Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn’t matter. I’m going to burn your house down.
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Bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
► ACCENT “country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker
Growing up, few paid much attention to the way Taillefer spoke. He was the son of a servant, and in Alterac City this meant that, logically, Taillefer would be a servant once he had grown up. His speech only became an important aspect of himself to groom when he took on the training to become a jester at the age of fifteen. Once his role in life became dedicated to the entertainment of his betters, that low-class accent simply had to go.
► ELOQUENCE educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words! │ old English │dependent on mood or setting
When relaxing with loved ones, Taillefer shifts between a casual and natural speech pattern and that of his performance persona: that which uses a grand vocabulary and grammar reminiscent of a time long-since passed. This persona is fond of speaking in metaphors and altering the minute details of his speech to ease the desired effect from his listener.
► TONE loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │ gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
Where a painter���s tools might be brushes and pigment, Taillefer’s voice is one of the most crucial tools to his profession. Any who has spent time with him knows that Taillefer talks. A lot. But he does so with an unshakable confidence and joy — every moment in every situation seems as though it were organized purely for his commentary. Or at least, that’s how he seems to view it. To those he respects his tone is rarely out of place and rather complimentary, but to the common man he is not shy about letting them know exactly how detestable he finds them with condescending observations, hypotheticals, jabs, and occasional demands.
► HABITS refers to self in third person │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children│ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
"Oh the jester is very fond of his nicknames, dear Creature of Greed. One ought to take it as a compliment — with a tongue as sharp as his, he could surely invent crueler monickers.”
Taillefer less gives nicknames than he does titles. They most frequently are awarded to those who show some outstanding trait — such as the Creature of Greed or the Giver of Claws. These sorts of nicknames stem directly from personality traits or actions that Taillefer has personally witnessed and smiles upon. They are not, however, the only nicknames he assigns to others. Due to his profession and the stereotypical imagery that comes with it, Taillefer has developed a system of numbers, faces, and suits that he will occasionally refer to when giving someone a title based on his opinion of them.
For example: Taillefer refers to his partner Raulsius as “Ace of Hearts.” The ace is a card of power, which is what Taillefer sees in Raulsius — as Raul managed to melt the heart of evil-doers and convince them to do good for the world only by being himself. Ace is also the beginning. For Taillefer, he was the beginning of a new life on Azeroth. As for hearts, they are crucial to life and signify emotion and affection. Those sorted into the “hearts” category are those who embody everything that is wholesome in someone in Taillefer’s eyes. Thus, the “Ace of Hearts” belongs to someone Taillefer thinks is the beginning of greatness, wholesome, emotional, and generally gives Taillefer an optimistic view for the future.
MEANWHILE he has referred to someone he does NOT like as “Four of Clubs.” Four lacks the pattern that comes with two or three. It’s asymmetrical in his eyes. Technically greater than three, but much more forgettable. Four is the number of someone who is smug, but fails to live up to the skills of a three or a five. Mediocre. Undeserving of their place in the hierarchy. As for a club? Who honestly gets excited by the idea of being a club when they could be a diamond, spade, or a heart? A club is disappointment. And thus, the “Four of Clubs” is someone he finds undeserving, forgettable, and generally disappointing or boring.
I find that this song gets the general feeling of Taillefer’s voice down.
Meanwhile, his mannerisms in speech I’ve taken inspiration from Cicero from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and from Maxwell Roth from Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate.
Particularly for Cicero, I took a lot of inspiration from @ariakitty in her depiction of Cicero’s inner voice from her fan fiction Dancing on a Knife’s Edge. Particularly the following paragraph:
So the scene was set, and Cicero had his parts to play. To Astrid and her surly husband, Cicero was the witless fool. They saw him as a man broken by time and duty. They saw madness because that is what he wanted them to see— and maybe he was a little bit mad. That only made his ruse all the more believable.
I was tagged by @bwontulak
And I’m tagging @ashes-black @drustwitch and @blackmarketmistress because you all have very interesting characters particularly in their voices!
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Small-Town Gothic Sentence Starters
Sentences that can work for a variety of situations, but inspired by the atmosphere of small town horror stories.
“I haven’t seen your face around here. Who are you?” “You can’t go in there. No one is allowed in there.” “We don’t take kindly to trespassers.” “If they catch you here, you’re dead.” “Nobody likes outsiders around here.” “There’s some things you just don’t ask questions about.” “Why is everyone giving me nasty stares?” “Whatever you do, don’t go wandering around after dark.” “Hi, where can I find the gas station? I need to get out of here.” “The people around here are really weird, aren’t they?” “You’re not welcome.” “Things were fine until people like you started showing up.” “This is the last stop for miles. You won’t find another motel.” “You can stay the night, but I suggest you leave before the sun comes up.” “I’ll show you where you’ll sleep. If you need anything, learn to live without it.” “So is everyone here in some kind of cult?” “I get an eerie feeling just walking around this place.” “Sometimes when you see something you can’t explain, you just have to turn your head and ignore it.” “My neighbor got abducted by aliens once. That’s why he twitches.” “You probably shouldn’t drink the tap water.” “My car stalled out of town. Can I get a ride?” “I feel like some weird shit’s going on that no one talks about.” “Will someone please just explain what the hell is up with this place?” “God, I hate towns like these. It’s like being on another planet.” “You can drive to the next town, but it’s about two hours to get there.” “Why are there so many abandoned buildings?” “So why do you live here? You don’t seem like the other weirdos.” “This town’s got to have some good ghost stories, right?” “We haven’t had a visitor in a really long time.” “This town wasn’t even on the map.” “Do me a favor and be gone by morning.” “When you leave, please take me with you.”
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lfc: taillefer.
NAME: Taillefer Trouillefou ( pronounced tai-fer troo-le-foo ) ALSO KNOWN AS: The Jester ( by the world at large ) , Mister Cat ( by a few choice friends ) , T ( by those who cannot spell his name ) TITLES: Most Competent Cultist Available ( self proclaimed; irrelevant now that he is no longer in a cult ) SPECIES: Human ( heavily fel corrupted ) / Occasionally feline AGE: Unclear; though he always appears rather youthful DATE OF BIRTH: The sixth of January — he’s a Capricorn! BIRTHPLACE: Alterac City GENDER: Genderfluid ( masculine of center ) ORIENTATION: Bisexual RESIDENCE: Transient and traveling the world OCCUPATION: Black Harvest Warlock / Author / Former Court Jester
HAIR: A wild mane of curly red hair kept out of his eyes with a small ponytail. It rests on his shoulders and is always meticulously styled. EYES: Hidden as of late by an adorable pair of pink-tinted and heart-shaped glasses. HEIGHT: Rather short, come to think of it... BUILD: Thin and frail, as one might expect of a caster. DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Fel corruption has made itself apparent throughout his body — particularly in his nails, which are now thick and black and pointed. If someone were to catch him in the wrong place at the wrong time, they might spot a twin pair of horns atop his head and glowing green eyes in his sockets. FACECLAIM: Matt Clavane
TRAITS: Witty, whimsical, curious ( nosy, some might say ), well-spoken, dramatic, playful, vain, confident, talkative, cryptic, forward-thinking, trendy, youthful. AESTHETIC: Black cats, the smell of a beloved book, the thrill of rule breaking, slitted pupils, neon lights in lonely alleyways, sharp eyeliner, surprised laughter, freckles hidden by foundation, both the curiosity which killed the cat and the satisfaction that brought it back. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral — Taillefer is no agent of the law. In fact, he prefers to live his life adhering to laws as infrequently as possible. He’s an accomplished heretic and thief and truly, no self-respecting light-user would tolerate his presence for long. That being said, his chaos is not inherently evil. He holds a love for those around him and an urge to take care of those he finds down on their luck. While he’s known for his great acts of bold risk and cruelty, so is he for his gentle compassion when situations allow for it.
CURRENTLY: The sting of rejection has brought Taillefer to travel the world in search of new people and places that might provide answers to old questions. He’s seeking friends and enemies in corners of Azeroth he hasn’t yet explored. Where he goes trouble tends to follow, but that’s what keeps life interesting, isn’t it?
Most warlocks savvy to their trade would recognize Taillefer’s name, if only vaguely. Since the fall of the Legion he’s been publishing a great many essays on the nature of demons and the dead Legion they once served. These books have been met with mixed reviews. Some find his words to be little more than tall tales and assumptions. As for those who do believe him, following is always the uncomfortable question: how does he know this?
Nobility or Alteraci survivors may recognize the surname Trouillefou as belonging to a servant family from Alterac City. Theirs was a humble sort, and said to have been wiped out during the Stromic occupation.
What I’m looking for: Character development! Good stories to be told! I prefer to write either organically, as to mean without a set plan, or in a structured arc, where there is desired character development that happens in an organized way. I tend to write my characters for years at a time, and Taillefer has been around for about a year and a half now. Thus relationships with longevity are a favorite of mine.
Preferences: I greatly prefer to roleplay in-game and can be found on Taillefer on Wyrmrest Accord. I love to do cross-faction roleplay, and I can do discord roleplay on request. I am casually searching for a roleplay guild, but do view it as secondary to forming relationships.
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Rosey and her favorite jesterly fiend.
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Why do we need an April Fool’s Day when I’m a Fool Everyday
(Image Credit)
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Totally gonna start a girl gang. Inktober, Day 2
Since this design was so popular I made stickers and prints! Get them Here
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Roslyn loves her jester cat! @taillefer
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Venetian Carnival Masks
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