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just-a-random-bakugo-stan · 6 months ago
“Eww don’t ship them ! They’re just friends/ they hate each other/ they barely have any interaction/they never even met/they’re not from the same series !”
Pussy. Back in my days, we shipped Elsa and Jack Frost to hell and back because they were both ice themed.
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ringkledinkle · 2 months ago
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been squidding
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squidgooning · 2 months ago
457 edit i made 🤤
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equiptest · 5 months ago
End-of-Line Fixtures
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End-of-line fixtures are for an application program, software, and system. All the features of fixture EOL are for lockset, real-time graphs of contact. You can explore our catalog for getting the right fixture kit for ICT, FCT, and RF. Get the complete solution for a test system, pylon blocks-interface, test jigs, inline-test handler, and more. If you want to buy a fixture kit, contact us at +36 1 533 3165. For more information visit https://bit.ly/3aiI7ur
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trisexyual · 2 years ago
rb and respond with your top unromanceable video game character/s that you think should have been romanceable
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wardencallings · 3 months ago
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Evil toxic lesbians in STEM representation
Picrew link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2578443
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hadvarandralof · 8 months ago
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forever devastated that she can’t be my wife </3
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thelurkershideout · 2 years ago
My sister invented a crackship tesblr, go wild
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mr-orion · 6 months ago
Brynjolf and Ingun Black Briar not being marriagable canidates is actually awful. Biggest lost opportunities in my opinion.
Like Ingun is a little freak but you dont really realize it immediately. I think if I complete the thieves guild questline or make Maven Thane I should get Mavens approval to marry her daughter. I do like the idea of a quest where we could get married without her approval though.
Brynjolf is just perfect cmon. But we should be able to make a smart business move and get married for those tax benefits we don't pay. I think I should be able to woo Brynjolfs affection by bringing him every valuable item and then restockibg his vault. I will do some hardcore fetch questing just to have brynjolf look at me.
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juniperberries-canisroot · 1 year ago
Had a dream that I myself was actually in Skyrim doing the Civil War on the Imperial Side and for some reason Maven was leading it with Ingun on the sideline. There were a few mission that had been done already, mostly blackmailing StormCloak aligned people and higher ups, doing political maneuvers, stuff that didn't involve actually fighting.
At one point at night Ulfric and Galmar were chasing me, Hell bent on killing me, as I ran out of what looked like Solitude after I was sent there to do some more political bs.
After they chased me for a while and eventually lost sight of me, I went back to Riften and MistVeil Keep which acted like the base of operations for the Imperial stuff (Rikke and Tullius who?).
Maven was infuriated that Ulfric and Galmar would 'stoop so low' to try and kill a war leader, me, at this point cause the StormCloak side was gradually loosing its foothold in Skyrim. Maven then suggested we burn down HollyFrost Farm just outside the city to send Ulfric a message. I was immediately like 'hey whoa wait now we're endangering civilians', not only with the guy who runs it possibly dying in the fire but it's a farm, it's a source of food now civilizations will suffer from less food stock. Up to this point we've only done 'non-violent' things and only ever went after people like war leaders, generals or people who heavily funded the StormCloaks, people higher up in 'StormCloak society'. We've never tried to kill anyone or threaten them with violence or death. Maven brought up killing a war leader at this time in the war is a crime (but its okay later🤨) cause we've done nothing violent yet. I only reluctantly agreed to it if we 'take' the guy who runs it so he doesn't die in the fire cause I still don't want any civilization deaths, which I guess would be taking him as a prisoner since he would be kept in the MistVeil barracks but he wouldn't be treated as a prisoner.
Then I woke up and didn't see the outcome.
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nevesmose · 11 months ago
Reloading my last Skyrim save file from early 2023 and remembering it was a "use a non-essential NPC's face preset, secretly murder them and then play the game based on their weapons/skills" run.
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critter-in-skyrim · 1 year ago
Ingredients for Ingun
“Hello, hello! Your valiant hero returns~” the Dragonborn called in a too loud, sing-songy voice, as they burst into Elgrim’s Elixirs.
Elgrim immediately shot them with a withering glare. “Do you mind?” he muttered gruffly. “I’m trying to run a business here.”
“Not at all!” the Dragonborn responded to the rhetorical question. “Besides, I’m here to see Ingun. Is she around?”
A faint shout came from the back part of the shop. “I’m back here!”
Elgrim muttered something under his breath, before waving his hand. “She’s in the back, cataloging all the ingredients she’s wasted on her ‘experimenting’.” He rolled his eyes. “You can go back and see her, just don’t take too long.” He paused, before narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger at the Dragonborn. “And don’t get up to any funny business, either.”
The Dragonborn blinked. “Funny business?”
Elgrim suddenly found the shelves behind himself very interesting. “You heard what I said.”
The Dragonborn hesitated a moment longer, before shrugging. They headed behind the curtain that separated the front part of the shop from the back living quarters and storage area. It was a bit darker back here, only a few candles were lit - it took the Dragonborn a moment to locate Ingun, hunched over a case of ingredients. When they approached her, she stood, giving them a pleased smile.
“Oh good, it’s nice to see you back in town,” Ingun said politely, though her eyes were trained on the Dragonborn’s alchemy satchel at their hip.
The Dragonborn chuckled. “Before you even ask, yes, I have your ingredients.”
Ingun’s eyes suddenly met the Dragonborn’s, wide with shock. “You mean…all my ingredients?”
“Yep,” the Dragonborn said, going over to clear a table. They then upended their alchemy satchel, pouring out a mixture of dainty purple flowers, chiming blue-green weeds, and blue flower clusters. Once they were done, they threw their arms out in a presenting manner. “Some pretty flowers for a pretty lady~”
Ingun simply stood there, speechless. There were so many flowers they were spilling onto the floor. She looked between the pile of ingredients and the Dragonborn several times, before she abruptly took a few steps forward.
Ingun flung her arms around the Dragonborn, hugging them close to her in spite of the fact they were much larger than her and in a full set of armor. The Dragonborn immediately returned the hug, gently settling their arms around Ingun’s shoulders, even petting her head comfortingly. Though the Dragonborn did not know Ingun too well, they did know
“No one,” she said suddenly.
“What?” the Dragonborn asked, baffled.
“No one has ever done something for me, so…unselfish and kind…” she mumbled, face pressed against the Dragonborn’s chest.
“It…it’s nothing, really,” the Dragonborn said softly. “I like gathering ingredients, it’s fun!”
Ingun sighed heavily, pulling back. “It’s not just…about the ingredients. It’s the principle of the thing.” When the Dragonborn tilted their head curiously, Ingun waved her hand. “You know what family I’m apart of. You…know how they function. Nothing kind is ever given freely with them. Especially nothing having to do with my craft.”
The Dragonborn gazed at her with soft eyes. “You deserve better,” the Dragonborn said bluntly, yet tenderly.
She gazed back at the Dragonborn. “I think I deserve better too.”
Ingun once again closed the gap between the two of them, only this time she went onto her tiptoes as she kissed the Dragonborn. At first, they did not react…but then they gently lifted a hand, fingers carding through her soft black hair as their other arm wrapped around her to pull her flush against them.
The kiss lasted for several moments and it likely could have stretched on for several more, were it not for the rustling of the curtains. The Dragonborn pulled back, gazing at Ingun tenderly for a moment, before releasing her and stepping back completely.
“Ingun!” Elgrim shouted, as he entered the room. “Where is that shipment of Namira’s Rot that I got in last week-” Elgrim cut off suddenly, eyes narrowing, as he looked between the flushed Black-Briar and the equally flushed Dragonborn. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything~” Elgrim cackled, seeming quite proud of himself.
“No, nothing,” Ingun responded back quickly, a bit too quickly. The Dragonborn merely shook their head, holding their hands up innocently. Probably for the best they kept their mouth shut - they were an awful liar.
“Well…good,” Elgrim said with a firm nod. “So…the Namira’s Rot?”
“R-right!” Ingun went to one of the storage shelves, pulling a crate down, handing it to the old man. He hummed as he looked over the stock, frowning.
“Not very fresh, but I suppose they’ll do.” Elgrim paused, seeming to suddenly notice all the Nightshade, Deathbell, and Nirnroot on the table in the middle of the room. “What the…?”
“Oh! That’s right! The Dragonborn, they found these ingredients for me. Well, technically, for you, since I owed you…but um…yeah!” Ingun wrang her hands.
“Hmph,” Elgrim acknowledged, looking over the ingredients to see what condition they were in. “They seem…adequate,” Elgrim said gruffly. “Good work,”
The Dragonborn seemed mighty chuffed to have gotten such a remark from the surly old man, grinning. Ingun also seemed pleased.
“Well, if either of you two absolutely need me and have to interrupt my work, I’ll be at my Alchemy lab,” Elgrim said, heading for the curtain once more. He paused though, right before exiting. “And Dragonborn. Remember what I said?”
The Dragonborn nodded quickly. “No funny business!”
“And I’ll hold you to that,” Elgrim nodded, finally heading through the curtain, leaving Ingun and the Dragonborn alone once more.
They both stood silently for a moment, before the Dragonborn softly said. “You have no idea how much I want to kiss you again.”
“So do it,” Ingun dared, taking a step towards the Dragonborn, but they sadly shook their head.
“You’re at work. Besides, I…don’t want to piss off Elgrim,” the Dragonborn pointed out.
Ingun sighed, but conceded. “You have a point. His…approval means a lot to me. He’s kind of like…the father I never had…” she admitted.
The Dragonborn suddenly reached out their hand, capturing Ingun’s in theirs. They brought her hand to their lips, gently kissing it softly. “Until next time, then.”
Ingun clasped the hand that had been kissed in her other hand. “Until next time…” she said, watching the Dragonborn leave.
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equiptest · 5 months ago
How Threaded Probes Enhance Precision and Reliability in Testing
Precision is essential and cannot be neglected in this rapidly evolving realm of electronics and production. Businesses rely on accurate testing tools to ensure that their products meet strict quality standards. Here's where the threaded probe comes into play. It is well known for its robust design and reliable operation. Threaded probes have become crucial for improving testing accuracy and dependability. We at Equip-test, understand how crucial these tools are in challenging testing environments. Let's explore the impact of threaded probes on the results of testing.
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Threaded Probes
Superior quality for consistent results:
The tight security of threaded probes reduces the chances of slipping and misalignment risks. These consistent stability results produce precise and reliable test point contact. The threaded probes' screws-in design is especially useful in situations where even small movements might result in errors, such as cable testing or high-vibration environments.
Precision Contact for Enhanced Signal Integrity
Threaded probes also excel in maintaining solid electrical contact, which is critical for achieving accurate test readings. In applications where signal integrity is paramount, such as telecommunications or data processing, these probes help reduce noise interference and maintain clear signals. This capability is essential for industries that depend on unerring data transfer and communication quality.
The threaded design holds the probe firmly in place, preventing signal disruptions caused by loose or shaky contacts. As a result, threaded probes can handle complex measurements without compromising signal clarity, which is especially valuable for high-frequency applications.
Easy Adaptability Across Testing Scenarios
Threaded probes are also highly versatile. Their design allows them to adapt to various testing scenarios and components, making them a flexible choice for manufacturers across different industries. At Equip-Test, our range of threaded probes meets diverse testing requirements, from simple continuity checks to rigorous functional testing. This adaptability empowers companies to use a single probe design across multiple applications, enhancing efficiency without sacrificing accuracy.
Final Thoughts
For companies looking to boost testing precision and reliability, threaded probes are a key investment. Their stability, durability, precision contact, and adaptability make them a preferred choice for high-accuracy testing environments. Equip-Test proudly provides high-quality threaded probes tailored to meet the stringent demands of modern industries. Discover more about our offerings here and see how the right testing tools can elevate your quality control standards.
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wardencallings · 3 months ago
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Commission I got from the lovely @bubblyernie of my Thalmor mage Tandeth with her sometimes girlfriend, more often situationship Ingun Black Briar
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merrillshawke · 2 years ago
my first fic in over a year. 3k words of these lesbians fucking nasty
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Ingun Blackbriar from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim-Lesbian
Status: Alive (Dependant on player actions)
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