jesrylander · 2 years
Venezuelans will share their experiences as immigrants in New York
The "Community Conversation" event will be held on Zoom next Wednesday, August 17, at 6:00 pm EDT. To gain access, participants must register in advance at the following link: RSVP here.
by Jesse Rylander 
Venezuelans and Immigrants Aid (VIA) will hold a"Community Conversation” on Wednesday, August 17. 
This virtual activity aims to bring together Venezuelan migrants, nonprofit organizations, and institutions allied with VIA in New York City to exchange experiences and valuable information to better respond to the needs of the Venezuelan immigrant community.
According to Niurka Meléndez, VIA co-funder, creating tangible strategies is necessary to help the growing number of forced migrants in the United States, especially in New York.
“Our goal is to generate proposals for our population's main problems and challenges. We want to be transparent with the community and the organizations involved. It is not about seeking financing, but rather solutions and forming strategic alliances,” Meléndez said.
Meléndez also stressed that “VIA remains focused on its mission of promoting values ​​of welcome, information, integration, empowerment, and building bridges to people affected by the deep crisis in Venezuela who have had to leave everything behind to protect their lives and seek better opportunities in the U.S."
During the "Community Conversation," VIA will present data recently collected through different surveys conducted among the Venezuelan diaspora in New York. Moreover we will open the space to hear the voices of the community and local organizations.
"The goal is to raise  awareness about their needs and seek possible solutions to these challenges," said Meléndez.
At the event, some migrants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and challenges. Their stories will allow VIA to organize the information and deliver it to government agencies or representatives of the United States Congress.
Likewise, the organizers will use the data to inform support plans for citizens who have fled Venezuela, thereby strengthening VIA's relationships with various local organizations focused on supporting this immigrant community.
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Version en español aquí
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losbigotesdegato · 2 years
I ¿Viste a luz? al costado de la loma sobre la carretera, se vino un aironazo, justo  hacia  aquel rumbo voló el sombrero, después el silencio ese que se hace justo antes de cuando va a suceder algo, un perro, unas llantas que se rechinan,  ruido, vidrio carne todo chocando entre si y al final cuando regresa el silencio llegan los lamentos, las avemarias y los padrenuestros. II La sed no nos deja, se fue el calor, sudor, los gritos y dolores, seguimos el resplandor del sol siempre saliendo por la izquierda, lo pies dejado de doler, siento la arena entre los dedos, ya no raspa, solo la siento, en un ingrávido me convertí,  le hablo a Mení, no responde solo camina erguido, no sabe rendirse, dijo justo antes de adentrarnos en el rio que si de tan lejos venimos pa`que nos regresamos,  hoy estamos perdidos en este plano largo donde las montañas parecen no acabarse, pero es que ya no hay cansancio, solo no llegamos. III Pinche ciudad chingona, la neta, la deberías ver en verano, con mis hijos nos vamos al lago, uy, unas cervezas, acá hay mucho jale, un 17 esta bien de paga la hora, depende que hagas, si hablas ingles esta mejor, a mi no me gusta andar cambiando de trabajo, solo que hace unos años con el ese del Trump, nos dio en la madre, trabajaba en una fabrica soldado, yo hice los asientos del metra se hacerlos, esta chingón, es amplio dos pisos, cuando juegan el football los pinches weros allí van chupando y llegan a hacer carne asada afuera del estadio, allá por el lago. Allá en rancho, cazábamos, andábamos en los caballos de mi papá, él no tiene una pierna se la cortaron por un balazo, yo la traje a la mamá de mis hijos, pero pus luego las cosas no funcionaron, su hija me requiere, soy chingón pa cocinar trabaje años con unos chinos a ver si el fin de semana hacemos un caldo de camarón.
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1899sbiggestbabygirl · 7 months
John telling Javier "this people ain't your family" in chapter 6 is so unfair. They are his family, John, the gang was all he's ever had in the US. He lets it crumble what does he have left? what will he do? In a country that is hostile to him it's the only place he's found comfort. John can say he's got his own family now, after refusing to care for it, and in the last chapters he's constantly being reassured that other folk -Arthur and Sadie- had his back.
You know who had Javier's back? Who fred him in Guarma? Dutch! sorry but it's not strange he's clinging to that man.
How can people not understand Javier's struggle? Others have been moving on for a while now, and he's being left behind, stuck in the same place. Being treated like it's his fault. He just tried desperately to hang on what little he had left of his family, he was mean and angry cause he's desperate.
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manu444 · 9 days
Latino character in usamerican movies: hey let's go get some comida. ay dios I miss my abuelita, she always made me some great tamales while we watched telenovelas together😞 wow what a nice clima we're having. I'm so jealous of you, white usamerican protagonist, for being born in America, the greatest country of all time. I'm so enojada that I was born in a poor shithole país, but at least now that I'm here in the land of the free I can fulfill my life long dream of buying a dishwasher and going to mc donalds
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jswatson · 7 months
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Dublin, March 2nd
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meduseld · 2 months
Wow, so Vance sort of defends his wife from white supremacist attacks by, *checks notes*, saying yes she's not white :( BUT I love her so :/ and uh, making sure to highlight she's a good mother because what are women but baby makers?
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And they say romance is dead!
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mafgogh · 2 years
hello friends. unfortunately I lost my glasses two weeks ago and since then I have been suffering from bad migraines and obviously I can't see anything well, and my day to day is turning into a nightmare. I'm having a bad time financially so I can't afford the glasses, they cost about $120, my family can't help me so I go to Tumblr. I would be very grateful if you could help me with a reblog or a donation i will be really grateful , thank you! 
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ell-hs · 2 years
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what language is for you to love in?
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demonstars · 1 year
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dnfies rn
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elbiotipo · 1 year
How long do you think will take until someone calls you a fake latino bc you made that post about your family being originally from Europe.
They already told me to "go back to Europe". I am the fifth generation here, and that's only counting my inmigrant ancestors. I couldn't care less about Europe.
(worth noting, the person who told me that was an inmigrant to the UK)
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shiadannimex · 1 year
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jabondemanos · 3 months
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watching kids cartoons while drunk losing my mind she's so real for missing her pet cat more than her family
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
Hi, I'm gonna make you hurt.
There's this song, Color esperanza by Diego Torres, that was really typical for moms to like when I was a kid (in my country at least, Idk what your moms listened to). Anyways, imagine Catherine Todd singing it while doing the house chores and baby Jay going along with her. Then Robin Jason singing it when he's feeling nostalgic or happy.
Imagine that's why green is his favorite color (because color of hope= emerald). Here's a part of the chorus:
(the original in Spanish)
Pintarse la cara Color esperanza Tentar al futuro Con el corazón
(the translation by musixmatch.com)
Paint the face
Hope color
Tempting the future
With the heart
Anyways, I just think it would be quite bittersweet if he liked to sing this to remember his mom when he was young. I don't know what would be more sad:
He not singing it more after his resurrection because he can't bring himself to sing such an optimistic song because it feels like a mockery to his own life—
Or he still singing it because he needs the hope. Specially after everything.
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amazing exchange i saw where someone called badempanada a white guy and someone replied isnt he latine and another one said hes argentinian but white people can be latine
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mizuponpon10 · 1 month
Somedays, having memories feels like a curse
He just asked which mangas he had read (that I remembered) and the last time we got to read something together, like, next to each other, was 10y ago
He can't visit Venezuela, I can't leave Venezuela
So memories is the only thing left for us and that's killing me because he's more than a zoom call you know? He's more than a video in my screen or a voice in my phone
"you already have new momories even if you are far away" yeah I know, but do you think that I want that kind of memories??? I want a cinema day with icecream and gossiping around the park about our boyfriends
I want a lazy day just sitting around the pool playing very overcomplicated word games because we were like that
I need the hope to see him again to live inside me or I will better be numb
I need my friend again
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sudaca-swag · 2 years
one of the ways that race is percieved differently between USA/Europe and latin america is how whiteness is positioned in two completely different extremes, for example being mixed in Latin America was encouraged as a way of whitening "the race" by governments, plus previous colonizer worldviews of european superiority are deeply ingrained, thus a person being half white and half indigenous/black meant that you could sort of "quit" being indigenous/black especially if you were more white passing. This is very noticeable when you see that census' race cathegories in latin america are filled by self determination, and theres a huge amount of ppl who identify as white (european descendants would be a more exact cathegory than white tbh) but would never be seen as such in USA or Europe.
meanwhile in USA you have a whole line of thinking where "one drop of non white blood" turns you completely away from claiming whiteness, and just like with latam, a lot of POC people wouldnt be seen as such here either. Think zendaya for ex, i dont think anyone would have said shes a black woman in latam bc the parameters are very different bc whiteness is what is looked at first, how "much white you have in you" is the focus, its a completely inverted situation.
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