ceylar-does-art · 3 months
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Art Fight attack number 3! This is @besned’s character and this is a revenge attack for an amazing drawing they did of Ralora!
I’ve been insanely motivated for art fight this year, and I know it’s still only in the first week but I’m hoping I’ll be able to keep this motivation even when I’m back at work!
And the reference used was from @adorkastock
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ecto-stone · 1 year
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I was drown, I was drowning. But you came on just in time. And this song save my life.
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howlingday · 7 months
Oh ok so I'm about lore dump one of the most important for my Rwby world. So
I have seen all of Rwby and don't know everything so I'm gonna step over real Canon lore.
I'm not good with power balancing in stuff.
A lot stuff my be understanding which you might see differently.
Feel free to call anything out you think could be better also I'm not asking to write anything if want to use my ideas I give you permission but I'm asking you to?
Without further ado let's talk about The Keep and it's Keeper.
Long ago when the brothers still wandered the Rement with their creations a women would follow and worship them. The women was mighty curious about the gods. She would flatter them, bring them gifts and talk about how the world was. Inreturn they would sparly talk of a relam they lived before. The women wonder if they were born their or if it was another world they made. As she grew old and Time neared its end she would build a magic mask to keep her memories and a piece of soul so her apprentice would have all the tools he needed.
As time pasted the mask would gather more soul pieces and memories. Soon a women named Salem would gather the armies of Humanity to fight the gods. The current holder of the mask thought she was insane with how much he knew of the gods.
So he gathered a small group of people and ran far away from the battle and prayed for mercy. It is not know if the gods listen or were seemingly so egotistical that they missed the spot. With population they would try to reproduce but it was quickly show 2 generations they would end up inbreeding with how little they were. So the current holder tried to slice human and animal DNA to fix the problem and it worked.
But would one see humans came back so the host now called the Keeper would return and learn of Salem and Ozma using the relics he would learn Salem,Omza, and even the Ever After story and mangne to get a single leaf of the Tree. The next Keeper would become one of Salem's handmaidens. Which would go terribly so as the castle burned the Keeper would shove a child away causing the child to knock out but seen by someone else and saved.(A story for another time)
Salem and Omza were locked in battle so the Keeper would hide away. The Keep would soon develop fully as it's own entity. As magic started to die out the Keep and it's current Keeper were able to grow a small tree from the preserved leaf. Using the tree they were able to make a Potion that would awaken magic in people without magic but kill those unable to handle it. So the Keeper title would be passed down all the way to morden day always staying out of Ozpin and Salem sight even giving people Magic or making Magic tools to keep them of its tail.
I think that's enough for origin. Many of his actions will effect my Rwby world. Feel free to ask any questions or critique anything.
This sounds like a really interesting idea. I'm kinda curious to see where this story goes. Though I do have some questions about the story, too.
First off is the mask the Keeper wore, and how it would store the memories of the previous keeper, as well as their soul. Does the mask still do that? What happens when someone wear the mask? Does it ever come off?
Next is the topic of the inbreeding group who were able to solve their problem thanks to splicing animal DNA. How exactly did they do that, and were there any ramifications to the inbreeding?
Last is the tree growing in Remnant. Is it sentient? How is it decided whether or not a person is worthy? And if these people are granted magic, how are they kept out of sight by the rest of Remnant?
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morguemaw · 2 years
The links to the toy houses aren't working for me
OMG THAT REMINDS ME HOLY SHIT i have it set to login only m so sorry </3
to make up for it!! this is Endo's ref! :3c
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here is some lore abt him!!
Endo, also called Boomer, came from a small town within Japan. Shortly after moving into the states, Endo decided to start up a Self Defence training program, something he ran together with Cinder. He and Cinder spent years together working on the program, which Inreturn grew the business to a small school, this is only possible with the large amount of inter-specie creatures [ Human, Monster, and inbetween ]. Shortly before Cinder left the Defence School to the hands of Boomer, Boomer got involved with a incident involving Nitroglycerin.
Somehow, someway, large amounts of Nitroglycerin was absorbed into his skin quickly, which led to most of his body water mixing with it, slowly turning it to most of his mass in body water. Due to this, certain glands such as his sweat glands hold enough Nitroglycerin to double with his body heat. Couple these two with a raging, arrogant, hot headed guy, and you have yourself a disaster that some people find alluring enough.
Boomer learned most of his abilities, combat, attitude, and skills from Cinder as well. Just unlike Cinder, Boomer has no interest in dating or finding anyone, his personality is too hostile.
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genmaichafan · 8 months
Hey, could you write something in your RE Mafia au like how Miranda found and "hired" the Lords or how Alcina adopted her daughters ?
Story under the cut! Thank you for asking about my au :sob:
This kinda covers both but that was actuallly not the intention lol twin tier cakes.
Tw for guns, child death, violence, manipulation filicide
“How interesting. The lovers, major arcana. This is a big event, a major union is in the family’s future.”“How interesting. The lovers, major arcana. This is a big event, a major union is in the family’s future.”
Miranda flips the sixth card in the ten card spread, this card pertaining to the mostly inevitable close future. Miranda handling the card with delicate touch. Hands revealing it with the grace and slight of hand of a magician. Weaving a story of this poor fools' predatory desires.
“What type of union oracolo?”
Miranda draws another card from the top of her deck. The backs of which showed intricate imagery of crows and bones, the gold runes etched into the imagery here and there, the cards mostly donning black and white otherwise. They were Definitely custom, more than surely handmade by Miranda herself to increase the ‘connection’ between her and the cards.
”the Empress.” The man itching closer in his seat leaning forwards in attentive agony as Miranda voice trailed off, edging the moment for what it is worth.
”There will be a union in the family. I'm getting a message, yes, a pregnancy in the next six months will bind two people together.” Miranda looking at the utter sap, expression covering the weaving of threads she was orchestrating. Miranda could barely hold back a sharkish smile let alone stay grounded.
This reading was not accurate from the start, in fact the cards were planned months beforehand. Staged. Miranda had used swift sleight of hand to fudge the cards. The average person would call this taking advantage or manipulation, Miranda would call it telling her client what they wanted to hear.
Countless times Miranda has brought people closure. One of which was as young as her, ‘the poor thing’ she had thought at the time. How the girl's face had been burned and warped in her childhood, how she was not at fault and yet those nearest and dearest to her had to pay the price. The girl's father being one of them, nothing a little mediumship couldn’t salve.
Miranda gave her something she wanted and inreturn Donna was eating out of the palm of Miranda's cawthorne talons, Another silken string tangled to be collected.
Before Miranda could continue the reading something completely unexpectedly expected happened.
” Don- there’s some biz happening, we need you right now.”
the man, the don, cursed under his breath. leaving wordlessly.
Miranda felt pleased with how the pieces were played, becoming even more pleased as her admiried appeared from out the draped satin cloth.
”My beloved!” He said, taking his lips onto hers. feeling her slightly extended stomach which was obscured under the table.
”We are going to HAVE to tell my father sooner or later.” Giddiness adding a playful elongation to words.
“Soon frumos-“ pulling him close even though Miranda would actually prefer if he had never ever been touching her at all.
The Don never stood a chance. Never returning from trouble.
Marco becoming the new Don had little time to mourn the passing of his father. Giving the mare minimum respects when he was obligated to do so.
Although to Miranda this had been an unforeseen miracle. Hoisting her plans ahead months ahead of schedule.
Her partner seemily felt the same way. Marco impatiently rushed the wedding soon after, and if he had his way would be rushing their baby. When he wanted something he always got it ‘‘n quickly.’
Nature could not be stopped but humanity often tried. Miranda’s husband quickly sending her under the care of a midwife from France. A young virtuoso and black market “physician”.
Moreau was his name and though he was exceedingly smart; Miranda could feel him latch onto her like a neonatal kitten. Miranda could only attribute it to the fact she was the ONLY one that didn't treat him where he stood on the family's food chain. If she was asked to put that spot into words she would just say “grass.” Miranda just wished that her husband had not asked Moreau to do every old wives trick to speed up the process as much as he could.
anyhow the more twigs in her nest the better.
‘Speaking of twigs’ The woman whom she had helped, now to be revealed as Donna of the chemical and botanical branch of the ‘family’, was becoming closer and closer to her. Going on with the theme of cats Miranda would describe her as a neurotic tuxedo. Having to go through such an unfortunate path at a young age had caused her personality to fracture into two.
The white fur represents Donna: who was smart but introverted. Spending most of her time making new strains and variants of marijuana. Her garden was most precious to her.
The black fur on the other hand was a persona called Angie. Choosing the fewest words Miranda could Angie was “rabid, crass and unpredictable.”
Miranda otherwise easily wrapped Donna and Angie around her fingers.
Cioara was born a few months later. Having been a week earlier than expected was small and frail.
Unexpectedly something in her plan changed in that moment she first held her newborn daughter. She could not help but care for Cioara being aptly named Miranda’s crown jewel in coming years.
What Miranda didn’t expect is that Cioara was not the only newcomer.
Three daughters in the business and of the Family. Three daughters adopted from the previous owner of an establishment they had “liberated”. luckily all too young to remember or have even an inkling of what could've been. The youngest of which being neonatal as well. In order their names were as told from youngest to oldest: Daniela, Cassandra, and Bela.
Their adopted mother, who took them in as her own, first found them hiding in the safe room of their original house. Cassandra attempting to beat on Alcina with tiny fists. Bela left to hold their baby sister.
Quick lies and some treats tricked their attitude to change.
Now they stood smiling at the edge of the crib watching their soon to be cousin be mystified by their very presence. Daniela going as far as reaching out in Cioara's direction, almost to say as if “hey she’s like me!” Looking back and forth confused wonder.
Miranda and Alcina having something in common: Shared time together with or without the kids. Often over glasses of wine with Moreau being appointed official babysitter. Moreau did not complain because he was often treated like the big brother and in tandem a the eldest son of Miranda. (Marco often hated this).
Miranda and alcina were like butter and bread these years. Alcina becoming a confidant to Miranda’s growing boldness in her machinations. Even backing her up when some of the ‘family’ came to her instead of her husband. (Mostly in the form of card readings where the meaning of cards were just often made up).
Marco being “the biggest little man” (-Miranda) sensed something wrong in his corner of his pond. The ripples of power Miranda was wading was finally stirring the attentiveness he lacked in the previous years.
confronting his own wife for treason they landed the first of many arguments that would lead to his fall. Using “YOUR daughter” (- Don Marco ) as a shield from the inevitable.
This had been an unexpected problem. Miranda had not expecting to care for her daughter more than a foot into the mafia's door.
Years passed and while Miranda did not grow in power she did gain loyalty in the ones that were already under her foot. Miranda having a finger in each of the other branches of the ‘family’ with one exception being the automotive.
time passed and each fight escalated with the next.
Marco became more and more agitated with even his own loyalists. the biggest warning being the closest companion, the right hand of the don, daring to speak to him in a way that made Marco feel littler than he ever did before.
”where your fucking respect!”
”You don't got anymore little man!” The white haired man bellowed, in sneerful laughter.
”Heisenberg you WILL listen to me.”
”like i gotta! You need me more than I need you!”
This was the drop in Marco’s bucket. He grabbed Heisenberg by the collar, throwing him aside causing Heisenberg to continue hysterics louder.
Then Marco did something. Something vile and rancid. Deranged thoughts scattering him rationality. He only thought she needs to die.
He was going to commit a grand act of filicide.
“Surely that would break her spirit.”
“Put her in her place.”
”I can take away anything from anyone.”
” I am this ‘families’ ‘father’, I am the Don.”
miranda remembers this part all too well. A day that still haunts her.
knowing something was wrong even before tragedy struck.
how she could hear Cioaras cries getting louder and louder.
The yelling, the screaming, the pleading.
They met each other halfway; Miranda meeting the setting sun, and Don Marco walking out of the evening darkness with their daughter in one hand and a gun in the other.
”abscond your power la Lupa Strega, you’ve played your fiddles and spells long enough.”
Miranda did not know what to do for the first time in her life. Nearly forgetting the knife she held on her at all times.
”Mamica!! Help i don't understand what I did wrong!” Cioara could only sob occasional begging ‘tati’.
”lets trade places ok fiica!- Please Marco!” Taking a thoughtless step forward. Marco only pointed the gun to the girls head.
”PLEASE MARCO” he considered her offer.
”come here Strega. Guess you do have a heart.” Not taking in the irony he spat.
Quickly swapping places Miranda loses herself to the adrenaline. making a quick maneuver: one Marco taught her when he still thought she was the love of his life. twisting his arm agonizingly in one hand and pulling out her knife with the other, she quickly spearing him through the heart.
He drops to the floor. Knife still embedded in his chest. Wheezing.
Cioara desperately scuttling to her mother they spend their final moment together
As with Marco spending the last of his life to make one final shot did what he set out to do.
Miranda hobbled to the only person who could save her; now that both the Don and the Heir is gone. Miranda needed his support. The one man that was smart enough to listen to her in a sea of old blood. Heisenberg.
If she could get him, She would finally had a finger in all the branches or the organization.
All the other blood who didn't agree could suck on her for all she cared. They’ll all come back groveling or in body bags either way it was all the same to her now.
she opened the door to the office.
”wow you look like shit!” He puffed on the cigar boisterously.
Miranda's soulless eyes bared into the reflection behind him. she saw herself, the reflection of a broken woman: darkness on the other side taking hold of the sky. Fluorescent lights making it hard to see what was out there and showing what was in instead. Miranda could not recognize the woman in front of her; she was covered in blood looking freyed, frail and powerless.
Heisenburg took another puff. Giving Miranda her sweet time.
”i need you- to join me.”
”why should i do that”
fury bringing back some of what got her here in the first place.
“because this place is coming down with me. The organization needs me. The family needs- a father- a mother, someone. Or the power vacuum will kill us all.”
”why should i care” tickled by her words and conviction.
“Because they wont just accept you- you’ll have to fight but.. theyll take me.“
she paused. she needed to sweeten the deal knowing him.
”and if i were to die ill justly hand the throne to you. Only then are you guaranteed a place as Don.”
Heidengurg handed Miranda his phone. It didnt have a lock, only containing a few contacts.
And heisenberg himself.
Miranda knew what she had to do next.
It has been years after the “purge”
old blood replaced with the young.
More powerful than when even Marcos' father owned the organization.
Miranda takes out her tarot deck and begins to shuffle. Her question comes to mind.
its been a while since she's done a real reading for anyone, let alone herself. Almost forgetting that the cards are for more than tricking others.
Miranda begins to shuffle fingers swiftly letting cards go between her hands and repeating till she feels it is ready.
“What will the future bring”
a card jumps out of the deck.
Imagery of people falling out of their long slender house, a long fall ahead of them, the ground beneath said house crumbling away. Fire and lightning. Disaster.
“all thing that aren’t built on solid ground are bound to fall”
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shadowscriberp · 5 months
Rafael von Rosenkreuz was born into aristocracy during the height of the Renaissance, his lineage steeped in wealth and influence. From a rather young age, Rafael displayed an uncanny intellect and charisma that set him apart from his peers. As he matured, his allure only deepened, drawing the attention of those around him like moths to a flame.
Rafael's life, however, would take a rather fortuitous turn one night when he encountered a mysterious vampire lurking in the shadows of his family's estate. Seduced by the promise of eternal life, wealth, and power far, far beyond any mortal comprehension, Rafael made a deal with this unknown vampire and inreturn for the lives of his own kin he was given the gift of becoming a vampire himself.
With this newfound immortality, Rafael delved into the world of the supernatural, perfecting his vampiric abilities and amassing wealth and influence over the centuries to come. He spent years traversing the globe, mastering the arts of manipulation and intrigue, leaving a trail of admirers and adversaries in his wake.
Soon, Rafael's domain expanded to encompass vast swathes of land, with his ancestral castle, Rosenkreuz Manor, serving as the seat of his power. From its opulent halls, he ruled over his domain with an iron fist, surrounded by followers and servants who were bound to him by blood and loyalty.
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Born Leto, he was thrust into a life of slavery in the Tevinter Imperium, where the powerful magister Danarius ruled with an iron fist. Leto's existence was defined by pain and suffering, his days filled with back-breaking labor and the constant fear of punishment.
However, Leto's fate took a darker turn when he became the subject of Danarius's twisted experiments. The magister sought to harness the power of lyrium, a rare and volatile substance, by infusing it into Leto's body. These experiments were excruciatingly torturous, physically and mentally, as the lyrium etched intricate tattoos across Leto's skin, granting him supernatural abilities while erasing his memories piece by piece.
Through sheer willpower and a desperate bid for freedom, Leto managed to escape the clutches of his tormentor. Renaming himself Fenris, meaning "little wolf" in the Tevinter tongue, he embarked on a relentless pursuit of revenge against Danarius and all who would enslave and oppress others.
Yet, the specter of Danarius still looms ever-present, a constant reminder of the unfinished business that drives Fenris forward. With each encounter, he edges closer to his ultimate goal, fueled by the burning fury of a man who has nothing left to lose.
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James grew up in the bustling city of Crestwood, always fascinated by the world of mystery and crime-solving. Inspired by his father, a retired police officer, James pursued a degree in criminal justice. After graduating, he spent a couple of years working as a beat cop, earning a reputation for his keen observation skills and dedication.
At 24, James was promoted to detective, a dream he had worked tirelessly towards. Around the same time, he was in a serious relationship with Sarah, a kind-hearted nurse he had met during a community event. They had been together for three years and shared an apartment near the city center.
However, the demands of James’s new role soon began to take a toll on their relationship. The long hours, unpredictable schedule, and emotional weight of the job created a distance between them. Sarah, though supportive, struggled with the constant worry and lack of time together.
After many difficult conversations, they mutually decided to end their relationship. It was a heartbreaking decision, but they knew it was for the best. Now single, James threw himself into his new role as a detective, determined to make a difference in his community.
James’s breakup, though painful, gave him a renewed focus on his career. He moved into a small apartment closer to the precinct and dedicated himself to solving cases and seeking justice for those in need. Despite the challenges, James remained hopeful about the future, ready to face whatever came his way with determination and resilience.
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jefarawol · 2 years
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Haurchefant left me with Alberic. He had some more work to oversee. Once he was gone, Alberic asked for a favour. To help him track down an Ishgardian fugitive. With the glowing recommendation of skill from Haurchefant, Alberic took a risk in parting hisbrequest on me and asked for my discretion.
I agreed to help. So i began to track the runaway. I was told he was a dragoon clad in dark armour, and he had a stolen Ishgardian relic with him. The relic needed to be returned to Ishgard with thebhighest priority.
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I tracked his camp, and he sprung on me as I looked around. Inonly had to look at him for us both to feel it. A surge of ether and a bond of souls. It was like i could feel his heart beat next to my own in tandem.
He claimed that I had been chosen. Another. Like himself. I didn't understand what he meant. But he promised he would meet me again. Inreturned to Alberic with many questions.
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eveningcolor · 2 years
why would u make me think of the araritsumika. think of liphiyo inreturn.
HEHEHEHE i will i will dw <3
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hamnay--01 · 3 months
Sometimes HE lets you feel down and not give u what u want purposely to make you remember him, but we inreturn blame him .
And sometimes HE unexpectedly fulfill what has only came to your mind ,has not even reached your lips .
Indeed he is the greatest of all
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EVERYONE . I have been told aHoliday is coming soon . one where supposedly i must getPresents for my friends !! But it is to soon . likeSOON SOON!! tomorrow soon . what is somethingEasy I can make orGet to give to my friends chip andJay and also Queen and Edyn andCaspian and Lizzie andJOHN!! andPretzel and Gryffon my dearestDear friends . i don’t want toGive them Nothing because what if they get something forMe!!!!!! and I don’t have anything to give inReturn ?!?1?1?1? HELP !!!!!!!!!!
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priximvaux · 10 months
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key let us just say she beat him up and he inreturn beat her up, these two I swear I imagine them fighting all the time like little kids and Lae'zel breaking the fight each time.
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altoecko · 4 years
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Album on table! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdE6IhpcXBLilW_VH_YZMWF1kPc6gmryn https://open.spotify.com/album/5SXT6dwhHX56Sos7KMcMF5?si=V14Vl54KTi6qF423oqWxzA https://www.discogs.com/Odesza-In-Return/release/6074683 #inreturn #odesza #edm #ninjatune #counterrecords #europeanpress #zyra #shygirls #jennipotts #py #monsoonsiren #madelyngrant #brianamarela #bonnaroo #bonnaroo2019 #goodwillfinds #2014 #september2014 #the2010s #ihov #LicoricePizza #instawax #instavinyl #nowspinning #vinyligclub #vinylcommunity #vinylgram #vinyljunkie #vinylrecords #recordcollecting (at Peachtree Corners, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHa5pN1J_lV/?igshid=1927yymhdv97f
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witchmd13 · 3 years
the one thing that all the powers of magic and all of Uther and his allies against magic didn’t consider or expect in their war was magic itself falling in love (platonically or romantically) with the person who was supposed to bring peace with him. both sides didn’t get what they wanted because the person who was supposed to bring peace back had more love in him than there was in the entire universe, because he loved his friend more than cared about fulfilling destiny or ancient vendettas. 
there’s something poetically heartbreaking to be said about that.
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sningo-prompts · 3 years
I can not WAIT TO
Spoilers for pla and lots and lots of swearing tbh
Fuck up volos full fucking shit. Im gonna geind him into the fucking dirt. Im gonna fucking get out my shovel and dick him a fucking grave. Then im gonna summon arcues right fucking in from of him. And use the gods corpse to bury Volo. Im gonna fucking kill that damn mans whole life. First the village now this bitch. Liz aint taken no more shit. Dont you just wanna go apeshit arent you tiredof being nice. I didnt finish the pokedex for you laventon mc stand by and watch a LITERAL CHILD get thrown into the wilds that YOU said would have killed me. No i finished it just so i could fucking kill Acrues right in from of Volo. If you have to catch it then fine. I ll catch it then release em right then snd there. I wish the game would let me fist fight people. Kamado i would be at your door every fucking morning to give you a beat down. A CHILD you bastard. I did everything for you fuckers and not one villager stood up for my ass. They just let me go. Oh have you like all the times i helped you get new wares in your shop hmmm but now that i need some help you look away. You said i cant be trusted but you wsnt me to help you extend the farms hmmmmm. And pearl and diamond clan i get. Sure they cant drop their many for just me. They rely on jubalife for trade or whatever. So i understand them. That doesnt mean i have to forgive them for leaving me, an in universe 15year old, to the wilds. Whats the point of survival if you have to change your morals. Are the many worth it if they are willing to let a child, who has also helped you greatly, die for nothing. Am i a lamb to be sacrificed for your piece of mind. You all should be ashamed.
But Volo with him im going out for blood. This is my house damn it. I put in all the work and you wanna walts in here snd try to destory it. I dont care if those fuckers just wanna ise me i still did everything to bring a better life to these people and i wont have that ruined. You wanna destory someones wrok volo hmmm well lets see how you like it when i destory the whole meaning to your fucking life.
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soundazed · 5 years
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ODESZA @ ELECTRIC FOREST 2019 • Review/Photos by @CassidyKotyla • Link in bio or below - & tag your friends on FB if you see them! ✨💙🌲🌲👽 • • • ‪http://soundazed.com/review-i-went-to-electric-forest-for-the-first-time-heres-what-i-learned/‬ #soundazed • #edm • #edmgirls • #edmlife • #edmlifestyle • #edmmusic • #edmmusicfestival • #musicphotography • #eforest • #ef2019 • #ef19 • #inreturn • #electricforest • #electricforest2019 • #edmoutfits • #edmcouples • #soundazedfestival • #odesza • #amomentaparttour2019 • #amomentapart • #electricforestfestival • #bestmusicshots • #artpeople (at Electric Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SG3B5Ji_I/?igshid=mxui90k270vs
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emosyzoth · 3 years
i recive: ur admiration and undying love you recive:nothing fuck you
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