#insect allergy treatment
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Don’t let bugs ruin your outdoor fun!
If stung, immediately remove the stinger and clean the area with soap and water. Wear long sleeves and pants outdoors, and avoid wearing bright colors or strong perfumes.
For expert guidance related to insect allergy, contact Premier Allergy TX, an independent and proudly veteran-owned practice by Dr. John F. Freiler, at (210) 764-6567.
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frontierallergy · 8 months
Unveiling the Enigma of Alpha-Gal: Unanticipated Allergies When Ticks Transform Meat into a Health Risk
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In a culinary landscape where new flavors and dishes often bring joy, imagine savoring a delectable steak or burger only to face an unexpected allergic reaction, turning the simple act of consuming meat into a potential health concern. This perplexing phenomenon is none other than the Alpha-Gal tick meat allergy, a genuine mystery that has captivated scientists and garnered attention from the medical community in recent times. Join us as we delve into the captivating realm of Alpha-Gal and unravel the intricate connections between ticks, meat, and the human immune system.
Understanding the Alpha-Gal Relationship
Alpha-Gal, short for "alpha-galactose," is a carbohydrate molecule naturally found in the organs of many non-primate animals. Remarkably absent in humans and other primates, it becomes an alien substance triggering immune responses under specific circumstances, such as tick bites. Research indicates that individuals bitten by ticks are more likely to develop red meat allergies, suggesting a correlation between tick exposure and altered immune reactions to alpha-gal.
The link between Alpha-Gal and ticks was established in the early 2000s in regions like the southeastern United States and parts of Europe, where ticks like the Lone Star ticks are prevalent. When these ticks bite humans, alpha-gal molecules enter the bloodstream, prompting the immune system to produce antibodies against them.
Mechanism of Allergic Reaction
The Alpha-Gal allergy unfolds in a series of steps:
Tick Bite: Alpha-Gal-carrying ticks acquire alpha-gal molecules from the blood of the animals they feed on, incorporating them into their saliva. When these ticks bite humans, the saliva containing alpha-gal is introduced into the bloodstream.
Immune Response: The immune system recognizes alpha-gal as foreign and generates antibodies, specifically Immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Delayed Reaction: Unlike immediate allergic reactions, Alpha-Gal allergies take time to develop. Symptoms typically surface 3 to 6 hours after consuming red meat, complicating the identification of the trigger.
Diagnosis and Symptoms
Diagnosing Alpha-Gal allergies poses challenges due to delayed symptoms and the need for specialized blood tests. Symptoms may include hives, itching, swelling, gastrointestinal discomfort, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. Timely and accurate diagnosis is crucial given the potential seriousness of reactions associated with this allergy.
Managing Alpha-Gal Allergies
Living with an Alpha-Gal allergy requires careful lifestyle adjustments:
Elimination of Trigger Foods: Avoiding foods containing alpha-galactose, such as red meat and gelatin-containing products, is essential.
Tick Control: Minimize tick exposure through protective clothing, tick repellents, and avoiding tick habitats.
Educating Healthcare Professionals: Raise awareness among healthcare professionals about the unique features and testing requirements for Alpha-Gal allergies.
Emergency Planning: Individuals prone to severe allergic reactions should carry an EpiPen and know how to use it in case of emergencies.
Future Research Directions
Ongoing scientific research aims to enhance our understanding of Alpha-Gal allergies, exploring new diagnostic procedures, desensitization medications, and strategies to reduce tick populations.In conclusion, the investigation into Alpha-Gal allergies uncovers a fascinating connection between ticks, meat, and allergic reactions. If you suspect Alpha-Gal-related allergic symptoms, do not hesitate to reach out. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to assist you.
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save-mohamed-family · 3 months
My campaign is verified and added to the Gaza Donations page with number 192.
Thank you for documenting my campaign from the following accounts:
@sar-soor @heba-20
@90-ghost @soon-palestine
@ibtisams @marnota @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @i-am-aprl @northgazaupdates @fallahifag @fairuzfan
I love you all 🙏🙏♥️🌹
I am Mohammed Almanasra, 32 years old, married, and a father of three children: Abdulrahman, 6 years old, Sarah, 4 years old, and Lina, 3 years old.
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My story began with the loss of my parents and four of my sisters, who were bombed and lost their lives along with their children after the events of October 7 and the severe war on Gaza. Now, I am facing a severe injury to my leg, which is at risk of amputation if I do not receive the necessary treatment. My wife, children, and I are displaced, without parents or siblings, and my wife is also suffering from uterine cancer.
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Recently, I moved to the south of the Gaza Strip, fearing for the lives of my children. We left behind our memories and our new home, for which we had not finished paying the installments, in addition to losing my job. Currently, I live in a tent that does not protect me from the heat of summer or the cold of winter, and without the minimum necessary livinng basics including water, food medical care, clothe and even bedding .
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I suffer from a chronic asthma and severe attacks from tightness and an extreme allergy in the ear and I need medicine that are not available, or very expensive .
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Under these difficult circumstances, after five attempts at displacement and narrowly escaping death from the bombing, I am trying with all my might to protect my family, the most precious thing I have.
My dreams were shattered, and my house was destroyed, and I found myself living in a tent no larger than 4 square metres. My work turned from a tailor to a street vendor in order to barely buy a few crumbs of bread to feed my children.
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Look at what happened to my children because of the intense heat and the insects that thrive in the summer season. Every day, I take them to the hospital to treat them due to poisonous insect bites. I implore every kind-hearted soul to help me protect my children.
My son, Abdul Rahman, has a deep passion for playing football and is a devoted fan of Real Madrid. He always dreamed of playing football at his school, but the war prevented this dream from coming true.
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Where are you, Real Madrid fans ?
Help Abdul Rahman achieve his dream.
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Every donation will make an enormous difference in helping me save my family.
I feel very sad and embarrassed to ask for help, but I have no other options left. I know that this request is difficult, but I also know that there is still humanity and living consciences and I believe in miracles.
Your support during this extremely difficult time will give us hope in the midst of devastation and despair.
If you have any inquiries or questions, feel free to ask me, please!
To everyone with a compassionate heart,
To all who understand the essence of humanity,
This is a message from my innocent children, who trust that their words will reach everyone who truly understands the meaning of childhood.
We cry out to you, asking you to feel our sorrow and pain, and to extend a helping hand to us in this time when we are in desperate need of your mercy and compassion.
My name is being repeatedly added to many public and private donation campaigns. Please, be a support for me in this difficult situation.
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@communistchilchuck 🫶🇵🇸
@communistchilchuck @90-ghost @sar-soor @fairuzfan @ibtisams @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @stil-lindigo @vakarian-shepard @northgazaupdates
@faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @three-croissants @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @marnota @northgazaupdates
Sincere greetings & thanks
Mohammed & the family
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weirdwyvern · 14 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
As mentioned in the ask, this campaign has been verified by mutual aid collective Bees and Watermelons (instagram link). As of posting (September 16th), they've raised $231CAD of their $30,000 goal!
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herpsandbirds · 1 month
Found out last year I was allergic to Yellowjackets after getting stung a bunch of times, if I’m allergic to Yellowjackets would I be allergic to bees or wasps or hornets too?
Yellowjacket Allergy
My understanding is that if you have a Yellowjacket venom allergy, you may not necessarily have allergies to other wasps (yellowjackets are wasps), and you very likely may not have an allergy to bee stings.
Notice the careful and conditional language I am using...
From what I understand, bee venom and wasp venoms have different components that people may be allergic to. There are some components that are found in both venoms.
Some people are allergic to only yellowjackets, and nothing else.
Some people are allergic to yellowjackets and other wasps, but not bees.
Some people are allergic to both yellowjackets and bees.
I think you should see an allergist to be tested for these things.
Are You Allergic To Insect Stings? Types Of Reactions, Symptoms And Treatments (webmd.com)
Insect Sting Allergies | Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI Public Website
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izzabela · 3 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do something involving the bros taking care of a reader with an allergy to biting/stinging insects? I am allergic IRL, so it would feel nice to have someone do treatment or aftercare through the itching, burning, and whole hives/swollen throat crud I experience.
Survival of the Fittest - Lin Kuei x GN!farmer!reader
in which the great Lin Kuei assassins tackle allergies
a/n: what's better than one hot brother? TWO! what's better than two hot brothers? THREE!
also i had to google about allergic reactions to bugs (i didn't know that was a thing)
ship[s]: tomas, kuai liang, bi han x GN!reader
warning(s): polyamorous
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"Delicious," you sigh happily, rubbing your belly happily.
Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han look you with warm faces, content with their lover's full belly.
"I am pleased you enjoyed," Kuai Liang said as he pats your head.
Tomas nods in agreement, "I couldn't agree more."
Bi Han just nods, taking some money out for Madam Bo when she comes by.
All three Lin Kuei inheritors, your lovers as well, brought you to Fengjian to have a taste of Madam Bo's cooking. Curious, you said yes (who would say no to free food?), and you were not disappointed.
You ate rounds and rounds of beef, pork, rice, and stir fried veggies, and anything else you could fit in the blackhole you called your stomach. By the time you were done, you had six plates stacked by yourself.
The boys didn't care how much they spent, as long as you were fed and happy.
"Happy little thing, aren't you?" Madam Bo quipped, smirking as she slaps the bill down.
You nod, making light conversation with her about the food as Bi Han pulled out more money to pay for the food. Afterwards, the Madam counted up and nodded, happy with the money she pocketed.
"Thank you once again, Madam Bo," you say with a bow.
She shakes her head and throws her hands at you, "You're quite welcome, dear. One more person I enjoy cooking for."
Getting up, you four say your goodbyes as you head to the door. Before heading out, though, Kuai Liang taps your shoulder with a bottle in his hand.
"Do not forget your repellent, darling," he says as he shakes the bottle.
You sigh and put your arms out and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. You had joined them for dinner in the clothes you wear for the harvest: thick, wide-legged pants with leggings underneath, short sleeves with a tank underneath, closed-toed tennis shoes, and a hat.
The brothers pass the bottle around and spray the parts of your body that were exposed: Bi Han at your neck and collarbone area, Kuai Liang at your shoulders and arms, and Tomas at your ankles where the leggings didn't cover.
Why? Because you're the weakest link.
Kidding, you're allergic to mosquitoes.
While it is unfortunate, it isn't death-causing. Modern medicine is to thank for that, but it is annoying that you have to carry repellent, your epipens, and to be careful of your surroundings.
After each brother is done spreading the repellent all over your exposed body parts, you four walked out the door happy, taking your guys' time in the village of Fengjian.
As you walked, your hands were taken by Kuai Liang on your left and Tomas on your right. Bi Han was behind you, not too far but close enough to smell the scent of your perfume.
"It is a beautiful evening," Bi Han notes, "Seldom do we have such time together."
You nodded in agreement. The farm life takes up a lot of time: herding the animals, feeding the animals, harvesting the greens, so on and so forth. Same for the brothers, except they were busy running the elusive Lin Kuei and protecting Earthrealm.
As you four walk, Tomas swats away any bugs as they come by you. With scary precision, he'll clap his hands together to kill the mosquitoes that frequent the warm, humid air.
Kuai Liang follows, except bits of fire from his fingertips act as a fly swatter.
Bi Han also protects you, flicking bits of ice in the direction of the mosquitoes.
However, despite all of their attentiveness, you feel a feathery touch, then a light pinch on the back of your neck. You get the bug, and you look at the deceased mongrel in the palm of your hand.
"Agh, bit," you announce as you brush the dead bug off your hand.
Bi Han roughly takes your hand, "You got bit. Where?" he gruffly asks.
Kuai Liang and Tomas look all over your body, and Tomas finds the spot smack dab in the middle of the back of your neck. He immediately asks Kuai Liang for cream and your medicine, but you decline.
"I'm fine, boys, really," you reassure them.
Letting go, you walk ahead of them, humming as you continue to take the sights in. They don't believe you, but for the sake of you, they stop their nagging. However, it doesn't stop the worry as they note how you begin to worsen.
First, it swells at an alarming rate. Like a volcano about to erupt, it's red and the "magma" is puss. But you tell them it doesn't itch.
In a couple of short seconds through the walk, you begin to touch at it, gently scratching it as there is mild discomfort. Tomas notices this and stops your hand from touching it some more.
"Honey, you can't touch it," he said as he applies some anti-itch cream, "It'll get worse."
Kuai Liang nods, "Correct he is. Hold our hands, Bi Han will cool it down."
His elder brother nods and hovers his palm over the swelling and aching area. Despite his cooling efforts, he mentions that it feels a bit warm.
"No," he deduces, "You, dear, are feeling warm."
You shake your head weakly, bits of sweat trickling down the side of your head as you can feel your throat tighten up. It's getting a bit hard to breathe, but you wheeze out a small "I'm fine".
You four finally make it to the portal, but your eyes become bleary, vision blurred as you stumble over your feet. All three pairs of hands manage to grab a hold of you before you hit the ground, but it's much too late.
Refusal to take any medicine left you dizzy and weak, your throat tight and swollen, and the bite practically about to burst. Tomas feels your forehead, and you're about as hot as Kuai Liang's fire.
Okay, not humanly possible, but it's pretty damn close.
"Bi Han! They're burning up!" he cries worriedly, and the mentioned brother scoops you into his arms.
"I will cool them myself, you two get the necessary items for their comfort."
They charge through the portal with you quietly moaning and groaning in pain. In the palace, Bi Han takes you to his bedroom, where a huge California bed lays, and lays you down. He quickly fixes up the pillows so you can lay your back against the headboard without discomfort.
It's nice and soft, but you're so warm still. Your arms reach for Bi Han, catching his garb as you gently pull it. He notices, and sits behind you and puts you in his lap, hugging you from behind as he emits a nice chill with his powers.
Kuai Liang and Tomas enter, the former brother with some water and towels, while Tomas has an epipen, some allergy meds, and an anti-inflammatory cream. You remember stashing some away in their rooms since you frequented their home.
Kuai Liang holds your head as you lean forward to expose the bitten area, and he wipes the anti-inflammatory cream all over the blistering wound. While it helps, it can't help your swollen throat.
"You'll need to use the pen, Tomas," Bi Han says, motioning to the medicine in that the European man holds.
He nods, but he sets it down on the nightstand. He's at your waist and he looks into your eyes as he gently explains what he's going to do.
"I will be removing your pants and leggings, but only down to your knees," he says calmly, with worried lines etched into his forehead.
You nod as you lean into Bi Han, relishing in the chill he provided. You feel Tomas's hands as he pulls your pants and leggings down. As promised, he stopped at your knees.
He takes the pen in his hand and removes the safety cap at the top, the orange piece to your thigh as his thumb is on top of the button.
Thumb to the sky, orange to the thigh, you had taught that to them just in case- thank the elder gods you did.
You whimper, little drops of tears streaming down your face as you look at him worriedly.
"Hold onto my brothers, dear," he prompts as he places each of your hands in his brothers.
Your left is in Kuai Liang's on the bed side, while your right is in Bi Han's as he hugs you from behind.
"On the count of three," Tomas says, "One... two... three!!"
The needle pokes your thigh in a quick pinch, and you blink away more tears that come through. However, you can feel your body begin to relax and cool down, and your eyes flutter to a close.
"Sleep," Bi Han says, a scarce softness in his voice.
You listen to the grandmaster, falling asleep to the rhythmic beating of Bi Han's heart as his brothers gather around you.
You awake in the same position you left off, except this time the three men lay resting.
Bi Han is hugging your waist as his head rests on your shoulder, while Tomas and Kuai Liang are in your lap at each side, the warmth of their breathing felt on your leg.
You try to stretch quietly, but it's no use as all three of them wake up at the smallest movement of your body. Like little toy soldiers, you commanded their every movement.
They were that madly in love with you.
Kuai Liang holds your cheek, "Are you alright?"
You hold onto his hand and nod, nuzzling into his tepid hand.
"Yes, quite," you say confidently, "Though, a bit parched."
Tomas grabs the water that stood on the nightstand, holding it to your mouth as you practically chugged the cool liquid in one fell swallow.
Tomas then gets in between your legs and holds your hips, head nuzzled into your belly as he explains what happened.
From the first symptom, to your passing out, to the administering of medicine. Yes, you technically saw it, but allergies made you delirious. The recounting of the story moved you.
"You boys did that for me?" you ask tenderly, voice shaky with emotion.
Bi Han nodded in your shoulder, head not lifted as he spoke into your skin.
"Frivolous woman..." Bi Han scolded you lightly, "To worry us so..."
You chuckle as you pat his head, "Yes, yes, I know. Listen to you next time. Got it, mother."
He growls as he mumbles some curses, but they're empty threats as they all cuddle up to you again.
"Sleep once more," Tomas says as he pars your thigh, "You are still weak."
You nod, listening to them this time as you four fall into peaceful slumber.
While you would not put yourself in this predicament again, it was nice to have someone (in this case, three hot brothers) care for you in a time of need.
googled so much about allergic reactions, epipen usage, and even asked my siblings what it feels like when their allergic reactions get bad
if i missed anything or got something wrong, lemme know so i can edit!
btw my cali trip is finishing up, which means we're back to our regularly scheduled program!
i hope yall enjoyed, and i'll see yall in the next fic!
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mxriisbored · 23 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
those who can donate please do! if you can’t, reblog and share so someone who can will 🫶🏻
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the-oscar-dubmness · 7 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
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dancingrobot · 16 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
This fundraiser only has $206 CAD on it, so if just a few of my followers are able to donate that would be a huge help.
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maoistyuri · 16 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
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afro-elf · 16 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
$206 CAD raised of $30,000 goal
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mika2004 · 16 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
Help Alaa and her children, PLEASE
GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329
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frontierallergy · 8 months
Exploring Oak Allergy: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you curious about the impact of oak pollen on vision-related issues and the broader spectrum of oak allergy symptoms beyond just pollen? Are you interested in understanding pollen food allergy syndrome and the most effective treatment options available? These are common questions encountered by our allergy and asthma specialists. Let's delve into these concerns and address them comprehensively.
The Golden Hues of Oak
While oak trees contribute to the lush greenery of Texas, they can make life challenging for some individuals during the spring allergy season. With over 450 varieties of oak trees and shrubs, these pollen-producing trees are not limited to rural areas; they can be found in urban settings as well. The extensive pollen shed by these trees, carried across vast distances by the wind, makes it nearly impossible to evade these airborne allergens.
Have you ever noticed the yellow dust settling on your car after parking under an oak tree? Within a short span, the sticky yellow residue can accumulate and potentially trigger allergic reactions.
Allergy Season and Recognizable Symptoms
The oak allergy season typically peaks from March to May, with the highest pollen counts observed in March and April. Millions of pollen particles fill the air during this period, wreaking havoc on sinus health. Individuals allergic to oak pollen can mitigate their exposure by monitoring local pollen counts and taking preventive measures.
Commonly reported oak allergy symptoms include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, red or itchy eyes, throat or nasal itchiness, fatigue, and dark circles under the eyes. Ignoring initial symptoms may lead to more severe reactions.
Understanding Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome
If you experience throat or mouth itchiness after consuming raw vegetables or fresh fruits during allergy season, you may be dealing with Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome (PFAS) or Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS). This syndrome arises because the immune system recognizes proteins in certain fruits and vegetables as similar to oak pollen.
Approximately 25 percent of allergic rhinitis patients also suffer from OAS. To avoid complications, individuals with this syndrome should steer clear of foods that induce mouth itching or tingling, including strawberries, celery, soy, peanuts, carrots, cherries, peaches, hazelnuts, apples, eggs, and chestnuts.
Allergic Conjunctivitis and Vision Problems
Oak pollen can lead to red, itchy, and watery eyes, potentially causing vision problems if left unattended. Allergists recommend antihistamines or allergy eye drops for relief from these symptoms. A thorough examination of your eyes and medical history by an allergist can determine if oak allergy is the underlying cause.
Testing and Diagnosis for Comprehensive Allergy Management
Beyond oak pollen, allergies can be triggered by weed, grass, peanuts, bee stings, pet dander, and mold. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment and symptom management. Board-certified allergists, such as Dr. Neha Reshamwala, may recommend tests like skin prick testing, intradermal skin tests, or blood tests to identify specific allergens.
Managing Allergies: Strategies and Treatment Options
Three primary approaches exist for managing allergies:
Exposure Reduction: Avoiding pollen and certain foods known to cause allergies is the first line of defense. Strategies include checking daily pollen counts, keeping doors and windows closed during high pollen periods, going outdoors in the evening, taking a hot shower upon returning home, daily vacuuming, and using dehumidifiers or HEPA filters.
Pharmacological Medications: Allergy medicines and nasal sprays are commonly prescribed to alleviate symptoms.
Allergen Immunotherapy: This involves administering oral drops or shots with small doses of allergens to build resistance over time. Allergy shots can significantly reduce or eliminate symptoms as the immune system develops tolerance to oak pollen.
By adopting these strategies and treatment options, individuals can effectively manage oak allergies, leading to improved overall well-being and reduced allergic reactions over time.
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save-mohamed-family · 3 months
Thank you for documenting my campaign from the following accounts:
@ibtisams @soon-palestine @sar-soor @90-ghost @fairuzfan @ibtisams @fallahifag @northgazaupdates
I am Mohammed Almanasra, 32 years old, married, and a father of three children: Abdulrahman, 6 years old, Sarah, 4 years old, and Lina, 3 years old.
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My story began with the loss of my parents and four of my sisters who were bombed and lost their lives along with their children after the events of October 7 and the severe war on Gaza. Now, my wife, children, and I are displaced, without parents or siblings, living with our little cat that we embrace among us.
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Recently, I moved to the south of the Gaza Strip, fearing for the lives of my children. We left behind our memories and our new home, for which we had not finished paying the installments, in addition to losing my job. Currently, I live in a tent that does not protect me from the heat of summer or the cold of winter, and without the minimum necessary livinng basics including water, food medical care, clothe and even bedding .
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I suffer from a chronic asthma and severe attacks from tightness and an extreme allergy in the ear and I need medicine that are not available, or very expensive .
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Under these difficult circumstances, after five attempts at displacement and narrowly escaping death from the bombing, I am trying with all my might to protect my family, the most precious thing I have.
My dreams were shattered, and my house was destroyed, and I found myself living in a tent no larger than 4 square metres. My work turned from a tailor to a street vendor in order to barely buy a few crumbs of bread to feed my children.
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My main goal with this donation is to protect my children, my wife, and our scaredy cat and evacuate them to a safe place away from the ongoing wars. The funds will be used to cross the Egyptian border and bring basic needs and treatments to create a more stable conditions for my family. Approximately $18,000 will be allocated for travel expenses, and around $6,000 for securing suitable housing for a couple of months.
As for the medical treatment costs, the exact figure will be determined after undergoing examinations in hospitals in the Arab Republic of Egypt & it gonna be in average $8,000. The remaining amount ($8,000) will be used to establish a small project to sustain our daily living, enabling me to provide for my children and wife.
Look at what happened to my children because of the intense heat and the insects that thrive in the summer season. Every day, I take them to the hospital to treat them due to poisonous insect bites. I implore every kind-hearted soul to help me protect my children.
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My son, Abdul Rahman, has a deep passion for playing football and is a devoted fan of Real Madrid. He always dreamed of playing football at his school, but the war prevented this dream from coming true.
Where are you, Real Madrid fans ?
Help Abdul Rahman achieve his dream.
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I feel very sad and embarrassed to ask for help, but I have no other options left. I know that this request is difficult, but I also know that there is still humanity and living consciences and I believe in miracles.
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If you have any inquiries or questions, feel free to ask me, please!
"I urgently appeal to you for moral and financial assistance to cover the necessary costs to escape to a safe environment, where we can build a secure future for our children and ensure the safety of our family. We thank you for your concern and support, and we hope that you can help us in these difficult circumstances."
Sincere greetings & thanks
Mohammed & the family
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dodddraws · 6 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
plzs help and share
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mystigaron · 9 days
A Call for Mercy and Help 😢💔
My name is Alaa From Gaza, I am 35 years old and a mother of three children. Our home in khan yonis was bombed and destroyed, forcing us to flee nine times, living in a weak tent amidst the sounds of war. In the intense summer heat, we suffer from insects that make our lives even more difficult, and my children are struggling with malnutrition and illnesses.😔
My ten-year-old son, Ahmad, suffers from severe allergies in his eyes, and I cannot provide him with the necessary treatment. My fifteen-year-old daughter, Raghad, has extreme allergies and needs special food that I cannot afford. Meanwhile, my fourteen-year-old son, Ismail, was an excellent student, but he has lost the chance to realize his dreams due to these painful circumstances. 😢💔
I plead with you, with my broken heart; I need your help in securing our basic needs and treating my children. Your assistance can bring hope back to our lives.
🙏 For those who can give, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. My campaign has been verified through beesandwatermelos@, and you can find the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/6bdcd329. Together, we can revive hope in our hearts. 💖✨
ashika has set up this fundraiser on behalf of alaa. she needs the money to treat her son ahmed's eye condition and him and his brother ismael are both out of an education due to the genocide. please donate if you are able to and if not please reblog or share their campaign so that others may see. it is verified and urgently needs donations as it has only reached $248 out of its $30,000 goal.
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