#infp ramblings
rou-luxe 21 days
i have a wild guess
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Apparently there's only one main character in the entirety of Hellaverse who is an INFP like me...
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Hahaha, no wonder he's so relatable! 馃槀
So happy to share my MBTI with such an adorable icon!
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ladye-zelda 8 months
Zelink has rotted my brain so much that the princess and knight ship dynamic is probably my favorite ever
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atorturedpoetsquill 4 months
Hey there! So, I took the MBTI test out of curiosity and discovered I'm an INFP-T (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving - Turbulent).
I have to admit, reading the entire article left me stunned. I realized I am an INFP-T to my core, and it's a revelation that's left me feeling incredibly beautiful about myself. Before the test, I was often anxious, questioning every aspect of my life. I constantly wondered why I was the way I was, teetering on the edge of a breakdown. But now, having taken the test, I'm finally embracing who I am. I feel confident, I'm smiling more, and I'm filled with encouragement and self-worth. It's not just about feeling seen; it's about recognizing how much I neglected myself, my opinions, and my values. I see now how I've questioned my very existence and morals, the self-hatred I imposed upon myself. Strangely, I've never felt this good after being proven wrong. 鉂わ笍
I've come to realize just how crucial it is to accept oneself as we are, to truly believe in ourselves. It's about focusing on nurturing our strengths rather than dwelling on our weaknesses. And perhaps most importantly, it's about granting ourselves permission to make mistakes.
So, I wanted to share this epiphany with you and remind you that you are beautiful just the way you are. Don't forget to accept your feelings; they're what bring you closer to yourself. If it's okay, I'd love to know your MBTI results too. If you haven't taken the test yet, here's the link. 馃槉馃馃徎
Feel free to share them in the comments or send them my way in my whisper box (my asks).
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miikewheelers 8 months
currently thinking about how ENFJs (mike) are apparently very compatible with INFPs (will) 馃憖馃槶
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lovewilkerson 2 months
Thought about Dewey not having any childhood pictures too hard and now I鈥檓 crying
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musings-of-an-infp 2 years
Random INFP Thing: Melancholic and Wanting to Change the World
Ever since I was young, I have been drawn to some things that I suppose could be construed as sad or melancholic. For instance, I enjoy the overcast skies and somewhat rainy days. They make me want to stay inside and bundle, and write like I am doing here now. With that, there is also the side of being able to display emotions. My best friend in the world once told me that he admired me for my ability to display emotion so well because it was something he couldn't do. Whether it was to a song that touched me or a core value I had. And let's face it, in media INFPs are often portrayed as Emo or Goth or big cry babies. Not that I want to fit the stereotype of a crybaby, but when I have time and think, I think and have internal realizations and sometimes those realizations make me realize how overwhelming things can be. Not my situation perse, but rather I tend to take on the plight of what feels like all humanity. The sadness and sorrow and injustice that goes on. Things seen and unseen. It all seems to fall onto my shoulders and burden me in that moment and it's a bit hard to bear. So instead of talking about it, I bottle it up and cry quietly by myself. I've had feelings like this since I was young and still, to this day I am powerless to stop the things that happen. I know I couldn't stop everything because no one imperfect human can do this, but it weighs on me at times and makes me wish I could. I guess that is something that INFPs try to do too. Try to stop the bad things, so no one else has to endure them. Though we can't do too much by way of fixing things, we do what we can on a small scale. Making those we love to feel loved and cared for. Making a stranger smile, small things. Because in the grand scheme of things we are small. But here I am rambling about how I feel, perhaps someone else feels the same? Some things are hard to put into words. But I try because, maybe, just maybe something somehow will strike a chord and make you feel like you aren't alone, like so many have done for me. And countless times I have been grateful.
I hope all of you have a great day or night wherever you are.
-Best, Admin Luna
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midnights-wish 6 months
years ago i did the mbti-personality test & according to it i was an infp, just now i did it again because i thought 'you know, a few years have passed & i've gotten to know myself better - gotten quite a bit less shy, a bit more extroverted, a bit more daring, etc., so i'm sure i'd get a much different result now'. but no, i'm still an infp apparently
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plusvanity 9 months
I read these stupid intj x infp quotes thinking about vargelle
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athousandbyeol 1 year
i just discovered forcebook's mbti and i did some reading about their compatibilities and i'm... just going to leave it here...
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seariii 10 months
I saw a couple people say that Amane is most probably safe now as the inno percentage seems to have stabilized. Despite being an Amane guilty truther, this makes me happy for her and that made me think my pov is kinda funny....
My brain would throw her under the bus immediately if it means there is a higher chance that one of my faves won't die (she hurts Shidou > incapacitates him > he can't save/help Haruka when he attempts, giving directions is slower than do it himself > Haruka has a higher chance of dying)
But the moment her percentage went under Kazui's, my heart (empathy) jumped in and yelled how we can not do that to her and how she's suffering a lot. And thus leading me to stop voting at all
My mind sees voting her guilty as "the greater good" (yeah for Haruka but also so that Shidou can still treat Mahiru and whoever might need it) (kinda like how most are voting Kotoko this round), and my heart talks about how she doesn't deserve that pain, and looks more only for her own well being
So yeah I'm glad the kid is closer to being inno
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7000f1 1 year
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saw this and I wanted to do it
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yarnnerdally 11 months
Does anyone use pdbee for analysis on character mbti? It's curious and I'm loving it honestly.
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individualist-infp 6 months
I want to be understood in the same way I easily see beyond people's fa莽ade and actions. But no one does. Ever. They aren't even remotely curious or try. There's so much pain and emotional distress inside of me and no one sees it or cares. I'm able to empathize with people thst seem unlovable or mean. I read their actions and behaviors like an open book. But no one sees me or reads me. Maybe I'm not good at expressing myself, but it's traumatic. They don't know what it's like to endure so much suffering and brush it off day by day like it's nothing, when it's actually devastating. If they live through that they will break, they wouldn't stand it, but I have to. INFP are not delicate flowers, we are able to endure so much sh*t that the average person won't survive.
I don't know why people choose to be parents when at the end of the day they're not going go be there for you or help you. Or most importantly have a relationship with you. That's the point of having kids, right? To connect with them and have a emotional bond of love. So what's the point? It's so dumb. Why am I even here?
I always feel alone in a desert island rotting forever. My emotionally absent INTP mom ruined me and continues to ruin me. She never tries to understand where I'm coming from. She'll never understand me. She just guts me over and over again with her indifference or anger. I'm rotting alone and she never lends me a hand. I should go away from her toxicity, but how and when? Even if I go away my heart will continue to have a missing piece, it will continue to be hollow. Her negligence did that to me. I wasn't fed by what I needed. Emotional nourishment. I had physical food but not emotional. So I continue to die of hunger because of it. That's why I feel hollow, why enneagrams 4 feel hollow.
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paranormaljones 6 months
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myheartisonthetrain 6 months
draft from yesterday some of it deleted 馃様 i can say it's for the best because looking back at this i'm quivering why am i projecting onto a gay blonde nickelodeon youtube star
i was gonna post about him like my daily but i just need to talk about jojo siwa so bad rn please .um i feel so bad for her :( she was forced into the industry as a nine year old by her abusive mother so obviously her neurological growth's gonna be stunted and different, only now that she's an adult does she get to feel free to experience what was taken from her just to be laughed at and mocked. she spent the entirety of her teen years acting as a child to be marketable, of course her music's going to sound younger, she's not used to targeting an older audience let alone having older emotions and thoughts. it's not like she was pretending to be a child for so long, she was kept at that age to maintain and image and make profit. she likely wasn't educated to an acceptable standard and won't know the extent of abuse she's endured nor how she looks to people saying they have second hand embarrassment from watching her videos. that must be so hard to hear when you're finding and reinventing yourself :( . seeing the criticism from others seems plain ignorant to me, alr people are allowed to have opinions and of course it doesn't excuse how she's immensely mistreated her dancers but honestly she's just repeating the actions of her mother and the dance industry. it's a vicious cycle and i hope when she's either more aware or more willing to speak up about it, she can just live how she wants to and break the cycle. if this is what she wants then that's fine but if not, god imagine the damage it's done !!!!?,
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