#insisting that it's all her fault
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theladycarpathia · 2 years ago
Grace: completely done with the misogyny and double standards that she has to deal with, being unfairly and rudely attacked over every aspect of her life and speaking out about it.
Steddies: doing all of the above again and bleating about it’s definitely not their fault.
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robynrileyart · 9 months ago
hi i'm very very new to the magnus archives but i really wanna draw fanart!!! i don't want to go into the tag or do any searches bc i don't want any spoilers. can you please answer the poll below regarding the characters' visuals?
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bardicbird · 2 years ago
goddd emily’s performance as saccharina was amazing. she’s powerful. she’s intimidating. she’s broken by her own expectations. she’s noble. she’s a scared little kid. she’s so wrapped up in her own emotions and experiences that they affect everything she does. she’s sometimes insufferable to the viewer, who has been with the rocks family this entire time. she’s a sympathetic character. she’s a badass, because she needs to be. fuck, what a character.
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bbybrahms · 2 years ago
I headcanon that Brahms didn't kill Emily and it was an accident not because I'm a pussy that can't handle a problematic fave but because I like how much sadder it all is if it wasn't even his fault but his parents still make him suffer 20 years for it
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here-there-were-dragons · 5 months ago
post on the large hadron collider reminds me one of the many many many many many crazy things my mother believes wholeheartedly is that she and a worldwide community of people have the ability to literally see the future, and that the only reason it "doesn't work anymore" (which she is inconsistent about claiming) is because when the lhc was turned on (she insists it happened in the year 2000-i do not care enough to verify) it corrupted the timeline and ruined all of her fucking psychic future sight by setting us on The Wrong Timeline with it's... evil particle energies i guess. and then she goes on a paranoid rant about how the lhc is an act of hubris that's going to end mankind by ripping holes in reality and creating microblackholes or something and how she can "tell when it's on" because "things go a little funky" and her future vision "whites out again". i wonder what the hell she thinks is going on in stars all the time if she thinks the universe is that damn fragile.
she also seems to somewhat believe in the idea that every time you die your consciousness just gets transported seamlessly to a timeline where you didn't. and thinks that she regularly hops timelines and realities because she's "one of the rare 0.1% that's less attached to this reality and more to another one". at least when she's not blaming inconsistencies with reality vs her perception on everyone else except her being malicious, defective, and stupid. which she increasingly does now, since i guess her "heir to princess anastasia" delusion currently holds more appeal to her than the "psychic dream princess between dimensions" one. or more likely is just that she still 100% is in on both and i've just managed to tell her to shut the fuck up enough times that she doesn't talk about the psychic dream princess one unless she feels she has an opening to dump it in and force me to hear about it anymore. and believe me, she is ALWAYS looking for kinks in the armor to force that shit into ANY interaction
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clemsharmony · 6 months ago
you know you know when you get attached to a side character that doesn't exist? that you made up for your fanfiction or something but isn't even nearly fleshed out enough to consider an oc?
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xx-psych0-rabbit-xx · 7 months ago
the whole thing of treating pets like family members is real cute until you lose the capability of understanding youre caring for animals n not cute fluffy plushies labeled "child"
my mom INSISTED on adopting 2 somewhat big dogs out of pity last year, she insists on getting attached to pets like theyre her children so thats the cutesy way she originally treated them.we do not have enough space for 2 dogs their size n she refuses to ever play w them or take them on walks (im unable to do that myself bc i cant go where theyre kept without help n shed just get mad.i know she would from experience), most of her interaction w them when shes not cutely calling them her kids bc theyre cute to look at is screaming at them for barking, she literally spends the entire day at times talking abt how she wishes she didnt have them n their food is getting way too expensive for how much money we have.so yk she decided to give them away to this guy w a HUGE farm space proper for dogs like them, ignoring how she treats them one could say its noble she realized theyre not well here n let them go somewhere better for their needs
anyways then in less than a day she threw a hissy fit she wanted her "children" back bc she cannot see pets as animals but as cutesy children who need mommy constantly so the dogs r back at somewhere theyll eventually die of boredom bc their only entertainment is barking at lizards bc my mom cant understand dogs have needs n arent there to play cutesy family roles n look nice.its just your responsability for a pet owner to know your ANIMALS needs, n some ppl r literally just not cut to own pets if they insist on seeing them as "essentially people bc its cute to treat them like they r" than animals w specific needs to be kept
like.on base calling pets family is cute.i get the appeal im willing to play along w being the pets sister bc it IS a cute term to use for fun.but when you do it sm you can no longer understand you own animals n not literal children (granted if she treated a child like that shed land in jail immediately) thats just.honestly youre just kinda stupid n obviously get pets bc theyre cute to have, not bc you want to take care of animals
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yournameoverandover · 10 months ago
making a slight detour from Taylor to rant for 0.3 seconds in the tags
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dracocheesecake · 2 years ago
Kai: "How old are you?"
Jing: "13?"
Kai: "When I was your age, I was already 14!"
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years ago
The pope waiting it out hoping someone dies is kind of a tell. so many times i hear koa stans go so hard on this, that she was right, morally and legally, every step of the way.and we should shut up accept that and be ashamed she was ever put through this. but when you look at it as the pope sitting on the fence, and not immediately finding for her, it doesn't look as clear as koa stans say. And i find that a much more interesting situation and a relief from the "saint koa" line
I mean, he still treated her abysmally, but yeah, if precedent had actually been followed Henry would have certainly won this case. I almost believe how it was won was ultimately the result of geography; Charles V was simply closer.
This is one of the most infamous and generally misunderstood divorce cases, though, I learned about most of its misconceptions in JF Hadwin's papers about the case. I will post more quotes if there's interest, one example was that bona fides did not apply in England legally although it did on the continent (since often Henry declaring his eldest illegitimate is characterized as merely 'petty' and 'cruel', I think that's actually pretty important).
Also the decree against Henry sort of made Clement look like an ass (well, not exactly, because he died 1st...those that maintained and upheld it, at any rate) because it combined with the others meant that the expectation was that it would be enforced, if not by Henry's own subjects than by another Catholic kingdom. Really the closest this ever came to was Kildare Rebellion and the Pilgrimage of Grace. And although Henry was not officially excommunicated until December 1538, this too was never actually carried out (not even when Edward VI, far more Protestant than Anne Boleyn, was on the throne). Unless we view the excommunication of Elizabeth I as an extension of Henry's to some extent, this expectation was never answered until 1588, and when it finally was, it failed. Little wonder there were so many tones of providentialism and 'triumphal Protestantism' in Whig historiography of Tudor history.
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spoonietimelordy · 8 days ago
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paradisaeidaes · 1 month ago
drawing something for a mutual and she will never see it bc I’m scared to show it to her but now I just feel like crying bcos I know she doesn’t mean to forget but at the end of the day people just forget me much easier than they do others and I tried pushing that feeling down for as long as I can remember but now it’s like I’m crumbling down under the imminent weight of that idea.
#she doesn’t mean it and she’s quite busy but#it’s easy for her to remember others#or like#reach out to them first#I grew up and continue to grow up denying everyone’s attention and insisting I loathe attention and stuff#and even denying any attention and getting uncomfortable when people give it to me#but I just want *her* attention#just one person#I’m so confused . .#𓏲​ 𝐍 ܀ᬊ#let’s distract myself by continuing to draw it for her#even tho I’m gonna delete my blog soon so now we would have zero contact#I don’t ask for socials first bcos it feels like I’m begging them for it and then we won’t even talk#I don’t know why ppl ask for others’ socials if they don’t end up interacting anyways#but I don’t want to ask her bc I don’t want her to think I’m annoying#in truth I don’t think she likes me much#but that is okay I suppose#it’s no one’s fault but mine because all I do on there is stupidly be sad how can anyone even find anything worth liking if all I am is just#sad all the time on there#what is worth missing of a miserable person#honestly this is for the best for everyone#even tho the reason I was sad is bc I felt left out and other life problems . .#@bunveh was the cutest ever blog name but I ruined it bc of my stupid mental illnesses and my foolish brain and this stupid anxiety that#leaves me paralysed#I’m so tired bro I just wanted her to like me#and maybe be closer friends or something I don’t know . .#I just thought maybe it’ll be kinda cool to have an online presence where people could talk and maybe someone could like me or smth and then#we can be friends or wtv and be like besties idk but I was a fool that will never be my reality my mum was right who could ever want to be m#my friend . . how could one willingly want to be my friend out of their own free will this is stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid
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cleolinda · 9 months ago
AITA for banning my husband and father in law from the delivery room due to their intensely stressful/creepy behavior during my pregnancy?
There’s a famous Reddit post from 2020 where a pregnant woman wrote that her husband and father-in-law were a little too comfortable with their certainty that she was absolutely going to die in childbirth just like her husband’s late mother. It was to the point where her FIL was insisting that she go ahead and put all her clothes into storage, because she was obviously going to die in the hospital and it would save them the grief of packing up her things afterwards. Like. It was WILD.
When I tell my husband [that she feels suspicious of her FIL], he calls me paranoid, but I feel like my FIL WANTS me to die; his whole life identity for the past 35 years has been “amazing single dad” (never dated or had close friends or even hobbies really), and it seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through. At this point, I’d honestly be happy to never see my FIL again, and I certainly don’t want him in the delivery room, especially since he told me he was “putting [his] foot down” about me not being “allowed” to have an epidural…. My husband, in addition to backing his dad on everything, acts like my due date is my death date, and has completely pulled away from me.
The commenters (and me, honestly) were convinced that the husband and FIL were either going to kill her outright to fulfill this expectation, or just make decisions about her care that might conveniently let her die.
And then she never posted again.
Over the last four years, people have frequently mentioned that post, always leading to a thread of people saying, “Oh god, I still worry about that woman.” I did too. It became one of those famous unresolved posts that people always wondered about.
Until yesterday, when someone on r/BestOfRedditorUpdates dug up a 2022 update she had posted on a different account:
TLDR; I had a beautiful and healthy baby girl, and I divorced my ex-husband. I lived, obviously.
She writes that she put her foot down about having her own mother in the delivery room rather than her FIL (!), and she WOULD be getting an epidural. Her husband lost his shit. And in his outburst, he let slip--
I admittedly lost my temper, and told him that I wasn’t going to die- it wasn’t my fault his father’s trauma wormed it’s way into his head, and that he needed to fix it without taking it out on me. He yelled at me that he didn’t need therapy. That caught me a little off guard; I asked him why he went to his therapist and was given advice about my death if he felt he didn’t need it. His expression gave it away, and he caved not long after. It turns out there was no therapist. It was just his dad. During the times he was supposed to be at therapy, he was with his dad. I’m still fuming.
And that was when she got the fuck out.
I’ll wrap this up- I’ve got an adorable little toddler tugging at my leg atm. I’m alive, I’m happy, and I’ve got my baby in my arms. Life is good.
I truly never thought we'd see a resolution to this, and I feel like there's probably a good number of people who remember it, so I thought you might want to know.
ETA: Brilliantly, I put the link in at the top; here it is again for convenience.
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pergaminaa · 3 months ago
Bad dream involving Manon? Sure, why do I even question things at this point? (this is part the actual dream and part what I added later on while I lay down in bed trying to make sense of it)
Ugh, so there was this big building (hospital? A residential building? Not sure tbh) the Blackbeak Matron was there and Manon was supposed to go see her. Anyway, the room was on the 80th floor so it’s A WHILE to get there.
Elevators weren’t working and Manon decided to take the stairs. She was in heels and all. Also, there is another building nearby, a decrepit place full of outlaws and all. One part of the staircase of this building can easily connect to that other awful building.
Manon knows this but she figured she can stay in the right place because it’s just going straight up no detours so she should be fine. It’s not wise to keep her grandmother waiting. Also Dorian was supposed to meet her there but he called saying that he can’t because he has to take care of something.
Anyway, she went up the stairs. The first five floors were fine then after the the location of the stairs changed and she had to walk in different directions in order to go further up.
The place was changing and she realized that she had somehow ended up in that other building. Deciding to turn back she tried to find the stairs but before she could do that the door swung open and a man entered the stairwell dragging another man with him. Manon found a half-collapsed concrete wall to hide behind until it was over and they left but she was found.
Now back in the og building, Ghislaine is in her room reading. There was a slight knock, barely there but she heard it. Opening the door she is surprised to see Manon there, her face pale and she was trembling. Manon didn’t say anything at all but Ghislaine didn’t need any words to realize that something was wrong.
Sorrel gathered the thirteen and they all went to Ghislaine’s room, settling in the living room not knowing what was going on.
Ghislaine called Sorrel and told her to remain neutral and not let anyone realize that something was off. It was hard, Sorrel tried her best but the two requests Ghislaine made sent cold chills down her spine.
Returning back with the doctor Ghislaine requested by name got everyone’s attention. Sorrel was honest, she has no idea what’s going on but that can’t be good.
Briar wondered if Dorian was around at all, but no one had seen him. Dorian showed up around an hour later, having learned that Manon and the rest of the Thirteen were in Ghislaine’s room. As soon as he was inside, Sorrel was on him, almost strangling him. It took both Asterin and Edda to pry her off of him. While not going for murder, the rest of them looked at him as if has committed a grave crime. Worry, then fear crept over him, realizing what this was about.
“What happened?” He looked at them.
“We don’t know,” Vesta said.
“Nothing good, if you must know,” Sorrel was barely looking at him, close to losing her temper once again. She remembers every word Ghislane told her, what supplies she instructed the doctor to bring. Murderous rage threatened to take over her again.
The door to Ghislaine’s room opened and the witch herself came out. “You need to leave,” She almost hissed at Dorian.
“What happened?” He repeated, less curious and more worried. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong. Manon wasn't there, and this made him anxious. Something happened to her, he is sure of it.
“You were supposed to be there, why weren’t you?” The usually calm Ghislaine snapped at him.
“What is happening? Something came up and I told Manon that I’ll meet her later on. She didn’t need me there,” That was the plan, he and Manon talked and agreed.
"You should have stayed." She sneered.
"I have to see her, where is she?" Dorian demanded.
"No, you do not. She's sleeping and shouldn't be disturbed," Ghislaine was getting angrier the more she looked at him, so she retreated back into her room and shut the door.
She told one of the girls to bring new clothes for Manon. It was done as soon as possible. Try as she might, Ghislaine couldn't talk Manon out of changing and trying to get to her grandmother. She kept her waiting for long enough. She emerged from Ghislaine's room to a room full of concerned faces, but she focused on the task at hand.
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kawaiianimeredhead · 3 months ago
#this is honestly a really minor thing in the whole of everything#but goddamn my coworker is annoying ke sobmuch more than she ever has#and it shouldnt annoy me this much i try to like reallly deal with it when i know their reasons are valid#but goddamn#she has complained so many times about her hours and i know shes also mentioned wanting more#and those can coexist and obviously iverride the other#but im trying to get more hours next week and i guess nick is right i shouldnt have gone to her first but honestly this still probably would#have been a pain jn the ass#i expected her to agree or not agree like i get it she likes the extra time#but not try and like#swap days with me#like i either thought shed like the extra time off or not#but in response i did not think she would insist on still working just either the normal hours orbnot#and naybe its not complicated things asbmuch as i think#but its still pissing me off#its fucking stupid#shes gottenbso so pissy to the point of nears tears before complaining about never getting extra days off#and not having days off next to each other and alllll this other fucking shit#and even if shes not like that Now with her extra hours shes picked upbthe moment she goes back to that and i am certain she will#this will flair up again because fuck off#shes gonna complain about all this fucking holiday traffic in the store and its gonna piss ne off#it would regardless but itsbjust gonna do it kore#she is so shit with money and its gucking hypocritical of me i know but i am too focused on her fucking#bullahit with things she doesnt need to act how she does about money cause she does fucking fine#shes just so damn irresponsible with it and thats her fucking fault#she gets all these fucking ideas on how to budget and save better and she doesnt follow through#and it just i am sobfucking tired this is so fucking stupid and my fucking boss left work to go do some fucking shopping#so i cant even talk with him about it right now cause he just fuvking lesves while hes still clocked in and i usually care but like barely#but its so fucking annoying today#tag rambles
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luvcaleb · 6 days ago
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nsfw (18+). includes first time, virginity loss, unprotected sex, porn with feelings, caleb is a virgin loser who pretends he's a sex god but is actually ready to cum the moment he slides it in, cunnilingulus, lots of nicknames, belly bulge because caleb is huge, creampie (because i firmly believe he's into breeding). likes and reblogs will be very helpful !!
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”Hng... is it all in yet?”
The question almost sounds silly, reminiscent of the times you went on trips with Caleb and you'd ask him if you were there yet every five minutes. But you can't laugh now because you feel like your body's about to split apart, filled to the brim as Caleb breaches your cunt as slowly as he can manage.
He's gripping each side of your waist, his restraint felt through the faint trembling of his fingers. Be patient, he chants in his mind, sweat dripping down his temples. If you're not careful, you're going to hurt her.
But all that leaves his mouth is, “Just half. You're too tight, pipsqueak. Feels like you're about to cut my dick off.”
“Half?!” you exclaim in disbelief. You do know for a fact that Caleb is quite... big. Not that you have a frame of reference — this is the first time you've seen one, most definitely the first time you've ever taken one, but knowing you only have half inside you when you feel full is. Kind of making you crazy. Just a bit.
You hit him in the chest with a loose fist. “This is your fault. You're too big.”
Caleb laughs weakly, sounding like the wind is knocked out of him. “You're blaming me for something I can't control now?”
“Yes, I am. How do you even— walk around with that thing? I don't think that's a normal size.” You're blabbering. All you've said thus far is probably the most unsexy thing Caleb's ever heard, nothing like the dirty talk in the porn DVDs under Caleb's childhood bed that he insists were from his high school friends and he didn't watch any of it.
Even so, the desire in Caleb's eyes doesn't dwindle. He leans down to caress your cheek, the softness in his expression making your heart race. “Well, too bad. This is the only one you're getting.” He traces the line of your jaw, peppering kisses over the column of your neck. “You can't do this with anyone but me, right?”
It isn't a question, and Caleb certainly won't take no for an answer.
“...Caleb, you say the craziest things someti— ?!” You squeak as Caleb starts rubbing your clit in tight circles, sucking new marks onto your collarbone. You loosely grasp his flicking wrist, conflicted between pushing his hand away or pulling it closer. “Don't— do that so suddenly— ah!”
“I know you can take me in. You just have to try harder,” he murmurs to your skin, feeling your walls spasm around his cock with every flick of his fingers. Watery noises soon follow his motions, embarrassingly audible along with the whimpers you try and fail to hide. His heart squeezes in his chest when you hold onto his back tighter, letting out small ‘ah-ah-ah’s that send heat directly to his cock.
“Caleb...” you mutter weakly, dazed eyes staring at the ceiling. “Caleb...!” you gasp with more urgency when he changes the rhythm, rubbing faster as he slowly slides another inch inside your pussy.
“Just a bit more, baby...” Caleb hisses as you engulf him in your warmth, walls clenching around him wetly. “Yeah, that's it... just like that... mn, good girl...”
Finally, you feel his pelvis press against your skin, the entirety of his thick cock inside you. You let out a shuddering breath, fingers running through Caleb's sweat-matted hair, attempting to adjust to the new sensation of fullness.
The feeling of being full is indescribable; it feels new, perhaps a bit uncomfortable, and yet it's also fulfilling, knowing you're connected with the person you've always longed for in the most intimate way possible.
Caleb's panting with the exertion of holding back, his hand cupping your cheek, tenderly swiping over the soft skin with his thumb. “Do you feel any pain?”
You shake your head, leaning to his warm palm. “No, I just feel... a lot right now.”
Caleb smiles in relief, pecks a kiss on your forehead, and sucks in a breath when his gaze trails lower on your body. His hand on your waist moves to splay on your stomach, the direct pressure evoking a sharp “ah!” out of your lips.
“N... no way...” you stare at the faint bulge in both mortification and arousal. “Is that— your—”
Your stomach is... not supposed to look like that. It isn't, right? But Caleb is looking at you with such awe and wonder, tracing the highest point of the bulge on your stomach, the tendrils of desire swirling in his gaze darkening further.
Slowly, Caleb pulls out until only the tip remains inside, and you watch as your stomach flattens with his movement. “Fuck,” he says with feeling. “Please tell me I can move.”
No, you can't, you want to say. Just the sight of him filling you up — in the literal sense of the word — is overwhelming. But you know Caleb is holding back for your sake. Always has been.
Has held back probably before you could even remember, playing the role of an older brother figure looking out for his reckless sister to suppress the feelings he's long learned to ignore. Has held back every time a boy looked at you with lovestruck eyes in high school, staring at the love letter on your desk but never commenting on it. Has held back whenever you told him you were going to a mixer your friends cajoled you into joining, zipping up your dress for the night and reminding you to call him when you were done so he could come pick you up.
He has been holding back even just a while ago, patiently stretching you open with his fingers as he kissed away the apprehension in your eyes, often asking you if it hurt and if you wanted to stop. And if you said yes, he really would; he'd wash you up, carry you to the dining table, and cook up a midnight snack for you before cuddling to sleep. You know that because Caleb would do anything for you.
So now, with the veins on his arms pronounced from the strain of gripping the sheets, his eyes attentively looking at your expression for any signs of pain, you can only say one thing. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to give him a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Fuck me, Caleb.”
There's a hitch of a breath. And then he slides home.
Each thrust of his hips is pronounced with wet plaps, obscenely loud while slick dribbles out of your cunt, pooling into the sheets beneath you. His cock is covered in your arousal, glistening in your wetness, and he pounds into you again and again, watching your cunt cling to him every time he pulls out.
“You seriously...” Caleb groans, his loving gaze tinted with hungry desire. A delighted thrill runs through him each time you call his name sweetly, nails raking down lines on his back, the cutest noises leaving your mouth. “I wanted to treat you gently, but I can't hold back if you say it like that.”
He's dreamed of this for a long time, as far back as a teenager hitting puberty. The prettiest girl on his bed, disheveled by his doing, clinging around him as he pounds her to the mattress, able to take her however he wants and allowed to whisper the overflowing affection he feels without needing to hide it anymore.
It was once a fleeting dream. Just something he knows will never come true, so long as your relationship doesn't change. At one point, your relationship even almost seemed irreparable.
But you stubbornly pulled him back to you. Even when it hurt you. Even when he was content to look after you from a distance. Even when he accepted that no matter how much he wanted you, his love would never mean anything if you didn't love him back.
But you allowed him this much. You allowed him to be in such close proximity, to shower you with affectionate kisses, to lick up your tears. You gave yourself to him, your firsts, your heart, your love.
It's more than he ever hoped for.
“Mine...” he mumbles to himself, kissing at every expanse of skin he can reach. “You're really mine...”
Caleb's hands roam over your curves, caressing your body with care, plucking away at all your sensitive spots. A smattering of red marks appear with every press of his lips, and he never gets enough of seeing them bloom.
“C-Caleb, don't suck there... Everyone's going to see them,” you whine, trembling with the pleasure. His hips never stop driving forward, aimed at the spot that makes your toes curl, your walls squeezing down on him. It's hot, wet, and so damn good to feel you gushing around him, soaked in your warmth.
“Let them see.” He sucks another mark beneath your jaw. Satisfaction curls deep in his chest when he thinks how it'll peek through the collar of your hunter's uniform. “It'll drive away the pests.”
It's not something he'd say on an ordinary day. But restraint slips from his fingers each time you indulge him, and this time is no different.
“Ah, mmh, haa...!”
“Does it feel good when I thrust shallowly like this?” He presses insistently against a spot that has you writhing, clawing at his back. “Or you like being fucked deep?”
He sheathes himself in one go, the sound of his balls smacking against your ass absolutely filthy. Squealing, you cream around him, fresh spurts of slick soaking his cock. “Fuck,” you gasp, grasping at his broad shoulders for purchase.
Caleb grins. “Yeah,” he breathes out, feeling your wetness drip down his thighs, “that's what I thought.” And he does it again.
Plap, plap, plap. The slap of skin on skin continues to ring out, each time wetter than the last. You're trying to bury yourself under the covers, but Caleb certainly doesn't mind the mess. Revels in it, even, watching the glistening slick coat him further.
“Come on, now, don't hide your face,” he coos, picking up the blanket you've taken to hiding your face with. “I want to see you.”
“Mmgh... no way...” your voice is trembling, teary eyes looking up at him in a show of upset. “I'm— ah— making a weird face right now...!”
“No, you're not.” He presses a kiss on your forehead. Your closed eyes. The tip of your nose. “You're so cute. The most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on. So don't try to hide, yeah? Let me see you.”
“Ah, hn, Caleb, that's— !”
“Feels good here?”
“Yes, yes, right there! Ohh...”
Caleb groans, “You just squeezed me so tight.” He licks a stripe up the valley of your breasts, tongue swirling around a nipple, all the while never leaving his eyes on your pleasured expression. When he grinds against a spongy spot, you jolt underneath him, a loud cry of his name spilling from your lips.
So cute so cute so cute, the desperate chant in his mind continues to say, his hips tirelessly driving forward to plunge into your warmth. You sound so sweet, gasping and moaning uncontrollably, crying out for his cock.
“Caleb,” you sob, trying to string together a coherent thought. “Is it just me or, mmph, you became even bigger?”
Caleb laughs, almost apologetic. A peck lands on your jaw. “Sorry, sweetheart. I can't help it.”
You hit your fist on his back. “Help it! I think I'll split into two if there's even just an extra centimeter in me...!”
“Even if you tell me that much...” he hisses through gritted teeth, trying to keep his head clear in spite of your walls spasming against him, hot and wet and so slick he hears every move he makes. “Mm, fuck... You feel too good inside, baby... I've been trying not to cum since we started...”
He buries his face to your neck, breathing in your scent. You shiver, his warm breath tickling your skin, thrusts slowing but hitting deep all the same. “A-are you close, Caleb?”
“I'm doing all I can so I won't be, pips.”
“Well, I...” you swallow, weaving your fingers through his hair. “I don't mind if you... cum first.”
“No.” His hands find your thighs, gripping at the soft flesh to spread your legs wider. Your folds are an enticing color, sucking around his cock, and he has to bite his lip to avoid letting out a pathetic moan. “This night is about you. I want to make you feel good.”
He sits up, and you almost protest when he pulls out, the gaping emptiness nearly leaving you cold. “Wait—”
“Shh,” Caleb leans down, hooking your legs over his broad shoulders. “Leave everything to me.”
He pools saliva at the tip of his tongue, letting it drip down your cunt. He smears it messily around your clit with his thumb, rubbing and prodding, watching your face twist in pleasure with a hooded gaze.
“Caleb, you— haa!”
Whatever you're about to say is interrupted by a scream when Caleb begins to lick, his tongue lapping at your pussy almost hungrily. He swirls it around your little bud, encloses it around with his lips to suck. You begin pulling his hair when he dips his tongue inside your hole, drinking up the juices that overflow and drip down his chin.
Caleb has never looked so disheveled before, sweat dotting his skin and almost looking feverish. He looks drunk between your legs, utterly intoxicated by your taste, lapping up everything he can collect on his tongue. He doesn't mind suffocating like this, his nose buried in your scent, sucking your essence. He certainly doesn't mind it when you start grinding on his face, pulling him even closer, nearly leaving him with no room to breathe. His cock feels close to bursting at the sounds you make alone.
“Ohh, that feels so good, Caleb! Mm...!”
“Shit, you really like this, huh...”
Caleb doubles his efforts, plunging his fingers into your cunt alongside his tongue. He spreads your hole, digs his digits deep, thoroughly pleased when your wetness never stops leaking. It just keeps coming out, soaking his fingers and the bottom half of his face.
“Caleb, I'm close,” you whine as you shake, hips grinding back to his skilled mouth, “I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, cumming—”
You moan high and reedy, back arching as you lose yourself to the pleasure. Yet at the first spurt of cum that lands on his tongue, Caleb quickly sits up and pulls out his fingers.
He pins your legs to the mattress and thrusts back inside in one go, your pussy still spasming from cumming.
“Fuck!” you scream, nails scratching down his back. “Wait, I'm still cumming! I just came!”
Caleb doesn't stop, fucking his cock deeper with each splash of your cum soaking his skin. “You're so fucking tight when you cum, fuuuck...” he hisses, hastening his thrusts, hips having a mind of their own. Everything feels so good that his mind is getting dumbed down from your delicious warmth. “Baby, give me one more, I have to feel you cumming around me.”
He pounds you to the mattress relentlessly, every trace of restraint gone in his body. The only thing in his brain is the single-minded focus of making you cum again, pulling out more sweet noises from your mouth. He delights in each spurt of arousal that comes out when he presses against a good spot, and he knows it's good because you squeeze around him so nicely.
“It feels so good,” you sob to his shoulder. “Caleb, ohh, ahn!”
“Feels good for me too, princess. You're perfect, fuck!” Caleb snaps his hips, almost reaching completion. “I'm gonna cum soon. Where do you want it, princess? Where do you want me to cum?”
You wrap your legs around his waist, causing him to slide even deeper inside you. “Inside! Cum inside!”
He swears under his breath, cock pulsing. His hand travels south to toy with your clit again, rubbing incessantly to make you cum faster. Clear liquid squirts out of your cunt and he fucks you through it sloppy, holding your legs steady while you writhe from the overstimulation.
“I'm going to cum inside you, baby.” With one last thrust, he stills inside your cunt, releasing his cum deep inside. “Ohh, princess, I'm cumming— take every last drop, fuck, shit—”
He crushes you to the mattress, squeezing you in his arms as his cock shoots out strings of cum. “You did so well,” he murmurs, kissing everywhere he can reach. You lean more to his touch, tired yet fulfilled. “Sorry, that was too much, wasn't it? Does your body hurt?”
“I'm fine...” you wince when you feel cum drip out of your cunt at the slightest shift of position. “...Caleb.”
He's still kissing you all over your face, hands cupping your cheeks. “Hm?”
“You're still hard.”
Another kiss on your brow. “Don't mind it, princess. I'll handle it myself.”
“Oh...” you fiddle with the tag on his necklace, gnawing on your lip. “I was going to say I could help out.”
“Caleb? ...Did you just cum a little?”
“No, fuck, just— come here.”
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