#ink terracotta
ivyprism · 5 months
Tusche and Lenovo (Backstory: Trauma)
Warnings: Angst, death, sadness, dust, TOXIN, etc.
Tusche and Lenovo had no idea who their parents were, let alone their creator. They just awoke one day in a white emptiness with the only thing they could think about at the time: their brothers. They sensed something was missing, but they couldn't figure out what. Despite their initial hate for one other, Lenovo and Tusche had each other and their brothers, thus they had to work together.
"Ughhh. I don't need your lectures, ink stain." Lenovo scowled at the other skeleton. Tusche gave the skeleton an irritated look.
"So, we're in this together! So get used to it!" Tusche almost growled at the other skeleton. Virus and Acrylic were playing together a little further away.
"I don't need you to remi- Virus! Be careful! You are going to trip!" Lenovo swiftly grabbed up his younger brother, who had nearly slipped over a sewing machine.
"Oh-!" A new voice made Lenovo uneasy, bringing Virus closer. Lenovo grabbed Acrylic's hand and brought him back, as he tensed. Above them stood a stunning skeleton monster with strings tied around her bones. She held a piece of fabric in her lap before setting it down. "Children…? All the way out here…? Oh, that just won't do." The skeletal creature kneeled down to their level, her expression compassionate. "Hello, my name is Seam… You shouldn't be here by yourself."
"That's-" Lenovo began, but the skeleton raised her hand slightly. She appeared to be an older woman.
"Where are your parents…?" Seam inquired as she peered across at the four small skeletons. Tusche and Lenovo exchanged eyes, and Seam appeared to have gotten the message. "That just won't do… Children of your age should not be alone…" Seam held her face as another, taller skeleton approached. He was covered in dried clay and appeared to be wearing a sculpting belt.
"What in Tarnation…? Seam, you found kids?" The elder male skeleton inquired while placing his hands on his hips. Seam huffed back, but she kissed him on the cheek.
"They don't seem to have parents, dear." Seam informed him, and the skeleton appeared to take in their appearance.
"Well, howdy, kids. My name is Terracotta. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Terracotta introduced himself by extending his hand to the younger skeletons. Lenovo makes an expression when Tusche takes his hand.
"We should be going." Lenovo huffed but Tusche glared at him. Tusche put a hand on his hip and just as the two began to fight.
"My stars, you youngsters should not be out here alone. How about this…? We take care of you." Terracotta offers. Seam nods, and the older children exchange a gaze. Acrylic grabs Seam's legs, while Virus holds his hand. They seem to make pleading eyes at their brothers and appear to like the older woman. Lenovo sighs and the two older skeletons nod.
"Boys! It is time for dinner!" Seam called from the kitchen. It has been a couple years since they began living with Terracotta and Seam. Seam sat next to Lenovo while she taught him how to sew and knit. Terracotta taps the ladle against the pan, and Tusche runs in with the two younger skeletons. Acrylic was completely covered in paint, Virus appeared to have gotten some on them, and Tusche, of course, had ink on him.
"My goodness, boys." Terracotta huffs as the trio settles in. They avoid eye contact with the older skeleton. Lenovo rolls his eyes as Seam appears to chuckle and gets up.
"My stars, did you boys get into the paint again?" Seam teased as she wet a washcloth underwater. She walks over and makes a gesture towards them. The boys hesitantly walk over. Seam starts to wash their faces. Acrylic groans while she wipes his face.
"Grandmaaaaaaaaaa…." Acrylic whines, and Seam clicks her tongue at him. He glances up at her, and she chuckles.
"You wouldn't be getting the washcloth if you didn't come inside covered head to toe in paint." Seam chastised him mildly as she wiped his face. She tuts slightly when she looks at his clothes. "There's no way I'm salvaging your clothes though…" Acrylic blushed in embarrassment when Seam looked at him. She sighed as she summoned over the other two boys and began washing their faces.
"Lenovo, come over here." Terracotta beckoned, and the younger skeleton looked up from his work and approached. He could hear his brother's protests about Seam cleaning his face, but he ignored them. Terracotta took something from his pocket, bent down, and carefully wrapped it around his neck, avoiding touching him.
"Terracotta, what…." Lenovo began till he touched a lovely and fluffy blue scarf. He blinked, surprised, as he gazed up at Terracotta.
"I noticed that you don't got nothin' to cover your neck from bein' touched so I figured you'd want that." Terracotta smiled, and Lenovo blinked. He sniffled as he grasped the scarf. Terracotta blinked and instantly attempted to console the younger skeleton. Lenovo grabbed Terracotta's shirt and sniffled. Of course, this got the attention of the others who immediately began to worry.
"Thank you, Grandpa..." Lenovo managed to sob out and Terracotta blinked before his face broke out into a big smile and he nodded.
"Here we are!" Seam smiled as she adjusted Acrylic's shirt and straightened it. Acrylic blinks when he spins around to look at it. He gave a wide smile. Virus had both a new scarf and a new clothing. They hastily thanked her, but she held up her hand, asking them to calm down. "Your tiny painting events will not stain these garments. However, try not to get too much paint on them. Seam huffed slightly, and the two skeletons smiled and hugged her swiftly before running away. Virus seemed to really like his blue scarf.
She reclined back in her chair, watching Tusche begin to do some sculpting with Terracotta. She hummed as she glanced at him, then sat up and went to her closet. She rummaged through it, coughing when she discovered a solitary unopened box. She opened it and there was a tan scarf inside… She smiled.
"Well, I never thought I'd have an excuse to gussy this little thing up." Seam hummed before returning to the room. She began to embroider and fiddle with the scarf a little. She murmured as time passed, and it was finally finished. She grinned as she looked over her work. Tusche would adore a tan scarf with rainbow accents at the ends.
"Tusche!" Seam called, and the skeleton perked up and looked around. His eyes were wide and curious. She made a beckoning gesture. "Come here, sweetie." Seam called, and the skeleton came over. She hurriedly grabbed the scarf and put it over his neck.
"Wha-???" Tusche inquired as he gazed at the scarf. Seam chuckled a little. She rocked in her chair as he glanced at her.
"This is your new scarf. It's something I created when I was much younger… I thought it might encourage you." Seam tenderly petted Tusche's head while he smiled broadly. He promptly held her tightly and chuckled.
"I love it!" Tusche stated with a smile before leaving to show it off. She chuckled and rocked softly in her chair. She was silently stitching a jacket for Lenovo. She knew he'd enjoy it.
"Whatever you boys do… Don't leave." Seam's voice shook as she pushed the boys inside the house. She shivered when she heard fighting in the background. She took a deep, anxious breath and then grinned. Tusche was clutching Acrylic and Virus, as Lenovo looked on in confusion. She smiled as she softly stroked Acrylic's and Tusche's heads. When she heard the sound of a blaster, she hurriedly closed the closet.
She joined her husband in the fight, although knowing it was the end of it all. She fought hard and fast. She hoped they would not quarrel too much. Of course, Terracotta and she were shortly defeated, and the final movement was felt by the very young skeletons.
Lenovo took no time to halt as he exited the closet with Tusche. His eyes widened as he noticed Terracotta and Seam turning to dust. Above them was a massive mechanical beast that resembled a wolf, but Lenovo didn't have time to consider it. His brain shut down totally as he immediately attacked the mechanical beast.
Tusche held Terracotta's hands as he slowly turned to dust, tears streaming as he felt his own mind shut off as he heard Lenovo fighting the mechanical creature.
"What a disappointment." Tusche tensed and looked up to see a… A skeleton? With ghostlike characteristics. Tusche had never saw such chilly eyes before. "To think, paintings and little ink blotches would lead me here." The skeleton remarked coldly as Seam sat up with all of her effort, holding the frozen skeleton. Lenovo was nearly turned off; he couldn't hear or feel, and he couldn't concentrate while the skeleton shoved him.
"Toxin." Seam hissed as she clutched Tusche close. She used her strings to draw Lenovo over to her. She clutched the two tightly as she peered up at him, her blood slowly dripping from her mouth. "Leave." Seam growled as she glared up. Toxin scoffed and then slowly smirked.
"Honestly, you should've hid better, Seam…" Toxin roared, but Lenovo employed strings to attack him. Toxin groaned in pain as he clutched his arm. Lenovo's eyes were slits, and his strings were glitching. Toxin stared before disappearing. Of course, Seam crumbled.
"Seam-!" Lenovo sobbed as the skeleton felt her body slowly crumble to dust. She took a shaky breath but couldn't form the words as she felt her body deteriorate. "Grand- Grandma!" Lenovo wept as he passionately clutched her hand. She smiled faintly as Tusche stared blankly; she knew he was in sadness and pain, but she didn't have time to reflect. Terracotta gripped her hand hard as he faded. Acrylic and Virus raced out, sobbing.
"I love you kids…" Seam muttered before closing her eyes. She wanted to accomplish so much more. She wanted to see them grow up and be happy; she wanted…. What does it matter? As she crumbled to dust, her final thoughts were filled with the little skeletons she and her husband had created.
Of course, this led to the skeletons squabbling. Pure anger and rage drove them as they blamed each other for the killings. They did not have time to reflect or grieve as they forced themselves apart.
Lenovo sighed as he sat by the wall, gently repairing his jacket for the tenth time. He adjusted his scarf as he felt the presence of an obnoxious skeleton near him.
"Tusche." Lenovo acknowledged, looking up at the bright skeleton. He wore a ring around his body with sculpting tools and a beautiful scarf. "You're finally here. After forever." Lenovo snarled, and Tusche waved his hand casually.
"Do you suppose I'll miss the anniversary? Do you think I'm a monster?" Tusche scoffed when Acrylic and Virus eventually debuted. The young skeletons rolled their eyes.
"Can you two not?" Acrylic huffed, as Virus nodded. Lenovo and Tusche rolled their eyes at their taller but younger sibling. "Not today." Acrylic glared at the two before nodding. They all focused on a statue of Terracotta and Seam. They walked over and sat around it, telling anecdotes of their lives to the statues.
Virus shuddered as he looked around; he thought he felt two pairs of eyes on him. He brushed it off and continued his story. He didn't think about it or notice the two skeletons watching them vanish into mist.
They hadn't done this in a long time; after all, the truce forced them to mend their relationship, which was all they wanted… happiness.
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sheltiechicago · 3 months
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“Cupboard IX” (2019), stoneware, raffia, and steel armature, 78 × 60 × 80 inches. Image courtesy of Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston.
A Groundbreaking Monograph Delves Into Simone Leigh’s Enduring Commitment to Centering Black Women
All images © Simone Leigh
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“No Face (House)” (2020), terracotta, porcelain, ink, epoxy, and raffia, 29.5 × 24 × 24 inches. Image courtesy of Matthew Marks Gallery
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stateofitall · 7 months
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Not Mom
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nikosaki · 4 months
“I want to use specific names for colours/shades but I don’t know many!” Hahaha sakira has got you! If you want to add colour to the objects or stuff in your writing you shouldn’t just write it like this
“Her dress was red” “His eyes were purple”
That makes your writing bland, it dumbs down the readers imagination during reading. Instead describe the colour like this
“Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day”
“His eyes could be compared to that of a raven’s deep violet eyes”
(tip: amethyst is an overused word, there’s a list of other purple words below you should check out)
You can describe colours using objects because it will give shape to the sentence but don’t always go too detailed. If you make one sentence with a lot of adjectives and everything then don’t over use it in the other sentence that’s is.
But remember to use a simile like “as” or “like” if you do use objects.
I already wrote “Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day” so next time when I mention the dress’s colour again I am going to write something like this
“Her garnet dress flowed in the wind”
Why? Because simple sentenced always enchance the writing and gives reader a feeling.
now that we are done with how to write colours let’s see some synonyms!!
white- bleached , colourless , pearly , milky , snowy, ivory , salt , Lacey , linen , frosty, daisy parchment , porcelain, cotton , rice bone
black- ebony, midnight, jade , spider , coal , pitch black, void , empty, sooty , obsidian , metal, onyx , ink , crow
grey- shadow, ash , graphite , foggy, dove , silver , dull, cloud ,slate, iron, smoke, pebble
red- garnet, blush , Merlot , cherry , crimson, rose, sangria, bloody, berry , currant, terracotta, jam , merlot
orange- tangerine , ginger , apricot, autumn , spice , amber, rust, marmalade, pumpkin , carrot , clay, golden , copper , ochre
yellow- gold, canary , light , butterscotches, dandelion, honey , blonde, corn, saffron , ocher, buttermilk
green- beryl , viridescent , olive , emerald , pickle, leafy , sage , lime , pear , mint, mignonette, glaucous
blue- ocean , aqua , cobalt, navy , sapphire, admiral, denim , cerulean, indigo , lapis , peacock, aegean, azure , turquoise, cyan , arctic
purple - amethyst , raven , violet ,lilac , lavender, plum , magenta ,orchid , mulberry, heather, raisin, amaranthine , eggplant , iris , periwinkle
pink- blush , cherry blossom , taffy , peach, flamingo , rosey , salmon , fuscia, rosewood , pale red
IMPORTANT : remember to do GOOD research on shades!! You need to know which one you can use as an adjective and which one is a noun. If it’s a noun turn it into adjective, if it cannot be turned into an adjective then use a simile.
There’s more and if you know put it in the reblogs
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mintmatcha · 4 months
No keep going about the tattoo artist aus cause I’m nursing a crush on my most recent tattoo artist!! He was such a weird gremlin but so charming?? I’ll be thinking about him for a long while
Togame glances up at you as he dips the needle back into the ink, letting the machine hum for a long moment. His hand loops under your thigh in a very appropriate, work place manner. You think.
"You know, you got a great neck," he hums to himself, a deeper tone than the whir of the needle. He bumps his current candy piece against his teeth, a series of clicks as he thinks. "Nice, long, empty space..."
You cut him off. "I can't get a neck tattoo- my work barely allows the stuff on my arms."
He glances up at you, over his tinted lenses, those pretty green eyes sparkling with mischief.
"You work?" His breath smells like strawberries and you feel it tickle your bare leg when he chuckles. The worked skin is sensitive, because even the ghost of sensation makes your skin goose pimple.
"How else am I supposed to pay you?"
He brings the machine back to your skin, stretching it taut with the other hand. He's surprisingly gentle and the pain is just becoming background noise to this conversation. "I just think pretty girls should never spend their own money."
"Oh, so women shouldn't work?" You try not to move as you laugh. "That's not very feminist of you."
"Whoa, mama, I'm just teasing." Togame wiped away the access ink. "God forbid a man jokes about taking care of you. Your boyfriend must be kinda a scrub, huh?"
There's no boyfriend. He knows that. He liked almost all of your break up stories on Instagram last month when it happened.
"Maybe just a lil'."
"It's okay." Your leg muscle flexes involuntarily and he gently shushes it, his grip getting just a bit tighter. "I'll pick up his slack."
"You're going pay all my bills then?" you tease, leaning on to your hands to watch him work. "And free tattoos?"
"Oh, fuck no. I'm broke," Togame says. "You can have a piece of candy though."
He pushes the piece to his teeth and holds it there, a pink jewel between his terracotta lips. You press forward, head tilted, mouth alright wetting itself in anticipation-
"Just kidding-" He leans back. "Be serious- we can't be spitty over a fresh tattoo. Sanitation is important."
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stories-in-the-wind · 4 months
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Just got a perfect nest back from fire of this brand new specialty breeding pair of mine. I'm so overjoyed with them they look perfect and are the first (unexalted) of their colors on site!
Bronze/Peacock/Abyss, both on the AH for 300g (l-ink to lair in pinned post)
(their terracotta/peacock/abyss sister is also on the AH for 150g)
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simstorian-blog · 1 month
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Residential Floorplan Suggestions
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New York City: TWO
(CC List + Links)
World Map: San Myshuno
Area: Spice Market – Waterside Warble
Lot Size:  30 x 30
A Dive Bar
An Internet Café
A Pizzeria
A Tattoo Parlor
Bonus: 6 residential rental units floorplans completed – not assigned
Gallery ID: Simstorian-ish
Packs Needed
Expansion Packs
Cats & Dogs
City Living
Discover University
For Rent
Get Together
Get To Work
Growing Together
High School Years
Horse Ranch
Snowy Escape
Game Packs
Dine Out
Dream Home Decorator
Jungle Adventure
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
Stuff Packs
Crystal Creations
Home chef Hustle
Laundry Day
Castle Estate
Courtyard Oasis
Cozy Bistro
Desert Luxe
Recommended Gameplay Mods
(Please read through what each mod has to offer before deciding if it fits your gameplay style or not.)
Carl’s Dine Out Reloaded
City Vibes Lot Traits
Functional Tattoo Parlor
Functional Venue Lot Traits
Lock/Unlock Doors for Any Lot
Spawn Refresh
Use Residential Rentals shared areas as Community Lots & Create Multi-Purpose Community Lots
Build Mode
Chalk Pt.2 (Tiles)
Chateau Pt. 1 (Stone Foundation)
Chateau Pt. 2 (Doors, Metal Pieces, Tiles, Walls)
Colonial Pt. 3 (Fence 2, Plaster Foundation 2, Railing 2)
Florence Pt. 1 (Fresco Mural)
Grove Pt. 4 (Plaster Column, Plaster Floor)
London Interior (Dining Chair, Stool, Walls)
Paris (Cartouche Large, Corbel, Swag)
Schwerin (Terracotta Female)
SOHO Pt. 2
SOHO Pt. 3
SOHO Pt. 4
Brownstone Pt. 2 (Traditional Door Frame – Med, Traditional Door – Med, Traditional Window 2 - Med)
Coastal Pt. 2 (Column)
Klean Pt. 3 (Concrete Floor, Painted Walls)
Kwatei Pt. 1 (3x1 BiFold, Double Arch, Single Interior Door)
Stairs Add-on
Louer Collection (Iron Fence, Railing, Stone Stairs)
Bistro Expanded (Awning 1x1)
Graffiti Mural 01
Winter Garden Pt. 2 (Double Door High, High Window w Bottom x2)
Checkered Marble Floor
English Country Wall Set (Subway Tiles, Subway Tiles w Wallpaper)
Scandinavian Wall Set (Plain w Tiles)
Neighborly 1 (Ceiling Outdoor Light, Mailbox)
Neighborly 2 (Interphone)
Buy Mode
Laundromat (Seating x3 – Metal Base)
Tattoo Parlor (First Aid Kits, Gloves, Ink, Ink Display, Light, Saddle Stool, Tattoo Gun)
Functional Tattoo Chair
Berlin Pt. 1 (Curtain – Tall)
SOHO Pt. 1
Baysic (Coffee Table, container, End Table, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Counter, Kitchen Island, Kitchen Sink, Kitchen Trolley, Kitchen Accent Counter 1-3, Sofa)
Jardane (Leather Pouffe)
Kichen (Cabinet, Cups, Glasses, Plant, Shelf)
Kichen 2.0 Pt. 2 (Glasses 2 & 4)
Shop The Look 1 (Armchair, Coffee Table)
Shop The Look 2 (Ceramic Side Table)
Shop The Look 3 (Circular Cushion)
Spoons Pt. 2 (2 Tile Glass Pedastal- Short & Tall, Counters, Espresso Bar, Island, Pastry Platter, Pizza Board, Shelving)
Blockhouse Dining (Booth Seating)
The Chilling Home (Module Bar Stool)
Greasy Foods (Napkins, Salt Shaker, Stalls Door, Stalls Wall, Vents, Wet Floor Sign)
Modern Kitchen Stuff (Soft Breeze)
Rise & Grind (Décor Mural 2, Décor Syrup Bottle, Décor Wall Painting Menu, Dining Tables – All, Wastebun Counter)
Happily Ever After (Sign of Attention)
Fashion Store (Ceiling Lamp)
Coldbrew Coffee Shop Pt. 3 (Menu, Paper Cup, Tea Box, Tips Jar)
MCM Pt. 1 (Simstudio Display)
MCM Pt. 4 (Kitchen Island)
Shake and Shimmy Dance Floor
Shop Chef (Drink Dispenser)
Industrial Light II
Clutter Dump Pt. 2  (Boba Notepad, Boba Stacked Cups V1, Cafeteria Straw Dispenser)
Toffee Pt. 1 (Art)
Catherine Sushi Restaurant (Wall Shelf 1 & 3)
Contemporary Haven (Armchair, Artworks, End Table, Sofa 3P Left)
Macaron (Counter Display)
Lilith Chilling Area Pt. 1 (Bartender Kit, All Drinks, SulSul Sign)
Cave (Panel Light 2 x 4)
IND 01
IND 03
Turn Couch
Fraxinus AIO Computer (DL on Patreon)
Tray Files: DOWNLOAD
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randomheadcanons1234 · 3 months
Random Headcanon: Everyone in hermitcraft eats at least one inedible thing
Bdubs: gold, moss and grass
Cub: nether wards
Doc: red stone and magma blocks
Etho: coal, red stone, wood(spruce) and stone
False: paper
Gem: iron and sand
Grian: small pebbles , iron, grass and spider eyes
Hypno: wither roses
Impulse: Lava and magma blocks
Iskall: vines
Jevin: slime balls
Joe hills: what doesn’t he eat?
Keralis: wool
Mumbo: red stone, dirt, sand, grass, leaves and more
Pear: pebbles
Ren: dirt
Scar: any type of terracotta
Skizz: amethyst
Joel: sea shells
Stress: all flowers
Tango: flint
Beef: gold and iron nuggets
Wels: Diamonds
xB: sponge and coral blocks
Suma: endstone
Zedaph: paper, ink, leather and alley wings
Cleo: poisoned potatoes
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xxdemonicheartxx · 11 months
Flight Rising flights but as art mediums:
There are some overlaps in mediums since dragons are so tight knit and far spread
Earth: tile work/mosaics, jewelry work, ceramics, stone sculpture, chalk, clay work, plaster, leather work, rain chains
Water: plaster work, woven tapestries, shell jewelry and chimes, pearl inlays, decorative sails and flags, basket weaving, sandstone carving, watercolors, mirrors and glass sculptures
Shadow: optical illusions, black and white photography, puzzle boxes, uranium glass work, maybe iron work, mycology arrangements, shadow boxes, gouache, anything that involves glowing in the dark
Light: stone carving and gold foiled painting, sometimes tapestry weaving to depict an image or scene, impressionism, oil paint, tempera, portraiture, clothing and attire, mirrors, pigment making
Plague: hyper realism, and taxidermy, ceramics, bone carvings, tattoos, ink block prints, collage art, murals, leather work, totems and large outdoor installations
Nature: floral arrangements, dye work, wood work, candle making, hot wax painting, landscaping, rain chains, wind chimes, tapestries, needle felting, carpentry, animal cosmetics (haircuts, animal safe dye, nail and claw painting, etc), apparel/clothing, pigment making
Ice: needle felting, wood carving, quilting, ice carving and sculpture, snow sculptures, knitting, the art of tea blends, dried plant arrangements, carpentry, fabric weaving, tapestries, crochet, wood burning, blanket weaving, candle making, dye work, wood turning
Fire: welding, decorative weapon smithing, glass blowing, wood burning, wrought iron, stained glass, latticed metal, terracotta, ceramics, obsidian and basalt carving, graphite, slate, charcoal
Wind: paper mache, ribbon mediums, basket weaving, sonorous sculptures, wind chimes, feathered attire, really tall and thin structures/sculptures, jade carving, blanket weaving
Arcane: resin, stained glass, welding, intricate silver work, collaborative neon work with shadow (they need that special eye for glow in the dark), crystal carving, zen gardens, bonsai art, screen printing, photography, illuminated manuscripts, clothing and apparel, gold foil work, abstract art
Lightning: bronze cast sculptures, sand sculptures (when lightning strikes the sand and turns it to stone) aluminum casts poured into ant colonies/hills, pop art, up-cycled art, photography, art that is still capable of being utilized and interacted with because people and dragons are part of the medium, assemblage art, banners and flags
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chaiiitime · 1 year
It Happened One Summer Night
Summary : A broken car. A sleepy little village. It was a scary feeling to see all the excuses you made to hate each other slowly crumble away. Wild curls. Inked skin. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let go.
Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x OC!Fem
Warning : Sexual themes, 18+
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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Chapter 3
Adriana knew exactly where she was as she slowly woke up.
A light breeze was ruffling the lace curtains at the window, the sun creating intricate patterns on the floor as it shone through. 
The space next to her was rumpled and empty. Daniel had already woken up, which meant she also had to get up.  
At the back of her mind, Adriana knew they had a lot to do if they wanted to reach Jerez any time soon, but she felt so heavy, her body languid against the cotton sheets.  She turned around, burrowing into Daniel’s custom-made travel pillow, the material soft against her cheek.  It smelled of rain and forest, so unlike what she would have expected.  
She thought back to his apology of last night.  She had to give it to him — it took a lot of self-awareness to admit to being wrong.  
She threw off the covers, padding barefoot to the bathroom, looking at herself in the little mirror above the sink. She cringed, covering her face with her hands as she remembered the way she’d all but exploded at Daniel in the car. She never lost her cool like that — she’d always been the calm and collected older sister. So she didn’t know why she’d acted like that with Daniel. 
Maybe, she had to accept she was the one who had created the resentment that was brewing between them. She was the one who had been cold and rude the first time they’d met when Daniel had been nothing but nice.  Even if he’d been overly flirty. She’d looked at him and  judged him just because he had reminded her of her ex. She’d accused him of being arrogant and self-serving, but yet, he hadn’t once made any recriminations against her when she was the one responsible for essentially stranding them.  He hadn’t made any snide comments. Instead, he’d been — very understanding. 
She needed to apologise to him. That was the only right thing to do. 
She pulled on the white shirt and linen shorts she’d picked out last night. The material was creased and the Spanish humidity had turned her hair in a frizzy mess. She wished she had packed one of her power suits and her favourite pair of Louboutins — because God knew she needed the armour if she was going to be apologising to Daniel.  
She smoothed out the creases as much as she could and gave up on trying to tame her hair. Time to face the day. 
Daniel was right — she’d been sitting on her high horse all this time and it was time to get down before she face-planted on the ground. 
Adriana drifted down the hallway, following the voices coming from the back of the house — a mixture of broken English and Spanish, intercepted with the unmistakable sound of Daniel’s honking laughter. 
The hallway opened into the kitchen. 
It looked like it had been plucked right out one of the old telenovelas Adriana’s grandmother used to watch — the uneven terracotta floor made dull with wear, the little pots of herb lining the window sill and the big old farmhouse table at the centre of the room, its wood scarred with age.  
There was a rickety old door that opened into the yard and from where she stood, Adriana could see the clothes gently swaying on the clothesline. A flock of chickens were running freely in the yard, some of them pecking at the scattered seeds near the doorway. 
Daniel was sitting at the table, gesturing wildly with his hands, Cayetana appearing enthralled with whatever he was trying to say, the pot she had bubbling away on the old-fashioned stove completely forgotten. 
“Ah!” Cayetana exclaimed, spotting her in the doorway. “Bueno Dias! Come in, come in.” She gestured for her to take a seat at the table.
Adriana gratefully accepted the cup of coffee Cayetana handed her, murmuring her thanks as she took a sip. The coffee was sweet and milky — just how one should take their coffee when on holiday. 
“Tu novio es tan encantador.” Your boyfriend is so charming.
Adriana had to hide her smile behind her cup at the way the older lady was blushing as she literally batted her eyelashes at Daniel. 
Of course, he would have worked that charm on her already. 
She’d been very careful not to look at him as she had sat down. She peeked at him now, and was surprised to see him looking at her with hooded eyes. He looked well-rested and fresh. He’d somehow shaved in the morning without waking her up and all that delicious stubble was gone. 
Pity that. 
“Slept well?” He asked as he took a sip of his coffee, the delicate cup looking positively tiny in his large hand. 
“Uhmm.” She nodded non-committedly as she buttered up a piece of bread. She hadn’t slept well at all. She’d been excruciatingly aware of him next to her all through the night, the heat of his body singeing her skin even with the pillow between them. And from the smirk on his face, he seemed to know it. 
Daniel had to bite back a smile as Adriana diligently avoided his question. He was a very light sleeper and he knew she had spent most of the night tossing and turning. It gave him a kind of perverse satisfaction to know she wasn’t as immune to him as she liked to pretend. Oh, he knew that whatever tiny bit of attraction she had for him was liberally mixed with contempt for him, but he’d found a little crack in her facade and he was going to drill till it all but crumbled. 
“So,” Cayetana wiped her hands on her apron as she sat down. “How did you two — “ she gestured between the two of them, her English faltering “— meet?”
Adriana cleared her throat, attempting to sound matter-of-factly, “We met through mutual friends.” 
She was pretty proud of herself for coming up with that on the spot. It was simple and sweet — easier that way for her and Daniel to keep their stories straight. 
“Come on, baby —“ 
Adriana shot Daniel a look. What was he doing now? He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned back in his chair and draped his arm over the back of her chair.
 “Tell Cayetana how we truly met.”
“Actually —“ He turned to Cayetana who was looking at them expectantly. “We met at a friend’s party. Adriana saw me across the room and of course, fell in love with me at first sight.”He smiled, looking all bashful as he pointed to his face. “I mean, who can resist all this beauty?”
“I wasn’t really on the market for a relationship at the time, but you know —“ His arm was around her shoulders now, “— she kept chasing me and I finally succumbed.” He tipped his head towards her, giving her a little squeeze on the shoulder. “Isn’t that right, pookie?” 
Adriana flashed him a sardonic smile, her goodwill to apologise forgotten for now. 
Two could play this game. 
She leaned forward, whispering conspiratorially in Spanish to Cayetana. “He was unemployed when I first met him, you know.” 
He indeed truly had been unemployed. 
“All this beauty —“ Adriana motioned to her own face, “but up here —“ she said, tapping her temple, “he’s not exactly the brightest bulb, bless him. But what do you do? Love doesn’t judge and all of that. He just needed someone to believe in him and look where we are now!” She looked up at him, giving his arm that was still around her shoulders a tiny squeeze. “Isn’t that right, pookie?”
His eyes were teasing as they looked down at her, his lips quirked up in a tiny smile.“I hope you’ve been telling our host what a spectacular boyfriend I am.” He said with the kind of easy-going lightness that only he could pull off. 
Their gazes held for a moment and just like in the movies, Adriana’s heart stuttered. 
“Ay you two!” Cayetana broke the moment between them, Adriana blushing as she looked away. “This is how my Miguel and I were when we were younger. Always teasing one another!” 
DANIEL INSTANTLY KNEW they were in trouble as he watched Adriana’s expression fall at whatever the mechanic was telling her. Miguel had gone with the village mechanic to retrieve their car early in the morning and he’d dropped them off at the mechanic’s workshop before he’d gone off. 
Adriana thanked the man and turned around. She was gnawing at her bottom lip, the worry clear on her face. 
“He said that the branch has badly damaged the underside of the car.  He’ll need to replace parts but —“ She let out a harsh sigh, “He doesn’t have them handy, so he’ll need to order them from the next town over and he’ll only get them, maybe tomorrow.”
She turned around, walking out. Daniel followed her out, bringing his hands up to shield his eyes from the bright sun. 
“What are we going to do?” Adriana sounded dejected. “There is no way we’ll make it to the wedding in time now.” She said, her voice wobbling slightly. 
“Hey, it’s ok —“ Daniel hoped she was not about to cry because he didn’t know what he would do if she did. “We’ll work something out.” He didn’t even sound convincing to himself. 
“Like what?” She asked despairingly.
“Uhhh…” Daniel scratched the back of his head as he tried to come up with something.  Anything. “We could hire another car?” He said, lifting his shoulders and motioning towards the workshop, “and pay someone to go drop this car off at the nearest car rental office once it’s repaired.”
“Look where we are!” Adriana gestured. The mechanic’s workshop opened onto a dusty street, a lone scooter leaning against the wall opposite. “I don’t think we’re going to find a rental agency in this place! This might as well be a ghost village!”  
She kind of had a point there, Daniel acquiesced to himself with a shrug. The village was pretty remote, bordered as it was by the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. There was only one way in and one way out, and at one point in time, the little village used to be only accessible by sea — a fact that the locals seemed to be proud of, but which also meant it wasn’t exactly hopping with tourists, even during summertime.
“I am sure we’ll find something.” He said softly, patiently. If someone ever asked Daniel what his biggest flaw was, it was definitely being overly optimistic even in the shittiest of circumstances. “Come on.”
With a sigh, Adriana followed him down the pebbled street that winded down towards the coast. She wished she had his glass-half-full attitude because then, maybe she would have at least been able to appreciate the quaintness of the little white-washed houses lining the streets, with their colourful shutters and the riot of wild bougainvilleas climbing over their walls. 
They passed under the archway of an old building, Daniel turning to watch her carefully pick her way down the roughly-hewn steps to the village square. Little cafés and shops sprawled out in a semi-arc around the square, an old fountain lazily splashing water in the centre.  Right across the street, the Mediterranean Sea stretched out to the horizon, little fisherman boats bobbing on the surface. 
There were only a few people milling around the square, which was as busy as it got, Adriana guessed. They went into the first shop they saw. The old man behind the counter had no idea where or if they could hire a car. And it was the same with the shop next door, and the shop next to it. 
Frustrated, Adriana crossed the street. There was a ledge that ran along the road, with steps leading down to the beach.  The mid-day sun reflected off the pristine surface of the water, almost blinding her. She sat down on the ledge and tipped her head back, trying to release the tension in her neck. 
It was going to be fine, she repeated to herself. Okay, even if they were not going to make it to the rehearsal dinner, they might still make it for the ceremony. 
And things could have been worse. 
They could have been stranded in far worse places than this little village. It was the sort of place where everyone knew everyone, where people lived off the land and sea, where the days simply stretched out and slowed down. 
It was the sort of place where people came to find themselves. Or to find love. 
She could see the spire of the village church in the distance, shining like a beacon against the backdrop of the Pyrenees mountains, vibrant green vegetation softening the harshness of its rocky facade. 
Little houses with terracotta roof-tiles dotted the foothills — Adriana could only guess that the view from up there must be spectacular. The little road by the square sinewed along the coast, dropping out of sight around a bend. Further out in the distance, she could see rocky bluffs stretching out to the sea, the waves gently lapping at the rocks. 
Adriana looked up. Daniel was standing over her, a bottle of water in his hand. She gratefully accepted it, murmuring her thanks as she took a sip.
“Listen,” Daniel cleared his throat as he sat down next to her. “I know this is all very frustrating and you’re worried you’ll not make it in time for the wedding, but —“ He picked at the label on his bottle with his nails, the paper crumpling easily with the condensation. “I promise you, I’ll get you there on time. Hopefully the car is ready before Friday and I promise you, we’ll be there before the welcome dinner.”
As he’d come out of the shop and seen Adriana sitting so forlornly on the ledge, Daniel had realised he didn’t like seeing her so defeated. He preferred it when she was throwing darts at him with her words. So, it gave him a rush of pleasure when she smiled and gave him a tiny nod. Then, that rush of pleasure didn’t feel that pleasurable anymore, because it left him wanting more, left him wanting to see her smile a bit brighter and that was a road he didn’t want to go down.
“I think we should find a hotel for the rest of our stay here.” He said as he wiped the condensation from the bottle on his shorts. “Miguel and Cayetana have been nice enough to put us up for one night, but we can’t exactly stay there for longer than that.”
He started to get up but Adriana caught his elbow, stopping him. He looked back, perplexed. There was a little furrow between his brows and Adriana itched to reach out and smooth it.
It was her turn to be nervous now. 
“I —“ Her tongue timidly flicked out to wet her lips. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and tipped her head up to meet his eyes. “I wanted to apologise. I was rude to you the first time we met. And, and …”
Adriana stuttered, her breath catching for one moment. Serious-faced Daniel was intimidating — his eyes so dark, the bump on the bridge of his nose standing in stark relief against the sharp planes of his face. His lips were pressed in a tight line, but even that couldn’t entirely disguise the fullness of his bottom lip. 
“I shouldn’t have exploded on you the way I did in the car. The things I said were uncalled for.”
He was quiet for a moment and then he softly murmured,“I’m sorry too.” 
He still had that intent look on his face as he stepped closer to her, crowding her in, the clean earthy smell of him washing over her. “Whether you were rude to me or not, I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m sorry for hurting you.”
Adriana nodded, ducking her head for a moment to gather herself. “It’s okay. Let’s just pretend we’re starting over — clean slate, yes?”
Daniel surprised her by sticking his hand out. “Hi, I’m Daniel. My friends call me Dan, Danny or you can call me whatever you want. I’m not picky.” 
“What?” Adriana asked in confusion as she stared at his outstretched hand. 
“Well,” Daniel shrugged, his hand still outstretched towards her. “You said you wanted to start over. So I’m re-introducing myself.”
Bemused, Adriana placed her hand in his, his long fingers wrapping around her wrist, his warmth engulfing her. “I’m Adriana. Just Adriana.” She said wryly.
“Well, just Adriana —“ He flashed her that damn smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
She couldn’t help it but laugh — not a wry snicker or a bemused chuckle but an actual full-out laugh that lit her whole face, the sound surprisingly innocent and childish to Daniel. 
CAYETANA WOULDN’T HEAR anything about them finding another place to stay. Instead, she fed them lunch, even if they weren’t particularly lunch people.
Daniel had gone out to explore the village and when he’d asked if she wanted to come, Adriana had used the excuse of catching up on her work emails to stay back at the house.
She’d scrolled through her inbox and promptly gave up to sit on the window sill in their room. It felt like one of those lazy afternoons during the summer holidays, back when she was a kid. 
Cayetana and Miguel’s house was higher up on the piedmont and from the window, Adriana could see the little houses and winding pebbled roads as they cascaded towards the coast. The sea looked irresistibly blue from up here and Adriana could almost feel the salt on her skin, the little sting in her eyes if she would dip her face under the surface of the water. 
Fuck it, she was going down there. She hurriedly threw a few things in her beach bag — a towel, some sunscreen and that novel she’d been meaning to read for ages. It wasn’t difficult to find her way back to the village square, because all the roads seemed to lead towards the sea anyway. She went down the steps to the beach and of course, Daniel was there. 
He’d somehow ended up playing football with a group of kids. He lifted a hand when he saw her. She waved back, settling down on her beach towel not too far from where they were playing. She tried to get into her book but her eyes kept being drawn to Daniel. 
She envied the way he seemed to throw himself into every new interaction without inhibition, soaking up everything in that moment, like there was nowhere else he’d rather be. She watched as he let himself be tackled by the kids, laughing as one of them stole the ball from him. He threw his hands up, pretending to be upset before running after the kids, making them laugh at his antics. She wondered if the kids knew who he was. He hadn’t once played the ‘I’m famous’ card, which was unexpected, and yet the more she got to know him, the more she realised Daniel was Daniel — utterly charming, utterly confusing. 
“Hey” Daniel dropped down next to her on the towel, their shoulders almost touching as he laid back on his elbows. He sprawled his legs out in front of him, his shorts riding up to expose the tattoos on his thigh. The colours intrigued her and Adriana wanted to reach out and explore them. 
“Done playing?” She asked. 
“Yeah nah. Can’t keep up with those hooligans.” He joked, his accent coming on strong. He was smiling and he looked achingly adorable with his dimples and his curls sticking slightly to his sweaty forehead. 
Daniel had to tip his head back to look at her from where he was lying. He loved the way her curls framed her face, all wild and loose — it hinted at all that fiery passion she kept hidden beneath her cool surface. He wished he knew enough about Greek mythology, because then he would have been able to compare her beauty — or attitude — to one of the goddesses. His eyes darted to the beauty mark just above her lips and the desire to dapple his tongue there, taste the salt on her skin stole over him. 
“Good book?” He asked. 
That little hmm was so self-contained, it drove Daniel mad. He wanted to know everything about her, what her favourite movie was, what her favourite colour was, what made her tick. He wanted to burrow beneath her skin and see who the real Adriana was. He hated that, in that moment, she made him feel unsure of himself, made him feel like the Daniel with the unruly Afro and crooked teeth trying to impress a girl in high school. 
“Want to go for a walk?” His voice was almost rough when he asked her. He could see for a moment she was about to refuse, then she surprised him as she nodded. So they got up, Daniel bending down to pick up the towel, shaking the sand from it, folding it carefully and handing it to her. 
SHOES AND SANDALS discarded, toes sinking into the sand, they walked till the sounds of the village became faint, till the little houses and shops along the coast gave way to the rocky cliffs of the Costa Brava. 
Daniel kept a steady stream of consciousness between them — it was impossible to not be charmed by him, to not laugh at his silly little quips. It was revealing to look at the world through his eyes, how he noticed things Adriana wouldn’t otherwise have, how he had her guessing whether the tidbits he was telling her about the sea were actually facts or stuff he had made up. 
Adriana wanted to make him laugh too. She felt like a little girl desperate to impress her crush, but she couldn’t come up with anything remotely funny. So instead, she kept the shells he’d been handing her softly cradled in her palms, letting herself bask in his — magnetism. 
They reached an outcrop of rocks that looked like they had been randomly stacked one over the other by nature. They climbed over the rocks, Daniel holding both of their shoes, patiently guiding her where to place her feet, sometimes holding her hand to steady her over some of the sharper edges. She was still holding his hand when they made it to the other side — her a bit out of breath and Daniel barely winded. 
Adriana was breathless. “Oh my god, this is —“
“Beautiful.” Daniel said, his eyes roving across the horizon to land on her face. 
It was truly beautiful. 
The rocky bluffs curved out to the sea, creating this secluded cove detached from the rest of the world. The water here was so clear, the waves lapping languidly against the rocks, becoming a deeper blue further away from shore. It felt like Daniel and her had the whole ocean to themselves. 
“Want to go for a swim?” Daniel asked. He grabbed his shirt by the neck, pulling it off. Adriana’s pulse flared as she took him in. 
His body was compact, all sleek muscles stacked over more sleek muscles — his body just a machine designed for him to go the fastest he could in a race car. 
“You go ahead.” She felt self-conscious to strip  down to the modest black one-piece she had on underneath her linen shirt. Daniel hesitated for a moment, looking like he was about to convince her to join him, then he shrugged, giving her a mock salute, all dimples and smiles as he turned around and walked towards the water. 
Adriana watched him go, intrigued by the play of muscles on his back. She watched as he swam further out, his strong arms gracefully cutting through the water. She watched until he was a speck on the horizon, then she quickly discarded her shirt and shorts. She slowly stepped into the water, first to her calves, then her knees, letting her body get used to the temperature. Then, when the water was up to her waist, she ducked down, quickly setting out into an easy freestyle stroke. She swam a bit further out, feeling a kind of joyous freedom she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
She flipped onto her back, letting herself be buoyed by the sea, letting the water flow through her fingers and seep to the roots of her hair. The sun pressed intriguing shadows on her closed eyelids and for one brief moment, there was nothing but the silence of the rushing water in her ears. 
Suddenly, she felt a tickling sensation on the heel of her feet and before she could react, there was something warm clasping her around the ankle. She went under, the salt stinging her eyes and nose as she came back up. 
“Daniel!” She sputtered as she heard him laugh before she could even see him. 
As soon as he had hit the water, Daniel had felt his muscles loosening with each stroke, the usual aches and pains from constantly pulling Gs easing. 
He’d always had a somewhat odd relationship with the sea for a Perth boy, thanks to his mother instilling a healthy fear of sharks into him. He had only started feeling more comfortable in the water when he’d started spending time in LA. So, he’d been pretty relaxed when he had seen Adriana get into the water. All he could see from where he had been were flashes of golden limbs, but he’d been bewitched by her graceful movements. 
He’d swam closer, enticed by the curves peeking out of the water.  Like the sailors from the old tales, falling into the lure of the siren’s song.  
He laughed now at the indignation on Adriana’s face. 
“Oh you bastard!” She said as she splashed him. Daniel splashed her back, worried this might anger her more. Instead, she laughed, splashing him with renewed vigour, creating a lot of waves but none of them really having that sucker-punched effect on him. She was still laughing as he caught her by the waist, her hands automatically slipping around his neck. 
The water lapped around them, pressing their bodies together, their legs tangling together, her smooth ones rubbing against his hair-roughened ones. They were so close together that Adriana could see the grain of his stubble, how the water clung to it. Each breath that she took pressed her breasts even tighter against his chest. His eyes looked like molten honey in the afternoon sunlight, filled with temptation. 
Daniel looked down at her, the dark of her pupils had almost consumed the green of her eyes. He could see her lips quivering, that peak of her pink tongue driving him crazy. He leaned in, his breath barely a whisper against her skin. 
Adriana felt the press of his mouth against her skin just where her pulse fluttered at the base of her neck, almost like a sigh. He trailed sweet deadly kisses to the corner of her mouth, stopping there just for a moment before he nipped at her bottom lip. His tongue laved the sting away, then swiped into her mouth, tangling with hers. She moaned as Daniel deepened the kiss, desire stealing over the both of them. His hands flexed on her waist, moving over the curve of her hips to her warm bare thighs, hooking them up and around his waist. 
Adriana could feel him right there, pressing into the soft core of her. She didn’t stop to think — somehow this felt right, the feel of his warm skin under her hands, the rough rasp of his tongue against hers, the prickly sensation of his stubble against her skin. 
Daniel cradled her against him, their hips rocking to the rhythm set by his tongue as he consumed her mouth. His hands moved almost reverently over the flare of her hips, his thumbs rubbing slow circles over her hip bones. He was so hard in his shorts, he desperately wanted to sink further into her softness, wanted to grind into her, wanted to feel her wet heat around him. 
They broke apart, breaths choppy, a line of spit connecting them. It broke as Daniel tipped his head back, droplets of water running down the slope of his thick neck, the muscles bunching. 
“Fuck.” His voice was guttural as he tried to catch his breath, his throat convulsing. 
Adriana couldn’t resist it. She leaned into him, her teeth scraping over his Adam’s apple, her tongue snaking down to delve into the divot at the base of his throat.  She traced the constellation of freckles on the side of his neck up to his ear with the tip of her tongue, giving him a mischievous smile as she tugged on his earlobe with her teeth, sucking it into her mouth. 
She caught the hot glint in his eyes as his hand went to the nape of her neck, his long fingers twining into the wet strands of her hair and tugging her head back. His mouth came down on hers, but this time around, she didn’t give him control so easily. She reached out, cupping his face, slowing the kiss. She played with him like he had with her earlier, biting his bottom lip, sliding her tongue lazily along his. 
Daniel was done being toyed with. He growled low in his throat, his mouth leaving hers to lick and kiss his way to the tantalising valley of her cleavage. He nipped at the swell of her breasts spilling over her bathing suit, pulling the straps down her shoulders, following the path with his mouth. Adriana gasped as he gave a sharp tug, her breasts coming free from the cups of her bathing suit, her nipples puckering as they touched the water. 
Daniel had a smug smile on his face as he boosted her up, bringing her tits almost at eye-level with him. There was nowhere to hide now. With the straps of her bathing suit around her arms restricting her movements, all Adriana could do was hold onto his shoulders as Daniel lowered his head. He dragged his tongue over one taut nipple, his other hand coming up to plump her other breast, his thumb brushing over the other tight peak. 
Adriana fisted one hand in his curls as Daniel sucked one nipple into the wet heat of his mouth, teasing, taunting, taking his fill as his teeth scraped over the sensitive nub. Each tight pull of his mouth felt like an echo at the pulsing core of her, making her slicker and wetter. She tightened her legs around his torso, her body undulating desperately against him in search of that fragment that felt slightly out of reach.
The desperate sounds that fell from her lips spurred Daniel on. Head thrown back, lips parted, her carefully composed veneer stripped away and abandoned — there hadn’t been a more beautiful sight to him. The fact that he had managed to turn her into this wrecked mess, that he could play her like a fiddle — it  filled him with a heady rush of satisfaction, one he usually only got after winning a race. He was so high from that feeling, he could come from that alone. 
He slipped his hand between their bodies, finding and pressing into her secret spot. In that moment, he wished there was no barrier between them because he wanted to know if she was bare down there or if there were dark curls shiny from her own wetness that would hide her from his view.   
Her breath hitched for a moment and Daniel felt the sting of ruptured skin as she let go. Wave after wave, Adriana came. She tried to muffle the sounds she was making, but it felt like they were reverberating off the cliffs around them. 
And Daniel revered in each desperate gasp of his name.
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tootoomanycats · 15 days
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I'm so happy to be working on this short story (10 chapters)
Just Desserts is an idea I had a while back (post here), and honestly, it grew into something really beautiful. As much as I avoid it, I genuinely do enjoy writing angsty scenes. So please enjoy this teaser that I wrote while listening to this on repeat. (hits play again) K thanks I love you buh bye!
Levi forced himself up the steps to your apartment, pushing through excruciating pain in his knee as his heart pounded so violently it rattled deep in his ear drums. You wouldn't have left without saying anything. You wouldn't do that to him… unless…
Dread set in, and vision began to tunnel, darkness dancing on the edges as he started skipping steps. The cane fell out of his hands, clattering down before skirting across the ground below; it didn't matter. He had to get to your apartment; you had to be there still, and he had to apologize. Had to tell you the truth.
“FUCK!” He cried out when his left leg refused to lift, unable to clear the top step, body crumbling like a marionette on the small landing that led to the apartment door. He crawled, dragging as he gritted through the sharp pain that ricocheted each vertebra before knocking on the door from where he lay—listening for a moment, hoping to hear the shuffle of footsteps that never came.
He called your name.
No response.
“No.” He pulled himself to stand on shaking limbs, hands gripping the door for balance as he called out your name, knocking louder this time.
“No, no, no, no.” The words came out in a hushed panic as he turned the doorknob; it was unlocked.
Just as he went to limp into the doorway, a white envelope caught his eye. Laying on the ground, staring back up at him, his name written in the delicate cursive he knew to be your handwriting. Dryness wrapped around his throat like barbed wire. Slowly sliding down against the door, he grasped the envelope and broke its wax seal. Hands shaking as the contents within were pulled out and unfolded. There were so many, many pages. Each with a different date.
“Are these…diary pages?”
October 12th.
I have never been so embarrassed. I mistook him for a child when he had been so kind to help me with my keys. To add insult to injury, he is the tea shop owner across the way. I don’t know how I’ll ever live this down.
That was the first day you met. He flipped through the more recent pages until he found a freshly torn page with no date, only his name. The ink was still fresh and smugged in certain places—small wet spots littered across, making a few letters hard to understand.
You're right.
I’m a coward.
I’m sorry.
“Idiot,” He murmured as he held the torn pages in his hands, looking up to see that the apartment had been cleaned and what little you did have was gone. The tea plant he gifted you that once sat in the window was missing; only an imprint of where the terracotta bottom sat proved that it was once there. The cat toys that usually litter the floor were gone, as was Louie. With how little you had, it was difficult to tell if leaving was preplanned or done in haste.
Turning back to the pages in hand, he read through each entry. Dates skipped, and with the pages torn, it wasn't hard to put together that you had ripped out every entry that had to do with him.
November 11th.
He wanted to kiss me.
Fear grabbed my stomach, and like a coward, I fiend to be oblivious and went home. I wish I had been brave; why can’t I be brave? When I told Martha, I expected her to joke about it, but she just looked sad and hugged me. She told me it was okay. I didn't even know I had started crying until I was struggling to breathe.
He could hear his teeth grinding as he clenched his jaw. Every page spelled out in black and white how much you cared and how scared you were. And he had goaded you for it, shouted at you angrily when you were finally brave enough to try and tell him, as awkward as it was. "What have I done?"
Let me know in the comments if you'd like to be tagged as updates and chapters are posted! Tag List:
@l1zk4 @angelofthorr
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tom-whore-dleston · 10 months
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friendship bracelets, beehives, school busses, children's books, flower petals, honeyed toast, polaroids. your essence is honey:
you are devoted and endlessly enthusiastic. your friendships are your security; you shroud yourself with people who make you smile and feel lost at sea without them. often you are quick to dedicate yourself to whatever hand feeds you. you are the companion. you are the confidant.
you find kinship in like-minded individuals of peach, marigold, yellow, and orange, who share your love of teamwork. you are also drawn to the streamlined souls terracotta and chiffon, who will help you grow and discover your own confidence.
however, you may struggle to get along with the heedless personalities of orchid and chartreuse who seem like fair weather friends.
Thank you @mothdruid for tagging me 💛🍯
Tagging: @neganwifey25-blog @goldylions @buckets-and-trees @inklore @psychedelic-ink @fluffyprettykitty @witchywithwhiskey
Take the quiz to find what color your aura is
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muscacat · 1 month
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Flag id: The Cozbrowian flag. It is a rectangular flag with 9 even horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom; purplish black, dark mauve, terracotta, pale goldenrod, warm off-white, cashmere brown, clay brown, burnt umber, and purplish black.
Pt: Cozbrowian /end pt
Gender related to brownies, aesthetic baking videos, atlas moths, the transitional period between summer and fall, the transitional period between fall and winter, the words: "coco", "decay", "moth", and "cozy", writing in brown ink, and leaves crunching.
Coined on August 7th, 2024 — [coz]y + [brow]nie + ian
Tagging @radiomogai @obscurian and @lexicarchive
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recitedemise · 9 months
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗯 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆. And it is excruciating. On his chest, one can trace its ugly mark, the brand less discoloration and more, unfortunately, a deep-grooved scar. It is unavoidable and impossible to ever miss. Similarly, the way it eats at him is obvious, too. Gale, especially at the start, when his condition, fresh and disorienting, was still abundantly new, the effects of the orb were frighteningly worse. At that time, he little knew how to quell it, that feeding off the Weave would balm the pain, and so for all those days and weeks of panic, he rotted and ached at a terrible pace. He had decayed. And he had bled. Gale's body oozed black, skin, especially at his casting arm, rupturing like cracks in terracotta. He tasted filth always, the bitterness of wasting flesh thick in his throat, nose perpetually leaking with the ink-dark of bleeding. He'd labored to breathe, a feeling like devouring maggots pulsing in his chest. In fact, at the lowest point by then, wallowing and stuck in his tower, Gale began to lose hair, his nails loose and cracking as he scrabbled at the floorboards, knees weak and pain bolting when he collapsed to the floor. He was a pitiful sight. And a worrying one. And even now, with the consumption of magical artefacts, one can still see the way he bows to the blight, heaving for breath when it takes his chest again, sweat at his temples and mouth gone dry. It's all-encompassing. The agony is chronic. It feels like being eaten, being hollowed to his barest self right from the inside. He's a vessel of magic, and the orb means to consume him down to his every last molecule, teeth bared, hackles raised, and appetite crushing. It's like--dying, stolen away to be but swallowed down whole, surrendering to the suck of a hungering vortex. He's unsightly. As well, too, as a burden, he thinks, to the very naked of his bones. But when someone hangs back, touches him despite his rot, he thinks, you shouldn't have to handle something like this. This mere shamble of a graveyard--he's so sorry to dirty their hands.
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cassieuncaged · 9 months
What color is your OCs aura??
Found a fun uquiz to try!
No pressure tags: @chadillacboseman, @roofgeese, @emotionalcadaver, @areyenotfondofmelobster, @captastra, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @corvosattano, @adelaidedrubman, @bardic-inspo, @spacestephh, @galaxycunt, @gayafsatan, and anyone else I may have forgotten!
Ilwyn - BG3
Cream: dandelions, marble, bottled coffee, hair ties, banana cream, bedsheets, sketches. your essence is cream: your openness makes you a soft and gentle companion. you beg others to hold you; the most fulfilling life is one with love and praise, safe from traitorous insecurity. apologies come easily to you -- for it is better than change. you are the tenderheart. you are the devout. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of yellow, gold, peach, and honeysuckle, who share your self-doubt. you are also drawn to the resolute blush and beige, who will help you grow and learn to find your own cause. however, you may struggle to get along with the obsessive personalities of rose and sage who demand too much.
Ffion - BG3
Umber: book spines, suits, coffee, deep soil, violins, bear fur, staircases. your essence is umber: you are strong and silent, rarely ruffled. yet, you are unmoored; tender and drifting, you are unsure of your motivation save for to do good. many find you generous and stalwart -- but melancholy. you are the keeper. you are the ungrudging. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, beige, hickory, and garnet, who share your profound determination. you are also drawn to the flamboyant magenta and gold, who will help you grow and show you how to follow your heart without guilt. however, you may struggle to get along with the self-focused personalities of royal and crimson who rarely compromise.
Nyx - Mortal Kombat
Noir: drops of ink, eyeliner, crows, spiders, charcoal, painted nails, the night. your essence is noir: you see the world for what it really is and have the desire to perfect it. you embrace all of reality with zeal; there is an order to everything, even the thoughts that drip with darkness. your spirit is undeniable and some may call you quietly passionate or idealistic. you are the conquerer. you are the reformer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of grey, ivory, amaranth, and hickory, who share your passion for betterment. you are also drawn to the creative magenta and indigo, who will help you grow and let go of your reservations that you must be perfect. however, you may struggle to get along with the philosophical personalities of navy and amber who seem aimless.
Meg - Far Cry 4
Sky: short poems, teacups, clear skies, diaries, dripping icicles, tears, tennis shoes. your essence is sky: you are a hard worker and do not relent on something once you have begun. you are giving to all but yourself and pour from an empty cup; you want to be simple, self-sufficient, easy. you overflow with creativity but throw away your sketches before they're even done. you are the dauntless. you are the venturer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of blue, navy, periwinkle, and seafoam, who likewise hold themselves to high standards. you are also drawn to the self-actualizing sage and apricot, who will help you grow and relax into your feelings. however, you may struggle to get along with the strict personalities of ivory and blush who seem overly critical.
Betty - SDV
Honey: friendship bracelets, beehives, school busses, children's books, flower petals, honeyed toast, polaroids. your essence is honey: you are devoted and endlessly enthusiastic. your friendships are your security; you shroud yourself with people who make you smile and feel lost at sea without them. often you are quick to dedicate yourself to whatever hand feeds you. you are the companion. you are the confidant. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of peach, marigold, yellow, and orange, who share your love of teamwork. you are also drawn to the streamlined souls terracotta and chiffon, who will help you grow and discover your own confidence. however, you may struggle to get along with the heedless personalities of orchid and chartreuse who seem like fair weather friends.
Daphne - Fallout 4
Teal: dyed hair, scales, doc martens, borealis, stormy seas, kingfishers, agate. your essence is teal: you are unique and yearning, emotional without realizing it. you readily get pulled in deep; when you've found an interest, it anchors you, though you can become lost in the details. your identity is strong and you will not change for anyone. you are the free spirit. you are the observer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of jade, seafoam, navy, and forest, who share your deep intuition. you are also drawn to the thoughtful souls moss and bronze, who will help you grow and learn how to try new things. however, you may struggle to get along with the forceful personalities of amaranth and garnet who are too attached to a single perspective.
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kharonion · 8 months
11 from the otp prompts💜
[ soft otp prompts ]
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It's absolutely precious how Vikt stirs awake. He grumbles deep in his chest, like a low rev of an engine—muted by the pillow he's shoving his face into—and tosses around as if trying to escape the sun.
Kerry chuckles, laid there resting his head in the palm of a propped arm. His fingers skirt along the dip of Vikt's spine, the definition of his shoulders, tracing every line of ink on terracotta skin. With every motion, there's a slight rustle, a gruff groan that's both content and endearingly agitated.
"Hey, sleepin' beauty," Kerry rasps with a smile that lifts his cheeks. He twirls the sparse curls of hair at Vikt's lumbar in gentle circles, continues to graze the skin with his nails.
All Vikt responds with is a light growl. His head shifts, eyes fluttering open—reluctantly. "Hrm...? What... time is it?"
"Fuck if I know." It's true; Kerry hasn't bothered to leave the bed. And, frankly, what does it even matter? "What, got somewhere to be?" he asks with a snicker, fingertips sneaking underneath the blanket set low at Vikt's hips.
That damn phone rumbles from the bedside table, and Kerry's about to sigh in defeat when Vikt's hand smacks down on it hard enough to shut it up. And he doesn't move otherwise. Kerry laughs as from the pillow, he hears a gruff, "No."
"They okay with that?"
Vikt shifts again, and finally, his eyes—well, one of them—crack open, eyelashes fluttering and optics gleaming in the sunlight. The wrinkles at their corners are always so prominent when Vikt wakes, and Kerry always traces them lightly with his thumb.
"Fuck 'em," Vikt drawls. He sighs deep, readjusts so he's laid on his side to properly face Kerry. He groans, yawns (and tries to hold it back, which is adorable). "Let 'em figure shit out themselves for once. I've... got better things to do..."
As he mumbles, Vikt scoots closer, until he's pressed close with his head tucked underneath Kerry's chin. Steady, hot breaths tickle his neck, the spot peppered by gentle kisses amidst the protesting moans seeping from Vikt's lips. Kerry runs his fingers up and down Vikt's ribs, absolutely relishing in the hums it elicits. He swears he can even catch the tail end of some light snores. "Do you now?" he eventually asks without much need for an answer; he can guess.
All Vikt does is nod, offers a low "mhmm" without any more elaboration—or any haste to change his position. He's quite content right where he is, seems like.
And Kerry's about to pipe up that maybe they should at least get up to eat something, but he can't commit to it. Not when the large man curled in his embrace has dozed back to sleep. Instead, he smiles, buries his face in Vikt's bed-tussled hair, and lets himself relax, too. After all, there's no rush. Not when they can just stay like this—content, warm, and lazy as fuck for once.
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