csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
The Darling Affair (18+/18+)
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Summary:  Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Rated:  T, for violence, kidnapping, some dark themes
Art credit/link: The totally awesome @shady-swan-jones took on the story and made some fabulous art for it.  You can see the art here.
Beta and cheerleader: @delightfully-difficult-pirate and @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable, thanks so much for all of your help and cajoling and reassuring!
(tagging @lenfaz, @xhookswenchx, @bleebug, @kiwistreetswan, @swanspiraterum, @swanslovestruck, @killian-whump, @timeless-love-story, @katie-dub, @ss-captainswan, and @woofiefangirl so they see the FINAL chapter is up!)
Word count:  ~3,900 (90K Total in 18 chapters, plus an epilogue that I never intended to add - longer than Chamber of Secrets now)
From the beginning: AO3 / FFN (current chapter: ao3 / ffn) Tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen
She shouldn’t be here.
They were home now, back in Boston, and things were supposed to go back to normal.  Emma had plenty of things to do in order to accomplish that.  She needed to settle back into her life.  She still needed to find a new place to stay, to deal with the insurance claim on her destroyed apartment - and thank David for getting the ball rolling on that - before the adjuster wrote her off as a lost cause, she needed to salvage what was left of her sparse belongings, and she needed to beg and plead for her boss to understand why she’d been gone for so long.  She needed to get back into a schedule that didn’t include running cell phone traces and cleaning weapons and chasing down evil men.
Instead, it was 2AM and Emma was pacing up and down the stairs to the Jones’ brownstone.
She shouldn’t be here.
She should go back to Mary Margaret’s, curl up on the bed in the spare room, and try to sleep.  But it had been three long nights of tossing and turning on the too-small, too-empty bed without more than an hour or so of exhausted stupor before her alarm clock went off and the chipper sounds of the house waking for the day dragged her towards the promise of coffee.  
So when the clock numbers trudged past 1AM and Emma was no closer to getting any real rest despite the Tylenol PM she had snatched from the medicine cabinet, she knew where she had to go.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
The Darling Affair (17/18)
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Summary:  Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Rated:  T, for violence, kidnapping, some dark themes
Art credit/link: The totally awesome @shady-swan-jones took on the story and made some fabulous art for it.  You can see the art here.
Beta and cheerleader: @delightfully-difficult-pirate and @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable, thanks so much for all of your help and cajoling and reassuring!
(tagging @lenfaz, @xhookswenchx, @bleebug, @kiwistreetswan, @swanspiraterum, @swanslovestruck, @killian-whump, @timeless-love-story, @katie-dub, @ss-captainswan, and @woofiefangirl so they see the chapter is up!)
To whomever nominated this story for the Captain Swan Fanfic Awards, thank you so much!  It means more than you could know.  Everyone should go check out all the categories and vote for your favorites - there are so many awesome stories, artists, and authors!
Word count:  ~5,200 (85K Total in 18 chapters - longer than Chamber of Secrets now)
From the beginning: AO3 / FFN (current chapter: ao3 / ffn) Tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen
Chapter 17: Changing of the Guard
Liam was exactly as self-righteous as Emma remembered.  
He and two other agents had stormed into the hotel room, pushing past her and sending Michael scurrying for a closet.  Seeing her boy so frightened turned Emma’s stomach – it would be some time before he regained the cocky mask he’d worn in her office just a few weeks before.  She shot Liam a dirty look before following Michael, coaxing him back out and explaining who had just barreled in on them.
“Don’t you worry about him.  He’s just a mean old bast… bear and he doesn’t know when to stop being a jerk.”  Emma directed the last part of her explanation towards the agent booting up Killian’s laptop.
Liam raised his head and glared back at her, but continued typing with no comment.  Michael curled into Emma and she turned her focus solely on him.  She was torn.  It wasn’t right to keep him here, in danger, for any longer than necessary.  But she also wasn’t willing to let him out of her sight so soon after getting him back.
And she refused to leave Killian behind.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
A Crown and A Captain: Into the Fire
Killian is the prince of the small kingdom of Balliolshire and he has been tasked with finding and stopping the pirate captain that has been wreaking havoc on the seas. He’s unprepared for the challenges Captain Swan will present. A CS royal Killian/pirate Emma AU. 
Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19
ff.net, AO3
Killian was back, not exactly where everything had started, but where he felt everything had been set in motion, even if he hadn’t known it at the time.  Misthaven’s port looked exactly the same as it had the year before.  The same merchants peddling their wares, the same taverns each serving what they claimed was the best stew or ale to be found, the same people moving about their lives blissfully unaware that their Queen was far worse than they already suspected her to be.
“Can I get you another drink, sir?  Or perhaps something else to whet your appetite?” The barmaid leaned over the table, batting her eyelashes at him as she used her arms to push her breasts together suggestively.
“Just the rum will do,” he answered shortly.
“Well, let me know if anything changes,” she said with a coquettish smile as she stood, grabbing his empty mug and sauntering back to the bar.
When she returned with his rum she tried to catch his attention once more but he sent her off with nothing more than a grunt of thanks and the instruction to keep his mug from emptying.  Killian scanned the faces in the room with a scowl on his face.  Since his arrival early that morning he hadn’t dared to venture further than to the tavern he was currently ensconced in.  He saw no point in taking even more unwarranted risks than he already was.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
The Darling Affair (16/18)
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Summary:  Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Rated:  T, for violence, kidnapping, some dark themes
Art credit/link: The totally awesome @shady-swan-jones took on the story and made some fabulous art for it.  You can see the art here.
Beta and cheerleader: @delightfully-difficult-pirate and @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable, thanks so much for all of your help and cajoling and reassuring!
(tagging @lenfaz, @xhookswenchx, @bleebug, @kiwistreetswan, @swanspiraterum, @swanslovestruck, @killian-whump (the chapter you’ve been waiting for, I’m sure!), @timeless-love-story, @katie-dub and @woofiefangirl so they see the chapter is up!)
To whomever nominated this story for the Captain Swan Fanfic Awards, thank you so much!  It means more than you could know.  Everyone should go check out all the categories and vote for your favorites - there are so many awesome stories, artists, and authors!
Word count:  ~5,200 (85K Total in 18 chapters)
From the beginning: AO3 / FFN (current chapter: ao3 / ffn) Tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen
Chapter 16: Rumplestiltskin’s Deal
The first thing Killian became aware of was the pins and needles sensation assaulting his hands, his circulation being cut off by coarse ropes.  The partial numbness was a small annoyance in the grand scheme of things, but it was currently the most pressing thing that filtered through as the haze of unconsciousness started to fade.  His head made its protests known then, a dull and persistent throbbing that seemed to ebb and flow in intensity with each breath.  Killian wanted to reach up and anchor the heels of his hands against his temples, but the pull of muscles in his shoulders when he tried to move his arms stopped him.
His hands were tied – how could he have forgotten that?
Nausea rolled through him next, stealing his breath and forcing him to press his head harder against the cold floor in effort to ground himself through the dizziness.  Killian wasn’t sure when he noticed that the room was spinning around him – what with his eyes still clenched shut against the throbbing in his head - but the room tilted drastically each time he tried opening his eyes.  The muscles in his cheek twitched as he ground his teeth together, his tongue pressed hard against the roof of his mouth.  The mere thought of throwing up the meager contents of his stomach – when had he last eaten, exactly? – made Killian shudder.  Vomiting would hurt, and he wasn’t sure he could manage that on top of everything else.
But what was everything else?
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
Souvenirs (A CS AU) Part 14/14
A Modern CS AU where Emma has grown up in Maine her whole life and runs a store with Ruby and MM. Killian Jones is the new guy in town, who just bought the local bar. Only Emma and Killian have met before and now she can’t help but wonder if their past has influenced his plans for the future. Includes tons of fluff and a happily ever after. Rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven,Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen. Also on FF Here.
A/N: This epilogue is my best attempt to close out ‘Souvenirs’ in the fluffy, happy way I’ve always intended. Expect CS babies, smuff, and more fun friend interactions. Just want to thank you all so much for reading and the continued support, and I hope you enjoy!
Eighteen Months Later
The funny thing about trying to sleep as new parents was that it always came in waves. Some nights, it came swiftly, with Emma and Killian giving in to slumber as soon as their head hit the pillow. But others, like tonight, the fight was harder. Exhaustion wasn’t enough of an inducement for their minds to shut off, so what could have taken seconds took far longer. Then, when a thready cry came through the baby monitor, it felt like they’d never been asleep at all.
Emma groaned slightly as she stretched to get out of bed, but Killian was lightening fast, already at the door and only holding himself back to be with Emma. He was like super dad, always ready, never seeming like he couldn’t handle the terrible sleep or the spit up everywhere. He was all positivity all the time, and while that could have in theory gotten annoying, it was truly a godsend. Killian was her center in everything, especially in this. He kept Emma grounded, and reminded her that these less than stellar moments were just ensuring that they could have the many good ones.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
A Crown and A Captain: The Greater Good
Killian is the prince of the small kingdom of Balliolshire and he has been tasked with finding and stopping the pirate captain that has been wreaking havoc on the seas. He’s unprepared for the challenges Captain Swan will present. A CS royal Killian/pirate Emma AU.
Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18
ff.net, AO3
“You believe her when she says she knows nothing?”
“She’s been in that tower for sixteen years.  From what we’ve seen I doubt Zelena was in a sharing mood, of any kind.”
“Her magic?”
“The cuff on her wrist stops it somehow.  We’re keeping it on for now.”
“For now? So you’re beginning to trust her?”
“No.  I don’t know.”
“The Huntsman?”
“Still alive.  He’s being kept on the second floor, away from Regina, and only has contact with Red.”
“Is he talking?”
“No, but we don’t expect him to.  Zelena is keeping him alive for some reason and we need to figure out why.”
Killian tuned out the rest of Emma and Granny’s conversation.  The old woman had shown up at the palace that morning with twenty men and women in tow.  After enthusiastic greetings were exchanged they had sent most of the people to the kitchens below.  A select few joined them in a large room that Emma had protected and fortified with her magic to strategize against Zelena.  None of it mattered to Killian: not the taking of the palace, their prisoners, Granny’s arrival, not when Thompson’s killer remained unpunished.
A week had passed since Thompson’s death.  They had defeated the guards handily, imprisoning them and the few servants that had served the palace.  Thompson wasn’t the only one they had lost that night but for Killian he was the only one that mattered.  After they had buried the dead the next morning he had been ready to mount a horse and go after Zelena immediately.  Only Emma’s pleading and her cooler head had been able to convince him to wait until they knew more and had a better plan than storming up to Zelena’s gate with nothing but a sword.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
Born in Pain (15/20?)
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Summary: District Nurse and midwife Emma Swan has her priorities sorted out: babies first, friends second, and men… somewhere further down the list. That is until she meets Killian Jones and his son Liam who have a way of worming their way into her heart
A/N: OKAY SO I know that it has been approximately 87 years since I’ve updated this fic and honestly, I have no excuse beyond an uncooperative muse and things in my personal life blowing up in my face. I was uninspired and low key depressed and just not in a good place. I’m so so sorry that I haven’t been updating or writing and that I left y'all hanging but I promise I never once thought about completely abandoning this fic. I just had to set it on the backburner for a bit but I’m back now! I can’t promise regular weekly or bi-weekly updates but you all have my word that this fic will be completed at some point. 
Also huge shout outs to @shipsxahoy for the beautiful banner!
Word Count: ~4.5K/ Rated D for Daddy Issues
Ch.14/ AO3/ FF.net
“So let me get this straight, you think that my son is the long lost baby you gave up because they have the same birthday and you to quote ‘just know’? Miss Swan, I’m sorry but this sounds incredibly far-fetched,” Regina said as she, Emma, and Killian sat in her study.
“Believe me I know, but I just I know it in my bones that Henry is the same baby that I gave up all those years ago,” Emma said.
“Exactly you gave him up, so you do not get to waltz into our lives and expect to be his mother. I am his mother Miss Swan,” Regina glared at her.
“Regina that’s not what she’s asking,” Killian squeezed Emma’s hand comfortingly.
“I just want a chance to meet him, just so he knows who I am. And if all goes well I would like to get to know him.”
“Well that’s all good and noble but you are forgetting one thing, Miss Swan,” Regina cleared her throat, “You have no proof that my Henry is your son, now I’m very moved by your story but as his mother I cannot trust the safety of my son in a complete stranger with a sad story.”
“You saw me,” Emma said tears forming in her eyes, “That day that you picked him up, you saw me running after your car. You were in a black car and he was wrapped in a yellow blanket and I know that you saw me.”
Regina looked stunned, her mouth hanging open slightly. “That was you?”
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
The Darling Affair (15/18)
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Summary:  Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Rated:  T, for violence, kidnapping, some dark themes
Art credit/link: The totally awesome @shady-swan-jones took on the story and made some fabulous art for it.  You can see the art here.
Beta and cheerleader: @delightfully-difficult-pirate and @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable, thanks so much for all of your help and cajoling and reassuring!
(tagging @lenfaz, @xhookswenchx, @bleebug, @kiwistreetswan, @swanspiraterum, @swanslovestruck, @killian-whump, @timeless-love-story, @katie-dub and @woofiefangirl so they see the chapter is up!)
To whomever nominated this story for the Captain Swan Fanfic Awards, thank you so much!  It means more than you could know.  Everyone should go check out all the categories and vote for your favorites - there are so many awesome stories, artists, and authors!
Word count:  ~5,200 (84K Total in 18 chapters)
From the beginning: AO3 / FFN (current chapter: ao3 / ffn) Tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen
Chapter 15: Promises and Negotiations
“I don’t expect you to understand, Liam, but we’re going to Chicago.”  Killian sighed as his brother continued berating him.  He and Emma were already in the car, so the argument was moot.  Killian was reclined slightly in the passenger’s seat in the only capitulation he would make to the gunshot wound he was trying to ignore.  It had been a long conversation with Liam already, everything from pulling them from the mission completely to sending Locksley and crew as a blanket clean-up of the whole mess.  And now his brother was asking for a sit-rep on where the intelligence for the move to Chicago had come from.  
To say that Liam’s language got colorful at that point would be an understatement.
Emma turned up the radio to drown out the droning coming through the satellite phone, and Killian smirked at her.  Captain Liam Jones was above him in the chain of command, yes, but right now he wasn’t playing the part of commanding officer; he was playing the part of overbearing older brother.
And Killian was no longer eight years old being dressed down in the kitchen after another fight in the schoolyard.
When Liam finally came around to the realization that he did trust Killian’s judgment regardless of how he’d made his decisions and Liam had given him free reign over the mission once again, the phone conversation became much smoother.  Supplies were requisitioned and living arrangements were solidified.  It took them over an hour on the phone, but Killian was confident that everything would be ready in Chicago.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
A Crown and A Captain: Lost and Found
Killian is the prince of the small kingdom of Balliolshire and he has been tasked with finding and stopping the pirate captain that has been wreaking havoc on the seas. He’s unprepared for the challenges Captain Swan will present. A CS royal Killian/pirate Emma AU.
Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17
ff.net, AO3
The hidden gate Will had brought them through had put them closer to the north west corner of the back side of the palace.  There was nothing in the courtyard they found themselves in that they could use for cover as they moved east; no gardens, no artfully shaped hedges in the courtyard, or even any tinkling fountains breaking the stillness of the night.  They scanned the palace to find a way in as they kept close to the outer wall keeping out of sight.  Killian waited on edge for the sounds of arrows flying through the air or swords being drawn as they moved quickly but he could hear nothing aside from their footfalls and harsh breathing.
The palace was infinitely more foreboding than it had appeared from their lookout point in the woods.  Sharp spires jutted out into the sky tapering to points that served no purpose but to enhance the unwelcome nature of its former inhabitant.  It was large, far larger than a banished Queen had any right to and Killian begrudgingly commended Robin under his breath for splitting them up.  A sudden thought occurred to him and he nearly stopped in his tracks at the implication.  The number of guards they suspected to be there were far too few for a palace of that size.
“There,” Little John whispered pointing towards the palace with his quarterstaff, breaking apart Killian’s thoughts. “The servant’s entrance should be right about there.”
Killian saw Red sniffing in the direction Little John was pointing and looked for himself.  There was no lantern lit, as there was beside the servant’s entrance at his own castle, but he could just make out the shape of the door in the moonlight.
“Does she keep a lot of servants?” Emma asked, also squinting at the door.
“We don’t know anymore,” Little John answered unhelpfully. “We keep away from the village that’s near here for obvious reasons.  According to Will who heard it from Belle she only saw guards the entire time she was kept here.”
“Efficient,” Killian said sardonically.  He couldn’t shake the feeling that they were far more outnumbered than originally thought, “Perhaps she enchanted the kitchen wares to do the cooking and the furniture to keep the innumerable halls tidy.  There are servants, we’ll just have to be lenient when we come across them.”
Suddenly Red shot out from their position at the wall and streaked across the courtyard.  Before any of them could do more than gasp she lept to the left of the door where Killian heard a startled yell that was cut off almost as soon as he heard it.  Red dragged something out into the courtyard and with a shake of her head ripped out the throat of a guard who’s concealment, clearly a spell of the Queen’s, appeared to have ended the moment he died.  With blood dripping from her muzzle Red paced in front of the door before sitting on her haunches and looking back at them.
“I believe that’s a sign that all is clear,” Killian croaked.
“I’m glad she’s on our side,” Little John said, sounding no better.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
Souvenirs (A CS AU) Part 13/14
A Modern CS AU where Emma has grown up in Maine her whole life and runs a store with Ruby and MM. Killian Jones is the new guy in town, who just bought the local bar. Only Emma and Killian have met before and now she can’t help but wonder if their past has influenced his plans for the future. Includes tons of fluff and a happily ever after. Rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven,Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve
A/N: Okay, here we are, another day, another Captain Swan wedding! This variation of the nuptials has the same spirit as all of my other wedding chapters – lots of fluff, smut, and cute friendship moments. I also managed to incorporate some elements of the title choice that I’ve had in my mind throughout writing this that I hope you guys like. Thanks as always for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
The sun today was perfect - the way it hung in the sky, the way the warmth was still tangible but not oppressive, the way the light lent a bit more beauty to the world around her. Emma shouldn’t have been surprised, of course it would be a lovely day because today was the day she was marrying Killian. And yet, the forecast could have called for torrential down pours and she’d still have found the beauty in it.
“Emma, have you even moved in the past few hours?” Mary Margaret’s call from the ground floor of the lighthouse pulled Emma from her musings, and tore her gaze from where it was fixed on the ocean.
“No. Figured I’d get enough of that –“ she looked at her watch “in two hours or so.”
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
A Crown and A Captain: Storming the Palace
Killian is the prince of the small kingdom of Balliolshire and he has been tasked with finding and stopping the pirate captain that has been wreaking havoc on the seas. He’s unprepared for the challenges Captain Swan will present. A CS royal Killian/pirate Emma AU. 
Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16
ff.net, AO3
“Oh good, Jones, you’re awake!”
Killian rolled his eyes as Roland joined him at the fire.  It was his watch so Roland’s surprise was all show.  He had wondered if one of Robin’s men would question him one final time before they snuck into the Queen’s palace the next night.  Although, it was Will he had expected to be convincing not Roland who had been wholeheartedly backing their decisions the whole time.
They were camped within sight of the palace, a thick strand of trees and underbrush was keeping them well hidden from roving eyes.  Nearly everyone had turned in as soon as darkness had fallen, their exhaustion getting the best of them.  Emma had set a brutal pace and they had reached their destination the day before over the course of five long, hard days which was two days earlier than the seven that Robin had warned them it would take.
He stoked the low burning fire while he waited for Roland to say his piece.  As the quiet continued, however, he found his mind drifting back to what had consumed his thoughts before he was interrupted.
Emma had been true to her word and had roused their tent an hour before dawn the day after they had learned of the Queen’s prisoner.  The sun’s rays had barely peaked above the horizon when they had emerged from the ravine that hid Robin’s camp.  They had nearly left one of the dwarves behind in Emma’s determination to begin their journey.
Their first day of travel had been congenial despite the underlying tension that had run through them all.  They had split into smaller groups as they had walked.  Emma and Pinocchio had spent the time catching up with Red and their former crew while Robin and his men had talked in low murmurs amongst themselves.  Killian and Thompson had walked side by side, outsiders to both groups, but their conversation had been stilted and awkward and they had given up the pretense after an hour.
When they had stopped to make camp that night there had still been a modicum of good cheer.  One of Robin’s men was an accomplished storyteller and had them hanging on his every word as they had sat around that night’s fire, passing a flask or two amongst them.  It had been a pleasant way to pass the time, marred only by Killian noticing that Emma had only been pretending to enjoy herself as well.  When she had thought no one was watching her features had shifted between worry and ferocity like quicksilver.
After they had settled down that night he had lain awake for hours, his thoughts chasing themselves around his mind keeping sleep at bay.  He had been about to relieve whoever had been on watch, to at least make use of his insomnia, when Emma had approached him with her blankets in hand.  She hadn’t said a word, merely settled herself beside him, burying her face in his chest when he had wrapped his arms around her.  They hadn’t mentioned anything about it the next morning when they woke but she had joined him again as soon as they had bedded down that night.  She had slept in his arms every night since all while he felt as if he hadn’t slept a wink.
Roland shifted beside him, sighing dramatically.  Whatever he wanted to talk about Killian was in no mood to hear.  His temper was short and his patience was even shorter.
“It’s too soon, you know,” Roland finally said after another ten minutes of his restless silence.
“Shouldn’t our early arrival be a positive thing?  We’ll be better prepared when the time comes,” Killian said shortly, jabbing the stick he was using to stir the fire into a glowing log causing sparks to spit into the air.
He had gone with Emma and Will early that morning to scout the perimeter of the palace.  The barred carriage that Roland had mentioned had been sitting in the courtyard, unguarded and not ready in the slightest to be used.  Will had shown them the hidden gate they would use to sneak into the palace.  When Killian had questioned his knowledge Will had stunned them with the tale of how he had snuck in nearly twelve years before for gold and jewels and had ended up freeing Belle instead.  Their marriage had come several years later.
Emma had insisted on watching the palace for the remainder of the day and he had stayed by her side.  Others had joined them from time to time: Red to tell them that she somehow knew there were only eighteen bodies inside but there could be more, Robin to try and persuade them to wait another day or two to try to get the guards’ schedule down precisely, Pinocchio tried convince her to wait as well but more for Emma to take a step back and to make a better plan than rushing in and hoping they made it back out with one more person added to their numbers instead of the other way around.  Killian had watched them all walk back to the camp, their shoulders hanging a little lower, leaving Emma with a scowl that became a bit more pronounced and his itch to stop their plan from proceeding but he had made a promise and he intended to keep it for better or for worse.
“I’m not talking about taking the palace,” Roland dismissed with a wave of his hand. “The prophecy, it’s too soon.”
Killian took a deep breath to quell the rage that suddenly consumed him.  He let it out slowly through his nose as he tipped his head back to the sky and counted stars, even as they blurred above him.
“You and that bloody prophecy,” Killian ground out as he dropped his head back down to look at Roland. “You are more concerned with the whispers of dreamers than the reality of what we’re facing.  We could die tomorrow, you know that right?  Does your certainty about fate extend to whether or not we’ll succeed and all make it out unscathed?  If not I have nothing more to discuss with you.”
“I’m no fool, I know we could die tomorrow but we could also succeed and we need to have a plan for that.  If the prophecy is true then a year is a long time to wage a war against Regina and-”
Killian stood abruptly, hurling the stick in his hand into the fire causing a shower of sparks to fly into the night air, “I will not sit here and listen to your childish fantasies.  If you’re so inclined to be awake to dwell on them then you can take over the watch.”
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
Born in Pain, Followed by Joy (14/20?)
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Summary: District Nurse and midwife Emma Swan has her priorities sorted out: babies first, friends second, and men… somewhere further down the list. That is until she meets Killian Jones and his son Liam who have a way of worming their way into her heart
A/N: Hugs and kisses as always to my beta @holdmecloseandfast and to @shipsxahoy for making this kick ass banner! I’m also super happy to say that Born in Pain has been nominated for 3 awards in the @csfanficawards!!! Thank you so much to everyone who nominated me!! I’m up forBest AU (Modern Setting) WIP, Best Plot WIP, AND Best WIP (-50K). Voting starts tomorrow Nov. 19th, so be sure to get out and vote!
Word Count: ~2K/ Rated: PS for possible squick warning (in depth description of birth)
Ch. 13/ AO3/ ff.net
“Oh my god,” Belle’s face went stark white so quickly that Ruby was scared that she was going to pass out. “We’ve been found out, we’re going to be thrown out,” Belle whispered, her voice thin and shrill.
“Belle calm down, we don’t know for sure what’s going to happen-” Ruby tried to sooth but she was just as scared as Belle was.
“Calm down? You’re telling me to calm down when we have been found out? We live in a convent for fuck’s sake Ruby, what we have is forbidden here. If word gets out to the community? We’ll be run out of town,” new tears pricked at Belle’s eyes. Ruby reached up to wipe the tears from Belle’s eyes but Belle recoiled from her touch.
“Belle…” Ruby whispered she could feel her heart breaking.
“Let’s face it, Ruby, ever since we have gotten together we’ve hit roadblock after roadblock. Is this all we can have together? Staying hidden and in the shadows constantly looking over our shoulders for fear that we might be found out?”
“Belle what are you saying?” Ruby asked, tears welling in her eyes.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
The Darling Affair (14/18)
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Summary:  Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Rated:  T, for violence, kidnapping, some dark themes
Art credit/link: The totally awesome @shady-swan-jones took on the story and made some fabulous art for it.  You can see the art here.
Beta and cheerleader: @delightfully-difficult-pirate and @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable, thanks so much for all of your help and cajoling and reassuring!
(tagging @lenfaz, @xhookswenchx, @bleebug, @kiwistreetswan, @swanspiraterum​, @swanslovestruck​, @killian-whump, @timeless-love-story, @katie-dub and @woofiefangirl so they see the chapter is up!)
To whomever nominated this story for the Captain Swan Fanfic Awards, thank you so much!  It means more than you could know.  Everyone should go check out all the categories and vote for your favorites - there are so many awesome stories, artists, and authors!
Word count:  ~5,100 (84K Total in 18 chapters)
From the beginning: AO3 / FFN (current chapter: ao3 / ffn) Tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen
Chapter 14: Sutures without Anesthetic
Emma stormed down the stairs, too angry to wait for the elevator.  How dare he throw Michael’s life into whatever that argument had even been about?  Given a few moments to collect herself, she knew better than to take it at face value – Killian had been lying through his teeth most of the time he’d had his mouth moving.  But it didn’t make the words hurt any less – didn’t make her doubt herself any less.  Killian was right, to an extent.  Emma knew that.  She was out of her element in this world of guns and satellite phones, of mystery and intrigue.  But that didn’t mean Killian could talk down to her like he did.  His pain was no excuse for his callous attitude.
For the hurtful words he threw at her.
Emma flopped down in one of the chairs in the lounge, throwing the satellite phone down on the table in front of her.  She had no intention of giving up on Michael, but if Killian didn’t want her there, she was just going to have to find another way to track the boy down.  Contrary to what the idiot upstairs thought, Killian’s first priority would always be the bigger picture.  She understood that.  Gold was dangerous, he needed to be stopped.  At all costs.
But Michael couldn’t afford that – Emma wouldn’t let him become an acceptable loss.
The buzzing of the phone on the table interrupted her thoughts and Emma stabbed at the buttons until it was quiet.
Almost immediately, her duffel bag started buzzing.
Emma kicked at it viciously, realizing the rashness of that move only after her foot connected – her gun was wrapped in a shirt in the main compartment.  
But at least the phone stopped vibrating.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
Souvenirs (A CS AU) Part 12/14
A Modern CS AU where Emma has grown up in Maine her whole life and runs a store with Ruby and MM. Killian Jones is the new guy in town, who just bought the local bar. Only Emma and Killian have met before and now she can’t help but wonder if their past has influenced his plans for the future. Includes tons of fluff and a happily ever after. Rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven,Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven
A/N: Hey all! In this chapter Emma and Ruby go to an interview on a nationally broadcasted style show to promote the line. The show ends up prompting some things when Emma gets back and an important conversation is had between her and Killian. AKA there’s a lot of fluff and cuteness and zero angst ever. Hope you all enjoy!
“Is this real life?” Emma mused out loud in the face of the beautiful set, a live audience, and the numerous cameras covering the stage she stood in the wings of.
Emma couldn’t understand how she’d gotten here, yet she and Ruby were waiting now to be on American Styling. The hosts were doing a segment on her line and Emma was about to be broadcast nationally to talk about her life’s work. Because really, that was what the line was - it was everything Emma had been working towards artistically and professionally come to life.
“Want me to pinch you to see?” Ruby’s joke fell a little flat, and Emma noticed that her friend who was usually the picture of confidence seemed a little uneasy too. Emma grabbed her hand and squeezed.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
A Crown and A Captain: Change of Plans
Killian is the prince of the small kingdom of Balliolshire and he has been tasked with finding and stopping the pirate captain that has been wreaking havoc on the seas. He’s unprepared for the challenges Captain Swan will present. A CS royal Killian/pirate Emma AU.
Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15
ff.net, AO3
Killian was sitting in the tent he shared with Emma and others, a book open in his lap that he had given up trying to read, staring unseeing at the words on the page.  Robin had been true to his word, not requiring a thing of them but to make themselves feel at home.  For the first few days he, Emma, and Pinocchio had stayed together to explore what they’d soon discovered was a small village made of tents.  As the days continued to pass they began going about alone, finding ways to fill their time with hobbies that suited them individually.
The people of the camp were communal about food and necessities.  Each person had a job to perform and did so gladly but it made it hard for Killian to find something to occupy his time.  Pinocchio had joined the woodworkers, men and women who made bows and arrows, kept the camp fully stocked with firewood, and crafted trinkets and knick knacks to be sold at various markets by family members still living in the villages.  Emma returned to their tent every night with new stories of the people she had met throughout the day and their reasons for living as they did.  She seemed determined to meet everyone.  Killian had to remind himself that they were her subjects and she was eagerly getting to know her kingdom again.
He hadn’t seen much of Thompson since they’d arrived.  His cot was empty when Killian woke in the morning and if he returned to their tent at night it was long after they had fallen asleep.  The only time Killian had seen him regularly was at the evening meal sitting by himself at one of the side tables.  Thompson was always finished by the time Killian had his own plate piled high with food and looking for a place to sit.  He pretended that the deliberate avoidance didn’t sting.
His own time had been divided between shadowing Robin, telling his fabricated tale to others who might be sympathetic and thus could be easily swayed to his side, and wandering aimlessly through the camp when Robin and his men left for unknown reasons.  They had left the previous morning on the fifth such excursion in the three weeks since Robin had brought them to his camp.  When Killian had requested to join them Robin had refused without even attempting at giving an excuse to placate him.  He was curious as to where they went but not enough to risk upsetting their host by following them.
On one of his aimless wanderings through the camp he had been pleased to stumble upon a woman who had once been a teacher and the cache of books she’d been lucky to save from the fire that the Sheriff had set to her house.  The afternoon he met her he discovered there were few children in the camp that kept her occupied but she also spent some of her time writing letters for people who couldn’t.  She had been elated to lend Killian a few of her books, happy that another literate person had joined the camp and desperate to talk to someone new about the books she had.
The one he had been trying to read was the tale of two brothers who had overcome their father’s piss poor reputation to become highly honored and valued members of their kingdom’s navy.  He had been enjoying the story as it reminded him of his and Liam’s naval exploits and their more recent voyage on the Jewel but then it had taken an unexpected turn.  The older brother had died as a result of his own hubris while the younger had watched helpless to do anything.  The description of the younger brother’s grief had nearly brought Killian to tears.  He had ceased reading at that point, a strong unexpected ache settling in his chest.
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
Born in Pain, Followed by Joy (13/20?)
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Summary: District Nurse and midwife Emma Swan has her priorities sorted out: babies first, friends second, and men… somewhere further down the list. That is until she meets Killian Jones and his son Liam who have a way of worming their way into her heart
Author’s Note: Huge thank yous to @shipsxahoy for the header she made! And to the wonderful @holdmecloseandfast for sticking with me even after making her wait so long for this chapter update and for making her cry. That being said I can’t publish this chapter without giving a huge Trigger Warning for infant death and SIDS. Seriously this is the angstiest thing I have ever written but I promise there will be some happiness by the end of this fic!
Word Count: ~3K/ Rated P for Pain
Ch. 12/ AO3/ ff.net
A gentle knocking roused Belle enough to know that she needed to get out of Ruby’s sleeping arms and answer the door to their room before they were found out. She gently slid out of Ruby’s warm arms and tiptoed to the door just as the knob was starting to turn.
“Oh, Nurse French, glad to see you’re somewhat awake,” Sister Nova looked slightly taken aback when Belle answered the door. “It would appear that Mrs. Thompson is in labor. Contractions have been going on for three hours now.”
“Alright,” Belle yawned, Ruby had kept her up a little later than she would have liked especially since she had returned so late from another delivery, “I’ll get ready and head right over.” Sister Nova nodded and headed in the direction of the chapel, on her way to morning prayer. Belle sleepily pulled on her uniform and looked jealously over at a still sleeping Ruby. Once she was dressed and ready to go, Belle placed a small kiss to Ruby’s forehead before hurrying down the stairs and off to the Thompson household. It didn’t seem long before the baby started crowning and petite, little Aurora Thompson was clinging to her mother’s hand for dear life.
“You’re doing brilliantly Aurora, don’t give up now,” Belle encouraged.
“Just think of all those baby clothes you’ve got tucked into that little drawer, how in an hour this little baby will be cleaned and dressed finally,” Aurora’s mother, Mrs. Rose Drake, soothed, brushing the sweat dampened hair out of her eyes. Aurora leaned forward and pushed with all her might, screaming as the little baby boy came out.
“You have a son Aurora!” Belle smiled at the new mother as she gently wiped the amniotic fluid from the little boy’s face. “Mrs. Drake, could I have something to wrap the baby in please?”
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csficpromotion-blog · 7 years
The Darling Affair (13/18)
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Summary:  Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Rated:  T, for violence, kidnapping, some dark themes
Art credit/link: The totally awesome @shady-swan-jones took on the story and made some fabulous art for it.  You can see the art here.
Beta and cheerleader: @delightfully-difficult-pirate and @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable, thanks so much for all of your help and cajoling and reassuring!
(tagging @lenfaz, @xhookswenchx, @bleebug, @kiwistreetswan, @swanspiraterum​, @swanslovestruck​, @killian-whump -I think you’ll really appreciate the… bloody nature… of this chapter- @katie-dub and @woofiefangirl so they see chapter 13 is up!)
Word count:  ~ 4,800 (83K Total in 18 chapters)
From the beginning: AO3 / FFN (current chapter: ao3 / ffn) Tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve
Chapter 13: Recoil
Emma’s eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks.  Her pulse raced.  Sweat broke out on her forehead.  There was a queasiness that she usually equated with food poisoning that overtook her.  She’d felt this paralyzing fear once before, when Neal had left her in the lurch in an alley with an expensive watch and a resulting stint in juvenile hall.
This time, however, she wasn’t alone.  Killian grabbed her hand, startling her out of her frozen state, and dragged her down to hide behind the desk.  He manhandled her into the foot space under the mahogany desk while he crouched down in front of her, his gun primed and ready but pointed at the floor.
He didn’t let go of her hand.
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