#info; beaumont
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twistxdcrafts · 5 months ago
biography; the beekeeper & the candle maker.
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walking through the picturesque streets of cardinal hill, you find beaumont proctor, the 43 year old beekeeper & candle maker originally from cardinal hill, washington. living alongside them in such a small town, you know that they're generous and moody, but what you might not know is that they are a human, and that they’re hiding something… ― lee pace, homosexual, cis male, and he/him.
i. details
full name: beaumont alexander proctor nickname(s): beau (most common), monty (very rare, hates it) age: 43 years old date of birth: 21st february, 1947 place of birth: cardinal hill, washington residential area: lower cardinal gender: cis male pronouns: he/him sexuality: homosexual martial status: single occupation: beekeeper, candle maker, artisan business owner
ii. appearance
faceclaim: lee pace   hair: warm brunette, wavy, short back and sides, long on top  eyes: hazel with green facial hair: stubble to short beard, shave and repeat height: 196cm | 6'5  body type: tall, lean, athletic, strong from regular exercise 
iii. personality
personality type: infp | the mediator  moral alignment:  neutral good - true neutral astrology: pisces sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising positive traits: generous, creative, resourceful, determined, passionate, charismatic, energetic, thoughtful, romantic, observant, intelligent negative traits: moody, escapist, closed-off, reckless, stubborn, emotional, sensitive, impulsive, self-critical, jealous
interests: beekeeping, candle making, soap making, botany, entomology, herbal medicine, animal husbandry, vegetable & herb growing, literature, poetry, carpentry and woodworking, interior decorating, renovation, refurbishment, fishing, foraging, cooking, hiking, swimming.
education: bachelor's degree in agriculture & animal husbandry, with minors in entomology and botany
vi. biography
trigger & content warnings: fire, several deaths, mentions of alcohol and drugs.
1947 - 1964 from birth to age 17 years old
born on february 21st 1947, beaumont is the third child out of four, from parents beatrice and lloyd proctor. named after his father's grandfather, beaumont is a member of the 13th generation directly descended from john and elizabeth proctor, the famously accused of the salem, massachusetts witch trials. as it happens, neither john nor elizabeth were a witch, but their son, john proctor the third, in a twist of fate, went on to marry one, mary blackwood.
the proctor's had a long, strong bloodline of witches, but beau was the only one out of his four siblings who wasn't born a witch. despite his parents' best efforts, he felt ostracized from his family. while his siblings magic manifested early, and were celebrated, beau was met with expectant gazes that turned to quiet disappointment when he reached 15 years old, and it was clear he had no magic. three children with quickly developing magical abilities needed guidance and their witch education took presidence. beau, not wanting to disappoint his parent's any more, tried his hardest but even he felt his human accomplishments - an ace student, piano, the swim team, community involvement, a charming wit - became overlooked and sidelined.
he even took on his own independent witch education - studying botany, herbology, astrology, herbal medicine and non-magical witch skills - was brushed aside, and a foolish pursuit in comparison to his magically talented siblings. still, he refused to give up and maintained his hard work... until the night of the old mill fire.
a classic tale of teenage truancy turned tragedy, beau and his closest friend, charles, were messing around in the old mill, long abandoned and closed to the public. somehow, a fire started, and the boys became trapped. beau managed to escape, dragging an unconscious charlie with him, but the other boy tragically died in the hospital from his extensive injuries.
beau, crippled by grief and guilt, became a shell of his former self, moving through life like a ghost. in a few months, he dropped out of high school and started acting out, with alcohol, drugs and general misbehaviour. his parents didn't know what to do, trying to protect their family name and their other children, but their salvation came in the form of a letter. earl, lloyd proctor's non-witch brother, reached out to beau. his uncle's kind and empathetic words reached him, and beau left a note, packed a bag and took enough money to get himself across the country to salem, massachusetts. his uncle took him in, and it turned beau's life around.
1964 - 1972 ages 17 to 25 years old
there, in the place where his ancestors had left and his uncle had moved to, he started to heal from his grief and his guilt. the nightmares he'd had started to happen less and less, and his uncle let him help out on his land. he taught beau how to look after chickens, goats, and bees. he gave the young man a reason to get out of bed in the morning. beau wanted to become his apprentice, but his uncle made him promise to go back and graduate from high school. beau agreed, enrolling two years behind his classmates, but determined to graduate. he worked hard and achieved good grades, considering his circumstances.
his only setback was the sudden and tragic death of his brother, jonathan. the oldest proctor child, although he wasn't the heir, he was greatly loved by his family, and he left behind a family of his own of three daughters with lilian prior. beau returned to cardinal hills for the funeral. he thought he should return for good, but he could see in their grief that his family were even more distant from him, and he had come to see his uncle and the farm in salem as his salvation. and so, he returned to massachusetts.
as promised, his uncle took beau on as his apprentice, learning to become a bee keeper and a candle maker. however, he saw his nephew's further potential, and encouraged him to apply for college. beau was unsure, having lost his confidence and his ambition, but he applied to make him uncle proud. he did not succeed, but was invited to join a summer programme at harvard university. knowing it could be the closest he'd ever get to attending the ivy league school, beau attended, and his hard work there paid off, when he was granted a late-acceptance to a local community college near salem. he studied many subjects - european and american history, entomology, botany, animal husbandry and eventually graduated with a bachelor's degree in agriculture. all the while, he continued to work as his uncle's apprentice and farmhand. after graduation, beau spent another year with his uncle.
1972 - 1976 ages 25 to 29 years old
since his moving to salem, beau had been working to restore the relationship with his family, through letters and bi-annual visits to cardinal hills. he still felt very much like an outsider but had grown especially close to his two sisters. his youngest sister, mary-elizabeth, the baby of the family, expressed a desire to attend university in england, where their bloodline had originally come from. their parents were anxious at the idea, but beau offered to go with them and look after them. he did have his own curiosity to explore their family history and english beekeeping, but the young man had itchy feet and wanted to go on his own adventure.
whilst living in england, just south of london in the county of kent, beau began working as a beekeeper and vegetable gardener on the country estate belonging to aurelius 'grey' hawthorne. a cold, aloof young man, the same age as beau, but with so much more resting on his handsome shoulders. slowly but surely, the two bonded. grey introduced beau to his passion, horses, whilst showing a quiet interest in beau's passion, bees. they tested and challenged each other, and eventually fell into a slow-burning passion. they became lovers, but grey broke it off before beau left england.
1976 - 1979 ages 29 to 32 years old
after four years, beau returned to america, and came back to work with his uncle as a business partner and equal with his own unique knowledge and experience. two years after his return, his uncle died unexpectedly. beau organised his funeral, and following his uncle's wishes, spread half his ashes on the farm in salem, and he would take the other half back to cardinal hills. he continued his uncle's business, but six months after his uncle's funeral, beau's grandparents would die within a week of each other. he came back to cardinal hills to attend their funeral and the ascension of his mother as the family's matriarch. while he was visiting, beau's parents asked him to return to cardinal hills, wanting the family to close ranks. after thinking about it, beau decided to relocate the business and return to his hometown. he began the process of selling his uncle's farm and either selling, rehoming or moving his livestock with him.
1979 - 1990 (present) ages 32 to 43 years old
following his return, beau originally rented a cottage with a little land where he could keep his beehives, his chickens and his goats. he had already established contacts in cardinal hills to sell his wares even when he was across the country in salem, but he had ambitions to build. his products were of recognised good quality, and even his parents recognised his potential. his life looked very different than they imagined, but he was finding his valued place in the witch world despite his lack of magic. they seemed to quietly acknowledge the lack of recognition and support they'd given to beau early in life and wanted to make up for lost time. they offered him a gift of money - he'd worked hard all of his life and gotten back on his feet despite tragedy - but beau made them a deal. like his siblings, he would take a gift contribution towards a home, but the rest of the money would act as an interest-free business loan and he would pay them back gradually.
with the money, beau bought an old farmhouse, and over time restored it into his home and developed the surrounding land into the small farm it is today. over the last decade, he has become the top honey and candle supplier for witches in cardinal hills, and an artisan good supplier for the human population. his business has developed to produce honey, beeswax both raw and refined, royal jelly, candles and soap. although he doesn't have a traditional store, he's a regular vendor at local artisanal and farmer's markets. his edible produce, including honey, apple sauce and honey lavender cake has won at the cardinal hills town show.
his life in cardinal hills has been relatively peaceful. he dated nicholas stone for almost a year until they broke up roughly six months ago. now, the nightmares he's been having have shaken him up, and he wonders if something is haunting him from years ago...
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panicsimss · 2 years ago
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Sylvian Augustus Casimir Beaumont...or just Sylvian for short. They/She/He, Chaotic neutral, Half-elf, Cleric (a very unholy cleric)
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quiltofstars · 6 months ago
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Mare Nectaris ("Sea of Nectar") on the Moon // Loxley
Read below the cut for some info about some of the craters in this image!
Mare Nectaris is a lunar sea, or maria, one of the darker on the near side of the Moon. It is about 210 miles across and filled with dried lava.
Above it is Sinus Asperitatis, Latin for "Bay of Roughness". This "bay" joins Mare Nectaris to Mare Tranquillitatis.
Three craters line Mare Nectaris to the west.
Theophilus crater is named after Theophilus I of Alexandria (bef. 384 - 412), the 23rd Pope of Alexandria. He wrote a Paschal table that tracks the Moon's phases to aid in determining the date of Easter.
Cyrillus crater is named after Saint Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376 - 444), the 24th Pope of Alexandria. He also constructed a Paschal table to calculate the date of Easter.
Catharina crater is named for Saint Catherine of Alexandria (c. 287 - c. 305), a martyr and early adopter of Christianity in the Roman empire. However, there is little evidence to support her existence as a historical figure.
A few craters lie to the south of Mare Nectaris:
Beaumont crater is named for the French geologist Léonce Élie de Beaumont (1798-1874) who proposed a theory for the origin of mountain ranges. He proposed that all mountains parallel to each other were formed at the same time.
Fracastorius crater is named for the Italian scholar Girolamo Fracastoro (c. 1476 - 1553). He was an early adopter of the idea of "atoms" and was one of the first to study epidemiology. He worked extensively on the origins of rabies and syphilis.
Rosse crater is named after the English astronomer William Parson, 3rd Earl of Rosse (1800-1867). He built one of the world's largest telescopes, the "Leviathan of Parsonstown", a 72-inch telescope. Through it, he observed nebulae and galaxies, such as the Crab Nebula and Whirlpool Galaxy.
Finally, two craters lie to the northeast of Mare Nectaris:
Isidorus crater is named after Isidore of Seville (c. 560 - 636), the archbishop of Seville. He was a prominent figure in early Spanish Christianity, and wrote down his Etymologiae, an encyclopedia of knowledge at the time.
Capella crater is named for Martianus Capella (bef. 410 - 420), a Latin scholar who wrote De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii "On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury". In the eighth book of the series, he describes a modified geocentric model of the solar system, where all planets orbit the Earth, except for Mercury and Venus which orbit the Sun.
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whenyuuwish · 4 months ago
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Draven Trapolla. ✦ ──
Birthday: April 6 Height: 188cm Dominant hand: Left Homeland: Queendom of Hearts
Club: Hiking trail club Best subject: Biology
Hobbies: Crafts Pet peeves: Being alone Favorite food: Berries Least favorite food: Cod fish Talent: Perfect aiming 
Ace Trapolla (Dad)
Whitney Beaumont (Mom)
Jocelynn Trapolla (Older sister)
Jordan & Myles Beaumont (Maternal Uncles)
Unnamed paternal uncle and grandfather
Unnamed grandparents †
Magnolia Bucchi (Crush)
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He has an pet hare in his room.
He is very coward, but once he face his fears he shows more of a confident side and excitement.
His friends aren’t good friends, but he wants to be cool. So he tags along with stupidity.
Gentlemen to women; mom raised him for the best. 
Loves animals, and his a nerd about each of them. Will info-dump, beware.
Likes to be in group, hates being alone.
Stitched 6 plushies of animals which he keeps in his wall shelf in his dorm, those he will never get rid off.
Tries to act cool, but is super awkward and goofy, to be honest. He is like a golden retriever energy…
HOWEVER, DONT LET HIM FOOL YOU!! He is very sly, and cocky when he wants to.
He enjoys stitching and sewing things quite alot.
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hooked-on-elvis · 3 months ago
"Men recall seeing Elvis at Lawton, Oklahoma in 1955"
The McMahon Memorial Auditorium is a staple for entertainment in the Lawton community and has been for almost 60 years. Those who call Lawton home can remember attending shows of famous singers, musicians, off-Broadway shows, and of course, performances by multiple community talents. During the 1960s and 70s, Lawton had famous headliners at the auditorium, a so called "heyday." Lawton's touring chapter of the national Community Concerts Inc. would bring in the big acts and sell the tickets. Some acclaimed names that graced Lawton's home stage include Elvis Presley, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Doc Severinsen, Judy Collins, Count Basie, Glen Campbell, Tony Bennett, John Fullbright, John Raitt and many, many more. Lawtonians, Jay Davis and Allen Johnson, recall seeing Presley perform at the auditorium on June 19, 1955, (EIN Note - Elvis was actually at Magnolia Gardens, Houston on this date! Elvis was at Lawton on June 23)  just months before the King of Rock and Roll became The King.
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Most likely, June 23 1955 at the McMahon Memorial Auditorium in Lawton, Oklahoma (8:00 PM). Elvis stands in the middle, behind his guitarist, Scotty Moore. Bassist Bill Black in on the far left. Local, Allen Johnson, stands next to Scotty Moore.
It was the summer after Davis graduated from Lawton High School and Johnson had finished his freshman year at the University of Oklahoma. The best friends attended the concert with a group of 12 friends and, Johnson said, "We didn't know who we were seeing." The group sat five rows back from the stage and saw multiple country singers. Davis and Johnson said Presley was the last one to perform. Davis remembered there couldn't have been more than 100 to 150 people in the 1,500-seat auditorium watching the soon-to-be rock star. "I remember he walked out on stage dragging his guitar," Johnson said. "He didn't do much dancing though," Davis replied. "Not like he did later on." Johnson, Davis, their dates and the rest of the group attended an after party at the Southern Club  an old country and western dance hall in Lawton on Lee Boulevard. The group was able to snag a photo with Presley and his musicians. Johnson and Davis remembered Presley being more fascinated by their attending college than they were with him being an almost-famous musician. Source: LawtonConstitution via ElvisInfoNet.
FURTHER INFO: Elvis and the Blue Moon Boys performed on the Marty Robbins tour in 1955 at several venues, including at the Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi, on June 27, 1955 at the Airman's Club (this is where he met June Juanico, who later wrote a book about their relationship) and, prior to that, at the City Auditorium, Beaumont, Texas on June 20, 1955 at 7 PM and 9 PM. Other entertainers at the show included Marty Robbins, The Maddox Brothers & Rose, and Sonny James.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 7 months ago
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“Twins?” “Twins. A boy and girl.” Ximena answered, before turning her loving eyes to the two small bundles she kept against her breast. A smile touched her full lips, the pride undeniably written on her face at the sight of the two sleeping children. Dark of hair and sun-kissed skin, with rosebud lips and puffy cheeks that appeared to be made just to be covered in gentle loving kisses: two small cherubs sent to her from the heavens above to quell the sadness of her soul. The woman felt her heart swelling in her chest with such intensity, for a moment she was sure she couldn’t breath. They were both perfect. The girl briefly opened her eyes as a hiccup left her small mouth, a hiccup that was soon bound to become a shriek of necessity. “Mark my word, Ximena, that nena has the dark side of the moon within her,” the matriarch said while taking the baby girl in her experienced arms, starting to pacing and patting on her back to lull her back to sleep. But even when the old woman started to crone a melody of an ancient time, the baby girl would not stop her whimper of protest. “This one, instead, is a hijo de la luna llena,” the young mother cooed at the still asleep baby boy. With delicate finger, she caressed the bridge of the baby’s nose and his head of dark leonine hair. “Peaceful as a quiet night of plenilune indeed,” she murmured, her smile widening even more. “You are lucky that their father’s mark is nowhere to be found on their small faces, and instead they favour you.This will make things easier for them...and for all of us.” (….)
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A small WIP for you all tonight, before going to sleep.
This is actually a VERY old artwork, that I started in *checks info on CPS* March last year, but I never truly got the occasion to finish (or rather, I was HYPER frustrated with my lack of skill to render justice to the artwork and my beloved brainchildren).
I remember seeing a statue of Latona with Apollo and Artemis and IMMEDIATELY striked me as the perfect inspiration and reference for my brainchildren.
And, while unfinished, it still gives me so many emotions so, I decided to share it with you as well <3
So here you have Ximena with her two most precious jewels: Mathias and Antoine 🥹💓🥹💓🥹💓
I honestly want to work some more on my Unity stuff, because I have so many things to develop still, and the way I love the De Beaumont is IMMENSE.
(also, omg I was all squealing while drawing baby Mathias and Baby Antoine!! like KYAAAAAAH. SWEET BEBES. SWEET PERFECT BEBES.)
(also fml I need to recalibrate my screen because the colours are all fucked up :/)
Well, I hope you will like this! <3
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cursed-saphire-hart · 4 months ago
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[ Amanda Beaumont ]
Twitter #CharacterADayNov
My cutie pie girl Amanda! She's a photographer :3
.·°❇| •YouTube• | •Patreon• | •Commission Info• | ❇°·.
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adarkrainbow · 10 months ago
Beauty and the Beast on the 18th century stage
A long time ago I promised you a handful of articles - and today it is time! I will begin with an article written by Catherine Ramond for the "Féeries" journal ("Féeries" is THE reference journal-review for all fairytale study and analysis), about the various theater adaptations of "Beauty and the Beast" in the 18th century France. As I also said before I won't do a literal translation, but rather "info-mine" as some like to say.
In the 18th century, every time a novel or short story had a huge success it was adapted to the stage, and so the fairytale did not escape. Ever since Charles Perrault and madame d'Aulnoy published their fairy stories, the "fairytale" had been a fashionable genre, and it offered to theaters a lot of material, especially since it craved magic and wonders. The story of "Beauty and the Beast" (La Belle et la Bête) especially had a lot of dramatic and scenic potential - as such the article compares FIVE different variations of the tale. Two of them are of course, the two literary versions of the tale, its two publications.
On one side, Madame Leprince de Beaumont's 1756 Beauty and the Beast, published in her "Le Magasin des enfants" (The Children's shop), THE most famous version of the story, and the one Cocteau used for his movie adaptation. On the other side, the ACTUAL first written/literary version of "Beauty and the Beast" titled as such, the one Leprince de Beaumont actually rewrote for her own book: Gabrielle de Villeneuve's Beauty and the Beast, inserted in her 1740 novel "La Jeune Américaine et les contes marins" (The Young American Girl and the sea tales). While this story was definitively "modern" in style and shape, it borrowed folkloric motifs (such as the theme of the animal-husband), making it a "cousin" to several of madame d'Aulnoy's fairytales (Serpentin Vert, The Green Snake ; Le Prince Marcassin, The Boar Prince), as well as a descendant of the model from Antiquity: Psyche's tale from Apuleus' Metamorphosis. This link between the new and ancient tale might have inspired the adaptators, since the tale of Psyche had been heavily adapted throughout the 17th century in different genres. 1656's Benserade and Lully's Psyche Ballet ; Corneille-Quinault-Molière-Lully's 1671's Psyche tragedy-abllet ; Corneille (Thomas this time)-Fontenelle-Lully's 1678's lyrical tragedy Psyche, etc etc... What we do know for sure is that the writers of fairytales and creators of stage entertainment of the time were well aware of the key elements of the story: Psyche's inhuman beauty, the oracle that offers her to a hideous monster, the jealousy of her sisters that causes bad advice (notably their encouragment to see the invisible husband despite it being forbidden). However... Against a Psyche perceived as a flaed character, against this weak, naive, curious Psyche, the 18th century opposes Belle, a Beauty who is kind and brave, and who instead of disrupting the order re-establishes a balance between the characters. The prince, turned into a Beast because of a spell must, to regain his true shape, have a young girl falling in love with him despite his horrible appearance. When Belle confesses her love and agrees to marry Beast, it makes the "beautiful Unknown" that she saw in her dreams appear before her, a Prince "more beautiful than love". This story reunites magic with a family drama (the relationships between Belle, her father and her sisters are at the forefornt of the narrative), while addng emotion and virtue: the fairytale had all the elements that would attract stage-writers and directors of the century.
The first "féerie dramatique", the first stage adaptation of this story was actually released between the two literary versions of the tale. It was the 1742's three-act versified comedy by Nivelle de La Chaussée "Amour pour amour" (Love for love), that borrowed elements from the very recent madame de Villeneuve's story (1740). The two last theater adaptations of the story were created after madame Leprince de Beaumont published her tale, and take inspiration from it. One is the ballet-comedy in four acts by Marmontel, with a music by Grétry, "Zémire et Azor" (names borrowed from Nivelle de La Chaussée). It had a huge success in 1771 when it was presented first at Fontainebleau, than at Paris. The second is a two-act prose comedy by madame de Genlis, "La Belle et la Bête", published in 1779 in her "Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes" (Theater for young people). This play was for private stages, and had an open goal of educating children, by accentuating the moral aspect of the Leprince de Beaumont's tale. These adaptations truly show the wide variety of genres that welcomed the fairytale: a "classical" comedy, an "opéra-comique", and a small "moral treaty in action" for the theaters "de société".
The article wonders which elements of the fairytale were kept in theaters, and which ones were modified. There is also a brief recap of all the elements that encourage differences. For example, the fairytales are told through a third-person narraton, as opposed to the plays that need the characters to speak for themselves at the first person. Or how the literary fairytales are influenced by their context. Madame de Villeneuve's story was inserted in a novel, a "roman" as we call them in France, and as such her fairytale has "romanesque" aspects to it - for example by having inserted stories within the main story, which was a typical novel-device of the time. As such, when the Prince can freely speak again, he tells his own past through the sub-story "L'Histoire de la Bête", then followed by the sub-story of "The tale of the happy island" which unveils Beauty's true identity as the secret daughter of a King and a Fairy. The main story itself is divided in a double time: on one side the diurnal scenes, when Beauty and the Beast encounter each other, on the other side the nocturnal scenes, when Belle dreams of Le Bel Inconnu, which is the Prince. This dream-part of the tale will be heavily reduced, if not completely erased, in the other texts, while the two sub-stories evoked above will be removed from both the stage-adaptations and Leprince de Beaumont's rewrite. Beaumont's version is a simplified and linear tale, with its own context - a pedagogical one. Her "Le Magasin des enfants" is a dialogue between the figure of a "wise governess/knowledgeable nurse", and her most brilliant and obedient students - as such the fairytale is introduced, then commented, as a tale the children should study and find a message within. The narration itself multiplies the elements revealing it is the story told to children, such as this sentence "The beauty (because I told you before it was the name of the youth), so, the beauty, I said". This pedagogical nature, just like the romanesque overflow of the first literary tale, was removed by theater adaptations. When it reaches the stage, the tale only remains as what stuck in memories, as a pure fairy-story, which allows for its multiple metamorphosis and readaptations. Jean-Paul Sermain wrote about this in his book studying fairytales and concluded that, if a fairytale wanted to stay alive, it needed to escape its own context. This is clearly what happened with Beauty and the Beast.
And Leprince de Beaumont had already greatly helped the dramaturgists, by removing the romanesque elements of Villeneuve. Marmontel heavily used this to his advantage, with an adaptation very close to the tale - in fact, one of the main criticism against his "Zémire et Azor" was to have followed step-by-step the tale. People wrote at the time that what he did was just "Add some dialogues to a small story that isn't even his own". He was accused of "stealing" from Le Magasin des Enfants, of not having a single original idea in his own production, and basically one could read the book and have seen the stage ballet. Nivelle de La Chaussée's comedy, "Amour pour Amour", is further away from the literary story, especially since only madame de Villeneuve's story could be known at the time. This is also why it is the only stage adaptation that explains the metamorphosis of Azor/Beast due to the unshared love of a fairy, who in the play takes the shape of a romantic rival named Assan. La Chaussée also took another element from Villeneuve's tale: the dream where Azor appears to Beauty in "all of his brightness". Azor, like the Beast, is doubly punished: he has a repulsive physique, and he is forbidden from expressing his love. And here is the problem: how could the innocent Zemir pronounce the words "I love you" if she doesn't hear them first in her lovers' mouth? "Amour pour Amour" is, as such, quite close to Marivaux's theaters (comparisons can be made with his 1721's Arlequin poli par l'amour, for example). Nivelle de La Chaussée also gives to the story an Oriental aspect: the story takes place in a small town near Bagdad, Beauty and the Beast are given the exotic names of Zémire and Azor (later reused by Marmontel), and the family of Beauty are replaced by "confidents", which form a couple parallel to the main heroes, as it was usual in the comedy of France - the author also used these secondary characters as a way to deal with the absence of a narrative voice.
In fact, the absence of a narration is a problem for all three stage-adaptations. Marmontel gives to the father (Sander) a slave named Ali, who brings a comical letter ; while madame de Genlis gives to her Beauty (Zirphée) a friend named Phédime who is her confident, her match-maker, and a bit of her rival. But Marie-Emmanuelle Plagol highlighted that the character of the companion is fundamentaly "foreign to the fairytale", which is supposed to be "played in solitude". Only Marmontel kept the characters of the father-sisters, and the initial episode of the rose. Madame de Genlis went further away from the story by making Zirphée an orphan girl destined to a repulsive husband, while Phanor/Beast ravished her to escape an enchantment of unknown origins. All he says about this is: "Barian Fairy! Enjoy the excess of my pain ; your power, superior to mine, condemned me once to endure life under this hdeous shape, and I can't take back my first face unless I am loved, by touching with my scary face a soul that felt nothing before". So, while there are variations, the three stage-stories borrow from the literary versions A) the two main characters B) the key plot and C) the spectacular ending tied to words that must be pronounced.
Now, despite Mme Leprince de Beaumont heavily reducing the story, it still has a length that is hard to bring on stage... Yes the events and the "coup de theatre" are perfectly dramatic, but the stage cannot render as well the slow evolution of the characters and the feeling of time passing by. It doesn't help that the three plays studied here are relatively short - two or three acts (four for Marmontel's but only because there are long songs). Beauty's stay at the Beast's castle is a large part of the story plot - but it is not very "dramatic", and the characters are usually alone during this sequence outside of their brief daily encounters. For Mme de Villeneuve, this sojourn allowed her to describe at length the luxuries and the entertainments of the magical castle while the Beast, cursed with both ugliness and stupidity, avoided Beauty's company so as to not bore or disturb her, rather hoping the wonders would replace him. As such, the magic was a temporal one, alternating the various wonders Beauty discovered with the daily meals during which the Beast appeared and asked the same question, over and over again. The scene of the meal, first described in details, became shorter and briefer with each repetition - and this repetitive nature was essential to the tale, as it shows Beauty getting accustomed and used to the Beast - paving the way for her starting to like him... But it doesn't fit theater. Mme Leprince de Beaumont does a similar thing - the ritual visit is first a full dialogue, then shortened in one or two sentences. But the same idea of the repetition becoming an habit, and the habit allowing Beauty to overcome the Beast's monstrous appearance, remains. How can it be translated on stage?
Nivelle de La Chaussée, who only wrote two interactions between Azor and Zémire, delegates the descriptions of Zémire's growing love to the characters of the confidents. Azor describes to Zaleg how Zémire is getting accustomed to him in the very first scene ; and later insists on their daily encounters when talking to Nadine in scene 5. The slowness of Zémire's love does not come from the horror Azor causes her, but rather of her own ignorance of what love is: when Assan declares his love for Zémire, he actually helps his rival unwittingly, by allowing Zémire to discover her own love for Azor. Nivelle de La Chaussée is interested by something left obscure and undescribed in the tales: how the characters realize and understand their own feelings. Marmontel, meanwhile, synthetizes all of the daily encounters between Beauty and the Beast in one scene (III, 5) and has Zémire/Beauty say herself "Seeing you so much, my eyes got accustomed". As for Genlis, he offers three encounters between Zirphée (Beauty) and Phanor (The Beast), during which Zirphée becomes bolder and bolder. But this compression of time always causes a same phenomnon among the three authors: the appearance of the Beast is modified, to explain such a fast change in relationship. The theater-Beasts are not as repulsive as the fairytale-Beasts, their monstruosity is watered-down.
However, while all the theater adaptations compress the time-dimension of the play, it is to better highlight the spectacular of the final transformation - always done alongside a change in sets. This was the most "dramatic" lement of the fairytale, and it shows. The decisive word of the Beauty, who agrees to marry the Beast, causes the dénouement, the de-transformation of the Beast into the Prince. In the two narrative versions, the words have an immediate effects - as soon as Beauty pronounces the words, the magic operates. Of course, the theater potential of such a scene is enormous: a "key" word causing a final "coup de théâtre" - and transformations of stages and sets were very, very liked at the time. As such all three plays have a common dénouement. At Nivelle de La Chaussée, when Zémire says "Yes, it is Azor that I love", the theater turns into a woodland, a clearing of orange-trees with a cradle of flowers among which is Zémire's statue. At Marmontel's, when Zémire says "I love you, Azor, I love you..." the theater turns into an "enchanted palace" and Azor is sitting on a throne in all of his beauty. And for Mme de Genlis, when Zirphée says "Yes, Phanor, I loved you ; yes, I cannot live without you", music resonates, and Phanor appears from the back of the stage in his human form, sitting on a throne of flowers. And Azor's explanations in the various plays also all sound similar: "Yes, I am that Genie that..." "Yes, I am this dreadful monster, that you did not hate despite his ugliness". However, there is one specific change from the fairytales: in the stage-plays, Beauty just has to declare her love ; while in the original tales, she has to either agree to sleep with the Beast, or to marry him. Again, we see a sentimental and psychological shift linked to the "weakening" of the Beast, not as threatening and not as monstrous, even in what he asks of Beauty.
While the wonders of the final transformation caught the eyes of the playwright, it wasn't the case with the other magical eements of the tale... Mme de Villeneuve's castle was an "enchanted palace", filled with fireworks, wealth, singing birds and monkey-comedians. When she opened the six windows of a room, Beauty could see the plays given in the four great theaters of Paris at the time (Comédie Française, Comédie Italienne, Opéra, Foire Saint-Germain), plus a view of the Tuileries and one of the "spectacle of the world". This careful "mise en abyme" of the "theater as the world" or the "world as a stage" was not kept by stage adaptations. In the written story, they were somptuous entertainments meant to distract Beauty from her loneliness and boredom, while showing how the Beast's muteness could be compensated by immense power and infinite wealth. But again, the loneliness of a bored Beauty and the forced stupidity of the Beast were not fit for the theater. Each playwright finds a different way to replace these wonders. Nivelle de La Chaussée opposes the seduction of wealth (embodied by Azor's rival, Assan, who in truth is the fairy in disguise) and Azor's pure love, who only has flowers to offer to Beauty and prefers to be loved for himself (he is very Marivaux-like). Marmontel rather decides to mix the luxuries with the Oriental exotic: the only indication for Azor's palace is "a wealthy salon, decorated in an Oriental way. Flower-filled vases between the windows" ; Azor's appearance in the third act is preceeded by the sight of a throne of flowers rising in the middle of the room, and a dance of genies. As for Mme de Genlis, while she does take back elements from Mme Leprince de Beaumont fairytale (lots of books, lots of wealth, the clavecin), the exploration of the palace is condensed in the second scene of act III, and while it works as a temporary burst of wonders, it does not reflect a daily cohabitation.
Finally, Marmontel and Mme de Genlis reuse the magical items of Mme de Beaumont, such as the magic mirror in which Beauty saw her family. Marmontel turns it into a magical painting: the family of Beauty appears at the back of the stage, framed like a painting, Zémire can hear them but not talk to them and it all disappears when she tries to touch them. (This stage trck had a huge success). The other magical item was the ring that teleported Beauty: Marmontel links the ring with the modifications of the sets, since it allows to alternate between the father's house and Azor's palace - but Marmontel does add a cloud to transport Sander and Ali. It might be a remnant of the Zephyr that carries Psyche and the other characters of Apuleus' tale. Within Mme de Genlis' play, Phanor's powers are also embodied by the ring that conferes to Zirphée ubiquity and the power to grant wishes, but ultimately the ring will be useless. However, Zirphée finds within the ring's box the final letter of adieu of Phanor - and it is reading this letter that causes Zirphée's declaration. The magical object is replaced by a very traditional and common item of theater: the letter.
The most extraordinary, strange and fascinating element of the tale however is the Beast. This horrid, scary beast that Mme de Villeneuve describes in terms of "abominable screams, terrible noises, a furious expression, a trunk like the one of an elephant, the enormous weight of his body, scales clicking with each movement". Aurélia Gaillard highlighted that this heavy, loud, scaly elephant-like body could be interpreted as an imperious, exhuberant sexuality described in monstrous terms.Mme Leprince de Beaumont attenuates a bit the Beast's horror because he is never described - he is said to be horrible and to have a frightening voice, but the Beasts laments more about its "ugliness" than its "monstruosity" - and in fact, the Beast can become quite ridiculous, such as when, in an attempt to sigh about its own sad fate, it "whistles so loudly all the walls of the castle shook". How can this be translated on stage?
The stage-Beasts, with their strong, exotic names of "Azor" or "Phanor" have barely anything in common with Villeneuve's monster. Nivelle de La Chaussée's text must be decyphered to understand what the Beast looks like: Azor is said to have been given an "hétéroclite" face which, in this context, actually means an "aged" face. Zaleg, Azor's confident, highlights the fact Azor is an old man in these words: "If the Fairy had left us our charming traits, / I could have tolerated ; but, Lord, we look like as if / We were about to enter the season before autumn." The fact Azor's punishment is shared by Zaleg also attenuates it. Within "Zémire et Azor", the only exact physical description appears in the list of characters: "Azor, young Persian prince, in a scary but not hideous shape ; black eyebrows, a bushy beard, a thick mane, arms and legs naked but covered by a tiger-like skin, the rest of the body clothed by a vest and a rich belt ; in behavor and action, he is a nobleman." We are far, far away from the monster! In fact, the plays have to convey the Beast's scariness through acting: in Marmontel's, when Zémire first sees him she faints, and Azor laments that it was his own ugliness that caused this. In Mme de Genlis' play, since no description is offered, we only have Phanor's words ("horrible face", "repulsive appearance"), and a few acting movements (Zirphée doesn't dare look at him ; she flees when he comes near her). But he is only a monster in appearance, as he proves to be a good, generous, sensible, delicate and faithful person. In fact, Marmontel gave his Beast a beautiful voice and pleasant words - even going as far as having him sing! In fact, it is because there is a discrepancy between Azor's appearance and his speech that Zémire believes an enchantment might be at play.
These psychological (the pangs of love) and moralizing (virtue is to be loved) trends completely erase the frightening voice, and the rude manners of the book-Beast, who had been "deprived of his mind". Villeneuve's Beauty complained that she could not talk to the Beast, she lamented herself that the Beast only spoke four or five sentences to her, and always the same ; a "stupidity in speech" that contrasted with the eloquence of the Beautiful Unknown of Beauty's dreams, and that also opposed itself to the long romanesque tale the Beast, free of his curse, offered to his audience. The Beast' slow humanization came through him speaking more to Beauty, and in a more galant way, and her noting in his speech softness and sincerity. By giving the Beast eloquence from the get-go, by removing his "stupidity", the playwrights made him closer to another famous fairytale character: the Prince Riquet of Perrault's fairytales. Riquet with the tuft was, just like the Beast, cursed by fairies to be ugly until love made him handsome, but ulike the Beast he wasn't cursed with idiocy - on the contrary, his eloquence was his main tool to win hearts. Yet another play that echoes Riquet as much as "Beauty and the Beast" would be Favart's "La fée Urgèle", a "féerie" inspired by a fairytale of Voltaire: created at Fontainebleau in 1765 with a huge success, then regularly played by the Italian Comedy, it depicts the strange romance between a fairy transformed into an old woman and the knight Robert. The metamorphosis of the act IV, where, with "the sound of thunder" the miserable hut becomes a splendid palace, echoes the stage-transformations of the "Beauty and the Beast" plays. In fact, the morality sung in the end seems like a watered-down version of the "Beauty and the Beast "lesson: "You have not disdained ugliness, / You deserve to be loved by Beauty.
The Beast's monstruosity disappears alongside its very name of "Beast". Usually appearing only in the title, the Beast becomes "Azor" or "Phanor" - and it is quite a paradox to see this sonor dimension of the name "Beast" disappearing, despite this posing no problem for the stage. In the narrative versions, we only have "Beauty" and "the Beast", and the dialogues do work fine. The exotic names chosen for the character remove the ambiguity and the wordplays originally used to conceive him, humanizing the Beast even further - and firmly setting his male identity, since "la Bête" is a female-neutral name. This need to give a precise name and defined identity to theater characters seems to reflect a deeper difference when it comes to genres: the theater relies on the words of the characters, and as such has difficulties depicting bestiality, aka what is deprived of words. The rare questions asked by Mme de Villeneuve's Beast were "impertinent" question: while it can be written that the Beast rudely asks "Do you want to sleep with me?", it is harder to have the character pronounce it on stage. And yet this sexual element (greatly watered-down within Leprince de Beaumont's version) is a key feature of the fairytale type of the "animal-groom", and seems to reflect, as Bettelheim wrote, that "sexuality is an animalistic action, that only love can turn into a human relationship". The theater must focus entirely on the romance due to what it cannot show and cannot tell ; in turn, this allows us to see the great freedom of the fairytale, which can name and show a "desiring body". By making the Beast human, the theater weakens the strange and disquieting element of the tale: the relationship between the human Beauty and the monstrous Beast was unexplained and unexplainable. As Jean-Paul Sermain said, the strength of this tale relied on the silence when it comes to the amorous choice, and how inexplicable or aberrant it is. Maybe this "shadowy" part of the tale disappears because the theater-character must always explain and analyze? Fairytale characters are lonely characters, who do not offer their inner thoughts to anybody. By giving them confidents, the playwrights allow them to explain their actions. We can think of Sedaine's "Raoul Barbe bleue", in which Bluebeard explains why he killed his wives - an element unrevaled in the story. This, alongside Bluebeard being named "Raoul", works to "desenchant" the tale.
The two public plays, those of La Chaussée and Marmontel, were enormous successes. Restif de la Bretonne, a great fan of fairy tales, wrote his enthusiasm for "Zémire et Azor", and his passion for the "Magical Painting". These plays were fitting perfectly the expectations of those that went to see a comedy or opera-comique. All in all, the three stage-plays explored, each in their own way, the dramatic and scenic possibilities of the tale, wile sprinkling it with exoticism and strengthening its "lesson" aspect. Psychology and rationality dominate within these plays, going against the very spirit of the "marvelous" of the fairytale - but by twisting the tale, they played their part in its history ; through their transformations and metamorphoses, they maintained the sense of mystery, pleasure and surprise brought by these variations and extensions. Today, cinema is continuign what the theater did before. But the difficulties the adaptations had to face back then highlight the limits of each genres. The first literary version of the tale could not fit fully the stage due to its "romanesque thickness" and its complex narrative structure - and as we saw, the most drastic change brought by the shift to the stage is the Beast, who becomes a new avatar of "Riquet with the tuft", an ugly but virtuous candidate for love. And moral as well as historial constraints forced the playwrights to remove the monstrous, the stupid, the loud, the sound and the fury - in short, the body in all of its ugliness from the story. Instead, the plays focused on the charms of the eloquence, and on the reward of kindness and virtue.
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bluepastels29 · 2 years ago
Skye (Numbuh 7) Ref sheet
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Skye Dickson
Sky Queen (Numbuh 2), Wingnut (Numbuh 86), Robo-expert (herself)
(Gen 1) 11
(Gen 2) 14
(Gen 3) 27
Humorous, carefree, and sarcastic, Skye likes to crack jokes at any given moment to keep the mood lightened (much to her most of her sector's annoyance). She loves messing around with the adults and teenagers when fighting them, watching them fall for her tricks and small traps she leaves behind. Having an IQ of 140, Skye is quick to thinking up plans both for fighting and inventing. She can be cocky at times to where it gets the best of her and can easily catch her off guard. Whenever she feels down or stressed, she quickly masks it with her usual joking self and bottles up her feelings rather than talk to someone. She can be very protective of her friends and family, immediately jumping in to defend them of any danger.
Very sneaky when leaving traps such as mini paint bombs, trip wires, and marbles behind during a battle A quick thinker for being in tight time situations Is talented for inventing weapons and uses them to fight and help her teamIs very optimistic and it's hard to wipe off her smile. She knows how to motivate her team after a failed mission to get then in higher spiritsHer main combat style is air battles and can be a huge advantage for those who don't have any 2x4 air tech on themHer weredog form makes her weigh 180lbs more so it's easier to pin someone down or throw a powerful hit
Skye sometimes has trouble controlling her anger which can end to really hurting someone or herselfSkye tends to bottle up her emotions and mask it with her usual happy attitude until she eventually breaks down.Can get too cocky when competing or just showing off and can be blind to everything around her from focusing too hard on her goalHer anxiety causes her to easily get overwhelmed and get in the way of finishing thingsSkye works best at night so she most likely stays up til dawn or up to a few days working on projects and making her act loopy and clumsy from tiredness
Numbuh 7
2x4 tech officer
Global Pilot
Mostly anything she invents
Sector V (formerly)
Other abilities
When going into her weredog form, she is more agile and quick and has big paws to strike and pin someone down Is talented at air battles but gets a bit carried away with ariel stuntsVery agile in the air and uses her J.E.T.A.B.O.O.T.S to her advantage Uses her surroundings to help with her hand-to-hand combat and to plan getaways
Amelia Dickson/Mega Mom- She doesn't remember much of her mom during her time at the orphanage but heard from Chad and Brynlee that she can go a bit overboard when giving her kids affection and can be downright embarrassing when attending school plays,sports games, or around their friends. She found her to be pretty strict when it comes to school grades and keeping the house clean but overtime she started to step back a little when the sibs are in their mid teens.
Arthur Dickson/Destructo Dad- Her Dad is known as the fun parent who cracks a lot of Dad jokes, which Skye loves to join in on. She secretly gets along more with him than her mom and finds out they both act almost alike. Skye loves that she has a parent to talk to and be herself around (and to have a test subject for a few inventions)
Benjamin Beaumont- Its still a mystery for Skye never hearing about her uncle and only knows that he's mom's twin brother. Whenever Skye mentions him, Amelia instantly changes the subject or starts to get angry but either way it was weird. She asked her dad about it and he hesitantly mentions that Benjamin is a hermited inventor and that Ben and Amelia got into a huge fight when they were teens during their parents divorce and haven't spoke since. Nobody knows his whereabouts but assumes he still lives in France where he was born.
Chad Dickson- During when her memory of him was wiped, Skye saw Chad as an enemy and a traitor like everyone else in the KND. She would pull as many pranks on him when she got the chance, especially during the times she visited Brynlee. When getting her memories back, she instantly felt horrible and guilty for the way she treated her older brother and tried to find ways to make it up to him until he instantly forgave her. Their the type of siblings to constantly mess with each other and try to annoy the other (which Skye doesn't most of). They can count on each other whenever one of them gets into trouble and not to rat each other out to their parents. Chad is known to get overworked so Skye is the one to pry him away from studies or missions and make him take care of himself, same with Skye and staying up working on projects.
•Brynlee Dickson- Even when losing her memories, the two instantly got along when reuniting in cadet training. Skye always begged Numbuh 1 to arrange both sectors to go on missions together, but unfortunately that's only for emergencies. When regaining their memories, they became even more inseparable and started taking back the time they were apart and filling it with more positive memories. Out of the two, Skye seems to be the most protective and sometimes even turning into a mother hen whenever Bryn gets injured during a mission or dealing with jerks. Like most twins, they know what the other is feeling and is in danger, also can unintentionally speak in unison.
Jet Dickson- Skye and Jet have been through a lot together and sadly know more about each other than their siblings. They can also be the type of siblings to bicker and get on each other's nerves but almost instantly make up like nothing happened. They both have ptsd from the orphanage with Jet having severe paranoia, so when something is triggered, they know how to calm the other down. They can sometimes get into dramatic arguments over the smallest things, but its mostly fake and do it just to be funny.
Numbuh 1/Nigel- Skye respects him as a leader and a sectormate. She admires his loyalty to the KND and his team, and knows to always count on him. Whenever they are the only two at the tree house or on a mission together, they usually go to the moonbase to hang out especially on meatball sub wensday. Sometimes people assume that their dating at first sight, but unfortunately Skye has feelings for Numbuh 2 and Nigel being with Lizzy (before the series ends)
Numbuh 3- Despite the two having opposite personalities, they still got along really well. Skye doesn't mind playing tea parties with her but will only fill in if someone else won't to not hurt her feelings. Unlike Numbuh 4, Skye never acts rude around her or call her interests "cruddy" or "stupid" and instead tries to like things she likes to give them a chance and vice versa.
Numbuh 4- Skye is basically his partner in crime right next to Numbuh 2. They like causing trouble together and plan pranks on adults and teenagers. They work very well together in missions despite they usually attack first before planning. She usually forgets to think before acting when around him and becomes reckless and a lot more rowdy.
Numbuh 5- Skye knows to come to her when she wants to chill out. She enjoys going on candy hunts and bringing back truck loads of candy for the team. At times they can get competitive with each other and have friendly challenges such as finding out who can eat more candy under a minute or a soda chugging challenge. They also share a similar incident involving weredogs have been bitten by one.
Numbuh 60- Skye respects him as a higher rank than she is but also wants him to lighten up a little and drags him to have fun with either her siblings or with her sector. They are opposites between strict and workaholic to fun and laid-back which is why Skye usually gets on his nerves. Patton use to be awkward on dates with Brynlee and had Skye as a secret wing-girl until he got more confident with dating.
Numbuh 362- Highly looks up to her as the soopreme leader and greatly admires her leadership. When Rachel also started dating Brynlee, Skye was shocked at first but was really happy and supportive about the news.
Numbuh 86- Skye has a record for the times Fanny screamed her ears off for damaging global airships or crashing them into the moonbase. Skye gets on her bad side without meaning to, so she's one of the very few girls Numbuh 86 yells at. However, they got a chance to bond at Fanny's slumber party and officially became friends.
Antonio Fizzuras/ Ace the kid- Skye was a bit standoffish towards him from hearing about shooting down Numbuh 2's aircraft and disliked it whenever he was flirting with Numbuh 3. They became huge rivals and Ace seems to get Skye furious enough to want to challenge him to air battles. It takes a while for Skye to eventually start to warm up to him but they still remain extremely competitive with each other.
Dustin Rosewood- She became fond of Dustin when Chad introduced him as his boyfriend and thinks him and her brother make a good match. She loves how his cheerfulness is contagious and knows it makes Chad the happiest out of them. Skye also loves to make jokes about them followed by a few mature ones to annoy the hell out of Chad while Dustin hides his face in his hoodie.
Justin Cavallero- Use to see him as an enemy for being a teen ninja and despised him after finding out he was using Chad while they were dating. When he and Chad got back together and now in a poly relationship with Dustin, it took Skye a couple of months to fully trust him.
Madame Rouge- Skye will forever hate her for separating her family and leaving scars on her and Jet. She sees Rouge as nothing but a heartless monster for her time at the orphanage, having severe ptsd whenever going near the place despite it now being abandoned.
•Natalie Keller- Skye saw her as a big nuisance during cadet training and picked a fight whenever Brynlee was being bullied by her. Was determined to score a higher rank than her to prove herself.
•Jacob/Numbuh 211- Skye always gets furious whenever she sees him, wanting to wipe the smug look on his face when bullying her sister and Sector V. She feels the need to defend those who ever interact with him, feeling a bit on edge.
Love Interest(s)
Numbuh 2- Due to her huge crush on the flyboy, Skye is usually more loving towards him and will occasionally flirt by using pick up lines when no one else is around. The two share a love for jokes and aircraft, and usually go out for chilidogs. She loves his charming and kind nature and the fact that he easily makes her laugh. Although he tries to charm up other girls, She can thank Numbuh 5 for literally smacking him out of it. They love collaborating with each other when working on machines to test them out.
On the night of her and her sister's 5th birthday, Skye along with her 3 year old brother, Jet, were taken from their house and woke up in what they were told was an orphanage, which was named Forever Home, with no memories of their family or even their last names. The lady who was running the place was named Rouge Adderson but strictly wanted to be addressed as Madame Rouge and lied to the two siblings informing that their parents were reported to have died and will now be residing at Forever Home until the age of 18. When Skye asked about her last name, Jet blurted out "Rocket" while pointing to a space rocket drawing on the wall, giving them their new names: Skye and Jet Rocket.
The next eight years were like a living hell for Skye, having to deal with Madame Rouge's abuse and intense study sessions. Her arms and face were marked by scratches and tiny scars for having to receive discipline after standing up for her brother or making a small mistake. She also had a fresh injury on her left side going up a bit towards her rib after making the mistake of lashing out of anger towards Madame Rouge for striking Jet and got the feeling of claw like nails scrape across her side, which was intended to cross her face but missed when Skye tried to dodge. One night, Skye overheard her roommates planning an escape and took the opportunity for her and her brother to be apart of it, swearing not to tell anyone else along with agreeing to sneak them candy until they're free.
On the night of the escape, 8 year old Skye snuck out of the room with a now 6 year old Jet and sent him with the others while she checked if Madame Rouge was asleep. Madame Rouge was asleep and all looked according to plan until she remembered the box of necklaces inside Rouge's nightstand on the day Skye snooped inside to find more information about her parents and accidentally found the box instead. Quickly, Skye grabbed the box and left to meet up with the kids while hiding it underneath her pajama shirt. The leader of the escapist was a girl named Sarah and led them down into the basement to escape through a small window which was surrounded by kids Skye never seen before and wearing cooking pots, baking sheets, sand pales and other stuff to look like armor with numbers and the letters KND painted on their "helmets" and "chestplates".
Despite meeting these strangers, Skye knew they were sent to help them escape. Before anyone could get away, the door slammed open and out flowed a number of security and women who Skye recognized a few who are her study tutors and lastly Madame Rouge, making the kids hearts stop while frozen in place while shielded by the KND operatives aiming their weapons. After Rouge furiously yelled out an order, a fight broke out, and most of the operatives were taken down from being outnumbered. Soon enough, some of the escapists were captured as well, leaving Sarah, Skye, and Jet the only kids to fend for themselves. Sarah grabbed hold of both their hands and made a run for the open window with Rouge closing in. Jet was the first to go out, and Skye followed behind, only to look back and witness Sarah being captured. A KND air ship was waiting outside for them and were taken to the moonbase to be checked and treated for any injuries for their first moments of freedom.
2 years later, Skye, age 10, is now a member of Sector V with her codename, Numbuh 7, and worked alongside Numbuh 2 as a 2x4 tech officer and pilot. Jet, age 8½, wasn't assigned a Sector and is instead a floating operative as a detective and journalist and is sent to sectors when on detective duty. During the night they sleep in Skye's room at the treehouse ever since their escape and were well taken care of for staying 2 years in a treehouse. Skye also has a best friend, Brynlee Dickson/Numbuh 205, when in cadet training while still blocked by the truth of who she truly is. One summer, Numbuh 1-love was hosting a summer party at Sector J with every sector being invited. The summer party was only the beginning for them, being the most eventful summer of their lives.
It wasn't until Madame Rouge started helping the adults make a mind control device that'll take down the entire kids next door, that all sectors were ordered by Numbuh 362 to station at Forever Home for a war between kids and adults. Chad tagged along with Skye, Bryn, and Jet to help them in the fight while secretly calling some TND operatives to help on the sidelines. During the last days of summer, Madame Rouge was finally defeated, and her body retreated into one of the necklaces, trapping her inside. Once she was contained, the necklace began to glow and got brighter by the second until releasing a red flash causing Skye,Jet,Brynlee, and Chad's eyes to flash between blue and red until finally ending at a bright blue before going back to normal. Slowly, their memories start coming back, revealing the truth about them being long-lost siblings to each other. After that, the family catches up on lost time, slowly turning whole again.
Voice Claims
Young- Hayley Tju (voice of Marcy Wu from Amphibia)
Teen/Adult- Linda Cardellini (voice of Wendy from Gravity Falls)
(Brynlee, Jacob, and Natalie belong to emtem.xox on instagram 💙)
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twistxdcrafts · 5 months ago
wanted connections; the beekeeper & the candle maker
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biography | family history | aesthetic | relationships | prompts
childhood friends this connection would have to be either from cardinal hills or the very local area, and between the ages of late 30s to early 40s. they could be from elementary, middle or high school or the children of friend's of his parents.
old friends friends that beau has made in the past during his adult life. they could be from salem, massachusetts when he lived with his uncle, from the summer programme at harvard, from community college in massachusetts, or from his time living in England. did they move to cardinal hills to be close to beau, or was it a happy coincidence?
new friends friends that beau has made recently, maybe they just moved to cardinal hills in the last year or so.
unlikely friends this friendship shouldn't work, but it does. people from the outside don't quite understand why they'd be friends because they're so different, but beau and these friends get along despite their differences.
master & apprentice beau has been looking for someone to pass on the knowledge of beekeeping and candlemaking, just like his uncle did with him. age doesn't matter so long as they're eager to learn and dedicated, although he would prefer those who know of witches so he doesn't have to hide anything. however, ignorant humans are also welcome.
wing-man/wing-woman these two help each other get a date, or a one night stand. they're close enough to know each other's type, and supportive enough to drag enough other out to find them. open to all genders.
drinking buddies beau might be an upstanding member of the community, but he likes a relaxing drink. these are the friends he's made at the bar, and that's the place they mostly see each other.
fake boyfriend ‘for hire’ this connection is open to all genders, beau is happy to pretend he's not only for the guys if it helps get a friend out of a sticky or annoying situation. maybe you need a quick, convenient boyfriend for a wedding, or to make someone jealous? beau is down, honestly, he secretly loves the mischief and the drama.
friends with non-sexy benefits beau is handy in a lot of ways - he can DIY, he's got eggs, vegetables, herbs, goats milk, and spare unsellable products. he can fish, he can forage, he's big and strong for moving furniture. he also has a spare bedroom to crash. he's open to trading instead of money, so maybe there's also some non-sexy benefits for him too.
ROMANTIC.  note; this muse is homosexual and open to age-gap relationships.
flirtationship/s the classic tension of 'we flirt with each other fairly obviously but neither of us has ever made a move'. will a move even be made, or will it just stay as harmless, flirty fun?
one night stand/s pretty self-explanatory. beau is single and ready to mingle, but sometimes things are only a one night thing. or could a post experience lead to something more?
one-sided romance / the friend zoned someone caught feelings, and the other didn't feel the same way.
friend/s with sexy benefits  pretty self-explanatory. they hooked up at some point, liked it, deciding to keep hooking up. or, two friends who agreed to help each other out. will they manage to keep it as just sex?
blind date they got set up by mutual friend/s. will it go well, or will it be too awkward? lots of possibilities for how this could go.
former friends turned enemies  a friendship turned sour, and now things between them are messy, mean and messed up.
rivalry & competition a fellow artisan, beekeeper, candle maker, goat herder, etc. and somehow things between them have turned into a competition.
frenemies nice to each other's faces to keep the peace, but actually cannot stand one another. will it eventually bubble to the surface?
negative influence someone beau knows he shouldn't hang out with because they always get him into tricky/messy situations. but despite his grown age, sometimes a situation is too tempting.
fell for the same person & fought over them  this one could work with one of beau's past lovers, or future. this could be a fun, potentially angsty love triangle.
neighbours on good terms anyone in lower cardinal hill who likes beau and occasionally hangs out with him, or comes over to see the bees, gardens or livestock. maybe brings a meal or baked goods to spend time together.
neighbours on bad terms anyone down in lower cardinal hills and beyond who doesn't like beau, for whatever reason. maybe they don't like his personality, the bees, the livestock, the fact he's from a rich, old family, whatever.
have mutual friends not directly friends with beau, but friends with his friends. could be slightly awkward, could be potential for another friendship. maybe they're only aware of each other in passing, or from conversations with their mutual friend.
people & businesses who get supplies anyone who buys from beau, whether it's wholesale for their business, or as an individual customer. beau sells honey, candles, beeswax (both raw and refined), royal jelly, perfect for spellwork and general use, and soap, which is a new product. beau is also a common vendor at local artisanal and farmer's markets.
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rotting-ink · 8 months ago
I loved the demo and the little nsfw Demo, both very fun and I love the customisation!! Was wondering are there any polys? And if there are any polys are those like both ROs like mc but not each other or do they all love each other and mc? Btw is seir and E Rawlins in a poly?
You'll find all the info about the poly couples here!
But to break it down, Z Chambers and Starling Knight start out as close confidants and would get together with the Witch if encouraged. They find they share a very sweet, soft love.
Quincy Beaumont and V De Winters have a lot of history together that does seem to have been romantic and are incredibly attracted to each other along with the Witch.
A Lancaster and D Woolf are childhood friends who, if both want to be with the Witch, compromise and become a poly group. They're more like very close friends who will engage in sex with each other if the Witch is there, and would take time to explore anything else.
Finally, if you're looking for any routes where the ROs like the Witch and not each other, they're not the poly routes (as poly means that they're all in a platonic/romantic relationship together), you should be looking at the Love Triangle routes, between Seir and Saleos, the two demons, then also between L and E Rawlins, the two werewolf siblings. These two love triangle routes have relationships ranging from looking down at each other to outright hostile.
And finally, no, sorry! E doesn't share and Seir isn't a big fan of E outside of teasing them.
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batmannotes · 1 year ago
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BATMAN: MASK OF THE PHANTASM - 1/6 Scale Timed Edition (On-Sale Info)
Tomorrow, Mondo is celebrating the 30th anniversary of MASK OF THE PHANTASM with the latest addition to our BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES 1/6 scale line.
Released after the surprising success of B:TAS Season 1, the cult classic 1993 movie introduced one of our favorite DC characters ever … the killer vigilante Andrea Beaumont (aka The Phantasm). Now, we’re giving you two options to add her to your collection: a deluxe Timed Edition and a Regular Edition. Available for only six days, our Timed Edition includes exclusive extras like the smoke base attachment and swappable Andrea torso!
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Both editions will drop Tuesday, September 19 at 12 PM CT, with the Timed Edition available until Monday, September 25 at 11:59 AM CT ... only at MondoShop.com.
Timed Edition $210. Regular Edition $190. Payment plans are available. Limit two per customer. Estimated to ship February 2024. Ships to select countries. Free shipping to the United States, Canada, UK and the EU.
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Timed Edition includes:
Phantasm Figure
Swappable Hood 1
Swappable Hood 2*
Swappable Andrea Torso*
Swappable Attack Blade & Acid Attack Blade
Swappable Hands:
Left Phantasm Fist
Left Aggressive Hand
Left Neutral
Smoke Attack Left Hand
Left Andrea Fist, Right Andrea Fist*
Smoke Base Figure Stand Attachment*
Bat Symbol Figure Stand
* Timed Edition exclusives
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Regular Edition includes:
Phantasm Figure
Swappable Hood 1
Swappable Attack Blade & Acid Attack Blade
Swappable Hands:
Left Phantasm Fist
Left Aggressive Hand
Left Neutral
Smoke Attack Left Hand
Bat Symbol Figure Stand
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BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – MASK OF THE PHANTASM 1/6 Scale Figure. Concept Design by Mondo Toys and Collectibles. Sculpt by Alex Brewer. Paint by Tom Rozejowski. Art Direction by Hector Arce. Packaging Art by Danny Haas. Photography by Brandon Deichler.
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L.C Kovac
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L.C is one of our main characters and the first one to be featured! She is a fierce woman and mother of our beloved Jean. She grew up in Murmansk, Russia and has a husband working fishing boats off the coast of Norway. She moved to America to help Jean have a better life of sorts and plans to move back when Jean turns 21. (More specific info below)
First Name: Loretta “LC/Lori”
Middle Name: Calina
Last Name: Kovac
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 42
Height: 6’ 6’
Birthday: February 6th, 1884
Zodiac: Aquarius
Species: Eurasian Lynx
Father: Artyom Kovac
Mother: Vivianne Beaumont
Siblings: Alexsei Kovac
Lover: Roger Haugen
They met while she was training in a port city in Russia and he was a young boat captain. They did not have enough money to get legally married at the time, so they decided to get married officially when she returns from America. He is still working as a boat captain and sometimes carries cargo to New Orleans or New England when he comes to visit.
Children: Jean Kovac (19)
Pets: N/A
Lives: Originally in Murmansk, Russia. Now lives in St. Louis.
Mental Issues: PTSD from a large explosion near her house. Her brother wasn’t the most stable cat so he was sent to America for therapy after setting off many explosions nearby, causing several deaths.
Physical Issues: Worse hearing in her left ear from the explosions
Disorders/Disabilities: PTSD
Weaknesses: She loves wolves. As a child she rescued a couple of wolf cubs and a pack trusted her and helped her home whenever lost in the woods. She could never hurt one.
Universe: Lackadaisy
Job: Assassin and now helps out the speakeasy.
Future job: Retirement
College: She trained at a camp in St. Petersburg to be an assassin.
Origins/Nationality: Russian
Special Abilities: She is good with a gun but even better with a dagger or throwing knives. As an assassin, you need to know these things to kill someone in a less noticeable way.
Personality: Stoic, Calm, Brave, Extremely Intelligent, Responsible
Fav Flower: Lilacs
Friends: Roger, Verna, Viktor, Jean, Mitzi, Rocky, Jack, Arthur, Alexsei, Freckle, Ivy, Margot, Charlie, Angie, Connie, Simon, A majority of V’s family
Phobias: Spiders, Loud Noises
Fears: Cats lying to her, Slight fear of thunder
Languages spoken: Russian, English, Bits of Norwegian
Sports: She did soccer as a child
Hobbies: Cleaning knives and/or guns, Knitting, Making Pickles
Talents: SHE CaN JuGgLe!!! And survive well in the cold wilderness. Also can carry really heavy things.
Random info: She is actually a teetotaler
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Thank you to all our creators who submitted works celebrating bisexual characters. We were lucky to have characters that represented bisexuality in a wide spectrum of relationships... just like in real life! 🩷💜💙
✒️ Fanfic 🎨 Fanart Ⓜ️ Mature (18+) 🔥NSFW (18+)
Blades Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x F!human!MC, Tyril Starfury x elf!MC - @lilyoffandoms
Blades Drabble 2 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Tyril Starfury x elf!mc - @lilyoffandoms
Blades Drabble 3 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Tyril Starfury x elf!mc - @lilyoffandoms
Blades Drabble 4 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| ef!mc and gang - @lilyoffandoms
A Development of Sorts ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x f!human!mc, Tyril Starfury x mc - @storyofmychoices
Love is Love is Love 🎨🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x F!human@MC x Nia Ellarious by @/coffeeforchloe (IG) (C: @storyofmychoices)
The Rogue's Embrace ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury - art: @/coffeeforchloe (IG) fic: @storyofmychoices
Sculpting Desires ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x F!human!MC, Tyril Starfury x elf!MC - @storyofmychoices
Vintage Dreams ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x f!human!mc - @storyofmychoices
Crimes Drabble ✒️🦄 | Trystan Thorne x MC - @lilyoffandoms
Crimes Drabble 2 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Trysan Thorne x MC, Luke Watanabe x Ruby Webster @lilyoffandoms
Film Appreciation 103 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Trystan x Gabriel 🎨🏳️‍🌈🦄by @/artbyainna (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Moving Day ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| m!cas harlow x m!gabe adalhard x nb!mc - @aria-ashryver
Snow in Crimson, Starlight in Gold ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| m!Cas x m!Gabriel x nb!MC - @aria-ashryver Chapter 36: Out With the Old | Ⓜ️🔥
Sophomore Secret ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Dan Pierce x F!MC, M!OC - @aallotarenunelma
Jensen Through the Years 🎨🏳️‍🌈🦄| @mydemonsdrivealimo 🌺 Jensen Valentine
Know it All ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Bryce Lahela, F!MC, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter
Open Heart Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Ethan x Merida, Bryce x Olivia, Tobias x Casey - @lilyoffandoms
A Quick Study ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| OpH F!MC x F!OC - @jerzwriter
Trepidation ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| OpH F!MC x F!OC - @jerzwriter
Unexpected Encounters ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @choicesfanaf
Saffron Sugar, Turmeric Spice ✒️Ⓜ️🔥🏳️‍🌈🦄| f!Hayden x m!mc, f!Hayden x F!OC - @lizzybeth1986
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Liam Rys x M!MC - @justcallmefox89 Chapter 18
The Crown & The Shield (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Constantine x Jackson - @angelasscribbles Chapter 6: Let's Be Happy
Marabelle (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Liam Rys x F!OC, Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 7: It's a Dream Come True
Thro(n)es of Passion: A Bad Romance One Shot ✒️🎨Ⓜ️🔥🏳️‍🌈🦄 | Liam Rys x MC x Maxwell Beaumont, Drake Walker x MC) - art by @rosefuckinggenius fic by @angelasscribbles
Thro(n)es of Passion Part 2: A Bad Romance One-Shot ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Liam Rys x MC x Maxwell Beaumont, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles
Troy x Sayeed Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Troy Hassan MC - @lilyoffandoms
Immortal Desires / It Lives In the Woods
Alternate Birthday ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄 | ID M!OC x ILITW M!OC - @aallotarenunelma
Event Info Prize Winners
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valy-gc · 3 months ago
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Professor Beaumont Nocturne
Subject: Astronomy & Prophecy
Resonance: The Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Legacy Arte: Beast's Curse – Can tap into a raw and untamed power, but only at the cost of something deeply personal.
Race: Beastman (Bear type)
Age: 42
Birthday: October 8
Height: 196 cm
Hobby: Gardening
Like: Roses
Dislike: Recklessness
Homeland: Austreim
Personality: Mysterious and introspective. A gentle giant, sweet and caring, a little shy.
Gift: An astrolabe or any rose-shaped accessory.
More infos:
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adarkrainbow · 2 months ago
Hi! I wondered if you had anything (you probably do) on La belle et la bête ? Specifically looking for origins of the Mme Leprince de Beaumont one, but anything else goes :)
Hi! Well, unfortunately... Not much!
I know it sounds surprising but here's the thing... I do specialize in French literary fairytales of the golden age. But only 17th century... Beauty and the Beast belongs unfortunately to the 18th century fairytales, the "second generation" of French literary fairytales (or third if you count the Arabian Nights-era as the second generation). As a result I do not have a LOT of interesting info to share...
It is too bad because had you caught me six months earlier I had a copy out of the library of the Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées's volume dedicated to Leprince de Beaumont, which was one of the most complete things ever... Unfortunately I can't get it back for now... All I can suggest you so far is to check my "Beauty and the Beast" tag because I did reblog a LOT of interesting posts throughout the years made by other people WAY more knowledgeable than me.
On my own side all I can do so far is dig up in my own books see if I have any article Beauty and the Beast adjacent which could be of some use... Outside of this sorry, you knocked at the wrong door...
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