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manualamadrugada · 6 months ago
Latino character in usamerican movies: hey let's go get some comida. ay dios I miss my abuelita, she always made me some great tamales while we watched telenovelas together😞 wow what a nice clima we're having. I'm so jealous of you, white usamerican protagonist, for being born in America, the greatest country of all time. I'm so enojada that I was born in a poor shithole país, but at least now that I'm here in the land of the free I can fulfill my life long dream of buying a dishwasher and going to mc donalds
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1899sbiggestbabygirl · 1 year ago
John telling Javier "this people ain't your family" in chapter 6 is so unfair. They are his family, John, the gang was all he's ever had in the US. He lets it crumble what does he have left? what will he do? In a country that is hostile to him it's the only place he's found comfort. John can say he's got his own family now, after refusing to care for it, and in the last chapters he's constantly being reassured that other folk -Arthur and Sadie- had his back.
You know who had Javier's back? Who fred him in Guarma? Dutch! sorry but it's not strange he's clinging to that man.
How can people not understand Javier's struggle? Others have been moving on for a while now, and he's being left behind, stuck in the same place. Being treated like it's his fault. He just tried desperately to hang on what little he had left of his family, he was mean and angry cause he's desperate.
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xochiquetza3autora · 3 months ago
Los musulmanes y negros en Europa son inofensivos./Muslims and black people in Europe are harmless.
Los negro-musulmanes en europa/Black-muslims in Europe:
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Inmigración de musulmanes africanos en Europa descripción gráfica/Immigration of African Muslims in Europe graphic description.
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star-laboratory · 4 months ago
my heart goes to any american kid who is being affected by this election and doesn't have anyone with them. to every kid who saw the news and couldn't cry because they are in an unsafe environment. to every kid who wants to kill themself and doesn't have anyone to convince them to stay. to any kid who is scared and hopeless. to any kid that won't even try and figure out who they are in these four years because the pain of not knowing yourself might be better than death itself. to every kid who is isolated and doesn't have a lot of information but knows what this means to them. to any kid without a community, even an online one.
we can't save all of them, unfortunately we just can't
so to all of them, even if they can't read this. i love you, and if your path finishes early, i hope death is kinder to you than humankind was. we will miss you.
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zsofiarosebud · 1 month ago
ok but manu chao was right
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 days ago
Hello sorry to bother you but I'm a little out of my depth here so I am asking everyone I can if they or their followers know of any immigration lawyers in Colorado near Denver?
I'm not american so no sadly but i'll post this for awareness!!
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galactic-rhea · 4 months ago
Sometimes I remember my family is, overall, very very stupid
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jswatson · 1 year ago
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Dublin, March 2nd
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meramyst18 · 1 month ago
“You have to calm down” says the white man, “you are over reacting over nothing, your people have to do it the right way”. He claims as I look at him, his eyes are empty just as his empathy.
I can't really blame him, you can't really feel bad for others when you haven't lived the same life.
But this is not simply about different lifestyles, this is about a totally different world. This man that stands in front of me lives on planet Hollywood while I live on planet Earth.
His life is about important businesses and the wife and the kids. After his very well paid job, he goes to the supermarket and buys the food, the fruits, the drinks and stuff that my people “the illegals” make it possible for him to buy.
When he gets home, he says a very dry “hello” to the kids and the wife, and then he sits on the couch, turns on the TV to see the news about some criminals stealing, raping and destroying his so beloved country.
“They don't belong here” says the politician on the TV, “they steal our jobs, they are tearing this country apart.”
And the white man, in shock and awe, sees the brown man as a thief of dignity, the answer of all the things that are wrong in his life.
Here in planet Hollywood, there's no way that people from planet Earth come to take over and colonize their perfect world of commercial wealthy life.
So, while he stands in front of me, how can I blame him? For him, I am an alien, one that should've never existed in the first place. He’s so merged in his own world that he will never know.
You. Will. Never. Know.
You will never know how it feels to see your planet fall apart, and in a desperate attempt to save yourself and your loved ones, you go to planet Hollywood, where hope and freedom are supposedly so abundant.
You will never know what is like to say goodbye to everything you know, even your own language.
You will never know the amount of courage you have to gather to make a decision to leave your comfort zone.
You will never know what it's like to start from zero, to socialize with others not knowing if they see you as an equal or as an invader.
You will never know what it's like to be seen as a criminal, as an alien, as a plague that pollutes everything that touches.
You will never know what it's like to work endlessly to have at least five from the ten opportunities you have.
You will never know what it's like to build something so the ungrateful people can break and break, and then be blamed for the cracks.
You will never know what it's like to take the risk because you are way too comfortable thinking your country is the whole damned continent.
You will never know what it's like to scrap when you only know the little struggles.
You will never understand because you, the white man, will never walk in my shoes for a day. And if we're being frank here, I don't think you will last that whole day.
You think you are the greatness? You think you are the head of your so called “empire”? Well, let me tell you that my people, the illegals, the aliens, the criminals and the misfits are the neck of that empire, we are the ones who make it work, we are the backbone that vertebrae by vertebrae sustain the whole machine.
But go ahead, complain and blame because at the end of the day, you will never know.
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porcelanitaa · 2 months ago
Guys the TikTok gringos are coming. It's like the Italian immigration all over again.
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demonstars · 2 years ago
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dnfies rn
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elbiotipo · 2 years ago
How long do you think will take until someone calls you a fake latino bc you made that post about your family being originally from Europe.
They already told me to "go back to Europe". I am the fifth generation here, and that's only counting my inmigrant ancestors. I couldn't care less about Europe.
(worth noting, the person who told me that was an inmigrant to the UK)
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s-summerstar · 7 months ago
yes im the oldest daughter, yes I dont want to have children because i feel like i already finished my duty as a mother
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jabondemanos · 8 months ago
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watching kids cartoons while drunk losing my mind she's so real for missing her pet cat more than her family
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revindicatedbyhistory · 2 years ago
amazing exchange i saw where someone called badempanada a white guy and someone replied isnt he latine and another one said hes argentinian but white people can be latine
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sadlynotthevoid · 8 months ago
Hi, I'm gonna make you hurt.
There's this song, Color esperanza by Diego Torres, that was really typical for moms to like when I was a kid (in my country at least, Idk what your moms listened to). Anyways, imagine Catherine Todd singing it while doing the house chores and baby Jay going along with her. Then Robin Jason singing it when he's feeling nostalgic or happy.
Imagine that's why green is his favorite color (because color of hope= emerald). Here's a part of the chorus:
(the original in Spanish)
Pintarse la cara Color esperanza Tentar al futuro Con el corazón
(the translation by musixmatch.com)
Paint the face
Hope color
Tempting the future
With the heart
Anyways, I just think it would be quite bittersweet if he liked to sing this to remember his mom when he was young. I don't know what would be more sad:
He not singing it more after his resurrection because he can't bring himself to sing such an optimistic song because it feels like a mockery to his own life—
Or he still singing it because he needs the hope. Specially after everything.
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