worldsofzzt · 1 year
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Source “Rocks Demo” by InsertNameHere (2004) [MINIGAME.ZZT] - “Illusen2” Play This World Online
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skydrynn · 1 year
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More sad vampire OC who really needs a name but I can't think of anything augghghghhhgh
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blorbologist · 2 years
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
Reincarnation au
now I come to mind several mechs/femmes, on both sides, in personalized nests with their bitlets
Aw yeah, that's cute. No two nests are the same but they're all perfect for the babies and their respective Mamas
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
So I don’t know if you already know this, but you have a big following, so maybe you could help spread the word.
There’s a scam going around ao3, trying to trick writers into agreeing to predatory contracts. It’s usually a guest making a comment that looks something like this:
“Hi insertnamehere, I just wanted to let you know that your work displays impressive literary skill. Our community has many people who believe in the power of great storytelling to drive significant change in the world. Please feel welcome to engage with us further through our discord group - the invitation code is 6VVWRBZX9W.”
That’s the actual invite code that the scammers are using. Of course there are others, but this is the one I’m seeing the most of.
There are always such scams and there always will be. In the 90s, it was offline vanity publishing. Now, it's usually shitty websites with exclusive contracts worse than Amazon's.
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khruschevshoe · 9 months
It's kinda weird to me that there are some people that insist that their interpretation of a character MUST BE CANON and that all other interpretations ARE JUST FANON AND COMPLETELY WRONG. Like, I love interpretation and analysis and I consider most interpretations based on textual evidence completely valid interpretations of canon, but you cannot tell me that any one interpretation is the Holy Grail of Canon, and it's really strange to me that people will go on and on about how they view [insert character here] is completely Canon, no matter what, and that everyone else is just deluding themselves to the point where they name their blog "canon[InsertNameHere]" and spend their time making fun of other people's interpretations and insist that the writers of the show were wrong to take a character in a certain direction and that character development isn't a thing like...the whole point of fandom is that everyone is engaging with a certain degree of fanon/canon mix in their interpretations. No one is special. I'm not special. You’re not special. Like, did you forget the point of fandom is that we're all just forming our own takes/fanon/interpretations in conversation with the original canon, not supplanting it in any way?
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batakrim · 1 year
I did some scribbling for my farmer oc Min before. I'm not used to drawing him (or even Harvey) so their faces might be inconsistent for now
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Meet Min Insertnamehere, my Sims oc for not so berry challenge but I convert him into regular oc and decided to make him a farmer in SDV. Pretty chill and laid-back most of the time, loves biology and anything related to plants.
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A very self indulgent oc, and I'm embarrassed to admit it, sorry
Also here's Harvey!
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isaactwo · 3 months
helkloi there fellow ADMINERROR101_filename{ISAAC}notfound My [INSERTNAMEHERE]is IGNEOUS i am v3ry new 2 this {MAPCODENOTFOUND}and i would LIKE to mee2 all the other ADMINERROR101 'ssssssss -Logging[OFF] IGNEOUS#2468910🌋 [ERRORCODE 01001000 01100001 01110110 00110011 00100000 01111001 00110000 01110101 00100000 01110011 00110011 00110011 01101110 00100000 01101101 00110011 00111111 ACTIVATED]
why can't I have a normal day- I mean hello Igneous!
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awesomeredhds02 · 1 year
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🔥in love with this hair set @insertnamehere #anzeigewegenmarkierung #advertising
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dropoutconfessions · 9 days
btw for tagging stuff people on fictional media confession blogs tend to tag like this from what i’ve seen character:(insertnamehere)
ex: #character: kermit the frog
so you could tag player:(insertplayerhere) or show:(insertshownamehere)
keeps it out of main tags if people complain but still keeps it organized
i mean i appreciate that you're trying to help, but you're still missing the point i don't tag things for organization for my blog, that's really just a nice side effect, i tag is for blocking purposes
when i try to avoid spoilers for a d20 season, i block the name of the season and each of the primary character's tags
i don't block "show: misfits and magic chapter 2" or "anti saccharina frostwhip" or whatever alternate tag people say i should tag things with, and i doubt most other people trying to avoid spoilers or a certain show do either
so if i don't use the normal tags everyone else is using, this blog basically becomes a spoiler or CW minefield
i have however, given 3 different ways to solve those complaints
block the tag "#anti [insert thing you don't like seeing negative posts on]", block the the tag "# negative dropout confession", or just block the blog outright
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worldsofzzt · 1 year
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Source “Rocks Demo v0.41” by InsertNameHere (2004) [ROCKS.ZZT] - “EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!” Play This World Online
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skydrynn · 1 year
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Treasure is actually taller than Sad Vampire OC (tm) but Treasure spends most of their first encounter on the ground so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wc-confessions · 1 year
Hi! I’m working on a rewrite, and I’m trying to change some things in the clan structure to make it less appropriative of indigenous cultures. Going off that helpful Twitter thread that was posted a while back, cats’ names are given at birth, so for example Spottedleaf would already have her full name as a kit. In addition, leaders go by Star Insertnamehere, so an example would be Star Bluefur, with Star being a title. Medicine cats are referred to as menders.
I was thinking of keeping the word Clan in the clan names, but that’s all I have for now. If there’s any other changes that would be good, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
hi anon! i hope you are well, and that you're having fun with your rewrite! i wanna apologize for not getting to this sooner, as i've been very busy this past month, but i think those changes so far sound good! i especially like using star as a title - i think that'd be a really fun way to have leaders marked!
clan should be fine to use, as it's used in a variety of different cultures! but if you'd really like to expand outside of the word, there are lots of synonyms that you can use as a replacement (i would just use a thesaurus for this)! the only thing i'd say, really, is to try and stay away from the usage of "tribe," especially if it relates to the mountain cats, but other than that i think what you have so far is good! thank you for putting in the effort!
-mod ashensky
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papermonkeyism · 2 years
Just making notes for myself, ignore this
So the one shot I'm making the tabaxi for is set in a homebrew setting that doesn't have animal people races, but you can still play one, so I'm making a custom background for them. (it's a "Westmarches style game" or something, I'm told)
InsertNameHere is the result of a wizard experimenting with Find Familiar, and is basically a boosted version of one. The wizard wanted more permanent help that came with hands and enough intelligence to handle housekeeping work, so that he didn't need to budget for salaries for actual servants or housekeepers.
The wizard is now deceased, under mysterious circumstances. When asked (name) refuses to comment about the incident. (though, one might hear them mumble something about someone looking through one's eyes without warning or permission one time too many)
After being released from the familiar pact (name) is now free to wander around aimlessly, just experiencing life. At some point they got kinda adopted by a wandering monk who found them quite interesting, and ended up teaching them some martial arts skills just to see how it took. And, well, when your hands are already basically knives
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saltminerising · 2 years
On the topic of big lairs forgetting dragons. I often forget mine. I will have someone comment on my page like "<InsertNameHere> was on the front page! Beautiful!!" And I'm like to myself "who tf is that"
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trucbiduleschouettes · 10 months
My main tags and their explanations:
-Truc Draws (all of my drawings/sketches/doodles)
-Truc Animates (all my GIFs/animatics)
-Truc Writes (very rare case of things I've written)
-Truc Asks (for my poll posts)
-Truc Answers (for when I answer messages)
-My OC / My OCs (self explainatory)
-Friend's OC / Friends' OCs (self explainatory)
-sketch / doodles (low effort art I do + session doodles)
-OC: Insertnamehere (tag specific to the named oc)
-Noluna (posts related to the campaign where I played Niquis)
-Thalassa (posts related to the campaign where I play Apoleia)
-Panadu (posts related to the campaign where I played Katellig and will soon play Nobody's Business)
-Rinaig (posts related to the campaign where I play Nyanda)
-Sword Seekers (posts related to my mini campaign)
-MoA (posts related to my homebrew setting/campaigns connected together)
-Art I like / Art I love / Art I adore / Art I fucking adore /all the variant of that (art from other artists that I enjoy)
-clothes ref / inspiration (self explainatory)
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