#ineffable husbands fanfic
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thescholarlystrumpet · 10 months ago
Father Fell x Crowley in WW2 - Complete!
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stunning cover art by @quona!!
Father Fell has been living a quiet life in a small parish. Despite the looming fear of war, he thought he was content with his small pleasures. Until a mysterious stranger comes to town, turning that life on its head and awakening desires the Father thought he buried long, long ago...
Chapter Sixteen, a short but sweet coda to our story that gives a small glimpse into the near future.
It was in May of that year that Germany surrendered. Less than a year after the battle called D-Day that became known as a pivotal point in the war. The day that Ezra Fell first properly introduced himself to Anthony Crowley (he did share his birth surname once, murmured against his lover’s shoulder but they agreed it was a secret between them that never need see the light of day). The day that Crowley saw in Fell something the man had never managed to find in himself and said it out loud. Strength in the softness of him, the unbroken spirit of a man whose faith extended beyond the ineffable and into the heart of every person he met. 
It was a slow but verdant Spring, as though Persephone had been languidly stretching out one limb at a time. They worked the garden together, Crowley in his dark glasses and Fell in a straw hat, looking up to share coy smiles across the unfurling leaves. They washed together after, some days just as leisurely, prolonging the moments of soap--slick contact. Some days they rushed through clean up so they could tumble faster into bed. 
Crowley was unspeakably, incandescently happy. It felt like there was a living sun below his sternum, radiating heat and life, powered by Ezra’s smiles and kisses, by the soft breath against Crowley’s neck as they slept, by hands that unerringly sought his at nearly every private opportunity.
Read on AO3
Read from the Beginning
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diaryofamadcatdad · 6 months ago
Title: Loving the Sun
By: valxfenrison
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Good Omens Season 2, Post-Good Omens (TV) Season 2, Oneshot, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale (Good Omens), Prince of Hell Crowley (Good Omens, )Hurt/Comfort, Angst, BAMF Aziraphale (Good Omens), Protective Aziraphale (Good Omens), Soft Aziraphale (Good Omens), Bearded Aziraphale (Good Omens), The Second Coming (Good Omens), some violence, But Not Enough To Warrant The Warning Tag, Complicated Relationships, Heaven is Terrible (Good Omens), Hints At Who Crowley Was Before the Fall, Crowley remembers, Aziraphale doesn't, Not Beta Read, Beta Reader Welcome
Chapters: 1/1 COMPLETE
Oneshot. A year after Aziraphale ascended to Heaven to become the Supreme Archangel, Crowley is left heartbroken and in turmoil as the newly appointed Prince of Hell. Unbeknownst to him, Aziraphale’s departure was not voluntary. He’s now engaged in a desperate attempt to prevent the Second Coming, all while facing opposition from other Archangels determined to thwart his efforts.
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pyncher · 2 years ago
has anyone done this yet ?
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arun-armand-amadeo · 8 months ago
After Hours - Aziraphale/Crowley
Explicit | 8,800 words | Complete
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Aziraphale has been invited along as a guest lecturer to a local University. Nervous though, he asks Crowley to come and watch for a bit of moral support. Afterwards, when all the students have left, Crowley finds himself playing the role of Anthony, a man in his early fifties returning to his education a little later on in life, not expecting to find his tutor, Mr. Fell, so very attractive.
A sexual roleplay ensues, but for how long can they keep in character for, especially when this is something that they have both wanted for so very long? And will this thin veil of plausible deniability be enough to protect them from Heaven and Hell?
[AO3 Link]
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jadevalentine-writes · 11 months ago
Living in Sin - Chapter 8 - Good Omens Season 2 Roommates AU - NOW AVAILABLE ON AO3!
Read it on AO3 here. Read it from the beginning here.
Chapter Preview:
Crowley was one-hundred percent convinced that grocery car parks were one of Hell’s many inventions. Driving in London was always challenging so really Crowley should have tempered his expectations if he thought a small area jammed with cars, people, and those blasted grocery carts would bring out the best in humanity.  Crowley spent almost a half hour inching along the pavement aisles attempting to find a suitable parking spot for his beloved Bentley. Aziraphale would gently point out a spot and Crowley would make his approach only to be beaten out by parents’ Tokyo drifting their minivans into the sighted parking spot at the last second. He let them know just how he felt by blaring his horn and stringing together creative curses that had parents’ jaws dropping in horror and their kids’ jaws dropping in admiration.  After his outburst, Aziraphale would gently pat his arm and point out another open spot and the process would start all over again.  Finally, Crowley’s patience extinguished and he drove to a corner of the lot and discreetly miracled a parking spot. He turned the Bentley into it sharply and flipped off a minivan as it zoomed past behind them.  “Fuck off!” he shouted as he flung open the door. Apparently a man shouting obscenities was commonplace at the grocery and barely anyone turned in his direction.  “Really, dear,” Aziraphale chided softly as he straightened his waistcoat, “was that necessary?” Crowley growled and snapped his fingers to place an anti-cart ward on the Bentley. Like heaven was he going to stand seeing her damaged by someone’s carelessness to return a cart.  “Let’s go,” he snapped as he sauntered towards the grocery entrance. If Crowley thought the car park was a hellish invention, then he could argue that the grocery itself was the tenth circle of hell.
Also never done this before but...@goodomensafterdark !
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m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s · 1 year ago
Aziracrow fic
An Artist and His Muse
Rating: explicit
Words: 10k
Summary: One of Aziraphale's hobbies for centuries has been drawing, and Crowley, the love of his life, is his greatest muse. Crowley just doesn't know it. What happens when Crowley catches Aziraphale sketching him during a nap? Will it bring a new aspect to their relationship, or will Crowley run away from it?
Check out AO3 for tags ✌️💙
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mothdogs · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Nanny Ashtoreth/Aziraphale (Good Omens) Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Nanny Ashtoreth (Good Omens), Brother Francis (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, The Dowling Years (Good Omens), Warlock Dowling Loves Nanny Ashtoreth, She/Her Pronouns for Nanny Ashtoreth (Good Omens), She/Her Pronouns for Crowley (Good Omens), Wingfic, Pining, He/Him Pronouns For Aziraphale (Good Omens), Mentioned Brother Francis (Good Omens), no sex only tenderness this time, maybe they'll get there some day, technically f/m because crowley is presenting as ashtoreth here but it doesn't really matter
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Summary: After a rain-swept evening meeting at the Dowling Estate, Crowley and Aziraphale both come away with a prize.
Teaser: He eased himself down onto the hardwood of Crowley’s floor, shifting to find a modicum of comfort. As he did so, the signature of a small demonic miracle sparked behind him, and then a floor pillow sprang up, soft and inviting, beneath him. He looked over his shoulder at Crowley, raising an eyebrow in question as he did, but the demon’s dark glasses revealed nothing. “Been meaning to redecorate in here, ‘s all,” Crowley shrugged, and Aziraphale turned away, worried that the flush on his face was visible from Heaven.
“Right, angel, give them here,” Crowley said, and Aziraphale allowed his wings to unfurl from where they had been drawn tightly up to his back.
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pisces-swirlix · 1 year ago
If you’re one of the people who followed me for Good Omens, pls enjoy the fic I posted a few months ago :)
After the world almost ended, it's about time they celebrate for once... with alcohol. Crowley gets a little bold with his questions, and Aziraphale gets even more bold with his answers.
(Written pre-season 2)
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stargazingfromeden · 10 months ago
heyyy!!!!! chapter 5 of my lawyer!crowley x priest!aziraphale fic is out!!!!! the pining is pining!!!
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church-of-lilith · 2 years ago
Vinylatte Good Omens Fic Masterlist
the maggie/nina tag on ao3 post season 2 has been almost impossible to navigate if you’re trying to find actual fics of them. so i decided that i would compile all of them i could find and put them here in one place for anyone who’s been looking.
**denotes fics where they’re more of a background pairing, but still prevalent
Pre-Season Fics
Shrinking Violet by deathbymistletoe
Really cute one shot written and published after the early screening of the first two episodes. Explores Maggie’s feelings for Nina but is canon divergent after 2x02
divine intervention by literary_lesbian
In which Nina thinks her intentions are pretty clear, but Maggie needs a bit more reassurance.
all this (and heaven, too) by literary_lesbian
5 times Nina & Maggie assume Aziraphale & Crowley are together + the 1 time they actually are.
Atlas (then suddenly, I saw you) by Andnever_ever_eatpears
A collection of fics set throughout Maggie & Nina’s relationship. Currently at 8 works but the author says there’s 11 planned so definitely keep an eye on this one!
When I’m Ready I Hope She’ll Be There by gutsandglitter (@applebottomclaudiajeans)
A collection of fics that take us through Maggie & Nina’s relationship as it develops. Currently at 4 works and they’re some of the sweetest most well written stories you’ll ever read.
One Shots
The times, they are a-changing by WrittenMemxries
4 times Nina enters Maggie’s shop + 1 time she enters her house
i’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my (wo)man by Lavenderknives (@lavenderknivess)
Maggie is closing up the record store, but Nina has something she wants to say.
lost in your current like a priceless kombucha by Lavenderknives (@lavenderknivess)
Short crack-ish fic where Maggie makes her own kombucha and brings some to Nina.
my, my, how can i resist you by Lavenderknives (@lavenderknivess)
Maggie and Nina have a silly little movie night because they deserve it!
and she aches (just like a woman) by literary_lesbian
A year after The Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association meeting, Nina comes to terms with what she really wants.
and yet it moves by literary_lesbian**
Aziraphale knows he should leave Earth behind entirely, if he means to take his role in reforming Heaven seriously. But when Maggie calls out to him, he can’t help but listen in. He never was very good at following the rules, even his own.
a new light by literary_lesbian
Nina has always hated the holiday season and the decorations her fellow Shopkeepers on Whickber Street enjoy utilizing to the extreme, year after year after… Until Maggie comes along and sheds some light on a few things.
terms of endearment by literary_lesbian**
In which Crowley learns something new about humanity, and he and Aziraphale finally come to terms with their feelings.
hymns for a broken heart by andiwriteordie
Five records Maggie gives to Crowley, plus one she gives to Aziraphale
worm-hearted by findmebythemilkway**
“Would you still love Mr. Fell if he was a worm?” Maggie blurts out and immediately blushes. Nina snorts in her respective corner. Crowley, who’s been busy eyeing both the television and the bookshop, redirects his eyes to her. Maggie offers him a toothy grin. “I’m… sorry?” Crowley asks. He can’t wait for Aziraphale to arrive and hear this.
I’m ready by Culties
Nina has a confession to make and reminisces on her relationship with Maggie so far.
Like Real People Do by My__name__Leo**
Aziraphale and Crowley are on a double date with Nina and Maggie. But what happens when Crowley gets overwhelmed?
who wants to live forever? by lovelosvers**
“Maggie,” he turns mock serious. “Would you describe The Velvet Underground as bebop?” She looks bewildered. “Never in a million years,” she says. “So you see my point, then,” Crowley grins.
Tilt by DoonaRose
Maggie tells Aziraphale that her and Nina have started a relationship but that he can’t tell Crowley because Nina doesn’t want to hear ‘I told you so’. Aziraphale tells Crowley because he can’t help himself and then Crowley decides to show Nina that him and Aziraphale are also now doing the kissing and being a couple thing.
a little uncertainty by TheTellersEye
Maggie and Nina talking about the future and being cute.
Mr. Fell is Back by ughdotcom
Mr. Fell is back. Nina and Maggie have a few comments.
Multi-Chapter Fics
Moving On by neowitcher
Maggie and Nina have endured a lot in a short amount of time and now that Aziraphale is off to Heaven, any heavenly or demonic threats seem to have departed. Now, the two women are left spending their days in each other's company and are steadily growing fonder of each other. Maggie fears she's moving too fast when all Nina wants to do is move on.
The Third Fall by cordsycord
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, son of God, came to Earth, against the predictions of dozens prominent religious scholars, on the relatively normal day of June 21st 2024, four months before the Earth's 6028th birthday. It was raining in London. The M25 was backed up. The Tube was late arriving to one station, and early arriving to another. Tourists took pictures at all the places that tourists enjoy taking pictures at.
Coming Back Around by CLOVERTOWN3
After Aziraphale leaves Earth, Crowley is left to drown in his sorrow. Together, Maggie and Nina weigh the tasks of keeping Crowley in check and solving the mystery of Aziraphale's strange and sudden promotion. All the while Muriel learns more about love, heaven, and the nature of humanity.
Whickber Street Relationship Counseling (And Rescue Service) by staroversea
The incredible true story of how 8 shopkeepers become responsible for a very emotionally fragile demon.
Uncharted Territory by Justanothernerdsstuff
Seven months after Aziraphale took his new position in heaven, Crowley is coping the best he can.
Most Ardently by borealisaurora**
Aziraphale brings Pride and Prejudice with him to Heaven, and with its help and the help of some friends, he realizes where he went wrong with Crowley and what he needs to do to fix it.
We Could’ve Been Us by elusive_ellipsis**
Aziraphale's last words to the one being he could ever say he loved were "I forgive you," but he knows that Crowley will never forgive him. Nina and Maggie try to convince him that he can make it up to the demon, but Aziraphale is only staying on Earth until he accepts that their relationship is truly over.
You’re Crashing but You’re no Wave, You’re Just an Angel Cast out of Heaven by Blueleaf12
Where is Crowley supposed to go after the Metatron whisked Aziraphale away to heaven? Bunk across the hall from where the Archangel Gabriel once resided in Aziraphale’s bookshop? Fuck no, now was the time to mope with those two human women you royally messed up trying to get together.
Something lasts forever by Aidaran
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley is left to drink himself to death and be just as miserable as he can be. Lucky for him, Nina doesn't have patience for drunk demons in his shop, and Maggie is always willing to give a helping hand.
what it all comes down to by dollsome**
Aziraphale starts sneaking out of Heaven to visit Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death. It helps immensely.
Shepherds of the Damned by angelwithawand**
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley carves out a life of his own.
on the inside and no sunlight by the_moonmoth**
In which Crowley makes some friends, Aziraphale does some thinking, and they both learn a thing or two about communication
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giantmushyfriend · 1 year ago
Ineffable Husbands WIP Sneak Peak
He looks down at Crowley, now limp in his grasp, the poor dear run ragged and far too thin. His grasp tightens as tears leak from his eyes which are screwed so shut to the point of pain,  teeth biting into the soft flesh of his bottom lip, a hail Marry attempt to keep his sobs at bay not to disrupt the man dozing in his arms. Aziraphale could feel his soul scratching at the crypt of his chest, like a wild, restless animal, desperately trying to claw itself out and drag itself to its other half who lay bound and caged just a few centimeters away, yearning to stitch itself whole once more. A sob breaks through the sealed dam of his teeth, gushing forward like a river mixing with the freshly spilled blood that pools into his mouth from his torn lip. He does not care, he cannot muster it. His mind is only set on trying to hold onto whatever scrapes of Anthony he can reach. His fingers itch to reach into his chest and carve his heart out, yank out each shard until it stands complete in all of its shattered glory, and present its jagged pieces to Crowley as a final parting gift. 
If you must die tomorrow, then die knowing that my heart, my very essence, belongs to you. Leave me knowing that it will never beat without you near, that I cannot bear to live in a world that you are not in. Take its shards with you and keep them as a memento of me until we can meet again in another life, another realm; wear them as if they are a part of you because they are. Our souls are bound, woven together in their very foundation. I am yours, Anthony, body and soul, forever and always, even in our separation, especially our death. For if the gallow floors drop tomorrow at sunset, it will not just kill you but me as well.
What you just read is a small portion of my current work in progress, Deliverance, the Greatest Gift, and an Ineffable Husband Human AU, which primarily takes its inspiration from the song Devil's Backbone by the Civil Wars. So far, the working summary is this:
Aziraphale Fell has resigned himself to his destined life in the town of Tadfield, the life laid out by both his father's dying wish and the God he spends his weekends worshiping. It may not be the life he always dreamed of as a boy, an expansive bookshop full of antiquities in the bustling city of London. However, it's still a good life: playing the piano during church services while his elder brother Gabriel leads the congregation, living a quiet life wed to a respectable man hand-picked by his father before his passing. It's a good life chosen by the almighty herself, and Aziraphale is doing everything he can to make himself content with the fact of it until a mysterious figure by the name of Anthony J Crowley turns himself in to the local authorities, confessing to the crimes of murder and theft. On all accounts, Aziraphale knows he should want nothing to do with the man; he blazingly goes against everything his morals, upbringing, and religion have taught him. But as Crowley routinely comes in for a confession with Aziraphale's older brother, he cannot help but become intrigued with the supposed criminal in front of him, and the deeper he digs into what exactly led Crowley here, the more he comes to realize that there is something to be said about shades of gray in a world that was so black and white until that point.
This story is full of angst, pining, and religious imagery, so it's the standard Good Omens fanfic. And in case it is a must for you, yes, it has a happy ending because it is an absolute must. I will post more updates as I continue working on this bad boy, so if you're interested, feel free to stay tuned ❤️
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ineffable-cringe · 1 year ago
Do it again.
“You Idiot. We could’ve been… us.” Crowley says, hoping Aziraphale will realize. When Aziraphale looks away, Crowley has one last attempt. One last, desperate attempt. He marches up to Aziraphale, grabs him by the lapels and passionately, frantically, crashes his lips with Aziraphale’s.
“Will this work? please work. This is supposed to work.” are the thoughts racing through Crowley’s mind. Thoughts of, “No, this can’t feel like this. I can’t want this! But oh, I do want this. So much.” running through Aziraphale’s mind.
Aziraphale battles with himself to lean into Crowley’s kiss. For a second, he wraps his arms around Crowley’s back. Crowley pulls away. Aziraphale’s reaction is hard to read. Was it too much? Did Crowley go to fast? Surely after 6000 years, it’s not too fast. Aziraphale opens his mouth. Something along the lines of “I can’t.”, but is too quiet to tell. Crowley sighs, feeling like his attempts of getting Aziraphale to stay have failed.
“I forgive you.”
The words fell from Aziraphale’s mouth and jabbed Crowley in the heart. He was losing his angel. Defeated, Crowley lets out, “Don’t bother.”
As Crowley is leaving the bookshop, Aziraphale slowly starts to realize what just happened. Just as Crowley is about to open the door, Aziraphale says, loudly, “Do it again!”
Crowley turns to look at Aziraphale. He doesn’t speak, but he gives Aziraphale a look of, “What did you say? Did I hear your correctly?”
“Do… do it again. Please. Right now.” Aziraphale says in a hushed tone. Crowley gets closer to his angel, who he was pretty sure he was about to lose just a few seconds ago, cups his face, and passionately, less frantically kisses his angel. Aziraphale leans into the kiss. This is exactly what he needs. He doesn’t need Heaven. He needs Crowley. The kiss lasts much longer, and is much more enjoyable than the first attempt.
As the kiss starts to get a little more heated, The Metatron walks in to get Aziraphale’s answer. “I see you’ve made your choice.” Says Metatron. His expression is hard to read. Will he outcast Aziraphale from Heaven? Will he keep his word and let Crowley know he can be restored to full angelic status?
“Yes… I- I have.” Aziraphale starts, nervously. “I have decided- well, we have- Crowley and I have decided that if Gabriel and Beelzebub can go off together, then we can too. We want to stay right here. In this bookshop.” Crowley gives his angel a “well done, angel, I’m so proud of you” look.
“Very well. I didn’t want to have to do this, but this does mean you will no longer be allowed in Heaven.” The Metatron tells Aziraphale.
“Yes, I- I understand. But there is nowhere I’d rather be than with Crowley, who is my heaven.” Aziraphale tells Metatron.
“You’re really going to give up Heaven for a demon? A fallen angel, who couldn’t even do a good job at being a demon?” Metatron says.
“With all due respect, the last time Aziraphale was in Heaven, you lot tried to cast him into hellfire. Granted he wasn’t there, but I was. I saw how he was treated, and I will not stand for it.” Crowley starts to go off on Metatron. Was it too much? Did he go too far? Aziraphale looked at both Crowley and Metatron shocked. Crowley never mentioned that Heaven tried to set him ablaze.
“Wait, you weren’t there?” Metatron says to Aziraphale. Aziraphale looks panicked, worried about what will happen to him and Crowley now.
“It seems you have made a decision. I will leave you two alone.” Metatron started, “Aziraphale, if you change your mind, you know how to find me.”
Aziraphale gives Metatron a look of, “Seriously? After everything that just happened, you’re still trying to get me to go with you?”
“I’m afraid I will not be joining you. At all. Crowley and I are staying right here in this bookshop.” Aziraphale stands his ground, and grabs Crowley’s hand. They didn’t need Heaven, they didn’t need Hell, they’re toxic. They can finally get away, and just be them. An us. Maybe get a little cottage in the South Downs.
I had this idea to write this after learning about the meaning of the look Aziraphale gives Crowley after the kiss. This is the first time I ever written anything in years, so go easy on me.
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animeangelriku · 1 year ago
He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to feel Crowley’s demonic presence, searching in all the places he thinks he could be, but just like Muriel told him, Crowley is nowhere to be found. Aziraphale expands his search radius, going all the way to Edinburgh, Paris, the Americas, bloody Antarctica, the Moon… and still, no sign of his demon. No sign of any demonic activity at all, no leftover traces of sulfur and brimstone. Hell doesn’t have him. That doesn’t make Aziraphale feel much better, but it’s something, at least. Hold on a moment. It’s not an occult presence he should be looking for—Hell made it clear that they couldn’t care less about Crowley—it’s ethereal. It’s Heaven who wants to get rid of Crowley, who would benefit from his destruction.
Here is the story I wrote in collaboration with @sightkeeper for the @do-it-with-style-events Reverse Mini Bang!! It was such a pleasure to partake in this event and to have Ran as my collaborator! We hope you enjoy what we cooked up together!!
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fairyspheres · 1 year ago
if you guide me into your space
crowley eyes the point of contact between them for a moment, face near unreadable as he lifts his gaze back to aziraphale’s face. aziraphale keeps maintaining that eye contact, does not let himself be cowed back from this. because here, after the end of the world, he needs this contact. needs the reassurance that they both still yet live, that they have not failed humanity to an inglorious doom. that they still, despite the incredible odds stacked against them, have come out the other side still standing. he knows crowley needs this too, though his stubborn demon would never initiate such a gesture. would never even ask for it.
read on ao3
aka i wanted to write a fic of crowley and aziraphale holding hands on the bus. so i did.
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justtellher · 11 months ago
give me peace (in a lifetime of war) 5/15
Chapter 5: there's something lonesome about you (I slithered here from Eden)
“Start with one thing and go from there.” she suggests gently, hands outstretched as she comes to stand next to him. “What's one thing you want?” Want. Someone, what doesn’t he want? Sometimes at his core Crowley believes he’s nothing more than a mess of wanting, from the easy to demonically justify–fast cars, wine, a bit of mischief–to the much more nebulous and unlikely. What does he want? He wants answers to his questions. He wants Aziraphale to be safe and happy and free. He wants to wake up in the morning and feel at ease again, a feeling he hasn’t felt in so long he’s not sure he’s ever known it. It’s the type of feeling that allows you to breathe deeply, that settles in your soul and lets you know that no matter what you belong, that you have a… “A home.” The words bubble softly over from the spiral of his thoughts and slip past his lips before he can stop them.
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read on ao3 | ff.net
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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jadevalentine-writes · 1 year ago
Living in Sin - Chapter 7 - Now Available on AO3!
Read It Here
Read It From the Beginning Here
Chapter Preview:
After spending over six-thousand years with humanity, an immortal being could be expected to pick up a few favorite mortal activities along the way.  For Crowley, it was sleeping, drinking, and driving (though never the last two at the same time - but Hell got all of the credit for the deadly combination). For Aziraphale, it was eating, reading, listening to music on vinyl, and going to a barbershop when he could just as easily force his hair to stop growing.  Crowley also loved showering. It was an ingenious invention, one he wished he could have taken credit for, but the simulation of standing in the rain was so painfully human he could not in good conscience claim the idea as his own. It was bad enough Hell had tampered with the invention by creating low-water pressure and the scalding consequences of flushing a toilet while in use after Crowley had praised the invention.  Crowley had missed the large bathroom in his flat though not nearly as much as sleeping in a bed. It took him a full week of living above the bookshop before he remembered the flat even had a bathroom, hidden away as it was behind a closed door. One morning after pastries and caffeine, Crowley retreated upstairs to investigate.
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