thesadboy · 1 month
Given how the series has ended, I’m gonna be honest about my thoughts on DFO. Specifically, what take on DFO I like and why I like it.
I love the DFO interpretations where AFO genuinely and truly loves Inko and Izuku with all his heart and would do terrible things for them. This is because I feel like Izuku, and Inko to some extent, have been screwed over and unfairly bashed both in-universe and out. Their world’s society and culture absolutely FAILED them and the way fans shit on them for being kind characters working through their flaws is honestly so gross to me. So I feel like having a husband and father who absolutely adores them, sees past these shortcomings, and recognizes their worth is oddly comforting and cathartic to me.
As someone once said “A hero would sacrifice you for the world, a villain would sacrifice the world for you”, and that level of devotion and love is just one of those things that even if it’s unhealthy or not necessarily morally right, it just appeals to me so damn much.
Not only that, but I feel like the concept of an AFO who really does love his family holds a mirror to the kind of culture that permeates the society the Midoriyas live in. If someone practically revered and upheld as a role model, like Endeavour, is an abhorrent man to the people he should’ve loved and protected while someone who’s the fucking Symbol of Evil adores them to no end…what does that say about Hero Society and the culture it’s bred and kept alive? What kind of culture would consider an abusive and controlling patriarch as someone to look up to? What would drive someone to go off the deep end to the point that they obsessively cling on to the few people who gave them positive attention while not batting an eye at condemning everyone else?
All in all I like the “DFO who really does love Inko and Izuku” take because it feels like a fresh air towards the mistreatment of two characters who don’t deserve it (at least I don’t think they do) and because I feel it fits in with the themes that BNHA has…or at least seemed to have until the ending where the status quo remained…
Then again, this is just my opinion, so maybe I’m wrong. But I will stand by it.
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