kick for the sake of, well, cleanliness.
TLDR: Shipping between Levi and Eren won't be tolerated, it's disgusting.
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alittlefanatic · 1 year
Finny Feelie! The Puppet about Feelings!
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"Albeit quiet, Finny Feelie is the kindest neighbor anyone could ask for! With her nose in her books, she's always making discoveries and learning more about emotions. Kind, understanding, and always willing to listen, there's never an emotion Finny didn't know how to deal with!"
According to uncovered scripts, Finny wasn't very prominent in Welcome Home! Many parents thought she made the show too serious, and that the show should be focused more on fun! Any episodes where she was involved though, she seemed to help neighbors with their problems, particularly emotional ones.
Finny was also known as the 'therapist' puppet because of her knowledge of emotions! She left her old quiet town and moved to Home so she could take care of her own feelings, which were "pretty big in her old town "big feelings" as she would say,
Recent evidence reveals that she has a sleeping problem, and struggles getting rest! But many thought that would encourage kids to want to stay up later, so it was eventually scrapped from production
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Extra Fun Facts about Finny!
😊 If it wasn't noticed, Finny is an Insomniac! She struggles to get rest and often has sleepless nights! Because of this, she will often call Wally, as he has told her he has trouble sleeping also!
😊 She is a very big bookworm! She loves to study psychology and learn why we act the way we do! She feels if everyone could gain a little knowledge, there would be fewer arguments in the world and more understanding!
😊 Because of this knowledge, she infodumps ALOT! Probably too much! She will often have a very intelligent conversation with Frank! Despite this though, she is a great listener and will help others come to solutions, or help recognize what they are feeling.
😊 She often ends up prioritizing others' needs rather than her own. She feels as if she can take care of herself! But she often forgets what she tells others: "You don't have to go through it alone."
😊 She loves blueberries! Especially blueberry tarts! They're surprisingly sweet!
😊 You will find her sitting outside on a rainy day. She will be drenched. She doesn't exactly know why, but the rain makes her feel at home.
😊 She has a sticker sheet of a bunch of smiley faces and other emotions, as well as stars and rainbows!
😊 She is a Demiromatic! AKA: People who are demiromantic need to feel an emotional connection with someone before they can feel romantic toward them.
For Story Purposes...
☹️ She cannot remember her old town, nor how she made it to Home.
☹️ Despite her wanting to sleep, she's often plagued with nightmares...they seem familiar but yet all too distant...they couldn't be memories, right?
☹️ This is also her reason for learning about the brain and emotions: maybe she can try to figure out what she is experiencing, and maybe figure out the whole mystery of where she came from, who she is, and what she's doing at Home.
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I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE HER! I might use her in future stories, so I wanted to go ahead and create her now!
You may use her in your own stories/art as long as you give credit to me and tag me! AND As long as you respect Clown's Boundaries. NOTHING NSFW!
Until then, I hope you enjoy our New Neighbor! @:)
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greenyvertekins · 4 months
Since I'm bored, insomniac and have a thing for Skies of Arcadia right now, I looked into a source for item and weapon names and decided to translate the ones with notable differences to compare them to the names given in the English version of the game. It's pretty interesting!
Notable equippable item name differences;
Meditation Ring > Carved Wood Ring Gemstone Ring > Stone Ring Lovers Ring > Two-Ringed Ring Prophet Sand > Sand Ring Moondust Ring > Star Ring Jade Swirl Ring > Orb Ring Cupil Ring > Cupi Ring Warrior's Heart > Full Moon Ring Thief's Aura > Looper Halo Fortune Ring > Glacia Halo Warrior's Rune > Enigmatic Finger Puppet Defensive Aura > Enlightenment Bracelet Sandstorm Ring > Hemp Turban Assassin Ring > Afro Wig Stealth Ring > Zivilyn Bane's Mask Radiant Fur > Earmuffs Unseen Hand > Floral Hairpin Crescent Amulet > Crescent Moon Barette Gem of Purity > Wood Pipe Immunity Ring > Water Pipe Shard of Purity > Chamber Pipe Gilder's Amulet > Showy Lensless Glasses Slayer Ring > Unbalance Constitution Gem > Ki Stone The three items that can only be equipped to Gilder and Drachma are actually smoking pipes. I imagine they were changed due to the overall smoking censorship in this game. Notable Weapon Name Differences; Assassin Blade > Execution Cutlass Stone Cutter > Earthen Cutlass Dream Cutlass > Dream-Chaser Cutlass Suiran Blade > Mononofu Sword Windslicer > Soranchu's Sword Vorlik Blade > Ryu-Kan Oni-Beheading Blade Storm Blade > Curse Throwing Blade Sky Wing > Gull Wing Yin Wing > Magatama Throwing Blade Ice Splitter > Freeze Cutter Moon Wing > Wind God Wing Hook Hand > Key Claw Beak Hand > Parrot Arm Frostblade > Ice Sword Imperial Blade > Royal Sword
Interestingly, "Soranchu" is described as an adventurer from the past and their name is also given to an equippable robe.
SoA is also interesting in that there's actually translation gaffe's. Specifically the ship item "Apa Wax" uses the JP name of the Red Magic technique Increm. Which is why the wax has the same effect on the ship as Increm does in battle - Increase your attack power. Another gaffe is the name of the attack that the ship battle enemy Gadianos uses - It uses "Jedosa Ray" and "Jeda Beam". Jeda and Jedosa are the JP name of Eterni and Eternum, the Silver Magic techniques.
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star-felled · 2 years
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my versions of some roleswap bbu characters !! it's like pinocchio but if geppetto was an insomniac dad who just misses his daughter and spouse
more info under the cut bc I loooove rambling
arthur takes the role of aristotle
fanto takes the role of billie
billie takes the role of barnaby
and barnaby takes the role of fanto !
shortly after aristotle died 15 years ago, billie passed away as well. in his grief, arthur built fantoccio —— who later was enchanted into becoming living !
arthur, who no longer has the same power or will as he used to, can't go on adventures on his own anymore —— so fanto, excited by the prospect of getting out and learning more, is happy to do it for him ! instead of oscar he carries a baby sharkspeare around in a bubble with him :]
billie, meanwhile, doesn't remember anything of her past life. thankfully, however, she isn't a violent ghost —— she just likes to play tricks at times! unfortunately, she doesn't always know when enough is enough, so visitors often end up hurt anyway.
barnaby is an owl, who was cursed to be a puppet 100 years ago. due to the power of his gem, he was able to stay sentient, but his loved ones weren't as lucky —— to this day, they stay in the abandoned theater as wooden statues. don't worry; he's just as murderous as we're used to, if not more .. vengeful.
he'd be a children's entertainer if he didn't. yknow. murder people
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southwarkfair · 3 months
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i feel like he doesnt really have one because he sleeps odd hours - often the royals will just summon him in the middle of the night for whatever stupid errand so he just gets whatever sleep he can when his schedule allows. hes also kind of an insomniac though so even when he's got a whole night to himself he might spend most of it pacing around and talking to himself/working on his creepy dolls and puppets. the closest thing he has to a routine is just that he occasionally shaves/gives himself a cursory scrub by the sink/touches up his makeup when he remembers. yes he sleeps with the makeup on.
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souls-sys-help · 2 months
deathnote info;
L (エル, Eru) is a world-renowned detective who takes on the challenge of catching the mass murderer known as Kira. In his investigation, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is Kira.
L is a very slim, pale, tall young man with messy neck-length black hair and black eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. L is always shown to be wearing a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot, even while in public. This was shown when he visited Light Yagami's school and was seen barefoot while sitting on a bench, not bothering to wear his shoes until he got up to walk. L also tends to hunch over when walking.
more info; https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/L_(character)
Misa Misa
Misa Amane (弥 海砂, Amane Misa) is an up-and-coming model, actress, and supporter of Kira who eventually becomes the Second Kira. After gaining a Death Note, she seeks out Kira in order to thank him for killing the man who murdered her family and to offer him her help. Having made the trade for the Shinigami Eyes, Misa learns that the identity of Kira is Light Yagami. After a meeting with Light, she decides to dedicate her life to helping Light however she can, and becomes determined to use her eyes to uncover L's real name.
Misa is a short, slender, attractive young woman with long, straight, golden-blonde hair, most commonly styled with a portion of her hair in pigtails tied with red bands, but occasionally worn loose as well. In the anime, it seems that she was a brunette at one point.[4] In the manga, her eyes are predominantly light brown; however, they have also been shown as green. She also often wears blue contact lenses. In the games, her eyes are usually light brown but have also been seen as pink. Misa also appears to have black hair in the movie, which she was wearing in pigtails throughout the film.
Misa often dresses in a Gothic and Punk fashion, though noticeably less after the time skip. She also typically paints her nails bright red or dark purple and wears bright red lipstick.
Misa tends to wear cross jewelry, though the crosses were changed to "fleurs-de-lis" in the anime adaptations (most notably on the Misa finger puppet). Despite this, Misa is depicted with a cross in the first anime opening and in her model sheet image in the liner notes of the third anime soundtrack. She also has a cross on the collector's figure included with volume 5 of the DVD sets.
more info; https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Misa_Amane?so=search
u should so watch death note its sooo coolll (obv spoilers for the wiki stuff bc well..its a wiki)
L: Lane Lawson Lawliet Landon Lee Ette Pronouns: L/Ls Black/Blacks Light/Lights Death/Deaths Detective/Detectives Notebook/Notebooks Terms: He who is slender He who investigates He with insomnia The Detective
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Just dropping by to say I love your blog a lot!!❤️❤️❤️ you are doing the lords work lol someday I try hard to find good questions to send you that I think you'd like to think about--but all I ever come up with is "since it's canon that after the tybw and 10 year time skip and they have tv--who would actually have a tv, and what do think they'd watch, or would they try to make their own weird version of a tv station/show? Would ichigo be able to get it on his home tv, like, he's just wanting one day and then there's yumichika, renji, ikkaku and shuuhei on the lowest budget drama in all 3 worlds"
Just want yall to know I love and appreciate all the work you do!!❤️❤️❤️
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it! <333 You are one of our OG dash blorbos and it makes me really happy that we continue to blorbo it up together. <3
This seems like an excellent opportunity to bring back
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which is further elaborated in this post. (I’d forgotten everything except the C-SPAN gif, which is a total disservice to House Hunters Interdimensional—I feel so ashamed!)
As far as who has TVs, I think all the division offices have one, because they were part of a military tech rollout. They have yet to really catch on individually, though. In the commercial district, there’s a TV store with a whole wall of them out front, and people tend to simple congregate in the streets to watch whatever’s on, as though it were a live playhouse. The difference is that it’s 24-hour programming, and when it’s not airing Central 46 C-SPAN it’s fueled by camera-happy insomniacs.
I used to live in a city that had a local access channel that a friend of mine swore by, which was a single-camera one-man puppet show performing the entire story of the Bible. Soul Society definitely has one of those, except it performs the full history of Soul Society. It’s actually incredibly well-researched and is the love labor of Some Guy who was granted access to and spent a lifetime absorbing the Kuchiki records. Byakuya has signed off on the show, but owing to its low production value, he did not consent to use of the Kuchiki name anywhere but in the credits roll.
There’s also a shopping channel that is essentially a slideshow of the existing SC catalogue, intercut with footage of straight-faced SC staffers describing the items. This show is incredibly popular, because it reaps the benefits of dual audiences: 1) People who want to buy stuff from the shopping channel, and 2) people who watch it because they think it’s a hilarious, dry-witted mockumentary-style social satire. (It is not.)
Similarly, there’s a fairly ambitious show that compiles "Lights and Sirens" style reporting from the top 13 most popular border checkpoints in Rukongai, filmed by bored shinigami sitting in firetowers. This show typically has the affect of John Trudell as Randy Peone in Smoke Signals’ KREZ Radio. (This would be my favorite show, she said, surprising no one.)
Yumichika, Renji, Ikkaku, and Hisagi DEFINITELY made a no-budget drama that was going for a found footage aesthetic but in actuality has the aesthetic of "Hisagi with a camcorder." Even though it’s supposed to be a hard-hitting crime thriller set in the universe of Detective Byakuya (but not centered on Byakuya), there are often entire sequences of, like, Yumichika doing tai chi on a dramatic outcropping in silhouette, sunset behind him, and the other three offering hushed commentary like nature documentarians.
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nematanthus · 7 months
CD Collection Upate (March 12 2024)
Master of reality- Black Sabbath (1971)
Back in Black- ACDC (1980)
Ride the lightning- Metallica (1984)
Master of puppets- Metallica (1986)
...And justice for all- Metallica (1988)
Violator- Depeche Mode (1990)
Self Titled (Black Album)- Metallica (1991)
Nevermind- Nirvana (1991)
Kerplunk- Green Day (1992)
Siamese Dream- The Smashing Pumpkins (1993)
Self-titled (Blue album)- Weezer (1994)
Insomniac- Green Day (1995)
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness- The Smashing Pumpkins (1995)
Nimrod- Green Day (1997)
Self Titled- Slipknot (1999)
Origin of symmetry- Muse (2001)
Hybrid Theory- Linkin Park(2001)
God hates us all- Slayer (2001)
Absolution- Muse(2003)
St. Anger- Metallica (2003)
Three cheers for sweet revenge- My Chemical Romance(2004)
American idiot- Green Day (2004)
Black holes and revelations- Muse (2006)
Sam's town- The Killers (2006)
The Black Parade- My Chemical Romance (2006)
Infinity on high- Fall Out Boy(2007)
Minutes to midnight- Linkin Park (2007)
Brand new eyes- Paramore (2009)
21st century breakdown- Green Day (2009)
The resistance- Muse(2009)
Danger Days: The true lives of the Fabulous Killjoys- My Chemical Romance(2010)
Nightmare- Avenged Sevenfold (2010)
Diamond eyes- Deftones (2010)
What doesn't kill you eventually kills you- Gay For Johnny Depp (2011)
Save Rock and Roll- Fall Out Boy(2013)
Self-titled- Royal blood (2014)
Hesitant alien- Gerard Way (2014)
Drones- Muse (2015)
Blurryface- Twenty One Pilots (2016)
After Laughter- Paramore (2017)
Simulation theory- Muse (2018)
Holy hell- Architects (2018)
Amo- Bring Me The Horizon (2019)
Self-titled- Erra (2021)
Typhoons- Royal Blood (2021)
Eternal Blue- Spiritbox (2021)
Classic symptoms of a broken spirit- Architects (2022)
Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition- Linkin Park(2023)
Back to the water below- Royal Blood (2023)
So Much (For) Stardust- Fall Out Boy (2023)
The Fear of fear- Spiritbox (2023)
Saviors- Green Day (2024)
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