#inko deserves better
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thesadboy · 7 months ago
Given how the series has ended, I’m gonna be honest about my thoughts on DFO. Specifically, what take on DFO I like and why I like it.
I love the DFO interpretations where AFO genuinely and truly loves Inko and Izuku with all his heart and would do terrible things for them. This is because I feel like Izuku, and Inko to some extent, have been screwed over and unfairly bashed both in-universe and out. Their world’s society and culture absolutely FAILED them and the way fans shit on them for being kind characters working through their flaws is honestly so gross to me. So I feel like having a husband and father who absolutely adores them, sees past these shortcomings, and recognizes their worth is oddly comforting and cathartic to me.
As someone once said “A hero would sacrifice you for the world, a villain would sacrifice the world for you”, and that level of devotion and love is just one of those things that even if it’s unhealthy or not necessarily morally right, it just appeals to me so damn much.
Not only that, but I feel like the concept of an AFO who really does love his family holds a mirror to the kind of culture that permeates the society the Midoriyas live in. If someone practically revered and upheld as a role model, like Endeavour, is an abhorrent man to the people he should’ve loved and protected while someone who’s the fucking Symbol of Evil adores them to no end…what does that say about Hero Society and the culture it’s bred and kept alive? What kind of culture would consider an abusive and controlling patriarch as someone to look up to? What would drive someone to go off the deep end to the point that they obsessively cling on to the few people who gave them positive attention while not batting an eye at condemning everyone else?
All in all I like the “DFO who really does love Inko and Izuku” take because it feels like a fresh air towards the mistreatment of two characters who don’t deserve it (at least I don’t think they do) and because I feel it fits in with the themes that BNHA has…or at least seemed to have until the ending where the status quo remained…
Then again, this is just my opinion, so maybe I’m wrong. But I will stand by it.
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bibibbon · 2 months ago
Happy Xmas (belated) and a joyful new year.
Its not necessarily about besties au but I saw a post about rewriting Inko to have a life and I agree (through my issue is not "oh Inko has no job" she could have been stay at home mom if she was a character and not whatever the fuck canon gave us)
In besties ...the more I think, the more I want to distance Inko from fanon. Many make her a lawyer or a nurse. My Inko was a baseball player. She was good but stopped bc she wanted to form a family with the man she loves.
This is not super relevant but ...I did mentioned before how Inko IS so anger at Aldera. One thing I don't I see in many fics is make Inko angry on Izu's behalf. My Inko is so mad...she has the bat. She is having dark thoughts
"it's oc of her to be like that" if this was a regular day, I would agree. I think Inko learning how her daughter was suffering and she didn't do anything stings, a lot.
I want to make her an athlete bc the whole "oh yeah teens beating each other is bigger than Olympics" it's bs....and imagine if people recognize Inko. She was a great player...she steps down to have a family (her husband passes away and her daughter was abused) I know I didn't put that in the chapters so far but it can still be added....Miss Curious is digging (along with Shoto)
I think it's bc AM and his "divorce" clouded anything else.
My question is: make Inko a almost famous baseball player (she could have been a big deal, she plays some championships here and there) could work? A sort of bittersweet feeling..."see Izumi, there life outside the hero world"
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Happy holidays to you as well!!
The truth is Inko has no other purpose in Canon other than being Izuku's mother, and even with that, the woman is barely present and is presented as incredibly neglectful to her only child's needs and wants.
You can argue this is why horikoshi states that he feels bad whenever he draws inko. Now, I know that MOST MHA parents introduce within the series don't get major roles and we don't see deep insights to their lives but there are a lot that do like kotaro shimura, the todoroki parents and heck even bakugo's parents get more insight than Inko herself.
Personally, I would expect Inko to have more screentime and development because she is the MC's mother. She is important within the series, but I guess it's not utilised or ever expanded on by horikoshi.
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Again, I agree the problem isn't that inko doesn't have a job, but she doesn't have a life outside of izuku. She doesn't have a character outside of izuku, and it's infuriating.
Personally, I think making Inko a formerly up and coming great baseball player is such a good hint and would add so much to her character on so many levels.
What I mean by this is that Inko, being a baseball player, would show that she had goals, ambitions that she succeeded at, it would show where her fast reflexes mixed with her float quirk come in to help her in day to day activities, it would show that there is a world outside or heroics and how heroics is negatively impacting other entertainment industries such as sports which inko used to work in. This would also show that Inko left a mark in the world.
Her retiring young and starting a family because she wants to is incredibly realistic and interesting for her because inko does seem like a lonely character who wants to be surrounded with people and a family, its why she cares for izuku so much even if she may not be the best mother.
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Inko being overprotective over izuku or angry in this case isn't actually OOC because the series does lamely try and show inko being mad at UA and trying to protect izuku even if that plot point ends nowhere.
I'm checking back chapter 96 and gosh that page where Inko says that it may have been better for her child to stay quirkless adds so much to her character and the depth she could have had. Inko sees the reality of heroics and she so desperately doesn't want her son to head down that path but inevitably he does and if we assume that inko was watching the screen during chapter 419 than we can assume she saw her son with limbs detached dragging himself across the battlefield to keep fighting to do something.
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theloganator101 · 1 year ago
Dadzawa stans be like: Aizawa is the best father figure for Izuku, look how kind he is to Izuku.
Reality: Aizawa never showed any desire to help Izuku have better control over his quirk, always sleeping, instead of teaching his students, he keeps calling Izuku by this ridiculous nickname (Problem Child) and even Dadzawa stans insist that it's cute, instead of punishing Bakugou for countless actions against Izuku, he simply lets the bomb boy do whatever he wants and shows that he has favoritism in Bakugou, besides of course Shinsou, who is not even his student.
But guess who the characters are that Dadzawa stans insist on demonizing?
Oh I already know this answer to this one.
While All Might and Inko made some mistakes, they at least acknowledge them and corrected them in some way.
But apparently by the fandom's logic, if you make a mistake, you're a horrible person through and through that deserves to be demonize.
While Aizawa seems to have no mistakes to be given the same treatment and because of pretty privileges.
There is post by @astriddestelle where they said that the fandom seems to be pretty young for its black and white mentality on things.
I'm sure once they start to grow and get older they'll start to take off the rose tinted glasses and see things with a more critical eye.
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mikeellee · 2 months ago
So I saw a post on the MHA critical and it inspired me to share my piece. We all have different versions of how quirkless are seen and I do find odd how Izu never interested with one or we never saw him interacting with a quirkless.
I do think QUIRKLESS can't be heroes, not in the front line. I do think QUIRKLESS can work in the hero industry as marketing, inventor or smth similar...as long they won't have to fight a villain, it's fair game.
Again, it's my interpretation. Bc hori shows us nothing but Izu feeling miserable.
Maybe it's bc of that...Izu still cling to the idea HE could be a hero. Maybe. Maybe he was being stupid.
"and the quirkless?" They have a normal life outside hero. Can we really believe every kid with a quirk CAN be a hero? Wants to be a hero? Bc I can see quirkless filling in the others positions as heroes are the most popular.
Could have a quirkless teacher in Aldera? There's nothing to say no. "Why he/she never helped Izu?" Bc I think everyone in Aldera was ok in sacrificing students for BK's sake. They bet on him to be the best and most amazing hero ever. The rest is rest
What other options quirkless Izu had? Honestly, many. I'm tired of fics where "he is QUIRKLESS, his life is a shit hole"(bc well he had one in canon and he was saddle with fake friends and his abuser) he could have tried other routes. There others possibilities aside "be sad he doesn't have a quirk to be a hero"
I love Izu. I do. But I don't like how he wants to be a hero...for reasons we can only theorize. I don't like how he can only show his anger when he is facing a villain.
I honest to god think...the prejudice would go to the mutants bc they literally represent the "other". I still don't get why or how we get "horse man, monkey man, dog man" how is the logic? Their mutation is a quirk or not?
Again, it's just my interpretation. You can write what you want...if you think being a QUIRKLESS is the worst, ok. Write that. If you think Izu, a quirkless hero, would have changed the world...do it. Write it.
I'll write my own ideas in my fics.
Bc ...honestly the thing about quirkless is that...you can't know a person is quirkless, so fics with the whole "squad ready to murder quirkless" feels odd. But if you want to write it, do it.
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sapphic-agent · 1 year ago
Seeing the GIF of Mitsuki and Bakugou made me think about something Bakugou stans LOVE doing: using supposed abuse by her as a get out of jail free card for his behavior (cough cough, that one fic). It's especially disgusting to me as a child abuse survivor who has NEVER used that as a reason/excuse to bully people.
And then these same people think it's oh so hilarious whenever Bakugou assaults Izuku and is a general asshat to those around him. So it's funny whenever Bakugou's a horrid bully to others, but they lose their minds when he gets a smack upside the head by his clearly fed up mother?
Obviously, she shouldn't be smacking Bakugou upside the head, but she is 100% right that his teachers need to give him an ego check and stop coddling him.
PS - isn't it interesting how neither Aizawa or All Might (love him) don't react to that statement, probably because on some level, they KNOW they're coddling him as well?
I'm sure I've said this somewhere, but I've never seen Mitsuki as physically abusive.
A tap on the back of the head isn't abuse to me. The first one was more playful than anything. The second one was in response to him literally threatening her ("You hag! Hit me again and you're dead!"). Choosing to call Mitsuki's actions abuse and then ignoring Bakugou's is just plain bias. Neither All Night nor Aizawa are concerned and Bakugou himself isn't hurt in the slightest.
Now, I think she could be verbally abusive. There are some things she's said to Bakugou that she probably shouldn't have. But I think it's way more she just doesn't coddle him that his stans have such an issue with her.
You're totally right that they laugh when Bakugou attacks Izuku, but suddenly they scream abuse when he's on the receiving end. And let's be real, Bakugou has done 100x worse to Izuku than Mitsuki's done to him.
She also supported him unwaveringly. She appreciated Aizawa sticking up for him at the press conference because she believes wholeheartedly that her son is hero material. She humbly asked his teachers to help his dream come true. Abusive parents don't do that.
I've noticed that the fandom just has a hate boner for the moms in general. Inko? Oh, she's neglectful and a bad mom because she wanted to pull Izuku out of UA (I will never shut up about this because SHE WAS RIGHT UA was being irresponsible at every turn). Mitsuki? Abusive because she tapped Bakugou on the back of the head in one scene. Nana? Oh it's her fault Kentaro ended up abusive and that Tomura turned into a villain.
And let's not even talk about how this fandom treats Rei. If I start I won't stop
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year ago
No one talked or wants to talk about it is how Tenko had more good stuff than Izu. I'm talking about his two faceless friends when Tenchan was a cute baby. No they aren't important and granted Hori can't bakugoufied them any minute
My point is so far
Compared to Izuku's childhood...Tenko was better. He had a lovely corgi,his big sis loved him and he had friends.
"but Kotaro" yes Hori is a coward to go to the laziest option but even so...Tenko the soon to be Le villain had a better childhood than the mc (not forgetting his pain here but it's not as if he was abused 24/7. Hori went to a coward route but we only see one bad day on Kotaro. To be clear not excuse the abuse just saying Tenko had people on his side even if it wasn't perfect)
Now compared to Izuku's past and ....wow.
Izu doesn't have good friends
Never had a fluffy corgi (bk would have killed I know he would)
His mom is just existing.
And he is stuck with his abuser (in the begin Izu didn't had a good view on bk which hori couldn't let stand)
It's just...Izu had a sad backstory but no one gives a shit. Is it sadder than shig? The point it's not this... The point is how the mc has a bad childhood and his villain had a decent one (again I KNOW IT WASNT PERFECT)
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
You do have a good point here, while Tenko had an abusive father in Kotaro (which Hori went super lazy with making him abusive and failed to expand on his abuse), in his childhood he's shown to have more good things in his life than Izuku has had.
Tenko had in his backstory prior to the accident:
A good pet in Mon-chan
A big sister who loved him (although I am mixed on Hana, her lying to save herself from Kotaro as another part of her main appearance doesn't do her any favours. Although that sits more on Kotaro making his daughter that afraid of him.)
A mum and Grandparents who loved him** (although they too are not without fault, they should have acted sooner to stand up to Kotaro but no one can deny they loved Tenko.)
And his two faceless nameless friends who seemed nice from what little we are told.
Whereas Izu in his backstory;
Has never had any pet to our knowledge.
Has no cool big brother or sister.
His Dad is MIA ( apparently abroad working but he's never shown to call Izuku or come home.)
He has no sweet loving grandparents from his mum or dads side.
His Mum* doesn't stand up for him and cries on him about his being born quirkless.
Izuku is never shown to have any friend prior to U.A.
Izuku is chronically bullied (abused) from the ages of 4 - 14 by Bakugou and his cronies. (I'd argue this is actually still ongoing in UA the tone in the narrative has just shifted to be more in Bkg's favour now than Izu's.) And Izuku is still STUCK with Bakugou as a member of the 'wonder duo'... (that whole concept can fuck right off.)
So Shig, other than Kotaro being an abusive POS, actually had more nice things in his backstory than Izu did whereas Izu's backstory (prior to meeting All Might) is just PAIN.
*- it could be argued that Inko is a good thing in Izuku's backstory and while I'm not denying she loves him I'm saying that in their relationship is not all that great... He has to comfort her a lot of the time she's on screen and Hori never shows Inko confronting Aldera or the Bakugou's about her son's bullying. So she's failing as a parent there.
** - While Nao and her parents are actually shown standing up to Kotaro which is leaps and bounds ahead of anything Inko is shown to do for Izu (sorry it's true.)
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armenianwriterman · 3 months ago
I didn't mention it before but during the MLA Arc I actually came up with another fanfiction idea. Namely that after AfO's arrest, a series of coincidences and odd circumstances results in Class 1-A and the League of Villains repeatedly having to team up against other threats, such as the Shie Hassaikai, Nine's crew, the Meta Liberation Army, Humarise and other original threats. During this time, the two groups get to know each other and they form bonds together. What the League thinks is happening is that they are corrupting the kids and turning them to villainy. What's actually happening is the League is slowly going through a redemption arc and nobody involved realizes until it's too late.
Some highlights include:
Class 1-A/League of Villains weekly gaming tournaments
Twice and Aoyama immediately vibing
Toga getting therapy, and dating Izuku and Ochako (both out of love for them and spite for her bi-phobic parents)
Dabi and Shoto's horrendously awkward relationship
Kurogiri and Aizawa's horrendously awkward relationship
Toga and Mineta's surprisingly decent relationship
Mineta and Bakugo changing for the better because of their weird friendships
Magne not getting a bullshit death, and instead getting to meme on Overhaul and be the cool big sis to all the baby gays around her
Spinner being friends with all the heteromorph kids (Koda, Shoji, Tokoyami, etc)
Iida hating every minute of their teamups until he and Shigaraki start dunking on Stain together.
All Might, Aizawa, Kurogiri and Mr. Compress co-parenting 27 children
Everyone lowkey wanting Inko to be their mom
Everyone giving Endeavor the exact amount of respect he deserves (0)
And finally, Shigaraki getting a chance to fulfill his dream and want to be a hero once again.
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olichat-reads · 1 year ago
Imagine | Betraying Villain Bakugou as an Undercover Hero
Villain!Bakugou x ProHero!Reader
Summary: you were a pro hero sent undercover to get close to & gather intel on the notorious villain Dynamight. What you didn't account for was to fall in love with the man you were meant to take down.
A/n: basically undercover cop x mafia boss inspired hehe.
A/n: this was meant to be a proper fic but its been sitting in my drafts for SO LONG as just a concept so this will just have to do for now :')
You have to tell him.
The longer you wait, the worse it is for you. It won't take long for them to get to you.
To get to him.
Your fists clenched around the covers at the thought.
You can't let that happen.
You won't.
Bakugou Katsuki- or better known as Dynamight was a name well known by the public as the ruthless villain ruling the underworld with an iron fist whilst fitting into the facade of a very accomplished CEO.
He was notorious for his dirty ways & illegal businesses, never bothering to hide his darker persona from the world, making sure everyone knew to fear him. Yet, the authorities never had enough proof to arrest him, never able to trace his crimes back to him, his organization too clean & flawlessly managed to reveal any dirty work below the surface.
Thats where you come in. An undercover pro hero sent as an innocent civillian to get close to him & investigate from the inside.
Who would've guessed on the inside you'd find a grumpy teddy bear of a man instead of the demon of Musutafu. You learned he wore facade over facade. Despite knowing his CEO mask wasn't really him, you discovered he wasn't really the heartless criminal either.
Bakugou acknowledges that his hands weren't clean in his business deals, he knows he isn't all good, but over the time you spent together, you learn that he isn't all bad either.
Because how could the man who visits the orphanage he grew up in be all bad?
How could the man- insisting he only visited to see his Ma Inko that raised him out of obligation and not because he got attached to the little hellspawns at the orphanage, despite always relenting to play with them every single time without fail, because they were annoying, as if he couldn't just walk away if he really wanted to- be as evil as they say?
How could the man that consoles little kids who were nervous to have a new family so gently and softly, that they will be loved, deserved a place to call home, and promise he will make sure they were happy and safe, be totally heartless?
Falling in love was not the plan.
Nor was having the big bad crime boss fall in love with you.
It was most definitely not in your plans to adore the man snoring peacefully next to you while you silently lose your mind, as much as you did.
Looking over at him, his head pressed against your hip, arm draped over your thighs, his chest rise & fall in slow breaths, you couldn't help the smile that tugged on your lips.
Who knew the big scary, angry man whose explosive demeanor never fails to shaken people's hearts everywhere could be so..
He looked so harmless burrying himself further into your side, pulling you closer as he mumbled your name in his slumber, the action making you melt.
You twisted your body just a bit to bury your hands into his deceptively soft hair, letting fluffy porcupine spikes tickle your cheeks as you let yourself be pulled closer by the sleeping mobster.
And who would have ever thought the person who got him to open his heart was the same person sent to bring him down.
How ironic.
You clenched your jaw at the thought, freeing your fingers from those gold strands to fist your palms so tight your knuckles turned white, as you tried to control yourself while still being mindful of the sleeping Bakugou snuggling for your warmth.
You wanted to protect him. To keep him safe. For him to be free and happy. No matter the cost, even if it meant dying by his hands.
You've thought about it. Of course you have. You knew the consequences of revealing yourself to him, your initial motives and the fact that you've been betraying him, all the while the cold, hard man fell in love and trusted you enough to offer his heart.
He would kill you.
You knew that. You hurt him, even if he didn't know it yet. Broke his heart, & betrayed the trust he found so hard to give to just anyone.
There was no doubt he would kill you, and take your life as compensation.
Yet, you've made up your mind. You'd have nowhere to go. Even if by some miracle you get out of this alive, the HPSC would hunt you down. Your life was over with either way.
How strange.
To think dying was the least of your concerns.
As you run your fingers gently through his hair again, unable to placate your twitching fingers, Bakugou slowly stirred awake, soft red eyes fluttering open to blink up at you, before he broke into a sleepy smile filled with so much pure love and adoration you had to choke back a sob.
No. Dying was a show of mercy. Nothing would hurt more than having those warm eyes currently staring at you like you were the best thing in the world, turn cold. No torture would hurt more than having to live, knowing the man that used to attack you with the sweetest kisses whenever he came home, the man that clung to you like a baby koala while you cooked, the man that loved you despite knowing you weren't perfect, would come to hate you.
That was what would break you.
You were certain. Death would be welcomed in comparison to the alternative. Death would be worth having those red eyes only ever look at you the way he was now.
"Hi, you."
a/n: ohhhhhh mafia au my beloved
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pocketramblr · 1 year ago
AU where Hisashi calls Izuku regularly while he works overseas and one day Hisashi tells Izuku about his new boyfriend who is very sweet to him and unfortunately got into a bad accident many years ago that left him disabled so Hisashi helps care for him.Izuku later finds out this boyfriend is AFO.
why would you leave inko for afo. 'hold on yeah i think i'll leave this priceless bahia emerald and skip town and then i found a broken piece of chalk instead.' my guy. you deserve all might stealing your son.
1- ok so. Hisashi is an accountant who moves to new york to make more money. He and inko officially divorce, which means Izuku takes the Midoriya name and Inko has sole custody, but while Hisashi does not have to pay child support or alimony, he does opt to send them some support and tries to stay in contact because i guess his taste in men was so bad that he and inko just work better as friends. good for them ig.
2- actually Hisashi is just straight up color-blind: he can't see any red flags. Its not just his personal tastes. this man has worked for four separate blatant money laundering schemes since he went abroad. he has no clue. this is how he ends up coming into contact with AfO, but AfO's job offering is too indirect and vague, and Hisashi is like 'are you... flirting with me?' instead, but AfO can work with that. And while Hisashi certainly isn't a genius with people or warning signs, i will give him (and inko) this: he's a great lay.
3- He's also a very caring boyfriend, which was part of the problem with inko, they ended up really inciting each other's anxieties, but AfO likes being pampered so he decides to keep Hisashi around even if he isn't a employee. even better really, that he doesn't have to pay, bribe, quirkify, dequirkify, or threaten him. Hisashi, as a bit of a doting boyfriend, also has a lot to say about the man to others, so Izuku ends up hearing a lot of gushing over the phone as he's training with weights and is a bit too out of breath to change the topic. plus, he doesn't want to bring up going to UA until its a sure thing, his dad will definitely freak out about it not being safe. finally he tells his dad he got in, and hisashi is like 'oh yeah, cuz they changed the rules, which track?' and izuku goes 'oh uh hero track and alsoihaveaquirknowitscalledsuperpower oh look at that moms calling me for dinner sorry bye.'
4. Dazed, Hisashi gushes about his son to his boyfriend later, dropping that izuku's going to become a hero at ua, what a surprise- but, well, he supposes his son has always loved to watch heroes...
AfO is like 'hm. being a hero isn't very safe...' ('i know...') 'why don't you try to push him to visit you? keep him safe. maybe in a safe. don't you just wanna keep a hold of him?' ("i do, but that'll only drive him away. he's growing up... besides, if i was busy only keeping watch over him, who'd take care of you?") 'mm, good point. keep prioritizing me, i will neither put a hit on the kid as competition nor do anything to keep him safer.'
5. Reveal... uh yeah so Hisashi does mention to Izuku when his boyfriend goes missing, sometimes he gets called to work suddenly but he's never been gone this long, he's worried, is he restocking his meds, where is he? oh yeah, he vanished around Kamino. unfortunate, but not incriminating on its own. What IS incriminating is rewound!AfO, looking at Izuku with a tilted head. "I can see bits of Hisashi in you, hm. Just the worst bits, luckily." Izuku starts realizing what this means. Bakugo distracts him and blasts him to the Shigaraki fight, because he also started to realize what it meant and simply did not want to deal with hearing anymore of that. Over at the ShigarAfO fight, AfO tries to keep throwing Izuku (and tomura) off their game by wondering if Hisashi will find this new, younger body nice as well- probably, its not like the man had the highest standards. Izuku and Tomura are united in such abosolute done-ness with AfO that he's immediately snuffed out of Tomura's head and nothing remains behind. Tomura is like 'uh, do you want a day's break and then a rematch because i need to bleach my brain' but izuku is like 'oh no i need to punch someone through a mountain rn, lets keep going while i reform you with the power of friendship and incredible violence.' (By unspoken agreement, neither Izuku, Bakugo, or Tomura ever breathe a word about it to anyone, much less to Hisashi.)
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gentrychild · 1 year ago
Au where the great goddess Gentrychild gets tired of the AFO simps and consumes their souls
1 - I should know better than that but after snapping, instead of just vaulting the simps or killing them, I snacked on them. In my defense, I had been fasting for five minutes and everyone knows how hard diets can be.
2 - This turned out to be a horrible mistake. Their simpness infect me, turning me into an AFO simp. I am suddenly only writing about shirtless AFO and how he is a misunderstood meow meow who deserves to kill people and to vault family members.
3 - At first, my faithful readers don't notice anything amiss, except for the fact I have been churning chapters like crazy. Some eventually get worried. It's only when I turn Anyone into the story of how AFO is bringing his out of control son into the right path that they realized that something is very wrong.
4 - But it's too late. HTMYF has turned into How To Hug Your Father. Anyone has gone off the rails. Ascendant AFO escapes Tartarus and gets all domestic with Inko and Izuku even though it doesn't make sense in term of characterization and now the writing is getting BAD-
5 - It's eventually revealed that my descent into simpness was orchestrated by @cyber-phobia, not because they wanted more shirtless AFO content but because they thought it would be hilarious.
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months ago
Another prompt for birthday week if you dont mind: Inko tries to get back on Izuku’s good side after abandoning him at her brother Shouta’s place because Izuku is a famous hero. Izuku’s partner cuts her off
Hitoshi just wanted to go to sleep.
It was hardly a new feeling for him. There was little he loved more than sinking onto the nearest semi-flat surface to catch whatever sleep he could after finishing his patrols, made even better when he could coax Izuku to lay with him, so he could soak in their warmth and bury his face in their curls to just breathe them in. But here, standing halfway in one of the second floor windows and making eye contact with familiar green eyes in a very unfamiliar face standing in front of his front door, there was little he wanted more than to be decidedly unconscious.
Instead he sighed as he eased back out the window, making sure to slide it closed before he dropped down to meet their unwelcome guest. The last thing he wanted was the sound to carry and wake Izuku. They needed all the rest they could get before their own patrol started... or someone called in a Code Red that couldn't be solved by anyone else.
Hitoshi shoved his hands in the deep pockets of his jumpsuit, and dipped his head into the coils of his capture scarf, cursing himself for slinging off his persona chords and hanging them from his belt when he caught sight of their home.
The woman blinked, seemingly taken aback by the rude demand. Hitoshi couldn't imagine what else she expected showing up on a stranger's doorstep before dawn.
"I want to see my s-- my child."
"Tough. Now leave."
Hitoshi wanted to slam his head into the door, but that would, unfortunately, wake Izuku who would come running to find them on the doorstep. He settled for a bone deep sigh instead. "Look, there's no way in hell I'm letting you see anyone that you might think is in this house, and, no, I will not be passing a message either. It is as a courtesy you do not deserve and out of a deep desire not to do any more work tonight that I am not going to arrest you for trespassing right here. Leave before I decide that having you gone is worth more to me than my dislike of paperwork."
"You can't keep my from my child!"
A flash of anger had Hitoshi barking out a cruel laugh. "Your child? Where?"
"Izuku is--"
"An Aizawa. Or, technically, Shinsou-Aizawa now. You made it damn clear that they weren't your child when you abandoned them, just like they made it clear that they wanted nothing to do with you should you come crawling back now that you think they're suddenly valuable to you. Now I have had a very long night and don't have the patience to hold your hand through what child abandonment means. Get off of my property before I remove you from it. I guarantee I will enjoy the second option far more than you will."
Inko Midoriya huffed as she seemingly decided that whatever her plan was would work better when not in jail for trespassing and stomped her way back down the path. Hitoshi watched until she disappeared around the corner. Waited even longer until his phone buzzed in his pocket.
(How Nezu knew what was going on, Hitoshi didn't want to know. He liked being able to sleep whenever he could manage it, and the politest Not Shovel Talk of his life at sixteen had done enough damage to that already. All he needed to know was Nezu was just as protective over his former personal student as he was.)
Izuku stirred when Hitoshi finally slipped into bed, all sleep-warm skin and pillow lines through their smile as they seemingly tried to climb into him they pressed so close. "What took you so long?" They mumbled into his bare shoulder.
"Nothing important," He promised, pressing a kiss to their curls. "Just an annoyance."
They hummed and moments later their soft snores filled the room once more. Hitoshi smiled before following them into sleep.
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bibibbon · 6 months ago
idk if me/someone else had brought this up before but while i get that inko crying and apologizing isn’t was izuku needed in the moment i understand why that was her reaction
because what else can she do? i know that i wouldn’t be able to think of what else to do/say in that moment. and inko def blames herself in a way for like, carrying some recessive quirkless gene or smth
there was nothing she could do to fix it, she was helpless and it probably ate at her every day. seeing your child's dream crumble in front of them and there being nothing you can do about it must be heartbreaking
I think this comes from my post "inko is a bad mum" where you rebloged it with a similar saying to your ask.
Agreed I understand why inko reacted the way she did when she found out Izuku was quirkless (however it bugs me that the concept of quirkless discrimination isn't delved into enough by horikoshi) and that she couldn't properly comfort her child or tell him that he can achieve his dream of becoming a hero.
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Your explanation is exactly why I feel for inko and why I think the manga should of tried to focus on a redemption for her where she becomes a better parent to izuku. There's definitely a lot of self blaming and even a bit of hatred for inko "cursing" her son in a way and I do think that even horikoshi realises this because he does state that he feels sorry for inko any time he draws her.
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sunflowerrosewood · 1 year ago
Fluff Alphabet ~ Izuku Midoriya
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
On to the alphabet!
A: Alluring (What attracts the other?)
He adores your kind nature. No matter how many times he breaks his body, you are there to help him.
You adore his "can do" attitude. You like that he is willing to go to the ends of the Earth to be the best. 
B: Baby (ideas on family)
He's scared. What if his child ends up quirkless? But the little voice inside his head wants to see mini mes of him and you. Maybe like two would be enough. 
C: Cuddles (How do you hold each other?)
Most of the time you two are cuddled into each other's chest. Soft snores and holding each other tight. But there are days where Izuku feels like he's alone in his battles and asks to be the little spoon. Usually he apologizes till you hush his worries. 
D: Dates (What are the best dates?)
The best date was going to see his mother. Inko cooked for you two and did the embarrassing baby photos. After the embarrassment, you two relaxed in his room for hours. Just seeing his mother happy about you made it the best. 
E: Endearing (Actions that mean a lot)
He appreciates when you stand up to Bakugou's taunts. You don't do it often but if you notice that the taunts are getting worse then you will step in.
You appreciate his pillow talk. Here me out. Every time you go to bed, Izuku is there talking about how he'll protect you and how he can't live without you. When he realizes you are asleep, you'll feel a kiss on the tip of your nose. 
F: Falling in Love (When they realized they love you?)
So it might have been during the Sports Festival. You actually ended up against a class 1-B student and won before going against Kaminari. Izuku was taking so many notes on you but he noticed he would mention your figure or your smile, not your quirk. He knew he was a goner. 
G: Giggle (What is their laugh like?)
Bright and cheerful. You love when Izuku is laughing because it seems like the day couldn't get any better. 
H: Hands (Where are their hands? Yours?)
Both of your hands are intertwined. Uraraka and Iida would definitely comment on this but you two always make the excuse to not loose each other. Iida still complains but you bet your money that Uraraka is gushing. 
I: Insecurities (What are the insecurities each have in the relationship?)
That he's not strong enough. Izuku feels that sometimes you deserve someone like Kirishima or even Bakugou. It hurts to see you pair so well with them. But you always erase those worries. 
You worry that you are holding him back. Izuku wants to be #1 and you feel like you are holding him from that. But if you ever try to distance yourself, Izuku will clobber you into a hug and apologize until you tell him your worries. 
J: Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they act?)
Not jealous but insecure. Like mentioned before, when Izuku sees you laughing with Kirishima he wonders if you should be with him. He trusts his classmates, well majority of them, but he just doesn't see why you like him. He usually doesn't mutter for a while and kinda becomes a shell of himself. 
K: Kisses (what are they like?)
Soft and shy. You always get a kiss before class, after school, and when you two walk home. Always. Tradition for you two. But it feels almost like a feather as he kisses you. 
L: Luscious (What is their favorite outfit on you?)
Definitely your hero uniform. He thinks you look beautiful in your uniform and also speaks looks. He also is a big praiser on it too. 
M: Mornings (what are mornings like?)
When you two live together, he gets up extremely early to train. So while he trains, it gives you enough time to get ready and fix breakfast for you two. 
N: Nightmares (how do you comfort them?)
Usually his nightmares have to do with you being taken by LOV. You know when he gets his mightmares because he whimpers. As long as you hug him tight he'll wake up and hold you close to him. 
O: Overtook (First impression)
You were a new student to class 1-A. Immediately Uraraka and Tsu took a liking to you but Izuku was too shy to talk to you. I mean what would a beautiful girl have to do with him?
P: Periods (How are they on your period? What do they do to help?)
Kinda odd at first but he talks to his mother. Then from there on, he is your servant. Always running to get things. Hold you when necessary. And of course love when you want extra loving. 
Q: Queen (Nicknames for each other)
His: either babygirl or sweets
You: Zuku, Deku, or babe
R: Raw (How to describe your love?)
Rebuilding. This is not in a bad way but your love always finds something new. Whether it is rebuilding each other's confidence or just finding new gifts, it's always different. 
S: Song (what is your song
Falling Slowly. It's a sweet song about falling in love slowly over time. And it seems like your love just always falls deeper over time.
T: Thought (favorite memory)
The day you two went swimming at a splash park with Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki. It showed how carefree you were and left a big smile on each other's face. 
U: Understanding? (How understanding are they?)
Very. It helps when both of you understand each other's pain. You know when each other is in pain or needs each other. 
V: Vanilla (Scent that they associate with you?)
Eucalyptus mint. Very relaxing and calming scent. Izuku always needs someone there to help him and this scent always makes him think of you. 
W: World (What do you do that makes them feel complete?)
You make him feel not alone in his struggles. Living up to All Might's expectations is hard and no one understands that. But you try. And that's enough for him. 
X: X.O.X.O (What is the number one text sent?)
Good morning Y/n! I love you. Be safe! 
Y: You (What are you to him?)
His anchor. You keep him grounded when life gets too hard and keep him human. He isn't invincible and he needs someone to tell him that. 
Z: Zircon (What gemstone represents you?)
Quartz. You are clear and always there to protect. You shine with your friends like how a quartz does when the sun hits it just right. 
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mikeellee · 1 year ago
Hi 👋
I myself have a lot of problems when it comes to inko and just Izuku's family or lack of in this situation. I know you mentioned that you also have problems with inko so I just wanted to know what they are.
Hi @bibibbon
Oh I have problems with her and let me preface to say here: YES, she has lil screen time, and YES Fuck HORI. I get it, but let's look at what we have in canon.
She weeps and apologizes to Izu when his status is revealed...but offers nothing more. Izu has to console his mom...HE WAS A CHILD. Ma´am, you should be consoling him, not the other way around.
She does nothing for Izu, I don't buy the quirkless discrimination (how it can be if we see ONE quirkless being abused, abused way before being confirmed his status) but instead of her encouraging Izu in search of a new dream...she cries and does nothing. (Why Izu even wants to be a hero?)
Izuku is abused for 10 years and Inko never notices. Look, I hc Izu as being healed by Aldera (a means to save THEIR FACES) but his clothes were burned as well as his stuff. CANON. Inko is in lalalaland.
When Izuku got a quirk that BREAKS HIS BONES. SHE DOES NOTHING. I know the whole excuse is "AM didn't tell her" which is a bad move, but like ...her son is quirkless and then BOOM he has a powerful quirk. (how or why she let her son to do the exam? Did she expect him to fail?) her son son BREAKS HIS BONES. She doesn´t need to know about ofa yet...to be curious about this. HER SON HAS A QUIRK THAT BREAK HIS BONES. Even if she believes on late bloom stuff (which is sort fanon) she does nothing.
The only time she does smth (wanting to remove Izu from UA, which she was correct) the narrative says no. AM bows to her but nothing else. She does nothing else.
She has nothing in the narrative. The Bakugous are happily married and rich. Inko has no friends or job.
She has no real significance really. AM is the one to do stuffs (and even I think its the barely minimum)
I get why the tag "Inko is a bad parent" while I don't like fics where Inko "she puts off cigars on Izu" but...the emotional negligent is something. The only time she TRIES to do something is WHEN HE HAS A QUIRK. And the narrative says no.
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sapphic-agent · 1 year ago
I have my problems with Rei and Inko, but at least they owned up to the not good things they did to their kids (maiming Shoto, not being supportive of Izuku) and made an effort to do better by them. I wholeheartedly agree that Inko was in the right not to want Izuku to continue at UA. What sane parent would ever want to see their kid go through FOUR villain attacks in the span of THREE MONTHS and repeatedly break his bones while receiving little to no help from their teachers?
A lot of fans just really hate characters who own up to their mistakes and make an actual effort to atone for them - All Might and Inko probably being the biggest ones. Write however and whatever the hell you want, but these portrayals of them as idiotic, abusive monsters has seeped into how many canonically see them.
Nah cause the fandom got me fucked up on AO3 for how they treat Inko and All Might, don't even get me started✋🏾
You know I've seen some people call All Might a groomer? Like?? And then there's the one who will have Inko straight up abandon Izuku to live on his own because he's quirkless. It's actually sick
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 months ago
Hi, reading a fic (shig x hawks hear me out I was bored and want to see different charactizations of Mr. Sexy man) and in one scene as shig talks about his past...
It hits me once again how Izu doesn't have a mc trait.
Not saying he should be an orphan or anything like that.
But think this way: shig is the grandson of Nana. He is a Shimura.
Izu has nothing. I do like how he is from no important family...but he has no mc trope. He is an extra in his own show.
His traumatic past is BK abusing him but that doesn't count, ofc, and what else Izu has in his storyline? He wants to be a hero (everyone does) he is good with quirks sure and good with lil kids but....what else?
To be clear, don't think shig is better written or developed at all...and his reveal as SHIMURA was weak sauce and no one gave a shit.
But like there SMTH.
When you think about it....Shig had a better childhood than Izu...and yes, Kotaro was abusive. Yes, not denying that but like...he has monchan, friends and a mom who cared for him.
Izu has nothing but bk...forever.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
I'm not going to judge, read whatever interests you, but Hawks / Shig isn't a ship I like.
You are right when you say that Izuku doesn't have any traditional MC traits.
Now, it could be argued that OFA / "the chosen one" trope is used with Izuku being the final user. However, that, quite frankly, is bullshit because this ended up meaning nothing narratively, and Izuku lost OFA anyway. And an OFA user didn't end AFO - Bakugou (a no-name bastard) outside this passed down legacy of OFA did.
Izuku came from a no-name civilian family in MHA, no DFO, no other secret important linnege (unlike Shig and Dabi) - Inko is barely explored and Hisashi is mentioned in name only.
Unlike other MCs with tragic backstories (i.e Naruto and Tanjiro) Izuku's traumatic past abuse at the hands of Bakugou is undermined at every turn to make Bakugou look better instead of being treated with the respect it deserves.
To make matters worse, Bakugou is the reason Izuku suffered so much. No such abuse of the quirkless is seen LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE in canon. In canon, there is no Quirkless Discrimination seen in society (perhaps because there are so few of them). All of Izuku’s suffering is down to Bakugou being a bastard because he liked to be and couldn't handle being helped out of a river once.
Izuku is stuck with this literal narrative parasite until the very end and accepting pity payments from him so he can get his very own 'big boy' Hero Iron Suit after 6-8 years. I am disgusted by this ending.
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