#injured Peter parker
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pspspsmeowsmorales · 1 year ago
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This diva ...
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year ago
Tony: what the hell were you thinking!?
Peter: Obviously I was thinking I would get away with it and wouldn't have to explain myself!
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petersoftparker · 1 year ago
Medical Assistance needed?
Spider-Man x Civillian!Reader
Warnings: kidnapping, gagging, concussion
The only thing you knew for sure waking up, was that you probably have a concussion. Your eyes weren’t even open yet, but nausea made you gag immediately. “Oh shit, fuck okay” Peter panicked, rolling you onto your side. It took a few minutes of you doing breathing exercises for the feeling that you were about to throw up to pass.
“I’m gonna get us out of this, I promise” You laughed a little in disbelief, but still smiled at Peter reaching out beside you to squeeze his wrist. You didn’t know if it helped him at all, but It gave you some comfort feeling the faint rhythm of his heartbeat. “Don’t be a hero Peter.” You sucked in a breath before continuing “Not your fault we’re in this mess. Who knows maybe they just got the wrong people and they’ll let us go".
Peter sighed, not bothering to contradict you. You both knew that it was unlikely. 
He repeated himself, trying to will himself to be as convincing as possible for you “It’s my job, I am going to get you out of here”. The statement making you pause before hesitantly asking “Your job? What are you talking about”.
“I’m your protector.” “Sorry, what?” You didn’t quite know if you heard him correctly, the ringing in your ears hadn’t fully gone away yet. You squinted giving him a quick once-over. 
Peter had to take his wrist away, already regretting it as he did it. He occupied himself with ripping the bottom part of his shirt off to use a makeshift tourniquet for his leg while explaining “I was chosen by the Avengers, my duty is to protect you at all costs.” 
“Don't wanna be mean but just gotta point out the obvious; you can’t do a pull-up."
He nervously smiled, still staring down at his lap “Surprise! I’m actually a superhero.”
He could tell you were one second away from freaking out about his previous statement, but the door was slammed open before you could. Peter wasn’t caught off guard but you unfortunately didn’t have the same abilities that Peter did. The loud noise and sudden light making you flinch away. Peter shifted his body, trying to give you a chance to adjust to the light and making a barrier between you and the villain. 
The Villain cocked his head, smirk on her face. “Cute. Not effective, but cute.” Peter glared silently. 
“Look, she doesn’t have anything to do with this. Leave her be and I can give you what you want.” 
“And what is it exactly, that you think I want?” The Villain questioned, raising her eyebrow.
Before Peter could answer, someone else walked into the room. Peter noticed that they looked a bit panicked, speaking to the villain in a low tone eyes casted downward. 
“Sir, Iron-Man has been seen on the perimeter” 
“So deal with it.” 
Silence overtook the room as the henchmen made no move to leave, before Villain sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. “Let me guess. You don’t know how.” With a nervous nod from henchmen, Villain snapped “You are incompetent. Fine, I’ll take care of it.” 
She stormed out, swinging the door shut behind her. She didn’t notice the web attached to the handle, which allowed Peter to keep the door cracked open secretly.
“Okay, I’m sorry but we really got to get going. Can you stand?” When you didn’t answer right away he looked over at you to check if you were still awake, your dazed eyes meeting his. Dread pitted at the bottom of his stomach. His tone softened calling out your name quietly. He reached out cupping the back of your head, silently assessing for any major wounds. You responded, throwing a thumbs-up in the air quickly before dropping your hand on the ground “Mhmm, course I can stand. We gotta go?” 
“Yep, we gotta go. We need to get away from the villains remember? Alright, here we go. Nice and easy.” He kneeled beside you for a moment, to slide one arm under your shoulders and the other under your knees. Once the hold felt stable, he slowly stood up. You gasped, not expecting the sudden movement. You squirmed, pushing a hand weakly at his chest “Let go. ‘m fine.” 
He scoffed at your definition of ‘fine’ but offered a simple “Just relax honey, I’ve got you. We’re gonna go home now.” His grip tightened around you when you took his instructions very literally. 
He could hear numerous heartbeats in the building, but since Iron-man’s arrived the number has been steadily dropping. He breathed out in relief and got to work. It was interesting to say the least, most of his missions he didn’t have a running commentary as he fought. “I’m so serious Peter. Listen to me. Why would you hide your abs from the world. Y’should fight the evil people without a shirt. Sometimes.” His cheeks flushed muttering under his breath “Oh my god, we need medical assistance right now”. 
“Hate the little evil freaks. Not cool… Its like Luke yaknow. Would never do that to you.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows looking down at you to ask “You would never do what to me?” He assumed you meant Luke Skywalker, but he was having trouble connecting the dots on where your mind went with the last part of your sentence. He was proven correct about his Star Wars guess when you forcefully grabbed his hand that was around your shoulders. “If I’m ever evil, I’ll let you keep this.” “Oh. Thank you.”
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 11 months ago
Ok ok, but the prompt “if you die, I die! Don’t you get that?!” with Peter yelling it at Tony 😂😂
Fine. Fine. Yes. Let's reverse it. Another mini!
874 words, a little more angsty with a hurt Tony Stark and a very passionate Peter Parker. Enjoy!! :D [Click here for a reversed use of this prompt]
If You Die... Part. 2.
As Tony came back to awareness the first thing he noticed was the incessant beeping of a heart monitor. It was one tone after another, in two second intervals. Beep… Beep… Beep... He tried to turn away from it, but he couldn’t get his body to cooperate. He was exhausted in a way he’d never felt before. His limbs felt like lead and his eyes refused to open. 
For a few minutes, he simply laid there mildly aware of his surroundings but lacking the energy to interact with them. Beep… Beep… Beep… The sound was starting to get on his nerves. He wished it would stop. He tried to clench his fist but managed nothing more than a small twitch of his finger. His forehead creased slightly in concentration. Another two fingers moved, flexing upward and dropping back down to the sheets. That seemed to get the attention of whomever was in the room. His hand was suddenly engulfed by a firm warm grasp.
“-ister Stark?” Tony used all his strength to turn towards the voice. His head moved marginally but he managed to crack an eye open. “Mr. Stark?” As his vision focused he was able to see Peter hovering above him.
He parted his dry lips and pressed his sandpaper tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Kid?” he rasped. It came out in barely a whisper. But he was certain Peter heard it. His kid’s hand tightened around his own and tears started to break free from his eyes.
“Mr. Stark!” Peter leaned forward until his head was resting heavily on his chest. Hot tears were soaking into his shirt and wanted nothing more than to comfort his kid. He felt more alert with his eyes open and his strength was slowly returning. He pulled his heavy hand out of Peter’s grasp and repositioned it so he could wrap his fingers around his kid’s wrists.
“I’m right here, Buddy,” he murmured, while fighting his other arm off of the mattress. Eventually, he managed and was able to get his hand to the back of his kid’s head. “I’m right here.”
“You almost weren’t!” Peter stood up, sniffed and ran his free hand over his cheeks. “You almost- You almost died, Mr. Stark!”
A painful lump formed in his throat. He looked at the bleached-white sheets and tried to swallow past it. “But I didn’t.”
“But you could have!” Peter shouted. Fresh tears started to flow. That time, he didn’t try to stop them. “The doctors said- they said you might not- We almost lost you!”
Tony licked his dry lips and coughed. Seconds later, a nurse walked into the room, raised his bed and offered him some water. Once he’d had a few sips, she started tugging at the various tubes and wires. She shined a light in his eyes and started asking questions. He answered them with an absentminded nod or shake of his head. His gaze had yet to leave Peter. Even from across the room he could see his kid’s puffy eyes and tear streaks cheeks,
The nurse finished with him and started talking to Peter. He couldn’t hear what she was saying but he could see his kid nod his head. Then, the nurse was gone and Peter returned to his bedside still sniffling. 
“You can’t do this again,” Peter said, his voice eerily calm. He gathered a shuddering breath and pressed his lips into a tight thin line.  “I can’t- you were in a coma for three days! You can’t-”
All of a sudden Peter’s anger and upset finally made sense. Tony’s eyes momentarily winded in response. Six days was a long time to wait for someone to wake up. “I’m sorry, Bud. I never-”
“You can’t die!” Peter shouted loudly enough to make Tony flinch. “If you die, I die! Don’t you get that?” His fists balled up by his sides as his face crumpled in anguish. “You- you’re the only one I have left!”
Not quite understanding, Tony pulled his brows together. “You have May, your friends and-”
“They aren’t you! I need you, Mr. Stark!” Peter’s voice cracked on the last syllable. He ran his hands down his face and crossed arms defensively over his chest.  “I’ve already lost my mom and dad! Then I lost Uncle Ben too! I need you!”
tony felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. “Pete. Honey-”
“Stop it! Stop- Don’t patronize me!” The anger didn’t last long. Within seconds Peter was back to leaning over the bed, one arm wrapped around Tony's stomach. “Just- next time let someone else make the sacrifice play! Because, selfish or not- I need you here!”
His kid was crying again and Tony could feel his own eyes starting to water. “Oh, kid. That’s not- that’s not selfish, Buddy. That’s-” 
Peter squeezed him tightly enough that it was starting to hurt. He didn’t complain. He simply held on with equal ferocity, 
When Peter let go, it was so he could look Tony in the eyes. “I love you,” he whispered.
Tony smiled and placed his hands on either side of his kid’s damp cheeks. “I- I love you too, Pete. So much. And I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years ago
Irondad fic ideas #125
AU where Thanos never happened and the Rogues eventually return. They've been pardoned and they're supposed to get the team back together, but there's still tension. A lot has changed.
Tony has told them repeatedly to never call in Spider-Man for backup. Steve doesn't understand or approve. He assumes Tony is just holding a grudge, trying to keep this new, obviously powerful recruit on his own side. 
One day, Tony is caught up in SI business somewhere when a mission comes up, and they need extra hands. Steve decides to call in Spider-Man.
At first the mission goes smoothly, but then of course things take a turn. All hell breaks loose.
Tony taps into comms not long after to tell them he's on his way. He's left his meeting and is flying as fast as he can, though he's still a long way out. Somehow, Tony figures out that Peter is there. (Maybe he overhears Peter quipping, maybe Steve casually references Spider-Man.)
One way or another, he figures it out. He goes deadly quiet, then switches to a private comm with just Steve.
Tony is betrayed, aggravated, terrified and trying to bury it (and not doing a very good job), and honestly kind of bitter and insulted that Steve can't hear his obvious fear. Steve is annoyed at Tony's childish stubbornness, assumes the man is just mad at things not going his way. Still in the midst of battle, he dismisses Tony's concerns.
Then, Spider-Man gets hurt. Bad. Tony had already been frantically trying to get there faster when he heard the kid was there, but he still doesn't arrive in time.
At some point -- maybe there on the battlefield, maybe later in med bay when Steve arrives to chew Tony out for leaving with Spider-Man instead of staying to help -- at some point it becomes abundantly clear that Peter is Tony's son.
(Bio, adopted, emotional, doesn't matter)
It becomes clear that Tony wasn't making Spider-Man off-limits for selfish reasons. Steve, blinded by his own view of Tony, was unbelievably wrong. 
It turns out, he had just been trying to keep his son safe.
If the reveal does happen later in med bay, there could even be a moment after the battle where Steve, fuming about Tony's lack of help and general inability to be a team player, is intercepted by Rhodey.
Maybe Rhodey arrived just after Tony (flying from the same meeting, but Tony freaked out and raced ahead) and then stuck around to help finish the fight. His reaction to Steve's unempathetic and baseless reading of his best friend is stone cold.
Bonus 2:
Steve fails to notice or understand Rhodey's meaning. Then he gets to med bay and is faced with the image of Tony holding a sleeping Peter on the hospital bed, glaring right across the room at him.
Both of them completely aware of what Steve had assumed, all these years, about the kind of person Tony was
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tia-amorosa · 8 months ago
Sunset Died - Michael & Peter
New resources?
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The next morning. And it starts early, at least for Michael. Peter realized this when he woke up and his friend was no longer lying next to him in the tent. He saw that he had probably put his clothes on too. "Micha? Where are you?". Instead of an answer, he only heard a distant "Ouch, damn!".
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Peter followed the noises he heard. Quick footsteps and a thud on the floor every time. Until he saw what was actually going on. It was Michael trying to run after a rabbit. And every time, just before he could grab it, the animal jumped away and he fell to the ground again. A funny scene that was not without its share of laughter.
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Michael was already in a bit of a bad mood after chasing the hare. "You think that's really funny, don't you?" . Peter had to hold his stomach with laughter… "Oh man, you always let the little beast trick you, don't you? … You won't get him. He's too fast even for me"/ . Michael narrowed his eyes. "I'll get him yet!"…
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"I really don't want to take away your motivation, but the liitle guy is still young and really fast, I've seen you fall three times now, do you really want to try again?". Michael had to admit that his friend was right. And his face hurt from hitting the ground. "I just wanted some meat again…"/ "I know, Micha. We'll get there one day, eh? But certainly not a rabbit". Michael gave up and stood up. And, of course, his pride was a little hurt. He would have loved to catch that rabbit.
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When he was standing again, Peter went to him. "Hnhn, thanks for those great pictures in the morning, I haven't laughed like that for a long time"/ "but now my pride is shot. I really wanted to catch him and what does he do? Eat his clover as if nothing had happened"/ "hey, don't get angry any more, okay? And sorry I had laughed, it just was this sight…"/ "just don't talk about it anymore, okay?".
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Yes, Michael was really annoyed that he couldn't catch the rabbit. And Peter apologized again in his own way. And teased him a little…. “If it hadn't been for that sleeping bag, I would have laid down with you“/”Oh… Really?” Michael had to smile a little. “And… then?”.
Peter grinned a little. "Well, what do you think I would have done?"/ "Well... Maybe hugged me?" The grin turned into a warm smile again. "mhm... That might sound a bit cheesy, but I like looking at your face." Michael looked at him skeptically but amused. "You're right, that's really cheesy, but... Really, at my face? I always thought boys were more into butts"/ "Do you like mine?"/ "Oh man,... hnhn"/ "What, just a question."
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Michael looked away a little embarrassed and there wasn't much for him to think about. "I'm not interested in your butt at the moment..."/ "ah, what then?"/ "You were one of the first of us boys to go through voice break... I thought that was kind of great... I like your voice"/ "I understand. At least you like it, I don't like it." Peter raised his hand and stroked Michael's face with his thumb. But just as he was about to kiss him, "Wait... Do you hear that?"/ "What?"/ "Back there, there's something there."
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Michael released himself from Peter's embrace and went to investigate the noise. It was something that hadn't been heard here before, but it wasn't unfamiliar. After just a few steps, you could see what was making this typical noise in the fog. “Moo!"/ ‘I can't believe it… Cows?’.
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover ☺😊
And a big thank you to @danjaley for the liberated cows!^^
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milimeters-morales · 2 years ago
my fav fics are ones where spidey crashes into someone’s home or a slightly private place and is unconscious and needs medical attention stat so they give him the best they can ❤️
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shironezuninja · 1 year ago
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The voice actor who does Peter Parker’s Spidey in the Edge Of Time video game sounds just as good as CDB. I haven’t compared his voice to Shattered Dimensions Spidey yet, though.
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blue-sky336 · 2 years ago
Master list
Hobbie Brown
Touch Starved
Next Time
Runway Model
Accidents Happen
Baby Fever
Miles Morales
E-42! AP Chem
E-42! Soft
E-42! Silence
Peter B Parker
Pavitr Prabhakar
Dating Headcannons
Miguel O'Hara
Rotten || Part 2
Gwen Stacy
Missing You
Interaction with Spider-woman
Miraculous Ladybug
Chat Noir
Clementine || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5?
Love and Deepspace
My Hero Academia
Tenya Iida
Hard launching
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undrthelights · 2 years ago
thinking about them ☹️
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motoroil-recs · 1 year ago
kinfession response!!! (cw violence!)
@ ☂️🍭🍋 anon HIII!!!! ANOTHER FELLOW PERSON WHO'S BEEN STABBED !! AND DIED!! horrible thing to remember, but it gets like that sometimes lmao
That was really all, I just saw a fellow Stabbed person and felt like I had to share 👍👍 Hope ya figure it out, figuring out yourself through memories is difficult at times 😬 Good luck w that 😭
- Peter Parker, #💿🕸️🕷️
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
Please don't send me unsolicited prompts in my messages, as it stresses me out. Not because I don't want to do them, but because the prompts are not in the correct place (if that makes sense?) my brain is being (unironically) neurotic about it. Prompts sent to the asks are okay and will probably be fulfilled.
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister (Fic)
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years ago
Every once in a while I get a wild hair to go into one of my old fics and fix all the typos and correct the horrendous mechanics. :)
Stay With Me by happyaspie
Published October 2019 - Part 5 of The Junk Drawer of Spidey Fics
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated Teen || Word Count: 17,896 || Irondad, injured Tony Stark, Whump, Hurt Comfort
Summary: Tony is injured on a mission and Peter is left trying to cope. Luckily he has His Aunt, Happy, and Pepper there to support him along the way because, at the moment, everything feels unbearable. All he can do is try and trust it when the other adults in his life assure him that Tony will recover.
[Excerpt Below the Cut]
It was Friday afternoon and Peter was sitting at his desk dutifully scratching out the notes his teacher had projected onto the board in front of him. As he did so, his foot was eagerly tapping under his desk. There were only a few hours left in the school day and as soon as it was over he would be swinging himself towards the Avengers Tower to see Tony. 
The man had been gone on a mission for days. When it had first come up it had caused a great deal of tension between the two of them because Tony had been adamant that Peter not come along. It was going to be a long, rough mission and Peter had school. Final exams were coming up soon and the man wanted him to be there to review the material with his class. "I don't care that you think you already know it all! School comes first, kid. You're not coming. Period," Tony had shouted as Peter tried to hold his ground. He was supposed to be an Avenger in training but after having been left out of the last several assignments because of school he was starting to feel less and less like a part of the team and more like some sort of a mascot. Yet no matter how much he pleaded, Tony wouldn't relent. ‘Kid. There will be other missions and as soon as the right one comes up, I'll let you know. This isn't it. It's too risky. Just, just go to school and I'll see you on Friday. I promise to tell you all about it, yeah? ’ All Peter had been able to do was nod his head because he knew he'd already lost that fight. So, rather than continuing to shout, he hugged his mentor good-bye and told him he would be there the second school let out for the weekend.
So that's where he was now, anxiously waiting for the bell to ring so that he could dart out of the building and swing to Tony who would no doubt be waiting for him with a large pizza or maybe some kind of sandwich. All he knew was that there would be something there for him to snack out as Tony regaled him with every exciting detail of everything that had taken place while he'd been away. Just as his mind was starting to drift away from the extensive notes he was meant to be taking he was jolted out of his thoughts by a voice booming over the intercom. "I need Peter Parker to report to the front office please and have him bring his things with him," the tinny voice called out causing all heads to turn towards him.
The teacher waved his hand towards Peter to indicate that he didn't feel the need to repeat the message that they'd all clearly heard and went back to droning on and on about the American Revolution. His mind felt tangled with worry and confusion as he began to rapidly cram all of his items into his bag. He couldn't think of one reason why the office would be calling him, let alone why they would feel he needed to bring all of his things with him. Tony would never pick him up from school early and he didn't know of any appointments that May would be coming to collect him for, leaving him with no other rational ideas.
On his way down the hall, he'd managed to convince himself it was nothing to worry himself over but upon walking into the office Peter's heart dropped down into his stomach. May was standing there and that wouldn't have been so troubling had Happy not been standing a half step behind her. He locked eyes with them immediately and while May tried to offer him a cautious smile, Happy's features remained decidedly pained. Suddenly every casual thought about forgotten appointments or unexpected paperwork flew out of his head and were replaced by mild panic. "Wh-what's going on? What are you doing here?" he asked carefully.
Happy swallowed and turned his head, while May reached out a hand towards him. "Let's not do this here, Sweetie. Come on, the principal said we could use his office," she replied in her most gentle voice. The voice she only used when the news was going to be devastating and all at once dread filled his chest cavity like ice water.
By the time Happy was closing the office door behind them, Peter had been able to once again find his words. "It's about Tony. Isn't it," he whispered, having already inferred what was going on. It was the only reason that both Happy and May would be there. The only reason why they would look so-scared to talk to him and when they both nodded in the affirmative his mind went to places he'd never imagined they would go. The idea that Tony could die on a mission had never crossed his mind until that moment. "Is, is he-?" he breathed out, unable to get any further. His tongue had gone numb and his head was starting to swim.
[Continue Reading on AO3]
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 months ago
Kinktober day 18
Wade Wilson + Leather/Latex
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Readers a spiderman variant of Last stand Spidey, cuz ive been a spideypool fan for years, and cool jacket. I was listening to NSYNC as I wrote this.
2024 kinktober masterlist.
Wade and Logan had never thought they’d stumble upon a spiderman variant of all things in the void. Deadpools, Gambits, Juggernaut and whoever else they stumbled upon, sure. But Spiderman? Savior of the world in many universes spiderman? With great power comes great responsibility spiderman?
Sure, Wade got one of the worst erections of his life when he watched the Spidey whip out a gum, and just blast the head off some variant of The Shocker. His knees almost buckled, Wade almost cumming right then and there. Seeing a Spidey in those tight pants, leggings? Spandex? And a leather jacket, waving around a gun and using it right? That was going right in the spank bank.
The scrunched up disgusted face Logan had, made it obvious that Wades arousal was strong enough for the mutants’ nose to pick it up. But how couldn’t he be so hard his head was swimming? Especially when that Spidey walked towards them, carrying himself with a confidence that spoke of many years of experience.
Why you helped them, even you didn’t know. Maybe it was some part of you that still wanted to be a hero, to help save the universe or whatever. In your own words, you were the worst Spiderman. You were selfish, violent and ruthless, nothing like the light in the dark Spiderman was meant to be. You had hurt your family and loved ones, and killed people who didn’t deserve it, but no part of you felt bad about it.
Hearing this, Wade almost excused himself to go jerk off again for what had to be the tenth time since you partnered up with them. It wasn’t his fault, okay? Spiderman and Deadpool just go together in most universes, you guys were literally soulmates in most universes. You just happened to be real eye candy.
It was surprisingly easy for Wade to talk you into coming with him to his universe. His universe didn’t have a spiderman, obviously he still knew about Spiderman though, he was Deadpool. Logan came along too, but he started grumbling about Wade being a horndog real fast, especially as you bunked with the two as well as Blind Al and Dogpool.
You found it easier than Logan to become part of this world, since there wasn’t really any memories. For Logan it was harder, with the X-men still being alive and all. But Peter Parker and other spider variants didn’t seem to exist. Youd also spent a long time dealing with your problems, so you were even able to get a job.
Guess where you got a job. The Daily Bugle, of course. You were able to snatch a job as a reporter instead of a photographer like you had in your younger days, and somehow you ended up not only befriending Jameson, but becoming one of his go-to reporters. Probably helped that his wife hadn’t died during that robbery, instead she was just injured real bad, but lived.
With your lucrative, or as lucrative as it could get, job, you found your own apartment and moved out, much to Wades despair. He had just started thinking you two were bonding, especially as you had started cleaning your guns together. Wade had even stopped longing for Vanessa, instead turning his attention towards you. and being Deadpool, Wade flirted up a storm, even making jokes about getting a red wig so he could be your Mary Jane.
And yes, Wade stole your spiderman jacket on the regular. You were working a lot, so you wouldn’t notice, right? You wouldn’t notice it being scrubbed clean after hed squirted all over it as he worked himself into a frenzy, huffing the scent of your sweat, gun oil and blood off the leather, right? Of course you noticed, you weren’t stupid, you just… didn’t feel like there was a reason to stop him.
With your new apartment you got to spend more time and space on your hobbies, which just happened to be guns and photography. You were still a spiderman variant after all. you just happened to focus on more than landscape and spiderman pictures, instead you liked taking more extreme or gorey pictures of the latest rogue or villains work, or whatever else crime that was busted around the city.
Wade would giggle and joke about you being some kinda freak as he ogled the pictures too, before turning his eyes to you once more. Wade hung around your place enough to almost live there himself. He had also bled through your couch multiple times, meaning you had to buy a new one semi-regularly.
You even ignored how hed jerk off on your couch when he though you slept, his noises only muffled by your jacket pressed against his face. Wade was pretty bad at hiding it at this point, with you walking into the living room to see him naked from the waist down, dead asleep with your jacket laid over his head. You had a thing for his suit too, so you never said anything. Plus, it did things to your ego…
It took a couple of months before you decided to be spiderman again, wanting to settle yourself before you got into the waves of it all. Plus, the usual spiderman rogues weren’t around in this universe, which meant you just went around dealing with different gangs or high rank criminals.
The X-men also got your help every now and then, even if you didn’t really count as a mutant, whatever that meant. You just knew you weren’t welcome to join their club. Something about you not being born with your powers, and not having the X-gene, meaning you weren’t technically a mutant. Colossus still invited you over for their grill evenings on Fridays though.
What you and Wade had couldn’t be called a relationship or sorts. You guys didn’t kiss, but he jerked off on your couch huffing your scent and licking the leather of your jacket, and you acted like he didn’t. at some point you even started doing the same with his suit, using the leather to jerk your cock and spilling against the insides.
Over time you both grew more confident, or sloppy depending on who you asked. You both stopped cleaning up your messes, leaving your spend all over the others things, meaning you both had to go around carrying the others scent when the mission called for you in a hurry. Logan always looked downright sick when he caught the scent, his nose scrunched up at the hormones wafting off you both.
This kept up for a longer period of time, with neither of you saying anything. Instead just marking the others things in your spend, hell, you had even rutted together on a rooftop, blaming it on “adrenaline of the mission”. The sound of the leather of your jacket and his suit only made it so much hotter, Wades hands grasping at your hips to pull you against him, voice warbly and high pitched from his excitement.
The one time opened the floodgates. That’s when you learned Wade really loved kisses, he especially loved when you kissed him like he wanted to devour him. Wades mouth was always so sloppy when you kissed, his tongue desperately curling around your own as he groaned and gurgled, his hands running up and down your back with need.
He was always so hot, ready for everything you may offer him. Wade had even started opening himself up and finding a red plug to slide home, ready for the moment you decided to fuck him. Of course, he was most excited when the time came and you bent him over some metal storage container in a warehouse, after your latest shared mission.
Wade was shaking in sheer excitement as you rucked his suit down just enough to free his ass, the mutant mercenary giggling and cooing as he waved his hips from side to side. Looking back at you, Wade was ready to finish right then and there, as he watched you open your suit up just enough to free yourself.
He didn’t even get to make a joke about how he plugged himself up for you, your usual patience running out faster than Wade ran his mouth. God, he loved how hard you fucked him, sing that super strength of yours to leave him feeling raw and used in the best way, Wade louder in the bedroom than he was normally, meaning he was almost howling and wailing with want and need.
His words were a slurred mix of begs for more, and some other mashed together comment about how the readers must love this, and how the author sucked at writing dialogue. Like always, you had no idea what he was talking about, instead just putting your hips into it and fucking him harder like he so clearly wanted.
Being a spider variant meant you had little rest period between orgasms, and you had a lot more energy than Wade. Being as backed up as you were, you also just kept fucking him until Wade was almost limp in your arms, his mask finally off his scarred tear and drool-stained face as he tried and failed to beg for more.
Wades cum was sprayed all over the floor and container hed been bent over, pathetic thin spurts shooting out of his tip as you lifted him like he weighed nothing, moving him like a ragdoll as his voice went raspy from all his moaning.
He was kinda cute like this, so fucked out he struggled to form a single thought or word. Especially when he rubbed his face into your jacket, which you had taken off and laid under his head as a pillow. It was only when there truly was nothing more to milk out of him that you decided it was enough and pulled out, cleaning Wade up to the best of your ability.
It was easy to lift him bridal style, letting Wade nuzzle against you and duck his head under your chin. Youd even put your jacket on him, just so he felt some extra safety as you somehow swung you two back to your apartment. You sure hoped none of the X-men had to check out the warehouse later on, it would be hard to live that down…
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arpicityandneed · 3 months ago
Masterlist ✨️
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Just a kiss - Brother's Best Friend Bucky sneaks into your room to give you a 'kiss.' My Turn - Husband!Steve lets best man!Bucky have his turn with you on your wedding night.
Winter Soldier x brat!reader - he's your bodyguard and you want to break his composure. Arranged Marriage (Loki/Thor) - Thor and Loki claim you before you're sent off to be married. You're Mine (Loki/Thor) (Arranged Marriage Pt. 2) - You find out Loki isn't your real brother. Childhood friends to lovers (Loki) - you and Loki end up on a balcony at the ball. Fully clothed x naked (Bucky) - Bucky gets a warm welcome home. Body Worship (Bucky) - Bucky gets worshipped. Window With a View (Steve) - Steve gives Bucky a show featuring you, his girlfriend. Intercrural (Loki x gn!reader) - Loki finds you in the library and has his way with you Oxford style. Papa (Loki) - You have a nightmare and your papa makes it better. (ddlg) Injured (Bucky) - You find Bucky injured and you can't hold back. Revenge (Loki) - Loki gets his revenge after you break up with him, and maybe you don't hate him as much as you make it seem. Stucky x Black!reader - Steve has a fantasy that cums true. Winter Soldier x free use - In return for saving you, you let him have you whenever he wants. Bucky x gn!reader - The only way he'll let you cum after using you whenever he likes is... Peter Parker x free use - You give Peter full permission to use you.
Give It Up Pt 1 - Step brother Bucky finds your diary before Christmas and decides to give you a gift. You, Me, and the King - King!Bucky tries for an heir with his queen while Steve listens in. The King's Man - Steve finally gets his turn with the Queen. Hell Hath No Fury - Winter Soldier!Bucky comes after you and your baby when you're kidnapped by HYDRA.
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zephyr-ro-emenki · 2 months ago
I did a little looking into parental genetics, and guess what?
A set of parents with Black hair and Blue eyes, and Red hair and Green eyes, CAN HAVE A BROWN HAIRED AND BROWN EYED CHILD!!!
You heard me right.
Dick and Babs or Dick and Kor'i can both be canonical pairings for Peter's Parents in the DC universe.
I personally like Dick and Kor'i for Peter's parents better, not for a lack of a love for Babs, Babs and Dick are my favorite DC Pairing. But more for the fact that Mary and Kor'i sound similar enough phonetically that anyone slipping up and accidentally calling her Kor'i in her civilian identity could easily pass it off as just slurring the name Mary a bit. And the fact that Richard and Mary Parker both worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Comics, and their Plane crash death always sounding like a Government made cover story for an agent dying on a secret mission, well...
Richard Parker and Mary Parker were Government funded Heroes in the Marvel Universe, under the codenames of Nightwing and Starfire, and were killed on a mission, orphaning their son Peter with his Aunt and Uncle, May Parker, and Jason "Ben" Parker. For MCU Continuity, they could have been members of the First Avengers Initiative Team, one that existed in the early 90's, who was shut down in the late 90's after members of the team died in a tragic mission, and that would be why the Initiative was Shut down before The start of the MCU with Nick Fury trying to revive it. And that's why Nick (and Talos) knew who Peter Parker was and trusted him with Mysterio First. Not just because he's Spider-Man or was in the Area, but because Both of his parents were founders of the FIRST Avengers team.
That's my personal Headcanon at least.
But I also love Babs being being Mary, because that totally recontextualizes all of the starts to Peter in Gotham Fics as a Mother seeing her Teenage Son (who looks so much like his father it hurts, with the Lazarus Pit-ification of his eyes to green really showing how much his eyes are shaped after his mother's) for the first time, usually looking Homeless, injured, starving, and traumatized, all wrapped up in whatever random clothes he could snatch up from his surroundings to pass off as normal looking. And she just has to have a silent crying breakdown as she knows that's her son, even if she hadn't birthed him yet (or maybe she thinks the memory of her being pregnant was erased from her memory? She doesn't know what to think anymore!) but a mother can always recognize her baby. And he just looks so Hurt and all she can do is cry and try to get concrete proof that he's her son in the short time he's in her library, while ALSO calling over Dick to ask if he knew they had a kid together.
I think I just made myself cry, brb...
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