#ask box dump
flowerysubmissive · 4 months
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Friday is just around the corner, who’s excited? This over worked pup can’t wait for the weekend to come 🐶💕!
If you like my tits consider tossing me a coin ~♡
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anaquariusart · 5 months
Quick question; What would Jojo the Food Critic look like in Flipline Furries? 🐦‍⬛
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Here's all of the Papa Louie furries I've drawn so far!
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grape-souffle · 2 months
Any pride headcanons for either of the Bendy Boys?
They're both rlly cute :3c
(I'm a guy)
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Both are pan kings imo (so they wouldn't care that you're a guy)
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Can we hear your thoughts on the Chinese Miracle Box? Not the kwami or the Miraculous themselves, but the actual box and how it both functions as a magical jewelry safe/home for the dormant kwami as well as how it affects the story.
Sure! I'm actually completely on board with the general concept of the miracle box. Because the miraculous are not always in use, it makes perfect sense to have a place where they're stored while dormant. It also makes perfect sense to have a guardian who watches over the miraculous while they're not in use and who calls them into use when the time is right. While I prefer to let the Kwamis choose their holders, a human doing the initial vetting makes a lot of sense since the Kwamis have to stay hidden and can't do direct interactions pre-choosing.
I'd only nix the miracle box if you were also nixing the miraculous and having the powers come directly from the Kwamis instead. You could also nix the miracle box and have each miraculous stored in its own place of power that only the worthy can access because that's a lovely classic setup, but it would not fit canon in the slightest, so I wouldn't do that for all of the miraculous. There is a solid argument for a mix of the miracle box and other miraculous in places of power, but let's not get into that here.
While I love the miracle box and wouldn't get rid of it, there are certainly some flaws with canon's execution of the concept. The biggest one is that it's very weird to have dozens of them spread all over the world. Were they made by the same person/group and then spread out? If not, then how did all of these different people/groups learn to make miracle boxes? Do they all work the same way? What happens if someone tries to make a box based on a Force that's in another box? Do you just magically attract whatever Kwami is closest? There are just so many questions raised by the multi-box reveal and those questions aren't just about the boxes. They're about the way that the boxes should be effecting world!
If there are dozens of miraculous spread across the globe, then why aren't miraculous a well known thing in this world? And why didn't Fu seek out help from another guardian group post-Feast? You can also reverse that and ask why other guardians failed to track down Fu? They have magic staves that let you find miracle boxes, this isn't an impossible task!
We're told that the canon box was just one of several boxes held by Fu's group, so I'm guessing that this was the main group? The master order? The one that all of the other guardian groups would notice going missing? Of course, that's assuming that they all know about each other, but I feel like they almost have to given the fact that the Ladybug has previously been seen in both Europe and Egypt, implying that the Tibetan group has done a lot of globe trotting in the past. It would make a lot of sense if the other orders call on the main order when help is needed otherwise how does the Tibetan group keep getting involved?
We also have to ask what the differences are between the different orders and why all of them seem to be inactive? After all, we don't hear of any other miraculous holders save for the ones introduced in the two specials and both of those specials were about giving these new heroes a miraculous. They didn't already have one. The only heroes that were active before the start of canon were the American heroes and they're all non-miraculous superheroes, which raises even more questions like why is America superhero central while China, France, and England are left hero-less? (Just naming those because I think that those are the only other countries that we've seen discussed or visited in canon.)
Dialing this back to the canon box, I like the idea that the Kwamis are awake in a pocked dimension while they're not in use. That's so much nicer than making them sleep, though it does make their season-four naivety feel incredibly forced. (It was already forced based on their age and having previous wielders, but it's even worse if they're hanging out in a pocket dimension and messing with human things. They should not come across as oblivious children!)
Similarly, I love the idea of the memory wipe that we saw at the end of season three, but it makes no sense for that to be the standard way that the box is passed on. It should be an emergency protocol. In fact, I initially assumed that it was! I was stunned when season four revealed that Marinette could only pass the box on by giving up her memories. That makes no sense and raises so many questions like, if Fu was never a "true" guardian, then how did the box get tied to him? And why does it even matter who the designated grand guardian is if anyone can open the box as we see in episodes like Optigami and Ephemeral?
As far as I can tell, being the grand guardian is a pretty worthless role. The only special powers it gives are remote access to the canon box (which we'll get to in a minute) and that whole magically reshaping the box to suit you thing which I still don't fully understand because that's not what happened when Fu got the box! It's appearance doesn't change between the present and his memories. We even have Su-Han claiming that the shape of the box proves your worth as a guardian in Furious Fu while also claiming that Fu wasn't a true guardian and just what?
Marinette: Hey! That's not fair! Why didn't I get a staff? Su-Han: Precisely because you are not a true guardian! This is all a misunderstanding, and the incorrect shape of the box proves it.
This exchange from Lies also makes no sense to me:
Marinette:(notices button on the top of box, pushes it, causing all the kwamis to be freed. She falls over) I thought they couldn't get out? Tikki: Now that you're the Guardian, the box has become just like you! Full of surprises! That's amazing!
Why does Marinette having the box add this feature? This sounds more like something that Adrien would get. And what special features did Fu have? I have so many questions...
In my opinion, the memory thing should just be a standard option for anything related to the miraculous. Any chosen should be able to send their miraculous back to the box at the price of their miraculous-specific memories and anyone holding the box should be able to send it to someone at the price of their miraculous-specific memories. There should be no such thing as a grand guardian who is magically designated.
Similarly, the miracle box should have one shape and never change. I really miss the old design. I thought it was elegant. Now we have the weird egg thing which, once again, makes no sense because why would Marinette's be ladybug themed when Fu's wasn't turtle themed? This is extra true because the new bright red egg look makes it damn near impossible to hide the thing! Anyone would look at the egg box and go "wtf is that?" Meanwhile Fu's box could have sat on a shelf and no one would have questioned it because it blended into the scenery.
I said that we'd talk about Marinette having remote access so let's end on that topic. I think that Marinette being able to access the miracle box via her yo-yo is a neat function of being the designated grand guardian, but since I have mixed feelings about that being a thing, I'm not sure if I'd keep that function around. This is extra true because Su-Han gives us this extremely confusing line in Furious Fu:
Su-Han: Let me remind you about some of the Perfect Precepts that you have broken... Precept 133: A guardian cannot, under any circumstances, wear a Miraculous.
If that's true, then why is the remote access feature even a thing? It's something that you'd only add if you wanted guardians to also be wielders. Even then, a guardian could just open their box, put the miraculous inside of their weapon, and simulate the remote access feature that way so, once again, how is this a feature worth losing your memory over?
And why can't guardians wield? The only major risk that I can think of comes from the stupid remote access thing. That could easily lead to trouble as canon already proved at the end of season four. Outside of that, you could argue that a gaurdian's secret knowledge is at risk if they're captured, but miraculous holders would also have some of that knowledge so it seems a bit excessive to ban guardians from wielding, though I do see a solid argument for them being limited to more supporting roles that minimize their risk of capture.
If remote access has to be a thing, then I definitely would make it less of a security risk by removing the canon "feature" that allows anyone to use the remote access so long as they have the guardian's weapon. That made no sense! It should be something that only the guardian can do, especially since we see that Marinette's yo-yo also acts as storage. How can any rando open it to the right pocket dimension when she presumably has two of them? Or maybe she doesn't? Does her stuff go into the Kwamis' pocket dimension now? Where did it go beforehand? How does any of this work? One again, my questions are endless!
Even if you make the remote access feature more secure, it still creates a scenario where the guardian is arguably too high risk to be on the battlefield unless the situation is dire. With the remote access feature, the villains don't have to find the box's hiding place and the other heroes have no way to truly protect it outside of removing all of the miraculous. But then, since anyone can open the miracle box, is that really such a big deal? I honestly don't know. The stakes and rules around these things are nonsense.
Either way, the remote access feature is simply not a feature that makes sense if you're trying to design a logical magic system. It only makes sense if you're trying to find a way to make it easier for your main character to hand out miraculous without always having to go back to her house or if you're trying to come up with a way to make your main character lose all the miraculous without her identity being outed, which is my best guess as to why the feature was suddenly a thing in season four.
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Wanna know what sounds great?
A fanfic where the Greybeards find a baby Dragonborn on their doors, and just take her (using your Leara DB as an example) in, and raising her.
They eventually find out she’s Dragonborn because of her ability to use the Way of The Voice so easily, or something. Paarthurnax takes an interest in this child, and so she stays at the Throat of the World, until Alduin returned.
Wait that's so soft.
Just imagine how much trauma Leara would avoid if she was raised by the Greybeards? It'd be so beautiful. Dragon Dad could be her actual dad.
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Anonymous asking about brain rot just wanted to add on make the reader as chaotic as you can 😋😋😋
Sure, sorry about the late response!
Evan fluff with a side of chaos
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Evan really likes when you'd graffiti around him. If you *don't* graffiti, he'll figure out something to adore you for, but artistic vandalism is a favorite of his.
Pull fire alarms around this man, he'll giggle like a fucking schoolgirl I swear.
He'll shoplift, anything he can, he's gonna try, surprisingly he hasn't gotten caught yet.
Chaos cooking is a favorite activity of his. Just buy box mixes of random shit like brownies or cookies or cake with a shit ton of random frosting and sprinkles, and he'll call himself Ratatouille.
If you're exploring abandoned places and he's not sure what's on the ground, he'll carry you for sure, but not like cutesy bridal style or piggyback rides, he carries you like a sack of potatoes.
After chaos, he's a major cuddlebug, very nuzzley, he's a little spoon fight me. If you don't come to bed immediately after showering, he follows you around with the saddest puppy dog eyes ever while clinging to you.
He LOVES temple kisses if he's having a rough day. Just wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss his temple. You'll feel him relax.
He's a touch-starved little guy, so he clings to you no matter what, so PDA is heavy with him, whether it's hand holding or kisses its bound to happen in the middle of wherever you are.
he absolutely ADORES late night fast food runs, he's fond of Wendy's, but he'll eat anything greasy and carb filled because he's bound to run it off.
Thx for the request! <33
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oldworldwidgets · 8 months
here she is. officially. my beloved fallout 4 oc delilah !!!! first piece done by @zetobii and the second by @leavingautumn13
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i dont draw so all art of delilah comes from my dear friends who draw her for me/with their ocs and tell me i can post it OR from commissions. what i can do, however, is write <3 and make playlists and pinterest boards for visuals <3 so prepare urself <3
speaking of which, you can find her playlist here and her pinterest board here!! theyre chronological, so listening/scrolling in order should more or less tell her story too
ok so: her appearance, personality, stats, story, and some fun facts are here under the cut (its a lot fyi ok i just love her so much) pls enjoy
delilah lore (delilore?) be upon ye:
24 years old, 5’10”
very fair skinned with bright green eyes and jet black hair
her hair is wavy and flows down to the middle of her back. she has one small braid behind her right ear
covered in freckles, from her nose to her knees. she has a tiny scar above her mouth from a past split lip and a slit in her opposite eyebrow from a past black eye
midriff is heavily discolored from past bruises - the pigmentation never fully went away - and marred with keloid scars from deep cuts from things she refuses to talk about. if her dress has a high enough slit, bruises can peek out near the very tops of her legs
large black kingsnake tattoo wrapping up a her left arm with its head near her shoulder and its tail near/on her hand
she can almost always be found in her wine-colored silk dress that reaches only about mid-thigh, nails manicured and lips painted to match. it has spaghetti straps and is loosely bodycon.
she wears stacks of gold rings (as many as possible, really) and dangly gold snake earrings
the only things she keeps on her person are the dagger and the gun strapped to her thighs under her dress. her gun was a gift from KL-E-0. it is a custom gold-plated, silenced 10mm. lilah named it "Mine"
if fo4 had a karma slider, lilah would land pretty firmly on evil. on a dnd alignment chart, think chaotic neutral or neutral evil
SPECIAL: 2, 8, 2, 10, 7, 4, 3
she's not strong nor has much endurance, but when you're as smart, perceptive, and charismatic as she is, you can charm people into carrying your stuff for you anyway.
her perks are party girl (alcohol/chem resistance), black widow (damage/persuasion against men), night person (higher int at night), and intimidation (pacify, instruct, and force opponents to attack). and deacon's cloak and dagger, of course.
cold, calculated, distant
cares about very, very few people (and even fewer things) but is fiercely loyal to those people. she's a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she begrudgingly cares about deacon
she and deacon clash. he refused to even vouch for her admission to the railroad. she gets along much better with glory, but she still gets assigned to run jobs with deacon because they keep each other in check and are deadly efficient as a pair (theyre also in love but they keep it a secret from everyone including each other)
she cares about very very few people but it fiercely loyal to those people. she is a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she "begrudgingly" cares about deacon (she cares literally so much do not let her fool u)
her moral compass is not magnetic. right and wrong is whatever she wants it to be. she takes no issue killing people if they wrong her. sexual harassment or subterfuge/targeted deception send marks to the top of her hit list.
her story:
her birth name is allie eden
she is not a sole survivor; she was born into the capital wasteland chapter of the brotherhood of steel. despite sentinel lyons' best efforts, delilah responded far better to scribe training than to combat training
she and arthur maxson were the only two kids in the citadel, and they became fast friends, even after the lyons pride crumbled and maxson was appointed elder.
he appointed her his sentinel, second in command, which she embraced until she saw how terribly the wasteland was faring under his leadership.
she promptly absconded and, because she had been so sheltered until that day, quickly lost herself to chems and alcohol.
months passed in, thanks to all the blackouts, what felt like hours. one night, allie woke up in a warm bed that she did not fall asleep in. a man named dante deangelo had pulled her body from a D.C. gutter and made sure she was safe.
in no time, they fell in love and decided to escape to the commonwealth. they found a small, basement apartment in goodneighbor and allie began tending bar at the third rail.
dante, slowly but surely, became more abusive. he left bruises and deep cuts on her body anywhere her third rail uniform would cover. she stayed, though, because she'd been raised by the brotherhood to believe that love was harsh and painful. to obey without question. to submit to authority.
eventually, she tired of that life and snapped, killing dante before he could leave any more marks on her. something... shifted. maybe it was allie eden who entered their apartment that morning, but it was delilah who left it that night.
KL-E-0, who was quite fond of allie and is far fonder of delilah, fitted her with pistol, Mine.
instead of hiding behind the bar like she had when she was with dante, she began to use it to her advantage. every dusty drifter with full pockets full of caps left her bar empty handed. but it wasnt enough.
she began targeting triggermen, who she knew were peddling chems for... someone in goodneighbor. the moment a man started flirting with her (which she hated), it was like a red dot sight appeared on their foreheads. she'd seduce them, take them back to her apartment, get her caps and chems and information, and the men would never be seen again.
morowski, goodneighbor kingpin, eventually approached her at work about his shrinking pool of chem peddlers. they struck a deal: he would slip her into his operation as his newest arm candy, and she would peddle his chems at her bar.
it worked flawlessly until morowski actually fell in love with her. go figure. unless, of course, that was lilah's plan all along...
while she's still participating in this farce with morowski, she meets drummer boy, who she ends up truly enjoying the company of even despite her general distaste for men. eventually, he convinces her to join the railroad with him
because morowski is in love with delilah, she has no issue squeezing information out of him when deacon asks her to: morowski is an institute informant. lilah quickly, uh, deals with that problem, and the next days, morowski is found dead in his office at the rexford. cause of death: self inflicted gunshot wound. what a tragedy.
because delilah was his "other half," his unofficial widow, she inherited morowski's whole chem operation
now, she happily spends her days directing the triggermen and tending her bar - for fun and for information, at this point, because she certainly doesnt need the caps. when she needs to run for the railroad or her beloved friends need her professional black widow skills, whitechapel charlie is "happy" to cover for her. as happy as he can manage, anyway.
fun facts:
she is terrified of storms, heights, and violent outbursts from people she trusts
her name comes from the bible story of sampson and delilah, where delilah is paid by the government to seduce sampson (a man of god) and tempt him to sin by telling her what gives him his inhuman strength. after three attempts, she is successful. sampson tells her that god gives him his strength through his hair. she then cuts his hair, which ultimately leads to his death. i mean what a bad bitch
she is still deeply unhappy even after she wraps goodneighbor around her finger because she still doesnt know who she is
she's skeptical of maxson's move to the commonwealth. she is very much on the run from him (and the bortherhood as a whole), and ham happily vets drifters for her to ensure theyre not undercover brotherhood before letting them into the bar.
she and maccready arent exactly "friends" but they harbor mutual respect for each other since they spend so much time together. mac had to call her off like a guard dog when winlock and barnes paid him a visit, so shes confident he would do the same if the brotherhood ever came knocking.
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killercooksblog · 5 months
I was gonna ask "hey, why a cooking tiktok?" Y'know, like, all the things someone tall, blonde, and beautiful could do, and cooking tiktok was the choice - which is cool, but still.
But then - and my brain switches tracks so fast - I remembered my dad just got a smoker, and so I was thinking about the cannabutter episode and I got to thinking.
Could you canna-smoke something? Like, salmon or ham or somethin'?
Hey Quin, Killer here👋
Thanks for being the first person to send in an ask! Why cooking? Because I saw others with food insecurity and decided, no more. All it took was one, skinny twerp of a brat to open my heart and my kitchen.
I appreciate the cooking question ~ I can't see why not, although I've never tried it myself. Since MaryJane is fat soluble, its recommened to cook it with butter, peanut butter, etc. I can definitely see adding special herb butter to meats, or hell even directly seasoned on top of the meat, so long as it can heat and cook in fatty oil deposits.
We don't have a smoker, yet...something to consider perhaps...
Hope you have a great day and that you slay the weekend🔪
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l3irdl3rain · 1 year
seeing the horse bedding anon inspired me to try and switch our cat to pine pellets, but coming from clumping litter, I'm a little confused by the box cleaning process. do you need a sifting litterbox to get the dust out? this feels like such a silly question, but how does cleaning the litterbox differ with the pine pellets? we got a 35lb bag for 5.89 which is a crazy savings if she actually likes them!
Thanks so much, here's Bathtub as cat tax :3
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Hey! I’m going to explain the method I use but I’m sure other ppl have differing opinions. This is just what works for me.
I only put a small amount of litter in each box. I actually don’t scoop poop daily unless someone did a really stinky poop or there’s just a lot. But every other day I dump out the entire litterbox because basically the whole thing is soiled with urine. On the litter boxes they don’t use as often I can get an extra day or two.
If you only have one or two cats you’d probably end up wasting a lot of litter if you dumped the boxes that often. I have 5 cats and even tho I have 6 litter boxes they really only use 3 of them regularly, so they get really gross really fast. I’ve found that just using small amounts of litter and starting fresh more often helps keep my house from smelling like one big litter box
I know other people will fill the boxes like normal, scoop poop daily, and then give the box a little shake to make the crumbled pellets settle down on the bottom of the box. Then when there’s too much urine they’ll dump the whole thing. So basically the same idea as a sifting box without spending the extra money for one.
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twink-between-worlds · 9 months
uno reverse! bunny boy thoughts, as fruity as possible if you please~ /lh /nf
omg hi (●’◡’●)ノ of course! we think too much about him
Legend has a bunch of matching stuff with ravio, ranging from bunny-shaped earrings to necklaces. they also have matching tattoos, and it's the only tattoo ravio will ever have
Legend does the bunny thing of lightly bumping his head against people he cares about. He's done it to every member of the chain at least once, his sister multiple times, Ravio whenever they're around each other, and Styla + Hilda whenever he sees them. he just liked doing it.
ok this is a shared headcanon, but ravio makes legend a replica of his own hood, except it's pink with green eyes instead of purple and green. legend doesn't wear it often but he wears it if he wants to hide from the world
legend is ABSOLUTELY a neopronoun user. we like to think his pronouns are he/him, they/them, and bee/bees. they're interchangeable.
if wars is having a bad day in terms of his hands being too shaky, legend will do his makeup for him.
if anyone has a bad day they WILL have legend checking on them at least twice. he won't be overbearing with it, and will stop if asked, but he care them :(
i think i mentioned legend painting his nails already but i think he colour codes it to his pronouns too. like. pink is he/him, purple is they/them, and yellow is bee/bees. it just feels very him.
he owns one ring that is not magic and it's also the only ring that isn't gold. he got it from ravio.
I'm JUST SAYING that there's nothing that tells me legend WONT go with wild into gerudo town. like. im just saying, he'd probably love the fit.
he never finished his apprenticeship but i think he learned enough about blacksmithing to make little charms and jewellery. he just seems the type to have every hobby in existence
has serenaded ravio before. he denies this.
it did work, though.
apple farmer :3
taught ravio how to make apple cider but ravio always complains that it doesn't taste as good if legend doesn't make it
he doesn't celebrate his birthday but he makes a big deal out of everyone else's. he WILL make sure u have a good birthday or he'll die trying
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grape-souffle · 4 months
draw your first oc lol
Here's my boy!
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He was my first batim oc and a pretty angsty individual, since his mum disappeared.
Basically he investigated the studio and went a little too deep with deciding to try and ask Joey about some kind of secret project...
You can guess how that went...
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amandayetagain · 4 months
Hockey……… hockey au……
Now that I know more about hockey (in too deep) I have questions
Who gets the most legit penalties?
who do the refs target the most?
Do teams dare to traffic dex?
what do fans latch onto as good omens (ex: a certain commercial, a player drinking something specific first- like shesty’s matcha latte)?
who’s the funniest with the press (while still having responsible responses)?
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jouyato · 2 months
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It's @morninglight07's birthday today so i drew her OCfied version of Roland!!!
(also failed doodle below lmao)
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dooniichez · 1 month
(buries you in mini Dump Trucks) Your children.
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Hell yea
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ril-sillyart1st · 2 months
Have a Dump truck that goes >w<
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He's so god-damned adorable! >w<
(I can't express how much this drawing made my day better! /Gen)
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