#also all of the spanish words are horribly mispronounced
manu444 · 9 days
Latino character in usamerican movies: hey let's go get some comida. ay dios I miss my abuelita, she always made me some great tamales while we watched telenovelas together😞 wow what a nice clima we're having. I'm so jealous of you, white usamerican protagonist, for being born in America, the greatest country of all time. I'm so enojada that I was born in a poor shithole país, but at least now that I'm here in the land of the free I can fulfill my life long dream of buying a dishwasher and going to mc donalds
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entomjinx · 3 years
Graham Grayson Fullbuster (Gray) (I am beging someone to ask about the hamson joke please ask about the hamson joke)
Ender Natsu Dragneel (Natsu) (it sounds so dystopian and he hates it for that reason)
Eugene Eunice Eucliffe (Sting) (is parents has a theme but oh boy. OH BOY. So when his mom starting calling him her “little bumblebee” he picked Sting and stuck with it)
Raios Charles Cheney (Rogue) (there’s a reason he goes by Rogue)
Gajeel Gabriel Redfox (Gajeel) 
Winifred Wendy Marvel (Wendy) (grandine was gonna call her Winry, but Wendy likes her middle name better)
Lavan Gleb Dreyar (Laxus) (Laxus was a nickname from his mom)
Fredrick Michael Justine (Freed) (the nickname Freed came from Laxus mispronouncing Fredrick and was kept because he liked it)
Benjamin Cornelius [lastname] (Bickslow) (he hates this so god damn much)
Erik Chokun [lastname] (Cobra) (his real name’s Just “Erik” But Sorana gifted him an “ugly middle name” for his birthday because she wanted to be able to embarrass him)
Mugen Sieg-hart Siegrain Mystogan Jellal James Genesis Fernandes (Jellal) (Jaci had the brilliant idea of giving him all his counterparts Names. and to quote Qbert: “That’s not very spanish. Jellal: You’re right. *only uses Jellal because the rest don’t fit and ‘James” is too white)
Mary Esther Strauss (Mirajane) (the Strausses came from an extremely religious town which was the whole reason they got kicked out after Mira discovered her magic, so they all have really really biblical names. also have this: Mira: Mary is kinda like maryjane, which is slang for weed, but I also like Mira. So Mirajane it is.)
Ezekiel Adam Strauss (Elfman) 
Lydia Lucifer Strauss (Lisanna) (their parents lost a bet and Lisanna didn’t even know her middle name until after they died for that reason)
Leviana Gwendolyn Mcgarden (Levy) (”Levy can have a really pretty but really long name. as a treat” -Bailey)
Eliza Belladona Belserion (Erza) (she remembered “Eliza” as “Erza” and then got Scarlet from Jellal)
Lucinda Margaret Heartfilia (Lucy)  (trans! Lucy and her dead name is Luigi Mario which is why she got so mad when Natsu forgot her name and called her Luigi. am I being serious or is this for an inside joke? You may never know.)
Cana Ruth Alberona (Cana)
Urrtia Fuck Milkovich (Ultear) (this one was entirely Jaci’s Idea. basically, When Ur gave birth to her, the midwife misheard Ur’s groan and then “tia” as “Urrtia” which then became “Urtear/Ultear” and “Fuck” was said in Fiori. the poor midwife only spoke Isvanian and had no idea that it was the “f word.”)
Lawrence Leonel Vastia (Lyon) (Gray calls him “larry (deragatory)” when he’s mad -Minty)
Reginald Louis Lore (Rufus) (he thought Rufus sounded cooler. that’s literally the only reason he goes by Rufus.)
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wittylearningblog · 5 years
You’re Never too Old to Learn: The Value of Learning New Languages
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Source: Freepik
There's no cap set on the best age to learn. As humans, we learn something every day; from the people, we meet to our experiences and from our mistakes. This means we’re capable of learning irrespective of our age or the stage of life we’re at.
But why learn a new language?
Learning a new language is exciting, fulfilling, and has many benefits. Some of the benefits are listed below:
You can explore a new culture
Learning a new language means learning a new culture. When you start understanding a language, you also understand its music, poetry, and history; all of which are a great way to learn about a culture. You can make new friends who speak that language and learn more about their culture.
Plus, you’ll no longer have to rely on subtitles or dubbing! You can enjoy movies and dramas in their purest form.
Increases your employability
Businesses have become global and are dealing with clients from different countries. To communicate with clients effectively, companies are looking for people who can speak multiple languages. Being multilingual is a valuable addition to your CV.
So, let’s say you get shortlisted for a job with two other candidates with similar credentials. But you speak three languages while others speak only one. There are high chances that you’ll get the job because you have a competitive edge here.
It keeps your mind healthy
Yes, you read it right! A study showed that learning a new language decreases the chances of Alzheimer’s. If you’re fluent in more than one language, your mind stays active, which prevents it from memory loss.
According to Gulf News, the prevalence of Alzheimer's will rise by 600% by 2030. Isn’t learning a language a fun way to protect yourself from the disease?
It makes traveling fun and affordable
Language is one of the biggest challenges for travelers. Every time you go to a new country, it takes a while to figure out the public transport, restaurants, and places to visit if you don’t speak the language. Taxi drivers can rip you off because you won’t understand what they’re saying. You can end up eating at horrible restaurants giving you a bad impression of the local cuisine.
 Imagine, if you knew the native language, how fun that’d be? You can interact with the local people and learn about their culture. You can ask directions when you forget your way. You can read the menu and order what you like. And good luck to taxi drivers trying to fool you! You’re a pro at their language now, so you know what they’re talking about.
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Makes you more confident
Learning something new makes you more confident in your capabilities. When you learn a new language, you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. You’ll make mistakes, and you’ll mispronounce words, at times. But when you’ve finally learned the language, you’ll get the sense of accomplishment. You can boast about it proudly in front of friends and family because you’ve achieved something extraordinary in your life.
Ready to learn a new language and embrace all the exciting things that come with it? Witty Learning offers Spanish, English, and Arabic language classes for adults in Dubai. Contact them at (+971) 4 557 9008 and find out more about the fun language classes they offer!
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rewordfully · 8 years
2, 6, 11, 32, 50. but not necessarily all of them if you don't have time/feel like it.
I shall do all of them!
2. How many languages do you speak?
Three! Plus Old English, but you can’t really communicate successfully in a dead language, so...
6. What’s the most difficult word for you to say in your native & target languages?
I guess all the long ones, because I tend to speak really fast. And those with liquids. And alveolar stops in English. So, prestidigitatorstwo, water, and rire.
11. What’s the funniest word in your target language(s)?
bagel and there are so many French ones that I can’t think of any. Mostly horribly mispronounced borrowings, like hold up.
32. Have you ever tried to learn a dialect for your target language(s)?
Not really, though it depends on your definition of a dialect.
50. Is there a language that you’ve tried to learn but could never stick with it or just weren’t interested?
Spanish. I don’t know why, the pronunciation makes my throat and mouth feel terrible.Also German, but I kinda want to go back and learn for real this time.
Thanks! Send more if you like!
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oscarlovesthesea · 8 years
11 facts meme taggity thing + 16 facts about me or whatever these things are called
the amazing @gay-trash-cats always tags me in things and then I forget which is how I ended up owing them 27 facts about me. Let’s see! (This thing was so long I needed to make a cut :O)
1.I love my friends, online and real friends alike. They’re amazing people and there is almost nothing I wouldn’t do for them (almost because I’m excluding stuff like genocide or killing a kitten? sorry friends I love you but cats are the best)
2. my favourite sport has always been horse riding and I’ve done it for 9 years, even doing competitions at national level. between studying a lot and not really having the money for it I haven’t been riding in like 8 months now which is probably the longest I’ve been without it in years and I am actually feeling like I’m going through withdrawal. 
3. speaking of riding, the first horse I ever really got attached to was this tiny and full of rage Shetland called Caramella (Candy). The two horses who taught me the most were called Perla (Pearl) and Daimon. When I started competitions I first had a crazy pony I loved very much called Asterix, then moved on to this super sweet mare called Ghira, then to a black cutiepie (who was probably the best one in terms of technical abilities) called Kibor. The only actual horse (meaning, not pony) I’ve had for long was a beautiful mare called Actionmaid Z, but since her name was too long I called her Arwen.
4. in 9 years of riding, I’ve only had one bad fall, from this huge horse called Amadeus - it was before I got Arwen and he was scared of everything and definitely too big and strong for my tiny arms, so when a car passed in front of us (the car, funnily enough, contained my best friend’s boyfriend) and he got scared I just splattered to the ground, cracking a few ribs. I’m an idiot and I just got back up and completed the jumping routine I was doing ignoring the fact that I could barely breathe, which probably made it worse, but at least I didn’t go through “fall induced trauma” or whatever. i swear i’m done with the riding facts
5. my friends Clelia and Ionita are horrible people who got me into anime and then told me all the characters who died in Death Note when I was only three episodes in. I’m still not over it.
6. I’m Italian even though my skin is like a ghost’s . I was born in Rome but I moved into the countryside when I was about four, which was possibly the best decision my parents ever made. I still live really close to Rome though so I still go at least once a week.
7. I am currently living in Scotland, near Edinburgh, where I’m staying with a host family. I arrived about four months ago and I’m going to stay at least until June and I’m loving every second of it.
8. I have a dangerous addiction for brownies, crisps, parmesan and ham. I’m serious, I need help.
9. In theory, I speak Italian, English, French and Spanish, but even though I can understand and make myself understood I’m not really confident about my Spanish and my French.
10. To be honest I’m not really confident about my English either especially because when I’m tired I tend to mess up the grammar and mispronounce things
11. which reminds me, I find it incredibly hard to say the word ‘references’. I don’t know why.
12. I love acting and I’m a huge theatre nerd. I’m going to apply for an acting academy this year even though I’m definitely not gonna get in but one at least makes a nice experience right?  but it took like five different people to convince me to do it.
13. my musical taste is the weirdest shit because it goes from Italian folk music from the ‘60s/’70s, which is what my parents made me listen to as a child all hail Fabrizio de Andrè to musical theatre with little to nothing in between.
14. my favourite musical is Les Mis (as pretty much everyone who has opened this blog even just once knows), followed by Next to Normal and Jesus Christ Superstar. I do love Hamilton but I can’t manage to choose where to rank it.
15. I can’t stand love stories. Meaning, I can’t read a book where if you take away the love story you have nothing, but I do enjoy them if they are of some addition to the plot. At the same time, pointless romanitc subplots are the least interesting thing in the world (I’m looking at Sharon Carter in Civil War and pretty much every James Bond movie ever made).
16. Shinya Hiiragi is my actual son and I’m going to protect him.
17. I actually have a full battalion of fictional sons and daughters that I adopted because I just have mum instincts with anyone and  anything. I think the latest addiction was Ciel Phantomhive.
18. Every year I take part in a Harry Potter themed camp which is a lot of fun because we’re all friends and huge nerds and we just love each other. I went for the first time at the first edition of it when I was 14 or 15 and it probably changed my life.
19. there I met my friend Franz who is like a big brother to me and looks A LOT like Shang from Mulan.
20. I am the actual definition of mum friend which is pretty fun but also a bit stressful lol
21. my favourite character from Les Mis is Enjolras because I see a lot of myself in him. There is also a bit of Jehan Prouvaire in me and I guess some Combeferre as well.
22. throwback to those good old times when the SuperWhoLock fandom seemed to rule Tumblr, I actually wrote a SuperLock fanfiction on an Italian website. I only need to publish the last chapter which is already half written, but the thing hasn’t been updated in two years.
23. I don’t really play videogames but I bought Life is Strange about a week ago and even though I’ve only had time to get to the beginning of episode 2, I’m really enjoying it.
24. I am currently reading Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and I’m loving it. Aziraphale is the cutest thing, I swear but sometimes I feel like I’m reading a Castiel/Crowley crack fic. The book is amazing though!
25. I’m definitely a cat person and my biggest aspiration in life is living on my own, on an island, with infinite amounts of tea and cats everywhere.
26. My grandmother was a quite renowned writer in Italy (at her time), and her books won quite a lot of awards. My mum is a writer as well but she doesn’t really feel confident about it and has never published anything but i’m determined to get her books published because they’re great and she deserves it.
27. I am a huge nerd and I can’t choose a favourite between sci-fi and fantasy. I love space facts but I also LOVE dragons and unicorns (dragons especially. I have a collection.)
Ugh, I didn’t think I was going to manage to come up with enough stuff... whoever has read everything will be given a virtual toast, I swear. I’m tagging @unicorn-gureshin, @gureshin-trash, @sjexokm and @sparkleofstardust. Enjoy!
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