amanyxia · 1 year
Turns out we were just each other's dream
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there's this story on wattpad that i love so much, Regulus black is the love interest and the mc is Remus sister and there's alot of angst and a lot of fluffy moments like it's sooooo good it's still being uploaded but it's my favorite book ever the name of the book is Ink in paper by AideINF and they have the story on ao3 (the user is INFPwriter)
so if you guys love angst, Regulus and have wattpad and/or ao3 i highly recommend this book
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infpbrwriter · 3 months
Regulus Black x OFC
Like, literally a bunch of troupes that I have been trying to use that ended up on the same story, but the main one is Fake Dating as a revenge, so I hope you all like it.
Luna Lupin, Remus' younger sister, wants to get revenge on her secret affair partner, Sirius Black, so she starts pretending to date his stranged younger brother, Regulus Black. And, as nobody saw it coming, they start caring for one another more than they expected when it all started.
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Building Self-Confidence
In a recent conversation with a friend, we talked about confidence…or rather, our lack thereof. Confidence is defined as “a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances.”
As a person who tends to be very sensitive, self-conscious, self-critical, and pessimistic, I constantly struggle with being confident. I take criticisms to heart, even when they are well-meaning, and comparison with other people is especially painful. I wallow in them to the point where I forget that I possess unique, God-given strengths…not just weaknesses. So, how do we develop this “feeling or consciousness of [our] own powers?” Here's how I think we can build our confidence:
1) Embrace Your Uniqueness
- We must realize that God gave us different strengths and weaknesses so that each one of us would have something unique, special, and exciting to give to the world. St. Therese of Lisieux said, “Every flower created by Him is beautiful…the brilliance of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not lessen the perfume of the violet or the sweet simplicity of the daisy. I understood that if all the lowly flowers wished to be roses, nature would no longer be enamelled with lovely hues. And so it is in the world of souls, Our lord’s living garden.” We are made in a such a way so that in our differences, we can help each other and build each other up.
2) Acknowledge & Celebrate Others
-  Nowadays, we are more likely to compare ourselves with other people, especially when we spend most of our time on social media. One look at a post, and we become jealous of what other people have; we wish we were more creative, more charismatic, more successful, prettier, thinner, etc. Jealousy is not always sinful. It can be spiritually beneficial. I'm talking about the kind of jealousy which stems from an admiration of another person and which effects a desire for a specific quality, characteristic, or good which that person has (i.e. bravery, piety, patience, beauty). This kind of jealousy not only allows us to acknowledge and celebrate other people’s talents, skills, abilities, and strengths, but also to see others as role models; someone to be imitated, thus inspiring self-improvement and magnanimity. However, we must beware that this kind of jealousy does not turn into envy, the other kind of jealousy that is tainted with hatred and resentment. Envy is when we hate or resent someone because they possess a specific quality we don’t have. We relish their misfortune and lament their success. Therefore, we must learn to see other people as God’s gift to us; to acknowledge their own uniqueness; and to celebrate their individuality.
3) Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude
- Just as a painting is the product of the painter’s thought and imagination, you are the product of God’s own thought and imagination. Who and what you are is how He imagined you to be; it is how He wants you to be; and it is, therefore, God’s gift to you. Be grateful for the way He made you. Thank Him for the talents, skills, abilities, strengths, and physical qualities He has given you. Other people are not blessed with these same gifts. As Fr. Edward McIlmail says, “You probably already have a lot more than most people in the world, if you give it a moment’s thought.”
4) Realize That Not all Criticism is an Attack
- This one is the most difficult for me. It is an ongoing struggle to realize that not everyone will care enough about me to call out my shortcomings. Only those who truly love me and want what's best for me will have the guts to tell me what I did wrong and how I could improve. Sometimes, it becomes even more challenging to accept criticism when it is not being said in a sensitive and tactful manner or in the manner we expect it to be said, but we must consider the fact that people have different personalities, and that they speak and act according to their personalities. While some may be more gentle and sensitive in their criticism, others may be harsh. Some might give constructive criticism while others prefer to be straightforward, but we must learn to focus on their good intentions and look past the tone of voice and body language. We must learn to see criticism as an opportunity for self-reflection and self-improvement.
5) Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
- Once, I heard someone say, “Fear is a paralytic”, and it cannot be more true. Most of the time, fear paralyzes us from doing those things with which we are particularly unfamiliar, but once you try to overcome this fear, once you try to step out of your comfort zone, you will be surprised by the amazing things you can do. You will discover new talents, skills, and abilities you never knew you possessed or of which you never knew you were capable.
FINAL NOTE: Building up our confidence is not an easy feat, nor does it happen overnight. It requires a long and painful process, but if we are rooted in Christ, we can be sure that with his help, we will be confident in Christ!
This blog post is dedicated to my dearest friend, Carmel, and to Kaine for providing me with the inspiration to write this. God bless you all! Stay safe!
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Introvert Problem #4  The Wrong Class Debacle
This story is 19 years old, but still haunts me to this day. So, let me share. 
To give a bit of background to the level of horror in this story, let me first tell you about a recurring nightmare I have. Whenever I find myself at a crossroads in life or about to do something that is out of my comfort zone, I tend to have the same fitful night’s sleep marked by a bizarre dream. 
In the dream, I have shown up to my new school with a sheet of paper in my hands showing me precisely what my classes are, where to find them and what time I should be there. But when I arrive at the school, the room numbers don’t make sense, clock keeps ticking and I find myself frantically unable to find any of my classes. The remainder of the dream just an escalation of panic, of imagining myself walking into the class late while all eyes turn to watch me scan the room for a seat. 
Cut back to real life. 
It’s 2000 and I am starting my business degree at university. I find my classroom, I’m early and I locate a seat in the back. Perfect. The class starts to fill and the professor arrives. Just as I am grabbing my Accounting books out of my back, he begins the lecture with, “Welcome to Creative Writing.” 
I am in the right class at the right time - ON THE WRONG DAY. So, now I am faced with two choices. 
1. Stand up, gather my books and do the walk of shame out of the door, never to see these people again. This is what I assume most reasonable people would do - you are in the wrong class, so just leave! In my mind I am thinking about how stupid I will look if the professor questions why I am leaving. Not to mention the fact that my sudden movement in a quiet classroom will draw attention to me and these classmates will surely watch me leave the class. Of course, this is the moment I will likely trip on a desk or struggle with opening the door. 
2. Stay. Stay and pretend you are part of the class. 
I chose option 2. I sat in the classroom for two hours, even after the roll call revealed I was not meant to be in that class. (Really? My name’s not on the list. That’s weird, haha.) At one point, we went around the room introducing ourselves and explaining to the class why we decided to enroll in a creative writing class. 
I took notes, I wrote down my homework. Then I left and never came back. 
I tell this story often and people are usually amazed by my level of fear in drawing attention to myself. But what they fail to understand is that that situation was my nightmare come true. 
What would you have done? 
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cozycashmeres · 2 years
In sleep, I trust.
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limetimo · 2 years
-RAB fics I read this week (8-14 May)
When All Hope Was Lost by HogwartsIsMyHomeJMC shit goes downhill in WizWar II and Hermione travels to 1979 to take names and kick ass - and she has all the names. Hermione/James, past Regulus/Pandora, Marauders and Marauderettes
as a friend, as an old enemy by Anonymous for doshu I'm screamiiiiing I have a. LOT of feelings about this one. Regulus intended to destroy the locket - but he's very, very gay and young Voldemort is very, very handsome
speak in tongues ('til you listen) by Anonymous Remus/James/Sirius/Regulus non-con gangbang, 30k of it but it's like *snaps fingers* and suddenly it's 3AM
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona PANDORA AND REGULUS ♥ SOUP AND EACH OTHER I love them your honour also FUCK Moody and Dumbledore. I love this so much and you will too
The Horcrux Hunt by Keysie crying screaming throwing up I love this enemies to friends to brothers ♥♥♥ Everyone: Remus and Sirius are dating Remus: No, but not for the lack of trying on my part Regulus: If my brother doesn't pull his head out of his arse by the time we're thrity I'll literally platonically marry you Also cathartic yelling at Albus Dumbledore
A Star Goes Out by tuxedoallie This is GOOD. Regulus is a Death Eater, he's very in love with Jily (who love him back but you know, Death Eater), and Barty is by medical definition a psychopath and he's trying to hard and I love him your honour REGULUS TALK TO YOUR BARTY ABOUT YOUR CHANGING FEELINGS ABOUT VOLDEMORT DAMMIT
Heart of Emeralds by Anonymous for Maeglin_Yedi Regulus intended to destroy the locket - but he's very, very gay and young Voldemort is very, very handsome. In which the Locket Horcrux recruits Regulus' help in merging back with the rest of the souls parts
Wolf on the Fold by Anonymous for Ticigi *screaming* another Blackcest and is it just me or is this year's Regulus Black Fest really Blackcesty so far? But like uuuuugh gorgeous amazing brilliant I'll cry an ocean for Squib Regulus
Unmissable Occasions by Anonymous a beautiful Quidditch-centered fic!
just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by zeppazariel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA James' insecurities he's not even aware of, Regulus making bad decisions he is very aware of, the Hogwarts Queer club, Lily being a Queen, Peter being a KING, Wolfstar being annoyingly oblivious and annoyingly in love, and Regulus' friends being very very mean :D
The Journey Back to You by Anonymous Regulus and Pandora are working together to track down and destroy the Horcruxes, Xeno and Pan are an unexpected power couple (I love them your honour), and contrary to popular belief James Potter was not made to be a househusband
love is in the air by ga_bi a little bit of domestic Jegulus
The Marauders and the Chamber of Secrets by SilverShadow1 alternate universe Marauders + Lily + Regulus read the Chamber of Secrets!
Linger by weekdayworld when Regulus sits on the stool with the Sorting Hat on his head, he was practically screaming:  Don’t let me become my mother. The Hat puts him in Slytherin. It's really well written, I like it and can't wait to see what's up next
voici mon secret by Anonymous for Ginnywasafriendofmine AAAAAAA After Voldy killed Walburga before little Regulus' eyes, the family had to ship him off to France or he'd try to rip Voldy's throat with his teeth. Now he's an adult, back in England, back on his bullshit. Can James convince him that revenge is not worth dying for? ♥♥♥
The Serpent That Devours Us by Maeglin_Yedi There was no was, Harry is a magizoologist and comes across a Basilisk that is actually cursed Tom Riddle. (Barty and Regulus are his intellectual uncles, they don't show up often but they're *chef kiss*). James Potter needs to chill hard
From Eden by INFPwriter Harry's time travelling little sister Anne + Regulus Black = big cute af love. Seriously I can't they're so sweet when they're not helping to plot Voldy's downfall
your smile is a million suns by Anonymous art, pretty vibes
I see you in the stars by Bibliosmia0 James suffers from a big case of gay and "I could save him" disease
Thin White Lies by wotcherremus Identity Porn wolfstar modern au, basically married Jegulus in the background
Hard decisions by Anonymous for Risuna_Phenix After finding out Voldy is shit, he is finally allowed to choose his brother over Death Eaters
No Face by BafflingYew Regulus is forced to attend a summer theater club (because Sirius picked it, the joys of being the younger sibling D:). It might not be as bad as he thought it would be...
An Overly Considerate Friend by Anonymous for lumosatnight James has hots for Regulus and his friends are not helpful
Lifeline of Black by Anonymous for lumosatnight Regulus misses his brother, plays a little piano, and ends on a hopeful note
The Turncloak Black by Anonymous Walburga did not carry her sons for 9 month each for them to die over Tom bloody Riddle.
To His Credit by Anonymous for doshu Jegulus smut with a side of Quidditch!
Open Season by avidita this one has me going "huhuehehehe"
Pull The Strings by JBlackLupinMalfoy James is in the habit of renting sex workers for a night... he's very surprised to see Regulus Black standing on his doorstep. With the Dark Mark on his arm Regulus is doing pretty fucking badly in the post-war world where sex work is the only work he can find. His mental health, perception of self-worth, perception of sex? All shot to hell. Can James be the sanctuary where Regulus heals? (boy needs SO MUCH therapy I'm not even kidding)
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
From Eden
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6LhNGYEi0
by INFPwriter
Anne Potter was sent back in time in hopes of fixing everything after the Order lost the Second Wizarding War and hoping to pay back everything Harry had ever done for her by giving him a normal childhood.
She learns, however, that even after everything she done and went through, she still deserves a happy ending, even if she had to fight for it.
Words: 1363, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Walburga Black, Druella Rosier Black, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Orion Black, Cygnus Black III | Walburga Black's Brother, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter (mentioned), Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granget (mentioned), Ron Weasley (mentioned), Ginny Weasley (mentioned), Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Peter Pettigrew, Euphemia Potter, Monty Potter, Anne Potter (OC), Mary Macdonald
Relationships: Regulus Black/Original Female Character(s), James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Additional Tags: Regulus Black Deserves Better, Regulus Black Lives, Good Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bad Parent Walburga Black, Bad Parent Orion Black, The Blacks Need Therapy, Time Travel Fix-It, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, Protective Sirius Black, Protective James Potter, Protective Remus Lupin, Protective Peter Pettgrew, Pre-First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Morally Grey Regulus Black, Morally Grey Severus Snape, Morally Grey Anne Potter, Spy Severus Snape, Spy Regulus Black, Good Parent Narcissa Black Malfoy, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Manipulative Anne Potter, James Potter Finds Out He's a Dad at 16, Harry Potter Has a Sibling, romance in war, Dumbledore Making Children Fight, Regulus Black Plays Piano, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, BAMF Euphemia Potter, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), Death Eaters, Slytherin Main Character, Slytherin Politics, Gryffindors Being Gryffindors
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6LhNGYEi0
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stormewriter · 6 years
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⁣ @PsychedelicRobot ➡️ series photo 01 of 30: Custom art at its finest⁣ ⁣ 📸 @ccsbeautyroom⁣ ⁣ 🗨 Have you been to an immersive, interactive pop-up museum similar to Psychedelic Robot? ⁣ ⁣ Wishing everyone a Happy Happy 2019 😍🤗😘 ⁣ #bivinsgallery #klydewarrenpark⁣ #psychedelicrobot #psychedelicart #dailymusings #dreamwriter #dreamincolor #lifeincolor #IGwriter #writers_den_ #microblog #writersjourney #writerswrite #writersgram #beinspireddaily #bebold #beitalic #INFPwriter #INFP #novelist #writerlife #amwriting #writerofig #stormewrites #wordart #writingprompts #writingsonthewall #writingquotes #writinginspiration #writingislife @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGohpcBkBD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=llrh5av7n9ur
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Announcement 🎺🎺🎺
Hello people, I will be starting a short episode based story on here. I kinda want to do it because I'm bored, wanting to hone my skills as a writer, and would like feedback from you lovely people. So starting every Friday night, roughly 11pm I will be posting the next episode. First one is going to be a super hero type story but hopefully I'll throw some neat twists. I hope you guys like it.
#AdminPost #Author #Writing #AdminChatter #Infp #Infpwriting #superhero #story #episode #series
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
From Eden
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6LhNGYEi0
by INFPwriter
Anne Potter was sent back in time in hopes of fixing everything after the Order lost the Second Wizarding War and hoping to pay back everything Harry had ever done for her by giving him a normal childhood.
She learns, however, that even after everything she done and went through, she still deserves a happy ending, even if she had to fight for it.
Words: 1363, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Walburga Black, Druella Rosier Black, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Orion Black, Cygnus Black III | Walburga Black's Brother, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter (mentioned), Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granget (mentioned), Ron Weasley (mentioned), Ginny Weasley (mentioned), Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Peter Pettigrew, Euphemia Potter, Monty Potter, Anne Potter (OC), Mary Macdonald
Relationships: Regulus Black/Original Female Character(s), James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Additional Tags: Regulus Black Deserves Better, Regulus Black Lives, Good Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bad Parent Walburga Black, Bad Parent Orion Black, The Blacks Need Therapy, Time Travel Fix-It, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, Protective Sirius Black, Protective James Potter, Protective Remus Lupin, Protective Peter Pettgrew, Pre-First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Morally Grey Regulus Black, Morally Grey Severus Snape, Morally Grey Anne Potter, Spy Severus Snape, Spy Regulus Black, Good Parent Narcissa Black Malfoy, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Manipulative Anne Potter, James Potter Finds Out He's a Dad at 16, Harry Potter Has a Sibling, romance in war, Dumbledore Making Children Fight, Regulus Black Plays Piano, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, BAMF Euphemia Potter, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), Death Eaters, Slytherin Main Character, Slytherin Politics, Gryffindors Being Gryffindors
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6LhNGYEi0
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mbtimes · 7 years
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1. Thank you! I’m really glad you’re enjoying isfj ^-^
2. All the types will appear before the end of the 1st chapter (which will be the end of the welcome party basically) for a list of the characters who have appeared already please check the “character bios” tag 
3. see above
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           darn those heart stealing estps!!!!
5. Thanks! See the answer to question 2
6. Thank you! See the answer to question 2
7. It is fairly easy! we’ll start uploading there hopefully next week.
8. Thank you! esfj is a favorite of mine to draw so I’m glad you like him
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       They aren’t quite sure what to make of that. (ironically the two couples INFPwriter and I actually ship do involve these two but not together lol) 
10. Yep! INTP is a girl ^-^ INFPwriter gave me mostly free reign when deciding the character’s genders so I just based INTP off of my bestie
11. Thank you so much!
12. Thanks! Stay tuned!
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14-18. Thank you all so much! it means a lot that people are looking forward to the updates.
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abhishekrungta · 7 years
RT @infpwriter: "We're drowning in information and starving for knowledge." -- Rutherford D. Rogers
"We're drowning in information and starving for knowledge." -- Rutherford D. Rogers
— David Johnson (@infpwriter) December 17, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/abhishekrungta December 17, 2017 at 11:14PM
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ongames · 8 years
#LetThemDie: 'Heartless' Donald Trump Blasted For Killing Meals On Wheels Funds
President Donald Trump is coming under fire for proposing a budget that includes the complete elimination of federal funding for Meals on Wheels programs.
Meals on Wheels provides food to the elderly, poor, veterans, disabled and others who often can’t leave their homes.
However, under the proposed budget, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s entire $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program would be eliminated, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
The grants fund services for low-income Americans ― including grants for Meals on Wheels programs.
Since most Meals on Wheels programs use funding from several sources, it’s unlikely the cuts would end the services. However, they could force many to reduce the number of people they are able to serve.
And many people criticized the proposed cuts on Twitter: 
#MealsOnWheels brings meals to the elderly. Sometimes that's the only meal they have for the day. Sometimes it's the only person they see. https://t.co/OjhYPgiWoA
— McBlondeLand (@McBlondeLand) March 16, 2017
Trump's so pro veteran he's going to cut #MealsonWheels http://pic.twitter.com/WWPQwxCglE
— Wolf Girl ॐ (@WolfGirl_84) March 16, 2017
Ending students free lunch program AND seniors Meals on Wheels?! Thanks @POTUS for making America hungry again! #mealsonwheels
— Jen Soares (@jenpsoares) March 16, 2017
Heartless. #mealsonwheels #letthemeatcake #trumpbudget http://pic.twitter.com/fALZrQrRxg
— Narcoleptic Flamingo (@ccuspis) March 16, 2017
Meals on Wheels is sometimes the ONLY human contact a senior might have...I've seen it with my own eyes. This is just horrifying. https://t.co/TzuICEhxzC
— LtUhura 2017 (@LtUhura2017) March 16, 2017
It's survival of the fittest in #Trumpland. Between #MealsOnWheels and #Trumpcare the #GOP motto is #LetThemDie. #trumpbudget #sad @POTUS
— Nikki (@jrpaws) March 16, 2017
Cutting off heat for the poor and Meals on Wheels. It's ok though because the rich are getting massive tax cuts. https://t.co/UVQ9ONXRTm
— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) March 16, 2017
"Elderly people voted overwhelmingly for #Trump -- and this is how he’s choosing to repay them." #MealsOnWheels https://t.co/9ymAz6hmPf
— David A Johnson (@infpwriter) March 16, 2017
My granny's cancer came back in 2014, and up until October 2016 she lived alone. #MealsonWheels was a big help to her.
— Toiaya (@JustToiaya) March 16, 2017
I want to ask @realDonaldTrump about #MealsonWheels and why cutting the program will devastate seniors veterans and disabled Americans.
— Mary Clanahan (@maryzenx) March 16, 2017
Seriously #DonaldTrump? Cutting the budget for #MealsonWheels program? Meals. On. Wheels. It's like you WANT the entire world to hate you.
— Tracy Meisky (@TLMeisky) March 16, 2017
I have life long friends that have delivered #MealsonWheels they actually KNOW how important this is. Get a grip on reality @realDonaldTrump
— SandraLyn (@sandgriff50) March 16, 2017
What kind of sick f*ck cuts Meals on Wheels? Seriously. WTF #MealsOnWheels #Trumpcare #TrumpTrain #MAGA
— AudreyHipburn (@AudreyHipburn12) March 16, 2017
Poor white people are going to be in for a shock when Donald cuts their #MealsonWheels & #HeatingOil https://t.co/u0Q2UdSllQ
— ARM 2.9mil 2.1% (@adirado29) March 16, 2017
Politicians cut programs like #MealsonWheels 1st b/c they are not likely to protest or take to social media. They hv no voice.
— Tonya GJ Prince (@TonyaGJPrince) March 16, 2017
A lot of older people supported #Trump. I wonder how they feel about #MealsOnWheels getting defunded in #trumpbudget? #EbenezerTrump
— Ed Turner (@papabear7533) March 16, 2017
This really has me so angry. "Meals On Wheels" #MealsonWheels I think I found *45's doppelganger. Sadly, I don't think *45 has a heart. http://pic.twitter.com/bXDNSvRi46
— SnowflakePrincess (@amandablount2) March 16, 2017
@AP Cuts to aid programs like Meals on Wheels. Homebound elderly can starve & lose their healthcare. Who needs death panels #TrumpBudget
— Mike (@MikeFL_MCO) March 16, 2017
Tomorrow, call your local Meals on Wheels program. Ask them how you can help. It's a couple hours of your time every weekend. #trumpbudget
— Darwin Brandis (@DarwinBrandis) March 16, 2017
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
#LetThemDie: 'Heartless' Donald Trump Blasted For Killing Meals On Wheels Funds published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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yes-dal456 · 8 years
#LetThemDie: 'Heartless' Donald Trump Blasted For Killing Meals On Wheels Funds
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President Donald Trump is coming under fire for proposing a budget that includes the complete elimination of federal funding for Meals on Wheels programs.
Meals on Wheels provides food to the elderly, poor, veterans, disabled and others who often can’t leave their homes.
However, under the proposed budget, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s entire $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program would be eliminated, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
The grants fund services for low-income Americans ― including grants for Meals on Wheels programs.
Since most Meals on Wheels programs use funding from several sources, it’s unlikely the cuts would end the services. However, they could force many to reduce the number of people they are able to serve.
And many people criticized the proposed cuts on Twitter: 
#MealsOnWheels brings meals to the elderly. Sometimes that's the only meal they have for the day. Sometimes it's the only person they see. https://t.co/OjhYPgiWoA
— McBlondeLand (@McBlondeLand) March 16, 2017
Trump's so pro veteran he's going to cut #MealsonWheels http://pic.twitter.com/WWPQwxCglE
— Wolf Girl ॐ (@WolfGirl_84) March 16, 2017
Ending students free lunch program AND seniors Meals on Wheels?! Thanks @POTUS for making America hungry again! #mealsonwheels
— Jen Soares (@jenpsoares) March 16, 2017
Heartless. #mealsonwheels #letthemeatcake #trumpbudget http://pic.twitter.com/fALZrQrRxg
— Narcoleptic Flamingo (@ccuspis) March 16, 2017
Meals on Wheels is sometimes the ONLY human contact a senior might have...I've seen it with my own eyes. This is just horrifying. https://t.co/TzuICEhxzC
— LtUhura 2017 (@LtUhura2017) March 16, 2017
It's survival of the fittest in #Trumpland. Between #MealsOnWheels and #Trumpcare the #GOP motto is #LetThemDie. #trumpbudget #sad @POTUS
— Nikki (@jrpaws) March 16, 2017
Cutting off heat for the poor and Meals on Wheels. It's ok though because the rich are getting massive tax cuts. https://t.co/UVQ9ONXRTm
— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) March 16, 2017
"Elderly people voted overwhelmingly for #Trump -- and this is how he’s choosing to repay them." #MealsOnWheels https://t.co/9ymAz6hmPf
— David A Johnson (@infpwriter) March 16, 2017
My granny's cancer came back in 2014, and up until October 2016 she lived alone. #MealsonWheels was a big help to her.
— Toiaya (@JustToiaya) March 16, 2017
I want to ask @realDonaldTrump about #MealsonWheels and why cutting the program will devastate seniors veterans and disabled Americans.
— Mary Clanahan (@maryzenx) March 16, 2017
Seriously #DonaldTrump? Cutting the budget for #MealsonWheels program? Meals. On. Wheels. It's like you WANT the entire world to hate you.
— Tracy Meisky (@TLMeisky) March 16, 2017
I have life long friends that have delivered #MealsonWheels they actually KNOW how important this is. Get a grip on reality @realDonaldTrump
— SandraLyn (@sandgriff50) March 16, 2017
What kind of sick f*ck cuts Meals on Wheels? Seriously. WTF #MealsOnWheels #Trumpcare #TrumpTrain #MAGA
— AudreyHipburn (@AudreyHipburn12) March 16, 2017
Poor white people are going to be in for a shock when Donald cuts their #MealsonWheels & #HeatingOil https://t.co/u0Q2UdSllQ
— ARM 2.9mil 2.1% (@adirado29) March 16, 2017
Politicians cut programs like #MealsonWheels 1st b/c they are not likely to protest or take to social media. They hv no voice.
— Tonya GJ Prince (@TonyaGJPrince) March 16, 2017
A lot of older people supported #Trump. I wonder how they feel about #MealsOnWheels getting defunded in #trumpbudget? #EbenezerTrump
— Ed Turner (@papabear7533) March 16, 2017
This really has me so angry. "Meals On Wheels" #MealsonWheels I think I found *45's doppelganger. Sadly, I don't think *45 has a heart. http://pic.twitter.com/bXDNSvRi46
— SnowflakePrincess (@amandablount2) March 16, 2017
@AP Cuts to aid programs like Meals on Wheels. Homebound elderly can starve & lose their healthcare. Who needs death panels #TrumpBudget
— Mike (@MikeFL_MCO) March 16, 2017
Tomorrow, call your local Meals on Wheels program. Ask them how you can help. It's a couple hours of your time every weekend. #trumpbudget
— Darwin Brandis (@DarwinBrandis) March 16, 2017
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read This Week (21-27 where did March go??? i feel attacked)
Rewriting Destiny by mayawrites95 (mayarox95) After Voldy's defeated everything goes to hell in a hellbasket when Lucius Malfoy becomes the Minister of Magic. Knowing they're fucked beyond saving, Draco and Hermione do a ritual that yeets them to 1972 as Hermione Potter, younger sister to James, and Draco Black, youngest brother to the Black sisters. Together they work on mending relationships and battling prejudice. It's pretty good
movement by oceanicfeelings Jegulus used to be a thing, Regulus ficks off to the cave, in 1982 James finds him and saves him and Lily is dead and Voldemort isn't dead enough. Super beautifully written ok
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona WOOOOOOOOOO! Pandora and Regulus! Strangers to Besties to Lovers! And so much more! ♥♥♥♥♥
Best Friend's Brother by zeppazariel huhuehehehe, in Remus and James' defence, they didn't know their best friends had brothers when they started dating their dark and handsome men.
melodrama by moonymoment I. Okay I love this, Regulus bribes Mrs. Noriss with Catnip so that he can read in the library after curfew, and that's only the first of absolutely beautiful things about this fic. Jegulus.
Best birthday present ever by anauro get your tissues ready, you're going to melt! Married Jegulus
it feels so good when i suffer (its so insane the things we do) by hidingskeletons Sirius @ James: Hey, everybody likes you. Make my brother like you so that he doesn't become a Death Eater! James: ok *proceeds to fall in love with Regulus* I mean that bit didn't happen yet as we're only 2 chapters in but I can see it coming already and it's going to be glorious xD
Thin White Lies by wotcherremus Wrong number Identity Porn Texting Fic with estabilished Jegulus (they're idiots and i love them your honour) and developing wolfstar :D
The Marauders and the Philosopher's Stone by SilverShadow1 Marauders read HP books BUT THERE'S A TWIST as it's an AU and Jegulus are dating :D Lily is so ready to murder Dumbledore and Vernon ♥
The Blood In Your Mouth by moonysmirrorball Story of toxic love, JAmes and Lily are detective, Remus is their scientist, Sirius MArlene and Mary are M16 and Regulus is the serial killer they're trying to catch. #GiveRegulusAKnife2k22
Ready or Knot by La_Matrona first POV Hermione, she goes home with an older man on a vacation at Spain aaand it turns out the guy is her bast friend's godfather's younger brother and wants to marry her now haha talk about awkward. Very horny
From Eden by INFPwriter Anne (Harry's little sister) is sent back to the 70s to change the course of time and save the wizarding Britain from Voldy. They make up a very patchy story about her being James' American cousin, and also she and Regulus are sooo not dating, no sire :D
a shrike (to your sharp and glorious thorn) by nyxveuss Regulus got yeeted to fifth year, discontinued and being rewritten but def give it a read!
lycoris radiata by nyxveuss the re-write of aforementioned, some things are similar some things are different but it's amazeballs all the same!
t’s always summer under the sea by nyxveuss :((( Regulus is straight up not having a good time after Sirius runs away from home.
victory does not make us conquerors by nyxveuss Harry dies at the Forbidden Forset and chooses to go back in time to save REgulus and end the war sooner. Whoopsie, they get captured by the Death Eaters. No bond forged is like a bond forged by sharing a prison cell and being tortured for info. They gets saved tho!
Madness by any other name by AtomicMint Regulus is accidentally gaining a following of Hufflepuffs.
The Pure Blood Prince by pjxckson Regulus in the cave was frozen in time, Harry pulls him out and Regulus gets the chance to redeem himself and kick Voldy's butt for real! Ft. Charlie Weasley!
As The World Caves In by reylo_is_canon Hermione and Theo travel to 70s and get Regulus and Snape to help them defeat Voldemort
Did You Miss Me? by Fantismal, Krethes Jily and Wolfstar and Longbottoms and Floradora in a modern college texting fic with Regulus as mostly plot device and background character
A Star Goes Out by tuxedoallie So! Good! and different. James and Regulus are dating, bring Lily in their relationship, Barty is clinically a psychopath BUT HE'S TRYING OKAY it's not his fault Regulus can't communicate to save his life
For Shits and Giggles by silverfield Regulus' bowels can't kill him if he goes out with a bang first, right? Everyone else around him disagrees. I love protective Barty ♥
Quite Like Us by Anonymous wrong number texting au Jegulus, v sweet!
BLAME by YouBlitheringIdiot FUCK DUMBLEDORE ALL MY HOMIES HATE DUMBLEDORE THIS WAS A PSA THANK YOU aka JAmes took the blame for the Prank and became Dumbledore's spy among Death Eaters
Finders Keepers by jeggie_toast AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS WAS SO GOOD slowburn Jegulus, with sad and happy ending, you can pick :D
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