#infj x 1w9
paimonial-rage · 1 year
Genshin Impact Typology
My take on various Genshin Impact characters' mbti, enneagram, and instinctual variants. Please note that this is based upon Jungian (cognitive function) mbti, not Dichotomous mbti (if you do not know, please look it up), so if you disagree, please disagree based upon Jungian terminology. If you would like me to give reasons for any characters, please let me know.
You'll notice some types have question marks by them. They indicate the degree of my confidence in those typings. The more question marks, the less confident I am. The types in parentheses indicate other possibilities they could be. The "x" in mbti types indicates that I am unsure of which letter they are (i.e. IxFJ means they can either be an ISFJ or an INFJ). A lack of question marks or parentheses indicates that I am more or less confident in my typing.
Albedo - 5w6 IxFJ sp/so
Diluc - 1w9 ISTJ(ISFP?) sp/??
Kaeya - 7w8(4w3?) ExTP sx/??
Venti - 2w3? ENFJ? so/sx
Beidou - 7w8 ESFP sx/so?
Chongyun - 9w1 ISxJ sp/so
Ningguang - 3w4?? INTJ? sp/??
Xiao - 9w8(4w5?) ISFP sp/sx
Xingqiu - 4w3 ENFP? sx/so
Zhongli - 1w9 ISTJ sp/so
Arataki Itto - 3w2 ExFP so/sx
Gorou - 1w2 xSFP so/sx
Kaedehara Kazuha - 9w1 ISFJ sp/so
Kamisato Ayaka - 9w1 ISFJ sp/so
Kamisato Ayato - 3w4?? ENxJ sx/sp?(sp/sx?)
Kujou Sara - 1w9 ISTJ sp/sx?
Kuki Shinobu - 5w6 ISTJ?? sp/so
Shikanoin Heizou - 7w6 ExTP so/sx
Thoma - 2w1(9w1) ENFJ so/sx
Yae Miko - 7w8 ESxP(ENxJ?) sx/sp
Childe - 7w8 ESxP sx/so
Alhaitham - 9w8 ISTP sp/sx
Cyno - 1w9 ISTJ? so/sp
Kaveh - 2w1 ENFP sx/so
Nilou - 9w1 ISFP so/sx
Tighnari - 5w6 INTP sx/sp
Wanderer - 4w3 INFP??? sp/sx
Lyney - 6w7(3w?) ExFP so/sx
Neuvillette - 1w9 ISTJ sp/so
Wriothesley - 9w8 ESTP sp/so
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amai-no-ura · 2 years
Hi! It's the 1 seeking a tritype analysis. Thank you very much for taking my case, so to speak, haha. I wasn't sure where to start, so I guess I'll just start by explaining my take on my type. (Oh, and if it helps, I'm a double Lion with a double Bird model and an INFP. I know that's an unusual MBTI type for a 1, but I'm reasonably sure they're both correct? Oh, and I'm probably either so/sx or so/sp.)
Why I think I'm a 1: My deepest fear is that I'm a bad person. Anxiety about this constantly hounds me. I often bully myself into doing the right thing with thoughts that if I don't, I'm a shitty human being. I hold myself to rigorous moral standards and stew in self-hatred if I fail to live up to them. I also have high moral standards for others and will absolutely call out people I think are being shitty. I get into a lot of stupid internet arguments because I can't stand to let someone say something wrong unchallenged. I am fueled by a burning rage at the injustice of the world.
Definitely a gut type, 1 is likely because you hold yourself to rigorous standard. As 8-winger myself, 8s don't hold themselves to high standard. They are more 'revenge is revenge' and 'eye for an eye' type.
Internal thoughts: "God, I don't wanna do X right now... but what if X matters? What if X makes a difference? What if everyone ALWAYS thought 'I don't wanna do X right now'? If I give myself permission not to do X right now, what exactly does that say about me? Ugh, fine, I'll do X."
"Rationally, I know there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and no matter where you buy your stuff you're contributing to exploitation... but boy do I feel shitty buying from this brand anyway."
"God, I am literally the worst person to ever exist. Wait, that's such a self-centered thought. Who's so arrogant as to believe they're important enough to be the worst person ever? God, I'm the worst. Wait... [repeat ad infinitum]"
"Someone's treating me badly! I'm angry! ... But fuck, I probably deserve it. I have no right to be angry."
The most 1 thing I've ever read lol.
Evidence: I've been to 20+ protests over the past couple years and joined a local political organization, driven in large part by that rage at injustice I mentioned. Being at a protest is basically the only time the feeling that I'm not doing enough goes away. I've tried repeatedly to kill myself partly out of the feeling that I'm a terrible person who only hurts the people around me and the world would be better off without me in it. (Don't worry about me, I'm better now.) I still can't help blaming myself for several of the bad things that have happened to me, even though others have told me they're not 100% my fault.
Oh my god, that's level of self-judgment is not a good thing. It's good to be good, but to judge yourself so harsh is not very good, isn't it? This is 1 internal thought. Probably 1w9 (a more internal and detached 1s).
Why I might not be a 1: I really do think I'm a 1, but there are a few things that make me unusual for a 1. I'm not organized or hardworking, and I'm very anti-hierarchical. I'm actually a little bit of a hedonist, even though I kind of hate myself for it--or at least for my propensity to do pleasurable things over important things. Do note that a lot of this can be chalked up to executive dysfunction, as I have a menagerie of mental illnesses.
Have you watched Legend of Korra? The main antagonist in 3rd season is INFJ 1w9 so/sp, he is an anarchist. This can relate to having low Te as well. Low Te isn't very good at forcing yourself to do important things (over what I want to do). Although you feel more like EFP than IFP. Your Te is pretty strong. Hedonism can come from experience and worldview (or having reactive enneagram - like 4 or 6).
Why I'm probably not an 8: I'm not especially controlling of other people. While I do like to be the dominant one in romantic relationships, I'm still pretty laid back as dominant people go. I take leadership positions in groups only if no one else is up to it. My attitude toward people is basically "as long as you're not hurting anyone, you can do what you want." I don't tend to force anything on anyone. No one has ever described me as domineering.
That is more like 9-wing description to me. My ENTJ 1w9 aunt is the same. "Do what you want, as long as you are doing good" and she never forces judgment on other people or try to change them. She directs all those anger and judgment on herself. Which is Fi + 1w9 thing.
To give you a sense of having 8 influence. I don't mind forcing myself on other people if it serves my purpose. People can do what they want, but if they get in my way, I'll obliterate them. I have no qualms about using power on my hand to do what I 'want' even if it's not the most moral thing to do. Leveraging power against people.
Like, my aunt is managing my grandpa's salary. I told her it's her money now, she holds the power and he couldn't do anything if she decides to take it. Why indulges him (giving him money, even if he can't use it. Let him gamble some away for no reason). She told me it's 'bad' to take his money as her own, because it's not hers. He has the right for his money. If I'm in her situation, I'll take it as my own because power is 'in my hand' now. Might makes right, if you have power, you are right. If you don't you are wrong. That is 8 rejection-assertive energy unlike 1 frustration-superego energy.
Why I might be an 8: I have a big thing for protecting the weak and defending the innocent. I hate to be controlled or pushed around. I fear betrayal.
That is more like so/sp instinct. We are protectors. All gut types are concerned with autonomy. So we hate to be pushed around at all cost. And fear of betrayal might relate to your personal experience somehow?
Why I'm probably not a 9: I don't care about keeping the peace--at least not at the expense of doing the right thing. I'll pick fights and shake things up if I feel like something unjust is happening or someone is in the wrong.
That is 9 being subservient to 1. However, you still don't show 2-wing 'meddling' and 'helpfulness'. Your anger is directed inward, the way 1w9s usually are. The question is, do you numb yourself to outside influence when people challenge you. Or do you feel compelling need to 'change' them.
Why I might be a 9: I've been described as chill by people who haven't seen how fiery I get? I dunno, I'm having trouble coming up with anything for this one. I hate arguing with people I care about? But I do it anyway so lmao.
Again, it's 9-wing. A 2-wing wouldn't appear chill in any way. Imagine Hermione. Is she chill? No.
Now onto my tritype. I guess I'll start with the head types.
Arguments for 5: I admit this is one of the least likely types for me to have, but I'm including it anyway for the sake of not ruling anything out. The very fact that I'm doing so is a little 5ish, I think. I've been called intellectual by others, and I like high-minded theories and conceptual bullshit. I do stuff like read political theory for fun. I like gathering information. I tested as a 5 several years ago, when I was still living in my Bird models. I greatly fear being useless and dislike being incompetent.
Nope, not a 5.
Arguments against 5: My 5-ness is more based on stereotypes than actual motivations. I'm rash and impulsive, and things tend to go better for me when I act quickly and decisively. Admittedly sometimes I get too caught up in planning and never actually do the thing, but I'm just as likely to dive into something completely unprepared and hope it works out. I am also a very emotional person and fairly open about my feelings, or at least the positive ones.
5 fix can be quick and decisive. But what concerns 5 fix is autonomy, secrecy and detachment. 5 can detach themselves to look at things as it is and 5 fixers are almost always concerned with autonomy as a rejection type. (I have 6w5 second fix, and I'm very secretive and independent. Never ask for help unless it's on my term).
Arguments for 6: I've had people tell me I have 6 somewhere in my tritype before. I'm fiercely loyal to both my loved ones and my beliefs. If someone I used to be friends with but haven't seen in years suddenly needed my help, I would drop everything to help them. I am very afraid of being abandoned. I have a tendency to be brutally honest about both my flaws and beliefs early on in relationships so that people I won't work out with will leave immediately rather than letting me get attached before leaving, which strikes me as a very counterphobic thing to do. I have generalized anxiety disorder. I often feel like a mess of contradictions. I am a revolutionary socialist, which goes along with 6's rebellious tendencies quite nicely.
That is ... a very strong 6-fix argument. Yep!
Arguments against 6: To be honest, I'm having trouble coming up with any, except that something else might fit better. The only reason I don't consider 6 to be my primary Enneagram type is that the description of 1 calls me out even harder.
You could be a 6. But you have to ask yourself. Are you driven by anger or fear. If you are driven by anger first, then you are 1w9.
Arguments for 7: I'm very pleasure-seeking. I like to feel good, and I do all sorts of things to that end. My biggest vice is escapism of any sort, whether that be by reading a good book or getting high. I'm prone to procrastinating on things that are important but not pleasant (though I procrastinate on things I enjoy too, so who knows). When stressed and sick of trying to power through it, I tend to lose myself in fun things so I forget about the stress (though it's always there at the back of my mind). I'm bold, impulsive, undisciplined, and scatterbrained. I don't take most things too seriously and have a good sense of humor.
6w7/7w6 sounds like your second wing. Ask yourself whether your head fix is driven by avoidance or by overthinking.
Arguments against 7: I'm not especially upbeat and have pretty low energy despite (or because of?) my active mind. I'm willing to endure a significant amount of pain for higher ideals--see the fear, anger, and chaos I endure at protests. I'm kind of a klutz, and 7s apparently have a reputation for being good with their bodies. (Do note that I have something called nonverbal learning disorder which fucks with my ability to use spatial reasoning, so that may have something to do with why.) Many of my 7 traits could also be explained by my ADHD.
7s are not good at their body in tandem. It is that many 7s are Se-dom. Se-doms are great at their body. Even if you have disorders, if you have 7-fix, you will still see it.
Now, the heart types.
Arguments for 2: I want very badly to be loved. I do good things mostly because I know they are good things to do, but part of me does hope I'll be loved in return for them too. I try to be helpful, generous, and kind to others. I like to be needed. I consider myself a very caring person.
Sounds like 2-wing to me.
Arguments against 2: I have higher priorities than being loved. I'd rather do the right thing and be hated for it than be loved for doing the wrong thing. I've heard that 2s feel they deserve love, and I often feel I don't deserve love at all.
2s feel they don't deserve love. That's why they are helpful. They reject the need to feel loved in favor of loving others. 2s are rejection type, do you have this feeling of rejection (and arrogance that you know what is best for everyone and you must guide them)?
Arguments for 3: If I'm not working on something, I feel like I'm being lazy. (I almost always feel like I'm being lazy.) I beat myself up for not doing enough. I used to associate my academic success with my self-worth, and still do to some extent. I often feel like I have to earn love by being good at stuff.
That is 3 fix to the T. If you are 2 fix, you will have an air of 'I know the way you must follow and you must do as I suggest' and 'I'm helpful because that's what I am' 2-wing has this haughty rejection feels to them. You don't.
Arguments against 3: I'm not actually very success-driven or hardworking. I spend most of my time procrastinating rather than working hard to be seen as worthy like a 3 might. I care nothing for status or appearances, and if I'm making an effort to appear successful when I'm not, it's because something very important and concrete hinges upon my perceived success. I don't care about the traditional definition of success--I just want to be comfortable and contribute something valuable to the world.
I think it's your last fix + social dominant.
Arguments for 4: I initially thought I was a 4 because I felt so called out by the stereotypical image of 4s as moody, withdrawn, ineffectual creative types--that's me to a T. I often feel like there's something wrong with me, like I'm just a worse person than everyone else, like I don't deserve the same basic respect and dignity as other people. I have a strong sense of identity. I struggle to let go of negative feelings.
That is your 1w9 line to 4w3. Enneagram 1 has line to 4 when stress. Strong sense of identity often relates to non-attachment type.
Arguments against 4: I don't give a flying fuck about being special or unique. I'd rather be a carbon copy of a good person than a unique but less good person. I don't daydream about attracting a rescuer--I daydream about being the rescuer. I don't value pain the way 4s seem to. I don't feel like I'm uniquely better than anyone. I may have a strong sense of identity, but I don't feel like I NEED a strong sense of identity, per se.
Not a 4, yeah.
I hope that's something like what you wanted! I didn't include as much in the way of evidence and internal thoughts as I'd have liked to, but considering how much I wrote, writing even more seemed kind of unreasonable. If you have any questions for me or want more thoughts/evidence, don't hesitate to ask!
Phew! That's quite a lot to take in. But from what I see (I think you provide solid evidence for each fix, nice job!) you might be 1w9 so/sp with 6w7 and 3w2 fix. 6w7 could be 7w6 though I think 7 is subservient to 6 in this case. I think you are 1w9 mostly because you don't have 2-ish intrusive feels to you. (Think of how Hermione thinks it's her job to monitor the boys, that's 2-wing).
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Paid Request: Kingdom of Heaven: Baldwin IV [INFJ 1w2]
Paid Request: Kingdom of Heaven: Baldwin IV [INFJ 1w2]
Function Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se Baldwin does not get much screen time, but what he does, he uses in interesting ways; he often speaks in metaphorical terms, and he treats Balain as if he already knows him, having only just met. He sees into his soul an trusts him as a good man, urging him to do the best by others and then sending him out to guard the north road. Before long, he sees how competently…
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enfp7w6-jatniel · 2 years
Mind doing a relationship moodboard between a female INFP 2w3 sanguine and male INFJ 1w9 melancholic? 🥰
Of course <3
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(F) INFP 2w3 Sanguine (M) INFJ 1w9 Melancholic
Ask for: @yandere-romanticaa
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yanderememes · 3 years
Not really related to jojo, but what are your thoughts on golden pairs in MBTI? Personally, I want to say they don't depict real life relationships accurately (because people shouldn't dictate relationships based on theory) but it's hard to argue that a certain type doesn't complement another REALLY well. E.g. As an INFJ I'm close friends with an ENTP and ENFP. Sorry for the pre long ask! Also, side-note, I have a strong opinion that Ni users are the scariest yanderes 👀.
Golden pairs, huh? Oh BOI
No need to apologize for the ask, anon! MBTI is one of my passions so I can ramble all day haha. My answer is also pretty long so I'll leave it under the cut!
Tbh I don't really believe in them. I know quite a few cases where a certain type doesn't get along with their said "golden match". For example, most ISTPs I know don't get along with ESTJs. And I also know of couples who are supposed to be "incompatible" but they're happy together! I think all types can get along if they are healthy and mature.
But I definitely do think there can be some natural synergy between certain functions and their placement! Like yourself, you're close friends with an ENTP and ENFP. Both complement your dom Ni and inferior Se with their dom Ne and inferior Si.
For myself, I LOVE Ti DOMS! ISTPs (Jotaro, Levi, Hua Cheng, Arthur Morgan) are so sexyyy and INTPs (Zeke, Johnny, Fugo) are adorable ❤️ I don't this is surprising at all considering I have tertiary Ti and love to play with it. So naturally, I'm attracted to those who have strong Ti!
I also have a thing for INTJs, especially if they're 1w9 (Giorno, NBC's Hannibal, Diluc, Todoroki) 😳 In the case for INTJs, I don't think INTJs and INFJs necessarily complement each other but it's hard to deny their deep relationship that's akin to being soulmates. 🥰 For example, Will and Hannibal, Todoroki and Deku, House and Wilson, Magneto and Professor X.
Ni users can make scary yanderes 👀
Any yandere xNxJ can 100% pull it off because they envision a future with their darling. And lbr here, high Ni users are stubborn af, especially when they have a goal they're working towards (speaking from experience as an INFJ lmao). So it wouldn't surprise me that this future goal/dream they have for darling is the one thing that drives them. It HAS to be them, no one else.
Why do you think Giorno, Dio, Diego, Pucci and Jonathan are the easiest to characterize as yanderes versus any other Jojo character? That high Ni makes them too easy to turn into yanderes 😭
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starry-sky-stuff · 3 years
Sortinghatschats Comparison with MBTI and Enneagram - List Pt 1
Based on a post by @arisruby I decided to compare the sortinghatchats system with MBTI and enneagram types and see if there's any correlation. The summary post is here and the analysis post is here.
For the full list of sortings and MBTI types see under the cut. Since it was very long the list of sortings and enneagrams is here.
LP = Lion Primary
BiP = Bird Primary
SP = Snake Primary
BaP = Badger Primary
LS = Lion Secondary
SS = Snake Secondary
BiS = Bird Secondary
BaS = Badger Secondary
If you want to learn more about the sortinghatchats systems check out @sortinghatchats and @wisteria-lodge.
MBTI and Enneagram: @funkymbtifiction
Sortinghatchats: @sortinghatchats, @wisteria-lodge, @the-phoenix-heart, @missbrunettebarbie, @montmarayroyal, @persefoneshalott, @awinterrain, @everyonewasabird, @yoursummerfrost, @reds-burrow, @dragonsaredorks,
Aleskander Kirigan 3w4 Shadow & Bone — Badger/Badger
Bonnie Bennett 2w1 The Vampire Diaries — Lion/Lion
Carlisle Cullen 9w1 The Twilight Saga — Badger/Badger
Charles Xavier 2w1 X-Men — Badger/Badger
Emma Woodhouse 2w3 Emma (2016) — Lion/Lion
Jasmine 2w1 Aladdin — Lion/Snake
Loki 4w3 The Avengers — Snake/Bird
Maggie Vera 3w2 Charmed — Badger/Badger
Marcel Gerard 3w2 The Originals — Lion/Badger
Marisa Coulter 3w2 The Golden Compass — Snake/Snake
Morgana Pendragon 4w3 Merlin — Snake/Snake
Regina Mills 2w3 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Bird
Linda Martin - Lucifer — Bird/Bird
LP: 4
BiP: 1
SP: 4
BaP: 4
LS: 2
SS: 3
BiS: 3
BaS: 5
Badger/Badger = 4
Lion/Lion = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Lion/Badger = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Alice Cullen 2w3 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Bird
Mr. Bingley 9w1 Pride & Prejudice — Badger/Badger
Boromir 2w3 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Clark Kent 2w1 Smallville — Snake/Snake
Cora Crawley 9w1 Downton Abbey — Snake/Bird
Daphne Bridgerton 2w1 Bridgerton — Badger/Snake
Emily Gilmore 2w3 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Lion
Esme Cullen 2w1 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Badger
Gertrude 3w2 Ophelia so — Snake/Lion
George Knightley 1w2 Emma — Snake/Badger
Georgiana 3w2 The Great — Snake/Snake
Guenevere Pendragon 2w1 Merlin — Badger/Badger
Margaery Tyrell 2w3 Game of Thrones — Snake/Badger
Nate Archibald 9w1 Gossip Girl — Badger/Lion
Peeta Mellark 9w1 The Hunger Games — Snake/Badger
Peter Pevensie 2w3 The Chronicles of Narnia — Badger/Lion
Sam Gamgee 2w1 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Badger
Sam Wilson 2w1 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Badger/Lion
Molly Weasley 2w3 — Snake/Lion
LP: 1
BiP: 0
SP: 12
BaP: 6
LS: 7
SS: 3
BiS: 2
BaS: 7
Snake/Badger = 5
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Badger/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
LP: 6
BiP: 1
SP: 15
BaP: 10
LS: 9
SS: 6
BiS: 5
BaS: 12
Badger/Badger = 6
Snake/Badger = 5
Snake/Bird = 4
Snake/Snake = 4
Lion/Lion = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Badger/Lion = 2
Lion/Badger = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Aaron Burr 9w1 Hamilton — Snake/Snake
Albus Dumbledore 1w9 Harry Potter — Lion/Snake
Drusilla 9w1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Snake
Faramir 9w1 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Galadriel 1w9 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Gandalf 6w7 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Obi-Wan Kenobi 5w6 Star Wars — Badger/Snake
Varys 5w6 Game of Thrones — Snake/Snake
Charlotte Richards - Lucifer — Snake/Lion
LP: 2
BiP: 2
SP: 4
BaP: 1
LS: 2
SS: 5
BaS: 0
Snake/Snake = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Bird/Bird = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 1
Alec Hardy 5w6 Broadchurch — Snake/Bird
Brandon Stark 5w4 Game of Thrones — Bird/Badger
Mr. Darcy 5w4 Pride & Prejudice — Snake/Badger
Elphaba Thropp 4w5 sp/sx Wicked! — Lion/Lion
Elrond 1w2 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto 6w5 X-Men — Lion/Lion
Mr. Gold / Rumple 5w4 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Bird
Michael Corleone 5w6 The Godfather — Badger/Bird
Mycroft Holmes 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes — Lion/Bird
Petyr Baelish 3w4 Game of Thrones — Snake/Snake
Tom Riddle 3w4 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Victor Frankenstein 5w4 Victor Frankenstein — Bird/Bird
LP: 4
BiP: 2
SP: 4
BaP: 1
LS: 2
SS: 1
BiS: 7
BaS: 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Lion/Lion = 2
Bird/Bird = 2
Lion/Bird = 2
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
LP: 6
BiP: 4
SP: 8
BaP: 2
LS: 4
SS: 6
BiS: 8
BaS: 2
Bird/Bird = 4
Snake/Snake = 3
Lion/Snake = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Lion/Lion = 2
Lion/Bird = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Alexander Hamilton 8w7 Hamilton — Snake/Lion
Denethor 3w4 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Bird
Gale Hawthorne 8w9 The Hunger Games — Lion/Lion
Gerard Argent 8w9 Teen Wolf — Lion/Bird
Kaz Brekker 8w9 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Snake
Leia Organa 8w9 Star Wars — Lion/Lion
Lynette Scavo 8w9 Desperate Housewives — Snake/Snake
Mary Crawley 3w4 Downton Abbey — Snake/Snake
Palpatine 3w4 Star Wars — Snake/Bird
LP: 3
BiP: 0
SP: 6
BaP: 0
LS: 3
SS: 3
BiS: 3
BaS: 0
Snake/Snake = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Snake/Lion - 1
Lion/Lion = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Adora Belle Dearheart 8w9 Going Postal — Snake/Snake
Angelica Schulyer 8w7 Hamilton — Snake/Snake
Anthony Bridgerton 1w2 Bridgerton — Badger/Lion
Blair Waldorf 3w4 Gossip Girl — Snake/Badger
Bree Van De Kamp 1w2 Desperate Housewives — Badger/Bird
Cersei Lannister 8w9 Game of Thrones — Snake/Lion
Cordelia Chase 3w2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Lion
Donna Noble 8w7 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Éomer 8w9 The Lord of the Rings — Lion/Lion
Hector Barbossa 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Snake/Badger
Hermione Granger 1w2 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
James Norrington 3w2 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Bird/Badger
Lydia Martin 3w2 Teen Wolf — Bird/Bird
Marial 8w9 The Great — Snake/Lion
Paris Gellar 3w2 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Lion
Percy Weasley 3w2 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Tywin Lannister 8w9 Game of Thrones — Lion/Bird
Victoria Argent 8w9 Teen Wolf — Lion/Lion
Violet Crawley 6w5 Downton Abbey — Snake/Snake
Mazikeen Smith 8w7 Lucifer — Snake/Lion
LP: 8
BiP: 2
SP: 8
BaP: 2
LS: 9
SS: 3
BiS: 5
BaS: 3
Lion/Lion = 5
Snake/Snake = 3
Lion/Bird = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Badger = 2
Badger/Lion = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
LP: 11
BiP: 2
SP: 14
BaP: 2
LS: 12
SS: 6
BiS: 8
BaS: 3
Snake/Snake = 6
Lion/Lion = 6
Snake/Lion = 4
Lion/Bird = 4
Snake/Badger = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Lion = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Catherine the Great 3w2 The Great — Lion/Bird
Elizabeth Bennet 7w6 Pride & Prejudice — Snake/Lion
Henry Mills 7w6 Once Upon a Time — Lion/Lion
Lorelai Gilmore 7w6 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Snake
Samwell Tarly 9w1 Game of Thrones — Bird/Bird
Tenth Doctor 7w8 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Veronica Mars cp 6w7 Veronica Mars — Badger/Snake
George Weasley 7w6 — Snake/Bird
LP: 4
BiP: 1
SP: 2
BaP: 1
LS: 3
SS: 2
BiS: 2
BaS: 0
Lion/Lion = 2
Lion/Bird = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Darcy Lewis 7w6 WandaVision — Bird/Lion
Eleven 7w6 Doctor Who — Snake/Snake
Jonathan Carnahan 7w6 The Mummy — Bird/Snake
Lyra 7w8 The Golden Compass — Lion/Snake
Merry Brandybuck 7w6 The Lord of the Rings — Badger/Bird
Moist von Lipwig 7w6 Going Postal — Snake/Snake
Stiles Stilinksi 6w7 Teen Wolf — Snake/Bird
Tyrion Lannister 7w6 Game of Thrones — Bird/Snake
Fred Weasley 7w8 — Lion/Snake
Ella Lopez - Lucifer — Badger/Badger
LP: 2
BiP: 3
SP: 3
BaP: 2
LS: 1
SS: 6
BiS: 2
BaS: 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Snake = 2
Bird/Lion = 1
Lion/Snake = 2
Badger/Bird = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
LP: 6
BiP: 4
SP: 5
BaP: 3
LS: 4
SS: 8
BiS: 4
BaS: 1
Lion/Lion = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Snake = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Lion/Bird - 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Frodo Baggins 9w1 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Snake
Hamlet 6w7 Hamlet — Bird/Lion
Hamlet 6w7 Ophelia — Bird/Lion
Lucy Pevensie 9w1 The Chronicles of Narnia — Lion/Badger
Matthew Crawley 1w2 Downton Abbey — Bird/Bird
Susan Mayer 6w7 Desperate Housewives — Snake/Lion
Sybil Crawley 9w8 Downton Abbey — Badger/Lion
Wanda Maximoff 9w8 WandaVision — Snake/Lion
LP: 1
BiP: 4
SP: 2
BaP: 1
LS: 5
SS: 1
BiS: 1
BaS: 1
Bird/Lion = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Bird/Snake = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Lion = 1
Alina Starkov 6w7 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Lion
Bella Swan 9w8 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Bird
Dean Forester 6w7 Gilmore Girls — Snake/Badger
Edith Crawley 4w3 Downton Abbey — Bird/Badger
Edmund Pevensie 4w3 The Chronicles of Narnia — Bird/Snake
Éowyn cp6w7 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Fantine 9w1 Les Miserables — Snake/Lion
Gregor 9w8 The Great — Snake/Lion
Harry Potter 9w8 Harry Potter — Bird/Lion
Hope Mikaelson 2w1 Legacies / The Originals — Snake/Lion
Inej Ghafa 9w8 Shadow & Bone — Bird/Bird
Jess Marino 4w5 Gilmore Girls — Bird/Snake
Jon Snow 6w5 Game of Thrones — Lion/Lion
Logan Echolls 7wcp6 Veronica Mars — Snake/Lion
Luke Skywalker 1w2 Star Wars — Bird/Lion
Mary Margaret Blanchard 2w1 Once Upon a Time — Badger/Lion
Rosalie Hale 4w3 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Lion
Scott McCall 2w1 Teen Wolf — Badger/Badger
William Turner 1w9 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Badger/Lion
LP: 1
BiP: 6
SP: 9
BaP: 3
LS: 12
SS: 2
BiS: 2
BaS: 3
Snake/Lion = 7
Bird/Snake = 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Bager/Lion = 2
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
LP: 2
BiP: 10
SP: 11
BaP: 4
LS: 17
SS: 3
BiS: 3
BaS: 4
Snake/Lion = 9
Bird/Lion = 4
Bird/Snake = 3
Badger/Lion = 3
Bird/Bird = 2
Lion/Badger = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Amelia Pond 7w8 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Anakin Skywalker cp6w7 Star Wars — Snake/Lion
Arya Stark cp6w7 Game of Thrones — Snake/Lion
Elizabeth Swann 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Lion/Snake
Imhotep 8w9 The Mummy — Snake/Bird
Jaime Lannister 9w8 Game of Thrones — Lion/Snake
Jasmine 9w8 Aladdin (2019) — Lion/Snake
Jesper Fahey 7w6 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Snake
Joffrey Baratheon 3w2 Game of Thrones — Lion/Lion
Mel Vera 8w7 Charmed — Lion/Lion
Pippin Took 7w6 The Lord of the Rings — Lion/Snake
Robb Sark 1w2 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Ron Weasley 4w3 Harry Potter — Lion/Lion
Rose Tyler 7w8 Doctor Who — Snake/Lion
Serena Van Der Woodsen 7w8 Gossip Girl — Bird/Lion
Sirius Black 7w8 Harry Potter — Lion/Lion
Tony Stark 7w8 Avengers — Snake/Lion
Xander Harris 6w7 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Badger
Yelena Belova 8w7 Black Widow — Snake/Lion
Eve 7w6 Lucifer — Lion/Badger
LP: 11
BiP: 1
SP: 7
BaP: 1
LS: 12
SS: 5
BiS: 1
BaS: 2
Lion/Lion = 5
Snake/Lion = 5
Lion/Snake = 4
Lion/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Lion = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Aladdin 9w8 Aladdin (2019) — Snake/Snake
Chuck Bass 8w7 Gossip Girl — Snake/Bird
Dean Winchester 8w7 Supernatural — Badger/Bird
Draco Malfoy 3w4 Harry Potter — Badger/Snake
Emmett Cullen 7w8 The Twilight Saga — Badger/Lion
Gabrielle Solis 7w8 Desperate Housewives — Bird/Snake
Ginny Weasley 8w7 Harry Potter — Snake/Lion
Han Solo 7w8 Star Wars — Snake/Lion
Jack Sparrow 7w6 Pirates of the Caribbean — Lion/Snake
Jackson Whittemore 3w4 Teen Wolf — Bird/Lion
Kate Argent 8w7 Teen Wolf — Lion/Snake
Malyen Oretsev 6w7 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Badger
Napoleon Solo 3w2 The Man From UNCLE — Lion/Snake
Peter 7w8 The Great — Snake/Lion
Rhett Butler 7w8 Gone With the Wind — Lion/Snake
Rick O’Connell 7w8 The Mummy — Snake/Lion
Scarlett O’Hara 3w2 Gone With the Wind — Snake/Lion
Scott Lang 7w6 Ant Man & the Wasp — Snake/Bird
Selena Kyle 7w6 The Dark Knight Trilogy — Badger/Snake
Thor 7w8 The Avengers — Lion/Lion
Ygritte cp6w7 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Ginny Weasley 8w7 — Snake/Lio
Jacob Black 6w7 Twilight — Snake/Lion
James Kirk 7w8 Star Trek — Lion/Snake
Lucifer Morningstar 7w8 Lucifer — Badger/Snake
LP: 6
BiP: 2
SP: 10
BaP: 6
LS: 10
SS: 10
BiS: 3
BaS: 1
Snake/Lion = 6
Lion/Snake = 5
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
LP: 17
BiP: 3
SP: 17
BaP: 7
LS: 22
SS: 15
BiS: 4
BaS: 3
Snake/Lion = 11
Lion/Snake = 9
Lion/Lion = 5
Badger/Lion = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Lion/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Luna Lovegood 9w1 Harry Potter — Bird/Badger
Macy Vaugn 6w5 Charmed — Bird/Bird
Milena 5w6 Black Widow — Bird/Bird
Milo J. Thatch 5w6 Atlantis: The Lost Empire — Bird/Bird
Twelve 5w4 Doctor Who — Snake/Bird
Vision 9w1 WandaVision — Badger/Bird
Arthur Weasley 9w8 — Lion/Bird
LP: 1
BiP: 4
SP: 1
BaP: 1
LS: 0
SS: 0
BiS: 6
BaS: 1
Bird/Bird = 3
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Bucky Barnes 6w7 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Bird/Bird
Dan Humphrey 5w4 Gossip Girl — Lion/Badger
Derek Hale 8w9 Teen Wolf — Snake/Bird
Emma Swann cp6w5 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Lion
Evie Carnahan 5w4 The Mummy — Bird/Lion
Gaby 7w8 The Man From UNCLE — Lion/Bird
Jasper Hale 9w1 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Badger
Montgomery Scott 6w7 Star Trek (New) — Bird/Snake
Mulan 6w7 Mulan — Lion/Bird
Natasha Romanoff cp6w5 Black Widow — Badger/Snake
Nick Burkhardt 9w1 Grimm — Bird/Lion
Sherlock Holmes 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes — Badger/Snake
Spike 7w8 Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Snake/Snake
LP: 3
BiP: 4
SP: 4
BaP: 2
LS: 3
SS: 4
BiS: 4
BaS: 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Lion/Bird = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Bird/Bird = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
LP: 4
BiP: 8
SP: 5
BaP: 3
LS: 3
SS: 4
BiS: 10
BaS: 3
Bird/Bird = 4
Lion/Bird = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Bird/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
Adalind Schade 6w7 Grimm — Snake/Snake
Allison Argent 6w7 Teen Wolf — Bird/Lion
C-3PO 6w7 Star Wars — Bird/Bird
Cosette 2w3 Les Miserables — Lion/Snake
Edward Cullen 6w5 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Snake
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 2w1 Hamilton — Snake/Badger
Jane Bennet 9w1 Pride & Prejudice — Badger/Badger
Melanie Wilkes 9w1 Gone With the Wind — Badger/Snake
Neville Longbottom 6w5 Harry Potter — Lion/Badger
Padme Amidala 2w1 Star Wars — Lion/Snake
Peter Pettigrew 6w7 Harry Potter — Lion/Badger
Robert Crawley 2w1 Downton Abbey — Bird/Badger
Rory Gilmore 9w1 Gilmore Girls — Bird/Bird
Steve Rogers 1w2 Avengers — Lion/Badger
LP: 5
BiP: 4
SP: 3
BaP: 2
LS: 1
SS: 5
BiS: 2
BaS: 6
Lion/Badger = 3
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Bird = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Snake/Badger = 2
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Aragorn 6w5 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Brienne of Tarth 6w5 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Catelyn Stark 1w2 Game of Thrones — Snake/Badger
Chris Argent 1w9 Teen Wolf — Badger/Bird
Eddard Stark 1w9 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
George Washington 1w9 (Hamilton) — Badger/Badger
Harry Greenwood 1w2 Charmed — Badger/Bird
Illya cp6w5 The Man From UNCLE — Snake/Lion
Katniss Everdeen 6w5 The Hunger Games — Snake/Lion
Luke Danes 6w5 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Badger
Mando 9w8 The Mandalorian — Badger/Lion
Richard Gilmore 1w9 Gilmore Girls — Snake/Badger
Rupert Giles 6w5 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Badger/Lion
Susan Pevensie 6w5 The Chronicles of Narnia — Bird/Bird
Théoden 6w5 The Lord of the Rings — Badger/Lion
Jean Valjean 8w9 Les Miserables — Lion/Snake
Inspector Javert 1w2 Les Miserables — Bird/Lion
Chloe Decker 1w9 Lucifer — Lion/Lion
LP: 3
BiP: 2
SP: 5
BaP: 8
LS: 10
SS: 1
BiS: 3
BaS: 4
Badger/Lion = 4
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Badger = 2
Badger/Bird = 2
Badger/Badger = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
LP: 8
BiP: 6
SP: 8
BaP: 10
LS: 11
SS: 6
BiS: 5
BaS: 10
Snake/Badger = 5
Lion/Badger = 4
Badger/Lion = 4
Bird/Bird = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Snake = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Badger/Badger = 2
Badger/Bird = 2
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
48 notes · View notes
nexyra · 3 years
What is your take on rwby chara's mbti types? I think
Weiss - xSTJ, thought that she was ESTJ at first but ISTJ makes a lot of sense too.
Winter - ESTJ
Pyrrha - ESFJ
Emerald - ISFJ (I've seen some ppl type her as INFJ but I don't see how she is a Ni dom?)
Whitley - ENTJ? I'm honestly not sure abt that..
Adam - fucked up xNFJ, probably INFJ (seen him typed as xNTJ but his delusional thinking process imo screams unhealthy Ti and I think his manipulation of Blake and the WF is more Fe than Te
Qrow - was thinking ISTP but with the more recent volumes I'm really not sure..
Penny - ENFP
Ozpin - Uuuuuh INTP maybe?? But I've seen some people type him as INFJ. INFJ 5w6 would make sense as to why he might appear as an INTP but idk..
Bartholomew- ENTP
Jaune - no fucking idea honestly
Ironwood - ENTJ
Sun - Seen ppl type him as ENFP but I don't see any Ne at all..,,ESFP?
Yang - ESxP, maybe ESTP
Cinder - INTJ
Mercury - ISTP
Oscar - ISFJ
Ren - ISTx?
Hello anon ! I see my love for typology hasn't gone unnoticed 😂 Thank you so much for the ask !
I prefer enneagram over MBTI because I find it easier to type; so fair warning that I'm not an authority on MBTI-typing. But I do have have an ongoing RWBY typing that includes MBTI sooo... here goes !
(I'm putting my ennea typings along with it, but not explaining them on this post)
Ruby • xNFP 6w7 9w1 2w3?
I just can't decide between the two fors Ruby because... it kind of goes both way ??? Like Ruby definitely feels as INFP for the first half of the series; she's got a clear Fi > Ne preference... But then when she develops her Tert in V6 it's just... Te ? And she really doesn't show much Si actually she fits more the Si inf vibe in the form of forgetting about bad memories and her mom until people dig it up and she's like "nooo !" ?? So it looks like Te > Si but also Fi > Ne; conclusion idfk
Weiss • ISTJ 1w2 6w5 3w4 sp/so
Clear Fi tert rearing its head along with the 1 so I'm going with ISTJ; I also never really saw any Ne. Her type isn't too disagreed upon so tell me if you want a lenghtier explanation.
Blake • ISFP 6w5 9w8 4w3 (in some order)
Wooh this might get the anger of some (i have experience with the INFJ typers) but Blake goddamn REEKS of Fi. Less so recently but for the first seasons oh my god. She straights up catch you by the shirt and tells you "I'm doing the right thing"; and said right thing is so heavily dependant on her own subjectives values, which is why Blake can't reconcile with the current White Fang; because she doesn't have a strong Je vision of "what objectively works in the end", she only sees actions in terms of immediate right and wrong, and this b&w dichotomy stems from herself. What the WF is doing is wrong and the circumstances don't matter for judging the morality of their actions (of course I'm not talking about murder here bc that's pretty wrong ALL THE TIME but for example the stealing occuring in V1 bc of the WF is a better example)
Yang • ESXP 7w8 8w7 2w3
I'm sorry about that but I can't help you on that aspect anon, I still can't make up my mind about whether Yang has Fi or Ti. I have seen arguments for both, and i'm not the best at picking up on Ti so it's hard for me to tell.
Jaune • ESFJ 6w7 3w2 9w1
No strong opinions on his MBTI, it's kinda just based on vibes
Nora • ENFP 6w7 9w8 3w2
Textbook ENFP, not much to say here x))
Pyrrha • XXFJ 2w1 1w2 6?
In my list Pyrrha is currently written down as ISFJ but that's mostly based on the general consensus and me wanting to get rid of the XX. I don't actually have any convincing arguments to decide on Ni or Si, so I could go either way if someone else makes their case well. I feel like she's Fe aux more than dom, but even about that I could change my mind. Pyrrha didn't have that much screentime in the end :((
Ren • ISTJ? 9w1 5w4 4w5
Ironically I'm not sure about his type, kind of like you. I've mentionned I'm not very good at picking up on Ti right ? And Ren was a background character before V4 really. I had him written down as ISTP for a while but I've seen some convincing arguments for ISTJ so I might lean toward that actually but who knows. The thing I'm very confident about is his 5 fix = )
➸ Faunus bonus
Sun • ESFP 7w6 2w3 9w1 so/sx
I don't see any Ne at all either so I don't understand the ENFP typings...?? Maybe the 7 stereotypes ? Imo Sun is just a very good boy; certified ESFP 7 himbo; triple positive sunshine !
Ilia • Ti-Fe axis ?
Again, not enough screentime for me to make an educated guess. My only certainty is : not high Fi. It's the source of their conflicts. Blake confidence in absolute right & wrong, tracing lines in the sand between acceptable & unacceptable. Whereas Ilia can only shake her head and say "Because it works", or cry out "I don't know what else to do !"
Adam • 3w4 8w7 6w5
I honestly don't really have much of an opinion about Adam's MBTI, i'm sorry anon ;; I don't know enough about how he thinks
➸ Oz-related things and his circle
Ozpin • INFJ 5w4 2w1 1w9
I would personally call him an INFJ. I... never really got INTP vibes from him ? I don't see the Fe inf work out with his interactions : he's always rather at ease, he knows how to navigate around people... His focus inherently lies on doing what's best for the "group", the people, humanity. Fx functions are both concerned with ethics, in different ways, and I think Oz reflects that well. He IS concerned with the moral weight of his actions, but it's a more adaptable and unpersonnal concern than Fi people. He regards Ironwood's soul machines as something wrong, but can still agree to use it if the situations demand it for example. So... if the INFJ + 5 makes sense to you, well that's what I'm typing him personally. I also feel like Ni fits him more than Ne. Ozpin has a very linear way of planning, he does use his fair share of symbolism in every day conversation... Even when taking decisions, he... kind of cares about the meaning of things a lot ? It's hard to explain but like; the way he highlights the difference between an army and a guardian, and the emotionnal response it brings. I don't know it feels like there's some Ni vibes in there x)
Oscar • ISFJ 9w8 6w7 3w2
Oscar's type honestly isn't the one I would have the easiest time explaining in lenght but yea. It's mostly vibes; also just like Ozpin he doesn't seem to have a particularly Fi reasonning. And he feels more grounded, I don't really remember any Ni so... yay ?
Ironwood • ENFJ 6w5 1w2 3w4 (pre-Vol8); ENTJ (post-Vol8)
Might be weird if you think he was a dictator from the start, but I kind of entertained the idea of Ironwood being Fe dom ? From his very first interaction it was very clear that he was a Je dom to me; he's all about objective results; he doesn't give off the "internal framework" or "personnal values" vibe AT ALL; so it was more a matter of picking Te or Fe. He LOOKS super Te don't get me wrong; but he also has an enneagram tritype that is very common amongst XXTJs (and TJs stereotypes thus derive from it). And just like Oz, his focus at all time seemed to be the greater good and doing what's best for the people still. So I was like... Eh, a "harsh" ENFJ I think that's interesting ? Plus Fe ethics actually derive from their environment, kinda like "everyone agrees that Y is wrong", and if you consider that James is from Atlas... Well his way of thinking and ethics align pretty well with the military.
His character took a turn for the worse in V8 (whether too quick or not depends on who you ask) and past that point he's a clear ENTJ; but I feel like it was more debatable before that. Idk though I might be overthinking this in the hope of making more interesting combinations xD
Qrow • ISTP 4w3 6w7? 1w9? sp/sx
I don't really see anything else than ISTP for Qrow... But he's not a character I would want to find Ti arguments for either.
Raven • ENTJ Cp6w5 8w9 3w4
Most villains get called ENTJ at the first occasions tbh zlqfznhqzkf but I think it fits Raven for the most part actually...
➸ Atlas
Winter • ESTJ 1w9 3w4 6w5
The whole Schnee family has the same enneagram tritype in different order/different wings, it's ridiculous I think she has a higher Te than Weiss, and Fi inf fits her more. She struggles more to reconcile with her emotions and the idea of a personal right/wrong than her little sis.
Penny • ENFP 4w3 6w7 9w1 sx/so
Perfect example of a healthy 4, she's a great friend a cutie pie. ... Sorry we were talking about MBTI x) Well again, textbook ENFP. Not much to debate here.
Whitley • 3w4 1w9 6w5?
Not enough material for me to guess a MBTI type correctly either, sorry... I could see some kind of xNTJ yea but it's really just vibes and not enough concrete.
➸ Antagonists and Extras
Cinder • 8w7 3w4 6w5
Never cared to guess her MBTI type. I hereby type her as insufferable qkfqskfq. More seriously, I don't really know sorry Anon :/
Emerald • 2w3 ?w? ?w?
I never got Fe vibes from her tbh, I just think she's a 2. And Fe as a function is very infused with 2 stereotypes. So yea. Like, she isn't even that worried about the morality of her actions or anything more than the other villains. She just cares more about her personal relationships and being loved, so she automatically looks much nicer, especially with 2 mechanisms of trying to make herself useful and needed. Also because she's surrounded by 8-ish people xD
Mercury • 8w9 7w8 ?w?
ISTP doesn't sound too farfeteched, but I never MBTI-typed him either, sorry.
Bartholomew Oobleck • xSxJ 5w4
The only vibe he gave me is Si somewhere because of all his talks about learning from the past and everything repeats itself and it's a mine of informations at Mountain Glen... That's really the only time I tried to put down anything for him, and it was Si + 5. He could be some kind of xNTP nerd too for sure, but that's more vibe and I couldn't make an actual argument for it.
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aesthetic-addictt · 4 years
Heyy ☺️ Could you please do a INFP 1w9 (145) sx/sp ravenclaw girl x INFJ 5w6 (513) soc/ sx ravenclaw guy couple aesthetic? Thank you very very very much
its up :)
0 notes
funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Paid Request: Kingdom of Heaven: Saladin [INTJ 1w9]
Paid Request: Kingdom of Heaven: Saladin [INTJ 1w9]
Function Order: Ni-Te-Fi-Se Saladin is a brilliant military strategist, who also avoids all of the biases of his faith against Christians, in an open-minded and tolerant way; when Balian says that when Christians took Jerusalem, they killed every Muslim within the walls they could find, casting doubt that Saladin would let them pass with their women and children unharmed, Saladin says, “But I am…
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20 notes · View notes
funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Paid Request: Se7en: John Doe [INFJ 1w9]
Paid Request: Se7en: John Doe [INFJ 1w9]
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Function Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se John Doe has a magnificent vision of a crime that will live in infamy, inspired as a mix between his repugnance for the sins of humanity and Dante’s Inferno. He has spent however many years plotting, and has now laid an intricate series of horrific murders in motion, each leading to the next and fitting an overall pattern of the Seven Deadly Sins. Not only that, he is…
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16 notes · View notes
funkymbtifiction · 3 years
To Walk Invisible: Charlotte Bronte [INTJ 1w9]
To Walk Invisible: Charlotte Bronte [INTJ 1w9]
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Function Order: Ni-Te-Fi-Se Charlotte develops a vision for herself and her sisters, her intention for them to all become published writers and novelists, and works toward it tirelessly. She places a great deal of emphasis on her own intellect and intellectualism, confessing frustration to her sister that it isn’t fair that women are so diminished in a man’s world, when their minds are as sharp…
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19 notes · View notes
funkymbtifiction · 3 years
REQUEST FILLED: The Man in the Iron Mask: Aramis [INFJ 1w9]
REQUEST FILLED: The Man in the Iron Mask: Aramis [INFJ 1w9]
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Function Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se Aramis is far more interested in the implications of things than their direct application; he spends a lot of time in thought and prayer, but also controls an elite sect of Jesuits whose sole purpose is to discern a way to change the future of France by replacing the king with his twin brother, Philipe. Where his friends attack D’Artangan for being so loyal to Louis,…
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23 notes · View notes
funkymbtifiction · 3 years
An Inspector Calls: Inspector Goole [INFJ 1w9]
An Inspector Calls: Inspector Goole [INFJ 1w9]
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Function Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se SPOILERS. Inspector Goole shows up at the house under the pretext of asking questions of the family to ascertain their involvement in Eva’s life, but he actually knows all the answers to the questions before he even starts, and, as he tells them, he follows only one line of questioning at a time. He comes to warn the family ahead of time that if they do not change…
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9 notes · View notes
funkymbtifiction · 4 years
The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings: Galadriel [INFJ]
The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings: Galadriel [INFJ]
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Functional Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) / Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Galadriel relies heavily on her intuition and what she foresees into the future – beyond her skills with Nenya, her ring of power. She sees through Gandalf’s façade at the White Council and correctly intuits that he stalled for time to allow the dwarves time to escape…
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
The Matrix: Morpheus [INFJ]
The Matrix: Morpheus [INFJ]
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Functional Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) / Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Morpheus has a ‘one world’ worldview, in the sense of having a rigid and narrow expectation of how things will pan out, and wants everything to conform to it, for everyone to get on board with it, and is caught off guard when it does not go according to his design. He is an…
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Doctor Strange: The Ancient One [INFJ]
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Functional Order: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) / Extroverted Sensing (Se)
The Ancient One sees reality through metaphorical and symbolic terms; she tells Strange that reality is defined by what we can imagine. She immediately senses his true potential, as well as his flaws (that his ego outshines his ability to learn), and discerns that she can guide…
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