#insert Titanic meme here
annaofaza · 2 years
a hartwin hannibal au
For @mappplethorpe: I owed you this a long, long time ago, and I’m sorry. I found this fully written in my tumblr drafts, of all places. Forgive me for keeping you waiting <3
One of the interesting parts of therapy is picking apart the brain.
A lot of his colleagues express fascination about this understanding. This understanding is a hidden creature, elusive and shy like a deer, and it takes a skilled hunter to coax it into relaxation and pull the trigger. It’s almost like watching tasteless dramas: picking apart each and every encounter the characters have with one another, listening for the actors’ and writers’ commentary, learning to lean forward when the violin music begins.
Harry likes to give off the appearance of being philanthropic; he finds himself spouting off phrases that involve understanding and helping others, but purposively neglects the aspects that draw him to this field. It’s like cutting open flesh to reveal the bright blood and ivory bones and delicate veins and squirming muscles underneath, except in some cases, more delicate. A mind cannot easily be coaxed open with a simple tool and a steady hand; a mind must relax and be receptive to change, be it of its own device or with prodding.
He likes challenges because he always succeeds, and despite what other psychiatrists may think, he’s the only one who can play the long game. When he was a child, he’d wait for hours upon hours in the woods that surrounded his home, waiting for ducks or geese in a pond to come and waddle over to him, nosing his hair and pecking at his skin. But his favorite were the butterflies, fragile wings flitting towards and away from him until they sensed that he was not a danger.  
And much like his hobby, Harry enjoys snuffing the elusive out eventually and hanging them up on his walls, a testament to why he lives.
He'll continue here, though London is a miserable city. It’s polluted, crowded, and despite the international British reputation of politeness and chivalry, people are rude, always in a hurry, and foul-tempered. If not for Roxanne’s intriguing observations about what she hoped would be his next patient, Harry would have never considered coming back to this place.
From anecdotes and rumors and the Internet, Harry begins profiling Gary—who, for some reason, prefers “Eggsy”—Unwin: talented but prone to acting rashly, intelligent but averse to interacting with many people, good-hearted but with a history of violence, and most interestingly, the way he thinks. Unwin, in one article, talks about how the evidence explains the crime scene to me, but it appears so much more than that. He seems to make leaps that somehow connect, and it’s only when the evidence is trotted out in full that it makes sense.
Harry doesn’t believe in psychics or fortune-tellers or such nonsense, and if Eggsy is peddling the rumors of him somehow being able to step into the perpetrator’s shoes, Harry would consider carving him up. He detests liars.
But he has the perfect excuse to judge for himself. All it takes is a whisper to a man who’s tired of laying low, and Harry will hunt again.
Shaking off the droplets of his umbrella before entering the building, Harry waits to be greeted. Luckily, it's a short wait, with Agent Alastair Morton, haggard but friendly, who offers him a cup of tea, sits him down and engages him in polite small talk so Harry has time to sip his tea. He then reviews what he’d like from Harry: to look over several scenes of missing persons, who are also missing their organs, and to also look after one of their agents, per his niece’s concerned plea.
“Ah, here he is,” Morton finally murmurs, and they both turn their heads towards the opening door.
In he steps.
Eggsy Unwin, despite his preference for hideously-colored jackets and ratty jeans, is stunning. A bruise blooms high on his cheek, dark circles sit huffily underneath eyes that are too old to suit his youthful appearance, and scrapes and more bruises decorate his knuckles. Immediately, Harry senses brief surprise, suspicion, then…almost resentment emitting from the young man when he looks at Harry, gaze travelling up and down his polished oxfords and bespoke suit and tortoiseshell glasses.
He’d have to thank Roxanne for bringing this man to his attention.
Harry sits up in his seat, offering Eggsy a polite nod, and to his credit, Eggsy nods back, before asking, “Who is this, Alastair?”
Harry raises his eyebrows briefly at the familiarity, but Morton waves his hand and offers Eggsy a seat. Eggsy obeys, eyes darting towards Harry, then back to his boss.
“This is Dr. Harold Hart, a leading psychiatrist,” Morton says. “He’s going to help us with profiling this case.”
Eggsy nods again, looking a bit more relaxed. “We could use his help, yeah.”
His accent is nothing like Roxanne’s or Morton’s; Harry catches the accented words, the slight drop of consonants and swallowing of vowels.
“Where are you from, Eggsy?” Harry asks.
“Rowley Way—the Alexandra Road Estate,” Eggsy says, his voice already defensive. He’s truthful, proud, ready to fight. “You?”
“Italy,” Harry replies. “Then here and there.”
“You travel a lot?”
“It’s good to be cultured.”
Eggsy’s lips turn down. “Cultured. Is that another way of saying that you can afford it?”
“Eggsy—” Morton begins, but Harry smoothly cuts in: “It’s all right. Say what you like.”
“I’m only saying that some people can’t afford to travel just to get worldly experiences, and they’re not better than people who haven’t left London. So, yeah,” Eggsy says. “I may not come from… Oxbridge or somethin’, but I know how to work.”
“Tell me, Eggsy,” Harry says, prodding, “You want to work twice as hard to get half of what your other colleagues get. You respect those who have to work to get what they want, and you want to put yourself high enough to succeed, but not high enough to betray where you’re from.  But yet,” he continues, “I sense that you deliberately hold yourself back. I wonder why that is.”
“Don’t you fucking psycho-analyze me,” Eggsy snarls, immediately shoving back his chair with a loud squeal. “Is this what you’ve called me in for, Alastair? To have some posh doctor poke around and find my faults?” Abruptly standing up, Eggsy nods stiffly at them, accent now very much like Morton’s: polished and cultured, although with a bit of an affection. “Excuse me. I remembered I had a prior engagement.”
He slams the door when he leaves.
Morton watches him go with a stricken look. "I apologize, Dr. Hart, he—" 
"Had every right to act that way," Harry smoothly cut in. "He's used to people dismissing him, either because of his background or his youth...or both, and what makes it worse is examining the man like a specimen." He paused. "What Eggsy has is pure empathy. It’s a rather… interesting gift, to not only be able to guess the point of view of others, but to also inhabit them.” He then leans forward. “This cannibal… I think I can help Eggsy find out who he is.”
Soon, Harry gets to see Eggsy in action, hands stuffed in the pockets of another jacket, cuffs worn. It’s black, with white stripes down the arm, and well-loved. He’s refused an umbrella, so rain soaks into the fabric and darkens his hair. Morton’s standing behind him, cameras clicking, documenting the crime scene, every cut, every missing organ of this picked-apart girl. 
The Ripper, they’re already calling this killer. Quite unoriginal, really.
Eggsy wordlessly stares at the blonde curls, and for a moment, his jaw works and his eyes flutter briefly, visibly struggling. But he straightens up, closes his eyes, and says, “He wants to—to own them. To prove that he’s stronger. To swallow them whole.”
He tilts his head up, letting the rain fall on his face.
“And that’s all?” Morton asks.
Eggsy nods. “I know this one.”
Harry waits. He can see the answer in Eggsy’s face: fear, confusion, and hatred, pure hatred that surges into action, that’s tempered, that can be released with the right pressure. The moment. Their moment.
“What do you mean?” Morton demands.
“Because,” Eggsy says shortly, “it’s my stepdad’s work.”
“You can’t pull me off! I’m—”
“Too close to this case,” Morton argues for the umpteenth time, slamming his hand down on his desk.
“I’m not goin’ to screw this up because he’s my stepdad!” Eggsy shouts back. “I can do my job, Alastair, I can do this, I know him, don’t—”
“Perhaps Eggsy may stay on,” Harry cuts in.
They both whip around to face him, both appropriately startled.
“Eggsy can help us with his experience, his closeness. He knows how his stepfather ticks and how to reel him in. And of course we’ll put Eggsy’s mother and sister in protective custody so no one needs to get hurt,” Harry says mildly.
Morton frowns, then gives a hard nod. “Very well. I’ll make the arrangements. Both of you wait here. I’m going to make the calls.”
He ushers them both out, and as soon as the door shuts, Eggsy immediately turns to him. “You defended me.”
“It was the sensible course.”
“Really?” Eggsy’s tone is sarcastic. “Morton swallowed it when you said it, but from me? A chav? Morton’s not like the last boss, but he has his prejudices. And if we were born with silver spoons up our arses, we'd do just as well as you," Eggsy jerks his head towards Harry's pinstriped suit. "If not better." 
Normally, such an outburst would have Harry smile, thank him for his time, later catch him by surprise on a deserted road, and then having a veritable feast by himself. But something about him drew the eye. It wasn't merely rudeness; the man was trying to make him care. 
Though, bless him, he'd stopped caring long ago. 
"You're right about the snobs," Harry says. "But there, too, are exceptions." 
Eggsy eyes him suspiciously. "Like you?" 
“Come to dinner after Baker's arrested,” Harry says genially. “I’ll make martinis. Consider it an…apology for ambushing you during our first meeting. I did not mean to cause offense, but—no, it doesn’t matter my intentions. I insulted you, and I’m sorry.”
Eggsy blinks, almost owlishly. It’s clear he’s used to apologizing, but not the other way around. "Well,” he finally says, “I admit not a lot of snobs would invite me over for martinis and supper, so...thanks. But to be honest, I don't find you that interesting.”
"Oh, you will." Harry smiles. “And I find you interesting: a young man with potential.”
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miss0atae · 6 months
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It's the first thing that came to my mind. Sorry 🤭
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druidx · 1 year
Me, writing Alexis Dalliance vs the Evil of Titan: Am I going too on the nose with all the plant related imagery vis-à-vis Alexis? Alexis: *wilts* *blooms* *sighs like the wind in trees* *laughs like a small brook* Me: naaaah
Also, it's not a new headcanon, but eshen (woodlings) definitely do not do well outside their natural environment. Not enough sun makes them go doo-lally, not enough lush plant life makes them sick etc. This is one of the reasons they're rarely seen outside forests.
Even those that have been forced out of the forests feel a pull towards the greenest area they can find and prefer not to stray too far from its bounds (see: the O'Toreguarde family, driven from their home and living within the Gardens of Galan inside Toreguard).
In Alexis' case, her resilience may come from having a mothers with similar wandering tendencies; or a father who isn't eshen (? no one - especially not 'Lex, especially not me - knows who her dad was).
In Elowyn's case, I think having a stick so far up her arse she'll try and fight a god has given her some kind of natural resilience. (Also I'm not sure she's been subjected quite so much to non-eshen-friendly environments; in the case of Fangthane, allowances have been made).
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Medal awarded to local adult, university graduate, who finally understands long division
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galacticdrift · 1 year
okay, "Ahsa" is a LITTLE too close to "OXA" for me to think it's a genuine coincidence/accidental similarity in naming, especially given how prominent Maya "MSund12" Sundaresh also is throughout this year's content thus far.
the lore consistently refers to OXA as a "machine," but also as something kinda messed up and janky and "mad." I think it's not beyond the realm of possibility that either the "OXA Machine" somehow crucially featured Ahsa the creature, or that perhaps Ahsa encountered the machine on her travels and integrated it within herself, or developed from it somehow.
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conhivemindcent · 1 year
So I’ve been consuming a lot of the posts about Oceangate and now that it’s safe to assume the passengers are dead, I want to give my own take. Feel free to disagree.
Firstly, I never heard this on the news. I did hear about the boat where 78 immigrants were killed and hundreds missing off the coast of Greece. This may be a cultural and proxemics thing though, as I’m British (we have shit immigrant laws) and the Oceangate fiasco took place closer to America and Canada. So those claiming this is probably a case of Tumblr once again being American-centric.
Secondly, i don’t know how to feel about the deaths. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They knew what they were getting into with this, and that their deaths were very likely. I do think this was a failing of their own hubris and also a huge waste of money. Insert something about capitalism and the woes of such here. But if the ship didn’t implode, it would’ve been a living hell. Starving, cramped, excrement everywhere, dark. It sounds like something out of a nightmare rather than something real. I don’t know if I feel sorry, as it’s most likely I won’t experience this ever in my life, but I definitely feel bad about it.
Third, I hope Oceangate gets sued. This was unsafe af, and where most of my anger is directed. These people tried turning a tragedy (itself also being rooted in capitalism) into a tourism spot for only the elite. Not to mention the unsafe conditions and the knock-off Xbox controller used to pilot the ship. This definitely seems like a scam and I hope they suffer repercussions for their actions, especially now it’s likely the CEO is dead.
Forth, I hope the ship imploded. That seems like the most humane way for this all to end. Battle about humaneness all you want and whether the rich deserve it, whether a 19-year-old nobody knew about prior to this deserves this, but I hope they all died quickly rather than long, drawn out, and suffering from lack of oxygen.
Fifth, some of the memes are funny. Mostly the ones about the Xbox controller. I don’t really like memes making fun of people dying. But then again I’ve never liked to make fun of death, whether deserved or not. (Exception to the kind of things in r/peoplefuckingdying because those are over-exaggerations of the most mundane stuff.)
Sixth, this should be taken as a cautionary tale. Don’t underprepare and do your research on shady seeming stuff. Don’t think you’re above death because you’ve got a spare load of money.
Seventh, leave the damn titanic alone. Everyone who was on it is now dead. The ship itself is crumbling. Leave it to rot, and let it echo through history books and that one James Cameron movie. Let children learn about it and use it to learn how to write newspaper articles and as a fun research project, which fun fact: is how I learnt about it. As an 8-9 year old. The novelty’s worn off in the past few years. Let’s just leave it as something cool for kids to learn and not add onto it with stupid stuff like Titan.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
@cassieopeiia said yes when i offered to repost my afro-dominican Jason Todd headcanons so they could finally have some accurate latino Jason content so here!!
Both sets of his grandparents were inmigrants who made sure to teach their kids their culture and Bruce,Talia and Alfred did research so he could still grow up in it after he was adopted so he's not disconnected from his culture like you'd expect
Is darkskinned with a big nose,full lips,green eyes and shoulder length black dreads with one of them being white from The Lazarus Pit.As Robin,he wore his hair short and natural(as in,his classic curls but even thicker)
Speaks spanish often enough that it's a consistent part of his speech patterns but dosen't have an accent since he's so good at both it and english
90s/2000s anime kid but specifically watched the episodes and read the mangas in latino spanish whenever he could(Definitely a merch collector too!!!Nothing weird though,i feel the need to say that,he just loves buying volumes and figures and replicas of weapons and plushies-The last one is a secret though)
Has his pre-reboot Robin characterization but got victim blamed and a bad rep anyway because of antiblackness and xenophobia
Bullying Tim for being a gringo is one of his favorote hobby's
Duke and him compare their similar yet different experiences with blackness and got along even quicker than canon thanks to it
Mentors Damian's team The All New Teen Titans and next to Damian,the member he's closest to is Nell
Takes great care of his hair and will sometimes wear red beads-He actually has a couple sets in different shades!!!
Says his favorite color is red because it represents blood on his country's flag and nobody can tell wether he's joking or not
Sometimes feels guilty for 'being a stereotype' due to the whole being born to poor parents who were also addicts and growing up to be a huge asshole with anger issues and a thirst for violence but rarely lets it get to him because he thinks he's the coolest mf to ever exist(but we all know he's actually a boyloser)
Aave user,with his favorite word from it being 'deadass'
And he makes the obvious 'Concha' jokes too for irony because he's demisexual and aceflux
Loves his country's cuisine-especially flan,it's tied with neapolitan as his favorite dessert!-but his favorite type of latino food is mexican!Tres leches cake and tacos and burritos and mexican hot chocolate and all that make his mouth water like Atlantis
Wears traditional festive clothes for special occasions and if he can't,he'll just refuse to go("I'm not going out in public in that!" "It's literally a tux???" "You call that a tux?It dosen't even have shoulder pads!Don't patronize me,Dickardo.")
Listens to bachata for nostalgia reasons and has some songs memorized but generally a female rappers/death metal bands/punk rock kinda guy
Black and latino memes connoiseur,both the classics and newer ones
Adores dominican folklore and uses it's horror mythos as inspo as Red Hood
Thinks 'showing affection means you aren't tough!' is gringo nonsense so he's pretty open about if he likes someone,be it platonic or romantic
Poc4Poc strictly and has a thing for black women
The only thing him and Kyle can agree on is that latinos are superior
Very autistic,with no masking game now or ever due to the norms he was raised in never giving him the chance to learn to.It got him bullied at school and things didn't get better into adulthood until we got to my Rhato rewrite and he got to make REAL friends i.e Reconnecting with Eddie and my self-insert Summer Kent(i got into DC through watching Utrh and starting to selfship with him),Robin-ing up Duke and vice versa and meeting Rose,Artemis,Kyle,Thad and a bunch of ocs by @moonage-gaydream @theautisticcentre @refrigeratedboombursts @mayameanderings and @insomniac-jay
Punkero Gótico(Goth Punk)who's a straightedge as trauma coping,seeks out latino/black run thrift stores,goes to basement shows and charity events and protests when he has free time and usually just asks around for them so he can know,wears dominican themed corpse makeup and is an agender transmasc who describes his gender as 'Mostly nonbinary but being a guy makes things funny as hell and Not That Kinda Girl by Mcr describes me pretty well')
His love for classical literatiure ofc includes latino authors and he played JuegosJuegos.com tons as a kid
Calls Talia Mamí,Damian 'Duende',Duke 'El Real'(Real=Spanish for Royal but also means the same thing it does in english so it's basically him saying 'You're so fucking real' like the slang)and Summer 'Strawberry Pop'(Jason has a thing for pink-coded black women specifically m'kay?)
His favorite Marvel character and lucky for him his Marvel Variant too is Miles Morales.He thinks it's Hobie Browm though(PLEASE He's so obsessed with his non-existent coolness and relatedly Duke's actual DC Variant is Duke 'El Real' Thomas)
And his books Variant is Percy Jackson.The only real differences are 1.Percy is transfem instead of transmasc and 2.Jason's arc is about him being a self-made tragedy and highkey bad person who works his ass off to redeem himself and only works when he's not getting coddling and Percy's is about how she's never done anything wrong in her entire life yet gets treated like shit anyway and deserves to be treated kindly for once no matter how strong she is
My fancast for him is Aubrey Joseph.Everything i've watched of him-Acting AND as himself-is literally just irl Jason Todd.There's no better fancast for him out there,we've found Red Hood y'all
If you call him any version of 'Papí' and you're not Talia or one of his kids:'Lights Out Bitch!!!!'
Canon bonus':His birthday is on Dominican Restoration day,at my villa we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with little spoons at our schools,his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters' which is the name of an iconic black sitcom and Leon from Pokemon's VA voiced him in the Wfa dub!!!
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sweeneydino · 9 months
So Raph came up with the name Slash on his own even though canon Slash was the one who named himself? 🤔 I would guess that it's possible cause Raph interacted with Spike the most so they should have similar way of thinking to some extent.
Do you remember how when Slash fell off the building at the end of the episode when Raph freaked out and tried to catch him calling him "SPIKE!"? Would Raph still do the same with Titan at the beginning, either forgetting that they settled to call him Titan or in a similar situation with Slash when Raph panicked? I'm sure Raph would miss the little guy even if he doesn't want to admit it, and even though Titan would never hurt his brothers or Splinter
Spikangelo disrupted the canon(insert canon event meme here)as he was meant to be slash, but he wasn't going to want to take a dead friend's place.
Raph suggests the name Slash(hinthint)since Spikangelo still wants to change his name. Unfortunately, Spike chose the "worst" 3rd option 😔
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And yeah, he definitely would still yell Spike, hint hint >:3c
Off topic but why tf are these frames so heartbreaking kagwbna
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Like excuse me
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chibi-chaos · 4 months
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Dawn is Coming, Open Your Eyes: Tumblr - AO3
Tale of Two Shatterdome Kids:
Partners In Crime: Tumblr - AO3
Watchful Eyes - Tumblr - AO3
Partners From Another Time - Tumblr - AO3
Partners in Arms - Tumblr - AO3
And the Flood Gates Opened: Tumblr - AO3
We'll Remain - AO3
Broken Promises - AO3
OC Focused Fanfics:
Sydney Shatterdome Shenanigans:
Change on the Rise - AO3
Kraken Roun Origins: Tumblr
Defining a Home - AO3
This and Nothing More - AO3
Bitter Truths and Burning Scorn - AO3
Broken Souls and Warm Hugs - AO3
Titan Fall - AO3
Every Time a Jaeger Falls
Liberator Whiskey: "Not just a soldier, but a good man" - AO3
Vanguard Haechi: “The moments when you’re in so deep, it feels easier to just swim down” - AO3
Sierra Sovereign: "Made and Remade Continually." - AO3
Ruins Crumbling - AO3
Echoes and Remnants - AO3
The Museum (Post Pacific Rim Movie)
Sydney Shatterdome
OC Moodboard/ Playlists
Fixing Pacfic Rim Uprising One Headcanon at a time
Amara's parents death
Newt being controlled by the precursors
On Patrol
'Signing Off' after falling in battle
Lore Analysis:
Kaiju and Hurricanes
Where is Sydney Shatterdome?
Walls and Bridges (responding to @eadrey-the-iptscray's post)
What is Chuck? (responding to others - yes including @eadrey-the-iptscray my beloved *insert meme here*)
Becket Brothers (responding to others)
Lighthearted Fun:
Buzzfeed Articles During the Kaiju War (with @eadrey-the-iptscray)
Tumblr Makes a Jaeger (aka The rise of Honky Honk McHonkface)
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dead-lausen-journeys · 6 months
|「Despite it all, it's still you.」
|This is the introduction post to my blog, where all my request and rules information is held in one place. As well as links to future master lists.
— Warning! My blog is going to be dedicated to writing about darker versions of characters and my own little ideas. It is all fiction and stays fictional.
Requests; OPEN✓
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Good- whenever you're reading this, you may call me DeadLaus, or C.C, if you prefer. My first language is not English, and I'd love for you to help point out any spelling or grammar mistakes whenever they appear in my works.
Also here's a bit of information regarding my blogs filtering of NSFW contents;
For sexual content, tags like this may be found underneath the post; (examples)
— Tw. (Insert fandom name)-(Insert sexual elements), Tw. (Insert sexual elements), or Tw. MDNI. 🔞, ECT.
Please keep this in mind, and if you do not enjoy reading sexual content or sexually charged content please filter these tags out using ↓
Lack of SW (sexual warnings), No holding hands, Pure post & ✅
⚠️ Warning!!: Those which feature these tags can still have any of the below, as all of my content is going to lean into darkfic territory!
For works that feature more darker themes without being inherently sexual, (I E, things like murder, coercion, gore, other things along this line), these tags can be found;
Tw. (Insert trigger warning), Tw. Cognito-hazard, 🛑, fake fluff, ECT.
And lastly, for content that doesn't have a specific fandom. You may filter it by using these tags;
Author blurbs, Yandere imagines, THIRST💦, (insert nonspecific descriptions), 🌊💌_, ECT.
- I will not tolerate any sort of bullying for people who request. As going out of your way to read things that don't appeal to you is directly your own fault. Not mine.
- Anyone may request anything, except for any sort of (for example) half cat/half human, anything that has to do with scat or piss fetishes, pedophilia, or anything along the lines of that.
- Do not request for me to write outside of the fandoms I list.
- I only write for canon, so nothing like High school or College AU's. Not my thing, but on rare occasions if I'm interested enough I might write one like that.
- Keep in mind this is a DARK FIC blog, please do not request pure fluff, it defeats the point of a darkfic. However there can be fake fluff.
- Also please do not request multiple characters from multiple of the fandoms listed below, the most characters I'll do is with head cannons and "How ▧▧▧ is (insert characters)". But that's about it.
- Please be a little bit specific, though it's not required. It will automatically default as HC(head cannons) if not specific. Like- for example, scenarios or maybe one shot ideas. Or maybe with a specific reader type- like maybe an uninterested reader or something like that, I want to make works that you'd enjoy!
— I write for all types of darling's! Here's a short list to go off of!— Disabled(Mentally or physically)!Darling, Fem!Darling, Masc!Darling, Female/Male/Gn darling, Trans!Darling ECT.
|This section can be subjected to change|
— (Below will be listing the fandoms I write for)
Mainly writing for;
〔進撃の巨人/Attack on titan - All characters
〔ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/Jojos bizarre adventure; Parts 1-9, All characters.
||Personal blurbs, imagines and memes.
What else I'll write for;
〔Avatar: The Last Airbender, All characters
〔Avatar: The Legend of Korra, All characters
〔Pokemon; Anime and games, All characters.
|〔Below will be master list links;
〔進撃の巨人/Attack on titan : (WIP)
〔ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/Jojos bizarre adventure : (WIP)
Deadlaus's Blurbs, Imagines and Scenarios! : (WIP)
〔Avatar: The Last Airbender : (WIP)
〔Avatar: The Legend of Korra : (WIP)
〔Pokemon!! : (WIP)
Other accounts;
Wattpad; HERE
Quotev: HERE (WIP)
idk why the links are dumbasses—
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pin-crusher2000 · 3 months
1) In Earth 66, did Jake have a real bad encoder with Victor Zsasz which led to some trauma and pain he’ll never forget?
2) What are some movies that made the Young Titans cry their eyes out?
3) What are some nicknames Young Titans give each other as a defense mechanism if any of them got badly hurt?
4) if judged by Dragon Ball Power Levels, which of the Super Bros would be the strongest?
5) Say Jon, Mar’i, Chris and Jake are on a joint time travel adventure together which involved the villain of their latest mission sending them scattered across varying time periods from Ancient Greece to the Second World War. How would do this story? Like which time period do each of them end up landing in before they can reunite for the finale?
Good questions @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 :D
1: hmmmm nah, in my universe, Victor Zsasz is basically a pushover. (Just a regular thug but he has knives XD)
I can say that he managed to cut Jake a few times here and there.
2: lion king, up (first 10 minutes) ending of monsters inc, the almost to the end of click, and inside out.
3: (insert back to the future: hey I seen this one before meme XD)
Jake: FireBird
Mar’i: SunWater
Robert: Messy Lad
Lian: kitty arrow
Irey: thunder-(makes obnoxious fart sound with her mouth)
Jai: quickie
Cerdian: peepee lad
4: it’s gonna be Otho-Ra, cause she’s the baddest girl in comics history XD kidding it’s Kon ;)
Kon: 24,000
Chris: 16,000
Jon: 12,500
Osul: 8,002
5: time commander sends the kids over time and space (just being a regular butt head XD)
Jon: western times (1800s)
Mar’i: hmmm why not a few weeks/months before Tamaran gets destroyed in my universe
Chris: medieval times with dragons and ogres
Jake: somewhere in the year 3000 with lazer guns and swords, spaceships and robots XD
They all came back to the present (for plot sakes XD) and laid a smackdown on time commander.
Includes: wedgies, crotch hits, and just simple hits to the face, plus some doodles on him like the word BUTT on his forehead. (Get it? Butthead 😜)
Thanks for the questions buddy! Let me know if you got more!
Love ya 💙
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itskenwaybitch · 1 year
h e l l o ! ~ ★
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→ i’m kennedy (or skye, or wolf, or ken, or...whatever) nice to meet you!
→ 20. she/they. lesbian who would make a very special exception for a choice few fictional men. furry + suiter. rabid fangirl of various things. horse girl. undergad psychology student. self-shipper (i'm totally okay with sharing! in fact PLEASE TALK TO ME if we have an f/o in common!!!!). shitpost curator.
→ my one and only blog for any and all interests. i can't run multiple blogs, i don't have the energy or brain capacity for that. :) 👍
→ character anons + roleplay blogs welcome!!!
→ tone indicators are appreciated!
→ minors are REQUIRED to block my nsfw tag: #˚✧nsfw
→ tag directory + interests + f/os under the cut!
→ carrd
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t a g s ~ ★
→ fair warning: i have a tag for EVERYTHING!! i feel like they are self-explanatory for the most part, but if you're confused, come here for a reference! :3 i also add new tags a lot so don't be surprised to see things pop up here.
#˚✧denkeeping - any info posts like this. masterlist. about me. etc.
#˚✧brainrot - rambles + infodumping.
#˚✧packtalk - sayin stuff
#˚✧resources - anything that other people made that i use! post templates, dividers, decorations, etc.
#˚✧titanposting - attack on titan stuff.
#˚✧asscreed - assassin’s creed stuff.
#˚✧watcherihardlyknowher - watcher stuff.
#˚✧nomourners - grishaverse stuff
#˚✧dnp - dan and phil stuff
#˚✧baldgate - baldur's gate stuff
#˚✧delusion - self-insert/self-ship stuff. block if you cringe. this is my silly little blog. let me be cringe and delusional in peace.
#˚✧mailtime! - asks. anons, friends, and character anons will get their own tag with their name/emoji in front. ex: jean mail time!
#˚✧furryshit - i feel like this needs no explanation.
#˚✧skye’sshippingco. - ship stuff.
#˚✧lolz - memes
#˚✧🐺🩷{insert character name here} - a way to better organize posts dedicated to my faves.
#˚✧nsfw - self explanatory
#˚✧🩷{person} - interactions with friendos!
#˚✧tagthings - challenges/prompts/stuff you guys tag me in :p
#˚✧g(r)eek - anything ancient greece or greek mythology related
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loves/interests ~ ★
→ attack on titan
→ alternative music [pierce the veil, idkhow, fall out boy, maneskin, system of a down, to name a few]
→ assassin's creed
→ six of crows
→ red dead redemption 2
→ baldur's gate 3
→ various horse games (Kenway on HI3 + Kendra Ponyheart on SSO)
→ the nightmare before christmas. (fuck tim burton tho)
→ phandom
→ watcher/buzzfeed unsolved
→ equestrian sports and anything horse related. i ride hunters/equitation!
→ wolves
→ the furry fandom (SFW ONLY PLS)
→ greek mythology
→ psychology, sociology, anthropology, all the -ologies...
→ mushrooms, frogs, nature-y cottage core vibes, ya know
→ shitposting
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f / o s ~ ★
→ ratonhnhaké:ton/connor kenway - assassin's creed III
→ kassandra - assassin's creed odyssey
→ jean kirschtein (season 4 specifically) - attack on titan
→ more to come im sure lol. me and my simp ass.
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ashenlavellan · 4 months
Answering some Fanfiction Q's
So, I saw this post reblogged by @vorchagirl about a series of questions that was posted awhile back... instead of answering a handful, I'm just gonna answer about 20 of them. This'll be fun ^.^
The first fandom that I ever got involved with was Attack on Titan when it came to writing fanfiction - I enjoyed writing self-insert pieces with Levi Ackerman, Eren Jaeger, and Mikasa Ackerman.
2. My most recent/latest fandom would have to be Solo Leveling - I'm delving deeper and deeper into the artwork, memes, and what-not because I sincerely enjoyed binging it with my fiancé.
3. The best fandom that I've ever been involved with has been a tie between two - the people I surrounded myself with when I wrote Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction and the current community of Mass Effect writers that I speak with on a daily basis. Both are very chill and I really appreciate that.
4. I regret joining the initial community I was part of that involved half of the Attack on Titan community and another because it devolved into severe arguments and I just want to enjoy reading other stories, writing them, and speaking with other authors. Most of my first fandom community were awesome and sweet, there was just a few I was never close with and they stirred some shit up.
5. I've written for many fandoms in the past, but I don't remember all of them: (the last three are the most recent ^.^)
Attack on Titan
Tokyo Ghoul
Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
6. My OTP's from each fandom? Well, that's a bit awkward because the stories I wrote/read before the last two were self-inserts. But, I'll mention my favorite pairings... (I'll try to pick pairings where it's not a player-based character)
Eren Jaeger/Mikasa Ackerman
Ken Kaneki/Touka Kirishima
Cloud Strife/Tifa Lockhart & Tidus/Yuna
Robin/Chrom & Corrin/Kaze & Byleth/Claude
Carver Hawke/Merrill & Dorian Pauvus/Iron Bull
7. A list of my NOTPs from each fandom? Here's the list:
Eren Jaeger/Armin Arlert
Ken Kaneki/Tsukiyama Shuu
Cordelia/Lon'qu & Corrin/Xander
Nathaniel Howe/Anders
(I honestly can't think of a Mass Effect one at the top of my head)
8. How did I get involved in my latest fandom? I mean, I think I was noticed further by the Mass Effect community thanks to @vorchagirl seeing my first ever post that was Reyder related and I had a massive internal freakout since I've always been a fan of her writing - then I was invited into the community and I've loved it since! ^.^
9. The best things in my current fandom is how chill and funny the individuals I've spoken/met and they've also been great help when I've struggled with my fics - every single one of them is awesome and I'm glad to be part of this community! Mass Effect forever!
10. So far, I've read quite a bit of fic for Fire Emblem: Three Houses and it's solely Fem!Byleth/Claude. I love so many of the characters, but Claude just keeps sneaking in and sweeping my Byleth off of her feet before I can accept the proposals from other characters lmao
11. My current OTP is a tie between my Fem!Shep/Kaidan Alenko and Fem!Ryder/Reyes Vidal - specifically, Bellatrix Shepard/Kaidan Alenko and Lorelei Ryder/Reyes Vidal.
12. I don't have a personal favorite OT3 pairing since I don't usually read that sort of stuff, but I've been pushing myself out of my comfort zone and have enjoyed @vorchagirl Saints & Liars series where it's Cerys Ryder/Reyes Vidal/Harry Carlyle. I HIGHLY recommend the series! ^.^
13. Honestly, I have one that comes to mind, but I know that others may like this NOTP - I'm not really a fan of Fem!Shep/Kai Leng. I can't bring myself to read any fics involving him since it legitimately crushed me that he's usually the one that kills Thane... as time has passed, I deeply love Kaidan and Thane's romance, but I get incredibly depressed whenever Thane is killed in my playthroughs.
14. My favorite BroTP is definitely Garrus and James - the shit-talk and banter between the two of them has always made me cackle and I'm like, even if you're playing as Male!Shep and have a bromance with Garrus, it'll just become a BroT3 with Male!Shep, Garrus, and James.
15. I don't think it's too much of an obscure ship, but I genuinely think there's sexual tension of some sort between Miranda and Jack - there would definitely be hate-sex and the fact that both women are dominant in their own right, as well as biotics? Sheesh.
However, I do love the connection between Anderson and Kahlee - you can definitely sense that something is or was there, but I was genuinely hoping for something to develop because Anderson deserves to be happy too!
16. There aren't really any popular ships that I don't like within the fandom because most of the pairings are involving Fem!Shep/Bro!Shep... so, not really.
17. My first OTP was technically my first playthrough - Ásdís Shepard/Garrus Vakarian, my Spacer War-Hero... where would she be without her Vakarian?
18. As of this moment, I've wrote the most for my ME: Andromeda pairing which is Lorelei Ryder and Reyes Vidal. We're creeping further into their story and I'm hoping to push through because I love this series that I've worked so hard on.
19. I really wish I could get behind the Garrus/Tali pairing, but I think a part of me still deeply loves Garrus' romance and how he'll always be with Ásdís... I like it, but I don't love the pairing.
20. I think I was a bit surprised by how much I came to love the pairing of Wrex/Bakara - I liked the pairing at the start, but with how they interact with each other and their relationship actually forms, I came to love it.
so yeah, that was twenty questions and although my brain is a little fried from thinking a little too hard, I'm gonna get to writing my Reyder installment and hopefully post it soon! :D
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jokerislandgirl32 · 1 year
About Me (aka: JIG32 Intro)!
I’ve been wanting to add this to my pinned for a while, so here it is! It is broken up into 3 Sections for you all to get to know me better: General ( the basic info about me), Blog Stuff (what you will see on my blog, my f/o and s/i list), My Favorite Things (some of my favorite things: shows, movies, animals, etc!).
Feel free to ask me/speak to me about anything you read here! I may be slow answering asks/interacting, but I love interacting with my mutuals!
Please see below cut! Tw for moving gifs and trauma mention!
💜 27 year old female.
💜 Libra! B-day: October 4th.
💜 Christian.
💜 Demisexual.
💜 College Graduate! Associate’s in General Studies and Bachelor’s of Science in History.
💜 Educator of littles by day (kindergarten whooo), and fangirl of villains and other misunderstood characters by night / when I’ve got a break from work.
💜 I love to spend time with my loved ones, sing, listen to music, obsess over my favorite characters and media, write, decorate, spend time in nature, and organize items!
💜 Cat mom to 4 cats (one boy and 3 girls).
💜 Mommy to an angel baby, Alexandria Rinella Varmitech 👼
💜 I’ve gone through a lot of trauma and hardship in my life, but my faith, my loved ones, and my favorite characters and media have helped me through it all! So this blog is like a love letter to all of that!
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Blog Stuff
💜 I’m a fanfic author and wishful artist (I’m not very skilled at either, but I try).
💜 Hugeeee Fan of Zach Varmitech, Arthur Fleck, any version of the Joker, Kevin Wendell Crumb, Loki, Oswald Cobblepot, Cedric the Sorcerer, The Grinch (2018 version my beloved), and Klarion the Witch Boy. My blog content is centered around these characters.
💜 Self shipper! You will see A LOT of self shipping stuff on this blog. My main romantic f/o is Zach Varmitech from Wild Kratts. My self insert is Violet Virginia Varmitech nèe Tyler! I’m iffy sharing Zach, but if you respect me, and Zach and Violet, (show us no hatred), I am fine sharing him!
💜My secondary romantic f/o is the Grinch from the 2018 Illumination Grinch movie. My self insert is Aurora Borealis Who! I am completely fine sharing Grinch!
💜 I selfship platonically with Gaston Gourmand from Wild Kratts, but he’s also a bit of a crush/potential romantic f/o. I ship Gourmand with Zach as well, so I consider Zach, Gourmand, and Violet to have something of a poly relationship. I am okay sharing Gourmand!
💜 Veneer from Trolls 3 is a platonic/familial f/o of mine. He’s like my supportive best friend and brother!
💜 I also selfship romantically with Arthur Fleck, Young Justice Joker, and Loki. My s/i for Arthur and YJ Joker is Clarissa Wane. I haven’t figured out a s/i for Loki yet, but I’m thinking she’ll be called Scarlett. These are more “former relationships” of mine, but I still love each of these characters dearly, and I’m completely fine sharing them!
💜 The specific content you will find on this blog will include: Zach Varmitech Gushing, Wild Kratts content, Ziolet (Zach and Violet) posts, fanfic and au posts, posts about any of my other favorite characters/media, quotes I relate to/ I am inspired by, funny memes, funny/cute animal/nature posts, and fall/holiday stuff (Halloween and Christmas countdowns, etc.).
💜 Ask box/requests are always open, see my pinned post for more info, but I may be slow responding to asks/requests!
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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things…
💜 Favorite shows: Wild Kratts, A Haunting, Green Acres, Gilligan’s Island, Sofia the First, Young Justice, Gotham, 90 Day Fiancé (and any/all spinoffs), The Waltons, Little House On The Prairie, Andi Mack.
💜 Favorite Movies: Signs, Split (2016), The Dark Knight, Joker (2019), The Conjuring, Sleepy Hollow, Hocus Pocus, Twitches, Corpse Bride, Horton Hears A Who!, The Grinch (2018), Elf, A Christmas Story, The Lorax, Rise of the Guardians, Titanic, The Great Gatsby (2013), Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok.
💜 Favorite animals/insects: Cats are my favorite animals, and butterflies are my favorite insect. I also love all wild cats, foxes, raccoons, deer, turtles, moths, dragonflies, hummingbirds, and fish!
💜 Favorite season: Fall.
💜 Favorite holiday: Halloween, but I also love Thanksgiving and Christmas.
💜 Favorite Music Artists: Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Elton John, Big Time Rush, AURORA, Ellie Goulding, Oh Wonder, Conor Maynard, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez are among my favorites!
💜 Favorite colors: Royal blue, sky blue, violet, lilac, emerald green, blue violet, black, gray, silver.
💜 Favorite Places To Be: At the Outer Banks or in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
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I will likely update this post in the future!
💜 - JIG32
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resha04 · 1 year
*insert titanic meme here* After 84 years digging through Hollow Knight ao3 to find a fic I sorely needed, I finally, finally found it.
It's on-going and i don't know if author is still planning on continuing it (bc i'm the type of person who gets nervous when i see a fic that was last updated 9 months ago), but it's so perfect for me and i hope author does plan on continuing.
It has Pale King being a not-terrible parent; someone who has done bad and wrong things but not an asshole, and who actually cares about his children. It has Ghost being a chaos gremlin and embodying the youngest sibling energy (they use Desolate Dive to wake their siblings up, gleefully; and that's just one example of their antics). It has all the bittersweet wholesome heart-healing reunion between PK and Hollow (and Hornet)--THEY GROUP-HUGGED AND IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING. It has ANGST; good, delicious ANGST and PAIN that left me both clutching my heart and grinning.
In short, it ticks off almost all of the very-specific things i'm looking for in a HK fic. Now i'm trying not to devour it in one sitting bc there are only 16 chps atm and i'm already on chp 9........
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brotheramberland · 1 year
Hi there. What's up? You can call me 'Bro'. My pronouns are he/they. I'm at that old, brittle age of 22- yippee! I'm asexual. And I love cats!
I'm kind of an odd ball. I love all kinds of fandoms, and for this account I plan to write drabbles and post all kinds of silly stuff.
Here's an overwhelming list to help you get the gist of what I plan to do.
I plan to turn fictional characters into father figures. This may include reader-inserts and the age-altering of specific characters.
All my content will be SFW.
All and any reader-inserts will be portrayed as non-binary unless the drabble calls for something specific.
I love shipping characters together, however, any romance on this account will be mostly portrayed as non-explicit and platonic.
My comfort otp is ZoLu and/or LawLu from One Piece.
I love, love, love writing fluff.
On this account there will be no discrimination or prejudice against race, religion or culture.
This account is LGBTQIA+ friendly.
I'm a big fan of One Piece, Naruto, Black Clover, Disney movies, DreamWorks movies, Guardians of The Galaxy, Attack on Titan, and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of right now.
I love turning bad guys into good guys. I don't know why, it's just fun, and it definitely makes for some awesome father figures.
Everything I post is meant to be fun, comforting, fluffy and simple.
If there is violence or anything triggering, I will tag it and leave a note at the beginning of the text.
Expect a lot of crazy stuff on this account, honestly. From father drabbles to theories, rants and ventilations to little concept ideas to goofy memes.
While I do enjoy shipping some characters together, I'm not really the biggest smut fan. So expect mainly platonic love and fluff.
I really just wanna have fun and see if I can put a smile on peoples' faces.
And if you made it through all that then congrats! I hope you enjoy whatever the heck happens to be on my blog right now. Keep your head up, stay awesome, and have a for-sure tremendous day!
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