#Finn Atkins
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amatesura · 2 years ago
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To Walk Invisible (2016) | dir. Sally Wainwright
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years ago
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Once Upon a Time in the Midlands (2002) Shane Meadows
June 27th 2023
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cinemaslife · 8 months ago
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#91 Eden Lake (2008)
Steve (Michael Fassbender) y Jenny (Kelly Reilly) son una pareja que va a pasar un fin de semana perfecto cerca de una cantera que tiene un lago donde Steve ha estado otras veces con sus amigos. El hombre planea pedirle matrimonio a Jenny en este viaje, y ambos lo empiezan con mucha ilusiĂłn.
Nada más llegar al lago llega un grupo de jóvenes con un Rottweiler, bebiendo, fumando y drogándose, ninguno de ellos pasando los 16 años, con actitud de creerse dueños de todo, y bastante desagradables.
Steve tiene una primera confrontaciĂłn, pero lejos de aceptar su mal comportamiento, deciden que antes de irse le van a pinchar las ruedas al coche de la pareja para putearlos.
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Steve y Jenny vuelven al pueblo y pese a que él está muy enfadado por lo sucedido, Jenny le anima a dejarlo estar. Vuelven al lago para acampar, y a lo largo del día siguiente les desaparece una bolsa de playa donde están la cartera, el móvil y las llaves de su 4x4. Buscando sus cosas y como volver al pueblo caminando, casi les atropella su propio coche mientras el grupo de críos se ríen de ellos.
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En mitad de la noche los encuentran haciendo una fogata, y Steve, ya harto, le pide al líder de la banda Brett (Jack O'Connell), pero el chaval niega la mayor dice que no han sido ellos; pese a que les vieron, pese a que llevan sus cosas personales puestas, pese a todo, Brett se chulea delante de su novia Paige (Finn Atkins) y sus amigotes. Cuando la situación se tensa porque Steve no se quiere ir sin sus cosas, uno de ellos intenta atacarle y otro saca una navaja, la perra Rottweiler se pone nerviosa y cuando se suelta, mientas que Steve está intentando que no le apuñalen, la perra se lleva un corte y fallece, cosa que saca, aún, lo peor de Brett, y aunque Paige les lanza las llaves del coche, cuando la pareja sale corriendo hacia el coche los chicos salen detrás de ellos para agredirlos.
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Jenny y Steve acaban teniendo un accidente en el bosque por culpa del grupo y Steve se queda atascado en el coche, pidiéndole a Jenny que se vaya corriendo y se esconda. Jenny se esconde toda la noche y cuando amanece va a buscar a Steve al coche, pero ya no está. Descubre que el grupo de adolescentes tiene atado en un árbol a Steve, le han dado una paliza y están pensando en como asesinarle, y por extensión, matar también a Jenny. Ella lo ve todo desde lejos y no puede creer en lo que ha derivado la situación inicial.
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Steve les pide que por favor no le hagan daño y súplica por su vida, pero Brett azuza a cada uno del grupo para que apuñale a Steve mientras Paige lo graba, y así estar todos implicados en el crimen y no sea él quien vuelva al correccional de menores. Y pese a que a algunos no hace falta insistirles y a otros un poco, la cuestión es que Steve se encuentra con 4 puñaladas y desangrándose.
Jenny intenta salvarlo llamando la atención de los delincuentes, y mientras van tras de ella, él se deshace de sus ataduras y sale corriendo. Jenny y Steve se encuentran huyendo de ellos en el bosque y ahí es cuando Jenny se da cuenta de lo jodido que está Steve, no va a sobrevivir, buscando en sus bolsillos encuentra el anillo de compromiso que a él no le dio tiempo a darle, y le pidió que resistiera porque iba a salir todo bien (Spoiler NO).
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Jenny esconde a Steve y sale corriendo con rumbo al pueblo, pero de camino se encuentra un niño que no tiene nada que ver con el grupo y que se llama Adam. Le pide por favor que la ayude y Adam la lleva a un claro, diciéndole que su madre va a ir a buscarlo allí. Adam saca un móvil, pero le dice a Jenny que no tiene cobertura, ella sospecha de la actitud y se da cuenta de que se trata de una encerrona y el grupo la rodea para dejarla inconsciente de un golpe en la cabeza.
Cuando la chica se despierta, está rodeada por todo el grupo incluido Adam, se da cuenta de que está atada espalda contra espalda con Steve, pero él ya no está vivo. El grupo se arrepiente de no haberla mata con el golpe, pero van a quemarla viva junto al cadáver de Steve para deshacerse de todas las pruebas. Obligan a Adam a prender la cerilla en el lado de Steve y mientras este prende las cuerdas se queman y Jenny puede salir corriendo para huir.
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Apelando a que Jenny siempre se ha mostrado dispuesta a olvidar lo que el grupo le estaba haciendo, le gritan que vuelva que si no quemaran vivo a Adam, que ella sabe que no tiene que ver con ellos, pero Jenny está ya en shock ante todo lo ocurrido y decide no volver, por lo que Brett y sus amigos le prenden fuego a Adam vivo, en medio del bosque.
Jenny no puede creer nada de lo ocurrido y tiene que esconderse en el lugar más repugnante del mundo mientras busca un mapa para salir de allí, pero no sabe muy bien como, siempre acaba caminando en círculos y ellos siempre la encuentran.
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Asesina sin querer al chaval menos peligroso del grupo, pero ya ha entrado en una espiral de violencia de la que no puede salir, y busca la verja del final del lago para llegar a la ciudad, gatea por un agujero y logra salir a la carretera y parar a un coche.
Paralelamente, cuando Brett y sus amigos descubren el cadáver de su amigo, el grupo se rompe y Brett mata a golpes a otro de sus amigos, lo que hace que su novia Paige salga corriendo huyendo de él.
El joven que recoge a Jenny no puede creer lo que le cuenta, pero tiene que ir a buscar a su hermano que lleva días sin aparecer por casa, pese a que Jenny le ruega que la lleve al hospital porque está hecha un cuadro, el chico va al inicio del lago y ve salir a Brett y a sus amigos, por lo que decide robar el coche y salir a toda pastilla para huir de ellos. De camino, ya de madrugada, se encuentra a Paige por la carretera y decide atropellarla y quitársela de encima de una vez, pero intentando salir hasta el pueblo tiene un accidente y tiene que salir arrastrándose del coche hasta una casa donde están dando una fiesta.
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Les ruega ayuda y pierde el conocimiento, se despierta en un sofá rodeada por esas personas que se muestran muy comprensivos con ella, sin poder creer lo sucedido. Ella pide que llamen a la policía y a una ambulancia y le prometen que lo harán, mientras uno de ellos recibe una llamada y el ambiente se empieza a tensar. Jenny pide ir al baño porque se hace una idea de lo que está ocurriendo.
Ha ido a parar a casa de los asesinos y estos son sus padres, los chicos les llaman para decirle que Paige ha muerto atropellada y que es la mujer que tiene en casa quien lo ha hecho. Los padres tiran la puerta del baño y Brett ya ha llegado a la casa para contar su versión de la historia, por lo que toda la empatía hacia Jenny se desvanece.
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Jenny intenta contarles lo sucedido con Steve y con Adam, pero el padre de Brett le dice que ya sabes lo del gilipollas de su novio, la madre de Paige solo grita y llora que son solo niños, que como ha podido matar a su hija. A Jenny no le da tiempo a decir nada más, los adultos han decidido que es momento de vengarse y que haber si tiene tanto valor con ellos, no importa que Jenny quiera justificarse, ya han decidido que entre todos la ahogaran en la bañera y que cuando venga la policía mentirán.
Mandan a Brett a su habitación para que no vea lo que van a hacer con ella, y a regañadientes se va.
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Brett es un pequeño hijo de puta sociopatía, que con una maldad tan grande decide hacerse el líder de un grupo de chavales para coaccionarlos y así evitar ser él el que siempre acabe en el correccional. Ante su personalidad tan fuerte y agresiva, el resto le sigue y se pone a su nivel, lo que hace que él disfrute aún más de su maldad.
Al final sonríe mirando a la cámara y rompiendo la cuarta pared como en la película Funny Games. Poniendo de manifiesto lo manipulador y malvado que es.
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gameofthunder66 · 2 years ago
-watched 5/31/2023- 2 stars- on Tubi (free)
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Eden Lake James Watkins. 2008
Eden Lake Black Park Rd, Slough SL3 6DS, UK See in map
See in imdb
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huntsvillehq · 1 year ago
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The last day of the Faire, the sky was overcast, with rumbles of thunder in the far distance. As Mayor Nat stepped up to the podium set up in front of town hall, a small crowd gathered to hear the announcement. She proceeded to declare Pandora Flowers as the winner of the costume contest, and withdrew the sword to present to the winner of the tournament, Morgan Vovk.
Before she could, though, Quinn Buckley from the commune ran up on stage and grabbed the microphone from the podium.
“Listen! You have to listen. This, all of this, is because of a being far greater than us! It sent the creatures from the woods to test us! To separate the weak from the strong. It judges us because it wants us to be ready before it reveals itself. We have to listen! We have to—“
Sheriff Henry attempted to take the microphone from her, but she struggled against him, still shouting into the microphone.
“It’s real! I felt its presence! Those that listen will be saved!”
Thunder rumbled, closer than before, much closer. A loud crack of lightning illuminated the sky, blindingly bright. Beyond the clouds, briefly visible in that split second, loomed a shape, unrecognizable and massive, both bulbous and gangly. As quickly as it appeared it was gone, and what remained was the sizzling body of Tristan Wilde, struck by the lightning. The sky opened up, then, as thunder boomed directly above, and rain and hail pelted the town.
“It’s there! You all saw it! It’s real! We have to submit!” Quinn wailed, as Henry attempted to pull her off the stage. “I can prove it! I can walk amongst them untouched! I’ve been chosen! You can be chosen too!”
Her cries fell away in the deafening downpour, and those that had gathered scattered to find shelter in the nearest buildings. Whether or not they saw something or, if they did, if they believe what they saw, remains to be seen.
The storm raged on through the night, as the creatures wandered the streets unperturbed by the rain and hail. The lights of the town flickered and then, as lightning staggered across the sky, everything went dark.
(Those that ran to find shelter found themselves stuck for the night. Below you’ll find the (randomly selected) groups. You can choose for your characters to have seen the shape in the sky, to have not seen it, or to have seen it and not believe it.
Everyone can continue/finish their event threads, as all this took place on the final day of the Faire (the 29th). You may also time-jump threads, headcanon threads, or make new threads for the plot drop. The event officially ends on August 5th, at which time please do not make any more event starters, however you can continue all threads until completion.)
Town Hall
Aslan “Dodger” Ozdemir Bocephus “Beau” Romero Birdie Tilton Cain Barlowe Eagan Connolly Emma “Em” Dunford Evangeline Cruz Falco Romero Fletcher Cole Helena Theriot Hex Sif-Sidon Jessica Sinclair Kirby Louis Ryan Nickleby “Nick” Dalton Ocean Quinn Odette Abbott Olivia Hart Poppy Sarasa Prudence “Pru” Wheaton Ransome “Rance” Slade Saffron Aubert Scout Garcia Sierra Nevada Starlynn Flowers
Fire Station
Absinthe Capone Arachne Arthur “Arty” Drake Conrad Greene Corvin Delancey DJ Cruz-Dutton Harlow Cole Hawthorne “Hawk” Romero Izan Castillo Katarina “Rini” Roberts Lachlan Ramirez Logan Ferguson Lorcan Hara Luciana “Lucy” Rivera Mercy Wainwright Pandora “Andy” Flowers Phoenix Romero-Sawyer Rainn Scott Reggie Alson Ricardo Reider Ruben Hobbes Samantha “Sammie” Thompson Sebastian Keane Tae-Hyun Cho Theodore “Teddy” Collins Zain Madan
Police Station
Andrew Richardson Antonio “Toni” Estrada, Jr. Celia Ortega Elijah Atkins Emrys Rosser Finn Cunningham Halley McGillivray Hunter Hilton Jahi Karim Jane Doe Jareth Reid Kestrel Sideris Lincoln Abernathy Luke Matthews Mateo Suarez Morgan Vovk Pascal Mendoza Quinn Buckley Salem Salazar Vincent Lewis Violet Beauregarde William Monroe Wolf Lykaios Zachary Ryan Zarina West
Huntsville Bank
Alexander “Xander” Garcia Cabell “Cab” McCay Cassius Romero Catherine Wayne Christopher Winters Briana Ryan Dahlia Cruz-Dutton Frances “Frankie” Wallace Gabriel “G” Westfall Genesis “Sissy” Boone Harvey Langston Josie Reigh Mallard “Duck” Romero Mason Greene Maya Rae Mylene Karimi Raj Aiyangar Raphael Knightley Riley Saunders Sandra Quispe Sare Holmes Sasha Medvedev Spencer Holmes Valeria “Val” Moreno Wylie Bateman
Post Office
Avery Cowling Benjamin Cade Bowie Bardot Bram Williams Carter Behrens Cassandra “Cassie” Slade Eilana Kapur Freya Atkins Guillermo “Mo” Reyes Jasmine “Minnie” Sinclair Lennon Davies Leo Brockton Liam Jefferson Matthew Walker Mia Vazquez Monet Vogel Nathaniel Dawson Ondine Konar Paloma Ortiz Reed Hendrix Silas “Cyan” Canne Tari Park Wren Romero Xavier Cade Zoë Clark
Huntsville Library
Artemis Hayes Axel Addams Calloway “Cal” de la Luna Casey Nestor Claire Forbes Clara Jones Finch Sanders Floyd Blackward Hank McGillivray Iniya Beckett Ivy Oberon James “Jamie” Brennan Jeconiah “Jack” Abbott Jett Liu Kieran “KB” Barnes Michael “Mikey” Beauregarde Nicolas Garcia Parker Russo Peter “Rusty” Craven Peyton Wilson Reza Kogoya Roman Forest Rosemary “Rose” Felton Sicilia “Lia” Flowers Tamaraa Jillian “Jill” Adler
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bjfinn · 1 year ago
I know a lot of people have ideas about what kinds of music Dewey would like (oftentimes, I think, based on their own preferences) and they might not agree with this playlist -- that's perfectly fine. He's a fictional character, after all! But I want to explain how I arrived at my choices.
Dewey is first and foremost a musician -- that means that when he listens to music, he does so with a musician's ear. For him, it's not really about the genre, or whether it fits his personal style.
Dewey is concerned with the quality of the musicianship -- the performers' mastery of their instruments, the songwriter's mastery of the melody and lyrics, the thousands of choices that are made when bringing the music on the page to life in a performance (be it live or on a recording). A discordant note -- no matter how small -- would reduce his estimation of both the song and the performers.
Also, Dewey would be well aware of -- and greatly appreciative of -- the history and roots of rock and other genres. Jazz and blues, which themselves can be traced back to the African rhythms brought to the New World by slaves to be blended with the European traditions of their owners. The Irish and Scottish origins of bluegrass and Appalachian music, which gave rise to country (real country, not the modern stuff -- think Chet Atkins, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt). Swing, bossa nova, boogie-woogie, doo-wop, rap and hip-hop -- all of these and more would be genres and music styles that he would appreciate.
Of course, his first love is rock -- specifically punk, hard rock and heavy metal. But not ALL songs (or bands) would meet his criteria, of course. Black metal, I think, wouldn't be to his taste -- the lyrics are unintelligible, and the music is often just ... too discordant, and would probably trigger his ADHD in much the same way that it triggers my own.
Vocaloid music wouldn't appeal to him, either, because of the synthetic nature of the genre. Likewise, he would be deeply offended by autotune -- "If you're gonna sing, LEARN HOW!!!" he'd yell, enraged. "Don't rely on a machine to fix your voice -- fix it yourself!"
Would he like classical music? Of course! It's Rosalie's field, after all. I imagine he doesn't know that much about it, though -- but I'm sure Rosalie is doing her best to educate him. Composers like Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, performers like Andres Segovia, Pablo Casals, Ofra Harnoy, Liona Boyd ... but his favourite, of course, is Rosalie Mullins. (He wouldn't care for French classical, though -- "Too boring and repetitive!" he'd say. "Ravel's 'Bolero'? It's one motif, repeated over and over again for, like fifteen friggin' minutes!!!" Probably the only French composer he could appreciate would be Bizet.)
In regards to opera, I think he'd like the arias (mostly), but the idea of the dialogue being sung would annoy him. As well, he'd be frustrated by the difficulty of understanding the lyrics (regardless of language -- operatic singing seems to be all vowels).
And so I present to you Dewey Finn's playlist (#1), as I imagine it. Try to listen with a musician's ear, and enjoy!
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lavndrlights · 10 days ago
🎲 hehehe
read more cause you have so many babies for me to love . . .
Kathryn Vandeleur - Lilac Acosta Elena Fairchild - Sylvie Davino Adriana Perez - Giselle Irving Carver Halstead - Shayla Tsai Giselle Irving - Jevoni Harris Peter Elias - Jax Smith Wendy Davis - Jett Marshals Kalani Kito - Conrad Halstead Jaxson Simone - Genevieve Stowell Atticus Hudson - Kamari Gaha Conrad Halstead - Carson Ray Kamari Gaha - Ximena Vasque Aurora Maris - Ivorie Kuang Niamh Meath - Olivia Rathbun Finn Turner - Niamh Meath Elias Winters - Isaac Alwyn Marquis Greenaway - Bryony Chambers Giselle Irving - Bentley Curver Nathan Alverez - Lale Bolat Wendy Davis - Trey Woods Camden Hayes - Conrad Halstead Leah Wang - Bryony Chambers Bonnie Faulkner - Serena Miller Drew Yukimura - Derya Olgun Bryony Chambers - Viviana Chapman Elena Fairchild - Lucas Mitchell Wendy Davis - Andres Ortiz Mateo Gutierrez - Stanley Jennings Bridget Lancaster - Bonnie Faulkner Leanne Clarentine - Niamh Meath Arielle Hart - Carver Halstead Liam Argent - Stanley Jennings Kathryn Vandeleur - Ainsley Baldwin Leonardo Cross - Christian Baker Genevieve Stowell - Ayla Bautista Elena Fairchild - Nolan Ambrose Alexander Galanis - Kathryn Vandeleur Julian Lopez - Carver Halstead Naomi Cunningham - Kamari Gaha Lale Bolat - Armani Huang Henry Danielson - Niamh Meath Blair Andrada - Derya Olgun Jake Carnegie - Raven Carlisle Neveah Williamson - Leonardo Cross Peter Elias - Dante Sato-Teigan Dean Halstead - Bianca De La Cruz Lale Bolat - Brinley Anderson Giselle Irving - Willow Patterson Iridescent Choi - Carver Halstead (foul btw) Genevieve Stowell - Santiago Amir Sage Vidette - Bryony Chambers Yazmin Nidez - Wendy Davis Chad Culver - Elias Winters Chasity Rivers - Minerva Bailey Leonardo Cross - Zander Knight Peter Elias - Rhys Atkins Vincent Ames - Raven Carlisle Minerva Bailey - Lance Decker Dean Halstead - Mariposa Ferreira Charlotte Thorne - Zach Derman Lelia Yukimura - Minerva Bailey Lale Bolat - Aurora Wilson Brennon Derman - Peter Elias Charlotte Thorne - Valerie Flores Aurora Maris - Adelia Rojos Daiyu Xue - Leonardo Cross Bonnie Faulkner - Carter Wright Conrad Halstead - Novalei Bradford Kai Jacobs - Raven Carlisle Elias Winters - Felix Holloway Stanley Jennings - Diego Fernandez Aurora Maris - Ashton Maddox Charlotte Thorne - Callie Rivers Bonnie Faulkner - Lacey Zhao Stanley Jennings - Marco Rossi Derya Olgun - Cheyenne Chen Elena Fairchild - Theia Moore Minerva Bailey - James Knight Vienna Baldwin - Derya Olgun
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multifandotakugirl · 9 months ago
The Prankster
Alice Jane "AJ" Wilson Amber Corbin Anastasia "Ana" Lewis Andrews "Andre" Adair Anna Branson April Holt Astrid "Sassa" Isbert Blair Parker Bree Winters Carson Elliot Cherry McLaine Constance "Connie" Willis Cory Pierson Devonne "Devon" Flynn Ethan Morton Evangeline "Eva" Flynn Gabriella "Ella" Finn Dahlia Hills Isadora "Izzy" Night Jasmine "Jaz" Asher Kalista "Kallie" Ryans Katyona "Katya" Egorovna Kaycee "KC" Bethel Lyssa Dexter Mackenzie "Kenzie" Lewis Mallory "Mal" Hale Marina "Mara" Morozova Mercedes "Mercy" Orlando Mia Hills Michaela "Mickie" Griffin Nadine "Nadia" C. Mitchell Paris Stein Parker Howell Quintana "Quinn" Jones Reid Swayde Rowan Esteriac Sadie Lightborn Vega McLaren Vera Moen Emily Hiller Rickie Howell Damon Howell Ezra Howell Salvador Martell Medus Martell Harper Gardner Gabriel "Gabe" Flynn
The Victim of the Prank
Alessia Emerson Alexandra "Xandra" Dexter Allyson "Ally" Conrad Alyona "Aly" Levina Anastasia "Asia" Atkins Andrea "Drea" Adair Athena "Nina" Ivanova Audrey Laurent Bastet "Bast" Blackwell Bella Sawyer Briar Gillan Callum "Cal" K. Mitchell Cecilia "Cee" Bryson Clarabelle "CB" Jean Claudia "Clo" Marisol Cleo Walter Cyan Lightborn Daphne Elliot Faith Mitski "Amber Rothman" Gabrielle "Rielle" Finn Grace Kensington Hailee Flynn Ingrid Flores Irene Willis Juno Amsel Kalina Rachkova Laura Orlando Leona DeMarco Logan Parker Maeve Pierson Micah Steinhelm Morgan "Morri" Thorne Phaedra Martell Psyche Lyria Raina Grey Rebecca "Becca" Lewis Reigna Lightborn Riley Swayde Roxana "Roxy" Twain Sasha Nikorova Sielle Duvall Silvia "Silvy" Kingston Simon Esteriac Sonia Branson Tamsin "Amsi" Dallas-Henderson Teagan Night Wren Valentino "Lucille 'Lucy' Rose" Yuliya "Yulia" Agapova Yvette "Ivy" Hollis Zoe Holloway Christy Howell Helena Howell Maximus "Max" Flynn
Is your OC be more likely to be the prankster, or the victim of the prank?
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dubsism · 3 months ago
Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies – Volume 155: “To Walk Invisible”
Today’s Movie: To Walk Invisible Year of Release: 2016 Stars: Finn Atkins, Charlie Murphy, Chloe Pirrie Director: Sally Wainwright This movie is not on my list of essential films. NOTE: This installment of Sports Analaogies Hidden in Classic Movies is not being done as part of a blog-a-thon.  Instead, this is a monthly event hosted by MovieRob called Genre Grandeur.  The way it works is…
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whatsonmedia · 1 year ago
Brace yourself for a sports storm this weekend! ️
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This weekend's a non-stop thrill ride across cricket, football, and basketball. Witness future stars shine, underdogs roar, and titans clash. Grab your jerseys, it's going to be epic! Cricket: Big Battles Brewing! U-19 Warm-ups (Jan 13): - South Africa U-19 vs Pakistan U-19: Can Baby Proteas bounce back after their narrow loss in the first warm-up? Expect fiery pace and explosive batting. - India U-19 vs Australia U-19: Two cricketing powerhouses clash! Witness talented youngsters showcase their skills in a battle for bragging rights. Bangladesh U-19 vs Sri Lanka U-19 (Jan 14): - The Tigers seek redemption after their first warm-up loss. Can Akashdeep and Rakib shine against Sri Lanka's spin wizard Dunith? New Zealand vs Pakistan (2nd T20, Jan 14): - Black Caps out for revenge after falling short in the first T20. Expect Tim Seifert and Finn Allen to be in top form! Afghanistan vs India (2nd T20, Jan 14): - Can Rashid Khan's magic spin weave another web for Afghanistan? Or will India's batting prowess lead them to victory in Indore? Football: - Serie A: - AC Milan vs Roma (Sunday, Jan 14, 19:45 GMT, San Siro): Can Ibrahimovic lead Milan to another win against a resurgent Roma? - Juventus vs Sassuolo (Tuesday, Jan 16, 19:45 GMT, Allianz Stadium): Will Chiesa and Vlahović continue their goalscoring form for Juventus against Sassuolo? Soccer Football - Premier League - Manchester City v Newcastle United - Etihad Stadium, Manchester, Britain - March 4, 2023 Newcastle United's Sven Botman in action with Manchester City's Erling Braut Haaland Action Images via Reuters/Jason Cairnduff - Premier League: - Chelsea vs Fulham (Friday, Jan 12, 12:30 GMT, Stamford Bridge): Chelsea aim to solidify their top-four position against London rivals Fulham. - Newcastle vs Man City (Friday, Jan 12, 17:30 EST, St James' Park): Can Newcastle upset the mighty Manchester City at home? - Everton vs Aston Villa (Sunday, Jan 14, 14:00 GMT, Goodison Park): Both teams battle for valuable points in the mid-table fight. - Man Utd vs Spurs (Sunday, Jan 14, 16:30 GMT, Old Trafford): A heavyweight clash as Ronaldo and Fernandes face Son and Kane in a thrilling Manchester derby. Women’s FA Cup : LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Sam Kerr of Chelsea in action with Millie Turner and Maya Le Tissier of Manchester United during the Vitality Women's FA Cup Final between Chelsea and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on May 14, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images) Aston Villa Women vs Everton Women০ Date : Saturday, 13 January 2024০ Time : 12:30 GMT০ Venue : Bescot StadiumMan Utd Women vs Newcastle Women০ Date : Monday, 15 January 2024০ Time : 12:00 GMT০ Venue : Leigh Sports Village Basketball: >Knicks vs Magic০ Date : Tuesday, 16 January 2024০ Time : 2:00 AM০ Venue : Madison Square Garden>Wizards vs Hawks০ Date : Sunday, 14 January 2024০ Time : 6:30 AM০ Venue : State Farm Arena>Hornets vs Heat০ Date : Monday, 15 January 2024০ Time: 5:00 AM০ Venue : Kaseya Center Read the full article
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ru55411 · 2 years ago
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Finn Atkins
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parkerbombshell · 2 years ago
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marahutecorner · 2 years ago
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amatesura · 4 years ago
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To Walk Invisible (2016) | dir. Sally Wainwright
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mockscreens · 3 years ago
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please like/reblog if you save!
more lockscreens here!
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claudia1829things · 3 years ago
"TO WALK INVISIBLE" (2016) Review
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"TO WALK INVISIBLE" (2016) Review Years ago, I had viewed a 1946 movie called "DEVOTION". It was a fictionalized movie about the lives of the Brontë sisters. Needless to say, I had finished the movie feeling less than impressed. I also recently viewed the 1973 BBC miniseries, "THE BRONTES OF HAWORTH". I considered it an improvement over the 1946 film but found myself turned off by the bombastic dialogue. In the end, I discovered "TO WALK INVISIBLE", another biopic about the Brontë sisters. Despite my disappointment in the previous two productions about the sisters, I decided to give it a chance.
Unlike previous cinematic biographies of the Brontë family, the setting for "TO WALK INVISIBLE" during the three-year period between 1845 and 1848. The series began with the family's reunion at their home in Yorkshire, after Branwell Brontë was dismissed from his position as tutor, and Anne Brontë, who had been working as a governess for the same family, resignation. Anne reluctantly informed her two sisters - Emily and Charlotte - that Branwell had been dismissed for his sexual affair with the mistress of the house. The three sisters came to the conclusion that despite years working as governesses or housekeeping for their father, the Reverend Patrick Brontë, they had continued their one passion - writing. However, the sisters eventually realized the possibility of a bleak future for themselves, and they could no longer regard their writing as a mere hobby. Reverend Brontë's was becoming increasingly blind. The sisters also realized they could not depend upon Bramwell to support them, due to his alcoholism, lies and erratic behavior. Due to this realization, the three sisters decided to embark upon professional careers as authors in order to support the family's financial situation . . . and maintain their love for writing. "TO WALK INVISIBLE" has to be the only Brontë family biopic that has failed to bore me. I think it is a well-paced drama that did an excellent job of exploring the family's emotional dynamics. Thanks to Sally Wainwright, it featured some tight writing. What I mean is . . . Wainwright did not drag the story's pacing, making it unnecessarily long. Yet, at the same time, she prevented the narrative at dashing forward at breakneck speed. Wainwright's excellent direction also helped the production. Another aspect of "TO WALK INVISIBLE" that I found interesting was its raw portrayal of the Brontës' lives in Yorkshire. Most period dramas have a tendency to project of veneer of gentility in its production designs. The most "genteel" or "sophisticated" aspect of production designs for "TO WALK INVISIBLE" seemed to be Grant Montgomery's designs for Charlotte and Anne Brontë's journey to London in the movie's second half and Tom Pye's costume designs for the Charlotte Brontë character. However, Montgomery's production designs were not the only aspect of this movie that projected its raw portrayal of the Brontës' lives. I could also say the same about Wainwright's portrayal of financial desperation that faced the family by 1845 and Bramwell Brontë's behavior and the consequences. "THE WALK INVISIBLE" was not the first period drama from the U.K. that convey the more rugged aspect of life before the 20th century. But Wainwright's writing, dialogue (especially for Bramwell) and direction injected a certain rawness and energy that seemed more suited for crime dramas or war movies. And I loved it. I cannot deny that I truly enjoyed the performances for "TO WALK INVISIBLE" - especially from those who portrayed the four Brontë siblings. Finn Adkins projected a great deal of emotional energy as the uber ambitious Charlotte Brontë. Chloe Pirrie struck me as equally energetic as the moody and sharp-tongued Emily Brontë, who also projected a fierce sense of protection toward her family - especially her father. Adam Nagaitis nearly stole the movie as the only brother, Branwell Brontë. I have to admit I found it fascinating to watch Nagaitis convey how Bramwell's self-destructive tendencies - alcohol and drug addiction, insecurity, and a licentious love affair with an employer's wife - led him to destroy the artistic potential within him. I realize that many would disagree with me, but I believe Charlie Murphy had the most difficult role in this production - that of the family's youngest sibling, Anne Brontë. I thought Murphy did an excellent job of portraying both Anne's reserved nature that barely hid a driving ambition. It is the type of role that people tend to ignore . . . just as many literary critics had ignored Anne Brontë for over a century. And finally, there was Jonathan Pryce, who portrayed the siblings' surviving parent, Patrick Brontë. I would not regard the Reverend Brontë as one of Pryce's most interesting roles. But I cannot deny that he gave a very solid performance as the family's patriarch, whose control and protection seemed to be in a decline due to age and oncoming blindness. If there is another biographical production about the Brontë family that I might regard as compelling, please let me know. I realize that "TO WALK INVISIBLE" is not historically accurate - at least not completely. But thanks to the raw and energetic wiring and direction of Sally Wainwright, along with a superb cast, the two-part production did more to ignite my interest in the Brontë family than any other biopic or miniseries I have ever seen.
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