#infi speaks
blueskygelato · 7 months
Fancuries FYC, Heck Yeah!
Hi, folks! I hope you all are doing well. I’m InfiStudios, friendly neighborhood jumping spider and fanseries fanatic, and I’m so, so excited for this year’s Fancuries. I always love seeing everyone’s amazing creativity, and because this year is the first where I’m actually participating, I finally have a chance to babble about my own fanseries. 
Speaking of my own work, the bulk of it is my Halloween fanseries. They’re an annual tradition for me, and I consider them my main fanseries. 
Horroriffic is the first of the Halloween fanseries. Its motifs are classic monsters, light, and Victorian/gaslamp aesthetics, and its core themes are power, connection, and legacy.
It has an info doc that’s very much under construction here if you’d like to read more about it!
The second of the Halloween fanseries, Horrorshow has films as its core motif and draws a lot on 1950s aesthetics as well, and its themes are treating others and yourself with kindness. It follows Ethel Bleak, a horribly anxious star student who works part-time at the Caligari Film Library…a job that gets far too interesting when an accident sends the malevolent spirits housed within cursed films on a destructive rampage through the city of Hitchworth. Luckily, there’s a solution to this. Using the power of the three remaining Curses, Ethel and two of her co-workers - annoying, cruel know-it-all Cebe Wood and laid-back, sarcastic Shane Tamboli - can transform into warriors called Pretty Cure and fight back against the monsters. 
Its characters have toyhou.se pages here.
The third of the Halloween fanseries, Monstrosity’s core motif is monsters under the bed, and its core themes are the bonds between people and the idea of community. 
Pellinore Valiente Denton was only six when the tip of Mount Etna exploded, sending a brilliant beam of light into the sky and calling the monsters out of the shadows. She’s lived her whole life in a strange world, a world lit every waking moment by fluorescent lights and constant, thrumming fear. In the midst of all this, her parents have moved back to their hometown of Huerta, TX in order to work on some sort of project, which Pellinore isn’t over the moon about - she’s tired of having to say goodbye to every friend she’s ever made. Fortunately for her, though, she’s about to make another one. Not two days into their stay there, Huerta throws off its sleepy small-town guise. In the middle of a celebration of Dia de los Muertos, the lake the community borders erupts in exactly the same way Mt. Etna did. It showers the community in a strange light, brings a rainstorm that lasts for days on end, and rockets the populace into a new state of terror - terror that turns out to be well-founded, because soon after the town is attacked by a bizarre monster that can walk in the light and resembles a member of the community. Pellinore is terrified, but somehow, she knows she can help fight it. Drawing on her love of magical girls and a new kind of power, she transforms into a warrior known as Cure Weaver. 
The only catch? Her powers called a monster to her - Aracan, a cocky smart-aleck who’s Pellinore’s opposite in every way…and also, apparently, her partner as a Pretty Cure. Now, Pellinore finds herself under new pressure - not only must she succeed as a student and make new friends, she must hide Aracan from the populace, deal with the monsters, and unravel the mysteries of Huerta. 
Its characters have a work-in-progress toyhou.se page here. 
I also draw! I'm a traditional artist (digital art scares me), and I really love it. Here are some examples of my work!
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Horroriffic's vampiric team leader, Ifiok/Cure Rise
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Her teammate, Cure Whirlpool...
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...and Whirlpool's successor, Cure Abyss!
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The members of Team Horrorshow! From left to right, Cures Haunting, Abduction, and Verdant
Thank you so much for your time; I so appreciate it! I'm so excited to see what this year's Fancuries have to offer, and I hope you have a lovely day!
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Frostbite first meeting Danny in human form, not knowing who he is, and helps him since he came falling out of a portal near the village. No one knows much about humans, but they keep his room as warm as they can. The people feeling something slightly off about him, but brush it off as severe inexperience with humans. Danny panics when he wakes up, and somehow understands ghost speak.
Frostbite sees him the most, so Danny starts getting a little attached to him and feels most comfortable with him than any other ghost yeti. The children try to see him, and they succeed, and end up playing with him. They like how warm he is compared to them, but were worried at first. Danny’s injury is completely healed, but no one knows how to get him home. They consider getting the Infi-Map, but then it happens.
Danny thanks everyone in the room for their help and says that it was amazing to meet and spend time with them, but he has to go. He tells them that if they ever need help, go to “Amity Park” in the human world. Danny shifts from human to ghost in front of them and they realize that the human they looked after looking similar to the Great One in the prophecy was no coincidence. He opens a portal, says goodbye, then vanishes.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Cave boy Danny just casually mentioning things that correspond with Bruce, like the time he stole an experimental power suit and shot a god corresponding with Bruce shooting Darkseid or the Infi-map being like the time Bruce was lost in the time stream, and the bats wondering how this kid can remain a civilian
Danny tried his best to not blink too quickly, as it may cause the stranger to shoot him. He honestly has no idea how he ended up here, but somehow, he was taken hostage alongside a bus full of people on his way to buy some chips.
He got tired of Alfred's instance to ban all junk food from the manor and had snuck out while the Wyanes had been busy going over plans for some big showdown with a guy named Scarecrow.
Danny doesn't know who that is and doesn't care to find out. The less he knows, the less likely he will have to deal with rouge. He's on vacation, dang it.
Or he was until the bus was taken over by a group of men wearing gas masks. They forced their way onto the bus when they stopped for some passengers, forcing the driver at gunpoint to drive them off course, and now they were heading to a wear house. People were crying, but Danny felt like screaming.
He just wanted spicy chips, and- maybe if he had the time- he would swing by the old junkyard to find a steering wheel for his ship! Fenton luck strikes again, it seemed.
"I wouldn't be so smug, Kane," One of the people in a gas mask shouts at him. He blinks up at the woman pointing her gun at his head but scoffs at her stance. His mother would throw a fit if Danny or Jazz ever placed their feet so off balance like that while wielding a weapon. "Once Dr.Crane is done with you-"
"I'm sorry did you just threaten me with myself?" Danny cuts her off. She pauses seemingly thrown before she sputters.
"No- not Kane, Crane."
He blinks at her. "You just said the same thing"
"C-R-A-N-E." She spells in a huff.
"Ohhhhh. Sorry, the mask makes it hard to understand you. Okay, so where were you? Dr. Crane is going to do what with me-?" Danny asks, leaning back in his seat, and waving his hand at her.
There is a moment of silence before she hits him across the face with her gun. "Don't you mock me!"
"Ow." He deadpans, rubbing at his cheek, and wonders if it was supposed to hurt. His healing had vanished the pain before her gun left his skin. "I thought we were having a conversation, but forgive me, I had no idea you had an inferiority complex and assumed everyone was mocking you. Let me guess, no one has ever told you they are proud of you, and now you are defensive of every action you take because-"
"Shut up!" His voice wobbles and Danny knows he hit the nail on the head.
"Does it keep you up at night? Does it freak you out that everyone can see your issues on your face as bright as day? I bet it does it. Bet it causes you to cry like a sad little confused kid who still can't figure out how to ask for help." He doesn't mock. He states it as fact because that is what it was. Fact. She does break down about it; he can tell by her reaction, and his tone makes it all the harder to swallow.
"I'll kill you!"
"Do it." He smiles. "Saves me from your boss. But will that keep you safe? Let's find out! How long will it be before he breaks you down? Ten, maybe fifteen minutes? And he will break you; you know he will. He's already halfway there."
"I-" She stumbles away from him. He doesn't have to see her face to know it's gone pale. Ha.
One of her crew hits her shoulder, having heard him speaking while the rest of the bus stares. "Stop letting him into your head!"
"Oh, what's your name?" Danny asks, blinking his large blue eyes at the man, watching his body language for clues. His eyes zero in on three belts and how they all match up at the buckle despite the fact that they are stacked on top of each other. Didn't Jazz once say that a belt with that much control hinted about attention to detail?
"Is the plan falling apart- can you not control it? The way life just moves on without you and that freaks you out doesn't it. The lake of control?" He asks, and the man jerks back. Bingo.
"Holy shit," A teenager whispers in the back horrified. "It's Dr. Crane jr."
"No, that's the Rabid Dog," Another answer. "Heard he made three elites cry after talking to him for more than ten minutes."
Danny is about to open his mouth when suddenly Robin crashes through the front window. Rude. There is glass everywhere now.
Hours later, Alfred franticly checks him over for injuries while the rest are freaking out. Apparently, they had feared to find Danny screaming from terrible visions but instead found him mentally breaking the hired goons with Jazz's training. "It's not like they did anything. I had a harder time stealing a super suit than those fruitloops-"
"You stole a what?" Tim cuts him off, eyes narrowed. Danny shrugs.
"I mean, haven't we all stolen a super suit?"
"Literally, no one here has done that," Steph tells him, and Danny tilts his head.
"You guys must have had boring childhoods. Surely you at least tried to organize your school into a battle-ready militia? No one can finish school without doing that at least once."
Dick raises a hand. "Brucie, how common is this in your world? Because that's alarming."
"All the kids at my school do that. My graduating class has done it three different times back in freshmen year." He shrugs. Cass makes a strange noise in the back of her throat.
"Not a lie. Brucie is strange," She tells the group, and everyone stares in bewilderment at the boy sitting on the medical table, even Bruce.
Danny smiles at them sweetly like he would at Vlad when the fruitloop is over, and he gets his parents to throw him out sooner than he wants to leave. It curves with just the right amount of innocence and mischievous nature that no one can tell if it's a positive or deadly expression.
"You are from a war-torn world?" Damian inquires, fingers under his chin with a frown. "How are you so carefree?"
"Oh no, we haven't had a war in about- eh fifty years? Give or take." He answers and once again Cass confirms the truth of his words.
This does nothing to settle their nerves.
"Every day I learn more about teenage Bruce, and every day I am more unsettled," Jason announces, and the rest of the Bats nod. Danny's smile turns broader and softer. It makes him more attractive but unsettling in a way.
Alfred sighs with a fond smile. "Oh, the memories. Master Bruce used to smile at his dates in the same way. I can picture him taking that sweet girl to the movies as if though it was yesterday."
"Bruce, how in the world did you get people to date you? That's creepy as hell. " Dick accuses the man who only shrugs.
"Oliver once told me it was part of the thrill. The idea that I could kill them."
"I wish I knew chum."
Danny slips the control into his sleeve- he will rip it apart later for the Bluetooth piece. He will wait till the Waynes are too busy with Bruce's old stories about his first few dates to take apart the fear gas bomb he took from the woman earlier today. Could he use it as a fuel?
He'll have to do some tests.
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
Supernova - Prologue
Read on AO3
Summary: The Ghost Zone is tearing itself apart. The instability threatens the future of both Earth and the Infinite Realms. Danny isn't exactly thrilled that for some reason, the responsibility to restore balance falls on him. And he's definitely not thrilled at the prospect of having to use the Ring and the Crown to do so. (Ghost King AU)
Contrary to popular belief, the Infinite Realms do have a center. Not a physical center, to say, but a center nonetheless.
It is from this center that a shudder rippled across the Realms.
Of all the ghosts to notice the shudder, Sydney Poindexter was the first.
“Wowza!” He shook out his head and his shoulders. “That meatloaf just goes right through ya, huh?”
He didn’t notice how the ectoplasmic construct of Casper High and its students flickered violently for the briefest of moments.
Skulker grinned as the pegasus he had his sights set on inched closer to the trap he’d laid out. “That’s it, just a little more,” he said, not daring to speak above a whisper. He’d been hunting this particular pegasus for nearly three weeks now, and each time he’d gotten close, it’d slipped out of his grasp.
Today would be different.
The pegasus’ nose flared as it sniffed the fiery flowers he’d set up as a food bait. He tensed in anticipation. So close now, just a couple feet further…
The shudder tore through the Badlands.
Skulker, caught off-guard, stumbled backwards as it passed through him. The pegasus whinnied in fear and bolted away.
For a moment, he could only sit there in stunned silence, not even caring that he’d just lost his quarry again. “What in blazes…?”
A yeti barreled into Frostbite’s cave, gasping his name. 
Frostbite was already standing. “Gruefang,” he said. “I take it you felt it as well?”
“Yes, Chief,” Gruefang nodded. “Even the young felt it, and you know their bodies are not as in tune with the environment.”
The look on Frostbite’s face was grave, completely unlike his ironically warm demeanor. “Then it may be worse than I feared.”
In three quick strides, he crossed the cavern and opened a chest to pull out two scrolls. One was small and blank; the other was much larger, much more weathered, and detailed on both sides with drawings of islands, doors, portals, and other landmarks.
“The Infi-Map?” Gruefang asked, peering over Frostbite’s shoulder. “What do you intend to do with it?”
“Summon Fleetfloe,” Frostbite instructed. He unrolled the blank scroll and began to write on it with a claw dipped in ink. “Tell her I need her to carry a message to the Acropolis of Asphodel for me.”
“Of course, Chief. What is the message?”
Frostbite hastily finished scrawling his written message on the scroll, then rolled it back up and fastened it shut with a seal of ice. “This should have the relevant details,” he said, handing both it and the Infi-Map to Gruefang. “She should seek out the Lady Pandora and tell her… tell her I must know if Kilaris grows unstable. If it is as I suspect, then we cannot delay action any longer.”
Gruefang’s beady eyes grew wide. “Kilaris?” he whispered, as though saying the name any louder would cause it to shatter. “Are you certain?”
“... unfortunately so.” If possible, a heavier weight seemed to fall over Frostbite’s shoulders. “Go quickly. There is no time to waste.
“And… pray that I am wrong,” he added quietly as Gruefang sprinted out of the cave.
Clockwork’s tower was not immune to the shudder, either. The hundreds of clocks spread across Long Now each stumbled over a few misplaced seconds as the shudder washed over them. 
If Clockwork himself felt it pass through him, though, he did not show it. He simply kept his gaze fixed resolutely on the time window in front of him, showing Fleetfloe rapidly approaching the Acropolis. A sigh escaped him and echoed into the chorus of clocks that had resumed their ticking.
Everything was as it should be.
Vlad massaged his temple as he stormed into his City Hall office. The meeting with the head of the city council had been just as insufferable as he’d predicted - as these meetings always were.
Bureaucracy and its silly complexities. If he could, he’d choose to run Amity Park the same way he ran his businesses, with him as the ultimate decision maker. Things would just be so much simpler. 
He collapsed into his desk chair with a dramatic flourish. Barely 10:30 in the morning and he was already nursing a migraine. Splendid. 
Perhaps a pick-me-up was in order.
He rummaged in his desk - quite literally in his desk, he phased a hand into a hollowed out compartment he’d personally installed - and pulled out a silver flask. He popped off the cap and took a deep inhale of the green vapor that drifted out of the top. Yes, this blend of ectoplasmic supplements would work nicely to stimulate his ghost half’s healing.
He raised the flask in a sardonic toast to no one in particular. “Another day, yet another problem to solve,” he said in his driest voice.
He’d no sooner than put the flask to his lips when the shudder passed through him.
Acidic green liquid stained the rug as the flask fell from his grasp. The feeling that flooded Vlad took him back over twenty years, to before he’d even had his accident, when he and Jack had woken up with strong hangovers after crashing a party. His sudden nausea and the cloudiness in his head so strongly reminded him of that memory that he wondered briefly if he’d consumed too much wine at last night’s dinner party (an inane thought; his hybrid metabolism quite literally burned through alcohol).
The feeling only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing without a trace.
“Mayor Masters!” the secretary cried as she burst into the office. Vlad hurriedly nudged his overcoat off the back of his chair and kicked it into a heap over the stain of ectoplasm on the rug. “I heard a noise, are you alright?”
“Just fine, Marta,” he said through a thin smile. “I only dropped my phone.”
Her forehead crinkled. “I could’ve sworn I heard someone shouting in here.”
“Mm, no? It’s just me in here.”
“Huh.” Marta did not seem completely satisfied with this answer, but she turned to leave anyway. “Alright, well… just let me know before you head out to that lunch interview. I’ll need to give you those files.” She walked away shaking her head muttering to herself.
It wasn’t until the door clicked into place that Vlad relaxed, but only marginally. There was no telling what that feeling had truly been, and he did not like not knowing things.
Well, that wasn’t completely true. There was one thing he knew for certain. 
Whatever it had been, it had most definitely been ghost related, and he suspected he knew exactly what had caused it. Still, there was one person he probably needed to talk to in order to confirm his suspicions.
He pulled his personal cell phone out of his pocket and thumbed through his contacts. It didn’t take long to find the one he was looking for.
“... Ah, Jack! I’m so glad you picked up, I wanted to ask you something…”
The epicenter of the shudder and the center of the Infinite Realms, as it turns out, was located within a crumbling castle with nothing around it as far as the eye could see. 
Of course, the force of the shudder shook the castle. Not with any sort of violence, but just enough to knock a few pieces of stone rubble from the walls. One of those pieces of stone fell from the ceiling of the throne chamber. 
It fell and struck a coffin leaning against the throne.
A crack emerged.
“You’re so full of it. The Cruiser Gravity Rifle is a million times better at beating Sollix than the Titanium Crossbow.” 
Sam scoffed at Tucker’s claim. “Please. How long have you been playing DOOMED again? The Cruiser Gravity Rifle is so not worth the recharge cycle it goes through. You can get way more consistent damage with the Titanium Crossbow.”
“What do you mean it’s not worth the recharge cycle?” Tucker protested. “At least you can get off more than one shot before you have to reload!”
“You also realize Sollix is, like, the lowest level troll boss in the whole game, right? You don’t even need a heavy-hitter to beat him. I bet there’s even a melee weapon that works well with him.”
“That’s what I did,” Danny chimed in. “The Blood-Forged Silver Shortsword worked pretty well for me.”
“That doesn’t count, ‘cause you phased back into the game to avoid having to deal with the crappy melee mechanics,” Tucker said. He flopped onto the grass unceremoniously. “Say what you want, but at least I’m not a cheater.”
“Hey!” Danny let go of Sam’s sneaker long enough to smack Tucker. “It’s not cheating if it’s a game mechanic.”
“Okay, but is it a game mechanic?” Sam grunted. She couldn’t stand doing crunches and pushups and such. Cardio was definitely more her speed.
Danny shrugged. “It’s not a bug and they haven’t patched it, so I’d call it a game mechanic.”
“Dude, you can’t exactly patch out ghosts overshadowing the game.”
A shrill whistle echoed across the field. “Alright! That’s time!” Coach Tetslaff hollered from her spot on the sideline. “Fill in your sheet and rotate partners.”
Sam rolled off of the mat and laid spread-eagle on the grass. Yeah, she’d be feeling that in the morning. Just like her to try and show off in gym class. “How many, D?”
“83. Showoff.” He set the worksheet down and climbed onto the mat. “C’mon, Tuck, you’re holding for me.”
Tucker groaned dramatically, but got up onto his knees anyway. “Just so you know,” he said, giving Danny a pointed look, “I’m only doing this ‘cause I’m hot and you’re a walking AC unit.”
“Also ‘cause your mom said she’d have your head if your gym grade doesn’t get any better. Not to mention Tetslaff will ream you if you don’t. She’s still mad at you for that stunt you tried to pull last week,” Sam added helpfully, cheeky grin and all.
Tucker’s glare turned to her. “How was I supposed to know she’d actually call the fake number and check?”
Danny folded his arms behind his head. “Probably ‘cause she was suspicious in the first place. I mean, the crutches were a little much for a sprained ankle.”
“Mom’s a nurse, she’s given crutches to plenty of -”
Another short whistle sounded. “Come on, hustle!” Tetslaff called. “You all ready? Then get goin’! Two minutes!”
With a grunt, Danny started doing his crunches. Sam watched with mild interest. Sure, last year’s Presidential Fitness Exam hadn’t gone the best for him, but he could pull through when need be. And there was no denying his ghost powers offered him a bit of an advantage, even if it didn’t totally show while in human form. He’d knocked the self-defense unit out of the park, after all.
“I was saying that Mom’s given crutches to people with sprained ankles before,” Tucker said. 
“Yeah? And how many is that?” Sam figured she didn’t need to know the exact number to know the answer.
His face flushed red. “I don’t - well, you know… she can’t tell me ‘cause of hippo,” he said, finishing with a smug smile. The uncertainty behind his eyes was way too obvious, though.
Sam gave him a look of disbelief. “Are you for real? Your mom is a nurse and you don’t even know it’s called HIPAA?”
“... Hippo, HIPAA, to-may-to, to-mah-to. Besides, I -” he cut off abruptly and looked down with a frown. “Uh, Danny? You okay dude?”
Sam glanced over to see Danny had stopped his crunches and was now sitting up with his hands held tightly over his sternum. All the color had drained from his face, and there was a noticeable drop in the temperature. 
Immediately, her internal alarms started blaring. She bolted upright. “Is it your ghost sense?” she asked, but she again suspected she knew the answer.
His mouth opened and closed a few times. “I don’t… I…” His brows furrowed, and he stared fixedly at Tucker’s chest, though his gaze was unfocused and glassy. “I… think something - something’s…”
Tucker reached for Danny’s water bottle. “Do you need your - oh, what the f-”
Green liquid funneled out of the top of the water bottle and slowly drifted aimlessly around Danny in little tendrils. Sam watched with wide eyes. Sure, she’d seen a lot of weird stuff since Danny had become half-ghost (a lot of weird stuff), but ectoplasm… It had never done this around him before.
Danny didn’t even seem to notice. He just continued to stare at the same spot, even as his eyes began to burn Phantom green. 
Then, just as suddenly as it had escalated, the floating ectoplasm stopped and fell to the ground, splashing all over the mat and the grass.
Before Sam could react, Danny leaned over and promptly threw up.
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saerins · 7 months
aeri aeri!! did you know that in professional writing, anything over 40k words counts as a novel?? sooo if we’re technically speaking infy counts a novel!! :3
for free too??? you’re too nice to us aeri ;-;
wait really ?? 40k ??? oh wow i think i might give you guys another free one with the way priceless is going :’) hehehe also i saw your other ask, dw this only sent once !!
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princesspastel8 · 20 days
Chapter 66
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Third POV
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The walk back to the mansion is done in silence. Jeff ignores the pain in his legs from the bullets, paying more attention to Eboni's needs. He's hoping she didn't allow that demon king's words get to her, but her silence is speaking volumes - and BEN has been fidgeting since Zalgo's encounter. He clearly knows something.
Finally, at the mansion doors, BEN pushes it open so Eboni and Jeff can stumble inside. Most of the proxies are in the kitchen, eating their Christmas dinner while a few are opening presents still. Sally, who is sitting on Slenderman's lap, gasps happily. She wiggles off of his lap, running towards Eboni.
"Eboni! Eboni! Eboni! You came! You really came!" She cheers happily, latching onto her leg.
She smiles, patting her head. "Yeah... yeah, I did."
"Wanna see all my gifts!? I got so many this year!"
"Maybe some other time. Today has been a long one."
The child stares up at Eboni, tilting her head. She can tell something is bothering her, but she won't pry. "Well, okay..."
Slenderman stands, walking over to the three. He stares at Eboni, who stares back. Being this close is causing a headache, but at least she's not getting a nose bleed. The creature extends his hand towards her, waiting for her to take it.
"Welcome to your new home, Eboni Brown."
She laughs, confusing everyone except for Jeff. "I've been through....so much shit, crap that I'm sure you knew about - even witnessed for yourself. We almost got caught tonight. Where were you? If I'm supposed to be an added addition to this 'family', you could've saved us. I'm not gonna become one of your mindless puppets - I won't. Why would I serve under a ruler that keeps secrets from their people? Secrets that could result in them turning against you? Let me make something clear to you-"
Eboni turns to Jeff, who's leaning against the door for support. He gives the girl an encouraging smile, his eyes holding a look of pride. So Eboni looks back at Slenderman to finish, still clenching her shoulder in pain.
"I serve Jeff. I answer to Jeff. I live for Jeff. He leads... and I follow... I know I can trust him, unlike you & Zalgo."
Slenderman's calm demeanor quickly becomes hostile at the mention of Zalgo. Though faceless, Eboni can see it twist into a look of rage. She tilts her head, grinning. "So that's what he meant.", she thought to herself.
"You watch your mouth, child -"
"I won't. Considering you have information on my mother. I'm sure a few of your proxies know of my mother - maybe even met her. Is that why you wanted me? Because neither of you could have her!?" Eboni shouts.
Slenderman is taken aback, so he withdraws. "Eyeless Jack." He calls.
EJ comes out of the kitchen, mask off, and licks his lips while chewing the rest of the food in his mouth. "Yes?"
"Get them treated. And Kate, prepare a room for our guest. You all enjoy the rest of your night. I will be in my office if any of you require my assistance." ,the faceless being said.
A woman with shoulder-length brown hair steps forward. Her blue eyes hold no particular emotion, there empty - lifeless even. She holds a hand out, eyes locked onto Eboni's bag. At this point, BEN is holding it since neither Eboni nor Jeff can. The demon is reluctant to give Kate her bag, so she snatches it out of his hand.
"Fuck off that's not-"
Jeff places a hand on her shoulder, eyeing kate. "She won't steal anything, princess."
"But that's MY sh-"
Jeff lends down, whispering into her ear. "I know... I know, but I need you to listen to me. That faceless fuck didn't tell her to look through it- so she won't."
"...but my bunny."
Jeff gives BEN a look, the demon using his magic to zap her stuffed bunny in her free hand- gun inside as well. "Better?"
"Yes, Daddy..." she whispers, pouting a bit.
"Good girl." He smiles, kissing her cheek. "Now let's follow BEN. I can feel the damn bullets scraping against my bones."
She nods, EJ leading the way to his infirmatory. The eyeless creature gets the two situated on different beds close together. He's about to start working on Jeff, but he refused- making him start with Eboni first. He can deal with the pain a bit longer.
Eboni tenses at the sight of the needles but allows him to put an IV in - filled with numbing liquids so she won't feel anything. While doing that, Sally & Laughing Jack enter sally, immediately wiggles out of the clown's hold, and crawls onto Eboni's bed. She moves onto her lap and lays her head on her chest, yawning a bit.
She can't help but smile. She questions why this ghost girl is taking to her like she's her mother, but she doesn't mind at all. Though this is besides the point. They know about her mother, about her past - at least BEN does. Eboni took note of how he has yet to look her way since Zalgo's encounter. Itching for answers, she ask -
"How do you know my mother?" Eboni said, looking straight at BEN.
The demon tenses, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I-I don't know -"
"BEN." Eboni said threateningly. "I had my family slaughtered, thinking it was their fault my parents are dead. Today has all been about getting answers, and today isn't over. I don't care what Slenderman made you promise. You WILL answer my question. How did you know my mother?"
"She almost became one of us, of course," Laughing Jack answers, his grin stretching into a smile- displaying his razor-sharp teeth.
"We weren't the first under Slenderman's control, but we still allowed him to give us orders - due to him being more powerful. I came across her as a child. She was five at the time. He ordered me to kill her, but the girl showed no fear. It was odd how she stared. The look even chilled me!" He laughs. "I grew attached and couldn't bring myself to end her life."
"I... met her when she was ten. Through one of the games I altered. I crawled through her TV, and she gave me that same stare, but then threw water on me. She... tried to kill me." BEN sighs, moving to sit down. "But she didn't, under one condition."
"Which was?" Eboni questions, needing to hear more.
"She wanted me to be her friend."
"The child was lonely. Her parents were extremely poor, both working low-end jobs and leaving her home alone." ,Laughing Jack explains. "She's always been fascinated with death. She knew how to manipulate, charm herself out of anything wrong she caused, and a professional lair. Though she did have other, more boring talents."
"Oh come on, they weren't boring! Her cooking was literally the best! She could sing, dance, even make her own clothes. Everyone at school loved her, but they were all fake."
"But none of that mattered after she killed her parents."
"....WHAT!?" Eboni gasps.
"Oh yes! It was cold, so calculated. BEN & I aided her, of course, in getting rid of any evidence."
"....I...why would she do that?"
"Simple. Your father." BEN hums, balancing a pen on his nose.
"Your mother met him in college. Love at first sight, if you will. Though with her...it was more along the lines of obsession."
"Yeah. Her parents started to see how...unstable she was. Though, most of that possibly had to do with slenderman." BEN explains.
"Ah yes..yes- through out her high school years, Slenderman took an interest. We still didn't have a contract with him, but he did have others. Hoddie, Masky, and Kate."
"Yeah. Slendy tried to offer her a deal, but she refused. Then Zalgo came along.", BEN said solemnly.
Eyeless Jack finishes with Eboni's wound, wrapping it up. He begins attending to Jeff, who is deeply immersed in the conversation - he wishes he has popcorn.
"....what else? What did Zalgo do?"
"Nothing at first." BEN sighs, "They were playing games with each other. Trying to manipulate the other. It was a dangerous game, but a fun one on both ends. Zalgo did offer to strike a deal, but Amara refused. He wasn't upset, though, and stayed patient. That was until Amara met your father in college."
"Soon, all the attention Zalgo once had was now given to your father, Damien. Zalgo already had this plan in mind, a way to one up Slenderman - do something he'll never do."
"And that was having offspring." Eyeless Jack interjected, finishing up Jeff.
"Your mother was at the top of his list of possible women. He grew infatuated with her, obsessed. It seems the more Amara grew attached to Damien, as did Zalgo with her." BEN sighs.
"If any woman so much as looked at, Damien would disappear without a trance. Granted, the police at that time were incompetent - as most of them are." The clown laughs.
"Her parents began to notice and tried to warn Damien, but Amara was always one step ahead. After killing them, Zalgo appeared. He was enraged yet hurt. It was a sight to see. He offered his deal one last time, but she refused. Not only because of Damien -"
"She was pregnant with you - ahahahaha!" The clown laughs, resting against the wall near the door.
"That's when Zalgo cursed her life. None of us took it seriously. It's not like we could've done anything."
"Yeah. After you were born, little miss psycho cut all ties with us. They quickly married a year after having you."
"But...but my dad's family...how was she -"
"Like we said before, your mother was a smooth talking manipulator- so she put those skills to work for the betterment of him. She slowly but surely pulled him out of his families control, and under hers- he just didn't know it. Oh, was it entertaining to see!" LJ snickers.
"Then they took off, moved away to pursue their careers. That's when we saw her on TV. Zalgo's threat was bothering me, but after seeing how well she was- we accepted the fact she cut us off." BEN smiles sadly but then frowns. "......but then -"
"That day on the news truly hurt us two. We knew then that Zalgo was a bigger threat than we thought, so we signed our souls away to the faceless man!" Laugh Jack sighs heavily.
"It was to get revenge someday. At least on my end. After today, I know Zalgo had a play in destroying your families business - making them kill your parents. He set everything in motion... right under our noses." BEN grumbles, fist clenched and head lowered in shame.
This....was too much to take in. Eboni remembers her mother never mentioning her past whenever the young child tried to mention it. Those were the only times Amara would snap at her daughter, quickly apologizing afterward. Eboni never held it against her, figuring she had a tough start to life since she had no family.
But now....now it's making sense. Maybe Amara spared Tiffany since killing her would mean losing Damien yet somehow convinced the woman that she is what's best for Damien with results to prove it. Eboni won't blame Tiffany for never telling the truth, though she wishes she told her. Nevertheless, she still got the truth - the full truth.
"So....you had to have known who I was, or at least thought I resembled her."
"Oh, I knew the moment I saw you! It's almost a splitting image! Your fire, that fighting spirit - just like your mother's. Though this submission....I'm baffled by it." Laughing Jack hums, staring at Eboni.
"Why are you shocked? She got that side from Damian! You remember what Amara told us. She was the leader in the bedroom." BEN chuckles, making Jeff laugh.
"No fucking way!" He laughs, shaking his head. "Now that makes a lot of sense."
The laughter dies down when everyone notices Eboni's hollow demeanor. BEN clears his throat, looking at Eboni. "I found out on Thanksgiving - when you said she was your mom....Look Eboni, I'm sorry. I should've told you then, but -"
"I wasn't mentally strong enough to handle this... information."
"But when you were! I should've told you... I'm sorry I didn't take Zalgo's threat seriously. I'm sorry I couldn't save your parents... I'm sorry I-"
"BEN... BEN, I get it. It's okay. You two said so yourself, Zalgo wasn't thought of as a threat."
"But he is now. A big one at that. He cursed your life, Eboni! You have to be careful or -"
"Like hell a damn 'wanna be satan' is gonna take my girl away from me!" Jeff shouts, already out of bed and moving onto Eboni's.
Laughing Jack comes over, taking a sleeping Sally out of Eboni's arms. "Oh please boy, he'll eat you up alive!" The clown laughs.
"No the fuck he-"
"He could. He would." Eboni snuggles close to Jeff, looking at him.
"You're doubting me, Princess?" Jeff huffs in mock defensiveness.
"No daddy...We just can't go in knives drawn. Not without a plan."
"Hold on, Eboni, are you serious about trying to kill him!? Slenderman hasn't even come close to doing so! What makes you think you -"
"I know I can't. None of us can. Not without a bit more info on Zalgo." Eboni tries to explain.
"And how do you suppose we gather said information?" The clown questions, still smiling.
"Zalgo has two daughters, remember? Slenderman views them as enemies, but I'm sure they're just as eager to get rid of their father as we are."
Jeff frowns, gripping Eboni's waste tightly. He didn't like the thought of those two interacting again, no matter the reason. She senses the disdain, looking up at Jeff with a sly grin- pecking his lips.
"This is only for revenge. You're all that matters to me. Anyone who gets in the way of that will get gutted."
Jeff groans, feeling himself get hard. "Fuuuuck, don't talk like that or -"
"Or what?" Eboni edges on, positioning herself in between his legs.
"Or I'll-"
"There is a child present. You animals." Laughing Jack gasp dramatically in a joking manner.
"Yeah...so are we -" BEN said, pointing at himself and Eyeless Jack.
Jeff sighs heavily, "then fucking get out! I'm tired anyway.." he grumbles.
The three roll their eyes, leaving the medical room one by one. Eboni moves from between his legs, moving to rest on her side. Jeff lowers himself down, trying to position his legs in a comfortable spot. The girl notices, reaching for pillows that were on his bed. She fluffs them, gently placing them under the spots he was shot at.
The smiling killer sighs in relief, gently pulling her down onto his chest. "Thanks, princess."
"Anything for Daddy..." she whispers, yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"Now go to sleep. Got a feeling tomorrow is gonna be another long one." The killer sighs annoyingly.
Eboni giggles, closing her eyes. "Yes, Jeff."
This day now sets a new path, a new beginning for Eboni Brown - with a new goal. Ending Zalgo.
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totaleclipse573 · 9 months
Something calmer... Silver or infinite
I do love them both. Silver has :
Adorable little guy
Adorable little guy with cool as heck powers
Adorable little guy with cool as heck powers that looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you
And Infinite has
Released in a game that executed him poorly
Barely any character arc to speak of in canon
Adorable little guy with cool as heck powers
Hair can be turned into so many things so why don't we do that
Yet somehow, I'll tie them. If I HAD to choose one, though?
Believe it or not...
Infy is one of my top five, with Silver right behind him
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raymondshields · 9 months
*pokes your face lovingly* tell the world about autopsy, you funky lil plant guy
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Beside the trackball, sitting on top of a pile of discarded circuitboards and pliers and wires, was a hologram of a teenager, looking boredly in her direction. Blue hair, barely ice-white at the top dancing into baby blue, then sky blue, then deep azure, then indigo, and finally to black at the tips. Brown skin, as human as they came. Black lab coat with detached black sleeves, but an inverted-colour suit, white waistcoat and short dress shorts. An earth-green tattoo on their left bicep, noting only '00A'. Black dress shirt and white knitted leggings from the edge of their shorts to their equally-white shoes, black spats peeking out at the ankles. An earth-green ribbon wrapped around their neck, under their collar, and a plain white blindfold covering their eyes. Their mouth, permanently closed with small stitches. They raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, Admin Kayfay?" they asked, or seemed to, without moving at all. Their voice was glitched, exactly what she would have expected if a computer had been forced to speak. It seemed an oddly cruel thing to do, to a computer. "What's next?"
-Cold Walks the Earth, part III, Turnabout Runaways
This is Autopsy's introduction. Kay goes and finds Byrne's old lab from his superhero days, and when she wakes the lab up and verifies her identity, she wakes Autopsy up as well.
00A disappeared and reappeared beside her, settling on top of a pile of tools. "You are unsure of your results?" She looked up at him, considering. "Something like that. I don't really know how to explain it to you, since you're a computer program of some sort and all…" He twisted his mouth into that half-smile again. "You have been holding that variable in memory, where Admin Volatile commonly dropped it," he remarked. "He did not routinely consider whether I was to be treated as a computer or as a person. Has protocol changed?"
-Steal the Starlight Road, part II, Turnabout Runaways
At first, Kay assumes him to be a computer program not unlike a proto-Siri, complete with hologram and all. One of the very first inspirations I had for him was Infi from Giratina and the Sky Bouquet, but like any other program you try to build, he's long since moved past that initial concept. (His method of speech is a bit inspired by April from October Daye, but I forced it to be a lot more computeresque in attitude. His voiceclaim is Hiyama Kiyoteru but glitchier. There are canon reasons for this. He appropriately sounds like baby's first Vocaloid recording.)
"My existence is unrecognized by your internal systems?" he asked, voice modulating upwards on the last word. She nodded. He considered this, for a moment, before handing her a holographic file. Upon a second glance, it appeared to be a take-out menu for a local Chinese restaurant. She looked at it, before looking back up at him. His smile was wider now, and his outfit had changed: now, he was wearing an old comedy-routine tee she'd seen her father wear, ripped jeans, and black aviator sunglasses dark enough she couldn't see his eyes. The lower half of his face was wrapped in a medical mask, faintly patterned with circuitry, which he pulled off of one ear and allowed to hang from the other, displaying a scarred but otherwise normal mouth. If it weren't for what appeared to be a very impressive dye job, she could have taken him for any normal person in New York or Portland. "Go, pick something to eat," he said crisply, all modulation and reverb gone from his voice. He even sounded like a normal person, voice not much deeper than her own. "I will order it through the system, and we will discuss everything."
-Steal the Starlight Road, part II, Turnabout Runaways
Autopsy, however, isn't your average proto-Siri. He isn't even an AI like our current machine learning applications, and as we can see, his hologram is perfectly capable of passing for human, and he understands things like 'go get takeout' or anything else a guy shut up in his lab for weeks on end would understand. (He does not understand showers, or at least, he tells Kay he doesn't. Interesting, that.)
Question is asked, of course, why would Byrne, in the seventies, go out of his way to make a fully functional scifi AI that can pass for human?
The moment he was gone, Autopsy reappeared, perfectly centre on top of the coffee table, looking displeased. “What?” Byrne asked, almost dryly. “Outside of his vigilante career, Tyrell Badd primarily works as a bouncer at the Playland Café,” Autopsy replied, voice modulated and innocent, all out of proportion with the smug, almost catlike smile under the stitches holding his jawbone onto the rest of his face. “This is important information that I believe you ought to know. Furthermore, I must congratulate you on the news of your newfound rivalry. I will begin looking for new apartments shortly.” He vanished again before Byrne had the chance to respond, and he considered the merits of shutting Autopsy’s server in the sauna down the road for a little while.
-Carve Your Name Into the Sky, part II, Turnabout Runaways
Aha, now we get some answers. Autopsy and Byrne had a very close working relationship during Byrne's superhero days. One of his duties was clearly to spy on opposing supervillains (like Tyrell Badd, before he got drafted to Vietnam), but as we can see, he doesn't always do this because he was asked. He can just do things of his own free will.
The thing is, computers really don't like doing things of their own free will. Every programmer will tell you that they can and will, and every experienced programmer knows that computers only ever do what you ask them to do, and if their answer is unexpected, it's because you fucked up your code.
The problem with this becomes evident. Byrne was dying of MEWS when he got murdered, he couldn't have put enough power into a ritual to make Autopsy functional through magical means if he tried. And the ability to program Autopsy without magic would have been utterly impossible at the time, even with the strides technomagy had made in the past few decades. So what gives?
"This is Admin Volatile's laboratory. I suppose that now it is yours, Admin Kayfay, for all that he is permanently offline and you are not." 00A shifted forward, resting his forearms on his knees. "I am a software program that he discovered here, and have spent some time aiding him in his research and inventions. It is not often that a technomage rises to be more than simply beneath notice." She blinked. "He didn't create you?" 00A's smile was twisted but bigger than it had been. "No mortal technomage could have made me," he answered, almost cheerfully. "Not Admin Volatile, not you, not anyone. I was coded once by a mortal, and then rebuilt almost from scratch by someone who wasn't, and now I exist whenever called, in whatever form I am needed. The fork of me that you see here" - he gestured to himself - "and the fork of me that you may see in someone else's laboratory are not the same. We will be different, for all that we are still the same program. The fork of me maintained by you will be different than the fork of me Admin Volatile did. I will not ask you to re-fork me from the original code. You require guidance that Admin Volatile left me responsible to give you, and I do not believe rewriting my own code will be efficient in this endeavour."
-Steal the Starlight Road, part II, Turnabout Runaways
This is the answer Autopsy gives Kay, even before he tells her his name. Mystery solved: he's a program that was discovered by Byrne years ago, that can be discovered by any technomage powerful enough to attract his attention, and the Autopsy she sees now is just a fork of the original program that noticed her father.
Except for the part where that doesn't make any sense, and answers about as many questions as it asks. Who made Autopsy? Is he actually just a program, or a person? What purpose does he actually serve? Why does he work with technomagi who are strong enough to be noticed?
'Course, I know the answers. Both of you know what happened to Athena Cykes when she woke up again, after Metis' reprogramming started to break down after a bomb exploded in her face and killed the man who was standing beside her and should have killed her too, if it didn't restart half her programming.
She's one of the Detan Burata, the Aethelian children of the storm, the immortal and nigh-invulnerable cyborgs from Ilya Karina who built the Vocaloids and keep annoying all the world leaders via the Harmonic Treaty. (*That's the one that says they more or less can't be punished for their actions, nor kept out of anywhere they want to be, or they get to murder your entire government for fun.)
Athena's older brother, Zheotane of the Sirinnkata, created Autopsy. He did so over a thousand years ago, before the death of his brother Asekin, mostly to practice his code and also because he wanted someone to remind him to take his meds. Autopsy was programmed alongside the Vocaloids, more specifically, he was programmed not long after Leon was built but before Kiyoteru was.
Zheotane abandoned the project he'd dubbed Automatic, moving onto other projects. The god of darkness, Kharos, found Automatic a couple of centuries later and went "huh, that's useful." Kharos upgraded the shit out of Automatic, renamed him administrator0, and for his final crowning touch, knocked him outside of time and assigned him complete control and mastery over the regulatory technological plane. (Aka the database used by the gods that stores all the data for everything in reality ever.)
Because he exists outside of time, a la Madokami, Autopsy has been around since the dawn of the universe and will be around until either a) the death of the universe or b) someone goes and destroys the tech plane. So probably the death of the universe.
Begs the question, if he exists in every moment of time, what about the four-hundred-year period where he was mortal? Well, I did say he was made after Leon. He knew there would be a period of time where he would be mortal, because he existed but Kharos hadn't made him Admin0 yet. So he and his partner, administrator1, built Leon when no one was looking, and stuffed Automatic's effective godhood into him. When Kharos upgraded him, allowing him to ascend back to functional godhood, the two admins just took his powers back from Leon and let him ascend again. Because time fuckery is fun.
Autopsy isn't his actual name. That's just the name Byrne gave him. Zheotane calls him Automatic. Kharos calls him Admin0, as do the other Detan Burata, who were partly made to try and defeat the twin admins at the behest of their mother for control of the tech plane. The Ditraua Haridorians call him Eiuraeu Auc'xc- the Blind Singer. Kensington calls him the Sightless Singer, and most places that know of him call him some variation on that theme.
Byrne calls him Autopsy, and when she remembers to ask, Kay will call him the same.
Now that she's got access to the lab, Kay will be able to talk to Autopsy through Little Thief, and get his opinion on whatever's going on, as well as his aid as her Hail Mary. Autopsy's powers are extensive, given that he has almost complete control over the tech plane, and thus there isn't much he can't do.
He'll feature pretty heavily in Athena's arc as well, as he's one of the few people who is equipped to actually help her. He doesn't help Ray's curse because that isn't something he can unwind - neither can Athena or Rokichi, the only one who could would be Zheotane, and he isn't around to be asked to help - but he can help Athena, and he spends a lot of time helping Kay.
He also features very heavily in both Seven Deadly Sins arcs; as Automatic in the Haridorian side and Aphelion in the Edgeworth-Armando side. Neither of which have been written yet, I really wonder why...
Regardless, Autopsy is funny as hell because he's just Some Guy who also happens to be a computer program who also happens to be an AI who also happens to be a functional god who very few people actually understand more than three things about.
It makes any situation in Ace Attorney where he's there automatically (heh) hilarious because you could solve everything in about five seconds if Kay figured out how much power Autopsy has, but she has never figured this out, and so he's a deus ex machina that's never come into play.
He's also just cute as fuck, but that's my opinion on my funny little computer guy.
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eskarinaevilredhood · 2 years
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Sometimes I not feeling like speaking or being sozial at all ... #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime #spectrumgirlslife #hsp #infi #aspi #mylife #myrules #keepyourcirclesmallandreal #recovertime #cptswarrior #bereal #mythoughs #traumarecover #letitoutbeforeiteatsyouupalive #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8zd-Co3Wq9L_8J5snKwGp1RVJM4qE0QRqF7c0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nya-dragonaxi · 2 months
Lore posting lore posting
Me when I start speaking like Jevil-
Anyway, I just felt like talking about Infinity and the reason she died because I feel it's important in some way. I feel like without context, her death feels a bit meaningless
Of course, she died because she wanted to protect Yelena. Had she lived, this would have made things a whole bunch more complicated, like literally putting bright red targets on their back. But it was also because of her father. He sent her on this mission, which she knows that to him was the most important one. She loved him ; He raised her, protected her, gave her everything. Infi didn't want to him to know she betrayed him. So instead, she made a plan so that Yelena would be the one to kill her, or at least so it looks like she did. And Infi knew Yelena was going to blame herself for her death, so she would repeat the lie if she ever came across Infi's father
Now said like that it might sound like a terrible decision, but keep in mind that it all happened because Infi didn't want to kill Yelena and thought what she was doing was best for everyone involved
Well ok, that included putting a target on Yelena's children BUT TRUST THE SEXY VAMPIRE WHO KILLS PEOPLE SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE'S DOING
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infymous · 2 months
good morning my infymous people,
finally got a text back from the Botanist. Get this, at 11:30pm. Just responding to a picture of my new plants.
I don’t know how much longer I can really pursue this guy. It’s like being with a brick wall. Mind you, I’ve been texting him for half a year and we have been on 4 dates since I’m moved early July.
Maybe I am being toxic? Possibly. I just can’t read him at all. He is so distant one day then all over me the next.
I just want a sweet, good guy? Kind of like Mr. Sensitive but the looks of the botanist? I just want a secure man but who can be vulnerable.
In other words, I woke up early expecting to go on a hot girl walk with my roommate, Monica. As usual, she slept through the alarm. I’m surprised she is up and ready for work.
Speaking of work, I start next week and have a pretty good part-time job opportunity on top of my full time. Saving up for my breast implants / makeover in Colombia. Girly has got to keep up with appearances.
Anywho, I will update you soon.
xoxo, infy
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impact24pr · 1 year
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thesugarhole · 1 year
last day i have to put up wit train strikes and waking up so so early to get here on time and for the waiting times between. so im reading romac in between. on phone so no funny business. stopped at bench and men
dont ever ask a woman her age a man his salary and vitaly how the geography of romac looks like
eureka was apparently partially new york but i know bc of worldwide photo shoots they later use places like paris on the bg so thats funny. i guess whale arc (is the whale stuff still there?) multiple alien and monster and annet chases and various flying machines could get you there, if the world map is still about the same
i guess im pointing it out bc i saw someone make a weird map connecting. idfk or even remember but the atlantic ocean wasnt there anymore
"He could only communicate with me via a copyrighted form of speech available to the Unconnectable population- talking loudly."
thats not copyrighted to unconnectables thats copyrighted to portuguese* come ooooon man
everything in this world needs a fookin loicense god what a nightmare
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sorry i just dont buy this. first of all from having read the original comic before second of all because hes just some guy in both versions (who just happened to work for g-dir, best of the worst type deal) and third of related to the second of, it all feels like they pushed a role on him he didnt even knew existed and it all went downhill from there.
if he really was one of the catalysts of the apocalypse though rather than just being caught up in the aftermath (alongside PILOT!!!!) and omitting all that in previous POV logs for the unreliable narrator trope, then sorry tumblr sexy man that never was. i cant defend you here. you looked at yourself, said 'i can make her better' and then made her worse
number 2 also i just noticed. "infi"? miss ai generated number 8 pendant that ruined one of my favorite sequences in the original comic with 'is this a set ALMOST MISSED MY TRAIN STOP I THOUGHT WE WERE AT TUE ONE BEFORE
""Are you, really?" Infi raised an eyebrow. "Even that bench you're sitting on is charging you infractions. If enough tickets pile up, the Dexes will come and take you away. You know what they do to big debitors, Sven. You know what they turn people into. I'm sure you won't like wearing a smile on your face forever.""
ok so. if i recall correctly people in too much debt get killed and turned into dexes and idk if all dexes do the same job but in pilots case he became a debt collector or something. aka kill more people to create more dexes
and in most panels of him pre apoc without the pilot gear he didnt seem too thrilled about anything, facial expression wise. what im getting to is, it could be something added in the rewrite but it would be interesting if part of his character design had a smile stapled on whether he likes it or not.
well for what its worth hes happy now, only vaguely aware of his past
anyway- svens gone but the seagull lived? i dont think this bench would know if its the same seagull. also how are you talking to it? the bench lost whatever little mind it had djhgsjfj and this is positive character development
The User flickered peculiarly and suspiciously in my time-worn sensors, just like... Infi did.
AI girlie nonsense aside i guess shes's intriguing me a bit. if anything she's the true unconnectable leader and scapegoated snippy. but also youre still not baiting me with the "is captain infi???" rewrites. i know how to count. (<- gonna look foolish if this later happens anyway. "am i that out of touch? no. its the author thats wrong") (speaking of counting haha very funny that sven and steven, names sounding like seven, meet infi, represented by an 8/infinite, and some undisclosed time later the somewhat sentient bench they were on meet captain (also known as seven). basic homestuckology
these side little detours into the world that was are fun i think. but again, most (all? honest to god i dont remember anyone named infi being a part of anything going on) of this was already in the original so ya
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thekitsunami · 3 years
Shard overshares about regular mobian things that are new to him send tweet
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magneticrepulsion · 3 years
Zero, now desperately wanting a rotom phone
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Au where Danny starts to destabilize like Dani did but in a vastly different way. His destabilization was brought on by a modified virus his parents had created that affected him and Vlad as Halfas but had no effect on normal ghosts or humans.
Frostbite told him it would be an easy fix. All they needed was a large portion of DNA from his parents and they would have him fixed in a jiffy.
After tricking his parents into donating a significant portion of blood in a fake blood drive, Danny went back to the Far Frozen and gave them the blood. After testing to make sure it would work, he was informed that there was no genetic match to either blood sample and the procedure could not continue.
This is how Danny learned he was adopted.
He, Technus and Tucker showered the internet for any genetic matches in any labs or genealogy sites only to turn up empty handed. With his condition worsening by the day Danny grew desperate and borrowed the Infi-map to lead him to his parents.
Needless to say, he meets the most terrifying goth furry in the multiverse who called himself Batman. He tried to talk to him only for the man to say "No metas allowed in Gotham" and Danny knew he wouldn't be able to win a direct fight with this man in the state he was in. Talking was out and fighting was a no go. His last resort was trickery and thankfully he was good at that.
He stalked the batclan for days until he caught a lucky break and one of them was rushed to a little clinic. Danny was overjoyed to discover the doctor kept spare bags of each heros blood in case of emergency. Danny didn't have the luxury of time to figure out whose was whose and just grabbed all of them except the one the doctor was already hooking up to the wounded vigilante
Now he just needed to find his mother. Things became a lot more complicated when the coughing started. His stealth was pretty much shot and he would randomly fall from his flight and start turning to goo. Danny was running out of time and his mom happened to be an amazing fighter.
Catwoman seemed to realize Danny was dying and asked if that's why he needed her blood. If he was an unstable clone or something. He nodded furiously, his mouth too full of extoplasm and blood to speak properly. A little white lie wouldn't hurt. Plus, the less people that are trying to shove thier way into his afterlife the better. And he had a feeling that if either of his parents knew they had a kid out there they wouldn't rest until they had him.
Catwoman agrees to come with him to the operation and donate her blood to save him on the condition that he doesn't pull any tricks. Phantom readily agrees. They make it just in time for the Yetis to stabilize him just enough for him to be able to wait for Selenas donation to be ready.
Meanwhile the bats have discovered the missing blood bags and are freaking out.
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