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dykebeckett · 8 months ago
so happy to be at jamie’s house tonight
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rhianna · 1 year ago
Jeremiah Curtin's gift oftongues - his ability tostudy many diverse peoplesin the intimacy of their ownspeech came to himnaturally . Dr. Charles W.Eliot , under whom hestudied at Harvard says : "Seven months and a halfbefore he entered Harvard ,Curtin states that he did notknow one word of Latin orGreek , but at the admissionexamination he offeredmore of each language thanwas required . At the timeof his death he knew morethan sixty languages anddia lects , and spoke fluentlyevery language of Europeand several of thelanguages of Asia . " As afurther instance of his extraordinary facility inlanguage , Dr. Eliotcontinues : " In Si beria hestudied the Buriat languagewith a Buriat who knew
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eazy-group · 1 year ago
10 Benefits of Cardio: Build Your Physique, Health, Performance, and More
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/10-benefits-of-cardio-build-your-physique-health-performance-and-more/
10 Benefits of Cardio: Build Your Physique, Health, Performance, and More
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[] 10 Benefits of Cardio: Build Your Physique, Health, Performance, and More – Breaking Muscle front squat. It’s absolutely true that exercise, in general, can provide some of the benefits discussed above. For example, using a combination of both weight training and cardio training has been shown in some research to promote better cardiovascular health than using only one method or the other. (23) However, weight training programs can require more specific attention to programming and progression than cardio. Manipulating weights, sets, and reps can be more challenging and can involve more planning than going for a walk or taking a bike ride. There are also some physical capacities that cannot be built without longer duration cardio exercise. Just ask any pro fighter who’s ever gassed out in round four or any strength athlete who’s needed an oxygen mask between lifting attempts. For the best overall improvements in your health, physique, and overall performance, find ways to follow a well-designed, goal-focused plan that incorporates resistance training and cardio exercise on a regular basis.”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,“@type”:”Question”,”@id”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/benefits-of-cardio/#faq-question-1693206941605″,”position”:2,”url”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/benefits-of-cardio/#faq-question-1693206941605″,”name”:”How should I get started adding cardio to my training plan?”,”answerCount”:1,”acceptedAnswer”:“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”The details will largely depend on your specific workout split (how many days you’re currently training), as well as your specific goal. In general, adding two or three cardio sessions per week can be a good place to start. Begin with 15 to 20 minutes of low to moderate intensity work, either on a non-training day or performed immediately after your weight training. Avoid performing significant cardio training before a lifting session, which may negatively affect strength output for the resistance training to follow. (24) A brief warm-up is fine, but don’t let five to 10 minutes on the bike turn into a full-blown 45-minute cardio workout.”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”]]]>
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likemustardyellow · 6 years ago
In Japan they don’t say dessert, they say ‘betsu bara’ which translates to second stomach and I think that’s pretty accurate. 
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mateo393 · 4 years ago
auriculares bluetooth moto 
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blog-theninehertz · 5 years ago
Are you wondering about making a career in the field of software development? But don’t know where to start? And which programming language should learn considering current technological trends and career growth? To help you out we have crafted a list of 7 programming languages to consider learning in 2020. All these languages are appropriate for different use cases like web development, mobile app development, game development and others.
You can opt for any of them to start your journey as a software developer. However, the understanding which programming language suits your interest and you can pursue it as your career would come with time and experience.
So let’s have a look at the top 7 programming languages you should prefer to learn in 2020 to make a career in the software development sector.
Mobile App Development:
The increased use of smartphones worldwide has come up as the boom for the mobile app development industry. The programming language I am going to suggest is one of the most preferred mobile app development languages, and you need to learn ASAP.
1. Swift:
Swift is a programming language introduced by Apple in 2014. It is used to develop iOS and macOS applications. Since its introduction, the language has been optimized to return a better performance and meet the requirements of modern iOS development. iOS is essential for every operating system, whether it is for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watches (watchOS) and Apple TVs (tvOS). So, Swift is not going to be outdated as Apple is a tech industry leader, and already there is a high demand for iOS mobile apps in the market. Learning Swift is an excellent option to start a career in mobile app development.
Cross-Platform App Development:
The demand for cross-platform app development is quite high in the year 2020, considering businesses’ demand for developing apps for both Android and iOS platforms. So cross-platform app development is the best available solution, which not only saves time and resources but also remains pocket-friendly for the authority that wants to develop applications. We have listed some of the most preferred frameworks for cross-platform app development which are as follows.
2. Flutter:
Flutter is an open-source UI framework released by Google in May 2017. It is good to build beautiful apps for mobile, web and desktop using a single codebase. It is easy to learn, and you can take support from the Flutter community for any query. The applications developed using flutter provide fantastic UI/UX experience, native performance, and can develop fastly.
3. Ionic:
Ionic is also an open-source UI framework that is widely used for developing hybrid mobile apps and web apps. Using ionic, you can build stunning apps with lightning speed. All you need to create a single codebase and further use it for different platforms. It is easy to learn and backed by a global community comprising more than 5M developers in over 200 countries. For any query and confusion, you can consult them and get appropriate suggestions.
4. React Native:
React Native is the third programming language, we opted, if you want to make your career in the cross-platform mobile app development. Created by Facebook, React Native was released in 2015. It is the combination of best parts of native development with React, that is a JavaScript library for offering amazing user interfaces. It is easy to learn for the whole new developers while the existing team of native developers add something new to their portfolio for faster app development.
Web Development:
Anyone who wants online visibility of its business, web development is the need of the moment in this ever-evolving technological world. A beautiful, well-formatted website with proper navigation not only increases traffic but also generates leads and engage customers for better ROI. So if you want to make a career in web development, you can go with the given below programming language to start your journey as a developer.
5. PHP:
PHP also known as Hypertext Preprocessor, is one of the most preferred programming languages to develop a website. As per an estimate, there are 5 million developers in the world using PHP for web development. Facebook, Yahoo and Google are few of the famous names developed using PHP. It is a server-side scripting language that is good for making dynamic and interactive web pages. Beginners can quickly learn PHP with the support of plenty of tutorials available online. They not only clear your basics but also provides practical knowledge for better hands-on web development using PHP. So you can start from here also.
Besides, there are other programming languages which are already popular and expected to have a great significance in the year 2020. So you can choose from the given below languages to learn to make a career as a developer.
6. Java:
From decades, Java has been a popular choice for developing enterprise-scale web application. It is due to Java’s extreme stability which makes it highly preferable among large enterprises. Not only this, Java is adopted for Android app development as well. And, the development of Java-based Android development framework-Android Studio has increased demand for Java developers due to the increased use of android apps globally. So, if you want to be a developer in a large organization, Java is the language you should learn.
7. Go:
Those who want to make their career in the field of systems programming can learn Go. It is an open-source programming language containing functionalities almost similar to C and C++. One can easily learn Go because it does not use complicated syntax and steep learning curve. If you want to develop web servers, data pipeline and machine learning packages, Go comes up as a perfect option.
These are the 7 programming languages you should learn in 2020 if you want to be a developer. I hope this post helps you choose the best companion to kick start your career as a software developer.
Full Article is Originally Published at The NineHertz Blog on 06th February 2020
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amyllomax · 4 years ago
Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer Shares Tips To Prevent Accidents With Semi-Trucks
The Brown Firm, the top personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, has shared tips to prevent semi-truck accidents. Semi-trucks weigh more than 10,000 pounds and are potent threats on the road. The Brown Firm has released a blog post that cites 2017 statistics, sharing shocking statistics of fatalities on the road due to crashes with large semis, including the cause of death of 4,761 people.
Semi-truck accident lawyers at The Brown Firm share tips on driving safely when sharing the road with semi-trucks.
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The Brown Firm states, “It's easy to point the finger at semi-truck drivers, and they do share some of the responsibility for these accidents, but many motorists don't know how to share the road with these large trucks properly.”
Atlanta accident lawyers stress the need for practicing defensive driving, cautioning drivers to be alert at all times, especially when driving with large semis, which are bulky and take longer to react to things around them. The blog post advises paying attention to traffic flow, vehicle signals, and weather conditions to avoid potential accidents.
The importance of staying visible and reducing speed cannot be ignored when a semi-truck tries to overtake, states the blog post. This gives the truck driver a clear space to get around and keep the other vehicles out of their blind spot.
The blog warns against passing a truck that is backing up. Harry Brown, the leading Atlanta semi-truck accident attorney, states “There's a high likelihood of you entering their blind spots, and that's somewhere you never want to be.”
The right side of a semi-truck should be avoided if possible. “If you have to pass on the right, do it as quick as possible, use your signal lights, and ensure the trucker sees you as soon as possible.” Also, to make sure there is adequate room between you and the truck, as trucks cannot stop as quickly as a car can.
Urging caution when speeding, the article states that speeding poses a high risk of semi-truck accidents. “The faster you drive, the harder it is to react to your surroundings and control your vehicle.” Other types of situations that increase collision risk with a tractor-trailer include violating red lights, driving intoxicated, and driving distracted.
Anybody involved in an accident with a semi-truck should contact the best Atlanta personal injury attorney. The Brown Firm is a team of professional semi-truck accident lawyers who are well-versed with the law and rights of victims. Their attorneys know that commercial vehicle accident claims can become more complicated. The Brown Firm has extensive experience in handling semi-truck accident claims and working with doctors, so the victim can focus on their recovery while the personal injury lawyers work to get them the deserving compensation for their pain and suffering and financial losses. Victims of truck accidents can get support from the truck accident lawyers at The Brown Firm to schedule Free Consultation on its website.
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Our skilled personal injury lawyers in Atlanta have been helping the injured victims of accidents for over 30 years. With superior service as our guiding vision we provide our clients with compassionate and dedicated legal representation and get them the compensation they deserve for expenses incurred during and after the accident occured. You can learn more about personal injury compensation here. ABOUT OUR ATLANTA LAWYERS The attorneys at The Brown Firm in Atlanta understand the nuanced detailed of Georgia Law and can help you properly file your claim to enable you to get the maximum settlement possible for your physical, emotional, and financial suffering. Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta Our whole team understands that this is already a stressful time for you, so our goal is to let you focus on your recovery while letting our team of professionals negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. A PROMISE TO OUR CLIENTS We know that we cannot take back what happened, but we can fight on your behalf everyday and try to right the wrong that was done to you by obtaining a substantial about of monetary compensation to help pay your bills and compensate you for your pain and suffering. What Makes The Brown Firm Unique? Unlike other law firms in Atlanta, The Brown Firm takes a personal approach by devoting time to fully evaluate each client's unique case and determine which approach is best based on your specific needs. This unparalleled customer service is what sets us apart from other local firms. Additionally, Attorney Harry Brown Jr.’s unique combination of superior legal training and medical background as a chiropractor gives him professional experience few others have. He is able to fully understand the types of injuries and pain your are suffering from and will be able to argue on your behalf in an educated manner for the compensation you deserve. Understanding Personal Injury Accident Laws in Atlanta The personal injury laws in Atlanta, Georgia were purposefully created to protect victims of negligence and reckless actions. The legal system wants to assist those hurt and help them in getting the financial compensation they need to recover. That may be obvious, however, most individuals do not realize that personal injury law cases in Georgia have a two-year statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit and seeking compensation. Our lawyers understand the ins and outs of the legal system and have over three decades of combined legal and medical experience. Make the smart choice, and let our law firm represent you if you were a victim of negligence. We can help you file your claim and help you receive the money you need before it is too late. What Does a Successful Personal Injury Claim Require? First and foremost, a successful personal injury claim requires the other party to be at fault, and for that fault to be properly documented. For example, if you were involved in a car accident where a careless driver hit your car, a police report documenting the details of the accident and which driver was ticketed is essential to the outcome of your case. Additionally, medical records and documentation of your injuries from an accident doctor are crucial to prove you were actually hurt in the incident and to what extent. Your final settlement should include compensation for property damage, medical bills, medical treatments, pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, and lost wages. So, if you have been injured in an accident and substantial expenses were incurred, make sure the scene has been properly documented, the at fault party is held responsible, and you see a doctor immediately to evaluate and document your injuries. In this post we put together, you can learn more about determining fault in an accident. Legal Services Our Lawyers Provide The Brown Firm is dedicated to helping victims hurt in a variety of personal injury accidents. Each type of accident is unique and our attorneys want to help as many people as possible. We want to be the law firm the people of Atlanta depend on to help them through any difficult time. The majority of the cases we represent in the Atlanta area include: Car Accidents Traumatic Brain Injuries Whiplash Injuries Spinal Cord Injuries Motorcycle Accidents Truck Accidents Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Slip and Fall Injuries Medical Negligence Cost to Hire An Attorney One of the best benefits of working with an attorney at The Brown Firm is that you are never expected to pay any money up front. Most lawyers charge a fortune for legal representation, and your case could end up costing you money in the end. However, at our law firm, we never charge our clients a penny until we win your case and get your deserved settlement. Any medical treatments you require before you receive your settlement money will also be covered by us. We know that an accident causes enough financial stress, without having to worry about being able to afford a quality attorney. Plus, we are so confident that you will win your case and get the money you deserve, that we do not even worry about collecting money for our legal services upfront! After you receive your settlement, a small percentage will be deducted to pay for your lawyer's hard work and success at getting you the compensation you deserve. Compensation After an Accident What you receive in your settlement will ultimately be dependent on the circumstances of your accident and the extent of your injuries, property damages, and overall expenses. Your Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney will most likely include the following types of expenses in your settlement offer: Out-of-Pocket Expenses: These expenses include anything that was incurred as a direct result of the accident. For example, car accidents in which your car was totaled, you would need a rental car, taxi service, or to borrow a car. Additional fees include parking fees at hospitals and gasoline for trips to and from doctor visits. This category can include any expense that you would have never incurred if the accident had not happened. Medical Expenses: No matter the severity of your accident or resulting injuries, you are owed compensation for your medical treatments and pain and suffering. Your attorney will demand reimbursement for your medical treatments, prescriptions, and other hospital or ambulance bills. Out-of-Pocket Expenses: These expenses include anything that was incurred as a direct result of the accident. For example, car accidents in which your car was totaled, you would need a rental car, taxi service, or to borrow a car. Additional fees include parking fees at hospitals and gasoline for trips to and from doctor visits. This category can include any expense that you would have never incurred if the accident had not happened. Lost Income: This may include all wages that you lost for having to miss work as a direct result of your accident. This may also include the future if you are unable to return to work due to your personal injury accident. Typically a letter from your employer stating your regular pay rate and hours that you lost, or will lose, is required to receive compensation. Contact The Brown Firm For Skilled Legal Representation If you were hurt in an accident and do not know the next steps to take, call our law firm for a Free Consultation. Someone at The Brown Firm will be available to answer your call 24/7. If you decide to hire our law firm to represent you, a licensed and experienced local attorney can help steer you in the right direction by: Helping You Understand Your Legal Options Gathering All Relevant Evidence Fighting for Your Legal Rights Keeping You Updated About Your Case's Progress Always Returning Your Calls and Emails in a Timely Manner Your attorney will work quickly and aggressively to help get you the compensation you deserve. We have a staff that truly cares about each and every client, and your personal injury attorney has the understanding and compassion to represent you during this difficult time. If you were involved in an accident that was caused by another's negligent actions, do not hesitate to seek the legal help you deserve today.", "contactPoint": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/contact" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "name": "Atlanta Geo Position", "longitude": -84.37192529999999, "latitude": 33.846025, "@id": "http://schemaapp.com/db/Donovan_Digital_Solutions/The_Brown_Firm/GeoShapeOrGeoCoordinates_1" }, "makesOffer": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/free-consultation" }, "logo": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Logos/Car%20Accident%20Attorney%20and%20Personal%20Injury%20Lawyer%20Atlanta%20%7C%20Savannah%20%7C%20Athens.png?t=1543582807224&width=200&name=Car%20Accident%20Attorney%20and%20Personal%20Injury%20Lawyer%20Atlanta%20%7C%20Savannah%20%7C%20Athens.png", "email": "[email protected]", "name": "Atlanta Office ", "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/xwB84ogmduB2", "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/atlanta-personal-injury-lawyers" } ]]><![CDATA[ { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "sameAs": [ { "@type": "VideoObject", "thumbnailUrl": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Blog%20Images/Is%20the%20trucking%20company%20responsible%20for%20my%20medical%20bills/truck.png?width=1200&name=truck.png", "embedUrl": "<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/FTht4UKydf8\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen>", "contentUrl": "https://youtu.be/FTht4UKydf8", "description": "Safely Share The Road With Semi-Trucks", "name": "Safely Share The Road With Semi-Trucks", "uploadDate": "2021-01-08", "duration": "P0Y0M0DT0H2M48S", "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/blog/safely-share-the-road-with-semi-trucks#VideoObject" }, "https://sites.google.com/view/thebrownfirminjuryattorneys/home/blog/safely-share-the-road-with-semi-trucks" ], "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "naics": "541110", "email": "[email protected]", "legalName": "The Brown Firm", "name": "The Brown Firm", "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/TheBrownFirmLLC/", "https://www.slideshare.net/timothydvickers/the-brown-firm", "https://twitter.com/thebrownfirm", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-brown-firm-llc", "https://sites.google.com/view/thebrownfirminjuryattorneys/", "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rzU2HKqVU6-pFCktohCA7qi1bbCmhHDf", "https://www.instagram.com/thebrownfirm/", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury_trust#cite_ref-2", "https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Brown+Firm&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecS4g5Fb4OWPe8JS6xgnrTl5jXE5IxdXcEZ-uWteSWZJpZALFxuUpcIlKMWrn65vaJhcXGhRUZyRosEgxc-FKiQloiXEWX1oXSif3vcOwf33bluaNpw9qRRs5L7r0rRzbI6CDEDAkh_uIKWpJMTF7lnsk5-cmCMotVqsUfvoUXslYS6OkMSK_Lz83ErBJWUMBzL-v7dX4uQE6fpy_729FkPTvhWH2Fg4GAUYeBax8oVkpCo4FeWX5ym4ZRblAgAP07TLzwAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-kdST-b3qAhXTWc0KHX8oBrIQ6RMwDnoECAoQBA&biw=1440&bih=798", "https://g.co/kgs/4ssWB2", "https://thebrownfirm.blogspot.com", "https://thebrownfirm.tumblr.com/", "https://www.pinterest.com/thebrownfirm/", "https://www.evernote.com/pub/thebrownfirmgeorgia/thebrownfirm", "https://sites.google.com/site/thebrownfirminjuryattorneys/", "https://getpocket.com/@thebrownfirm", "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrbPO8XG0lO-wzvpAvLofVQ/about", "https://www.diigo.com/profile/thebrownfirm", "https://en.gravatar.com/thebrownfirm", "https://www.jdsupra.com/profile/the_brown_firm/" ], "alternateName": "Harry Brown Law", "brand": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/" }, "url": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/", "areaServed": [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Carolina", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_(U.S._state)" ], "slogan": [ "Protecting the Injured", "Because You Matter" ], "employee": [ "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/katelyn-vorherr", "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/courtney-barreto", "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/adam-saxe", "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/jay-drew", { "@type": "Person", "worksFor": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/" }, "description": "Harry Brown Jr. is the founder and managing partner at The Brown Firm. After treating automobile accident victims for over ten years as a chiropractor, Harry learned what people want and need from an attorney, and opened The Brown Firm to focus on providing great customer service. “I’m one of the few attorneys who is also a medical practitioner,” Harry commented, “so I know how to work with other attorneys, healthcare providers, and insurance companies to get the best possible outcome for my clients.”", "sameAs": "https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/ga-harry-brown-3412270.html", "name": "Harry Brown Jr., DC, JD", "url": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/harry-brown-jr", "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/harry-brown-jr" } ], "image": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/hubfs/The-Brown-Firm-15.jpg", "description": "The Brown Firm is a Personal Injury Law Firm with offices in Georgia and South Carolina. Our experienced personal injury lawyers provide legal advice to those victims of car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, and wrongful deaths.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "name": "Main Office", "addressCountry": "US", "addressLocality": "Savannah", "addressRegion": "GA", "postalCode": "31405", "streetAddress": "7176 Hodgson Memorial Dr", "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/#PostalAddress" }, "logo": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/hs-fs/hubfs/images/logo.png?width=288&name=logo.png", "telephone": "+1 (912) 200-9755", "contactPoint": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/contact", "founder": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/harry-brown-jr" }, "foundingDate": "2005-02-02", "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/" }, "author": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/about/harry-brown-jr" }, "video": { "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/blog/safely-share-the-road-with-semi-trucks#VideoObject" }, "mainEntityOfPage": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/blog/safely-share-the-road-with-semi-trucks", "keywords": [ "truck accident attorney", "truck accident", "personal injury lawyer", "truck accident lawyer", "lawyer after semi truck" ], "timeRequired": "P0Y0M0DT0H5M15S", "wordCount": 789, "about": [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_collision", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury_lawyer", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truck_driver", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-trailer_truck" ], "mentions": [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_collision", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury_lawyer", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truck_driver", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-trailer_truck" ], "inLanguage": "English", "image": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Locations/Skidaway%20Island%20/Truck%20Accident/Truck%20Accident%20Attorney%20Near%20Me.jpg?width=1200&name=Truck%20Accident%20Attorney%20Near%20Me.jpg", "description": "Inside, we discuss several ways to keep yourself safe on the road with semi-trucks. Contact The Brown Firm for help after a semi-truck accident.", "headline": "Safely Share The Road With Semi-Trucks", "name": "Safely Share The Road With Semi-Trucks", "dateModified": "2021-01-08T10:12:00Z", "datePublished": "2021-01-08T10:11:00Z", "articleBody": "It's easy to point the finger at semi-truck drivers, and they do share some of the responsibility for these accidents, but many motorists don't know how to share the road with these large trucks properly. You can do many things to make traveling safer around semi-trucks so you and the truck driver can make it to your destinations safely. In the article below, we discuss several ways to keep yourself safe on the road with semi-trucks. Table of Contents PRACTICE DEFENSIVE DRIVING At this point, driving your car, truck, or motorcycle probably comes second nature to you. But no matter how easy it is for you to drive, you have to be alert at all times, especially if you encounter a large semi-truck. Because semis are bigger, it takes longer for them to react to the things around them and avoid collisions. That's why you need to pay close attention to the flow of traffic, the vehicle signals around you, and the weather conditions so you can prepare yourself for potential problems on the road. PASS TRUCKS PROPERLY Firstly, if a truck attempts to pass you, let it. Stay to the right and reduce your speed, so it is easy for the truck to make it around you. This will give the truck driver plenty of room to get around you and keep you out of its blind spot as much as possible. Second, you never want to pass a truck that's backing up. There's a high likelihood of you entering their blind spots, and that's somewhere you never want to be. AVOID BLIND SPOTS This deserves its own section. You never want to be in the blind spot of a semi-truck. The right side of a semi-truck is the most dangerous place to be, so avoid it at all costs. If you have to pass on the right, do it as fast as possible, use your signal lights, and ensure the trucker sees you as soon as possible. SEMI-TRUCKS MAKE WIDE RIGHT TURNS When a commercial truck needs to make a right turn, they need as much as 55 feet of turning radius to complete the turn safely. Knowing this, you can anticipate them needing extra room to turn so you can avoid entering their space when possible. If you're on the highway and the truck is getting off on an exit, make sure it has plenty of space in front of you. The truck will have to get much slower than a passenger vehicle to maintain control through the off-ramp's curve. USE YOUR SIGNAL LIGHTS When you are around semi-trucks, use your turn signals earlier because they don't have the same reaction speed as a smaller vehicle. This will help prevent a rear-end collision with a truck traveling behind you. If you plan on merging into a lane with a semi-truck, give them more time to anticipate your maneuver by using your turn signal earlier. FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE ROAD When you are driving at high speeds, your risk of being involved in an accident is heightened. The faster you drive, the harder it is to react to your surroundings and control your vehicle. Rushing through red lights, driving intoxicated, and driving distracted all increase your chances of being in an accident with a tractor-trailer. When you drive, always follow the rules of the road. You want your actions to be predictable to the truck driver you are sharing the road with. CONTACT THE BROWN FIRM TODAY If you're ever involved in an accident with a semi-truck, you need the help of a personal injury attorney. Commercial vehicle accident claims are much more complicated than typical car accident claims, but The Brown Firm can help you with your case. The Brown Firm will file your claim, work with your doctors, and handle the insurance company so you can focus on your physical recovery. If you've been in a semi-truck accident, contact The Brown Firm Today to schedule your Free Consultation.", "audience": "People injured in an accident with a Semi Truck", "url": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/blog/safely-share-the-road-with-semi-trucks\\\\\\\\", "alternativeHeadline": "Safely Driving with Semi Trucks on the road. ", "@id": "https://www.harrybrownlaw.com/blog/safely-share-the-road-with-semi-trucks#BlogPosting" } ]]> from Press Releases https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/40757-atlanta-truck-accident-lawyer-shares-tips-to-prevent-accidents-with-semi-trucks via IFTTT Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer Shares Tips To Prevent Accidents With Semi-Trucks published first on https://thebrownfirm.blogspot.com
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tkroofingandgutters · 3 years ago
TK Roofing and Gutters Shares Tips To Repair A Leaky Roof in Akron, Ohio
TK Roofing and Gutters is a trusted professional roofing company in Akron, OH, with a track record of supplying property owners with the highest quality roof repair and replacement services. TK Roofing urges property owners to fix a leaking roof before it goes out of control. It is best to have an experienced local roof repair company inspect the leak, as they have the knowledge, experience, and tools to repair minor to major roof leaks.
TK Roofing and Gutters is a family-owned roofing company that has been in the business since 2007. They have the best tools and resources to detect signs of damage or leaks to a roof. The blog they recently published on repairs for a leaking roof article explains tips to find roof leaks. TK Roofing and Gutters suggests checking the roof uphill from the stains to look for signs of leakage.
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The certified Ohio roofer emphasizes the need to look for signs of cracks or tears in the flashing in the event of a leaking skylight. A skylight could leak due to a misplaced roofing nail. TK Roofing and Gutters also identifies mold, water stains, and black spots as top signs of water damage.
The Akron roof replacement contractor explains how to fix a roof leak as an emergency solution with plywood, extra shingles, and roofing tar until a local roofer roof repair company is available for the job.
The certified roofing professional in Ohio shares tips to identify problems with plumbing vent boots and how to fix them. The article also explains how to securely fix flashing, adding that the existing flashing can be fixed using caulking or roof cement as a short-term fix, as it won't last long. TK Roofing and Gutters advise it as a temporary fix done in an emergency if roof replacement plans are underway.
TK Roofing and Gutters is well-known for its expertise in roof repair and replacement. They have fixed or replaced the roofs of thousands of homes. TK Roofing and Gutters understands that a roof replacement can be an expensive and time-consuming task. The Akron roofer shares some steps to extend the life of the roof and prevent roof leaks.
Contact the local roofers at TK Roofing and Gutters to detect a roof leak or damage and get it fixed as soon as possible to prevent it from turning into a bigger problem.
Working with a local quality roofer is the best step to prevent significant roof damage and save money. For a free roofing estimate, Akron local roofers are available by calling or on the TK Roofing and Gutters website.
{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "about": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_roof_construction", "keywords": [ "leak", "leaking roof", "roof", "roofer", "roofing company", "roofing contractor", "roof repair company", "roof repair contractor" ], "inLanguage": "English", "audience": "Homeowners who have a leak in their roof", "image": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Roof%20repair.png?width=1200&name=Roof%20repair.png", "dateModified": "2021-11-03T11:19:00Z", "alternativeHeadline": "Learn Ways to spot and fix a leaking roof", "name": "How Do You Repair A Leaky Roof?", "headline": "How Do You Repair A Leaky Roof?", "description": "Learn Ways to spot and repair a roof leak.", "articleBody": "Two of the most frightening words a homeowner could ever hear is, \"roof leak.\" After hearing these words, most homeowners wish they could wake up from this nightmare they're having. It's understandable because fixing a leak or replacing your entire roof can be a costly nightmare. But, this isn't something that should be avoided. If your roof is leaking, you need to where it's leaking and fix it fast before even more damage to your roof and the interior of your home occurs. Some roof leaks and temporary repairs can be a simple DIY project, but if you have a major leak that requires a major roof repair, you may need to consult with an experienced local roof repair company. In the article below, we will look at what you can do to repair a leaky roof. How to Find Roof Leaks No matter what type of roof you have, when looking for your leak, start by looking at the roof uphill from the stains. The first thing you should take a look at is your roof penetrations. Items that penetrate your roof are the most common sources of roof leaks. It's actually pretty rare for a leak to develop in an open area of your roof, even on older roofs, unless something falls on it and damages your roof deck. Roof penetrations are things like plumbing and roof vents, skylights, chimneys, dormers, or anything else that projects through your roof. They can be several feet above the leak or to the right or left of it. Skylights, in particular, have a rubber seal around the skylight glass that can dry out and crack, making the skylight vulnerable to leaks. If you notice that your skylight leaks, check for cracks or tears in the flashing around the top and sides of the skylight. Sometimes misplaced roofing nails can be the cause of your leak, so keep an eye out for them as well. If you have attic access, the easiest way to track down a leak is to go to your attic with a flashlight and look for evidence of a leak. Look for signs of water damage like water stains, black marks, or mold. If you can't get to your attic or have a vaulted ceiling, you'll have to go up onto the roof. Just be careful, especially if you have an extreme roof slope. Roof Leak Emergency No matter what type of roof you have, roof leaks can always be an emergency. Before fixing a leak, remember that you shouldn’t try to fix it while it is raining or there's other bad weather in your area. In a pinch, you can make an emergency cover for your leaking roof from plastic sheeting and 2 by 4s. First, unroll or unfold enough heavy polyethylene sheeting to cover the section of your roof that's leaking from eaves to the peak. Then add about 4 feet of extra length and cut it with a utility knife. Wrap one end around a 2x4 that is as long as the width of the plastic. Staple the plastic along the 2x4 and sandwich it with a second 2 by 4. Nail the boards together with three or four 3-inch or 3 1/4-inch common nails. Now place the sandwiched end of the plastic along the eaves. Stretch the sheeting from eaves to ridge, and run it over the top of the ridge and down the other side a few feet. Finally, sandwich the top end of the sheeting with another pair of 2x4's so the wind doesn't;t take it away. This is an ideal temporary solution for any type of roof, even complex roofs, until a professional roofer can make a permanent repair. Fix a Leaking Roof From The Inside If you can't get onto your roof or don't have the equipment to fix your roof leak from the outside, there are things you can do to fix the roof from the inside. If you're able to discover the source of the leak in your roof, the easiest thing you can do to fix it is to patch it. You'll need some plywood, extra shingles, and roofing tar. You can use a putty knife to spread the roofing tar around the leak from the inside. Then place the plywood or your roofing material on the tar and spread more around the edges of the patch to secure it in place. Keep an eye on the leak you've repaired, especially after heavy rain, to ensure that they are holding up. When you're able to, you can call your local roofer with experience repairing roof leaks so they can make sure the job is done right. If you’re desperate and you need to stop the leak until your roofer comes, products like Flex Seal for roof leaks are an easy alternative option. Fix Plumbing Vent Boots Another source of roof leaks is your plumbing vent boots. These can be all plastic, plastic and metal, or two-piece metal units. Check the plastic bases of your vent boots for cracks or metal bases for broken seams. Next, take a look at the rubber boot surrounding the pipe. The rubber boot could be rotted away or torn, allowing water to make its way into your house along the vent pipe. If you notice any of these problems, you need to buy a new vent boot and replace the old one. If you notice that the roofing nails at the base are missing or pulled free and your boot looks good, replace them with the rubber-washered screws used for metal roofing systems. You'll need to work the neighboring shingles free on both sides. Without extra shingles, you need to be careful when you remove shingles so they can be reused. Roof Flashing Repair Another common roof leak repair is repairs done to your flashing. If you have to fix your flashing, you should pry up the nails used to secure it once you locate the source of the leak. Again, move any shingles out of the way and be careful not to damage them if you don't have extra. Replacing your flashing may mean removing several rows of singles and the old flashing. Put the new flashing in place and fasten it with roofing nails using the pattern of your old piece. You should also apply a coating of roofing sealant and quality caulk to the nail heads to make them even more weather-resistant. If the damaged flashing you have to replace is over a vent or pipe, you should replace the collar or boot as well. Depending on how big a job it is, replacing your flashing and other barrier pieces can cost a few hundred dollars. You may be tempted to reseal the existing flashing using caulking or roof cement, but this is a short-term fix that won't last nearly as long as replacing the flashing. Only do this if you are planning on replacing the roof soon. If the flashing around your chimney has minor damage you should be able to replace it as well, but if the chimney mortar is also deteriorating, you will probably want to hire a professional How To Prevent Roof Leaks The easiest way to keep from having to perform expensive and time-consuming roofing repairs is to prevent roof leaks and extend the life of your roof. One of the best things you can do to ensure the longevity of your roof is to hire a professional, and reputable roofing company for repairs that you can't or don't want to carry out yourself. You should always keep your gutters clean and clear of debris so water doesn't pool on your roof. Even if you don't notice any leaks, you should also perform an annual inspection of your roof to check for structural issues and other signs of damage. You also need to make sure your attic stays well insulated and ventilated. Contact Your Local Roofers For Help If you notice a roof leak or roof damage that may cause a leak, you need to get it fixed as soon as possible to prevent it from turning into a bigger problem. Although it's possible to fix a leak yourself, leaks can be hard to find, and working on top of a roof can be difficult and dangerous. Unless your roof’s pitch is low and you have the necessary experience, tools, and confidence to get the job done safely, you should leave this work to a roofing professional. If you're ready to have your roof fixed and you don't want to do it yourself, it's time to look for local roof repair. Finding quality roofers to work within your area will save you money because they will do the job right the first time. The team at TK Roofing and Gutters has been fixing roof leaks in Ohio for years and has extended the lives of countless roofs. They can fix any damaged areas you've noticed and they'll check for other weak spots to prevent future leaks. Contact TK Roofing and Gutters today for your free roofing estimate! 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Luxury Roofs is what we do. We handle everything so you don't have too. Call Ohio's Top Rated Roofing Company today for a no obligation free consultation.\"", "logo": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/hs-fs/hubfs/TK6.png?width=400&name=TK6.png", "telephone": "(330) 858-2616", "sameAs": [ "https://sites.google.com/view/tkroofingandguttersroofingcooh/", "https://tkroofingandgutters.business.site/", "https://tkroofingandgutters.tumblr.com/", "https://twitter.com/gutterstk", "https://www.angieslist.com/companylist/us/oh/akron/tk-roofing-and-gutters-reviews-9819644.htm", "https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/akron/profile/roofing-contractors/tk-roofing-and-gutters-0272-235828502", "https://www.facebook.com/TKRoofingandGutters/", "https://www.mapquest.com/us/ohio/tk-roofing-gutters-425565323", "https://www.yelp.com/biz/tk-roofing-and-gutters-akron" ], "brand": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Organization" }, "contactPoint": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#ContactPoint", "foundingLocation": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Place", "areaServed": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#AdministrativeArea", "alumni": { "@type": "Person", "url": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/about-tk-roofing", "name": "Daryl Gentry", "description": "Daryl Gentry is the founder of TK Roofing and Gutters, a premier roofing contractor serving all of Ohio.", "sameAs": "https://www.facebook.com/daryl.gentrylindsay", "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Person1" }, "founder": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Person1" }, "knowsLanguage": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Language", "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Organization" }, "mainEntityOfPage": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/blog/how-do-you-repair-a-leaky-roof" }, "author": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Person1" }, "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/blog/how-do-you-repair-a-leaky-roof" }
from Press Releases https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/47817-tk-roofing-and-gutters-shares-tips-to-repair-a-leaky-roof-in-akron-ohio
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finnishfun · 7 years ago
Follower Friday
I got lots of new followers in the past two weeks so let’s see some great langblrs!
@ew-tamara -  Spanish, Italian, Japanese, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian
@growing-languages - Mandarin and Finnish
@astudy-inlanguages - Polish and Norwegian
@seraphiclanguages - French, Hungarian, Romanian
@polyglotramblings - French, Italian, German and some Danish and Korean
@lundin-anna - Norwegian, German, Swedish, Finnish, Czech
@ankoimsauftour - Finnish, German, Swedish, Japanese, English
Wow, so many new Finnish learners! :)
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eazy-group · 1 year ago
The 9 Best Organic Protein Powders (2023)
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/the-9-best-organic-protein-powders-2023/
The 9 Best Organic Protein Powders (2023)
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[] The 9 Best Organic Protein Powders (2023) | Breaking Muscle While this may potentially improve the product from a quality perspective, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better for you.”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,“@type”:”Question”,”@id”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/best-organic-protein-powder/#faq-question-1692913185701″,”position”:2,”url”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/best-organic-protein-powder/#faq-question-1692913185701″,”name”:”Which is the best organic protein powder?”,”answerCount”:1,”acceptedAnswer”:“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”What’s considered the best organic protein powder will differ for everyone as we all have different goals and preferences. If an organic protein powder meets your budget, aligns with your diet, and has the nutrients you desire, that’s the best one for you. That said, we recommend Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Rice & Pea Protein because of its science-backed ingredients and transparent nutrition label.”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,“@type”:”Question”,”@id”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/best-organic-protein-powder/#faq-question-1692913204947″,”position”:3,”url”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/best-organic-protein-powder/#faq-question-1692913204947″,”name”:”What is the best protein powder in the world?”,”answerCount”:1,”acceptedAnswer”:“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”It’s impossible to say what’s the best protein powder in the world, as everyone is looking for something specific to their needs. Every single protein powder product available has pros and cons. Therefore, you just have to determine what you’re looking for and aim to find that. “,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,“@type”:”Question”,”@id”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/best-organic-protein-powder/#faq-question-1692913222954″,”position”:4,”url”:”https://breakingmuscle.com/best-organic-protein-powder/#faq-question-1692913222954″,”name”:”Which plant-based protein is best?”,”answerCount”:1,”acceptedAnswer”:“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”The best plant-based protein for you may differ from what someone else considers the best plant-based protein. You have to determine which source of plant protein you prefer, as it could come from peas, chia seeds, flax seeds, oats, or other sources. “,”inLanguage”:”en-US”,”inLanguage”:”en-US”]]]>
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mateo393 · 4 years ago
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tkroofingandgutters · 3 years ago
TK Roofing and Gutters Explains Roof Replacement Basics
TK Roofing and Gutters in Akron, Ohio, is a trusted name in the roofing industry. The top Akron roofer explains the essentials of roof replacement. The first important step in roofing is the choice of material. Daryl Gentry, the TK roofing owner, cautions against taking roof maintenance lightly, adding that homeowners should trust only a professional roofer in Akron.
Gentry says, “A quality roof replacement by trusted local roofers will keep you and your family protected and safe for decades to come.”
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The article identifies common warning signs of a roof that requires repair or replacement. The age of the roof is the most important factor. A roof older than 15-20 years with signs of wear and tear might be a candidate for replacement. Any sign of storm damage to the roof is another important factor that calls for a replacement. The top roofing contractor in Akron, OH, suggests doing a visual inspection of the roof regularly to look out for any potential damages.
“Damaged shingles are a tell-tale sign of roof damage that should be inspected and repaired or replaced right away,” says Gentry, adding, “If you notice any water stains on your walls or ceilings, it could be due to a roof leak.” The #1 Akron roofer explains that any sign of wet or soggy attic insulation indicated a leak in the roof, suggesting that timely inspections can save property owners from costly repairs.
Another important point of consideration is the type of roofing material because different materials work for different types of roofs. The article adds that some roofing materials are more appropriate for specific regions, advising property owners to choose a material that will work well in the local climatic conditions and give the right look for the property.
The contractors at TK Roofing and Gutters can help homeowners determine the best type of roofing material for their property. The article lists some of the most popular roofing materials available and explains which material works best for which surface and climate. Asphalt and metal are the most popular types, with metal being more durable and cost-effective in the long run.
The article cautions against installing new shingles on top of old ones, which may cause structural issues for older houses. Another argument against layering shingles is the risk of repetition of surface irregularities on the roof.
As a professional Akron, OH, roofer, TK Roofing and Gutters has the expertise and confidence to carry out a seamless roof replacement job. An experienced roofing crew ensures that the job is done right the first time.
TK Roofing and Gutters has earned the reputation of an experienced local roofer in Northeast Ohio for over 15 years. Their team can easily undertake any roof inspection, repair, maintenance, and replacement project. They have the answer to all types of roof damages in Akron. Trust the roofing specialists at TK for excellent service and workmanship.
Contact with the most reliable roofer in Akron on the TK Roofing and Gutters website. Ohio's best roofing company is available for a free estimate.
{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "about": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_roof_construction", "image": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/hs-fs/hubfs/roof-replacement/best-roof-replacement-company%20.jpg?width=1200&name=best-roof-replacement-company%20.jpg", "keywords": [ "roof", "roofer", "roofing company", "roofing contractor", "roof replacemnt" ], "inLanguage": "English", "alternativeHeadline": "What are the steps of replacing a roof?", "audience": "Homeowners wanting to replace their roof", "datePublished": "2021-10-13T12:40:00Z", "name": "Whats involved in a roof replacement?", "headline": "Whats involved in a roof replacement?", "articleBody": "Of every significant repair that can be done to your home, replacing your entire roof and installing a new one is as important as it gets. Roof replacements aren't very glamorous, and they'll never get you the attention a new back deck or kitchen will bring, but its importance is unmatched. Unfortunately, many of us take for granted the importance of our roofs until they fail, allowing water to destroy the inside of your home. There are just a few things that can be as disastrous as a failed roof. You shouldn't take the care and maintenance of your roof lightly, and when it's time to replace your roof, you need to act quickly. A quality roof replacement by trusted local roofers will keep you and your family protected and safe for decades to come. In the article below, our roofing replacement company will explain a few things involved in a roof replacement. How To Know You Need A Roof Replacement The very first step in a roof replacement is knowing whether or not you need a roof replacement. Fortunately, there are common warning signs and things to look out for that could indicate that it's time for a roof replacement. The first thing to consider is the age of your roof. If your roof is between 15-20 years old, and you're starting to notice wear and tear, it might be time to replace it. The next thing you need to do is check for damage to your roof, especially after a storm. Even if there hasn't been a recent storm, you should still do a visual inspection of your roof regularly. If you notice any damage, like curled shingles or missing tiles, you should contact a local roofing company. Damaged shingles are a tell-tale sign of roof damage that should be inspected and repaired or replaced right away. If you notice any water stains on your walls or ceilings, it could be due to a roof leak. If you notice any wet or soggy attic insulation, you almost definitely have a leak somewhere in your roof. Get your roof leak inspected as soon as you can because if you wait too long, it can cost you extra in interior water damage repairs. Choose Your Roofing Material Before you can have your roof replaced, you need to decide on the type of roofing materials you're going to use. There are several basic roofing materials from which you can choose and several considerations you should make to select the best roofing material for your home. Some materials will work better for flat roofs, and some will work better on slanted roofs. If you have a low pitch on your roof, you may be limited to certain materials. For example, wood shake shingles do not work well on low pitches. Some roofing materials are more appropriate for certain regions than others. Choose a material that will work well in your climate and will also give you the right look for your home. You also want to consider the cost of your roofing material because some will cost considerably more per square foot than others. Your roofing contractor should be able to help you decide which roofing material is best for you. Here are few common options for roofing materials: Asphalt Shingles Asphalt shingles are the most popular type of shingle; they're what you see on most homes. They cost less per square foot than the other available roofing types, and they are the easiest to find. Asphalt shingles are great for several types of roofs, but they aren't the most visually appealing option. They are flat, ordinary, and kind of bland, but they are still a very dependable option for residential roofs. Metal Metal roofing has increased in popularity over recent years. This is likely due to its durability and fireproof properties. However, metal roofing varies considerably, and you can find metal roof panels that look like shingles as well as full sheets. But here is a downside to this roof material. Roofing contractors need to specialize in metal roofing installation, so the average cost for a metal roof tends to be higher. However, the durability of the metal could make it cost-effective in the long run. Tear Off or Second Layer? Many people wonder if they can save some money on the typical roof replacement costs by adding new shingles on top of their old shingles. This used to be a common practice, but it's no longer allowed in some jurisdictions, and a complete roof replacement is required. Even where layering is allowed, applying a new layer of shingles over the old should be carefully considered. The main argument against layering your asphalt shingle roof is that the materials can get too heavy for the underlying roof framing. This can cause structural issues, especially if you have an older house. A roof with a triple layer of asphalt shingles is equivalent to having a single layer of slate shingles, the heaviest type of roof material. Another reason to avoid layering your shingles is that you could end up repeating some of the surface irregularities that may already be present on your roof. If you're in a situation where you need to replace your roof, your current roof may have bubbles, bumps, and waves that need to be fixed. When you add new shingles on top of your old shingles, you are left with these same issues and an unattractive new roof. The easiest way to minimize this problem is to go over your old roof and correct as many of these minor repairs as you can before re-roofing. The main advantage of layering your roof is to reduce the work involved, thus reducing your labor costs. Removing your current shingles and adding a new layer adds more work to the Get Your Roof Replaced By A Professional The best thing you can do to save money during a roof replacement is to work with a reputable roofing contractor. Working with an experienced roofing crew will ensure that the job is done right the first time. Nothing beats working with an experienced local roofing contractor. TK Roofing and Gutters has been the trusted roofer in Northeast Ohio for over 15 years, and they are ready to help you with your roof project today. Whether you need a roof repair, roof replacement, or help with a claim with your insurance company after a storm, the roofing specialists at TK will provide you with excellent service and workmanship. When you start your search for a reliable roofer in your area, you can trust Ohio's Best Roofing Company With Your Roofing needs today. Click below to get your Free Estimate!", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "name": "Office Address", "addressCountry": "USA", "addressLocality": "Akron", "addressRegion": "OH", "postalCode": "44319", "streetAddress": "47 Alice Dr Suite B", "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#PostalAddress" }, "url": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/", "mainEntityOfPage": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/", "image": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/hubfs/Roofing%20Pics%209.3/FAQ-TK-ROOFING-1.png", "name": "TK ROOFING AND GUTTERS", "description": "\"We are a Fully Insured Roofing and Gutter Installation Company with over 25 Years of Experience. We are the best Roofing and Gutter Company near you. Ohio's Premiere Roofing and Gutter Company. Call today for a free consultation. We are a local Akron, Ohio company that services all of Northeast Ohio. We have affordable cash plans available and work with all insurance companies. Luxury Roofs is what we do. We handle everything so you don't have too. Call Ohio's Top Rated Roofing Company today for a no obligation free consultation.\"", "logo": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/hs-fs/hubfs/TK6.png?width=400&name=TK6.png", "telephone": "(330) 858-2616", "sameAs": [ "https://sites.google.com/view/tkroofingandguttersroofingcooh/", "https://tkroofingandgutters.business.site/", "https://tkroofingandgutters.tumblr.com/", "https://twitter.com/gutterstk", "https://www.angieslist.com/companylist/us/oh/akron/tk-roofing-and-gutters-reviews-9819644.htm", "https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/akron/profile/roofing-contractors/tk-roofing-and-gutters-0272-235828502", "https://www.facebook.com/TKRoofingandGutters/", "https://www.mapquest.com/us/ohio/tk-roofing-gutters-425565323", "https://www.yelp.com/biz/tk-roofing-and-gutters-akron" ], "brand": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Organization" }, "contactPoint": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#ContactPoint", "foundingLocation": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Place", "areaServed": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#AdministrativeArea", "alumni": { "@type": "Person", "url": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/about-tk-roofing", "name": "Daryl Gentry", "description": "Daryl Gentry is the founder of TK Roofing and Gutters, a premier roofing contractor serving all of Ohio.", "sameAs": "https://www.facebook.com/daryl.gentrylindsay", "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Person1" }, "founder": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Person1" }, "knowsLanguage": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Language", "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Organization" }, "author": { "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/#Person1" }, "@id": "https://www.tkroofingandgutters.com/blog/whats-involved-in-a-roof-replacement" }
from Press Releases https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/47381-tk-roofing-and-gutters-explains-roof-replacement-basics
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denamwoods · 5 years ago
Best Dog Paw Protection Booties
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Dog Boots”, “image”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RUFFWEAR-Grip-Trex.jpg&#8221;, “url”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/best-dog-paw-protection-booties#ruffwear_8211_grip_trex_dog_boots&#8221;, “description”:”These booties were made to be used out on hikes or walking on trails. They are durable and made from a tightly woven air mesh that allows for ventilation, keeping your pup’s temperature at bay.” }, { “@type”: “ListItem”, “position”: 2, “name”: “QUMY Dog Boots”, “image”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/QUMY-Dog-Boots.jpg&#8221;, “url”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/best-dog-paw-protection-booties#qumy_dog_boots&#8221;, “description”:”The QUMY Dog Boots are equipped with two reflective velcro straps. These straps allow for a tight but comfortable fit around your dog’s paws, with the added bonus of being reflective.” }, { “@type”: “ListItem”, “position”: 3, “name”: “Petilleur Breathable Dog Hiking Shoes”, “image”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Petilleur-Dog-Shoes.jpg&#8221;, “url”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/best-dog-paw-protection-booties#petilleur_breathable_dog_hiking_shoes&#8221;, “description”:”These dog boots are perfect for hiking. These booties are made from a soft fabric and are very flexible. The soft fabric also allows the booties to be breathable, so your dog won’t be overheated when doing activities.” }, { “@type”: “ListItem”, “position”: 4, “name”: “LONSUNEER Paw Protector Dog Boots”, “image”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/LONSUNEER-Dog-Boots.jpg&#8221;, “url”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/best-dog-paw-protection-booties#lonsuneer_paw_protector_dog_boots&#8221;, “description”:”These booties are breathable and very flexible. They are made from a very soft material, so you know that your dog will be extremely comfortable in them.” }, { “@type”: “ListItem”, “position”: 5, “name”: “Canine Equipment Ultimate Trail Dog Boots”, “image”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Canine-Equipment-Dog-Boots.jpg&#8221;, “url”: “https://www.furryfriendsgear.com/best-dog-paw-protection-booties#canine_equipment_ultimate_trail_dog_boots&#8221;, “description”:”The Ultimate Trail Dog Boots are all-terrain booties that are rugged and will last for a long time. The soles are made from recycled rubber and have good traction to keep your dog from slipping.” } ]} ]}Have you ever seen anything cuter than a dog wearing dog booties? Me neither! Not only are they super fun to put on your dog, they also protect your pooch’s feet from any harmful elements outside. We evaluate multiple dog boots in our quest to find the best dog paw protection booties!
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RUFFWEAR – Grip Trex
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Editor’s Choice
QUMY Dog Boots
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Runner Up
Petilleur Hiking Shoes
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Best Value
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Dog Paw Protection
All of us pet owners love to take advantage of taking our pups with us when we go out. Whether it be on a morning run or just to the mall, taking your dog with you on your daily adventures is a great way to get them to exercise and move around. Yet, there are many things out in the environment that can harm your pup’s paws. For example, walking around a mall, or even just walking from the parking lot to the mall entrance, can be dangerous as your dog can step on a broken piece of glass or another sharp object. Going on a run can also be dangerous to your dog’s feet. There are sharp pieces of mulch or sharp rocks that can cut up their paws and cause infections.
Dog Shoes For Hot Pavement
We all know how hot pavement can get on a hot summer day. Obviously, none of us would want to walk barefoot on steaming hot pavement, so we shouldn’t make our dogs walk barefoot on it either. Booties can protect your dog’s feet from burning on walks, especially if your dog is prone to having sensitive skin on their paws.
Dog Paw Protection For Winter
In the same sense, the cold weather can take a toll on your pup’s feet, too. Snow can get caught in between the hairs in your dog’s feet and accumulate. As time passes and if your dog is still out in the cold, the snow can turn to ice and cut the webbing between your dog’s toes. Booties will keep your dog’s feet warm and prevent snow or ice from forming within the hairs of your dog’s feet. This allows you and your pooch to enjoy more time outside and worry less about your dog‘s health!
Keeping Your House Clean
Another benefit of getting your dog a pair of booties is that you’ll never have to worry about your dog tracking prints all-around your house. Mud and dirt can easily get trapped in the hair between your pup’s toes, and it would be a pain to have to clean up their tracks after a hike or a walk during a rainy day.
Also, if you live in a big city like NYC or Philadelphia, you know how dirty the sidewalks can get, and there is no telling what kinds of things your dog can stepping in and then tracking into your house. Personally, I would never let my dog’s little feet touch the gross NYC sidewalks, especially with all of the litter and random puddles of who knows what on the ground. Putting booties on your dog will eliminate the chore of cleanup after taking your dog out.
What to Look For in Dog Booties
Finding a good pair of dog booties can be hard when you don’t know exactly what to look for. The best dog booties will have good traction and be water-resistant. These are good attributes to look for in booties for when you plan to take your dog out and it starts to rain or if your dog will be playing in water. Having good traction and being rugged also ensures that the booties will last a long time. You don’t want to have to keep purchasing new booties too frequently.
If you are purchasing a dog booty due to weather considerations, it is important to find a product that will perform well in the hot and cold. This is especially true if you take your dog on hikes in the snow or on long walks in the summertime on pavement and sidewalks. Look for booties that can protect your dog‘s paws in extreme temperature conditions.
Finding the proper size should also be important. Making sure that the booties fit your pet’s paws well will ensure that they are comfortable and that they don’t slip off. It is also important that the booties are made from a flexible, breathable material. Assuming that your pup is going to be active while outside, getting a pair of flexible booties for them will make sure they’re comfortable running around. In addition, dogs’ only sweat glands are in their feet, so make sure to get booties that are breathable so your dog doesn’t overheat.
Recommended Products
Below is a list of dog booty products that we reviewed in our quest for finding the best dog paw protection booties! Check them out and see if you find any you like:
Ruffwear – Grip Trex
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Dog Boots
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These booties were made to be used out on hikes or walking on trails. They are durable and made from a tightly woven air mesh that allows for ventilation, keeping your pup’s temperature at bay. Because these booties were made for being in a woodsy area, they have great traction on the soles. They come with a hook-and-loop cinch closure system to ensure a tight fit, and they have a reflective trim for safe night time adventures.
The one problem with these booties is that the closure system is right where a dog’s dewclaw would be. If your dog has dewclaws, you may run into the problem of bloody dew claws and sores that take a while to heal.
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Quick Glance
What’s Good
Reflective trim
What’s Bad
Not suitable for dogs with dewclaws
QUMY Dog Boots
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The QUMY Dog Boots are equipped with two reflective velcro straps. These straps allow for a tight but comfortable fit around your dog’s paws, with the added bonus of being reflective so they’re safe to wear at night! The booties are easy to slip on as they have a wide split seam opening allowing you to stretch out the opening and slip them onto your dog, and it also allows for easy removal.
These booties are also rugged and waterproof so your dog is safe when running around in the rain or around water. One problem you can run into with these booties is that, if you have a very active dog, the velcro straps may come loose. Or, if you decide to put these booties on to protect your dog’s feet from the snow, the snow can get caught within the straps and the straps seem to adhere less to the boot.
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Quick Glance
What’s Good
Reflective Straps
Comfortable tight fit
What’s Bad
Straps are not very reliable
Petilleur Breathable Dog Hiking Shoes
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These dog boots are perfect for hiking. These booties are made from a soft fabric and are very flexible. The soft fabric also allows the booties to be breathable, so your dog won’t be overheated when doing activities. The shoes come equipped with two straps to snuggly fit your dog’s paws and they are easily adjustable. The booties also have good traction on the soles so you won’t have to worry about your dog slipping on pavement or wet rocks.
A problem you can find with these booties, however, is that if your pooch has skinny legs, the booties may slip off more easily. This is because the booties were meant to fit the paws snugly, not the legs, and the straps only go so tight. Also, you may find that these boots can turn on your dog’s paws quite easily if your dog is very active.
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Quick Glance
What’s Good
What’s Bad
Doesn’t fit tight around legs
May turn on dog’s paws
LONSUNEER Paw Protector Dog Boots
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These booties are breathable and very flexible. They are made from a very soft material, so you know that your dog will be extremely comfortable in them. Although they aren’t waterproof, they are suitable for swimming and walking in the rain, you’ll just have to let them air dry afterwards. These booties are also made to fit tight onto a dog’s paws. This is accomplished by an elastic opening and a strap that makes sure the booties are snug on your dog’s paws.
Being that these are made to fit snugly onto your dog’s feet, they may be a little hard to slip off, especially if your dog has paws that are on the bigger side. Additionally, the traction is not the best in these booties. You may run into problems such as easy wear and tear, and if you have a very active dog these booties might not last as long as others. Another problem you can encounter is that, since the booties are made from a soft material, they are easily torn up by a feisty dog.
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Quick Glance
What’s Good
What’s Bad
Not very durable
No good traction
Canine Equipment Ultimate Trail Dog Boots
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The Ultimate Trail Dog Boots are all-terrain booties that are rugged and will last for a long time. The soles are made from recycled rubber and have good traction to keep your dog from slipping. Also, they are made from a waterproof and breathable material, making these booties very convenient. They tighten with a cinch instead of straps for optimal fit. The best part about these booties, however, is that they are machine washable. Easily stick them in the wash to get them clean, no need for laborious hand washing!
Although there are many benefits to these booties, you may find that doing big activities daily will cut the lifespan of these booties short. The rubber soles can wear out if they are used very frequently. Also, these booties are made so that the two front booties are bigger than the ones for the back legs, but this could turn into a problem if your dog’s paws are relatively all the same size.
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Quick Glance
What’s Good
Machine Washable
What’s Bad
Not suitable for daily use
Booties may not fit every dog’s paws
Our Top Pick
Our top choice of bootie for your dog is the Ruffwear – Grip Trex
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Dog Boots! These booties have many benefits like breathability, a reflective trim, and they provide lots of traction for your pup! Although they aren’t the best when it comes to maneuvering around the dewclaws, these booties are the best overall!
The post Best Dog Paw Protection Booties appeared first on Furry Friends Gear.
Best Dog Paw Protection Booties published first on https://furryfriendsgear.wordpress.com
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malindians · 5 years ago
Mida Creek
The bay of Mida creek expands across an area of 32 Km. It comprises different types of habitats that are influenced by the tide; the presence of mud, sand, flat & shallow water ponds as well as thick mangrove forests. As a matter of fact, the Mida creek ecosystem is known to be one of the most productive mangrove ecosystems in the world.
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Visitors on the Mida Creek Board Walk Moreover, it is recognized as an International Birds area and forms a UNESCO Biosphere  Reserve together with Arabuko – Sokoke Forest. {"@context":"http://schema.org","@id":"","@type":"TouristAttraction","image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-asset/poi-type-sights.png","name":"Mida Creek","priceRange":"","telephone":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressCountry":"Kenya","addressLocality":"Malindi","addressRegion":"North Coast","postalCode":"80200","streetAddress":""},"review":{"@type":"Review","author":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Malindians","sameAs":"https://malindians.com"},"datePublished":"2018-11-25T04:54:15.185218+00:00","description":"The bay of Mida creek expands across an area of 32 Km. It comprises different types of habitats that are influenced that are influenced by the tide; the presence of mud, sand, flat & shallow water ponds as well as thick mangrove forests. As a matter of fact, Mida creek ecosystem is known to be one of the most productive mangrove ecosystems in the world.","inLanguage":"en","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Malindians","sameAs":"https://malindians.com"},"url":""},"geo":{"@type":"GeoCoordinates","latitude":-3.22364242,"longitude":40.12989391}} { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "TouristAttraction", "name": "Mida creek ", "description": "", "url": "https://malindians.com/en/attractions/mida-creek/", "isAccessibleForFree": true } Read the full article
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techyblogger · 5 years ago
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Schema Markup New Update Version 6.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ew3cag/schema_markup_new_update_version_60/
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